Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 10, 1849, Image 3

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    nl /bykrtisenents.
ostc4w cipAsaa g
`an and o the Orphans oattdf wadfurd tip:
1J- will be exposed to public aide at the house of
fred, Stool& the•premises,in
D r 6,484 &Tie., en EATER D AVllhit4kl day Of Felt.;
IS l l9olone o'clock, P. hi.,alithat certain piece okland
Img.od being in said . township, and known as the
properly •Oflames T. Strong
deed., and boonded es fol
lows: -On the mist by N - . 43. Bosley, 'north by Nicholas
Vorhisi west dry SehYles-Gates and Jamas Harkness, jr.
and south by adjoining land belenging to said J. T Strong
—Containing -about 55 mcrea, nearly all cleaned, Well
fenced. andlin fine condition for pasturing or meadow.
Attendance givenjat the time - and place oT sale, and
termitnade known. • B NELSON, •
10th, 1899
Rf,GISTER'S NOTICES.—Notice is hereby given
to all persona interested, that
Stephen H. Stiles, administrator of the estate of Gli
nting:. Walker, dec'd, late of Burlington ; -
Chancy P. Mitchell and Mabel Mitchell Adminis
trators of - William Mitchell, deed late of Troy.
Julius Russell, administrator of the estate of Joseph
Gibbs, late of Windham, dec'd..
Frederick Fisher, Guardian of Joseph P., Mary C.
John W. and Elias S. Miller, [Rumor children of Mark
M Wei dec'd—have filed and settled in the office of the
Register of Wills, in and for the county of Bradford,
the accounts 'of their several administrations upon the
estates aforesaid, and that the same will be presented
to the Orphan's court of said county, on Monday. the
btb day of Febuaty next, for confirmation and allow
ance. 11. BLACK, Reg.
Register's Office. Towanda, Jan. I. 1849.
61111PIPIERIV 00T/IM 011.13M0
,- D y an order of the Orphans' Court of Brodkin! Co.,
I) will bo roposed to public sale, on Saturday, the
20th Jay of January, .1849, at 1 o'clock, P. M., upon
the premises, the following property, to wit : A certain
piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the
township of Troy, county aforesaid, late the estate of
Wm. Knox, dec'd, bounded on the lands of—Ward
tact by land of James De Witt south by land of Win.
141orri4on we=t by the highway leading from Granville
to Troy. Containing one handfed acres, or thereabouts.
Attendance given, and tams made known on the day
or sale. CHAS DRAKE. Administrator
Granville, Der. 19, 1848, of Wm. Knox, dec'd.
IST OF JURORS drawn fur Feb'y. term A. D
Armenia John F. Becker,.
Athens Boro- 7 —ChaF. Comstock,
Burliugton—Rahsom Ward,
Canton—Jpihn Vandyke, Jr.,
Franklin-Waldo Lyon,
Granville—A T Morrison,
Herfick—F,zechiel Carr,
Leroy—John Coon,
Rome—Peter Vought,
'Standing Stone—Alanson Morris, Stephen Canfield.
Shesbequin—Samuel Gran,
C Brown, Samuel Lake, Alvin Bailey,
Smithfield—Newman Colvin,
Towanda Boro—H A Carey, William Briggs,
Troy Twp—Alonzo Thomas,
Wysos—John B. Conklin,
arren,--R. L. Cob”ro,
Wells—David Pratzmen,
T IST OF LETTERS Remaiping in the Post Office
14 at Towanda, Quarter ending Dec. 31, 1848.
Arnold D Hafnium C W
Austin WM 2 Johnson Caleb
Armstrong E T Kellenlien Thos
Anstin 14 Kelley H C ' 2
Bettsham J Kelley Mrs C
Beardsley H 'l' • Lanning Mrs A W
Belding Lucy Leach F
Burbeck 14 3 Laporte John
Bennett Thos McGill Dennis
Busher J 2 Mullany S
B I..vett E Mullany Thos
Brown .1 N Malony Morris •
Black H Marshall C
Batcheler T, 4 McEllwain A •
Bucher-N A Mace E
LIST OF rasssass JURORS, MIST weze. Barr J&W & Co 2 McKinney Miss M
Astlum—Henry Gaylord, Augustus Ward, Baxter H Mason K
BinghamW McClow Mrs M 8
Athens Twp--Edward Murray,
Burlington—Orrison Shackleton, Bowman Geo McAllister John 2
Canton—Divid 8 Granteer, Thu irs Case, Bulls Amos McCord John
Columbia—Orr Wilson,
Brown C A Mitchell M
Durell—Harry Benjamin, Edward Acla, B flee James Newell Miss A M S
Brag Jahn Nolle &Co Mew Frankiin—lra Varney. . :,. Bo il s John Newell .1 J
Granville—William Bunyan, I.
Litchfield—Orson Corner, Burriughs A Ostin Wm .
Monroe—Alonzo Bowman Lanning Hart, /Oat) Barley D O'Brien Wm
Somers Bull D M. Powell Mrs M M
- Condon James Potter Joseph
orwell—Francis Chubhuck,
Pike—Cyril, Stevens, Travor Bosworth, Cook S Powell J C
Roine—M , ses Moody, William Parks, - Henry D. Cannon Win Palmer A 0
Rockwell, Cannon H J • Pennyman I
Clark Miss M Post Isaac
Ri.lgl);•ry Win Covell,
I Chamberlin & Porter Poncher Miss J
" 4 1trloglilli—Hettry Mt , itgnmerr, •
Crimmins M Peck M
stanil .1! Stone-4olin G "idyll,
sim:htield—lsrael Philip,. Cyrel Fairman, Jas. C Cat.e B F Pennypacker A
soUili Creek—Jesse Moore, Cummings C ' Palmer N
Pierce, t'astle 8 Pestanna Mrs P
sh. -h...mitn—Cny Kinney, . '"Lt• Chutibuck A 2 Pierre S
spriti2lield—Alfred Brace, Conroy P ' Phillips J
; Boro—T P Woodruff, John Bridleman, Chamberlin A S Rogers E M
Wm B Dodge, i cahelly ?digs E Robison Miss J
In'valu , ing—Alex P Biles ' Clark James Russell C 8
..\% ~;1..L.4;e 0 H Shepard. Carpenter E Roumfort Gen A L
i Carter John Resett James
Warren—Alexander Dewing,
Coolhaugh E • Rogers Thos W
Cummings Mrs C . Stover .1 D
DeWelaka 1 • Stockwell Chasi
Decker S Strickland Luke 2
belong D . Smith Ira H '
Dewitt Wm R Simonson Garnett
Deming D M . - Spencer W D
Dodson T If • Smith F
Doherty Jan - Spratt Rev Geo
Elwell Wm 5 Smith John
Elliot J Rmith Riley
Elliot Thos Stewart D
'Fisher F 2 . Shiner Stephen
Foss Miss CAT . Leavitt W
Ford F Todd Mrs C
Frink Miss H Taylor .1
Grsnis Mrs C W 2 Taylor Geo B
Green J F . Thompson Ellen
Griffin Miss A Welch P
Green A Willson W
Grace P Wattles A
Cillin Owen Wells & Bogart. Mess
Gillson J M Ward P C
Hotchkiss _F 2 Warn Miss 8 M
Hayden Thos Wright D
Heath Miss R Warner M A
Rages Chas Wise F
Herley J Wells Chas F
Hunt F Willson E
Hawthorn J White Mary .
Howragan E Wells Thos
Humphrey Mr, M E. W. BAIRD, P. M.
Vbany—Christian Heverly,Joseph Menardi, Miner
4('itrox, -
.1 , 3-him—Udall Terry,
A imenia—L C Shepard,
Burlington—Asahel Smith, Justin Morley, Henry
Onlumbis—Allen S Parsons, -
Canton—James Ketchum,
I:ranviPe—lohn Vromani,
Leroy—Reuben T Palmer. Orrisqn Royse,
Orwell—Dennis Darling; G O Frost,
Pike—Gilbert Dimon,
S Halsted,
Standing Stone—R .l Proudfoot, Albert Newell,
s:p ring field—Wm Harkness,
Smitlifield—Asher Huntington, Geo. W. Campbell,
S'ieile , tuin—Jacub Reel,
Tivy Rum—Thomas Maxwell, Elijah Runyon, F
S Arfrsw,irth,
Trwi Tup—z't , plien Chi;son,
tockwuud, Samuel Holcomb, Aaron
Wv , (a—John Allen,
NV‘ ald , inl4-I , rarl Camp, Nelcon Overton,
Warren—Jonnnt Currier, H B Brown,
TYSSF.S MERCUR, has removed his Law Office
to the 6eclnd story of 2ilontanye's New Block,
corner of the Public Square and Main'sueets
Towanda, Dec. 30th, 1918.
rj'iu undersigned are preparing en expedition to
.1 Calif - mole, and are desirous of procuring persons
t' engage in it. The well known riches of that terri
t4ry rrtiders it unnecessary fur us to hold nut induce
mints to j in. It is proposed to start about the hit of
and take the Saute Fr route, via St-Louis. Ap.
1 , 04-anon my, be made by letter, or othervrise to the
subscribers at Rome Bradford Co. Pa.
Rome Jan. I. 1949. S.C. MANN.
THE Subscriber tuts remlved his large Mock of Dry
1.,„ Goods, Groceries, Hanlwere, Crockery, Books &
Stationary &c. &r„ to the New Brick Block, east side
of main street, two doors South of the Public Square,
hi. friends and the public are respectully Invited to
Towanda, Dee. Roth, 1818.
30el VOLE S. published by the American Sunday
V School Union. and 1m sale low in quintities
tomtit purchasers.' my 2.3 0. D. RARTLETT.
T HAVE A WORD TO SAY! If you are at any
time in want of STOVES or Tinware, permit me
as a friend to advise you b . % call at D. C. 1-1 tLI2B-13 5
keeps the largest supply, sells the most reasonable, and
you eau buy to better advantage, than at any other
Place in or out of Brad ford County, and I am sure you
e-d have no fears of regretting any purchase you may
make. Don't forget this matter. J. J. IC.
Towanda, Dec. 12, 1848.
REEN PARASOLS—a few more of those splen-
A/ did green silk and Turk satin fringed parasols and
sllidee just rer'd and selling very low at PDX'S.
AV ANTED, any quantity of Butter, at the market
pricer, at he Central Store. IC' N. BETTS.-.
GLoT & CABBIMERCB—EngIish- French &
•-) American Broad Cloths and Cassimere Also a large
'imminent of fancy cassimeres, we ask the privilege
(4 - bho wing goods in this line e4pecially at the Central
t ,. -LAST ,AigilY* 9F- • i ,
WINTER '....600,D54
'EFL VE the pleasure Of-annouseing to. :public
LL that they are now receiving eiether large. sod
general assertmertt of GOODS.
Towandnillee. t,1848. ' ' : • 1 .1 •
• • •
VOW opening at — the show; fitittlieliniet a very
1% large ind desirable anottnient of FALL AND
WINTER el ODDS, which will be sold at 'very low
rates. Business at' this establishment conducted upon
fair end honest- priticiples. You have our thanks for
past favors and we hope fof a continuance of the same
as we are bound;to sell Goads Cheap.
Towanda. Dee. 4. 1818:. N. N. I3ETTS.
WE are DOW receiving and opening a new and
general assortment of Goods just from the Qba.
ker City, and we confidently say they cannot-be beat
for variety, neatness of style, quality or quantity ; and ,
they mast and 'hall be sold as low as the same goods
can be bought this aide of the city. Our stock is full
and complete, consisting of every thing mankindataad
in need of, The stock iv made up of Dry goods. Gra
caries, Hardware, Crockery, Iron and Nails, Pait.ti,
Oils, Glass, Varnish,: Dyevetuffii, Boots, Shoes, Leather
Fish, Salt, and in fact everything that is in demand..-:
Persons making purchases will do well to call and ex.
'amine our stock before purchasing,- u we make no
chargesfor showing goods.
A good and cheap variety of Alpaccas, Gingham,
Oregon plaids and Detains, a large and. good assort.
ment of Cloths Casiiitneres, sattioetts, Kentucky Jeans,
satiin and silk vesting., table diaper. brown and blue
cotton and brown and blue linen tal.le cloth, Muffs of
all sizes prices and descripdans„BuCalorzobee. Sheet
logs, ahirtings both brown and bleached, Hats and caps
of the latest styles; wool shirts and drawers, Carpet
bags, gloves and mittens, Hosiery, any luantity of cot•
ton yarn and carpet yarn, white and colored at of
which will be sold cheaper.for cash, than at any other
establishment in town.
Towanda, Nov. 16, 1848.
ALL prrsmui indebted to the estate of ELEAZER
NORMAN, deed., late of SyringGeld enship, are
hereby requested to make payment without delay, and
those having claims against said estate will please pre
sent them duly authenicated for settlement.
January,3, 1848
A LL persons indebted to the atlas of John Erskine,
decd., late of Herrick township, are hereby reques
ted to make paynient without delay, and those basing
claims against said estate will please present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
Herrick, January 3. 1849. 'Administratewe.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of IRA PEAR•
BOLL, deemed, late of Ulster townhisp, are
hereby requested tomake payment without delay, and
those having elalms•agaitist said estate will please pre.
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Ulster. Deennber 4, IFI4B. Administrators.
THE undersigned, hawing been appointed an Audi
for by the Orphans Court of the County of Brad
ford to audit .the administration account of John F. tat
ranee, sdminitrator of the goods and chitties which
were of William Bertran, late of said County, deed.
will attend to the duties of his said appointment at
his office in Towanda Borough on Tuesday the 30th
thy of liouary 1849 at two o'clock P. M. of which
all persons interested will take notice.
A °dim,.
Towanda. Dec. 26th, 1818
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Joss 'Donut-
NWT r, dec'd., late of Standing Stone tp. are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
having claims against the said estate will please present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
Standing stour, Dec, 11,1RIR.
.. - •
, ' . .gt - • • t 4 .1 . ' :,...* .•
, ' 4, .' ' ' , 4, ' !-Lie r i!, •.
• „,:, !4 • _ /OW t r , ,•.-k z i , .
iIA i tiq rjrre .= ' - ' a9rriitacitollaiLlilire - ith entire
sine of
i W DrogsA , r ledc ..L Oroceil!4i l n
t lipes,
rlir" lyinghasQ 4
purel;a l .faevr f 'art ions
to thaiutt . itiaLnssaiattria;iliiPiiree.
ilia iild siand, in Kingppory's ,13!oc)i, ilia
_most conr,
AIR *Mk al brains Mack* . 0 DPlAaatatblalliata*
ever (4 ,T4 4 / I .4 ?B r fa- t#ratr'94au4t4 44 1
Physicians are particularl invires to call and exam
ini-tair Ildridliiiectiefoitiairehartmetieließhesel.. iWir:
NOW/MAO NW* 'lludoelery article ham berm Wright
with great care,,to. avoid cheap ocatruars, which ate
usually kept all Ximireerithopp, to supply thomignarint
of what they.are purchasing. the scickat" • !
is worthy the attention of gloss who wish to,huy cheap,
I have a full eupply of Bugais. Teas, Catfpes„ Candles.
Camphins, Lamp oil, Soaps, Starch, Omani! MuStartl,
Allspice, Cayenne & black Poppers, 4-c. &c.
I have also purchased a havy . stock of the Ararat
quality of pure unadulterated"
31L.431.4:1W„ 111.11/MIEIR2IIB.
such as Copulae. Brantly• Pale bran! do.. American
Campaign 'Hine, Port do., Madeira do. Malaga' do:
Claret do., HoMniGht, St Croix Item. rk. England do.
Motiongabela and .commati,biskey., IP,, 0101 I
would call the attegainaog ,tatallords. or ,Invalids,wh.o,
use the same for userliciaid 'fort:tapes, of / others who
use either Wines or Liquors in . tlierr pure slate, tir pll
and examine the quality and prices.
nave likewite a variety of rancy . Goods, such as
Military and wash-ball Soaps, Tooth Brushes and Pori.
der; Colones; Hair Oil and'tirushes ; Ouo of Rose;
Steed Nibs and Holders, &c. &C., sit of which are
worthy the attention of those desiring useful ano Grey
Having been appointed Agent for selling most of the
offered to the public, i assure my customers that I shall
newer impose upon the Ohne by. offering cheap Medi
cines, counterfeited by speculators, thereby either sell
ing a useless or poisonous drug. I pirchase all my
medicines of the Adepten or. their =choirs agents,
thus guarding against imposition so frequently practis
ed. Remember, at this shop I sell none but .genuine
I take great .plea.vare In anncmocing .to-tha public
that I bate made arrangements with Doctors HUSTON
& LADD, whose medical reputations, are firmly estab
lished, to cor.thase their office-at my Drug Store, and
whose knowledge of the business, will be of great
benefit to me, as well as my customers, in making
prescriptions, &c.
aj Remember the New Drug Store is in Kings.
bery's Block.
Towanda, November 2.3, 1847.
" Goods well Boaght, are half Sold !"
T now opening a large stock and extensive variety of
.1. GOODS, selected with the greatest care, and bought
under great advant eges in the cities of New York and
Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorable condi
tion of both 'markets—and having in 'view the motto
above, him so bought that he can and will aelt on as fa
uorable terms as the eest, and will endeavor to show to
community the advantage of buying from those who buy
well. Towanda, May 23, 18413.
ARE now receiving a new supply of GOODS fram
New York. Also, one ark bad of 'SALT.
THE subscriber has opened a Currotwo sTon[, two
doors north of the Public Square, on Main . street,
(nearly opposite the new brick tavern now being erect
ed by C. L. Ward, Esq.) wherehe wilt keep constantly
on han3, and for sale at the lowest possible prices, •
large and general assortment of READY MADE
CLOTHING, such as
Collars, Stoas,Suspentlen, Glom, Hosiery, Drawers,
Fiannef Undershirts, 4T., ()T..
He,bas also on hand and is constantly receiving, a
argo R.FOri mend of
such as Silks, Satins, !Versailles, &c.. ail of which will
be made up to order on short notice and on reasonable
terms. The subscriber having been s practicarTitilor
for the last 15 years, in the city of New York, natters
himself that he can give satisfaction to all who may fa
vor him with their patronage. •rr
His Clothing is all made up under his own inspee
tion, and he has therefore no hesitancy in recommend.,
ing it to those who wish to purchase.
."." CUTTING and MAK/Nil UP for persons who
prefer to furnish +lsar own materials; and Caning Alone
for persons who wish to have their ger.nents made else.
where--all of which shall be dour with neatness and
The imbiteribei Is also agent for A. Wheeler's Report
of Fashions, which he can furnish to such as are want•
ing, On reasonable terms. B. A. SMITH.
Towanda, June . 6, 1848.
CALICOES.—A choice selection of Merrimack, or
ange and blue, pink and all other kinds, small fig
ure. Two shilling calico for nine cents; call and see s
ho• mind, the only place is KINORBERY & CO.
BON N ETS.—A choice selection of Florence, lace,
China pearl, Pamela, Leghorn, and other fashion
able styles of ladies' and misses' Bonnets: very cheap;
also Bonnet ribbons, artincials. wreaths. &c.
may 17
JOI'NER'S TOOLS.—A good assortment el. Bead,
Moulding and Bench PLANES, grousing plows,
and other Joiner's Tools, just received from the manu
factory, and for sale low by f). D. BA RTLE TT.
T ss public will of course attribute the Feeling with
which S. P. Townsend, the self-styled " Doctor,"
in his "Caution Extra" speaks of Dr. Onyents Cele:
bested Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, tothe
great reputation and rapidly increasing sales of this
excellent medicine, and the falling off in the sale of his
worthless stuff, for it is " the hit bird that flutters!"
We are daily receiving from our Agents in every
direction similar to the following, which will explain
the increasing unpopularity of the " Doctors" weaned
(Prom our Agent at Seneca - Palls, Oct. 241
"I am getting eat of patience with Townsend 's. it
sours and we have a frequent- blow up, to the great
beauty of surrounding objects! Nothing of the kind
occurs with yours; and besides its medical properties
are in my opinion, immeasurably superior."
[Prom our Agent at Ithaca Oct. 2.]
! Your Yellow DS& & Sarsaparilla has isuparseded
Townsends Sarsaparilla in most cases, and I am now
selling of it three tootle.. Much of Townsend, sours
and becomes no better than very poor molasses flavored
toilA vinegar." S •
It is quits natural that the " Cantor" ebetia regret
the great falling off in his tales. bat it is .aertainly un•
wise ;fin him to become, like his 4 ' inedicine'"aour and
disposed to s " blow up !" as he seems to be in his
"Ceution Extra."
Thu genuine Dr. Onysette Oninpthinde is a otter ' relle
preparation, containing in addition, to Sarsaparilla,
Yellow Dock, one of the powerful. substances known ;
besides other ,valuable vegetable ingredients, AND
WILL NOT SOUR. See Advertisement.
PAINTS, OILS & DYE-B TUFFS, aloe' Matches
by the grow, et No.-% B. R. FOX'S. •
‘Ai ANTED. Beef Hides, Tallow and Grain of all
V kin.dv, on all demands, if delivered by the *it
day of February nest. E. BlitITH &
Towanda, Nov. 11, 184 A.,
AMONG our Dry Goods may be found almostevery
variety of -Dress Goode. suchwe plain Black. Plaid
and sithstriredlitpus, figured dignities and easlnimer,
plain and silk iuiped &gait! lowers, 'English and
Fitned Merinos's. _French. b 4 r.oteh. and. Ammiean
Gingham+, black, plaid and striped drisi 014, bo s ideri s
great variety of other goods not worth while io be mas
tic nel fall and' Me for ritualises at the Central
stove. dt N. N. B.
, , -
county... .
D. C. HALL ,respertfully infirm, his friends end the
pultlicolrit he has ociei fur sale lA•hii rtg'w
la general Mid choke assortment of STOVES; of all
sizes and Patterns...which he - is ptrparal ibletl at wlioln.
sale or Zetsil,„ or estehange fur Country' priodeie upon tha
ennui accommodating termi. Among has 'tack are the
Air tight Conspidt, t(all titre). Stewart's ttrr tight,
Roughend Ready da. revolving : Pe du., .d/barty
city dcy, Republican do., Central N. Y. do. ; .Buck
eve , hot an• oven. uiith rotary top,. Premium Stoves,
No. I, 2,3, 4,5, 6. of Ilta mod unproved paUtros :
- Parlor-Stoves, all sites; -Six plates. all
tire# ; Cannon Stones, an extellent article for offices,
taverns, store, fit; Ridiator:Parlor stores ; Key
stone patent skeet i all sites Band box stove, 4r.
4.000 lbs. Russia and Ainerican STOVE-PIPE.
ready-made; also. Brass sad Copper Kettles. of various
patterns. together with .a general assortment Brun
sad Copper Ware.
500 Laid Tuba, wish a choice assortment of every
article in the Tin ware line, to which the attention of
l'ilincliants, Pedlars, Families and Hotmekeepenrpne.
,is invited.
cc 7 The highest price will 'be pikl for eld castings.
copper and brass. Grain, Tireeys, Chickens, and all
kinds of maiketable produce will be received in pay..
went for Stoves, l'inware,
For stoves, .beetirnn, cApwr and tinware, his u.ort•
amid is complete. He retains his thinks -to his oil
customers, to whom, and the public he renews his invi
tation to give him'. call before purchasing elsewhera
Don't mistake the ft/ace—but remember H ALL:B south
side of the Public; Square. in Montanyes Mock.
Totvanda Dec. 1 12, 1848. D. C. HALL .
•T Ttl
Itian;l34lnPg3 2141.MWM.
THE Subseriber respectful
' ly informs the citizens of To.
•'•,, • . wands tbat be has opened a
Mertrt in the Brion Block,
• 1. g . one door west of Woodruff
- "
Hotel (basement story) Mid
Will endeavor to keep eonatantly on band, and 'supply
those who wish the means of "good living," with Salt
and Fresh Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, &c., of the
finest quality and in the best order. •
e . 'Y Candles & Soap by the boa or pound, constant
ly kept on band and for sale at low prices.
Towanda. Aug. 29. 1818. A. HAV9LEY.
Just receiving a large and Rids Stock of
New Fall and Winter Goods, at
WHICH fur variety, quality and cheapness will well
compare with anything of the kind in the Coun
try..., Any one who will do me the favor to call and
examine any of my Goods I think can't fail to beet:tiled
both with quality and price. The sleek iaeludes>t great
variety of Rich New Styles of Dress Goods such as
Plain and Blue, Pink and Scarlet all worsted
Del.anes, Filed Cashmeres, Thibet Cloths, Cocurgs,
Silk Plaid Medonean, Plaid Helaine., Black Plaid,
Striped stud "-Silk warp Alpaca, Black Bombazine,
French and Scotch Gingham., also, French, English,
and American Cloths, eamiimeres and Vesting,. Sheet
ings, Shillings, Ticking, Cotton Yarn, Wicking, Wad
ding, Batting and a choice lot of Fresh Grocer:es, Fish
Hardware, Iron, Nails, Crockery, Boots and Shoes all
of which will be sold at very low Priees, at
E. 7'. FOX, No 2, Brick Row.
Towanda, Oct. 16, 1848.
BOOT'S & SHOES. Sole and upper leather, Also
a full assortment of Lady's shoes, Gaiter., Busk
ins. Slips, walking . shoes. A good stock of Boys,
Misses, arid children.; mens, youths boys, and child-.
coarse and kip boots. Also a first rate article of La
dy's Gents. Miss. and Childs Rubbtra, selling v- ,. y
cheap at 014 FOX'S. No. 2. B. Row.
A /TUFFS, A great variety of all kinds and styles
li/.. which will he sold at a trillinz advance from eity
curt A few rich black and'natural lynx. Also swans
down trimming, tippets and eletorines, 6a sale cheap
at . n 14 FOX'S, No. 2. B. R.
T ADIS- GOODS—Dress goods, fringes, gimps,
block law trimming, black 'veils, bonnet ribbons,
silk weds, jenny lind henastich and revere stich. bkle.
very rich, lady's, gents and misses best kind, silk and
lisle thread gloves, dress buttons, silk cord, rich super.
and com. plaid lung shawls, jenny bud hoods, childs.
wormed coats. &c., at FOX'S. No. '2. B. R.
20 DOZ .p!endi,) heavy F..nlere,l fine linen hilkfa
fur I 2 eta. at FOX'S No, 2, Brick Row.
HARDWARE.—Iron, nails, ales, and a superior
article of carpenters adze, han I saws, wood Baas,
augers, slates. shovels, butts and screws, files, knives
and forks, s kw'setts 51 do., looking glasses, and in
fact • general assortment of Hardware which in for
sale cheap at nl4 Fart..., No. 4, H. IL
u °SIERT of every description, gents` cotton and
wonted hose, ladys . wilte black and colored me
rinos, also white black and slat~ coloreds cotton ho s e,
cheaper if al ever at FOX'S. No, 2, U. R.
CLOTHS. Ciavimeres and Vesting'. A splendid lot
of the bra end cheapest French English and
American clothe, fine double WIN. doe skin and fancy
caseimeres, and a first rate east. of Vestings.
Positively these are the best bargains ever offered in
Towanda. Call and see at FOX% No. 2, B. R.
4 TONS more of .those cheap and bgantiful Sugars.
Also Tea at long prices than ewer and Coffee to
match ; all kinds of Uri:merles fresh and in good order,
wary article wan-anted.--Mackrel end Codfish dm., at
nl4 FOX'S, No. 2. B. Row.
1.. aanrrnc. .< I. lI.BNITS.
Completion of the North Branch Canal !
jAVINti forked a co-partnership in the manlike
tore of BOOTS & 8110118, at the old stand
three doors nerthrof Rridge et. wouhliespectitily inform
tbeirtriende and the public, that they will carry on the
tattiness in sIP it, branehm—keep on handand make to
ordev,'emerything in their line in - the neatest manner and
'in their lateit style. ' ' •
Beleivitig that they can do is good or better Watt
than can tie had elsewhere they would my to those Wish
ing goed article hi their line to give them a call, and they
shall be eativfled. Repairing done on abort Make.
CY Produce • ef - all 'hinds taken kr work. , Hides
wanta lb exchange. for •Rocita and Shoes and. Leather.
Towanda Dec. 14, 1114111.. , B. &
ZYISIA S- ITEAMT.B' 1313017 UV. 2163. a.
DI an order Pr the Orphane d Court 4 Bruit .id
1.1.pi1l bu,exproi,t9 public sale Ink §ATAIRDA,..Y.
3 4 joy illyebrnary t . IMO, all o'cloc4t, upon , the pre
mtlea.a u pp4arrogeel of land in, Towanda bete': lota
the proPeity of Trattisn Kirwan! 40'0., bottodca
th°,9 9 rib bi 4 0 h0,,Wi:Col, on the Cast Ay bJ Diviaien,st... and, lc est by.,Naip street,
contOliong altout twenty -tour quire rai l • .
Attendance'sircu !no terma,tnedeltnri p the day
or , , W: TIFFA?iIt o
Jannari, 10th. . 7 • Aatiltinip . hater.„
ini;r —
{11. 4 ;
1101014 M
111 111 n.
FIANIEL LORD takes this method of informing the inhnhitm'a of , firtdf. rrd /omits imi the 'adjoining.
country, that be hassentoeed his mooch. RP ARON TA N YE'r3 Ri ICrii. littOßt,"iti l'wiiiiii.r, where he will
tie in readiness to wait upon his old cu tourers, and as many new ones as wish to putchansogoodi chile fist
cash or *proved credit. -His stock 'it barge. and consi s ts in
.pert ekr the Miewin articles, iris; ;* .
Iron. Nails. Copper. Tin. Zinc: Sller.4 14,n. Crowbar.: 2 6'fiadeS. Amide. Forks. tivilt,
- 'lees. Bh e:onith's bellows wyl erettqdates, Log chains"rolrk. ropes. Steel spring ,
ifoOks and 'Hinges; Shov.els aa r d Tonsrs., Mill Saws. X cut , cieeula'r and
panel do.. dlugurs. Ciiiselslirads, Tacks.
..Batts. 'Serew artil • ,
• . 118gott boxes. Well and Cistern 'Pumps, Lead Pipei.
all sizei. , VI good assurrnient of Carpenter''s
V.foinerelools k i: H ouse trimm i ngs. - . --.' •
waRLD Mit TIGHT - Cll - 010NG--S-TOVE,
Decidedly the beats we for Farmer's use; it. is distinguished for the liberal lir:tor:its overkana Ore box; To
it is sitacbed a Stm act fixture, upon the boiler, holes of which the wash bailee fits. thereby rendering:it in
capacity equal to as x boiler stove. Coale can he transferred from the fire-box directly into the sonorrer cm
tune, by bciugdrawn forward without the use of the shovel. The top of the oven is protlerded by au [hotplate
to prevent :So exams of beat upon the ionic:es halting; it can be removed if the heat is nee's! to:be ineressed.
The oven will be foulsi t t bake with great uniformity in all Its Farts: Ovet 100 of these stoves have been.
sold within the led three months, end giver:entire satisfaction.
Persons, wishing to purchase these stoats. can have the .. privilege of returning thin in two er three
weeks. if they do not work as recommended in eve-y respect. Also, a variety of Air tight Cook Stoves, viz:
The Yankee Notion. New England, We sean, Fa t m, Iron Watch,Elevatadidvan,.P:aatiuus Stores of. all sized
Paths Cooks 4 Drum Stoves, Sie.Plate do., of all size and,dimenaierra.
The Largest variety ever offered for-wale in this place--g.llirig; at Cost. - o:7Thice's kolf.Regulatiog Parlor -
stove. the best in use. Pliyaiciankreemuirended this stove as being the best extant for sick rooms, iiii :mount
of its uniformity . of
_heat. It is also very eionnuical of fuel ; requiring from one third ter:one ball lessithan any
other parlor stovitin use..
~ . .
40 lbs. RUSSIA & AMERICAN Stowe Pipe owhana ! ! ConAequewly we are prepared to furnish any titian•
lily to order at wholesale prices. • .
ALEO.7-A good Assortment of JAPPANIIED WARE, on band. Re‘Will also manufacture all 1134 of
Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron %Potato order on anon notim and warrant it to give good'estisfactisur.
Ttmouils, D. c.:2, 1848.
VTHE REAP. by the recnee of Curtis T. Fitch,
V late of the Bores' of Tmy . Bradford County.
Pa., the acting and senior partner of the Firm of l: Itch
ff Ballard. in 'sail Buro' it becomes the duly of the
subscriber. as the sur‘ivitig partner of said firm, to
settle and close up the bustnesa of the said Company.
Thetefore, all persons indebted-to the afOriitaid cam
pany of Fitch & Ballard, or the Company of Fitch,
Ballard & Bowen; the Company of Fitch & Bowen,
or to any Companies of the Messrs. Filches, al 01.
which the raid Company of Fitch & Ballard includes
and rueceeded, either by Note, Judgment; Book Ac.,
caunt or otherwise, are hereby no Med. requested and
required to call on the subscriber, at the Store of t'.e
raid firm of Fitch & Ballard, in the Boro of Tiny, and
settle and pay the same, with as little delay as possi
ble, after their sbverat indebtelnes;becdines.llue. And
all persons having claims or deur/tole against the . ftim
of Fitch & Ballard, or Fitch. Ballard' &Britien, 'are
requested to present the same to the stitaderibei, as above
mentioned, for adjustment. A n.l any person or persons
having claints against any of the for Mer Coniparde.
above named, may present the same for settlement, ac
cording to the terms of the written agreement of raid
firm of Fitch, Ballard & Bowen, an inventory of in
debtedness or liabilities of the Company of Fitch &
Bowen, op to, and dated Novenibnr 1, 1845, under,
and according to the cmditions of which, the subscri
ber became a caliartner of the firm of Fitch; Ballard
Bowen. 0. P. BALLARD,
Surviving partner of the Firm of Fitch and Ballard.
Troy, Pa., Nov. '23, 1818.
N. B. The attention and patmnage of the Public is
solicited to the *chase of the following merchandise
and propetly, to wit : A general assortment of
Iran and steel; Carpenter and- doiner'a Tools;
Leather, Boots, 8h -sit, Capitol good variety of, the
newest pa;terns and sizes of Cooking and Parlor
Stoves ; also Stops Pipe; • large quantity.of Tin and
Japan ware, Carriage Irons. A general assortment of
GROCERIES.—Oue first rite, pair of Horses; one
Tin Pedler'• Waggon; one Sleigh, and one pair of
Dobbs ; one Lumber Waggon, 4c., all of said goods,
and other property, will be sold lower la money or
approved credit, than can be bought elsewhere, as the
aforesaid Company'. business must be closed.
a cr The Argus, Reporter, Eagle and Banner will
please copy the above advartisement fur three months,
and rend their bill to the subscriber for payment.
Troy, Nov. 22 1848. 0. P. BALLA RD.
TNOCT. BELL-would respectfully say lathe. inhab.
lir 'tante of Bradfonl County, the' he will be at
Hammonds Hotel' in the village. of Centreville on the
fine day of each month, at .Tuttles Tanta in Smith.
field on the 2d day of each month and at Woodrulis
Hotel in Towanda on the third of etch month. where
he m,ay be .constilted,in the practice of UROSCOPLII
from 9A. ht, lain 4P. M. e to thole who are uhad
qoainted with this Practice, it may be proper to sty
that it is the method of arriving at the primary seat of
DISEASE, and consequent functional derangements,
by an inspection of the thirte which in ell cases
should be a specimen of thattrat passed in the morn
ing, andsbrought is i clesiiphistreWan inspection of
this specimen be is enabled io arrive at once, at a cot
ect Diagnosis, of all citiviaiitend sub-acute disease, af
fecting the humeri system Vit4rett, nqcesaiiy and
3ftrelt44 Of visiting patients, or subjecting them to the
fitlipar.4 , ol; a {Ong and toilsome jOitnity:arid'dilicacy is
ilad iparetV the blush which is often -occasioned
by tfielsiwy . reqpiriesi of tie : visiting Physician.—
His t medrcin ea are setecteil'erom t the vegetatile Kingdom
toil are foeireetiy •siteln' the varie . r.riges and conditions
of life : and long experience has proved their efficiency
in milt :Very variety Of the alieve dierariee: Scones
of testi iats might be pailislied from those slip
hive !resit aril.* by his rne , diiimis. Whore 'cares litre
baffled all other modes of treaturen4 mid
ineerible. Let none distodr t tlirifetme until
they have consulted me. . •
N. B. The name and age - must eVery"eile 'ac
company the spechnen,fer Alteparpree of recording,
ift4 a. T 4
T EAD PIPE, all sites, sod Sliigtalhoev, for sale
-talky - • dso •- • D.-13. HALL.
'TIT ANTED 11100 seep fsw which the hiihesi
V 1 ries "rill Le gei-1
:"a`:~% 3
,:~~ ~.,
. .:-,T,•'- -!?'e e ;Nft•r l ":.: ,- .-, •
. - -,i•r•zi , :e ,!L540 .1 ",;.**
zi7. l - 7 ';'t --'.', ~ - , g.“'" • .
y am' .4.',.. , 1i ,, tak.... .f ._-
u islic .21. e Aii. -
* 1 ... 1 .!
A...' , imb
' 0
; Q/o(u., "tc, •••••,..A O*A
.44 ,- . _ • . ra ... : .
`..- 7 0. ~ •
~.., w, .. •
li r4efi r.. t.
C. W. Merchant's Celetwatei
Menses of the Boman Flesh.
INTE and experience have frilly proved that that this
I/NiIo:FF.BAL 'REMEDY:has not not its renal
on the list.,of popular medicines, having been mare thin
ist years before the
Testimony of the'most disinterested character of its
wonderful effects - On the animal economy is aimed dai
ly presented to the proprietor, •
A young man in the town of Wilson, whose clothes
were burnt• off of him, was restored (,without suffering)
by the timely use of the - .
Numerous are the unsolicited stidentei:ll of patients
themselves, and others who hay. tisedrThe 0.1, of cures
which in theminvetappcar temarstiltrltat they at
all fuletbiecd [mint; Ittikredtild" testily
have heat credited.. ,
The following diseases are among many retheverht.the
cure Of which this Oil has:bee:it completely. successful
and in which others had entirely •
STammt, Sweeney, llingbone, Wiudgaihr, Pull Bell, Cal
taus. CrasYka,.Beeltc. Galls of all kinds; Lameness,
Fresh_ Wounds, Sprains.. Bruises,, Sand Crack.,
Foundered Feet, Scratches, or Grease Man ge, Rhea ,
matisrn. Bites of Animals, External Poisons; Faidfu I
Nervous Affections, Froct Bites, Boils, Corns, Whit.
lows, Burns_ end Scalds. Chilblains,-Chaped. hands.
Cramp, Contractions of the:•Muscles, r Swellings.
Weakness of tias.Joints, C4cd
,Breasts; Zke . • , •
Beware of COtiNtißPElTkand hersorethename
of the Hole Proprietor, GEORGE V. MERCHANT.
LOCKPORT . ; N. Y., is blosin irr ihe side of the bot
de, or in his hand , writisig eves $ cork. Don't be .
persuaded to take any thing else witAtbe pro:miss it is
just as pea, &c.. dm. This is praeumd by thosaMe.
principled deniers whose coriscieno will switch like
India R bber, and tirho am . of a. kindred spirit of those
in our large cities, whose nefarious practiced have so re
cently been exposed to the Wien of Congress.
Those whcimtentrit teceenterreit tbia aril* are es
arred . " to the law - of NC* . Yiik,,cif May 184 H.' by . *rich
it will be seen that-every parson meddling in . .these
counterfeits it subject to indictment, ioirisonthentiand
A person selling out of this state; will berliabisto ar
rest when in the state. and Atm totelpild ti. *Aso
against those he boughtedges* for.
All Orders addressed to thetpropeistur haesspood
ed to.
Oct a pamphlet of the Agent. and to agliet,gmeldere
are accomplished by thelsse alibis )
Bald byrespOrta4de thiahe gtMenity Pit* 'POW
Stites and Comte.,
For. sale ti Quimbetlin ds, Porter, Towanda, D.. D.
tai4il Digt.t . 4**# fr bel
Terrell. Montrose, POMP &
Smith' & 014 Allentottrti, .D. ikonbi.ouuthwatitos.
- 064 5 V.Pdfa, " • ... - *lfiky). .
trAMS " - AIitit'CROCKERX-L. liattigno•
J r -LrwakottbikCentraFstorr, • . N..N► B.
Towanda. Pte. 4: 4041 4. : Yt , J-1
XlARDWARE.'sfamtment, inoloSi ice.
IROY. Ircut•-:-N :OW eastottotot itr In*. WO NAM et
.t"tAte nor Rant' Woos. "Wier. ' • D. - LORIL
Tu*Sitkia;Not: - 1, 't
1 1 ,,m
Pc Pei
D. T.