Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 31, 1849, Image 3

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    New %braise-moils.
------- ------- ,
fPLIVUAI. litiOßT4o the Reotiipis and Bailin
ditures of the Borough of Towanda, for 1646.
_ ..- 111C1C9PTS.
im't of Road fax for 1848, - 091 49 !'l' I
" received from theatres, 80 00
“ ei circus, 5 00 1,724 . 49
Work on streets and wall, . .$375 85
Expen-es of election, • .14 25
Printing. 7 50
Justices fees, 4 72
Clerk's fees. office renand istatn'y, 30 50
I.F.Means, ground rep for pound,, 12 00
Council and Burgess . 24 cm
No in , aid of poor fun ti_
41 00
” on-Powell'aiudgment, 17 00
Ezonera i. a en dupl sate, 3 35
01 ecor s per tentage, 21 92
T. ea.urer's do , 14 '2O $566 35
Outstanding Jan. 20, 1.849, i $332 39
Issued up no Jan. 27. 1849, 325 02 $657 40
Keiurued and e..ncelled Jan. 27, 189, 431 66
Outstanding luly 27, 1849,
Rc'd on duplicate for 1848, s4liB 52
For theatres and circus, 85 00 $473 52
Orders returned, $431 66
Paid on Powell's judgment, 17 000
Per tentage, 14 20 $462 86
Amount in Treasurer's hands,
121DIBTILD31.SS OF 11011003 H
Due on judgments,s 70 00
Outstanding orders,. 225 74 $294.74
Amount in Treasury, to 66
Due from W. Briggs, collector, 43 95
Judgt against Martin fk. Woodruff, 10 00 64 51
Amount due January 27, 1819,
roost TEAM.
Am't iu Treasury, Jan. 20, 1818, $ 26 19
a of duplicate for 1648, 227 20 $253 ZO
Mehan fur support of pauper, 4 21 00
T. O'Day, du. 110 25
Hu.ton & Ladd, 41, 25
. .
8. Hu,ton, '8 00
L. Pratt, , 8 50
J. B. Ford. medicine, &c., 1 - .3 94
8.8. Bailey,- do. , 2
B. 1N i z,. do.
Nursing Mary Streeney,
This. Barnes, digging grave,
Paid on judgment,
For transieni pauper,
CA,llector's per ceotage,
Treasurer's do.
Amount due from Collector.
To Henry Butler, 8 00
Samuel Huston, 17 00 $.25 .00
Due from Collector, d $3 84
In the Treasury, 17 00
Due from Athens tp., 8 56 ;21 40
We • the Burgess and Town Council of the Boro'
oliTowanda: do certify.the above to be a true state
ment of the Receipts and Expenditures of said Bo
rough fur the year 1848. D. M. BULL, 'u less.
M. C. MLitt v.',
WILLIAM MI x, Council.
S. tf. Bauer, t
CHAILcs Riau,
Atte.t—J.D. 6110010101111, Clerk.
• -
OFFICE. at No. 1, BRICK •ROW,witem tb.y may
at all times be found, ready to attend to cal's in
tbrir prntesston. Towanda, Jan. 10, 1449.
T - ca)a-aaaaalua4a.
HE co-partnership hen-tot:me - ex Wine between Tom
kais.4. Makin/41mi. in the Chair and Bedstead bu
siness, is this day dissolved by , neoual con-ent,
business will be continued by James Makinson, at the
old stand, where our hooka, &c.. may he found fur set
tlement.. ENOS TOM KINS,
January 4, 18413. JAMES MAKINSON.
- _ • -e'r
JSIAIab ATlglo aintlßT: 1- eIaViDZ,
THE subscriber still continues
to manufacture and keep on hand
at the old stand of *Coral:ins and
Makinson, all kiids of cane and
wood seat CHAINS; and SET
TEES of various kinds, & BED.
STEADS of every description,
which I will sell low foe cash
or Produce, or Pine or• - 13hcrry
Lumber, or ci air plank, will he
received for work. TURNING done to order in the
neatest manner. Also,
make and kept on hand, or made to order. im the beat
rowanda. January 4. 1R49. •
tt`b i2lt3
AV ING made at rangements with Dr. C. K.l. ADD
the subscriler takes pleasure in announcing that
the Doctor will hereafter give his personal attention
,wholly to his business.
The Drugs and Medicines will be under the Doctor's
shpervision, whore skill and.experience in physics can
not be questioned.
.IY I6 H. Ml\.
H. S. & M. C. malcua,
T_TAvE the pleasure of announcing to the. public
11 that they are now receiving another large and
enteral aaaortment of GOODS.
Towanda: Dec. I, 1848.
NOW opening at the above establishment a very
IN large and desirable assortment of FALL AND
WINTER GOODS, which will be sold at very low
rates. Business at this establishment conducted upon
fair and honest printiples. You have our thanks for
past Coors and we hope fora c.untinttance of the same
as we are bound to aelltiandirChesp.
Towanda, Dec-. 4. 1818. N. N. BETTS.
JUTE are now receiving and opening a.newand
V V general assortment of Goode just from die Qua
ker City, and we confidently say they cannot be beat
fur variety, neatness of style, quality or qtrantiry ;, and
they must and shall be sold as low as the same goods
ran be bought this side of the city. Our stock is full
and complete, consisting of every thing mankind stand
in need of. The - stock is made up of Dry goods, Gro
rrties. Hardware, Crockery, Iron and Nails, Pait.ts,
(tits, Glass, Varnish, Dye-stuffs, Boots, Shoes, Leather.
Fish, Salt, and in fact everything that is in demand,—
Persons making purchases will du well to call and a:-
online our stock before purchasing, as we make no
charges for allowing goods.
A good and cheap variety of Alpaccas, ‘ Gingham.,
Oregon plaids and Detains, a large and solid assort
ment of Cloths Caramerea, sattinetts,l(entucky Jeans,
satiin and silk vesting*, 'ebb, diaper. brown and blue
cotton and brown and blue linen We cloth, Muffs of
all sizes prices and descriptions, Buffalo robes, Sheet
jogs, shirtings both boosts And bleached, Rats and caps
Of the latest styles, wool shins and drawers, Carpet
hags, gloves and mittens,'Hosiesy, any inland', or cot
-1,,n yarn and carpet yarn, white and coloVed all of
whi , h will he sold cheaper fur cash, than at airy other
establishment in town. •
Towanda, Noy. 16, 1843.
