_ °RIM* OF VIE ST. Louts Fisc.—The St. Louis ~e pers publish the affidavit of Henry Fredericks, ih e watchman of the steamboat White Cloud, in which the recent fire had its On . the night of the c onflagratiOn he went on 1:19a rd th e h eat at 7 4 o'clock, and met an Irishman coming off, who told him he had been looking for a friend. On ex amination he did not discover that the Irishman had done any injury, but about two hours atter the fire broke out. While it was burning, Charles Blount, came and told him that carpenter of another boat, he had known for three days that the White Cloud was to be burned, and wished he had the money pa • "tt for setting . her on fire. This Charles Blount has left St. Louis for New Orleans, but the authori ties have taken measures to secure his arrest. Tli K SAVY E CREV Awe, at New Orleans, has been nt,andoned, the labors of Mr. Grant having proved ititiek‘. The river, however, was falling. New 71,1wertisements. AGAIN! H. S. & M. C. MERCUR, ARE NOW RECEIVING *NOTRE'S ♦aaORTTIEAT OF a DODO? which were purchased since the late reduction in prices ; IlicV will therefore he sold unusually cheap. Towanda. June 15, 11149. _ _ • All Concerned will please take Notice ! TE co-partnership heretofore existing between Thu mas Elliott and N .C. Tomkins, under the name of ELLIOTT & TOMKINS, is this day dissolved by mutual consen'. All debts due to said firm are to he yak! to the subscriber; who is authorized to receive iho same. All liabilities of said firm are to be paid by him. All indebted are requested to call and settle their respee rise accounts, 11rio, all indelited•to the late firm of Elliott & Mercur arc desired to call and settle without delay. The sUrilicrilwr cal continue the business in his own name, and will be happy to accommodate his old friends and the public generally, on the most reasonable Willis. Towanda, June 7, IHI9. THOS. ELLIOTT. ..)-2-2CT/1111—tiali 1/11.1.AWLM.1.0.1\-0 NEW GROCERY & VARIETY STORE. & KINGSBERY inform the public that they are now receiving direct from New York and .ipenttat. in the afire Ludy occupied by H. Pilit,mic of B. Kiegeleery 4 Co., a large and general GROCERIES,. PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, FANCY GOODS, I,4igkre Notions, C.c.' ufrottortarty, in whieti attention of purchasers is invited.' Their ....almost of Gnu-cries and Liquors is etnai.date, and nal be said it actuation, Jew rates. flail and erautine. 1.. W. TIFFANY, TORNIO:1, June IR,s'49. •B. 1.. lIC IN (;SBER Y. STRONG BEER. nocEits & Landlords supplied with Stronu Beer 1 by the hid. TIFFANY & KINBER Y. NEW ARRIVAL AT THE OLD DRUC STORE, ..Vo. 1, Brill: Row. 1 1'sTION '& PORTER are now receiving. at No. 1. 'l. ?trick ROW, a large addition to their tamer i•i•nsiAtig elf Draw, Medicines, Groceries, Liquors, - Oils, Paints, Oyeslofts, Fancy Goods, Act. nhich will be .nW at unusually low rates. They six) r;(..r sale the .plenilhl and genuine Teaser the PE KIN TEA COM PAN Y, for which they are•agenta, and winch Cie , / do not hesitate to recommend as being su is 'tor to any other imported. 11.0 mg heel' appointed agent for most all the genu i,,, lor Meditina, we arattire the public we ll no( offer any that are counterfeit, as we will not buy serest an agency from those speculators, who, by 4...iteGions impose upon the country with their flitiliotm Drugs. ;Towanda, dune IR, 1849. DISSOLUTION rr HE co-partnership heretofore existing between M. L H. & G. H. V. ELLEB, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those having scemonta with the firm arc requested to sefilo them without delay. M. H. WELLES, Wyalusing, May 30,1819. 0..11. W'ELLES. The business will he continuolby M. M. WELLES nt the old stand, where n well selected stock of GOODS ot now arriving. consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries: Indware, Salt, Nails, &c. &c. To be sold cheap for prompt pay. M. H. WELLES. 20(1n DOZ. EGGS wanted at FOX', at 10 UV cents per dozen. June 12,. BONNETS AND BONNET TRlMlNG—Floren ne, Pedal braid and French lace Bonnets and the .r. 44 1 assortment of Ribbons Flowers, white, black, blue, low, and straw color leise and crape in fact everything ilesirrablc in the Asp° of Bonnet Trims. at FOX'S. • AN APPRAISEMENT A ND Classification of the amount of the sales 11 of the persons engaged in the sale of Goods, Wares and Merchandize, in and for Btadford Coun ty, with the amount of License hereunto annesed, in and for the year 1849. Names of Retailers. With or I Ars% ] Class with . t hq. . of lie ASYLUM. no liq do ATHENS TR B,,ldlernan & Brown do I , din Horton Ebner Horton & Gardner . 