Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 28, 1849, Image 2

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Vreibfarb i,“parte.r.
Free Moll, Free Speeds, Free Meat
Freedom fir Pre. Terre/grip.
Towanda, Wednesday, March 25, 1849.
OtrFor the informatinn of those who are indebted.
and wish to remit their dues, we would ante, that
pattnuuters are authorized by law to frank moneys.
and all persona eon tale admnlnge of the pririlege
at our risk—the receipt of the postmaster will he
tam as evidence of payment.
North Brooch Coast.
By the letter of our Harrisbu-g correspondent, it
will he seen that the amendment of Mr: Ball
negatived in the House, on Wedneslay last, by a
vote of 39 yeas to 46 na'•s. The next day, howev.
er, a motion to re-rnisider was adopted., and the
whole matter then postponed br the present.
Trouble In the Canal Board.
A Rebellion, it seems, has broken out in the
Roan! of Canal commissioners, which is likely not
only to disturb the future harmonious action of that
body, but to engender bitter feelings of hostility
among the members.,
The correspondence which has passed between
Mesirs. Painter and Power, is too long fur inser.
lion in this week's paper, but we intend to lay i
before the public that they may see both sides o
the que l stion, and be better qualified to judge. In
the mean time, however we give a epnopt•is of the
difficulty, with the facts as we have heard them,
and believe they exist.
It' seems the Rouse of Representatives passed a
: resolution on the 9th of Marsh, requesting the Ca
nal Commissioners to 'inform them of the amour
of money due on the several lines of public im.
pmyetneut and also what amount would be re•
(inked on ea'At line to meet the current expenses
of the year, the object of which was, to ascertain
the gross sum necessary to appropriate to defray all
expenses on the public works. At the time this
resolution passed and was sent to the Canal Board,
Mr Power was absent and did not return for sev
oral Jays; Judge Ltlngstreth was sick in Philad,el
phia, and, of course Mr. Painter being alone in the
Board, on him devolved the labor, and the respon
sibility of returning an answer to the resolution .o
the House ; and in order to a faithful discharge o
duly, he set to work at once to co lect.the necessa
ry facts from the official reports of the:supervisors
and other officers of different lutes of improve
ments. To avoid interruption, and ensure positive.
accuracy; Mr. Painter, as has been the practice of
all his predecessors repaired to his private chart•
her, and of course, took with him the resolution
sent from the House of Representatives, and ihere
prepared a report in answer to the resolution, em
bodying the information required. Mr. Power hai
ing returned, Mr. Painter laid both the resolution
land the report he had prepared before him, ar.king
IMr. Power to read the report, and if be concurred
in its statements to sign it with him, and they would
jointly commuifcate it to the house. At the same
time saying to Mr. Power if it contained any errors
which Mr. Power could pint` out, they would be
4 '`corrected. Mr. Power read the resolotion, but refu-
fell to read or hear read the report prepared by Mr.
Painter alleging he had made one report {the an
nual report) and he should make no other. Under
such circumstances, in the absence of one of the
'board, it ryas impossible for a majority to agree on
a report, Mr. Power having refused to hear Mr.
. Painter's communication read. Mr. Painter signed
it and sent it to the House, accompanied by a com-
munication stating the facts, that it had been pre
pared as a report to be returned by the boanl,that
had been submitted to the only other member o
the board now present, and not cedcurred in, anti
he accordingly returned it as his own answer to the
resolution of the House. At this Mr. Power flew
in a terrible rage and sent in a communication in
forming the House that Mr. Painter's statement is
not a report of the Canal Board. . He alleges that
Mr. Painter had taken the resolution from the files
of the office and studiously concealed its contents
from him, and charges that the report offered, by
hlr. Painter was clandestinely ire t iated out of the
usual place of discharging official business " got up
by.a clique in secret conclave, and for a purpose
foreign to the interests of the commonwealth." Thus
a system of erimination has been commenced, on
the part of Mr. Power, which will be likely to in
terrupt the harmony of the Board and prejudice
die interests of the Commonwealth. '
The true--the honest course would have been for
Mr. Power to have heard Mr. Painters report, if it
was correct to sign It, if it was erroneous, point out
the errors and have them corrected. If they could
not agree upon - the facts and figures, submit them
nil to the Legislature that try Might determine
Which was right. Instead of this Mr, Power goes
ofl in a pet, thinks himself insulted ; and refuses to
mate any report at all.
Wherein consists the insult? Mr. Painter gavo
him the &lures la examine for himself, bnt he re.'
fused, and in his letter to the legislature he does
not attempt to deny or refute a single positien
statement made bMr. Painter. If they werecor
rect why did he n ot concur and join in the report.
Ii they were wrong why did he not attempt to show
the error.
The truth is, the statements contained in Mr.
Painters report corifficts materially with those made
iu the annual report in which Mr. Power,participa
test and tuancurred, and shows from the official re.
ports made by the supervisors of the different divis.
was, that a much greater amount of debts is doe by
the commonwealth for labor and materials on the
public work than is given in the annual statement
(Vibe Boat) Of CanarCommissioners.
' It is alleged that enormous fronds have been
fenettiretTand• the Mate swindled of her thousands,
and setts rifthonsatithr. invesfigrition is now in
previttes, be&et a committee-of both houses of the
le!st;slattlie and some startlingdiackisures haze been
madi: - Ttnf trident of adensing the publie Money
en the etinAls Te'llittroflrand tali ektravagariee.
Check-461111aitritrieett sired lit blank, .and.
ceigteyt.months fariFre7o ll lnWit tri-18 malletll9llle
l'imetlW,hfilt it W#.ll tierer mate , and often kij a
laeger fimpulit ihati - Wrei *Mani
• shmila it be riiritteetif ur ie 114,4baltAtnii;
est man, coming into iiditira — nl;iluitrfitnling web a
state of things in esirsenceerhould wish to we them
corrected, the •honest debts; of the commonwealth
promptly paid, and'measnies adopterlmlorevent a
rectirrence'of similar impfovident meesates.
'We rerl the recommendation ortilr. Fainter,
triirrocure an apprOpriation sufficient, at once, : to
pry-all the old debts of the Board and enable.diem
to make cash payments in the future, as one of the
trt ealutasymeasures that could be adopted, "ad,
the, only one that can effectually clam the door
against the frauds and speculations, which we fear
have been practised quite too long already.
t. California!
Tie meMbens of the Ithaca and Auburn comp
nice floated 'past this place, on Fridaylilit; cm their
way to the Golden Country. An account of the
two companies, taken from the Owego Gazette, will
be build in another column.
Our courtly this week sends four more persons to
join the army invading the , g gold dimins "—Lows
F. GAZLAY, of Ulster, (whose free-soil articles the
readers of the Reporter are familiar with,) S. C.
Mans and J. M. CRANIMER, of Rome; and Jolts
NAGI.F.E; of Monroe. 'The two latter, were in the
Mexican war. They go ria Independence. •
IPacenal.—The Susquehanna has been for some
days in navigable ogler, and quite: a quantity of
lumber bas floated past, on itzt way to market.—
Considerable damage has been done, in our vicini
ty, and some lumber lost. On Saturday; night last,
a raft lying above the bridge WAS knocked louse,
and one cif the men upon it injured, but as he was
immediately carried into the cabin, and that raft
passing down, we were un a ble to learn the extent
of the injury, or the name of the sufferer.
gislature of this State, his resolved to adjourn on
the 10th day of April nest.
trorrespouticnrc from Coarrisburn.
No action on rho North Rrinich bill—Banks redurrtcd
. without the Individual Liability principk.
HARRISBURG, March 16, 1849.
Ma •Enrma :—No further action has been had
upon the bill for the completion of the North Bracch
since I wrote you last. The House has been occu
pied moody in passing Bank bills, and charters for
Corporations. lost of the sound Banks are willing
to have the Individual liability'incorporated in their
charter ; bat a few, fur special reasons, known only
to themselves, seem determined to avoid that re
sponsibility, and such have beseiged the Legisla
ture with their agents, emissaries and borers, to
,procure legislation on more favorable terms, and
strange to say, in every case where they have set
themselves about it, they bave succeeded.
It was remarked by a knowing one, at the open•
ing of the Legislature, that although the Democrats
had an equal number of members of the House, to
the Whigs, yet for all the purposes of political le
aislation, the Whigs would have a majority; and
so it has proved. When the act for the recharter
of the Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank was before
the Ilitinse. all the appliances that Whiggery could
devise were used•to seduce Democrats from their
integrity, and I grieve to record the fact, most ef
fectually succeeded in their purpose. The names of
the recrean's were given in my last letter. In their
haste to secure favorable legislation, these Bankites
had nearly over-reached themselves. They omit
ted to -tax the dividends of the Bank—a measure
which even Federalism had never before ventured
upon. The objection, however, was too formidable
even for Gov. Johnston, but as he is opposed to the
use of the veto, he set his friends to work 'to reme
dy the defect, in time'for him to give his approval
to the bill. To accomplish this, an amendment
was yestenlay offered in the Senate, to a bill relat•
to the assessment and collection of taxes in
Franklin and Chester counties, requiring the divi
dends of said Bank to be taxed as those of other
Banks are made taxable by 'aw l On the discus
sion of this amendment in the House, Mr. 'Laird
again moved an amendment, attaching the Indvi
dual liability to the stockholders. On this the yeas
and nays were ordered, and resulted 4,0 to 40—so
that it was again lost, and lost again for the wart
of the votes of the Same Democrats who voted
against it or withheld their votes on the passage or
the bill. Humiliating as is the fact, it is neverthe
less fived, that any Bank which* wishes to evade
the Individual liability principle, can do so with
the prettent Legislature, if they will take the proper
course, and else the proper means.
While I am now writing, Mr. Crabb called ty
the bill le extend the charier of the Bank of Ger
mantown, and Capt. Small, who represents the
County of Philadelphia, asked to amend by insert.
ing this salutary measure, assuring the Senate that
the stockholders of that Bank bad no objections ;
but no, Mr. Crabb would not consent, and as the
Senate is purely Whig, and has a convenient Whig
Speaker, of course no Democratic measutis meets
with favor:
The weather ro esceedingly fine to day. The
water is in the canal, and business has already be
come active and promises tair for the season.
Wrist of the North Brooch bill—Opposition of Ike
Gorernor's collutential !cotes—New bill in the
HAsawsuan March 22. 1849
Ma. Eorron:—Tlpe North Branch Bill bast fallen.
It was lost yesterday in the House by a vote of 39
to 46. Several amendments had been made to the
Bill as substituted by Mr. P4lll, and it passed a sec
ond reading by one majority, the vote being 43 b 42.
It was then ordered to a third reading and lost by
the vote above stated. Several of the Governors
most intimate friends and confidential advisers, who
had voted for it in all its progress voting against it
on the question of its final passage. The fi iends of
the measure had seen from the commencement
that there was danger from this quarter, and conse
quently were not so much surprised when the clo
ven foot was finally - A - own, and yeti may well be
lieve that an unbroken feeling of indignation was
manifested when the exposure was made. The
whiff bad studiously prepared the bill in order to
compel the Democrats to vote fin an odious whig
project and to force upon the country another batch
of shinKasters, equalled only by the present filthy
relief note etirrencf, or stiffer the odium of defeat.
'ing the North Branch Canal. Of course those Dem.
oerats representing antiimprOvement counties, al
th2ogh they eavramil felt the importance of comple
ting this great improvement, *Could not sacrifice
their principle! and hazard the displeasure of their
constitneets by supportingi Tartue upon whfch
loch a t►aref ced Unaproject' was engrafted. • But
was by mkbi Ake this bib and
0 . bey, 4r 4 c4ikrimitqA the irnliea whie, i'ole 'Ansi
Meet with the alifirtibation of the - G re • and
such, indeed, seemed for a time, to be the only
hope* the North,Bianch men, and our own ment
he* with Mr. Little and perhaps one orlwo other
Dentneratipadiltnp their minds I, go in for the
bill, hind, , tails deformity accept it ,as a For-"
/Orir c liope r :itad when the amendment was °flared
by Mr. Ball theyitot only voted for it butitave:ex
erted themselves from that time to the last moment
for the passage of the bill, but they were doomed
to see their hopes crushed on the,fittal vote by the
very whig members who had promised so much,
on behalf of their party, and leader. Who wilt long
ei believe in the sincerity of the professions of the
whig party, or the whig Governor, in favor of the
North Branch, when they see Ilinry Emmet' Ches
ter, the man Wholteld every whig vote in the House,
for sevenl successive days, on every ballot for
Speaker. and who hal all along protesaeffto speak
and act ' , by authority • in shaping legislation on
this subject ? Who, I k will now believe in their
sincerity, when they . Henry S. Evans and his
colleague, on the quesiion of the filar passage , of
the Bill, come boldly forth in open opposition to it,
and by their own, and the votes they could influence
accomplished its defeat ? yet such is the fact:tuelno
man can contradict it: The bill was finally i killed
by the eseitions of the Governors most intimate
whig friends.
Cul Mason will get rip another bill in the Senate
based upon better prieciples, and he is not without
hope that one may yet be got throng,h ; though for
my part such a hope glimmers but faintly to my
view. It is true that public opinion, as it comes
up here from all quarters, is strongly in favor of
completing this great link in our improvements;
and it is now believed by many of our best States.
men and polifeionr, that a steady adherence to the
• original bill, authorizing a direct loan by the com
monwealth; would have secured its passage, I veri
ly believe that a bill based simply upon the merits
of the work and the importance tothe State, of its
speedy completion ; will meet with more favor and
carry More strength than to be connected with any
other project whatever, and especially one tinker.
.ing with the currency.
Let not the , friends of the North Branch despair.
The work will he done. Should nothing be accom
plished at the present session, it is only defering
the hopes of our people a little longer. Its impor-
tance is seenand understood. The people are for
it and the North Branch will be made. G.
MAKING IT THE Isser..--=The Washington corres
pondent of the New York Pest says, that when the
Cabinet nominations were under discussion, in Ex •
ecutive session of the Senate, 'Mr. Westcott of Fla.
objected to Mr Collamer, becatise he. was " Mint
ed with abolitionism." After the objection had been
debated at some length, Mr. Seward o( N. Y. rose,
and remarked that he supposed he himself repre•
rented the most radical opinions upon'Slavery that
were held by any considerable body of the peo
ple at the North • and that he supposed Mr. Colla
mer would substantially agree with bleb. Wyk re
spect to the objection made to this norninatiph, it
was time there should be an understanding. 's, He
wratld therefore simply defy them to make thisiss
ne, to vote against this man upon this ground, and
establish this - principle. He had nothing more to
say at this (mei and he took his seat sub' silenito
There was.a sensation, and after he had settled
himself back in his lea - heni cushions, there was a
general buzz. Mr. Collamees nomination was con-
Tn E Facrrs or PEasncyriox.—The crafty impos-
ters at the head of the Mormon delusion could have
derived no more effective co-operation than that
afforded by their persecutors at Nuevo° and else
where. They are now rearing up a great people
in the far West. Already the settlement is estab
haled beyond the fear of any reverse ; and the cur
rent of emigration is strong and steadily increasing
The co:ony on the Lake numbers eight thousand
and is highly prosperous. 1 housands of new con•
yens are on their way to the land of promise. The
St. Louis Republican says:—
Those who do not know these people, or have
not the means of witnessing
,the extent of their
proselytism, will be surprised at the numbei who
are connecting themselves with the Mormon
Church. The pertecutions they have met with:
hare only given them strength, influence and sym-
pathy ; and the persons who are now joining them
a:e, in intelligence acd properly, above the rank
which has usually been ascribed to their %Enters."
TIIE Boys To CALIEOEMA.—We extract the
following from El mrmiter. It may be of •iutereat
to the Califomia-seekers.
The proprietor of the stage or cnach lines in the
Mexican Republic, in consequence of the emigra
tion to the Californias and for the knowledge of
those persons to whom the following may interest
makes known : That be tuts a stage or dilligeuce
line miming from the port Vera Cruz to the City of
Guadalajara. (capital of the State of Jalisco,) sit
uated at above 200 miles from San Bias and 350
from Mazatlan both harbors in the Pacific Ocean.
at which the U. S. steamers of the regular line will
touch, and which vessels of all nations .use to put
into. The distance between Vera Cruz and Guad
alajara is abont 100 miles, and the trip takes 11 days
The total amount of cost is $1.29 50. In this 1:14
place it is easy to find horses, &c. to be hired to
continue to San Bias, and at more reasonable prices
than in Vera Cruz,reenhing that those persons taking
the stage can make the journey from Cruz to San
Bias in or 17 days, for little more or less than
MILD IN NORTHERN TrkAs.—The Editor of the
tickghtfrg Whig says, in a number of that journal
dated the Bth inst. while on a visit to De 8-to Parish,
a few days ago, we heard it from reliable authority,
that there is now living in the -neighborhoJd of
Mansfield, an old man who avers most solemnly
that gold exists in as much sbundance in some of
the morn.tain valleys of Northern Texas as is rep•
resented to be in the placers of California The
individual alluded to is au old hunter, and has o.s.en
trapped the beaver in the Rocky Mountains arid
battled with the wild tribeig of the wesfem prairies
The discovery was made by him while a prisoner
among a wandering band of the red men.
Tux 31s-rnomsr Curacn Paorra t Qr.a,tox.—
We learn that the Baltimore annual Confei,erice of
the Iletbodist Episcopal Church, the first in rotalicra,
has unanimously passed a resolution authorizing
and recommending that the property question, in
dispute between the Northern and Southern branch •
es of the Churuh. be submit.e.l to arbitration:" Should
the other annual Conferences follow the example,
and it seems to be sonemlly expected that they will,
the constitutional Meetly will be awl:ed. The
South, harm; made preparations for commencing a
suit to establish their claim, will have incurred
some expenses, but probably these will be made a
matter of arrangement, should an amicable adjust.
ment of the other difficulty be agreed 4r:ht.—Co:h.
A correspondent or the ; Springfield Repgblican,
writing from Havana, says: l'oo perhaps remem
ber the mach talk oeassault upon tutors Goodrich
and Ernetweby - a couple of students, last Summer.
The young men were bound over to the' Superior
Court. Oue of them, Tower, .was discharged by
the Grand Jury. The other, Ewing, was -held to
bail to appear and take his trial before Pie Superior
Conn, by a bond of At a latelems of that
tribunal the bond was reduced ki 52.000, themoney
paid, his sureties discharged, Aid the °Bence thus
••• Tat thian,arke Thum speaktol the Nitional
Iffielliotererasthe Ailnainieustiottemau pro Anion
Gent 1 7. 1 ,Ykstibl Ye NICCIPI;ed CPTIPII4_
Fourteen Days Later from Europe ! '
Arrival of ilse Canaria=-Defeat of f' Yoga/Mid Re
form tall--Shipwreek t :m Esturrant oa meet
_1241 hoes kit—Terrible Stanglikr
British O*ers and 'linen Wiest c
:The steamer Canada, wi h European Stews to the,
10th inst., arrived at Halifax on Thursday evening
last, and her news was transmitted to the Tribune,
by Special express and Telegraph on Friday-night-
We publish the most important part
Con m uncut. M Arrzas —The terrible accounts
from the seat of War in India, united with the de
cided tone of defiance lately adopted by Russia,
and the attitude asstimed by the Czar, and the war
like operations in Italy, Austria, &c. has caused an
uneasy feeling, and has operated injuriously upon
the business of the country. But trade, notwith
standing., continues steady, and prices for most ar
ticles of produce are very satisfactory. The Funds,
under the influence of the uneasy feeling alluded
to above, fluctuated considerably, and have reced
ed fully 1 per cent. within the last fortnight. it is
gratifying to observe that during this lime, though
it cannot be said that Amei 4 can Stocks have arm-
ally risen, yet there has not been the slightest reac
In Corrost there is less business doing than when
the last steamer left, at d a slight falling ofl in pri-
ces has Wowed ; this, however, did not occur till
the last week. The sales continuing large and
prices very firm up to the clots of ,market on the
2d inst.
There is a greater degree of dullness and gloom
n the GRAIN trade throughout all the leading mar-
Leta than has been for along period. Prices con
tinue to droop, and from present appearances, un
der the pressure of heavy arrivals from abroad, the
bottom has not yet been reached.
From the manufacturing districts the accounts
continne favorable; there is also a fair business
going forward in th e produce markets on the Crinti•
nent, and prices on the whole are eteadi.y main
The MEAL market continues active, and prices
are on the advance.
EantAno—Frionncia/ Reform Bill —lnTarliament
ou 26th ult., Mr. Cobden in a speech of the most
temperate character, brought lorwanl his long her-.
aided financial reform budget, the main object of
which was to cut down our expenditure £10,000,-
000 per annum. Ile was met by the Chancellor of
the Exchequer who adduced an epitome on all the
arguments which during the last two months, had
infirmed the strength of Mr. Cobden's suggestions.
The debate which followed, falsified all the expec.
rations entertained by the friends of the Financial
Reform Champion. It languished from the begin
ning and the question was disposed of on the same
evening, Mr. Col - den's amendments being reject•.
ed by a majority of 197—the number being 275 to
78.—Even the Radical papers admit that one half
of the 78 would not have *oted for the amendment
if they had ima;ined that it would have been car
ried. As for Parliament the project of Mr. Cobden
was decided tmon.—The journals in his interest
have abated their tone of defiance and now say,
what all Englishmen have agleed upon, that re-
trencliment should be maim' out in every wise
and judicious manner.
FRANCE.—lncreasc of Confidence.—The French
Government continues to gather strength, and there
is evidently a growing disposition, on the part of
the nation, to crush any attemptaat public disorder.
Upon the whole, the prospects of tranquility are
more favorab'e than they have been during the
past year. The labors of the Assembly have ceas
ed to be of any interest—they have been chiefly
. occupied in pushing the electoral laws. As an ev.
idence of the strength of the Goveniment, it may
be mentioned that an attempt to censure the Nbilis
ter for calling out the troops on the 29th of January
was lost by the large majority of 251.
Warxx AND GDEAT Loss OF LIFE —The frightful
wreck otaii Emigrant ship has taken place on our
coast. ofl Harwich. The bark Floridian, of 500
tons, E. D. AVhitmore, master, from Antwerp for
New York, the property of Messrs. E. D. Hurlbut
& Co. chartered by a German Company to convey
emi , trants, was wholly lost on the 28th ult , and all
on b oard perishetL, with the exception of three in•
dividuals, who were miraculously rescued from
death. The master and crew, tcrgedter with 126
pas.o.ngers, wc.e droWeed. 126 green hides, 125
cases of glass and various other ankles from the
wreck were carried into Mar4ate on the 4th inst.
Other articles also on the same
SEVERE Berrt.c Hesn.say.—The Austrian War
in Hurrgray has proceeded with variable success in
the south of Hungary. The German Ropulation, find
ing the insurgents carrying destruction in every
quarter, called on the RusAans who -now occupy
Constadt and Hermanotadt. Several servere battles
have taken place ; one in the neighborhood of W
an, lasting two days, with considerable slaughter.—
The Imperialists seem to have had the advantage.
Reports have been circulated that in one engag
ment Bern had both his Is vs. shot off, but the last re
port is that he had left Transylvania for Hungary. As
the insurgent troops amount to 140,000 men split
up into many divisions,it -is difficult to ascertain the
the actual progress of the war;the termination of
which seems still to be very remote.
FERRARA SEIZED.—WhBe Austria is pushing on
the war in Hungary, she is not unmindful of Italian
attains She bas marched a body of troops upon
Ferrara, and seized upon the city and levied a fine
upon the citizens of 200,000 scull, which she hand
ed over to the Pope.
ITALY.--The Revolution in Tuscany—The Revo
lution of Tuscany is complete. The Republic has
been proclaimed at Leghorn. Florence and a mn
iral Italian Republic has been formed in union with
the Romans. The Grand Duke has protested against
this revolution, and has entreated all the powers of
Europe to refuse to recognize the new authority,
-which he declar e s to be a violation of the Constitu
tion agreed to by all parties last year, committed hi
a few factious men only.
Rott.c.--A Bonaparte lice• President.- -The prince
of Caniho has been elected Viice•President of the
Republic of Rome.
The Pope after halting between abdication and
solicting foreign intervention, has now, it is said
made an application to Austria and it is contideinly
stated that Spain is about to send a division of 10,
000 men to aid in restoring his Holiness.
The latest intelligence from Italy states that the
Roman Ministry bad communicated to the As,:em•
bly'that a joint intervention of Austria, Spain and
Naples is announced. France had not decided
which part to take.
lama—Another Batik—Great Slaughter.—The
details of the late warlike intelligence from India
have more than ordinary interest, but we ran at
present make but brief allusion to the subject. The
Bombay Telegraph says another of those Murderous
conflicts I as occurred on the left bank of the river
Ibelum, near, as some say, on the i lentical spot
which 2.000 years ago, formed the battle-field of
Alexander and Ports— that scene, rich in classic
associations, has been the arena of a tierce and
? protracted stru%de between the army of the Pun
jaub ander Lord Gough, and the Sikh force. The
Sikh force was under Rajah Shwere Singh, a strug
gle in which the British have to deplore the loss of
at least 93 officers and 2,1500 men killed and wont,.
Jed, 4 guns captured, and 4 or 5 regimental colors
taken by the enmity.. The struatle,. which termi
nated in ictory, was disgraced by the flight of the
Bengsll Cavalry Regiment, end the retreat, as yet
scarcely satisfactorily explained, of two British
corps of Dr: loons. 4 strucje which left the con.
tending hosts so weak and shattered that it wis
doubtful which had sustained the greatest injury
from the conflict, and which yielded so few of the
badges of triumph for the victors that their oppo.
!tents took a new position and fired a salute in ho.
nor of its termination Though masters of the field
rim lapels are ilrench - ed with blood, and it is the
universal opinion- that two more such victories
woold•be - virtual min - Noattetnpt is made by the
Eandish- press to divaiire the tact Mitt the news from
ludic is of the mast disastrous character: Lerd
Gough has been promptly . superseded in the com-
• [nand by Sir Charles Napier., who was to have pro.
Ceded to the scihe of hostilities oifilhe r ,llolh 4 i l
. bLsecauch. die Isteetum. GuaanaH . —thie 7,',ti
-neutarnevikarillibe read with more .. oaf *
, liters suir is, 42; fact, of the higheit itiiportilice
' -Peri4s the niog., striking feature: is! thiejnan* o
'the neperifd.guaels of Russia frotitSt. VieterstiOrg..
Theie men, numbering 52,000 strong; ' have no
quitted the Capital since 1831. They have pro
ceeded through- Wilms sothe frontier,, -and will no
doubt take such a position as to tisable to keep •
check the disaffected Poles on the 'Prussian frontier
support the imperialists in the Hungarian strugoe,
and mutate such an altitude as shall, plainly imp
cate the intention of the Czar to control as much •
possible any disposition to revive the scene whic
so unhappily occurred during the last year.
• notraLE Evertywnras —fiedravatima real& ..
to intervene in Tuscarg to hinder civil war an
oppose the Austrian intervention. It seems proba
ble that Naples on the south, and Austria on th ~
side of the Pope, will overrun 'the Papal States bu
still the question ot Constitutional Government a
Rome and Florence can scarcely be settled at th :
point of the bayonet. The relations ot Sardinia am
Austria add farther diflirulties to the general con
fusion, which prevails from the foot of the Alps t.
the Mediterranean.
From Turin, all is in a distracted state, whit:
Genoa seemkripe for some republican movement
and altogether the elements of disorler were scare
eery ever more rife in Italy, than at this moment
It is only the quiet attitude of France, and the peace
ful efforts of England which prevent their combus
tible material from bursting into a flame.
some of our citizens conceived the idea of building
at this place It steamboat designed to navigate the
Susquehanna river. After consideration it ►vas de
cided to take measures to accomplish, that end
A company was organized and the requsite amount
of stock subscribed.
A contract for building of the boat was taken by
Messrs. Converse E.: query, of this borough, both of
whom, from experience in steamboating, were.
well qualified to superintend its construction. The
building of the machinery was contracted for by .
Messrs. Reney, Nafic & Co., of Philadelphia whose
reputation as finished workmen is not excelled in
the country.
Since then the boat has been progr, essicg toward*
completion, until at the present time it is ready for
launching. The difficulty of transporting the mach
inery. which has been for some time finished, has
retarded the completion of the boat for a longer
time than was expected. We tire informed that
after the nrrival-of the:machinery„about three weeks
will be required to put the boat in running order.—
Through the politeness of Capt. Converse, we have
been lumished with the following particulars in re
lation to her dimensions;
Length of keel 110 feet—Whole length, 128 fi—
Width of tioor ltift.—Length of beam 22 It. Dspth
of hold, 3ft.-1C heel 19tt. diameter, 11 ft. bucket.
The boat will be propelled by 2 forty horse poWee
Engines, with Locomotive boilers. Her model is
after the latest build of Ohio river steamboats, amt
the materials of which .she is constructed are
of the best kind. We should judge from her ap
pearance that particular care had been taken to ren
der her substantial and durable. .
The Whole eek.t of the boat about $6 l OOO
Wyoming Co. if7ug.
. .
While' the Washington waspreparing to go to sea
on Tuesday, a colored man, who officiates on board
of her as bither, by some accident tell overboard.
The wheels were making'a revolution at the time,
and it was supposed than he must have been car
ried under the water and killed by one of the pad
dles striking him. After searching a long time for
the }Jody without effect, some one proposed to look
in the wheel houses ; and on dging so, the man was
found in one of them, lying on one of the wheels.
It most have struck him • at the kst quarter of its
revolntion, and carried him up to where he was
found!. Medical aid was immediately called,, and
the rnan soon came to. He had one leg broken,
1 3
as otherwise
.considerably -Inuit-ed. He is
said t be doing well, however, and will probably
he a ble to resume his place on the Washington s
return to these waters.—[licrald. -
Dien, at her residence, in Georgetown. D. C. on
Sunday, in the 81st year of her age i ManwA, relict
of the late Thomas Wilson. Esq. of :Scotland. This
estimable lady, born in IrelanJ °tithe 'l7th ofJu
1768, was first married to the illustrious patriot Teo
bold Wolf Tone, well _known in Irish history as
the companion of the Martyred Emmet, and, AS
such, her memory should be dear to every friend
of liberty. -Mrs. Tone rest‘led in France at the
time of husband's death. The estimatiop in which
she was held and her own moral and litetary worth
had gained her many Powerful friends. The most
elegant encomium ever pronounced on woman
was that which Lucien Bonaparte bestowed upon.
her, in recommending her case, and that of her chil
dren to the attention of the French Chambers ; the
ellect of which was manifested by 'the unnithnottv
grant of an annual pension. She presorted, in her
eighty-first year z the energy of intellect that made
•her thU companion of her husband,lind the warmth
of heatt, that even her cruel sorrows could not chill.
Nevi Hs SlPSlluce ELecnox. , -TheCOrigr, essional
delegation is now changed by the late election in
New llampshire. It stands as follows: Ist Dis
trier, AnrosTuck. Free Soil Democrat ; 2(1 do ,
Charles IL,Peaselee Democrat: 341 do., Gen. James
Wilson, Whig; 4th do, Harry Hibbard, Democrat.
Dinsmoor. thii, Democratic candidate for Governor,
ischosen by something over 4000 majority. Dem
ocratic Senators are chosen in Districts No. 1,3, 4,
6,8, 10, 11 and 12. In the 6th District, John Pres
ton, Whig, is chosen., No choice in the 2d and in
the sth it is extremel doubtful which of the two
candidates has succeeded. In the House as tar as
~earl from 213 Representatives have been
chosen, of whom 126 are Democrats, and 84 Whigs
and Free Soden.. The sane towns last year chose
223 Representatives,nf w horn 420 were Democrats,
and 103 Whigs and Free•Soilers.
Nov His Nasiv...—Syeaking of names, a corporal
in one of the regiments in Mexico—when the roll
war being called—refused to answer to the name
of " Ebenezer Mead." The officer repeated
the call. No answer. "Is Ebenzer Mead on the
ground !" said the indignant offtcO. " Ellen Mead
is here," quoth the corporal. ". Why don't you
answer, you rascal. Ebenezer Mead "My
name is simply Eben Mead." The "Ebenezer"
was repeated again in a tont. like a small north
wester. " Captain," quoth the rampant corporal
"you call me Ebenezer. Your name is Peter
Read r , He was taken to the guard home, tried
for contempt, and deprived of his warrant.—Lincril
YecavAx.—By the last arrival from Yucatan in
telligence has been received that, in consequence
of the scarcity of breadstufts and particularly corn,
Governor Barbachano had issued a decree ordering
that description of grain to be admitted free of duty
and of all other goyenitnent imports for one : year,
from the date of decree.
ROT.DERY OF THE 31,111..—The Newbern, N. C.
mail fur Norfolk and the North, was robbed on Sa
turday the 10ih inst.. au the route,Supposed to have
been done in the vicinity of the Nanserriond River
as the post . bills and mility letters and papers were
found floating in that river.
Alum!Ert MoN earn Ix DANCilt.—The last advi
ce& fmm Persia mention , thatthe army sent by the
new Shah against the rebels at Korey...en, had
joined the latter and that together they would match
t o oust the monarch from his newly inberitce throne.
Wavreats Jcsvics.—A woman was convicted of
stealing a piece of linsey, in Randolph county,
j la.,
and the Justice sentenced her larband to ail for
the cdlence.
TaE Cam. or Suomi throughout the British West
India Islands, aud also is the vicinity of. Demar:ara,
is said tole very good.
Departure of the Wittman.
Two Contrinies--one from Ithaca and the othe r
lore Anita' rn--arrived at this , place by rail road, o n
Airedneinkty afternoon, en route for the gold regio n
' 4 the Slicraniento Valley. Their ar ri val created ,
,Oonsidenible excitement. The booming , of a six.
leendeeinnoonced the approach of the cars, when
Vundredeot our people turned out regardless of the
storm and mod,,to catch a - glimpse of the bold ad
venturers Evert` thing having been made ready
hent - bytheikiestin e . E D. Truman, with
whom arrang ements had been made to take bo th
Companies down to Green's Dam—the 'eastern
terminus of the Juniata Canal—they immediate
ly put their freight in motion towards the Ark yard,
and embarked oh board a craft of silmitat name,
but we Suspect of somewhat inferior workinansbip
and less dimensions, than that which- wafted Noah
and his family thferthe thsodmid landed th*m sale.
ly with their beas'a andliirds and creeping thws, of
every name and kind, at the expiration of the roe.
moral•le " forty days and forty nights."
They ran down to the Eljdy a ehort distance lA.
low the village and came to anchor for, the night,
calenlatitig long before the break of day, to be float
ing With the rapid careen' of thiViusquehanna to.'
wards their enchanting . destination; but iu conse
quence of a sudden rise If the liver, and the antici
pated breaking up of the- " Rig Island" ice, just
above town it was thought'unsahs to pot out, and up .
to our present writing the gold seekers are still here
waiting the movement of the waters; all anxiou s
for a start, apparently feeling:with more than orilin•
ary force, the truth of the maxim that "time is ni o
Ai-Green's Dam they will take the inniata Can
al to.,,Pittsbnro . ; and so on by the Ohio and Missouri
Rivers. to Independence ; and thence astride then
mules by the overland route to California, under
the directiou of Dr. Weirs., President of the Ithaca
Company, and formerly Governor of Oregon, elle
has been three times across the mountains to the
Pacific coast.
These companies appeared exeoringly well, are
composed of various trades and professions, and go
out well provided with capital and implements for
making money. The. following are the names of
members of the respective companies:
rfnaci coMpAST
. _
Elijah ittite, Chas. V. Stuart, Chart. Jatid, Story
& Culver, Warren Ackley, Hiram F:Randolph. Geo..
Jackson, Lorenzo S. Hi'malls, Wm.. Randolph, John
Sinclair, Miles & Spalding, Joel D. 'Nichols, Isaac . •
N. Thom, Slab Goodrich. Curtis .& Joel Coe, 1),iv16
& Wiant, John R Horn, G. C. Lyon, Isaac S. 8ri..... 4 4,...
M. D., Yale & Rathbun, AbramSith, Henn,: A.
Partontimmer, Beardeely , Sheffield leComing lief
field & Miller,Alden Austin, Mead, Collins & Corn
ing & Gillet, John Stewart, James Fleming. Jack".
son, King & Clark,. Coe & Newell, •Wit. B Taylor,
N. S. Batchelder, George T. Hale, F._ G. Loomis H.
S. Brown, .McCornick & Lyon, James H. Force, o r .
rin Parsoni, Trnmon & Merchant, Corley & Ferris
James I lowell, William P. Burdick, Olney & Ytrar
it, B. & IL N. Olney, David Nicholson, Arkin,
, B -ardsley & Close, Chaffee* Whiting, Mr. Ellis,
Smith & tfill.
Thts company have a capital of ::-2 3.000. (-500,.
each.) be: ides a credit of '625,000 at home. 1 herr
[ o,mralions which are to be Mining. Farming:llsdd.
ina, Brick-making, the erection of Ssw and SIM-
I gle Mills, are to-be corder the supervision of a Baud
of 'Directors composed of seven members. Bet
one member of each firm Des out—the home
partner's share of profits to bet retained in the beai
• ury subject to his order. The dress qf the company
is Shep's grey coat andpants India-rubber overcoats
1 and white, low-crowned wool hat: gni' is pmt.
ided with a nfle, revolver and hunting knife. The,
take with them eight months provisions':. and hare:
sent around the Cape various articles of merchan•
.dize f together with farming, merchanical assajiii;
and aii.or4rinents are systematic and admirable
' aril if there is money to be made-in California, they
can scarcely fail to reap a golden harvest.
From this place Col B. C. Whiting and Charles
W. Mercharr, gone out as members of the hhara
company; and Mr. Doughty Engineer of the N.Y.,
& E. IL R., and Mr. Justin Hollis, also gn web the
companies bat not as wernbers.--Owego G rzene.
Compound Synrp of Tar and Wood Nifptha
Another oluntary testimony to Its value from a &scars:sit
ed-Physician. Reatrthe following from Dr. YOT.:tta. the remi
ttent oculist :
Meows. Agney & ma..—Gentlemen--Ileivme r. ommrm
ded ni illy practice. and used twiny awn THONISIINS
I have 111, hes:mina in saying that at is one ce the b..t ;Kepi!".
114015 of the lead w use. and persons suffering fah° Couch..
Colds, Affections of the Blenel, etc.. so pre. *lent at - his season .4
of the year. C3lllllot use - any inedUr;ne that odi altar ■ malt .. 4
or prevent Co:wenn - Won sooner than Thonoson's . COiraliaind
Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptitha. • ie
311. YOUNG, Ilit.D..l•M !truce nrcet.
The above medicine as prepared only at the N. E. confer of ' 4- 4
Fall' and Spruce streets, Phil.. t , ohd by HAMM. Towanda. ;
C.XLTIOX!—Lkware of the many imitations now atkan. The
unacrupWoas are ever ready to,decetve the unwary.
Lemy. on Sunday. I-9th ittatrutt. by Meter Lakr. Jrz..."*T,
TAYLOR. of dua borough, to Mrs. ELIZA UEill CHAA
14:L, of the former place.
Kruk (3bvernstmcnts.
rpIIE partnership heretofore existing under the firm
1 of WILSON '.!k WEdß.is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All persons indebted to.tne said,fina
are notified that they are require) to settle the ears
immediately, with James H. Webb, who a;so is to pay
the debts due from said'firm.
Ridgbeng, March 1.5, 1819.
in the mailer of /aka Craig, a lunatic. Lt Bradford
Courtly Common Pleas.
WHEREAS, John Mather and 'Lorenzo Watkins.
administrators of John Mather deceased, sibs -4
was committee of John Claig. a Luna ie, having filed
said committee's. account for settlement, the Court or ,§
der that public notice be given in two of the pub t lic pa
pers printed at Towanda, at least four weeks before nett
term, of the• filing of said account for settlement. No
tice therefo s ee is hereby given, to all persons interested.
that the administrators aforesaid have filed the said•com- A
mittee'a.account for settlement in the Prothonotary . *
office, and that the same will be presented to the court ' 74 1
of common pleas of Bradford county, on Monday, die
7th day of May next, for confirmation astir allowance. 4
• By order of the Court.
ALLEN M'KEAN, Prothonotary.
Pmt.'s Office. Towanda. March 2S, 11349.
ALL • yrsons indebted to die estate of CLEMENT
PANE, deceased, le e of Troy Borringh,
hereby requested to make ,f iyment without delay, and
those having chants again said testate wilrplemie pre
seve them duly adtheiricatril for settlement..
j. ; C. C. PAM E. -
S. W. PAYNE, j ?
A disinistratonr.
March 16, 1849
WILT. be reee.ved. until the let day of AFRO ,
heat,for the BOARDI NG of TWO FEMALES
who are , :opera. supported by the Borough of TOlCirkt.
da. The proposals MUG( be at so much per weeL;for
a year. Payment will oemrde monthly in cash.
Mi:M. MIX.
March 20, 1949. Overseers of the Poor.
A LL persons- indebted to E. SMITH &, CO_ are
LA. hereby Canty wanted that unless payment is mails
by the first Jay of Jure text, the demands will bs put
In room of colteriloo, No respect to persons.
March 21, 1849. E. SMITH CO.
AMONG our Dry Goods may 1m found ahoost envy
variety of Drs a Goods, such as phiik Black. Plod
and silk Idris.' Arpsee, figured. detainee and cashmere*.
plain and silk striped mohair lusters, English and
Fiend' Ifierinoes, French. 'Scotch and American
Gingham., black, plaid and striped doss silks. besides a
rya variety of other goixts not moth while to he men
domed. cat and see for yourselves at the Central
Slum. d 1 N. N.ll.
Plriladelph , s, Jan ISAR: