Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 14, 1849, Image 4

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    aspicrs,r2--- r
ri ", 4 flit. Tanrqura rays!
ir.VT *Cr OF
ypitT.Alll.o4. P A L 4 .
Th. most citntordsiaar, ale,l.rine is the. Miror t'
jilt Nwireci is pwl wp fi. (pearl Oeith , t • if fa pit limes
" - eooper.l.l lir. gold seeremated rapurtior to
rare, cuttestwq
lotter lbt r ri•eat. .
emit homily-unit •riptirinrity 'Of this fitirtapmilla
i wear 1 -ether inio*ines 1.. that while it eraiiirsibui the
,illisestur,it invigorate* the It i• one of thr very beat
— 'lF44 -Via Xu mmHg atEnicimis
tree Itnoxit; it not 'unit purities the whole .r.tem tin•l
itietiptlierts the liar it lei-vete. slew, pure nail rims
Wised p power poisiiessmi by tut oilier ina.liMue. mud
in this b.% thw , Stand secret al it. wonderful sacrum. It
Itwn perfonaihl widllu ti se Met tor' years More thus 100. 11 00
rape. Of voters ruse. of iti.easo; nt least, 15.01)0 ware
taustitistrul Wearable_ Ii ims'savitit else lire. of more then
• titooa iiiitintit the pad too seasons in the city of New
Tai alum. •
11.411.11 dames of General 19•4•Ility aro wart
• of ft
lir. li.ranparifl• the whet* system
lidrulausattly. To slime a Lao Mare brat their innueitim neer
.py the eifeeta of iiie.fieioe or ipOiserntion cousinittnit
isiustb be the exeevvirer inilaisanee of the p•i.ions. suit
imiautht me by phyaical iirostrstion of the sternum •yatrui,
want of ambition. fainting premature
itluistty isit•l Peeling issoieniug tourer& OM faint &arms
i11q111.01111 , 1i0116 Vail be entirely resturn4 uleas•
eitY remedy. This flanwparilla far ropnrior to ally
• • Ilertgaratlog Cordial. •
1511.1 imrlSornte. due AS•loilit, chi* nett, it!
to Os subl atteusth W lAts ammeter ivitum in •
as ~
Illosessulispideas Irsorseil.
realest Rad Prete:than. C....nuptial. tau be 'wrest Prim-
Ceusamptiea, !Auer Coeurlobo,' o.lde
dethuou Spmiug Warhol. Soreness is. the 6.'.t.
that, Flush, 1110.41 serrate, Difficult er Profuse F.
trelaration, rails fu the Side, lee., here bees end can be
Briosing Blood.
rork, 4pril9l, tert.
Terilr believe !ear Sarsaparilla
has heels the 0111111$111: through Prori.lauca, of oasis! vy
life. I bare for mayoral years had a had he
,Mme worse ■s,l worts. At last I raised largo ,puuti•
of blooa, had si t Ll sweat.. and ens Pamir dabilfis•
1.1 utd Perlaced, end lid oat aerial to 11, 0. 1 hero fluty
itreittlaitr Sampan • short h.. • ••••-
oriftrilii change liemt trriniglit in MA f 111111 now 111.1 w In walk
all over citei city. 1 r.itita Ito 100.1 owl isty enitzh hu
1.4 wit. VOW Wen w all °ovine tat Ail roe
theft itaultit. -lour 610ft•leoist inr•suaL
. W3l. R USSELI, C
,tl.• -
Tliia only one a mare lin TIN roof thentran.l ra•.• of Winn
m algal Dr. Tow ngend'a Sarsaparilla li3. risr..l. The
winetAtevrre mud el.rocir coons are weakly eradic.ited by its
Joins Cons on. or the nsti.tents in th• Lams
A. In n. I-1411,1,, i• ilia gentleinna Broken' of
in Lite fallowing leiter,
Dr. Towtemeita—Dear Sir: I hare aatTnre.l terribly for
111/1 , 1 years with the Rbettatatleat : eonsblerahle of the time
I rool.l not ent..leno or walk. I had the most
I,,,ine4att.t my 11111 b, were torrilrly avrallea. I linen asr.l
tow heetles of your Sarsaparilla. an I they hare inert
th to a thousand dollar. wonkier eou4, 1 amen seek
tml. I ale entirely. reliere.l. Ton are at liberty to one this
for the benefit of the &Sic WA,
Yours rturpotifolls. IVIES CU3I3II,YOS.
Fever 011111 Agoir
Dr Townann.l'a Sarsatiari•lt lIIIA/111 tiled in ea.., of the
Chills ash fever sad &rue. Ten follnainq l e ctor
one of lulu tred. tint we have received from the South and
We , t of like character.
Oswego. Stich.. Oct 22 180.
'Dr. Townsend : near Sir—l purrhe.e.l for my wife two
bottles of Sarsaparilla of your Arent, Mr. McNair, of Halt.
manna in try it for the revs' and Avis- llifore I had flaish
, w 1 tan fir-t it sp•sesr• 1 1 , . warm the blond, end Irylnyi
atiOr day when C..: Chill. awl tlyt P.M.T opposer:ed. they
w e re lima ,itgaut ;• and harem she hail flai•li-d the bottle
ohs wea entirely relieved. end s'ie .V. 14 triads bstter than she
en hnforc she took Cie Arlin. A lady that had been
• cry %irk with the 'Cotifir en 1 Fc•V:c. hut had broke throe
with Quinine. •13.1 was left in a very weak end distressing
•tont, and troubled exceedingly with the Arun Cake. seeing
fleet it had on my w ire, she scat and procured is tea
and it restored her la a few weeks to complete
health. Toiir Parimparilla in without doubt unequalled to
Aiseas • ll=Merit to the Went and if you think taut this coati
mania two trill Lie of use, 30u are at liberty to use it JO on
/A' 41PP -
I lreusale Medicine.
Towarenl's Sarsaparilla is • ...sweat* sod rpes3y
mow fur iorapieut Consumption, Itarrentsess, Prolatpons
Merl or railing of the Woirth, Costirenees. Miss. lwarnr
thetii, or Whitest, otertrneted or diffieult gleneirealma. la
coatfitetwo of Urine, or ismobottary dimharge theme(
auti for the general prostration of Ike aystesa--ne matter
whether the result of inherent cease or rauser produeed
by irnurtffierity. Illeseint or aerittent. Nothing elm be mere
sort ag Out its iasigorstine curate no the human borne.
ree.4lll/11 of all weakness and ( taking it at
: wit, became reheat nod full of enterer ender lie togsmice.
It immediately counteracts the nerichmuoss of the female
frame, *idea is the {trim cease of 'barrenness. It will
nal tie expected or v., -in eases of so delicate • asters, to
exhibit wertigentes of cures performed. bat we can wen
Ifie affikted, that hundreds of eases hare been reported to
us. Tliousweds of mows where families lure been...omm
childless. after ...has a fear honks of this ismatutshie medi
cine. litive been h....tea a ith few. healthy oittprine. It
haa been expressly prepared in refewertme to female eons
ithsints. Na (manic who has reason to auppom else is ap
proaching that critical gtetiod. e, Tits tern of life.
ahonld neglect to take it. 'as at is a certain prescotise for
coy arks numeral's and horrible , ffiseases to which fraud..
Yea lattice at ths, time of life. This period wy he
toyo4 Xar **sirs/ scars by arsiog this predictive. Nur is
it loos v.looLle bit that.. wino are •pproaehitti antis sli
bnottl. as it it calialated to 1.4141 ntaar• by guickeebtz
affix hittod mod ilt‘llotallatt the sysSeus Indeed, this ineAs
sane as tut slasble fur all Use tleitcats ducasee to v. htch),.
Wellies are eulleca
, ~
1 1121
Crept/ 1111eleing "Inthere tend Children.
If is the safe 4 and must effectual medicine fur purify ant
the •tent, and relieving the ,nuffnr.ttits nit/nudism alien
birth ever itimorered. it .brenglitetil both the mother end
prevent• pail! RIO incr.-as., and enriatc• the
thane who hate used it tli:olt It ID indinimminldc. It it
11.04 tuMfai bottibetorn and eller confinement, on it prevent'
doicaties etteuilitet nnnt childbirth. Ito Costivenee‘ Parr,
groillirtg o f the Fret, Derriattilenev, Heartburn,
• , 'Vennit 'Pg.. the fleck ami Loin., rube Paint limner.
itiiteua end to regebatidg the Arcretinn• nod eogidizieg the
lot it 11.1. /1.1 loglutj of thin lile•Ii.
• 11.4 Ir It to al4 c) s safe, and the wuat delicate um it umet
lOCC , .^tr•.
, 11(h10
aerofsela Cored. tiff:tan roo proms that 41.1.4 telrnparti.
i h h. p. r r... control over thn 4.0.11 ObINOSIIIM/ diw..e• rd
l,roe twraoltil CUrml 411 O& LOAM i. uopsaF
. 0.-A.
There. Children.
Or, Townson 4 Dyer Jiang-the plasenro to ikfism
. yon dna Ouse of say eitiLlyanUawy hoel . cue.' of the Sue.
ride It) Ole lue °lrmo. excelle.ll,um. The) mfr.. hr.
Itietut - iiti'Yerferely Nbitts hs.l yory*, h.,. Yokels G.. holl•
1.-116•1•• wink otestowur. far sine' I hot myself audit
gong ••
rut A
in, speetrtllly,
• 4 litkAC en MIN 106 Winner si
• •'' Opllndondk of Physicians.
be. Tweaseqd to 3.1850. t 1%0117 .. 8...curi0s ordon frau
• **Avowing" an lifflr.ut raria or Inc Uuion.
*VIII. i. to rerl.fy that tro the Ousleroipned, Physician.
..1 hare in onroniono
Sareopnrilla, ond Wiser ,A.ta..1.1., 01110 d
preparation. rlll.lfhtl.
I P t •4 6 44 e rk r tla Of I) • I.lVrt.oo 1111 4 lt•R nitirolo..
IN,V. d:,O. • . Alliaity, April, IdIT
r).1, 1 to I'v. ram and ijnrnnn.i l !AA )1 ,
Iron , lo.iernirierin'rnapnrilin, a number or. s a .”. irka w a r. Go,
h 7 ryr onr A a!a l • nOnsulaste , ) m.kjulf 14 . 1 • 0 4"rilia
ttra.4. Rfitrrp. Estrarts or rellarr Pork, ilLe.
'llsnr Knn•-rnlty Ind St -np is 'eta ranee .hayed tattles, aaJ
atrtiar..,rthom nave- onion mad copirml ear adwartisarmata,
laay .re .asky,a 'nal.** imitations. and should Ira avoided.
Nene xsgaujor. •iynao4 S. P. Tow allesd.
KS FULTON Stmt. BIM Ball:thit: •
h. Co. 8 flute strol:L Begins ; Dynit t
,11pa,„132,Notit: Bn,u4 .ttert, Philathsjplmia t 14.11amm, •
11rriikeld. a u : , WOO,
11,-Cke 131 Chtleree Street, N. O. t 111.811108kr PoutN. Noon S
n 41400 410 b 1 41 the 8 110 41.11- Dtegittle-**BMet
o'o4 ea: ratty O:rossturat Ow UBlB4
~,1 1..10Fefir p sisi
`Po 411 781'6 1 r Ilk P3*
TOMI 130. - ttifI3B " BERIT,' R. • •
- - _ . _
14110E1 --ItittiKS ,
LI% 45rft, ,
tts --. t• -- -- - - ~ ..ik•-•-•.--, : ,:v -A;:,- • --i
-. - uAUTION EX:Taatiii-,' - ‘7-j- ' ,
N:Ta4' , .. , `'af•A'
A . by the elms of Cf.. 4 PP hal, eiltlllo43*kllFTSlTl
ou of the wane of 8. P. Townsend. andnea44l:4Yeda Sled'
`ithit flawaparilla, which they obit Dr. Townfillailia,
1-arTseetneany It 0 ExurNE. Otifihyd N fte. ThStratlglfill
=tor, and never wee: het i Artry.4.llo4iia
, I*3l, - and the like. Vet • , `khAdeal*liittlilif.if
#4 4 urraiirn .. .f raining credit 6.r w the fiete - I . i:Ofilifii.-,
Ins• the *he not to be deeetred4 and rntslioti .. ...:Ml*.ilitilba
&VULVA 01(1011411. ()LI) 1)r. Jne.tbttt ‘tinutled . l l a l l lll
e. ~.
IPlol.l4 . tyjpg on it the Old IMs.•likrnes f ti ilfittuf:SlMlC#l .
A1tM 1 1.•• .6,1111 •Idnnottre +terms the Fr.* ntiiiiist.l,."7,?'-',,,,:i.E
Ge - naine Tow sent Sarsaparilla.
. fltd Ur Townsend in now nbont 70 years of are, mad ban Way
peen P.m. *. !Le .4 L'T/Irat thd DISCOrNRER pd the
OrovaiNlC t)li 10 0411. 7'6 IEA - S END SalillAPAßll.•
C 4." 11.16; inwr, he yens compelled to tIWIII lataillitutifaitnte, by
which mew et has Iran kept out of Merkel. and the eater at
nitirrniuda to tho-ie only who had prwred lin worth, Juid twain
ats vane.' It had ranched the eras of twiny. netelrtilleiltia.o ll
44sse p. rents w ho hind linen heeled of iore ile.ea-ree; and laved
hum, .101.41 e‘rellear , end wonderful -
- twang rears aro that I, laid, by his skill. MaillaCal
'Piltr cper, i,ner. devised en :Merle n trek would be of liwahan
e nil, novice in mankind n teen the tureens would be Ilia
atialscd to Leine It onto tenet ere .1 noire, hr its Inestimable
virtues woo 41 he known and appreciated. This time has come,
Wu teteeen• tire sitiottheil this
0,14,111'1 , .I.V I) t'..11.1.r1) PR rrAß.4rtox
r. ninettfere turd on the- I.erzeet scale, ant is called for thningh
nut the length and breadth of the lend. especially as it is found
incriprihle of deeeneretion or deterionet.on.
Unlike yonne t. P Toarnarnd's. It improves with age, and
never changes. but for the batter ;becanse it ia prepared an idea"
principles by n acicaitifir wan. The highest knowledge of
Cheati , ittr. and the latest discos-cries of the art. have all been
nrisugle. nin reqtdattnin in the mannfsettine of the Uhl Den
The Snrimpariila root. it i• well known to medical
amen.nontams many medicinal priraertirs. and seame properties
which ire inert sir nettle... end others. which if mta•nred in pm,
paring tle for ti.r. Keehn-. forwratatien and arid. hick is in.
Perim.. to the su teen...... of the properties of Paranpenlla
arc as J:ati . r. that they ee Licit evrepornto and are lost in the
ios i m c.tmn, ehey rre nut presets ad by a sclerttific peaces,
know n 'ea to 11,ree rteerrieheed in its manufactu e. Montan er
Maw. Doled, Orrarrp , t,, winch fly nine vapor, or on ea esh,les
ton, under heat, are the vert rosortt.ii menitcal praperric• so the
Irv.. tent., ••;1 v ono.
Any person can boil or stew the root 111 they eel a dark colored
liquid. which Is more frepri the cuiorinc matter in the root than
from any thin else; they eon then strain this insipid or sa p id
idiur sonbuies: and then call Is "SAR
SAPARILLA F.XTRACY or SYRUP." But sock Is not Ilan
article known as the
This is so prepared, that all the inert properties of the Par
operdia rout are first removed. every thior capable of becoming
acid or of fermentaginn„ b extracted and rejected ; then every
particle of medical WWI" In secured in a pure and conceetrated
form; and Abu+ it is rendered incapable of Iming any of Its "min
able and healing properties. Prepared In this may, it is made the
most powerful agent 'a the
Cure of innumerable dißeases.
Hence the reason why we bens me.anrodooona on every We
ot its ricer by men. *amen, and children. We find it doing
Emden in the cure of
PLES, B LOCT H ES. and nil nireetinna anon, from
3 . ==.r.wa
It possesses a marvellocureeleaey [null complaints arising Rom
Ischirstoon, (non .1. viers eras Smear& from unequal WC [da
tion. drierminatinn of Wood in the head, palpitation of the heart.
cold fret and hands, cold chills and hot fleshes over the body. It
bus not Its equal In Cable and Cerra,: and menet.. easy en•
pectination and gentle revspirition, relaxing structure of the
langs. throat. and every other part.
Ilia in nothing is its etc. hence mere manifestly seen and an
knowlvdged than in all kinds and sauce• of
It works wonders in noes of Meer .1//bes or Wilt,.. Flaßrag Of
tie Womb. Obstraarii, SApproareal. or Pansfal Alroses, irrersior
it, of the menstrual periods, and the like ; and is as effectual
to (-urine all the Gsnrissff gulag Dista.....
By room ing obstructions, and regulating the rencrol sys
tem,' it giros tone and strength to the wbule body, Cod thus
sures all Mrms
Nervous diseases and debility,
and thus prevents or relieves s great sarietT of other umbidies,
as Spissil irradr,on, Xraralria, St. Fa. Dame, Siesentsig,
Epifrptsc Fat. C.nreuisioas. &A%
It cleanses the blood. excites the liver to healthy action, tames
the stonisch, snit gives good digestion relieves the bowels of
torpor and eimsdpeorian, kilss inOnnunattom purifies the skin,
equalises the cirmilatiou of t he blood. producing gentle warmth
equally all over the body, and the insensible perspiration; m
isses all suirtuses and tightness, rumness \II obstructions, and
itivigiimtes the entire nervous system. Is sot this then
The medicine yen pre=eminently need
Hat OM say of these things be said of A. P. Townsend's tub-
Oat mullein 1 This use man's liquid is not to
bemuse of ono GRAND PACT, that the one is INCAPABLE
while the other DOLA'S ,• tearing, frresenyinp, lied blmeing air
leturs containine it into fnupttents ; the soar, acid liquid explo
ding. sod damaging other goods! !dust mu this horrtble com
pound be poi...mous to the irystainl What! pet and iate a
sperm afrady &reaped wig acid! What causes Dyspepsia but
acid 1 Ito we not all knots that when food sours le our stom
achs, whet mischieft it produces / Antneace, heartburn. palpi
tation of the heart, Byer emstplaint. dimities, dysentery. (-nth%
end corruption of the blood? Whet Is Scrofula but an add
humor in the body 1 What protium* all the Minton which
brute con Eruptions of the Skin, scald Uead. Salt Itheutn.
sipelas, White Swellings, Fever Sores, and all ulcerations in-
Minitel and external 1 It is nothing under between. but an mid
azdriallee., which mum and thus spoils all the Muds of the
bode, more or less. What muses ilhelammion but a sour or
*rot 11,1.1. which insinuates Itself between the joints end elm
s, hem. *Abides , , nod teSeaung the delicate limnss upon which
it nets 1 So 'of nervous discuss... of Impurity of lb. blood "f
&Tonged rimulmious, and neatly all the anmenu whiLb afflict
human -nature.
Now is it not partible to make and sell, and •Istgaitely was
In use thit.
and ter he would fain have It understood that Old hr. Jam*
Tosiniencrs teem.. Orval.: Sarsaparilla. is an !IMITATION
ights InferSor proparasinn ! !
n fors.d that en should deal In an article PADS would
'sem the mast resemleance to P. Townsend*, artists •
and which should bring d •a• n upon the Old lh. each a mountais
load of complain's and cr mine tler, from who have sold,
and purchasers who have used e. F.Ttsonemors FERMENTING
We wish it undrmtond. herniate it Is the a/molars intik. that
D. P. Tow ankle and thil Dr. Jamb Tow nmod's Sar
saparilla are Smarts wide apart. end istjhutelp oirspectler ; that
they are m etery put.ctilkt, baton mistime single thing
lu Cllnl4losl. r
P. Too neend is no doctor. nod never was. Is an
cheitai4 no pbarosiaceutist—dusow. on mote of medwine or dis
ease than any other corisneia. ustamcntirig. nopiotersional man,
what rearardre ran she Inca I , lrelaillf a
gammae acdmitic medicine,. cnkerimng all aie virt!.w or the
art MICA eacd IS Imo' wit 4 And as Inch are ancapftlec ill vtsnisees
ivhdh ol'ett starlet( them the G ENTe at I tssamor oe dof
But wirot elee should Istresperted frpm one aa:ho Irmo. • mob
Ina catoimratktely of OusdoCaur or rissotre ! Is repot... 4 lemon
°Coiner raikrrfrocc to cook knit op eye, k r.• 1: decent
steel his,,. isioch mill* import:met Is-It that the person.- a Ito usan
ittiicturs areidasine, designed lid
should know well the tiled cal profierties of plants. thr best
Manner of nernring end eiaa entrnting their heAltne virtues.
Moons' exteashar know lodge of the varionadowswes which titled
the human .1)14P111, and hem to reneda.e to the-e diseases:
It Is . to awe 1 fraud , tie ti• fortunote. t.. poor ba 1110 Into
la hinds. bore In thr iiesnatr,ne hosom. to
ensure benign. nod b...fw, attol rm. ff we C. WI Fred NMI bra
ke end 1•. biet-h crtiloa.ll /LA3 , 113)1.11./ 1B Ti i‘V:\ SEND
heti [ 4 4.11...C11T and rtle NI3 the telportittriti and noun. to bring
Grand Universal Concentrated
within the, end t, [Tilt lita.tol. dzt• of /01 who need it, that
they yerfr tenet, mug know, -k r‘vnerlence. it.
lissistscendent- Yovvier to I f pal.
DitshcciveYowx.Prie• ntw Visas. Ilk? S. IM&
ihe ylih of ly. litr: I n ognoi 'marked with
aril—under % Oar!. ing,rri ',loom. 10 grow
wireer lam *Vet* tint sninittriw l !errs*' eritirelt helpless,
itcaralris ertfertller ygter,f, 'emit, i t i t d . hoping Nit ywe
nny in this stittei groOlotwir until Jannarr il , lB, lithe*
I I .itna to r 'nand it little and tnii.roso praAuwhq flip the ht May.
Tins amendment Nos only , sus far its in' be able 61 ped eryseff,
though st:II inroiNTA.6ClitUligelltimrintrirtiest er even renting
is be.j., in ail. ith Irrat or no chitty,.
until I Nirty deeteitteri of about nriin this seasen. :Os
the ?lendy. tOA% trance/it. tri.vinu risirstptrillitt
*Oh. Itittc &act iskin; the tletioietts. iosiiusil: ix kb.
which 1 had not done tar.r.,re In tin sanothi. sad In lett ititti
week, 1
rrt! 7ED ACROSS rim J i bO.V
Caf ala of cratchea. Sitteethdn. l hare walked in the street :
'kitty gone alone, tiprare street to the Perk thence to
owejaySt Hotel * and back. *I have teen to ss' Nieman -street
two digereat Owe% awl eta now firqueetly eedtiter my with
bum UurLat all this time:lll4re torn but tier /rot*, of (11l
Dr. Thiraieturs"twors.tastiitn. Oct. 4. I protart.i nuothat Watts
CSab Deur:ink/ leallard mitt remote fluor witbeort the aid
of cyfackea.. kive aDkrooDy recovered ,fmoi ob.uuetima of
water. Which trate aw great Attire* 'Tao lade In my back hoe
Lkeitlee leWme. I Iv& kir ll'ataly heed to earthly release te
itteikgre elatayr 444.44pryl.kany ainss-but ta
. Or-P . D.AL J4C O I, To fr)rse-aries
I. • • XLIELIMV.I.OIi,36 Sprain-a. •
1 1 .41:-4 1 kt•Aralr atilertys ' Icitins4capared of my am walkiatig
seen raising myself from rip , tiedittals4.
itiiii 11. T. City...
seiriersldAind retail,An Tottamaii. P w by RI
!WAR w . . iijentfO ii irti Tennlylusita.
30(P°70/41413-y,i3f. Aq. , 060 , 6 bona
&U r? nion. sn'a,for" eels low in quantities
to suit parch:4l' trir23 U. D. RADII. ETT.
-- .6llence that Dreadful Copiati
-HElLUitse are in danger, the work oftlatiassals,-
T . h•Obstew begun, the cough of Cungumptium has
in Curniiikif iamb:
. N Your darling chattily:4CW
cew perhaps confined togerlhaiiher
,hiSjfieticolol l 4er pale cheeks, her thtroattetnik
'ecilittlilite bald disease has already gained.upoo
, beir :-.4lagoinifid - of her sepukhrel cough pierces your
, when just about to enter life, disease
'heirsri,:erusliing blight over the for .prorpurt• of
tl4'futurel-fyour-6ectiorougbyted eeble limbs -tell of
your loss ofhope, but you need not despair., There
a balm aid& will heel the verionded lungs, it is
Mrs. Amer, therwife of Wur...11. A i Ct.q. cis
en up by Dr. Sewall of Washington. Dr. Reit. and Mc
UttilOn of ritihnielphirs. I Irk, Roe and Mott of New
York. Her friend. 411 tlt p nght rl.c must die. She
had every appearanris of being:in consumption, and war,
wt pronouneedihy her physicians—Shennan's Ilalentri
See given a ul it cured her.
Mrs. Garrahrants, of Butfirerry was also cured of
conenrription by this Bah-am when on other 'somatic'
failed to give'e wasteduccd toe skeleton. Dr.
A. Z. Castle, Dentist, 281. Broadway, has witnessed
its affects in several es where no other medicine affor
ded relief—hut the Balsam nt•etated !Ikea charm. Dr.
C. also witnessed its wonderful effects in curing Asth
ma, which it never_ fails of thing. :spitting Blood.
alarming as it may be, is effectually cured by this Bab
sem. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels;
and makes the tunas round noon.
Rev. Henry Jones, 108 Erehth avenue, was cured of
cough and catarrhal affections 50 years standing. The
first dyne gave him more relief than all the other medi
cine he had ever taken, Dr. 1.. J. Real., 19 Delaney
tweet, gave it to a sister4ro•lew who we. laboring under
affisumption, and to another sorely affleirstl with the
asthma., In both its effect', were immediate, soon
restoring them to comfortable health.
Mra. Lucretia Willa, 95 Christie at., arffered from
Asthma 42 year.. Sherman s Bsl• reeved het at
once. and she is romp3rstieely well, being enabled to
subdue every I t :IC • I, V a timely toe .•f this medieme.
This indeed i 4 the ely remedy fir Cotigh..,
Spitting blood, r ro re. piaiot. and all a liections of the
throat, and even A. pna end Con.umption.
Price 25 cents and $1 ■ bottle. Nolri in Towanda,
by HUSTON & PORTER, No. I,.Briek row.
Let Hs Iriorks praise it!
plate remedy fur Burns. Scalds. Cute, Swelling*,
Bruises, Sprain.. Salt Rheum. Piles. FY.! , KIWI , . Sore
Lips. Chapped Hands., ChiIIL.L na, ticald Head, and al
kmde of It.fhtme.l pores.
Persons in all conditi ms of lire. are at times liable in
be of with the above complaints. It to therefore
!hr duty of heads of (arrilli , s in rtirsi.le and keep on
Land, trolly 61 any emergency. a REMEDY that is
capable of removing the aulTering attendant on those
very tvothleanme companions. Those who have used
need not I.e
told that it is a comple.e irtllrOy, a maater
of pain, and the most speedy remover of inflammation :
ever discovered. Tf r experience of such persons is suf
ficient to prompt ilwrn to keep it always on hand, lawy.
ing that many valuable fives have been saved, by this
lifuzical Conqueror of inflamed and other sores,
scalds &c. It instantly stops all pain of the severest
kind, and prevents scars. No family shout! be without
as at. immediate applicalion of it in cases of barns or
scalds, would do more good a bile waiting for the dodo•
than be could do when arrived, besidre preventing long
hours of the utmost audio:9g which might pass before
physician could be obtained.
It possesses control over 'the severest injuries by fire,
over mortification, over inflammation, and by its corn•
Wiled virtues it acts as anti-septic, nervine, anti-spas
modic, anodyne, emollient and healing, and is the most
complete rational remedy in use.
Thousand. have tried. and thousands praise,it. It is
working its way into public favor with a rapidity un
known in the history of medicines. Ail who use it. re
etritmesd it. Again we say. no f■mily shOuld be with•
out it. The agents furnish the public gratis, with books
describing this ointment.
Each box of the genuine,Torsity ' s
OINTIIIZICT bee the signature of S. Tomei written on
the ont>ide label hi black ink. Never purchase a box
unless this signature can be seen. Pitce 25 cer tr per
box or five boxes for Si. Prepared by ELIA urn 5. Toy-
SET, SyraCUPe, N. Y. Sold in New York at 101 NR}.
sati atrect, and in Towanda, by HUSTON & POR
TER, No. 1, Brick Row. by
Cllelinees Vegetable Purgative Pills,
ARE the first and only medicine ever discovered that
will positivek cure Headache, Giddiness, Piles,
Dyepepsia, Scurvy. Smallpox, Jaundice, Pains in the
Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart. Ri
sing in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Freers of all kinds
Female Ccmplaints, Measles, Salt Rheum, Heart Burn.
Worm.. Cholera, Morin's, Coughs, Quinsy, Whooping
rough, Consumption, Fits, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Deafness, Itching, of the Skin, Colds, Nem-I...Com
plaints, and a variety of oilier Diseases arising from im
put itir a of indigestion.
It has been proved that nearly every disease to which
the human frame is subjeet, originates from impurities
of the, Blond or Herm gement', of the Digestive Canals;
and to *Penni. Healtli, we must remove those obstruction!, •
or restore the Itlootl ter its natural state. This fact is
ueiversally known, but Temple have such an aversion
in medicine, that-, units, the case is urgent, they prefer
the disease hi the rare, until an impeireil Constitution
or a 'lt of .ickt.eits rebukes them for the folly of their c o n.
duct.. Still they had,ate egret-et, for heraninrr, med
icine in almost all its forms ; was nearly as disgusting
as it was beneficial. Now. however, the 'twit is :fwl err
fictually n moved ; far Clichenet'a Frgtiable Purgal;rr
Pill& bring completely envelope , ' with A COATING or
PUREWIIITIE Fru (which is distinct from the kernel)
have no taste of non!leine, but are as easily awallowerd
as lots "f rarely. ktireiescr airy do not nnasente nr
in the slightest decree, which is occasioned by the
tact that aye triMpoiltaled On Scientific princtples, arid
operate equally on all the iliseised parts of the system,
instead of rnitifulina thennoelveo to„ and racking any par
ticular reeion. (a hich i• the greilt and admitted' evil or
every other purgative.) Hence, they xtrike al . the
bi*el7l , e, relllOse all impute humor• from the Wood,
n the pares externally and internally, promote the
Iti-etirililo Perspiration, ...ells'. (Louie"( y, he.
Are.—selawate all tot- Lai en ttttt Xi. 4..e1e. front
white, «o that tin- bi ...I, of a o n it
he ttttt gbh pi re —secute . fr. ean ' at It .:1 to
the Heart. L , lfigi a Li ver, vn,l i herel,d heahh
rren toli s an anti; mraax hare ',P&L
cr..l` A I letters of inquiry or for 'siee m... 1 ls^ I.
tiresaaA (r. 041 paid) to I.IIr.C.V.CI.IrICENER No 6-6
Veseyt-et., New York. or his atehorii- , I agents through
out the country. For sale ih Towanda, by
1111uTo:V & PORTER, No. 1, Brick Raw.
N. R. Renii ether, Dr. C.V. elkkeiter ihnineentot
of Sugar Gaited NUN, and that nothing of dm port urns
ever heard of. nmil he intrialured them in lime. ls 4
Purehapera should theregire ask (Ur Cifekitneee Sugar-
Coated and peke no other, or they will 1* mole
the victims of a fraud. by
1a416. MI6"
i"• . r
Tow rt
Tows W. w.00...t.• has remor'eti his establish
ment to the shtjp between Kiuggbery's and Bart
lett's stores, and Where lie still Feick" a share at
redid patronage. He in'ends, by a careful selection
of stock. end by attention to the interesta of his custo
mers to make as neat and durable work kir can be ma
nufactured in this pact of the country.
He will keep constant y on hand, - stpt reatinfactnns
to order, Moerteco, ray and Coarse Hems and Shoes
Ladies Gaiices, Shoes and . Slips t Children's do.,
Gent's fitriters'ard Pumpi.4e.
.Country.Prodhee, of most descriptions, talrea in
payment for work, at the market price. 1 •
Toarandla, April 28,1847. - I
VOTICE is hereby when that . the 'en-pirtnerithip
1.11 tietetotorn existing between. CH AIitIi3ERLIN"&
PORTER, aft Do:10os, diy dissolved' by
mutual consent. The busm►es will be eii►ied on by
R. C. 'PORTER, who will settle' ill limning of the
late firm. 'Towanda, Jan.
,6, 1819.
~~ ~ i,
Or Ott 4 twortaittaelig,c4l Dis,civcry.
Chemical , froiMher - regetable Kingdom
,to rcpd pitwee.
Doc k
• ns
•tau %I
Tit sum
61 3
771 c ALA seccerfol Illeditinc in the iroi Id 1
r HIS CHEMICAL C(AIPOUND, containing as
1 it Aloes. Ycllow Dock, so 'highly esteemed by
the tscaltj —with other vegetable piodu 7tioos, is one
if the most important discoveries of the age, and far
superior to all Pimple sinsaparillepreparstions in tise.
Although less than twp pesos have elapsed, since its
discovery, it has already rffeked over 15.000 rotes.
The unrivalled power disease which this Syrup produ
ces may be attributed to the fact that it is composed
windy of vegetable extracts, each one basing a direct
reference to some internal organ; consequently the
whole system is benefitteds and the fact that, i 4 its
operation, it occasions neither sickness nor pain; and
can be taken nodes all circumstances without regard to
business ••r dirt, and by the aged and tie infant with
equal efficacy, is certainly a consitierathm in the history
of Medicine. This Extract is put up in Quasi Bottles.
and is the moat, highly concentrate.) Syrup in ose. It
is s offcred st the low price of one dollar per Bottle, the
otjert of being to give the patient an opportunity by
the purchase of one bottle, to test its valuable medical
properties and its power over disease.
This compound Extract of Yellow Dork and Sarsa
parilla is a positive, speedy, and permanent cure for
Consumption, Scrofula or.King'■ Evil, prysipeles. Salt
Rheum. Pimples on the face, Rheumatism, Gout, Gen
eral Debility, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Spinal Af
fections, Female Complaints, Ulcers, Syphila in its
worm form, Affections of the Bladder anti Kidneys,
Bilious Colic sod serous Looseness, Biles, Costiveness,
Colds, corrupt Humors. Asthma, Dropsy, enlargement
of the Bones, Fever and Ague, Giddiness. Gravel,
Headaches, of every kind, Impure hlmad,laundice, Loss
of A poetise. Leprosy, Mercurial Diseases, N fight Sweats,
Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Neuralgia, Organic
Affections, Palpitation of 'the Heart, Painter's Colic,
Piles, rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Swellings,
Sick Headache. Stiffness of the joints, Exposure and
Imprudence of Life.
It extracts nervous disease, purifies and ennehea the
Mood, end invigorstrs the body more effirctually than
any medicine hitherto offered to the public.
In the Vcretshle Kingdom. an All wise Being has
depo-iced nein plants and herby as are congenial to our
constitutions, anti adapted ao the erre of all curable
diseases. to which human nature is incii.ent. r.ll this
Compound Syrup is composed of all those valuable
plants. corm of which have lately been discovered :iti•l
used, and found to be certain specifics in thousands of
diseases that he fore defied the best of medical skill.
This i. to certify that we, the under.ignol Physic
clan. of the city of New York, have in a very-weal
mlny caw. prescribed Thu-tor Ou'Yanters Estraci of
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, .and are fully a.surAl
that it has no equal among the varied Syrups;and Sar
saparilla preparatiuns that have over been sold. Octo
ber 10,'41.
John F. Stebbins, M. D.; F. R. Thomas, M. 1). ;
P. 8. Maynard. M. D. ; James E. Morgan, M. b, ;
Samuel T. Wells, M. D.. 8. M. Johnson, M. D.
More testimony in furor of the superiority of Dr.
Curelto Extraet of Yellow Durk and Sarsaparil
la over all other similar remedies.
Read! Read! I Exit - ads of letters received.
Wsren-rown, Jefferson Co., Noe. 4, 1847
Dear Sir-1 em at s loss to express with words what
has been said in praise of your Compound Eitract of
Yellow Dock and Samparilla ; all who have had the
pleasure of using it speak of its marvelikrue effects in
removing diseases, with so much feeling and heartfelt
satiafaction, that I am confident now that no medicine
in use can boast of its superior qualities. Many who
have been complaining for years with prin in the side,
burning and pain in the chest, dyspepsia. general debili
ty, Ins. of appetite, chills, night- sweets, salt rheum,
scrofula, in fact all the diseases that we in this climate
are heir to, Sni in the Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,
all that is requisite to make them what they were in
their days of health, dkc.
We have had twelve dozen bottles in three months,
and find we are nearly out. Please send an equal .
amount, and 0' lige yours.
Sr. JoHNRCILLE, Montgomivy Co. Jan. 3, '4B
S. F. Br wa-rrr —Dear S.r—Some four weeks since
I was induced to try your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla
for 1)) svepsia had been stlitetml shout 40 rars, noso
part of the time unable to eat'anything without suffer.
mg intensely from its effects. I hair used now only
one bottle of 'our invaluable n,edicine, and conside r
m)self entirely cured solely 11 its use. tan now cat
a hearty meal, without ihr ,110.0.5 t inconvte.enre.
Very uuly yours ANTHONY BECKMAN,
The mild alterative pr•perttea of Dr nov.rott ' a ic•
tract of Yell.ox Dock and Sar,warill.i, r. t.. 1. r it pecro
Lady applicable to the slender and .1. I. •..•
of the rental.. It is unrivalled in OP
diseases C. , t0e.r0n..t.:11. It r
nr IrreetaLir ill in,
timer of urine. sad iZt r era! . i •
It hotnerliately courovrere that -
%MI 1.1... qt Us:.' w 7 ('Olll.ll. 111 1.1 I tt,. f n ~.
114 MA PM rtlergy NIA I.U• , y • ,IC MS Ftsfpi I- • _
Ife crAteitil
v r.tni,..t, of roure,e, exha
tet:l in tiii4 fI a -14 t
1r....V..14 a 1.14 f, rye,' • ..r,v•l!, '
ly the gte , tt rr,;u.• 01 I
MI. BE • I -- \
our ri4l.,x
faction in e.i• y
t ell air .tr•
A very rP.tir•Aal..4.. r ..t
tilluallit . rjUi;as I rt. 41..:. •1 C. 1.1
hrr tlisioatts :••• U. ;,.ed r itn•netroal alamisatt.:es a •1 at
dte •iae 9f Dr. Guy,artt'a :
Walt radically eunal. 11.1.1 u.r,l To a
others. Without teey,ivitta t the 1% . 11r
had one daughter die f th.• tote eau-e
Fend us an additional atipply. Vet,' nstp•rtfliiis %•••.,
Thee are counterfeit medicines attuit ; therefore the
reader is particularly cautioned not to allow himself to
he imposed upon.
Lkanue how you buy medicine put np in square
quart bat les. Be very sure and ask for Dr. Guysoy's
Compound :Extrad of 'Yellow Donk and E , lnrseparills,
bearing the written signature of 8. F. Bennett, rin
each outside wrapper, written with Mack ink ; and do
not.4nvany account, be induced to buy any other ran
ds—as it is this preparation only that is performing such
marvelous and wunnishing cures. Take no mans
woad; as persona hawing the counterfeit medicine and
not genuine. are of course desirous of making their
profits--consequently you are liable to buy worthless
trash, unless you ,esamine for yourselves.
01. Eementher, Dr. CUYSOTT'S YELLOW
Prepared at F. Bennett's Labratory, Little Fallsi,
Fterkitnei county, N. Y., and 04141 at wholesale in N.
York CJty by 4, E. Trippe, 128 Mahleia Lane: rdini - 11
l'racy . Sadie; Elmira '
L. M. Rexford,
Ir L. Pima Owego, and by the principal
druggists and rtieretitits
_throughout the -L t Wawa,
Weslliidih and Canada.
. ,
•.° Ncne geninne- T sulleue /nit up in large square
bottles contsinint'alintrt: ciithlb Mime of the syrup
Mown in the glass, with 'the we fittenilignure of •13.
lIENVSIT Mt each amide "rapper.
80111 Wboknile R.• HERM
Alhns, HIRAM MIX ' Towanda. • In)
Ilb• % I/1
•• 111.• I 11 V
I . t. 4 r
Cestern N. York College 'of ifealtli,
9107 Mahe Hired, Sadao, Jr. II:
Dr. C. C. Vaughn's (evils!)le LltiOnthripir Mixture.
r r Ilia celebrated remedy i 9 . constatolrincreasing ito
1 fame by theniAny irA is milting
It has now beeome fhe °nig meeEeirte for ftigni Is use
arid is particularly recommendnkfor
all Alegi" of. this complaint
L immesliatty relieved, no,
matter of-how long. standing. • See *pip/del fm• le 1i
and all diseases of 'the urinary organs; for there dis
tms6ing complaints it stand* doer ; no-cshcr article can
relieve you ; and the cures testified to will con•ince the
most skeptical ;—see pamjiylef. Li!erCamplaint. Bil
lions ditirion,
To the grrst west especially: and, whenever these
complsiats. Koval' this medicine is 4altxed.
, .
no deleterious compound is apart of ilia mixture, it
cures these diseasm,vvitb certainty and celerity, arts
does not leave the . ay4em torpid. Bee pamphlet.
a complaint of a most pelnful character it IMMEDI
ATELY RELIEVED, and a Cure follows by a fro ,
use this article :it Is far before any other pre
paration for this disease, or for any 'other-disease orig,
inating from impure' blood—Sce pamphlot.
weak back, weakne.s of the Fiancys, Arc.. or intlima
Linn of some is immediately relieve d a few days us.
of this mediciiie, and a cure is alwayso result of its use
It stands as a
for enc .. l complaints, and also forderangeinonts of the fe
male frame.
painful menstruation!. 11 7 0.arlide has rrer beet of
fared except this which would cure this derangtoeots.
It may be relied upon as a sure and effective remedy
and did we feel permitted to do sn could give
3R proof of cures in this distressing class of complains':
see pamphlet. • All broken down, debililatedconalitu
-1 ion from the effrei mercurpwill land the bracing pow
of this etude to art immediately, and the poieou9us
mineral eradicated from the system.
will find the alternative- properties of this article. PURI
FY TII El BLOOD, and such diseases from the sys
tem. Ser pamphlet for testimony of curet in all die.
eases, which the limits of an advertutment ittienot pet.-
m.t to be named, here Agents girt them away; they
contain 42 pages of certificates of high character, end a
stronger army of proof of the virtues of a medicine, ne
ver appeared. Ii is one of the fiernliar features of
this art;rle thud it never fails 'to Gernfit rn any ea- e,
and if bone and musclemre left to build upon la the
emaciated and lingering invalid hope on, and keep ta
king the medicine as long as there is an improvement.
The proprietor would caution the .pnblic against a num
ber of articles which conic out under the head of Sara
psrillas, Syrups. &c., as cures fur Dropsy, gravel,'Ar.c.:—
they are good far nothing, and convected to gull the
unwary ; touch them not. Their inventors never
thought of curing such diseases till this article had done
it. A iiartic/ar study e f the pamphlet is solicited.
Agents and all who se, I the article are glad to circu
late gratutiously. Put up in 30 nz, bottles, at $2 ; 12
oz. do tit $1 each—the largei holdirreo oz. more than
two small bottles. Look out and not gel imposed upon.
Every bottle has "Vaugn's Vegetable Lithnntriptic
Mixture," blown upon the glass, the written signature
of .• G. C. Vaughn" on the directions and "G. C. Vaugh
in. Buffalo," stamped on the click.' None other are ge
nuine. P-epare.l by Dr. G. C. Vaughn. arid sold at
the Principal Office, 209 Main stsrect r auffalo, at whole
sale and retail. No attention given to letters unless
post-paid--orders o m regularly constituted Agents ex
repted: post paid letters, or verbal communications so
liciting advice, promptly attended to, rte is. ,
. .
Offices devoted exclusively to the ttiile of this article
-132 Nassau vit., New York city : 225 ERSIPX St.. Salem
Mas ; and by the principal Druggist throougliout the
United States and Cannel,, as Agenta. •
STQRRS & ('O., Wholesale Atente. Philadelphia.
HIRAM MIX, Towanda.T. D. Spring, Laceysitle.
C. H. Herrick, Athens. A.Durtun, Tunkhann'k.
C. B. Fisher, Wyalusing.E. Dyer, Covington.
G. F. Redington, Troy.- I April 12, 1848.—y
Removed to north side Public . Square !
, li* A. Chamber/in,
ti• TA. AS just returned from the city
ilk- 11- -of New. York with a larg-e
---,„... supply of Watches, Jewelry -.anil
re / 4 \II • S'e ~ Kiker ware, comprising in pint
. I .„,g. the • follow Inc article. :—Leser,
d oh ' 1 ,04, L'Epine and l'lnin Watt-hen, with
4 4 ;1 14 -7,;0 n complete - assortment of (;01.1
Jewelry, no.i-li on Ear Rings. firs ,
see Inn :=, th east Pin.. Br.weletn. Lockets: 601. i eliairr4,
liol.l Pen.. Ke%., air. Also. ail gorta of Silveryt are,
amd ativ titotoi ay ol $llO4-1 newl.:—.lll ,if whi c h l ie u tf ej
t.o ~le exeveedanals rbusp far UNtql• •
Walclola repair-el on ••Itort oink, n. I •••frrrftrili fi
.. rim 0...!7 or 11, oi ~,,, •%- o ill be r,futi . .,I nil .r t.klit
1 or.. I! 0 • II I.: 0' "Ir 1 1 '.1;•••I 0 re • .• •
N. It - I`l.Fl 5.1 . 4; kit t , • •
,v,;,•,1 t,. •••
f”I 1., L . : I" , rrfri•l , e r 'r 1 ' l O l
fl ' OrP .. . l l N tr erri•lii Irl % ' I it. foritt•
(11AL tz,r,
Ltßin I't)U PAIN hII LER
\ I:. J. AN L: k. No , i. an 11.341 to ot)." • 011:t.ift
P.AAN ii.l.l:_i;. an.l I.n Lk , •
•• 'I . toll. F• Lol
it , • 4 11 11 I(C,II111 , 11,1lIfY4, II 4 ~,
1 . 4••• • 11, 4_, I . !I, '‘ •
.•!• .•;•1.1.
It. v.. kat..4.1 fi•-u B ip.t , ...1. , •Lr
•• ,i'• t i'. 4 (11
• .1 %ad,
PI ttil C:llse,
re Teter,
1 T? .. • •. 13,bn ,
i 3in D. , ii•
1 ,ht. B Ow, N. V.. loac - •
Never lut , efla'we ti,.' Pain ltitler the rrnt . tr.n
•i,v-tnrr. of .1. ‘n.lrk.r...e. 1,5 , (.1 of par', !1m0..., in
hit.l,lt t•• 1 r . ..1 4 ,0 I t• , y n r` . t . 4IN POR rEtt
Hll4 M ',!l`., oe!v• Tmv twit].
Fhr further rtartictihr4 *Pe VltiVr • til.4llPrlt. ;ri •)rm.tlier
?Ja:iF LW3r.~.L' J
Merely for the -mint of. cho ! ip Clot IValcher mut
Jewelry! Great MA at The .
TANIES P. BULL respectfully informs the citizens
of 'ragwanda And vicinity. that he has lately return
et] tram Philadelphia, and permanently located in To
wanda, one door hehrig the Brick Row, in the room for
merly occupied hy Mercer's Hat Store, where may be
found gold : and silver watches, gaud, fah and guard.
chains., gold and silver pencils, gold pens, breast pins,-
finger rings, &c, cheap for ra:h. and every article Win
ranted. A large supply of Cf. ICKS, of ths.latest
proved patterns, Juneing 'from :to hours to,B days and
a month. with one winding. •
al' Particular attention paid to,wpairinikeLocKs,
WATCHESTdsItA,VELRY F every deactiyAiall.and
from the :long eßesienio whi4 Feltaa twain „bu
siness. work• lea: in ttis am wl be done •iti*
workmanlike manner. Old gold 'arid silier taken in
- r taHORNIHONNETEt att ens doubts it,
L let ihent-step into FOXifti and test the Tact: 0 good
assortment of Flotente besitl.'also. new antlYsitiionahle
ribbons, flowecs ortriebki, of No. 2 Brick Row cuw2 t
r.t vt 11.4 . 0 : . 011 hit
~~ ~i'~ESST.f2~~~~'I~~EIIrT
AN ; 3th*MV
L. M. ;110 lc CO., wonia re .
:spectily initirnzthe citizens of Tow.
'ands stuLtize publie generally, m a t on harufA manufacture
to Order all liinds of CADEINET
FI_IIOiITURE, of the *et mate-
i f _
vials, and workmanshiptlrat cannot.
Le surpassed,in addition to the usual
assortment in country shops, we will to ep on hand and
make to order tit )F AS. of various and most tipprove.4
patterns; :loin Rocking Chains, uptiolsterpt in stiperior
style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpass d
even in our large cities. Also. the half Fren c h 11 4 .
hogany- Chair, beautifully upholstered, with ro l l e d h a i r,
which never loses its elasticity, and finished with AN,
hest Bair seating47.4Ve Batter olar1 1 0" that having
had much ea per*-tm'in the husinsss, we shall be %We
to satisfy all who may feel call, both u. to
quality and price. and by strict attention to business
hope to Merit and receive the patronage of a 10.4481 cons
L. M. NYE & Co.
Towarida.Septemia.r I. 184 7.
catrLyer ruff; Aim" ter
MAY 13'WH Atli at' otir shot) much lower than it
has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are
cheap. and wheatarri lowered, ind that is the reason we
ran a ff or d a ll for to do it. All kinds- oflandoeri 'will
he received in payment. A Iso,II.T.YMB El? of all link
Sept. 1. L.II. NYE 4- co.
41;....i50 mu - - Ar-... Iff - isi: , ...w.
. .
WILL be — C pt on band alarge assortment, no d
- A
made to' nler on phorter notice and !lir lean mn.
oey than con he ptoduced at my Other establishment tn
the land. Those who are untler the neceaaity of pie.
curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A aged
hearse and pall may be had irrattendanee when deairrd.
F_ 4 eptemher 1.3847 1.. MO Y E & CO.
ghat arc you about here! Aru't Fes, t-guesa se!
Fr HOT:SANDS of times thequestion has Been asked,
Where on earth are all tbo Boots BO Shoes rna.
nufactured that supply the continual rush at the corner
of Main and Bridge streets? O'Hara answer% that this
is the place, and these ire the things we de it with !
~ .
r. Seventy-elevennewfushiorn
fe'4!•±'-'tssi•---- • - every two' orronds! •i•
--'7- -- - - - - - --.- -'-'=%-: 1. - - -- Put on the &cam! ! I
2-4 - . -., ,-... -- .„:„.. - :: - - -: T. ~ C . •
Hear ye !, hear ye ! and understand, thit O'Hara, at
the corner or-Main and - Bridge alreetal, will sell at road
this season. 39,781 pairs of Boots; Shoes and
. 1.1r0n„.,
at. a lesimplicc than ever was or probably ever will be of
fered again in Towanda.
The Ladies' Department in this establishment is
richly. furnished with fashions. Ladies', unsays' and
children's fancy arid common boots and shoes, eien to
the extremity of thalatest fashions. Mistake not the
place —Corner of Main and Bride smolt; lire o o l y
Shoe Store in Bratiped Courtly.• Half cash and half
trade fur Hotter. • H. O'HARA.
Towanda, June 10, 1847.
• •
By. Dr. Upham's Vegetable ElretuarT.
A N INTERNAL REMEDY, which, if used ie.
Il cording to directions, a cure for life
. 6 guaranteed.
sr sirxous OF TIE bill - RAFE.
A common consequence olthis affection is a kind re
tenesenus, air beating driven sensation, as it is fannl.arly
called ; there is aleo heat, 'tensing' and throbbing in the
part, varying from a Moderate degree of these sensa
tions to the most excruciating suffering :—these are
caused by the great flow of blood to the parts. Soule
times the inner coat of the bon el protrudes at every
evacuation, forming what is called Piolnpsus or tailing
of the bowels ; this is the effect of long cnntinucd Mt.
tation and weakness of that organ. In some instances
the patieht experiences nervous pains, wit ch pre Male
criltable, and known only to the sufferer, which nix.
metsce immediately after an evacuation, and rrin'.lnue
from thirty minutes to several hours ; these sen- , anon
are-very annovmg and sometimes very distressms..—
This thseave, when of long C'oritinuante, is atten.lrd '-v
pawl and weakness in the back, irritation of the LI ;
neys and bladder, and other means in the vicinity. pat
anti numbness in the lees anti feet, a "sense of ettlielb
, ness about the chtst, and unnatural follriesv of the sl ,
I dominal viscera, accompanied with palpitation of the
heart and oppression. individuals sometimes expruenre,
previous Loan attack of the Piles, termptons denotiett
igreat the circulation; nitre is 9 sense
i of weight and pressure in the abdomen, with i peculiar
feeling of uneasiness in the bowels, constipation of se
rimeum, attended with pain in'the hack and loins: nau
sea, and slight pains in the stomach, pale countenente,
confused sensations in the head, weariness, end Mite.-
lite and ilift-ontemeil otate of the mind, and a seMe or
fiiiitiesQ and oppression in the rezion of the.stomarti.—.
The circulation on the slirfate is feehle. and the current
of blood determined irrwani and downwards. POE ALL
OP THE ABOri.. IotEF.A.EB ANn ertlrpt Al N T s..
Dr. Upham's l'reonble, Etretuary.
Cures 1-3!rectrutily uud therefore prrrr,./. !'H
. 1 1V "gig. DeePIIII•er I I. -1 A .1f;
GYNTS.-1. hate 1.1 , 441 //f• I:141W Veletable }Ye
Eleetnefy uhteh I puretm4ed of von mod ti , d tt ~tnr of
the beet tasede-itteg ut 11.• t:a the 15111.14...0n5t also Or All
ert,dne intuit in otnpurr elate 01 the
to, v„, r.,.• .t• .) LK, Mari& Deal..c.
Y Dee.,; fi. 114 17.
S 1 , 444 ; V.V trarl A.Si h..rru h ilitAtt MUM :-- I n•
h t r- So• zr•lletni iZekle, for the ease
I .:••:•!•i• th.r the rurr .d
I !I: r,:‘ ! . •t• ' -
f I
... ,w.
I .1 1 , 1 mi. • • 110 , itiO Olt IltlP
1 . 11.,1
F.11;:$ .i.5.1)1 •••,(; I -
Mr-, 4i k 1 %QM . / VaTi.
he ,' tro ( .Vic. • 1,4.17 tot.. U TATr & h n :
..• .itiln.ted with piing; V. 1.111.1,11 tirbinll
1111 , 1 n nn•••. , 2. :11n11.111 1111,1 prniagilo4 114 thr
N.'s% et.. r. sisted all Ow nt , dir 1,1 ' 3 ' ,
nn nt Ilr, Ch II Man and others
_could el , e. The
three year, of that time, my sutrerinr.s defy deteetiron•
I %CA* q011 . 11111.i.1 m be.l., unable to belp..inyr elf. and el -104
g3ven Up by my plaba bctitun and fi n4in 1 / 1 1 / 1 , 4M.r C I "
er gai aa it le my health ;.in fact for three davit before
W. 13 enthely speechless andd my burial clothes were
made. But under Providence, and the use of Dr. 1.4)-
ham'a Elect uarY; thouth opi44111; I . have the
ureof : stating.the ri.CTAQthedneblie t . that My health is
now 406. 4 7 dintl hone to live than', yesas. If h Gob
will, to make knomen the virtues. of th-l-upfinm's Elect•
nary, and to recommend it to my afflicted fellow crift --
tures. It belperl-rneAheyond the eirectations of nil that
knew my ease, 111)11'1 only say to others that it is, in my
opinion, he•hest medicine in the world for ear
other disease of the hovels; and if they Will use it se
roedinz to the directionsi I will myself warrant a cure
in 'every case.
Your's, with the tamest expreasion of thankfulineo..
EfnLAMONT. Bert. (Mass.) Nov. 19, 1,9-11.
T.Htatfoierenificate% tells a simple land truthful sta.
ry ofu nt agtl relief, of which , as physician awl
witness in the case, I cheerfully endorse.
NOTICE —The, geOUII)9 * Upham .0 Eleanor* has
his written siciiturc, ihup le3 . A. Upham; hl. 1. ) .) --
The hand is alone done with a pen. Price 51 a bol.
trr Sold whole sale and retail, by WYATT io
KETCHAM. 13.2 I. Fulton rot.. N. Y., and -by Demo
genetally therfunhout the IL N. and Canada.%
lIIRAM btll , Agent fur Towanda, Pa. , 45.9.
Are !It
si 11 . ‘ , 41 , a Olt
1,)1 r 5