4icbical. p, -star 'D , itypaer of : P . S'A It S P A IEII ILL A " •'!'lYl'most •eAtrwtt•llimerll- kcsititio the VVorl.l. rh ,, Erh .„„ .. n•r on heart 140,11,9 ~ i 9 Mil' . . on,d ear rdqiird rr•rpfrrrr, ti •,y 434! It t.;ers tteiLtai nremitons, per' e Pr. fp if., ot tato.: tke P4pe.f. The great hvhistv Jitt.l• ti pm it tlivi teirArili iv , Liter that it ...poi mint.. the hsetirsrstes thetos,ly • h if one of Ow very best sPitisa AVD S'ttUtrt:ft F:DteiVFN oat elttornt it hut ugly pansies the shale sydasta awl otrouithens the 1..”..11. taut tavatet !a, purr .11/41 r sp:p 1.1004 ; a Inset p•sllcvaPti by a. ether me.11.-use. Aal in this lies the eraad aerret . .at lag eren.lerful ..tICCPIII It *tine the 1:44 tyro 'Para Moro than 1110,000 terns *event e of a, at leapt .100 mere eangoi,kre..l ittettrattle. It ha. saved the /arca of morn than 1 , 01110 chiMreu the past tau .easou. sa the City of Nevr Tot k •lnue. 149,000 ewer* of .G I Debility and wares of Nervous Karam,. . Dr. Tnistssinas Sanosperille aitrignretee the whole system permanetnly. Tn it,.... who here lost their ,11 , 111elltAr emir. fy by the strect• of nunliettin nr initiserminn committed in yenta or the enema'e imlnigenee of the pas.iona end binught on by physical pinetretine of the ner woes system went or ambition, fainting sensation.. premature dew *ad decline hastening towards that feud disease Cultsumption. cot. be entirety restored by this plea.. not This Hanaporilia tit far esperint to soy Ihivigorefilieg Clordint. As it rennet, awl InVirlentes the .y.t.m. L ira s oh it, to the limbs, en,yl strength to the muscular eyeless he • moat esti emdtunry degree. K:2 Commairpgiese iThanne sued Stntattlesx. Consonwption sae Itmestra &sta. chits. Contoutoptten. Liver Gasaplaixt, Colds. Catarrh Omagh& Jetttnen. Spitting Mood. Soreness is the Chest, Hactie Ms; X 441 Stannic !Matt or Profeint petters, Pala in at Site, 4 1 e.,;kairs its* .at Geo N erest. 'Spitting Dim!. Mr Sidi, April SIS, ISM Towtmenn.—i verily Whets your Sarimparilla kat harm the means, through Providence, of sating my have Am ravers' years had ■ had Cough. It ba lsam 'nom mini wen. At last 1 ratted large unaoti. ties of blood, had eight mrriets mid wee greatly d.hltm. tail mad tnlNenl, and dhl slot expect to hie. I hats Duly used your Sarsaparilla a abort time, .n.I there has ■ Inas derfnl change been wrought to ma. I am amp .isle to walk all The Ake . MO% r raise ea blood sad IMF :oath kW. lan NHL You eau wall imagine that 1 am thisokful rot time results. roux .indwell arwasso, .IVS:AUSSELL., 115.6•Alk.sissa - •t - r.• nheaulasiont This only one of mon that four thonsawl ewe. of Alum. sadism that Dr. forrnsail's Sarsaparilla' bas coml. rim meat WWII wet &bleat eases an c eeklyoratlicateJ by its artroor.ibiary .114.01 Causurin.rr. Seq.. ode of the assbeauta is the Luna tro SeitinsVlllanktralfs Waal, is the gsabosice spokes of to dui following latter. 'Mach well's Wendt: lieot. il. 1811. Dr. Towasenti—Dear I hare softwia terribly fur ran with dm illseensalistat cosedderable of ihts time 'costal ant ssl;44eipp ogY walk. I bed the 'mos; distreeelnz pains and my limbs Were terribly swollen. I here four bottles or your Satiasatills., and they hare dose t .morn th to a thousand dollars worth of cos.', I am to numb bet(' eutiistly rrliered. You are at liberty to use tuts forth. bawls at Out aMleted. VOWS respeelrollf. JAMES CI.3IIII,iGS Wei 's*. soil Agar.. Dr Temtioad's Sartath,il uiegaitled ewes the Cotlla and levee Infi MU& 'VIC 11100 dint le WU' ill only eue of bemired* that we have ree.wel from the South etri Wat of tit, elueructar. Ovweno. 31. c- Oct 23, 1817. Dr. Townsend : Dols parcha•ed for my .if. two betths►ddanaparill of year Agent. Mr.lurialr.. of Kale -I•aano, to try it for the Facer an•l Ague. Before I had Lash . ml the dem battle, it appeure4 to, warm the bleed, and every other day when the Otitis and the Fever appeared. 'bey 1r.,. lea, ricdont ; an I Before she bed fidishrti the bottle • she was entirely re/level. aa / she win ouch better than she bad been before she Pleb the Arne. A lady that had been were-Melt with the Chills and Fever, but had broke them srttii Quutine, and was left itt a very •eek sad dietressum elate, and troubled exceedingly oath the Ague Cake, seem' 'ho effect ft had nu my wife. she seat and procured a few bottles: and it restored her ,n a few weeks to complete health Year liareapertlla is without doubt ueemtalled to atiava, a Ittealeat to the West and if you think that this cow ' innate:tit:at wth be of use, you are at liberty to use it if yott choose. ' - Wilmot* Bllledlicine. TWO" 1114111.1 . 1 Souro•elosodls to a sootroctla tel stisr.fy tore Pr oncteleot Coat.norptio•t, Ilarreattor.v. ProlapPos •Ilhavt of Foolliss or the Wnrat., Coatis/Desk raw. leaser suet. er Wlittes...istrisets4 or dofhealt 33.1.101u.tj0r 4 la ealninence of Come, or nosolantary olisrhargs thereof, lad rot the poterel tornotratloo of the systelo--oe =stirs • sehoilwroast rest* of telteretri wawa or teases pl.... Wend Ly irtelloolarity. Meow or asxsolauL Not can he note .00rpo st ei than its hosietnrating str. cis on the 1.101111.1 f AMC. Persons of all weatows end I.ssitede. from nohow it at once borowe natant sisal AM of ettergrunder ats indoenen. It nopiediately ceooterects the earicksoucts of the few... tranma;.t► 1i I. the Vogl time/ eirarcatata ,It sill not be expected of non tot cases of es delicate • enters. to - exhibit wortillates of turn wirrobtoed • but oc too assess . she ttAieted, that hoodseda of cotes bare bee' reported to 'row. Tboesseds of eases abets homilies bare been without eildolres. tiler many a t 0... Little, of thin iovotootoo mow , - " moo: largo been Wenn.' souls flea healthy ofroopilow. It lan boss expressly prroossed to referees= to formate coo• pivots. N. female oho bat... Jens., to