LUcbicat. DR. TosVillatleNlP9ll en2ernotio ICZTltarf Oir sAnsArAttaLLA. TM wt extraordinary Iradieiue ie the World I mu Banat is pot up in gnarl Bottles: ii la Pis tint* chaser. plesmutter, sad wrote/ aspersor la _ say add. It wilkool vonsitittat. Farris'', sieltestior ar,tileibili• Saul de Pakt.e.J. .The gored beauty and superiority of this Eareapernis twos all ether medicines is, that while ot nrclicates ths disease, it invigorates the body. It is one of the very best ' SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES ass" boort.; it oeflooly parities the whole oyster awl draidtheoe the person. bet it creates sea, pare and rich blood; • power powered by no other inclining. Lod Vs this lieu the ervied secret d its wondsrfel dive. eas. Il has performed within the last two years leave than IMAMS PIM of deers rased of disease; at lead IMAM were considered honorable. It has saved the lives of dove thee 111.000 ebilldrdir We past two sedoes is the City of Now Ifoik alone. IMAMS ease. •f Aemprol Debilllit a Weill of N Iff.seegy. Or. Townsend's Sarsaparilln i•vixorains the wimple wails permanently. To those who have lost their nrusenter ener gy by the affects of modicum or indiscretion cosanniated ie youth or the excessive indulgence , of the passions. and lonised on by physlent prostration or the humitml.r. want of newhitierb fainting sensations, prompter, dedy intsl do lira hastening towards that fatal disease Careineeption. ean be ematinaly restorwl by this plewe• sea remedy. This Sarsaparilla in far sapawine te nay la vigreatiaa C ordial. sooners so.l instgereten the systems, eves setivily le the limbs, sea strength to tlat manaeolat ilseem in • rod eatraanthiary • • , _ ! - --tT;104 111 . • )7./ • • // • , , • , ,e 3 Cossemoneptior Cured. • Masse MIR Strealrtaes. Possoneptiss rams/a tore/. ars*. cliliw essaalyaiss, tiger Complaint, Clads Ostrava Voileit Asthma .Vpitassi M1..4„ 14rewass ix the Mast. Nestie, rtsah, Might AIMS , I. Dijperis .r Props Ez peasiatitia, Psis la ths Sias, 4c, imsse Ikea sail can as sorsa Np1..1.g 1111••4. Nem l'aAs, April VI, tea DL Townintots.-11 verily habeas your Sarsaparilla hes Mae. the means, threocir Provolamer, of marina, m7 l*. I hare Ina wavered - peen hail a had 'Minsk. Is b.• .sea trams and worse. Al lest I raised Lorna qoanti tie. of blond, hail night sweats, and was treacly dabilia •nd rFdaced, and did not expect to lire. I hare only ) nor Sarsaparilla a short IMIR, awl d'art' has • 'wan derail ebonize bona wraerht I. con 1 am one. nista to walk all OWN' the oily. I raise no bloat •aed my camels boo Isfi we. Y.ra ess wilt insagioe that 1 me dasoltfal for levee reseks. four obwiwet 1t1188114.L., IA Crabwise st. Rheumatism Tlils only one of more than roar thoutorml ream Of Rhea taittisia that Dr. Towasenif. Sarsaparilla ha. cured. The mot seven and chronic cases are weekly eradicated - by its e straw, inary virtues. Jame. Camminv.. F.•q_one of the assiohnatio is the lona tie Ant lion. Rl.eltarelf• bland, iathe gentleman spoken of in the following letter. • ftleekerelfs l.bnd. Sept. It 1817. 1 Dr Tearmenil— • 4l l ear Sir: I have loafers.' torrlblyifor nine veer. with the Rbettinatiati ; committer:l4e of the - Sole I Melia not nat.:leer or walk. I bad the scant di.troemior raiu• ay.l no limb. were terribly swollen. I leave far bottle. of yon r Saraaparilla and they have clone toe more tri in a thitiumitil dollars worth oftt•itirl. ato an Mach better— boteeil lam entirely reliev.A. You ore at liberty to use this for the benefit of the &Mir teal. Tema re.pentfially, JAMBS CUM3IIPIGS. Peres. mid Algae. Dr Tovraaend's Sareanarile i• ninninnilnii in nomm of tha Chine Rod Fever sad delta. Ton fa/loam: I.tiOt i, only and nfirmelreal* that vre have rearmed from the Sundt and Went of like ehadaeter. Dr. Townsen4 : Di•-••• Sir-1 parchaned for my wife tire bottles of Sarsaparilla of veer Areal. Mr. hfcMow. 01 , IC de main". to try it for the Verne and Arne. Before I hod hutch . ad the 11r4 bottle, it eponare.l In warm the blond, and avert other day Wiwi. the Chili. •n.l the Fever appeared. they warn lea, . violent; end before she lied finb.heil the bottle s he wen entirely relieved. Mid On, Will much hotter than eke to . had been before she took t not. A lady that had been serf . irk with the Chills and .Fever, hiat bad broke them with Quinine, and wed left so very - week and distreesing state. and troubled exceedinyl • with the Arlie Cake; *rein; the effect it had on my wife.fshe seat and procured a few loath—, and it rectured her to • few week• to complete health. Your Sareaperilla is without doubt. nuoqualled In diloril. , • incident to the W . e.t and if sou think that this tom. inimie. lion will be of tom. 3 on are at liberty to cue it it yea choose. • Female Iledieire A.. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is ao...retro mid spends' nee for inapient Chesumptirm I , larrenness. Prolapses Cleft Of Ironing of the Womb, Costiveness. rile.. 'Amcor clime, or Whim., obstructed or 'diffterill Iffenotteeltew, rentitienee of Urine., or involuntary' discharge thereof. snit lin the • rectal pro ttttt bre of the stew—sio matter whether the result of into or causes prodoced hy,irregalstrity. o hong can be mere eurprising than Its invigorating effects on the haunts Crania. Persons of all weribriews and lassitude, from Whin( II et once become 'robust and foil of energy under its induence. It moseediately emseteracts the marvel...nem of the female frame, w Well is the greet cause of Barresrms. It will hot he expected of us, in eaVea of so ilelliente a mature, to wihihil certificates of cores pergsrmed, but we ear aware the sillicteni, that liindrede of as. hairs been roporind to o. Thonsauds of cases vr here families hare berm without children, after using • few bottles of this invaluable wadi. eine. have been blared with foe. healthy offspring. tt has bee. onirrerely prepared to rerefetlClll to female eon.- Owing. Ne female cite Wile meson to i.repose the is el" re...whine Iliat eritirel period. " The tarn of Itib," akonl.l neglect to table it, ar ft Ia a reliant prerventivefor any of lite tonoeroat anal horrible tliskenaeo to which females are subject at thin time of life. Tlri• period snag it de layed far I years by being this medirixe. Pew is it lest talosille fur thwart who are •pproacbing wham heed. •• it l. ralcalatell to ■swl nature •by 9... chewing the blocrl anti Ills iplelltitter the systems. Indeed, thin mesh wive i. invalwable for all the delicate diseases to which weusca are subject. ~ / ~r _ l~ ~"~~ ~~ a~— - ~— Great it lesmiug mad Illeildirre. Il ts the safest and most effectual medicine for porifysing the •lem. mul relieving the sufferings attend•nl .pon turas ever disenvered. It strengthens both the mother anal child., prevents pain sad dime.. iiscremes and enriches the fond those who have used, it think it is indispensable. It is highly useful both before awl oilier confinement. as it prevents diseases attendant upon childbirth. In Costiveness, Pitts, crawl s, Swelling of the Feet, Despondence, Hearitions, Vomiting. Pain in the Back nod !miss, False Paten. rhasr. mid fa regulating the Secretions awl equaliaieg the eirinla•ion it Lao. on septet The great beauty at this magi cite is. it is aloe). safe, anal the most delicate we it most successfully. ~__, -_ ~_ ~~~~y f Strip/Ws Cured. • We ertilleate eouele.firety pones that Ihls Saeseperli • hes perr.,t eontrel over the onset ehethrate diseases of the /111owt. Three &mei eared is Geo Wyse hr Isepeeee• dew& Throe Chilkilrro. Toeuseiel : Deer hove the plesesrs he Johns yen Ow three of guy ebiltires Isere bees carol of the gets N. by the see of year iserAlest oreelichee. They ewe N. Aieted very severely with bed sores. hove sass Fear be h. Sri it h....tether sway. (sr which I girl myself eader gnat sblegetiet . 'Tone reapreilbley, • ISAAC W. CRAIN, IN WrostarN Opiates* elf Plsrabrietee. fir. Towswend is shawl daily reeelrieg orders frees rtirsi,ises ie siiirerstil parts of lite union. +hi* is to certify deli we, thie insdersigeed, irliyieeteer of the Cite of .1111insiy, lure in Nieensnwie dimes prescribed Tsinennian therviparille, std believe it to tie one et the trust valuablepreparations in the winrkot. i. r. 1.1/1.1.1111, 0, J. WILSON, 111.9,111.. S. Itlittflalk 04 If. at frasitionoNv, N. U. April, ten. IVII VT114151. Ovring to thit peed preeno moil iumment. sok id Dr. Teeee t itere ilare•parino, • omoher of 1144411 olio oars hp in.dY opc Acarta, hare cotioneaced leaking earmiparlit• V. it rrrrr Itstracts of Venue Dock; ILL Th..y re...nifty post H aisle the same tamped battles, Pod ores or OW. h.YI .1140. a sod copied mar sdelirti••••••••, ticy ars. ..t4y inailasiooilk tail eh.el4 be 81 . 144 . 1 . Prime remise. maces slaved by 8. r. Toirmeed. frbacipal 0111... 122 r1.11.T.1.01 !lintel. 21ay 11011,1 bag, W. Y. .11....1.1i55g . 12 Co, Roam alma. ?ban.. ; krott Roe.. 111 Noah Racaa2 : O. O. names, Did g4.t 111.1thenno I P. 21. Celan, Cbasisrase Writ* ISl•Cleavirca &mat. N. O. s Laastla Nod Strad ; by all Ore priael__pal Oraggista mad Kee- Aligns aisairatly theaugiribat. tbe 2/aliad tpi. Wastiaibma 'bad 4ba Osassibas. Sahli* Towanda, Pa., by Husrov & PORE TER Aka hy J. KINGSBE JUSTICES' BLANKS I I Aft,II.I..,,WORTMENT,. Par vititlfiFEtic FOri SALE WM (Noreen, rh.. Ort 22 1;117 incbical. t.:AUTIOIN EXTRA. A ewe by the muse of CLAPP has espied trial a peep sea of the name of S. P. Towstmed. aid we. Mb mai a psi •p'a earsaparilla, which they call Dr. towsseers deennoinathot It 0 F.NIIIXX, Original; etc. This ibterssetal k in doctor. sod Dever wan; but was Sweactly • ea i$ kink, Peak: and the like. Yet h• seemees the ti &N fir the purpume of gainia credit for what b• is set. Y eseek tee the public net to be deceived, and methane Mee h•t tbs stE-Prouric OR 1G1X.41. 01.1, lir. Jane Towesewee tlhrih prilia, having to It the Old Or iikrneae, hie heilippri d Wm, aso his *lgniters memos the art of aroma. Peettipat Office, 104 X st...Xelt rm.* THE (IR iG IN A I. DISCOVERER OF TUS Genuine Towasead Sarsaparilla. Old Dr. Townsend Is now about 70 years of age. and Ints Wig been knoww as the .4E/THOR end DS/MOP/CARR of the OIEXU/Aff: ORIGIN. fr. TOirlesEJY7) tflitELIP.4l//.. 1..4." tieing proof, he was rinimpelled to limit its wevandeetime. by which misyna it her been knot out of market, and the odes sir cumerlistill to thipe only who had pored Its worth. and knowe its value. it had merited the pen of many, aororthebees• as thine pests who had been healed of owe dimmers. and awl Bias death, proclolmed its eseellence and wonderful HEALPNO POWER. Knowing. wear 'wars are: that be Iva , by his skin. seism* and es perience. devised an article which would be of tocialen fable advantage to mankind when the means would be flar slotted to Ming it into univerwil notice, when its inestimable Metres monad be known and sppreciatcd. This time bas arm% Ole means are soppiied • this - en.cri) .4XD flirICQ VA i.r.rn PR EPARA vox o p r onfuctured nu the iarVot scale, and is called for Rimier ' DM the length and breadth of the land. especudly as It is found Incapable of degeneration or deterioratma. Unlike young R. P Townemd's, it imparres with age, and never changes. but Be the better ; bemuse it Is prepared est mien tific peMeipLic by a orieroljle was. The highest knowledes ee pbeiniairr. and the latest discoveries of the an. base all hose grouglf. am requisitirin In the umniteletune of the Old We Sarsapir.lla. The tam...marine not. It Is well known to medical men : contnins many medicinal pruperties, and emus which sr/• inert or useless, and others. which if mumenrinl= patine it for war. perdue* frenicetatien and acid. which is hi larious to the system. Annus of the pmperties of Plersepuldla are en volatile. that they et.iirely seaportsa and are het is the preparation. if they are not preserved by a erinatjle prvectia, known only in those erperieneed in its momufneture. Ilemmeret these ealatde pernoptel , which fly nein rape. or as as saheb' tam, ender beat. are the very esarariel medical pee erne of the - to It .11 its v•lsig.. Any perani eau bailor stew the mut till they get adiark coleced Ilgald which is toms leen the coloring matter le the net than from any thing else ; they can then sun' this insipid or vapid liquid. immense with sour andassits. earl Wes sell it BAB. SAPARILLA ILNTRACT or sir arr. - But RICA i 1 nee the snide Itenerwas the GENUINE • OLD DR. JACOB 'TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA • This is en permed, that id! the teen properties of the ear saparilla coot am fins removed. every thins capable of Seconds. acid or of fermiratatkis, is extracted and rejected; tbse particle of medical virtue is secured Ina pole and emcee= farm ; nod thus it la rendered incapable of losing any of 1n vale able and healing properties. Papered la this way, LL Is Nude the most powerful agent in the - Cure of inennuerable diseases. Hence the mama why we beer commendations on every tide as its favor by men, women, and diadem. We find it dole( wonders in the clue of CONNr.urnox, nTSPF:Pst.f. end /,IVY:R CON- P INT, and le RHEUMATISM. SCROFULA. Page. COSTIVENESS. all CUTANEOUS Eft cpTicArs, Par- PLES, sLocrup.x. and all affertinn• arisinv from IMPURITY -OF THE BLOOD. It possesses • marvellous ettlesey le all aimplaimis mishit Song brdwatunt. Irmo .11 Idity ef Ms &roam* foam nosiest etstele tl(ll), determination alibied to the head. salpluttio• of the liarert. told ket and hands, eold chills and hot Usher Orel the body. It lona not its equal M cats nod Coser. ; and pmnsues easy ex pectoration mad Nestle perapiratioa, relasleg stricture of the lungs. throat. and every other raft MO In nothing, Ia It. excellence more manifestly wee and or knorriedged than in all kinds and mare. of • FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in uses of Fluor Alborg err Whites. Flalliwg the' freak. Oietnerini. Sleppre,coni. et; Parlfal 10141 try of the tnensunal period*, wad the like ; and is as ellscass/1 la ruling all the f mils of Arsigney By ernrming obstrartiona and reprinting the general sys tont It rive. tone sad strength to tba whole body, sad ties ewes all firms af Nervous diseases and debility, and thus pretreat" or relieves a meat variety of other nialallet, as Speed irritation, Afreralgia, St. rims Dinars, Siseming, Epileptre Pas. neteialsiessa. ke. It cies nms the Wood. excites the lime to healthy action, bases the stortmeta. and gives good divesting. relieves' the Monde of torpor and constipation, allays intbimmatios. purifies the skin, equalises the eiffulatine of the blood. poelucing gentle warmth equally all over the body., and the imensible pempinstioa ; re laxes all winsome and tightnem, removes all obstructions, ... Amrigoratirs the entire nervous system. IN not this then he medicine yen pre-eminently needi Ile ma any of these things he said MIL F. Trommearlre Mb. give acle 1 This young man's liquid is 111.4 to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR'S, Mew of one GRAND FACT, that the use is INCAPABLi of DbiTISILIORATION, and NEVER SPINLS, while the other DOES • stasis(, ferenstiap, and Um*, Me Mutes Containing It Into fraspeente ; the Sant, add thsodd staple ding. and damaging other gouda Must not this horrible care paned he •pnisnons to the system Wier ! pat acid intis smarm .[ready d. nett mirk acid What causes Dyspepsia but acid 1 IM we hot all knob that When fwd sours in our 1 , 105• ache whet ellsehleig It produces 1 flatoeuce, heartburn, pa i l manscol of the heart, Neer complaint. dlarrhasa, dyrentery, col and corruption of the blood 1 What Is thoollsia bet an humor in the body 1 What produces all the Ituunin whic h bring on Flrapillobil of the Skis. Scald Head. Salt lilmitma ray iispelas. White fbeellings, reser Sages. and all ultiondpee In ternal and esternal 1 It Is smiting mite homes. but so acid substance. - Which sours, and thus spoils all the Snide of OM body. wire or leis What mules Wasennatisne but a goer of stud fluid. which insinuates itself besieges the pains and else where imitating and-Ludaming the delicate tissues urns which it arm I tan of nervous diseases. of impurity of the blond of deranged ,gliculations, mad 011.1111 y all the ailments whir-km.lllM human mouse Itosr Is it oot oortiblo to make and tett, nod dukilimitoir swot ase ChM SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID " COMPOUND• OF 8. P. TOWNSEND,. arid yet be inlaid his blare It understood that Ole Dr. Pooh Townsend's Greener Orspowl Sairsaperalle, le as IMITAIIOBI of his Inferior preparation , . Deaver. Ibrhid that we 'hook! deal It. an article which would nptr the newt diwant reanablaare to $. P. Tourasead'a wade and which should beteg iteit a none the Old lb:each a innestabt load of roiliptalno and crinunations from Ateeta w ho have rat and porch...err who have seed P.Towasead*s FEIN LAVIN COD POUN D. We with it unierrtnod. baranar It is the abrotatir trark.that 8. P. Townsend'. article and Old th. Jamb Tower/cad's gat. maparilla are hasen-rode apart, and arAiraly diasiwitee; that they are unlike ta every particular, brava% nailose Wag* skim be ernanion. As S. P. Townsend Is an doctor. sad raver wee. Is an chemist, an phanirateutio—tanws no are of medielse or die ease this any usher common. unscientific. unprofessional MIL. what rrescantor our the public have that they aft meeting • gesolne scientific meitelae. enstaleing all the virtues of the articles used in preparing It and which ore incapable of anion which might render them the AGENTS of Disease instead at health. - hut who else shrold.lierapoora Nom nee who Moors oath lag ensupsottisely of medicine or disease ! It mualice a prone avows experience to cook rail serve up even a mainsos deceit antal. Haw ranch mom bisportrat Is it that the penman who meg ufaraume medicine. desigeed WHAM. STOMACHS AND ENTICIOILED sirirmat. amid kens, well the medienl innervate of plants. the hest warmer of ,rents( nod enereauntine their heath* virtues, Om an eglelnnee knowledge of the marines diereses which lOW the human system-and/mew to album remedies In these dimmer It is in errmi Minds time the rernetonete, t.. pear helm let• '— wesinded kumweist. to kindle haps I. the demeirtee Imenen. mere health and Mmes. end rime Into the meshed and Wa kes, dud to legraiity that (11.1) Uit.J Aeon TOWNSEND has SOUDUT sad rosiness. oppassamity and means to 1114 Gravid Universal Cancentins•- *We the reach, sad to tbeicanoinii r e Kati who seed iy end they nay leans had know, by j , fffhl experience, its Transceadeat Power to Heal. Dn. JACOB Townaniss Saw Voss. Oa. S. 104111. Put :—On the "18th of July, 18 i , I was again smirked with theunsatistn, sad mistiness& nudes notions proscriptions, to ens* wane it at least two 'Doman. I Menne easterly bolyisse„ inrapahle orfrediair sryscff. or aurniug Is bed. tar helping sopa say way. Is IMO stale I enhanced until Janusry. P 448, whoa baps to owed a Rule sad istsprosst gluttony dll lst May, Tis esseetinsest was Only so Oar es to I. I. /0 Jeri arra% *hand l still lerapettle or wary in or um sr bed. a eyes tuning hied. I ermaieest in this enftattlet, with little or ao elha will 14111 y despdred of pules slims agate this tie illst July. Ls,. {educed to try your dantspsrUht Nth. stare days after taking Ms first 6.*. I ANOSX IX BM. which I but taut done Swan is no smooths, sad Is ham alma week, I rrarrEn .ICitOSS rim Room what the all of enmity.. Sasso tan. I have walked la the street : kagoilaw alone Soon >s Sprozosseet tis the hart: thews so leparynyll Hood sad Wet. t have twee In Sf Naturnasinsid two Daum usd Ws arm irequoady elsitlad My Mleb awe Darla; Wight. Ham lam takes but tom bailee of Old Dr. Trairosetid'a tionaporala. oct. 4. I prwawrod washer bottle (sth Oct.) amid I walked twice amnia the thaw isitbast the aid of crutches. I have also swift reenvesed taws abstrilleticia ad Water. WM 0 100 41 09 tliktigisite4ll. Teeth 311 my back DM blow left me I and my family have so sankly. gismo I. easagegy tii aay what cruse but m .01.1) Int. JACOB - romrsisurirsBAßltAPallLL.& ALEX. WELSH. ad elgeramst. obiepktyakinneispolndedoty Arm wall:late, area raise' myself Gar my bodspia. Nampa Office ffitleini4inet N. T. city. e n i p!holemaie and:retail. ijl Towonda. Pa, of Hr- RA MIX. agent Vor f / 1 / 9 414eTnTetiosy)vania. 34y • - • SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. 3nn VOL& the Attioeices %edgy WU B ebeol owl Weide tow •is quotidian to seitleireilmeere. stryttli 0. D. HARTLEIT. itlebical. Slime° that Dreadful Gogh: Fria Lungs are in danger, the work of the destroy .l - or las awn begun, the cough of Consureption has Ilt.k a sound of death. Are you it MsliaC.? Your darling dull. yogi idol and earthly: lapis maw perhaps confined tober chamber by glengarries cold.-ber pale cheeks, her Ibis shrunk en limesem tell the kohl disease has already pined upon ber-.4h• mead of hersepukhrel cough pierces your iota. Nat man, when just sliest to enter life, disease sheds sfinetcrushing blight Per the fair ramparts of the figure—your hectic cough and feeble Untie tell of your loss of bope, but you need not despair.—There it 'a balm which win heal the wounded lungs, it is SHERMAN'.S A 1.10 HEA 1.11 NG BALSAM. Mrs. Agree, the wife of Wm. H. Agree, Req. waste , / en up by Dr. Sewall of Washington, Dr. Roe and Mc Clellan of Philadelphia, Ors Roe sod Mott of New York. Her friends all thought she most. die. She had every appearance of bring in consumption, and was en pronounced by her physiciamr—Shennan's Balsam wan given a tel it cored her. Mrs. Ganabrente, of Bull's Ferry was also cured of consumption by this Baleen when all other remedies failed to give ntilef she wasredured toa skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Dentist, 281 Broadway, has witnessed its &Sets in several ea es where no other medicine affor ded relief—hut the Balsam operated likes charm. Dr. C. also gemmed its wonderful effects in curing Asth ma, which it never fails of doing. !Spitting Blond, slanting -es it may he, is effectually cured •by this Bal ms. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels, and makes the leap sound again. Rev. Henry Jones, 108 Eighth avenue, was of cough and esternml affections of 50 years standing. The first dote gave him'more relief than all the other medi cine be b e d ever taken, Dr. Li: Beals, 19 Delaney street. pee it to a sister-in-law who was laboring under consumption. and to another eorelx sfficted with the asthma. In both eases its effects were immediate, soon restoring them to comfortable health. Mini. Lucretia Wells, 95 Christie rt.; marred from &ghats 42 years. Sherman 's Balsam relieved her at 'once, end she is comparatively well, being enabled to subdue esti, - attack by a timely use of gee medicine. This indeed is the timely remedy tor Coughs, Coble, Spitting blood, Liver complaints and all of of the throat, and even Asthma and Consumption. Price 25 cents and $1 a bottle, Sold in Towanda, by HUSTON & PORTER, No. L Brick row. Let Its Works praise ft! TOUSEY'd UNIVERSAL OINTMENT: A com plete remedy for Burns. Scalds, Cuts, Swellings, Bruises, Sprains, Salt Rheum, Piles, Fever Sores„ Sore Lips, Chapped Hands, Cbillblains, bald Head, and al kinds of Inflamed sores. Persons in all conditions of life, are at times liable to be afflicted with the aboVe complaints. It is therefore the duty of heads of families to provide and keep on band, ready For soy emergency, a REMEDY that is capable of removing the suffering attendant on those very tmublorrime companions. Thar: who have used TOUSEY'S UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, need not be told that it is a complete remedy, a master of pain, and the most speedy remover of Inflammation ever discovered. The experience of such persons is suf ficient to prompt them to keep it always on hand, know ing that many valuable lives have been saved, by this Magical Conqueror of inflamed and other sores, burns, scalds, &c. It instantly stops all pain of the severest kind, and prevents scars. No family shouli be without it, as an immediate application of it in eases of burns or scalds, would do more good while waiting for the doctor than be could do when arrived, besides preventing long hours of the utmost suffering which might pass before a physician could be obtained. It possesses control over the severest injuries by fire, over mortification, over inflammation, and by its com bined virtues it' sets as anti-septic, neroine, anti-spas modic, anodyne, emollient and healing, and is the most complete 'simnel remedy in use. Thousands have tried, and thousands praise it. It is working its way into public favor with a rapidity un known in the history of medicines. .A/1 who use it, re eemmeod it. Again we say. no family should be with out it. The agents furnish the public gratis, with books describing this ointment. 1:0 Each box of the genuine Torsat's I;NMINS/A L °CCTV %xi. has the signature iof B Tousey written on the outside label hs black ink. Never purchase a box unless this signature can he seen. Price 25 an to per box or five boxes for St. Prepared by Et.tatrrr ear, Syracuse, N. Y. Sold in New York at ttn Nas sau street, and in Towanda, by HUSTON & POR TER, N0..1, Brick Row. by Clleknees Vegetable Purgative Pills, ARE the first and only medicine ever discovered that will positirely cure Headache, Giddiness, Pile:, Dyspepsia, Scutvy. Smallpox. Jaundice, Pains in the Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Ri sing in the Throat, Dmpsy, Asthma, Fevers of aU kinds Female ecmplaints, Measles, Salt Rheum Heart Burn, Worms. Cholera, Morons, Coughs, Quinsy, Whooping cough, Consumption, Fits, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Deafness, Itching' of the Skin, Colds, Nericas Com plaints, and a variety of other Diseases arising from im podia s of Indigestion. It has been proved that nearly every disease to Which the human frame is subject. arininales from iropuiities of the Blood or Derangements of the Digestive Organs; and to secure Health, we must temper those obstructions or restore the blood to its natural riste. This fact is universally known, but people have such an aversion to medicine, that, unless the ease is urgent, they prefer the disease to the cure, until an impaired emotional or • fit °foil:kora rebukes them for the folly of their eon. duct. Still they' had some excuse, for heretofore, med icine in almost, all its forms, was nearly as disgusting as it was beneficial. Now, however, the evil is matt of frothily removed ; for Clickener's Vegetable Purgative Pills, being completely enveloped with A COATINO or evea waves ere se.(which is distinct from the kernel) have no taste of medicine, but an, as easily swallowed as bits of candy. Moredver they do not nauseate or gripe in the slightest degree, which is occasioned by the fact that are compound's! on scientific principles, and operate equally on all the diseased parts of the system, instead of confining theautelvee to, and reeking any par ticular region, (which is the great and admitted evil of every other purgative.) - Hence ,they strike of Me ,not of Disease, remove sllimpore humors from the blood, open the pores externally and internally, promote the Insensible Perspiration, obviate fiantleury, Headache, der.—separate all foreign and ¬ion particles from chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the crrigin, must be thoroughly pure—enure It free and healthy action to the Heart, Lungs and Liver, and thereby restore health corn when all other weans here failed. $ f (X A.l letters of inquiry or for advice most he ad dressed (poet paid) to Dr.C.V.CI.ICKENER, N 0.68 Veneyet., New York, or his authorised agents through out the country. For side in Towanda, by HUSTON it PORTER. No. 1, Brick Raw. N. R. Remember, Dr. C. V. Clickener is the inventor alkyls" Coated Pills,Jahlthat nothing of the sort was ever heard of, until be introduced than in June, MI Purchasers should theeefore ask for Clickener's Sugar- Coated Pilo, and take'no other, •or they will be made the victims of a fraud. 57 LOOK OUT FOR PAIN KILLER! 4perrious articles afloat MR. .I. ANDREWS, in jowl* to your valuable PAIN KILLER, and to the - benefit of the I, - lie, we hereby certify that we have need your Pain Kil ler in our Families for years, for many of the diseases for which it is recommended, and we deem it the best Family Restorative in ow, and !mild recommend every family to keeps supply on hand, in owe of sudden M oo or accident. Rev. Aaron /triton, pester first Baptist Atwell, Ithaca. " WiQsrs Canso, Pesch Orchard, Tompkins Co. Rachel Willson, James Clark, Ann Dedlayt Milk CON W. Bandage, Ann Teter, A Baker,. John Doolittle. John B Owens, Norm pureluwe the Pain Killer without the written signature of J. Andrews, en the taint of eaA bottle, in bledchtle. Bola by RUSTON & PORTER, and HIRAM MIX, only amens for Towanda. Poi bother particulate No sd - 00111111 s. NOTICE is bind" given that the .M•paetservbip heretofore existing between CHAIABBRLIN dr MITER, is Druggists. i.e., is this day diesoliad by *weal maw& bassnese orah Is eamierl an by PORTER, alba will awde all extmauta alltbs Tate firm. Towanda, Jan. G, 1119. Great & Important Chemical Discorety. denied Combination from dm Vegetable Kingdoin to repd Disease. rrHUS CHEMICAL COMPOUND. containing as 11 it does, Yellow Dock, so 'highly esteemed by the faculty—with other vegetable ptoduAkms, is one a the *nod important diseereeskat of the age, end far itiperior to all simple sarsaparilla preparatirms in use. Although less than two years bare elapsed since its discovery, it has already effected over 15,000 cares. The unrivalled power disease which this Syrup produ ces may be attributed to the fact that it is compoied purely of vegetable extracts, each one having a direct reference to some internal organ; consequently the whole system is benefited; and the fact that, in its operation, it occasions neither sickness nor pain, age] can be taken onder'ell eireurestances without reg ard to business or diet, and by the aged and the infant with equal efficacy, is certainly * eonaideratum in the history of Medicine. This Extract is pat up in Quart Bottles. and is the most highly concentrated Syrup in use. h is offered at the low price of one dollar per Bottle, the object of being to give the patient an• opportunity by the purchase of one bottle, to test its valuable medical properties and its power over disease. - This compound Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsa parilla is a positive, speedy. and permanent cure for Consumption. Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum. Pimples on the face, Rheumatism, Gout, Gen eral Debility, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Spinal Af fections, Female Complaints, Ulcers Syphila in its worst form, Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys, Bilious Colic and serous Looseness, Biles, Costiveness, Colds, corrupt Humors, Asthma, Dropsy, enlargement of the Bones, Fever and Ague, Giddiness, Gravel, Headaches, of every kind, Impure blood,Jaendice, Loss of Appetite, Leprosy, Mercurial Diseases, N ight Sweats,' Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Neuralgia, Organic Affections Palpitation of the Heart, Painter's Colic, Piles, rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy. Swellings, Sick Headache. Stiffness of the joints, Exposure and Imprudence of Life. Tt extracts nervous disease, purifies and ennehes the Blood, and invigorates the body more effectually than any medicine hitherto offered to the public. In the Vegetable Kingdom. an All wise Being has depo.ited 'Deb Vents and herbs as are congenial to our constitutions, an adapted to the cure of all curable diverse* to which human nature is inckent. All this Compound Syrup is composed of all those valuable plants, Nome of which have lately been discovered and used, and found to be certain specifics in thousands of diseases that before defied the best of medical AWL OPINIONS OF' PHYSICIANS. This is to certify that we, the undersigned Physi cians of the city of New York, have in a very great many cases prescribed Doctor °armours Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and are fully assured that it has no equal among the varied Syrups and Sar saparilla preparations that halie over been sold. Octo. bet 10.47. John F. Stebbins, M. D.; F. R. Thomas, M. 1). ; P. S. Maynard. M. D.; James E. Morgan. M. D.; Samuel T. Walls, M. D.: 8. M. Johnson, M. D. More frstinsony in freer of the superiority of Dr Curates Exit-ad of Yelbto.Dock and Sarsaparil la over all other similar remedies. A Bower, IN Co!tins, kb.c N. Y., Is4B in snother Aka The Most sum*, Medicine in the Woad! READ THE TESTIMONY. Reid! Read!! Extracts of letters receired. DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, &c. WArcirrowx,Jegersoo Ca, Nov. 4, 1847 Mr. 8. F. Bcx Err Dear Sir—l am at a low to express with wont' what has been said in praise of your Compound Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla ; all who have had the pleasure of using it speak of ita marvellous ,effettain removing diseases, with so much feeling an s heartfelt astisGiction, that I am confident now that no medicine in use can boast of its stiperidr qualities. 'Man, who have been complaining for years with pain in the side, burning and pain in the chest, dyspepsia. general debili. ty, loss of appetite, chills, night sweaty., Salt rheum, scrofula, in fact all the &moues that we in this climate are heir to, tin] in the Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, all that is requisite to make them what they were in their days of health &e. We have had twelve dozen bottles in three months, and find we are nearly out. Please send an equal limning, and 0: lige yours, HOYT St GREGORY. • DYSPEPSIA CURED. OF 30 Y'RS STANDING Wt. Jontestrivut, Montgomery Co. Jan. 3, '4B 8. F. Dirsllitrr—Dear Sir—Some four weeks since I was induced to try your Yellow Dock and 'Sarsaparilla for Dyspepsia; had beer. afflicted about 40 'ears, most part of the time unable to eat anything without suffer ing intensely from its effects. I have used now only one bottle of your invaluable medicine, and consider myself entirely cured solely by its use. Can now eat a booty meal, without the slightest inconveniences Very truly yours, ANTHONY BEEKMAN, THE GREATEST FEMALE MEDICLNE NOW KNOWN. The mild alterative properties of Dr. Guysott's ex. tract.of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. render it pecu liarly applicable to the slender and delicate constitution of the female. It is undeallediolts effects upon such diseases as incipient Consumption, Barrenness, Lett corrhoea or Whits', Irregular Menstruation,. Inconti nence of thine, and gentles! Prostration of the system. It immediately counteracts that distressing nervousness and lassitude an common to the female frame, and im parts an energy mak buoyancy as surprising as they are grateful. We cannot, of course, exhibit certificates to any ex= tent in this class of emoplaints, but the taro following extracts of letters _recently received, indicate sufficient ly the great virtue of the medicine as a - remedy for the diseases referod to. NEwAtut. J.n. 25th, 1848. Mr. Bras rr—We take pleasure in stating that your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla gives great satis faction in every case. We shall try "and send you some certificates. A very respectable gentleman informs us that his daughter was troubled with difficult menstruation, and other diseases peculiar to her sex. She had not had her regular menstrual discharges for a long time ; but by the use of Dr, Guy ertt'a Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. was rericaily cured. Had used Townsend's and others', without receiving the , slightest benefit. He had one daughter die from the same cause. Please send us ea erklitionaleupply. Very respectfully yours - J. E. TRIPPE & CO. CAUTION EXTRAORDINARY Them are counterfeit medicines afloat; therefore the reader is particularly cautioned not to allow himself to he imposed upon. Beware how you buy medicine put up in square quart hot•les. Be very sore and ask for Dr. Guyette" Compound Extinct of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, bearing the wriuen signature of 8. F. Bennett, on each outside wrapper, written with black ink ; and do not, on any account, Is induced to buy any ether "rd. cle—as it is this preparation only that i 4 perforating's& marvelous and astonishing come. Take no mans word; as persons having the coun r erfeit medicine and not genuine, are of coarse desirous of making their profits—eonsequently you are liable to boy werthless trsab, unless you eakmine for yourselves. ca Remember, Dr. GUYSOTTS YELLOW DOCK AND SARSAPARILLA. • Prepared at & F. Benneu'a Labratory, Little Falls; Herkimer -county, N. Y., and .31.1 at ailuilenale in N. York City by J. t. Trippe„ 128 Maiden 'Lams: shoo by Tracy Beadle, Zlmira. L. M. Reztord, Ilingtarnicso. b. L. Pi n ney . 8c Son, Owego, and by the principal dr *,a ls: and mid Can merc hada. ants throughout the. Stater, West triaa •.• None tenable miler pot up, in large square bottles containinitt quart. airlift** name of the syrup *my in , disease, with the mitten sigestsis of-19.7 BENNPITT ea each outside gnomes. field WiieWssle• and-Retail by C. N. RZRRK/ • • AMOR, 'HIRAM MIX ,Titmoutula. lIM4 v s 7 Western N. York - College of -Health, 207 Mina Mired, assrais, I. Or. C. G. Tiogba's Itgetable Litioalbripic Ilixturr. MHiscelebrated remedy-is cm:Mandl increasing it■ fame by the ninny canes it is making ALL OVER 'rHE WORLD. It has now bream the only usedieise for family use and is particularly recommended for DROPSY: a stares of this complaint immediately relieved.' no matter of bow long standing. Seesumpliki fur testi mony. and all cliwooes of the urinary organs; for these dis tressing complaints it stands alone; no other article can relieve you ; sod the cures teatt6ed..lo will - convince the most okePtioal;--isecpampylef. Liver Complaint, Bil lions diseases, FEVER AND AGUE. To the great west especially. and whenever these complaints prevail thisinedieine is offered• • NO MINERAL AG.PN't no deleterious compound is apart of this mixture, it cures these diseases with certainty and celerity, and does not leave the system torpid. Bee pamphlet. PILES. • complaint of a most painful character it INIMEDI ATELYSELIEVED, and a cure follows by a Few days use of this article.: it is far befortaay other pro oration fur this disease, or for any other discus orig inating from impure blood—See pamphlet. DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM. weak back, weakness of the Irkineys, tee.. or infiania don of male is insniediataly relieved by a kw days use of this medicine, and a can is always a resultof its use. •It stands as a for aue% complaints, and also for digangemeota of the fe male frame. IRREGULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS. painful meestruations. No article has ever been of fared except this which would cure this derangnients. It may be relied upon as a sure and affective remedy and did ws feel permitted to do sot could give A THOUSAND AMES. utre as proof of cures in this d" • g class of complaints. See pamphlet. All broken , deltilitatedeonstitu tionfrom Me effect of mercury, isi I find thebMcing pow of this article to set =mediate! , .and the poisonous mineral eradicated from the system. ERUPTIVE - DISEASES. will find the alternative properties of this article. PURI FY THE BLOOD, and such diseases from the aye. tem. See pamphlet for testimony of cures in all dis eases, which the limits of an sdvertiarnent will not pet ted to be =Med, here Agents girt them away ; they contain b 2 tatites of certificates of high character, and s stronger arraftf proof of the virtues of amedicine, ne-• ver appeared. It is one of the peculiar features of this article that it never fails to bene f it in any case, and if bone and muscle are kJ? to build upon let the emaciated and lingering invalid hope on, and keep ta king the medicine as long as there is an improvement. The proprietor would caution the pnblic against a num ber of articles which come out under the head of Sane parities, Syrups. &c., as cures for Dropsy. gravel, l sth.: they are good for nothing. and connected to gull the unwary ; touch them not. Their inventors never thought of curing such-diseases till this snide had done it. A partielar study. of the pamphlet is solicited. Agents and all who se.l the article are glad to circa: tate gratutiously. Put up in 30 oz, bottles, at $2 ; 12 oz. do at $1 each—the larger holding 6 oz. more than two mill bottles. Look out and not get imposed upon. Every bottle has "Vaugn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture," blown upon the glass, the written signature of - G. C. Vaughn" on the directions and “G. C. Vaugh t', Buffalo," stamped on Me cork. Nom other nuine. Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn. and sold at the Principal Office, 209 Main stems, Ballilo, .t whole sale and retail.. No attention given to leuera unless post-paid—orders from regularly constituted Agents ac cepted : post paid letters, or verbal communications so liciting advice, promptly attended to, gnats. • Office, devoted exclusively to the sale of this article -132 Nassau st., New York city : 225 Essex st.:, Salem Man: ; and by the principal Druggist throoughout the United States and Canada, as Agents. sroßßs & CO., Wholesale Agente.Philadelphia. HIRAM MIX, Towanda. ' T. D. Spring. Laceyville. C. H. Herrick, Athens. A.Durham, Tunkhann'k. C. B. Fisher, Wyalusing. E. Dyer, Covington. O. F. Redinaton, Troy. April 12, 1848.—y Removed to north side Public Square ! 4,.. ... k . Tj .urr A ly s o j f: u vi st , re at t e u h r e nc: . . f e m w m e.i t ry he city d -11...; . - II of New York with a large , 40 7 Silver ware, comprising in part, f ~- ;71 the following articles :—Lever, % ill C. s : 4- C -I;Epine and Plain Watches, with ( .-i ---ss . " a complete assortment of Gold , Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin ger fin rs, Breast Pins, Bracelets. Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also,' all sons of Silverware, and any quantity of Steel Beads—.all of which he offers for sale ezceeedingty cheap for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice, and warranter, to run well, or the money will be refunded. and a writ ten agreement given to that effect if required. N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and -Country Produce taken in payment. for work ; and ales. learn tww, and forever, that /he Produce must be paid when 1 kelourk is done T —lwar against credit in all as forms. • W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. Towanda, April 28, 184 R. ' 0 1(0,(000 IJIWRZ GREAT REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, Merely for the want of cheap Ckrict, Waleawl and Jewelry! Great Rush at the NEW CLOCK AND WATCH STORE! . TAMES P. BULL nespectfulty inform• the citizens ef of Towanda and vicinity, that be has lately return ed from Philadelphia,and peOisanently located in To wanda, one door 'below the Brick Row, io the room for merly occupied by' blereur's Hat Store, where may be found gold and silver watches, gold, fob and guard chains, gold and silver pencils, gold pens, breast pins, finger rings, &c., cheap for each, and every article war ranted. A large supply of CL WKS, of the latest im proved patterns, 'tinning , boil' all hours to 8 days and • month, with one winding.. (0 Particular attention paid to repairing CLOCKS,. WATCHES & JEWELRY. of every description, and `from the long experience which he has had in the ho tlines, work left - in his care will be done in . the hem workmanlike manner. Old 801 l and laver takien in exchange. Towanda. A ',grist 16, BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY. JOHN W . WILCOX. has removed his establish men% to the shcip between Kingsbery's and,Bart. Ides stores, end where he still solicits a ,alrmw Qt public patronage. He intends, b 7 a careful' iriectimo_ of stock, and by attention to . the Interests did, imato• men to make as neat and durably work p can $4) Ma. nufectured in this part of the CO nutty. He will keep constant' , on hand, and nianinre to order, Morocco, Calf and Coarseitoots and Ladies' Gaiters, Shies and .Slipp; Chilth.cl4. des. ; Genre dedlena and Pampa . , 4.e. - QCountry PrOdace, ef-most-descriptiseuri taken. in payment for wort, at the market prim. Tommule. Apriflte. ten, • . • 1" £olloRNlQsNirts &maks'. .L 4 let them stepiatti_FOr.9 4 end teat Vie fact:. i good eemowiewit at Flowage. braid. ai m. new and fashionable ribbtinikalowera end lei's, of No. 2.Drick Row nr2ii AlebtraL GRAVEL CERTAIN REMEDY. 0! 4. Chamber/in, oliii.. ...Jill' ib +,.+~~~F..`ICS. NE•W ESTABLISHMENT AST , • 11173103aWAIEr L. M. NYE & CO., wo o ld . wally woaldr, inform the citizens °ITO:. ends and the pabfic generally, u m r•ln they have on band .& menufang en le. . to order an -kin& of CABINET ru RN rrtigz, of .the best male. grab, and workmanship thattannet ""'.. he surpassed, in additionto the unit assortment in country shops, we will beep on bandied make to order SOFAS. of various and most epproaq ,patterns; Sofa Rocking Cbairs,,uphotwiercdin supelif style, and fur ease and Alaurabiliiy cannot be surpassed even in our large cities. , Also, the half Preach Ms hogaity Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair, which never lows -its elleticity, and finished with the best Bair seating. We Ratter ourselves that having had much experience in. the basins's, we shall be able to satisfy all who may feel disposed to Gill; both 118 quality and price; and by strict attention to buena, hope to merit and receive - the patronage of a liberal a ft munity. L. M. NYE '4lk CO. Towanda. September 1, 1847. • C.4IIIJrET FUR.,I77IRE MI AY BE HAD-at oar shop much lower than BR has ever. been *old in Towanda. Goods to cheap, and wheat am lowered,and that is rearm ir e can afford all for to do it. All kinds of prodpee wiq be received , in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kind,. . Sept. 1. * L. M. NYE 4_CO. . . 411C....trab.11111[11MT/1511 174 TIL L belLept on hand a hircewsaiirtinent, made to order on shorter notice aid for less mo. qey than can be protiumd at any.other establishment is the land. Those who are.undess the neegasity. of p a . curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A go o f heave and pall may be bad inattardinas when desired. September I. 1847 L. M. NYS & CO. BOOTS AND SHOES. What are yonaboat here! Ara't ye! Yes,.l WSW; THOUSANDS of times the question has been nip', Whereon earth pre all the Boots and Shoes nu. nnfactured that supply the continual rush at the Dona of Main and Bridge streets! . O'Hara answers that ilits is the piece, and these are the thinp we do it with ! Seventrdeven new faaheons - ' every two menia. ! Put on the Steam! ! Bear ye I hear ye ! end understand, that O'Hara, the earner of Main and Bridge streets, will sell at Mali this season. 89.T81 pairs of Boot; Shoes coo Broga n ., at a kw pike than ever was or probably ever will be of• fared again in Towanda. The Ladies' Department is this establishment is richly furnished with fashions. Ladies', misses' and children's fancy wed common hoots and shoes, even to the extremity of the latest fashions.. Mistake not the place —Corner of Main and Bridge Meets, the only Shoe Store' is Bradford County. Half cash and b a il trade for Butter. 11. O'liA&A. Towanda. June 16, 1647. HEMORRHOIDS OR PILES, lIITZRNAL ICZT RR 1.1 .. PIIMANWSTLY MULTI By Dr.. Upliam's Vegetable. Electaarv. AN INTERNAL REMEDY, which, if used ate cording to directions." cure for life is guaranteed. svarrroits OP TUIC A common consequence of this - affection is a kind o linesman, or heating down sensation, as it is familial =Red there is also heat, , ension'and throbbing in the part, varying from a moderate degree of these ones tions to the most excruciating suffering :—these se caused by the great flow of lined to the parts Some. times the inner coat of the bowel protrudes at ese 7 evacuation, forming what it called Prolamin or falling of the bowels; this is the effect of long continued lin eation and weakness of that organ. In 'some instances the patient experiences nervous pains, "dna are in& cribeble, and known only. to the sufferer, which coca :thence immediately after an evacuation, and continue from thirty minuurs to several hours; these bensanoin are very annoying-and sometimes very distressing.— This disease, when of long continuance, is attended In pain and•weaknees in the heck, irritation of the kid. new and bladder, and other organs in the vicinity, pan and numbness in the legs and feet, a sense of straight ness about the chest:and unnatural fullness of the at. doming viscera, accompanied with palpitation of the heart and oppression, individuals sometimes expeiiena, previous tow attack of the Film, symptons denoting great skrangement_in the circulation ; there is a sew Of weight and pressrun in the abdoinen, with s peculiar feeling of 'uneasiness in the bowels, constipation of le ricanum, attended with pain in the br i ck and loins, no sea, and slight paint; in the stomach, pale countenance, confused sensations in the head, weariness, cod inn:a ble arid discontented state of me - mind, and a sense of •fullness and oppression in the region of the stomach:— The circulation On the surface is feeble, and tbecuarent of blood determined inward and downwards. roasua OF TOIL /LOOP]; MISCASSII AN/ CONPLAINTIL Dr. Fitam's Tegttable Eliehrary, Cures Effectually and therefore prevents Pik, REAP THE TESTIMONY. , Hvirson, December 11, 1846. Grays.—l• have used Dr. Upham's Vegetable Pile Electuary which I marchanerl.otyott. and find it one et the best medicines in use for the piles, and also for billions affections. arising from ari impure state ? - of the system. Yours, &c. E. A. Coal, Marble Dealer: MIMS ATATSS Ma R Orricx, New York, Dec. 6, 4847. MESSRS: ' WYATT & KlCTCMAX—Gentlemen :•=re• derstanding that you are the general agents for the all of Dr Upham's Vegetable Eluctuary.`ior the cure of Piles,l have deemed it my duty So volunteer a mar mendation in behalf of that invaluable medicine. I have been afflicted for whiny-years frith piles, and hree tried various remedies but -with no beneficial effects...l 71 began to consider- my case utterly hopeless. But shoat F . j„' the first of September last. woe prevailed upon by 0' friend to make a trial of the-above named., medicine. took hie ance and re4oicathat I am not ooly relieod but, as I believe..perfectly Cured. I most - eameso recommend it to -all who may have the misfortune tope affliited with that annoying anddangesons disease.. Very respeCtfully, your ob't savant. ELY MOORE. • REMARKABLE CURE O i l PILES!! 5 - , THIRTY YEARS,RTAN ING I ! Mother Wasantrafrort.- lierksbire Co. (Maas.) Nov. 29, 1847.6 Maanate. WYATT & KSTCH.l3ll.—tilflatl : For dud' years I have been afflicted with piles, general de" and tnilamation, causing tumors and mistime orlb" bowels, and which bad restated all the medicaid otit mem Dr. Chapman and others conk! give. The lot three years of that time my sufferings delY Meneripnar• I was Confined to bed, amble to help myself, sod at ba given op by my phisicians and friendisin despair oft.- er gaining my health ;" in fact fur-three days heist I was entirely speechless awl my burial clothes were made. But under Providence, and the use of Dr. Up. ham's Electuary, thou g h Ea sue awn; I here the pleat L:-- t are of stating the TACT IS Mtn politic that my health now god, and hope te Elie loony years. if it is Gab ' will, to make known the slew* of Dr. Upham's Elect• miry, and to recomroend it to my afflicted fellow eve c f_t! tural. bellied me heytind the expectationa of ditto 3 knew my ease, and I only say to others that it is,intat opinion, the best martinet in the world for Piles. oral7t. other disease of the bowels; and if they wiltuse it so ~ cording to the, directions, I will myself warrant a con In every ease? Yours, with the utmost expression of thankfullerss. CORN ELMS 'BP rE, r. Eaviveirim, Bork. Co, (MGM) NOV. 19, 1847. Thitaliotracertificatatells a wimple and truthful sto• cy . nCialreiing anti calief, (41,444 as physician aDJ witness halm cane, rcheerfully endorse. DR. CHAPMAN. • NOTICE — The gepuine ITphaes Electuarr hat his written 'imitate; thus d:r A. Upham; - M. D.) The hand is alone done with a pen. Price EI a box. 03 - Sold whole sole and retail. by WY.ATT. a KETCHAM. 1111. Pekin Pt, N. Y.. and by Drums genelally,thtuurhout the U. 8. - and Canidss. HIRAM MIX, Agent for Tosiands, Pa. 4"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers