Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 14, 1849, Image 3

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    New 2tivtittenncitts.
FOR board and lotion , including Orthography,Deae
ing Writing, Aritlititetic, Algebra, Doll-keeping,
`E ng li s h Grammar. Rhetotic, Composition, Geography.
Use of theGlobesOftneralogy, Natural Philosophy and
Astronomy. (with the use of a good apparatus to Was
hita those eudies,) Moril Philosophy and Chemistry,
payabk quarterly in advance, per annum, $lOO 00
Day scholars, per quarter, 4 00
French, per quartet, $4 00
Latin. 4 00
Spanish, " 4 00
Music. (on the piano.) per quartr, 10 00
Embroidery and rug work, - 2 00
Any young lady receiving instruction on the piano,
is privileged to learn rug-work, or any one of the above
anguages, and the same time, without additional charge.
To a young Igdy who studies the ED0...6 branches,
ttmi terms oflemning each of the above branches, are
Or quarter. d• $3 00
Instructions on the Guitar, 4 00
I 'se of Pianos, - 75
thawing and painting in water colors, including
the use of materials, such as drawing paper,
paints, pencils, &c. .. 4 00
Oil painting on canvass. {. 10 00
Painting transparent window shades, ineluding
the supply of materials, each
Formula painting on paper, silk and velvet, per
twelve lessons.
Gilding on silk. crape. &c.
Wax flowers, per quarter,
Pens and ink, "
Board in vacation, $2 00 per week,
Letters post-paid, addressed to the Misses WHITE
&GRIFFIN, Binghamton, Broom co., N. Y., will re
ceive prompt attention.
LIST OF JURORS drawn for May Term and Sea.
alarm—commencing May 7, 1849.
Athens bo—T. Huston; Athens tp.—Geo. Northrop ;
Burlington—James Huston, Emanuel Guyer;
Colambia—Datel Corey, Ch-as. Ke) es, H. Smith;
Canton—Geo. W. Grarin ; Durel— Wm; Place ;
Herrick—Hiram Camp; Monroe—A. L. Cranmer ;
Leroy—Ledyard Chaapel, Edward Wooster;
Orwell—Theoptlus Humphry ;
Nome—O. F. Young, M. C. Cannon ;
:4pringfield—J. Mattocks jr.; Smithfield—J. Geroulds
Troy tp—Alfred Leonard; Warren--Calvin Arnold;
Wyalusing—atlas Buck; Wells—Samuel Gordon;
Windham—Edward Boardman, J. Doane.
Albany—George Eberly, Ira Dodge, Joseph Lee ;
Athens tp—Li.Saterlep ; Athens bO--C.N.Shipman ;
Asvlum—JOon Horton; Burl ing,ton-8.8. MrCord ;
ColumbiaT. D. Gustin, William H. Gernet ;
Canton—Eph. Case : Herrjek—Wm. C. Knapp;
Litchfield—C. Bloodgood ; Monroe—J. G. Mason ;
Orwell—John W. Payson, Nelson Bosworth ;
Frike—Sam'l Buck; Ridgherry-Bael Coleman;
South Crk—B. Quick; Wyalusing 2 -H. Shumway ;
Springfield—A. Grace, C. 8. Benfi ey ;
Stone--J. H. Badger; Towanda tp—a. Granger;
Troy tp—Tirricthr Case, pat id Boyer;
Ulster—Harry Got e; T. wanda —A.D.Montanye;
Warren—A.C. burn, B. L'ar i •ty, Wm. Beardsley ;
indium—Pt ter o , horne, . Alt xat.der Hand, Lenj.
C. Elsbree, Lewis Loveland ;
Wysex— Frank Brown, (Zgorge Strope.
Armenia—Dan'! Crandall; Acylum—Frs. Vial!;
Athens fp—A maw Walker;
Athens bo—W. ' , hapley.H. R. Backus, G. Ft itcher
Burlington—J. Loveland, F. Whitehead;
Durel—Daniel Cook; Granville—luthec . 1. Clark
Mnroe--Hiranv. Sweet ; Pike—H. B. Vangilder;
Rome—Jas. L. Parker; Springfield—C. Burges
Ridgherrv—J. Burt, D. 'Dri,coll, Sturges Squire?;
Smithfield—Jnn. Wood, B. Tuttle. M. Bullock;
Sheslierpon— r -Harry Shaw, D. Davidson ;
sanding Stone—Hiram Gordon, Charles Roof ;
Springhill—A Kinney; Trov bo—W. P. Newberry
Towanda tp—N. Bennett, William Campbell;
•' bo—D. C. Hall, Burton Kiligsbery ;
Warren—E. E. Allen, Manson Ellsbree;
Wmilltam—James Bush, William Sibley;
Wy4on—Dav id Shores; Welts—John Brasted
MKE this method of informing the citizens of To
wands and vicinity, that they have taken a room
over the. store of J. Kingsbery, for the purpose of taking
LIKENESSES by the Daguerrean process. The pub
lic are reepectfolly invited to call, whether they wish
for pictures or not, and examine specimens. Those
that wish to have pictures taken in • desirable and psr.
reedy satisfectery manner, and in a style of bold relief;
well defined outline, softnete and richness of tone, and
permanency of impression, are, with all dekience, so
licited for patronage. We have a large Glicsaan Ca
llen:, the best kind in use ; also, a fine aw ortusent of
stock, consisting of Fancy Cases, Gold Lockets, orna
mented aad plain Cases, 4e.
i.O" Pictures taken without regard to weather, and
copied from Daguerreotypes, portraits or .engravings, and
set in ringa,.bracelets and pins, or in any style desired.
Prices for single pictures from $1 50 to $.6. In lock
eta, from $3, to PA- March 5, 114.19.
CHARLES REED having assigned all his estates
rights and Eredits to the subec-iher, for the benefit
of his creditors, it therefore becomes absolutely necessa•
ry that all debts due the said Charles. Reed should be
settled and paid without delay, and all persons having
claims against him are requested to present them at No.
5, Brick Row, in the born' of Towanda, his late place
of business, for adjUstment. An - early attention to the
settlement of this business is most earnestly desired, as
the subscriber will be obliged to put all debts due the
ssid.Reed in a course of collection, without disiinction
of persons, after the first day of March nest. The goods
now on hand, belonging to the above concern, compris
ing a great variety of very valuable and seasonable ar
ticles, will be sold for CASH, AT COST.
H. W. TRACY, Assignee
Towanda, Feb. 10, 1849.
Ai• i•prrsons indebted to the lite firm of HUSTON
and Lon, are hereby notified that unless set
tl ement is made by the second week of February court
the accounts will he placed in the hands of an officer
fur immedia'e collection. 8. HUSTON.
Towanda, Jan. 3," J 849: C. K. LADD.
Iv A. CHAMBERLIN respectfully inform the
V public that be has removed his establishment to
he room lately occupied by D. V undercook. as an of
fire, where be will be always on hand to confect erring
time-pieces. He offers for sale his .large assortment of
Jewelry at unusually low prices.
Towanda. Jan. 3 t, 1849.
AFRONT ROOM in the second story of No. 1.
Brick Row, over the Drug Store; also the room
in the third story formerly occupied as the Masonic
Hall. For particulars enquire of
Feb 13, 1849. ENDS TONKINS.
Ult 4 LiollathaC9o
'HAVING made airangemenvs with Dr. C. K.LADD
the subscriber takes pleasure in announcing tha
the Dortne will hereafter give his personal attention
IP hnlly to his business.
The Drugs and Medicines will be under the Doctor's
supervision, whore skill and experience in physics can
not be questioned. IYI 6 . H. MIX.
H. & & M. C. MERCUR,
'LT AVE the pleasure of announcing to the public
1 -11 that they are now teaching Another large and
general assortment of GOODS. •
Towanda, Dec. I, 1848.
IRON,, Iron-41 good assortment of Iron, frie sale at
the oenillant Were Store. A LORD.
Towandsi . 7,1815. • . • ; •
• &t.
Now opening at the alcove 'eitablisbnieitt a very .
large and devirsble aWintmen‘ AND
WINTBR GOODS, which. will be gold atm* low
nice. Boalneas akthipstatablialuient cendoceed Upon
fair and hottest principle". Irethwre oor !banks for
past favors and we hope for • continuance of the fame
as we are bound to sell Goods Cheap:
Towanda, Dec. 4, 1848.. N. N. BETTS.
4 00
5 00
3 00
5 00
. 50
2 50
WE are now t receiving and opening a new and•
general assortment of Goods just from the Qua
ker City, and we confidently say they cannot be beat
for variety, neatness of style, quality or quantity ; and
they must and shall be sold as low es the same goods
can be bought this side of the city. Our stock is full
and complete, consisting of every thing mankind stand
in need of. The,stock is made up of Dry gOods, Gro
ceries, Hardware,' Crockery, Iron and Nails, Paints,
Oils, Glue, Varnish, Dye-stuffs, Boots, Shoes, Leather,
Fish, Salt, and in'fact everything that is in demand,—
Persons making purchases will do well to call and es
amine our stock before purchasing, as we make no
charges for showing goods.
A good and cheap variety of Alprceas, Gingham.,
Oregon plaids and Detains, a large and good assort
ment of Cloths Cassimeres, sattinetts, Kentucky Jeans,
sattin and silk vestings, table diaper, brown and blue
cotton and brown and blue linen taLle cloth, Muffs of
all sizes prices and descriptions, Buffalo robes, Sheet.
ngs, shirtings both brown and bleached. Hats and caps
of the latest styles, wool shirts andatrawers, Carp
bags, gloves and mittens, Hosiery, any inantity of c
ton yarn and carpet yarn, white and colored all " 4
which will be sold cheaper for cash, than at any o
establishment in town.
Towanda, Nov. 16, 1848.
OFFICE, et No. 1, BRICK ROW, where they may
at all times be fond, readyNo attend to calls in
their profession. Towanda, Jan. 10, 1849.
EVERY person indebted to me. by note or otherwise,
are hereby notified that immediate payment mud
be made, or they will be subk-cted to the coat of enforcz
inc collection. I trust this notice will be sufficient,
without putting me to the secessity of placing my de
mands in the bands of a magistrate, for indiscriminate
prosecution. feb2B 1). C. HALL.
lEFT my bed and board, ou the 20th inst.. without
—1 any just cause or provocation. this is hereby to
forbid any person harboring or trusting her on my ac
count. as 1 will pay no debts of her contraetina.
A bany, Feb. 26,-1849. ORWELL W.MOSIIEF.
•6U DOW IT 111,
CF. HARDER respectfully wishes to inform the
. citizens of Towanda, and the public that he has
commenced the
in Towanda, on Main street, a few doom above Bridge
street, Where he will keep constantly on hand or make
to order. Plated and edmmon Harness, 'Trunks and
Trunk Vuhres, and all kinds of work in his Pine. CAR
to order. From his experience in the business, and
punctuality in attending to it, he hopes he may receive
a sharf of put.lic patronage.
g All kinds of work may be had at his shop cheap
er than at any other shop in this county.
Towanda. June 12, :848. . ly 1
111111 ans Scott,
w;1? 9. 1 1t.17 IPI IX 20. W VY
AS removal his office to D. gash's new office, on
11 second street, where he en be pleased to see those
need his professiena'sereices. Dec. 29, 1847. y
Towanda, ;P.ogus , 30, 1847.
LYSSES MERC UR, has removed his Law Office
to the second story of Montanye's New Block
corner . of the Public Square and Main street.
Towanda. Dec. 30th, 1848.
New Tailoring Establishment,
In No, 2, Brwk. Row, over the store of E. T. Fox,
thud story.
cs t - ,fl 4, 12 at 3 21' 9
RESPECTFULLY informs the Citizens of Towan
da. and the public generally, that he has removed
his Tailor shop to" No. 2, Brick Row, user the store of
B. T. Fox, third story. where he solicits those in want
of Tailoring, to give him scald.
Having been employed in the most fashionable estab
lishments in Philadelphia and elsewhere, and being de
termined to spare no pains to please, customer" may
depend upon having their work done promptly and in
• good st7le as can be had at any shop in town. All
work warranted well made and to fit.
CO Cutting done cheap, and warranted.
Count, e taken in payment for work
THE Subscriber respectful
, lyinforms . the citizens of To.
winds that he has opened a
Market in the Union Block,
.0:1 1 0
one door west of Woodruff"'
- , Hotel (ha 6 sement story) and
will endeavor to keep constantly on hand, and supply
those who wish the means of "good living," with daft
and Fresh Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, &c., of the
finest quality and in the best order.
Candles & Soap by the boz or pound, constant
ly kept on hind and for sale at low prices.
Towanda, Aug. 29. 1848. A. HAWLEY.
HR subscriber offers ; his entire stock of NEW
000110 at the following reduced prices:
Calicoes. d to 9 cents.
Muslin., 41 to 10 "
Flannels 121 to 20 •
Cotton Flannels, 6 to 8 "
Broadcloths, 150 to 2 50
Sattinetts 25 to 75
Shawls, .. 32 to 300 "
Alpacess,. 12 to 374. " •
Factory,... 44 to 81 "
GROCERIES and QUEENSWARE in proptrtion
—and will tate all kinds of Grain in exchange. Will
pay for Clats 30 cents; Corn I cent peilb.; Bucked! !at
371 cents; Wbeit $1 per bushel. The stock of gods
were bought last fa. Now Is your time ladies and
gentlemen. to make a California fortune.
Canton, Feb. 12. 1849. - .1; E. LIES.
Nmet is hereby, given that all Retailers et Foe
eigs slideochandiza who do not pay theirlLicensow
within twenty days. will be sultjudood to coots.
Fel*. 7, 019. 1. U. PECK, Tresaurv.
Inercbt*ir, fir.
STOP FRIEND r Nine is the time ! if pin wish
to baystlodi BJ‘IbiGSRIRRY &
Cn. Their; are intik seignegiiithilis reit:Si:lir not a
little cheaper) thin they esatistbiii*httit Owego, Bing
hamton or.Zintirai i If Jon don't Wigan it., call and
examine thelignals. which for quality andAtaP""
were never before uttered in this market. "We have,
tool shall constantly keelson hand. a large assortment
of Dry Goads, Cowries, Hardware and Crockery.
Don't forget 10 call lAd emunine their goads twfwe
rmrclmaina .eisawhere, • Towanda. Jan. 16.'1 Rs 9
SHEICTiIIIGS.—A large emelt of blheeliaga for mile
cheep by jy 10 IL KINGOLISIXY dr. CO.
LlFF'ci..—A nice article of lynx. jenette and rnney
muffs, fur gabby B. KINOMBERY & CO.
.Jib. 1. Brick Row,
THIS lugs, extensive, and miscellaneous stock. more
complete than any found in this section o 4 COW).
try, every article having been selected with great care
di - I
-Doctor Porter in person, will now be offered to the
public—as cheap u can be purchased elsewhere.
Physicians, who cannot come and examine:ow stock
can depend upon all article/ they wish to send for.
In addition to the assortment of Drugs and Medicines
the stock extends to Dye Stuffs, Family Groceries. Li
quors of all kinds, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Ali:edict
nevus articles, Patent .Medieines, 4e.
Haring been appointed agent for most. all the genu
ine Popular Patent Medicines, we assure the public,we
will not offer any that are counterfeit, as we will not buy
or accept an agency from those speculators, who. by
base imitations impose upon the country with their
'pus ions Drugs.
On account of the great importance to the public and
character of Physicians, that pure unadulterated medi
cines should be administered, it will, we hope, induce all
—Physccians or not Physicians—to make their pur-
chases at No. 1. Brick Bow.
" goods well Bought are half Sold !"
IS now opening a large stock Ind extensive variety of
GOODS, selected with the greatest care, and bought
under great advantages in the cities of New York and
Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorable condi
tion of both markets--and having in view the motto
above,-has so bought that he can and will sell on as fa , -
uorsble terms as the cept, and will endeavor to show to
community the advantage of buying from those who buy
well. Towanda, May 23, 1848.
Just receiving a large and Rich Stock of
New Fall and Winter Goods, at
RICH for variety, quality and cheapness will well
V compare with anything of the kind in the Coun
try. Any one who will do me the favor to call and
examine any of my Goods I think clin't fail to be suited
both with quality and pike. The stock includes a great
variety of Bich New Styles of Dress Goods such as
Plain and Fled, Blue, Pink and Scarlet all worsted
DeLanes, Fled Cashmeres, Thihet Cloths, Cocurgs,
Silk- Plaid Madonean, Plaid DeLanes, Black Plaid,
Striped cud Silk warp Alpaca. Black Bombazine,
French and Scotch Gingham', also, French, English,
•ndAmerican Cloths, Casiimeresand Kestings. !Meet
ings, Shirtings, Ticking. Cotton Yarn, Wicking, Wad
ding. Batting and a choice lot of-Fresh Groceries, Fish
Hardware, Iron, Nails, Crockery, Boots and Shoes all
of which will be sold et very low Prices, at
E. T. FOX, No 2, Brick Row.
Towanda, Oct. 16, 184 S.
BooTs & SHOES, Sole and upper !rather, Also
a full assortment of Lady's shoes, Gaiters, Busk
ing. Slips, walking shoes. A good ..tock of Boys,
Misses, and cbildrena; mens, youths boys, and childw
coarse and kip boots. Also a first .rate amide of La
dy's Gents. Miss. and Childs . Rubbers, selling very
cheap at nI4 FOX'S, Na. 2, B. Row.
MUFFS, A great variety of ill kinds and styles
which will be sold at a trifling advance from city
cost. A few rich black and natural lynx. Alan swans
down trimming, tippets and -victorines, for sale cheap
at nl4 FOX'S, No. 2, B. R.
JOINER'S TOOL S.—A good assortment of Bead,
Moulding and Bench PLANES, grooving plows,
and other Joiner. Tools, just received from the irtnu
factory, sod for sale low by n. D. BARTLE PT.
THE Subscriber bas removed his large stock of Dry
Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. Books &
Stationary &c. &e„ to the New Brick Block, rost side
of main _street, two doors South of the Public Square,
hi. friends and the public are respectully invited to
Towanda, Dec. 20th, 1848
T HAVE A WORD TO SAY! If you are at any
/ time in want of STOVES or Tinware, permit me
as a friend to advise you to call at D. C. H ILL'S—he
keeps the largest supply. sells the most reasonable, and
you can buy to better advantage, than at any other
place in or out of Bradford County, and I am sore you
need have mo fears of regretting any purchase:woo may
make. n't forget this matter.
T J. J. K.
Tows a. Dec. lt. 1818.
1.. Nara L. >. • .< 1. C. SMITH.
Compt Lion of the North Branch Canal !
HA VIM; formed a co-partnership in the menden.
Lureof BOOTS & 81101:8, at the old stand
three doors north-of Bridge it. would resprceully inform
•their friends and the public, that they will carry on the
business in all its branches—keep on handand make to
order, everything in their line in the neateit manner . and
in their latest style.
Beleiving that they an do as gt.od or better work
than can be had elsewhere they would say to those wish
ing good article in their line to give them • call, andthey
shall be satisfied. Repairing done on short notice.
CY Produce of all kinds taken fur work. Hides
wanted in exchange for Boots and Shoes and Leather.
Towanda Dec. 14, 1818. • B. & 8.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of SALLY
BOTTLES, deceased, late of Orwell township,
are hereby requested to make psymen without delay,
and those having claims against said estate will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Orwell. February 211. 1849. Administrator.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of John Erskine,
dec'd., latent Herrick township, are hereby reques
ted to make payment without delay, sod those haring
claims against said mists will please present them duly
authenticated for setdamenr.
Herrick, lantiary 3. 1849. - Administrators.
persons indebted to the ',tate of IRA PEAR
BOLL, deceased, late of Ulster townhisp, am
bend* requested to make payment without delay„ind
thaws having claims against said mute will please pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Mier, Deambet 4, In4B. . Administrators.
ALL persona indebted to the enbaeriber. either . by
note or book eeeennt. most settle the amine tu the
Ise day ri June Enzt,er meta arill baaaie without re.
spect to persons. fcb2B E. I'. FOX.
El •
c• • •
A 1 I I I I 1 1 L
I I I I I •• I I I I I I 11.
ra a g r a i n
. mi I I .
nANTEL LORD taken this method of informinct the inhabitants of Bradford county ,and the.adjoining
jJ country, that he bast:mowed hie stock to MONTA N Y • BRIO K 8 Pon.i. Towanda, where built
tie in readiness t 4 wait upon his old cu.torners, and as cuany new ones as wish to purchase goods cheap Gar
cash or approved credit. His stock 's large, and cons is in part of the following articles, viz:
Iron, Nails. Copper. Tin, Zinc, Sheet Iron Crowbars. Spades.
.Shovels, Parks. Anvils,
Vices:Blacksmith's bellows and screw plates. Lae rhaina, .drk ropes. Steel springs,
Hooks and Hinges. Shovels and Tongs, Mill Sows: X cut, circular and
panel do.. .gagurs. Chisels, Brads, Tacks. Butts. Srrew aril
Il'agon boxes. Well awl Cistern Pumps. Lead Pipe.
all sizes. .1 goad assortment of Carpenter's
Joine'rs tools, 4- !louse trimmings.
Decidedly the beet stove for Farmer's use; it is distinguished for the liberal site of it'll oven and fire box. To
it is attached a Summer Fixture, upon the boiler holes of which the wash boiler fits, thereby rendering it in
capacity equal to a six boiler Move. Coals can be transferred from the fire-box directly into the summer fix
ture, by being drawn forward without the use of the shovel. The top of the oven is proteakd by an &outdate
to prevent an exciter of heat upon the articles baking; it can be removed if the heat is seeded to be increased.
The oven will be found to bake with great uniformity iii all its parts. °vet 100 of these stoves hive been.
'told within the h,it three month., Mid given entire satisfaction. ! -
Persons wishing to purchase these stoves, can have the privilege ilof returning thttni in two or three
weeks, if they do not work as recommended in eve 4 y respect. Also,* vericy of Air tight Cook Sieves. vis:
The Yankee Notion, New England. We'tern, Fulton, Iron Witch, Elevated Oven, Premium Stoves of all sizes
Parlor Cooks 4 Drum Stoves, Six Plate do., of all sizes and dimensions.
The largest variety ever offered for sale in this place—selling at Cost. ccr Raee's Self Regulating Parlor
:stove, the best in use. Physicians recommended this stove as being the best extant fur sick rooms, on .ccount
of its uniformity of heat. It is also very economical of fuel ; requiring flout one third' to:one half less than any
other parlor stove in use.
40 lbs. RUSSIA & AMERICAN Stove Pipe on hand !! Consequently we ate prepared to furnish any guan•
lily to order at wholesale prices.
ALSO—A good assorunard of JAPPANNED WARE. on hand. He will also manufacture all kinds of
Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware to order on snort notice and warrent it to give good satisfEgion.
Towanda, Dec. 22, 1818,
philabtlphia rabvertistments
Warranted ander a Penally of $l,OOO, free from
_Mercury and other Mineral Substaners
The Only Origina/ and Gehninc bulian Medicine !
EVERY day is this
Nitrated medicine ex
&ding the sphere of its
naefutriess ; and every
'ar to the long
talogue of triumphs.
distributed annually
shout fully meeting
Ae demand ! For some
,ime past, the sales have
been limited, solely for
, tnt of facilities of cup
,. Truly, this is ■
livenial remedy ! Un
raided, these pills have
ind their way into the
unotest corners of the
Union, -every where proving their title Ai TIM Poor'
MAx's Fatcyru—Sics. Mu's Horz—Taz MARTZL
etch BLIIIIING or Ttli AG'.
For • trifling stun. every individual and every family
may have Hasurn Issues') os them for an indefinite
period ; and what is life without health, but a misera
ble existence!
It is too precious. boon to be tampered with, by try
ing all sorts of experiments upon . it. The sick should
use those medicines only which experience has known
to be the best.
[From Catskill. Greene County, New York.]
Dr. W. Wright—Dear Sir: I have found your Indi
an Vegetable Pills a valuable remedy in cases of Gene
ral Debility of the System and of all BilliOcs disorders.
I am also in the habit of recommending them to fe-
males in peculiar cases. I observe them 1.3. operate in
the srtem, without producing debility or pain, leaving
it in a hear by condition. JOHN DOANE. M.D.
Mr. Wright—We have used and sold your Indian
Vegetable Pill for three years put, and Jo not hesitate
to recommend them to our friends and codomers as the
best family medicine in use. N. & L.RAMSDELL.
The following is an answer in, reply to a note from
our agent 'asking Dr. Bouton's opinion of this medicine:
Toaaa•traoca, Aug. 29, 1848.
Mr. . 1 11 b. Durham—Dear Sir : In reply in your note of
yesterday, I would state, that I have occasionally found
it convenient to we the various • Patent Pills" vended
at the shops ; and while I ate unwilling to say anyt3ing
to depreciate the value of others, I sin free to confe..s
that I consider Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills su
perior to all others with which lam acquainted. I have
used them for many years both in my own family and
in my practice generally. and they have uniformly mild
certain ind safe in their operations. The care and
skill with which these Pills have. been hitherto manu
factured are, in my opinion, a sufficient guarantee for
like good moults in future, Very respectfully.
Dr. D. is a practioner of long emperience;wili, knOwn
in and even beyond the lines of Wyoming county.' He
is a graduate of ihe University of Pennsylvania, and
highly popular with the peop:a among whom he resides.
(From Preston MI K, N. Ycrk.]
Dr. W. Wright—Dear 8i: I was attacked with •
violent pain in my bead and rush of blood on the brain,
which confined me to my room for six weeks.and drew
thi sight of my eye. so as to prevent me from seeing
with it, end left me with • dizeiness in my lined for
shoot six months. By taking three or four buses cf
your Pills. I was restored to health again.
June 18, 1848. PETER VAN WAGNER.
11111/011111 01 13104110 COATIII cov.Taivz,Ta !
Remember, that the original and, only genuine Indian
Vegetable Pills have the written 110811101 of William
Wright on the top of each box.
The genuine is for sale by MONTANYER do Co.,
soki.agents for Towanda; and by yenta in all other
Plarhil Of the ligite.
Office devoted exclusively tothe sale of Wrighes
Indian Vegetable Pills, w'holesalii sod retail, 169 Race
at.. Philadelphia, 288 Greenwich' a., New Yrk.`, and
198 Trvisoot, Bouten. 39y.
ittg "w
1 .11
Imi tz
tegal Mvertisemcitte.
THE undersigned, having been appointed an Audi.
for by the Orphans Court of the County of Brad.
Gird. to marshal smelt and distribute the funds raised
by the sale of the real and personal estateof Wm. Miieh
ell, deed., wilt attend to the duties of his said appoint.
ment at his ogler in Towanda Bo.„ on Satuday, the
7th thy of Aptil next, at one o'clock F. M. of which
_all persons interested will take notice.
Toortmda, Feb. 15th, 1847. Auditor.
r pHE undersigned, have been appointed an Auditor
1 by the Orphan's court of the Co: of Bradford, to
marshal assets and distribute the fund raised by the
sale of the real and personal estate of Jacob Arnout,
dec'd., will attend to the duties of his appointment. at
his office in the bona of Towanda, on Saturday the 17th
day of March next, at one o'clock. P. M.. when and
where all persons interested. are requested - to present
their claim. before. him or be debarred from coining in
fur a share of said fqnd.
WILLIAM scow; Auditor.
Towanda, Feb. 15. 1849.
(01(1.1 -3 - OCYCa I I I
BYen order of the Orphans' (.3ourt.of Bradford ea,
wtllbe ex Fore(' to public sale on TUESDAY,
Gth Jay of March 1849, at 2 o'clock, to Monroetoa, the
following property, late the maw of Martin W.
den, deceased
A pitse or parcel of land which is held under • con
tract with 8. W. Alden, and containing about three
sacs, bounded on the north by lands of Martin Wil
den's estate ; emit by lands of Sylvester White ; south
by lands of Timothy Aldin, and on the west by lands
of 8. W. Ald n ; a small balance of the purchase mo-
ney is still due and unpaid. The said land is situated
in the township of Monroe.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land shutt
led in-Monroe township rod bounded as follows: On
the- northeast by Jared Woodruff, southeast by- George
Tracy ; south west by Jacob Arnout, Timothy and A.
C. Rockwell's estate; north west by W. H. H. brown
and L. 8. &R. Fowler. Containing seventy-one acres
more or less ; twenty mere. improved, with a log house
and log barn and a few appleuses thereon.
ALSO—The - following piece or parcel of land situa
ted in Monroe township, and bounded-as fellows Be
ginning at a post and stones, being the north east corner
of a certai is' lot of lend conveyed to Timothy Alden by
Archibald by deed. bearing . date the sixth day
of January. A. D.. 1841; thence south 10° west along
the line of the said Timothy Alden's lot 40 perches to
■ corner; thence north 68° west 16 perches to a ow
ner ; thence north 10° east 40 perches to the line of a
public road which was laid out from the Erverick turn
pike near the House of A. C. Rockwell's eabiteto in
tersect another road near Geo. E. Anima t thence aleng
said road south 68° rust 16 parches to the place of be
ginning. Counting four Imre% be the same non or
- Attendance given and terms made Imam. en -the
day of safe. HARRY tSAIMITRY,
Monroe, Feb. 6, 1849. Adusigiotritot
The above stands adjourned to Tuesday The 20th day
of March Iw'., at the same place. at 2 o'clock:. P. 31.
BARRY ISALIIBURY." Administrator.
Moviroeton : March 6, 1819.
(07 - a-TVICLIMS' ®OVA s.
Dor an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford
13 will be exposed to public yak at the premises,in
Troy township, Bradford Co. Pa.. on BATURDAY . the
21st day of APRIL, 1849, at two o'clock, P. M., all thet
rertain piece of land lying and being in-seid township,
lite the estate of . We.. lEncra. bottaded en knO
north by lands of Ward. east by lands t i e "low
DeWitt. south by laud of Wm. Morrison. Meet .b 7 the
highway leading from Granville to Troy.' Containing
one hundied Mere' oribentaboute.
Attendance gives, nod temp mida.,knows, on the
day ofsale: CHAS. DRAKE.
Granvilla..FaLlkes MIL of W
HARDWIRE, a good aisiartabea - t. VgWeag Iron'
IA Stook Nab, 01ke... at No. 141 Lit. JIPOI'B.
ri_DTGRAt i mapActo._Th 1. 4
‘-. 11 mint 0, st B. KtiSGISIIERY 4. co,
- .
. ~~, 4
4 1 :„
Aw 4
eft 1.• 4
eft 1M
LN MOstanyse• New Block, above Illereure' ea the
- _anatb stele of the public Nine. In belle(
perhaps. than at any ether gismo at of est of Wilford
noway. -
D. G. HALL respectfully ingrate his Mends wild' h
pahlse,,thar he lei Dow 16, sale Able NEW $ MM.
a general rad' Auk, assnitaint of 141 OYES. at all
saes ant pstterria. which be isprepared teal it erboli -
sale or retail, or escharrse tamilual - Prndaws Vas lb.
most aceinnalodating tonna. • AMON% has wed am the
Airtight Complete. (aN sizes.), Sttlearre Air
Bough and Rattly do , lierolciagfine chic _
ally do.,Reinsblieas do., Central N.. Y. sio..alssek
eye ; h ot air Oren, with rotary Inp. Premien* SParei,
• NO. I, 24. 4, 0, lf. of* noilt ifiVrOttNiiiibhits
Air tight Parlor Stores, sill sizes; is. plates. all
sizes ; Cannot stoves, an'exertleat outtdefor eines,
t averns , wires, .ca.; Radiator Parlor stores;. reg.
stone intent stores; all seta Baud hos.sioce, 4c.
4,000 the, of Rnisis and American STOVE•PIPD.
reirdroMde; alas.Drass and Copper lie' a s sie sss
patterns„ together. with, a . general mosament of HMI
sad Uupper Ware. .•
800 Lard Tubs, wish A. choice esnoninent of every
article in the Tin were line, to Which the rate Mon of
Merchants, Pedlars, Families and4lousekcepers gene
rally is invited.
Ll' . The highest price will be rod for old matinee.
copper and brass. 'Grain, Turkeys,'Lliie . kens. and ,all
kind. of marketable produce will be received in pay -
anent for Stoves, Tinware, dLe.
For stoles, Murciano, copper and tinware; his iss un.
meta is complete. He returns his thanks to hi old
customers, tu whom. sad she public:he renews his invi,
tatiou to give him a call berme purchasing elsewhere;
Don't mistake the ~lace—let rernesitor HALL'S swath
side' of the Public square. in Montanyes Block.
Towanda Dec. 12,1848. D. C.-BALI.
1; 15 g
t M
Which is:also a Enivcrsal Family Embrocation for
Diseaus of the Ihtman Flesh.
• •
TIME and experience have fully proved that dim this
UNIVFKSAL REMEDY has not not its equal
on the list of popular medicines, having been moire than
14 years before the public.
Testimony of the most disinterested character of its
wonderful effects on the animal economy is almost dai
ly presented to the proprietor.
A young man in the town of Wilson, whose clothes
were burnt off of him, was restored twithoutauffering)
by the timely use of the Oil.
Numerous are the unsolicited statemects of patients
themselves, and others who biers used the Oil, of curet
which in themselves appear remarkable, that they at
all interested in a. pecuniary point, they could Lenity
have been credited.
D. L
The f l dlowing diseases are among may others in the
cure of which this Oil has been completely successful
and in whiebotheis had entirely :
Sparing, Sweeney, Ringbone, Windmill., Poll Evil, Cal
lous Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Lameness,
Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Sand , Crack.,
Foundered Feet, Scratches, or Grease Mange, Rheu
matism. Bites of Animals, External Nista*, Painful
Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boil', Corns, Whit
' lows, Burns and Scalds,. Chilblains Chapel. hands.
Cramp, Contractions of the Muscles, Swellings,
Weakness of the Joints, Caked Brawls, dre.
Beware of COUNTERFEITSornd be sure the name
of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT,
LOCKPORT, N. Y., is Wolin in the side tithe bot
tle, or in his hand writing over the !cork. lion't be
persuaded to take any thing else with the promise it is
just as goad, &e., &c. This is practised by thosettp
principled dealers wilese conscienmi will stretch lam
India R. bber, and who are of altindied,spirit of thaw
in our large cities, whose nefarious Practices have au re
cently been exposed to the action of Congress.
Those who attempt to Counterfeit this article am re
ferred to the law of New York: alloy 1845, by which
it will be seen that every puma. meddling in them'
counterfeits is subject to indictment, imprisonment, and
A persdh selling out of dais state, will he liable toas
ted whew in the stale, and also to be held as • witness
against throe he bought of or sold for.
All Ordens addreased to the proprietor will be respond.
Get a pamphlet of the Agent Ind ate what wooden;
are accomplished be the use of this medicine.
Sold by respectable dealers 'generally in the United
Stites bud Canada. •
For wile by Chamberlin & Porter, Towanda, E. D.
Wells. Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer, Covington. Abel
Torre% Montrose, Pomp & Kinney, Easton.. Lverir
-Smith & Co., Allentown, H. D. DolFm, South Rastas.
Oct. 15th 1848. D2o:y I.
edition, just publi.hed. rico 2.s,etii.
A Treatise nn Affeetion. Love and Marriage, and
the Disessis of Youth. Matniity'anil Old Age or the
Lights and bitsdes of Mattied Life, (its infelicities
and enjoyments.)
"To be or not to be. that is the irestion."
(With curious tiros, i lastratione. ha)
There are mouthing, %trim heaven and earth. Horatio
Than at* dreamt of in oar pliiloeophy:-.3•&gaeg A gs.
This boa should be in the bawls of every young
man or woman contemplating MA amass. Every
school-boy. and indeed 43 very man ur woman, married
or single should mad with ‘care and attention; this cult
useful work as we consider it well adapted to awaken
attention to • subject awes blighting to body, mind and
soul. than aay othu emu
Young or mid& aged person., otiff.sriog from Dys
peptic and COOSlMptivesynalogns of lens niumbey.. by •
careful itemsl of this aeon wonderful wort. will IA
ilia cause of such Prorates in the baneful Wit (ton
CrAny one soraillag Twenty-five weals imisiesad ia a
truer, will rrzelvo ate ropy of this book by mail: et
five roe,. adt be eesafor Goo dollar.
0%k:I bitten are azipeoted to be POUT PAID, except
those containing a ramß.tance. and addreemed.
" UR. WM. YOUNG. IP; spittle-E. &neat, bet
ween Fourth and Fiftb..PottiOstrata." Mon
T.TARDV.rAItEO,4roo, nsik,attes. and . . =red o
A..a. snick at ft:impetuses adas, hand sary irsatssw
auttimidathti. abcrephributts and serews..4las, knives
and Wks, his setts 51 do.. Igloking glaitisti. and In
fact a APN,FroI, won meld of flanhisre abiettis Ist
safe cheap at n 01; Xs
4 TOKB,6mace et thole cheaportililleAlloyertu
Ai OT a litiret prices LAW exec "pit (wi re
mach ;"'alfkiiadit Of Greenlee fre s ibliiiat in laid 'der
very article warreertedo—Alfiell . irel and -Mellish ic..
-g IS • r9IPSI NO, IJ4r,
1 7 0V, : rES !
' "';'•' ... i. illiMil I t
. 11 " 154 rr e ''''
•-,-, :i ,: , .
Os 4tor . so
~ . .?-ilcW4.;-; "
D. - difl
Tic Clipper,
W.- Merchant's Celebrated