.11cm fltbnertisements IZI TERMS OF PE BINGHAMTON BOARDING SCHOOL . FOR board and tution ' including Orthography. Rea- Read ing Writing, Arithmetic. Algebra, Book-keeping, E ng li,ds Grammar. Rhetoric, Composition, Geography, Use of theGlobes,Mineralogy, Natural Philosophy and Ammo nay. (with the use of,, good apparatus to Wm, bats those studies,) Moral Philosophy and Chemistry, payede quarterly in advance, per annum, $lOO 00 Day sCholars, per quarter, 400 EXTRA CHARGER. IMO French. per quartet, Latin. Music. (on the piano,) per quarter, Embroidery and rug work, • - Any young lady receiving instruction on the piano, is privileged to learn rug-work, or any one of the above anguages, and the same time, without additional charge. To a young lady who studies the Engli s h Wrenches, the terms of learning each of the above branches, are per quarter, $3 00 , • Instructions on the Guitar, 4 00 Use of Pianos, 75 Drawing and painting 'in water colors. including the use of materials, such as drawing paper, paints, pencils, &c. Oil painting on canvass. Painting transparent window shades, including the supply of materials, each Formula pAintigh on paper, silk and velvet, per twelve lesadps. Gilding on silk': crape. &c. Wax flowers, per quarter, Pens and ink, " Washing, Board in vacation. $2 00 per week, Letters post-paid, addressed to the Misses WHITE &GRIFFIN, Binghamton, Broom co., N. Y., will re ceive prompt attention. LIST OF JURORS drawn Er' May Term and ses sions—commencing May 7, P 319, I= Athens bo—T. Hasten; Athens tp—Geo. Northrop ; .Burlington—James Huston, Emanuel Guyer; Culumbia—Dan'l Corey, Chas. Kees, H. South; Canton—Geo. W. Gran ; Durel— Wm. Place ; Herrick—Hiram Camp; Monroe—A.l. Cranmerti Leroy—Ledyard Chaapel, Edward Wouiter ; Orwell—Theopilus Humphry ; Noine—G. F. Young, M. C. Cannon; s,pringfiedd—J. Mattocks Jr.; Sinithfield—J.Geroulds Troy ip—Alfred Leonard; Warren—Calvin Arnold; Wyalusing—:stlas Buck; Wells—Samuel Gordon ; Windham—Edward Boardman, J. Duane. =EI Albany—Geor g e Eberly, Ira Dodge, Joseph Lee ; Athens tp—Li.Saterlee; Athens bo—C.N.Shipman ; Asylum—Jason Horton; Burlington—S.B. M'Cord; Columbia—T. D:Gustiu, William H. Gernet ; Canton"—Eph. Case; Herrick—Wm. C. Knapp; Litchfield—C. Bloodgood ; Monroe—J. G. Mason ; Orwell—John W. Payson, Nelson Bosworth; P ike,-Sam'l Buck; Ridgberry—Sam'l Coleman; South'Crk—B. Quick ; Wyaldsing—H. Shumway ; Springfield—A. Grace, C. S. Bent', ey ; S. Stone—J. H. Badger; Towanda tp—H. Granger; Tiny tp—Timothy Case, David Foyer ; l'lsicr—Harry Gore; Towanda bi —A.D.Montan)e; Warren—A.C ! burn, B. Dar ink, Wm. Braid-ley ; Windham—Pt tv o , burne, Alezar.der Hand, Beni. C. Elsbree, Lewis Loveland ; . • Wysex—Frank. Brown, George Strope. TRAVLIISE JrllllllS-SECONIII WEEK. A rmenta—Dan'l (.:landal I ; Viall ; Athens tp—A maga %Valker ; Athens bo—W. Shapley. H. R. Backus, G. Fritcher: Burlington—J. Loveland, F. Whitehead; Durel—Daniel Cook; Wane:lle—Luther T. Clark ; Monroe—Hiram Sweet; Pike—H. B. Vangilder ; Rome—Jas.. L. Parker; springtield—C. Burgess; Ridgberrv—J. Burt. D. Driscoll, Sturges Squires; sinithfieril—Jno. Wood, B. Tuttle, M. Bullock; shesliequin—Harry Shaw, D. Davidson ; andin 4 St.me—Hiram Gordon, Charles Roof; :..pringh ill—A Kinney; Trov bo—W. P. Newberry; Towanda tp—N. Bennett, William Campbell; " bo—D. C. Hall, Burton Kingsbery ; Warren—E. E. Allen, Manson Ellshree; Windham—James Bush, William Sibley; Wy•on—Drivld Shoors; Wells—J9hri BrAsted. W. R. SMALL & W. [3, CUTTING, TKE this method of informing the citizens of T o. wanda and liteinity, that they ha%e taken a room over the store of J. Kingsbery, for the purpose of taking LIKENESSES by the Daguerrean process. The pub lic are reepectfully invited to call, whether they wish for pictures or not, and examine specimens. Those that wish to have pictures taken in a desirable and par reedy satisfactery manner, and in a style of bold relief, well defined outline, softnecs and licitness of tone, and permanency of ifripres4ion, are, with all deference, so licited for patronage. We have a large german Ca mera, the best kind in use; also, a fine as-ortment of stock, consisting of Fancy, Cases, Gold Lockets, orna mented and plain Cases, 4'e. . Pictures taken without regard to weather, and copied from Daguerreotypes, portraits or engravings, and ',et in rings, bracelets and pins, or in any style desired. Prices Or single pictures from $1 50 to $6. In lock ets, (ram $3, to $f 5. March 5, 1649. NOTICE. (IHARLES REEL) having assigned all his estates rights and crediti to the subsc•tber, for the ts•iodit rt . his creditors, it therefore heroines absolutely necesas• ry that all debts due the said Charles Reed should be settled - and paid without delay, and 611 persons having claims against him are requested to present them at Noi 5. Brick Row, in the how' of Toaramlit, his late place of business, for adjustment. An early attention to the settlement of this business is most earnestly desired, as the subscriber - will be obliged to put all debts due the s.nd Reed in a course of collection, without disiinction of persons, after the first day of March nett. The goods now on hand, belonging to the above concern, compris iiig a great - variety of very valuable and seasonable ar ticles, will be sold for CASH, Al' CaST. H. W. TRACY, Assignee. Towanda, Feb. 10, 1849. PUBLIC NOTICE ! persona indebted to the late firm of Burros -J and Lsnn, are hereby notified that unless set !lenient hi made by the second week of February court th. , accounts will be placed in the bands of an officer for immedia'e collection. S. HUSTON. Towanda, Jan. JBlO. C. K. LAUD. REMOVED. A. CHAMBERLIN respectfully Inform the 1 V public that he hes removed his establishment to he room lately occupied by H. Vandercook. as an of flee, where he will be always on hand to collect erring I, me-pieces. He offers for sale his large assortment of Jewrlry atimusnally lOW prices. • Towanda, Jun. 31. 1849. FOR RENT. A FRONT ROOM in the second story of No. 1• 1 Brick Row, over the Drug Store; also the room in the third story formerly occupied as the Masonic Hall. Fur particulars enquire of Feb-13, 1849. E!'10. TOMKINS. NEW DRUG NE 'UM MKS allgriabalso lIA V ING made at ranproenta with Dr. C. K.I.ADD I thO S u brie r iber takes pleasure in announcing the tile Doctor twill 'hereafter give his personal attention Wlo:ly to his business. Tar Drugs end Medicines will be ender the Doctor's ripervisirm, whore skill and experience in physics can -1."1 ':e questioned. jy 16 H. MIX. LAST ARRIVAL OF WINTER GOODS ! H. S. & M. C. MERCUR, "11 .EVE the **bare of announcing to the public 1 1 the they are now receiving another large and gerleral assortment of GOODS. .. . Towanda, Dec. I, 1848. BON, Iron—A good assortment of Irothior side at 'be new Hird Ware Store. D. LORD. Jwanda, Nor, 7,1818. illerchatibile. NEW GOODS AT. THE CENTRAL STORE ! NOW opening at the shove establishment • very . large and desirable assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which will he sold at very low rates. Business at this establishment conducted upon fair and honest principles. Yon have our thanks• fur past liven and we hope for n continuance of the same as we are bound to sell Goods Cheap. Towanda, Dec. 4. 1848. N. N. DEPTS. $4 00 4 00 4 00 10 00 2 00 Luntl:llsll6 &MO FLOBaraik_fti THE subscriber still eoutinues manufacture and keep on hand A the old stand of Tonikins and Makinson, all kizds of cane and ood seat CHAIRS; and SET 'EES of various kinds, & BED TEADS of every description, ehich I will sell low for cash I.r Produce, or Pine or Cherry _umber. or cl air plank, will be received for work. TURNING done to order in the neatest manner. Also, CABINET WORK, make and kept on hand, or made to order, im the heat manner. JAMES MA KINISQN. 4 00 10 00 4 00 Towanda, innuery 4. 1R49. THE. LATEST ARRIVAL 5 00 3 00 5 00 50 2 50 MORE NEW GOODS. 11VE are now recei%ing and opening a new and V general assortment of Goods just from the Qua ker City, and we confidently say they cannot be beat for variety, neatness of style, quality or quantity and they must and shall be sold as low as the samoloods can be bought this side of the city. Our stock is full and complete, consisting of every thing mankind stand in need of. The stock is made hp of Dry goods,,Gro ceries, Hardware, Crockery, Iron and Nails, Pollux, Oils, Glass, Varnish, Dye-stuffs, Hoots, Shoes, Leather, Fish, Salt, and in 'fact' everything that is in demand,— Persons making purchases will do well to call and ex amine our stock before purchasing, as we make no charges for showing goods. DRY GOODS, A good and cheap 'variety k of Alpaccas, gingham', Oregon plaids and Delaina, a large and good assort ment of Cloths Csssimeres, sattinetts, Kentucky Jeans, sattin and silk vestingsf table diaper, brown and blue cotton and brown and blue linen table cloth, Muffs of all sizes prices and descriptions, Buffalo robes, Sheet ngs, shirtings both brown and bleached. Hats and caps of the latest styles, wool shirts and drawers, Carpet ha s, gloves and mittens, Hosiery; any juantity of cnt: ton am and cLrdet yarn, white and colorer] all of whir will be sold cheaper for cash, than at My orher establishment in town. ELLIOTT & TOMKINS Townnde, Nov. 16, 1848. DRS. HUSTON & PORTER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS.: OFFICE, at No. 1, BRICK ROW, where they may at all times be fou tl, ready. to attend to calls in their profession. Towanda, Jan. 10, 1849. PARTICULAR NOTICE ! EVERY pirson indebted to me. by note or otherwise, are hereby notified that immediate payment must he made, or they will be subjected to the cost of enfutc ins. collection. I trhst this notice will be sufficient, without putting me to the necessity of pacing my de mewls in the hands of a magistrate, for indiscriminate prosecution. feb2B D. C. HALL. WHEREAS, MY WIFE, MARY MOStER, LEFT my bed and board, ou the 29th inst., without any just cause or provocation, this is hereby to 'forbid any person harboring, or rivaling her on my ac con nt, as I will pay no debts of her eoniraielintr. A'bany, Feb. 26, 1849. ORWELL W.MOSHER. THE NOMINATIONS ARE MADE, • AND DOW IT TNZII 33,M MIADMED9 F. HARDER respectfully washes to inform the Vs citizens of Towanda, and the public that he has commenced the • HARNESS AND' TRUNK MAKING BIBINESS, in Towanda, on Main street, a few doors above Bridge street, where he will keep constantly on hand or make in ord-r. Plated and common. Harness, Trunks and Tt auk railcrs, and all kinds of work in his line. CA R -121 AG E: TRIMMING and MILITARY WORK done to order. From his experience in the bu.ineea, and punctudlity .in attending to it, he hopes he may receive a share of pul.lic patronage. irj• All kinds of work may he had at his shop cheap er than at any other shop in this county. Towanda. June 12, :8413. ly 1 Itiam Scott, Li AS removed his office to D Cash's new office. on J- . r.erou.l htreet, where he ari be plenr..ecl 'ogee those need his prosssiona7serv:ces. Dcc. 20, 1847. E Towanda. 9tl Zilla 30. 1847. . REMOVAL T LYSSES MERCUIL, has removed his Law Office to the second titury of Monhnye's New Block corner of the Public Square and Main street. Towanda, Dec. 30th. 1848. GREAT LOSS OF LIFE, AT Tall uamza -- 2 EtILMZSL692 I c THE Subscriber respectful . • ly informs the citizens of To t, ' „. " I, c O; ' wands that he has opened a ‘llll. I Market in the Union Block, . , one door west of Woodruff's Hotel t (basement story) and will endeavor to keep constantly on hand, and supply those who wish the means of "good living," with Balt and Fresh Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, of the finest quality and in the beat carder. (y.'7l. Candles lit Soap by the hoz or pond, constant ly kept on band and for isle at low prices. Towanda, Aug. 29. 1818. A. HAWLEY. GREAT BARGAINS AT CANTON SELLING OFF AT COST !! GREAT INDUCEMENTS- TO BUY!! THE subscriber offers his entire stock .of NEW GOODS at the followin g reduced prices: Calicoes . d to • 9 cents. 43 to 10 8. Flannels 123 to 20 " Cotton Flannels, 6 to. B " .Broadcloths,.... , 150 to 250 " Sattinetts 25 to 75 " Shawls, 32 to 300 " Alpacas,. • 12 W 373 " rectory, 43 to . 83 "' GROCERIES and QUEENSWARE in proportion —end will take all kinds of Grain in exchange. Will pay for Oats 30, cents Corn 1 cent per lb.; Bucks/heat 37 . ,1 2 cents; Whcat $1 per bushel.. The stock of goods were bought last fall. Now is your tirne, ladies and gentlemen, to make a California fortune. Craton, reh. 12. 1840. .1. E. LIES. NOTICE TO RETAILERS. NOTICE is hereby given that all Retailers of For eign Merchandise who do not pg. their Limeys within twenty days, will be subjefted to costs. Feb. 7, 1849. J. NI .PECK, Treasurer. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. • , THE subscriber offers for sale his Farm. situated near Noah Bliss', in Springfield Bradford county, cnnte n lag 105 acres, about' 60 acres improved, vib good rail and nak timber, and a sugar grove tbe- , 01. The farm is bitn sled near the centre of the tow, e` , •p is pear ly new, ant! ih excellent condition for summer-tall otr ins. There are no buildings upon it. Title unques tionable, HIRAM SPEAR. Springfield, March 5, 13411. A rgur copy 3t , LA WNS.—Vrelocti. American and Organdie Lawns. • beautiful assortment ; also, plaid-and figured silk wool benne'. my 17 KINGSBERY4k GO. IXT A N TED 1000 Sheep Peke., for. whichthe highest price will be rail dl2 D. C. HAW,. Itlcrctlanbilr, kr. AHEAD OF ALL!! B. KfNOSBERY & Co. STOP FRIEND! Now is the tinte ! If you wish to buy goods Cheap, call oo B. KINGSBERY Co. They are now selling good. u cheap, (if not a little cheaper) than . they can be bought at Owego, Bing hamton or Elmira. If you don't believe it, all bud examine their goods, which for quality and Cheapness were never before Orem, in this market- We have, and shall constantly keep on hand, a large assortment or Dry Gond", Groceries, Hardware and CrorArry. Don't forget to cull and examine their goods twfore purrhaainv elsewhere,. Towanda. Jan. I& Itt49 4, - ,ZHEETINGS.—A large *lock of Sheroings for .ale cbeep by jy 10 IS. KIISIGSBERY & (X). Munrs.—A nice article of lynx, jeuerte zed enemy muffs, for sale by B. KIiNGSBERY & CO. OLD DRUC STORE, .lb. 1. Brick Row, CONTINUED BY DOCTORS HUSTON & PORIER. TH IS large, extensive, and miseellansous stork. more complete than any found in this section of coun try, every snide having been selected with great irate dy Doctor Porter in person, will now be offered to the public—as cheap as can be purchased elsewhere. Physicians, who cannot come and examine:our stock can depend upon all articles they wish to send for. In addition to the assortment of Drugs and Medicines the stock extends to Dye Stuffs; Family Groceries, Li quors of all kinds, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Miseella 'Terms articles, Patent Medicines, ale. 4c. Having been appointed agent itmost all the ream inc Popular Patent Atedicines, we assure the public / we will not offer any that are counterfeit; as we will not buy or accept an agency from those speculators, who. by base imitations impose upon the country with their spot ions Drugs. Orr account of The great importance to the public and character of Physicians, that pure unadulterated medi cines should be administered, it will, we hope, induce all —Pbysccians or not Physicians—to males their pur chases at No. 1. Brick Row. " Goods well Bought are half Sold !" D. BARTLETT, I ' now dliening a large stock and extensive variety of GOODS, selected with the grestert care, and bought under great advantages in the cities of New York and, Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorable condi tion of both markets—and hiving in view the motto above, has so bought that he can and will sell on u fa uorable terms as the cest, and will endeavor to show to community the advantage of buying from those who buy well. Towanda, May 23, 1848. NEW COODS. Just receiving a large and Rich Sloth of New Fall and Winter Goods, at FOX'S CHEAP STORE. WHICH for variety, quality and cheapness will well compare with anything of the kind in tbe Coun try. Any one who will do me the favor to call and examine any of my Goods I think can't fail to besuited both with quality and price. The stock includes a great variety of Rich New Styles of Dress Goods such as Plain and Fist d, Blue, Pink and Scarlet all. worsted DeLanes.; Fig'," Cashmeres, Thihet Cloths, Cocurgs, Silk Plaid Madonean, Plaid DeLanes, Blatt* Plaid, striped and Silk warp Alpaca, Black Bonibaxine, French and Scotch Gingbams, also, - French, English, andArnerican Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings. Sheet ing', Shirtings, Ticking, Cotton Yarn, Wicking, Wad ding, Batting and a choice lot of Fresh Groceries, Fish Hardware, Iron, Nails, Crockery, Boots and Shoes all of which will be sold, at very low Prices, at T'E. T. FOX, No 2, Brick Row. Towanda, Oct. 16, 1848. BOOTS & SHOES, Sole and upper leather, Also a full assortment of Lady's shoes, Gaiters, Busk ins. Slips, walking shoes.. A goo,: stock of Boys, Mieses, and children.; mans, youths boys, and child.. coarse and kip boots.. Also a first rate article of La. fly's Gents. Miss. and Childs Rubber., selling very cheap at n I 4 FOX'S, No. 2. B. Row. I:FFS, A great variety of all kinds-and styles which will be sold at a trifling advance from city cost. A few rich black and natural lynx. Also swans down trimming, tippets and victarines, for pale cheap of n t 4 FOX'S, No. 2, B. R. JOINER'S TOOLS.—A good assatinent of Bead, Itiouldung *sl Bench PLANES. grooving, plows, and other Joiner's 'fools, just received from the manu factory, and for sale low by O. D. BARTLE TT. REMOVAL THE !Subscriber hu Removed his large stock of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Books & Stationary &c. &e„ to the New Brick Block, east Ws of main street. two doors South of the Public Square, his friends and the public are respectully Invited to cal J. KINUSBEBY,JR. Towanda, Dee. 20th, 1848. KINIP A MOMENT !!! T HAVE A WORD TO SAY! If you are at any time in want of STOVES or Tinware, permit me as a friend to advise you to call at D. C. H ILL'S--he keeps the largest supply, sells the most reasonable, and you can buy to better advantage, than at any other place in or out of Bradford County, and I am sure you need have no fears of regretting any purchase you may make. Don't forget this matter. H. Towanda. Dec: 12. 1848. 1.. unmet. } .< a. omit. Completion of the North Branch Canal ! BRISTOL & SMITH LTA VINO formed a co-partnership in the, manufac ture of BOOTS & 8110E84 at the old stand thric doors north-of Rridge at. would respect`ully-inforen their friends and the public, that they will cam on the business in all its branches—keep on bandand make to order, everything io,their line in the neatest manner and in their latest style. &skiving that they..aut do as pod or better work than can be had elsewhere they would say to those wish ing good article in their line to give them a adLand they shall be satisfied. Repairing done on short notice. CI" Produce of all kinds taken for work. Hides warded in exchange for Boots and Shoes and Leather. Towanda Dec. 14, 1848. B. & S. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A LL persons indebted the estate of SALLY A IWTTLES, deceased, late of Orwell township, are hereby requested to make piano without delay, and dines having claims against add estate will plew prement them duly authenticated for settlement. NELSON DAILIES, Orwell. February 26, 1849. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL moons indebted to the estate of John Eakins. deed, late of Renick township, awl hereby toques tea to make payment without delay, and those baying claims against said estate wi l *me paw= them duly authenticated for settlwient. MARGARET ERESINE, JAMES LEE, HerOck. hi:llmq 3. 1849. Administrators. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALI, persona indebted to the estate of IRA PEAR ROLL, deceased, late of Meer townhisp, are hereby requested to make payment whiling relay, and there having claims against said estate will pleme pre sent them linty authenticated the settlement. JOHN HO W AN, 13USAN PEARSOLL. Meer, Deennber Administrators. TAKE NOTICE ! ALI. persons indebted to the subscriber. tabor by note or book sees not. mot settle the same by the let day of Jane mat, or costs erW be made without re spect to persons. fele2ll X. T. FOX. CZ= Eminio C=i/ ~~ :- 411 111. 0..1 nimiiimmeol WINIMMIN4 D ANIEL LORD takes this method of informing. the inhabitants of Bridtird co inty ,and the adjoining country , that he has removed his stock to MONTAN YE'S BRICK STORE, in Towanda, where he will be in teed:nese tovirait upon his old customers, and us many new ones so with to porehase goods cheap for cash or approved credit. His stock 'a large, and cons I. in part of the following article., viz: • Iron. Nails. Copper. Tin. Zinc. Sheet Iran Crowbars. Spades. Shovels. Forks. Anvils, Vices. Blacksmith's bellows and screw plates, Log chains, dirk ropes, Sled springs, Hooks .and Hinges. Shove/. and Tongs, Mill Sows. X rut, circular and panel do., Augurs, Chisels, Brads, 'Parke, Butts, Screw and • Itagon boxes, Well and Cistern Pumps. Lead Pipe, all sizes. A good assortment of Carpenter's 4. Joine'rs tools, 4. House trimmings. THE NEW Decidedly tbe.hest stove for Farmer's use; it is distinguished for the liberal size of its oven and fire box. To it is attached I Summer Fixture, upon the boiler holes of which the wash boiler the thereby rendering it in capacity equal to ■ six boiler stove. Coati can be transferred from the fire-bot directly into the summer fix ture. by being drawn forward without tlyt use of the shovel. The top of the oven is protected by en ironplate to prevent an excess of heat upon the articles baking; it can be removed if the.heat is leaded to be increase* The oven will be found to bake with great uniformity in all it■ parts. . . Ovet 100 of these stove, base beau. sold within the last three months, and given entire satisfaction. Persons wishing to purchase these stoves. can have the privilege of returning then in two or three weeks. if they do not work as recommended in eve•y respect. Also, a variety of Air tieit Cook Stoves. viz: The Yankee Not(nn, New Euglsnd. Western, Fulton, Iron Witch, Elevated Oven, Pram u-u Stoves of all sizes Parlor Cooks 4 Drum Stoves, Six Plate do., of all sizes and dimensions. . . PARLOR STOVES; ' • The largest variety ever offered fur ale In this place—selling at Cost. o:7•Raee's Self Regulating Parlor stove, the best in use. Physicians recommended this stove as being the twat extant for sick rooms. on account of its uniformity of beat. It is also very economical of fuel; requiring from one third trions half less than say other parlor stove in use. 40 lba. RUSSIA & AMERICAN Stove Pipe on hand !! Consequently we are l prepared to furnish' any quan tity to order at wholesale prices. ALSO—A good assortment of lAPPANNED WARE, on hand. He viiill also manufacture all kinds of Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware to order on anon notice and warrant it to give good satisfiiction. Doe. 22, 1818 32wertisrutrits Warranted under a Penally of $l.OOO, Ire from Memory and other Mineral Subbtancis The Only 'Original and Gennlne Indian Merheene ! EVERY day is this lebrated medicine el iding the sphere of its ['dulness and every ear add ng to the long talogue of triumphs. A /61 Ltacmr Box Es! diArihUted annually shout fully meeting 'demand ! For some me past, the sales have limited, solely .for /ant of facilities of sop. Vroly, this is a leers.' remedy! Un guided, these pills have Ind their way into the' .modal corner, of the Union, every where proving their title- AZ Tue Pool% M ad e s Fl u vm—sicr MAA's HorL—Tuz 35.12.C3;/. AND BIASSING or TIC Arm. For a trifling sum. every individual and every family may have HEALTH last-eau to then• for an indefinite period ; and what ill life without health, but a misera ble existence! It is too precious • boon to be tampered with, by try • ing all sons of experiments upon it. The sicleshould use those medicines only which experience has known to be The best. A PHYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY. [Prow Catskill. Greene County, New York.) Dr. W. Wright—Dear sir: I have found your Indi an Vegetable Pines valtiable remedy in cases of Gene ral Debility of the System and of all Maim.' disorders} I am also in the habit of recommending them to fe d males-in peculiar cased. I observe them t.) operate it the system, without producing debility or pain, leaving it in a beal'hy condition. JOHN DOANE. M.D. I. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE, [Prom Norton Hill, Greene County, New York.] Mr. Wright—We have used and sold your Indian Vegetable Pill for three years past, and do not hesitate to recommend them to our friend• and customers u the beat family medicine lc use. N. & L. RAMSDELL. TESTIMONY OF ANOTHER PHYSICIAN. The following is an answer in reply to a nom from our agent asking Dr. Boston's opinion of this medicine: Tv xxxxx soca, Aug. 29, 1848. Mr. A. Durhant--Dear Bir : In reply ioyour note of yesterday, .I would state, that I have occasionally &and it eonvenbust to eft t h e various '• Paten' Pills" vended at the shops ; and while I am unwilling to fay anytaing to datums's the value of others. I am fraie to confess that I consider Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills su perior to all others with which I sin acquainted. I have used them for many years both in my own family and in my practice/generally. and they have uniformly mild certain and safe in their operations, The care and skill with which these Pills have been hitherto manu factured are, in my opinion, • autlicient guarantee for like good results in future. Very respectfully. B. A. BOUTON, M. D. Dr. H. is a pactioner of long .rpaosnos,wail known in andoviii beyond the lines of 1, riming county. He is s'graduste of the University of Peanylvania. and highly popular with the peisp:e maw whom be resides. RUBS OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD. Irmo Nose= Kills, N. Ycek.) Dr. W. Wrighto.aeririfir: I wee smocked with s violent pea in no heed sad rush of Meal emthe Mein. which confined me to my room for ids weeks.and drew the sight of ery eyes so se to Owego me from ming with it. and left me with a dizziness in my had for about six months. By taking tine* or four bases of your Pills. I wee restored to health amain. June At 1848. PETER VAN WAGNER. Bowsits op 817 C All COATE, COSISTRIUMITII Remember, that the original and 'only genuine lndi n Viimtable Pills have the written signature of WOO Wright on the top *leech box: The genuine is for sale by MONTANVES di Cat„ able spats for Tomes& and by agents in on other pound' the Riots. °Mee devoted exeloeively es the sale of Wriabes Indian Vegetable Pins, wholesale and retail. 1 69 Race et., Philadelphia, 99 Greenwich at., New York. and 189 11111thont, Iloseoni . ray WORLD AIR TIGHT COOKING STOVE, Ecgal 2tbacrtistmcnts. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned, having been appointed an Audi tor by the Orphans Court of the County of Brad. ford, to marshal moot and distribute the funds raised by the sale of the real and personal estate of Wm. Mitch ell, dec'd., will attend to the duties of his said appoint-. meat at Ins office in Towanda 80., on Smudgy. the '7th thy of Atoll next, at one o'clock P. M. of which all persons interested will take notice. - WILLIAM SCOTT, A uditor. Towanda. Feb. 15th, 1847 (.0111VIMARIB' (00171 RIV BY an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford co., will be expoyed to public sale on TUESDAY, 6th day of March 1849, at 2 o'clock, to gonroeton, the following property, law the estate of Martin W. 1%11. den. daceased-: A piece or parcel of land which is held under a con tract with S. W. Alden. and .containing about three acres, bounded on the north by leads of Martin Ml den's estate; east by lands of Sylvester White; south by sods of Timothy Aklin, and on the west by lands of S. W. Aid o ; 'mall balance of the parchaes mo ney is still due and unpaid. The said land is situated in the township of Monroe. . ALSO—The following piece or parcel Of laud situa ted in Monroe township and bounded as follows: On the northeast by Jared Woodruff, south edit by George Tracy ; moth west by Jacob Arnout, Timothy and A. C. Rockwell's touts; north west by W. H. H. Brown and L. 8. th R. Fowler. Containing seventy-one acres more or less,; twenty acres improved, with a log house sod log barn and • kw . appktrees thereon. ALSO—The following piece or parcel. of land situa ted in Monroe township. and bounded as follows : Be- ginning at a post sod stones, being the north east corner of a certain lot of land conveyed to Timothy Alden by Archibald M'vall. by deed, bearing data the sixth day of January. A. D.,1841 ; threw smith 10° west along the line of the said Timothy Alden's lot 40 perches to • corner; thence north 68° west 16 perches 41 a cor ner ; thence north 10° east 40 perches to the l i ttle of public road which, was laid out from the Berwick turn pike near the House of A. C. Rockwell's estate to in- . tersest another road near Gm. E. Aruout ; thence slang said road south 68° east 16 perches to the place of be. ginning. Conking four acres, be the sante more or Attendance given and terms made kontvm on the day otaale. HARRY BALBBERY, Monroe, Feb. 6. 1849. Adoliniatratot. the shove stands adjourned to Torsday the 20th day of March inst., at the same place, st 2 o'clock, P. M. BARRY SALSBURY, Administrator. Mearceton, March 4. 1943. OWMIMS' SALITEI. B Y on order of the Orphans' . Court &Wont co.. will be exposed to public sale at the preetiser.in Troy township, Bradford co. Pa.. an SATURDAY the Slat day of APRIL, 1149, at two o'clock P. 111., all that certain piece of hind lying and. being in add township: late the estate of Win. Knew. dee'd.. hounded on the north by lands of Ward, east by Innate( Jams, DeWitt, south by land of Win. *MUM* wee( by the' highway leading from Granville to Tvrryd Canter' one hundred ease or thereabouts. Atte:odium gives, and for midi knows. co the clay of sale, CHAS. DRAWL Adiminiaantor Granville, Feb. se, !SO. of Wm. Knox. deed. trARDWARZ, a pod anastromat, including ben imal. ea. at Ks.% ILL ram fIINGITAMS & ALPACCAB.--Tbe bat mad- N..e 4- nag a town u B. EINGUZRY & CO. 1111(VINNETS.--Florence, shah, putt strait, and ha Bonnets , also, palm-loaf sod teighorri bass, by Inly 14. ELLIOTT &,TOMKINS. • DRY GOODS, • AMONG our Dry Goads may be found slow *spry variety of Dress Good; such as plait' Bleelt..Plaid sod silk striped Alp tea. aimed detainee and orahaterse,, plain and silk striped mohair lunar; English and: Preach Merinos; French. Scotch sad American Gingham; black. plaid and striped dress alb" Wide; a, great variety-4 other goods rot sort*, while thiseillerse; tinned.. Coll and' see for yotheelres at , the, Casual Store. • di 4. N. D. v. t ? g '8 5 ft elk %No e'S - .116, : IN 1 40..tatiy..-' New Bin4,,r4vg , :leir , r.t . 0". ;91, 1 - nOtitil ' , Or of the publo• equate, to In tiiq istrelitasts, pea:Jive, than at any other 41.0.. e ta, of out of Drattided cottony. . .. . , 4 D. C. Hi T. 1.% relpectfurr; int:- 4. Icial4l l o4o an? m. ruble.; that he has now (.. r vain at hi. Nk W S I'OHE. a getterat and rhoare same tgurut of Z) QyEts, o f si,U saes auJ ili , Aterns. which tie is prepared to egeiVirli es:e of rola, or ex. ' hat.gr tor camso7 Ago .4upe.u . r . a !I f s most accasnasedaung terms. Anioug t o ,, sitlCilifirdile ..!tr tight enmplete, (ill sizes). Steleart4 Air tiglit, Rough amid Beady -do . Retoivinotre a.., Albany eitjj do ~ Repubhcan.dn., Central N.Y .. d 0..; R m i eye, hot air oven, troth rotary tap.- Printuttn.SYdres,,. Nu. I. 2. 3. 1, 5. 6. of the most iniproreAlinsseni, : Air tight Parlor Staves, all sties ; Six plates. all sizes ; Canacia Stoves, an excellent aittclefin (Ores, .... taverns, stores. 7 1er.: kirliator Parlor - Atom • Key 'stone patent stoves ; all sizes Ba.nd box ast Ti &c. V "4 a ki Q 4,000 Ibi of RWi4 and Awe :lean STOVE-RIPS. rtoatly-made; else, Bras,* and Copper Kettles, of veritAue Isitterms, together - swath a gea•.csl amaustaacut of Lime ea C u pp,' Ware. • 'lllr X MIT I K , W r AIL IF,. NEM', MO Lard Tubs, with • choice assortment - of every article in the Tin wsre line, to which Swint/ itiOnr"of Merchants. Pedlars, Families and Housekeeping gene rally is invited. The highest price will he paid for rid copper and brass. Grain, Turkeys, Chickens, and ell kinds of am kemble produce Will be received in pig - meta for Stoves„ Tinware, &c. For stoves, aheetiron, cop - rßrand tinware, his assort-. went is complete. He returns his thanla to his old curoomers, to whom, and the public he renewal bfir ration to give him a call before purchasing ebarwbere; Dwei mistake the niate--but, remember HALL'S mouth side of the Public Square. iu liontanyes Block. Towanda Dec. 12, kW, D. C. HALT . G. W. Merchant's Celebrated UM Kelm a Usiversal Family blame'list far Diseases of the lomat Elea. • - MUTE and experience have fully proved that that this UN/VFLISAL REMEDY has not not its equal on- the 64.4 popular medicines, having beta more than • 14 years before the public. Testimony of the most disinterested .ehatetiter of its wonderful effects on the animal economy is' almost &d -ig presented to the proprietor. A young man in the town of Wilson, whale ebithes were burnt off of him, was restored Vomiting suffering) by the timely use of the Oil. Numerous are the unsolicited statements of pinnate themselves, and cohere who have used the Oil. of curie which in themselves appear remarksbkti that they at all interested in a pecuniary point, they cauld , herdly have been audited. The following diseases are among many othenrin the cure of which this- . Oil bee been completely successful and in which others had entirely failed:— Spasms, Samuel, Rine:vine, Windgalls, Poll Evil, Cal lous. Clinked Miele Galls of all kinds, Lennie's, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Send Cruike Foundered Feet,Reratdiee or Greater, Mange, Rbeu -matism. Bites of Animals, External Poisons. Painful Ner-vous Affections, nett Bites, Boils, Conte Whit lows, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains. Chapati. basic Cramp, Contractions -of the Muscles, Swelligge Weaknessi of theiointe Caked Bneasta, ate. • CUATION TO- PURCHASERS.. Beware of COUNTERFEITS, sad be swedes name of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT, LOCKPORT. N. I'., is blown in the side of the bat de. or in his hand writing over the .code.• Dual be persuaded to take any thing else • with the proiniseit is jest as goes). &c., This is reedited by thime un principled dealers whose conscience Will - switch like India R. litter, and.who are of a kindlier! apirle Wane in our large cities, whose nefarioasitiscticei hail ifio re cently been exposed to the action of Congress. , Those whet attempt to Counterfeit this article an re-1 ferred to the law of New York. orMay 1845, ity wide* it will be seen that every person meddling ia thine coutuerfeitais subject to indictment, impelionatenVetidj fine. D. L A person selling oat of this state, will be , liabki toar rest when in the state, and also to be bald as a witness against those he bought of or Bold for.: • All Orders addressed to the proprietor will bertwOoeid rid to. • • •'• .1 Get a pamphlet of the Agent 'and see whet wonders are accomplished by the nes of this medicine. Bold by reapectable dealers generally is the Embed Swat and Canada. For sale by Chamberlii & Pons, Towanda, i., I►. Wells. Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer, Covington.'Abel llerrell, Montrose. Pomp & Kinsey. Easter!. Lewis Smith & Co.. Allentown, H. D. Damn, South Esatoo. Oct. 15th 1848. 4001. • MARRIAGE. &c: • rofieprA NEW BOOK BY DR. WM.YOUNG. Second edition; ust published.'price 23. cos. THE /EMS OF UFE: A Tresiise on Affection. Lose and Marries" led the Dieeasia of Youth. blesacity _and Old Arm et the .j.ights and Rhodes of . Life. rwia We** . and enjoy menet.) “ TO be or not to be.. that ha the artutian." (With Carlon: easekilhaetratiOniAru) • There are moreibings "twist beasts and earth. Aritatio Than are dreamt of in oar philosophy:—Elaciarisaht This book should be in the bends of every Yelling man or women eonaunpfethar winetais. Treery echncl-boy, and imbed every inn or swain; :ems tlid or single sbouldwred with we and etteatien. bletoltblY neefol wait as we orteader it wail- 'waived 'et awaken sitention• td a eatOd bbghtbssi soul, than any otW urea. Venus err arid& sod pawns. auffintag frem Dys peptic and egesslaptleit'proems laagstaadbas.hY4 careful perusal ei this moat wonderful wash. will led the esor ef sock mapsos• laths baneful thabillet. describe& crA n i ew sandani' twisty-doe centp reednips lot. it War. eriliteetive one ropy of A* *old doe eopi.e will be nut for one dollar. CrAffletters snicht r ha nathe eri.rAtik I.ol* -those eastaining a mistake*. and "DR. WM. YOUNG. 152 BlVdtllbsst . ..s6o - wean Fourth mini% Pailatistrai4&' TIARDWARE.--4ron, *xs, arid sOpefiii 1..1. stride or eurf entree edit, ban d'isewectircied sew augers, Mates, eheriele, - buttO-ondeerWee, and ti,rlte. akw setts db.. looting , ;l ---and: in firs . a general bacirtrisont et Nuderere which is be sale cheep at a l 4 - FOX'S, o. 4, Wit: A TONS. moil of those_ cheap. and *Mira' 8o fNa. Alma,* &clown prices gismo Craw to igt-aisida of Gruaerier bob so4".oo:oTdr* atm articlivarniatede,Maekrel sod Co;1Beh aU ..,F9r31.N04; 2. /km. PARE !O 'WRYER!! iruicalrod Cll 10 to AT D. C. HALL'S, oil., Ti,n 1019er, SIEEI-NOM.MANIFACTORY