Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 28, 1849, Image 3

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    d i jataza . l2 4l.lo6.
TlOr 1 , the Otplaos Coust.of the Calmly of Brod•
by the sale Of thereof and portenal estate of Was.Mitek•
ell, deed.; wilt euestitti the audio of
meat at Ineadiwin
7th day of April itan, stonwskiardr
l persons hatemated will lobe.
r ,W. 1 16 ,11barr .
Towanda, Feb,. 151b411117i
r 1111 E uodersignmk, been oppoluted. in Atatli:nr,
by the Orphano. eQPIA of the Cre., of Stadrord,.. IP •
marshal assets sad _diatributo the ,food 'rood by the
sale ottl a reel Astatti.oLkarob sktneut,
deed, will attend, to the duties of his appointment. it
his office in tho.horehof Tostanda,au *today the 17th
day of March .next, atone o'clock. P. 111,,, when and,
where all persorisinterested, are impeded prevent
their claims before him or be ristaarmd.hout coming in .
fur a share of said fund.
Tommie, Feb..1b.189& •
hereby give notice that they have flied orion , the
following dap stiudditea, riagemearly, (as i gearing the
appeals from the assessments for the year 01411, at *gig
.arace in Towanda, to wit: g
March lat.. 7 Armenis, Burlington. Canton, Coluans,•
- Granville, Ridgbeiry, Smithfield. Springfield, So,
- Creek, Troy tp., Troy bo.. Wells.
Matilt 24—Albany, Asylum, Athens tp., Athena lana i ,
Duvet!, Franklin. Leroy, Monroe, 'Towanda tp.,
March"fid--Mervielt. Litchfield, Orwell, Pike. 140145 e..
• filhesbequin, Standing Stone. tliwinghilt, War.,
Windham Wyslosing and Wyss:, •
The Assessors of the respective townships and bor
oughs are requested to be punctual in delivering theism
tires to the talablesrand in making their returns on the
days mentioned in their warranty; and all these'who
may feel themselves
~agg.rivved,.hy tljemsfeutts are
requmtedlo attend on the day s adaveapeeidatas there
will be no statement made therrallet,„ . • . • '
• By order of the COnani.siJnerw,
• CB. R USSELL„ Clerk. 1
commissionees Offree, Towanda, Feb. 6,
8 011.71F1.6118' VOWEIP 'BEIM
Y an order of the Orphans' Court of Mrsdfonrerk,
will be expo-ed to public sale on risisuoi rir,
6th day of March 1849; at 2 o'clock4AW,tlo
following pfoperty, late the estate' t: 0
den, del:untold:
A piece or parcel of land which is held under a eon
tract with S. W. Alden, and containing shout tbrfe
acres, boundeB on the north by lands of Martin Wil
den's estate; east by lands of Sylvester White; south
by lands of Timothy /Min, and on the West. by lands
of tS. W. Ald n ; s small balance of the purchase mo
ney is still due and unpaid. The said land is situated•
in the township of Monroe.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situa
ted in Monroe township and hounded u follows: On
the northeast by Jared Vroodroff, south east by George
Tracy ; south west by Jacob Arnout. Timothy and A.
C: Rockwell's estate; north west by W. H. H. Brown
and L. S. &R. Fowler. Containing acres
more or less ; twenty acres imposed. with slog house
sod log barn and a few ',Ochres thereop..
ALSO—Thefollawing piece or price, et' land falai
ted in Moaroe township, and bounded as (Ohms Be
ginning at a post and stones, being the north east corner
o rs certain:lot of land conveyed to Timothy Alden by
Archibald N11%..411, by deed, bearing date the sixth day
of January. A. D., 18414 thence south 10° weal slang
the line of the said Timothy Alden's lot 40 percher' to
a coiner ; thence north 68° west 16 perches to a cor
ner ; th/nce north 10° cast 40 perches to the line of a
public road which was laid out from the Berwick turn
pike near the House of A. C. Rockwell's estate to in
tersect another road near Geo. E. Arnout : thence aleng
said road south 68° cast 16 perches to the place of be
ginning. Congaing four acres, be the mine crime or
less. . .
Attendance given and terms made known nn the
day of sale. - - HARRY BALSBERY,
Monroe, Feb. 8, 1849. Administrator.
NOTICE is hereby given that all Retailers of For
eign Merchandise who do not pay their;Licenses
within twenty days, will be sui•jomed to costs.
Feb. 7, 1849: J. M. PECK, Treasurer.
THE subscriber offers his entire stock of NEW
GOODS it the following reduced prices.:
Calicoes— - d tq 9 cents.
Muslin*, 44 to 10 "
Flannels 124 to 20 "
Cotton Flannels, 8 to 8 "
Broadcloths, 150 to 250 " •
Sattinetts 25 to 75 ."
Bbluda, 32 to 3 00 • "
.•Alpaccaa,. 12 to 374 "
Factory, 44 to 84
'GROCERIES and QUEENSWARE in proportion
—and will take all kinds of .Grain in exchange. Will
pay for Oats 30 cents; Corn 1 rent per Ib ; Buckwheat
37} tents; Wheat $1 per bushel. The stock of goods
were bought last •fall. Now is your time, ladies and
gentlemen, to make a California fortune ,
Canton, Feb. 12. 1849.
AA FRONT ROOM in the second story of No. 1.
, )3rick Row, over the Drug store; also the room
in .the third story formerly occupied as the Masonic
Ball. For particulars enquire of
Feb 13, 1849.
rill ARLES REED having assigned all his estates
rights and credits to the subsc ilccr, for the benefit
of his creditors, .t therefore Nitrifies absolutely necessa
ry that all debts due the said Charles Reed should be
settled and, paid without delay, and sll persons having
cla;m4 against him are requested to preseptfirein at No.
5, Brick Row, in the bona' .if Towanda,
his late place
of business, for adjustment. An early areitittion to the
settlement of this busine-s is most earnestly desired, a.
the subscriber wilt be obliged to put all debts due the
said Reed in a course of collection, without disiinction
of persmis, after the first day of March next. Thegoods
now on hand, belonging to the above coneern,'enmpris
ing a great variety of very valuable and seasonable sr.
titles, will be sold for C 4tH. Al' COST. •
, 11. W. TRACY, Aleignee.
Towanda, Feb. 10, 1849. •
ALLpersona indebted to the late grin of I - IC.ITO \
and Lann, are hereby notitial that unless set
dement is made try the seeond week of February court
thr pecoonts will be phmed in the bands' of °Aker
for immedia e collection. B. Husroni.
Towanda, Jan. 3, JBl9. C. K. LADD.
A. CRAMBERLDI respectfully Worm the
VT public that be hes trimmed his establishment to
be room lately oceopied by D. Vsodereoolt. as am of
bee, where he willies' always'ee band wiliest'.
rime.pieees. Hs offers bye sate his lisigivosisetasst 1..-
.Jewelry at imoseally less prime.
Towanda, Jan. 41, 18411.
t ale •
LTA ViitiO made as renpmenti with Dr. Oa CLAIM,
1.11 the lubserihev teltertpleemenr-in esinonseintrilha
the Doctor will beetles, give his personal attention ,
wholly lo bis business.
The Thugs and Medic:hits erilVbe einskeihe Dotter's,
supervision *Men skill-sindl experience iirlphysies (*ln
nen he que ' nviimisd. _ irr. IHI.
uFFB, A great variety of all hi;llllAS;Ailee
4 - LTA which will be sold at a trifling advance from city.
7 • ant. A few iida black arall.lyula.••- a dilles anigite
down trimming, tippets sad, videriani. Or Joie ebeMP
at nil FOrfa.,Ngt.:ll - .
IL, R.
AND,C4PEI:z—aIk ijid lit *4**u*
1 :411; Bedew 'Vista Bny's
" "PILA,;; I, I YFAMOPX.MG4 to. -
• .
.tS •
.3/ ' : 401
ra , A „ * e r
, a'. t - 3
hidAparifliktitt ' • , 5 0
Asses ' • ., 4 4 ... s -- " , 'l l " 50
Errs -11 r,. . . !----?' • 00
Coon 't( ,'" ' - '''.• i-
Foe!. .• 70
JustilkBftteNa -r!•11i,-;) hill V ' ,., ‘ge.L'
Griti(Jurors -V . it 4
For blank UNA& flir t Enfebatireiliereileete ..., 89 81
Crier /0111Collf1stiff.4, 4 :;1 4.4ct•trt7 . 1'04: , ,.; 02 15
rd 7
Traverse Jurq '. • 7 ' 4-4 ' "'" '23119! , •
Various incid t a #4i ;e :# l ,f 4 ; '' ) .-: l ." ' ‘ ' " L - 1" 'el. ' •
Bills for print ' -4 '. -f - -- ' 4 --- ;1188 39
Puniei tittildings ' Ortlifintriirpairk)---- , " 9543•
Support of conivcts tin tlirrelieniteuthtri;nll 1$
L. E. Dc Wolf for recotillie: i '' " 1 70
For statiuttaty.' . . - "" ''' ' -".' 4- :-' ' - " A * • li 45
4 1'otrushiOritirs. -.--• ,-.. = ‘n•N ,- ... ,•• • 4300
Fees of Prot: and clerk of Quarter session, 294 114
C. 8. Russell clerk to Coil ra.loto services. 281 50
Actount *la - the ''swat -- Collectors 41
Towu.hip.. Pb. '4 ripiltiOorli Ban4lll,i TiPar. Anuet etianpd: Alan't malt.Towanda Atty.,— Riebaril Horlop„ .
. „,11140 $ 131 116
Itheshequ in, Elijaklloriun,,, 1€14.r 22 8 1 t _
Columbia, Hem 81terwurlo t , 1652 103 05 - -
14tandtag Stone, 11: Sieliketi!,.. Iga 85 -.
Asylum. Jasoniflortba t 1844 4 . 36
ranklin, 9ainnel Altdalte," 42
Standing Stoie, Isaae'liltestßki
fik, 1645 "111 34
Towanda tp. 21 58
WyalMalig, Austin -Watford, 10 75
Albany, James Wecor, . SS 42
- Elijah Wolcott; • • 1846 11 61
Pike, ' - Vass W. Htrispbry, 20 24
Ridgebery,. Hiturn-Devey, • 24 58
SuindineBMise; `lava* Vaittest, • 37 76
Towanda Do,' W. C..llogart, „, _
Wysox. :Wns.M. Strops.
Albany:- • Horatio`, Ladd. 1847
Athens Do., - William KUL
Athens twp, • • James R. Stow.; ,
Burlington, Myron. Batiar,d,
Granville, John Yuman '
Litchfield, Merrill , ; ' Cyrus Merri.
Monroe, Jonas P. !Smith,
Pike, Qeci. W, Humphrey,
Ridgebery, • Hiram Dewey,
Rome, Nathan Maynard,
South Creek, :Jas.
Towanda 80., fltiraiiii Black;
Towanda twp,, Simnel B: Foster,
Ulster, lameit L. (Justine,
Windham, Wm. Sibley,
Wysoz, • Isaac Post,
Athens 80., L.. 8. Ellsworth. 1548
AthenstUrp, tdm
Albany, Williams Lee,
Asylum, /Au M. Horton,
Armenia, Daniel Crandal,
Burlington, David A. Russ,
Canioti, 8. IL Fitch.
Cohimbia, Cornelius Forman,
Dung, Madison Decker,
Leroy, H. J. Swint,
Monroe, Joseph B. Smith,
Orwell, Jas. Chobbnqk,
Pike, Geo. W. Humphrey,
Rome, Solomon Spalding,
Ridgebery, Hiram Dewey,
Shesheqnin, Wm. Post,
Sp rinsibeld, Truman Rowe,
Smithfield. 4 M. B. Gerould,
Synth 'Creek, Chas. Lewis,
I t pring Hill. Chu. P. Johnson,
.Standing Stone, Chas, Roof,
Towanda 80, L. W. Ttilhay,
Towanda twp., DeLong,
Troy 80, H. J. Hoyt,
Troy twp., Ira B. Greenleaf,
Ulster, Jas. L. Gorsline,
Warren, Wm, Bradford. jr.
Wells. •Jas. M. Edsall,
Wy sox,
DR. James if. Peck. Treasurer of Bradford County, in account with . said County.
Tolle( or money at settlement tl . cedtbet. By ain't returned on ditp. prior to 1849,
31, 1847. :5680 70 " returned on Duplicates of 1848.
" Duplicates4or county tax prior In %ft 3151 29 " returned on jaigirtrots. notes, &c.
" Duplicates of county tax of 1848, 19891 34 " Collector's per centatre.
" Judg'ts, notes, & demands due co, 1156 32 ' orders returned in 1848,
" Transcripts of.taxes so tlnst'd Land, 1047 36 " 2 per eent. commission on same,
" money liftred for Court House, . 2900 00 , " uncurrent money,
on redemption of unseated land, 35 IS •
" miscellaneous reeeivals, - • 153 60
DR. County Ordera in account
To amount of orders issued iu 1848, in
• chiding credit orders.
Amount outstanding Jan. 1. 1818,
DR. J. M. Peck. Treasurer of the Counly of Brar/f•,r
To amt due on duplicates prior to 1818, $1268 16
of 1818, 10146 28
" unseated land transcripts, 876 77
^.A.iN We, the undersigned, Commissioners of said empty, do hereby certify the above to be a• true
H. and correct statement of Me reeeivils and expenditures of said musty, from the hit day oriel:i
-t-ma nary to the 31st--day of A. I)., 1848, inclusive. Witness our hands and seal of °Mee,
at Towanda, this 29tit slay of Jaa.11149.• •- • • '4OIIN -IL SLACK,
HIRAM SPEAR, - Commissioner.,
• .. L
H.S. &M. C. MERCUR, . •
LiAVEi thi phloem of anooonciate-to the •pablie
that thereto Dow Aricsitini•moottort Urge sod
yaw& aftwortoroaxof Goougs, ;
Ti *midi, Wei 108414: • • -
THE subscriber antimalarial
eille awns factious soli Imp so bag'
ar the isid lit-Vaskias sad
Dl ' Ab • slp , 6k rivna.N. ' 4 "tk a tf , f'"ar'-
; •sed •
• • TEES at swims kinds, dr 111:1).
11\ arreaum a &cry drscriptiK
..r.,41101 , j30.f50 1 .3tw cob
as ear, sr raw or ebony'
-• • • doseubsearit gide Piltikudil
ssesissd . ter Aserir.. " order it di
ositestownear., Ai", L.- ~. ~.,
;:, - -,'-.. - o} B oo l FrirOAN''' - 1 "
Alowrickei4 ol .. WIC" . - ' l'brie*Oartiii - Jast
----TwAnst: ispdafy 4' Jilt ' '''' "'" - •"" - -
-s. $3823..71
Elijah Blake,
Daniel 1.. Saxton,
A. Goodell,
A. P. 'Wolcott,
• W m. Sibley,
• A. P. Hiles.
A. C. Hinman,
•Since .ettfed in full
" premium on payment of state tiiLs,
Atie%t—C. B.Rms■n.t., Clerk.
.0* NEW ,s airk"
large sad rib%, iimerthieet - Of FALL AND.
W.llOlOl coops, i t rich - eigire*' - low
ntee voli,;i4ethwestateliiiiiiisipeiiiiliiiial-opla.
fair sad 'beam ptiaeipks Arialfaire• fat
faiihnoti and Witsprofair , la etaiiiallaimili at aliataams
us uesie.acemassain Goa& Ulmer.
1114 L IL-.11131711.
. 1.: ~, ,t .,..) - I—, • ~,1 , " , 1 -, -;•-tit., , ,ta : . 7 1nt4 .1 ".. 4 '
. 4i. 5, " - . " 'A',
!of Moir& - ' ' - '
t r e 4,0
Sheriff's ' la t aftrilia3l%,.. 700
Cost in oat, -M 3 4,..! tozr. . it 47
a lecti9A- , xpesen, i , " - Z - '::Scisi - Ns os
emu m e w
in eV...-- - . z - -.:-- -- --- - 1 - ...4 - c''''"zl27 Of
Hire of WiikitaiiMite ne---11'C';ATI 90°
Fur e nof new Cotirti; I ' ;',: - !';‘...4305 93
Coroners naiimiwt3o llllol kit'' t ),''''''' 149 44
Constib 1 T- •I ,--ag 165 26
e e s marmen
Fur pri ' 1 1- ; '- e'. N......:..v,.479 an
interest : 1,. " -,- -:t 1 1828 80
J. N. W clerk) setl'g wiai l lAntinki 600
L. Puto (late Com'r.) for servieini*.:4l„.,l3 00
A L.Crapuvr . .rvices as Cfinzer. '47 in hilk 207 00
'ln lior.' - - - - 322 00
J. H. altmelswertiewu usgom's. 147 iitiprni . 124.26
111..mpear rierrinesAs Cower. ,in 'AI in 411. 43 60
• . ••• • - •in--1848,-,.. . , ..106 25
8. Deeketilorwerviges an Com'r. ill .1648. 15 00
344 73
708 03
633 38
977 08
432 81
448 02
869 62
845 46
820 18
314 76
290 88
393 70
1137 23
689 49
324 84
790 08
481 29
824 80
459 77
439 24
704 71
814 24
$23.342 63 $16.456 43 $6053 10- p 227 79 $605 31
148 11 I
$31,461 R 7
dk the rowdy of Bradford. _
I By ain't of orders returned in 1848,
$19389 12
288 53
$19.665 67
d in nceonnt with the Commonwealtisof Penn a. CR.
By am't returned on dup. prior to 1849, $490 23
" u of 1848, 1556 94
" Collector's per tentage, 952 90
" Collector's exonerations, 119 76
" due at last settlement. 276 49
.. State Treas. receipts for taxes of '4B, 8911 72
" 1 per cent. commission op same, 89 13
$12,191 21
TUE are now nem . iving and, opening, • new sad
VT general assortment of Goods just from the Quo.
kin City, aad we amilidendy say ibiry.ingsnot be beat
far variety. neetneue d eityle. quality or quantity; And
am me* sad *ha be sold se low as the !ante goods
oats be bought this aided the eity. Our stook is foN
and complete, eortug' iotof every thing mankind eta •
'in weber ! , Ties we* roade,ap of pry goods, Oro.
*Mee. Italdwite, 'Craeltery. Ilea sad, Nails. Poky',
°HP, GINN, Voaliik Boulos Monk tougher.
!Pia, Salt, and is fait evelyibing that is in Aeutiade—
PONNIII,IIIIOIII reWes Atli de melts cull and 112.
seine our mock Wimp poubodos, as we via' no
durum fie shorwkog pas. .t t
ft 5 ,4411
' -
I PAII4I III ‘. I It . '
Voinitt toes.
Col. pens'
11 131 33 -
-103 43 .
. 1041
. 1.42
31 58
10 76
.10 00
14 58
87 76
60 66
31 36
so 06
1 71
4 20
272 65
51 41
409 05
668. 07
187 83
383 48
233 64
29? 68
145 53
92 62
212 55
206 63
87 65
204 92
75 90
171 62
113 71
62 80
637 23
19 00
264 29
127 68
93 77
140 61
36 37
Balance due the county,
Balance doe state,
o Tf A r cz el
6. 1 41 0 4 0 6.
811-10110 i .11110 MoullmEl l .4
1110-1. 41 .
aisk . ..imisi k einiseue.l4.o• 0 1 1/OINW,
usuip_imml takdok 4 Fgalse,h *T II WW I
cothii odlig9114.1.011110;010,11-041.Aothe MI" d
*I ibis Fires mg , dopripliekßarelo .rOWAtb,eel
wigs, shirluoillAdk Ireqpikssil Ige-001 2 114 8 'sed.ciPm
at Ibos r lalsolgolo„.Tppl *ivy, iidpr,"; - Canick
tail; glove' rruioysi. — fitokair. 4 gok
gion morp ignA whs. dolired, of
WlPT ' pi 1 4;#4,.. 4t #V 4 , k44
Eitifitr & niancate. —
Towilods, Mo. IS, 1114 S: • , j
'OR& Wilt*: PtallA" - -"
6 f1,..111%, at kr ac .4ldst
04 ::
Smir-Tp s tologius. ~1 Towerisass, 19,100,4,
- . •
4 e s;• ~sx 3lr r,
' 4/ 11114 MIND I , flour
A 7 be bey. path amp. call ea LltomagaiF,&-
Ce. 4 They ins new Wilier athellifers ON' Pr Oft soke
Ikea ibisterse) then they as be beaskt et;Oireaskllint_
Smith wMaim If •yen ewer Wirth is. will end,
eseadne their seek wide for 'quill sad Obsepere
were new beton. awed in This aesthet: We bays,
and shall resistantly keep on hand. a large asseitiwent
oif Dry Gear. Grorerier, Barthian and Creay,
Den's ( knee le all and esunine their anode. before
ease lthisry sthewbere. Towanda. Jas. IL led* -
QRSITINGIL—A !Grp sunk if Sliming, Air sais
amp .jy ; : YI2IBBERY & CO:
MUFPB.—A nice 'odds of linz.jimans era cow
Jr3ms b. for sair by S. IDINGSBERY & CO,
1. Birk* Stem,
$19.10/ MI
MillS large, extensive, and missellaneons stint, more
complos than soy found in this ."dies of equo
try, emery ankle having been "elected with Feat we
dy Doct•ir-.Porter in proem will Nam he offered to tie
publie—aschrop es can be pondnidli eborurbae.
Physicians. who cannot come and ezeisiooloor stock
4speood,open all snicks ten wish to and for.
-13 addition to the immunent of: u tirogo mai Medicines
:he stew* extends to Dye,Sl44, 'wady Gme'erks,, Li
quors of alliciads. rstisenserp, Raney G'oods, irsiceltro
news articles, Paton .Valianat, 4c. *C. •
Hawing been appointed asgeot foe mod Me Resin
het •Poinstar Patent maws the oublislsr
will not slier any that arceountetfrit. as we Will not buy
uz - sugels aw Mem] iron demi' eilorcsubstur:4 who,. by
base indentions impose spit the oroull • *kb t heir
•pwr loos Drops.
On account of the great importance to the riblic,ena
eharscler of Physician, that pure ereonlallefeard meal'
cities should be administenokitwill, we bone, in.lisee ell
Physecisne or not Pbysicinns—to oda their fur
cluoesvat No. 1. Brick Raw.
Al 61
" Goods well Bongit,are half Sold l"
1$ 64
24 Se
TS now opening a large itoelt ind extensive variety of
1 GOODS, selected witp*splatest.eare, rif bought
under great advantage, to the cities of New Tack onil
Philadelphiataking ia4vaniegtrof favorable emit
tioa of both inarliete,aml h owing in view Ow moitto
above, has et, bought that be can Witt will sell on fl
oorage tents es the ant, and will r'ndesvew to shrew to
community the advantage of buying from those who boy
well. Towanda, May 23, ISIS.
14 42
22 10
33 38
14 14
15 19
20 51
3 85
8 87
5 77
10 25
19 89
THE subscriber b•ropraeJ a CLorrnotaiilesaa,,two
doors north of the Public Squar• s 'on Main street,
(nearly opposite the new brick tavern sow being erect
ed by C. L. Ward, Erg.) edwrehe will keep constantly
on hand. and for rale at the lomat possible prim. •
large and general irisoirtinerd of READY MADE
CLOTHING, such as
5 57
3 8$
6 98
20 Rh
12 73
Collars, Stocks, Sus-eio . u . krs, Gloves, Ilosicr y, Drawers,
8 45
4 08
8 69
4 T 4
8 09
1 89
5 12
17 03
He has also on hand and is constantly receiving, a
large assortment of
such as Silks. Satins, Maraailles, &e., ail of which will
be made up to order on short notice and on reasonable
terms. The pubsoiber having been • practical Tailor
for the last 15 years, in the city of New York. eaters
himself that he can give watisfaction - eo all who may fa
vor him with their patronage'
His Clothing is all made op under hie own inspec
tion. and be has therefore no hesitancy in recommend
ing it to thorn who wish to porch se. •
al' CUTTING and MAKING-UP for penmen, mho
prefer to furnish their own materials; and Cutting done
for persons who wish to here theinvireents mediate
where—all of which shall be done with annum end
The subscribe, Is also Iron for A. Wheeler's Report
of Fashion., which he-can finnish to such as ere want
ing. on reacmiable terms. B. A. SMITH.
. Towanda. Juno a, 1 Q 1 rt.
31 53
48 41
81 87
40 18
3 42
1 00
2 08
s 5 89
6 99
14 84
39 03
8 12
3 74
8 04
24 06
NER'S TOOLS.-•Ajtoodk musitpmt l .l,bird.
J Mouldiot and Bench PLAN BS. roosts. pions,
and other Joiner's Tools, just received (rum the Orin
factory, and ror sate,losr by ,O. D. BXRTLE rr.
$1072 GI
4980 49
1129 64
605 31
19365 67
387 31
69 00
THE Subscriber has resuonsil his large. stock of Dry
Goads. Groceries, lianlwess, Crockeiy. Books &
Stationery &c. to the New Brick Block, east side
of main street. two doors South of the Public Square.
his friends and the public are respectully incited to
Taiwan/la, Dec. 20th, 1848.
027,599 01
6.862 84
T HAVE A WORD TO SAY! If you ant at tiny
1 time in want of STOVES or Tinware. permit me
as a friend to advise you to call at D. C. H 1161:8—he
keeps the largest supply. sells the most reasonable, and
you can boy to better advantage, than at any other
place in or out of Bradford County, and I are sure you
heed have no fears of regretting soy purchase you may
make. Don't forget ibis matter. .1. J. E.
Towanda. Dee. It. 1848.
$3l 461 87
$19365 67
290 00
19.05 67
a e meet. ). a.ourra.
Completion of the North Branch Canal !
016.1 6 .:00rd
HWINO formrd a colatterrchip in the istannfac
tare of BOOTS & 8110E4 al the old wan&
three doors oath Rridge at. would respect - idly inform
theirldendo and the public., that they will carry on the
Areeinese in all 'its leauchee—kgrp ota l ian g eo g lo a m to.
order, everything io their line in the nasteet meow and
in their lame style. -
Bekivingthat' tbry an do es geed or .better work
than can he hail elsewhere they-would wry to there
iaa goodartiele in their line to give than a caU,andibey
&.U - ho earhlied. Repairing &twee short notice.
C:r Produce of all kinds takes. for woet. Bides
wanted in =change fie Beata and iiilicree and Leather.
- Teeranda Dec. 14, 11118. 8. &8.
t 1,900 20
391 01
1112191 !l
LL persons indrbtrd to the of Jobe Erskine,
astod.,lstest Herrick township, web/nil arguer
setheetinted for setilsoset.
I L__________, i
li i i:OL P r il t the a rg t= of I ttp,
124 EAlt,,
aeLit 7 !"1 11 M t "n ° Wr i t s i = 4 4 r t .
Free iss•lneeisfiat "Ital NI ipl
~teilbi:viiiltiisialsiegislliribt sieladerit. •
trisiii ' iliiiisiatiC 41, IIL' ' ' ' Adisitifitrooni.,l
Renick, homely 3. li
q°rom .":
ezthilien Mae
'bepAl ing 4) iainygli
-•— Witold blii''
TILI47* 36 A... llo6 la , etby 4.l l4 l l 4 eotiWit- 114
'''' " "li` liii •-z, t...a —l4' jatiVakiniiiiii: W the
1111Vmin be:u_n" v---i — 'l4fl6ol for sot
-4A iiii irk tOrsLikeiZrOlfinilei • .
' it 1 ~- —.- Z . .
dement. - . . ,': -'' ' :Amp! II AXIMSINC
i llimg 4, 114%
%.),'y ass Oixerratilf irtiftx•vir
Wiiii6e:4l l o o- Nine Ofine*liikt wthi AI&
Flanuil Underskirts, 4%., 4:r.
-., : , ;, , , - ;, L - ; - ..- •-"P44. 0 71.rt!"-.
: . c s::::Tio . ..
- ''
'',''' - 4 41
, _ ,
_,.., , ....1, , , k, 4.;.,,c,.
- - - - -
, W '•,' '
4,•,.„:r-6'4-:•'',`f. -‘..W -
~•.t ,- --.
.0220 r::,...rhilitiNl.-.t::::
WO.IM' . - , t. n;.: . - 4 ~.., 4
. N
• '
,PANiEL LORD lakes this. Method of informing -the inhabittnt; of Dr ritiri county' ,rtit the irtjoining
.1.1 country, that It. has monomial his stock to 110,1 TA NYE el BRICK arm& in• Tow 0t.14. where. ho•arill
be in ratiditinii to wait upon Us 'old elastomers, sad as many . new ones as wish to fourehsse welds dew far
emit as approved credit. Hi. ainiVa WO; inviremas is io past-of•the fulicrilog airtrilesoßa:
Iron. Nails. elver.
_Tan. Zinc. Sheet Iron Crowbars. Spades; Mosel.nits. Anvils,
riies. Blacksmith's bellows and screw plates; Lair chains, Ark ropes. Steel spi tsp.
Hooks . and Minces. Shovel. and Tongs, Milt Sows. X eta. eiretdar •
panel do.. Jamas, Chisels, Beads. racks. Butts. &rely an.'
If ag on boxes, Well mal Cistern Pumps. Lead Pipe.
all shims. .01 good assort:ll n' of Carp-ater's '
Joiners toots; IS- Haase triouniiii;s:
. •
Decidedly the best dove fur Patruses.uset, it le di,tinguished for the liberal - size of its oven and Gre'bov. To
it is e•teebed a Sumneer , Pistore, upon the bigler holes of which the wash boiler fink thereby rendering it in
capacity egad to aids boiler stove. Coals ran be transfeired from the fire-box. directly into the summer -G
-love. by being drawn forward without the we of the shovel.'The top of , th e oven is protected by an iron plate,
to prevent an excess of heat upon the artieles - balting; it can be removed if the twat is se e ded to he increased.
The oven will be found to bake with greet uniformity itssll. its parts. Over 100 of these moves have been.
mild within the last three months, - and given tatire - satisfacticm.
-40. purchase the mono, con hive the privilege- of returning thous in . two or three
weeks. if they do Sot work as Wionsmendalin *trey respect. Also, a sonny of Air tight Cook Stoves, viz :
The Yankee Notion, Nest England, Western. Fulton. Iron Witch, Elevated Oven, Pra" n Store of all aunt
Parlor Cooks ¢Drum Stoves, Six Plata do., of all Saes and dimensions.
The Isruevt variety CTiT offered for pale in thiP place-idling at Cost. o:l`Reire's Self Regulating Polar
.etteve, the best in sae. Physicians recommended this store as being the hest claret fur sick rooms, on account
of ha uniformity.of hest. It is also very economical of fuel ; requiring flout one third to:one half lees than soy
'other parlor stave in pre.
40 Ilia. RUSSIA & AMERICAN Stove Pipe on hand ! ! Consequently we ate prepared to furnish any quail.
tity to order at wholesale prices. • .
ALSO—A good assortment of JAPPAN.NED WARE. on band. Be will also manufacture all kind . , of
Copper, Tilt, and Sheet Iron Willfo to order maw% notico and warren it_to give good satisfoctioa.
i Towanda, Dec. 22, 181 e. D. L.
lAilabelphia elbriatisemcius
Yfarriated lader a Penally of SEOOO, free from
' &nary aid other Literal Substances
'he Only Original gad GeZnine Indian Illalicinc !
:VERY day is lids
'hated medicine ci
lia; the sphere of its
119eatt anal i every
triihe long
login of tOomphi..
Ptitios BoIFP!
toitt fully meeting
telmand !
,For soute
the isles have
solely fur
i)f facilities of sup+
Truly, this is •
1 . sal remedy ! Un-
Wise pills have
~.1 their way into the
__ 1 - t corners of the
Limon, away , where proving their t lie As Tut POOlll
MAAVFIIII7IOS/Pit Ma 'e HOP —Tas lhavu.
ass iiILISIONO. Or TIII Ace. -,
Fort trifling anre, every individual and every family
maj have Marra tam:ma° to them for ati ludelinite
pniodt .td-what is life without heahh, but a misera-
We eaiwence ! . . .
. .
It a 100 precious* boon to be tampered with, by try •
log all molts of experiment* upon it. The sick should
we doom niedientes only which experience has known
to be the best. c • •
[From Catskill. Greene County, New York.]
Dr s . W. Wrigh!—Diter sir: I havefoun .
■n Vegetable Pills a valuable remedy in eases of Gene
ral Debility of the System and of all Ditßosa disorders.
I am 8143 in the but% of recommending them to fe
males in peculiar eases. I observe them is operate in
the erten, without producing debility or pain, leaving
it in a heal•by condition • JOHN -DOANE, M.D.
Erma Norton. Mill. Meese County, Nei . Turk.}
Mr. Wright—We have used and sold your Indian
Vegetable Pill for three yesra past, slid do raw hake%
to recommend them to our friends andcwitomers as the
Bast family medicine intim. N. & L. RAMSDELI
The following is so answer in reply to e note from
our agent asking Dr. Bouton's Opinion Of this Medicine:
Tv xxxxxx art, Aug. 29, 1848.
Mi:A.Darbets—Dear. liir : In reply to jour note of
'yesterday. I Weald state, that I have oassamally found
it convenient to em the various e. Patent Pills "Tended
tithe 'bops; said while lam unwilling to saranytaing .
to depronsis the value of ether's. I am frre to amber
diet I consider Dr. Wright's ladies Vegetable Pills se
polar tiVidloilitliswlth r irlifeli l its untwisted I bays
used them for many yen!' both in my insulandly and
in my preetieepnerally, and they hive unifoeutfy mild '
cerfeiwaid,im& is , their tepetstises. 'The etre and
skill with which these Pills hive been hithertoniano
feciured ore, in my opining, a sulleieet vitianies for
- like gad rusks in future, Vary esepeetfully,
B. A. - BOUTON, M. D.
, .
mwatmeer" of " Termeenea, - '" I known
hit r ;j ll- is Li v ia; the liars GUN"' leSeeu ell etY• He
, le:o madame of the University of Peansylragua. end
highly molar with the yeops3 among whim be molder.
, .. ~,. :_. RUBBI or BLOOD TO THE READ.
--- '-- , ' Rem Pnwton Kill*, N. Wit.]
Dr. W. Wright—Dear airs I won attacked with •
kprnin my • bead and In* of blood on the brain,
"arlikh eardirld'sgolo my toots Ter ex weeks , and drew
-this - eitatast-ary - ayee as sr to perm( as hem wring °
with it, and left me with i direness, in :ay hand fat
*OA gibittb& -.H.i'ullaniAlitite or raw:. be=es of
yr erlillo. I wait romorad to health again.
' ' dottt,,l3, Nird. ' 'PETER VAN WAGNER.
' ` - liiiirsaik, rki: :Barris ,Creeen Garin iestrei-:
Itinikelper, that uttForiginal and -only •gatairre Indian,
A Ifirielabla Pliti Nava the written sipatura of William
- liftighton the triyfitf ere! bn. ' ',..‘ • -. '
The genuine is for eats by NONTANYES Ai 08.;
' , *MU OW !tivrtmen. and -by oseaht Medi odor
t, pprtaalftbo BMWs • .-„, : .... .. . .
- - - CHteie"- — a
-- - .0- _._eiebeilea'it die' isle :er- 'H'nekt i e
, yak. iirbomaiNiiiii lei*. 101tike.
se., Mids ill ellruirt - Aelt 114 1 1 fo - York. ma
'- ' I.ll3imeri s Boston. - t - - ~my .
*7 -1 - 7-e n -, 1-.1 4. • - -
f.,• 14 '"" ..-1101-.. '
. •,
.. .
,:-•••,4'.'4.1- tirfr:i.::,,‘''','U- .
't,--.,•1170-1.11,.., 4
~,l'z't,,,k7 0 •
'-lie.::Alio.,-, :.;•,••
!. c , f.,
.. "''' . ' ilt",
3 1 4,i 7ztfrir -A
. ...
~i'~z~ ~'~s.~'s
4F, IV 3.4 4 .
4it -
~.9~ ....~,,,.. ~
TN klontanyss' New Block, above Meteors% oa the
I south side of the public agnate. to better advantage.,
perhaps, than at any other place in or out of Bradford
D. C. HALL respectfully informs his friends and the
public, that he has now for sale at his - KEW STORE.
• general and choice amortment of STOVES,. of all
vies and patterns. thick be is prepared to sell at whole.
sale or retail, or exchingefur country produce spore the
moat accommodating terms. Among lus stock are the
Air tight Complete, (all size), Stewart's Air tight,‘
Rough and Ready do , Revolving-flue do. Albany
city do., Republican do. , Cintrai N. r do. ; Buck
ey, hot air oven, with dairy top, Premium Stoves,
No. I, 2,3, 4,5, 6, of the moat improved patterns ;
Air tight Parlor Stoves, all sires;
Six plates. alt
sizessizes; Cannon Stoves, an excelleatartidcfor offices,
taverns, stores, 4 - c.; hliator Parlor stores ; Key
stone ;dent stores; all sizes Band box store, 4c.
4,000 lbs. of Russia and American STOVE-PIPE,
ready-made; alto, Brass and Copper Kettles, of various
patterns, together with • general assortment of Brass
and Copper Waits.
800 Lard Tubs, with a choice meortment of every
article in the Tin ware line, to which the utteltiihn of
Merchants, Pedlars, Famines . and Housekeepers gene
rally is invited.
ns The highest price will be psid for old callings.
copper and beam Grain, Turkeys, Chickens, and all
kinds ti maiketable Fondues will be received in pay
ment Bar Stoves, Tinware,
For moves, sbeetiron, cop?er and tinware, his asenn
meet is complete. He retains his thanks to his
custoneass' , to whom, and the public he renews his invi
tation toffive him call before purchasing elsewhere;
Don't nuctititte elsee—but remember HALL'S mud"
side of the Ptiblii'Squera. in Montanyet Blnek.
Towanda Dee. 12,11148. • D. C. HALT . •
lag swish%s hariptligl Rick alw:k of
New Fill and Witter Goods, at
HICH for variety. quality indebropomeavral
• D I Y rooms wilt anything tithe kind in tits Conn
try. Atty.!'" who win do op dam. hear to all and
at any of nn Goa& I think eget fail to imaginal
both with ipaolity and pries. Thar me* heeled's • groat
variety of Rieb 'New Styles of Drava Goods melt as
Plain and Fig% Elm Pink and flearirt al nomad
Delmistra. rued Calipers; 'Mho Cloths, Coeurga,
811 k Plaid Abdomen, Plaid Debars. Blink Plaid,
31tiprd and dint warp Alpaca, Black Banisaine.
French and &etch Owyhee" also, French, English.
aadAmteriean Cloths. Cmgiateresand wettings. Ohm.
Ingo. Shining% reeking. Cotton Ifant,Wieking, :Wad.
ding, Boning and a choice let of Twilit Oasemphis, Fisk
Hordwank.fron, Nam. Cirmikaryti Ha* and % au all
of which will bamgd at army low
'B. No 2. Brick How.
Towanda. Oct. 111:1s44!,
'DOOM& SHOES. dab lad War Win. Abe
p 11•11 anottasstst Wet dim. Oar" Dee
law IMPolleithilt, •: - A seat die* at Dep.
Mimi; silt thalami; ism; radio Ito" awl Ail&
room sodboot.Also a rate of U-
V.' tistiti.llll.l: rall itsekno. solliir 'sty
dm* at • • •-$. t ILNew.
1110/ WA sib Si
IN* 'D. ;MID I
Tanab e Nov: ;IN&
.• •
W 2
1 :4
C -
e, Tin, Capper,