Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 10, 1849, Image 2

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1 iezlite4" err e _riPeern, Free Men
Freolloai for Pros Terractry.
costau rlir.EB orxtati.A.Nce.,.-Tne
Democratic Standing,•cstuttspitleerf ,Brad!
ford crtznty, hereby call a Con venyon to becompus
etfrit two Belekite frben "each i eeettOrdlitsrtict in
i aid Gonnir. rerbeirokidn'at•ToWanda;tkintitalisday
quipiatbriasytith..lB4B, the purpoillta eine
119,10Pt°tketale eol l eptinn pt lgsburg,
..n thelh 05 6eTplit
est, t nominate a candidate
fur .Catiliittombfihrifoner, and have: appchttelf the
following Committees of Vigtiancelor sbe mistral
of said county., . . • • .
The Committees nil] call meetings' on Saturday,
February 3d, between the hours of 3 and`4l; P. IC
for the etectiontof Delegate,.
We 4ronld enjoin apvn thee Committees the re
sponsibility whtch rests upon them, and the necessi
ty of discharging theii- duty faithfully and fully'-- 1
Thirrioutty meeting abottlif be Called on INV Clay
numed.nt. the urnal•place.for holdinganiffeee‘ingit
-...—or.,alwohe4iiace Rost con verrientto trip democrat*
of the district. Great care:lt - told be taken that every
eennerkt - shai neree 'rif Ate DeTegate'ineetind, that
all may have a chance of attending. • . •
E. W. JONEg.
• C. GBH/LE I',
C. 11:41ERRICK,
V‘ M. BLARE, •
January 6, 1848. Standing Committee.
Albany-r•Artrnahladd,•Benjnmin Wilcox .
ArAncillia,-John Kiff. Israel-More;
Asylum-s--.lblin Horton. Benjamin P. Ingham;
Athens borough—L. H. Sherman; becirge Park ;
Athens Jownship—Daviti Gardner, N. lAminskr ;
iiigton—Sa m net Mc Kett n;* Hiram Gee;
Canton-1-Q S. BM - du:AST Pratt, jr.; • t--
4.:olambia-..-Chas. Ba'lard, Isaac Istrait;
Da rel4—hipdilion Decker, D.L. Stases;
Franklin-3.M, Haynes, Ahira Gay;
Gritrvilte—Eton Bailey, C. A Ross '
liefrielsQs•Airnon Fuller, - Jonathan R attles •
Leroy-rgcrang Storif, John Kelly; • •
Litehf4d--Cyrus Merrill, Benj. Ball;
Voniget 2 -Daniel CoAlr, A. L. Crilltne.X;
brit elbat.W. Z. ?righter, Aaron Chubliock ;
Hikes.4-John Baldwin, Wins Hutchinson;
Brune-. 7 4lhaflss,Furbas.•litrana_ltice ;
Bidgberry—James 1-3. iffetoll, Wm. R. Buck ;
sheshetphr-liDarniel Brink, jr., Affred (Aril ;
bbistolleld-‘4l. Huntingdon, - .Dasid Hill;
g5P.t9,0 1 1144- , g4blka•li4 l 3•PP. Robert Bardwell;
ttproiy,htll—ludscin Stevens, Jerome Green ;
Sea Cre s eli--Charleti Lewis, Denj.4Ztuick ; '
Staftcting Stone—P. D. ffaienn, At Cords s
• '
Xowttada burn' —Wsn *law, Win.43coul•
Tuwitl.4,lligelson ailltsrt, J. F,Ketchttui,•;
Trily - hcrito %Baia; D. V. Barnes;
V i r+tl9..4Al-nriet Morse. 3: M: '
-4ilster.--HeYstridylm...Rstward NPR*
~ tiaer r9 — AA-49 1 e+ 31 V-sw-Zakeg ; •
'Wells—John Jolts 14..C01e ; •
'Wiridlidisi , -4.1!1:-Websfer, B. Kuyirendall t • '•
Wyninsing....Edittaril Whom Eilirard iltrinet
.164,,pz,...43.Strickland,jr„, J. M. Reed.
We have delayed our paper to the list posatible
poutvytt, 11. orter to lay - beloTe:Vilf,.-tvadera this
week, .k,At . 11,14 9f. IY_Arg
ob p'et to to prefi4 without it, . pit lid tt
iri . :l4ll,ueNt The mo.?sag i e tva tivikered op
It has u it t lotti argument on the sub
:jeci;of tlicfa . rili o arid, will ten. or ,twelve col
lim os geporier'; ne,aily'out w (tulle.; President
'The Dliiiolutlon Caton.
Mueis has bee* staid 01 thisgreat conWeracy of
54vereiga States, ,l'oets have:Tung gilticiAvana
Nateimen‘vnAlten.,ils. praises, 14 r thas• becrit.epfer
seated: 54n arch'erecteii by 'the ,Wisduertitraktua
kerY, Aet 40wfat hers. from. which not a. segment
could be,rentoveciovithout levelljitg i in tins *
gigantiertenteoble struvture. " Culled .we,...stsual,
divided we fail," is a. common expression,•which
Iwo haewapplie4 to this l'oionoitotteamte.ef,tila4os,
,u:id,upon rundberless oecasi.ins. rsuriots . acdstales
.men have capel)ed every measure, and maidiated
every idea whie% tended to the disrupture ofany
e.ingle State from the-great %licit.. The sovereign
people, ntidhty in tlieir live'rerktiitd OA all
ao.erapts to state rihreach in the Iteptifthe; ud
love enrigigned to the .lowest depth offinineniy i
'sottgidiir Gl4`4 about tiiis CO:
tsur bWirenliave tiet%e,iiiS)OivtOtai r e
k:fva:ltae statentpc7piifar - feencg Mire
ill:in one oci•aslou,' have tin!) , carried measures
wit~iTtich ` a otilti Savo
eipoputafcsyii; by'the
'virtue there 1.. in iltc Constinifion and die
;hat . the .vas in'c at
iit.driii4 o i•;pr common cenint4; and 'ioltite; reek
fCom the exp . ' r6ssion Ot Affft kintioe f itit of fiberiY
and justice . Aif' tfiti lionrof llttion.
been in peril'! 'll.isilielnOsferitY Of mit
been in dtinger_or kniiwreet, disaster? ttei ae
Tholies Mitch ,bind tralogether, are
etionyerthen :triple ban of :brass and;eteel of ,
eetfriet- which hear tee-foidatron#lr apowthe
witty .pirrtibrrof thel3elee *blob. ever dareeniie
the diegneelutery of liroarnione - ..South.-than
opoilihe North.
- aubtednge h baingruisedl, again the'
rilarin of pretended danger, which "arm liken site
said their purpose, is simgded tit tharSobth. , 4Vhile
tea, North are quietly congratulating themselves'
Melt' the growth and prceperity!ofthadountry;_there
ammo a sound which arrests the atteratiatawithits
stitrthr.rirmximL. Ir i theArren known iiind-now
torethintletatood adorns that the. Union is its danget,
annuiluil•by Southern men, and . caught tip-tay their
miserible tifoleirairadjuocts in the ..Notth., Boar it
txF4l,no v e.fp.oll - orio pt:?arillayindlps pe, feeling
rT I
p 4 1 4, - I. - r k , North h.fs Warned; that the Sonihero
572 anpr:4. 1
,r 7',„m-pri.. than their .TRlPc.i!y
tuff , : 4,r,,h,444., ~‘,Tl,la?ken no neo, ft; 110, , 'lr pijr
F illtiiiip,o,T 435 9 i0p,,"., Olowiaa a ati!eiddic F i to
0 0).5 4 9 : .jk ta.ap i4la,mtpace i aa: arrant irpii9i
t tire ; l'bag-beir uctrieiWu r " . 'the - titili4 'IQ iiinlivi
ing. Its power to frighten has passiij siw'afi l leA 3 -.
ens atioialsiai anspleritlollie4torri-onciaoatelipt
OPtitteridg*itrintie. - ‘..--,. ~. • . ....r , w, Id' lair
—Thaiisitwore in.thia abastoorfal !itelasassiethe
. oppointoesuit at Wastaiiroompot a ..can al in ase r
Seathans ttninaberi of •Congress to talos-oshasgo of
the interests of the Smith!. Inis is.:n lideptiirad,
Vlnice of the usual PlckigsA.,butlitd°lll.9l,°l49lul
C. C.dhoun ' s nullification ~.ieiiie. As miihi be ex
pe -,10.1 : he i.l 110 , ru!,:i . ;•arkrit in the Tuna demon-
titration The object is palpable, and it needs no
•• • • ' • Sri • ei - is. He has
a„p* So ~ n
Mea but • • l c int
•• . . and . .Ide ry t .ai
• .1.
sle .. 1. 1 ich ispl -• the No ' 1
to preserve. from the curse of human Slavery the
treasure — cirthlitMW. -To iirobse .
South to a pitch of frenzy, and a determination to
persist in his mad schemes ot slavery propagandism
is his purpose, and he designs to have her
put on such a bold fruityo ht
subjection to his demands. tle mistakes the pa-
4:eaten:led to abject .aittal - trlaTilig sycophancy that
he deems the Nortl64loationtof ,dough-faces, who,
;,rheili)te trial comes, can-be forzed form the posi
tion they cierepy,' bY'llie(4)4 ( roCcifo .
non of th q ,g g ie n t,.'3. 14 . Ain
Southern Conventiomi , df-goariscialbana brethren
deem themseltmAniertil i lei $ll9/13„11004 ;Ilse
from the Contederav v a*Mr.,ltohnecdtd from the
Hall of Cengrele,Aind , therwiik , be glad infame
back as quielly as am tits chifttioti .
coveredriwith:qaiieatranthdasgratte. We sines
sure them their thriiiteitidga frighten TiobedY, , for
we have lonraioliirigifilial they lire tiglje the
largest interest in the partnership. We entreat of
them to materibetraelseit tialet:doiss'tib - tingti,"but
ad as baccYllaf dla".eal . 0 1 40.1; -
—We shall pursue,thisobjectforthernazuweek,
an4lq 7 l , ,exaglyt! i4 .. ift that talks 4iselyktg
this rnion, ant wliat t4ic coctiirif are. • .
Gas. Tit Lon tat rsv9 i .or PeOvAll •
—According to the St. Louis Itepublic, Gen. Taylor
had his attention taped 1 aWtestern
to the coniition of Oen, iaitthe iieciesiity, of
their improvement. The General materna that he
is tvell,aware of the importance otodtp stitiectAnd
that, at a proper time, it will be ctivonay consider
ed and acted upon: - Trom this it may be interred
that Gen. Taylor is in favor of government improv
ing the rivemt‘ that" has:prod i ar e much
discuss?th'etirittil tween
it atal the I.xecutive poorer
i. ;.;rt
3'tis' Govaticoe of Nrw Yoin- takes ground
strongly in favor of free Pips t- . •
1, 4 f there tie airy eine Subject Upon Whichthe peo
ple of the State -cif New 'fort approach near to one
sunray of attrWment, it is in their fixed determine,
tion to resist the gitension of slavery over territory
cow free. With . them it involves, a great moral
principle, and ove-ridefrall questions of temporary
of bf pOliticitexptiditmey:" •
The liaise troceeeded rotganizingon , -Fliday
last,-irk elec ing W. F, PaorEß, by .the room of
noes Noir& from. Philadelphia- •We-poblielrthe
proceedings of ,the - i t egisiature in full, and ahall
continue to Joie, daring kr seasion, affording our
madam the latent passible intelligence. •. • .
4prillati . reat.
• .T•6e County Oommisiiioners have , re-appointed
their clerk, -Gtrauseer 9.1-RtrasicE4 for•the•pretdt
year: - Telfrappoictment was due-alike to Mn Ws
qualifications,: and the reamer • in-lrhiott
charged the detinsaf.the officedaring - the past yearn,
INIVW Post 011ie.
;The Ns grim Department.bas establishes. a
post 'Entrall,.(ittuned DUICa,7) on the
faigiikiPitteiAttlintpoinle.4 Sutton Etr,cram i Esti,
post master. This office was much needed, and
tontlerArdectjwcoold not have been made for post
master. . •
Congress. -
This body boa not yet got fairly at work since the
holiday rucations--anil its proieedings are'void of
interest to our readers, had, we room fo: them.
The Museeratle *We Ceaveathea.
The Deniberatie State Central •Committee hive
igsolved tb tinkiiSe State 'Convention to nominate
a Canal Ctinitnim - ioner, at Pittkerg;on the 4th day
next ' • •
kRTTne LlST.—Several errors, both of
sion and commission, were made' in die Jury List,
ns published-Ink weeV. tt will belannireorrect,
in this paper..
Coi. Eoaoov.~; s , .slaeox r ii favorably apokeii.Of,
by sevecalleinocratie. ppersois a candidate for
Qual cOrruniseiouer.
• kii.inivbx.sixau.....ov."Yolinston has appoin •
ted Cos.seLies pAir.ascin* of Piitsburg.
ooper, resign .
General in — place of Air. e4l
. •.
GAN- CA- 93. '70PriYille /e l le r -0 (14 n t°.l4,l l OiQP
GILL-Cfr,vl l 4b9.44.4ukini° ll3 l3 . returned to the
X- 6.45-Fate-;
"Ca. Mien , is'Atidrrnier of eomminne:of .
liiiiinireniefetty in the - • •
'Ptinsittr filverwaroes DISIPPICAIWICII.OII
lain Thursday weekohe 21st of Dacember, John
11 .C. 1 3 1 4 E- 6 ;l9f.Portal4gi b thiseptiaty, went to
tite city of tdlideria gri _ expectins to •
- tritiPtdititier;` . S. 1:"Wal Cob, of Danville,
(who warvcriunire tivilie city:Thy the Lancaster
can"" that 4 w4niuth)allhe Nhite Swao9iPtelz. in
Race snout. Indui,evutibigaoun‘Colt, with uol.