'do I •I in Watkins ATHENS BORO do do do do do liq no lig do do BURLINGTON. liq no liq do do do CANTON. lig AO COLUMBIA. do - 11. Di: BELL. no hq - do FRANKLIN. lig no 11 GRANVILLE. Bullock & Presho - ( 1,1 lIERRICK. do W II Baird & Harris H 1 Comstock H Welles & Co A Perkins " Phelp‘h Walker C Park t;e,.rze Merrill Horace Cariier coryell At Gee A AL S 11 Morley J V Daniels Job Morley 1: Overton Newman & Gn C E Itathbotte Augustus Austin 6 IS Card U Moody & Co. Dyhauiberlatn W Mercur E Hawley L II Brownson LERO Y. do do MONROE. lig do do no lig do II 'comb & Leland Parkhurst & Co. J 1 Warford J 11 Phinney 14 & J B M Hinman Roger Fowler J B & C Smith Alden & Coolbangh do John Hanson do Brown & Rockwell do 11C Nagle do Vannostram & Northrop do ORWELL, Theophilus Humphrey do A 8 Smith 0. H Liule D Eitiley & Soft do RIDGBERY. do liq ROME. _ 9 Maynard so lig 13 DA Wattles do 13 Y W Maynard ik, Co do - 14 E& 13 Nichols do . 14 SHESHEQUIN. do I II Webb Calvin West Wm. Campbell Kinney & igatterlee SMIT'IIFIELD. Lyman Durfey liq • M Bullock & Co. < .do E 8 Tracy so lig SPRINGFIELD. Hiram Spear do 13 Pine & Bennet - liq 14 W T Daly do 14 Enos Hubbard no liq 14 Lucius French do 14 STANDING STONE. H W Tracy liq 12 E W Baird no liq 13 Means, Storrs & Co. do 14 - TOWANDA BORO. 1-1 S & SI C Mercor do Montanyes h Co. do J Kings4ty do N N Betts' do Daniel Lord ' do Tracy & Moore liq ET Poi no liq Kingsbtiry & Co. do 0 1) Bartlett do Elliott & ToinkillS do I) C Hall do S 8 Bailey do Tiffany & Kingsbt ry liq Hiram Mix do Huston &Porter W Tracy, As s ignee of C Ritd ' J , II O'Hara C Colemn &riles Caner G F Reddingloll SW&DF Pomeroy 1. & E Runyon Baird & Stephens T Maxwell Herrick, Wynn & PonacroY do F h F I. Ballard do Fitch & Ballard do M W Jones do W Paine do 1 1 1.STEllt. Guy Tracy no IN Wm Gibson do Peckham and Mather do Welles & Co, do D . /dyer do • WARREN do do Vkqii pirt Cube rt Cooper ames‘r Tayluc E & A Lewis MH&GH Welles C 11 Fisher Judson Holcomb Coulbaogh & I'o E Smith & Co A ND Classification of the persona engaged in the 13 sale of Nostrtfms, Patent Medicines dtc., in Bradford. County, undor Act of of assembly of the 10th of April, 1818. Names Residences. Class. Am't. of Lic. Cll Herrick, Athens bo. 3 $lO 00 G A Perkins, I do 4 5 00 Iluston & Porter Towanda bo. 3 10 00 Hiram Mix, 4. do • 3 10 00 Montanye 4 Co, . , do 4 500 J Kingsbery, ' ~. ' do 4 • 500 R King, t ^Troy bo. 3 5 00 THO'd. SMEAR. Mercantile Appraiser. • A ND Classification of the Beer Houses, Eating Houses &c., of Bradford County according to Act of Assembly of 10th April, 1899, entitled an act to create a sinking fund, &c. Names. Residence. Class. Am't. of Lic . Gen. Merrill, Atherii - bor r . -- 8 IZ 00 li earner do 8 500 J E Vosbnrg, Burlington. 8 5 00 B Palmer, Canton. - 8 5 00 Daniel Kellogg, Monroe, 8 5 00 8 Burnham, do ' 8 5 00 Chas French, Ridgbery 8 500 G W Cole, Duren, 8 5 00 J L Gerould, Smithfield, 8 5 00 M Phillips do 8 .5 00 Aaron Thomas, Springfield, 8 500 Miles Carter, Towanda, 8 500 Zero iah Cross, do 8 _ 5 00 P O'Slain do 8 5 00 C Coleman, do 8 5 00 8 9 Bailey, do 8 5 00 8 Hathaway, do 8 5 00 1 J M Gilson, _ do 8 5 00.. IWm Kelley, . -do ' 8 500 M W Junes Troy Born. 8 500 THO'S. SNEAD. Mercantile Appraiser. A LIST AND Classi fi cation of the- different Distilleries in Branford County. for the year 1849, as directed by Act of Assembly of the 10th of April 1849. $7 00 7 00 7 01 7 00 7 00 M= Guy Tozer, Athens, 10 James Payne, Monroe, 10 Wm. Brace, Springfield 10 J. E Goodrich, Troy born. 10 THOS. SMEAD. Mercantile A ppraisea 12 50 15 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 NOTICE is hereby given, that an appeal will be hold at the Ciunmissioners Office, on the 13th day of July next, at which time and place .any person aggrieved by the foregoing, Classifications, can at. tend if they think proper. Witness my hand at Towinda, the Ist day of June, A. D. 1849. THOS. SMEAD. Mercantile Appraiser. I b 00 10 00 7 00 7. 00 7 00 LAW CO-PARTNERSHIP. I'AYE th is day entered ioto co-partnership in the pracuce of Law, and they lake this method ofinfor ming tho public of the fact, Office—No. 3, Brick Row, (op stairs) where one of them can at all times be Orgill. E. W. BAIRD. 0. H. P. KINNEY. 15 00 15 00 7 00 10 50 Towanda. June 1.'49. 7 00 7 00 RUNAWAY FROM TOWANDA. A Id. persona indebted to the Subscriber. eitlier by Note, Judgment, or Book savant, must eeitle the same immediately, or Esquire Vandarcook will teed to their case, so look out fur, Rufus Maims old bob-tailed horse. WM. TROUT. 700 1. Towanda, June sth, 1849. 10 50 7 00 7 00 1233D515711120 8 IIIieSTSTIAN 8 MISS GRIFFIN, luliuLD inform the Lidice that she has received a V F • large assortment of HATS, oossithee of a varie ty of styles, and also a good limaeimesit of Flowers. Ribbons, Belts, &c., and a variety of MILLINERY ARTICLES, all of which will be offered at a low rice, Towanda. May 15. 1849. 7 00 7 00 10 60 16 00 15 00 8 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 W black, blue anthireen worked Mani Veils V V atso Muslin, linen wrought and French laes col lative splendid lot of Ivory Handled Pans, also white win Bonnets, Bonnet fron% linen and cotton lacer, swiss and issuer* Muslin edgisigkand O l arstings cheap at tny23 FOX'S. 14 _l4 1 00 IllisctUncons. PIKE. do do- la 13 10-.1141 . 13 10 06 13" 16,00 14 7 00 13 10 00 12 18 75 12 )8 75 12 12 50 10 2000 , 10 20 00 13 10 - 00 13 10 00 13 1000 ' 12 18 75 12 . 12 50 12 ' 12 50 13 10 00 12 12 50 12 12 .50 14 7 00 14 10 50 14 10 50 1.1 10 50 nit lig do do do do TROY 80120 Itq do no Jiq do II 7 MI 11 7 no 14 7 on 11 7 no 11 7 nu II 22 50 II 22 50 12 IR '25 II 15 00 12 12 50 12 12 50 II 10 00 13 i O 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7011 13 10 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 700 14 7 00 WE LIS, do Wit - AIX:IINC do do AE 111 do WIN DM A M. do 14 THOS. SMEAD Mercantile Appraiser 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 10 50 14 10 50 A LIST A UST Residence. Glass. Am't. of Lie, 65 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 RAMO & KINNEY. iiiiiiil • I,TIIIECIIIIPMIT SPRING C. 00.0 1 8 DOW srithic!AND MUMMER GGODS"wbirh'wnledfrtoirrior 1.30 e as low as the mew an lie purchased al any place this side of the eitypi:Mcierlritrit. Thanfful fur ths,very liber ral Petrenisit''Aszietidett Militia heretofore, !he would nuifietirfolly ask a call Wont -Mt who wi hiti porch*. Goods cheap as this-stoalii4o. bedisow4 of at the lowest notch, please -deal - neglect to eali ettillleto tnet the place, Northlittoew corner of Main and Pine-st. 10 00 10 . 09. 10 00 10 00 7 00 700 TITSIT 'opening • spkndeil insortatept of fashionable DRESS GOODS consisting of Worded and Linen Barges. Silk Tissues, Linen, and Chanageide Lusters, Organdie. s e nd Printed Muslim, tied& French, and American llimehame, Chamhra'a Smell Figured Blue and Green DeLeon; and the Prettest assoriment of Fruits in town at FOX'S. 10 00 10 5 10 50 7 00 7 90 GLOVES -50 dozen Kid silk, lesile thread arid 4- tun gloves of every possible size and color at iny 23 FOX'S. 18 57 10'00 7:°° 30 DOZEN more of &be linen Himkeretnef. at 124 eta. at my 23 FOX'S HATS- -Moleskin, fur. silk, Moira and white Heti cws, wool, Parsons, Leghorn,. pedal and palm lent Hats, on hand and for Palle at ME:ROAM'. of C A from I A 2 A g cent: up, for n m t h at ie". 7 l lEl J ß ß efß s l.7 ", I.D.LaInEILMIECDIII2'2)22Ot. A CARD. r IIE sulorrilier, intending to leave town soon, pectfully presents, his thanks, and ark now ledginetits to the citizens of this Irillsge,nnel vicinity ; fur their kind. and extensive patronage; and will be happy to serum a continual' of calls. Should there be those, wish ing for a likeness, " penciled by a ray of light," he will endeavor to satisfy them, by producing a perfeztly cor rect representation, of features, and expression. 0 .1 - 11imun over Mr. J. Ringsbery's store. Towanda, Mry Ni h, 18 19 . W. It. SMALL. NEW SPRING GOODS, By the New York and Eric Railroad. p KINGsBER V & CO., arc now receiving • large . and most desirable stock of Goods. [laving been purchased at the at redue,:il prices, they can .conli denUy say to the citizens of Boadiiird County, that they will not be undersold. Their Goode will timi lively he sold for cash, cheaper than they can be bought at Uwego, Elmira or Binghamton, To rave this call and examine our good.; and prices. Among our Dry Guy& may be found the following: GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Super reel Preach black, Blue, (Third green and brown Cloths;• desirable Beaver, french howstkin, and fancy Cassimeres; Tweeds, Muffins's, and full cloth , Worsted and Milk Kluges.; Satin, Cashmere and a ,great Variety of Vestings, plain and plaid linings, die. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Frendr and American Cloaking; Scotch, French and American Gingham*: French plaids, changeable. plain and plaid Alpacas; Queen's Lustre embroidered:Fhibet Cloth, Silk and Satin Stripes, Plaid, plain Mohair, Basket, French and Lang Shawls : also pink, and blue Bonnets of the latest style, Cashmere, Hamilton,Coch echo, Mourning, blue and white orange and blue, and almost every variety of English, American and French Prints, changeable leirbem, black Geode Rhine, plain and plaid Silk, Silk and Cotton Velvet, cambric Muslin, book, Swiss and Bishop. Lawns, Brussels Lace, plain and figured Ltobinetts, cotton edging* and inserting': pure Silks, Gimps. Trimming Buttons ; a large assort ment of ribanils ; linon carnbrica, ladies' needle worked cults, French collars, lace capes, crab. mitts, brash, shaw.s, dr. Also—Brown and - bleached Sheeting, brown and bleached Holland*, bangup Cards, white, red, mixed and Salsbury Flannels, satin Corset, brown and bleach ed Jeans' Canton Flannel, cotton yarn•, baits, &c. In short, almost every article in the Dry Goods line in use. HARDWARE. 