New cAZwertwaneuts ON 69 - ARDING SCOW TERMS OF . . L FOR board and tution, including Orthography, Read ing Writing, Arithmetic, -- Algetkajtook-keepting, English Grammar, Rhetotic, Composition, Gecigrapby, se of theGlobesjkl ineralogy Natural Philosophy and Astronomy.. (with the use of a good apparatus millet nate 'hose siudies,) Moral Philosophy and Chemistry, payable quarterly in advance, per annum, $lOO no Day scholars, per quarter, • .• 400 EXTRA CHAAGEB. Frrnch, per quarter, Latin, " . Spanish, s. - 400 Music. (nn the piman,) per quarter, 10 00 Embroidery and rug work, " 2 00 Any young lady receiving instruction on the piano, rs - privileged to learn rug-wink, dr any one of the shove anguagra, and the same tune, without additional charge. -To A young lady who studies the English branches. the terms of learning eackgf the above braliches, are . per quarter, $3 00 7 , Instructions on the Guitar, ..,. 4 00 of Pianos, Drawing and painting in water rotor*. including the use of materials, such as drawing paper, ,paints, pencils, Ace thl polling on canvass. Painting tran=parent window shades, including the supply of materials, each Formula painting on paper, silk and velvet, per twelve lesson*. Gilding on silk, crape• &c. Wax flowers, per quarter, Pena and ink,, " 14:ahhing, ,Board in vacation, 52 DO per week, Lettere pest-paid, addre".serl to the Misses WHITE &GRIFFIN, 13 . mgheinton, groom co., N. V., will re ceive prompt attention. LINT OF JURORS drawn for' ay Term and ties sons—commencing May 7, 1819, =1 Athens Huston; Atbenr. tp.—Gen. Northrop ; litirlington = Jaineluston, Emanuel Guyer; Colombia—Dan'l C o v, Ke3 H. :smith; . Canton—Goo, W. Griffin; Durel—Wm. flare ; tierriek-flitam Camp; Monroe—.A. L. Cranuier ; Leroy—Ledyarii Chaapel, Edward Wouster ; Orwell—Theopdos H cunphry ; I:wrie—.-0. F. Yonng, M.. C. Cannon; ;•4 Mingfic!d —J. Mattocht: jr.; smit!.fichl—.l.Geronlds Troy Ip—Alfred Leonard ; Warrt.o.—Calvin Arnold ; valusina—atlas Buck; Wells—Samuel Gordon; 'Windham—Edward Boardman, J. Doane. =3 Albany---4;eorge Eberly, Ira Dodge, Joseph Lee; Athens tp—J.F.Salerlee ; Athens bo—C.N .sli A , vliim—Jagan Horton; nrlington—s.ll. Al'eurd t'Onmbia--T. 1). Umstin, William 14. (lernet ; Canton—l:ph. Case; Herrick—Win. C. Knapp; Lachfield—C. Bloodgobd ; Monroe—J. G. Mason ; nrwell—.John \V. Paison, Nelson Bosworth ; Pike—Saml Buck; ilidOcrry—sam - 1 Coleman ; S.mth Crk—B. Quick ; Wyalusing—H. Shumway Springfield—A. Grace, C. S. Bent; ey ; S. scone—J. H. Bader; Towanda tp—H. Granger Trot• tpTimothy Case, David Boyer ; 1 - I.ter—Harry Gore; Towanda la —.A.D.Montanye Warren—A.C,hurn, B. Darling, Wm. Beardcley ; Windham—PeteT o , l , orne, Alexander Hand, Benj C. Blz.bree, Lewis Loveland; NI) sox—Frank Brown, George St rope. Tlt AVERSE JI 11011 S.•-, EFT. Armenia—Dan'l Crandall; Asylum—Frs. Vigil; Athena tp—A masa Walker; then.s bo—W. Shapley,H. R. Backus, G. Fritchpr Dui linv. , n—J. Loveland, F. Whttenead; Cook; Granville—Luther T. Clark Monroe—Hiram Sweet; B. Vangilder ; Rome—Jas. L. Parker; Springfield—C. Burgess; RIJI.TI,Prryt—.I. Burt, D. Draeoll, Sturges Squires; Sinitlifield—Jno. Wood, B. Tuttle. M. Bullock; FibeArquin—Harry Shaw, D. Davidson ; sanding Stone—Hiram Gordon, Charles Roof ; , spriii;thill—A Kinney; Trov bo—W. P. Newberry Towanda tp—N. Bennett, William. Campbell; bo—D.. C. Hall, Burton Kiugsbery ; Warren—E. E, Allen, Manson Ellsbree; AVindliam—larnes,Bush, William Sibley W 3 soli—David Shores; Wells—Juha Brasted ZU;111L1111.EZD W. R, SMALL & W. R. CbTfiNG, TKE ttriamethod of informing the citizens of To. wends and vicinity, that they have taken a room over the store of J, Kirigabery, for the purpose of taking LIKENESSES try the Bannerman process. The pub lic are reepeetfully invited to call, wherherihey wish tor pictures or not, and examine specimens. Those that wish to have pictures taken in a desirable and NT fectly eatisfactery manner. and in a style of bold relief, well defined outline, softners and richness of tone, and permanency of impression, are, with all deference, so licited for patronage. We have a large German Ca retro, the best kind in use t also, 4 fine armament of stock, consisting of Fancy iCasea q Gold Lockets, orna mented and plain Cases. eke, (0 Pictures taken without regard to weather. and copied from Daguerreotypes, portraits or engravings, and set in rings, bracelets and pins, or in any style desired. Prices for single pictures from ji 50 td ffi. In lock ets, from $3, to $l 7 l. March 5, Irt49. NOTICE. GX IMES REED having assigned el his estates , tights and credits to the at:disc-11,er, for the benefit of his creditors, it therefore becomes absolutely necessie ry that all debit due the said Charles Reed should be settled and paid without delay, and all persons having claims against himare requested to present them at Nn. 5. Brick Row, in the bore' of Towanda, his late place of business, for adjustment. An early attention to the settlement of this business is most earnestly desired, a , the subscriber will he obliged to put all debts due the said Reed in a eouran of collection, without ilisiinction of persona, after the first day of March neat. The goods now on hand, belonging to the above concern, comprise mg a great variety of very valuable and seasonable ar ticles, will be sold for CASH. AT COST. H. W. TRACY, Assignee. Towanda, Feb. 10, 1849. " PUBLIC NOTICE! Li, pentona intlehtlgil to the late firm of Hes-m..