_ • Corotos bO v_Waxy TO es Annsinto.-4106. Col. Tache, an i "flitentiai Crinedian Unit below Que bec, replied to Borne retualiutin.theflagielmitre. Fiencil, • tew dire shyer this " the n err i t population 'Wished kir &Vexation . 11180 were pro ud - ortheircoinectionir Englimitb if ever emits arose toad for the atetictothinennit; nymen in the rawer , it would .he *ow dia ',stratm!' t he agemalAnnsurition wcashl lie fired by the Fter a Ctim disseer Lel.ertqleiliht. It had bees said the Pelmet Gamtetteeill Were pow eriesi ; but be must say dm if they afpeired.so fold their arms and look silently on, such was not the c ase • for die course they lad pormettwthe usloptai•ia Wrier to sore the classes ofbioaL- They l atf made a call ma the country, and the Government had at their command 15,000 in one- 30 , 000 in anoth er, and 50 a l over }'ewer a, both of the French and Irish ; and although these- men were wady at the salt of Government, let they had "Won thew part, broken a puns of glass, notwithstanding the acts committed by the opposite party. Some of their friends thought tit would be necessary - Wean for their assistance; bu governorGenend was pp r osed to tins, because they had the British=the 4 rallant British—Army to defend the country, the men composing which were alwa y s found to obeey the commands of their superior officers. Was the Government then to blame to keepiry, back, when the cause of their doing so was to avoid bloodshed?' C i noi L ERA rr W WWI PENIII7LVANIUL-•—ThO Beaver Argus denies the existence of cholera at that place, but says; 4 , Cases have certainly occurred upon the boats arriving from 'Mississippi ports ; but we have yet to learn that there has been any cOmmunicatioti of the disease to resident citizens at any point higher up than Cincinnati. On the 24th ult., the Brilliant brought up a man from that city, who was landed ins a dying state, and snbsequently buried. On Sat urday, the Beacon passed up with several cases on board, having also buried several on the upward trip ; but the report circulating rapidly in Pittsburg, caused great alarm, she was driven from the wharf, and returned to Beaver, withene or two dead boil ies on board. The disease is on the increase be low, and all the boats from that quarter will have mote or less of it aboard." AN IM*ORTANT eASIC DECIDED.—The Mil of the commonwealth against the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, to recover 575,000, the amount of taxes upon dividends, .bas been determined in fa vor of the - Company. The g rounds assumed by the defence were that the State of Pennsylvania had' a not the power to tax dvidends declared by a company incorporated by a sister State although a portion of the works may be located in the State so taxing, as that would be an infrigement'of a compact between the States—a principle tested by the verdict. THE COUNTRY Paes.s.—A city contemporary, Neal's Saturday Gazette, has the following just re• mark which we commend to the attention of all : "Take your county paper, by all Means, and do not allow the Gazette to interfere with it. There are none of you who are not able to subscribe S 2 tar a local journal, and $2 for a good city weekly, nor do we see how you can do withoutMther. The one gives you county and State intelftence; the other general news and literature. It is a mistake for you to neglect your local editors for those who live in great cities." INGSMOVE.—E. H. Howard, late Postmaster at Sheboygan. Wisconsin, has started for California in a boat wagon of his own construction. The bok of the wagon is.a boat. set on steel springs, the whole of which is coveted with oilcloth, sr. tiling a very comfortable house. The establishment is so arrang ed that, upon reaching a river the running gears of the wag on can be unsipped n a lets mi,.utes, and taken a board the boat while crossing the stream. iq decidedly the best overland outfit we have noticed. Sin FROM UNDER.—Sundry meetings have been held, in Florida, threatening to dissolve the Union, and pledging aupport to South Carolina as leader of the enterprise, if Congress should legislate on the su . ect of Slavery. Florida contains seven thonian k i gr wn up alibi men—about as many as !night be form in the city of Rochester. So the friends of the Li on have great cause to feed— Rochester Democrat. AST EILIC.AN ENTERPRIS ' E.. -At the time the Ameri can Army lett Mexico in July last, not a single cit izen's house existed in Brownsville, , (the site of Fort Brown(opposite Matamoros, where now stands a lowa of 2000 inhabitants. FATALITY AMONG HORSES.—The Village Record says that several valuable horses have died within a few weeks, in West Che‘ter and its vicinity. --Mr. la want Shields lost COM a few days siciae, and the tenant on his farm in pradfont another; Mr. Lay man of West Cbeater, lost five; another died at the stable of Samuel .Gnss; Samuel W. trans al- Fri lost one. , What ; the disease is has not. been as certained. VACRY Itaarmis.am.c.--An intelligent farmer in the town of Lewiston, related some time since, a remarkable account of the cure of a fine horse which, in tbp act of ploughing, had caught his foot in a root, and torn it partially off. Re immediate. ly cleaned out the dirt, applied Merchants Gargling Oil, replaced the hoof, bandaged it up tight, soaked it occasionally with the Oil, and in two weeks be was able to use the botse. See advertisement ih this paper. kpamphletof description may, belted gratis of the agent. BLANKS! BLANKS! Cotastable% skies. iAtttatabott Examine Wu, 64 Reealpta, Examaatlonag Attaelhimeata, Maim samtatiana. Mapettratz, ipteakas Sub, Illtotata, , . Printed on superior paper, far sale at thitegtee. /armoire, a . description, printed to /trder. An Incompamble Remedy, TROXIIOIIOI Cirerovers diner or TA/' kir ibe core of Incipieit Comiutnrtion, Chronic Catarrh, lin,ric6wr Asthma , sad all the dreamee el Om respiratory es- This preparation now so extensively IlnedrisPle.gribedwilb crest success by the Medical acuity in the many Pulmonary Complaints, which are so peculiarly prevalent is this emmtry, and *lush annually harry then thIVA . 11•114111 in the .. . .. To public speakers. the Compound ' Syrup of T ar M - Isle, soothing irritation, streagtheamg sbe VOlia and enuring any predisposition k t trmeasetirt tbellmigt- int bice.-- Sold only in Philadelphia by *MONEY it 1111CbON it the N E. corner of Pith aid Ppradelom &Mt by SULMICIIIIII. in Towanda. „ DR. SINAIfNE'II GREAT CIICOVERY. Since the discovery of Dr..Swaysors Maloahle•Modreisr, Thousands have beed restored to hoihh. who busby, or two, would stow be la the seheatOrmore ! ! ASDTHSR. LIVING -JdnlfgSes , •45 • Read wish ostonumment dip Insdettuf euke loiriaata ' 9 Y Dr. Seraynea Compound Syrup of W thl Cherry : litiu.atimeAtiii, Jan 21.1847. Dr. SwiElle—Delty lista: to yourself - idea duty I owe to sudering-Ammanity - , I cheerfully , smeary testimony, and declare to the world the most anonsehing elleeWand the gme eure yam COmphund Syrup of W INS %evil peeformed on Me. studs" the most anfavvrebie drenistanees. . I Wes ta. ken with a tree/4M Coeds t Sldialllt Bleed, falai* the tide and Breast, which seemed to break down and enfeeble my Consomme, eis that my physician ihoadkamy can **is the power of erirrprille. lad my friends all . aans me sip to die ; but thanks*" 3rost. - and dest elects etyeer greardiseovery, I Mir (net myst.tf a wen man, and raised from a mere skeleton to as tashy end healthy. manse f bane been des yeas, and Mall be pie& loons an”afaunaten respeetiag my meek bl 4 :tai nt mressokenoe, Mechem sudeVitild WOWl~es►g, c meet. N orthern Lilkedgla Jame Patera. Cenifiewes web is the skive are neer p Needved *owl all quarters of the phibe. ONE WOROOPEAVTION, Since the intrededoe of my tole% th e pehagi'lliage a anntber of teiptistelpiediadieidesie pi tip sesintwir; welch they useteeoetentevisit Chirry; &Ail ea WWI "Maliiiiit " linters 1 " diitivisi aeyeaai or will dityi,* hid Ira I 11 , sad only peealeelpieepeiteNitkrefer lettedieHell Id Me riddle; witch eke bit prevedifthe pitedht.rdserdi or die 9 1060 , netwealtb or Penasylvezie. ?he eel willipserikepisettes• routine is ft washed at eipiatmeietee wish hinds. DatAl• IVIVOMMt • . • Coma otEiglisit AM Mai ma. AO*, kaus onmori Mriolti TfOraoar` bi ' IL IlLll2lm, Athens. . : 7 4 4,1AM0M - 41 a z;-.4041.-: , mass - -aum,v, • _ • ItrouLDleraiii YrOft /ilk at HATCO II O -1 14 etklai4- 04 f 114;; Ira ii., a'lo awrilwt `it abb...mdt4 r esit- a *ioinOyirlitELlXEßY ARTYg4t; obi& REMOW. 4 L - 4 14 146 ' NEW "GOODS" . T.. FOX, VITAE REMOVED so Neer Esiskillsekeeinier .ILL sof Maio awl .PbeiMenk. fises;ebrre lams be is sow opeiling slog Oldie CHEAP- MT GOODS sees, add is rovinumis. Deo% emomid see thew se In: is sell deem . 4 11 1 0._ Cub costimors eta lei boviiek. . - Teems* 14ey 14. 1819. - , • . -;~~. TAKE NOTICE ! THE booked . ** We &me si musitime.l64- 80kaad of HUSTON LADD. have boon placed in my hinds for aettlement,lare instrooted to say. that prompt attention on the part of &bum will save them COST. , D. VANUEROXII*, J. P. Towanda, May 14, 18411. OPERATIONS . ON's THE TEETH'!` T N. SUMNER, M. D. will bast Towanda. on or 4. before the 24th inst., for o,profratkoal Tisk mod can be Round at Stephens' Hotel. Mien wishing hie asevices, bad batter pee hie sad', Are his etas .onst of wressaity be abort. . • - . . Du& bee weehrod- the sally. of the PENN'A MUTUAL LIVE INSURANCE CO. of Pitillodolphis.. He bas likewise been appointed mew ter the Philarra HEALTIVINSURANCE CO. and is prepared to eifeetioneranoes in either Of the Atbries inentutiona. BRIGS DE' MBE emend weifenani Companies of Wadden. Corn. ty belonging to the lot 2d id aed4th Yahwism Batalion's are busby notified to meet at their meat piece of meeting en Monday the 4th gas of Joie net, wad *lees one peruse -for 'Brigadier (Mural and see parsec for Brigade Importer of the—Brigade lath Di vision P. M. and &see. person for Lieut. Cassel and one penes for Major far the 144-2 d and •al Vol. Bay talions and one paean for Liest.CoL as penes far la Maki end sot person for 21 Major in the 4th Vol. brushes of Bradford County. ne deetilin will be eendoeted slid rehires ends in *montane with the Llth !noise of the Militia Law of 18411. The Gemini end geld officers sleeted 3111 'bag* deg of June together with the commissioned .adliamrs of the several uniformed companies of Bradford County meet at the Court House in Towesda on Monday the 2d day of July Mil and sleet one Major General of the lath Division composed of the comities ottliallirimalßregford and Tipp. W. B. BARTON. Investor 2d-Brig. 9th Div. P. M. Brig. Inspectors Mice Ease emithield May 10th 1849. Bcction 13. net ell the unilkirm companies that shall be organized on or before the first Mondasof Jane, one thousand eight hundred and limy-nine. shall meet at their usual place of meeting, on mid int Monday of Jane, and on the 61114 Monday of June in every live years thereafter. and an election shall be held , in each company for one brigadier general, and one brigade inspector for each brigade ;also for such field officers as the battalion in regiment to which each cosi:pen, may be attached shall be entitled to; the captain or com manding officer of each company shall superintend Bird election, and take to his assistance one or more user ben who shall be severally sworn or affirmed to con duct said election fairly and impartially, and make • true and correct return theme!, end when the said dee rim shall have been closed and the votes wonted. the said superintendent sad his assistants shall make out duplicate returns of the male, to he siened by them, stat ing the number of votes given breech mason for the dif kivnt offices voted for, for the battalion or regiment. es well as the brigadier general and brigadeinspectee; one of said mynas the said superintendent or each imp. pany Omni:sass to be lid with the papers of the company, and tie other he shall within ten days them atic/ de.iver or cause to he delivered to the brigades in spector then in caminimion, who shell open sod east up theses,. and shall make oist-cme genera! Islam of the election of each officer hewing the highest member of votes, and having certified and, signed the some. alhall &abseil!. transmit thcsaine„ti the necrology of thiscom monweal h : and the said brigade inspector shall imme diately cause a written nisi& rie and notice to *given to each of said persons of bin election. end the returns of the election from ram company nneived -by paid brigade inspector shall be filed and preserved in his at Gee. sod subject to the horstion of any.psgoe interne. std who may wish to examine the same. Elmira and' affalo - Line. c. 7 as 7 ATot lIIUFFALAJ, every Wail otitis the poses is the folloviieg ether: Leave Cerithsg. ..... ..Teesdais, et 10 eekat. A. M. Leave Coming Wedeln/hays, et Steeled, P. M. Leave Havanna Taenalays, P. M. Tow Down Seneca Lake on Friday. tanditiag at Big Stream, &nary, Lodi, Dresden, win fisarre, Watevloo and Seneca Falk, onSanin4y.,:. Leave BOW" *Elmira and Contisgornay elotway ' Morning. Leave Rochester every Maeda morning. BOAT CORNING, M. Trnas. Carr. R. P. Feasts, BOAT BUFFALO Car?. Z. A. Casts, Frolieigbt or Passage apply ke" the Captains en board, owed the Mowing Agents: W. M. Mallory. Canting. Plial lc Nally, Geodes. B.Strseg Sit Ce. Elmira Halting" Ai Vield, do . J. Winterentie. Hone b S. Miller; Element fedi& ' S. S. Hilmar', Theranne. L. Sown* MosteranniL• G.Towirseestbig R. L. IFielt."Raellesier. '• Woodworth & Poet. Lodi. Milea &Wheeler, Solralit. Gay & Sweet. Mania°. April IS, 11149. • N 0 Tte E. - - Nl l : 1 9z, lieriby 109 11 isstsk•wiN !wormed s.ierentury it& Lw kra ashiciiptian tni tbit capital stock of " the Towanda creek !plink Road Company" as Thursday this 24thrlaisif May hist, at the arm of W. Elwell Esq.. in the Borough of Towanda. C.L. Ward. WO. Elwell,' J. C. Adites;',.. F—Msans, A. L. graiiiner-- Horace Milky, . r ; „Albert G: Pickard. Jahn W. Griffin.‘„,....r.: , *) May Ist. 1849. r FMB Collectors of diannend laarnsiiiy• in Hadrian! L.L Canaty,nai away. anatomised .ta sakara *dna danatlapar ant. Iran asin3tof flume Tama plena irdna buds far calltakto, wise lam in& eidnalair atoll pay Ida ar Welkin sad Canty awn in WI, on or Wangle Illikday of..lari twit vied*, soma ea altideebed shall t. illowal thee in iltsiCaat tisaast. Tiff boatavar. be paid toy. dui Cal. Tammy arse below-die lid day at hiy,lll4,lk. By Order of the Caanissionant. Coal 21.7813ELL.4.Clesiti Conunissioner'nOtilin, Towanda. ApriV 11149., Corairm,‘ Elmira jiad .e. rPHIB Gee raaiinialrioi,finowilaftili. every week, will be prepared as sad Air las orokill of a "- Italia, cetera* their rid areterasee 'sad ibi *Vie ~ray" with Port, Floii'C6eeir. Maeltinaw. Whire risi6urd Treat, rtirkei, Bacon sad Is (sat aq ad#l IS Prevision Nee. ' N. IL This Gee is elaseetwil with • forge easel& awe lroursi.la 41i4r ts.itOrdNiKeiriel tbsiibiiilitia will mats* awls to laraish Pp* Weis wadi shilmr. than they ear bit obtakeelt lam ea ohm aerkee. 'Refer to 8. B. *knee* G , jra - 111 i 11!rin . Mgrs. or to Copt. ea bawd. Sotluid. :86e. Ship Reviotedt iturroL & MUTH. him me • vo . dime lljap AJ Arrow tM limmao k hot isms atiostiisichis hoo doo, hi the New icespini 1 141.4 1 401 11 , Midge( Elairs; sae dam ,00rdi of .Ibiikito-111aposam ehrporliele lbw will Uphold to sirdr r oir esimows._ ""Tiirliihi Way' 1,18411: .t • - ir y -- - 1 0 *X allllo3ll-73)W116 ; ..4;45, TEE &MOM mils 41. _fttimorWasies' 1:ilkaw*.ii48.111114E111116111114111116,1g--- ."‘"ki.di wad Nil tame ittliflekikekis °in abdesTeOissiimirdiiiliftrusa)*** ar ms roma., maim of T0wii4)41~11411.- 2 "t 1 :: • - ILMOI.L. — lDgatila " '311=1)--• muitit---AND. MAN - MAINZER, Amu in illiTaw's TOWARD*. Timmo waived New rediewe lad New thwils it laWl . beiwg in oil lewdi pommel peelely end setraisenly w eispeed to die ealliref bar ceases'', • emerieuiden ef *eh peewee. Nay 10.'a. MIBI3 , WILLARD, .A TEA L , 'Eit of mkt impriesee will ronunanio Iba POSidat •Thlpartinent in the Toiranik Aeado. riq• on Moak), ?di. A dolling!, edam of in. Still be'- *mkt* How and 'young LAM*, Walt tbe brinthes islatrtaught in Paritaki Viessno. rim These who ore doinveiii• pieparift w lidiact Common %bands. tan receive tartitishir inatmtiona in iliirariener of Teach TERM& ' • Consniati Englidi sorter ' • " • 111,410 &mil with History and Map Drawing • %,bO - and Chemistry, ibetinie,Piaintal or ' • InteSsetaal Philosophy 4,00 Tom* by a Trench Lid, (man)• 4.011 Painibitor Drawing • 3.00 Music on ds• Piano " • 10,00 • Itaranasea.—Tbe Trustees of the Academy, aba, Hay. H. A: Riley, EH. DaviaDinnielr, Montrose. • Towanda. Miry 1843: 411101. NEW SPRING GOOOS, By the New York and Erie Railroad. BIICINOBBERY di CO.. are ow remising a laqm . and mom desirablifetoek of Good& Kash* teen purchased at lila eat reduced minim, they can - ems& decd, say to the • aims Of Bradford COiniy, that do, will sot be undersold. Their Goods' wiA posi• tivrlj be cold for cash; cheaper than they can ba bought at Owego, Elmira or Binghamton. To prom this all and examine oar goods and price.. Among ear Diy Goods may be fogad the GENTLEMEN'S DRESS woos, Soper real French. black Blue, Oliva green and beams Cloths; desirsbin Bearer, French' Doskikin„ and fancy Cassinsems; Tirade, &testis, and full 'cloth • Worsted and Silk Scam; Satin, Cashmere and a great 'misty et Vesting., plant-and plaid lininp,ahe. LADIES' DRESS GOODS Trench and Americ.sei Cloaking; Scotch, French and ,A mesiam Gingham.: French plaids) changeable, plain and plaid Alpena; Queen's Lustre plaids) Thibet Cloth, Silk -and Satin Stripes, Plaid, plain Mohair, Basket, French and Long Shawls : also pink, and blue Bonnets of the latest style, Cashmere, Hansilton, Oath. echo, Mourning, blim and whit. orange and blue, and almost every variety of English, American and French Priors, changeable Cube% black Grode Rhine, plain and plaid Silk. Silk and Cotton Velvet, cambfic Media, book, Swiss and Bishop Lawns, Brussels Lace, plain and figured Bobinetts, cotton edgings and iosertrup ; pose Silks, Gimps, Trimming Battens ; a laws moon went of rib:nods, linos cambric", ladies" needle eroded coifs, French - corms, lace capes, emb. mitts, kasha sluor'sobr, Also—Brown and bleached Sheeting, brown and bleached Rolland', bengep Cade, white,. red, mind and Salsbury Flannels, satin Corset, brown and blench. ed Jeans Canton Flannel, cotton yarns. bans, dig. In shun, slam* orrery article in the Dry Gaols line in we. HARDWARE • A tarp anvatesst seettlksy Crew the best amass. faeturers ; hen, Nails, east , and Oman eseel, Amiss & Co.'a Shwas, will: aniaseta , ersed Sawa, panel sad back 'Bsin, art, 'wrought sad brass Baits. distaff. sad drop Latches, Squires, Dividers. Chisels. Aisturs, Bees sad Bids at the bast isedity. dltanehas. Belts Garman siborr. Brittansia sad bus Table and Tao SpoessAlasillesticks, Lamps, an kinds at kicks, drills. film, tacks, &e., _ CROCKERY. Flowing blue, light do; sod whits setts to suit par• ehmers---bini *lsms, plain sad *sey article is this lies wanted. 80n AND SHOES. The lame end mat fashionable esnottment of La dies! and NW"' 'kola. Buskins end Slippereon be found 'thin side of New Yolk. Gents' end Dope Soots end Shaman grit variety, Alen a pd hot, of SOLE LEATHER swim d. TbS Cheepeid Groeei.ies coo be bad et • Teweniti, Ifiy' lit., lel*. B. IG 4 1 MINTOSH, DENTIST, • niniu wow MIL NOW etßtedL.J County. Pm; will abate Tweinti eel visit to TOWANDA. reaseloing a week er two days, eonmeneing Ilth of Key next. Willi beloved et the Btailfeel Hold. Satisfactory nineseee ..a saillerate prices. Teeth isseyted, fns one le e whale vett, eel warreste3.le be szaested se well es rise be rleart.is the aim. The feliewieg villages will be petiefically visited r- Towanda, Athens, Troy, Laumak, Arc. leferne tics oil be gives. week ow se in edffluree, through the Reportst, and by swell edrestisersente, 0147 .• ow; AND SUMMER GOODS ! II PA C.' PAERCUR, trAVIS jbat astairrai. via N. Inimad Mira.% 1.41. asd - aar our elpealag sad allaring far ads for ea* dy pay, a "rend sesortseat of , 80111111311100013, _ at prima whidt mill make it for tie Warm of al l mid♦ imp la pay sash far Site Vim a calL Tomah, April 20,1549. • 4, teassrk""Ws,iii; rim silk. cooed ma oir aka-- e, well . P OWs. LiaWu, jpidal anitp*Osof Beis, wait! aid for .le a!' - MERPUIM el A E4B—A good assoutsoot of Wes sal Ws mope, lkies 421 wogs op, for We EV- MEROITIV. Ito 0 1 0 0n 11 16iipsiortimiat 4ressiik4 arm. asa Thong% intentr. Iwo WM% Pail, Cabo% N SWABIA lea liiiMak sm. & „Also. wreaths awl latcro, far set at a spit° MERCURS'.. rt IL8! 4311.8!—Liumio sod Limed Oil. %qui - tildes LIP reit pimAtimei„ for W "' 'e at - 1111ERCUREN' MAILS AND SPIKES-4. 6,11. 10, 20, 30, sad 1.11 401 Neils, sad 4, 44„ 54 ism* Spikes, for isle rite poomkkis M team ; .- f'. : 4IEERCIJRd'. Air sale et C UIVIII A ," r / Prq- l'egnatkiteuiter.. rtIAITHIIi-Cassisenni.-19•mits aid Vestiums: • so k, dal ;jut •rasimi eel ter eels right-, K- ' • MICROURtit' • mean cUrrattio,LA *le Wominit . . 1 3 10 eds "willies . ISt *Ye Plietbor MeV* iSi 'Ming Pea Poe !Ph it • tin :MEACURC. IMPERIAL, Yaw ifyiNiii; Wiwi' SIM sal ft& 1. r_. of selisiter, levar.: for isle at *Withal la feakeei a the 'wide: it ' ' - ''llllERCUltir.' TUlikik GOODS, .Laolisa esa Isola rid ;siiimetamest of tine% terips,•eisibrishwallie.:lll". 404 101111,,; ,„ . .14111C171111!: 01111 ARASOLO obi hoiblebo t i WV' stoat: . ' gese INisiisishis mid Am* at - 1111201188% - 4 - is 1) - rl7B "" 4 "1" . .....,-111;i4:044,nslooti_ svii.lNG.Legistestliseile-sad Lavuesomeg Iraskwillassedasibiaiii•lialbs4 wavenisly deseIpfeJUCIOLIL - 111121U-v-w - esam emowmii=:ftp 5 11 ii bairiansosa his es:llbstiessi mass stille fhb& erplariV sesupiAl by - Semis MIL use, toed Lbws*, Itlisd -up las ales% bur . , mike is Isis tent sussimus s lamp sismird EST= MC 2111111=1311193 MEM' UM Ur i & PAM_ 11111ew Weeks warrillariut nibs 111104 hog INK taniselL Ist. . - Heir spat few seat of .tbli voluble POPULAR MEDICINEB of dowdily, which caw be purchased el blot with a certaiary of pnicarisig esawas swirls,. • He is ides seem ler the CANTON TEA COM PANY of New Yettorbses Taw hers awshred • wide spread espeestieu is eirsubseasse and drew hew pries. As ezesibudies of hie stack to which be invitee the attends, al the public,• will said, every we Wit it has. brat minted with a view el primulas thetas sad meet desirabl, articles, sad purchased et the lowed Male Towanda, May t, 1849. * NEW 43900 S AT THE . CENTRAL STORE! NILIVLat 41wv. • awort ei t s t e Ll. • A7l. WINTER GOODS, whieli will be sold et wry low rtes. Badness at We rwablislunent reachwied epee fair and beset prim:irks. Yoe here war der* for pew favors and we bops for e ameisewiee‘ et Wrens* Millman Wend is 'indeed. Cheep. Towanda, Dec. 4, 1848. N. N. BETTS. enaICAS A 3M0.3110.11 HE oebeenler still ermotiwore . mow to ersoufeetose tied keep on bend 11 . 1 1 at the aid ruled of Teetkias sad kinkiness. WI kit& of awe sad weed met CHAIRS; and SET TEEB of variotwitierle. it BED. STEADS of tom arsaiptiors. which I will sell low for mob or Produce. or Pile er Chewy Lumber. or el air plonk. will be received for work. TURNING dose to onks is the metes weer. CABINET WORK, make sod kept on hand. anode to eoler. in. the best saance. - JAMES KA It MON. Tnwerole, lonnery 4. Mt STOVES, STOVES ! INET-MON MANUFACTORY TN Nontanyze New Block, rbove Mercers'. art the south side of the public mews, to better earantsgr, perhaps, than at soy other place in or out of Bradford C. D. C. HALL respectfully inkrms hie friends atid the bbe, that be has now for sale et his NSW STORE. a getters) and tholes amortment of STOVES, of all sizes end patents. which be is prepared to sell at whole sale or retail. or watesige for weeny product upon the mast aczooreodating terms. Aslant hi. eta& are the Air tight Complefe, (all sizes), ! Barad's Air tight, Rough and Reidy do, Beralecmg fire du., Bgaibb oily ixta JO, Cash. dR. Y. d0. 41 = ' se, hot au MOS T oath 'Vary foe, Premiere Sloan, No. 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, of the ow* unproved patterns ; .der tight Naar SW*, all 'Ma j • Six picaes,• a ll sizes ; linseed Swim, melleatartickfor offices, toreros, alarm, *C.; Radiator Parlor. stoves; key stone patent stoves ; all sizes Band box state, +t.. 4,000 tbs. of Russia and American STOVZ-PITE, ready-made; also, Brio sad Copper Emden of ,anima patients. together with • general aseartment of Bram and Copper Ware. NVIVAIL1111.113:14. 500 Lod Vibe, with i &obit amortient of 007 attiele hi the Tin Ware line, to width the etteattoe of Kettbants; Pedlars, notifies and Hoisskeepers nese. rally is invited. irr Ma highest wiee will be paid for old media (slipper kid brass. Grain. Turkeys, ebieliens. and ail Minds of o t eitetableprodoee wilt be reetiVed in pay ment' for Stove% Tinware, &e. nit stoves, sbeetisoo, eerier and thimble. his ersset asent is amsolosi. He stem hi. thinks MAW old eswitiows, to whom, area tbe rib& hi 111SilIPS titian ni Oih him a 'eel titan Weiebriisor *humbugs; Vistist asiotallethitett twasedise HAMM sew& side of the Podolia Nem. in Meatenyee Meek. Town* Dee. lb. 15411. P.C.HALL It I CIT LW/MA te.Ciatinialnro TUM NEXT TERM trill titans. MONDAY, MAY Ile. F. W. GUNN. Priseiptl. NOTICE!.. rpm pniebessumo ants of ADDISON WKEAN .L sot let with N KEELER. at Thumb. *wael• Smoot awl animism Tams iodated ,ass voqueotod M ell wpm bits. sad pay the mom Homan ly be lima stilts Pnokosiotuy's taw April tS, Is4l. ADDISON WILEAN. • 111UME13111171117 SPRING COODS! First Arrival 11-N.1..k IL Railroad. ETi FOX is *or re cei v i ng • war sir* of speirsi . GOODS; villa Will los sell as wool chaffer tiwat asy,otber phis is tows. riesssiall sad As. s('‘ ' spits No.t, Brut Raw: UREA TEAS, warraramal semi; or dm we, re -1 tamed ; aka, ilegrra, (wifTiy firrayand Lamp ail. cheap as /mar. at spit Fora cow sain ~Ram Ilseasseas's °Mites, Harrisburg. April 116'49. To Ms Camanissimers ofAvii/Lresintir r • ass :cum t•-. 4 -paresestem. et tits thilftpare, Jetties etas met, sodded • Au Aet fir dim atialstias mai eert- Assigns eta systems atettecatisa by Conseil aelaels," pasted the Tit Amy at April,• 1843. 1 trsamatit tit y.. .s dalmmt of lie amessat Wadi overyAlis• trist ia year county is retitled. set of .the atutaid rit prepriati'sa at 200,000, for the year 1830, as fellow.: Adieus 73 50 • 134 40 Athens towasidi 145 74 is wi t so *847; ' n 'neat -71 Argyle* „ - 44 , Muftis 37 30 41101 35 Bowline". 'l3ll 66 Creak 47 04 Calsembia la' 44 ' 74 34 Cameo - 113 40 Taurus& N 12 Darsit , - • • =- 93 Ili ,ray kept 'f '4ll 40 Ftsokfia t• .-• 57 64 •tp • • • • -11/ 68 • - • $7 34 Übmsr - 1 ‘• 79 1111 Hanish • 87 lityses .• 118 itatthimbl •-• • - 0-1111'118'Welle • ' •5$ 3$ La c y d..,111111 , 11 Wyslaslas-- ..:141.70 Means • • 115 Went •, 186 89 Oterell • , • 113 641 1 111riadbara 101:21 EFiiiiii R TOWNISEMYNAINSIL V l "' • df IMO - 'llll/11WOliD COUNTY 1111111mobis reify the ilmove'libe toskismi - 'esffset 'egg et do Orisiimi ‘0.:11.11X11111UMMOCIIIIell. • Calmissimme aim Tommeis. 116*1. 11111111. PARTICULAR NOTCE. Alii•finsas ledldortio%lielkllMlLAANk i ssee 11 Irembrkkty mosiiiiitairr-pqamset but& by Mr inn a, dials mat.. the,lisomik -gat. Pa ii mimed sollsoills.Agiviespaill to 1-llnaL Sly-11M * C0..4 Ma ARE FOR WORM ! ! Vain! TIM CAN I 0 T D.C. HALL'S, ye, Tie, Copper, 11111 73 SEM Wi2M BRADMIO NOM. salitioulumw xarmi "db: primmicigiaamek*A. Ja. rod theyttidie, that, Wise spill weaned the les . aageorreet.„his eM Gild wall keeiror HOTEL, ea .ihe with deb of dePellie Brew% while ii ea* eirlese its *Writ rear reereated owl deed op edit es eye rim* se die etrefort mei werter wrae et iarpoweee.. He is leosveriteal er thesis hio magi fled auweiwo se the reariectiW g of doh: BOTBILowed he me some hia - old Moeda ondlhe petolielhat they will limp 6d thearehroe heats" at the Bradford Bela Mr BAR awl TAUS obeli be 'applied with the rep hew the ariotet eireia, , . A ahem of pehhe p triteawrie eoheit4:. Tetrads. April, !S4L OLD pimp STORE, atiroarrt Noma -MON ?ORIEL Tips lhave.isleapiee. mai saisaallaasoaa Melt; mare eamplassilia soy- fared is lbia madam at Oa.- ity.rmy ..ticlp Mirk* bum arlaial Wish rim we dy Datiaribarlai is wow. will wow la afails thy paidiedamigi ea as la gladiapad okra Plsysieleas:arba natal eaawased rrasiaalaer stock ion depend epos all militia , ' tlarY wish le mad for. la 'Midas Is *asantimana of Drier endliedicimo thoi Die:StioP, Pasaifiy Gracerter Li r/ors of ell Rads. Perfumer', Fisio Gawk; "Mt" snick.. Patent Medicine& 4e. Having Woe appointed agent Rw more all thi genu ine Pepsis? 'Weld Medicine,. we emerethe pabaerwr wiu met ewer any tbat are counterfeit. ea we will not or swept an agroey front times ageeelatons, turtioN Wit imitations impose epos the ecreettriti th • emit ism Drop. • . • : o areoent of the greet Wigwams to the geblie and ebateetet or Physicians. , that pore unadulterated meal tiara Amid be,adasinbto ed. it will, we belle, iPaeow'wil —Pbyerriane or not Physician—to neake-ibeit Amiss at No. l, Briek Row. "Golds well Bought. are half -Solar' - D. BARTLETT, ' T pow opening a liege Week and astonstre cohered tiOODS. selected with the creeteot Vie: indlaniglit ender greet Woomera iw the chino of New Ifvolt and Phibrdelpitio- 6 4oking 'deanery of the favorable condi tion of bulb saarkete—tual bowing in - view abe _moan above. boo op bought that-he can end will melt me as fo notable maw at the ant, ma will endeavor to show to annatanity the advontage of baying from dam who bay 'Tesitonde. May , z.saearac.