wort:owe she is ap proaching litAl tinkle period. " tent of riff." ebeeta neglect to tale it, si it is I certain tomcods. for -.11111r0111.41 nemeses' anti borrshis domains to wtosch reaoales areeoltinet at thos urns of Thinperawl any be Je• bee id far al pare "by semi Lta aaliciia. Nor is at Jr.. rideable fur linear who are approaching noints. Awed. us it a calctleted to await eaters by winclionaing tie blood amt turigorsunc the quest. Indeed. thts wean " rilt• ti ',trainable - 1W all the delicate diiseses to a Inch Wear •ere alibied. • ME -~~ 3 -: _~3 Seatiot lifiessiali t. 31rellierit as* 11:111141ress. It a the lateg led most eiectall modtcnto fnerurtft tee ~tlOl44.lPlMei, tud ndierhoe the saffer.mauendept appn , tam (MOT diaCOVIMAI. tt .4:enetheo. both the mailer a wl child,Oretents psis and &mom, incenses and enriches the :416011 them who Uri era k think kJ, indispensable, It is highly useful both balcony and after confinement, as It prevents errattendant apou childbirth. Is Costive can, Pike, n4,' SWerliog al the Feet. De:pond v. Heartburn, ' Vanotaist..Paia im tar Dsakaad Unit, false ibaa llama .-1r4540....nd, h easulettog, Ole Secretine. and entodoxina the eins4 ion it kiss an eqa4l. , The ;rent beauty of ibis triedi k•hinlie, it lege nys gab, dad the most delicate is it most snua.salklay, 4 - • .1 0 ' 'Tlth , efetilleete euezVesively peeve. t a iI.I theeeeerli -if hen wage., ~and ever Ow, lifort ehetieete ahrseseela 1114 :Feree,,yersiss cafe,' is oleo km* ie ifterrece .le•bea. Three elsibilereih, Or Tampon& ; hew Sir,-4 have the.adeervers le,labels lb.( Lhrne ormy c,hllldcrFo have bees ealco?1,501 the Se r. "fele hji s.. arynai aseetreet see.tiAae. They erertiP ` - 1111raibr varrfeeveivelr erlearbail sere.. !eve whoa' arar Not. alas ; as ; last thaferetray, fie etheeh /I teal myself wale, elabare,ciee. ,f • • tiara. reviivetralty, aISIAC W. Cp.lllol. l Wooster it Optielolaa apt 111 0 1sy‘Scallaists. .• Or abau, neesivi4cs orders hum Ttlabze ea Iblfeeeet re r tte ept the Mohr. ia'ut thit the'lerleraigairal. Phy4Anis lePe p .-oerMleseopl beenais seapereas emus preveribeill Dr. Taespasere SAraepariba, wad believe' it te be oat at tae r earret celeabb. prepersti..ns, In the maitet. 1 1 :1111.11413. IS It J. W 11.80•14, an., a antrorm .n. E.14111011)01111f,•01.-11). Aped. sem • C 4 e11i4114. ' re." imam - timisasit- sale If' Dr; • Sar•aparstta. • member of wee she vats,. 10‘.• • 5a1id0•.°0'.1.4 , 4 , 414. coutwaced making thorsaparstla E(rocta Nhatra &Hr. , Extract. of Veber" Dna, &e. It 4 II •thd es re Adiaped ImitLes. sea ~1. of thism here , rich owl serval ase.attrartftearatt; at•rth ••• Inottftuous, awl ablenl4 &nada! , xi& 04d _p eatga atimallg-14 Towasest wrdmitimpll 141 Anitertr4 ; puen. • ewe /444.1414 k 01t,,, X.: 4.4.10 w Cy.. 0 filate wag% Illiontas; Diva I 514 M. US North 9.4.1 ad e — lll,lllllrittusare• - : t IF. eghlllll, Ctiarieons, Wiies empoui cherysitairceik N. MI 1111/fitly 414 , 44111410"401 4 ri•et 0n44 41 1 awl Mop -I'l=2 m u n d r Flll l # 44 8(401. 4 'Welt 'Man eifia Ofilktialti2;44l.. bj BU '®'y do PO*. , vliVilligll , 4-3 7 MICIP(VISBERY,•alits‘ ' t ktfreilL &MKS. IVO ;-,‘, • . 1.5 :1 CA V TIM % lenWrieli4•: ' - •,- - 45. • ~.*1 7,-‘-m-ge, - - - :, 7 , - , 441 , ma Ity the nerve or CI-IPP tallipi la aIE 1 ma of the 'wile ail. P. Them anietNrilkllo l llllllll . Up c darsapeutlla , which tber mil . Tettfli= . ..., _1 11111 i4.1.5‘ 7 4.:1614111111.0.,ng it GENII:XI. OT tin t. etc. : Teeteineiidll47- l Ailnetot. end never my , : hut a f ormerly a ititiirlairikitloll _Mak. ortielvend the like. Yet ielPercee qt JikAltir alt#:, Ai* pumps ervittO.ez credit for wtitateplikje4..lollfitr . .lel . I ,,W AM ttell s rible not to be .teed ang* — gii:l_o:64 16 .1: , OP-Vet* bßicn.v. ff. 0/.1) ..Ingtill*11; 4 :: . - iariu.. Winn g on it the Old Dr' likenestOtli liiiikialli* 4 " , t, 1 114 4 / 6 .t..l.e.ittre errors elteltmst armiall..:':r::: 1-,.. ,- .a -- - ME Goaine Townsead Sarsapt.illa. 4 . 01.1 Dr. Townsend is now 'oboist Tel years of egt.glid beaten bees known AS the .furtioarsmi mscorgitien of the F—hr If INF: OR Ili lAI.I I , 7171V.Ars "ALISSAPAIIIIL. 1.4." Ileinggroor. he was rompegad to limit itagettlinacteribslig Which Ilistana It has been kept nut of market. and driveler dr Miesserged in those only who had preeedlts with, sod known 'lin rains: v it had reached the ears one g.' narThishllll adta p e nal,' who hal liecn healed of seire dioesataKwag said .humdenitti, proclititosil its rireliellfe end wenderng HEALING PO WI r.R. wears spa. that he had. by his skin. leivene and experience. devised en article. which would be of balks eme ads antrum- ha mankind when thlr amens would bre he nished to bring it into universal notice. when its inestimable Virtues would he known and aprenciamd. This time has come, .lbs sown. are supplied ; this . altd.neD .4XI) 'UNE Q U. 11.1. P3l PR EPA RATIO' As not unfactnresl on the Innrect wale, and is called for (Manch out the lencilt and breadth of the land. event-ally as it la found isumpoble ..r degeneration . of' 4rtPrio.n.ll.l3. Unlike young S. P Too mend's. it imp/urea with aim and sever chnneno. but for the better ; became it is prepared ea scara b* principles by a acitortrOc men. The highest knewiedla eft Cbconistror. and the latest discoirmiits of theLert, lore all been eeuagb nut requloition in the onstourocture of the Old Des Sainagennlin. The Varrnerrldn met. it is well known I. medial men. contains ninny medicinal parpertlas, and seas pmpargell which ore inert or useless. and others. which if rebuffed In pis min e t . c . proven fermentative and acid, which is hi furious m the sy,teirt. Some of the properties of Sarsepuilla era so ..sash.. that they entirely evaporate and ate loot in the PrePoration , if they are 0.4 preserved by a sereluffie•proteely known only to those expenencedtn terninnuetctrce. Moreover these eadtde r.hatipica, which ay arts vapor, or as an mamba ton. under heat, are the very essentiel wadies! properties 44 the wido, rive en n all , its envie. Any Tenon tin boll or 'stew the rein tin they get &dart cologg liquid, which is mom from the coloring matter In the root than from nag thing else ; they can then Mande this insipid or ravel liquid, sweeten with sour nioinment. and then call it SAR SAPARILLA E..XTRALT or SYRUP." But ouch is not the wild. known er the I'. • GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. This is so prepared. that all the inert properties of the !sr emparilla mot are Orlt coned. every three capable of heated's acid ar of fermentation. Is extracted and rejected: then every milc . of medical virtue is secured In a pee and commiserated tamp: and arts ;its rendered recap able of losing any mitts Jahr. l ag s an d healing properties. Prepared in this way, it is aside the Mart powerful agent in the Cure of insnisieerable diseases. Wines the mason why we hear eminnendaitioss ciaevery slde or lts ikvar by men, women, and children. We Ana it dotag wonders in the cure of COJVSMVP var. n rsrisrstr, and maw cox- PLAINT. and In 'RTheIIMA MM. SCROFULA. PILES. CCISTIVEXESS, all cur....nrEo us. ERUPTICNS, r4rs, sLorrfrr.S. and all afrociinna nrisint final IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It . ponesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising Mom Indwestion. fount Acidity 4 Me iremare, ben ~qua! tarcula tine. determitimput of blood to the hold. lidriaitium of the beer. cold feet and hands, cold edit% nod bin daddies over tie body. It has riot its equal in Colds and Covets ; sod promotes easy m im =a sad petty perainzatioo , tabula; stricture of Um mot nod every other part. Rut In wahine Is Its steeliest, more muntfordy sees and as lutortedied that la all kinds tad sawn of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It ernsits 'malers in cases of geer.trees nr ITAites, RUM, if NM Weak. Otatreeted, Seppreserd. nr Pettier .V , irregular if" of the menstrual pernuls, and the like; end is en elfeettsal Is naiad all the bonus of A:IAN," Dimness. By renewing obstructions. end regulating the general eye tem. It divas tans and smash to the whole body, aad tltaa cams all dams of Nervous diseases and debility, and thus prevents or retieces a peal ‘Rliety or Other Rinißae% as ipisal irritation, NRIPREtzia, d 7. raise Maw. thewalv, [pitapat Fits. Coirostaisia. It cleanses the blood. excites the licer to healthy Retie . tomes the stomach. iod Vimgterd.dipesdon, utlleeml the bowels of tong/ and constipation, allays inflammation. mottles the slam, equalise* the eimuletton ofthts blood. produeterd make itiattoth equally all over the body, sad the - issassible peispirstion ; lazes all strictures and tightness, ragouts all obstructions. sail insidorates the entire nervous system. I. not this then The medicine yea pre-eminently need t Rat can eny of these things tie said off!. P. Tolvmmid's laN der mucie 1 This young mai. liquid is aot. to ee COMP'ARM WITH TILE OLD DR'S. became of 4110 It IN - 11 eAcr, twit gig is INCArABLE of bk:IT,If lORA l'I0;C, and NEVER SPOILS. while the other DOES ; sninStAr.fcritattiv. and Marrs" de kettle. Pont...ming it lobo Congruent. , the sour, add liquid espin dint, and damannur other dads: Must net ebbs bernble eon renerl he pai.onous to the systeml— filet( pet acid no, a sesame elegoihr diseased rertAacid/ What mews Dyspepsia. hurt Rid 7 no us As su hems that when food soars is au stow erhs, what atl‘chtefr It produces ? dituenee, bouthurn. peipi tatlee of the haul:herr camplatet, &urban. nom Cone, and comapoos of the Wood I What Is Ipapf lh hat se add lama In the hod) 1 What produces Al the bonitos s hich Wind on Eruptions of the Skin, - Scald Mead, dolt Rheum. Erf - 'twain,. While Snelling". Fever hones, and all uleeranoas In ternal and esternal I It ts nothiud under beaten. but an acid subtonics. wtitett' soup% anirtttne spoils all the fluids of the body, nanny or less., What causes Rhecunatiwn bet a Door of acid Mild, which insinuates Itself Unwires amides. and else whet*, Irritsong and inflaming the delicate tissues upon which It ar fro of nervous diereses, of impurity of The Mood. of demerit circulators*. sad warty all the ailments which atllict . human nolLite. . V bow Is It rot nerribla to make WI, and Wane/ warm thw SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID " COMPOUND" Of 8. P. TOWNSEND, and yet he would 61n have it understood that Ola Or. Jamb Tmenserid'o Osamu ()rigor! Sereeparilta, Is an MUTATION of his infer.or rep el :aim. • Hearer' (niOki that we should deal ley an ankle which "midi 'ear the wait resenthiasee to B. P. Townsend's ortode and whkh 'Wadi Mins d..sra upon the OM De. such a nonootairt load of toniplaiti•ti and eriniinations from Agents who bare told, andpurchasers who have anie P. P.Townsend's ?tam LICTING coxrt. , :va., ' Wewish it understoo d . became it is eit6 abawats &MA. Mat ft: T. To Msiend'a 'flirts and Ord dr. Jacob Tairasend's Bet tegemlla one lawant-eide apart. end infinitely du Omits, : that they ace traidue tn.every particular, basins amuse simete Orbit to common. As EL Townsend is en docent. and never was, Is OW chemist, no plierosseturdm—(rows as Mow of medielse or die. ease than any ether cumutom unscientific, anmotessicmal lane, what j aara e e u can the putak bare tint they are teeeirins a 'mules senentitie._snedielne. rnuttintna all the virtues of the Wicks "Peg in Pectsuilst IS and Which ire incapable of e.henges which might reader them the AGEXT/d of leseese mined i health. • • But what else should he espsentaibino owe who keerws both • Inc cumparateretp id niedatiee se demise !. Itnilt.les a lwrsua err so u p! eapetiewe to rook and serse up even a nlinpipsn damns meal. Mew meek more Imfewiest Is ft that the persons who mar. Macioce inedicinsoloisiseed roe Vic*A II =amens U xemerizzr) srsrsaii, - - 'twilit know well the innuluml penperde s nr plat y. the Yet another .nr seeming and ennrentnyling their hentlhe Yfilnee. Wen u esLaative knowledge eittwunemnsetbeamo *bleb Weed the human arum. end hnw to adapt to mednY hi tbene Abeam; It Is M arrest W 44 4a.latem aus riaortisak to p.m helm fete wounded humanity. to Illude Wipe •by the lieSpOttrill. bOBIPIII4 613 kladat rid bloom. and viachrtn tbe crumbed end WM' ken. and mit lay lb lyintmill Wet Mil 411-J A s t,:ttll TOWNSEND InieelOVOHT atilit‘i4ll< nitntumlty tied means to wog Gnand. Universal Concentrated !lensed, within the iciwti.wint,ln the knuywledge of ail who !Ma that tbryiemy Whinny. thlow,iir ellwrinnee, its Transcendent Power to' Heal. Ii Jaywa Tow mann; giliw Viii,. t Wt. tits •,--i tn. the llitth.nf Jnly. 1847. I arnangain lunched with theinnatlon, and &minted. untie: vhriftus pemeriptiiyas. to mow w. ihr at imat iersionstbn. 1 , bretleof entirely Mord* op jCv4witsprif. cir tenting, de bed. It belting n l l=l. any wiky. In this mute I combined omit Jinneudy, 1198, whom tinged in mend • end Itinamme graldnally Mt the let Slat TM, mmendssiest was My av far ass bauble toped myself. though and bowindee !.(gettlair into eutufted.oreyeos talkrd. I remained In 'this unnditinn. ith itle ad ma chaiakit. Itlitirtrabirdellialtea d prttliqtaboutr.ribi tbb wwww. Os the21 , 441i1y..1 miap issdaerCip vow Atennpatilla :we Ow illtb.ibiee . Mier takTnit flie find dme.:J.4/0./SE th" EA which t I bad not 4.nm begin s . if its isantsoind less that • wick, • • • • • • l E.Bl..X.F.l)4Citoss MCA owl irlit; at!nrcrittebes. Ftintethen, 1 here walked is the Sheet: here ems. Mane Owe 3111 illtrure street to the rmic: theses to. bottely'r Hotel sad Illeq. , 4 Imre toes to es tisemometraet tom Mif , toot time*. nod em toot fremtemlY Y O'itint my *w i th' hots. p# l l , l l lmmetilMorm fete. lint tee motor At OW IM. T mimitta, *peered another' bottle (Stbret) old I maMcd Wee Imam th, 'dor minim's' the sr'oir or entitle:. these elm shorty rotoremd .free,. obstruction* 14 'raw. which gore sue pdtlllstresa The polo fo my beck heel bisww keVereell Cieeft heeleeo etokly memos to mer,lhe tor Mare MI after saws lMato xriB * -. Lose.as rrximvslos tk.ft ri . if, MAX.,WYJAM,, 3i SeemersM I obtrpiOloottiSeimoisit al my oiroto it M1J1°140 4 0A9M1CA!!', 4 044 1 :104 1, !-,- ,f,l ;.. :: _PARtot Cfacp„)0 . 11111 . 40-streetilVt '• -4 11 914:fiiigiet r i4It n 3.;) 3 '0).11;4 V if#4.4)43,llr.iLle,Ao47l..,rwsii!wph, ;41 t.. euNomrhicHoot. *wow , (yrwrvoutopubtio4v It. , !A merieiteltendly qv%) School I.44od t laira taioloir lore/A*6or fielyW lEEE ti 417 r Maltal. iikbical. - - - Reece .that Dreddlfill COugh TRE-4b gs are in danger, the work o -4 "?iiihni3usen begun, the cough of Co • id sYao ` . : - ' - *iilll4lkkgsrj Your darting c1aW9.416 1 'ftinow perhaps confined tphistailigiuttlies Orltihttp cheeks, herditeelistinik "Amlll4l9ll44olllll6 Aoki disease has alresdlgainod l ogiiin bar .4bS ' Miir_ t"of : tat sepulchre' cough ,itiaezes 3rifin . _ ralo tt to i J ust *nu to enter life, disease Alliejlisitutruslitng blight niter the fair prospects of cotighisod feeble limbs tell of 7 . 00 : 1110 of 'ppeOnn you nititi9tot drips .~Thgte it ,1 1 111 11 ftlithicksvin heal the r yi dad lunge; it is - • ISHEIWASt i AGLAIrdiLIING 4Wtt3kll6 • lifrao•Atteinii the rife of Wig H. Attree, Engoniegiv errop . l7 Dr. &wall ofiWalrigton, Dr. ItorromitAlle ' Chinon of Philidelphio, Ilinklifie and, ildirlada.„,,Noin York„. Her friends allAtilinght she must die. be had every appearance of bidititin consumption, Ind was sopronotincedloy. her iptiyitieians—Sherman'a Balsam war given audit curial-ter.. Wt. UnrrOraqtrof BuliVerry was also , eored -, of Constoopiion by Ans Baisail when all otbet-•eimpeolies, failed:to:give relief oho wasieduced toaskeitton. Dr. A. C. - Crisis, Dentist, 1_ Broadway, has witnessed itaiffeetain leveret ekes where no other oleißeirleoffor. tied Ilhe i talsam - - operated liked charm. Dr. L. elletreritne yronderful effects in curing Asth ,insierhichit tinier Ails of doing. Spitting Blood, alarming as it nisy_bit; is effectually cured 11 this Bab sain. It-heals the ruptured or wounded blood linnets, and makes the lutup sound again. "Rae. Henry olonso.loB Eighth avenue, s was coo - el of north end catintisliffections or 50 years s tanding.' The Brat Slate weld= sore relief than all the other medi. tins isehidAiver taker!, -Dr. L. 1. Beals, 19 • Denny Mrest, gam it tri"leirger.in-law who was laboring loader Oettaintiptiori. 'and to another sorely Billeted with the awnimia. In both ewes - its effects were ilailoiliste r astin Metering them to comfortable health. 'Mri.-Locretia Welts, 95 Christie st., wrong from Asthma 42 years. Sherman's Balsam relieved horrid once, and she is comparatively well, being enabled to subdue evcty attack by a timely use of this 'medicine. Thla indeed is the timely remedy for Coughs, Colito, Bpkang blood, Liver complaints and all affections of the Went, End even Asthma and Consumption. ...Price 25 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold in Towanda, by HIIBI'ON & PORTER, No. 1, Brisk row. Let its Works praise ft ! TOUSEY'd UNIVERSAL OINTMENT: A corn plete remedy fur Bums. Scalds, Cots, Swellings, Bruises, Sprains, Salt Rheum, Piles, Fever Sores, Sore Lips, Chapped Hands, Chiliblaina, Said Head, and al kande of Inflamed sores. Persons in all Conditions of life, see at times liable to he of with the above complaints. It is therefore the duty of heads of families to provide and keep on hand, ready for any emergency, a REMEDY that is capable of removing the suffering attendant on those very troublesome companions. Those who have used TOUSErS UNIVERSAL, OINTMENT, need not be told that it le a complete remedy, a master Of pain, and the mast speedy remover of *lllumination ever discovered. The experience of such persons is suf ficient to prompt them to keep it always on hand, know. ing that many valuable liver, have been san-3, •by this ' Magical Concueror of intiomed and other sores, barns. scalds, &c. It instantly stops all pain of the severest kind, and prevents scars. No family ghoul] be without it, as an immediate application of it in cases of burns or scalds, would do more good while waiting for the doeto• than he could do when arrived, besides preventing long hours of the utmost suffering which might pass before a physician could be obtained. It possesses control over the severest injuries by fire, over mortificatinn„oyer inflammation, and by its coin- Filmed virtues it -trete as stali.septie, nervine, anii-spas moilie,'suodysts,emolliertf and leafing, and is the most complete external remedy in use. Thousands have tried, and thousands praise it. It is working its way into public favor with a rapidity un known in the history, of medicines. All who use if. re• commend if. Again we say. no family should be with out it. The agents furnish the public gratis, with books describing this ointment, cc 7.. Each box of the genuine Tot-swig VAr u Claus:ger has the signature of S. Toasty torilfen on the outside label in blank iuk. Never purchase a box unless this signature can be seen. Price 25 eer to per box or five boxes for $l. Prepared by Er.t.torr & Toc s►.T, Syracuse, N. Y. Sold in New York at LOC Nas sau mtvet, and in Towanda, by HUSTON & POR TER, No. 1, Brick Row. by Cliekteerhe Vegetable Purgative Pills, A RE the first and only medicine ever discovered that will . Fmsitirely cure Headache, Giddfiress, riles. Dyspepsia, Scurvy. Smallpox, Jaundice, VaiMrs in the Beck, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Ri ving in the Threat. Dropsy, Asthma, reversal all kinds Female Cemplaints, Measles, 1%11 RhectUlleart Burn, Worms. Cholera, Mochas, Oonghs, Qufwev, Whooping cough, Consumption. ribli,laver Complaint, Rrysiyetas, Deafness, Itching. of the Skin, Cold* Hervey. Com plaints, and a variety of other Disevetwarissing fitment% purities of Indigestion. It has been proved that nearly every diorama t n which the human frame is subject, originates from impurities of the BlOod or Derangements of the Digestive'Organs; and to secure Health, we must iemove those obstructions or restore the blood is ins _natural 'jade.- This fact is universally known, but people have such an aversion to medicine, that, unless the ease is urgent, they prefer the diseete-to the cure. until an impaired Ccmstinitiun or a fit of sickness rebukes ibeut for the folly of th.b con duct. Still they hatl_snme escuse, for herein, sre, med icine in almost all its forms, was nearly as disgusting se it was beneficial. Now, boweyer, the evil ism:Wel. &dually removed ; for Glialsener's Vegetable Purgative Pills, being completely enveloped with A COATIS'S or eras watts sreas.(which is distinct from the kernel) have no taste of medicine, but are as. easily swallowed as bits of candy. Moreover they do not nauseate or gripe in the slightest degree, which is ocessionird by the fact that are compounded on scientific principles, and operate equally on all the °diseased parts of the system, instead of confining themselves to, and reeking any par. Ocular region, (which is the great and admitted evil of every other purgative.) Hence ,they strike ed the root of Disease, remove all Imprint heinous from the blood, open the pores entailed!, and internally,. (*remote the Insensible Perspiration, obviate flatulency. Headache, &c.—separate all foreign and obnozions prticles from c hyle, so that the Mood, of which it is the origin, must be.thoroughly pate--eecnie a free andhealthy action to the Heart, Longs and Linn, end thereby restore health eren when all other means hare failed. CO' A.l letters of inquiry or for advice mast be ad dream! (post pahl).to Dr. .V . CI.ICK ENER, N0:156 Vesey.u., New York, of his authorized agoras through out the country. For sale in Towanda, by HUSTON & PORTER, No., 1„ !kick R. N. R. geniember. Dr. C.C.Clie.kener is the inventot of Sugar Coated mud that nothing of the sort . was ever helmd of, until be introduced Mein in June:lB43. Ponthanent should therefore ask for Clicitener's /Sugar- Oiled Pills , and take no other, or they stilt be made thrvictims ofe fraud. LOOK OUT FOR PAIN Kn. ER ! Spitrinui itrtides lard ! • AMT. 1. ANDREWS, in justice to your valuable I.VI. TAM KILLER, end for the benefit orthei • lie, we heieby certi f y that we have used yot,r Pain KR. let in' nut. Families for years, fire' ming - of the diseases for which it is recommended, and we deem it' he best Family Rnsuirative in tine, and would recommend eiery family to keep a sop ply on band; in'easi of sudden' ill ness or aechfent. Rev. Aimn Jaeirson, pastier first Baptist thatch, Ithaca. " William german,' Peach Orchard; Tompkins Go. Rachel Willson, " James Clark, Ann Dudley, Philip Cane, W Hastings, Ann Tete% A Baker. A Bower, John Doolittle; - Join B Owens,.. /than. N. Y., 1848. 'Nev* pnrchaas the Pain Kitlee "Admit the written signature of J. Andrews. on thetabel.of each bottle, in black ink. Sold by HUSTON & PORTER, and HIRAM MIX, .only agelatsfor Towanda - Pot further penieulara sea advonisserasitt in another Dolmen. 471 y DISSOLUTION. IVOTTEIY{Own .. Mist ak. -esiTsttneribip hissotofimi iissiathie Woven ORAMEERUN & PORTER, u Druggists, &c., is this slay&sisolved.by The Weimar *IR bleeiriiist-oir by VOlNTEthytiorwilroettli idts , _ k~ pr i eat t This Mud euceesiful Medicznrsa the Woi ldl PINHIS CHEMICAL COMPOUND, containing at - 1 it lams. Yellow Reek, so 'highly esteemed '.by the faculty—with other vegetable prodivtiona, is one otthi_Mest_impultantAiscpecrke of the age, and:far trupitioi toill Maple sonispsirillminsparstioss in trier Although less than two ',ems have -elspeed since i discovery, it has already effected over 15,000 cures. The gesivallell powerdiseese which this Syrup prods. cea may be attributed to the fact that it is compose.' porett of v eg e table extracts, each one baring a direct reference to some internal organ; consequently the, whole system is benefitted; and the fact that, in its operation, it occasions neither sickness nor pain, and can be taken tinder all cireunistanceewitbout regard to boldness or diet, and by the aged sod the infant with equal efrlcaeY, is certainly a consideratom in the Anon! of Medicine. This Extract is put op in Quart Bottles. and is the most highly concentrated Syrup in use, It is offend at the low price of one dollar .per Bottle; the „object of being to give the paiient an opportunity by the purchase of one bottle, 'to test its valuable medical properties and its power over This compound Extract of Yellow Dock end Bares. parilla is • paddy*, speedy. and permanent cure for Consumption, Scrofula or ring's Evil, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Pimples on the face, Rheumatism, Gout, Gen eral Debility, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Spinal Af fections, Female Complaints, Ulcers. Syphila in its worst form, Affections of the Bladder ann Kidneys, Bilious Colic and serous Looseness, Biles, Costiveness, Colds, corrupt Humors, Asthma, Dropsy, enlargement of the Bones. Fever and Ague, Giddiness, Gravel, . Headaches, of every kind, Impure blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite, Leprosy, Mercurial Diseases, Night Sweats, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Neuralgia, Organic Affections, Palpitation of the Heart, Painter's Code, Piles, rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy. Swellings, Sick Headache, Stiffness of the joints, Exposure and Imprudence of Life, . • It extracts nervous disease, purifies and enriches the -Blood. and invigorates the, body more effectually than any medicine hitherto offered to the public. In the Vegetable Kingdom. an All wise Being has deposited such plants and herbs as are congenial to our constitutions. aoi adapted to the Auto of all curable diseases to which , hamaa nature le licis..ent• hir th is Compound Syrup is composed of all those valuable plants, some of which have lately been discovered ind maid, and found lobe certain specifics is thousands of diseases that before defied the belt of medical skill. OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. This is to certify that we, the undersigned Physi cians of the .city of New . York, have in a very great many eases prescribed Doctor Goysott's £ owlet of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and are folly assured that it has no squat among the varied Syrups and Sar saparilla preparations that have over been sold. Octo ber 10,17. John r. Stebbins, M. D.; F. R. Thomas, M. D. ; P, 5, Maynard, M. D.; James E. Morgan, M. U.; SaurcrefT. Wells, : 8. M. Johnion, M. D. READ THE TESTIMONY Mare testimony in favor of the superiority .of Dr Guysotra Extrad of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparit Az ow - all other similar remedies. Read! Read!! Extracts of letters received DYBPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, &c. WATRILTOWN, Jefferson Co, Nov. 4. 1847. Mr. 8. F. Bea seer: Dear 134-1 am at a Ines to e press with words what has been said in praise of your Compound Extract of Yellow Dock aod Sarsaparilla ; all wbo have h.d the pleasure of using it speak of its marvellous effects in removing diseases, with so much feeling and heartfelt satisfaction, that I sin confident now that no medicine in use can boast of its superior qualities. Many who have been complaining for years with pain In. the side, burning and pain in the chestrdyapepsia, general debili ty. loss of appetite, chills, night sweats, ash rheum, scrofula. in fact all the diseases that we in this climate are heir to, find the Yelfoir Dock and Sarsaparilla, all that is requisite to Make them what they were in their &spa of health, &c. We have had twelve dozen bottles in three months; and find we are needy out. Please send an equal amount, and 011ige yours. HOYT & GREGORY. DYSPEPSIA CURED. OF 30 Y'RS STANDING Jnnvirriu.r, Montgomery CO. J4O. 3, '4B S. F. Bair trirrear Sir-136tne four weeks since I was induced to try your *Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla for Dyspepsia ; had been afflicted about 40 tears, most part of the time unable to cat anything without suffer. ing intensely from its effects. I have used now only one bottle of your invaluable medicine, and consider myself entirely cured solely by its use. Can now eat a hearty meal, without the %battiest inconvenience. Very truly yours, ANTHONY BEEK MAN; THE GREATEST FEMALE MEDICINE NOW KNOWN The mild alterative properties of Dr. Guysote,s ex tract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, render it pecu liarly applicable to the slender and delicate constitution of the krnale. It is unrivalled in its effects upon such Jigsaws as losipient Consumption, Barrentwee, Leu. corrhcrea or Whites, Irregular Menstruation, Inconti nence of Urine, and general Pcostration of the system. It immediately countermis that distressing nervousness and lassitude so common to thir female frame, and im parts an energy sad buoyancy as surprising as they are grateful. - 4 . . We cannot, of course,hlhit ce — itificsitea to any ex tent in this class of annybrintis, het the two following extracts of letters reesattly *mitred, indicate sufficient ly the great virtue el the medicine as a remedy for the diseases rehired to. NICWAIK. Jan. 2.51 h, 1048. Mi. Das ere—We take pleasure in stating that your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla gives great saris. faction in every case.. We shall try and send you some certificates. A very respectable gentleman informs us that his daughter was troubled with difficult menstruation. and other diseases peCuliar to hastier. She had not had her regular_ menstrual discharges for a long time 3 but by the use of Dr. Guysrtt'• Yellow Dock and Sarsarratilts. was radically Owed. Had melt Townsend's and offiers'orithout 'receiving the slightest benefit. He had one daughter dieliorn the same cause. Please scud us an additional supply. Very respectfully Yours, • J. rs.,TRIPPJE .CAUTIOI4 EXTRAORDIXABY .Tliere aro counterfeit medicines afloat ; therefore the reader is particularly cautioned dot to allow himself to be imposed upon. Beware bow you buy medicine put tip in square quart boric& Be very sure and ask Pr Dr. Uoysatr's oompound Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. bearing -the written-,signature of 8, P.. Bennett, on each outside wrapper. written With black ink ; and do not, on any mama, be induced to buy any other mu ck—rail it is this preparation only that is performing such marvelous EA, astonishing cures.. Take no mans word ; as persona baying the counterfeit medicine and not: genuine, ate of course, desirous of Making their profits—consequently you ane liable to buy worthless umb, mikes you examine fiw.yourseives. 0::r .Remerahm Dr. OUYBOTTIS YELLOW DOCK AHD ItARBA PAMELA; • Prepared at 8. F. Berme a Lalmfitory, Little Palls, Herkimer 'county, N. Y.. an saki at wholesale in H. Tfirk City by I. E. TriPpe, I 81risiderflorner also by They Beadle Elmira. I. Rextrowl, Binghamton, b. L. Pinney:fik - Son, 0 o, and by the principal druggisti,and merchant. roughout the States, Weid taitioo • 'Net* • *aniline nu put -nip in lirghwidare bottles containipgo,quarA , Ante of ttie syrup blown in the glasl,4rithAtirf rittesvaignature of S. F BENFIBTT- - erteark Imitable wrapper—. - «!Ekid , Whoirnalw and4letailly. C. H. }MARIO 1n1i5, 4 111114.h1 JOHX4.lllNimmie.x 4: ^ / r 5 .... . • • : r a! Dh . ow, * taw it*. . WesternN. York College of Health 201 Maga Weed, zwesde, ttr, Dr. ' C. G. Vaughn's 'getable Lltboatbelpie Mixture. rpHii celebrated remedy is constantly increasing its farue by the many curse it is making ALL OVER THE WORLD, It has now bemuse the only medicine for family use sad isparticularly rerannerendal lot , DROPSY : all stages of this complaint immediately relieved, no matter of fare long stsusfing. See pamplt& for testi- Wray. GRAVEL. and all dioceses of the urinary organs; for these dia. treasingoaimplaints it steads alone ; no other article can relieve you ; and the cares testified to will convince the most skeptical ;---seepasepylet. Liter Complaint, Bil bao' diseases. FEVER AND AGUE. To the great west especially. and whenever these complaints prevail this medicine is Offered. NO MINERAL AGENT. no &Maims: waspetind its part of this mixture. it cures eerie ffeeeses with. certainty end celerity,' and does not leave the system torpid. Bee pamphlet. PILES. a complaint of a most painful chstacter it IMMEDI ATEbY RELIEVED, and a care follows hp a f-w days tale of this article : it is far before any other pre paration for this disebse or for any other disease orig inating from impure bloo d—. See pamphlet. DEBILITY OF THE. SYSTEM. ' weak hack, weakness of the Yidneya, Ac.. or inflame don of same is inissediatdy relieved by a few days use of this medicine, and a cure is always a restate( its use. It tangs as a - CERTAIN REMEDY. for roc% complaints, and also foe deneneementsof !bete male frame. IRREG [ILA RItIES, SUPPRESSIONS, painful mactroatious. No article has • ever been of fored except this who* would cure this daring/newts. It may be relied tepee; es a sane and effective remedy and did we feel permitted toiler so could give A THOUSAND NAMES. as • proof of curies in this distressing class of complaints. See pamphlet. All broken down. debilitcdedeonslitu tionfrons the effect of mercury, will find the bracing pow of this article to act immediately. and the poisonous mineral eradicated from the system. ERUPTIVE DISEASES. citified the alternative properties of thiv article. PURI FY THE BLOOD. and such diseases from the sys tem. See pamphlet for testimony of cures in all dis eases, which the limits of an advert:lament will aot pea nut to be named, here Agents give them away I they contain 42 pages of certificates of high character. and a stronger array of proof of the virtues of • medicine, ne ver appeared. It a one of the peculiar features of this article that it never fails to ben efi t in any ease, and if bone and muse& are left to build upon let the emaciated -and lingering invalid hope on, and keep ta king the medicine as long as there is an improvement. The proprietor would caution the public against a num ber of articles which come out under the bead of Sane peril's*, Syrups. die., as cures for Dropsy, gravel:dm:— they' are good for nothing, and connected to gull the unwary; touch them not. Their inventors never thought of curing such diseases till this article had done ititt partici/re study of the pamphlet is solicited. rats and all who se.l the ankle ere glad to circa: late gratuitously. Put op in 30 ox, bottles, at $2 ; 12 oz. do at $T each—the larger holding 6 oz. more than two email bottles. Look out and not get imposed upon. Every bottle has "Vango's Vegetable Littiontriptic Mixture," blown upon the glass. the, written; signature of G. Ci Vaughn" ()tithe directionsanil "G. C. V ingh in, Buffalo, " stamped es the cork. None other are ge nuine. P repared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Principe! Office, 209 Main sweet, Buffalo, at whole sale and retail. Nome's:aim given to letters, unless postpaid—orderit pant regularly constituted Agents ex septtxl: post paid letters, or verbal communications so- liciting, adyiee,proto pity ,attended to, gratis. Offices devoted esclusivoly =to the sale of this astiete -132 Enemy at., New York city : 225. Essex st.. Salem. Maas. ; and by the principal Druggist throoughout the United States and Canada, es Agenti. STORRS & CO., Wholesale Agente, Philadelphia. HIRAI& MIX, Towanda. T. D. Spring, Laceyville. C. H. Hernek, Athens. A.Durham, Tunkhann'k. Fisher, Wyajosing. E. Dyer, Covington.. G.F. Redington, Troy. April 12. 1 stat.-iy Removed to north side Public Square! IF' .41..4'hissintscitint, — 4,.„, ' ' iii AS just returned from the city -;e .1.1. of New York with a large .14 supply of Watches, Jewelry and I .. ): L., the . C, - Silver ware, comprising in part, •D following articles :Lever.. .. 1 ..,..: L'Epme and Plain Watches, with c\ - .JI ills, ~----t-, % i/ st complete assortment of Gold --' • - Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin ger Rin ts, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pont, Keys, etc. Alio; all sorts of Silverware, and any qtiantityof Steel Beads—all of which be offers for sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH. _ Weches repaired on short notice, and warranted to run well, or the money wili.be refunded, and a writ ten agreement given to that effect if required.- " N. B.—LMAPI:IJ"BISGAIt and Country - PrOduee taken in payment for weak i and alai. learn now, and forever, that the Procluee Faust be paid. tchewthstoork is done—l WIT against credit in all its fowls. .1 , - W. A. CllAilßE Hug, Agent. Towanda. A pill 28, 1848, :::. ' • *-- GREAT REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, Merely fir few . of• duttp Clock!, Watches aid - Jetedryt Great Ruais at, the JTAMES 41. AiULL‘respeetfidly informs the citizens of TOWandai and vicinity, that it. has lately return ed from Philadelphia, Laid primanentlY located in To- wanda, one door -below -the-Brick Row, in the room for-. merly occupied fiy Metair i e Hat Store, where may be hound gold and silver 'watches, gold, fob and ' guard chains, gold and silver pencils; gold pens, bents pins, finger rings, Ate., cheap for costs, end every article war ranted. A large' supply of CL 8:K13, of the latest im proved pattemsounning from .10 hours to 8 days and a mohth, with one winding. TI• Parricide? attention paid to repairing CLOCKS. W ATCHEB & JEWELRY, of every description, and from the long ezperisnce which he has had in the bu siness, wort loft • in his- care will be done in the best workmanlike manner. Old gold and silver taken. in exchange. Towanda. August 16, 1848-9' - _ BOOT & SHOE' MANUFACTORY. JOHN W. WILCOX., has removed his estahlieh went to the shop between Xingshery's. and Dim; lea's - stores, and-where 'be still -solicits *Admire of publiipitroitaie.. - He iidetes,' by i Isirtrut selection of stock, me by attatition to the interests offtit'cilito mars to make asltte Mid durable work.; is cast bolas aufactniml ii 3 this Ott Of the country. . - -,_ 4 Ho' ill keepliicitistaiteyron , bare; an mantifetnre 1 0 onleo,llWrt 'Cielf - Vid" Norse is and Shoes Lizeriei' ‘attireis ~,Vhbefi iiiid SIVAiI ikfren's do. ~ leneir d'att4i t ka:d'rtsito,4e. Ga l CellOt POPtlliat i eleosr`deleriptions,,taken in payntertt TO litY,'St the ; market price. Testinil,: April 28,184% 'IOIIORNTONNMII'are low—if any doubts I: li . tinlitcflititarOX'S, wheat the het; good 04 -so# krib:nbw atetttehioneble 4 1 - 4 1.PhArTFIlliiiiMeisIttPt , ric , i' 2 04kWicre al IA :. 41(0,009 gavimErgAMAT''' NEW. CLOCK AND_ WATCH STORE! i libb LiNalbli‘‘ .4 - 1104 4 NF Gil ,M r ilarakllLr • - • - _ •L. It.I 4 ITE & CO” Wouidee. spectily . Voters; parching:is of To,. - TWirdalend the• piblie generally, ti les jamg, i.r. t l thihave on hand & manufactur e ~• • • ;to alder all hinds of CABINET =_TURNITURE, of the best mate. . i nn riots, and workmanship that canna ta mbe sissrpassed ;in additionto the usual assortment in country shops, we aril! keep on hand end make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved patterns ; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in soperj d , style; and for ease mid durability cannot be Burme se ,' even in our large cities. • -Also; the half French Me. .hogany Chair, beautifully IsphOlstisfed.with'eurled to n which never loses its elliatleity, and finished with tn; best' bai l ; seating, •- We !flatter ourselves that h av i ng had much experience in the btorinsw, we Shall b e s t,l, to satisfy all who may feet disposed to call, both as t o quality and price. and by strict .attention to biom es , hope to merit and receive the patronage of a liberal coa l munity. • L. 111.' NYE & CO. Towanda;43eptemher t, 1847. _ eam-rET IfUR.WITURE MAY DE HAD at our shop much lower than s has aver been sold in Towanda. Goods a n cheap, and wheat am lowans!, and that is the reason w e can afford all for to do it. AU kinds of produce wit he received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kind/. Sept. 1. L. M. NYE 4 CO, llE• .111:7"711(1111111 - 1155/7 Lbe lept oh hand • a large assortment, sad made to order on shorter notice andfor less ma. nay than caw be produced at any other estsblishmenti a the land. Those who are under the necessity of p o . curing that article wilt and shall be satisfied. A gold hearse and pall may be bad in attendance when desire. September 1. 1847 - L. M. NYE do CO. BOOTS AND .Sl-10ES. What are yea abed here Ara't gel !te r ( gacistc rp tibt'sAre DS of times the qbestiodhas been asked; Whereon earth - am all the Bbous sad Shoes s o . null tuned that supply the eisMinord 'rush at. the cone. of Main and Bridge street/1 O'llia'nf answers that O w is the place, and these are the' things' we d'o it with ! - - Seventy . -devennewfasldon s every two seconds! Put