James A. Banks; oll'amtigna, to this codnty and
lithartliends,' attended the theatre, returinirtg' **di
without 1 Preclock v iethe Columbia House:in:Mew
flabere aewstrated,- Mr. -Colt „saying
Vtitkfc"kiwu*llal*le.l l : ol, h W14 1 4t t Swan., as t tattier nartpoddrilit arnved there. 'did' not
rittclicflor hdiiiiiveri' lad from that `rribtfictit
lint one want of infortiatiaa has been -received Wa
*peeling him,.but all remain, in deobt
l iand 'nista
as la what had his probabla e. .
Major Colt, who has remained in ' city, aided
by the police and a comfier of gentientan whovol
unteered their services, hat . need vasty possible
means te warn' thokopyhtery,butoloitar without'
effect.. And from the fart• that,h* ha 4 eiPlotr
ed to receive a corctideriddi qt money on , that.
'day, Cpprebreisihnilire "entertained thin
some villain; itMeetha supposition that thermontiy
was in hispssesaeion r nay havertaken life j ... ie
the.hcr e thin obta*ing.ike noisy w4idbilisow
ever,. hit. - tolthad not then received.
M Doh lest *aide the citizens' of IliTs
county, where Mr. Collis's:tips:shrilly 'known) and
highlyoostoirtned t end wanan : ouly hopitAan pm ill '
k,a—oVellilligl• but glig).tierN beliceskY
to is afircted pioUn lad Trends.=;-
t. ^IF 1.77r.t.' •
, s. t.c
RiMuirigatkilifraTT. isinardhe
untie& 'es:ita is Jape! aVert mg. A
!vela." vect UP tag'
Wad* - ?tif irtttletw Ntit4w'ottto . ,
otithcatroollictod:ed the Solielf - AuttibCcomovel
9110WIRIV. thelrith
2 11 aderAW .7;t1;.,,, 11 0.,. 00061
z' to d'uppirPri*
loom". Some very serious fighting will take floe - ii
beifiweliti iostineciterviit erknploillt VuL,4loitn•
Ahroa_4lo9o.additiorial , troopi,will leave F. igiz~d in
January for Inn bay '
ssittecTen, J
as kenfinned
it te C
.. . me
-ILI - • a l . tween Eng •
ti 7?..x xv • i . by the Senate
:.,.... 5 z,
The Legislatnrcet this State asrernbled yesterilayl
oast; fhe s re werifitie '
for Speadter. Two candidattst ; wcithvmd tRE,by,
the Whigs and one by the Dimoerals.
Prnsittrac. 'Jan. 5.
thebirutgad; 4
Nairntiapin eit r 4 Wei 4911 1 ( f i e mint ( lop e
• 1 '
Should .the • resent enta weather continue for a
to ,-.z. onsger r t rr soar In :. 7-4.;;-r--..4: ...e.-.:-
Tbeneitkeis lest waterto the:chaunektual4n. tiitt_er
iflgi*in,4%ip,., r I •I • ~•
the appoim;rient bY IleGoieir:t Of treq ti. vii:
nigh. as Attorney General; in'prieir'ok Mt. -1 - airieiii
M. Conp*VpreakknetintOltot tiottivnteitilkfaelioti.r
j There are atitl , nnamertratioltlia4 - NWT* kik relity
iOn to the repots-of the cholera, up% th i s Olaf,
brqf they. ° l' 4P , g fi li T e ... 6 ; 1 ; 4 ! 6 .:t' I T.
-rye ;T
:, -. ' , l l , 'IN ....' • • - Ciactalownt, ;us. 11,.
A pirrite despatch hail bperiseceived here . to-day,
'data 2a Ina.; 'Willett inueii' that ' thetet alsty-ifno
Fiske 'hontelialereiforthelat= linuraleral.
iogel nomvole the Mai. at .Neet the cholera
II Wake . , tr e• 1..? •' • .. K
ieketainisuitl srophia &ream 6.ori thectioleva l
7 0 ..
and both eitiea " ieribealthy'aviegent. •
Henry Glity•hits ittived at %khaki in the' eitfoy
want oigocid *abb. at f s_4 ,f. r. I :-. I - el•• ,-", 4. ... (
.•-• : ••I Atiii i w i r, h ut. t
-714 i meantrus of theWlig manta= lathe Asiekk
hekt • laeltnegielk 411gla K,Hedicimies-ne4ei•
hated for Speaker of the tianse, Beirog, clerk
filklichard ieteaht at akna.'
' A Series cirreatintion VidstutitecieedloalyipteL
posing to intrust theallspemantstives in . I Oairgrest
and 41Plociiliggikr,utt4W9TTICAPOglit. ;Abel
tension of slavery in tee temtokss i agdtsros ect
the territory of New Mexico agsuisitlhe claims Of
Tektia, Vivid Sindotsing Mr. Ocittigtettillatien fate:gird
to sievetraffic 'in the District of Dolembia.••• •
• Theleeeimiefi '.ent*eficiceoil, bet ilthaeheettluiido
4/e cii4F - t • 4.0i 34 2 Y k r •?-, m 4FPC!... , i •
•• 7 r
_. Casatmres, Jart-A.-
Despittcbgs from New W eep", under :late °Ohs
ilith'ult,lcatelhe 20 deaths tram chOhnitad Oc
en4ed onihe hue- two. days. •ThirWeathei'lies
cooler, atsairoper wens .eittertsan est that !this IsSonki
wmaxo,liteit :Thelliettals,uf ,the pops,
lotion, had tied the egy.,aptc f ,kest 0. the, 4kiesepi
&lanese ivas nearly suspended. -
-0 , 11 r rr rPrie;a4,22. 2.
'The reports of Chitekt idong the Ohio and Kw
sitkqpi:htterie have been't
Stink.* Na tames tire tommea -higher 'tit than
Vicksburg. ; 'ff• - • : •f• ••
The wegker,-.4 .
is, The mar.
I:et:I .- are quiet mid the receipt's by river very . light.
Mambas of 'the heisylnOla Leiblaißre.
e , ,
I. Philadelphia aityz—B. Mattkius, W. A,
2. Philakeljthia vanity—Wm, . F. Small, Thos,
aF9 rsPils Rertii.B• SOlicit• • •
3. klantgommy—Geo. ardal
4.` Chas* mar - DeltWare=-11. „lona
5. Ilitik.tlL3na Poi&r. '
I. LaucafgeF and, Lett4Ro/Ir—AL Zing d . As r
Daniel Slene.*
'' 8. Menton, Pike-Wm,
OVerfield. —u • " ;I .-4 e .3 *
A. Noetheanitinilandobeliigh—JaroleD.,Boas.
1 0 , Sum}444 l 4nar 14
.a.1C1.A 1 14 -. 14 4° 1 1 141 8--q.c&
B. i Streeter.
11. lltailfcraitnntitdohl'. Mason.
12 "Ljreioning,Clintrin and Centre Wm. Harris.
13. Luzeme and Columbia—V. Beet.
14.„ NoOlitgnOor:arid Auld PagAiiii)-44,44 Flick*
14. Cnudierland.,and Perri—B, C,,Storiett
16. Minn. :unfit° e izi.lntoti:—.l4.Ciutninsham.*
17. Yeltle.: , -44670,8niiisee. I ‘ . • '1" r
18. Franklin and A dams=4l; JiL Sadler. ' •
19. Huntingdon. Bednird and Blair—A. King.
20. Armstroag, tambria r ladiai:ia-and•ClaiAeld
Minerva.. • •
21. Westmoreland artd:Someiest—baachtig4 46
22. Nene and Greene—Pitazrorell t breaslin
• 23. Waliington-=G.. V:Earrente*
24. Allegheny and Butler—G. W. Dania, J.Leri.r.
. 25,,Eleayer-anki Mereesl—,DaeidSankey.
26, Crawford and Vonani,ro—J. Porter ,I;trawiey.
27. 'Erie— /8 foisnoo' h. -
28. Warren. Jeffrhtsbit;Chtrien,"74VlCearlyna Eift
.--ellinothy Ives*. - . • ,•• .
Those in•Palia are. whiga i New members mark,-
ed thus (* )
• Allanuf--farner i'oopen .
Allegheny—Marshal/ Bmartztvelder, C. Snively,
Henry .Large,-Lewis C. J. Nohle.
AtmAtroissr.—Jaroti M'Cannoir. _
Beaver--fan Sharp, Dr. Wm. Smith.
• Berks-.-John C. Myer`, Samuel Fegely, WM.
Shaffner Daniel. Zerby.
Bedfo;d--Jiunes J. Kirk, Josiah Miller.
. Blair—Joseph Higgins.
• Blicks--Jamen W. Long, Peter D. Bloom, F4l
- Ilieklekni:
,•' Butler--Robert Rampon. • .
Bradford—Aram& %Valdes, Chas. Stockwell..
eileskerX l LS: Evans, T.l Bull, David J. Bent.
Centre git.ClearfieW—John 1: Meat. G. Walters.
Ctimhtirrisfil-LAbreham LambertonVGeo. Ruriey.
' Coiambisi--Stewart Pearce. , • i •
Crawford—lames Porter. D. K Bole.
• Daoiltol-4041%..H. HJAff.lord, Thomas Dimant.
De.le are—famq J Lewis.
Erie -G.
Wet. Baker. - -
Fayette—Wm Rediek, Wm. Y. Roberts.' •
-Preirde-nino. B. Gordon.
emingdoti—A. R Cornyn.
Tndiaiizi=R'm. 'Evans. .
Jeffeirstiii,-Cladon sintrienango—Jno. B. M'Cnb
111604Tbm Hastings.-
. Lebanon--.A.dam Gripituirer, .
Lehigh and qarbort--Sitmoel Minc,Roberit letz.
• Liizerti - e-4/eni'y Fuller, Thomas Giliiapie
• Lancits*-1. %Me, Rsidspanni D. W.
•W' AIL Meer, Joseph W. Fisher-
Lyeo n , Clinton, gaper:and Sullivan--Wm. F.
Packyr % 4O. Smyth
Montgotnery—David Evint,'W, T. Morrison,
Wm. Henry.. .
biescer—D. K Ceerbislaong4 EarerN.
Nodhomberland—Goo. 4. Frick.
"Nortbanipton and Morime--Chai. A Luchenbaeh,
loseptilLatiback, B.S. Behiiimovet.
Perly--Johnlouder. • . • - • •
Thiladeltibiacity-104 DirkkAos: a Stale,
Randle &lids, Ow. T. Thorn, .Craig Biddle.
Philadelphia county—Geo. P. Hein, T. J. Mr
rittitiehor.- TTorfs, N. ThOrn; Gcb fs,'• At*,
iftriAn, ile;rtrt a•• Prdit, Alonzo' Robb.' • :
efoßvgaTriti-, , . B tufzinfm• •
Susgoehintia.nnif , 'Kytithili— o ßobert R. Little„
, Samuel Taggart.
• ' '
Cott. /ohn'lttree. . ' I
Fr mit alkiiitlf . It P. 'Ant
• - Vit.aftetflillKeirrand - Rile—Aloinme k Wilcox
anti. Prake..4ntni %UMW ! :
OLIZARid. frusintift;n4.Sanrill:r
York—David Gei) F.
10%Pc4'ql(:):Aa4 :
CdPiVVlLl P OlkietileittetineArlatykusemOres
setiontiond itnniedietiolympott ; the arrival- of Rome
white men. The. tebel slaves went quietly to wqrk
Proceednigs of the Peri , a Le,Ostatore.
ate R in
o • lied or
le 5
ArtiMe_ ss ion ret o • 1 em s at
o w ere s ern in. .1 MOW -p
Ives sadPouiger.
_ _
•- . _
stating WU - whet - eat tie - Six'' , • r of t e Senate - watt
ilpyt t7 fNersiaing, i the .EXe.cUtivet office in conse
quence ortho aerniiielifGovenor Shunk, the Sen
ate shouLti proceed to the selection of a Speaker
pro tanpore.
T144-is i it.*edlb. !Ell; on lip (htetillitlpq AO .
Hon. Geotre; (wrlltAl Wee eleCted, %Wig
d votes"Ma is i e 3ll4l f r eg 9:34l2kite l s.
i" 72, r- er ' atl
-"The Speaket &maligns tben - coudected to the
chair. bytAlt..Savall,•9l Dibelelphia, mid Joint B.
Johnson of Erie. After an addresa L thstniting the
Senate In, the honor conferred oliiia . t . hint;',lSl
Spi!akeiliiitik bite 'sail " ' ' '• "•"-
Mr; Ovairfiendtagentd a ,renainticepreappointing
the 0140(500 1 1111 1. 1k4 1 /0 0 4er:1 1 • -
stoott,itaid thiti hijubeit and t, new mem
bers wanted, lOldatte'a ithieW learrafibt ofd
therbkiiret, Milted teffostpone:thevesOhs.
don. Thum egreedlto by a mous of 47:t0 12.. •
Mew*. so‘lier. 0p4,-Forsyth were. appointedtp act with the committee from the
ricpum (when orgailiwilj, t 6 infurm 'the Govenor
thatihey *ere ready toy receive the Aumeal Mrs;
Atresokopn wagyet,ta authpizisivh.e,APOFir
to.apppirop,stprouvesminittes u aeq, cop 4;
mallet' fixecatiiii nomaidititis. •
Blanks: Small lan4 Litimitice Wine . app6lnted
committeeto inform the Bonne. when organized,
that.the Senate Wise ready to. Proceed 10 Ousinesa.
