-• • -4. v. - I E.. z„., : ,r40f0r0 -,7 6 . l (povivr. Free Soll, Free Speech, Free Men! virvervor for Free Territory. - E. 0. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Towanda, Wednesday, June 27, ISI9. Cr'?" ; :11, .. J, 1(11(1 0 i fw• i mblin,r in), in the Report,r, vhottld I.r h :ffiled ht is At to ensure their instrtion. The North Bronch Canal. The lac , t Bral fora r,tll' letter from the tat Tira , zurr, ly 111.• amount of rtione) likely to be in the Trea , -,. ow' applicable to (Tie cempieliPi t the N.lth Blanch, on the Isth of A Lil:ust . 131:1'&11T4Y , T. llinutstti nu, June 15. I. r. \.r—Yoitr favt r of the bth mat. is in hand and contents noted. At thrs moment It would be premature for me to speak of the amount of mohee ldsely t, Le In Ow treasury and applielble to the c,.mpleti,n of Ow Not th Branch Canal. on the ISth of August, as per act of the tuth April last. M0...11 depends sn the promptilude of the sevcral rounfies in the payment of the i r t ax es i n I and their action cannot be known before the last dace of July. You arc d inlitless aware of the ilidle•iltie< on the Delaware Divistim. Pa. Canal, - and of the rouse.' coent provoLing los, if revenue. The fall trade on that work, will, in consequence, be better, but I fear no in time to.aid you. The cholera on the liver. and at Pittslin; it. is n w -ensibly the revenue on the main line of ('anal. These are difficulties wholly of an unexpected. character, and we shall conteiol against them for the benefit of our your Canal as best we ern. I e wild have insured you a s.irn not lest than $lOO.OOO. to applied to the' North Brarieli, had hot the General Assembly appropriated large a sum for "old debt's - due on ;he Canal, P.lll which have been shamefully permitted to aecuinlate, and now attempted to be paid off willroot env enquire where the money was to come from, and at the same tone comply with the other pledges made by the Legislature, the most important of which is your meritorious canal. Rest sitsureil. that all in my power to do. to se cure the reiiroininenceinent of the North Branch Canal. shall lie done. in hate, Very truly, your obedient 'crv't. C. J. 8.1. L. The Luzetirc Democrat. a paper which ta ken a very active course in cii4eavt.r.:lJ to etlect the resumption of the Nort nil the hypocritical professions of our Federal F.‘ecutive 1.1 an unenviable Knappend its r emarks. •as foriklim4 a proper commentary upon the Sure Treasurers letter, showitrz, the Si ”c reasons why the peopl , ol the North are doonn.•.l again to •:IN - liat has `0..-come of . the survev that wa , ln lie made in June preparatory to the ler.in2 in ivost Who can tell! The loan for the inclined p ane cao 1.w3 taken at a preinitim, and the sta . e. debt iii creased four hundred thousand dollars fur tr tieW work tinder Mr Johnson's whig aslministration let sotirtog can be done for the North branch ca• n al! Ir a no! This is deemed by - the adriii•ri=t,a f:.in a .rtrill matter arid of genera! mottle!) , It Mr. Wm F. Johnson emues up a,tain for p,thl.eal la% or. -and he don't ranch a No.th%Veqer front Oar-- orarler, rr e are mistaken in ihe..F).7,71s of thezirone. let him try it. False promises may do once bur' they won't stand a I , peti:l. , n This his wCi find t.i h is Ti e de fea•eil only br l what mould have complete, the work. Ile Oxeye tl.e weight of lure othe l ai !!..rracter into , •d,t, ,h l wn the beam Lams( u=. lie smote tlie re-islts 01 N.mh. and prostrated :di their hopes rt this 11 - W:1 , 111r which of all others was the mo,t dear to them. And lie d, , ne it Xi ill) nnpoderter AVhat does IVin F. lolin.on care for the people Noohern retin;3l%.u.t.t. and.what an they care 1. , t loin'. :Teak of the mas.es. Here and theie tray le a poliwal Iluck'sterer, who would h,-.1.1 the tiqltter to hit , 4.11.1. s the mr , re he kicked him. For the honor of human ita , ure they are few The recrole feel indtg.tant at the nure,en) manner in which they have been treated. They have cause too' Let :417 ;entlentan show himself on the sump a=sin 6 - caving for votes, and he will meet a rebuti 11141 a tII urae in his eats for a hiie We reg.ani ihe North 11,anch one for the pres ent—kiiied by fulihson .11 one to build hull up a sulking fund. by which be may make an effort to again title into potter, but he will 'Flail in this. the . our:7-e pursuetl him towards this _:eat measure Vl,ll not soon be tort:often by the people of North, nor the slate zenerally. To the Northern portion of the sate it is ja sore blow . It continues to keep the doors dosed through' which. was it opened. an immense amount of wealth which hes embowelled in our Talle)s and snr-oundinz hills would 1,^..1 a gr.d and profitable market. Ills course still continues to make u. pay taxes to the amount of one hundred and fifty thou sand dollars a year. from which not a particle et benefit is derived by the people. hut t i is notion:: more nor less than thrown away. For ri4ht years this sum has been thrown away annually arra - gm:- mg m the aggregate to a sum more than sufficient to complete this work. Complete the North Branch and the first year alter it will ruot . e than pay the in terest on its whole cost. The completion of this mad: is the only hope t ot prcispenty in the Nonh and the only I sure guaran tee of the estnigni-hment of the elate debt But to the accidental powers that be, we hare had to bend : Lot 115 tierce cian.elves for a battle. that will put men Into office who are fiends to the north, and who feel a, doper Interest fur the state than for their own political ag4.landietneni.-: The Steam Boat. The Wyoming Democrat of the 19th lost . stys thae, " The Steamer WYDNIING If now in good running order She was put in motion this fore noon, and run np the river through the swift water at the mouth of the Tunkhsnnnrk creek, at the rate of 12 mile:: per hour net fnentis at Witker— bane and other places Amt. , the river may expect to see in a almtt time. as handsome a steamer as • erer glided,orer the glassy surface of the noblest MED TATLOR, It LA 50.0 'FAIR To.st FAO Hord Springs in August, then Vittsbpr; and sriU pam thronh the interrN n 1 ti t, `ztaie nn tte way lo at. caA 'DEATH , ' OF JAMES K. POLK We are ea, ,d sport to herald the demise of the Eleventh Preeide_t the trfted States—Jkstes KNOX' PoLX•twho 'died at 'Nashville, 'on Friday iiight, the 15th inst., Wills fifty-fourth year. • This annoliticetnenttirresti the:attention of the with** suifitenneqt. But, a few - weeks since. and Mr. Polk left the Presidential chair, with brightfor itwr foram. -41otthe - gmat if vet' ler. to Lich res ems neither place nor power, r or regards titles nor himor., has called him. almw.t from - his official duties to the grave. Dur:ng his atm inistration Me have freely commemed upon what we cons:deo-a his erronz, his death Ores n. the mote grateful 1.1,k of contemplating Iris % M - . r-ig was distinguished, from hr cad)• youth. for industry, temperance, activity of intellect and energy=. He way a naive of North Carol,. r• and emipated in childhood to Tennet fn an which State he was elected to a seat in rin , .zr , •s. in 1525. which he held ii!l IS:11, when cloned Governor of Tennessee. His term 'Vet nor expired in 18 il, and not lweing re-el ected. he remained in private life till ISI4, when he was elected President of the Vni , eil Stater. Mr. PiA.K was a leading and con.piciionA inenther of. the republican party on the floor of Con;z7ess,from tir-t entry into the tionse, and ',ca.. distinguished in the Tariff, Internal Improvement. United States Wn:k. and Independent Treasury .trn=les. F,crin IN - n to 1539,, he was Speaker of the Ilou-e, and discharged the duhe of that positinn with such if-- marl:Ade rkilt and . thlelity during this stormy am! ing period., that Ins decisions, though frequenrl3 appealed from. were uniformly !Armed. lle was one of the re,c , l able, limning and ready stump speAcrs in the !Suited Fates. and our readers IA ell not soon forget the confidence and jay which his snccessfal canvas- for the executive chair of Term. essee in IN3p Jifruses: ilirom4h the democratic refits. It is believed tu have been one of the main of the ahandonment of Mr. Clay . of all pin ciple l v tire Whigs in the hard.cidor campaign of 1510. During the four year. that he presided over tic Repuhlic, lar,c accessions it rte made to our territory--a foreizii war ,was brill;antly conducted, and honorably let min:tied—the national Tiea.sury made .. indei -, entlent, and t4s trade greatly liberalized ;lout Etopping to inquire in what depee these resu:ts lire to be ascribed to Mr. roil:, the ixi.e tit losto.y will record that they recurred Limier his Ad- Ministtati“:l, - and will thus beTetievted on his iian.e. hits is not die lane : nor the 'Lice, to scru tin vie mit low ly the character or conduct nt the do eazed—as a public man he will be remembered it , e.ie connected wi:h a proud ports m of &Mo. cric.ie and Ametwaii history—was a ptivate citizen. memory will be respected tor a blameless anti Christian life. The only family he. leaves befaind him is a childless widow, whose kindness and a ci.,, iii pl is hments have endeared her to a large ea e:e 01 blends, and x%!tosc sudden and absolute be reavement will deeply move the publ.c sympathy. Letter from California. r. rh.nr C r extrnet J loirr r. - roOred c.:. Fr Idnr fatal. ur)to left tiny 1.. II"tt it 3 K roomy, l'a anti •• a Malt Of ilitt . olll,leA setag,t) .1 t - ,•z dv. In d n. r 1; enr tsgrr•tat.l4 the pa,blie. g a plate 111 the . Of 01.11 raNr. 1 otox. ke. D V.:turßro•oc ~ .r% Vint n 1.11,r i'el...rtna. inn 12. 1..19. 3 1 4 old 1; tend, D. 1 - 42"1,-nook—lVell. here am I, now set down to an.swer yoors of the lOthot .February.. 18-t?, which I received by the hand of my good trend Capt. Childs. I cannot expre,* to you the pleasure that this letter M )oorts, now he tire me. has atiorded. I have real and re-read it. over and•over; . again. Truly it is a crew _ratifica tion to know that there are those m our native land that still recollect na. This sheet is too small to comtain anything Irke a minute reply to all, your enquiries; thetefoie much that I would be pleased to iii!orm you of must remain until another time. have been in this country fonr years; am now run- I rtj a saw mill. digging. _old, building houses and -peent.iiing in various ways : also farming a little. I have a small farm of three miles striate, the beat in California. beautifully situated in this Nappa valley. Could sell ii, or the greater pan,- for .1..5 an acre. As to the facilities fur making moue* in Ca lifornia be not Aimed when you read it, for I write nothing hut truth if you wish to work as a me chanic, .16*.rier day is the wages. I havezetused is' 50 per day as a Carpenter and lower :-tun gold dig ging is a far bi.:tter hti..mess. I was at the mines last spring. about six weeks, worked twenty-five Jays. and made :5-Isoo. This I believe to be tar below a hair avenTe. I have known 4 : ttsm washed from tine pan - lull of dust, for two or three pansfull ui succession_ We use a common milk pan. An acquaintance et mine, in whom I can place the ut most confidence, told me that he got in six hours ts:2n.utiti out of a place that he could cover with has body. yet from what I have seen and learned. I believe that horn i53,S to E!..50 is a fair average, and vet I would not take that white in the mines.- 11 - hen a man is not getting mole than 20 per he leaves the diggings. The dizgitigs are two and a half days moderate from me we think ot the 1-urney it is not nrunmal for my tienzlibtsw , io mount then horses, te 2cine two weeks, and return with :.•40400 When money is thus easily obtained ; you will rea dily suppose r..s little value, while every image of nothirz., kize , bears the logliesi pri...e imaginable for iii-nuiee, a Nu .. of crane 611005 is worth *lli, common shir.s. f-Z.. tine b00r:v.525: these are the prates a... 4 .keil and received. Everything else in the same ratio. lam now Felling lumber at 5..100 per M . which I„,folinerly sold at :36. I th in k very strongly of coming home nett fall. if I can possibly - arranze my business t o l eave I shall do so, for I amours you there is no one in the country. I Mink. who wishes more to Visit his naii%e cower.. than myself. lam very anxious to .ee in truly good old mother and father, my sis ters and brothers, and old 'fiends. Remember me to tiseilds that still live, and be assured that I bull remain your sincere friend, tx.e., R. L Kikurs.N. Gs s For —The most delightful and healthy drmk to he Mond. is tins celebrated leA (-rage. made by " our- hos ,- at the other en.l of the Butte. It is also sold by Tirrsti% & KINM.R.ERT, in town, and needs only airial•to receive eves,: encomium we could give it. (:r Can any person infortn co,. who were elect ed at the late Military election to the various offs We have enlnieed in vain. Tut - . Foricniiina for a thud cotton fartnry Las 4.:cn cotaamoced to +he cov 01 Lineages LATEST N EWT S BY THE, TELEGRAPH. Itattread frost Velma r le Cuz to the 1C,47 et o. • • ''NE - or ent.nins. Monday, June 18. . We have dates from Mexico to June 1, nyirliwb we learn tliarCougress has passed a:bill authoriz ing thaeonstitietion ol a Railload from Vet 4 Cita tO the ttty uOrtexibil. 7 'S. _ [correspondence of The Tribiim . el li}sit Paaactsce, Catitorata. Mar r. lola . facing retuteied from BlineOhis meriting, caftertal,wielieiritojet,thart;eemenrinkasiiiiiep,omir inatthiiitseregtheionditli ready discovered, and knowing that all correct in ! will endeavor - to present to their , rofornmrareatioidieirn,,relation to them will be acceptable to view the exact stale of things as they now exist at, this place and the Mines. l'isvi landing at I•eui Francisco, where there are rn the United States than the lowa, you be lactrpirttseui l u .atepiary rigged ve : AS.sels. anti none la holi,l a mountainous country devoid of wood or veg aetsatmiliaortaasnlz ac as ti t v h e e e t;u ve si c n a evi n re pcs a pn eh ilat p io e n op o le f il a - witty 13,000 persons, reminding the emigrant of the busi. nes , population of the,htiff scenes which are daily witnessed in the City of New-York ; small boats _nut" to rind returning born the ves:selr : dram in active and profitable business— charging at the lewd ba_nelee. which you cannot 5'4 for each trip e ith the (rr,;(l),isatvetrifilralinug 4 half a niile without cro•sing the present Populated n:l 2 l7r ti e ly tha o n f h ti o o t e i r: e s a o,t ila t iiee lm ofth i e mpssbe p o lace i . l T ai o ti proenre a boarding you are so for tunate as to get one. you have to pay an ounce per week. (sl6) and sleep upon the floor Wrdpped in tem blanket, to protect you from the chilly nielt air tvhicli prevails here at this season of the year. ... Small sloops or schooners, made froth jollyprrats Sir Charles Napier's arrival at Calcutta is =- of ships in port, arid which cost here from 5a?..500 - flounced. to e 55,000, are daily plying between this place and All arenas received from the French departments the different orniaeearilerous towards the Gold represent the appearance of the growing crops in the Mines. The price of Pas s a , •!e in these vessels is.l most favorable light and the same may, be said also 30 for a distance of about 180 miles, (and which of the crops in England. le usually performed in 3 days, it fortunate enough In Ireland however, although there are . yet no: :! just' grounds for positive alarm yet there a e unnais •lightper g,0,,i5,130t0 tinelyh n . fn tia g lin i .of si2 - takeable evidence of the disease in the growing nut .ze to o g r e fre ig ht , a (' a gr ound.) o e r i. 1)f au potato, and especially in the vicinity of Dublin. per barrel measurment. After leaving these lan phee, it you have bageaee or freight, yon have I Lord Clarendon has officially announced that the . either to buy horses at leen) each and pack them sentence of death passed on the State prisoners in or submit to pay 51s0 per 100 Its ficizlit, by the leams. Ireland has been commuted to tiansportatiou for which are daily teaming to the different mining l if e. eronnds distant about 73 mi'es farther in the coun- - The NVhole of the western Provinces in Trelaret, try over a very mountanions road: they taking us'- are represented as-in the most deplorable .condi ually about three days to perform the journey, arid . lion. Sreiety i s utter l y d i som, „ . . an m ze d . encamp nightly upon the ground. sometimes sbel- The Engle-•h press um t h e i r rev i ew o f th e message - "der the wagons if . of tine President speak of it as exhibiting an un it has been talked about for six or seven years' , i t t l ' i r e e t ' ra i i i r - t i:l ni ers th a e re de te w w 6b e Y nci g u e gh tin in g number to admit oft looked for degree of ability in its anther and as be. and owes us scientific name and fame to the re- the indulgence. 1 in a vigorous and elo , muent exposition of public af search es el a German professor, of the name nil Upon arriving at the Mines you behold the most ;fairs. The condensed and eiiegretie sty le which Selionbein the inveittor of the celebrated gun cotton stupendous mountains in this section of country, • c h aracter , zed the proclamations of the Emperor lie detected its presence in the atmosphere by some fre , triently nsing sonic t h ousan ds o f fe e t an d form- , Napoleon is apparent throughout the whole mes expeninents..vi hie}, we hope will be repealed by rte: basin s at least two miles in diameter, and al- seer. the subject of which following the American some of our own chemists. He smeared slips. of must a u flocaring, from the heat of the Sun at least model are appropriately divided and considered paper witli"the fullowingcomposnion : " A ' l ' d ' nine tours in each day. i under the several he.als of finance, military estab of common starch is mixed with an ounce of boil- • , Idle population at the Mines is composed of , lishments, including the native agriculture, Indus ing water and the solution is boiled till it becomeslntencaneemigrants, kmericansem ierants, runaway sa ilo r .,:. (from the i try and commerce. public works and foreign atiairs. of the consestanee of that used in the laundry: then I vessels which have visited and are in the port at 1 The President commences with a recital of his twelve grains iodine of potassium are to be added present.) Chillans. Peruvians, Mexicans. Sandwich original engagements to the country all of which he a:.il die whole well mixed together. The presence i Islanders. and more or-less of the natives of all (*iv , - claims to have faithfully observe-I; and to these he of ozone is discovered by the decomposition of the bred renter - les noon the clobe. In their habit-and romises to adhere. potassium salt, and the farmation of the blue iodide l manner of firm •• there is great need of reform to Any detailed summary of the message would of starch." The idea of Professor S'iionbein w a s in , ure l w ith . con consume too large a portion of our telegraphic des- Wowed up by Dr. Moffat. an English gentleman e•utort and safety to those whora are well disposed already there, and to those that , pateh. and we must centent ourselves with a few IA ho, at a meeting of the British association last extracts in reference to the foreign policy of the eras exhibited a great number of specimens show- ?re coming. Drinkine., eatnbling anal all kinds of , ocentionsaess abound to a greater degree th_n at gorerurne „ t: a: A especially to the intervention in ine similar results We have not these prrceeo- any other place upon the face of the earth. it being , f avor o f die Pope, which considering the vast M illi:is at hand but we believe he is the author of the I apparently the aim and ambition of a large rum I thence of French politics upon the peace of .F.ll- Chicago theory; probably derived from those pro ,. leer to try and excel each other in all which degra- , Europe, are perhaps the most important portions ceedings, that the existance of large quantities o f 4les and makes mail miserable. ' of the message. ozone in the air :- is invariably atleuded with ca- 1 tar.h and =aeons diarrhea." . /lie expenses at the M,iies are about S 5 a day , The President says it is the destiny of France It appears that Prof. Schonbein ha. also comes- brand!' and whisk)" : to shake. the world when she is agitated, and to ponded with l'rot. Faraday yeiy extensively on the for l iving, ss lig' p ir e • r e t o )( ff 't e ll e e a ina 11" tread ' ll 1;4) tranquillize if when she shall be in a state of peace. per lb : all other articles of provisions and liquors ; As soon as I shall have power. some important suhject. The former believes-that ()zone as a sin- l i n proportion. ' questions must be discussed respecting various Ee gle body ; a constituent of ante, which lie consi- i Ile Gold at dm Mines, from what 1 Lave seen ro wan matters. 'Reyriiitl the Millie and die Alps tiers compound of hydrogen and ozone, and thel judo. mexhaustible for the next twenty y ears from Denmark to' sicily, there is an niterest for us latter is atialagous to chlonne. In all the comma- by a population of One ‘ilion ol faithful diggers: but ' to p r e s erve--an influence for us to exercise. nications which Prot Selionbein has made either to events which. tbe labor you have to perform to get it arid the pia After reviewing the important File F. or the Association, we do not remember to vation N'el have to under-re to reach here. and con hate base taken place in Europe 'the past year, die noticed his allusion to sulphin as a simple tinue to utiderni while getting it does not repas ant rimessa ee go e s on to sa y : body in connection with ozone. Its sulphates and industrious business man in tl.e States halt enough , At Rome, a revolution was alierted, which acids have developed us existence, and he himself for makin- , des attempt, it successful in accum- created treat emotion in the Catholic and lib apPears not to have tamped at the conclusions of ulatin , s as mud' as tins one person has up to the ~ eral world In fare. for two years we were accus ie Chicago philoksophers.present time. which is altogether chance, as you . torned to behold in ihe lloly see a pontiff %dodos e Sulphur, which under the new theory if. t O 'be may work for days and weeks adjacent to tilos.. ilie imitative in useful- reforms, and , whose name the Specitic for cholera, is a mild purgative. and who are gettir , from one to two ounces daily, and was repeated in he min of gratitude from one end merTicient in disease aof the skin. How it can sink holes ten feet simuree and fourteen feet deep ,of Italy km the other—was the symbol of liberty s lop that thomterh dieorzanievicm of the system, through mind, water and rock. and yet be unable to and the eeterilon of all hopes, when all of a sud s which we perceive in cholera, IS a proper subject I get enough to pay for ,our INzird,expoFeil to the , { t o n we learn witn astcnishment that the sovereign for scientific inquiry. The well known at gene ot bumming rays of a hot sun, and shut out from the who was lately the idol of tits people, had been the bile in the discharges of cholera patients, and ' air by the mountains by la hich Nou are enveloped. ' compelled sec retly to fly his Capitol. the gorging of the liver with bl oo d. scent to require c,,-;ods• here generally have fallen since the Ist of Thu- the acts o'f a.gere ssioti. which oblised Pigs other agents than simple laxatives as sulohur. The Arid lull : - e't per cent. and are dady receding inn 9th to quit Rome, appeared to the eves of Europe, t roues 01 sulphur have been trued rvcentl) in Lotus- Price and where o, e fall will step it • 15 1 " 1 1 14. "`thle ; to be the work of a ,conspiracy, rather than the vine. KY •be c‘Plitlin Pin'Pewd e r. a "i'i°" Pro' to sat drit tl.e Ir:lp:es-ion 1- tt.a• all i-:"41;'• ship- movement of the people, who could not have pas. hably derived from similar experiments made on Ped to the States after the Lai. r part -o f Noveni- sed, in an instant. from the most lit ely enthusiasm the continent durnig the first sisitation of the who ter tied not pay cost . F or in-tuner, the cost of to the most aillictine ineriattud'e. lera, when it 'sac quite customary to burn gun- of discharging a cargo and landieg it ('n 'he teach Th e Cath o l i c comities 4ent Ambassatlars to Gaeta powder in dwelllings, streets and Irespitals.i ras there are no wharves) will be nearly if not quite to occupy themselves with the rave interests of . The burning of gun-powder in Lotto% me it as fol. as much as the knight ; then die drayage. storage the papacy. France otie - it to lieu represented there lowed with a very noticeable decrease If the epi- I a rid commission will amount Inas much more--the —but she l i stened witlini t committing herself to a demic: whether the two facts had any dependence charges for all kinds of sera i ces be in g ve r y heavy course of action—but atter the defeat of Navarra , npou each other, we are not advieed.—.N. Y. Eor. 1 Real estate here is higher than in any part of the , ' matters took a more deck, ell tern. I". !Stares sonic. lots being held as high ass Fri noo. while • Austna. in concert with Naplsts, answering to the the lowest price (upon spots distant aboutoie -mile appea l of the H o ly F at h er . v it as notched by the I. Lorn the !.wine:_ pall of the city and 011 lope{ French Government that it should take its pair. be sand-hill-) is horn -71.000 to t's.9 (air). curse their powers had derided upon marching. on Labor here at present is in Great demand. Me- Rome to re-establish there the authonty of the Pope. chunks' wages are from sl2to f: 19 per day, while pure and simple. laborers receive from $9 to Slit. Lumber in con- . Placed undr• tine necessity of explaining, our sc,,cierice of the scarcity, is worth acid selling read- selves, we had but three modes to adopt • either to sly for 1 - .3:0 per 1 oite feet. Sailors before . die . oppose ourselves in arms in every species of inter mast can readily command Sl5O per month N 1 bite sermon. in which case we would break with all officer' of vessels receive trim 5355) to 1.7... - Sn n Per . Catholic Europe. for 'lie sole advantage of the Ro month. -. . • man Republic which we had not recognized—or to . leave the combined powers to re-es`ablish at their . wid the Papal authority ; or to exercise our own M 011.41 to dirert our independent action. The Re_ 'ruble: of the Government adopted the last mode— the rest remains to be.told, and the ddliculty is All unsolved.. FRAM( E.-778c _Vier Ca/4nd ---hi France the new Cabinet has been lormsnr by the coalition of (Milton Rarrot and Defame. , The new ministry is the same as the old, except that Duf-aure takes the depart meat of Minisier or the Interior, M. De Tocqueville of Foreign Arians. wad M Laquinias of Commerce, Roth Redeau arid Retnpsat have refused to accept the Department of Foreign Affairs in consequence of theidifficulnes ~f the' Italian enestinn. Much sure prise was excited by the division im Mar s hal You- gaud from the list. Opfx , <lltort to tlw New Ministry —The, Parts pa pers generally express their ilisarproval,of the com promise. and predicted i's failure. The Red Re publicans are especially violent in denouncing' the new Nlir tetry. Cholera at Cincinnati. Cuscorirrn, June '22-9 P. M The Cholera is rapidly on- the increase in our city, and 51 interments of deaths by that decea.e hate been made to-day. From oilier dipwases the interment% were (6. One Cetnetry made no re port. Al'hotrzh the deaths from Cholera have lately been e-ofided to the lOwerclasses, it has now as .mtned a more _•neral form. and F.e v ra I of cur most respeetable citizens have Gillen victims. • Cholera •t Rtehmona The B3arrl of Ileahit reported lOW tie ea-•e. I . l..riera vr--terdav and 011 e death. The other three :Lie COOVOlereeril. The Clay and Turner Difficulty—Clay Recov ering. There are so many conflie!lng reports in rvlah„n to the hoe total difficulty. to Madison Co., betvreen L'Clav and Joseph Turner, that it is deem , I prudeut to give credence to none of them. Mr. I:a%. we learn. at last aeronnts, Was recover : lux Wt,ellti IS not as dantzereas as it was first sup- posed. Ii t= said that Nlr. Turner acknnwledLted, before lin, of haVIIIg Stabbed Nlr. Clay. Ozone. Di‘icioveries allesed recently In have been male at Chicago respeetrev. the operation of sulphin counter a;tent to the cholera ban directed II) an atmospherical element or condmon. term,' t tinne. the nature of which is . Little- under eirsid and about which scientific men Jo not seem to lie entirely a4reerl Wrote prol at lv si_nieie' an atmopherical con dition hostile to lite. the- () being a privative :mil the word et 2, mnlcgically exinessing the same idea as azote. flonarn Mrans:a.—nne of the most horrid and revoltmg murders we ever heard of. occurred yes terday at the Levee, in thisconnty- During me ab senee of her lin:4 , 3nd Mi..l 11 Fos.ei) a Beni to human shape entered the dwelling-ol F a rope and tied it three or four times around the neck of Mrs. Foster, and then, in addition to the crime of murder, he perpetrated a shoctinz. ()Hence upon her person. 3•lr. Foster left home about to k to pe,form militar:, duty a few miles tart. and returned about 2 o'clock. when he fonnd his wile dead ! Fromi the marls of her per;on, and ot her circumstances.. a terrible xutfiie m Iva have, taken. place. Tile fiend, afier accomplishing . hi. , ,h a b o t iva i Ou r rlses. stole a _nn, some ten or twelve dollars in money. an art-cm-don. one .r.T two bottles of lignor. and some sitrar: The whole ner2.iibcK hood is greatly exclied; au] some twenty or thirty persbne are in pursuit of the murderer.—.donut Nl., (Ky) H Jim, 15. Th, 3101,de R-eader and /retrain/. In the ennr,e of a rowing up of Henry Clay and -Thome, H. Beti o', for alleged tmachery to the South. observe,. It mlll 4 l be Collft'S. , ell that the Irt of Free iLsm and Atiti-Slacery have. dromcz the past %ear. spo-ad most fearfully anion; all parties at the North. and are bezanning to pepotwlerate over all other Ittical comaderanoti , . 11 is unfair to censure the Democrat , of that section. for 1111,--for they alone hare stood up ht any time in defense of onr or mven any ohstttr-tion to the eareet of our mses. That they now ..leiert na a OW 11.11 Z, to the fact that we have been unfaithfutto °nowt, c'—that onedtalf in the Slarehol•ling.Statel, in the last rre,- idential election. east their snifraze4 in oppo.itinn to the only candiaate—a wthern Demccrat, too-- trho mist pleftrend to 'vie the Wilmot Promo and The tofitituct of at( PrtstArucy a trains/ Free-Sodwa... WRITING ON ZiEwI'APER:N.—A newspaper. h ear . in• , the initials of a friend. was received at the po-4. office. Svraru , e. directed to a vourw lady. The Postmaster. Mr. Teal!. demanded letter pi-stage o n ordinary newspaper postage, va high was retosed and the paper retained. A sun Was instituted a_- , ainst the Postmaster for .!elalion_ the paper and has been earned through all the courts to the Sti preme Court of the lotted States. The Star (at Syracuse) says . that the Attorney General of the l. iti 'ted States, atier examining the case, decided thAt the State courts had no juris.hction in the ca , e ar,.l that Teall acted lera; Ili in chartring letter po-t ace on the paper. and fully sustained the trrounds tal.en by Teall's counsel in the different courts. The en6- - ts in this suit will probably amount to at least i-100 The amount invislred in the orl:;inal dispute between the Postmaster and Mr. Hicks was aro( C HOLERA AMONG Tufi C A LAFORN I ..—The CM rap) Drinocrat sa)e that four Canadians hare pac,... el through that city mr their return from Indepen dence. haring ahamloneicl the design of :ming. to California. There were eight of them when they left home: the others pern.heti by Cholera. The Cleveland iferabl car= that out of :6 pets-4mi cchfz left Jeffersonville, Intl. Mar 2 tor the gold i - mtn- Iry unJr 6 ietnam lb% e IMPORTANT NEWS FROM. TRW - GULP #EGIQN. June 22 CtNeiNNATI, June 2 several pefSOTIS (passer - 141er: by the steamer) who went to the mines with the expectation of pit kin:, upon the .urtace, hundred. of dollar. d'aily. have returned here very much destippoiritesi, re.toly i re 2 . in about sijc, when the bile:4llb Become tit!. - er.•to try st'a-tain while some others entirely kilt.. retrutrin; in the ste am er. :•sweral of those w lin 'tarred overland, by the war of era Cruz. arrived here a few days since the majorny of them without sufficient means to par a week's hoard. The Machines tot washiria, mill grit up in the States are nut only usele.ts atter reahintf, here but are a till of el r le . ll. , .41 first cost in gettt 12. here . the common milk dairy part beim: all-sufficient And, in conclusion.. I would say to those who cztsli to realize the comfort. of the Laimbl..l of homes in the eini_trate to Califoinia gold and aner reachiria here 1 tzuar-artree ail whieir appea r to be mere folly and fault tindinz upon %,M' own part. , CALIFORNIA. Ircsis —The steamer Wyoming alTIV ed at Wheeling, Va. on Saturday last with 20 Cho leracases on hoard and seven had died Wahiti the 21 hours citalng Saturday morning. Ihe anthnri nes ehtected to give permission to land the bodies hut atter much solieration. finally - consented, and they were immediately interveri. A man named (Lied... passenger in the steamer Shenandoah. at Wheeling on Friday, sick with the Cholera. He made application at every hotel. but was refused admission He died Saturday morn- AI v. Lows on the 21st. There sere 106 deaths trom Cholera and on 22d q 6. A eattentnatt on the 23.1. (Salnr.lay.) there were up to 12 Nl. fin intermPrstA from Cholera. At Richmond, on Fr - Way, there were 7 new ea: ses and 4 deaths. BE] EXTRAnfLPI , I4I•I HAIL STosm.—The luny Lii miriary and Itioortistium papers slate that a had storm passed over parts of the counties of !sr, ,rn. in_. Columbia and Luzeine, on Sunday hLst - a week, whirh for the size of the hail that fell. is the most extraordinary that has ever occurred in that region. In liltincy and its Vicinity. - it was not oncomin,,n to see them the size of a man's list. They ure.Es ureil S and 9 inch e s in ciirumference, and wejgb,,,,l as high as g minces. " Glass in the windows was broken and the crops Mimed: There was but lit tle wind with it. In Colombia and LAlZerne coun ties the crops were zreatly injured by rL Some of the farmers lost their all. SEN i7O^n Br STOI: qa THE PEt.llll - Ar I—A deny- ocrat tr eon vOnt t non to Wal Ix (nth cnnn tv W 4.-ntism , c put up Old Bullied Ivt :Ile Ph briency. Arriial of the Steamer America •The steamship America, Capt. lisiiisoir; brint...- log Paris dates to the 7th, London of the Bth, a nd Liverpool of the 9tli inst. arrived at Halifax, on the . 18th inst. The Hibernia arrived at Liverpool on Monday, Making : The passage troni Boston iu fj days. In Parliament Mr. Gladstone gave notice that, on the instant he would bring forward a motion res pectiog the late.ovento in. Canada. Lord John Rus sel having given a pledge that in the meantime nothing should he done to prejudice the present p, sition-ol ti:e ret etlion losses. The conduct of ihe American Government in re- . Terence to the expedition to be sent in search of fir John Franklin has teen• alluded to in Parliament in very flattering terms: Affairs on the Continent have undertone no im portant charge dating "the week preceding the de parture of the America, though the-eveuts had been neither few nor trilling. The Paris journals of Thursday furnish intelli gence to the 3d inst.. np to which date hostilities had not commenced though Gen. Outlinot denoun- I ced the Armistice. On the Ist the Overland mail from India had ar rived with Calcnna dates to the 19th of April and Bombay to May 1., The mail brings later intetli i-yenee from China which is 3.117C10U51. looked for. The reports of the India markets continue to be sa , tignonry. All is quiet in the Purij.anh, and steps have been taken to organize British focal au thorny I there. . . M,ter-r tier . Pro...view of tAr Frrnrit Repuidu- The message of the President at the French Re public. to the I,etslative Assembly was put,4 s .h e d in the Pairs papers of Tuesday. It is enmposea iipeh the American, and not i on the European mod el. and tills four tolmnas of the F-uropean Tunes. A - NM of French. Atrabianinflorfrom Rnme.-4 . 1 Les....ep's idea of conquering the Romans into an af tection for France, has not yet been realised, and he has returned to Pans for further iustiuctious. • Rumor that (hr H.% City trill le t , ,kru the accounts say that he was tec.kdled. and that the same messentter cariied po , itive .In, strurnons to General nudiriot to reduce the tio!v City to subjecticm. at all hazard, and that having moved lots arm% cic..e to the city, he would cana -1 , mence the attack with 25 000 men- on the 30th of May. Dri , rnith4finn of lite Romans to Ft 244.1 fedi 14.4 rn .-- The Roatr have announced firm resole ions to defend to the death the expected assault of the Preach. and - it Is stated that they have an efficient ance of So,ROU men_ • • t The pipe peraging•in his drainvul for Remerra/ of /us Pore-/r.—The Pope still persists in demanding, the unqualitied renewal of his power as a tempo ral ruler. This the Tnunivirates, backed by the people, declare they will never concede. Rrsolutimi of the People to AceoilphOt trie .I.7kdrwr.: tt.a of the Pops Trimmed Porter.—There- is at the bottom of every heart. sans Mar_zun. a deter mination the most profound to aseomplidt the de• strut:Won of the temporal vowel of the Pupe bear the same hatred to the Gofernment of Prteit crafts, and under whatever form it may be present. ed, we shall tight to the last against all :projects of a nnitoratioh. • Ejort to -obtain a Model Republic" in, Germany _ The Frankkat Parliament has tansferred its e.es- SlOO to Stottgard. Its influence will be exerci.c,t to form a Republic alter the French model. to le compus.rdot Baden, Wirtemberg, Rhenish Banat ta, • The New German- comtitalion..--The.-plenipoteir. tiaritas of Prussia, Hanover and Saxony have prom. urgated a new cor.stitution for Germany, in n hick the prii.ciple of tut i versal . suflrage is recognised. In the present, as in the previous attempt to form a union of the German States, the King of .Prussia is made the prominent head. Austria is excluded froin the present arrangement, 'and all other States are invited. Very little-cordidenee is felt that the present attempt to combine the several States un der one supreme head will prove more !emulate than the last. HtniciStl AFFIIII/4.—AlOre Vid7rica Gawc.i iy five Mingarium.—The war in Hungary presents i,r, new features, and since the fall of the Buda into the hands of the Hungarians, no event has oec t: r i i calenlated to have a - permanent influence lei 11, 1 resnit of the struggle, though the Hungarians lia‘c achieved farther and in some respects imPortm,r victories. There is evidence that the correct,„;, are cencentrating their force, and arronnts of a tre mendous battle are piety day looked for. Aus - r %.—lhspordsm eJ UK Forces.—Tlie Au-:... an general. Weldenstras been superseded try 1.11-111. Flavnait.e. Prince Eorkietriteh will command ft, united Austrian forces in - the East. and General I favnaire its the west. The latest intelligence from Vienna left the Austrians under Marshal Itadei-11. Proffered Assistance to the Hungarians —lt ported that the of Sartlinia—[The tievatril here very unintelligible evidently eorne have been out itted.—Repl—qt the aispo.al I'l u tria r tans , but the, report require.; eon irm:ur,n, - The War between tkt Danes and reports so constantly'repeated that the war the I and Prussians is speedily to end is 1, newed. bat were-an eee no reliahte evidence of fail. Hostilities still continue, and the blockade is ridly enforced. * Cholera and Sulphur. Some pf the faculty Handle Dr. Bird's CI d... 1 I ' •S•weitic without remorse, and it seems a %,..e , ... Icaution a. 4 faras health is concerned ; for pe, • i , i,. • , wait and see whether this professed cure is the, ,.. tam remedy that some enihusiastie ptiy , wia , - , r the We..-t represent it tr. be. A common:. ;or , , .1 the B.iltimore Patriot. front a'respeetableph,,,. : , heats of the new remedy - in Allis ct)le : - - The statement of Pr. Herrick is lial , ;iin ....! core animadversion.• AecorrfM2 to hi- arue im i. 1 I and In:. Bird. were led to infer from the, ota German chemist- 7 as to the atieney of urr•r , the protluction of influen7m. that it kl,-, rr i,. ! the caLl.f. Of cholera. Having arrived 11..•" IV • and lo2ical conclusion by. the mere Con e r i, , • that next ',Lep %vit... to Grul an antitiote. and 11,1., accurate chemical knowledge" of Ur eita! him soz:co:C . pitiVittr. how can any man believe that Dr. Ilernick, editor of a journal. was snit:nor:lnt of foreign medical I :•.• .is not to know that this " inferences a., to tl nic ori,T.in of cholera was so-familiar as to been already abundantly tested and t0m , ..1 . idle ! And can any hisrly believe that 1.4 tiivm his "accurate chemical knowleilco . , 11:rzestion of sulphur as the antidote When the fa•; ,rue of the '' periodical" on watch • rea•l the article from a German cherniQt. . of the American Journal of 1.• , • teal Sciencs.) contained ah'-o the identical pliurous' suggestion ! I confess that my:infertie -• from condun such as this -do not incline nip I place much confidence in the rep it of the ex:• , !- ; nients the primary steps in this affair. .\s to NZ rot, it may be well to 'cloak. that =era search was made for it in the air of the 7. .• erow(ied cholera hospitals. as in the ester::, • Si. Petersburglr, during the late, preval,n, epidemic, without the least rinccess. -v seen by the report of Pr. Muller to the government. These experiments were mad. . lft 48. just about a year before Dr. Herrick and lc gird drew their celebrated inferciicr. however i: may quiet -the nerves ,if -ome -1 • • timid waders to know that upon eNportrt...:,t I nonzcirie in our atmosphere. TUC Nloamo.Ns siu. , ular auec.;dus to the Great Salt ... Cake. vni:..% •., eNpul,inn from lowa, and Mits.snrrt, 1"on , s(- hare published their first manliest() i(( a.; ti,- brethren throughout the world. It i a ument. contalni.gg a strange acimt‘'n , cant. shrewdness, and impiety. togethe( Ta-• c t u(te interesting details respecting the which they hare taken up their abode. Tz.ev has commenced the erection of a city on a which is di% hied into nineteen ward-. c each of nine blocks, each three squares. Thy 2 - !o hare a council house, bricl.veS. htell schools. colleges. and all the institutions ((i - 41 , r hon. A gold mine was discovered. it 1 , party of them who had gone on an ex licroug{i the , northern part of Western ca:.t. - (7. John' Smith, the uncle of Joseph. has bey "i ^r(' .3l ed " Patriarch of the Chinch." Th.?. cu I . lc at Inc. large tracts of land had been ..commeht4:l • doubt a prosperous settlement will grow up a distant region. opening up a fruitful sullect fr , r spec-Haw:lns of those who are interested VI-such i . EMItatATION - Th Tr ronsin say.: We learn from every conniv ' State. that more or le s emigration is comm.:. in even the _clitersettled counties are recerl accessions of population. The emigrantsare the most desirable class—men of indu ct v. and capital—not only from Europe but fr rr. Ea-tent and Middle states.. We have now :too,ooo inhabitants on an . area of 53.000 In yet Wisconsin could not be called settled until We have five or six million= P.: File. To every country 'and every.clime w• . tend the hand of invitation with the c ony,. that on our favored soil human industry ly to be rewardei as upon any other earth. __lt__ FATAL Drrt..—The Loutsruic he_morrn n: -a)s a few nights since Henry C. Hope a Gray had some difficulty at the Galt Hons.- 1 former Bent the latter a challenge on Ws;b , -- eveninglernanding satisfaction. • The • tasu.L linursaries were arranged, when the part,-r: yegerday morning before in 0 - chick on the 1 side, in a seelmied spot, and settled then po.• • honor The duel was fought with shot-:'. - loaded with balls, or slugs; d,- . .c• twenty pacts- Captain Pope was shot tho , a_:: iett thigh—ball shattered the hip bone, and throir2.h the ri,4111 s:de. The friends ofCaptat r • afterward placed him in a skiff for thep.irp , --4. hurrying. him home but he choir during ;lie pi— , from the effect of the wound. Both pame, very ultimate previous to the clifficiihr GOLD.—We hear that two packages of 2 , •,,... to our Post Office today, trom David B. ‘Vri: . . - merty afiesident of on City now of Calif..ni ted to his mother—who alas! died aly , cl since! One of, these was a Trackaze ounces, with a pm.tage otsll 51. They ued at some r:WO, or s3oo.—Alf: Aritt,, '4% f)!- Ctsr. or "Cribtritc—An e'r medical practitioner rel Peterstlirz. Va cently called to anend a lady in Chet -I.' eiiic. - mes.senzer informing hum that ..he rsa= 31 , 4- by the Cholera_ He promptly- waited on a.....isted to relieve her pains hy:bringing int viroild a smart boy. THE Caors.—Frorn our eirhange wr 'tea - ': the wheat crop of the present Season %%911 he lame Even in South Carolina, where the front "destroyed every dung,' the harver4. • heat as ovel, ar.ti a .zoNAI t [Or LSD 812M1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers