Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 21, 1849, Image 2
I===;= l l==ls =l===i •r ;ti • y Ags> 1 4 ; • •••• - -7 . , Vrabfort• 4tosltr. Fire. 1414 Free speech, Free Men! ir..a•ir Air Free Turner/. E. 0. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Tuwiuda, Wednesday, - March 21, 1819. (Kt. For the information of those who are indebted. and wish to remit their does,, tee would dale, that postmosfers are authorWal by law to frank moneys. and all persons can take odwintage of Ike privilege eft our risk—the receipt of the pastourster will be taken as cadence of payment. Iliketh liranels Canal. We have no .further news in regard the North Branch Canal, than that contained in the fetter of a our HarriAburT, correspondent. At ore rani ad. view., the bill• hail not been reached. C aaall ilipport. Upon our outside will be found the Report of the Committee of ways anti means, io the Pennsylva nia Legislature, with an appendix.. This documer comprises more information intoe r3:l to,:the North Branch, and the extent• of the market which it would open to our great staples, than has ever be fore been offered t i c. the public. Its circulation ihroughout the state, will be of immense benefit, in dissipating the ignorance and hostility which abound in relation to this great work. It will rich ly repay a careful perusal from every person into whoise hands it may fall. We need•hardly say in this community that, this adds still more to the debt of gratitude which the friends of the North, Branch . owe to C. L. WARP, for his unwearied and persevering efforts towards eflecting its completion, and for advancing the in terests and welfare of the North.. Dlr. Clay's Latter. Mr. Clay's letter on emancipation', addressed to IL Pilule'', Esq. dated New Orleans, Feb. 12, is received. It occupies two columns of the Tribune. fle advocates the gradual abolition of Slavery in Kenttiny. That a period should be fixed, say 1865, when all born after that should be free at the age of 25. All born before it, remaining slaves for life, but liable afterwards to be hired out for three years by the authorities of the State to pay fur their transmissionfo Africa. The offsprings of those to be free at 25 to be free from their birth, and appren ticed for 3 years to maintain the colony, until the eonwoeneernatit of die system. All the legal rights of the pmprietors of staves, to remain unimpaired and unrestricted. The annual transportation of all born after a specified day—upon their arrival al the prescribed age—to the colony. ie• be contin ued until the separation of the races is Complete. Gliazoi in the librettos Law. The following act of the Legislature, adopted at its present session, changes the form of voting, in this county. The change is a salutary one, and will do away with a great deal of the trouble here tofore experienced, where a dozen different offices are to be filled, and as many ballots to be used : Sacr. I. Belt enacted by the Senate end House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of .Penn sylvarna its General' Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the ambority of the same, That it shall be lawful for the qnalitled voters of the counties of Adams, Bedford, Dauphin. York, Lascaster, Frank lin, Cumberland, it radford, Centre, Greene' and Erie, from and after the passage of this act, to vote fur all the,candidates for the various public offices to be filled at any election on one slip or ticket. Provi ded, The office for which every candidate is voted for shall be designated as required by the-existing Jaws of-this Commonwealth. Sacs. 2. That any fraud committed by any person voting in the manner above prescribed. shall be punished as similar frauds - are directed to be pun ished by the existing la,ws of this Commonwealth. SlifellitNi Case; The Committee appoiated by the Senate, have reported unfavorably to the, eligibility of Gen. Shields, the Senator elect from Illinois on ardount of his not having been naturalized the required length of time. Gen Shields resigned his seat— but the Senate refused to inform the Governor of illiuois'of his resignation, and adopted the report of the committee. THE Woruturn FA anEa.—We bare been favored by the publisher, with the first number of the Working Farmer," a publication, as its title in dicateK, devoted to the interests of those who till the soil. It is edited by Professor Mapes, whose name is a certain guarantee that the work will be ably'austained. We recommend it to the patron• a.;13 ut farmers. It - is published by Kingman and ti. V. city. at the low price of 30 cents a near for a single copy. A CIDENV.-31r. George Thrasher of Cherry town ship, came to his death, on Monday last, by being precipitated from his wagon, while his team were running. He was descending a hill, and his horses becoming ungovetnable, lac away, throiring him ni is supposed ender the wagon. Re. lived but a few minutes after being d6eovered. To Orrice Scexcas.—President Taylor has di rected all applicants fee office tooppty to the flies of the nevem' Departments, who will submit the appriztionsin Min at the time. The New eahinet Ministers, except the Secretary of War, took the- oath of office on Thursday, and eatercd iyan their respective &met. Beni FoeNu.—Thelxiity of lir. Ju o.k, of Do ted township, was found, on Friday last, in the ice at Bonners'ecbly, a abort distance below, his trvi ticace ljg i bpcn niifzing .some time; when - last seen, he wascrossmg ,he river in the evening, in a canoe, aad it d soppmetl fell into the water, and,wlsl drowned. Mrs. Maria J. Ilentbel has been 4ppoitl'ed raft' niistres3 of Allentoirn, in place of E. R.. Newhard, resigned. Mrs. IL is the widow of the late 11.. n. Juhu• W. fbrnbeek, and luis &large family depend-'. entonher for support. Tat VALIDrrY of Mr. HANN cost's appointment m raster to Prussia, is questioned, in consequence its being made on F mday. Tat " ELSTON DEMOOLAT & ARCM," COMICS to us greatly improved in appearance. It is now one of the neatcat of-our exthinges. THE WARREN TRP,O3II-3Y. *1 . A, • ti V*ll 6 jut 014•fistoi , . , its ~ . , - *mime hpoine utridistif. , • ~ , ir t lo INGO the 40ilini' +V a napinalral. ,Sipport4 it iras , ittaident`jof WY inttead tfrw - altoarldfip; kid we'rejoice to Team, iharone of tho 'children became alarmed at her inher'scon• 3luntriiiioled - freirilini - houneTtlierebfesnittartie' borrible.death which overtook the two younger. In a letter written to-the Tribune, from the scene -of this awful affair, under date of March 1I,• we find the following painculaia: , . , f"f " I have just, returned front the scene Or le blest horrible h agedywhich.took place Jest night. About midnight Mr. Vlliam Manning of this place saw a. blaze of light in the direction of the house of Charles Cop bin, one of his immediate neighbors. Re. at once save the Alarm and hastened toward it. , Lie found bulb house and barn wrapped in the der tir ing flames., it appears that there were at the 'me only three persons iu the hoose;Mr. Corbin a his two sons, one seven and the other thirteen yea of age. Judge of the horror of the benevolent ne gh bur, when he saw that the room occupied by tbe childrea had just fallen in, and oh the straw not yet consumed, lying among the ruins, were Abe disfigured and scarcely recognizable-remains of-the two bop their limbs were aiready burnt to ashes. The body of their wretched father lay near them, on his k, his body similarly mutilated by the fire. It late to stay the conflagration. As soon as possi t most formless cinders were remov ed. It could then be seen that the father had cut his own throat after firing his house. There is no doubt in the minds of the neighbors that he first killed the . children or stunned them - by a blow on the bead Ile also tied up eighteen head of cattle and one horse in the barn previous to setting it on fire. " The motive of this fearful crime is thought to have been a'brutal ferocity excited by hatred of his. innocent and affectionate wife. He had often threat- ened her life, and last Thursday, alarmed at blame eaces, she escaped and went to Owego. He then went and on pretence that his wife was dangerously ill, persuaded his daughter, who bad also fled from his cruel y some months before, to return to the house. There he confined her, treating her like a Send, until yesterday afternoon, when with difficulty she agairr escaped. Immediately after, be must have proceeded to carry out the horrible purpose whose results 1 have above described." The same paper also publithes a letter from its correspondent, written after the Coroner's inquest had been held. The letter Says that about five hundred persons congregatedlat the district school house to view the blackened irmains. It relates the following circumstances, Which afford some in sight into the motives which may.have prompted Corbin to the perpetration of this dreadful act : " Finding that her life was in constant jeopardy mm the brutal habits of her husband, Mrs. Corbin left his roof several years ago, with the firm deter mination never to return to it again. After a sepe ration of some months, Mr. Corbin sought and ob tained the intercession , of some of the most respects- Me men in the town, who, directed h 3 aim, promis ed that he should buy back the farm which be bad in the meantime sold, and have half of it deeded to her—that he would drink no more whisky, and that his futare,treatment.of her should be that of an af fectionate'husband. All this was done, and she re turned. Everything went on smoothly for a little while, but the confiding wife neglected to-have the deed recorded. "One evening, while under the influence of drink be got possession of it. and thrust it into the stove; supposing that he had thus obtained his end. with out the sacrifice of half his farm. It happened, how ever, ihat when his eldest son opened the stove to make the fire in the morninglbilowing, he found the deed unscathed, and returned it to his mother. This appears to have been the cause of the late tragedy. He never knew that the deed was found-unburned by Ms son, and that it was recorded, till the day fol lowing his wife's last flight, and also the day before the dreadful act. This is a proof that a hellish re venge upon his wife, was the motive of the deed.' A further account appears in the.Owego Gazette, which contains some additional particulars, and be• ing still more definite, we publish it in full: " Oite . of the most terrible tragedies which it has ever fallen to the press of this region to relate, oc curred on Saturday night last, ip the town of War ren, Pa.. near toe Montrose turnpike, about 10 miles from this piece. , The house and barn of Charles Corbin, welt known to maby of our citizens, were burned to the ground; and beneath Me ruins of the house were found the corpses of Corbin himself and two of his children ; while eighteen head of cattle and two horses--beingeverything in the shape of live stock upon the farm—were burned to death in tha - barn ! And what is still more shocking than all the rest, it seems to be reduced to a certainty by the factS elicited on the Coroner's inquest, that Cor bin applied the incendiary torch to his own build ings, then murdered his children by cutting their throats, as appeared evident by the clotted blood 'beneath their bodies, and immediately after applied the death stroke to his own throat with a razor which was found near his 'body ! "ft appears that in consequence of Corbin's abuse and cruelty to his wife, she had several times left him ; and that she had been absent some weeks previous to this awful occurrence, under the fixed determination Dever again to live with the inhoinan wretch who had so frequently violated every.obliga rion belonging to the matrimonal relation. Enrag ed at this, it would seem that he determined to take his revenge by this terrible destruction of his pro perty and his children, and then putting an end to his own existence,. He immediately set about the work of preparation—came to this village one day test week, and carried home a daughter who was living in the falsify of Mr. Ripley, telling her on the way, that something would happen before Sunday morning that Would create more excitement in Warren than anything which had ever occurred in that town before. In the latter part of the week he was noticed to be collecting all his farming utensils into his barn, and the daughter became alarmed.) and proposed to a younger brother that they should run away, telling him that shot feared their Zather was going to murder them. " On Friday night, suspicious of her design, her rather slept with her clothes under his pillow, which still more excited her suspicions. On taturday, she urged her brother to go away. giving him money as an inducement, and proposing to watch her ()ppm ,tnnity toses.cape with the young child, a boy. The hop however, dot participating in her apprehen sions, declined going, and she finally started alone screw the fields in the direction of the woods—her father pursuing her after she had got a few rods the start—and stepping behind a tree until he had tun past her, she took another direction, and succeeded is reaching a neighbor's house—thus, no doubt, saving herself from the fate of her two brothers, Loth of whom she exerted•hersolf to the utmost to - save from the murderous hand of her unnatural pa rent. " Corbin was a farnier,ln good circumstances as to property ; but was a man of violent temper, and soniewhat addicted we nuderstand to drinking. Jo sand y is nut urged in extenuation of his terrible crimes, as we have heard; but it is generally be lieved that his ruling motive was rcreuge upon his wife, whom he had driven from his hobse .by h s brutal conduct." We believe the above details are eorrect in the Main, bat pmfiaps highly colored; while the char ges preferred against Corbin, are merely presump tive. There direct proof that he imbued his hands in the blood of his own children—that he applied the torch to his property—and thus doubly dyed in guilt, by Lis own hand hurried to the pre sence of his Maker. Circumstances Certainty go very far to favor such a conclusion. It is . not pro. bable, however, that: the mystery which enshrouds this dreadful deed, willever be unveiled to our view; or that any, except the One from whom no thing is . hidden,. were witness to it, or will ever have a knowledge of the. motives which prompted, or the hand that consumilnated, a - ilccd so repug rant tollur better 'nature. The deed, of which the Tribune's•conespondent 411111k8.11nd W . kek,,itkeupposed to hate been in tt a leest*essete tbir*se of this Wimpy Isfair-in Z p i litt ti s tiskOcon*es office, at woo* ano tom op Corbin, upon sitti*Aiti it u Magi its destructiouletts* •, tent• it • ••• !_rms,".4planed them in the eteee•!s In the Looming, they were found untouched by the fire, Atekwetejoelr.* up, and !placed and fastened together, by his wife. The deedi tiers then sent to be recorded. A day or two before the tragedy, he wascalled upon for the fee for recording, which was the first intimation he had of thee deeds being •in existence. He,' however, manifested:no, very great feeling of either soil:wise or angei itut . wife herself ptecured him the money-10 pay; kw die •re cording, but which hs used, for the -purpose 'of be coming intoxicated, and so treated her, that she was obliged to reek the protection of the neigh bors, where she remained until the tragic termina tion of his existence. Correopoubstue from 4arrisburß. The. North Branch eansd—Mr. Balls amendment— .. .dtainuitsd discussion, and its adoption. " •' • II 'twirl alit, Usual 12, 1849. The Bill for the completion of the North Branch was taken op in the House of Representatives on Saturday last, and the amendments all voted down. The main question resuming on the first section of the original Bill, a motion was made by Mr. Ball of Erie to amend by the striking-trot all after the en acting clause and inserting au entire new bill, (a copy of which Isend you.) • [The amendment of Mr. Ball, is quite lengthy and as it will doubtless undergo many alterations, we have deemed a sumary o its provisions au& cleat, at presanta The bill provides, that the banks may issue ten per cent. of their capital in smell notes, provided they loan to the Commonwealth $1,200,000, at in terest of two per cent. payable in twelve years. The entire revenue of the North Branch Canal, after completion, is pledged for the redemption of the loan, and the balance after that to form a sinking fund. The notes to be payable in specie al the counter of the bank, and are to be countersigned and regis tered in the office of the Auditor General. Every bank asking for re-iustatment of its capi tal, shall be required to subscribe-fifty per cent. of their increased capital to the loan, and all banks hereafter incorporated shall subscribe fifty per cent. of their whole capital. The amount loaned, 81.200.000, is to be drawn nut in three annual instalments, and the Canal Com missioners shall put under contract one-third of the work, commencing at Lackawanna, and a like ex tent, adjoining the part fir ,t put under contract, next year, and the balance of the work during the next season after. • On this question a spirited discussion arose, and assumed a party shape. The Whigs sustaining the amendment, and nearly all the Democrats vo ting against it. It was evident that the whole mat ter had been concocted by the friends of the Whig Governor, as a party measure, and eraeriesq,med to force the Democratio members to vote in favor of the Banks and small notes, or take the responsibil ity of defeating the North Branch. The members from Bradford and Mr. Little of Wyoming, chose rather to safer the evil of small notes than to de feet a measure pregnant with important interests to their constituents, and voted for the amenement, which was adopted by a vote of 48, to 42. The question next pending was on the bill as amended, but before this was taken the House adjourned till to day : and this being petition day the but has not been reached. It will probably be celled up to. morrow and decisive action, taken upon it. It is not looked upon with mach frivor even by the friends of the North Branch. The Bank men and whip politicians appear most ansious about it. It may possibly pass in some shape, but it will in all prob ability undergo very material alterations and amend ments. G. STE/3480AT KEPI/MON AND Loss or Lter..—Mr. Granville Young, who was an eye-witness to the melancholy cau sally, has politely furniseed ns with the news of the explosion of the steamboat Woods man, last evoning at Bayou Sira landing, confirm ing oar despatch published above. The accident oc. cuffed as the boat was pushing out from the shore, about 4 o'clock. The Woodsman was bound for Red River. She collapsed both of the flues of her larboard bniler, killing and scalding several per son+. Our in formant states that three were killed outright, and that several others were missing amongst the latter one of the engineers of the boat. Twenty-five others were dreadfully scalded, some of whom must die from their injunes—four or five of them certainly. The scene is described as most heart-rendering. Husbands and wives, parents and children, broth. era and sisters and other relations were crying pit eously, and calling to one another in the most ag onizing shrieks. In many instances when these unfortunate victims were brought together, so wal -1 ded and mutilated were they it was impossible to recognise each other. The steamboat ilecla, Capt. Peter Delmore, was minded to, and offers word tendered to take the sufferers and their friends beck to New Orleans; but it was deemed more practicable to nurse the wounded on shore than on the boat, this lanpatie offer wax declined. The citizens of Bayou Sara we learn, deserve the highest commendation. for the attentir.n they gave to alleviate the pai.ts of the suffering and dying.—Picarme. CM. TRYLOR'ff FIRST FIE ICCUTIT R COMMIIINICATION —An amusing story it told of Gen. Taylor's first. essay at - making an Executive communication. It is customary to appoint a committee of the Senate to wait on the President of the United Sham' to in form him that the body had organized and is ready to receive communications. Gen. Taylor not ac quainted with this Ginn, sent Col. Bliss with some nominations while Mr Atchinson and the other members of the committee were, on their way to announce that the Senate was ready to receive any communications. The General. shocked that he bad kept the Senate waiting, as he thought, started, turned round, an:l exclaimed. "Where is Bliss? sent trick 4e nominations by him two hours moo." Mr. Atchinson bit his lips to prevent a smile, while the bystanders were highly amused at the native chagrin of the old General that Bliss had kept the Senate waiting. / Simms° Orraane —A reveciable young lady of Weedsport, N. Y.,. started on foot for Jericho, about two miles distant, last Wednesday. -She was followed by two ruffians: When she entered a grove ahiswas seized by them and borne into the woods, Her cries of murder," were fortunately overheard by two gentlemen who happened to, be passing, but not until the wretches had accomplish ed theirpnrpose. She returned to Weedoport. and while making a complaint, recognised the ruffians passing the office. They were arrested, and com mitted for trial. We trust they may atone for their crime by a ten years service in the State Prison. ASSZAINLING OF. CALIFORNIA E3IIGFANTEI IN AR eAraus—The emigration to California overland is enormous, The Union has a letter from Fort Smith. dated Feb. 13, which says that at that place and Van Buren 10,000 crntrants will muster. - MoodaUouL e a. __-- I:arifigrroif!- 410 eni4i$ ' seat4oe a gAtli Ofaferpolif die an ten‘t of eoarroo aeVielkOthef l ibm4A l of fiitinayleAtiladutd aid 'boilig, a illative thit. elite, T'Arnseett -with ~ , -math interest. Ell This able report does honor alike to the heart and head of the Hon. EsPerinMadeat, - he -has tearlessly and easitestly urged upon the inhabitants of the sev eral districts to set about the work of rendering their system of education more efficient. lie rec ommends, among other things, it.e frequent assem• tiling of the teachers of each sounty'or the capacity, of convention, Associations, or institutes. Permit me sir to call the attention of your rea ders to this recommendation of secretary Haines, " Like Priest like people," has long ago passed into a proverb, and, like teachers like school, is equally trite. Every person who has bestowed any thought on the suldect, is ready to allow that the only effectual means of improving the schools, and elevating the standard of popular education in any country, is to elevate the standard of qualifica tions required of the teachers, and then give these teachers encouragement that will stimulate them to acquire the required qualifications. Perhaps no one cause has contributed more to i the elevation of the common schools of the state of New York,ffian the meetings here recommended. Almost every county in the state now has its, Teachers Association, that meets several times in each year, to consul upon the business of *inching. At these gatherings of teachers, matters pertaining to education are discusied, and the difficulties, perplexities and troubles of those present are talked over. The older and more experienced 'impart of their capital of knowledge and experiense to the new beginners in the profession, (for, it is now be gining to be considered a profession) and these in their turn stir up the zeal and ambition of those who have long been engaged in . training the im mortal mind for " weal or for wo," in time and through eternity. Thus all are benefited. If one is more successful in teaching any:one science than -another, that knowledge becomes the common property of all, and all feel an interest in the ad vancement of the cause of education, not in their own districts or towns only, but, through the length and breadth of the whole country. Parents too, aften attend these social meetings of those who are exercising such, a controlling hill* ence over their beloved, (but so far, as education is concerned, frequently sadly neglected) offspring, and are sometimes led to take a more active part in the cause of popular education, "Like begets like," and if parents see teachers zealously engaged for the improvement of the schools, then, sooner or later will drink into their spirit. There is also a State teacher, Association, which i meets annually, where more or less teachers attend from every county in the state. Teachers of every grade of qualifications meet here on common grown:3 4 ,lmm 'the humble unob trusive 4, School marrn," who wears out her life in an old leaky log school house, for six shillings per week, to the Professor of the seminary and the President of the college, and they greet each other as they come together at the anniversary of this As sociation with a cordiality that shows that they con sider themselves coworkers in the great work of educating the rising generation. These friendly meetings of those engaged in the same employment, this commingling of teachers of every grade, this heart felt sympathy for each others troubles, well nigh out-weighi the trials and perplex ities of the teachers for a whole year. The most experienced educators of the state and of other states enlighten, advise and instruct those less ex perienced, by lectures and reports, and this state or ganization is .doing incalculable good, by calling the public mind to the subject of popular education and in binding together the teachers of the different classes of schools, in an indiseolvible bond of friend ship. Tioga, Feb. Bth. 1849 CHARGE snsiner MR. CALIIRIVRT.—Senator H 00 4 ,. ton, in a remakable address to his Texas (=stile ents, published in the Washinmon Intelligeucer, has come out on Mr Calhoun with a series of ex• unord inary charges which if true, must strip the great Southern orade of the respect and admiration he has so long and widely commanded. kla accuses Calhoun of an inonfiato ambition, to which he is willing to sacrifice the Union—and to crown which he hopes to break the Union and establish a south. them confederacy, of which he shall be the bead. /le charges him with sacrificing the South by the compromise of his nullification scheme at a moment when, as Mr. Clay told him to his confusion but for that movement, the protective system of the North was no more—that it would have, been annulled at (ho very next session of Congress. He charges him with fickleness and falsehood as a politician— asserting that Mr. Calhoun as early as during Mon roe's administration, concurred 'with Mr. Monroe:a cabinet in the policy of restricting slavery from all territories where it had not been authorized by law. He proves Mr. Calhoun another Wilmot upon the proviso of 1787. More and worse than all these charges, he limo. sea him of taking advantage of his position as a cabinet minister to abstract from the archives of the nation his written opinion endorsing the restriditm of skivery. At any rate all such evidence of his former opinions, have disappeared from the files of the departments. We regard this address midi its charges, as the most remarkable document of the day. It shows Mr Calhoun in an unenviable light —as a man reckless of everything to serve his am bition. What rejoinder it will call forth remains to be seen—it will hardly be left unanswered. Fiat .—Warren, Pa., has been visited by a severe conflagration. The Exchange Building, w hich con tained the stores of Messrs. Taylor & Amen, S. L. Axtell, Balser & Hunter, S. G. Steven's tin shop and store, A. H. •Sr. T. L. Summertou's tin shop, and prin ting office of S. J. Goodrich, the shoe shop of F.. N. Ewers, occupied by N. Ford, the tailor shop of H. L Church, County Treasurer, Dr. Stranahan'soffice, and B Nesmith's saddle and harness shop—is a mass Of smoking ruins. - The fire broke out on the Sth inst. between • 3 and 4 o'clock A. M. it was first discovered la the south west end of the build ing recopied by 'f.ayka. & Arnett. There was no insurance on any part of the budding or its contents . The loss is estimated at 520.000 to $30,000. . FLASH IN THE Pax.—The Southern Slavery egita. tors do not (mays find, among the people, the de sired response to Mr. Calhoun's address. At Macon Ga. a meeting held on the 3d inst. to echo tract the thunder, Idler brig and strong preparation, was at tended by twenty-six men and boys. It was- ad journed to the next Thursday night, when the cir culation of a report that some distinguished speaker would be them, kedneed together an audience of a hundred and fifty, all counted. As no such speech es were made, the assemblage heard and adop ted the report of the Committee of twenty4,ne pre viously appointed, and then incontinently diEssolved. —7libune. A CprrassaLot Goste..—.The Montrose Register of the Bth says : Mr. John Adams, of Harford, in that county, died at the residence of his son Mi. Jas. Adams of that place, on Tuesday morning. Feb. 27th, aged one hundred and four yearn. He was prubably the oldest man in that region ut the State. UTEZ 11ID orriwr IS OM CAUFORNIL It WOMB OriPki • 1. 4) 4T H 0 4 . " INEXHAU SI. . • snail lthrleas K_"i st ;,a • §4 t (NISMX. Y. Trilasee m — r 144 11,1 , W give bermr•ma extracts from letters % . 0 coiled from San Patchier) by one of the oldest. /Melt 44,1*lchILEMPeciiiblikhigfkratPS* 4 - 814 . 41 4; rxmununicateiT kir - 1W Tribune by'the parties to whom they were addressed. be seen tha• they fully confirm the most exciting accounts as to the richness of the mines and the' quantities in which the gold has been procured by individuals. :The w i ther has been foreighvor ten years the Cali. 'fOrnia correspondent of the house in question, and, as we are assured _by its belays:a !ban of the most, Sound, cautious and reliable character. We Ea that any person airship , * toknove the names of the parties can have them 47 applying at the publics tion office of The 71-ilmisnei and• so commend our readers to the consideration of the letters: Sax• Fassiasid Dec. 1, 1848. • * * is The prices obtained for goods here are enormous. Were Ito quote, it would not be credited. You will undoubtedly have heard of the great discovery of gold in this country—a discovery which is destined to produce a greater excitement throughout the United States, if not throughout Europe also, than any event which has happened fora century. The amounts of gold obtained are truly astonish. ing, and the quantities every day brought to this place equally so. Every article of food and necessity is of course very high in the Mines. Flour has been sold at $24 the lb.; four quartsof Wheat for a horse have brought SS; Boots, t 175 per pair; Pork far per banel. The wages of Carpenters are $lO per day; corn. mon laborers earn $8 a day or *1 an hour; a Cook $6O to $lOO per month. Brandy fetches 4 ox. gold for a bottle ; Bread is $2 per lb. ; Blankets, $BO per pair; Washing is worth $8 a dos.; Clerks, 3,000 per ann. and found. Emigration is pouring in from all quarters of the Pacific, and it is quite Impossible to find a place to put one's head in. A room at a hotel rents for *2OO per month. The commonest hovel or shanty you can imagine brings $3O to 60 per mouth. The gold is inexhaustible, and for years to come immense quantities must continue to be et out, and a great trade must be carried on between this and all pans of the world. The. cargo I brought from. * cost $9,000. The gross amount of sales from Übe , been $31,000. My partuttr came with two cargoes, and we have cleared over $lOO,OOO. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 23. 1848. * * * Real estate has gone u r here, as well as everything else. A store and lot I Aid $17,5110 for, yesterday. Lumber is worth $l5O per M, and the carpen ters can earn $lO per day. . The entire population of Oregon have abandon ed their crops and homes, and are coming here. - The Sandwich Islands are deprived of all their for eign population. Every vessel from any port on this coast is filling with passengers for this place. Mr. for merly'Consurat informs me that two of his servants left him when the news first came. They have just, returned with $75,000. Caps : f the Navy who returned fast eve ning from the mines, informs me of one locality which has been found where gold is so abundant that there is no necessity for washing the earth: $7OO per day is the amount obtained by each man. Sheath knives are used to dig the gold, and have sold at the mines for 850 each. I have conversed with many old friends of mine who have been at the mines, and gathered large quantities ; they all say that they only want .two months more the next Summer, and -- they shall have enough. , Althoegh trier cotratry and, town aretA lied with gold, no vegetables can be had. We eat but little else than beef and bread; all , agriculturaloperations have ceased entirely. FIRE ° AT COoPERSTOWN.We learn by the Ctwsp die erstown Freeman's Journal, that the M rs. Fhin ney, of that village, have been visited th another fire. On last Tuesday morning, a little Tore' five o'clock, a fire was discovered in two. laces ,in a two story wooden building, cOntaining he power press, and articles used in the ;printing nsiness.— The building, with a large stock of pap ~ the 'ster etoype plates of the octavo Bible, book in sheets, the power printing press ete , were' royed.— There is an insurance 0f55,000, which ill not-co ver half the loss. . . The fipe was, no doubt, the work 'of in incemdi• ary who knew the - premises perfectly. The man sleeping in the building was aroused twice during the night, and the tail time 13iseosered the fire. C. R. C. , Kenyon, the man who horribly mutilated his Wife be stabbing her with a knife iri Allegheny City, a few nights since is now in jail and is cooly calcula ting his chances. On Saturday night he asked the jailor what would , be the probable extent of his punishment in case his wife recovered, arid when asked if he did not think when committing the deed what would be his late had he killed his wife he replied he Lthad rather be hanged than live the life he hail done fur three years past." How true it is that vim brings its own punishment. The un fortunate woman is still alive and it is thought she may recover. [Piltsbtirg aoonick, 121 k. F. P. Blair, Jr. Esq. and L. Pickering, Editor of the St. Louis Union whO had lately a personal war fare in the papers, mei in the streets of St. Louis on Monday. Blair attacked Pickering with an um brella when'Axith drew ;weapons bat no. harni of con Sequence was lone. I Blair evidently got the best of the tight.—[ &missile Jour. FIRE!—On Thursdaiy morning last, (March I,) the store of 11 Stowell & Son in Shippen, Tioga Co: was discovered to be on fire, and so rapid was the progress of the devouring element, that' all attenips to extinguish the flames, were ineffectual. The tire was first discovered abour two o'cloc:k in the morning— how it originated isunknown.. The loss is estimated at front ten to twelve thousand dollars, of which four thousand were insured. JENVELRY,STORE Roarten.---The Jewelry• stdre of of S. Ayres in Elmira Was entered on Monday night (the 12th inst.) and robbed of about $1,500 worth of goods, consisting of gold and silver watches, sil ver spoons, pencils, silver ware, &c. Mr. Ayres offers a reward of 5200 for the recoyery of the pro perty, and the Trustees of the village' an additional reward ofsloo. Accumwr.—G. 0. etteia, Editor of the Freeman, met with rather a serious accident on Monday last. He had started down the river on hmee-back tend to some business pertaining to the E6ei-41s office ; and when about two.miles from sown his hoive fell,, throwing him off dislocatir n the left el bow joint, and bruising considerably his left shoul der and knee.—thrego Gazette. Jru CostrumEttv.—One of the very last acts. of President Polk• was - to"upon the ion of the ever-lamented Shank, the appointment dl Cadet at - vVest Point, out of the,number allotted to him He accompanied this appointment by toe expression of his high rtgard for the deceased patriot, and the hope that the- youth might nolfail-to follow the ex ample of the father. . GOVERNMENT FURSIMONG PISTOLS To CAUFORMASS.—On the last nighfof the session of Congress, $50,000 was appropriated for an addition al _purchase from the inventor. of Coles. improved repeating pistols, and a joint resolution was adopt ed, instructing the Secretary of War to furnish these arms to emigrants going to California, at the. gov ernment cost prices. The Hon. John Blanchard, a member of the last Congress, died in Columbia on the 9th inst, while on h,s way home fitun Washington. "He reineseu4 ted the sercuteerttb congressional district. Shodli altattlilike . at gasltow• Splint - f i na l/to p* TkedrellOyal Between si z ty p te it n iwairiprekLost ! and salwaperenug. Feb. 18th, about half.p ar • 'cleclOne of the most .fearfal catastrophe s 14 1 o sspier occulted in Scotland took place in the Th esin . Diplop street. - Very shortly aLer the p e , - iirmanceiallial commenced, an alarm was gai t , theta fire had broken out in the upper gillery, and se t a matter of course the Aiftlience whiels.was, 'iiieritriSia the grilferYcWariiir'Slueli-eiCiied. • It was soon apparent to the manager that the fi re had been occasioned by an explotimiant gas ar e a he, together with the members Of his company, or. ed their utmost exertions the restore order in whit h they partially succeeded. Meanwhile however, ti alarm had been conveyed to the centrapolice GE. see s and the fire was leriloiut,,,at „.„ theatre' iii 'gnat - Oath - lee° men o p erai i- sn ; which had the, effect of thcreatoirigite fears of the people, and a - .ge neral` mil me to the door in order to escape from the fire which had in fa r i been previously eatilageishetha :,Despite all rem oo , trance the people would be oat, and the teat au the premature denkofAindiritlutds, beside s f odr more or less iniureile Irmirauld be vain to attempt to convey any idea of the scene which the theatre presented:lu the timeiof ; thei - accident; that cants bettei be:tined than -exiireseed.- • • The authorities were veil won at the theatre arid while assiatiaticelkwelerba recurred, the gallery st a i r was ascended; when al_one of the land on ,, places e .nas discoyered a scene of the ..most h 0,71. 'ttejelliMii On : I M:rt and *buten t old. er r troddesr - undr aided dead int' dyis e The poor creatures were carried to houses adj oin . ing, and every exertion used to restore animaticm, but unfortunately, itieseeileitiOns . were but in few instances !successful.- Salyer, nisT .. were dead, and there sent to the Royal ' Infiiinsiry Alio died upo n the way, and one shortly alter. Eleven per son ,. slightly bruised were able to be removed to-di en homes, and others are still is the/ Infirmary i n a dangerous state. :The el dead bodies. were o r e s course of the evening, removal to the Clyde strew Hospital-and there \kept till Sunday morning t o identification. • About 10 o'clock the authorities were at the he s pital, and it was arranged, tb satisfy the. relative ' of the poor creatures who had been waiting in boo dreds amunci the hospital during the night, b admit them. The bodies were spread out on the floor of the large shed,. and when each relative, fattier, mother,wife;or other friends were recognized, their shrieks rent the air. One womaukclaiined three as her own. Without scarcely a single exception the sufferers belOng - to the lower class of society, and are for the most partiads between 14 and 17 ye ars old ; the only „female amongst the dm! . wa s me girl-three yearis al age. - . A gloom has been cast over - the Oily by the ofea r , ful occurrence, which it will require some time to dissipate. The Theatre has sustained no damn _from burning, as the flame of the gas pine was O. most instantly eatn,guished. This theatre: -war built in 1840. It is the most beautiful and extensive out of London. CHEMICAL AL-min.—lt is a fundamental pia c i. ple of all physical knowledge, that we can cream nothing and deetrornothutg. We may change the fashion and properties of all things, but to form new laws of combination or new species of matters be. longs to the Creator. Hence results the uncommon energy and extraordinary virtues of Mesons-is GARGLING Ou., as evinced in the cure of those ob. stinate diseases which moist the-action of all other (PRETENDED) remedies and oils. It does not re. move a disease by- mechanical knee, but by• exci ling a powerful chemical influence in the morbid part, atlecting a change in the condition of its els. merits, and thereby restoring healthy action; and numerous are the-instances m which- it has bees known to effect radical and perfect cares, of labia a number of highly interesting cases could be inttm duced, but our limits forbid. See adserti-semem ie an other column, and call on the agent for a pia phlet. REV CRENV, JOHN NEWLAND hlsTsTrr has beta preachnig•the gopel to the cherokee Indians. Yasnrer &TAMAN has gone to California to re, trieve his broken fortunes. Er Coughs, Colds, Awls:lM, Consumption. Pun Bathe on and theist, Spitting of Biondi and ail diseases of the Lem au4'Breast, and Itreast, eau be speedily tied effectually cured by that aumexcellest,prepatstiom Dr. ilmaysort Compound Byrip of Wild Cluny. *Mad the Testlmaomy. • • ST. Loma. depteMber 7. Ina. Dr. E. Easterly It have. lama allheted fin shout Om years with a pulimonaryconimlaint, which has balk the dip of several of the most eminent physicians of our emmtey. At men my cough ems very severs,,pain in my Date and breast and great difficulty itchpriultisc.._ hi this way I emulated to stiffer, Imbrue became atilost a bunks. A Ilene* I saw) me advertisement of Dr - deripsetiveceMscie . Ml dyrapef Wild The ory. and was persuaded by a Mend of Caine to make a mai a !Wand I .purchased a bottle .of you. lam happy to Mein yen that one bottle Imo' effected • perfect care, and that I 0 ° slow in, the enjoymentof good health. I make ibis Siettereeat is the soon of a certificate, that others who may be manned with each diseases may know where to find a ealuahle Med, eine. Teo can use this testimony in cotumendation of Dorm SwitYlle's Compound Syrup of WiidCherry as you IMAMS. Tours, with respect, Wsi. Came ODD WORD or Cit - rnrs.—Since the rairiadnetion of my m ete to the public:. there balms number of unprincipled indiva nal* gal up nostrums, which they assc rreoniain Wild Cheat some are milled " " Bitters,. and eves Pimp of Wild Cherry ;" but • mine. is the original and only genione paration rver / introduced to the public. which can be rimed by the public records of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvsna The only safeguard against imposicou is to see that my erer tore is ou each hot* • Da. IL SWAYNE. Cotner of Eighth and Race sir- Philadi. For ask. wholesale and retail, ty HIMION t PORTER, Towanda, and by C. It. HERRICK, Athens, • • • Married, n Sh• Mardi 14, by Itrtr. S .J. Gibson, CGARLII3 DAI . to Miss ABBY C. HAWKI.NS, both of Athens. in East Herrick, March H, LUCY ANN. wik of &mess F.i . ,• P.. Taylor, aged Xi years. 111 months, 17 days: In Orwell. Fei.rtiary tr-t,. 1b49, 'Mr EARL Home, in the tld year of his age. Illy thedeath of Mr Howe, a wife has been delm[red of n - -.. - 7 alketionate Husband; children, of • kind Patent ;And ess 7.:, enmity, Ginn upright and worthy member. May the ble-surr -t: of tiod sanctify the bereavement to the viiifare of all.] Con. ~..: •:., In Orwell. March &SABRA D., thefithreref Win. and Cy anus Brown, tu . thit tens year of her age. .; 5 “ Weep not for hert-ohe mooed stray • . '.4 Like innate on "the sea, q• When wave to answering wave Imparts st , The mehxty i y , • • Like rainbow hues, thit leave the earth To seek the kitintaiii that gave them birth„ • Or the sweet cherub towns that 'bare Thew bright win gs le the haver 41r. . . 4 . Weep Doctor her—the glorious banda t . Of Heaven surround her new ; - . . .. The -wreath of Immortality - - . -. • Sin smiling on her brow. Oh. rather give thy tears to those . O'er whom long life its shadow ' , throngs. Moss cares, and griefs, and follies must - . • Weigisdowit the spirit to the- dust.. i ~i Nei %bverftscmcnts. ADM N ISTRATOR'S 'NOTICE A Lt. persons indebted to the edits of CLEMENT A PAINE, dammed; late of Tiny Borough. rs berehy requested to make , payment without dodgy. and those having-claims agamit amid' estate veiU please pe seta them duly addicts:hated for settlement. C. C. PAINE. M. W. PAINE, Atlannisustom. March 16. 1849 PROPOSALS WILL bo received. until the Ist day of APRIL neat„for theBOARDINO of .TWO FEMALES who are paupers, supported by the Borough of Towan da. The proposals must be at so much per week, fog ■ year. Payment will no made monthly in rash. WM. ELW ELL, WK. Overseers of the Poor. - March 20, 1849 PARTICULAR NOTICE. A LL porton, indebted to E. SMITH & CO.. es £1 hereby fairly warned that unless payment bmrlo by the• Bret day of June nest. the d - eantods will he put in morsels, erlleciion: No respect to proving. March 21, 1819. E. SMITH s C Died,