- .11 and Lann, are hereby tiotified that nntes. get . . tlement ip made by the second week of Febrnaiy coort thr neeonnts will be, placed in •the hands of an officer for immedia e collection. B. HITSTON. Towanda, Jan. 3,' J 849 . - C. K. LA DD. REMOVED. Av A. CRAMBEItLIN respectfully inform the V public that he Ilse. removed Jos evudilishment to the room lately (K i el] pied by D. Vandercook. as en of tire, where he will be always on hand to cotrect erring iimo-piecos. He offers for -rale his large assortment of Jewelry at unusually low prices. - - Towanda. Jan. 91, 1849. FOR RENT. 'A FRONT .Room in the seennti story of No. ti Ti Brick Rowe over the Drug Ntore; Om the room in the third story fanner!y oertmied as the Masonic Dili. For .particulars enquire of Feb 19, Iti49: • •. Et`TOgi TOMICINS. NEW ARRANGEMENT AT THE NEW DRUG STORE UM'S Vaaaara. 11 - WING made - at cangemeuts with Dr. C. ILLADD XI the subscriber lakes pleasure in announcing the the Doctor will hereafter give .his personal attention wholly to his business. The Drugs and Medicines will be under the Doctor'. kupervision, whose BLitt and experience in physics can-. but be questioned. • jyl6 H. MIX. --- - - - LAST ARRIVAL OF WINTER H. S. & M. C. MERCUR, the pleasure of announcing to the public that they are now remising anot4tr larg,, and grneral assortment of GOODS. Tearanda,.Dec. I, 1848. IRON, Iron..A good-asiornseot of ima: far sae at the slew Hord WitmEttoro. I). LORI). Towanda, Noir. 7, 1646. NEW, 9C)9p4-.ttTv A TkjE, CENTRAV 5- STORE ! ng Sihp Vish4tit a very A r° 6 l , V g . e °l :l7l i donni l b t la ti t rt e gie ‘ iit ik o'f 'VAL Ir:, AN D WINTER GOODS,- Isbiett--oiiii- biiitopf`lt;siery low rate*. Doslhess at this einalglikirient*Atteil upon fair and honest iwineiples. ' l titii , hivilitiftantt s for peat.favorg and we hope for s continuauce of the same as iNti are boom' to goade,Chesp. Towanda. Dec.C 1848 , N. BE4TS, . _ $4 00 4 00 pr , AVIRES AVM WRlPatra&TialS, THE subscriber still continues merrufseture sod keep ars hood the old stood of. Trimkios 110i1 Makitoon, ell knolls of cone end wood test CHAIRS; • sod SET :EPA of vsrious kinds , & BEI/- lI:ADS, of every description. Which 1 still sell low for east) 1r Produce, or Pine or Cherry Amber, or cl air plank, will he rewired fur work.• TURNING dune to order Ark the neatest wanner. Also, CABINET WORK, make and kept on hand, or made to order. inn the t est manner. 1 JAMES ALA KINSON. Trevramln. Jennifer 4. 1849. 4 00 10 00 4 00 A 00 3 00 5 00 50 2 50 MORE NEW COODS. INTE are now -receiving and opening a new and lr 1 general assortment of Goods just from the Qua. ker City, and we confidently say. they cannot be beat for - variety, neatness of style, quality or quantity ; and they must and shall be sold as low as the same goods can be bought this aisle of the city. Our stock is full and complete, consisting of every thing mankind stand in need of. The stock is ,madd up of Dry goods, Gro eerier, Hardware, Crockery, Iron and Nails, Paihts, Oils, Glass, Varnish, Dye-stuff., Boots,Shoes. Leather, Fish, 841 t, and in facl everything that is in dernend.— Persons making purchases will do well to call and ex amine our stock before, purchasing, its we make no charges fir showing goods. DitY GOODS, A good and cheap variety of Alpreca,s, Gingham', ilregcm plaids and Detains, a large and good assort ment of Cloths Cassimetes, setinetts, Kentucky Jeans, minim and silk vestings, table diaper, brown and blue cotton and brown and blue hoer, tat.te cloth, Muffs of alt sizes prices and descriptions, Buffalo robes, Sheet ngs, shirting,' both brown and bleaelitsl.Hata and caps of the. iatest styles,. wool shirts and drawers, Carpet bags, gloves and mittens, Hosiery, any ivantity of era' ton yarn and carpet yarn, white and colored all of which will be sold cheaper for cash, than at any orher establishment in town. ELT.TOTT do TOMKINS Towanda, Nov. 16, 1848: PIIYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OFFICE, at No. 1, BRICK ROW; where they may 1.-1 at all times . be fond, ready to attend to calls in their profession. Towanda, Jan., 10, 1849. PARTICULAR NOTICE ! EVERY person indebted to me. by note or otherwise, are hereby notified that immediate payment must he made, or they will be soli/Tied to the cost of enfoc inz collection. I, trust this notice will be sufficient, without putting me to the necessity of placing my de mands in the hands of o magistrate, for indiscriminate prosecution. feb2B D. C. HALL. WHEREAS MY WIFE, MARY MOSHER, LEFT my bed and board, ou the 20th inst.. without any just cause or provoc ! gio.o, this is hereby to forbid any person harboring Or trusting her ina my ac count. as I will pay no debts of her contraction. Albany, Feb. 26,1642. ORWELL W.MOSITER. AND NOW IT IP. W.llO MelC.falt .1318 atiBD2VBSID? CF. HARDER respectfully wishes to inform the . citizens of Towanda, and the public that he has commenced the HARNESS AND TRUNK MAKING Bums,. in Towanda, on Main street, a few dam; above Bridge street, where he will-keep constantly on hand or make to order, I'lated and cononon• 7-farness. Trunk, and T Valirrx, and all kinds.of work in his line. CAR RIAGE TRIMMING and MILITAR r• WORK done to order. From his experience in the business, and punctuality in attending to it, ho hopes he may receive a sitar , of puLtic patronage. ( r. f . MI kinds of work may he had at his shop cheap er than at any other shop in this county. Towanda, June 12, :446. 1y 1 a Vrii/iffm Sco '7O 21M 41W 11:1 dY - SA7 lIAS removed his office to D Cash's new Ofte.P. on second street, where he wi be pleased to see those need his professiondservires. Dec. r. 9, 1047. y Towanda, ir.ugust 30, 1847. TLYSSES MERC ha,( remoscil his Lair Offlee 1.—.! to the second story of Montanye's New Block corner of the Public Square anti Main street. Towanda, Bee. 3fith. 11318. • T TU UP 2" 3 ) 7:1 7 IS M THE Stanicriher respertfil I ly informs the citizens of To - „ AYy : wands that he has opened a Market in the Union Block, one door West of Wix.drutf's )1 1 ; Hotel (basement story) and wi'd endeavor to keep constantly on Wind, and supply those who wish the means of "good living." with Salt sad Fresh Beef, Mutton; Lawb, Veal, Pork, itc—, of iDe finest quality and in the best Doles. • r Candles & Soap by the hots or pound, constant ly kept on hand and for sale at low prices. Towanda, Aug. 29, 1949. A. HAWLEY. GREAT BARGAINS • AT „CANTON. SELI.ING OFF AT COST 1 ! GREAT INDUCEMENTS- TO BUY 1! TJIE subscriber arena his entire stock of NEW I GOOD,* at the following reduced price.: Calicoes . 3 to 0 cents. Muslin.. 44 to 10 " Flannels. 126 to 20 " Cotton Flannels, 6 to 8 " Broadcloths, 150 to 250 " tiattinetts 25 to 75 " /Mitosis" 32 . to 300 " A Ipaccis,. 12 to 374 " Factory,.... • 44 to 84 GROCERIES and QUEENS WARE in, proportion —and will take all kind/ of Grain in exchange. Will pay for Oats 30 cents; Corn 1 centper Ih.; Buckwheat 374 cents ; Wheat-$1 fter bushel. The *Rick 4f 4iticts were bought last fall. Now is your time, ladle. and gentlemen; to make a Cidiftwitit fortune. Canton, Feb. 12. 1849. t- J. E. LIEB. NOTI,cf. TOAtTAILERS. oncE iietei r Op- s ivok Otai.ssithikallsilers of For eign Merchandize wiferVo not pay their Licenses within twenty daysk.bS tool je:-.ted to costs. Feb. 7, 1849. .1 5 . M. PECK, Treasurer. VALUABLE FARM FOR _SALE. atibicriber offer§ for sale hii —• ' situated near' Noah nu', fli Springfield -x. townihip, Bradford County, containing TOS • acres, about . 6o 'civil improved, with gOlid rail and oak timber, and • irogsr grove there°O. 1. . b6 farm sitnated near the centrenf the township, istrieir ly utW, and in eicellent condition for surnmerlfiliti•r7' ing. There tare no•bniidings uponit. trinities. tionabje, SPEAR. Sprinkfiefit, lidarth 5, 1241). • 'AigiricOpy 21. GOODS! LA W Amanda and Organdiaikains, ajaniutitul assortment i also, plaid, ao4,ogOre4silk lisp l 7 • . 0 4 31 . 1VRY ... 4 pt). i7Aprllgo moo Sheep Pelis,forwhich therhistest -V V prim, dill be raid ' dl2 'D. C. 10.12,16 incrOanbisc , THE LATEST ARRIVAL. DRS. HUSTON 8i PORTER, THE NOMINATIONS ARE MADE, REMOVAL GREAT LOSS OF UFE, kr• AllEAD" l oF . i:ihill;‘ _. .. ' ,B. KOOSEIERY:St. Co'. - - - ' ,Tof ien N et ik i !, A ynow.,,,, ~....._, I° k. s t it w NOS KW( 01 %-.0.. a a . :mu hei if not a little chesper4 etift —" ems ih.o wean, Hint hannow*Alifirittejryina_t..lhiltelo), call and 4. elamilStailwrirolUk... 44 4440 qii4tAlti ,tl4 heaprietro were Geyer before oakr - eall7 - ttfili Illetketo. e have. and shali , ecuLatandliAlisolf is tags . ri mein of Dry tincaja, „Veneeries,--.Wardware sank rockery. Don't( fatigiil inliiiilV Anal apliiiiine Iheie• • • lwfoir purehativistalavrhara:__ '''' . l . 4,, , binit 1 , ..1 SH ErfiNATS.—.l large * lock of etesetta4 fur pale cheap by jy la H. KINGNIeItr do CO. UFFIS.—A nice article of lynx. jenette aril coney al muffs, fur "Autry xixcmeEnv acco;- OLD DRUGS STORE, alo.. 1; Brick Row, CONNED BY DOCTORS NOON & PRIM THIS large. extensive , and miricellsnaous stock. more complete than, any found in this section of rola ;ry, every ankle having been *elected with greatmor tly Doctor Porter in person, will now be offered to the public—as cheap as can lag purchmal elsewhere. . • Physicians. who cannot come snd examine;our 0;04 can.depend upon all articles they wish Aci. send for. In addition to . the s i tment. of Ding" and iliglinines the stock extend' to Dye 413ria, Parody Gmteriet, Li quors of all kinds. Perfaasery, Fwgy Goods; ALseelle nano arliclea, Patent 3irdicis4o44c. 4e. Having been appointed jigein for most Al the genu ine Popular Palcnt Meditints, we,assure the publicly, will not otTer any that are euuutatfeit,aawe will nut huy Of OCCept an agency fman 4huatt upeclulatuta, who, by base imitations imposts upon the. catunry with than *pm ioua Drugs. On account of the great importance to the public and character of Physicians, that pure unadulteratett medi cines should be administered, it will, we hope . , induce all —Pbyacciatis or not. Phyaiciaup.--to make their pur chatee at No. I. Brick Row: . "Goods well Bouglit are half Sold !" D. BARTI,ETT, P . now opening a large stock and extensive variety of GOODS, selected with the greatest care, and bought under great advantages in the Oka of New York and Philadelphia—taking adv'sottage of the favoraMe condi tion of both mark-hr—and It •ving in view the motto above, has 1.4) bought that be can and will sell on as fv uorahlo terms fig the cest, and wilt endeavor to show to community the advantage of buying from those who buy well. Towanda, May 23, 1848. NEW. GOODS. Just recciriv a large'iptcl Rich Stuck of Nev Fail. anti Wittier Goods, at FOK'S CHEAP STORE. r IfICH for variety, quality and cheapness will well V compare with anything of the the Court. try. Any one who will do me the favor to call arid examine any of my Goods I think can't fail to be suited both with quality and price. The stock iucludes a great variety of Rich New Stylei of Dress Goods such as Plain and Plied. Blue, Pink and Scarlet all worated DeLones, Fig'il Cashmere!, Thibet Clothe, Cocurgs. Silk Plaid Madonean, Plaid BeLanea, Black !Plaid, Striped and Silk warp Alpaca, Black Bombazine, French and Scotch Gingham., also, French, Engli s h, and American Cloths, Casaimenerornd Vesting,. Sheet- Mgr., Shirtinga, Ticking, Cotton Yarn, Wicking, Wad ding, Batting and a eboice lot of Fresh Gran-erica, Fish Hardware, iron, - Nails, Crockery, Boots and Shoes all of which will be sold at very low Prices, at E. T. FOX, No 2, Brick Row. Towanda, Oct. id, Ig4R _ . DP OOTS k. SHOES, Sole and upper leather ; Also 1.) * full assortment of Lady's shoes, Gaiters, Busk ins. Slips, waking* shoes. A good stock of Boys, Misses, and childrens ;linens, youths boys, and child.. coarse and kip boots. • Also a first rate article of La. dy's Gents. Miss. and Childs Rubbers, selling very cheap at "nl4 FOX'S. No. 2. B. Row. lilatFES, A vest variety of all kinds and styles .LVI which will be sold at a trifling advance from city cost.. A few rich black and natural lynx. Also swans down trimming, tippets and victorines, for sale cheap ut rl t 4 mrs, No. 2, B. R. JOINER'S TOOLS.—A good assortment of Bead, Moulding and Bench PLANES, grooving plows, and other Joiner's Toots, just received from the manu factory, and for sale low "by O. U. BA RTLE TT. _ _ _ . REMOVAL THE Subscriber has removed his • tame Meek of Dr, Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. Books & Stationary Are. &c„ to the Nevw Brick !Mirk, ego side of main street, two doors south of the Public Square, his friends and the public' are Tespectully invord to call J. KLNUSIIBR V, JR. Towanda, Dee. 20th, 184 A. • crop 111031ENT !!! T HAVE A WORD TO'SkYl If you are at any I- time in want of STOVES or Tinware, permit me as a friend to advise you to call at C. H keeps the largest supply. sells the moirt reasonable, and you can buy to better advantage, titan at any other place in or out of Ilrgolfor4 County. and I am sure you need have no fears of ?evening any purchase you may make. Don't forget this inetteri J. J. K. Towanda. Dee. 12, Isis. snisron. I. H.IIIIITIII, Completion of the North Brant i Canal ! . , BRISTOL & SMITH T_TAVINI: formed a co-partnership jo the manufac -11 of 1.104.1 Ts & SIMCS, at the old stand three doors north ofßridge at. would rensecrully inform their friends and the public, that they will carry on the business in all its branches—keep on handand Make to order, everything in their line in the nearest manner and in their latest style. Beleiving that they can do air guar or:better _work them can he hair elsewhere they would' say to tho.t slat ing good article in their line to give them a call, and they Shall be Pati.6ed. Repairing . done on short notice c"7" Produce of' alt kinds taken for pork. - Hides wanted in carbanee for Boots and Shoes and Leather. 'Towanda Dec. 1818. B. & S. - - - - - - - - - ' ApitiNisTiticrows N OTIC I. `pe i rsons ibdebted to the estate of SALLY BUTT sictea44l.lale pf , lalweiltownshiP. are hereby rerviested to matte psi Min with out delay, and those having claims 'against itoi4 estate wilrplease preseht them duly authentif'sted for settlement. NELSON BARNES, Dn . :Veit FehrutrY Mr, 1849. ADMINISTRATOR'S 'NOTICE. ALL p preens inaehtrit to the *tine of John Erskine, -deeti.,4ste, of 'Hetrick township, sre hereby segues. twl to make - payment' without delay, and - those haring claims ssairtst said estate 'will please present them -duly .authentlestert tar settlement. ti• ' •• .. • MARGAReT ERKSINE, • JA Wan Leg, • Herriek, Jatinkry A. 1849. , • Mministratars. • itllll-ILNISTICATPW,O NoTIPZ. A Li: km011111'1140404 .to tea estate of ,PitCPAARe BQLIs, ascessell, late of, ,Ulster. town4p, are hrebY .T3o 4 4ef to make irsiosein isithcal Oths Aqd those totetpg skims against said totals" WUI Plotry3lrte sent tothott aoi) Outheaticotodfor sottIeoloOk.„ . •• AnTN..B4WVit itetfAX, /W 1 $044; 'Ulster, Devetaberi 4 1A413. , iAigitoarr • ,TAItt , •I4OTIMI: • -• AL L, parse* indebted , ta.itee, onroaiL b. note or book ancesetts Anat. IlitoinErtirby thit Ist depot Aunts nix!, et mei InrAmunitinithnupte spect to polo*. fe1:01 — P-1 , 1 yux. $1;.!%711) '. ~~~ . ~ .G~'...~ ~..'. `Ol = i lail i mill.ll --,-" porgin. osovisilio •:=lnwiN•ad •1110e•wIll , ANTEL LORD tskos this method of juforming the irthetitont; of Dr barsril olmity.,ansf ltut saljoinintt DcouroTy, that he removed his stock to NIONTAINIEIS srolz, ill where he will he in res.loear, to Wait upop,ttir old customer and se many nevi ones se wiAh to purchase gnala Cheap for cash or approved creilit. i ts stack Lire, attloorts is in put of the; following articles; viz: Iran. - Nail.l; Capper, 'Pin, '/iae. Sheet Iron Crota&nrz. Spa lea. .Sl,ouel4. Viers. 131ofdrsinittes.bellowl nn I screw plates. Log chains, .9rls• ropes. Steel speings, :Hooky and Hi,,ZP.9, ShOv-ls and !'onus, ;till SoWs. X cut. circular awl panel do.. .2?c ,, urs.'Cliiselo, rlrrula. rack s . Bat,. & tea , aa j . II agon bo.T-s. Well and Cistern Pumps, Lead Pipe, ' all sizei. A ear l assi,rharnl of Carpenter's Joine're too!s, lj Muse trinzati4ito. THE Defy the heat stove for Farmer's use; it is distinguished for the liberal size of its overt and fire box, To it is atb4ched a Summer Fixture, upon the boiler holes of which the wash bolter fits. the;etiy rendering it in capacity egnal to a six briar stove. Duals can be transferred from the fire box directly. luto Abe summer fix. •tyie, by beilig drawn forward without the use of the shovel. The .top of the own is protected ian iron plate to prevent an excess of heat upon the articles baking; it eon he removed if tlte hest it leeded to be increased. The oven will be found to bake with great uniformity itr a:I its parte. Ott 10U..014}c4e stove" .11seo, been. Add wifhtn the last three mouths, and given entire sat•staction, ••• Persons wishing to purchase these stoves. can Li re the privile7e of returning Orin in two or three weeks, if they" do not work as recommended in eve , y respect- Also, a varie'y of Air tight Cook Sha us, viz: The Yankee Notion, Ne Eogl Hid. Western. Fulton, Irou•Wtteh, F.!oaated Oven. Premium stoves of all sixes Parlor Cooks 4 Drum Stoves, Six Plate do., of all sizes and dialensiona• The tartest variety ever offered to sale in this place—selling at Cost. aY r .htwe's Self Regulating Parlor .stove, the hest in use. Phrsicians.reeommen t led this slave as being the bed extant for sick room., on seeount of 116 nuifonnitit of heat It is also very economical of fuel; requiting titan one two so one wif le" 1114 U any other parlor store in use. 40 Ihs. RUSSIA At :AMERICAN Stove Pipe on hand! Consequently we are preparca to furnish any quan tity to order at wholesale prices. ALSO—A rood assortment of J A PPANNED WARE, on hand. Ile will sitar, martufseture all kinds of Copper, Tia, and Sheet Iron Ware to - order on saort notice and warrant it to give good satisfaction. Towanda, 22, NIS philabrip4ig aauct.iocuicuto Warranted Bader a Penally of $l,OOO, free from • Illerrury and other Mineral Substances The Oily 0 , and Geunine radian Medicine ! EVERY day ia shit letnmel medicine 'ding the ~phi re of no ?fulner.s ; and every ir add ng to the long talogue of triumphs, Union, .:triy w t o. Id pruning thew Belo AS rui Poon M AN ' s raitso—Sicn ann.'s lime Alanvm. llnnisore or -rut Aux. For a trifling sum. every individual and every family may Lave HEALVII 1‘14(111EU to f bete for an indefinite period I, and what is life 'anima bealtM, but a, misera ble existence! .It is too precious a boon to be troopersil with, by try ling, all sons of experiments upon is. Thr seek should use those medicine.' only *lnch experience has known to be the best. A PHYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY (From Catskill. Greene Comity, New Yurk.) Dr. W. Wright—Dear Sir ; I have tumid your (wh en Vegetable Fills a valuable remedy in cases of Geue rol Debility of the System and of all Billtoce disorders. I am able in the babit of recommending them to fe males in peculiar cases. I observe them -t.v. operate in the *peein g without peoduting debility or pain. leaving it iu a heal• by cootiltioo. Jt 11-1 N DOANE, -M.D. THE BEST FAMILY IitEDICiNB. trrorn Norton Hill, (benne County, New York.) Ms. Wright—We hale used and saki your lntiwn Vegetable Pill fur three years past, end du trot liesnate to recommend them to out friends anti cast:utters. As the !wt./entity medicine in use. N. & L. RAMSDELL, TESTIMONY OF ANOTHER PHYsICIAN The following is sn answer in reply to i nni. from our agent asking Dr. Elciuton'sropinion of this medicine : Tiflet It API WWl( ' Aog, It*, 1848. MrJiA.Dothatit—Dear Sir: In reply so ybue hole of yesterday.] would statcehat I have ocemintially tonne it-etinveniiinu to use ihe.irariotts o Patent Pitta" vended at the shops r-and while lam unwilling tnsaTurnytollig to depreciate the video of others. I am free , ro confe4 that I consider Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetal:Ai - Pills su perior to aH others with which lam accntimteil. I have used theta Or 428 in! yc is AOth In .InY CrPedaluily and in my practicegureendiy. and they hays uniformly mild gestalts and safe in their operations. ; 'Tee gala ri9d skill with which these fills have .heqn .hithenomenti,in my opinion. a sufficient guarantee fur hke good insults in future. Very reopeetfullY. B. it. 1101JTO4 „AL D., . . • Dr. a is a praaioner of long ezporianca,m4 toucan io end eyen beyttudahe Antra pf Wyoming county. tie is a graduate of the - University or Penpsytimnis, awl highly popular oritkhltrupeop:e.srAiLWlP9,bairesillert. . RUSH OF.BLOOD•TO THE HEAD.) - (From Preston 'Cal. , . N. Y,-...r1t4 • Admtnigifithr Dr. W. Wright4—DestiSir : I was sttsekodirith, s violent _pun in my hessiand rush of blood ow the brain, 'which confined MO lottly 'room for six weeks, and skew the sight of my airs so Me to prevent me. from Sevin* with *And leffiuteenirb • dizziness is. uty bend for abostoisAnoutiss. • By Isitirig' , .thitoor four • boxes of your!Pills:rl , wris testarod too &midair-strain. . ,• . t• J uosi 18V. 1848 a • PETER AN.-W ABNER. Ballroom 011 , Ettli ilk ()diTNT 'Oevrititiiiitiie!-Li 110Miiettke,lbiat the +trifled settl'altly -gene& tertian Ve*table Pills hare the written signature or William Wright on the tops[ exmlabus._ The genuine ii..TestaNYES & sub ogistoto iwr Weemode i-aud 117, agents Await iother ppm albs BMW 1 • • •-• . • . w:loificevkiftated •teclusivek, dos xWeightlis *ism Thzeimiabis Pitta. ittlirksele•end zeimile.l439,itace 12118-Gisamiliek t ia., -Negri Mirk; arni 190 Tremont, Boston.: . --39 y WORLD AIR TIGHT COOKING - STOVE, NEW PARLOR STOVES, A lititados Buie;! e Masibuted annually about fully meeting demand ! Fur same sir past, Me sales have en limited. solely for and 01 fsc.alitiestit sup- V. TrulYi this is a ivetsat remedy lJm reldeJ. t bese pals kayo and their wry tutu the 'mutest corners of the Ccgal Abvertiacinents. AUI)ITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned, hiving been appointed an Audi tor by the Orphans conk of the County of Brad ford, to marshal assert and distribute the funds railed by the sale of the real end...personal estate of Win-Mitch ell, del l ed., will wend &heal:if his gsid appoint• men& at - ho. uffi , e in Towanda 80.., on etatuilsy. the 74h diy of April nest, at one o'clock P. M. of which all persons ititercsted will hike n•aire. WILLIAM SCOT.'', Towanda, F.h. 15th, 1-8 IT. Y au older of the Orphans' COUri of Bradf.mi co, .1.1 wit) be rxran."l to public sale at the pventisev,iii Troy township, Bradfnrd co. Pa. . on SATE:RD-1Y the 91st day of APRIL, 18.19, at tom oclock, P. A7.,adlthat piece of land lying and' brine. in said tocensh3p. fate the estate of Wtn. Knox. deeds, houtiZed on the north by fondant ---- Wised. east by lands of James. DeWitt, south tiy land of Win. 51otrison, west by the hinh way leading from Granville to Troy. Containing' one hundred acres or thereabouts. Aitend.tiree given. nal terina made known, on the day of sale. - CH A*4. DRAKE. Administrator Granville, Feb. 1`,..9, IS-1,9. of W in. Knox. - . Y . _ 11 ILA L IA M EDIGA L HOUSE..—Estala -1.1t.h, d IS years ago. by DR-KIN KELIN. The old est, surest and hest hand to cum all lupus of secret dts. ease. of the akin, and solitary habit of youth, ta DR. Kt.-NM:LEN, Northwest corner -of THIRD and UNION Streets, hoomeen Sprat-a and Pine, a square end-a-trap' from the E'vehange. rhiladelphis. TAK} PARTICI; I.A.R NOTICE. There i 4 a baba which boys teueh eachother the Acad. cloy or College —a liabite indulged in when by him wit, insolitude. growing up with the boy to manhood; few of those who. indulge in this pernicious practice me swam of the con* quenses. main. those find the nervous system shaitemd, feel strange and unsecoun. 11 1 ishte feelings, rogue fe sin the naind.:rhe Indiricual becomes feeble, be is u able to labor with accustomed vigor or to apply his m in d to study ; his step is tardy and steak, he is'aull. i t ~,solute THEIF tdifY LIT AHY VICE. la eonfmued. the procreative power is destroyed, and marriage mulcted impossible, a long train of reveals stfections fullnm, the rountentm:* is downcast, the oral without tratoral lustre, sfniniefaci;dness lR appirent, tsii Ann ItT X ItT O 7lll tYYICp RnaCLD AWAIL Llr the attention of those ainiihniy afflioter', IF THE VICTIM c Be-conscious of the muse of .his Jersey, and quit it, he .urfers muter three tenth!e nocturnal and involuntary eggs/Acme,. which waken and shame hint producing mental and pliyskal prostration. If he ernancipater.pirn•- Ist If. Felten ilieFprentite hati 'tio4 enters, matrimony, his marriagir heittiffintfid. and his sense tills him .. tharthisia tie east" lollies. , • YOUNGENtway., Letitto false modesty deter you from molders plot cm e known to one who, dam titivation - 0.1.4 reapecta -1414,. can alone befriend ywo. He who places him self ureter DR. KIN K treatment, may religious ly confide in his honor as a,genli•nian, sod in whose bosom will be foresee locked the secret of 'the patient. ~ .Thousandi hose been testi:Keil to health feutn:the di? notation+ of diem terrific maladies, by Dr. Kinkefitt, (hymen Physician. .rilekagelt oUtfisUoiries. adviers..dte., formanied..hy sending a remittance, and put up secure from damage ur curiosity. letient sinswera;l.faittli;ith... - lx Ain 2, Brlck'itair. over the store .of third siont- . Do . gEiktia.ta wag , - Rs crruLLT - infoints the chinos orroiti& de, and , thepoblie itenerslly. that he has reinoved his 'Tailor !hop tri No. 4 2; Wick Row, over the wore of B.T.Felti thint story; wherertta solicits those of Tailoring, to give him r'sd: 7 tfffivg . peat erflifltt s loP44/#0 13 17k41 • li:ento In Philadelphia and cliewherm i an bong . to• - iti'eJ to' ppiOriiiiliaiVA • idplArKinatintiefor ily ire . d ukililAitietheiriiiiitleddiie iii;iiiilati' a inn • good at:46llllDtaii taabaaiOnly`abbitlidimirn- All work; pa n adoelLanntat saldia•fil ;" i ;43"taift 'slionacliaso, nol„ntntal. i ) k 1 C la's takes isipaTatent.fift mod[.. tiV. , ll .1(111 6 N is " 11:14 1 ( * IN Mouta , ty Week. trhare klereuvd, eget the P 4 lth .4 .the 1.01 , c firare, tw•ltet i,Avantel;.. t .,•rhaiN, tiilut at as.j of Liredtomt V. RA reaprtfully infa• ores hie friPagtenthd the ;wak., that hit-1144 IH,w G.r t .te et 1 1 1 - and theire.o.peatoo t to E of Bat pit rf alpa 11.1ferti , . which be impropased to siel at ober ,•loe dr tet*ili et erehifilge ‘.lltory rodeo,. WWI" the Inwit acc.mtitue,fatieg tenoo. A towtw, lug etotk afk tho ir lieltt Complete, (all SZeirar s '..iii fi g ht, ,N,t (z‘ h and MIS?" do . Rlet# CtltC" # 4.'4, Ire,, , ititc:r:i ('eatritt r. ; 01 D., k eye, hol'ettf.t4r../L,,artlie.444le, h)P,-Itcortttue. - Ntw.... 1, 2. 3.. 4. 5, 45; ri 44g.moqf einiffm..dinffe rn ., ; Atifi:4l4l Pdr)o? Stovc.s, all size. k ,:a sizes , :. Cannon Stone*, ao ezzeiAut..“ for offi c er., hl! fris, OM'es, 0'..; 'Radiator Pnrior. itnrc4; Re!, : t.. ' W • , '." !,- , 0 %1 dodo prtLail slovi4 j all 41= /Loa box atnvB, 4.g 4,060 Nrxe of .gusoto aria American notOin, renehrm*lel iisoi Mass and Copper Kettles, of itwri .u. p a tt e r n ., togetitel"witti $ 'Omni Ilmboitineitt of 11 VASA Coykre 1.376.1 e: , , mvar_tlik_ utle. =Ed.. SOO ;laid rob". with a choice ast , oito.eht of ei,ery . RI igk e tffel Tin:were line. w.which the Atte ton ..f Ntci VATtailsl i fax ithweekeipers geue rnOr is h.sited,;-- • . The ItighteL price. rein. Le pabl jar cld castings. copper and berms •Grain, Turkeys ehtckernt, and. all ktrals of produce will be received . in inty• mend 1 r Stoves, Tinware, deer • Furc stoves, sheelirnri, enp - rer anti 4:inviter... t his assort nit I.( iA Complete.. Hit,rcttirna hi* thanks fa old ett,.tounera,tu-srtuain, and the pUlaic he renews his invi tation VS gtve hint■ .evil before iturehalibur 61.4";fiero:, Dual' mistake The atria—hut remember H. LII3 aruth side of the Public Square. in Aleotanyee antla Dec. 12, ?MS. D.; HA 1.1 111. Merchant's Celebrated ;_FOR HORSES Which is also . a Entrant Family Embrocation for Diseases of the Bataan Flesh. 'TIME and etperience have fully protedtharthat this I.:SIATRSAL . RptEDY . has not not its equal on the hat of popular medicines, having been more than years before the public. Tvrtimony of the mad trisinterMrted cherieter rif iti aromkriol effects on the animal economy is almost prevented to the proprietor. A prang Man in the town of Wilson, whose clothes were ltutht. off of.him, was restored (without augerini) by the timely are.of the Oil. Nomerrius art the unsolicited statemerrts of patients themselves, and others who hare used 14a Oil, of cures which in rhoinssives appear remarkable: that they at nll a Ns:musty puitit, they timid hardly 143 , e been crlstaßst. The follo wink di.eatic:s are antnninnery others in the cure of which this Oil has been completely successful Lod in mach - others bed entirely fotle.l:--. Pwreeney,, Windt:l6ll4, Poll Evil, Cal loos Crarketl Heels, flails of all kinds, Lameness, Pre s l . l .Wounds, tSpratas,, Bruises, send Cutely. Foundered Keer, scratches. or Grease Mange, Rheu matism. Bites of Animals, External Poiscins, Painful Nettous AirectitMO, Frost Bite4l, 0011., Cana, Whit lows. Boors and Scalds, Chilblains, Chapel hands. Cramp, Contractions of the. Mascles, Weakness-of the Joints, Caked Breasts, &e. CUATION TO PURCHASERS. BE A uthtor Beware of COLTNTERrErrs..end be sure the name of the S.4e i'mprietor,fliEtlßOD W, 111EIZUHA NT, I.OOKF'ORT, N. Y., is blown in the side of the hot tle, or in hie hand writing over the cork. Don't be ,persuadel intake any thing elan with the promise it is just,as fined, &e., &c. This is Practised by those un principled deaiers who. 4 conscience will stretch like India 11 Übe; and who are of a kindled spirit of those in our large cities, whnee lief:triode practice; have so re cently been espmed to the action of Congress. Those who attempt to Counterfeit this article are re fermi to the law of New Voitk. of nay 1815, by which it will be even that every prison meddling in thew couniericits sul.j.ct to indictment, Imprisonment, anti fine, A perenn selling out of this state, will he liable Mar ren when in (he state,. soul alsoto be held as a wituess ag.kinst those & bought of or sold for. - Alf Orders. addeensad, In the prepnetin willlw tespoud• ed to, • , . , - Oct a pamphlet of the Agent and see %stilt wonders are accomplished by the use oftb s medicine. Sold by tempectabli Jealua generally in the is need Stites and Carted,. For rile hy Chamberlin St - Porter, Towanda, E. D. Wells, Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer, Cosington, Abet Turret!. litontr&e, romp & Kinser. Easton, lonsis Smith & Allentown, 13. B. puffin, South Duette. get. tsth 184 a. n29,y I. AI 4RR al GE., Sir. • 00 1 ""ksizA NEW BOOK BY LB. WM,MUNG. Second odition,just puNislied. price :5 cts. A Treathre on Airr;titrla• J•dritt ,and Marriage, and the Diosearis oL Vonsth, Maturity end Old Age or-the Lighnt end Shidett. or Married. Life; inteliaitirta Ind erikr3; anent's.) • To be at It4 f ter be. shit ii the vtestiou." (With euritins 'cotes, iltn.-trationa, &c ) there Are , more ttilitaa'utriat,lieeeep sitad earth. Homo Theo are dreamt of in nee philosophyakaraara. This book rhottld be in the hands of reetyyoung man or woman contemplating staitataii." raery school-boy; lnd indeed every man or women, married or single shoulti-madirith' '4 ate and lettention. ;his truly ',sera wait as coriltider it welt adapted to awake attention tom subject more blighting to: body , mind aa,i) song than any other 'Tree. Toting 'or tni.d4e aged persons. troffi"..ring from Dye peptic aratConsomntleerynnonts of lonastandine. by a careful' pert Mat of this most woodetftit worit.t wilt And the cause of such symptoma. in)he bitneful habit hem dewiest!, • • • o'l l kny op. sending, twenty-live eents endogeny' letter, will ieceivO...;lnc copy of this bode, liwy,"tnall, or Gva eopic . twill he Seat for one -dollar. ca• All letters are exrectcd to be roar rare; except thaw, conlainitta a remittance. and Rddregmea. " DR, WM, YOUNG, 1-52 SPRUCX Street, bet are*totirthtirrArrtl.ii:',.lll#4Pat.etttlc.'s prat ITARD use% and s saperio 14'nstotrolerit Sao, hen:lams, wood saw snit forks, few sem 51 do.. looking eases. *ea in faegltlatiralritiorntient of. ifsnlwars which - ieloe sale cheap:at .%:b1,4/ FLOWS, No. .11,,a, 4 1 , 7 4.1;r 1 10,2:114rjraget !patch ; • - in ti ,rojwisiiirEe* *94 - iroW ordei 3 ' VICO Viclit 1 El a Litt t itlWC# l ,Wons• s i p I.vt 14 ,1 / 4 . 1 v . I,4:AL) . A MK lION'AER ! .. • ~ top Po C HALL'S, 14.1ciii, Copper, .4441 N CAKING OIL e s . THE NOIS Or-LIFE U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers