El NEW GOCOS 'AT ,THE CENTRAL STORE - 1 I , TOW opening et the obese eitaltruhieset,a Tetsy DI large awl desirable essorteiset el PALL .AND WINTER GOODS, whish will he meld at eery irw r a m Business et.this setabßabewat,eoedected epee fsir mid booed Principles. Yee base eet,thaelii r oom s n i t we bops for a coothieseee or the ear w ise age bound to sell Goods•Chesp. Tommie, Dee. 4. 1848. N. N. BETTA. TIE LATEST ARRIVAL MORE NEW COODS. TXTE are now receiving and opening anew and 11 . V groeral assortment of Goods just from the Qua ker. City, and we confidently say they cannot be Leal for variety, neatness of style, quality or quantity ; and they must and shall be sold as low as the same goods can be bought this side of the city. Our stock is full and complete, consisting of every thing mankind stand in need of. The stock is mtde up of Dry goods; Gro ceries, Hardware; Crockery, Iron and Nails, Nitta, Oils, Glass, Varnish, Dye-stuffs, Dods, Shorn, Leather, Fob, Salt, and in fact everything that is in demand,— Persons making purchases will do well to call and ex amine our Mock before purchasing, as we make no charges for showing goods. DRY GOODS, A good and cheap variety of Alpacas, Gingham', Oregon plaids and Delsins, a large and good assort ment of Cloths Cassimeres, sattinetts, Kentucky Jeans, rattin and silk vesting's, table diaper, brown and blue cotton and brown and blue horn tilde cloth, Muffs of all sizes prices and descriptions, Buffalo robes, Sheet ngs, shirting' both brown and bleached. Hata and caps of the lam styles, wool shirts and drawers, Carpet bags, gloves and mittens, Hosiery, any inantity of eat: t on y a rn and carpet yarn, white and colored all of which will be wad cheaper for cash, than at any otter , establishment in town. • ELLIOTT tk TOMKINB. Towanda, Nov. :6, 1648. DRS. HUSTON & PORTER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS : OFFICE, at No. I, BRICK ROW, where they may at all tines be fog d, ready to attend to calls in their profess on. Towanda. Jan. 10, 1849. PARTICULAR NOTICE EVERY person indebted to me. by note or otherwise. are hereby notified that immediate payment mud be made, or they will be subjected to the cost of elitism. inir collection. I trine this notice will be sufficient. without putting me to the necessity of placing my de morph in the hands of a magistrate, for indiscriminate prosecution. feb2B D. C. HALL. WH9IEAS, MY WIFE, MARY fiIMER, - T EFT my bed and board, on the 20th inst., without id any just cause or provocation, this is hereby to forbid any person harboring or trusting her as my ac count, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. Albany. Feb. 26, 1949. ORWELL W.MOBIIEIL Scott, Z. 'TT W .Wfr 1T a 3 removed his office to D Caah's new offwe. on l second street, where he wi . be pleased tomes thole need his professioneseraiees. Dec. 29, 1847.7 Towanda, >ugaat 30,11147. • REMOVAL LYBBEB MERCUR, has removed his Law Office to the second story of Montanye's New Blecp corner of the Public Square end . Main street. Towanda. Dec. 30th, IRIS. NOTICE TO RETAILERS/ VOTICE is hereby given that all Retailers of For k eign Merchandize who do not pay iheir saes within twenty day., will be subjezted to costs. Feb. 7, 1*49. - J, M. PECK. Treanor,. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his Farm. situated near Noah Bliss, in Springfield township, Bradford county. containing 105 sues, about 60 acres improved, with good rail and oak timber, and • sugar grove thereon. The farm is sitnated near the centre of the township. is near ly new, and in excellent condition for summer-fallow ing. There are no buildings upon ' it. Titleunques tionable. HIRAM SPEAR.. Springfield. March 5, 1949. Argos copy 3t. LA WN&—rrencb, American and Organdie Lawns, a bealitiful aimortment ; also, plaid and figured Silk wool bararm. - 1,117 KINGSBERY & CO. ArrANTED 1000 Sheep Pelts, fo; which the highest Vir price well be psid dl2 D. C. HALL. PARTICULAR NOTICE. , ,A LL persons indebted to E. SMITH & CO.. are hereby fairly warned that sakes payment is made by the first day of June next, die demands will be put in rearms of collection. No respect to mewls. March 21, 1849. E. SMITH & CO. DRY GOODS, AMONG our Dry Goods may be found almost every variety of Dress Goods, such as plain Black, Plaid and silk striped A Ip,ica, figured delsines and cashmeres. plain and silk striped mohair lusters, English and French Merinoes, French. ikatth and American Gingham'', black, plaid and striped dress silks, besides, great variety of other goods not worth while to be men tioned. Call and see for yourselves at the Central Stare. d 4 N. N. B. J. MINTOSH, DENTIST, ?ROM NSW TORR. "MOW of Bradford County, Pa., will make a periodi -1-1 cal risk to ROME, remaining a week or tandem commencing 9th of April next. Will be bind at Kin. ney's Hotel. Batisfactory rekrences and moderate prices. Teeth inserted, from one to a whole eel; and warranted to be ,exteented as well as can be done .in the cities. The following villages will be periodically Visited:— 'Towanda, Athens, Troy, Leßaysville, Okr. Informa tion will be given a week or so in advance, through the Reporter. and by small advertisements. aP2/ DaactDrvatemto THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of WILSON & WEdB is this day dissolved by =MAW moment. All persons indebted to the said Inn are notified thet they are required to settle the lame immediately, with James H. Webb, who also is to pay the debts due from said firm. CHARLES F. WILSON, *JAMES H. WEBB. Rulgberry, March 15,1849. ERISONB purchasing goods will do well to call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. as 00f stock is large and well sleeted, and purchased when the goods are lowest; so that we have a cowed*. fable advantage over dices wbo purchased earlier. We can accommodate our eustonsers with almost, everything they wish, from a cores mill to a Corn shake. July 14. ELLIOTT k TONKIN& A TONS more of those clump end beond % ful gars. `l l Also Tee et loner prices than ever end Gala to mach; all kinds of Groceries (nob sod in good order ' , very ankle warninted.--111erbel nl4 FOX'S. No.!, B. Wm. SPORTSMEN wbeningto parabola Double andl eia gle barrel Fowling Pious- Ribs sod tares, will please &l at the now Hard-ware Stott Towands,Tiov. 7, 11148. D. LORD. BRADFORD HOTEL Re WA 1121110111111111% RAS the, pliemme of emseunclut ui big al ith m li and the Pahlie, that below apse, iisimisd the am siegement of Medd end erendsnewn HOTEL. se.ibil north ads of the Pad& arm% ie whieh isaderew lag material improvemems unions senovalld mid Stied op with en eye single to the assefint end eanmesitmee of its peurms. He hi determined to ammo his undivi ded attention to the conducting of this HOTEL. and ha ran as sue his old friends and the public shit they m 1 always And themselves et brass " the Bradford MUM. His BAR end TABLE dud be eirpgßed with the very bast the Manus afferds. A share ef — piblic trotter is solicited. Timmer* 1P49. TAKEN. UP, AFLOAT in . tbe Strareareem river. he Bend. an Ile 2lat day . of Marti leek me AMC BOTTOM. which was landed la the eddy below SOW* aril The cower ow bevel' by prowler property& Ogle, chorea Must, April 6.1849. /MAC D. -COLS. AHEAD OF ALL EL KINDEMERY & Co. STOP FRIEND ! Now k the tines ! Hires wish to boy goo& clasp, call ea B. KINOBBERY & Co. They are now wiling goods as cheep, (if not • Fads cheaper) then they ma be bought at Owego, Bing beast= or Elmira. If your deal believe it. call and examine their goods, whisk for qiality mat were never before offend in this market. 4= and ihdl constantly keep on hand. • large awswaseat of Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware and Cracked. Don't forget to call and monies their pods before purchasing . elerwhens. Towanda. Jan. 11149 QIIIEETINOB.—A large 'Reek of Bbestings for sale I.) cheap by jy la D. KINGSBERT Dr CO. MUFFB.--Alnice snick of lyra.jeoetto ard coney mulk fix sale by B. YINGBBERT & CO. OLD DRUC STORE, 1, Brick Row, CONTINUED BY DOCTORS IMOD & PORTER. THIS lase, extensive, and miscollamens Meek, mom complete than any found in this earths d mum. try, every wilds having been selected with meat ease dy Doane' Poster in person, will now be offered to the public—as cheap so can be purchased elsewhere. Physicians. wbo cannot ewes and ez • • r stack can depend upon all articks they wish to seed for. In addition to the assortment of Drugs end Medicines the stock extends to Dye Stuffs, Family Groceries, Li quors of ail kiltda, Perfmisery, Fetal Goods, Atuseello• neous articles, Pi4at Medicines, 4te. 4c. Daring been appointed agent for most all the gents in Papaw. Patens Medicines. we nee r. dui making roll not offer any that are esontafrit, ma we will net boy or accept an agency from those speculators, who, by bass imitations 'impose upon the coasts; with thew spurious Dross. Oa account attlie treat imacentaewo to the public and chancier of Physicist" that pars anadaltarawd tasdi. eines 'bail' be wiminirearad,lewtil. we hope s inducts all —Phyrecians pr not Physicians -4o male their per. chimes at No. 1. Briar Row. " Goods well . Bought are half Sold ! , • D. BARTLETT, T now opening a large stock end extensive variety of 1. GOODS, selected with the greeted amend bought under great advantages in the cities of New Tait and Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorable condi tion of both markets—and having in view tite/ z inotto above r has so bought that he an end will l'on as fa notable terms as the met, and will ender* to show is community the advantage a buying froaithase who buy well. Towanda, May 83. 1848. MUFFB. A great variety z of ill kinds and atyloe which wills be sold at trilling advance from rilty coat. A few rich black and mann' lynx. Alm awii, down uimming, tippet* and victorines, for sale • - et 13 , 14 FOX'S. No. 2, B. R. 11.8.--A . good issostutect of Bea, Bench PI.ANEB, grooving plows. Tools, just received tom the menu low by . O. D. BARTLE rT. JO) z . REMOVAL. TSubeesiber has removed hid lame sleek of Dry 1. Goods. Groarries, Hardware, Crockery. Books k Stationary &e. &r,, te the New Brick Block, rest side of main street. two doors South of the Public Square. his friends and the public are reopeetully invited to all .1. KINGBBERY, JR. Towanda, Dee. WM. 1848. ffrOP A MOMFATII! T HAVE A WORD TO SAY! If you are .t any .1. time in want of STOVES or Tinware, permit are aa a friend to advise yea toszall at D. C. H 4LL'l3—he keeps the largest supply. Sidle the anion masonalde, sad you can buy to better advantage, than at any other plane in or oat of Bradford County. wad I an sere yea need have no tent, of revetting any perehaea raw o 7 make. Dopeo forget thin matter . .l . J. Y. Towands. Dee. 11. 1848. werwror... e. one Completion of the North Branehyanal . mmik. .411.1411 • • BRISTOL SMITH HHYING famed a eopartaership in the ataaallae- WM of BOOTS / SHOES, at the old wend three doors maths'.' &WO 'Loma& tespeet'ally ideas their friends and the Oldie, that they gill cam. ea the business in all its sop en Weiland =eke te order, everything in ; • time is the matastrataioaae mai in their Wed style. Bedeivitig that Oa* can do es rood er Walt= weakthen con be bedialsewhere they would ray too those wish ing good article is their line to risotto= &ask ad they shell be setielied. Repairing dose en start notice. al• Produce of all kin& takes far week. Hid.. wanted *exchange for Boole lad Mom end Leather. T. oda Dee. 14. 1846. R. tB. TAKE NOTICE 1 . perilous indebted to tbe tutwerber. tither by LI. note or book eiteaust. nowt sad. the ..we bb the fat day of lone out, or ems will he wade without to. upset to persona. feb2ll E. T. FOX. noAleurlmmuidtraiwassie. W.R.Stall & W. IL CUTTIE, TAKE this method of inforniing the chimes of To. winds and vicinity. that they base taken a regal over the store of J. Kinpbery. Ibitbsporpstes of takbig LIKENESSES by the Nguema@ process. The pub lic are respectfully invited to call, Whether they wish for pictures or sot, and diamine specimens. These that with to have pictures taken in a decirahle end pm flatly setisfectary manner. and in a alb of bald ,dial, well defined outline, *Amu and richness of Mse.and permanency of impression, are. with all deference, so licited for patronage. We base a largo Gemara Ca mera, the best kind in am: also. a Sari asecatualt of mock, consisting of Fancy Cams, Gaillo&ds. eras notated and plain Cases, dG Pictures taken without tepid to weather. and eopied from Dagseneotypss.portraits or eagravinge, and not in rings, bracebta and pins. et Jimmy style duired. • Priem for single pietism from $I SO to S. 18 Wh ets, from $3, to M. March 6. 1649. PON NET&— T A Asks seketiso of nuressis lime, Ai Mae park Pamela. Lasberes, gam holism. OM styles of la&se lei miens' L L Ny chisel else Basest ribbon% mamba% wiesobs. et -05517 131(0411ERY & CO. BOOTS a SHOE* e.g. and wit letikkar. Alan • hdl awatement of Lob's ohm, Gmilosk. ins. ISlipa, walking ohm. A good soak if Biro Mimes. and Widows; seek youths keys. sea Ankh wane and kip boots. Moo a Ant rots geniis d La. dy'a Gents. MI.. and Childs Anbiers. sing • 1 4 cheap at nl4 VOX& No. A, E. STOVES; STOVESJ 410raw.Z011.- tokil A* ;Ca. , *AA Slow Tim, Copper , --'-efft-ionumfacno fi MIME HI WINTER ! I I. usei.isir ear se TN Neatanyso Now Black, dome Martais% am the roo' skis of the piddle squarr, 1s be im advawago. perhaps, time at say adore plow is or auto/ Bradford • eon . O. HALL sampnedidly Whims bin friend; and die pubic. dot b Mr nowt ix Me se his Wit "MOBIL • general end doh. sensiunest of STOifell„ if NI sista sad pattems..whieh be ispimpand to sell • whole sale es ma, se iisamiage ref otesui roam open the Sid seconsiedidng Wm. Among an& nee the Air tight Congo's. (all sk-es), litineerts Air tight, Rough and Re* do , Reraleingfrie Ninny eity do., Bird/km do., Central N. Y. do. LBeek qv, hot air erne, with rotary hr, Prewsiwas Motet, No. I, 2, 2. 4,6,- i, of the mole unliwored patterns : Air tight Parlor Skeet, all times ; Nix plates. all sizes; Cashion Stoves , an ezeelloitaitiek fir o f fices, taverns, stores; ht.; Reihohr Parlor stores; key. stone patent stores ; all sine Band has store, ht. 4,000 Ur. d Rook ad Aswieaa STOMP/PI. resipaade; due. Beam sad Capper Kaides, a( faseitass pasenea, taratur with s puma mostamt a( Der sad llama Wale. isavAL.EinasE(l6; 500 Lord TOG, with a choice onowtmeat of every anklo io the Tilt wore lime. to wail* die age,stian •1f Mweiwato, radius, nuEwe sad llosithorpoto poi. ally le ioviiod. o•Tbe Wad price.will be paid for old amines. copper and bran. Grain, Turkeys, Chicken'', mad all kinds of suukstable produce will be received in pay ment for Stover, Tinware, kr. Far Mosso, 'beelines, eop:ser and &wan' bis assort ment is complete. He reform Isis thanks to his old customers, to wham, and lbw public be renews his bet ration to pea him a all before Firebombs elsowliem; Dow'! mistake Ike oloce—bset rimember HALL'llleouth side of she Public Nome. in bleatanyes Block. Tornado Dee. 12,1848. D. C. MALI . NOTICE. CHARLES REED having assigned all his i + sue rs rights and credits to the suborner, ter the of his =editors, it thererene becomes absolutely / ry that all debts due the esid Charles Res4 , slitrold be settled sod paid without detty. end allt Na teows having Bair against bin an requested to t then at 11, Brick Row. is the born ' of Tow his late place of business, for adjustmeut. An early mention to the settlement of this beanie is wit earnestly desired, wr the wAsenler will be obliged to put all debts dos the said Reed in a course of exAretitio, without diminution of persons. alter the !MOW of March Den The goods now oar hand, belengitig to the above osweena, eoneprie. ing *great variety of very rahiable sad immenage tielse, will be sold for CASH. AT COST. N. W. TRACY, Amigos*. Towasall, lab. 10, 1849. PUBUC NOTICE! ALL persons indebted to the late firm of Harrow end Laia, ate hereby nailed that unless set' dement is wade by the second week of rebniaey aim the advents w.O be pieced is the bands of an nfbefer for immeda'a calleeties. Towanda, Jan. 3," - REMO iv A. CHAMBERLI UV public that ha hes the room lately occupied ace, where be will he 'away, oianspiteesa. He saws for Jewelry at unusually low Towanda. Jan. St. IBC FOR - . AFRONT ROOM is l sienad Mai of No. I. Brick Roar. ewer the Starr i also the room in the third story y occupied as the Masonic Hall. For particulars 'inquire of Feb 12, iB4ll. i MOIR TOIMICINS. NEW . 1 . AT 11E NEW/DRUG STORE /11.Qal, wawa& FroirligG sisok. nisqpintsen with Dr. C. ILL ADD sahseriher takes Oman in .nnnundng ilia tbehtuu harestier give his personal attention ly to his hominess. Drugs sad Medicines win be under the Doctor's pervisigo, winos skill and imperious in physics can not he questions& iY II H. 111t\. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALI. pennon indebted se the emote of CHARLES CORIUM deeeeeed, law of Wanes togrehimp, ere hereby requested in wake mount wittiest delay. end there baying claigmfgaissi mid mots will pines prw seat them duly Witheniierenl for eettlmerest. JAMES M. BOWI3II. REBIrA.CA H. CORBIN. Wanes. Apnl 11149. Adminierneen. TAKE NOTICE ALL th is who we hodiebewl a Bredfired Cooley who do eft isoll sod settle Wore or at May aloft. wall haws the phloem of who waited epee by them is authority. JAMES M. PECK, Trimmer. Tenney Mee. April 10. LAST ARFUVAL OF WINTER GOODS ! & & M. C. MERCUR, HWE the pleasant of emseemeimg le the *die dot they en reesiving sambas harp mad petrol ameedatmet of 000,01. Toweala, Dee. I,IMIL lIN. I. geed essettomet of hem. fee eels et the mew Hand Mete emste. D. LORD. T LAD PIPE, ail slow sail Shish fee sob bY JIo D. C. BALL. SUB'IR/ OVOIDS% JKirgasatity Jr., is Row epaulet at dm moor of Maio and BMW Pk, so ortoooke sink of owl roll mod When Goods. Mil& sill be sold vs essay low for Cook at Produce. J. IL Towanda, Now. t 3, 1848. 'MOWER 88ED8.—The awed= of the Who E se awl seeettamot. April It. Pte, OILS * DITVITUIPM as Illokbee the gases, st Nfb. LB. IL TOM LOOK UT FOR PAIN KILLER I Spariees articles iffient MR. 3. ANDREWS. ie ''voce a yew voluble PAIN KILLER. end lot die belie& et die P • de. we bweby minify diet we 'mini weed your ha 131- ler in cur Pesiriee for rem be sew d tbe &saw ter libieji it is nieonwendei, awl we dna It the best Ireway MieloWdee is weer awl wadi meeesseedemy ftway te=etwply en bed. Iw ewe a sold= NMI off ltin. Anna Jerkins. !woe tenet lliptig dime. itiewL .‘ Willis Ceram, he* Oteiheid. Toweitiss G. MAW Wipeew, Jkweeamb. - WDeasy, • PIWICees, . Misdap, Awl Tww, A Refree. A Dewer, M Jeiw B Owe, blow N. Y. 21~ war dr Ihis Milter 'dant We wellies doestwow el J. Andietes. es tie bid ef eei lend., iA ,kink i>ti addloy *VSTON, dt FORM swil SULAM MIX. may news fee Toirseaa. Per hither iteditsitte eiweibeisot iw witediss alms. 47-1 y HUSTON * PORTER. SHERIFFS SALL . os Wine of stogy - sirita ill T Teed. Exp la vied Mateo!' the :Coin of Comilion.Pless Of Dia& feed enuidy.lii me divined. I shill expose Icr'peblis iili'aithe COutt Noise. in the born. of Towanda. ima"lloiday the 4th day ofMAY 11141; itose *Wick, P. IL, the following pitko t r parcel of hind 'situate hill's irwashiP of Pike. Ind Weeded** follows. to telt : Serialist; dee east from theAtortheapfebrner of ato ran out to Jesse Dohs. or at a post es the west line of a kit nurout to Jesse Haacoek,l7 lii section of Lellay IkChaurnoutoit being doe east from the end of said Ross' line, running mirth S 3 dig. east. then west ISO and - 1140 - perches to the west lineal' warrant 10 No. ISO thence north on said warrant line 140 palettes to a beach sapling north wrst corner afraid warrant Ito. themes east on the north line of said warrant lot 1511 and Mit perches to a post. theme south for sock cour s e e s ;will hit the siostVwest corner of the :es e Hancock .lut tipsier by the saw.) to :I e pl. a o big' a g Mataining 130 acre and It perches.sinizt measure, with about it/ acres improved, with one log house and one log barn thereon erected; Seised and taken is execution at the suit of P. J. DeCater and wife vs. Jonas H. Dishy. AL-MO.—The folloWing described pine or lot of land situate in the township of Springfield, bounded as. follows: on the north by lands of John Neiman, on the east and west by lands of the said John Nor man. and at the south by lands of Theodore Wilder. Containiag some II acres of land with a frame noose, frame barn and shed. and an old turn ing house and chair shop, and apple orchard thereon. Reined and taken in execution at the suit of 01. ID &D. F. Pomeroy vs . liver Harkness. ALBO.--The followi described lot piece. or parcel of land simile in the township of Windham, in the County of Bradford,--Bninning it a corner in the Wappesaning Creek. below Russet's grist mill, and is the south west line of a lot of land be longing to Jo eph Ellsbree, thence south 43 deg. and 30• min. west 41 chains and 30 links to a soft maple, thence south 414 ding- east 22 chains and 38 . links:tr - -- • terms. improved. one framed and one log house and one log house and one shed thereon. Seized and taken an execution at the suit of Stephen Pierce use vs. Wm. Williams. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land lying and being in the bomugh of Towanda and bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north by popular street, east by western avenue, south by pine street and west by ao alley twelve feet wide running from pine to poplar steel. Con taining about 3.lltlui of an acre all improved, with a two story framed house. framed barn and other small out buildings thereon erected. Belted pod takes in execution at the suit of D. W. Bruin. now to the use of Geo. Wansey vs. Jared D. Goodenough. ALSO—fly v ruse of sundry writs of Levari Facias, the following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in the township of tilheshequin. and bounded as follows' Beginning at a boxwood north east corner of a lot deeded to Truman Will lib/ thence east 73 perchea to an ironwood for a corner, thence south 138 and 9-10 perches to a post, thence west 73 perches to a post, then*. north 138 and 9-10 petebes to the begins no. Contain's; 63 acres 14,1 60 perches strict measure, with about 10 acres im proved.one log house and a few froit trees thereon. - Beized and taken in execution at the suit of P. J. DeCaters and wife vs. I a Tompkins and James Bidlailt. terre tenant. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in the owashipof Budingtor,, and bounded as follows. eta: Beginning at a line, north west corner of lot No 110 on warrant lot No. 1454, thence south *27 perches to a post for a -cor ner. south west corner of said lot No. 110, west 111 perches to a post fur a corner. thence north 237 perches to a hemlock for a corner. thence east 111 perches to the beginning. Containing 157 acres and 77 perches strict measure, with about 15 acres improved. t seised and taken in execution at the suit of R. D. DavidsoLl adeept. of Win. Davidson deed., who. survived Tiinothy Paxson vs. B. Henson and B. P. Benson. terns tenant. ALBo—llie followin g described lot piece or parcel of la situate is the township of Burlington. and bounded as follows. viz. &dining at a beech sapling north west corner of lot No. 41, on warrant lot No. 1475, thence swath 84 sad 440 perches to a post. theme west 06 sad 540 perches to the east line of lot warrant U. theme north 04 and P4O perches to a posit north east corner ef said lot No. 33. thence east 105;aad 7-10 perches to the begiainr. Containing MI acres strict measure. with 30 acres improved. a mall hawed house. a log house and setae frail trees theme. Seised lad takes is 'matins at the salt of R. B. Davidson. dew vs. Clark Farnsworth. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Graavike. sad bounded u follows. 162 : Bqiianiag at a hem lock the smith west corner of J. blateer's lot oa warrant lot No. 1411111. *eau west 111 perches to a white maple for a corner, south west Gorier of said warrant lot No. 1483. thence north 14$ unmet to a pest. *sacs east 111 perches to a Malec* stip ple the north west owner tithe said Musses les. thence south 142 perches to the beginning. Coataia sing IN acres and 82 percher strict assasare. Seised and taken in execution at the fait of B. B. Davidson. &c. vs. H. W. Whitaker. ALBO--The following described . lot piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Burlington and Winded as follows, viz : Beginning at a hem• lock south west corner of lot No. 42, thence east 107 and 340 perches to a post. thence south 102 and 410 perches to a pout, •thence west 107 and 2-10 perches to a post. thence north 102 and 4-10 per ches so the beginning. Cestaiaing 100 acres. and 140 perches strict measure. it being intended for the whole of lot Nu la, ea warrant lot No. 1477, with 25 acres improved and a leg house thereon erected. Seised and taken in execution at the suit of R. B. Davidson, etc. vs. Austin Farnsworth. All.Bo—The following described -lot _pieee or =of land situate in the township ofTroy, and as follows, sin: Beginniag at a rout the south vas corner of a lot sold to Ages Irteen, thence north 101 perches and 640 to a post the north west corner of the said lectean's lot. thence west 106 perches - to a post the north east corner of lot No. ff thence south 163 and 6.lo.penshes to a pert, thence east 116 perches, thence south 1/ perches to tie north Coe of Murry vanillas No. 1476. theses north 7d des. east 41 penises to the heginniag.— Coetaiaing ler anew bad 140 speeches strict ales, sum it being the whole of lot No. IS, or variant lot No. 1476, with shoat 1i amen improved aid a lag house therms. &Wald aid taken in esecotios at the salt at IL Sala iiuodllls-na.s. MdLeas bosh Yisai. Isiah. ointment. Atell.orie SAlowiag deserfbei -let piste• se parcel of land titnate in the tn. or Etringfiebt and beinikd se Min* Irls . s ttlegiaatag at a pet. ow* quicoeser_lanos No. 14, named lot Ng. *4 s,litlier cam fkaad Mtileh ',mt.! ticket i O I I L II SO aaddt4llll pefebeito a peen; theleClitsk _, . and 2-111 perches to east Ilae aireaid kni f ia;Sllese‘ ,aoedi SO aid. 874111 perches in the Coataining don awes strict aseaseee, it king sake* from the scab eadvillip.l3. sad fruit "warrant lot /Cheek with about lb acres improve*, sad aa ald framed Wage thereon. Seized aidlakes is eassaties at the silk (L B Davao*, ta...1. W. Kiagebary end B. B. V. terre tenant.....•.-4 - -- • .. . --- WM. $. DOBBISSOW.. ' Phe.itre Odle*, l Towanda. April !.1419. 5 • ostmetivat nit as win .11-3 will be owl Tray townwhop. Its day OAPI ramie pseekiefl lite the risme awls by - lawie DrWilkJeeds highway heat oue hawired • /Meadows day of pupa Onmvine. y ri # stor , • tel Petrick CwOunsigs, dal . 4 u• rf Brat/bre, 'comity. ...owed ' been -srprieled as Auditor the end diatribe., the feeds io at , A i• the above cow, will t pit et the once of Gimp' t4sader• oda, oo I/tete:day, the 4th day of MAY _ 0 e'elork. A. M. E. 9. GOODRICH. soda. April.'2. 1849. - • Auditor. In the matter ti the MHZIn theß subtotal J. to be hoods a( , Head fa rt am, in re wit. Ill,' IXEGISTHR'd NOTICES.—Naive herby gives to all genesis interested, that Jridal W How end James H. Ram, executers of the estate of Daniel Johnson deed., late of Granville; Abooloni Adams, administrator of the estate of Her vey Neil deed., late of Windham ;A Bad, H.Taylor, administrator of the estate of Oliver Vendome, deed., late d Troj ; John 0 Mason, administrator of the estate of Ches ter Mama, des*, lots of Monroe - Thome Pink end John Hisdl.ick odesiitheretors of the estate of George Haddock, deed, late of Llteldirld ; Asses B. Penning. edministrstor of abased* of Joe tin Smith, deed., latio of Norioifieldi Daniel and James Brink. executors .1 the, Mate of Benjamin Brink. iiee'd.. late of Bhostsequin Allen Macey. admioistrator of the imam of Joseph Stacey. died., late of iSpringbeld ; Jared Holeonsb. ezeentor of the estate ,of Henry Pl. wan. deed, late of Ulster; - Russel Batten, edininistraim of the estate of Myron Button, des`d., late of Colombie ; Hese filed and settled in the edits of the Registry of Wills. is sod for the county of Bradford. the essounio of their several administrations upon the estates afore said. and that the same wil be pnawated to the Or phan's retort of said eneoty. as Monday, the 7th day of MAY nest, for awlinnatiom and allowance. H..BLACK. Reg. Register's Office. Towanda, April 11. 1549. 14 the matter of lobs Craig, a fanatic.. In Bradford County Common Peak WHEREAS, John Mather and Loren Watkins; TT administrators of John Rather dreamed, who was committee of John Craig. a Lonwie, having filed said committee l" account for settlement, the Coon or der this public notice he given in tiro of the public pi pers printed at Towanda. at least four Weeks bears neat term, of the filing of said account fit settlement. No tice therefore is hereby given, to all persons interested ; dtat the administrators aforesaid have filed the said com mittee's account for settlement in the Prothonotary's office, and that the same will be promote& to the court of controon pleas of Bradford county, am Monday, the 7th day of May next, for eonfirmation'end allowance. By wrier or the C ou rt. ALLEN III'KEAN. Prothonotary. Poses 0 . 150 r, Tornenda. Mirth 2k 120. ADMINISTRATOR'S NO'IIOE. ALI. prams indebted to the estate of CLEMENT PAINE, deceased, Isle of Troy Barra', are bereiT requested to make payment without delay, and those baying claims against said estate will please pre ens( them dilly *aatbenicated for settlement. C. C. PAINE, 8. W. PAINE; Administrators.. March 16, 11144; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. • - ALL persons indebted to the 'estate of SALLY BOTTLES. deceased, late of Orwell township, are hereby requested to make lawmen without delay, and dime having dams 'pima said estate will please realm dim duly authenticated foe setdement. NELSON BARNES. Orwell. February RE, 1849. Administrator. JEDMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL mama indebted to the rims of Joh. Ers k ine, deed., lota of Herrick township. we hereby reques ted to maim payment without delay, and Maas hawing Maims against said Paste will please plum* them duty authenticated ire settlement. MARGARET ERKBINZ. JAMES LEE. Herrick, January 3. 1849. Administration. T 18TOF JURORS drawn for May Term and Sea l/ sion34--commencing May 7, ISM 31711011. Athens bar—T. Huston ; A Mess Nonhrop Borlihron—James Huston, Emanuel Goyer ; Colombia—Deal Corey, Chas. Xeieig..H. Smith; Camoo—Geo. W. linen ; Dorel—Wm. Place; Herrick—Miram•Camp ; Monroe—A. L. Cranmer Leroy—Ledyard Chaapel. Edward Wooster; Orwell—Theepiles Hompbry I . Rome—A: T. Yang. 111. C. Casson; Sprineeld—l. Mattocks jr.; Sanithleld—J.Geroulds Troy —Alfred Leonard; Warren—Calirtn Arnold; Wyk:using—Silas Dock; Wells—ilamael Glotdon ; Windham—Edward Boardman. J. Doane. ensvensa avatms-newe Irma& Albany-Georg Eberly, Ira Dodge, Joseph Lee ; Athens tp-J.T.Baterlee ; Athens Asylum Jason Bonne ; Berlingten-st.B.lECord Colombia-T. D. Owns, Widijam G en et ; Canton-Zph. Case Rerdilk-gggWas. C. Inapp ; • ILserne-.1. G. Mason'; Orwell-John W. Nelson Bee worth Pute...gamil Book: berrpgg.Maral doe* Cdtp-D. Quick • paining-If. eh savoy; SpengSpl4-,_A. Ora te . C. S. Ilinfory; S. 81 0 e• -g l . bather; Towanda tp-N. Drawer ; Tear tp.:.Thnotigy pose, David Borer lllsten-liarry Gent; Towanda bo-A.Ohloanusee; Warren-A.Cottarn. B. Dating. Wm. b eardsky Windham-Peon Osborne. Alezanderfiand, Benj. C. Eishree, Lewis Loveland; • Wysiox-Frank Brown, George &rope.- • =areas* stmoas-.11111;e1:11 wrist. Armenia—Dan, Crandall; Asylam.-Prs. Viall4 . Athens tp—Annisa Walker ; Athena Mitapley.H.L flaelitts4 G Pritcherr Burlington—l. Loveland. P. Whitehead; Durd—Daniel Cook; Granville-44A* T. Clark; Mnarew—Hiram Sweet Phire , b4L D. Vaseihkr: Itrime.-Jat. L. Paster; apritigheld—C. Dowse; Itidgberry+J. B. D. Drweoll. Humes Nelms ; glesithield—Jno. Wood. - B. Tattle. M. Bullock; Bkesbegoia-41arry Shaw. b. Davidson ; !Wending Stone—Hiram Gordon. Charles Root; Springhill—A Kinney; Trov bo—W. P. Newberry; Towanda tp—N. Bennett. William Campbell; bis-T.D. C. Hall, Hutton Hingsbery Warren—L. R. Allen. Manson to • • Wiodbans—James Bosh. William Sibley %%from—David Shires ; Wells—Jobs Dregind. . trATS AND CAM. Silk .. kr Ha.. rod plumb lA. Cep; Haw Cky de.. Item Valk aid Dayl elok asps,* • D. EMMERT t CO. B APINZTII6-?lireses. straw; red suairoasi Bet attt± sleo, - pehwisaf legions= Jill 14., UMW &It° riEEL'!(" PAVANS:UW-4i foir vow if Aim: #ma• Ai ries oilk owl Twins& Mild pm* ea Airiskjo4 see 4 mid tiAi ie si, .• • s rogia. . 10.. QUANITPir OP StrPOOPOOI URN* Areeahia, al Ai este by Hi Aiglibenil sr WI& pm MERCTIRB'. IM _ retry 3n a their title re Tex -Peon hirer FiIIICNOSICIC 'GA r liorir-;-Tsi Nauru. IC! 11411111110 -OF Tel A... • For a trifling eane,•every individual lad truly family sway have Kievan. lemmas to thee ,tee ilakdaits periods sad what isGfa widast Ankh, Us a misera ble existence L' la tat Meekest a lawn to be taispened with, h 7 try. Mg all saws of esperimente upon it. The .wk ebeirid nee thaw medicines oily which ezpakictilas karma to is the beet. - A- PHYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY. (nem Cochin. Greene Comity. New yurk.] Dr. W. WriglitieDaar sir : I hem king _you, b.& an Vegetable Pill. a . valuablo wined, is .4.. of Gene ral Debility of the Byatent end of ab Silhoce disoniera: am also in the habit of reconimending,thent to Ile. males in peculiar eases. I abeam them to operate in the sy-tan, without producing debility or pain. bossing it in a twat by onnilition. _ ... .IOHN_D . 9ASE. M.D. THE BEST FAMILY MEDACINE. [From Norton Hill. Drama Con, sty.Miew York.) • . Mi. Wright-We bare used and - sad poetical's Vegetable PiU for three years past. siu4tknot Imitate to recommend them to our friendic and elestosters as the beet family" mean:doe in we. N. 41: L.IRAMSDELL. TESTIMONY OF' ANOTHER PHYSICIAN. The following jean answer in reply to a note from our agent asking Dr. Houten% opinion of this medicine Tex aaaaa nes. Aug. 9, 1649. • Mr. A.Durhain--Dear Sir : In reply layout notenf yesterday. 1 remold state, that thine. emisionally found it essornient to em the_varions•• Minot PUle" vended at the alma ; end While! am Unwilling to my snytaing to depreciate the Value of other.. I free to &reifies tipt I consider Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill. au pub* In all others ebb whicia am acquainted. I have need them fin many yeata both in my own family and in my practicer...orally. and they bare uniformly mild certain and ask in their op ratios. The earl Sind skill with which thine Pills have been hitherto manu factured ankle my opinion, a , RuMrient guarantee for like good results in future, Very resportfulle, B. A. BOUTQN, M. D. Dr. B. is a preetioner of long exiwrieneeol4 kno wn in and even beyond the lines of Wyousingeounty. tie is a graduate of the University of penttaybraninosud hied; popular with the people among whom be resider. RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD. [From Preston Kills, N. Ylk.) Dr. W. Wright—Doss Sir: I was attacked with a violent pion in my bred and rush of blood on the brairt„ which confined me to my room for six weeks, and drew the eight of my eyes so as to prevent me from erring with it. and kft me with a dueness in my head for about .1. month.. By taking dim or four buses of your Pills. I was restored I. health *gain. June 13, MIL PETER VAN WAGNER. 1310/71111 .or Sears Cowrie Co UUUUU retest— Remember. that the original and only resins Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of William Wright an the to emir box. . The genuine it for sale by kIONTANVES 1k Co,. sole agents fur Towanda; and by agents in all alb Parts of the - titan. • •• - p . _ • Office devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indium Vegetable Pile. wholesale and retail. 169 Race st.. Mile/ 004 a, 299 Greenwich at., New York. and . 194 Trentont.Boonn. • ifly G. W. Merchant's' Celebrated ET is also a Universal Family Nadir Mumma et tie bats 'AM. MIME and experience base fully maid that that this UNIVFIFLB4III. REMEDY Das not not it. renal On the of popular toolici.4B„ halving bi l ge m om th an 14 yeses before the public. 'Deadens, of the %lost &Weimad character of ,its wonderful drub; on the salami economy is abut* thi ly preeenred to the proprietor. • A yr.ong an in the town of Wilson. whom clothes were toms oif of hits, eras %stoned (without marine) by thil theel, use of the Oil. Numerous are the Unsolichni statements of patients '..nenteslveir, sati others who hare need the Oil, of coma which its themeeites appears emerfrolda. that they as all inteetied ins prevaluy ppilt. they amid haat, bays We Madded. the Silieeriap diseases are eareni many others ittshie Ma at irldehthis Oil has been completely successful and in Which others bad entirely failed:— SeeNNY,Rhtlibotm. Wheats*. Pm evil. ca bal", Cliftlted Reels. Ode of in kiosk Leinsaess, Tomb Wounds. Sprains. Brines. &rad Credo. Fourriond Toot, Serateboo, or Grow Mango, Rio. mation. Bios of Auieidr, Zama, Painolks. Painful Normoso Alio:dons. Trost Ilie* boils, Conk Whit low& Bona oat &olds. cilhabileo. Cbapd kr& Costroodono of ibi Womb% sorel/..4 W hit". C id Duds, dko. ' CAITITON TO d'URCHAitEIta ggennis sit COUNTERPE MA. and Fe sure the name of the Solo Proprietor. GEORGE W. MERCHANT. LOCKPORT. N. Lois blown billet side of the hot the. or in his bend - writing over the end. Don't he Memsded to take any thing else- with the promies it is jest es geed. dm. dm This is practised by these no. prisdpied desists whom anweiseme willweld like India R blysr. and who en of. thedied spirit of those in own lame elliss.'whaei markets pewit= have so re. • seedy bore espnetel to the action ofVentres& 1%••• who ens pt mealtime/tit this aside eve go, fined to the law g/ New reeked Key 114/1. by "Nei it will he area that every pones meddling In Mew esenesefeini is Sob jed to bidiciast.i,psissmosah and Beet, • A penes eellini eat of tbh state. will be Ilehle` Ir se na t. what in the elate s eal dee to he bad es a witness epistle thew be bought tif sok, for. • ' . Ail Orders eddtrend to **props/toe eikbe respond. ed to Gat a pomptdot auto Agent and oto what woodisaa as seenmplishad Rn the use of We - meolicias. Sold by regraddais &statism/aft iw.dwo thisse swa t ae4 Canada. re* Nis by Clealistlia TAiees, Wails. Lemmosmillm Edwin-Dam, enovinston. Arpol Maeuvom Pomp & Niiimy. Itorms. Lon& SW& & Ca. 41 4 110 ‘ 1 4,H. Diasoloodi &dr. , Oet. oP.^, trAISDWARILm-Ilisa. iW4 ate. Ind . w article af carradarsaisa. Rawl mai. woad mi.' ropmaisaiia abowi. haps awl acanni. nh., Saha* sad faika a law aim. it Ala. kaiiikraillat said IS fads owl( artatunamt =biog.at . vat. - 24, 4. wit. BAOS:--Ladise and genes,i • og et by'ELTZOTT 'TOMMIGEW. kw hal *Mune / i. this ins es _ Ist et Is Mid rim to tie beg livinevige. ss emeelly meting fur wise soles low id* For he at sop , this i. • reserdy r lists the caner. of the =