Non abverttanncras. TERMS OF THE BINGHAMTON BOARDING SCHOOL von board and tution, including GRhograp4, Read ing Writing, Arithmetic, Algebra, Book-keeping, English Grammar, Rhetotic, Composition,Geography, tine of theGlobes,,Minerology. Natural P hilosophy and Astronomy. (with the use uf a good apparatus toilliu nate 'hose studies,) Moral Philosophy and Chemistry, payable quarterly in advance, per annum, $lOO 00 Day scholars, per quarter, 4 00 IT= French, per quartet, $4 00 Latin, i" 4 00 spanith, . ' 4 00 Music. (on the piano,) per,quarter, 10 00 Embroidery and rug work, .'2 00 , Any young lady receiving instruction on the piano, it privileged to learn rug-work, or any one of the above anguagra, and the same time, without additional. charge. To a yqeng lady who studies the Englieb branches, the terms of learning each of the above branches, are per quarter, - $3 00 the G u itar, • Instructions on e < 400 Fee of Pianos, . 75 Drawing and pairiting in water colors, including the use of materials, such as drawing paper, paints, pencils, &c. Oil painting on canvass. Painting transparent window shades, including the supply of materials, each Formula painting on paper, silk and velvet, per twelve lemurs. 500 Gilding on silk, crape. &c. do. 3 00 Wax flowers, per quarter, 5 00 l'ens and ink, " 50 _ Washing, Board in vacation, $2 00 per week, Letters post-paid, addressed to the Misses WHITE Binghamton, Broom co., N. V., will re ceive pronipt atiention. LIST OF JURORS drawn fur May Term-and S t. es . sioni—commencing May 7, 1549. IDA• 311 JI-AOUS Athens bo—T. Huston ; A thens tp.—Geo. Northrop ; Hui-Wigton—James Huston, Emanuel Guyer; Col nthia—Dau'l Corey, Chas. Key es, H. Smith ; Canton—Geo. W. Griffin; Durel— Wm. Place; Herrick—Hiram Camp; Monroe—A. L. Cranmer ; Leroy—Ledyard Chaapel, Edward Wooster; Orwell—Theoptlus Humphry ; Rouse—O. F. Young, M. C. Cannon; Springfield"—J. Mattocks jr.; Smabfield—J.Geronlds Tnty ip—Alfred Leonard; Warren—Calvin Arnold; valusing—:Sdas Buck; Wells—Samuel Gordon; W Oldham—Edward Boardman, J. Doane. Ir= Alban}r—George Eberly, Ira Dodge, Joseph Lec; Athens tp--J.F.Saterlee; Athens bo—C.N.Shipman ; Asylum—Jason Horton; Burli M'Cord ; E'olumbia--T. D. Gustin, William. H. Gernet ; 7anton—Eph. Case: Herrick—Win. C. Knapp; Litchfield—C. Bloodgood; Monroe—J. G. Mason ; Orwell-10w W. Payson, Nelson Bo.‘vorth ; Buck; Ridgberry--Sanel Coleman ; utlt Crk—B. Quick ; Wyalusing—H. Shumway ; Springfield—A. Grace, C. 8. BenfLey ; stone—J. H. Badger; Towanda tp-11. Granger; Troy tp—Timothy Case, David Boyer r).ier—Harry Gore; Towanda tx.—A.B.Monsanye; NVarren = A.Ci. burn, B. Dar ing, Wm. Beardsley ; Windham—Pt - ter Osborne, A lexabder Hand, Benj. C. Ekbree, Lewis Loveland; Wyaux— Fra k Brown, George Strope. TR IVERSIK MIORS--JECCIND WEEK. Armenia—Dan' , l Crandall ; Asylum—Frs. Viall; At hen . tp—:.Ainasa Walker; Athens L..—W. Shapley,H. B. Backus, G. Fritcher: ltuthszt..n—J. Lt.veland, Fi Whitehead; Durel—Daniel Cook; Granville—l.utherT. Clark; M..nroe—Hit am Sweet; B. Vangilder; Rgine:---las. L. Parker; Springfield—C. Burgess; I:AL:berry—J. Burt, D. Driscoll, Sturges Squires; Noottiliehl = Jno. Wood, B. 'node, N. Bullock; sheshequin—Harry Shaw, D. Davidson; standin.z Stone—Hiram Gordon, Charles Roof ; riprinhill—.% Kinney; Trov bo--W. P. Newberry; Towanda tp-N. Bennetii, William Campbell; ^ tio-). C. Hall, Burton .Kingsbery ; Warren—E. E. Allen, Manson Ellsbree; ‘Vindhatn--.lames Bush, William tiibley NVy , ;(4l--Llavid Shores; Wells—John Brasted )13 111 MIA 1P.112, W. R. SMALL & W. B. CUTTING, ucE this method of informing the citizens of To wandaa and vicinity, that they have taken a room over the store of). Kingsbery, for the purpose.of taking LI KEN ESSES by the Daguenean process. The pub lic are reepeethally invited to call, whether they wish for pictures or not, and examine specimens. Those that wish to have pictures taken in, a desirable and p.m , feed; satisfactory manner, and in it style of bold trefjc well defined outline, nohoess and richness of tone, and permanency of impression, are, with all deference, so licited for patronage. We have a large German Ca mera, the best kind in use t also, a fine aseortmept of stock, consisting of Fancy Cases, Gold Loads, orna totaled and plain Cases, 4c. • Z. Pictures taken without regard' to weather, Aind copied from Daguerreotypes, portraits or engravings, and eet in rings, bracelets and pins, or in any style desired. l'rices for single pictures from $1 50 to $6. In lock ers, from $3, to $1;1. March 5. /649. NOTICE. 11 ARLES REED .having assigned all his estates C rights and credits to the imbecilic, for the benefit of his ereditrrs, it therefore becomes absolutely necessa• ry that all debts due the said Charles Reed should be settled and paid without delay, and all persons having dom. against him are requested to present them at No. 5. Brick Ruw, in the born' of Towanda, his late place orlwiness, for adjustment An early attention to the settlement of this business is most easnistly desired, as the subscriber spill be obliged to put all debts due the said Reed in a course of Collection, without distinction of persons. slier the first day of March nett. The goods nowon band, belonging to the above concern, compria• ing a great variety of very valuable and seasonable ar ticles, will be sold for CASH, Al' COST. H. W. TRACY, Assignee. Towanda, Feb. 10, 1849. PUBLIC NOTICE 1 A LI, persons indebted to the late firm of HusTos and Lim, are hereby notified that unless we 11, is made by the second week'of Februasy court th.• accounts will be placed in the bands of an officer for immedisie collection. 8. HUSTON. Towanda, Jan. .1819; C. K. LA Dll. REMOVED. U T A. CHAMBERLIN respectfully inform the V public that be has removed his establishment to b. room lately occupied by D. Vandercook. is an of fire, where he *ill be always on band to correct erring io ,,, pieces. He offers fur sale his large assortment of Jewelry at unusually low prices. Towands. Jan. 31, 1849. FOR RENT., A FRONT ROOM in the second itory of No. 1. [I Brick Row, over the Drug Store; also the room le the third story formerly occupied u the Masonic aH. For particulars enquire of Feb 13. 1849. EroS TOMKINS. 'NEW ARRANGEMENT AT THE NEW DRUG STORE tifala urazazte. TT AV ING made at rangements with Dr. C. K.LADD 1 1 the subscriber takes pleasure in announcing tha thr Doctor will hereafter give his personal attention wholly to his business. - - Ttir Drugs and Medicines will be under the Doctor's. supervision, whortrikill and experience in physics can not (Neal ned. jyt6 H. Mla. WINTErl imyj do ()F ODS ! H. 8. & M. C. MERCUR, LTA WE the pleasure of acing to thepatine LI that they are now receiving enothir lugs and general assortment of GOODS. Tvwanila, Dee. I, Is4B. litoic, Iron—A good assortment of boa. for sale at I the near Bard Ware 8101 t. ) LORD' • titerchanbi;e, tic. NEW 6 9.0* .: AVIlig • CENTRAL: : STORE I N o: opening a geand t a tim e :l7i eat t atare nt. a leL Aviztiy) WINTER GOODliioiriiich Mill be Miwey low ratcs. Business - it this estaiiliainsent-eindicted upon fair and honest. principles. You have our thanks fur put favors and we hope far 4l Cutlfinuatice of the same as we are bound to sell Gouda Cheap. Too anal, Dec. 4. 1848. N. N. BETTS. tram - T(1B ean - .13 ardalß l vadjob, THE subscriber .„still continues manufacture and keep on hand Al the old stand of Tomkina and Makinson, all kis& of cane and vnod meat CHAIRS; and SET ..'EEB of various kinds, & BED. STEADS of every description, ,hick I will sell low for cash ar Produce, or Pine or Cherry Lumber. or d air plank, will he received for work. TURNING done to order in the neatest manner. Also. • CABINET WORK; • make and kept on hind, or made to order, im the hest 4 00 10 00 I= 4 00 Towanda. January 4. 1R49 MORE NEW 2 50 IXTE are now receiving and opening a new and general assortment of Goods just from the Qua ker City, and we confidently say they cannot be beat for variety, neatness of style, quality or quantity* and they must slid Shall be sold as low as the same goods can be bought this side of thicity. Our stock is full and complete, consisting of every thing mankind stand in need of. The stock is made up of Dry goods, Gro ceries, Hardware, Crockery, iron and Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnish, Dye-stuffs, Boots, Shoes, Leather, Pith, Salt, and in fact everything that is in demand,-- Persons making purchases will do well to call and ex amine our stock before purchasing, as wo make no charges for showing goods. CRY GOODS, A good and cheap variety of Alpacas, Gingham, Oregon plaids and Detains, a large and good assort .meet of Cloths Casisimeres, sawnetta, Kentucky Jeans, sattin and silk vesting*, table diaper, brown and blue cotton and brown and blue linen table cloth, Muffs of all sizes prices and descriptions, Buffalo robes, Sheet .ngs, shirting, both brown and bleached. Hats and caps of the. latest styles, wool shirts and drawers, Carpet bags, gloves and mittens, Hosiery, any luantity of cat: ton yarn and carpet yarn, white and colored all of which will he sold cheaper for cash, than at any other establishment in town. ELLIOTT & TORIKINS. Towanda, Nov. 16, 1848. • • DRS. 'HUSTON & PORTER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS : OFFICE, at No. 1, BRICK ROW, where Airy may at all times be fond, ready to attend to calla in their profession. Towanda, Jan. 10, 1040. PARTICULAR NOTICE! EVERY penion indebted to me. by note or otherwise, are hereby notified that 'lmmediate payment must be made, or they will be subjected to the cost of enforc ing collection. I trust this notice will be sufficient, without putting me to the necessity of placing my de mands in the hands of a magistrate, for indiscriminate prosecution. feb2B D. C. HALL. WHEREAS, MY WFE, MARY MOSHER, 'r EFT my bed and board, *on the 20th inst.. without 1...1 any just cause or provocation, this' is hereby to forbid any. person harboring or trusting her on my Ac count, as I will pay no debts-of her controlling. tawny, Feb. 26, 1849. ORWELL W.MOSHER. THE NOMINATIONS ARE MADE, ♦ND NOM IT WED VIXII E3M el F. HARDER respectfully eddies to hike= the • citircos of Towanda, and the public that be has commenced the . • HARNESS AND TRIM MANG BUSINESS, in Towanda, on Main street, a few doom above Bridge street, when, he. will keep constantly on band or make to and :r. Plated and common Harness, Trunks and neck Vallee., and all kinds °Caro* in Welter, CAR RIAGE TRIMMING and MILITARY WORK done to ceder.. From his experience in the business, and punctuality in attending to it,.ho hopes be may receive a share of puLlic patronage. .1 Cr All kinds of work may tW had at his shop cheap. er than at any caw shop is this county. Towanda, June 12, :1348. 1 1 •Seett, .28. U 1 -1 ONIN AS. W.. 'l3 HAS Aims& his* otricJyo cash's new office. on second wept, where be wi be pleased to see those need his profs ssiona'serv:ces. Dee. 29, 1847.. y Towanda, 30, 1847. REMOVAL. TLYSSES MERC UR, has removed his Law Office to the second story of Montinye'a New flock corner of the Public Square and Main street. Towanda. Dec. 30th, 1848. GREAT LOSS OF LIFE, • AT TIM 11 0 111.0Mla CVO X6l l 3115.113 91 1 ( THE Subscriber respectful. _ . _ ly informs the citizens-of wands that he has opened a Pr Market in the Union Block, Tarn) . one door west of Woodruff 's - • , - Hotel (basement story) and will endeavor to keep constantly on band, and supply those who wish the means of " good living," with Salt and Fresh Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, &e., of the finest quality and in the best *order. ry Candles & Soap by the hos or pound, constant ly kept on hand and for wile at km pries. Towanda, Aug. 29, 1848. A. HAWLEY. GREAT BAROAINS - AT CANTON- SELLING OFF AT COST 1 GREAT INDUCEMENTS- TO BUY !I - TE subscriber o ff ers his entire. Mock of NEW GOODS at the following reduced prices: Calicoes.- - ' 0 to 9 cents. 44 to 10 0 ' Fhtnnels.... • • • 124 to 20 " • Cotton Flannels, 6 to 8 " Broadcloths.. • 4 150 to 250 " Sattinetia..... ..... 25 to 75 • " Shawls,. 32 to 300 Alpsecas, . 12 to 374 " ....... 44 10 84 GROCERIES and QUEENSWARE in proportion —and will take all kinds of Grain Ms:change. Will pay fur Oats 30 cents; Corn /4eittper lb.: Duektiateil 373 rents; Wheat $1 per bushel. The stock of goods were bought last fall. Now ho your time, ladies and gentlemen; to make a California fortune. Canton., Feb. 12. 1849. - NOTICE TQ ,RETAILERS. • • NOTICE is hereby Owls that all Retailer of For Merchandiaitsibo,* not par their Lionises within twenty days, will be subjemed to emu. Feb. 7, 1849. M. PECK, Trends.. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. TILE subscribei offers for sale his rarity. 7 - ‘ 1 . 1. -- lauded near Nosh Wei, in Springfield • c •, -- township, Medford county, contaSt ng 105 acres, about CO acres improved, sub rood rail a oak timber, auger grove demo i. The farm is situated near the centre of the township is nest ly new. and in excellent condition' for summer-fallow ing. Thane are no buiklin' gm open it. Tide coque*. tionahle. mum SPE A FL Springfield, March 5, 1840. Argui tiOpy St.- LA WNS.—Frnach, Aaariino end Organdie Lana., • beautiful anortaann ; aloe, plaid and Sieved Air " DI barag r a ' M Y kING B BERY 6, , C0. , TAKE' NOTICE." mancrOir: L. per , so_as isidebtied -to-the thatit.hy Asail its tisokacesuat. tillat and* shit maw bribe lac dard /11641 DLZ4IB age .will be oitheeini. ~„ - I ANTED. 1000 Si?lep Pollf.iortWeb thy..l MEM JAMES MA K [MON. J. E. LIEU .. ... rysit •y,lr. 4. , 4- tiler attbi Vic. AIIEAD, LOY _ALL I STOP,492IENA/ x:+: i Fie dine 'Fyne wisb to MO gods all* An iin''II.IIINWISERY Co. They •10.10011/ Nllittg gestinalrebeWp, (if not a little ebearr);jhamtheS 4 eari lits bought at pireso . Ding. hamtowne Elmira. Iti you -dame& Wiese - it, call and examine their goods. which for'quality and Cheapness were nem before offered itt tbismtarket. We have, and shall constently *root band. a large ansimment of Dry &Wile. Qroinrw,. Haidavtre owl . :Criideery. Don't forget to call and examine their firma before pnrehasinw elsewhere. Towsoda. Jan. 16. 1849 SHEETINGS.—A lazy stock of Bheetings kyr Nile cheap by jy 10 B. KINGSBERY & CO. , IVII./F7l9.—A nice algae of lynx. jemits srulenO;j puffs, kw cabby B. KINGSBEitY a. CO. OLCCDRUC STORE , .410.1. Brick limo, MTNED BY DOCTORS HUSTON & PORTER. THIS Waco vitamin. and iniseellaneaus stock, more .. tartplete than any /Gond in this section of coun try. every snide having been selected with great care dy Doctor Porter in person, will now be offered to the public—as cheap as can In purchased elsewhere. Phyaicians, who cannot come and ezansinr;our stOck can depend upon all articles they wish to send for. In addition to the asecittment of Drugs and Medicines the stuck extends to Dye Stuffs, Family Groceries, Li quota of all kinds, Perfumery, FasseyGoods,Ariscella nansa articles, Patent Medicines, 4-c. Having been appointed agent for most all the gents ine Popular Patent Medicines, we assure the public.we will not offer any that are counterfeit, as we will not buy or accept an agency frum those speculators, who. by base limitations impose upon the country with their opinions Drugs„ On account of the meat importance to the public and character of Physicians, that pure unadulterated medi cines should be talministered, it will, we hope, induce all —Physecisns or not Physicians --to make' their Or dupes at No. 1. Brick Row. " Goods well Bought are half Sold !" D. BARTLETT, Ts now opining a large stock and extenaise variety of 1 GOODS, selected with the greatest care; and bought under great advantages in the cities of New York sod Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorable condi tion of both markets—and having in view the motto above, basil() bought that he can and will sell on as fa uorable terms as the cad, and will endeavor to show to community the advantage of buying from those who buj well. Towanda, May 23,1848, NEW GOODS. Jail receiving a large and Rich Slack bf New Fall and Winter Goods, at FOX'S CHEAP STORE. Tx HICH for variety, quality and cheapness will well V compare with anything of the bind in the Coun try. Any one who will do nu the favor to call and examine any of my GOO& I think can't fail to beguiled both with quality and prim. The stock iucludes a great variety of Itich.New Styles of Dress goods such as . Plain and Fled, Blue. Pink and Scarlet all worsted Octanes, Filed- Cashmere*, Thihet Cloths, Corurge, Silk Plaid Madonean, Plaid DeLanee. Black Plaid, Striped and Silk .. warp Alpaca, Black Bombazine, French and Scotch Gingham*, Mao, French, English, and American Cloths, Cassimeney and V. stings. Sheet ing., Shirting.. Ticking, 00(10n Yarn, Wicking, Wad ding, Batting and a choice lot of Freeb Grorerles, Fish Hardware, Iron,.Nails, Crockerit, _Boots and Sloes all of which will be sold:at very low Prices, at E. T. FOX, No 2, Brick Rpw. Towanda, Oct. 16, 1648. Boom & SHOES, Sole end upper leather, Also s full assortment of Lady's shoes, Gaiters. Busk ins. blips, walking shorn. A good stock of Boys, Misses, and chikhros; mens,.youths boys, and childs. mars. and kip boots. Also a first rate article of La dy's Gents. Miss. and Child. Rubbers, selling vary cheap at 014 FOX'S, No. 2. B. Row. MUFFS. A great variety of all kinds and styling which will be sold at a trilling advance from city cant. A few rich black and natural lynx. Also swans down trimming, tippets and vidnrines, for sale cheap at n 14 Fors, No. 2. IL R. TOMER% TOOLS—A good assortment of Bead, J Moulding sod Bench PLANEB, (raising plows, and other Joiner's Tools, jost received from the mow bactery, aml low by 0. D. BA RTLE rT. REMOVAL • • THE Subscriber has removed his law stock of Dry Goods. Groceries, •Hard ware, Crockery. Books dr, Stationary &c. ibe„ to the New Brick Block, east side of main snort, two doors South of the Public Square, his friends and the public are respecully Invited to call " • J. KINGSBERY.JR. Towanda, Dec. 20th. 1848. TOP I MOMEII7'2!! T HAVE WOED TO BAY ! If you are at any time in nt of STOVES or Tinware. permit me as a friend advise pin to call at D. C. H keeps the supply. sell. the most reasonable, and you can bu to better advantage, than at any other place in or tof Bradford County. and lam sure you need base no fears of regretting any purchase von may make. Don't forgrt this matter. J.. 1. K. Towanda. Dee: It 184$. sairror. 4.1111111T111. Completion of the North Branch -Canal ! a II mi. - 4 BRISTOL & SMITH LTAYING formed a co-partnership in the manlike. 1...1 lure of BOOTS & • SHOES. at the old steed three doors no of Rage st. resprerolly inform theirtriends and the public, that they wilteereY 00 the business in all its brandies—keep on bandond woke to order, everything in their line in the neatest manner . and in their latest style. r Beleiving that they can do as pod or better work than can be had elsewhere they woild ay to those wish. ing good article in their line to give three a call; and they shall be satisfied. Repitiring slone.on short nodze. C:3* Produce of ell • binds taken foi work. Mks wanted - in exchange for Boots and Shoes and Leather. Towanda Dec. 14, 1848. D. & 111. ADM Nisbriveroß'S NoTic E. ALL persons indebted to the estate of SALLY BUTTLZB, deceased, late of Orwell township, are hereby rtrested to.mate paymen without delay, and those having claims against said estate win please . present them duly authenticated for Settlement 10ELSOT BAHNEB, Orwell. February 2(1. 1841 i., • • Administrates. ADM I N isTR &TOR'S , NOTICE. - - ALL persons indebted to therweete aloha Erskine, dee'd.,lste of Heniek township', are beteby ruiner ted to make payment Widtout delay. and those haying claims apinst said estate will please present them duly authenticated fbi settlement • - • 11dARGARET ERKSINE, LAMES 'LSE, Herrick, Jannarp S. 1849. Adminietratees. ADMINIS'rRiTOI4% sO'flcE. .. ALI. mime indebted to the mists ef , IRA, PEAR SOLL, deceased, we of Ulster towntdap. are hereby ragweed toinake payment without delay, and thaea.baring claims egoism =id entails wiU pinrat pr► amatthens duly nuthenticated, for settlement. JOHN BOWMAN, 1 04 111 . P. HARSOLL .Uleter, Deenaber:4 !POL. Aphididetrateri. DEEM Elmo clion Goon = ...wip•N !~11 nANTEL LORD takes this method of informing the inhabitants of Bragltird county ,and the adjoining country, that he has removed his stock to MONT A NYE'S BRICK STORE. in Towanda. where be trill be in readiness to wait upon his old customers. and u many new ones as wish to purchase goods cheap fOr cub or approved credit. His stock large, and cons is in part of the following articles, via: Iron, Nails, Copper, YU. Zinc. Sheet Iron Crowbars. Spades. Sherds. forks. Anni a, Vices. Blacksmith's bellows and screw rides, Log chains, Ark ropes. Steil springs. Hooks and Ilinges. Shourls aid Tangs, Mill Sows. X cut, circular and panel do.. Augurs, Chisels, Brads, Tacks, Bulls. Screw and it agon boxts. Well and Cistern Pumps, Lead Pipe, all sires. A good assortment of Carpen:er's 4. Joine'rs tools, 4 House trimmings. . THE NEW Decidedly the beat stove for Farmer's use; it is distinguished for the liberal size of its oven and fire boy. it is attached a Summer Fixture, upon the hailer holes of which the wash boiler fits, thereby rendering it in capacity equal to a six boiler stove. Coals can be transferred from the fire-box directly into the summer fix hire: by being drawn forward without the use of the shovel. The top of the oven is protected by an iron plate to- prevent an excess of heat upon the articles baking; it can be removed if the heat is added to be increased. The oven will be found to bake with great uniformity in all its parts. Ores 100 of theme *eves have beep. sold within the last three months, and given entire satisfaction. -Persons wishing to purchase these stoves, can bare the privilege of returning them in two •or three weeks, if they do not work as recommended inevery n.specf. Also. a variety of Air tight Cook Stoves, The Yankee Nation, New Eng Lind. Western, eulten, Iron Witch, Elevated Oven, Prem:ti rt Stoves of all Simi Parlor Cooks 4-Drum Stoves, Six Plate do., of all sizes. and dimensions. . - PARLOR STOVES, The largest variety ever offered for sale. in this plsee--selling at Cast. a:rßaces Self Regulating Parlor stave, the heat in use.- Physician* recommended this move as being the lest extant fur sick rooms, on account of its uniformly of heat. It is also very economical of fuel ; requiring from one third to.nne half lam thin any other parlor stove in use. ' 40 lbs. RUSSIA & A HERMAN Stove Pipe on hand !! Consequently we are prepared to furnish any quan tity to order at wholesale prices. ALSO—A good assortment of JA PPANNED WARE, on hand. He will also manufacture all kinds of Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Woe to order on'snort notice and warrant it to give goad satisfaction. Towanda, Dec. 22, ISIS, pbilabciphia 2bl ecisemcitts Winfield ander a Penalty of 41,000, free fres literary and other Mural Substalers The Only Original and Gc.nine Indian Medicine ! ',VERY day is this tbrated medicine ci ting the sphere of its fulness ; ■nd every r to the long rogue of triumphs. Mitados Boxes! listsibuted Ily loot fully meeting lemand I For some past. the sales have limited, solely for of facilities of sup- Truly, this is • renal remedy ! Vo ided, these pills have el their way into the reniotest careen; of the Union, every wise re proving shelf title se sus Poos MAN'S FRICIII3ICIL M•a'e Hors—Tnz MAnYILL Jain BLISS, ING OF WIZ Aim For a trilling sum, every individual and every family may hay, HaAvra•lssvala to them for an indefinite period ; l and what is life without health, but a misera ble exiiiteace ! It, is ton precious a boon to be tampered with, by try • inn all sons of experiments upon it. The sick should use those medic:nes:only which experience has known to be tile best. A PHYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY. [From Catskill. Greene County, New York.] Dr. W. Wright—Dear t3ir : I have found your Indi an Vegrieble Fills* valuable remedy in cases of Gene ral Debility of the System and of all Billion disorders. I em mho in the habit of recommending them to fe males in peculiar eases. I observe them to operant in the system, without producing debility or pain, leaving it in a had' by condition. JOHN DOANE. M.D. THE BEST. FAMILY MEDICINE. [Prom Norton Hill, Greene County, New. York.] Mr: Wright—We have used and sold your Indian Vegetable Pill for three years past, and do not hesitate to-reamintend them to our friends and customers as the best family medicine in use. N. & L.RA MSD ELL. TESTIMONY or ANOTHER PHYSICIAN. The following is en answer in reply to a note from .our spot asking Dr. Bowan', opinion of this Medleine: Tv • one, Mtg. 29, 18t8. Mr.A.Durfram—Dear Sir : In reply to your note of yederday, I would state,that I have occasionally found it convenient to use the various " Patent Pills" vended lathe shops; end while I ens unwilling to say emitting to•depreciate the value of others, I em free to confine that I consider Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills en paler to all &hors with which lem acquainted. I have It reed them for many years both in my own family and practicegenerally. and they have uniformly mild . in and safe in their operations. The care .and ``skill with which these Pills have been hitherto manti c - and are. in my opinion, a sufficient guarantee for V, Us good ranks in future, Very respectfully, B. A. IibUTON, M. D. . Dr. B. is a practioner of long experience,weil.known in end even beyond the lines of Wyoming county. He i ts 'graduate of the University. of Pennsylvania. and highly popular with the people among whom be resides. RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD. [From Poston Kills, N. Yak.) • Dr. W. Wright—Dear Sir: I wu attacked with a violent pain in my head and rush of blond on the brain. which confined tea to my room for air weeks. end drew the sight of my eyes ee as to prevent au loon seeing with it. arid Mk me with a alizaineacia. my hart for shoot six menthe. By taking three or tour boxes of you Pills. I was ionored to health again. June 19, 1848. PETER VAN WAGNER. • Bowan' OP &MAW' 0111WIMIII Centrunrarrs •Ilownibir, that the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have_tbe minim signature of William Wright an the tip °frith bars. The wawsies is Art sale , by.IIIONTANYEB-* Co.. soleaptate far !railroads; awl iyAgents it all oast pertsullbst Mum. dia. W, ,--11111avainiiied siehrively to s .f Weight'. Mina Visismabie PiNs, wheinselir PIA 169*.1b4i st„-Ptaikaikephia, 26.11_01tway is* • Tofu - W 4. _ .... WORLD AIR TIGHT COOKING STOYE, =ME O 0, ; adai cor4l Ol £cgal ratrorrtiscmcnts. liiiii AUDITOR'S NOTICE.. ' THE undersigned, having been appointed an Audi tor by the Orphans Court of the County of Brad. ford, to marshal amen and distribute the funds raised by the sale of thermal and personal estate of Wm. Mitch. ell, dec'd., will attend to the duties of his said appoint- ment at his Wks in Towanda 80., on Sendai. the 7th dry of April next, at one o'clock P. M. of which an persons interested will take unties. WILLIAM SCOTT; Towanda, Feb. Itith, 1847. Auditor. TITLIMI=Er krUsixtlf WraMs BY an order oftthe Orphans' Gomm of Bradford co., will be exiMeed to public sale at the prensises,in Troy township,Dradforil co. Pa.. on SATURDAY the 21st day of APRIL, 1849, at two o'clock, P. M., all that certain psece *fluid lying and being in said township, late the estate of Wm. Knox. deed., bounded on the north - by lands of Ward, cast by lands of James DeWitt, south by land of Wm. Morrison, west by the highway Mg from Granville to Troy. Containing one hundred or thrombosis. At given. mid terms ands known. on the day of sale. CHAS. DRAKE. Administrator Granville, Feb. 28, 1849. of Wm. Knorr. deed. PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE. —Raab hilted 15 y ears. ego, by DR. KINK ELIN. The old est, surest and best hand to awe all Was assent di► ears-, of the skin, and solitary habits of 'walk is DR. 'KINKELLN,' Northwest earner of THIRD sisth' UNION Streets, between. Spruce and Pine, a .guard and-a-half from the Excitation. Philadelphia. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There is:a habit which boys teach eachother the Acad. emy or Cc' halite indulged in when by hi* ielf, in solitude, growing up with the boy to manhood; few of those who indulge in this pernicious practice are swore of the consinnenses,, instill those find the nervous system shattered. feel Wear ins , ' 0 vaguel/101= table feelings, &ors in the mind.,:rhe indiv* I bvcomes feeble, be is tillable to labor with occasioned vigor or to_apply his mind to study ; his step is tally and weak, he is dull, irgesoluw. IP THE SOLITARY VICE. Is continued. the. ive pewee is distrayed. sad minim, renderede hog train of Demos affections follow, the teuntensrew Is downcast, the eyes without natural lustre. shainefsordnees is apparent. '— Taw sus srurrows worms mormr, awaits" the sundial of those similarly smiths . IF Tilt VICTIM - Be semeiotic of the anise of his decay, and quit it, he suffers under these temlen nottantal and involuntary emissions., which waken. end shame him ton:skeins mental and physicaresseatiest. If he mosocipateshim. self before the preettai he. -dons its waist, and enters matrimony. his mamitge is unfruitful. • sod his sense tells lam that this is early tellies. , - YOUNG MEN! Let no false modesty deter you from making your case boor. to ono who...from education and rosivess. alky, can alone befriend you. He who places him self under DR. KIRKMAN'S treatment, may teligirmr ly confide in his boner as • gentleman, and in vabose bosom will be forayer locked the secret of the patient. Thousands hays been restored to health kens 'bade. visitations of obese terrific maladies, by Dr. Mukalla, German Physician.. . Package. of Madioines. Advice., dm., firrivarded, sending a remittaricir,nnd put *procure from damage or curiosity. Post paid lett _ _ - - sasurered feu'lowish New Tai acing Establishment, G 16,2, - Brick Rote, ewer th e gore of E. T. ilbz, third -story. - - CI tir aqit 21 , • RESPECTFULLY informs the cilium et Towan de. and thopeldie generally. that be has removed him Tails. shop to No. I. Brick Mew. everstre steriof E. T. Fox. third story. where be suits those - hi wilt of Tailoring...worn him a calL , .... , =. , ..- f •- ; f:, Having, been employed in the most fashionkhle Maid). lishmenta in PlAiddphki and ebewhate:aintliehig:dre tennined to wiirrie pine to :pleasa, - may j ib, depend opts bowleg alit as* dosoilmo sod in • good otylo-se: out bo bad as soy. asp irk_ ' ,„. MI loodi younrood will ;mob old ie. AL: ,, ..,:, '..i. , ;t: •-• %." •-•-- . . sTovEs' , I :•, • "1011111111[1!! 4 1 : a '0. 4 4,0 at eft 1 .3 ft et .T*l INlfoutany.tn7 New Block, shoe. hfiivetnta", m ` thr south side of the politic primate, to better advantage, perhaps, thou at ail other place ius or out of lkonlinnd county. D. C. HALL respectfully info-nts friends and the puhlte, thin he has now for sale et his NEW STOKE: a general and - oboire swentowne of tfrovEg t ,4 all sizes and patterns. which. be Is prepered to sell o r, woofs sale or retail, or cliche:4o fur wuutry produce open the meat aceornmedsting terms. Among hts:atock ere the Air tight (Impiety, (idl sizes), Steirtirts Air tight, Rough and Reath; do . .Recolvinz fine d 0.., M ala y Lily do Repuldicao do., Cmityal -.N. 4e,; Buck hot air urea, with rotary tap..Preminni Stoves, No. I, 2,3, -IA 6. of the most unproved patterns Air tight Parlor Stoves, all sizes ; Sid plates. all ; Cannon Stones, an excellent m title for fitex, taverns, stores, 4c.; Radiator Parlor storey; liky stone patent stoves.; all sizes Band box dove, 4t. C, 1:0 0 R a u kJ A 5 4,000 lbs. of Russia and American STOVH-PIPE, ready-made; also; Dram and Copper Kettles, of various, patterns. together with a grueral tormultucat of !liar and Copper Warr. 71C 9 .11EMIT 'UT XV..11334. 500 lood Tul•e, with - a choice assortment of• every snide in the Tin *am line, to which the atte Ilion of Metcbants, Pedlars, Familia. and Hot rekerpers gene rally ii invited. The highest prim will be paid far aid eatting' a. copper and brass. Crain, Turkeys, Chicken& and all kinds of inaikaiabla produce .will Le tsaisal is pay ment for Stoves Tinware, &c. For .toes, stivetiron, soeyer aryl:tinware, his aisort rw ist is complete.. He returns his thanks to his oil rtotorners, to whom, and the public he renew■ his iun tation to give him a call before pstrchasing elmailtarir; mistake the illaceut. rainwater HALL'S smith bide of the Public givers. in Moutanyes nick. Towanda Dec. 12„1848. D. C. HALL. Which is also a Vairtmal Family Embrocatioa for Diseuts et the Items& Flesh. at rrIME and experience have folly proved t hat this A. UNIVFInSAL REMEDY has' not not ' _equal on the list of popular Medicines, having been thaw 14 years before the publiC. Testimony of the most disinterested charatimof hs wonderful effects on the animal economy is- Mame dai ly presented to the proprietor. • A young man in the town of Wilson, whose ilotbes AM burnt off of hint. was restored (without wilw*) by the grmely use of the Oil. . D. L. Nersous are the unsolicited statements of plitients theues, and others who have used the Oil, of ewes which n themselves appear remarkable. that they at all iiit4iisted in a pecuniary point, they . conkl iiarttly sc 4N basirjyyms m hied. 'Fhb folio ing diseases are among many sitheniii die cure of wh' this Oil hos been completely iiimi:, 'safe* and in wh' others had entirely failed:— Sperms, Sweeney, Ringbrina„ Windgells, Pull Evil, Cal lous, Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Lawman, Fresh Wounds, Sprains. Bruises. Sand Creeks, Foundered Feet, Scratches. or Gnaw Mange, Rheu matism. Bites of Animals, External Poisons, IP)idnful Nervous Affections, Frost Ilhes,Boilis. Cam; Whit lows, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Chaped ; Isise t . Cramp, Contractions of the. Muscles, Swellings, Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, Ate. CUATION TO PURCHASERS Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and be ma Ike muss of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT, LocKPoirr, N. Y., is blown by the aids of tha bat tla, or in his band writing over the cork. DMA be permaded to take soy thing elm with the promise it is just as vied, &c., &c. This is practised by those un principled dealers whose conscience will stretch like India R bber, and who are of a kindred !merit of them in our large cities, whose nefarious practices have DO is. civilly been exposed to the notion of Cr' ingress. Thoes.who attempt to Co' unterfeit Lis article are re. ferret to the law of New York, f May 1845, by which it will he area that every parson waddling in these counterfeits is subject to indictment, imprisonment, and fine. A perm felling out of dairsiato, will be liable lous iest urban in, the state, and also to be held as a witness against those its bought of or !old AU Order" ddrawd jo tbeiworietor witkbe nxpead: .Get a pamphlet of the Agent and gee what writable are accompli4ed by the weld this medicine. Bold by reaper:table dealers generally. in the Coiled States and Canada. For .ate by Chantbeilin & Porter, Towanda, E; D. Wells. Lawrenceville. Edwin Dyer. Covington. Abel Farrell. Monttoor. Pomp & Kimoty.' Batson, fotwis gaihh & C 0... Alkatown, B. D. Dorm, South Eatßua. Oct. 15th 14148. • a110.3r1. MARSHAL - GE., &e. SepA NEW BOOKBY DR. WM.YOUNG. Bige3nal editim just published. price 2 ets. A Treatise be Af f ection. I.ovs and Shriiams. and the Dieresis of Youth. Maturity and Old '. Age re the Lights and libsdes of Monied Lib, (its infelicities acid enjoyments.) "To be or not to he. that is the cseniumu (With coned' MANN illugrations. ilte.) , There are mire things 'twin batmen and earth. Hen& Than are dreamt of in oar pbtiosephy:—Semsteasea: This book] should be in the bands of every ye Jag mw or WOOLIIii contemplatiag MU Sill ASS. Every school-boy, aOtil indesd.swiry tosawc woman, married or single - shoo d read with care end attention. this truly work Meru' we consider-it well whined to aurabsiot attention-to e bject more Itighting to body. misdeed dual, than an other r mg. . YOUUff Of We aged persons, suffering hens Dye* peptic and onsptivesynnonts of loogatattdingo by a careful per m , of this most wonderful work. will find the cameo( soe-h symptoici iii the baniful habit here described. l' Cl3"Any Miff sanding twenty-five cents *echoed in a letter, will rr 'ins mos copy of this beak. by mitt, or five rope's wi - Went for one dollar. 0r,0.A11 lett rs arc parmied to be rose rats,. vim* Gud e those containing a remittance , arid achheesel. "DR. IV ; Immo, in ISIIROOIIt Street test-. wean P . 'ma riri4; Pnliiibu f rin..- . emu = - 11CUARMili RE.--Iron, at do. sir., nod nsemeit I-A t- 06W enelieettent ON - INFO nue* wood ow augers, slsecei, sliihrels;buth rod Ude*., fli‘kili4l l and kides t a** *Us 6,letoXing., sheresk ,aed ie fact • deneo of Tirol re,which male !beep i• it I 4 FOX'S. _No. 4, 1 * R. T.00,44.eit the stichtic Al cbutsegittib; 4 -1 4 aWee giehtdelllC's*Oli d - ks reareb ' prociii•dfrms to 0der .01,12.41.4•11.1 .4.<41"rt . .P. SlititcHanta“s. HALL'S, Tie,. Copper, ON MAMIACTORY E Mi. THE BEGS OF LIFE Ea rm