Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 02, 1849, Image 3

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    • lartirrarrice , V B ,lV all WASV
Theis Ziarlilla • •
Will visa Toe er:ids monthly, km the purpose of famishing the.
(leap relliegtionsofilse diryire to.thcLi . :lbriatititt , !44,
sno .boat the 12th ofAlety. , ..
Ile i,, p r epared to procure any worktleore& ortsherrtmipOi •
amt other bound books, fuslosired at 11/ per rr . 'lttlida'•;rootilhi 7
** a cu te prier. • 'Z/•g
cons i a ble.a %airS. 4114164 - 101 1112.411.1104.111
16 Reeelptsi
Attoelieni Daft
em ssons,
sabliemas,mr,..:l4o4,:: ”
Frattedon Ruperwr Pa. . 10. 4 1 . .11thip office. them*. e t of
errqdcecn I,_.
. .
.Iml all dieCose.v of the Lungs,curally Dr.Secasjsei
• Compound Syrup If Wi&i: Cherry.
l'bilstlelphistitlspt. %DM. '
Pr ii SW 4T C12...171011' Sir —Flaring. seen the astonishing
e ertormml on Me Thomas, by your Compound grim of
Wad Cherry. I was induced a try it on myself. .1 was Wien
~h a yokel cough. spitting of blood ; shorettess of breathmi
,„goher sv:th r•olent attacks of asthma :I had over fora livery
tom exemon which i wee not able 10 preform. which pnistia
k,l tee emnent to a great extent. I .eommeneed the use at
our Component Syrup - of Wild Cherry. which gave me almost
mem:raw relief. and 1 am glad to give my testinxusy to all
at., one be afflicted in a simiinir way. It will be well to S.,
that the s ignature of Dr. H. Swuytie is on tech bottle of Wild
tlerry• • W3l.macre.
nth st • 2 doors from the corner of Willow.
• B e ware of the worthless ...Balsams'," *Bitters." uSyrape,, ,
A,. as they contain noon of the virtues of the original prepare-
The original and only genuine article is prepared by Dr
Swarne, corner of Debit' mid Race streets, Philadelphia, and
for sale by 'Agents m nll parts of the DOW 'States,. and some
parts of &ant*. 'S old by Hasson It Porter, Towarsla And
be C. H. Iferriell, Athens.
Thwrosn's thnspound Syrup of Tar and Wood . Nap.
tiw will cure Consumption.
This excellent medicine has fully established its reputation.
and all that is asked is a fair trial of it to prove rt the only cer
tain remedy for the cure of Consumption. Obstinate Coughs,
Spitting Blood, Bronchitis. Hoarseness. Loss of voter, Pain in .
lilt' Breast, in sheet, all diseases of the Throat and Lungs
VIIITIerOIII , Inthvitlnnls or the first - respectability certify to its
irtii.fie lal effects, when nothingielse .would relieve Princi
pal office. corner of PITH and SPIT LICE streets, Phila. Sold
MI X, Tosranda.
. Married,
fiv tl.r Rw. Ju%ins Foster. in Stnnme. on Tnewlny, 9ith ult
J AtXOl3lljS to Miss SUSAN WE.NCK, •ller Moir
Not' 2trocrusetnents.
14 the Ncw lork and Erie Rai!food.
KINGSBERY & CO., are now receiving a large
L. nod most desirable stock of Goods. Having been
purchased at the most reduced prices, they can confi.
dently Ray- to the citizens of Bradford County, that
they will not be undersold. Their Gaols will posi
titTly to 4 sold fur cash, cheaper than they can'be bought
nt Ciweeo, Elmira or Binghamton. To prove this call
and examine our goods and prices. Among our Dry
Goods ma.y beTound the following:
r Super real French black, Blur, 'Olive green and
brown Clothe; dei.rable Beaver, French Doe-Skin,
and finer Cassimeres; Tweeds, Sattinets, and full
cloth , Worsted-and Silk Sergese ; Satin. Cashmere and
a groat variety of Vestings, plain 'and plaid linings,&c.
French and American Cloaking; Scotch, French and
4 merle_
n Ginghams: French plaids, changeable, plain
and plaid Alpacas,: Queen y sLustre embroidered Thihet
Cloth, Silk and Satin....Stripea, Plaid, plain /Mohair,
Basket. French' and Long Shawls : also pink, and blue
!Sonnets of the latest style, Cashmere, Ilumsitcin„Coch
echo, Mourning, blue and white orange and blue, and
a ni?st. every variety of English, American land French
Frinia, changealile Coberg, black Giville Rhine, plain
and plaid Silk, Silk' and Cotton Veliet, cambric Muslin,
boal„ Swiis avid Bishop Lawns. Brunei Lace, plain
and figured •Bobinetta. cotton edgings andinsertings;
pure Silks, Gimps, Trimming Buttons.; a large lawn
ment of ribands, linon cambric'', ladies' uee4le worked
cult./, French collars,..lace• capes, mob. mitts, brosha
ahaw a, 4-c.
Also—Brown and bleached Sheeting, brown and
bleached Holland'', hapgup Cord". white, red, mixed
and 3 stablifY riantletia, satin Corset, brown and bleach
ed Jeans Canton Flannel, cotton yarn% bens, &c.
:bort. allost every article in the Dry Gaods line in use.
A Isere, assortment- of cutlery from the hest manu
facturers ; (roe, Nails, east and German Steel, Amei
tir erose-cot:end wood Saws, panel
and herb Saws, emit, wrought and
: brass Botts , thumb
and drop Latches, Squires, Dividers, Chisel*, Augurs,
Brace and Bitta of the hest quality, Wrench", Dolts
German !silver. Drittannia nod Iron Table and -Tea
Somata; Candlemicksetatopa, all kinds of locka t skins,
Glea, 445, &c.
Flair - nig blue. light dia, and white setts to snit Fur
chaser rd patterns, plain and every article in this
line wiiited.
The•largest and "niosl fashionable assortment of La
dies' and Misses" Boots, Buskins and Slippers, to be
found this side of New York. Gents' and Dope' Boots
and Shoes in great variety,
Also a good lot of SOLE LE ITHER ontsr.d.
The Cheapest' Grateries can be had at
Towanda, May Ist, 1842, D. K. * Co.
Corning., Elmira and 'Buffalo Line.
Tl{ IS Line running direct from Buffalo every week,
L will he prepared on and atm the opening new--
igatioa.te furnish their old euatomers add thil public
eenerstly with Pork, Flour, Cheese. Mae.kinaw,. White
Fish And Trout, Whiskey. Bacon and i 6 (act all ariicles
in Provision line.
N. B. This line is connected withls large COMlnis
ism house in the City of Buffalo; and their facilities
will enable them to furnish Prowisiona.much, cheaper'
than they can be obtained from any other market.
Refer to S. B. *Strang ilc Co.,
,Thompson dc Sayre
Elmira, or to Capt. on board.
April 28, 1949. •
, .....__
fiSell TTTTT 'a Orrres, Harrisburg, April 18.'49.
Tu the Commissioner* of Biadford County i • Gin.
Tuxtla :--In pursuance of the thirty-second Section
of an net, entitled " An At foithe regulation and con
tinuance of a system of education by-Common Schools."
passedthe 7th day of April, 1849.1 herewith transmit
to you. a statement of-4he amount to whieh wretydis ,
trict in your county is entitled, out of the annual ap:
propriation of 200,000, ftir theyeartlBso; ear:follows : ..
Athens bore', $ 73'50 Ridgeberry . ... 134-40
Athens township 149 74 Sheidieguin - .- 1.38:40 .
Albany 105 (*Springfield 132 72.
Asylum 77 . 44 Smithfield -,y15 1 4.,56
A i menla 27 301Sptinghill ,-,,,,_,T:611 r 22
Burlington ' •138_ 60.15ouila.drirt7 04;
Columbia • 147 8413tsaidpiitiattiti - ' 7 , 74 34
4 „,• "1:3 nn i n
Canton 113 401Towsioda ; b,..i. 0 P . • -
Doren. - 93 66iTiojblirerf-;-'• -r----4VOO
Franklin • 57 54rTroy tp 115 92.
Uranvitto 87 .361Hster ' ' ' -: 79.89 ,
Herrick ' 67 201WYsoit - ' 66 94
Litchfield "85 68;Welle - ' ' 85 , 28
Lenny . el' ° 64 W3alemittli . - 140 79-
Nome - ' • 115 50!Wiirien 126 00
Orarell ' " ' 113 40/Windhani ' - 101 22 ,
Pike : .. , 137.1111,Towandale fill 72.
Mime ', P - # it's 0733 r V . ' ; 111 ^ b i iT `4 4*l •
Respectfully' rihrts. TOW-NSENWHAINEIikd,
&spesiatcsuftot of Common Schools.
- ~ ~ .......... t i•: c ;,.
° BRADFORD aptiNtlr i - 38:- '4
*rob, certify the
above to be's - trtie and' - eiiiritee gtipy of** 'Ongl66l
Statement, .' C. It.luesELL;ak.4,.',o , 4o:-
c,,..1.4.mi oloce, Towaniti;t44,,l, rOrk ";,- •
Boot and Shoe glitip Rilille . Tee
BRtsrol. a smirk tidy 11114
across the dreet r a fair dieetrolareelbeii Isar letwi
lion, in the 1700 m lately oeesipMi
Clothing siorii =44w - oath dviltoltiear Hems.
bop, where lay will bettleigettiablOblif Wok!, nbigiC
Towanda, Mar t r 1819, ' ""- " '
, .
14,4-4,,7 , iiiiP,ieTig ' di,4 witrittit.,
ti4Vol"low-: -'')-4-•• . IL, wil i t lr,, , , r , - , 41.. - t, tr_ i.
4 v' IFreill4Y4ifirifi'li-i':ril;fAl ti3W7sr
win:ZhiP., -
igitijr. lik,ttsi,
t.,44,•icer.•71, 67 —,n, • -•
ecrAltr , s„,4, ; . -
, . 1 ~,
...„- s t r ,- ..
-2, r.u,nbt-vv:Uriiills '. ' -
Vra l 4 eZat Ulf
1 131 . 1 1 1 1171111311 1 / 1 1711Eallnii.
'Oux.lbritnikmatieDnii/ dirth
.ure: eometrorthi Public:Nati; Isiidir'beciCiiii
Jim H. **Pi; 'and•hdvi* - fitted itii hil'iitcore. has
kttdkd to wrottioeitootiitoot t toie - ittpelf:tiv"
WIIIow ilroodeilrirriGlairnarr,sfialitirlatijr,
Fancy Goads, „Pcrtglicly;
He is agent/or-limo -vaIuabIe , POPULARI
MEDICINES of the day v erhigh can'her purchased of
hiM with a certaistywf procsringacnante' stadia. .1
He is also spot for the CANTON-TEAtAX/M
-PAN Y of Newtcork, whose 'Teas hams attained ateide
spread reputation for getnuinenesagnilAirw./ow:priesi.'
An examination of his stock, to which.heineiterthe
attention of the public, will satisfy every onartliat"it
.has been selected with.* view 'of procrwitsithdbeetaid
6ga:desirable Snicks. and :Pirclimed .t .ths k 4"
rates. Towanda. May 1;1849. - '" 4 • •
Corning Elmira and Buffalo Line;
03 C 5
0 t dit
& ELkIIRA• for BUFFALOievery week during
the season, in thefollowing order:
Leave Coining Tuesdays; at 10,tetiock. M.•
Leave Coming Wednesdays, at &o'clock;-P. M,
Leave Havanna T ursdiya, tP M.
Tow Down Seneca Lake on -Friday, touching at
Big Stream, Starkey, Lodi, Dresden, .pluming Geneva,
Waterloo anti Seamed Falls, on Saturday. • •
Leave Buffalo for Elndra and ComirtiNewrry Saturday
Morning. • Leave Rochester envy Monday morning.
BOAT CORNING; • O. A. M. TaiLoa.
BOAT ELMIRA: .. :Carr. , R. P. Fuels,
For freight or Passage apply to the Captains on
hoard, or to the following Agents:
W. M. Mallory. Corning. Price dal Holly; 'Geneve.
8. B:B:ratig & a Elmira 'HRating & Field ' , do- •
J. Wintennuit,Home heads J. Miller„ Seneca Falls.
E. 8. Hinman, Havanna. L Busted.', Monteiuma.
I. G.Townsend, hig Stream , H. L. Fish. Rochester.
Woodworth & Post, Lodi.Niles & Wheeler; Buffalo.
Gay & Sweet, Waterloo. April 12;1849.
ALL.personti indebted to the 'estate of GODFREY
NOUGHT; deceseeif, late of Wane toWnshiprare
hereby requested to makepayment Without, delay„ end
thaw having claims against said. estate will please pie
sent them duly authanleated for-settlement.
Rome, May I, 1949. • .
vunii w roue.
'MOW ornradronl County. Pi ; , :Mete a periodi
11' cal vial' to TO WAPlDA:remalaint a week or ten
days, commencing qth o 1 May next. 'Will be foOmi at
the Belt"font Hotel.
.• . .
181tisliactory references and mcalmwte prices. Teeth
inserted, from one to a wholissett, and' warranted to be
executed as well as can he dine in the cities.:
The following villages wiltlat'pi:riiidieslly'aisitetk—t.
Toviands, Athena, Troy; &e.
lion will be , viveref *VA advent*, throPgh
Reporter, and by airfoil advertisement& wp2l . '
. H. S. 81. Pit MERCUFt,..
HAVE just recei4redl, via N. Y. and Erie Railhead,
end are now opening arid ;offering fora& for res.
dy pay, a genera) assortnieot,of
at prices which will matte it far tbr interest of all wish
ins to pay each for Geode, to give them
Towanda, A twit 29, 1819. " •
. . .
HATB--MoLeakin, foy,sillt,.colcaecLand rebite. Hod
ean, prod, Parama, Leghorn, pedal and puthnleif
Hata, on...imp* in 4 for oalcat & - • MEgO.URB".
ge.4 agignment. oUNIA's soil Bay's Ames,
V./ cents lip - ;: foi iallti at IitERCURir -
11011101NETE—A lanpeassetunent of Lardiesand Ilb.
1-riteallorence, patens.. laesteipatit. iPeall..R 4 burg.
Neapefium and,Leghsont lionnats.-,Alsrt. torreadisand
Gowns, for mkt at , .ap2o 414.E1PLa3.R8.
(AILS; OILS !—Lamp and linseed Odgriquantitles
to suit purefissersjirsale'st
NADA AND S'PIKES,-:4, f r ..401: 3 11. 0."11:0,46.; and
Ilk 40d ant! 4, 41. and s} : jhalaAplieg, fireside
by the pountl,,keg or ilia, at
CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEtD.. ear 'site at
a '2'o
CLOT -118, Cessimerra, tiannetts and •Vesiings,a4e
petal assortment.. jest received sad foi sale ,
at • ap2O MERCURY.
~ .
IMMEIt CLOTIONG.— A. oisornneit of SGooJs for Mens'aml Boys' Sommer Clothes. now
owning ( end for .ale at .sp2o ,JNERCURfe..
IMPERIAL, Young Hysen. flyacin Skin and Mick
Teas. of superior flavor. foiaale at pries* that will
suit judges of the ankle, at • i ij
DRMB GOODS , Ladle i can find a rich 'sentiment
of tiiues, bungee. gingirOw,musling, lawny. set,
at *P 2O ' , MERCURS'.
110111ARA80108.aod Pares°l44.. large mock. good
1 fashionalslath s %' -
T)RIN T 8 , a. large asserinitintitf prints. ham 4 to 12
1-t - eto. just rcesll444 l . ERC [TRW.
- • Vflis 51Mil
T'VVTLIKO. I.sphig skit Ito#liist Trariaiiig .
1 j 'Bitiiii.'Messurlift Ma iiiiy;tititiinltileuts;
at , coritiledont by E. ef , NICHOLS:" - !Mee' linitie
Broiltira titanty, Pi, " • 'l' `'T''
. 4
=Ca .15x1rIsIM
~ .
31 1
Rix)" els' irt '4le,r,cts),•:&ll l ,iiiAngs.; s - . ,
'April j0..:1 1 P9. .- A ;4, ..>4,.. „TWA.. ii. '
— N
- CIA .0_ E 1 4 : 4 s ~.• '''
1 -1
Tits74sets ry lit • et of iii:! tt li r , tlititr iet Nl
dement aiul callectien: ' Tbarieleidebted_ are requested
to call. *militate'. s'od 4, tbe s aaini. Viliretatieitta'l
ly be *road at the . Pratbasetary's office.
' •
.1%011 lk 18191 . " -"'•• , : ---TADIXDOICAIIIMAN.) 1
io" ' i l larliE o 4,-• ... --,4--...- ,
A% Arrival brILY.-elt; ROMs&
- 7.0 , e.kot un - 04 fiZ7l4.iiiiiiifirlyleiligilt
.•. GODS. AlillielOttilr bri:ardraii -ftealkibeapur.
Ag 0
1 St ani fithit : Olice', in town. Vie:e l -411401w
1 , , Mole— KI I 'OXT: Pra- I .111Yeielt,Yr:'
IPRESH TEAS, wayward I, o **, l iesirmpl:
I.ll: 4 taiviit'asigliaPisi.C 4 6l4‘alcOliaLeliftoiL
drip as creer.lC , •': ..**ll,ll Fivoie.;
'DALE LEAF HATS, tesiiiirw;lliiitiiit
I P liPtimiskOP""
r It• .
. . • Kw-poops-AT :THE. ----: ,
— ENTRAt ~ - 8 Reit
- , ktoiii..,e,oinin- i ii ii,.41,;4 :siiiitigiwell , .4
4" hkrtreand desdaWfidodaiddit of „FALL . , :AND
,W I NTSIVIMW. . VII lelll,lllCCodj leidi
rites. /411 ,10 "1 - - : 11 fi . , 11 0 11 0 1 14-0 14 . 414 4 aim,'
acq p i
hir "(I hosed ri ,
_"- ~:- -- I'',
iii ~:".)anks fi , r , i
pad favor , 4 , Fit Tod?! . '
.... -- iajbe same
dews dirc 1 1 - ";:v4. - - 44- ,. ~ 1 ';I
Tawr" ;Dec : . ..-,—....!"A -- *AVVITVA.
`?,14; -
• •• • 'CABINET Matit -
pain and kipt on'bititt; Vfinfidd,eni tho'teit
winner: • • AMES - KA
:Tp*undii. Jam:hut -•• • .4,
- - : ..THEIATEg*itIVAL:- :. -..-.,
are. now 'iTkaltinka,nd' oromin" and
geoiral asintitiient Giaiitojtrit haspthe is.
kerf ity , ,intd we
,eonMdenilyirsY - ' ft*/ `daiintitt ky r haat
for sitictli, neatness of 'aiyte."'qhmity - oefibinitii*Vand!
they anisintit
can 4 - habitable' stds thiiiity:'oiiilettkit
and complete , conalstlie oreveiy (Mn, initial - OW*sd
inneid of. The area anti - Wing "a notfi~
lion and - Nat.:Patti;
Oast Glass, Dyti4toffs: PODIA, Skoog, Lenthg.
Fish, Salt, and ittliceiveryilifrlN that is in thutiand,
Among tusking purch'aitii will
amine our stock , hefoie:pinctisOnit. 1 4 1 ke no
chirges for shoiinir ?pods. '
DRY , 03016
A good and cheap ,vatiety,?l'
Oregon plaids and Delifits ? atargi,anst gt,104 *sort-•
ment*of Cloths Ossainlarea,saltlitetts,,Kairtitikijesi4a,
sattin and:silk vcatinath !able 4japer, hrimit atia blue
cotton and brown AO. b l ue line n tall. doilr.7kltiffa'or
sixes prices and deacriitions:liceito robes,. Weet-''
nga..shirtinga both , broom analrlgachod o Wats and e,sys
of the latest styles: . wool Aida . .atid;rdEavrChi:pii" . pr,t
bags, gloves and nlit!*ma,.,.lloost7, arty 10an413%111,6r
ton yarn and carpel, rim. .aff
which wilF' , s.dJ cbeaper tic ciA, t2ian 80:4,:kier
establiahtneot in,towta.,- •
.• Tor i farFrNs ? „, •
DRS./ HUSTON '4ls PORTER,/ --:-
r l FFrcr., at No. 1:1F I CK Rayicwheritltilmiiy
V 'at all times be fott - d;' ready ib-attend-tii -tattw-in
their profession. • • -.4 1 ,, Towamin,Jan. 10.184 g. '
UlrEltif person ind :-. to me . note oiOthervtise - .•
14 are hereby notified 4 at
~imnuttfiate tolitoen,t mint
be made , or they will. he, , hjOed to a tito cod O'clifi;V~
ing collection. : I trustAbia , tiiiticiedvrilt, he sitfrutiCiit.
without putting me to the necessity Of phiiing ini,de•
mawls in the hands of:A magistrate. for, intfiscrionnat i e
protecution. . fehtB, . , ; ~ D. , C.„IIA tt..,
irrovhuQ t
v srl.o k •
Ts lifontany .r* New Ml:pelt,' sitin:alKeretirs% r tii• the.
south side of the ratite itjaitris, to teliePailveloske,
perhaps, than at any Otheiphicit in or out of Bilitiford
D. C. HALL respectfully:At Rrtinfir• hien& iattliite
public, that he"itas nintilor 4titet it his ;NE Or STORE,
a general and elnaie'aamortnies'l'it "Of ATOVES,':OraII
sizes and 'patterris."whichlte iaptiViarett to soli itaalirile.
sale or retail, or ezeliange ftfr ionTrfiy i liratlice upon the
most accommodating terms., Anions WM kali are . the
Air tight
_Compute; ;Zo/j,syzeti.),...,fletcarfa "fir.
Rough and Ready itn, Ric iblvtng flue ik . „ *bony
city do., - Repubivxmai., ckiiiralN. da..r;" Rita'
eye,_ hot air oven, seitkrota4 !Ty Prpnitimpoves,
No. 1,2, 5,64t/alenntt,t4o.l#trerni;
~ -Air tight ,Parlor;PogttZ pli ;40 i..Six-jletts all
eicea ; Cannon Stoves,rintelteiile*l4/. offices,
taverns, storm. keq. i ßaittirii,,,Ptirfor'sfor.T.;l43 . -
stone:plait goiter ;..ali eives Bind „,64. 4 . ci
• t
4,0001M.' of Rontie atia•Anteripan•STOVErlPlNl:
wady-made; alm, Braes and . Copper Kettlieeefierieua -
patterria,. together' whit general assort m ent Dew
and Copper' 1- • ' '
r - Arnor* ImitcrAiAtaLlEL 4 :
' 560 Lard ttihn,'iriih'l 4 4ihriieeOeniiitinetit • Ortireiy
article in the Tin.warelriiejn 4 which the sue ttion of
lifeschents, and . Hoieckeepent
rally is invited.
• 1. The highest prieer 1011 be paid foi , aid misting.;
copper sea' braise. - 'Ailrairt; - Tinlieys, 4 Chiekever; and ill
kinds - of mioketahltyirealtiee- baneceived in pay
ment for Sttives;Tinware; . &e. ' 1 • •• • •
For mimes, atmetlieri, enp?er and tinerme; his sport
merit ieeoMpletet -thatiks 'to . tie old
eusterotre, to whoni;:ant ttie "Oldie be renews bni invi
tation to give ttittes -.4 ealr liforeviteehaainceleearhere;
Don't mistake Ike otace-ri int remember HALL'S south
side of the Poblie
Towindi Dee: 12,-18410' D.'o. HALI.,
OVirklialDa aPPlllar g ire
.lill el/nUT"Ce MONDAY,T
MAY 21e- 'Lf Principal.
►PHE Collectors tor the oeveral pflope !qfllni•JA)rd.
PoustioN° .
lion °time ParAJr9M-01(4.w. A ° "
placittl , to 11.141 ftireiti
lOW wk. shag 9 1 044•9 1 : , *: 6l • lol • l 44Plrl i it ili
14, ' s ulk 0901X_ *row**, the
=pod oo shall.4;olltiwetti,ibeto ,1311eit . ": 1,t1
*matt, - Tltt utoct,iliouvr,, to, bi:pag,lty,ffitio too
tha Co. Trtiollt ri o tip i orAiefore, titt 2ti.oy,
Dikeidgi4l lo Cara Or' s, • .
gsEr.L. -
Commitistionite; car t :o: 9 wands, April •I. 1849. •
- itik"MOSEMENVAT 11E'
T_TAVITSVI inaeltrihringOiints ait6D4 CALLADTI
0 1..ribesuwanduir - lbe t
Aii.thstteeirillit bielpersodillisankin
vitionyto his b ia i n ay,„: .t ~ , -p .1.
r' T6e'lkr latorseintv bei sederdie Dottie,
.2iipetvisionVwboseritill 'id vispetaci iir phrierebal
motto qipstionsid:3/411,,, MU.
ALL peters -. indebteti is, F., SMITH illCCO::,eve
. heyrbY farrIYMNINCIO Pal
by the first 411 Y of 4114•Wikflis.-1 1 1 4 4Mk i 701*414
is tiOnokill canedifkib 4.14.4fiet
Merett,2l.lA4t4:.:l., -SMITIEW,CO*; ".
A vorie,liotei Ow" biasiiretli
'Atli Tea it fewer eisa,c4.•
'midi; Telt k,inds eof4lie*Diniti Imme add low-sea sidir ;
3"ery . uticis irarriiimi•-.Meebtel auk
nl4 FOX1101•4011.1biogk i '
,TOINIMPAQW.P.,44P II4.O . - -14 6 0 4
ii'abillOof.Sl4-14.*RWIY4c. ccrall
1 7
mid Oboe JouserkTiolP4,o4l o omit ate lisf"!
:**WPW * lidi*OTAl WAX,* lortg ,
•-, • . - 30-.1 ,•,--..,:• YV-e. If !...
Vrifi 4
11142.144 1A i0n hand
a. and
skills:AZ*4 mild,
ItSriand SEW
1 16* Ili eiais
;'fiankr; 141.1*
to 440'16 dia:
, .
ARE RI ''rM !!
iirgiqa sac 'cax.ipo
I'AT4:4:;SWO I .
';.: Tiii;,:-.0401,
.NV I, ~ti ~~r. 6~: ~ ~..
"if ,
B 1101.0 - HULL ,
l a As Wit plesiihe of trinotinsiiiioo.thitkohl 06111101`t
halt aslo4llollll thi s DIN
monli:Miiiif.tiso7l'addie lignite. maid! mnin , olldllll.- :
tomethilintrommok, ids I , rmon* immtmilett 1 0 14 111 "
kit aso o Wherothetts the, marled torti niaarre
s( it. wrens. He is determined to devote his undiva
skdiewfiliittitctiticionherting of, this HOTEL and,
his ran imisure hitooliL flies* and the paiirM'that they
will alwors•lind thetiorhtto r. ottoman ' 7,111 -dicikadigird
HuteL.': His OAR. end !PARIAH ritelkheimppbmi smith
the very liesube market istfuede.4,A sham of •
imotwilAnholieitext :I•Tistfinidi,,Apritslll49:
rr HIS large, extenvier, and mi:teellaneouo now
4: - K•intilete - Mitt -tiny' I folind •in this' yeettasi of o'buo.•
rettielithatiorbeen weleetralviritlargreattate
di-Neatll l / 4 4er in person, will 'tumbler Ake to doe
louhrie•- 41 ireheop id can he purehiaall elpewheie.
Phylebt — ha.'arho calico enamovetlezonibie;oor Kock
ein or* all ailletrothey ;flab to land-tw.
Ih atlilithwi'to thip aneknonuor . Drool - witlikalciniki
tetock'exteri4 to• Age stoffit ; : FireOfg Gnieerieswid
rss of kind*, Perfumer j/. Pre.ey C'oods, Word&
04criteatineki. refent•MertianhOte.'ite: •
Ravine been appaintint-eeentfertmiefildt the Avatar
Trie'Ptiptiter PAWS ..ifedie l tsies. we ansavettwitettlii.ire •
Will net elferanithin irettetehteifritoetwerWillitest, buYi
itt eiieepnn •ageney , froin Mohr ipeetiletote.'teltatit
tooe'llithitialwithpose : utein the - toenttiwrietE , tbeir
iinnidite flinty ' 4 -
"- -1 0tilid=pionne et the %wet hermitlike , to the politic end
Atentetei ef-Physiehme, that pare-nnettottitntod ten&
cit.* ithentst be whithiloteted, we hare, indueenll
•;.-Phyeteione or nne Physicians—to etteke,thetitiar
-Antes at' rfn:'l4 Brick Raw. • • = ''"
!F.Go#ds..*ell Bought arc half 5u14 . 1"
-1 , •• • . D. BARTLETT,
opening • lame knelt and - extensive variety of
" DB, ieleeted with the orentest ear, hOoght
under iirit iernotattetifoAhe eiliew of New VA' owl
Philadelphia.ttoking adavtaget of the EAvatahk , condi-
Linn of tilitoitttittd 611,1 : Agin Aviv/F . 440 motto
atiain`: bait igbliMthtrihni . hts can en I Will ion iorol-p
--barattifOrntivii thiVerit, and Hill opolearor to mhos/. to
onthmOnity tbrf ailywntatroof buying frourtbooe who buy
.ereoiodir, may SA, 18A8. - ,
1.01111170t.,>. La. /TA.
Completion offit Nor th Dranelt Canal !
• ,•
ITAviNit.ilimll • cols;iinlalip: io the mon t rw.
Aunt 011300 Ilk t t ,-811008,4 a. the -oh, stand
three doors north - of atitlott.o!-litttuhtfrsforceplly haft:wits
theletrie tt do po l l,the *at: they will catty on, the
Ibttoineocht , olll ifirbrautholierP.okt . hootlood make to
.oitier,4terrytitiosio.their Qom in the neat ttat antitumor'''.
in their fetes( style. , , , .
altlektierthistrthfy can 44 V;;111 qr bolter wnik
thee can be bell cileeerbere istry
. wout;teay to tbo.e wish-
Inc good- ettiOe In Oricrign to Itivq. nCigt andihnl
;all be settsfse4.,,•llLso:int!, - 4 0 ne on •501,,nfotice.
Ob Produce of all- kinds Inken ik 1,006 ~,itolrn
, anuttrd in_ezebenge:fute-13oots god altAet asO.Leallier;,
Teetteoi Dect.a& 413.,4t.
"- • TAKE. katic
. .
intieb!niiia,AboAnte;hee„k eittiee.4.
note owlet* *mount, mnit.olollt;iint moo: bY
-lotalap *flans Dont, ar;eonni-ntill bs 111111 k itithlwat Al"
_erect to petnena.' ;
'rritElnif pArittiti, and genuine_ 'eitide giirkeacure
Ot.liiisiirs soul' cshsecoWiplainti toey
. 6iiriii_oo'dvnin g kineil or the diiisilise F .us
in the
Tatt£TtiS AM'S WDER 4 :)„
it' iti*lrratitatr ta he per Qat'
riotb the or 1036,0. e# . . 1 1
do dhasiese it is . *tit OfSpes. Asti Oaf
61 - 14 . are 4tl t i l taA,
out WitOinittz. 3 heir% poi lip iO =Kit'
„gar pieltiiro:
to clue en Ofdiiig7 case Yogi *4O) ad
,miniterta.a 'anima pees of mid, geaint).4,4lto.
.11*.hie:ierapiky tiee . aqitireil . statidinanerly berme
attiiiiitlyg ant itcnio cad ' we , know
'Of ... patent ini4ieine that has tieCitiiil a se inich.etatitiva-
I diottoneoltisilerlitig. the time :te iii bCIII eitablishid in
this ionntry. More,,than !titan WW-
I 04 °14 0M, "Ttotterily
,G REA r Bp,ulNO.tizuritt
. The Heave,Powder..given in „sistU dram, will be
foundmeetineefot-at Abet mama., X1MY. 41 1 014 " dr
ekis, to aid odf theatipecilunra hair: mul t roducemen ;
,they; looseeffig.bils. give-A.6104y app !ate. to . the
•aith pratect,egetnat mess ; they aka. for .thiticAtta
elterwieelnid.reaspeadvepratem.-petiTy Ate Mood eral
75e1, 011
_ w gm; ellelent.,* high bonemetrauteld ibis_ M
oon sseth.ra any of the hustaniatA. *bolted ap e
z - offlarsiparilla. awful , tit correct :the "listed
state of the Nide; incident An the them of. nratiar.
which dattlmiiptipt affechtall .5W11114116 *II at rage.
Wig life: , kitten. anatt •of the : &Mem :horses - are
eallittl• to, these . Po* doff* mi,* 11 ; 0 o**Pe 4 PO-bele+ end
fa all the pewrist-of * • :. -F 1 - - , ~-.
4111484141. uMiliitoX JiMigOilitEC. *4 •
,gea,peetage afrstAohnittieterai:l o -04iffE Alit.? iimai
Wookilliie:prrepa jos*, hie Allmb ,and appraisal
than See
babel. of torn al laiiiT.4l4 14hent**11
:hgeshad thaw , -...:s ~!-D.1 , . -
~4T.0 Alen a 11,1100 . 1 .7 J.1i. 4 4 4 1 6 ; 41,46 aowt•igo.: rl.riFl
diniry &Roy' of thi s tiieine. we *II Iran" jkie ,*
lowing ayttoria of evidence s eat of the hundred& of oimi.
tifitMete r vo on !!"I`` t 1 1 ,, 4 - 1 :' ~ ,i.: s'. -
atigeritft Osrlalrma,* TOP
't . a . ertkarcomoillisivitalry one .
fir:Aii;l3 .;e:fOsiiiikirry l iertilb, 4' a `Cite' of
Heaves will mite Horse, and says be Would not if if
east bias 000 Waif a 41111440 keel;
'Clitus-liilPeadby:sit fr3plitieriC
islet to'iseCemliisayst v
*it hiera-sibsabiabaete art snot sitssertely.preAt
e~isrbitHaawaasJi I had wall abgb
-lost bisa• toned hisi bialys., ramp. of ibiTatk
11114114estwit •
Dasis.Taniapraejfi.j. mid* ba*,
st Hippeaposadvearvaatatimagalia. 1
j•Dll±N,cty,de.N: 1111r-GlingisaiMiddllsbeiY;Wfoligt•
Mr. Milton. N. YArifttla
1 1 441146114 mil by. GliostifiettliStirsa :14t ridtbi
.111.1111:, Y;IBIRAIHIUX;sgestke-TogripM. , :
•**Pe i
I r r itbsi " ""was
Pr . zetiwrAtr ° 7, - •
kabbl t aay .bon an _my se.
labotailase ;
• iporlllo
4011...,±1 ALIA 1 -Wail Ittil
, 1V•
Ail . ..
v- STA ' 5..; :C_IR..C. U.S.''- -- --
~...„,...., .....,..„,„....„, 4-,r,,„:„.
Tilik , .iin, , ,iiiiii.,Ethiitittraint. the l a rgest and ortoi4- unpleteeveriorgstnizegtsciowneishwete:ibent
Iliii!calffilltsafikkOili4: 4l ;.Cf -- Tittur i ever collected. willil' stild Pr:ll66es - Ookirutilisfitret . ,.*
otheon.thg e inintri , .iiiiteliittilin,Towanttaj.tday Afar Lith.- - Li-- - - . • ---- -.-.:":11 . :._,-, .1 - - . ..4,4,-
1e....,114 '1143ii,_,..__0).-in its Proita_, iikreigh - thC country - la It be iireceetW- bpi) e greatinaneijunetpM.
rig • - VII 4 111° X I : - I ) " w" At '-* Paz I . M . letiri es xn Ho esti. in'tt,deoteti ip, I .e... 0, ntlalftf•Prleielekititlni
Di E WifORKAIR Ask BANW:MsOnakhitiiiie and tS p I ''' . o di: of. this,,
It is theiONWAVVE of t 6- c: o o:ffiqz:amila ., *ltjeh approaches the collosSal achievements - of art .doseribeiPte
ancieutdiii weig h t :pegeOrig*Tatis. and itAg toorate tartinfand•-ohtttalkSarPeltyerfatlYttimag
of the kind - eller iiiituesseTtUefilioas e JOHN MAY, gicuowle,tlditl:lfltYltkiNlV,4" , itr, ..kiPtilmion ill
thr:WirkLia - aii cI
tOtbetfMtitt Vorrinspv.i. , Also Mi. RI R&M) RIVERS. die . hest Pritictpai - ides: 5%.
ins; tog ther.. wide ,Mr., D.R. RIINNEELS; The lt-rCulea 4 - ittd ' 4 •Wrie ridey ; -eft A NG- WON - PAN - G.
the wonderful Chinese BUttle'Pettoimer t'Mr. G. W. * g: RORAN'tv. the' iliCir!"Erairfafic 0K .4 /I‘fri;*:
MON44.111:180111:114 the t eeliiirafeJ Ca, Chow/lan perfortiter.l , slr.—COLE.h.the. ettrirted.::Coaturtgoaiit;
MII*4 - : MllsiZtNyttatf blesdaart% COLE and-JOHNSON, remelt. Equestrians- or re tirify: Mr . lit, V.
O rr .'64tig l inofor:emnieadhgtrs; mr.s4m.riAlik.Es', - itaz7 t B`.:ILPSW•DT;;TWeIt&IA:MISSIIN
l i i,
and 141 LELftrat,r-itiM•GYmnatk64•aPc:7others 4:ariknowletiged talCAt.4ll.'fibeic.TAFiqfilt .tiepartneeots.-- -
The matest wonder-of any age‘ MAJOR LITTLE MGM the smallest; littmaav-kletait: 4 ll. - exhasoce
Wit ; he', exhiblialtlithe'rfitettigetser trilli - biu' FAIRY . EIOTIPAGE;b` - teibtinti eitref 04tkr,t(r -'` --1
-ADMISSION. Rog 25 Cents; Pit 2.s.Centi;:f'Cliildren under 9,, iattr,Ahalf pr ce. DooKtiPen at 4' iiiii.fiPer
formances comnitence - at li.juid. . li-: M. •-•
:P: al. rtib
ine to be Eglicthens the 10th . Troy the- 12th.
Ce3nt,tlpgrtiscutents. e •
- -
thO'slaiterilthcsatatety . Patrick CuOunakOrid
In Ike Orphan's cowl Brtuffplt
THE sub•criber beta .opp.linted an:Auditor
to mantra the newts lingt‘Aliambote the-fuuds
he haat. (4, the iStliraukdietor„ crio ; : dill
,tend for ibut-puritSe r at the klrewerklekiseetz
oei;iii relit eleiti4eyi the:4ih iliv of -IMAY
neat, at, IQ o7ciork.- GOODltielk,
Tftetertila, April 2. if 1i49. A aft tem.
FEGISTER'S hereby givep
. to all terAool interest/L.4, that
Must 14 Kean'aniL /Noes 1 - 1. Rom. executors of er
esteto Daniel`! Anon deed.; Imo of Glanville;
out Atlams:adinioistrattir of the estate of nor
, Neil deed.. late of Windburn; • ,
nod. s.lrajOiAlbnitil*: l o4...o l l,[ltaie# Oliver
Vandesetiolee.d. tile of foil.; - 0,
Shim G M a-on: adtninisteVropist ootete ot'Ches
ter Mason, dee.E, tote 'orstotde't;
Thome Pak, .and : ' ...tePtioittritero of
the estate of Georgitiffillnelti , d44o4PL' or Litchsem
'Antos B.lrimoinge. ttoltrtihistritliti the: sauteof e
tin orgiiiingfial;
thmiedundlanien-Ilihtk,-exectutire a the estate. of
111.4111.1411.0i614.0.i*:4L-Illtd of Stiegtegulll't.r.
Allen Stacey. adniinistrator of the estitts..of ..toseush
StarrirMeetLi We. SS.
Jared fjolenitei. .eseentor ef. : the estate'. of;' Hcr Tv
Plowman. fleet!, hoe of Ulster . .-
Russel Button, Administrator of,the estate of . .. Myron
Rultini, dec . 's], tine of Colunthia .; •
Have :filed-and widest! in 'belittler+ of the Registerot
Wills. in and-Tor theerenvg:!tf UradfOrilllthe receipts
of their meveral'ailnainistrations - upon the Otatel'afore
add, and that the same will be . pri. minted the Or
pheres cour , tcounty,. on htentlAty.'the:tth day
XIV nest,,ltti eolArinathis.and
_H. BLACK, Reg.-
'. itegietift's Offiee. Oil 2. 111.42,:"..;:.
liVer Is alloilJointsal Family.ludirecati*
. ,_ ..... ~
. . Ikrascs l of the Ilutnen flesh,, .
rprmr . nritl experience jhavr fully , proved that that All
.L _IINIVFMAI. REMEDY has not nitt 41 ' 4 01 1
on the li-i of popithai medicine*, hating lawn isiaiwaintr
t t years Itelime the puhlie s ' • - - . • ..,- . .. ~ i
Testimony of the mast disintereatO *
a OtautOsFAtf,.. s its
woutertut effects no thisattitnal economy iii • stillsi,
ly presented to die- prowling, . . . - t. -
A young man in theittwit'Of7Witintt-orknoi ditties
were burnt off akin). Wen opatisealwitheet,tydliffi4)
by the timely
. 0 , 41 o[ the Oil.
_Numeroviire the uns;ilieiteil sta r tcmer Is otjaVenta
'themselves. end oilier* ettot haire'iiiiti,theOff:lcireults
whitit in' themselves appeer-senuAshie. that ..Mbeyzet -
lA*lngiters4joign et/tigt a. - -hinati... - /IP•pretird i ",11•Infititt__,".,PeCi!nisq lOW,Mlll.;',lolahrltrilY
fn': -''
e 4;471611:11 :-. ; I' ' ' • 7: ' '- ' . ' 7::.' : ,'' ' .--) - - i "! ;;!ito ! lxt " ,;;.6 ai . i * . - '.' ;ni ... l; - ft, —. 4 . lia.f;iirih.
1. 0 REAff, i lubw athreAretirdienaWatlcina, 1 t ..., r' mai t tr i , 6 it . hes. sive -Z i a :l i . 3
waiver 1 . •
, , ~..,.adadsitattit' orsafjohli :lifigni ..d, '''er..*ed,' .4 40 I esi ! r • l h i ki : ih•-4-• half - I • li.. 7 u
was committee of John Craig. a Luna ic„,..Noring; filed 1 8143" 0 " 1 „ 04 " 7, till"- ---, - .o.
said codiiiii4'a-saiX , . - ottnol4 milkmen thilluott o r. i sPITI"+ 81 "rinvibollhaw - wanallaill‘ PonEYNCel
tter' distiutilinnoerd_be,eitr.eri id• t wo of 'llialtililiC4ia• Nuts. Cracked filktot q!kit#P,P.„l!!!cilids. tiont!oviwi
4 Flesh Wounds. .131040th lifu:pei6A 3 ao 'Cocks _
pits prirreA at Ttlwantla, at lout four weeks before .neat 1
, F Feeti seratchew m , Gram , muip. Rhea :
ler* of flip f)likg or;mia ) 1 0,9i - rof #tTleine4q:' 'N °- , • is• *- o f -- le Extettiel "Pamir, Faintish
' um, theAeGms.laieretii. itilig,;:kiii!4l, Persitai. iiiiiiiititial, 'm ilt " . des 6 „ R"fta • _ , . -
Nervous Affecuons, Frost Bilea,llioill, gums% WWl
that thwadntiaittratata afethated have !Olathe attdosni- I . u u rns .a Chilutaisp.t
atittein"tiiitiinitk l At:44TifineKrget-4 1 4, 11 %** 1 . 1i r d % Irs. ic; r7 " -NU ' '
ntner, node thstihr:Unote•Willbli - ' - - Utast:64i - court • Lram p• C
.. 4 - 11 " i r 1" 41,t. ' I ",C , M iPliellinge•
- Weakneett et; iiilllllNVllkeillefellsiss ,
orciderawsnilikatatlirdildierittednly;loCklinnda s ir the ' csantom TO kßeil Milk'
7th day littiyitett'fior,iwnfirtrtatiold a t atai ll osrauce,.. . k .
idflidlee.of the VdniW..„
, • ;!' - '`r` '- , Deward of ICOIINTERIPgrMand be itmilbe name •
'' „
.AIA,RN, !ItEREA.W,i-PriatNiitintary, of the Sole PrriprietarilHEOßGß-31f. MERCHANT.
Prates Offfee_,ToWiinda. M-areh,2B, i5ti9,;. , ,, ,_.., L p ex po r m isr. . y .., .i . ,, , biik w 0 0 , s h e s idoung m oi m e
- _ , tla,Joa. ia, his Wind writiett tiver:thiCcOrii.i - 1144 :he
persondel to tale asythharehie adiab the premise-it is
joiiwi red, ace, ee. - : IV* .4 ,priOlied' Pe . those en
* principled linker% whose ctionderked sal . ittEleb4ilt
India R ;Wet ; and who.ate of a kiaihal spirit .ef these
in 'fig/ latdif..-o,o 4 44'Whosis-meniTiolii lirit'ol,ha,. i t o •P r ' •
mealy Irma expaledie t itie. aeldeil.itt.
Those who attempt! to , Cotiaterfait;thisitrt ' aro no.
feirial:to the lir:orNe74. - Tiitleiiirs4 l B o Iff,:libliti
it-will , he wen thaw/mi. parson_. noiddli An - ,thews
cougnetfeitris titibitct t!) Indidtpledtt, imp Mei li and
'A peesonreellinr, out of this stale; wilt-he Leda,.
rest,when,th the ittaie,and Also tote belaii7.o!•••
apinsithase.herlaugt4 of coiacdefai; , , si r
• titlterderaagdetwwf W die Priol,s: 114111111 114e i I .
Am* plimpiskiettkik:Aceii.iiiit :le s.l,.Cimffriin
aiwaccomplished4re the two Orthis twietiteins.`‘ , • •
i BiabY'rr7P4talik iKleia4 *Off is AO POW§
Sttleaamed,Caltada. , - ,;- .! ,: - r
Cf. -,:.4 ' , , . -
For male hr Chamberlin-St Porser,.. - R.,, - .1).
Wells, Lawrenceville, Edwin, Thydr, Ctwitegton. Abel
Terrell. ,Mantreae. rompB=lci4 4l lr. Easton. Lewis
Smith &CO; Aitentodrn, H:s.-Dadrui,Eldvah Easton.
Oct I:Sitt IA4A. - ' 4 - -- 1 _" , *"." .14011,
ED` . 't!
A l d
fi- I --
..1 ~.
-- T: -
ALi, ores* tad to , tbe vtitot-of Jam-Erskine.
'ideed..latiarit Rieriekla **hi p. us heath* agues.
ted an eisketrorirsittlwithnO delay," and Mime turfing
elidalikiein:mtesidNo lei at rleed willEptesair pieseatMaor dirty
idthestiestaidleir:iettlr. .k. . 6 - .. . L
•-•'.,'%.. '''''"` 4,, -' , `C
-..- IM A RGA TIET Eit!FisPi E%
„ ~ .:. •, • "
Herrick, iseediA- 16 1 - . Adminietropra.
.-. " , .1011.1;11,NISTRATOIM.NOTICE. . •
Alti ! - Ibersine inactitati ilte estate of 'CHARLES
berob, regraded to soake payment withoot delay..ood
theft 'hiving eliderilgriiiiii"%litcatite iiill'ideaiiprd
iestMeag MO autheatiegailero: keitleveien.ti ,'"' ~ s - ti.-, , .
1, ;, 'r- 1<;; -1. T 4APricsim, nowgim.
•_. ' ,--- -- - -REBL,GA IL CORDEITiT -.
' 4 Warred; ApritloB4ll." ' -- :', -,
• EVairrtilt , S NOTICE: ,
•AV: periani . tinieboed to thoeettateiClolls C. 1 94P-
I lirstytaisviva late proidatactaiiy4llo:6
hereby requekted to make payment without delafopod
toe hivirstilernis egiirist:
Wit otidieotieitt4l.fiw'setite4
7. • . 4"" - ROBteltr
• . - .
KU, mooing , - itaTibted ice the estate ChristopherA
6.,!, 4 lichola,deceased,latenf; Springfield hea'ahhip,
htueby-ielpseatedia-itake paymen 'aititout-delay,
std thoseltairing ilairna'agentat - said edit* 1114Plait0
authenticated for_.
..; "-:117 =7,1. 141CdOLIA, •
Springfield; April - I ft4S:--:
tOtallkr aterlr Watt'
'744 . lltSMAti:O4 SAW.
TARS this method - et informing ibe eittietta-or To
xci !iciP iti•tb'l thq 4#1 11 ..45 ) 66i "
owlet % 0404
%I - store Arr. - .,0w the iitnyoso ot taking
LAKEIIi.EBsz4 by tbarkiit . tetanus pecem, 27ba:p01.-
lie an ttortillapy invite4,,to *bother' titer whit
km• o,af; -. 0 4 ' Tire
that Irish to bind &Vim takes igloo attisiishbi-ind par :
ainisfatomy ntanyr. andin- say_to kolditelist;
- 4 4 4 6 nii*nclifino; taw.od
petnaminsey;_laf witb all tlefeionca.,44-
for lireloto a - lama Get, a &Ca
linglit algal
siock-eon * *Akita of Fancy Cam, -,C41 laskel44rimo
intniediniteAttsi' ••:2,-
.I.63'•,Pitilinti,takeat without taityi'ii"witaila64,iiiis
MINA 401011N0fintlenitolwnntr• 4 nItiS old
gm it rinis4ifuilshtAtia Pie% nr, ne7:1 1 7 11
n Pticimfisr aingiapiatsto , fontl6l 60 owl& A* loolt.
Ko' l o 11 1W0 5 .1" . . 0 :1 •
• 441 bo onlil at it trilling adiaairefoots sky
tick Meek and tiotiral
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trAvp - kwotil "14Y ! Km" edit fly
as a friialj If obise . yeta to WI at D. C, H iLL'EL
. wimolleNts betty iimbrainwatAllikA.: littatiber
jam istaimit*lireammi-4t."44
need brook Illimkefa i tilATroit ray
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Dierchau . S 9 s Celebrated
711:3"Clicart4110.1.-11*.vgpitiibLagArliseat of
• ' "laidOptia.
Mt 413 3P4etst: 'alit#4 6l ",:d." l2l l#l,lPl" ,
.twit l veei T elit" Iste 40649 - 41. bdursilwarst ee.
.[l:lleb;l4ifbiiiiit'aein. ,ingkortarate; a Ogaigla rat
atittindieintutly.ietected Inni;ilkietket. -•., ~-..
Giaitesnd - Mire - eltatellia,
which he will melt ebeeper•ttwiterray othereitablistienent
in the United States. Anr.swthe enex - flitant will be
Gland •:•-•
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1 t'...,1 .- • [1:
Gold L :evini_Olkji. item. fultreellea jt ,ft.lo
Silver le - ateittakiltikEaltW.. ---- ' -4 2
te kJ .tome l'Epines.lB.k. jlt ' * 5 '
S l lnt ' - iTt i Or‘,. ie w ella ir t - " ' .. •,-- ijie, ~..;s
00:Arik4ON:4"-. 11'. i t' l l"!
Silver tea spoons, eqt4 w coll. - Pe! met , 4:50.;` . ... •
'a', &mut , '. z .a,,i iet 1 , 1 '.. , ...! 1.. 10.00
' 7 t rTe. ' tag , :',.,' ':, ..„. ' ' ,, , 4.. , ::: ,: ' .. 4. ' 7 .. 110 , ' -
lititethtiiiiiih a. egientiiiresecensetit.,:nr 044W - 40nd
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Ittlintifeeturets. •-....1„..,,--.,,,,, ~•4•4 :
t rpl,s6 4 l4rroirtiithislitiiiirtiiement. end ad at
IMVM: t.'ttPolOttireror4l.l l 4ll.6 . 67 at., above
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Eii4nt litintli4g•lt '',;.;, -,' t'''''''•"' l. '' l
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t s f;asaaa 0.60.1 1 4:::: 1 .= " *-' r- 0 '.:..;... , 11 , . , ••, ..N. ...
Ca v ,i, iberitflimenti f liCitti;ttriii - thifiietin.. 7 ' 13108
nEAtit-E8 REEDliolir Olisigned el his *kiwi
vfl,A6l 6 `..amEtytdit 94 .4, l l. 4 subleiberaerr!rbellat
othierepplittim — :•i'dirkenziwinioWilikiritatiry. •
ths•iia chadis4o4.l4lol,
5. Brick Roacittilielior" di of Vilve**-Igeatize
or..4•Antelii AT *dig* ,nafi;;4Vl;P:o7b o o oho
thkgmbeeiitier wilt t»;:01 0 liuit -411 • Mitt ahmt-ilbe
of pihatimfitaskihmitstiptAtiichikiiii;s:Tis
in ..sespres.
deism, wile 'P l aere;Y"'"7
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