• • 13: • KNOSBERY
STQP FRIEND I -Now is tbe timetkif sea
to boy ioodo cheap, caR iaaikIHNOSURRY a
C'. TbryAmp,now «cling imilltiorTitimiltiAititrif a
nip driver) thaii . theyean hrbosfiC - 0 Thi re'..tie,o•ting
brawn or:Elmira. If you &lasi:4 belidys it, ealksod
x m ine, e r goods,,sirbich for qt14,1,3t 0 411 P 1 , 14
were never before offered in thisiliAii.. 7 -14triPbaye,
and 'ball constantly keep 44, assottment
of Dry Geode, Gtoftnet, Rep theare a,n4 .Crockcey.
Don't forget to call and examine theft Is before
p pchuina eleawhere. Towarels. Jan. 6_1848
SHEETINGB.—A lirge iroeir of Sheet ogle for &ale
cheap by _ "B. KININBERY & CO.
UFFS.--A nice uncle of lynx. jenette aril coney
LIAL muffs; frlf sale by U. KING/flit:RV & CO.
b. 1. Brick Hoy',
$225 14
Tl 4 large, extensive,and mi.etellaneous stack. more
complete then any found in this section of-conri.
fry, every ankle having been• selected with great ea e
dy Doctor Porter in person, wilt now be off,red to tte
pubic—as cheap as can•he parcheved ekewhere.
Physicians, who clerical come awl exernineetur tdtifit
ran depend upon all art:cles they wish to send Carr
in addition to the assortment of Drugs arid 4 10 Airifiro
Et.V . Cettriahrtr*gr SPA. triunity C/Mcceirs, Li.
<Tsars of all kinds, Pe.faasery„ Pastry Goods, AL:o44z
nevus artidei, Patent Medicines, le. - •
. Having been appointed egret fur most all the - ems
ine Popular Patent Medic/Ara, we migmatite publicyre
swill not offer any that aria counterfeit, saws will not buy
or scow en • agency from those speculators who, by
hese imitations impose upoh the country with their
spurious Drugs. , -
On account of the great emportance to the public and
character of Physicians, that pure. uniutoiseravil medi
cines should be administered, it will, we hope, induce all
—Pbyrccierut ur 'not Physisiso,v 7 to make their par
ehase• at No. 1. Drictirow.. -
$lO 66
$231 23
"Goods well Bought are half Sold l"
Ts bow opening a large stock and extensive variety of
0001)S, selected with the great* care, and bought
under great advantage's in the cities of New York and
Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorable condi
tion of ' both markets—and h ving-in view the motto
above, has ao bought that he can and will sett on as fa
aerobie terms as the vest, and will endeavor to show to
community the advantage of baying from those who buy
well. Towanda, May 29, 1818.
3 C 2
12 63
1 5J
1 00
1124 t ir
6.32 $232 51
S 20 Ss
$ 3 1 ,1 4
17 04 $ 23 SS
THE entwerrher has opened a CinTu IVG Srous,twn
doors ninth of the Public Squaw% nn Main street.
(nearly opposite the new brick tavern now being erect
ed by C. L. Vt 7 .aid, Eq.) where he vrill keep constantly
nn !Lind, and fur sale at the lowest possible prices, a
large end general assortment of READY MADE
CLOTHING, such as
Collars, Stocks, Steven/I.:Ts. Glorcs, Hosiery, Drawers,
Fianna ILtderslarts, 4 - c.
He has also on lain) and is constantly receiving, a
large a‘sorteurrat of
such as Silks. Satins, Marseilles, dcc., ail of which will
be made up to order on short notice and on reasonable
terms. The subscriber having been a practical Tailor
(or the last 15 years, in the city. of New York, Hatters
himself that.he can give satisfaction to all who may fa
rot him with their patronage. •
His Clothing is all made up under his own inspec
tion, and he boa therefor, no hesitancy in recommend
inglt to those who wish to purchase.
ter 4CITTTING and hi AMO 17P for persons who
prelei to 'furnish their own materials; and Cutting dont
fur persons who wish to have theiegar rents made else.
where—all of which shall be done with neatuesa and
The subscribes is also agent for A. 'Wherleesiteport
of Fa%hions, which he can furnish to such as ars want.
ing. on mai - onside termiL D. A. SMITH.
Towanda, June 6, 118413.
HARDWARE, a good assortment, including Iron
Steel. &e. at No. 2, B.K. FOX'S.
IRON, Iron-,,A good assortment of Iron. for sate at
the new Hard Wa-e Store. D. LORD.
Towanda, Nov. 7, 1848.
BONNETS.—A choice selection of Flamm's, lace,
China pearl, Pamela, Leghorn, and•other fashion•
able styles of ladies' and misses' Bonnets, very chestA;
also Bonnet ribbons, anificials, wreaths. &e.
JOINER'S TOOLS.—A good ags.wtment of Bend,
Moulding and Bench PLANES, grooving prows.
and other Joiner's Too!s, just received from the minu•
factory, and for sale low by 0. D. BA itmErr.
VVANTED. Boef Hides, Tallow and Grain of all
kind, on all demands, if delivered by the first
day of February next. E. SMITH &
Towanda. Nov: 11, IS -I 41:
TINE Subscriber has removed his large stock of Dry
Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Books &
Stationary &c. &c„ to the New Brick Block, east side
of main street. two doors South tf the Public Sloan.,
his friends and the public are reapswtoliv invited to
call J. HINUSIirRY,JR.
Towanda, Dec. 20th, 1848.
T HAVE A WORD TO SAY ! If you see at any
time in want of STOVES or Tinware, permit me
as a friend to 'Weise you,te call at D. C. H
keeps the !argent slimly. sell , the most reasonable, and
you can buy to better advantage, thjn at any other
place in or out of Bradford County. and I am sure you
heed have no fears of regretting any purchase von may
make. Don't forget this matter. J. J. K.
Towanda. Dec. It.
L. 111111TOL. {•
Conti)teflon of the North Branch Canal !
Widl6. .411, 1 11 • •
--- •
Di JWIISO formed a eo- partnership in the manufac
-11 sue of - BOOTS & SHOES,- it the old stand
three doors north ofßridge at. would respeet'ully inform
their friends and the public, that they will carry on the
bvisiness in all its branches—keep on bandana make to
order; everything in their line in the neatest manner and
in their latest style. •
Beleiving that they can do as .gaod or better work
than can he had elsewhere they would say to those wish •
ing good article in their rmit to give them a call, and they
shall he ssti.fied. Repaiting done on short notice.
Produce of all kinds taken for work. Hides
wanted in exehsnge for Boots and 13hoes and Lemke,.
Towanda Dec. 14, 1818. B. & S.
ALL persons Irndebt;el to the estate of John Erskine.
deed., late of Herrick township, are hereby reques
ted to make ;ailment without delay, and those basing
claims spinet said estate will please preseot thein.duly
authenticated fur setdeownt.
Herrick 4 January 3. 1849. Administrators.
LI: Virsons indebtedM
the estate of 'A PEAR.
ABO T., deceased, late of Mister toWnhisp, are
hereby requested to make payment without delay, and
those 'haring claims against Bald estate will please pre
sent them duly suthenticated ((or settkment.
...1011X Elqwlipi.
'Ad pAARIV).I.,
Ulster, Decrmher 4, Milk s mits:sir:44re.
filstdpattbili:4C - c.
illiottliaiitio-o-. 11
1 0 ‘ %%lElll l 4 l i S If
.k• t. f , ....
Ai ,14116 - 711: 'IA_ N N. 4 . i
ARIATR,- , , 1 !i
. - . ; - "' *- 2.V. i p ; - ' 1
Cr D., q. HPLL'S,
nn r w .f. r” if. sii .
. •
TN ltlettiattylae. Kew filortr„atiptsi ,Ver cane, en the .
I ponds side of the public waliatri,to peurr. w h l ntngr,
perhaps, than at auy utherpliwa iu o{,uut uf 1)&40'
D. O. If ALL re:Tectfully u,th m. Mat friends and the
public, iti.rt, he has now for pale at lid NEAVP I'OllE.
nerat aril etwire itesmtnictit - uf OYES,. of ad
~17...1{ and rtterroi. whjaa he , is.prfpared to pelt at Whole
sale or retail, err cuts:lee Or &molly produce upon the
most aceommoditing terms. Among 'plonk lite the
Air - tight Complete, <4l siren), -Vemaren Air light.
liougikluid. Reidy do , Revolving fi tc do., Albony
ed . !, do., nr i n:tlic in do., Ceidr.ll S. 2. do.; J.
eye, bird uir. twori,ttifi rotary hp. rtrininia S'iorr%,
No. I. 2, 3. 4,5, 6, of Ilse we'd unproved psiirrnix :
- Air titrla '.Parlor Slone*, all arses ; Six piles, ell
sizes ; Cannon &Jean, no enetioal
stores, 4 - c-; li-nliator Parka- Jams ; Key
alone fulcra dotes ; all aizu box dove, 4'c.
4,000 Itm.'d and Ainerieita STOTE-PITS.
reuay-andy ; al.o , Brasil atul (%)11,...r KA de+, ..f various.
patternk together-with a graeral aaarrtmentof bran
and Copper Wife. ; •
nlrrir Air "lILMET TM.
500 Lard rulat, with a choke aiworlinerit of every
article hi the lie were line, to wLich the Atle?tlogi of
Meictrinta, Peiflare, Fj,ait.cs and'!jowl - 141;0.g 6eiic
. • •
roll! inviterf. ...
(r:r•Thc highest price nill he psid fur uld rusting,-
an'per and tuna*. 'Groin, Turkey'', Chickens, and all
kinds of asaikei3!4e pr-dute r w1:1 be received in ray•
meal for Stove", 'tinware, Are. . '
For stones, theetiron, corter atol tinware, his assort•
meld is complete. He returns hot theidts to his old
costotnent, to It hcn, land the puhlic h 4VIIICKVO ha ittvi•
tati4n to giveNta a cell brfine purchasing elsewhere;
Don't mistake they'll:we- 7 -Imi H ALL'S south
side of the Pullin. Honore. in Hominy,* Block.
Towanda Dec. 12, Is4B. • D. C. HAM.
just receiving a large and 14:eb. Slack Of
New Fail and Winter G33ds, at
lA7 RICH for variety, quality and Cliespnceswill well
I V compare with an thin.; of the kind in the Coun
try. Anyone who will do r o e the favor to call utd
examine any of my G kai 1 think can't fail to besuited
both with quality and price. The stock includes a great
variety of Rich New St) lea of Dress Gonda such a.l
rosin and Fig'd. Blue, Pink awl Brach.' all worsted
Cashmere_ % Thihet C:otha, Cocurga,
Silk Plaid gadorwan. Flail vi•L‘mai, Black Plaid,
Striped and Silk warp Alpaca, !Mick Bombazine.
French and Scotch Gingham., also, French, English.
andArncrican Cloths. Cs-ei Inc re* and vestings. Sher t
ings, Shlitings, Ticking, Cotton Vern, Wickinx, Wad
ding, Batting and a choice lot of Fre.h Grocefes, FiAt
Hardware, Iron, Nails, Crockery, Boots and Shoes all
of which will be rwl.l at very low Prices, at
E. T. FOX, No 2, Brick Row.
TowanJa, 111, 18151.
LtOOTtd h SHOE 4. Sole and tipper leather, Also
1.3 a full assortment of Lady's *lines, Gaiters.
inv. Slips, walking shocs. A grunt stock of Boys.
%dirges, and ehildrens; men., youths boys, and
mann, and kip hoots. Alan a first rate artiete of La
dy's (lents. Miss. and (Adds Robbers, srlting arry
cheap at nt4 FOX'S, No. 2. B. Row.
NOFFS, A areal variety of an kinds and icy les
i which will le Itdd at a trifling airlines from city
cost. A few rich black and natural lynx. A'atnywati
dulan trimming. tippets and victorines, for rale cheap
FOX'S. No. 2. B. IL
.- )11 DOZ f plenJld heavy INnilernil fine linen hate
r. firt I 2 rte. at FOX'S Nn. 2, Oriel ilwx,
philabelkia ..I.Dvertisematis
PI IMRE I GE. 81.1 e.
113 51, V Second edition, just publi.hed„ price 2.5
A Treatise on Att-ction. Lore and Marriage, and
the Diaeasis of Youth. Mhturity rend 014 Age or Ihr
Lights and Shrsdra ul Marrird Lae, (itz
Acid cn) ,, ymen ta.)
l'a Uc or• not-fir bit, thug! ia the'criestion."
( With carious ewes, Must rad4ns, & c )
' There aremnselltillg/ . LIXiX I heaven and eirthOinratio
Than are dreamt of in oor twit La [I E.
This book should be in the bands of • terji.ont.g
man or woman contemplating m•stai MIN. Every
aebool-boy, and indeed every man or woman, married
or single should read with care and attention, this truly
useful work as wit congider it well a lowed to *waken
atientinti to sr subject mote blighting to body, mind and
soul, than any other vrca.
Young or middle aged proem's, sefferlne from Dys
peptic and Consumptive spawns uf_lonerstanditte. by a
careful pernsal this moat wonderful work, will find
the cense of such symptoms in the baneful habit herr
o:j'Any tme•entling twenty-five eente eneleved in a
letter, will roreive one ropy of this book by mail, or
five coßi• s will be sent for one dollar.
Q wl !often' art exreeted to be POWt
those eonatining • remittonee, and roldregeed,
" DR. WM. YOUNU, 152 SPRUCE Street, bet
ween Fourth and Fifth, PHILA11:11!..PHIa:" it.n3l
Imbed 15 years ago, by DR: KINICELIN,- The old
est, surest and best hand to cure all forms cirsccret dis
ease, of the skin; and eraitsry Write of youth, to
DR. KINK ELM; Notthwest corner of THIRD and
UNION Streets, between Sprnee and Pine, a square
and-a-half from the Esehanste, Philadelphia.
There, is • habit which boys teach eachother the Amd.
emy - or College --erbithite indulged in when by him
self, harditode, growing op with the boy to manhood;
few of those who indulge in this pernicious practice
ere aware of the consequences, until! those find Lye
nervous system shitten4, feel strange and iniseehun-
Wile feelings, vague lean! in the mind.: the nidjrienfyl
becomes feeble, ha is unable to labor with accustomed
vigor or to apply his mind to study ; his step is tardy
and weak, he is dull, irresolute.
• IF'TIIE scpi.rrAßY 117 Cg.
fa "continuettlhe procreative power is - destrnyed, and
marriage rendered long 'train Of freest:me
affections follow, the countermine is downcast, the eyes
without natural lustre, shamefacedness , ia apparent.—
Turns s,aa asxrroirs wawa snout, AWAX.I2II the
attot.tion of those slmilagly affliete .
yak:Aß(:llx. _ 4
lletinicious trf the cause of tiietdecay; and quit K, lte
suffers ender &tee terrible nocturnal and involuntary
emissions, whiea waken and shame him producing
mental anrj, prustratioll. !rho emaheipates,him
self before the µmediae has done its won't, arid ratters
matrimony, his marriage is unfruitful: and his tense
tells him that dash; caused by his early lollies.
Let no false modesty dee? . yon fmm making your
ease known to one wbo, from eilimation and respecta
bility, ran alone befriend you. Ile who plum him
self under DR. KIN KELIN'S treatment, may religious
ly confide in his honor as • gentleman, and in whose
bosom will helpmeet. locked the secret of the patient.
Thousands base been restored to health Teem abode-
Inutotions of dine terrific maladies, by Dr. Kinkelin,
German Prysiris•.
Packages-of Medicines. Adeltee, hc., forwardial, by
sending •-rentituurce, sad .put up.seenre from damage
or curiosity.. .
• Post. paid -letters answered feri hwiik.-- •
ATS AND ItTA PS. --Silk .soil fur Hog, PGA
Cam Hairy -Chty O. Barna , Nina add. nit
cloth esp.. at • & KtNattligititAt
Aliti:is ARA 0603 3 --1110
"Emit in biro at •B. ICINGSIIEVYSc
...1 -40
D . V.N117,1.
,T.(1:1D takes Oa.. metlmJ of informine the inissdkii otis• On-wit-A e3tinty Ari.l the
rotintly: that he h as rem is ta l his stork to MONT .1 N E'S BR! to wlwr. he
De in re{iiliness to wait non hie old en-tontent, nod as sonny .mesas pitieltnlie goods clwap
rash oe:sprored credit. His stock 's large, and Coos sts in put of the lotionsing articles. •:2 c
Iron. Cpper. T 74. ;fiat% Iron' Crowtar4, pa les. sbeech , Forks. .1
prices. filarl.-smilh's bellows an I serve pales, Laz chains, :Irk ropes. Sltityrings.
Mak r an,l 1 lino's. Slao-its f',inzs. AIN .Sutra, X cid, circular and.
panel tn,. .11a:zars. eh iv ell. Itrads. Toekx.- Sluts and
spun boxe9, Well a), I Cistern Puny?. Leal Pipe;
all size*. .11 goo.l assartawnl of earprnfer's
Joine retools, - 4- !joust trimming:l.
TK .
Decidedly the best stove fir Farmer's use ; it is distingoished fur the liberal size of its oven and fire box. To
it is caliche.] a Sumner Fixture, upon the hailer holivi of Which the wash boiler fits, thereby rendering it in
caparit) %Huai to a six• boiler starts. Coals ran he transferred from the fire-box directly into. the summer fix
ture, by 1., i .g iliswi i fLrwanl v. ithout the use of tbe shovel. - Thu top ot the oven is protected by an iron plan
to ptetlet so excess of heat upon the stile:es inking; it eat, lie rep o if the best is -wetted to he nieressed.
The ov-it will. be found W bake with great Liaoning in all its puts. (lye* lOU of these stoves have been.
wsold him the last throve months, and given (wire sat slaction.
Pcriv cis wishing to purchase these bt..% et. can have the privilege of returning aeon in Iwo or three
weeks.f they do nut work as us-motor-tided in eveg respect. Also, a curse y Ix( Air tight Cook Stoves, via:
The Y nkee N..tion. Nem Ett,il ind. We:l...ra, Fit tin . Loa Wee'', Devdte i Oven-, PCCLILI:U.II Stoves of all size'
Parlor 'tasks * Dram Snivels, Six Plate do.; of all si-ffs and dimensions.
The large‘t variety ever offered for sale In this place—wiling nt Ca.q. ca - Rate's SA( Regulating Parlor
+tore, the hesit. in use. Physicians rernnamenrica th;s stove as hung the Lest extant fur sick doolgus, iiiii do:count
of its ohiformity of brat. ft is also very economical of furl; requiting from one third to OW half less than any
oilier Hirlor Kt. , ce in rive.
49111. RUSSIA & A MERI(I.IN Stove Pipe on hand:: Consequently we are prepared to furnish any quan
lily to dor.ler at wholesale prices. . ., . „
ALBl)—.l good as.ortnicrit of .1 % PPAN NET) RARE. on hand.- He will also manterietpre nil kinds of
C.'ppee Ti,. and Shrrt Iron Ware to °Met on anun notice an/ warren: it to give good satWfactrun.
Tiros:lda, De-:. '22, 1418,
Eqal cabvcrtisantata.
CC DVAT bn_="
BY din colt r of the Orptritui . Court of,
will b expoacd in public sale at the house of Al
(ml thine. near the premi.cs , . In .`.,tioingtiel I township,
Bnedfdrd cn. Pe.. on SA 11; It DA V the 3d day of Feb.,
1849, at one o'clock. P. M., all that certain piece ist land
lying mind being in said township, and known as dos
pent ertir of J stirs T. Strong &ed.. and hounded as
On the toast by N. M., north by Nitcliolas
Vol h 1.4 we.t by Sehy ler t.:ates and Janis , Haeletiess, jr.
and smith by adPoning land bel,mting to raid J.l'
—Containing about 53 acres, oear;y till cleared, well
fenced and in low condition for
Alteralance given at the time and place of solo.,
terms Made known. 11. B N IoSUN,
Jancyary let}, 1349.
LB vlirtur of eundry writs of Leeari Facies, issued out
of the Court of Clun ~,,, n fleas of Branton! county,
to me &revel!. I shall es pose to pludic safest thelouse
of T. P Woodruff. in the borough of Towanda, an
MONLIAT the sth day of PEITIMAP.Y next, at two
o'cluekl P. M., the tollouing piece or pareil of land
tatuated, lying and being in the township of Athens,
begin,ing in ib.- centre of the mad adj. iinin 7, Inds of
llama Murray, thence south one huodrad and fifty ret
ches and eight-tenths of a perch to a stone fur a corner,
thence rout h eighty -six degrees east,eighty perches and
seven-tenths of a perch to a 'tune for a owner unsaid
Spahlthg'r line, thence nog!" one hundred and tweet,-
four ichew, and three -tenths of a perch to the centre
of the tl„ thence along the centre of said road to the j
se u
place 0 beginning. Containing sixty - nine acres and
'event -five rails of land-48 acres improved.
Seized and, taken in execution at the suit of John
Harris iiii. Simon Spalding.
A.1.1? the following piece or parcel of land lying
and be g in the township of Athena, and bounded as
fullawsp Beginning at a post on the south east corner
of Alpheus }tarn: land, thence 'math one hundred awl
tatrnty ion° . pen hes to • small hickory Standing on the
south aide of the Newtown mid, thence south 63 de-
treeseast one hundred and thinly-seven perches to a
post. thence south seventy five degrees east righter*
perches . to& buttonwood tree standing un die Wa4 bank
of Shepherd's creek, thence south ten degrees east eleven
perches to an elan thence south fifty-tour degrees east
twelve perches to a maple, 111,11C0 north erveig,y-six de
grees,oso twenty seven perches to a 14ackwalnut, thence
south sixty degrees east fiftyteix perches to a button
wood, t h o oow s ou th fifty.nise degrees ea-t fifteen perches
to a biOonatood, thence south thirty-eight degrees east
thirty perches to an ash, thence south six degrees east
twelve perches to a post and stones au. Pickering and
t.;ornpany's new line, thence north eighty-air degrees
west along the said line two hundred and sixty-two per
ches to the place of beginning. Containing ninety-one
acres and thirmert perches with allowenco Arc:, and one
two story framed home, onsa framed slit - Atm> framed
hams end one court house Auld apple orchard. abort 86
acres improved.
&hind and Pikes' in eseuition at the suit of Thomas
Clark, to duill.o of John Illst.ts and Aland Herrin vs.
Simon epalding.
A4.6t.)--.The following piece or parcel of Ist.d situa
ted in the township of Herrick and bewailed as follewa,
to wit ri Beginning eta bend sek a corner of 4.8. Wet.
more's Ist, thence uorth fiva degrees Cain severity-eight
perches to a post northeast comer of avid Wettnore's
lot, theme north 69 ° west 20 perches to a post,
thence !hash I° east 62 2-10 perches to a post, thence
south 19° east 13 3-10 perches to a post. thence south
51° eat 79 perches hi a past, thence north 50° east 35
and 1310. perches to post, thence south 1° west 4245-10
perehei to a post on the-north line of 1 06 1 10 ,8 1 0 1 0.1 11 41 9
thence . irth 76° east 74 perches to the inershia eAt 0 0 a
nee of r iid Btone'e lot, thence tooth, 30' west 6 3 . 40
perehee to a post, thence north 11, west I t s:lllyee
cites to ' die beginning. Containing 71 acres end 158
perches, Mine or last, with about 15,eceesimiraved aid
firoVLIOR lulus, thereon_w treaties" • , , .
Seised and taken in execution at thityßicara, L.C..
DeCharteleamx vs James Ia- Ytaodill.
Wt grrti e knowing pies ot parcel of,l;oft el,tna
111 IP t • !?.itts, 11,11,9( Orricb end boundid ef (OUTS;
Beginti og at the worthviik carter of A 4,, m : hei-,,, 40 ,
4,4 1 , .1004jr_.Atne.,, .1,
...diOnrl b west tweet* 1TA . 1 1 7,0 1 ib mz ish
1 ° Weft t 2 et-11) perAl! ' 4l - 0 a ou i 16' ' of
kt SA s - ritf )Ns,
warrant lot NO. 160, thence north 89 0 west 54 perches
Lou post, thence north 1° east 129 perchers •to •-port,
thence sOuth 141 4 eat 122 perches to a pord.ll”fill
corner (druid Allen's lot. thence south 1° west 106 4- to the beginning. Containing 88.scm. 121
ler, lies. more, of le-a, alarm 15 acres improved, With a
4 ;aohic 10.4. e, part , IA and part frame. • •
Se.zed and taken in execritrm at the snit of C. L. C
DeChastrieuv vs. Samuel G. Gray.
piece of laud in Springfield, hegirihing at
a beech, north west corner of hit' No. 15, on the south
warrant hue of warrant lot No. 911. thence north 163
perches to a post, south wei t corner of Joseph Robert
sou's lot, thence east 50 perches to a post, thence south
163 peiches to a post on said warrant bite. thence west
51 perches to Ilse beginning. Containing ,53 screw - and
96 6.10 perches, strict measure, it being the west halt
of lot N. 10, on said warrant lit No. 946, thirty-sre
acres iinprow d. Olailiamed house sa i l fruit trees therion.
SC and taken in arceution at the suit of Its B
Davidson, &c.. vs..seneca Remington, jr.
AL-Su—A piece of land in SpringficlJ,lieginning at
a luarlock, south east corner .of warrant Sot Na. 914.
theme south 15'1 7.10 perches to ■ post, thencewest 90
7-10 perche- toe post, tooth west comes of lot N0,.19,
theatre north 160 7.10 perches to a post, thence east
91 7.10 perches to the beginning. Containing 95 acres
and 113 perches. strict measure, it leang intended for
the whole of lot N.o. Is, on warrant lot No. 913, with
65 acres improtel, one lug house and two framed hauls
and fruit trees thereon.
Sera.' l aril taken in execution at the suit of R. B.
Davidson, ds.c., vs. Abner W. Ornwhy.
A LSO—A piece of land an Spy:l464d, beginning at
a leech sapling, the northeast corner of lot No. 25. WI
warrant lot No. 972, thence south 158 perches to a post.
south cast corner of said lot N 0,25, thence east 99 3.10
perches to a beech for a corner, thence north lbd perch
to a hemlock sapling for the north west corner of he No
27, thence seid 90 3.10 perches to the beginning. Con
mitring 98 acres anti 9 perches, strict measure, 60 acres
improved, one framed house, 0.. e ling Louse, and (rained
barn and fruit trees thereon.
firmed and taken in execution at • the suit of R. B.
Davidson, Sc., vs. Zeno H. Remington. , ,
ALSO—A piece of haul in Burlington. beginning at
a post in an old ash rout or bitunp..north cant corner o:
lottery warrant N 0.541, thence north 11° wort.;is 6-10
percher to a post, north west corner of the Ezra God
dard lot s thence - dart/a 90 9-10 perches to a hemlock for
a corner, thence mirth 99° west 50 1-10 perches to a
hemlock for • corner. thence south 151 640 perches to
a pn4 on the lottery woment line, thence south 430° east
66 9-10 perches to the beginning; Containing 67 aver
and 100 perches. strict measure r it being parts . of war
ram Its No. 1179 and 1762. -
Seized and taken in execution at the suit , of. R. B.
Darrideon dtc.... es. Morgan Dewitt and Scneca.Eendall.
and Lorelia.hts wife. lata botch' Dewitt„alminiswairix
of Lyman Dewitt, deceased.
ALSO—By virtue of sundry write of Vend. Expo..
or piece oir putrekof i land in the ,horough of Athena, And
bounded iirirth 10iluilerf L. 8: Effsworttel on itiw
by the Chemung river, on the. south by street lending
dem Main rtreet to he Memuir: Bridge am' lot belong
ing to the Bridge company.. aqd on the rant .by Main
street. Contzinini abent ihrtif-fourthe of en iere, more
or lees. with valititatory feettlial hinstsil barn thereon
erected, and n'Ten , Triitftr*': ;her'? ih. •
Seized and taken in rieu on'at the'euit of O. B.
Brown Is. a A. ife.,41.-Sib4tar.h..
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land hvEtantlingStone
bounded north by 0. l'astnesit, son% by thr
,main road,
outland .nd west I; E. Taylor. Containing *bout
one•half an acre, coo s or leas, with
_ono framed house,
anal framed barn thereon.
Beize4l and. taken in executianwt the snit of Montan
ye A Drib, vs. Jaunts A. Etude. -
ALSO—A mere of_ bind in Columbia. bounded on
the north by lands of V. M.Long,east by lands of Eph
riam Bryant, moth by the state road, and welt by Levi
14,.per. Containing fdtutren amp, with about B area
irpproved, widt a latitsa.ase =4 (samaa.bam and
a email framed home thereon. .• ,
Seised and 'token in egeention et 14 ; 'nit of. Fe. B.
Strait, now to two of John Bizby,jr. vo: A.D. Min*.
1 / 1 , - 11%i DCIIDDINS. sheriff.
Sheri!, Office TiOranZi,".lan-.10111149.-„.,..
•.1 , . At
• - .rfICA VI VYRIL. • I;
TiP.T.SiNIMEMOUgsbiII reaißred-h ' Se . 1aW.0 1 501
tttoacqp_totory—ofiloggirr i Alklif RIOCki
COIIIIT of th e . Pubiia Dquaia igallaukstapit. .a.
Towanda, Dee. 3156,
. .Y 1,12 90.4
". ‘!-f• !K. /
AI r TO - r
ACr 1111411 , 14
• '4
04 • *Pr
* ow.
lir i Pitc,• t 41:• -ii• 11 4 1 4 71 jiit•••,••41 4 10frAPII• • Pme
'l t! M s ! i t ', # .4-0.6 414 44111 •.' •••• •• P••
ell ,_ „ , '1 , 444;t1!#* #IA Or.To),l4.iiii*shigaiiions.
~5 , :10,*.fey4r1 r Wiii0c, TOOmiludead in
l k" SAlsieWirkt9,'Mkili**OP:44s6q..• MI
01 11 41tAri 16 ..„,.„*VArliti - iigiimi!Ornitide nr De. fiq
diexirOgrrifiptledwitiratiljrmitia Lel; ii.4:7llbis is ur ake
401S Nit' ile airreire47;l4 l lo4gjelo m agog wt di.
a A:NVIXE OH ifillAtv.. ',L I; tir.jvcro.. .....r. *um.
paint*. brivivirtot It die taireeilkirris;34 %wily esai, id
IMO. AmiLt linnit4tif . %,(.....> 9r pel .. f /01111. t ,
ijaii all* i lii.V./..14 Ape. AG/ • kri s . tall
tign a d,
11 1
es o w
4 6,;
7 "
At o,
, •
r.R :MN Al. iTF:fIEitOF rue
, Cenelne Townson"- Ss rsapatills,
01.1 Touirtsend Is now utioni7o-tesirs of one. has m.
been - known w. the .1071/(/// //18COVR)CER of the
nator.vit, TrAicyra I A
1-1." BEin 11..r.illtriVaisreetiqp0firrilln Wait it. in niteurturs. by
nridetiviesoirit he. been kept oat of note[. on& Ibessitles eir
enonsedibirilto thoweindy who hod plowed Its worth. nnefllnowri
Rf ,Vulne. It hod troehurd she man ea.renhens. as
thone pernons who bad heeti h.o.htt of sore diolatte., on 4 sinned
from north, prockiino-d nnd wonderful
lIKALL.II4? WI: R. _ •
initeeir vim :flint be GA' .1. by bin skill. gannet,
sod etiwri. nee, des - is.4 an suile?..o which' wmult/.be of locale°.
ktble ad•'b. mapleunll when thW tomes worth! Ns fur
nished to tun.; it tutu iti15t1.t1. heti winwatininhl•
Arortnes Inroad ho and apiiroeiatie4. This boo Anna cattle,
the moos are neippis,i; this • . •
ionnutltctunsd thejointot sewn, salt In tailed fin(.thtioteh
nut the length irOld hrerwith of thw land. inpettall) n Ikisfound
iusarat;le dege.serkli.M of delkjritt•oli. ' •
li t 7
Unlike i•ssies r,Towiisserid:..ll,,,iiniansves With eye. and
weans chromes hut Air the better :listAinsse it W peetrwed ea-sesea
lific priaciplea acieur4e wa.. The lashes: hustelather of
Vliarniattv, and the West diwinavries of (be art.,,bane all been
boat U. DIA ' , rani Aron in the in inufmture ut the O 3 in`a
3atainarrila. The tratoopeeda pea. it la well knew,, W imrstkal
ear* cottoaids twisty tundicinsi prisperusra. and seas moan:ties
which inert sn usselessa. and 'sites: allarh.lf retaiard in pre
rset, for. n.e. ;endure firsentatitos ausGsfeal. which la te
rine. us Ms .v.t.on. Snit., of the ptalwrtint deltiftiniiillt
are an palatal^. that they es.hrelt evaponste and are bast in the
suitraratiou. Ir ItinPnre not' presetved by a - servati.te "riots..
brawn Oaf. u, thos,esperietieraln it. emattufhetu e. Msneover
thew outside evawarlce. which Ay ner In rep.*. or an an exists
tom. under haat, are the vary esseatiel serdical prepsetwa of the
mot. withal rivr h, it all it. 'mitre. -
Any wows me Orel ateWthe tent till they set a shirk esslotre
liquid. which la more (nue the to/swipe mutter as the nest tbaa
hose say thing elan: they esestient ausin this liseipitt 'Tried
liquid. sweets with non, aissfaa.e.. and thee null it it •
RAP SRII.I.A FaTRACT sic SYRUP." hut, tech a not MO
alltei• km..n a. the
' 41 - PAMELA..
Thiele 41 11114744.11. that .It the inert rot:entre& of the S..
.saiparilin n.l an. tinst rriton.ed.rare) thine capi.b.e of bectinimit
and nr of fermentation, I extro-tied and rejected: then every
parade cf n..llcnl vines.. is ,n-nized in ii palm .44 etnit.l3ll/.1...1
fOlllll 8 . ..•4 'Merit I, render,' 41, paide ..r any of It. train
able and hea one properttm. Prupence in thmera), it la made the
1110311 Inn erfni ..rat in the
(.'are of innumerable diseases.
Bence Mr rear. n nit. n e bvhr ....... .-very
as its' tinny by men, nrininen. and ebiliOnn. We find it &mug
ir,pinires in the rare of
(I).V.Se.Vrrinx. r)t - tri•Pgrf, (I).V.
P/-4 /XT. •e.ll la Pt liEt'-lf-f T. 11.1.1 SCUI)111.• 1e11.17..7.
ensrtrrwrsk .n cv - P. , IA - Ef , r.s 11' 'l'l ArS,
Bld.c TUE.N. nod xmarnt hum
It pnesenve• a trinnewitnnsedlirnoT In nil tntotpla 2nts ariting horn
fnin, .Itddity SfeinerL liete,ainernal
ertennsn•flon ef urns to the brad, tottgthdittd of the bean.
add fret and heed*. n.ld chide and hid Ilaurben nettt the body. IC
ha. not quni hi (ef LealCough.; and proinvonet ran-
- peetneulosa and- retitle 1.11111:rtr.41.42. telaling strintlini of the
turnaQ throat end every attn., part.
Rm. in leek i I. iu ere. I lenre wow amantindly amen and en
kineeferfted than in alt tie/. %lid 'atm.
_ _
. It *mitt tenudent in en..,rif eror4t/Insir or Whit tr. PINAR, of
the W_.& (Sertrwrint, So pprepswit. Plimfort Mega.
ity of lbw sm.oaring(' pPrintin. and the like ; sold In ourelitins4
in flaila all tLe dm,' bumf...
By In v er.% .fta etemeting. the hinteml •) - s•
fro,. it tire- won +ad sueargUs u. the whole body, UMW thus
talo all Gams of
• Nees OUA dicea§iets mid debility
mud the. Keyearts nr lev•s g ram, vanete of gather maladies,.
t , '''ateJ•eta. Xegievarrig. St. ,Vit.s' Dance, tigstmerige,
i:pdephr te•Nryi...ll.s. &f.
It Cher. 0.1.31 114 , 9 etrites the lir!, la heti.6t• getirek tomes
the .1 ::a**e• Ipggl dar.e-gon u Ilc•va the &meet* ..t
t ' 4 ;"' " r " I •.• 1,11 •tarne Mufti. the skart,
equal..., tie If& Itlll.ti nuo.ol p ooltii-m: go-att« mutant'
ettu3l4 .1i •al.• i arr {owls , ..-.t ifl Ito , etio tan. perspirottou ; re
in sr* n• 1 .t.., Inter gad tlentnegr.. rrmoves all nhotrtattnag, aid
the ent're torn gum. thh.
The inegliciae you pre-rrninently peed?
if al 4111 +RN at 1t1e.411.1.M7.A lm losoil .4 s. r. cud. {hie
riot on rt.. Th. Ic•...•;:: • toyol.l n , •I • 1.. too
tkeratt..4 I) • that the 4.1:c is iNCAPABLE
ukata4l4)i4A - rit*. •e 1
- - •
while the other DirtFlS : otearier, and Umehis
eelltes cuntathene it into framminta ; the iionr, nein thiniorsio
Meg. sad duniafri team roods! Must no: this horrible com
pound he pofromma to the 13a.fral Wk - at! pat acid Mtn e
erptese eiremly •Issefind wren acid! What rattles Dyspepsia bat
acid 1 lb. err not nil know that when food soars le on, sum
ache w has aniselfras at posher, I tlatttenee, heartbera. palpi
tates.' of the Meru liver witereadol.ellarrhart, drienterr. (sow.
mei enemy/tom of the Mood, What is tarnefele hat am arid
humor in the 1a5.13 Whet prodaeree all the hisswes ertilrh
brow on I:inapt/oes tee - ditin, Vend. Say Ithenia
sipataia It tote So - manes. Esser neon. end all ulcerations-1m
wood arsd ealesnai I It is nothies midst beeves. bet se acid
mai...sine.. *stab .....ters, and that,. *pod. all the Made al the
hody. more to What mosses Itheetaatien. bet a rut or
erni Mad. which lemmas.* heir lietweea the joists mad else
* here. init iting and 'adorning the delicate tissue. upon whlgh
it twist So o( 111./.4.10. 14 Impurity of the Wood. of
deranged riot:Mamma owl nearly all thie aliments whist. ctLct
hansan an lure. . •
Now is a tun noryNc b Mllke and se d, aad isilsisel
and .1 he rated I.4si 'bare It 'satirist ...A tbrt fist No*
T..sti. Drsirratet ..lsroapardia, is ne IArtTATI4iN
of his lorcr.or isreenraissm!! -
n 1h.., a -n.atld deal in orn tinkle *chit," Would
'mar the 111 , ..4 d,.t r rovoute,..reer to Si P. Towneweetra article 7
Roo a hirh .h...ud hoar .1 ael Italian thr , Ot Ilr.vorh a oreolosoeirs
mood of c s L.: t: mambas. toad Azrope who bare veld,
and teorch‘ser% aho hate omad r.Totiltatc.ari.rEitllt.:NTLNG
(114114 )r:\ fl. •
We wish it !maim. usid heesrtm it is the eAreJatr tr e a t
It. P. Mamma/a mantle end tittd ht. Jsroh Tinsmsend's tint
sairmilla are tear-, ienni eperfrard etnataeu t a ; that
Mel etc itn: ke et . e..3' lteeleg niece= sink, dunit
le erennew.
As it. P. Teem-en:lt is en derrtnr. end never we% in use
chemist. en plismisireiist -town, n.. more id medicine as dis
ease then sac either common, unscientific. unp - oliwbral wen,
what ZIMPIIIII , I. ran thr pnnac hate Was they kW teacieilit •
genuine se retitle ewe:eine, rimminins all the virtue* oir, the
srticissi usiist u ;equines it and it (itch are incstable afehneees
wb:rh ni , cht render ghetto the AGENTS.uf Meer! luste.el of
Bar grtrnri...•..ll.sto.l hr cillertrof from nn... wth.itnoWs Muth
iaa OMNI./ 4IVVIV 4 ithoitielftiP of ,tne 4 .• ! rnintrer a per..n
ossigor esrp-tl.ner. L. even Y *.rearm .I.lec•k
Is it dß who Mau
should know well the inedreoi properoes of plants. the NMI
meaner of oryiniat cad emoi i enototlog Meer he.oloole sirloin%
nor. as enteitatur knowieete of the eitrostre diseases wioirl. mires
the hutosed:Srileukandasoo tip-Ward relairlhel 61 these oloomase s o!
It is mere 1 iraopto prog the ooduroasoste. 1.. pooragino logo
wounded 'hum is the assaulting ,bieman. to
tonere heitith and . Woe,. nod cite into the uu•hed cad hen
ken and to Is It 'lingua) that .fl 'DR. TOW.XlPih'i
tree dOUGIIT and FtillN 0 the opportnad) and 'aeons to Wing
tun •
Gmnd 13tireit ( nil Vidicentrated
Remedy-- •
within the midi, and to the knowlerlsta oral! who seed It, that
they et_ ff 1,1211.1 and knolls : to) }.teat orstesn.. c ., li e
Tratuse.rodent Power to I 'val..
D. Jaen, 1'0WN...116:4 YURI!. Oet..S. INK
Ste on the 91hlo or Zero 1107.1 area sesta oottarbod with
rbruistati•et. sad eutainielLuader preartil than. I. gum
rr .t 14 4:1 4 r P. negriara, J,betnnet tentbely betideq
lotearhie otp•Ogroir terporli.(W tannin; in. hied, or helpletotgaellg
ant' a *y. In it.,. +Lae I enatiswv4 u—til January 1848. whea
I levto to mend a Ilttrtreinithoprose groodunlig ti ll Ml May.
Thy, aa,adawat woe . 11..1 ) 3.14.41 U as u. be able to feed aryorrif;
thormb still Inespsh'e or:ogling inlay ant ar hed yeomen hum's,
in 4.4. In nistbasi to this' eandhlon..e tth butt, or no aas
til r• dOoLt'sYell ersi,n 4Z-nt this reatnia b .tr
the Uwe. , indttend v. try, pear Sarsaparilla' on the
24th. three illrirstrear :skier the fhst d...r. t (2051.:1X BRIJ.
which 4 lute not ot.oue toefpre tg !ea !months, and in bin than a
week. I
Pre/ ErP .leßVlVl'rgr kvom - - •
with the nal Al cnlwl,l. Stirceibeti. 1 laaVos walked is the 'meet
have O.IIP 441440 [way 7t $1441444 ••tre•••l' tn the raft; is
L.,.-Wt sherd end twee,. t have been to OA liierseeretteet
two &Selene tiieet.-«vol nto wow fvettoeuttv viskielfier plea
Itemnedeill thee tonal haver Wow b t tea istilai
it&aar.d'atetecipt,cmik tiet.AL. 1 pro ed aa.therbettle
(34/11 441.) sod I endire4 twice lumen the Mier without - *ix*
of rrutrhe.. I Wm!, alas moth* recovered Dom ototruclkie at'
warm. which revenge greet tiletie.t. The palla-bo my beet ha
hlredee left ow. Feed ette family ham us earthly teasel to
aerider 4p 1414allpfy Imaaa Wire OMNI Oat to •
OLD bk. xicint vowirmrtts
,• . • • ••• - ALEX. INEurat, altiprear-sr,.
r:1 1 .--.441eskrarrlitr AystrEtrord,psire4 dew over +,:lklos
ererriatirat mportrrriinr - osOied isat.
MEW liniavortet, 11. T. City
_Bold itholtiiie and retail. ia.Towan4 Pi;. by W
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?(IA VOLS:imlgsbeebt ilia America! Swel
M I 444 ,1 )4 0 444 1 W 4 ,piti ! ** 144.4644
omit Parch:mere. My 23 0.1% RAirmarr.