Mr. Cratb reod it his place, a resolution relative
to certain - bat flow In the handi of the Executive,
one of which is thebill:authovizingthe connotation
orapraihr" oad from tharebie line. •
The Senate ; then wept iplo coptrinneei Ms. Bond
in the chair, upon the above resolution.
Crab{ tit length in relati6n to the em
birrasementofth position, and alluded
to the inoimmt character. of this.railroed bill, .as
detrimental Itklepusyiyaois interests. Mr. John
son. of Erie, replied
The . Ccmuitittee on,Rnads reported prorr, esa, and
askettletivito" stritgaiw. The' subject 'was then
twirl tomo~noa.
p . o • m dZ ied ohtwou road in his place moat- to -regulate
railroads, ,
Mr. Mithians r'etti an act tti read:tie tnrapite
road ecinipatdeii. 'lay:Meted' fl 6'cloctiti.mor.
illousasir Itsrastunr4Tivits.—Thre members of
the House were e 4 to order as apart tartay by
Mr. lack, the Cleat of tik lAA session.
Secret:67 bribe Clintiftiohwealth' ineseriteil
the certified election teturne, which . , on motion of
bln.-Fegely, of Berke 4%,/iloty, eretre.ieed, The roll
was then called, and the whole 100 members an
swered to their names.
o.l* niotion of Mr. Pearce, of Columbia county
the:House proceededito ballmfor Speaker, with the
fidlprrirtg result : . 2 .
W: P. Pitcher; ficoming, 49
Henri? S. Evans r (Whig,) of Cheater, 44
Thos. J. Herrin„ (N. A.,) of Phila. - 0., 4
Alonzo Robb, (N. A.) oi.Pbila. Co„ 1
Samuel Fegely, (Dem i ) of Berke, 1
T. C. Steele, `(Whig,) of Phi's': ' I
Ail the Derbocratic mesiheervoted for Mr. Pack
er, and that gentleman east bis;helkwfor Mr. Fege
ly. All the whigs voted for Mr.:Evans, and he for
Mr. Steele.
The Native Americans, CieorA, Relies, Charles
Hartz., -Mimeo Robb and Nichlas Thorne voted
fur Mr. Harting, and, he for Mr. Robb.
,Neither candidate having a majority ; the House
went *to a - second Loallot,, w,hich, resulted as fol
lows :
-Packer, Dem., 49
Evans, Whin, -46
Hegifilh•N . 1
Fegely, Whig, - 1
Alonzo Robb, N. A .,
The only change 'made in• this ballot 'was that
Charles Hotta and Nicholas Thorne Changed their
votes from Herring, N. A., to Evans Whig.,
On motion of Mr. Little, it was resolved that when
the House ailioumed it shall be till 11 o'clock to
morrow; tie then moved to adjourn, but the Mo
tion was negatived.
The House then psocetled to the third ballot,
which resulted precisely as the second.
On motion of Mr. Eshelman, (Whiz,) the House
then adjourned.
Ilasaistant, an. 3, 1849
Sinitic—The Senate assernbled at •I'l. "o'clock
this morning pursuant to adjournment, and.pmceed
ed, after the calling of the roll and.readjnglite min
utes of yesterday to the haesaction ofiOnsness.
A petition was presented, praying for the forma
tion -of it new county from portions of Berke,Chester
and Motegomerfoloomies..-whichion motion, was
referred to a Select Commillee• •
Mr. Kooigmacher submitted a bill to empower
the Orphans' Court, of Lancaster county to sell the
real estate of John Coleman deceased. Paned.
Mr. Forsyth introduced a- butt authorizing the
Human Engine Company to sell certaiu real estate.
Passed. ,
Mr.'Bronks read in his place a bill authorizing
Francis W. Hughes to sell•certain real estate.
Mr. Brawley submitted a bill I militarism; Abe
trustees of• the Methodist Church in ..Meadville to
A motion made by Mk. Small the revise the
daily legislative record of last session was consid
eve& and postponed [Dribs present: -
-On •motion et Mr. Crabb, his bill to withdraw
from the Governor's hands certain acts among them
the Erie County Railroad charter of last session,
found in the Secertary'es &Kee unsigned by iGow.
Shank, bat which'constinsimially became the law
if not vetoed Within three days from the greeting
of Qte. Legialatrue.. was taken up, and opposed- at
length by Messrs Brawley, Mason, Forsyth and ,
JOhnson, ofErie, as Onconistitu ions], contending
that the Govemorshould sign or veto it; if signed,
and she railroad was tetracl.nteasuse.. for Pennsyl
vania, and only advantageous to New York, the
Legisature, it.
'Metier& Cribb and Small argued forthe conitite
dowdily and - expediency of the -measles. andt•the
inj uy to Philadelphia and the Stale, revollinB heal
the Railroad , who charter was ebtame d miderdt
ceptive repreinlatiens the.faCts. "
It Johnson move a poisrponeinenf of 'the
subject, but a motion to adjourn prevailed before
the question en the postponement could be taken.
Previous te, the adjournment, the nominations
for Clerks were made. The election will be held
to morrow.
Hooter..--The members of the House met at- 11
o'clock and on motion proceeded to the founh
lot for Speaker. It resulted precisely as the third
hallo, taken yeaterday,,, ea followed: .
Win. F. Picker, Deni., •
Henry ft' Evans 'Whig, •'
T. Litkering,"d. A., ,
Alonzo Robb
T. C. Steele, Whig, ' •
Samuel Fegely , , 1
seattering votes were of course cast by •the
Kiwi* vandidelett for friends of their one poli
tical bias_ , ,
The fifth, r`iififind Seventh 'Were chilly
to Rib' ebbvti , ,` turd neither candidate having n ma
jonitiy;the House proceeding logo, feightb,
' which was alike fruitless. The only. chltagerlitede
wt iu , Inng, the Native American candi.
ilatti„'Votin,g i
Adjoumed. :. nsteidAlf
, Httandittitt;Jeth. 4.
Star"' atilt the of She
Inintatesinfynetriday, the Speakink,annenneed • the
ia P dinirdiniainetlwl f •
Yket preewed the aueual.repoo pt
Central rour.
Rif.'Johnsiin. Of Clio, submitted a tesolation to
11115 T, )41,14DT,
the effect that in the present =Organized state o
the Legislature, the Senate wee p?werless to trans.
• _. • I+ , • 'Ter spoke in ti of • :
h" , - howefer, waif Int ti ,'
I- ,
- s -- ns , 11, 1 , ,iis and Koniginich
---, .. . •-. ,
..- E _ tat ' , ..,.as and nays,and I• *. to
,e ~ eient inn:vibe el n t,. o
'''' w
-- '1 ,
n ue last session e': •el
.r- estli.
_._ wi ,‘ he ' kol &wadi:. r Dt"
eeper ant Assistants. The new o cers are . s
reel Guleltus,; W. S. ?diliinger,
God hulk , Nasistant.
Mr. Small read in his place an act making provi
nce for the erection of-an Executive building as
the residence of the Governor.
incorporate the Wilkes.
“op tt .
r. Small presents a .? I amendatory to the act
Blr Cutbb's joint result:llion the hills
neat in theidindiAitillta Pl* 4iiiveorii 'aid up
aeridetiated - antil theltorir oilidornment. •,•
-..EoceroroThe members. amenibled °Wet*.
awl as on yesterdeyilivnAactipywaiugie ..absen:
tee: The ninthttallu t was,garte....into, when the ,
ideltend• =;' l "" • - '
P: Pecker; 'WM' • '!•:•"' ' 41t
&Swaim, Whig,— , • • • 49
Seene;teEr • ../ 2 •
. lie - change ill, receding . ba ll ets were
ea." tliAby'lleOril. , d 160, 'Na.
titre knittricaltis, tratitig Eirtrircthe Wh'%-osndi
daut-There dilk•being,narhoide,:the-teeth, elect
Ofelft.ll and , thixtftelAti, ballottwere.go* isgP
but were !dike froiderta t , •
At OW of Pie Piier4dingi s CerriProitiise
reds 'proposed bY`Mi"Siiiiiiz*eldek - l . 's 'the 441iict
that. a- Democnitimeptudteris Whig glert,„ c end a
*PrOgnesicwAßAPPAiikaAnzuli-4944 , eel
(Meri t anti tba; the Ptirr OrreS ll l .-, " the
Standing COmailifeeri; 'be' argesilly: divided.
The clerk espnntind• hie:detain,saw to wbetherlie
, ad the-power to-enterteireway-motion, ieircept , for
e renewals of 'the .baliming,, ,or. for an adjoins*-
, .
Mr. tooper• moved' a ertc r ets'Of half
airier this'emnpivenierti: • '" '
Messrs. Packet,fldadelatent and 'Frick <objeetarh
Mr. Cooper said that his modem wan „mike with
he view of facilitating . the pTganimtion. of tie
' ense uto proceed w it h the public - 'llrosinere,
at writ failed to Meet theopProbation of membent,
he wsesW withdraw • „• t • !,-• •
The .roll was then called for.the fourteenth ballot,
which also provinz, Onsucces4cu.l, a 'notion to
lour° prevailed.
iv Sebr~is —At tle calling: di the roll, this morn
ing, Mr. Timothy Jones answered to his mane)
and, being . qmilWed,•tookiiiii-aisat. • I
A number of Pedrioturikeetrfer o ..‘,Me l Areelf, trce of
Suitor :county, w.efr4ceiivesi g rid referred.
Dir. Konitmacbei , itilCfs a bill abol
ishing the Distriet'edtlit of Lancaster tonniy.• • -
Mr. Jbhnaan leads bill sopplementray tattle act
in relation to county aad.township off re." Also,
a supplement relative to writs of quo warranto a:u)
mandatims. Also, 2 bill providing mike tenettuat
ly for the punishment of fk'nimy.
•-•Ilk Small read .h his place. tt- billrelative ,to
tia trainings, and : for tha,oncouragement
s of, voltuat.
teer Companies.
Matthias submitted' a supplement to an act
condi ming the title oldie Gen. Green Benevolent
Society, of ..Philadelphist, which was considered
and unanimously. .itaised. - . =
The folloWing norningtions for United States
Senator were then made.
James Cooper, Thaddeus Stevens, Josiah Ran
dall, John Sergeant, Wm; M L Meredith, Henry M.
Phillips, Heury Slug, Simon Caulteron,and,Peorge
W. Woodward.
It was then resolved that the Senate shook.? meet
the' House irr convention, on Ttresda hest; for the
purpose of going into the election of Senator.. ,
The joint resolution of,Mr., Crabb, in relation to
the bills passed by the last Legislature, and now in
the handy 4r the Execptive l was then taken up, and
the diseuisinn 'continued op to the adjoarnment. '
Hoese.--4'hi.. members of the House assembled
this ntoming, sod on motion renewed the ballot
ings,Tor Speaker- .The nipetserith, twentieth, and
twenty- first ballots r es ulted 'as before.
Pending thkstiotion for another ballot, Mr. Her
ring (N A rake and said, bn behalf of himself and
some of his colleagues, that. they had determined
to end this useless comes', by which four days had
now been expended, and to effect an. orgauizatiort
of the House, it three votes could do . it.
The ballot was then taken, and it stood
Win. F. Packer, (Dein.) 52
. Henry S. Evanb (Whin) 46
Scattering, . 2
Messrs: &Iles, Herring ana Robb, three of the
Native Americans ; voted for Mr. Packer. •
, The Clerk announced ,lurelection of Mr. Packer,
and he was led to .the chair. by Messrs, bans and
Fegely. Mr. Packer made a short speech; Mum
n• --
inthanks for the honor Conferred - npon him._The
oath of office was then' administered by Mr. vans
to the Speaker trod the members of the House. •
Messrs. Elliot and Eshelman were appointed a
Committee to inform the Senate of the organization
of the Home. • •
Messrs. Stabs and Schwartzwelder were ap
pointed the Committee to act in conjunction with
the one appointed by the Senate, to inform the Gov
ernor that the I..egislature was fully agonized.
A conimittee was alSo . appoinied to prepare rules
for the House. ' • "
The nominations for-U. S. Senators were then
Adjourned. , •
On ElaturdaY morning; Dec:Roth, by Rev. R. J. Per
vioi Lova Rosie to•Morrik Estorr, both of Ulster.*
Nos cAlbeettionn-ents.
.- • • • • •
BB virtue of sundry writs Of Leveri Facies, issued out
. of the Courfof Coitimoti 'Phial Of Brad ford county,
to me directed, reboil appose to public vale atthe house
of 1.1 P Woodosa; in the_belongla orkorrands. on
MONDAY the bib day of FEBRUARY nest. at two
o'clock; Lk 111., - the followinepieee or piece' of land
situated, lying and being in - the township of Athena ;
beginning hi:the centre , of ;the road adjoining lends of
HarriaAutnty, thence south one hundred and fifty pet,
ales and eiptentlsiof a perch to a stone for • corner.
thence skit `Olghty-sii degrees weft, eighty perches and
leeen-teuthe of • perch , too stone for utessyser on said
Bpahling's line r thenes north otte hundred and twenty.
four perchee, and three-tenths of .. porch to the centre
of the road, thence along the centre of sii,i'road to The
'pleas of beigleriiitg.• Containing' sitty-nini acres end.
seventy-five mils of landa-.48 *tee improved: ... ...
