Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 18, 1849, Image 4

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T • w — rts mriov,s,
• AL ce M*II rroAitLIIXT,RACT i
tr o - kll 446-
. .
• - rem “fr f orda..o4 wiltm io ilkerm
wadi u.
_ •
Mil tetrad pat pp: he Aliwit,llolll4P.:**l4 or those
pleeesuiter, lard to
way adt rt tares teitheet saihnielt,
• pargisyr. AcAletait
tetiet 'Pate.t. rj,`
The treat beast, ewirowerierAy. i► der
crew atl Otto! tialtdona , linto.intAfilealttOtital (WE
breigamadin thointap. 14 flirt
am Wawa it not oily ,periiiie the etidle tyres met
itreaethees tba were tett it mates ear, pare awl flab
Moat: a rawer pitesseed •hy oe other wodiolan. lad
is We 6.e the nand rum' of its wonderful SULVAIII. It
has perforated while f o r loot two years sore than 100.0011
*own of severe euien of diwwwee at least 15.000 wpro
eratelderad lanarebta. Is hat awed De Ayes et albite thee
10.000 altikinlac .15a pre two smarm Lithe City. of New
Tor k alone. •
ICAO° Wes of CI I !Debility. rod wort
of if noierrgy.
Or. Townsend'. Sonutparilla invigorates the whole spews
porromomly. To dose lotto have loot du& oseseatar suer
gytyllte'elreeta of medicine or indiscretion cossmitind is
youth or„ the excessive ludhlgenee of the peados& mud
bisoinerron by phggical preetrialoe of the metros* eysimn,
leseitude, went of gimbaled, fainting gesigationa„ premolars
decay gind., derby* bastsdilug torants that fatal diggase
Csingsammptioe. can be entirely revalued bf this phhilo
Nei rowed,. Thin Sorooporato IS for 'novena" to soy
Le•liorrt►rgl toothed.
Ai II .rignews awl invigorates the symeng give, activity
to the limb.. and Wirength ts the oguseulor .r.toso hi .
moo osprouidisary dogma.
•*". f".31"7:;--•
Cemineueeptisie Cure&
Meuse Streitthea. Comarsisptimn ceis lie twit Rm.
eked& Cements/aims, Liver p ..ya.ame Oeida. deliarri
Cue". elstketaSpittiayr Soreness is the Watt.
Nta&C rbgek, Nig la Stolen'.. Infield; or Prof..* Ira,
pectorattele, Pao it As Site, fie, Amu boas sad eve 4.
. .
Sri tibia Id led.
• Wee tart Air*
Iva Tomagiterw..4 verify Genova your Elarmsp.rills
low hewn the wean; through Provideuee. of milieu( lay
life. I bags for simnel year. had a bad Cough. It lio
rause vowed sod worse. 'At last 1 ratiail large 'quaint.
this of blood, had eight sweats, and was greatly delsititiu
tad &ad reduced, and did nut aspect to lite. I hairs only
tamed yoor•!lareaparilla s short tint., awl Omni hat a won.
dada; change Weir wyoeglit in se. I am wow •htete pull
all ever the city.. I r•i•a no blood and wy earth has
left ow You ear wall imagine that I was thaultfol for
those rve ulta Tour abed i.ot servant, •
"WA. 11.1.18111KLL, AS C.tharts•
• illsessanirt
This only one of nsore than four throusumsl easeseelthen
'Bathes that Dr. Toe' asend's Sarsaparilla has carol. The
meet severe and chronic clues are weakly eradicated by its ,
estroordiniuy vinare,
lames one of the munistants in the Lane
tie Arrlam. Blackwell's Island, is the geatiantan spoken of
to the following lever.
Dr Townsend—Deer Sir, I hare suffered terribly for
nip yews with the Itheninetioin v. ennsidemittle of the lima
Crania out mat, sleep or want- I hail the moat Mein...big
pains end my limbs were terribly swollen. I have m e d
(bar betties of your Sarstinerillu and they have done me more
shot • thousand dollar worth of reed, I am en mach better—
indeed Ima entirely reliereiL You me at Liberty to use time
for the bees .t of the aMietml.
Fever seed Alpo,.
• .
11/r. Townsend's Samaparila Is tionqu Wed in carts of the
Chills and Fever and Ague. Yee folio ring letter is nal,
one of hundred. that we have recetved from the S , out'a nul
Wed, of bike character.
_Mew, Mich., Oct 71 1347.
?Pr. Townsend : Dear Wirt—l perch:i.e.' fa. lay *VI, two
bottles of Sarsaparilla of your Arent. Mr. MeV .ir of Sala.
Inaba. In try it for the Fever and Ague. Before I had finish.
ad the first bottle. it appear. I to warm the Wood. and every
other day when the Chill. and the Fever appeared: they
were lea violent; aol before' she httl 6nbh.d the heath
she was entirely relieved. sad abs was notch batter than An
had been before she teak the Ague. A lady that hod been
very sick with the Chills and Fever. but . had broke tiara
with Quinine, end was left in • very weak and distressing
statit,and troubled exceedingly with the Atne C•ke - seeing
the effect it had no my wife, she vent and procured • few
Mottle., add it restored her is a few weeks to complete
health. Your Sarsaparilla is without doubt. unequalled
0 1 . 0 -0 . a Incident lathe WassaadArria think that this cum
miruir..bon wit bud die. pri are axliberty 19 ass it if ysee
show*. ..
•itit •
~.0.•• •
- • „;;;au.',,i,
le Bledieltimr
Teetatoore Sarsaparilla is a witereign .0.1 opeedy
earn for Ineipietit CrNIS rarrena., rrel•rrae
1111•14 " or Telling or the Wgotb , Crisilyeurann, Para. Lourne
rims. nror Whites. obstructed or 'diem& NeartroatoM Fn
mmaineace of Urine, or itIVOI•Ia2I7 discharge ithrte.,(
aad fer dill general prosration of tie syslma---ort roatier
%thresher the remit of laftiamat mum . ar corm prodoe,l
i=lriark.Y.mrlosaktoat. Nothirm can ha more
aqui lsitstleir stem as tbillll4llllllll frame.
Vakemies re
0 , weelnoir to brawl% from toting it et
seem beam* robust/rad - fall of owlet imrialiimoc..
It immodistely couataracts the nersa4asseam of dint Anwar
dilsoi e Sikh Is tlih print mess d Renseirees . 111
eierleitolAtev Imes of ileileileilleuiro to
inhibit eerdgeatite of muse performed. baker can *ours
Nor ductal , Shit beipheAsoitteseipti Mrs flierio rel..rle.l 'to
Thimmaids *fns share • Sisoilles bee.#rieo
shilJrao. altar wisp a few , bottles of this hirahmida
ohm, him bees blessed with inn. healthy offspring. it
has bans expremsly prepared is reference to teassle C.
plaints. No female who has reason U. suppose she is ap
proaching that critical period. Tie tare of life'
should anise* to take it, •• it is • certain prey satire. for
any of illa wnowtrows sad iterribia dismiss* to which frugal,
ars subject at this Owe of life- This pe ri od euip d•
lowa far s.wai gears by Wag thrs witticism. Nor in
it Ur iralnalbla Ow Meer who are approaching -woman.
bead. as it is ealealated to maim mature by quietening
Use blood and iuringratiog the eyetem. isni . eed , this, asedi
' ciao is hmatitabla thr ad the dentate dimmer to which
mimes are autiMet.',.
/fit• • _,__
1 - ,
• ' - -
Goren Idiomlon to 111[Inborn on/ Children.
It la no adot and most niretissal nsedina Aft purifying
the eremite, and teller* the sulariagssatendant epee child..
With eve, discovered. h strengthens both the mother end
child, prevents pain and dieesse, increases and effileheithe
food. those .he lave sued it think iris indispensable. It is
highly useful both before and aPur roulidement s as it recreate
diseases attendant upon chiklhirth. In Costiveness. Plies,
rrunqa, Snelling..or the Pat, Despnodenev, Heartburn
Vonsitrnt, Pain incise Back and bolo; Tehe Nam Hemns
rhuve. and in regulative, the !Secretion ■nd equalising the
eirfnta•lon ft has so equal. ' The put beauty of dd.
rise 6. it Malayan; safe, and thu Non &Utak 'sae it a.ast
= fit -
• ',..4`7410r14.:--''AVV--..
This eartilksts esselskively peiwis that %his
a hw perfect esstsul *pm the mass aMtiwta diaeseas of
the 'good. Throe pampas cited i. au Emus is lures.
deleted. ' '
Time Childress.
Dr. Townsend: Dear 1114.-1 Wive the pternare is Wane
yaw Ihet Owes of dey children have bees eared or the nets
Ilse * the ass dit year setecilare 'mediae*. " Thy vrers
ei very severely with bed elem. Wive tekee deer bon.
des; it task them neg. for which ill o IPA pipsit aver
L ibli l li t
• Tesn illA " T eliblir.
C W.. 11141114 10 Weneeiroi
411wiesiedre set rityalelosha4
Dr. TivediesQ is shiest tinily receiving orders liras
PhStliteiltus tit allierctit veils orrice Llidie. •
The Cori* then •••-'6ovess6rsigresol, ?byelaw',
of the City_ of ililideey. hare is carrier ease preseribed
'Pc Tewessed's lisramparilll isd bathe it to Ire one et
4114 rwers4rsiesidlererepesiodserier the enrekdit: - -
11. P. ruuna. MM D. J. WILSON. Wu., W.
BUYIEDDDILIP. M. P. Albaay. Aped, ten.
Owirry to the met- is and f umeee auk If Dr.
T•ienneed's Unsparing, * rasher or men olio ware roo•
sandy oaf.' Agents. hare ItsSetheneed reeking Pereeparille
Entracte. Miens. Enters, Extracts or Yellow Dock, trc
,,Tksy iteuendly put it up is the sue Asps& Medan. add
ease. or it.... have stoke sod copied our advenigeoseals,
they are only greenling huitstlems, sad should De avoided,
. Mew gettelse ember Wird by IL P. Teetested.
rrhlci Mies. 190 rui.Tom eltrost, 060 Miidj
11- & C., 0 Mita sihreskloool urott
Sew 130 North Slecooll invort,.Pldludelpftio's IL -IL Burs,
Dooresu 11:111dmere :• P. XL JpoheihriCtoriestes, Wright
- IC . Ca, 151 Chartres Streeil,,PLAD.: 103 South Pori Stook
albssy ; sad hy. ell Alm prileipel gietr sad—lisio
gamorgeser at I theologlowat dm Mated Mat" Wait ban
--ani-iiewessedma - • -- - -
Bekl in towands, Pc: by IiVEITOv
TM livid by 11^ KINGSBERY, Li'
JOST E . !:‘,- Ali N -16 1 1:
.ozl2.74Agtme - : airoa
• * - 14201.
A .. ti ; a 7
= ,9,1446414thewi Afti
autieti ektietiWit
--M imita.74 aid biliwiraviiiviiiiriiihAtr4,
Isaila, 114 "tbirtibiLl r asbiaMi arr. k
kiLierpodi of meat turifiat Arts Baer l'ida 01i7
. neclh..lngle wit su , Jhe dieslo.l; vercbiumevossAutt the
•xxotxx obi) Itt. Joeue !km&
*LAM. bignimcas Ag ti. Click tlkranokida Welly sist ai
Principal Office, 10!3 Afori,ing mt.. Neat_ ripril -
Camino Townsend Sarsapoxillt.
Old N. Townsend la now abut:SW yaws of age. end has goo*
beet known es the aad DISCXWERIEft, of the
OF...VVINF7 97110 " WAN fig.lP.Nßft
Lit." fleinglitror. he was rearpetted wiled% its ni•eufssetnek
which 8111.114) it Woo beep kegasist of poaches, and the vales tir
ceurieribed to.thoap eddy is I.n had preyed Its ...rib, and known
its value. 'lt tool renehed the encs of noiny„nevertheless. es
those prr-on• a bohnit been horded of sore dressers. sad saved
from death, procHnod ns everdienre sr.l n undinful
Knowing. sonny rears sc e. that he tool. h) his skill. Wanes
and expenence, devised nu article which would be of Intake!.
talk. lutsannige to nainklnd when the mesas *amid kerhir
nished to biod U ban uniserast 0.40 e. when its knestimehle
virUtes be known snd appreciated. This time has ton"
den manna ono supplied: this
inanuUtclared on the inrgest wale, and is called ; for theme"
nut the length end breadth Of the tafilt.etpsetally se it IS found
incapable of degeheration or detericestina.
Unlike young tl. P To luau:oyes with ,
never changes. hut Tor the hettem ; because It is prepared we swat
tijk principles by a seinstifie wen. The highest knowledge of
Cheanstm and the Wow discord:its of the an. Mare all bees
Ismaili. ate' inquisition In the nisisoiCteture of the Old Dr.
gersater.lin. The tenrsateirills mot. It is well known to medical
wen, amities noisy medicinal pirciperties. and softie posserttes
which inert ,fr useless, mid others, which if retsiosed in pre•
is; it for tow, posture ferzeitotien and ecirf. which Is hr
=ups to the system. Soule of the properties of Sarsaparilla
are so victor. that they mutely evensongs and we lost Ia the
weparstion. if they' ore nut preserved by a ecienttge process,
known twi t. those experienced in Its usanufneture. Elontover
these witatik prostapbre, which gy off in - vapor. or es en erhasla
tints under hest. an the very esesated nedieed propertied rf Ow
rya rN•b vi V. ON an it. V. 1 ,141.
• Any person {MI boil or stew the toot tin theyret a dirk entailed
iloodd. which is non from the eulogies [natter la the-root than
from any thing else: they cap thee strain this Insipid or vapid
liquid, sweeten with sour usobisses• and then cell tt "IgAll
SAPARILLA =TRACT or SYRUP." let such Is sot tbe
talkie known as the
This Ism prepared, ibti nil the Inert properties or the ear
separilla root ate drat moored, every this, capable of bersondag
acid or of fruatentntion. Is tuitraceed and rejected: thins ewer?
particle of medical virtue is secured In a pare and oneeenuated
ft..: and dm. Ws rendered menu:ibis or lasing any of its valu
able and healingumpartias. 'repined In that Gray. It d made lb,
suet powerful agent in the
Cure of innumerable diseases.
Renee the mason why we beer ennimendetimie on every std•
0 Its them by men, women, end children. We And It dud*
woodeft in the.eure Of
COSTIPENZat. all ctrr.4.NTovs PLV
PLEA ELI-WT/04s. and an atroctinos orfalag from
it pomesstis a marvellous edicacy In all complaints arising from
factlsearisit, from .Coidity tie Sys ad, time rumpus' circula
tion. deienrunntion °f0b...4 to the 4964 p.lptiatJ.,. of the bosun.
cold feet and hands, cold chills and hoi dashes over the body. It
has not its equal to Gilds and aegis ; and pronentes easy az
pretending and nestle perapiratinn, relaidag urinous of the
lungs, thrust. and every other part.
But in nnthing I. It. escAlence move manifestly men and an
knowiedged than In all kinds and sate. of
It wort" warders le Queen( laster.iffres m Whites. fliff re
Or Wawa. Obstructer!. SeppressoL Punt fa! .Srases. frreieQer
itp rN tee nrenstrwal perinds, and the like ; and as ua effectual
in curing all the rooms of Killer g Phew&
Sy renewing obstructions. see regulating the general err
taut, it gives tone and strength to the whole Wady. cad thee
cares all forms of
Nervous diseases and debility,
and tins prevents at relieves a gams rudely of other undone;
as Spinal, irritative, Xenralgia, St. Pane Dance, diseenday,
fits. Cosrshiens. Le.
It cleanses the hbo& suites the liver to healthy sew.. ernes
the suouseb, and gives good digestion. relieves the bowels of
=and entivtiontion. eltays ladainntation, parlifes the We.
set the circaintiau of bland. pandering pentle waned%
eqnullt over the body. sod the insensible perspiration; m
inxes all strietutes sad tightneei, removes all obstructions, and
invicorstes the entire nervous systent Is not this then
The medicine you pre-eminently eee d t
Ilst esti soy of these things be said of S. T. Tosnisend's Mrs
riot eructs, This. 'mum teen's liquid Is not to he
because ..rose GRAND FACT, that the one is CICAPABLE
while the other DOES ; erostriag, fiersesitisi, and Unity SU
tenter containing It Into freemen's ; the .out. arid liquid sepia
ding. nod daxilyriag other goods t Nun not this horrible erne
pound he poisonous at the system What ! pet .cid ism n
norm shreds , diseased witketeid 1 What mules Dyspepsia but
arid 1 Do we not all know that when fund souse in oar sums
ache. what reirebiefs It produces 1 fintnerms, heartburn. palpl
'anon of the been. liver complints. diarrhea. dysentery. colic,
and corruption of the blood 1 What is Scrofula but as arid
buster babe Wady? What produces an lb.' bunion it hicb
bring on Eruptions of rise Skin, Scald Barak Malt Rheum. try
alpelas. White Swellings. reser Sores. and all oiceretions
tersal and external I It Is nothing under bemire& bet an acid
subssaece, which onus, and thus 111 all the folds of do
body. more or less. What causes Xhetunation but a emu or
acid Said, Which Insinuates tacit between the Joists cud
totbete. *Wain sad hitlandigethe delicate tissues app. which
It sets 1 So of nervetts diseases, or lininolir of th.-61.4 of
&ruled chculatlorks, and nearly all the aliments which aria
busies swum.
Now. is it sat norrible to wedge and sell, sad negentrip wane
us me tit+.
and yet he would foie hue It budendood that Ola 0,. reale
Tennutendrh Genteasr Oritrissi Sersenergra, p.aarllarTATlON
of his lettuce , propitiation:l!
Heaves forbid that we nhoidd deal is so article which would
say the most distnit resemblance to S. P. Townsend*" ...tido:
and which should - loins d•niva noun the Old I tr. such a visoustals
inaA of complaints and-orituirstoins from Against who have said,
andpnrehoure Ishii...have used S. P.Tovntseturs FERAIIENTING
We wish it understood. because it is the siseistr Seta that
S. P. Townsend's article and tlial Dr. Jacob Townsend's SM.
eapnitila ate Seassa-SeAle apart, and iallwitala dissimilar; that
they aro unlike itnetypartitular, burins nu m" sheds DAM
in cutusson. .
As S. P. Townsend is so doctor,. acid never was. Is see
cluresisa no pbaranceutist—knows no mere of ludic's" or dip
sue than any oilier cominno, unselendtle., weillstuatellud data,
what rassastse asa the public, have that they an receiving a
{eosin sciudge medicine; containing all the virtue. of' tho
articles used is pirp e dina and which ore inespable of eh*
which might mender them the SQUATS of planes
But what she should ho expected niVell One wholkomn noth•
fee comparativitly of medichie or/Mows= It noontime's prism
of some experience to cook and rear tip eves austronSdoesal
went. finsiuneh vies hnurtaet he b asst the oustitis who tits
sfactome inediciaa, liesilmed for .
should Itionti . wen the medics) pm — testis at plash. OtO,Mout
saris of Iletatiodr pred 4 iimovemretnrthiwir bAiltot rutties t
stimpas onsostpo twaw ttd osfAe ratloalt.oaseoobkbSad
the bunion .y.timAisilanititi oipignsalows,sciarneArmit
It Ls to orre.ettlitedespon ttiountittlattato. u Pm , Was Ws
sososdnilltoinsoity. tollsater-ttopelslatOesimertot booms, is
tenure bomb sad Wow, And tootlain tbr unshod sad
Ilan. and in kinhh infirmity that 4 4 11410 DA. mt* Towurack
ter SOUGHT pod MONO tharopportogitt sod ilbgain to Wig
Grani.Universal Concentrated
within the reach, awl to the knowl °Can who Weed 11, then
they salty Wain. lunilltiouriby Initial experience, its
Transcendent Power to Heal.
Di. Jams Thomism. • . .Now yossa;rist4s 111111.
t—.llll - 011 40th et Itity,o4l, I WrAlkowaln sdiacked Was
rheumatism. and waitioord, trader ssoisdapresstiptioaa. to pow
vans kr at teas two 'saireths. • 1 hoeausor eating Widow
isioatistile or fooling arri rtf. avtotalad ki bed. or soma
say 'aj. In dila - stat tans atied hatil Jaunty, we, woe
logo to wad a Wooed Wpm" gnoloat/T till dor lit
This aimmoherat mralitialif, fro *afar to lir tirfaS
though stfttlicapaldo g t r 1.14 Rosa tird:or orimpuraimii.
is to' emiditios.lilth but/car no
Until 1,4dr.1 4,,,.pgroi;oureetwinbakit *Nati ridosrosat i lti
the 21st July. t was induced to try yontliana ous
94th. threat days after taklad the that door. / AR 08 E LIT
which I had slot dose haw in tea eroaths, end to In. thai •
work, 1 - .
• L rr.••ti.x.x.b ACROss Ttlß pooM • • -
with Memo ofenuebaCilltare thee. I brim walked Is the street:
have pee wheehms 21.Spiross-suart In Ms f'sdt ; tames to
Lorejoy's mid lock. I, ban, - boas so 8S Nassau lama,
two different limes. lard sun sow fraisosdy eisidas my smitekr,
am Dudes an dids Duo. if Luise WM. tot Me Sento of Old
Dr. Tosmsoureillosespadds. Ott , 4
. epartprod seeder bottle
pa Oct.). vital radios! twit. sernmobe. artiest the ale
of eratebild - f. he* arso - morly marveled Dom olistrnados
wororouridoimpam tar vest ritsams. Tett pelt le ley lest 1101
Iliaseetheatt.. I eed my -guilty have so truttsly seesiaohn
tactile seetrory en Viler oft/moans to , I
Atcworeopysgx , rx - sAnsarAmil.l4.
ALM WELSD, 31DonMot.
Opitysidassampaiigarar irplo,,,wikkesur
roes trihiateerse ble lf awe ety hid sot ,
Maapal• *Ass 'llll , llilia4treetj a. Cily. ,
:44607•144i40 -- 1,0711-47Yesisda iingotr4ll ,
44 1 .14„ .Pigobiric.P.4spekenit, lir
e _
• •4:1-- - •
1.4 1 0 110 1 1 110 0 9
i. 4'44 k ter in quatititiia
to soil putchasers. 0r723 0. D. RARTLETT.
m r:
silesifitillike SeinlilaKroush I
R a g.
~ _. , dites4lkilece li rOM: •
4 1 4,5 A: ._ 10 : 44 4t1 4 - '- • • F '' ".:,of .Z . Ell4l_. f
P 21 4 - egf, ' di *l. llB4 l ' ol limi git ,A4°,
14,1044 1 .,-.-siol.werfribilki*Onp4tAL iiitter
437 sAimionnit goli!—beii4 l ... 4i.e 1 14 , 4411.4.?
4 44
ea paces„relSliit.l;e4d.ises4 hi,:4o i
'ytie_ . .sguili.dAlisisliOTl jet: 4, 144 .„,.. Elgui
fatiuf• _ , , ,•.• -.- x ,•. .--1 ' 0 1e ic,;,... .__2__„-
's o
You* g rarasi viten just spool to we s mope .
slieda;abeaftitruShiag bligtrtanvert the kr t irrimisteli 3 Of
it fulpit4,iyour,lU4scopgi,i alu/iiti!tik i littilt a Aelir ,
your less" , pfloPrs .hiat,l9 ll 'l4. PO 0 1 #4 1 71P/P•74:09 1 . 1.1 4
• Vitlgt.nrhlelPitilklierd Ile,' wrOttOca d unce -d l ifsc,_,--i•
. MOS; Muse, the wife:At wh..,..1L !Chivy rtfbT`mt
; en op ky kr. 1 21.1.11-41f4OpstR.-Vor sq :-.c • .
c15 1 4.13,-Prflowii*.@,..Pkwltir.J*ol l4 44 ./. 4 1 * -
Icoikc „geo-ritudp, alt,- 1 4t1 .k.tiki,',(P , 4 .',', it, i lib. e
had every amars t ase or beis4htervisurOßtAil,a44 orals
6° Vpac'uncra -41 tier: . 3liciaum.4* 32 miti N 4.
%sari gieeni„td it.coreti- er., ~ ...ft-v.4 r • e;., ',.. ..: a
Mni: Garrabrants,4 ta l l •AerrY, YLBF ', a l .° , C Ur r4 ,Cli
Citnipipptina.byiAlkit*(sisu Oro jil outer , remedies,
failed to give relief. i. 4e sjanied urea !polite - lett:M., pr.
1. C. Castle, 1/ ! ..nitst,ilit ni.ustiiimilitigfliitnetiwa
its affects ip several cis es -Uher nopther iriedicine afar?
del relief—bat thi.Balsarn ~omated dee charm, pr.
C. ulse witnessed its wonderful velvets in curing Aiib
roa,,which it never fails of doing.„, tiditing Blood,
'alarming,as,it may he. is cflixiii . ally,enred by This Bal
sam. lt heals thew
ruptured or ounilcd,blood ,vesaels,
„ •
sod makes the lungs sound again. ,
Rev. Henry Jones,.loB Eighth avenue, was coma of
cough and catarrhal affections of 50 YestssYmtling. The
first dme gave him more relief than all the, other rogdi
eine be had ever taken, Dr, 1.. J. Beals, 19 Delany
wee; gave it to a who weir laboring under
. consumption. and to- anottutr sorely offered with' the
wahine, In.both cases,itketrects. werciounediats, soon
restoring them to comfortable health.
Mn.. Lucretia
,Wellii„ 95, Christie st.,•safered from
Asthma 42 'Tan: ' Bhermaus Balsam, relieved her at
once, and she is cOmparatively - well, being enabled to
subdue every attack by' a timely use of this medicine.
This indeed is the timely, remedy fur Coughs, Coble,
Spitting blood, Liver complaints and all affections of the
throat, and even Astbma.and Consumption.
Price :5 cents and . ,sl • bottle. Bold io Towanda,
by .11USTQN & PORTER, No. 1, Brick row.
Lellls Irrarks praise It !
plete remedy fur Berm, Scalds, Caw, Swellings,
Bruises, Sprains. salt Rheum, Piles, Fever Sures, Sore
Lips, Chapped Hands, elaillbtaias, Scald Head, and al
kinds.of led:lamed sores. •
PeNona in all conditions of life. are at times liable to
be afflicted with the above complaints. It is therefore
the duty of heads of families to provide and keep on
hand, ready for any emergency. a REMEDY that is .
capable of removing the suffering attendeot on those
very troublesome companions. Those who have used
need not be told that it is a complete remedy, a master
of pain, and the most weedy remover of tuftrunnialion
ever discovered. • The experience of such persons is suf
ficient to prompt,them to keep it always on band,luaow
ing that many valuable lives have been saved, by this
Magical Conqueror of inflamed and other sorer., burns,
scalds, &c. It instantly stops all pain of the severest
kind, and prevents stairs. No family should be without
it, as an immediate application of it in cases of burns or
scalds, would do more good while waiting fur the docto•
than be could do when arrived, besides preventing long
hours of the utmost starting which might pass before a
physician could be obtained.
It possesses control over the severest injuries by fire,
over mortification, over inflammadon, and by, its core-
tined virtues it acts as sutli•septic e nervine, arati.spas
medic, anstlyne,emollient and healing, and is the most
complete external remedy in use.
Thlnnuendo have tried. and thousands praise it. it is
working its way into public favor with a rapidity un
known in the history of Medicines. All icho use it, re
csmnreed it, Again we say. no family should be with
out it. The agents furnish the public gratis, with books
deicribieg this ointment.
o:7'Esch box of the genuine Tormair's Uvr
.Orvventsv has the sigriaticre of a. Tommy written on
rhe-outside label iu black ink. Never purchase a box
unless this signature can be seen. Puce 26 cer to per
box or five boxes for $I Prepared by ELL' ore S. TOL ,
%CT, Syracuse. N. Y. Sold in New York at lilt. Nms
gm) street, and in Towanda, by HUSTON dr. POR
TER, No. 1 , Brick Row. by ,
Cllckaer's Vegetable Purgullve.Pllbs,
ARE the first and only medicine ever discovered that
will pnsitively tort Headache, Giddiness,
Dyspepsia, Scurvy Smallpox, Jaundice, Pains in the
Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Hi
sing in the Throat, Dropsy. Asthma, Fevers of ell kinds
Female Complaints. Measles, Salt Rheum, Hien Burn,
Worms. Cholera, Hodes, Coughs, Quinsy, Whooping
cough, Consumption, Fits, LnerComplaint, Frysipelas,
Deafness, Itching, of the Skin, Colds, Mertens eom.
plaints, and a variety of other Diseases arising from ion
puritit a of Indigestion.
It has been proved that nearly every disease In which
the human frame is subject, originates from impurities
of the Blood or Derangements of the Digestive Organs;
and to secure Health, we must remove those obstructions
or restore the blood to its natural state. This fact te
universally known, but people have =eh an aversion
to medicine, that, unless the case is urgent, they prefer
the disease to the cure, until an impaired Constitution
or afit of sickness rebukes them for the folly of their con
duct. Still they had some emote, for berafaforai and,
liana in almost all its forms, was nearly as disgusting
as it was beneficial. Now, however, the evil is most ef
fectually removed ; for. Cliebencr's Vegetabk Pargutier
Pills, being Onnpletely enveloped with • corneal or
eras WHIT/ ern •s.(which is distinct from the kernel)
have no taste of medicine, but are as easily swallowed
as bits of candy. Moreover they do not nauseate or
gripe in thealightext degree, which is occasioned by the
fact that are compounded on scientific principles, and
operate equally on all the diseased parts of the system,
instead of confining themselves to; and racking any Par
ticular region. (which is the great and admitted evil of
every other purgative.) Hence ,they strike at Me root
of Disease, remove all impure humors from the blood,
open the pores externally arid internally, promote the
-insensible Perspiration, obviate fistuleury. Headache,
dec.—separate all foreign and obriaziouir particles from
chyle, so that which it is the origin, must
he thoroughly pmare..-securs a free and healthy action In
the Heart, Longs and Liver, sod thereby restore health
eons sakes all other means hare failed. .
tr,..k.t letters: of inquiry or for advice-meat be ad
dressed (post rid) to -De..C. V .CLICHENER. N 0.1116
Vevey-at, itiletriYorkire his authorized-10mi. through
out the-country-, Formle in.Towasids, by • -
HUSTON•k Forma, No . . 1. Brick Raw.
N. R. Remr mbar. Ih.O. V. Chattier is the inmate
or Sugar Coated INN, mid that nothing of the sortie's
ever hamlrof. until he-introduced them io Jane, 1848.
Purchasers should therefore ask for Clickelser'sZugar-
Coaled Pills. and take no other, or they will be made
the victims of a fraud. by
410,VDD H3E123 1
Mr,* for the trait pf cheap_ Clacks, Watches and
irtrdryl Great gush at the'
.A Ft ' - 1 •
f AMES. P. OUL4respectfolly. informs the citizens
,eL.Tonands sad vicinity. that haisse lately return
ed from Philadelphia. and permanently located in To.
wands, nos doer below the Brick Rour,in the room for-
merly occupied-by- /Aerates Hat Store, where any be
found. gold and silver Retches, gold. fob and- Mtard
chains, gold and silver pencils, gold pens, breast pin',
Suter rings, &c, cheap for cash. and every article war
ranted.. A large supply of CU WKS, of the-latest the
proved Fawns, atoning ftOIII 30 boors to 8 days and
a mouth, with.oorAtiudillg•
az? Particular attention paid to repairing CLOCKS.
WATCHES & JEWELRY. of every description; and
kart the long exponeote which-he has bed in the he.
threes; work left in his care will be done in the hest
warknumliler manner. .014 gild !mid silver token in
etchings. Towande.-Atethet 16 •48 4 88' r •e r
inso . l4no4: •••'s.
I%TOTICE re hereby given that tbareampartnen
,41,betelnivin ssiwing:lptween (111AMI/ERLINNk
Klitr4l.katibutgis*Zem. is dieJleyeeielssettf.
mlioel consent. The bowmen will - lettenied ADA*
11. Q.-PORT-Mk** , will Arnie ell aeoliontket the
!we firm Tam* Jan. 6, 1849.
sops spEmIcAL OpvrouN4 ra - 0
-x - 0.,:ite1q4.156A, iiirAitityi k by'
Yhi'faclikiz=avitli?..ollieiPlePreibfegratlii. 'hate
0t40 . '44i 16 1 04Eratiediaabr the aiiciia far
jinecfr 'titer smite " sgraipirilii:lirittli'llone itoiie.
'Alf,,oitigltlesi;kh'in fieye4ltilinvit eis dy slniiiiits
cliiito:ity: it loirilresdy 4ffeitiettier - 5;000 'Enr74.
The Wllivalkaiootter disease which thiallyrupprodu
arentay be attribalesi te..the lace .ibat it it& composed
partly of vegetable .extracts, each • 0011 that tug xi, di red
referencetaemetair internalwegan; consequently the
vbcgaayetemis beuefitted4 and the fact that,. in its
„operation. Wm-mantra neithes-Ileltness nor PaPtt and
can be taken under all circumstancesmitberit regard to
, 'mines& or diet, and by the need.and the infant with
‘eqsalefficacy. is «mainly.* consideratum in_the history
of Medicine. This Extract is put up in Quart Bottles.
''antrisklie most highly eiMeentrateaSyrup 'in' ma It
is offered se Mellow vita of one dollar pet Bettie, the
kehject of-being lavgimr , dis patinae awl:opportunity- by
the purchase of one bottle, to test he valuable Medical
PrW4teli lag li et , s 4 4ise. " - -. 4- vx -
• ...n iw ound E xtra o Yeoew week and:Sorsa
. parilia ia a posidie; speedy, and &cotenant . cure for
Consumption, Scrofula or Kines * EvU, grisipelia, Salt
' Rheum. Pimples on die face;'Rbeurnatisin, Gout, Gen
eral Debility, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Spinal Af.
fections, Female Complaints, IBMs," £typhila in its
word form, Affections of the Bladder ants - Kidneys,-
Bilious Colic and serous Loosenessi,Bit.ei, Costiveness,
corrupt Humors, Asthma , Dropsy, enlargement
of Hopes„ Fever and Agge, Giddinesii, Gravel,
Headaches, of every kind, Impure blood, Jaundice, Lass
of Appetite, Leprosy, Vermanat Diseascs.ftht Sweats.
Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Neuralgia, Organic
Affections `Psfpitation of the Heart, Painter's Colic,
Piles rush of Blood to the Head, Scurry; Swellings,
Sick Headache. Stiffness - of the joints, Exposure and
Imprudence of Life. •
It extracts nervous disease, purifies and winches the
Blood, and invigorates the body owe effectually thin
any medicine hitherto Offered to the public.
In the Vegetable Kingdom, an 'Attain. Being has
deposited such plants and herbs as are congenial to our
constitutions, and adapted to the mire of all curable
diseases to which human nature is inch.enL AU this,
Compound Synipla compcived of ail those valuable
plants, some of which have lately been discovered and
used, and found to be certain opeciffcs in thou:inds of
diseases that before defied the beat of Medical 'skill.
This is to certify that we,-the undersigned Phyu.
china of the city nf'Nete York, have in • very great
many cases inscribed Doctor Guyaott'a Extract of
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and are fully assured
that it has no equal among the varied Syntps'and
;oparilla prepasstiong that have over been sold. Octo
ber 10,'47.
JUhn F. Stebbins, M. D.; F. R. Thoinas, M. D. ;
P. 8. Maynard. M. D.; James E. Morgan. it D. ;
Samuel T. Walls, M. D. 8. M. Johnson. M. D.
_testimony in furor of the superiority of Dr
Gurott's Extract of .yea w Doek and Sarsaparil
la over all other !similar reinetlies.
Raul! Remit Extracts of Idlers received, '
Werawrown, Jeffenon Co., Nov. 4, 1847.
Mr. 8. F. Brarwirr-r:
Dear Sir—l am at a loss to express with words what
has been said in praise of your Compound Extract of
Yellow Dock and. Sarsaparilla; all who have had the
pleasure of using it speak of its marvellous effects in
removing diseases, with to much feeling and heartfelt
satisfaction, that I am confident new that no medicine
in use can boast of its superior qualities. Many who
have been complaining for years with pain in the aide,
burning and pain in the chest dyspepsia. general debili
ty, loss of appetite, chills, night sweats, salt rheum,
armfuls, in fact all the diseares dui% we in this climate.
are heir to, find in the Yellow Dock sott o Sarsaparilla,
all !Nall . requisite to make thorn ivhaVtltep ntera in
their (flys of health &c.
We have had twelve dozen &titles in three months,
and find we are nearly out. Please send an equal
amount, and 0 - lige your*.
ST. initially ILLS, Montgomety CO. Jan.. 3, '4B
8. F. Baxiirry 7 -Desr Sir—Some four weeks since
was induced to try your Yellow Dock said Sarsaparilla
for Dyspepsia; bad been afflicted about 40 rears, most
part of the time unablet to eat inything without suffer
ing intensely from its effects. 1 base tmed`now only
one bottle of your invaluable medicine, and consider
myself ••tirely cored solely by its use. Can now eat
• hearty meal, without the slightest inconvenience. -
Very truly yours. AJSTEON Y BEEKMAN, ,
The mild alterative properties of ffr. Gussotes' ex
tract of Yellow-Pock-end "Sarsaparilla, render it pecu
liarly applicableirktle slender and delicate constitution
of the female. It is ovirivalted malts effects upon such
diseases as Insipient 'Cortsumption, Barrenness. tea
conhoea of Irregular Menstruation, inconti
nerici of Mine, end:general Prostration of the system.
It immediately counterals that distressing nervousness
and lassitudeso C 04 1 .1111011 t h e Arnie frame, and im
parts an energy end' buoyancy as imiptising • as they
are gratefil • • •
We cannot, or :course, exminn oei t ifitiatei tony ex
tent in this class of complalpficbin the two allowing
extracts of *tens recently ,reaftived, indicate sufficient
ly the great virtue of the medicine mis remedy" for_the
diseases refined to.
NSWANS. lin. '25411.'1 417
Mr. Birx,rlr...We take pleasure in atititu; that
'our Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla gives great astir
{action to every cue._ We shall try wed send yon mime
A - very respectable gentleman informs us that, his
douglider wasimuhlea with difficult menstruation. and
other diliases peculiar to her Bev. She had not had her
Ivan . ineurtroul Osebarges for ejong time.; bet by
thew Xr.Gaiyaitt's Yellow Dock and ffitioaph i iilts.
was radically cured. kfad used Townsend's l and
others', without receiriog she slightest .benefit. i He
had, one daughter die from the same canoe. Pienao
send us an additional supply. Very. rospectfultyyraurs,
J. E. TRIFTE dr. C U.
neve are counterfeit medicines afloat; therefore the
reader is particularly cautioned net ao.allow himself to
be fiiiiused '
Destartilinv von brartnalicine putt up in min*
quartiragtes. very Icirmandalk for br. Pog r acitoet
bearing the Written sinnatere of F. Bennett, on
each outside wrapper, written with black ink ; and do
not, on any account, be induced to buy any other arti
cle—wit es this preparation °ray Ibis is_perforllting !Mel
marvelous and astnnialting,
.cures., ,TAI;, no mans
word,.as rumps having Om counterfeit medicine,and
not genuine, are of course., der*" of making.. their
profita---consequently- you are, liable to-buy worth/ma
trash, unless you swains for ycnirselyes.
Prepared at 8. F..Beatneu'eLakoatory, Littlarrailit,
Herkimer county. N. Y.:and a.ild at whadafile WWI
York city by 14.1111: T/ippe; 128 Maiden Laneit.thoby
Tracy Beadle, Elinith„, L. M. Rexford, Bintragaioik
b. L. Pinney, ik.4iliOtrego, and by the prideifial
druggists and num6istia6•throughout ark
WealsiiiiiiidCaseda« .4t - evr, ..-
. -
—1•••. •Anse , gensinemonlenizlintisphii-iirp
beam" canteining withttha man bLibe.a7np
hinmin,th - 41111.2" n tblAi iitittea npnaturnot
RENbiETT on essiautaide mapper& A
vileidAibolemhband Snail . aI.II.I4IINRRICK
Allots, HIRAM MU( ,Towanda. "
111.,,.u=2, 1 =1 -
I' po .law orlitt A Aff i t t.6 oZreti l o ,3l =t .
9 IrliWihe ofe or% good apperatiii to true.
* lei
0 iltalieeltrafitedy;;Nitiliililai ii p tt i intt
. : 1 19CoierPhIl
,':" t.saapieiiiisiTY,
14a4. 2 .4icatior at taiiiko - ;" . iniii4i3.:'lloo -0 0
I%!tfT4 'q ua -e !.
Fr ad i t t •.: . t id, ..... , ,.. •. • . 00
- -, a r n ihro,„ , - N. t•-pa ...13D-.14 i- ....0.. ;:- . ‘ . 4 .. 00
14-4 0. Oh* '0404* iiiiii*:.; ~.".".', ' ".
10 3)0
finTiow ibut titti trOrli t ,'' ' -'. ".' ' ' '2 - 00 ,
`i Viiry faititlOPltselllWAtiiiiiiiiiio oe the' :liege. !
•II On to faint raltrAirtititlor iiiijia of ditobtere
11413aies, and the eguee thip,„epithouticklitional charge.
ALTRWSJPIA;7O#OO4:4M:OtiP,),O* brandies,
', t n#e.#4. rfainOickafli•Alkt, , 00 .14 at.
'PluserPT, - .?, -=.: - —..- .„ !,,.: „, AP NI
I . nepteatons, PI., : 1 4,9 * !Afi r t , •,. .. ~ . 4 b° .,,,
I la !i?S' ialll°11 1 0 f -,: ' l• -. • ' • ' • -
Dissimg and paintinginwatir colors. bietudeng
• Oaf
E lf nettertah : as Interr paw. 1
T , niAls, 003. ; 1 A 00
on p a Otettn'egn‘a _, " -.. 10 00
Painting triluipsairnt. harriaarith s ilwaiding
, ahoeupply of tosterialyaech-
:( • 7 ''' • 00
V'Yormola.paindog on-pepey silk-and. velvettper I.
..twelve • lessone, .' •• -•-„, .. •• • . , -
5 oo
Pilding ow silk. erope. ea.,. .•1. .: do. ~ • 1 11 00
.Wag flowere r per gooney ;• , ' i IA 00
ea* and ink,: ,- •"• : . • • • . , • . .1.- 60
. 2AO
,Boardis vocation, $2 00tpar week. • ' • • •
Letters peat-pall. odittossol to the Moor 'WHITE
Jr.GRIEFLIsI. Bingbamtoo. Broom eit.•.N. _Y-i will rev
ceive protopeottentios. ' i t • - '
WitlMS37= l3 IDIMPONEXties
. ,
' Co:1111110g lo *reify of Other Enda '
TT has power to manse all EXTERNAL ' I6O EO B ,
ggm.93qt.a. U iscliargsAhei putrid .
tartnedXLCHEATING, TOrtheie is
scarcely a .diebisbefixtinial'eir iiiternit!,-that it will not
her4l: 4 l bias tisedit fritthe lilt siateenruira,:for
diseases of the chest, involving OM utmost danger end
reopcins ibility, and. I declare afore heavers and man,
that not in one case has it failed to benefit when the pa.
dint was within reach of mortal means: _ •
I . bawl .had physicians learned in the profeesicn—l
have had ministers of the gospel, judges of the binch,
aldermen, Lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition,
end multitudes of the, poor use it in every variety-of
waY. and there has been but one spice—one universal
" ilallisier your Ointment is good!" •
Maims renteres-ahlarst immediately the
inliamsnatiors and owellAng when she Pete melte. --
Read the directions s round-tlso bog.
Head Atha--The salvo hes cured persona of the head
ache of lIAMOVe. yeareAtandiog.. and who had it regular
every week so that vomiting took plant, : •
Deafness. Barwick, nelisaeles and Ague in the
Face. are helped-with like success. -
Nadri ilead..—We have cured eases thee tactually de
fied every thing known, es well as the ability of fifteen,
to)wenty doctors. One man told us he had spent $3OO
on hit children without any benefiti_ when a few boxes
•of the eihtikinpued than, • ' •, • .
Daldness.-11, will restore the hiir sooner than any
other thing.
Tetter.--There is nothing better for tho cm a of setter.
Burns.,--4t is one of the best things in the world for
Piter.—rboasands ire yew', eared by this ointment.
It Ruse fails in giving relief for the Pilmo
7 (Cr Around the box ere el ecoions for using McA tits
lees Ointment for Semple. Liver Complaint, Ery
ripekti, Teller, Chill Wain, Scald Head, Sore Eyes,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Nervous affections,
Pains. disease of the Spine, Head ache, Asthma, Ear
ache, gum, Corns, all Diseases of - the skin, Sure Ups
Pimples, ier: stiffness of the joints, Swelling .of the
Limbs, Sore limbs, Sores. Rheumat ism, Piles, coldfert,
Croup, swelled or broken Breast, Tooth aehe. Ague in
the Pace, ire.,
co- Aged permas find great relief in using this Oint
ment freely.
Corns—Occasional um of the Ointment will always
keep cams front growing. People need never be trou
bled with them if they use it frequently.
0;7. This Ointmentli•good fornany part of the body
or limbs that are inflamed. In tame cases it should be
applied often.
Garrrtow..--No ointment will be genuine unless the
name of James McAllister is written with a pen upon
every label. JAMES McALLISITR,
Sole Proprietor of the above medicine.
Antlrsa--H.S. & M.O MERCUR, Towanda ; S.
H. & S. Newman & C 0.,. Caatim ; Elmore - Hor
ton. Sugar R.m. 45y
Principal Office, at NO.' 28, North Third-at., Phila
delphia, where applications tot agencies may be made.
Wbat are yoaaboat ben 3 Ara't ye Tea, I gurisso:
T HOC AN D 8 of times the question has been asked,
--Whore on earth are all the Boots cud Shoes ma
nufactured that supply the eontinnal rash at the corner
of Main and Bridge streets! O'Hara answers that this
is the pl a ce r and these are the things we du it with !
Sevenirelei,en n cu. fiishions
• every two seconds]
un the Steam! !
Hear ye ! hi:el - Yet-and anderateridlthat O'Hara, at
the corner of Main and Bridrstreets, will sell at retail
this season. 39,781 pairs offoots, Shoes alto Brogans,
at a less pike than ever was or probably ever will be of
fered again in Toviiinda.
The Ladies' Department in this establishment is.
richly furnished with fashions. Ladies', misses' and
children's fancy and common boats and shoes, even to
the extremity of the latest fashion,. Mistake not the
place —Comer-of Main- and Bridge -street,. the only
SitertArtore in. Bradford County. Half cash and half
trade for Butter. H. O'HARA.
• Towanda, June-Itt,
gie r d6. 7
• , _
. •
JOHN W . WILCOX; has removed his establish
ment to the shopletween Kingshery'st
.and Bart
letea stores, and where he still solicits share of
public patronage. He intends, hy a carrint- selection
of stock, antrby attention to the 'interests of his custo
mers to make as neat and durable work as can be ma
nufactured is this pet of the country.
B. will keep constaat y an hand. Sod manufactnce
to order, Morocco, Calf arid Cottrse Boots and Shoes ;
Lathes' Gaiters, Shoes and Slips Children's do.
Genii Gaiters anti Pumps, Itc.
Country Produce; of roost descriptions, taken in
payment for werirost the market-price.
Towanda. April 26, 1847.
Mtn 30W IT IL
F. HARDER respectfully wtshes to inform the
citizens of Towanda, and the public that he has
- 11 1 TOismila, an Main street, a few doors above Bridge
street, where,he wilt keep constandy on bander make
to order, Plated and common Hamm, Trunks and
T run k Irnarer,,and.all kindsof workin his hoe. CAR
to orthsr.• Fmai.his experience in the business,, and
punctuality -in attending to it; ke hopes bonny, seeder,
alitlan , Of pithliepi tnnsage. • • • ' •
•ca AlPltitAs ofiworkaray be-had et his shop cheap
er thin tat oily 'other Shop in thisleounty:
41 # 111411twr. - • - lyl
. ,
LPIREIWAIW4 91kitoot1 asoonniont,.including Iron
.1-4. Eked; 11414 &e.yat fo.- 2, %B. FOX'S.
!Met' t- - igeaIIDIOCIPIKV4IS. okt.
" th ' - Ind tO Wl* Aoki*
„, end iSißtrey -- habits 'or ?alb, I ,
AHLAINICHLINP Nottloonst earner of THIRD ad
'UNION Wafts; lawsuit Sprites end Pine, a -
- andiplbsliffroa the -Etching% Philslelphis.
17•1;. • - •••••••TAKE: PARTICULAR NOTICE.
Tlues.lo Whitebait bayasseh whether the A e ,„l .
-nay et Collsgs—olsbits indulged - in when by hi..
self, in solitude, gtowingrap lath the boy to manh ood .
fai a7 i iess - who indulge in this peskiest p act ,
.are -awe,,
• of Abe consequentes,, until thole 6sd th e
`italatei •syiteen ifilitteied; feel strange and enteesm.
arils feelings, vague Ras tzkodate indivieutt
beconies.fesble; he Is' unable to lallter with SCClnitom e d
I •Ifigatqrio ipplthiscnial to study t t .Daultep ,„ tanly
and sresk,•les is drill, inesshets. .•
• • • • • • . IF THE SOLITARY ',ICE. •
Is Continued, the pew:gala ianeyea, end
issuisgs•rendeted - lapsable; s long. Orsa of ars*,
stfectionipfellar, tbe estimates:a is &sant, tbe - syi,
without natant loins, latinefseedatiiit appate g g„._
Tons AMC STIIITTOUS 11/11111:11 . /MOULD - IWAVILIttI th e
stuu.tion of those slaileety
Be conscious-oldie ainstrof and quit it, h e
suffers under thoselerrible nocturnal and involuntary
*Millions, which' waken and shame him producin g
mental and physiinil Priostration. If he emancipates)rim.
self before the practicn.has dourrits worse, and enter,
matrimony. his uretriteim is, unfruitful. and. his mug
tells him thatibis' esuatal lay his eat bodies..
n 'll2 i t j W - SA 4 0 9 1 Q i nor
ikiee'lln y • *nor
case known to one whb. from education era statfreani.
Miry, can alotiebefritvid' you. lie who Placer Mtn.
self Under DR: KlNlCEl4N'B.treatment, mil 'religion"
ly confide in his honot ass gentlemen, and in whose
bosom will tie forever locked the went of he patient.
• Thousands hate been restored to health team the de.
visitation , or these tertiflic.maladiee, by Dr. Kinkelig,
German Physician.
Packages of hisdicines, Advice', &e, forwarded, by
sending a remittaucei• and put iiii;sectuti from damage
. .
or curiosity.
Post paid letters answered foubwith
Second, sassion,just published. price 25 cu,
A Treatise on Affection. Love and Marriage, s t d
the Disessis of Yooth,4lsturity and Old Age or th
Lights and Shades of ' , Married Life, (it. infelicim s
and enjoyments.)
•. To be or not to be, chat is the questino."
(With curious cases,illnetrations. *Ste.)
• There eremorethings 'iveizeheaven and earth, Hwan g
Than ate dreamt ofin our'philtmatphy.'—Sass aru m
• This book should be in the binds of every p m . ;
man or woman contemplating ItllentlC.l. Even
schoolpboy. end indeed every man or"woman, roam e d
or sintrie;whould read with care and attention, the nab
useful work as we consider' it well ridspnal to awoken
attention too subject more blighting to body, mind and
soul. than any other tics. .
' or -made twee persons, suffering from DTI.
peptic and Consomptivesymtoms of tong stanthoe;,;,,
earefitl pemsal of this most wonderful work, will find
the cause of such symptoms in the barieful hale he t
described. •
CO - Anferte "runty -flee nets wick in
letter, will receive one copy of this book by mail, or
rive copies will be sent for one dollar.
O - All. letters are exiecled to be . rowr rata , nu ?
those containing a remittance, and - addressed,
" DR. WM. YOUNG; 162 SPRUCE Street, let.
weer' Fourth and Fifth. PHI LA DELPHI A. " • ball/
p. No =l4 .. VIII ti s OO mbf---41
L. M. NYE & CO, woad*
opeetiy 'inform the citizens of Tos.
!Ands and the public generally, last
ithey.hine on hand & tnanufactan
to order all kinds of CABINET
:FURNITURE, of the best met,
4L - _-4 - ..:t - : ------ - ----
_________-_ .--
- .. --- _-." - ...,- - .. , ,, , Azi
~,- . ----- 9
rdi ii . , ,
rite's, and workmanship that mass
'Le surpassed, in addition to the touel
assortment in country shops, we will keep on loudest!
make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved
patterns ; Sofa Rocking. chairs. upholstered in supenor
style. end for ease and durability cannot be surpass:ll
even in our large cities. Alsio, the half French hit.
hominy Chair, beautifully nphblstered, with curled hair,
which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the
best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that ham;
had much experience in the - business, we shall be able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both so to
quality and. price, and by strict attention to busineao
hope to merit and receive the patronage of a liberal cots
munity. L: M. NYE & CO.
Towanda, September 1. 1847.
C .4111LorET FUIieVITII 7 RE -
A /FAY BE i HAD at our shop much lower this it
.I.TI. his ever been sold in Towanda. 'Goods ore
cheap, and wheat am lowered, and that is the mice se
can afford all for to do it. All kinds of produce ad
be received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kirvif
'Sept. 1. L. M. DIVE 4 CO.
ILL he s ropt on hand a large assortment,*
" made to order on shorter notice and for lesurro
nor then can be produced at any other establishments .
the land. Those who are's:ruder the necessity of pro
curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A roil
hearse and pall maybe had in attendance when desired.
September 1, 1847 L. M. NYE & CO..
Removed to north side Public Squire'
Tr 4. G7tamfier/in,
... - 'Flit AS just returned from thee!
ile 17 of New York with a lore
. ,- ; . ilk /
supply of Watches, m
4 Jewelry and ,
11 ?, Silver were, comprising ?it "
Ns i r.,'!'l?( the following articles r—Lere i .
"-. • v,,,C.,„S L'Epine and Plain Watchesont
. 1
,- ) k - -1- - ,'...... -- 67 a complete assortment of Cod 44
, ......._
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings. fa 1
ger Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets; Lockets, Gold chans. -?„
Gold Pens,-Keys, etc. Also, 'all sorts of Silyerave. I,
and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he to
for sale for CASH. .71
Watches repaired on short notice, and warranid :4'
to run well, or the Money' will be refunded, and a wra• -,'Z•
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
i, g .
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Prolix ,
taken in payment for work; and ale). learn mac, o
forever, that Me Produce mast be paid when the tvea 1
ev done- 7 1 war against credit in all its forms. t .:,
. ~.;
Towanda. April ta,. I ma. - . _-1
11 2 1:15 CD IP M g. .41 Up
. .
THE Subscriber reaped st- • A
- ly informs the citizens of To
wends that he - has - opened'
Market in the Union Block. ; , „1
.ilia ..-
ft: one door 'west of Woodru f f * .M
_ Hot e l (basement story) .aal
will endeavor tolkeep constantly on, band, and supp!!
those who wish the Means of "good living," with Sel
and Fresh Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Vex!, Pork, &c., of tbi
finest qUality and in the best order.
cfr Candles & Soap by the bot or pound, consuls!.
ly kept on band and for sale at low prices.:
Towanda, Aug, 29; 1848. A. AIA' LEY. Ei
New • Tailoring Establishment.
rn No. 2, Brick Roe, over the store of E. T Far, !:•:,..
third story.
1 . •Dci littlMU l 2l.22l7ls,
RESPBOTFULIX informs the citinerus of To
da.alkiiisc public generally, that he has removed :"•-'
his Twiiioi . tipro No. 2. Brick Row; over the stored ~, t
E. T. For thintstory, where he solicits those in viol ':••-
of Tailoring, - to give 'him a call.,
Haying been employed in the moat fashionable esti'
lisbments in Philitlelphis and elsewhere, and being de l)
termined to re 'no pains to' •
please, customers ottY ; • I '''.
depend upo having their work done promptly and ei
a good styli as :can be had at any shop in town. All I
work warrakkEd wail and to fit: '•
0:-3. Cotta -done cheap, and warranted. • ~i
''„s„7 Count,— r - l‘e c taken in payment for work. -