} , tot.satreg. Cinaptetion of the North Brava Canal ! BRISTOL & 'SMITH • HAVINO famed a eo4antnerehig he, the iementee .l.l. tire of BOOTS * 80068,. at Ai*. AI , stead three Joon potered itridee at. would neepoettelly inform theirfriends andltbe ',Odic. that they will Carey On the hominess in all he brenebee—keep on headland make to seder. awnythift in their line in the neatessmanneined is•their lateatstyle. Beleiting that they an do N.: food et better Week than can he had elneaben they would any to their wish ing good ar#lntbeir line to give them seall,asidtheY shell be at ' , Repairiot dons as aieit Cr Praises of all kinds taken fat work. Hides wanted in exchange far Boots sad Shoes and Leather. Towanda Dec. 14..18 tol. • _IL ix 8.. TAKE NOTICE! A LI. permeate indebted to tbe embaetibar. either by Cl mote or book weasel. met settle the sem by tbe tat day of hate stet, or costa wilt be mode without ow aped to persons. • - frh2ll E.. T. rox. THE GREAT ENOUSH REMEDY THE col 7 original rod genuine article for the one of Heaves andothrs eorephinte ado reprinter, matrons sod derangement of the dirigistive fenetiens in the Hone, is Kirlibride's TATTERBALVB HEAVE POWDEE4. It is wareeeted M bei perietly safe in ems. wiU aM ieessonlenee the easel re injure, even it he has diseires: hi. IWO 41. 'Hoesthee lost efib. iiifili.ns which are bails rioregh ems the eaweary.. baker pet rap a mots brew paw& sedieleirt as care en erdioary oft elbow's, rod to ed• raierrer in •• deem eon of eeldosturil. This remedy has acquired a standing never before Mashie' by any hose intilieine, and in feet we knew Oregon owlielne• that has moire& as Oath eninnieo litho eensiderior the thee it has herd established in die eoentry. More don 500 verbal and mien Ws& Noble have winnterily been tendered es OREAr SPRING PURIFIER. The Hems Powder, gime man doses, will be hued mat Nebel at that onsoa.. They stimulate the skin 'to east off the wiz hair and :purism no w; they Immo the hideqii a giseey appesta N ts* the am, protect opine ; tiny also. for their Eno alterative and semoratiu4ete, purify the blood and mien*: the system. 111 horses require et this • ma somas meek so any or 110 beam reel, .whe had n pre panties ofillareaparilis Morel to mired the "Metal state etas Ileide. Widest to the ehangi of wades% which in the sprint affects all animal as well as seg♦ testa life: In short. most of the dhows" hones are mliat to, them poothes are the cheapest and hest, sod firr all the mimosa of a MINERAL CONDITION MEDICINE. One peekaire of taihnisimorwl le • horse set et candi d." will do OBOCIMiIi improve hie Seth and apposnmee them fn bushels et arra or ate—thia• Ma lama WNW a headral times. Ts timed whit stay Wavered to &Mt tbs.' cicalae diawy.elleey al ebie riiw ws Will 41110. • the M iming gospel' of sit Otis h..* if ear qiewee tee Mee me MO. X CY READ M. O. S. no, if•ft , aw. °mei* amity, :amities to • pirmeitesteere of Heaves by sus plans:, • Mr. Alebbir. af Dasbary, Ct., eartillek Wa. arne Hewn" es s &wait. Hank sea wry. ha would wit be whim*** Taitiaamta • Hem Pandies SW brit if it. east hie On. Dollars week is keep • supply. t Mr. MIL A. Neal. or eiliktg illaba.wr; liter to our passions wow writ ' " I tiara $ illastila bone that wass* wieerali Wee siteitb Iliawiteed violist amegbiat tialt I bail will aisit 16i ,biw.'.l moil his bin byes* plebe alibi Tab. isnalle: Maw Pro-hr." Mr. 000.)C DilViS. of Meerer, N.l. mei I Ilene of laiee,s.4 wetriate lie soelid. yilefeeellielhemt. East Remeps fed. 1.. T. Edifierd II*" Clyde. N. IT.llr. GLargef.lliddlibuty. Mr. 14. Ifilem e N. V. Yore ell lemilied numulii. 111114 41 d eeid hy OsergiVit Eli 1411 Nit, Bt. N. Y, ITTRATI MlXAtiet fit Totreids., - WEEK - NY - lIIK - WAY,NOW TIPP? may sual blinks* the - appilkliii4 - withow .5.4 Awry le,_leastafia fs.b.Jaeylasaierists teudimg ne• via, any 'pa awl. e. pry me debts of lie eamaimissOr.' ' • Alttaiajatan 1114 L ORWELLIWAICIIIIIMIL Dim* olla & .aiss Mild* by - the *elk et No. S. D. R.. PDX'S. TOMES TOOLeda.A., asisdeseltof w. .1 llwiii sill Bomb KAMP: reogiatilkilft adailieridliseitislijilt maim& Ale Ibi ilmilsmasilir Ear isx!, by •A. D. 111111Thinrif- SUNDAY "CHM. BOOM" 30000 L il .wa b hi 3 r 44 i asim lhise. mid iDahrohma. ; 5, • , u m itornivrows-NoTicE. A-/2 I rt=1 1 t ;1 i s 7.4 e • sal orTiiibeiiii . -iiislastfisish- Wasti,.•*Bat esti imiksjiol6oiinhwirk: p. 45- ailwareT,simig. ': 4 AMF 011 4 111 •-i; 4I- 4 z : :: 4' rn14104 , 7 • ,• . Mablearinft EESI AD.l4ll9§l:l{o9wo—soTlCE. A Li:mina igidebl4,looo,_.as,iSie-CHAIIIIAS r CoRBIO w owe we 010. pool bent, y #4lositeit ti= nisteloyiwifit iiiflnd *toy, sod thin* Miriam ebimorrgoinor oat rollott 'Filipinos per arse dim drily sothermiatod for oruirourst. _ .101011111.1KMElf,7 -- Warne. Apr, I !OHL - Ex EC U talt'S NO*ICL , '-÷" - Al,l, prams ifsdadoediadat nitaiiif CASIP BELL, deemed. late di •• b"reby. rryseeird hs , nabs papoose ik.N.4 birdairchlkibt whist said male *HI plies/ josa seat doss • mon,wr umktrarxi,i• • . , . • • ANSON CAIIMBIL '" ILVWL:DANIDSON. LitrhMj, April t 14. 1849. Zll.lWers. - ADM INISilt &TOWS NOTICE. iirkbled to thei mate set Chefileplier 0.,. ichel, 4 desesed, late of Speis s feelduersollei lk see hereby ,ie gr eseed to sulks perms' tekheetAtit7. ereCtlies elaliost aches itlirPisre purest deem delp-settr stiertett ter wairewpat - . • • GEORGE:J.. :NICAOLI% 241: 1849. 46w.- A• , f. 11:11.)103 wricg, - A LL Persons Weill to the ttotati;id.ool4llll6Y deeesoeik his of gams towarhip, as *wetly toviissied to make • ppy gwat wittiest delay, sad 'thaw baikiirelehes• weal( isid sass will phew pro ••at theme that 11.1*Itiestal far • - Ritmo, Maw 71=1" VT7907, Sato. . . G. W. MherelaimPe Celebrated CARCUNt 01 L Iblek Is also a Ultima! Foully ralootalloo for • Nunes of lk Nasal pyre. MERE and experienee'have folly proved that that th is UNIVFIJIAL REMEDY has not not lte meal • on the list "of pope* medicine, havinf Wen mese don 14 yeses before the public. ' Testimony at the most ,disiatemeted &aside, of Its wonderful eke= us the animal nounanty is almost dai ly tresented to the proprietor. • • • A young am in the Mem of Wilennothose clothes were burnt of of hint, was resumed without anteries) by Mt timely unci a l the Oil. Nwaeehru are the =solicited stideaments Of patients themselves, end ethers who have used the Oil. of ewes which in thentsabses appear temethshle. *se they rat all interested is a psessairry point...thief amid Imlay have bees audited. - • The following dims= are seem many ethent in the cute of which this Oil be. hem completely toaceeefful and in which' others had entirely Wed:— Spew= Sweeney, Bingham. Windgalls. Polttvil, lams. Cracked Heels. Ostia of Lognoeu. Freda Wwwrio. ISMiirm. Devises. Sand Cesclie, Foundered Feet, Sevatithea.-or Om= Mang. Rime. nudism. Bites of Animile, Emma! Poise= Painful Nervou's Affectigiu, From Bites, Boils, Coins, Whit: lows. Bums and Scalds, Chilblains, gulped hawk. Cramp, Contractions at the Nosekl;,Swellings, Weakness/04Se Joints, Caked Breasts, Ike. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS : , Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and be sue the ammo ofthe Sale Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT. LOCKPORT. N. Y., is blown ks the aided thit be. tie, or hi his hand writing over the cork. Don't 100 pemeaded to take any thing else with the premise it is just-as geed. &e., &e. • This is mactimed by theme me principled dealers whom conscience will Metal An Lulls R. blur, sod who are- of a kindred quirk, it drop in oar large cities. whose seheisne penetiewhave so se mi* lows•exposed in the iction of Cot *Mu. , Those who mien= to Conntrfeit this =ids see wt. (maim the law of New Yolk. of Nap 1645. by it will he asen thatevery peter meddling_ Jo the comemsfeits is subject to lodicumue,:impliMisent, and Apse.m selling out' of this state. will be liable Mee r= when in the slam and ales tai be held ve a wines mai= those he bought dor sold - for. - All Ord= addition,. to On propietar will beampood• al. to. Get a pamphlet gibe Anent and am wind womkra ara.amminpiisited by die sae alibis medicine. void by rentaembla &alarm parerally •in the Unified, Stites and Canada. • , Tor sale by Chamberlin & neer, Towanda, E. b. Wells. Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer. Catimiton. Abel Terrell. Illostrosr, Pomp It - Kinsey.. Eamon, 'Awls & Co., klientown, gash Swan. Oet. 15tY 1848. a2O t. liE LATEST ARRIVAL MORE NEW GOODS. ' we' now receiving and Opening e new wad VT pneraf warmest of Cknihrititt Itemdie latto. kw City. - end we confidently gay they ca be beet for variety, neatness of style, finality or quantity ; and they mast and .1411 he sold as love is the "me ten d~ can be bought this vide of the city.. thir ankh islag and complete. es:misting of every thingagankind wand in need of. The Week Li made Ip sf. DIY 4vieds. Gro &tries. Retailer!, Crockery. Iron and ?faits. Pah.ta, Oita, Glass, Viunialt.-ufra. Bergikidltinia: Leather. Fish. Balt, sad in feet everirding *it ii intieugatid.— Plums making rarebit., 1011 do well to call and ea wills oar stock - Wan 'parchaging, ai' era ienikirto chops for rhowintgooda. - • . Y DROOS, . A good and. damp outla W ef Alpteam i Anginas. Otegon Odds end Delsipsitt hagrAnd geed easset. mentor Chubs CasiimitekaaPellcren, , ,uric end - silk vestieins . table own as tam autos ind brown and bias llama We dab; Illelliref &anti prim and duaiptkau.: PAU robs., Meet egg, shifting. bedt.brewnewl blest* fd t .Hate and caps of-the Men styles; wine' shins anti &wren; Cart ings,.glooes end miternijiseary; say inanity *feat: toe yarn sad carpet yam, white tad , 04.44 .all which will he sold cheerer fa t . 91.1, Ulm al soy odor establiatMeal Ip late; •• • 4. , iLtArr iinitacitt Ten/reads, Noir. - NPArAIRININENT AT .11C NEW DRUG - STORE es ettalmaaj,7 _ , . ,i _, `NTT mii k. amm ie s", woos*. wi g perssmsl sussoliss 'shoal's lib WaNeiiir wit ads" Dessies sspssiiiisk saws skill sia • - is playsie. sew soils vssiists.j. jyl4l , WM' • TER l I _ _ DM HUSTON. lir tHYSICIANI_ , AND , .410Ng , Mgt.& *IO4.IIIIIICIC Mir %sr Anse be -M-4 Pi*eagle • MIL , s:XAa.*s;*, MEI