10 50 A large assortment of cutlery from the hest manu facturers; Iron, Nails, cast and German Steel, Ames & Co.'s Shovels, mill, eross-cgCand wood Saws, panel and back Saws, cast, wrought and brass Butts, thumb and drop Latches, Squires, Dividers, Chisels, Augurs, Brace and Situ sof the. beat quality, Wrenches, RAW German silver, Brittannia rind Iron Tattle and Tea Spoons, Candlesticks, Lamps, all kinds of locks, drills, files, tacks, &c. Flowing blue, light do, and white setts, to snit pnr chasers—bird patterns, plain and every article in this line wanted. The lamest and most fashionable awortnient of Li. dies' and Misses' Boots, Buskins and Slippers, to be found this side of New York. Gents' and Boys' Bouts and Shoes in great varieiy, Also a good lot of SOLE LEATHER on hard. The Cheapest Grocerien an be bad at Towanda. May Ist, 1849. B. K. 4 Co. J. MINTOSH, DENTIST, NOW of Bradford County. Pa., will wake • perLidi eal visit to TO WANDA, remaining a week or ten days, commencing 9th of May next. Will be found at the Bradford Hotel. Batisfactcoy references sod moderato prices. Teeth inserted. from one to a whole tett, and warrant& to be executed a well as can be dare in the cities. The following villages will be periodically visited : Towanda, Athens, Troy, Leßaysville, &c. Informa tion will be given a week or so in advance, through the Reporter, and by small advertisements. ap2y BONNETS -A Jorge assortment of Ladies and Mb.- ' ses Florence, patent, gimp, pearl, Coburg. Neapolitan and Leghorn Bonnets. Also, wreaths and flowers, for sale at ap2o "• MERCURS'. ( - 1 11.8 ! OILS !—Lamp and Linseed Oil, in quantities to wit purchasers, for sale at ME 12C URS'. NAILS AND SPIKES-4, 5, 6;8, 10, 20, 30, and 40d Nails, and 4, 43. and 53 inch Spikes, for sale by the pound, keg or too, at •MERCURS'. LOTHB, Caasimeres, Satmetts and Veatings, a ge %-, neral ssaorunent, just received and for We right , at ap2O M E RC URS'. _ SQUMMEII CLOTHING.—A large assortment of floods for Mena' and Boys' Summer -Clothes, now opening and for male at 800 ht ERIC RB'. TEAS. IMPERIAL. Young Hymn, Hylton Skin and Black Tess, of superior flavor, for sale at prices that win suit judges of the snide , at MERPURS'. 4 IN IL 'VT E IZT a 9 LEVE LING, Laying out Rauh and Lou , Dividing Humes, Measuring Masonry. Embankments; &c., accurately done by E.G. NICHOLS. Mee at Rome Brainerd county, Pa. 6m48 THE books of the late firms of HUSTON & MA• HON and of HUSTON & LADD, have been placed in my bands for settlement. lam instructed to say, that prompt attention on the part of debtors will save them COST. D. VANDERCOOK, J. P. Towanda, May 14, 1849. Argue copy. _ GREAT POVERTY IN TOWANDA, 31 LLLLL WON UL WAIT 03 • L1T191.11 ME -M! IST WO It MST 4I G • D. WEST wconid inform the citizens of To- Id. wands, that be has located on the corner of Wa ter and South am., where be will attend exclutivelyia Mending Boob & Shoes, and at the aboentakere hats to mend. be &Um - that by care and attention, be shall go t tokenty of work. Towanda. June 12, 1849. T EGHORN AND PALM LEAP HATS—P.I -LI and Eaglisk =don braid new shops, infanta sad childrear do. alma goats fins ado skin 11* at • . my 23 Fors:, nINCItIAMB—auod patios. mid Ai* colonfoir I2j cts. at my23' FOX'S. tVc. RICH DRESS GOODS CROCKERY BOOTS AND SHOES 1:1=333Z=C3 TAKE NOTICE! titerditinbi;c. Cc. HIRAM MIX'S MMUS 114°C;i1 r ; ii t - . 1., ;I IC • X. V rb- 7 1 6 1111 tr MIX ban removed his Drug Sitore to the north .1.-Lo - conic! of the Public Siloam, Liddy occupied t 7 Jaws H. Sayre, and having fitted Op his store, has added to his foruwr soionment a large supply of aiza:reo alstm annolcasnoi, ei 14;. a., MGRS, OILS & PAWS, i‘ Wooden ware, Glassware, lag Tickle, Fumy Coeds, Pirfamery, ie. He Ls agent for most of the valuable POPULAR MEDICINES of the clay, which can he purchased of him with a certainly of procuring genuine - article+. He is also agent for the CAN I O.N TEA COM PANY of New Vork.whoseTeas have attained• wide spread reputation for genuineness and their Low price. An examination of his snick, to which he invites the anCution of the public, will satisfy every one that it has been selected a nit a view of procuring the hest anil most desirable articles, and purchased at the lowest rates, Towanda, May I, 1849. I N : V 1 ) ) ) A THE CENTRAL STORE ! VOW opening at The above e.labliAment a very IN large and deiorable assortment of FALL AND GOODS, which will be sold et very low vales. Business at this establishmenkponducted upon fair and honest principles. Y. have our thanks for past favor, and we hope for a continuance of the same as we are bound to sell ()auls Cheap. Towanda, Dec. 4. Iri N. N. 11 ETTS. k% a NC an I.V.f.f:t) TIIE mulakeribei altll continuer. to manufacture and keep on hand at the old wtand of Torukina and Makstt-ott. all Linda of cane and wood meat CHAIRS; and SET- T E of %wimp, Linda, At DS of eery deaeiiption, which 1 will well low for [-salt or Produce, or Pine or Cherry I. her. or el air plank. will be received fur work. 1:11NING done to orJilt in die neatest manlier. Also. CABINET WORK, make and kept on haul, or tnn.le lo order. im the ber,t .1 %ME-4 111.%KINSON. 1:EIMIIM T"wan.ln, Janswv 4, 19.49, STOVES, ES ! TN Montanyes' New Block, above Mercers', on the IN !oath side of the puhlip square, to better advantage, perhapa, than at any other place in or out of Bradford county. D. C. NAM. respectfully infovms his friemla amt the public, that he has now for sale at his NEW STORE. a general and choice assortment of STOVES, of all sizes and patterns. which he is prepared to sell at whole sale or retail, or etchange for country produce upon the most atatommodating terms. Among hes stock are the Air tight Complete, (all size.;), Stewart's Air tight, Rough and Beady do , Revolving fine do., Albany city do., Republican do., Centrld N. Y. do.: Buck eye, hot air oven, with rotary top, Premium Storm, Nu. 1, 2. 3. 4,5, 6, of the most improred patterns Air fight Parlor Stores, all sizes : Nix plates, all sizes Cannon Stones, an excellent article far OirlteS, taverns, stores, Ire.: kulintor Parlor stores : Key stone patent stoves ; all sizes Band box store, 4.c. 4,000 lbs. of Roxvia and American STOVE-PIPE, ready-made; also, Brass and Copper Kettles, of various pntterns, together with • general assortment of Brass and Copper VVare. 11EK 500 Lard Tuba, with a choice assortment of every article in the Tin ware line, to which the atte 'lion of Merchants, Pedlars, Families and Housekeepers gene. rally is invites!. n• - • The highest price will be paid for old castings. copper and brass. Grain, Turkeys, Chickens, and all kinds of marketable produce will be received in pay- ment for Stoves, Tinware, &c. For stoves, sheetiion, cop?er and tinware, his assort ment is complete. He returns his thanks to his old customers, to whom, 'and the public he renews his invi tation to give him ■ call before purchasing elsewhere; Don't mistake Ike w/oce—but remember HALL'S south side of the Public Square. in Montanyes Block. Towanda Dec. 12, 1848. D; e. HALL. Corning, Elmira and Buffalo Line. A BOAT OP THIS LINE will leave CORNING A & ELMIRA for BUFFALO, every week during the season, in the following order : Leave Corning , Tuesdays, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Leavo Corning Wednesday., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Leave Havanna T rursdays, P M. Tow Down Seneca Lake on' Friday, touching at Big Stream, Starkey, Lodi, Dresden, passing Geneva. Waterloo and Seneca Fells, on Saturday. Leave Buffalo for Elmira and Coming, every Saturday Morning. Leave Rochester every _Monday morning. BOAT CORNING, Carr. A. M. TAYLOR. BOAT ELMIRA Cary. R. P. Finals, BOAT BUFFALO ...... ......C•rr. E. H. thicsa, For freight in Passage apply to the Captains on board, or to the following Agent.: W. M. Mallory. Corning. Price & Geneva. 8. U. tftrang & Co. Elmira Hastings, & field, do J. Wintennuit , Horse beadsll. Miller, Seneca Falls. E. 8. Hinman, Havanna. L. Sustain, Montezuma. I. G.Townseml, big Stream; H. L. Fish. Rochester. Woodworth & Post. Lodi.i Niles & Wheeler, Buffalo Gay & Sweet, Waterloo. April 12, 1899. Tviess GOODS, Ladies can hnd a rich assottnient 1-1 or Mines, barages, gingham's, muslin+, lawns. ect, •r 2O SHF.F:TING— Bleached and brown Airflow; and drilling, tickinirs, cotton yarn, batting &c. at Inv 23 FOX'S. FRESH GREEN OR BLACK TEAS—Warranted good or no sale, the money retunsal in all cases; hole Tea does not snit at my 2.3 FO'XS. Boot and Shoe Shop Removed! BRISTOL & SMITH have removal their Shop across the street, a few doors shove their late loca tion, in the room lately occupied by H. A. Smith's Clothing Store, one door north of Harder's Harness Shop, where they will he pleased to see their customers. Towanda, May 1, 1849. NOTICE PHE . Collector' of the several townships in Beadfonl -L County, are hereby authorized to make a deduc tion office per rent from the NOMA of State Tales placed in their hands for colitetion; against every indi vidual who shall pay his or her State and County times in full, on or before the 29th day of lone nest ; and the amount so deducted shaU be allowed them in their set tlement. The same, however, to be paid by them into tbs Ca Treasury oft or before the 2d day of iu1y,1849. By tied.: of the Commissioners. 0.8. RUSSELL, Cheek. Commissioner's Otßee, Tounioda, April 11, 1849. DISSOLUTION. 11013110 E is hereby given that the ct_a_— . __pet_etb•elibuiP LI heretofore existing between CHAMOIFIRLIN PORTER. es Ihnosiste. &e, is ibis JAY tbeenhed by mutual consent. - The business will be untied as by C. PORTER, who will settle all accounts of the late firm Towanda, lea 6, ISO. PREPARE FOR WINTER ! ! I= AT D. C. HALL'S ,ove, Tin, Copper, SHEET-RON MANUFACTORY MEUCURS Ccgal'bithlalsents. SHERIFF SALE,. • BY of a Writ of VW's& Expo,ivs o f of die gointSfileinnwia Pleas - of Bratffoottcoilike tend 14 1 me ditictod Will be exposed jopeblie sale at As Conti Dottie in the boro. of Towasill, on Vaterday 7th day of JULY; 1849, at one -o'clock, P. M., thi, fulloirtng lot piece op partiel of land shuttle in the township of Athens bounded and' described as fol. lows: Beginning at a hemlock for Scorner,Untie south east corner •of a lot formery occupied by Richard-Elston, and not or lately owned bir NA; Ws nkoop thence south 884 degrees-108& fire-tenth perches to a stake for a corner, thence north 14 de grees east 155 rods to a corner, thence north 885 degrees west 106 & five-tenths perches to a corner, thence south - 14 degrees iwest 155 AL five-tenth perches to the place of beginning; being lot No. 9 on warrant 1496 granted to Charles Carroll. Con taining one hundred and three acres and eighty perches of land, be the same more or Tess. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ra bina Dewitt to the use of Mites Prime, vs.Wiliam A verilL WM.B. DIDIMMT7, Sheriff's O ffi ce , Towanda May 15, 1849 FIX EC U TOR'S NOTICE.I Apersoos isisietired to the roam of WILLIAM GRACE, deceased, tale of Springfield (trip.. are hereby requested to make payment without delay , and those baring ilitima llama said estate will please pre sent them duly authenierated fur sittlemem. w. S. GRACE, Ezetetol,, Spritlefirl.l, June• 11, 1849, _ AUDITORS' NOTICE. Fr MC undersiensel having been appointed an Auditor by the Orphan's Court of the County of Bratlf.rd to marshal rrsetta and disttittnte the funds rased by the sale of tho,real end personal 'Agee of JOhn B. Tay'or, lair of Rome township deceased, will attend to the du ties of sis,l airp, ) i tttt neut. at Ida office in the ljor o u g h.or Towanda. on Mateirdar, the .101 h slay of June neat, et I o'elo-k P. M.. at which time and place all peraons interested will please prrgent their claims, or be deterred Woo contiba in for a ,tare of said fund. Townisla, May, 26, 18,19. WM. SCOTT, Auditor. ExEcuTows NOTICE. Al.l. per .n. in,104.1 to the estate of JOSEPH EL lairrr deora-ed late of Wyalu.ing township, are hereby requested to make , payment withotit dela". and three having claims against raid estate will please pre sent them duly authenticated for aettlement .1 BEZ ELLIOTT. If ARE Y ELLIOTT. F.rerntnrs. Wyaloging, May 26, FA4.9 A 11) N IsTitAT()R,'s A".persons indebted to the estate of ELLAZER NORMAN, deceased, late of tiprinafiel t i township, are hereby reviewed to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate will please pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. ELAM BENNETT, Springfield, May 26, ,11 , 119. Administrator. , - -•- AI) MINISTR &TOR'S NOTICE. persons indebtinl to the estate of Christophe O. Nirh.ils, deceasell, late of ttpringfield lowaulrip, are hereby requested to Make paymen witboot d'elsry, and those having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE L. N11.7•110I.R, Sprinalield, April 29. 1849. Adminiatmtor. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY ! THE only original and genuine article for the cure of Heaves and other complaints of the respiratory apparatus and derangement of the Wigwam fractions in the Horse, is Kirkhride's TATT I EIFtSALL'S HEAVE POWDER 4. It is warranted to be perfectly safe in ail cases, will not inconvenience the animal or injure, even it he has no disease. it is lro.n 4to if times cheaper than most of the imitations which are being circulated tnrough out the country, being put up in mudh longer packages. sufficient to cure an ordinary ease of heaves, and to ad minister in a dozen cases or cold, caulk &c. This remedy has acquired a standing never before attained by any horse modicine,rd. in fact we know Of patent medicine that has received as much commen dation considering the time it has bard established in this country. More than 500 verbal and write° testi monials have voluntarily been tendered us. GREA r SPRING PURIFIER. The Heave Powder, given in small doses, will be foond most useful at that season. They stimulate the skits to cast off the 'superfluous hair and produce new ; they loosen the hide, give a glossy aFipearanee to the coat, protect against disease; they also. for their fine alterative and restorative powers, purify the blood and renovate the system, which horses require at this sea son as much as any of the human racfi, who had a pre partition ofBarsaparilla useful to correct the vitiated state of the fluids, incident to the change of weather, which in the spring affects all animal as well as vege. table life. In short, most of the diseases horses are subject to, these patient are the cheapest and best, and for all the purposes of • GENERAL CONDITION MEDICINE. One package of it vdministered 'to a honor not of condi will. do more to improve his Arab and appearance than five bushels of cons or a tathis has been tested& hundred times. To these who may berliaposed to doubt the extraor dinary &Racy of this medicine, we will quote the fol lowing synopsis of evidence, out of the hundreds of -cer tificates we have on hand. THOSE WHO DOUBT M READ. Mr. 0. S. Hail, of Srribetr, Oswego antuty, certifies to a permanent cure of Heaves by one package. Mr. Ambler, of Danbury; Ct., certifies to to mire of Heaves on a favorite Hone; and says he would not be withonetho Tattemsers Heave Powders on hand if it coat bids One Dollar a week to keep a,mapply. Mr. Chas. A. Peadby, or Spring Hill, Alabama, in ■ leter toPour Columbus agents, says: "I have a tunable horse that was SO severely affect. ed with Heaves and violent coughing that I had wel I nigh lost hint. i eured:him him by one package of ike Tat tersall" Heave PoWder." Mr. Gen. W. Darla. of Monroe, N. J. eared a Wine of Hilves, and , warrants him sound. Samuel, Roberta, East Ramps rad. L. 1. Edward Jones. Clyde. N. Y. Mr. Glanrgan, Middlehoty. Vt. arid Mr. Kip, of Milton, N.Y. have all testified to remarks• ble mum Ptepwed arta 'add by George Hetehemoo 149 Fulda St.N. Y, HIRAM MIX agent for Towanda. STRAYED OR STOLEN. .- FROM the pasture of the subscriber on the night of the 27th, inat a dark chesnut mare, about 16. hands high with • long tail, and believes' to have • small afar in the foiebsad. Whoever will return saki onitnal ahallt be liberally rewarded. Towanda,. May. 28th, 1849. J. F. MEANS. NOTICE. • ANY wife POLLY, having left my bed std hoard,. I• 1111 hereby forbid all persona doing any business whatever with bar on my account, or with any person or persons who profess to be acting in her behalf, as I In no debts contracted by her or on her account after thia data. - PETER M'KERNEN. Albany. May 28, 1849. • NOTICE. ALL persons todebteil to the Iste grin of WILLIS TON & ELWELL, are hereby requested to call and seUbs with WM. ELWELL without delay. 11. WILLISTON. Towanda. May. 27, 1849. WM. ELWELL: MISIVI3 &damns. and Infanta Cloaca .and Hose at In, 23 FOX'S. Warranted. sad a.. a Mut* alit as 'rag Prow m A ,e s F ag Lsts.-81cs. Max's Hurs,—Tes OM %mmo or Ton AGIC, EMT. For a trifling mu, every iturivillual magma, Aimify may have Human burettes is them tor as isidetinite period end what is fife withal beside, but a mileva- . bier evidence It is too pteefon's a boon to be tanopeted with, by try• ing all sons of experiments span it. The nick about& use those medicines only which imperiouse has know* to be the best. A PHYSICIAN'S TEITIVONY. • [From Cacatkilf. Greene Comity, New Toth.) Dr. W. Wrierfw*Daar I have bawd yew hnlr an Vegetable Pills • valuable remedy in cases of Gene ral Debility of the System and of all Whims diaorders. I am also in the habit'of recommending them to fe males in peculiar. cases. I observe them t 3 operate in the sp-tem, without ptoducing debility or pain, leaving it in a heathy condition. JOHN DoArm. M.D. THE BEST FAMIhY MEDICINE, 'rom Norton Hilt Greene Coentli New T 0..) M. Wright—We hate am! and cold your lodian Vegetable Pill for three years past, and do not hesitate o recommend them to our friends and customers oath' best family medicine in use. N. & L. RAMSDELL. TESTIMONY OF ANOTHER PHYSICIAN. The following is an answer in.reply to a note from our ageut asking Pr. Boatos's opinion of this rued9e% e : \ Toinsu•apprg, Aug. 29, 18118. Mr. A .Durharre--Dear Sir : In reply to your ante of yesterday. I would state, that I have ottesionelly Lund it convenient to use die rations' Patent Pills" realist al the shops ; and virhile I em at:twilling to say anytiirrg to depreciate the value;of others. I - am free to tomfeirs that 1 consider Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills su perior to all other; with which Ism acquainted. I have used diem for many years loth in my owe family and in toy practice generalli, and they have onifOrmly mild curtain and safe in their operations. The care and still with is hichthese Pills have been hitherto mono. factored are in my opiniony * inifficieut gdarantee for like good r ulcer in intim; Very respectfully, B. A. BOUTON, M. D. Dr. S. in al practioner of long esperience,well known in and even rieyontt - the fines of Wyoming usurity. He is is emanate of the University of Ponnsylvirnier. sad highly popular with the psspe among whom be resided. RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD. [Front .Preston Kills,N. York,] Dr. W. Wright—Dear Sir: I was Marked with a Violent pain in nay head and rush of Mind so the brain. which confined me to m.y ream for sia weeks, and drew. the eight of my ekes so es to • prevent me from seeing with it, and left me with • diztineis in my head for shout six months. .By taking three'or four_ buses your Pills. I was restored to health again. June 13, 1848. - PETER VAN WAGNER. Hew •R lc or 8w.411 COaTIOS CoITOTZINFILITO I . l — that the original and "Culp genuine loam Vegetable Pills hiete the written signature et William Wright on the' top of each hie. - • The genuine is . for sale by MONTANYES So Co.„ sole tweets' fur Towanda; and by agents in all other parts of the State. i Office devoted exclusively to the ode of . Wright's Indian yegetabki Pills, wholesale and retail, 169 Race et., PbiladelphiaitBB Greenwich it., New York. mid 198 Tremont, Boston. 39y G. W.,Merchant's Celebrate WhiL_ _ ist Disrues el the limas Flesh. TIME and eTperience have fully proved that that this UNIVPREAL . REMEDY has .rot net if/ 41 on they list of popular medicines, having been 14 years heave the public. Testimony of-the most disinteresterl character of its wonderful effects:on the animal economy is almost dai ly presented to the proprietor. ' 1 A young man in the town of Wilson, whose clothes were burnt off of him, was restored (without suffering) by the timely use of the Oil. Niimerous are the unsolicited statements of patients themselves, and others who have used the. Oil, of awes which in themselves appear remarkable, that they at all interested in a pecuniary point, they could hardly have been credited. The following diseases are among many others in the cure of which this Oil has been completely successful and in which others had entirely failed Spawns, Eiweeney, Ringbone, Windrills, Poll Evil, Cal lous, Cracked Heels, Gallo of all kinds:. Isamu/lees Fresh WOOlllll4 Sprains, Bruises, Sand Creeks, Foundered Feet, Scratches, or 'Grease Mange, Rheu matism. Bites of Animals, External Poisons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boils, Corns, Whit lows, Burns and &Wide, Chilblains, Moped hands. Cramp, Contractions of the Muscles, Swellings ; Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, &c. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and W. ewe &titans* of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT, LOCKPORT, N. Y., is blown the side of the bot tle, or in his hand writing over the cork. Don't be persuaded to take any thing else. with the promise" it is just as good, &c., &c. This is prictised by those rte principled design whose conscience will stretch like India Rattler, and who are of a kindred spirit of those in our large claim whose neferione practices have so 16- =4 been exposed to the action of Congress. Those who attempt to Counterfeit this article ere re. (erred to the law of New York, of. May 1845; by which it will be seen thit every prison meddling in then counterfeits nsubject to indictment, imprisonment, and fine. . A penon selling out of this date,' will bir rest when nitre state, and also tb by held as e witness against those he bought of or sold All Orders addressed to the proprietor willbri respond ed to. Get • pamphlet of the Agent and see what wonder. are accomplished by the use of Ifni medis!iies. Sold by respectable dealers erally in the United Shies and C 2113011. For sale b% HUSTON & PCRTER,Towanda, E.D. Wells. Lawrenceville, Edwin Dynt,Cossington„ Abel Turrell, Monroe.• Pomp & IGirgy. Eastern. Lewis Smith & Co., Allentown, H. B. Wan, South Easton. Oct. 15th 1848. n2o.y 1. - TOIN ERIS TOOLS.—A good mmutnient o Bead. 61 Moulding and Bench PLANES. grooving plows and other Joiner's Teets, jumreceived from the man-. factory, and for sale low by 0. D. BARTLETT r , RINTS, a largo assortment of prints, from 4 to 12 1- 1-2 as. inot,reerivegi at ME RC P LOVER A.:IID TIMOTHY ISE.Etf; lot sale .1 ap2o MiaRCUR6'. BKll.l*. efts hour Omit libitum Sielimic /Wein/ IItT . day in We ed meditioe ex -4 thappbeteof ifulnain ; sod relay ar add ng to the long testi:4lM" of triumphs. I we*. Bel al r linnet amestally fully meeting. Ant! For mune Fit!, *leaky ham %tied, inliely Ibr facilities of sup thia M a reismdy ! diem pills base their way into the • comma of ,she