Setilied and rskeerin ityitositii".44_ the suit of,John
Harris vs. & arm oi 4hf i ng.
Af..9o The following pilkierto; parcel of land ' lyiig
and Works the township cif Athens; and. bounded as
Sonoma • Beginning ate peat on the south gest:vows.
of Alpheus. Lipids' lendoinince north one hiindred and
tweOty one perches to a stall hicitoeY' alluding On the
loath We of the Newtown road; thence south. 83 de.
rintiaii east one hundred wed 'thirty-senett- perches to U
post, thence eon& aeventy Ave degrees east eighteen
perches to a buttonwood tow standing on the Wftfliank
I . of ShepheriFircreekAhencii Smith ten degrees east eleven
*relies to .webs, thence south fifty.friur degrees east
twelve perches to itsuaple, theacomayth seventy...six de
goers east twenty seven perchee tea blackwalnut, thence
;south sixty degrees east lifly.lik perehes to a buttotti ,
'wood. thentOsindlr filipainotlegneas eleittifteen perches
to a buttonwood, thence south tionty-eightiletPees not
thirty perches to an ash, thence 'oath six, degree! east
`twel`twelve percher to=e post. and 'stories. nit "Pickering- end
new line, thence earth .ens' ty•siiit - deuces
west along the asidiljue *wo hundred an rixty:tyro per.
ches to the piece Ofbeginning.,. Conga " i ns ninety-one serve and thirteen petclieitlitli illiiirin • &c., and one
two story frinneir how*, rise trateedished, two framed
bans and IMO corn boat 4011 apple orchard, stout 66
aim' zed and Calm in ixestitiOn at the suit of Thomas
Clark,, to the otNahii-Harels Nit Minard.Harris. vk
Siam /Spalding/ : 6 :*: r .;-,.. ''' , :/.
ALSO—Tikk6dlowingliece or piece! Oland sitoo•
tell in the township of Herrick and bounded WI follewi,
to wit : Beginningst a bertil tole' a wwnerif N. B. Wet
rtiore'• lot, thence nonbrillve dogreesasst severity-tight
49 ;
, a
perches to pod northeast dormer of said Wetm or 4
lot, thence north 89° west 20 .perches to a poi ,
r i lerAtast 62
. 2-I h o perches in a aik.ths oc
11 3 . 10
. perc es to al post, t hence south
5 ea 7Z rchfs toe post, thence north 50 ° east 35
a 8:10 sto post, thence south I°-west 129 5.10
es to ton the north line of Luther khone'slgt,
ce no
.., 8° east 74 perches to the (northwest e ft .
- , f saitAtzer lot, thence south 30°, west 6 3-10
Trkthes to ' , thence north-,ll° west 14 5 -In pm
cites to the' beginning. Containing 'it acres and 15$
me Off . onset • , etett .. . -- .•
Seized and taken in. execution at the suit 4(.9,-1,,, t
DeChasteleaos vs. James L. skiarialCL.Y. - .•4.i.....,,-I''
Al.Bo—T` e folloiring_piece or parcel of land aims.
ted in The, township of Herrick and buranded as fUllows :
Beginning at the southwest corner of a lot this day
deeded to Jeremiah Allep. thence west 68 punches to an
ash northwest coiner of Win 1 4 4PP'a lot, thence sout h
.iii , olffilirTaillnWa
watrant lot No.,lop y ibiwegnor4-891 agent 54 perdies
to a post, theiicinbiih 0 ist le2 ktero4tes to a pad,
thence aouth 89° east 122 *MOD te'north w ig --.
eltltar'nr Itt i f i- .qMS th ret-WIP 'lir. 44 • 4 1
lb pitrehetto tee oegraningontaminr urn tit -•-..
perches. Mere or lieakiliiiit•TfilinprOverd, with i -..
double house;,partijaweed r ol a b i g a r,
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. L. C. •,•
DeChirsteleux vastasannsal o.oriy.,s . -....
ALSO—A piece of land-iat Springfield. beginningat : , k:
a Week, emersion entnerpt-liirWaskllipou4hre•soutli .'::
warrant line oft ainirrantitutiNrii 9440heneearrells168 '..••
perches to sligehmonth - dweiccorner4Clo•44ll9Atrem '":•-:[‘
son's lot, thence emit 511.4amehestiewposkpikdispreannit, ~_'..
168 penteatio abpintrpti - issid thirrosit lino, • g e , 4 i:•,.;_
51 perches to ths - begaiming.o. • Coettainieg Sims end --•
96 540 perebesirettiti maementeit WWI" west hag ."....•
of lot No. Wei Isailigilimmibleit 111641114 • Vddity.g To •.;:-
tares im creed, ode Inpecd hnwie and fruit ttrarthin x ,n.
fife' • illiVifiln ienbiliiii •i'the amt of R. B. .:.'
Davidson, &mi . _ ....- _"Ritillitgids t -;* '' •.- ' • •;.-
• A•Lectig iiiiiirortifit fif Ertirtigfi6kl,liegint l i ng 4 -;:•,•
a hemlock ! , south iiikeil , tilnirdif iiitierie l rot No. 914.
thence mitillilbl 1 121 W Imitillieto ii'peld,iftietiee - west 90
7-10 perches to a Oitkidoill west corne . rpf lot 'No. 19 ..,•.
thence north 101/2110'Pereiteillii ISlVaia, ; them egg '',.:,;,
94 7-10 perch:MO.6l/re liegintileig: I 'MtiMing 95ecni s
and 112 perches:, Strict ..meramte l ,lt hying , intended for :,:"•-.•
the 'whole . 0r.1:34:,,N01t-Lft;4okai4FlatttlOt rjro:N3, with - '..", •
ekaAana.kbirt;P°,lol4,,kijirts sititdtr9 framed han g
and truitheespettrok ..,;.,,...• , „.. • • f•,
Seized sin.. 4 Mimi! in -it ito;.st ant.suit of IL B.' ''•-•,:
Davidson, dri.. vs. Altnss l ' 4,olPlat- •1 : -..•
'it beiCh sapling, the n •
j. same; of. lot No. 25, o n
warrant lot No. 912,theniteeauth 158 Perches to a pog, .'•
youth east primer if laid kit N 0.25, thence eas t 99 7-10 'i,•l
perches toiltbilialfoefillotleitiithietke Wirth 158 perch
to a hemlock sapling for the north west corner of lot No •
27, thence west 99:13,10ritchesio thrbeginoing. Coo. ••:,
mining 98 acres and . * peaches, strict measure, 50 acres'
initiroVethssent-frimardiboueesimi lag hour, and framed •':
47.'14 flPi4ftelP.V.ragn.i•• ;- • , -c. ;
*iced and talien,in ezentiflph at the f 'snit of R. B. •
1514dolOti, ;la:, vi. tedn' lillfemlngton.
' • A.LBO.a.tA 4484*i/14E1d M . Budinvon, tieginni ng . g
Ivo!. in.
an og oh molg i gsfstuppi?,.po,rth testae:net of f '
lotter3tarertaht lic.l;4l,it,lsngt. north 11° west, 55 5.10
perches to alinst, nor t h arest'Coinei• of the Ezra God.
ant he, thence nortb•98•11-14Petcheti to a hemlock he •..-.
I conteari;tbence- north 89°,--wesV. 50 1.10 perches to a •:-•
hemlock ford" corner, thence stnth.ls4 6:10 perches to •;•
' a poet on the lottery virrarittne,hince south:B9° oat
66 94 to 4 perehei theliegititi gi• Containing 47 acres •.•
*MI 100-Pereher4 atrictotehntre, it king parts of RIO.
• Mat 14411 : N04,1479 and 1.762.• . ~1 . • ••.
I s i ii zel i
. pi. "l . ga ga in executio n it 6-64, of It B.
thvidsidi &c.: is:l9ltifisin 'Markt Mt SMteca Kendal,
end Liirelii bre wife; fib! loirelie- • Itiadministratriz '•.:-..
of Lyman Dawittodenessede •,.:!/,..: •'''' • i ..:',.
ALSO 7-117 virtue of nuilklrr: of Vend. Expo., -t
a piece or parcel of hind in the boron` h Of Athens; and
boulfded notorspiiittArL. tt't frntiitfi: on Meant i
bribe Chettlieg *set vii thetlioniftliy 'street leading fa
from Main street to be Chemung Budge and lot belong. 1 . 1
MA to the..lldilgepinpap3 r r, ), .a . pdon i tthe east by Msia
spree 'Coritairung alictut t 'ree-fou ha of an acre, more
Or - Ws:WIWI taiii-itory• rumeattiiishand taro thereon
ereetealpest it &tr. fruit -trehylherisom
Brownand takes:sin cmatullpn at the . suit of O. B.
Brown vs. D. A. & 0: Sidtrnansh: .
A r.sini=X Piece oeciiiicittilif hind in Standing Stone
bounded Worth by. o.iVannetts, ninth-by. the mainiml, 2
an d east• had west, by E. .Taylor. .Coutiining about 1
one-half an •acrea more or •ifsa, with one framed house,
and frathed barn thereon. -
Seized and taken in.'iletrolfoti at the soil of Montan-
ye & Betts, vs. James ot. Ennis.
ALSO—Apiece of .land in Columh ' bounded on '
r :1
the north by lends of V. IL Long, east bands of COl
riani•Bryint, south by the state road; Ind west by Len ij
Soper.. Containing fourtont.acceen With stiout . 6 acres :i.
improved;.with a log hduse,aud a sjpall frame barn and
a small framed 'house thereon. • . • .
Seized and 'taken' ih' eteCotirin at tba snit of S. B.
Sham now to use of John Bixby, jr,-ars, A. D. Mullin.
„.„ 1•1/1-,„ §: pouu.Lis, Sheriff. i
Sheriff's Office.; - Towanda, ,Tati..lo ' 1849. • '
-ira.u.lireck Jun o ; 9
. .
T ills
extehitie, ind miiiellineous stock, more
complete thari any kaand"irriltier'siction of roes.
try,every article haring been attlecteal . web great eve.
dy Doctor Porter en persOn; will paw, be offered to the
public—a better article, lower than can be bought et
the neighbor ing esialdishments, ortfosaircinda are selected
by - meat deal-Pear alt knoteledge of medicine.
Physicians,. who cannot come rgd,esargiae my Pock
can depend upon alt article's th 7 Wish to send fur.
In addition to the assortment oil)rtge and Medicines
the stock seteods to Dye Stuffs; Family Grnetries,li
. veers of all kind". Perfumery.. tansy (cods, Niarc;ke
' perm* articles. Palely Mcdieineft, kc. .
' ITaiing'beein appointed agent *for most all the vile.
foePcipuletr Paterat"Meiliclizel . 3 ''assure the public I
will not offer any that are counterfeit, as I will not bay
or, accept ao, agency, from those apecohows,
_who, by
!base it:o6'6one impose upon. the country with thee
spin lOUS' Drog,e.
On account of the!gregat importaneit to thepublic and
character:of Physicians, that, glum iunadalterated medi
cines should be,administored, it will, I hope, induce all
—Physicians or 'not Physicians—to Make their pur
chases it 'No. 1. Brick Row. • ' •
LIST.OF LIITIERS remuining,in the P. U at
Troy, guider en'airig December 31st 1848. -
Armstrong. Miss Vint Linda i f • .
Alkm Malou. - - Loomis Henry
Allen Samuel, „• , Lewis Remington
Avery Abijeh Of Win Lyman Miss • Betsey 9
Airerill Tibbs- McDowell Miss Sarah.
Doyce•Was- • ." • blicilinoliiiaMakaseb I
Bacon Calista • . Monett .lanrs,
P % Mallory James*
Bullock 'Miss Emma NV Mayilanl Arichobuld •
Casej:Ciess 3 • Morse -Lorenzo - .:
Chaffin : _Mitchell :Leroy •
Cummins Chas W Morrison; Andre*
Cease OebrY - Mietin Miss 84ititina
ChapmaiiMisieChrlstina Muller Louisi" ,- )
DeWitt Wm ...t Piekios Pion *•,
Dorn Thomas Pierce Virg ;1,
Dewitt James Pierce Net
'Dodge KM - Calvin • • •philjita j a w,
Koos Edward . - Runner MisiElsiia
Ercrett•Jpkit, -• . n ,• Roil4initHlisaHuldab
Fleming Freight Roggi.isaaril
Furman Paul Rdetiiiik•C • ' •
rantriniePrietilitc• 2. 84ring Miss Ciristina
Fitch & Ballard Tears /obit; , • •
Hittank.E. W -2 . Thoomi Miss.,4 . .ine .
fliintelaton Ama. • Weldwe Alin Rosin. 2
.Hiniebetr MiirsTeriisha Wood Mite lazily
Johnson Alfred," y • Williams Mimi Hanunb
Kline Johnson A " WoliMiss Martha ,
Knight Joseph . Wright Mrs)4l - . U.
Wrn . •, While. Willani
- . • •
- monen 3a. hereby girin s that the co .p u ership
111 heretofore existing between C th HAMBERLIN A;
PORTER, ea :Druggists. Are'., is this day dissolved
mutest ennsentii This buitineis 'will be estrird on
H. C. .PORTER, who will settle. an accounts .a tha
late finn Towanda. Jan. 6 1610
WARnEDLURFAS GOODS,Pjain,figunaland
p1#41 % 14144 4 ad colored Almccast ; black and c.••
°re " ' French *5; :e 61 1 0 9 bregroa Plaids ; rich French
tha etnallbutiattmeree,Deladnerl, &e.: a Mai " 6 "
e t.ty.lett-firr ilk. at ger.*