Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 27, 1848, Image 3

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    . .
Thomson's Compound Syrvptf Tar Zy 'Rol Naphtha,
This medicine the ingenton of* onus who, pm 1,0 likhie t t
Pulniahari Ordoehia and Pecairat blicaires
e xaminat.on, Uttar performed. seam of the .cgost, reatarkable•
rates on record of Pulmonary cortiumptelectired - the ' l e:
counneodation anal ate ot phyolcians in thaitilalitice; and the
AV wiriest approval of thallium& of persons in ordatiry and Si
tvre raids, coughs, in hoarse-neat, upitds of bkicil
Certifreateirof its wonderful pourer breve been gurestirs some
ristances, and sworn to as true by Persona wboat any time
n al give verbal verifications of tbeu contents.:
But beware of imitations and purchase Thomsea's Compound
nip of Tar from none but advertised agents, or of tlusv
stove the suspicion of denting in counterfeit*.
It is frequently used and highly recommended by some of
the most respectsbk physicians in New York and PIA/Intel
Prepared only by ANGNE,Y & DICKSON, N. E. 'corner of
Fifth rind Spruce street Philadelphia.
Sold by HIRAM MIX, Towanda, Pa.
Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.
'Mother Home Cerqualc.
Da. Sersysz.—Dear Sir,—For the good of the public, 1 feel
mysilf in duty t ound to testify au the astonishing cure which
your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry• performed on me. For
my pail I feel as if every body onghtem know it. I was !tithe
ted with a violent cough, spitting of blood, night-sweaty, hoar
senesissind sound of the voice, indicating an alarming state
,hsease; my appetite was gone 'and my strength bad so far
toiled me that my friends Ind physician 'here persuadid 1
could not survive many days. My sister who was my anxious
cure-taker, made inquiry where she would be likely to pro
cure the most certain relief She was told that if Dr. Swayne**.
Compound Syrup of Witd Cherry failed iu the core, my life •
was then hopeless. Your medicine was immediately procur
ed and the first bottle gave relief sour by Ilia time I had CCM.
Ilielleed tha sixth bottle, my cough had left me, and my
strength was much improved. In short, it has male a perfect
cure of me, and I am at this present, as hearty a man as 1
wish and have good reason to believe that the use of your
medicine has saved,nie from a premature grave. 1 shall be
used to give any information respecting my casa. Yours,
.th respvet. J. M. liteuv
39 Chester st., beiiveen Race and Vine, Philanfa
• Prepared SWATNE, N. W. corner of Eighth and
Race streets. Pmladelphia, and for sale by rupectable Drug
pas m nearly all the principal towns is the United States.
nor sale wholesale and retail by CHAMBERIJN & POlt-
TER, .th• ngsuts for Towanda, Pa., awl by C. H. Herrick,
At'leus, Pa.
Non abvertisanctits.
• - -
A LI. persons indebted to the estate of IRA P‘AR
SOLI., deceased, late of Ulster townhisp, are
hereby requested to make payment. without delay, and
thaw having claims against said estate will plpise pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Ulster. Decrmher 4. 1848. Administrators.
THE undersigned, having been appointed an Audi
tor by th'e Orphans Court Of the County of Brad.
Cod to audit the administration account of John F. Sat
terlee, adminitrator of the goods and chattier; which
were of William Bertran, late of said County, decd.
will attend to the duties of his said appoinitnent at
he; ;Alec in Towanda Borough on 'Forsch); the 30th
dty of I.nittary 1819 at two o'clock P: M. of which
all persons interested will take notice.
A ti.litor.
roveanaa, Dec. 2fith, 1848
Vis";NI..111.2110 ZZA:TY,sU Oka2o.
Y an order of the Orphans',Court of Bradford Co.,
1..) will be exposed to public sale, on Saturday, the
,nth day of January, 1849, at 1 o'clock, P. M., upon
iht premise., the following property, to wit : A certain
pure or parerl of land, situate, lying and bring in the
i•.wnship of Troy, county aforesatd, late the estate of
Win. Knnr, deed, bounded on the hinds of—Ward
rag( hy land of De Witt south by land of Win.
Morrison wet by the highway leading from Granville
u, Troy. Containing one hundred acres, or thereabouts.
Attendance g.ven, and Airin4 made known on the day
of sale. CHAS DRAKE:Ailministrator
Granville, Der. 19, 1848. of Win. Knox, deed.
L. uIII~TUL. >. I. U. SMITH.
Completion of the North Branch Canal!
-` T
ij.4WNtit formed a co-partnership in the manorac
-17 ture of pours & SHOD& at the old stand
threc door's north of Bridge at. wouldrespect'ully inform
their iriends and the public,.that they will carry on the
business in all its branchcs—keep on handand make to
order, everything in their line in the neatest manner and
in their latest style.
Beleiving that they can do as goad or belt& work
than can be had elsewhere they would say to those vrishs
intl . good article in their line to give them a call, and they
shall be satisfied. Repairing done on short Make.
PrOdUCIB 'of all kinds taken for work. Hides
tr,,nted in exchange for. Boots and Shoes and Leather.
Towanda Dec. 14, ISIS. - B. &S.
persona indebted to the estate of Jollllf Damon
-1 r dec'd., late of Standing Stope tp. are hereby
requested to make payment without delay. and those
having claims against the said estate will please present
merit duly autbduticated for settlement•.
Standing, Dee. 12, 1898.
CAME into the enclosure of the suhscriber, in To
wands township, snout the first of November, a
int Cow, with two white spots on the forehead, a piece
of the riglat r 4 - r off, and • slit in the left. The owner
lo reyueated to come forward, prove property, pay char
pea. sod take her away. H. L. SCOTT.
Toward* Tp. Der. 12, 1848.
• • THE Subscriber offers for kale the farm
formerly occupied by Geo. Grace, in Spying.
firld township, Bradford County. Situated
'.. about one mile from Springfield centre.—
s i I tarn' contains one hundred acres of land, mostly•
h..ired and well cultivated, with ayreat variety of Fruit
trees. There is upon the premises, a new dwelling
house, and sheds, good barn and sheds, and other
out building•. Terms made easy to the purchaser.—
A pply to HIRA/11 SPEAR.
Springfield, Dec. 5, 1848.
Argue and Democrat will copy 3 times, and
chan ge advertioer.
pursuance of the death IVarrant of the Governer
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I William
$. Dobbins, Sheriff of the County of Bradford, in the
commonwealth aforesaid, protected to and did on Fri
day, the first day of 'December, eighteen hundred and
torty eight, between the hours of ten o'clock, A. M.,
and- three P. M,, of said day execute James P. Lang
ford, within the walls of the jail of the said county, in
the manner required by the law, in such case made
and provided. WM. S. DOBBINS, Sheriff: •
Sheriff's Office,Tooratida, Der. 2. 1848.
T 9 at Woodruff's lintel, where he will remain a short
1. time, and attend to all operations on the teeth. His
friends are invited to call.
Towanda, Nov. 28th, 1838„
T HAVE A WORp TO SAY! It you are at any
1 time in want of STAVES or 'fitment', permit me
as a friend to advise you to can at D. C. If ILL'S—ho
keeps the largest supply, sells the most reasonable, end
you can buy to heifer advantage, than at any other
piece in or out of Bradford County. and I am sure you
tot,' have no fears of regretting any purchase you may
nu Ake. Don't forget this matter. .
Towanda. Dec. 12, 1848. . •
F ROM the best Msnufsetoriesin Boston, for solo by
Tray, Ps., An. 10, 1519. R. f?.. D.V.`WETT.
"•-•-:.:- - - .t .-- -- -iT h ore. .....ev.t..A_4,.. f .m..70,~ . - ; ._ . i
LAST. ARRNAL'OF, f, ----'• '-',
t t. l . i . inititi tl , -! i totop..gil l
- W:: ili Lein
M. C. ligacifit i , -
or4vz the ohuisore of easetualog 1141 Li : pultree
11 *et they-are now receisitig aoptheg And
general aiwortotoot. of doolo: : .
!roma*. bee.
• A
N OW opening at . the above -establishment a •vury
J. N large cud desirable assortment of FALL AND
WINTER GOODS, which' will be sold at very low
rates. Bushuus at this establishment madames' .upon
fair and -"honest prineipka You have our Multi- for
past favors and we hops far it eontirmanee of the same
as we are bound to sell Goods Cheap. •
Towenda. 1848: -' N. N. BETTS.
WE are now receiving and openifig ai r new and
general assortment of Goode just from ths.Qua
kat City, and we confideutly say they cannot be best
for variety, neatness of rayks. quality or quantity ; and
they must and ,shall be sold as low as the same goons
can be boughtAhis side-of the city. Our stock .is
. full
and complete, consisting of ;racy thing mankind stand
in need of. Tire stock is made up of. Dry goods, Gro.
eerier, Hardware, Crockery, Iron.and Nails, Pah.ts,
Oils, Glass, Varnish, Dye-stuffs, Boota.Shoes.Leatker.
Fish, Salt, and in fact everything that is in dernand, r —
Persons making ptirchasea will du well to call and ex
amine our stock before purchasing, as wo make no
charges for showing goods.
A good and cheap variety of Alpaccas, Gingham..
Oregon plaids and Delaias, a large and good assort.
merit of Cloths Casaimeres, **Wart* Kentucky. Jeans,
sank] and silk seminal, trabkraliapsi, brown and idea
cotton and brown and blue' linen table cloth, Muff. of
all li*Sprices.sad descrktliturs. Duette setts.. *Sleet
ing., shining. both brovin and bias - Chad, Hata . and caps
of the latest styles, wool shirts and drawers, Carpet
bags, gloves and mittens, Haider', any luantity-of cot.
ton yarn and carpet yarn, white and colored ill of
which will be sold cheaper fur cub, than at airy other
establishment in town.
Towanda, Nov: . 16, 1848. -
Pure. Genuine and Cheap
z2oaaaaa lava4lio.
CHAMBERLIN & PORTER. No. 1, Brick Row—
have just received a large addition to their fanner
assortment, which pow makes their stock More complete
than any found in this section of country, which they
are determined to sell—a better article lower than can
be bought in ho neighboring establishments.
The following list comprises a few of the articles
kept at their store: • -
Opium, cream tartar, camphor, (=stilep, liquor ice
balsam copaiba, rhubarb, jalap, aloes, Po en chammo•
mile, gum %rabic, castor oil, quicksilver,
'guests, roll
and flour sniper, relined borox, calomel, red precipitate,
corro'ive sublimate, aqua ammonia, soda; tartaric acid,
epsom salts, laudanum, henna, sulphate iitilitine, min ,
plime, iodine, coicombo, gentian, guassist prickley ash
bark, curcunna, white root, ginseng, all of the essential
oils, gum myrt cantharides, gum tragacanda, corks, Rai.
saparilla, gamboge, litharge, spirits turpentine, cam
pnine, rotten ,stone, umber, terra de sienna, sell peter.
minis feed, isinglass, cubebs, annotto, lac dye, shell-lac,
extracts of dandelion, colocynth, jalap, byaseiemua and
sarsaparilla, &c. de.—lrish naosa, arrow root, tapioca,
tincture, essence, 4c.
I.ogwood, Fustic, nic woad, cam wood, tratrot .
cochineal. indigo, alum, copperas, madder. solution tin,
extract iugwood, muristic acid, sulphuric acid and ail
vitrul, &c. &c.
f;:rnshed, loaf and muscavado sugar. black and green
tea, raisins, zante .cnivants, citron, cinnamon, "alas] oil,
'tamarinds, chocolate, cocoa soda broruit, butter crack•
ets, rice, starch, ginger, saleratus, saltpeter, GOT. Java
and Rio coffee, pepper, spice, mustard, pepper sauce,
nutmegs, cloves, mace, ca.tile, brown, variegated and
fancy soap, sperm and tallow candles, whale and sperm
oil, jugs, flasks, bottles, paste and oil blacking leather
vaintsh, tobacco, Begars and snuff, matches. &c. &c.
Pure French Brandy, viz Cognise, °Mord and
A'Seigneu. Holland Gin, St. Croix. Rum, Modena.
Port end Male gis Wines. COLIMPI3 American Brandy,
Gin, Rum ■ud hiakey, &e.
Bay water, lavender, cologne and rose water, Mac.
cassia' and Bear's oil, otto roses, ox marrow, pomatum,
rouge, pearl powder, military and almond soap, etc.,
wash balls, shaving cream, hair powder, court plaster,
philacone, playing cards, percussion cepa, Ink, paint,
varnish, sash, white wash, flesh, broom. clothes, tooth,
nail, comb, bat, hair shoe, stove, scrubbing and leath
er brushes. Lubin extracts, Jockey club, patehouly
eglintine, mousseline, ex. de violletts, ed. Cachous
arornatige, perfume satchels, Meen Fun, Persian and
French toilet powder... Shawl's lily white. Phalou's li
quid hair dye, Jayne's and Tyrian hair dyes etc.
Pungents, tobacco and snug' boxes, spectacle and
lancet cases, artifice! nipples, breast pipes, nursing bot
tles, self injet tiug pumps, glass audi composition syrin
ges, trusses, body and shoulder braces, turnkeys law
cets, dice, patent pails, purrs pocket books, wallets,
abasing boxes, razor strops. !SA..
Dr. Jayne's Medicines, alterative, expectant,
Yellow dock and sarsaparilla, Townsend's, Webstar's
and Gralenburg Green Mountain, Sarsaparilla. Dr.
Swayne's, Sherinan's gad Moffat's medicines. One
thousand varieties of Pills, pain extractor and 'pain kil
ler, many kinds of worm medicine, Ingoldeby's and
Jackson's pile remedies: Scarps's acoustic oi:; Msg.
netic, Tousey's, McAltster's and Gridley's Ointments;
A phalic snuff; corn salve, Mother's relief, Balm of
Columbia;. Sherman's, Wistaria, Melington's & Bach
an's Hungarian, Balsarri ; British and Harlem Oil ;
Gelatine Capsules ; Thompson's and other eye Water;
Harding's sod White's sticking salve act. f ;nth
Cordial and tooth ache drops; Brinkerhuff's health
mstorstive. Brune. Indira remedies, &c.; and all-the
mast popular medicines of the day. •
Remember that CHAMBERLIN & PORTER, No.
I,—Brick Row, will offer their GOODS at the lowest
possible prices, and warrant their articles to be good.
Towanda, Nov. 16, 1848. C. & P. No I. B
Q A n VOLS. published by the American Sunda
School Union. and for sale low in quantities
to suit purchasers. mytt3 0. D. RARTLWT.
" Goods well Bought are half Sold !"
R now opening a laiffe stock and extensive variety of
GOODS; eek•cted With The. grails* tare, and bought
under great advantages in the cities of New York and
Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorable condi
tion of both. markets—and having in view the motto
above, has so bought that he an.and will sell an u fs
uorable terms as the cut, and` will endeavor to show to
community the advantage of baying from those wbo bay
will. Towanda, May 23, 1848. -
SPORTSMEN wishing to purchase Double anti sin
gle barrel Pawling Pieces. Rifles and Gun fix
tures, will please call at the new lianl.ware Store.
Towanda, Nov. 7, 1848
AHONG our bry Goods may be found almost every
variety of Dress Goods, such as plain Black—Plaid
and silk striped A !pace. figured delaines anal cashmeres,
plain sod silk striped mohair lusters, English sod
Finch Merinoes, French. scotch and American
G ingh sow, 'black, plaid and striped dress silks, besides, a
great variety -of ether goods not worth while - to be Men
tioned. eall sod see for .yourselves at the Centril
American Broad Cloths and Cassiusere also a large
assortment -of lane, cassimeres, we ask the prisikie
of sltowinr goods in this line especially at the Central
. di N. N. B.
~ 2 .
" tr ., - • .
t 4. • yr
VLZ(Cl)rlk4jgpirl 9„,„icie u rv ut i n .•
mock of Ilterteideri Otrocerter , I,,iiinara,
Bar remained klernjedkba aa:a4iithinantsiartditiPiti,
porehareti Ikt few ltwrik 112a#1;210, ijnes4l2 l 24li4ni
to the forineemerakat2 l 6 ,46 er'Wl&WlW.Ali f l 4 l l 4:lo4
old stand; in kiniaberyli inieli; the - *boat caw
pkie 004 -iii
of - genainewielva Dikilitlaellrtliciptie,
ever offered in _Towanda, .t Witoreaide'or
Physicianiire Particularly; invited twilit' arid lei am
ine tillAedicittelh hProfe IluCtibliWul;elftwtwin. We
,aluore the. publi c that every article bona
with Breitcare. to avoid .
cheap Which • are
nasally kept at Ilintee_ahops, to supply tit'ose Ives=
of what they are purettiaing. The mat art
sralLrlnz eHICCUILIE:IO9
is worthy the attention of those who wish to boy cheap.
I have full supply of Sugars; Teas, Coffees. Can dles
C.lmphicte, Limp oil, Snap., Stuck Groand Slistard,
Allspice. Cayenne & black Pepperss'Ac• de.
fihave also purchased a heavy slack of the finest
quafity, of pure unadulterated
such as Cognise Brandy Pale Otani du., American,
Campaign Wine. Port do.. Madeira do. Malaga di).
Claret flo., Mullin Gin, St Croix Rum, N. Roglark! do.
Monongahela and common Whiskey, to which I
would call the attentionof Landlords, or Invalids, who
use the, same for medicinal purpopes, or others who
use either Wines or Liquors in their pure state,tu call
and examine the quality and price*.
I have likewise a variety of Fancy Goods, such as
Military -and wash•ball Soaps, Tooth Brusbessod Pow.
der; Colognes • Heir Oil and Brushes; Otto of Rose;
Steel Pens and Holden. &o. &c, all of Willa are
worthy the attention of thus° desiring useful acid fausy
Havitkpbeen appointed Agent foe adling most of.the
offered to the public, I masers my customers that 1 shall
never impose upon the public by offering cheap Medi
cines, counterfeited by sppcnlators, thereby either sell
ing a useless or poisonous drug. I purchase all my
medicines of the Patentee or their exclusive agents,
thus guarding against infpositinn so frequently preetis,—
ed. Remember, at this shop I sell none but genuine
Medicines. •
I take great pleasure in announcing to the public
that I have made arrangernents with Doctors HUSTON
& LADD, whose medical reputations, ate firmly
fished, to cor.tinue their office at my Drug Store,. and
whose knowledge of me business will beat great
benefit to me, as well as my eustomers, in making
prchcriptions, &c.
(1 7. Remember the New Drug Store is in Kings.
bay s Block.
Towanda. November 23, lAI7.
T KING:II3E4Y Jr., is now opening at the eiwner
dr • of Main sod Bridge ISt., •n extensive stock of
new Pall 'end Winter Goods, which will be solJ un
usually low for Cash or Produce. J. K.
Towanda, Nov. 6, 84 R.
A RE now receiving ■ new supply of uooro hum
../1 New Ynrk. Also, one Ink heel of SALT.
TIIE silbscriber ha opened a Curtin:to lilorons,two
doors north of the Public Square, on• Main wee.
(nearly opposite the new brick tavern now being erect
ed by C. L. Wand, Erg.) where he will keep constantly
on hand, and for sale at the lowest possible prima, a
large and general assortment of ~READY MADE
CLOTHING, such as
Collars, Stocks, Suspender,. Glores, Hosiery, Drawers;
He has also on handritntl is constantly receiving. a
erne assortment of
such as silks, Satins, Marseilles, dke., ail of which will
be made op to order on short notice and on reasonable
terms. The subscriber having been a practical Tailor
for the last 15 years, in fhe city of New York, flatters
himself that he can give satisfaction to all who may fa
r/orbit's With their patronage.
His Clothing is ell made up under his own inspec
tion, and he has therefore no hesitancy in recommend
ing it to those who wish to purchase.
cry et Irmo 20 MAKING UP for persons who
prefer to furnish their own materials; and Outing done
fur persons who wish to have their garments made else.
where—all of which shall he done with neatness and
despatch. '
The subscriber Is also agent for A. Wheeler's Report
of Fashion., which he can furnish to such as are want.
ing, mireauinable terms. B. A.-SMITH.
Towanda, inns 6, 1849.
Cheapest Goods ever sold in Towanda.
SPRING AM) SUMMER GOODS of every ales.
craption, for old men and young men, for young
misses and old, ladies, for the high, the low, the rich,
and the poor ; ni l can now he aersimmodated. A few
articles in the lir of Dress Goods, which are going off
with a perfect ru ,we ran here mention, such as Frch
lawn ginghams, dark and light ginghams, linen lustre&
French lawns, hemges, and a great assortment of Prints
are now selling lower than the lowest at No. 5, B R.
June 14, 18413. REED'S.
CALIGOES.—A choice selection of Merrimack, Oh
woe and blue, pinki•Ond all other kinds, small fig.
ore. Two shilling calico for nine cents.; call and see,
hit' mind, the only place is KINGSIiERY & CO.
BONNETS.—A choke selection- of Florence, lace,
China pearl, Pamela, Leghorn, and other fashion
able styles of lodine' and misses' Bonnets, very cheap;
also Bonnet ribbons, anificials, wreaths, &c.
- 101 N ER'S TOOLS. —A good assortnient of Bead,
el Moulding and Bench PLANES, grooving plow;
and other Joiner's Tools, just received from the manu
factory, and for sale low by . 0. D. BARTLE Fl'.
444 4 4
THE public will of course attribute the.feeling with
which S. P. Townsend. the self-styled " Doctor,"
in hid " Caution Eats*" speaks of De. Guysetts Cele
brated Extract of Yellow Duck -and Sarsaparilla, tothe
proat reputation and rapidly increasing sales of this
excellent medicine, and the falling off in the sale of his
worthless stuff, for it is " the hit bird that flutters r'
We are daily receiving from our Agents in every
direction similar to the following, which will .explain
the increasing unpopularity of the " Doctors's° called
[From our Agetit at Seneca Falls, Oct. s 4 ]
"I am getting out of patience with TowWseniFi. It
sours and we have a frequent blow up, to thereat
beauty of surrounding objects ! Nothing of the kind
occur' with youra; snd besides its medical properties
are in'my opinion, imcithasurably sopttiif•"
[From OUT Agent at littera Oct, 124 •
" Your Yellow Dock & Sarsaparilla has" supervedetr
Townsend. Sarsaparilla in most east., anti I am now
selling of it three to one. - Much of Toiemasnds salmi
and becomes no better than eery , poor nwlassts flavored
wills vinegar."
It is quite natural that the " Doctor" should regret
the great falling atr in his sales, b tit ir certainly un
wise for him to become. like his" edicine" soar and
disposed to ■ " blow up !" uhe on to be In his
" Caution Extra?'
The genuine Dr. Onysotte Compound. ie a afteatiGa
prepanallon, containing in addition to Sanusparillle,
Yellow Duck, one of the powerful aubetanceelknown;
beside' other valuable vegetable ingredients, AND
WILT. NOT,BOIJR. Bee Adverthernenf. •
RINTS, PRlNTS—Selling from 4 . to 12i Pints
1 — per yard, acme very desirable patterns. at the Cr a
tral Store d 4 bri N.H.
N. N. B.
('IT A NTED. B• of Ifides:Talkonr and Grain Of ilk
TV -kinds, on ell demand., if &Ryer& by tire Ira
day of Fetousty nett. V. SMITH ilk CO:
Toni amdi, Now. 11, 181 R.
let "
Flcmisil Undershirts. 4'c., Ac,
.••• ,• - it4:i' I
!curs; or 1
i S
wine pysbl.e squat. etter'sidtratit . I
perhaps, than at any other plseu la . ur itoklifir: d
comity. . .
•D. C. HALL, respectfully Worms Vs friends tod•the
public., that he has two fix aide a his NSW IS 11 tit s.
• general sod choice ssionineut of STOVES, of all
sixes and pautinta.othich hs isprepaied to *cilia whole
sale or retail, orenchant," fur cottony produeotipou the
must atteommoddtiog terms. Mootig.tos stock are ate
Air tight Complete, (all sizes), Stewart's Air tight.
Rough and Iteady do Revolving floe rtes. l , Albany
tit' do. Republican io., Central N. Y. 43. ; Ettref
eye, ho t air oven, wi th Mary top, Praniain Rotes ;
Nu. 1, 2, 3,4, 5,6, if the molt improved patterns :
Air tight Parlor Stoves, all sizes ; Siz plates. all
sizes ; Cannon Stores, an excellent artidefur OffiCe4,
taverns, stores,,l,re.; Radiator Parlor stoves ; Kelp
.. . . .
stone pidad Askivis ; all rizcs mud box sloes; 4c.
4,000 lbs. of:Rusaia and American STOVE-PIPE.
ready-made.; aim, Brass and Copper Kettles, of various
patterns, together with s genera! assortment of Bram
and Copper Were.
TAIL NIT 111 MIT 11E11.1Mo
600 Lard Tubs, with a choice assortment of every
article in the Tin agate line, to which the sus nion of
Merchants, Pedlars, Families and Housekeepers t CLW
taily" is invited.
Tbre highest price will be paid for old outings.
c•'ppet end brass. Wain, 'Turkeys, Chickens, and all
kinds of . marketable produce will be received in pap•
merit for Stoves, Tinware, Are.
For stoics, aheatiroiv copmr and tinware, his antort!
went is complete. He returns .his thauks to his old
eustsiment, to whom, and the public he renews his Mei,
union to tti•e him a cell before purchasing efretwhera;
Don't mistake themlacr—but tbruember HALL'S south
sire of the Pnblie Square. in Itlontany es Block.
Towanda Dec. 12. 1848. D. C. HA IJ
. D P 17A ti "1 4 s rZs
THE iihrtiecriber respectful
- • ' ly informs the citizens of 'Fu
ji- ad
Bt hat he has opened a
Market in the Union Block,
* MI
one doer sweat of Woodruff's
- Hotel (basement story) • and
wilt endeavor to keep constantly on hand, arid supply
those who wish the means of " jog," with salt
and Fresh Beef. Mutton, Limb, Veal, Pork, &c., of the
finest quality and in the hest order.
Candles & Soap by the ho: or pound, constant
ly kept on hand and for sale at tow prices.
Tiirarida. Aug. 29. 1818. A. HAWLEY.
New Arrangement and Bel► Goods.
RQG E FO WLE It hosing just received direct from
the city. • new and large aserwtment of Fall , and
Winter Goods, announces to the public that be will sell
the same at unusually low prices. His assortment rmn..
mists of DST Goons, GSOCESIIIIS, 11•11111W•US,
lay, Curtsar, de., de., and being selected with care
and bought at the lowest rates, offess inducements sel
dom to be met with.
Moometon, Oct. 13. 1848.
SHEETINGS AND 81DRTINGS --ir you will ex
amine•our stock, you will be sure to buy, unless
you should think the price so low, that there was some
thing yrrnme in it. KINIISBERY & CO.
THECo-Partnership heretofore existing between the
subocriber• is. this day dimwit-ea by mutual Con
petit. The books, accounte, note% judgments, &c.. are
in the hands of IL Fowler, for settletnent. and those
knowing themselves intleht• d will do well to call and
eetti4 11000. SE VELLON. L. FOWLER,
Monrorton. Oct. 13. 1838. n20.w6
Just receicing a large arid Rich Stock of
New Fall and - Winter Good•, at
AVHICH for variery, quality and cheapness will *ell
compare with anything of the kind in tbe Coun
try. Any one who will do ins the‘fairor to call and
examine any of my MOO& I think rAn't fail to !moulted
both with quality and price. The stuck nu-hides a greet
variety of kich New rltvles of 'Dress Goods such as
Plain and Fie'd, Blue, Pink and Scarlet all worsted
Defames, Ftg'd Cashmeres,. Thihet Ciutha, Coeurv a ,
Silk Plaid Madonean, Plaid DeLanes, Black KO,
Striped sod Silk warp Alpaca. Black Bontbazine,
French and Scotch Gingham*, also, French, Enghalt,
and American Cloths, Cassimeresand vesting*. Sheet
ing's, Shining*, Ticking. Cotton Yarn, Wicking, Wad.
ding, Batting and a choice lot-cif Fresh Groceries, Fish
Hardware, Iron, Nada, Crockery, Boots and Shoes all
of which will be sold at very low Prices, at
E. T. FOX, No 2, Brick" Row.
Towanda, Oct. 10, 113418.
MISS GRIFFIN would inform her customers that
she bas a Rand assortment of ready made Velvet,
Silk, and Satin HATS, of the latest and most improved
styles, awl also a variety of fashionable caps, and bead
dresses, of various styles; wreaths for the hair &c.
all of which will be sold at a low prize.
Just received an additional supply of band-lases.
flowers, ribbons, colored ruches, laces. Florence and
Pearl Hatsofre. A. GRIFFIN.
Towanda, Nov. 7, 1848.
11Q0OTS & SHOES, Sole and upper leather, Also
.• full assortment of Ladv's shoe*, Gaiters, Busk•
ins. blips, walking shoe.. A good stock of Boys,
Misses, and childeens; mens, youths boys, and child.
coarse and kip boots. Also ■ first rate article of LA
dy's, Gents. Miss. and Childs Rubbers, selling very
cheap at- nl4 FOX's, No. 2. B. Bow.
11/11/FM A great variety of all kinds and styles
.11fl which will be sold at a Wiling advance (copal city
cost. A few rich black and natural lyni. Also swans
down trimming, tippets and victor/we, for vale cheap
at nl4 FOX'S. No. 2, B. R.
LADYB GOODS.—Dress goods, fringes, gimps,
black lace trimming, black veils, bonnet 'Delon*,
silk scarfs, jenny find •hemstich mad revere wich.
very rich, lady's, gents and misses hat kind, silk and
lisle thread gloves, dress buttons, silk cord, rich super.
and coml. plaid long shawls, jenny Lind hoods, child,.
worsted coats, &c., at FOX'S. No. 2. B. R.
20 DOZ rpkoilid heavy bantered fine linen hdkfs.
fur 12i eta at FOX'S No. 2, Brick Row.
HARDWARE. --lion, nails, axes, and I superior
11 solids of carpenters adze, band nom wood sows,
augers, slates. shovels, butts and screws, files, !mitres
and (arks., few setts Col do, looking glasses, and in
fait a general - assortment of Hardware which is for
sale cheap at nl4 FOX'S, No. 4, B. R.
HOSLERY of every description, geots cotton and
worsted hole. lady. white black and colored me
nus., also white black and shier e•lored enttem hose,
cheaper than ever at Fur& No. 2, B. R.
( - MOTHS, Cassimsres m l Vesfings. A splendid lot
V." of the. best end cheapest ' Perna English and
Amelia's cloths, fine double lmi rd. doe skin and-fang
eassinteres, and a first rate seat of Vesting,.
Positirelribese are the bent bargains ever Wined in
rourands... Gill ind see at FOX'S Na 2, B. R.
4TONS monk of thaw shesp.sed boantifel flows.
Ms) tes st krres prices this over :sad Coate so
Mitch; sitkinds of Almoniss fresh sod imp sood,onkr.
very utids varrastoL—Markel sod C0d466
1.4 - No. I. B. Roo
011 3 & DYE-ST FFS, also Ittaichar
by. the,grost, at No.:, D. 31. ' tar& ,
weg "
Cop r,
DA NIEL I.oRti takes this method of informino the inh thit .nts or Dr.Of •rd..c, n I the siljolnine
Country. that lie basremoired his stock to MONTANYIrs POKE. in Tows..d wh re he will
tie in realirtess to Wait von his old cwoocuars. and as twiny new ones is wish to purchase goods cheap; for
rah or srproced credit. His stock 's large, and cousi.t" i t pan of the tAlow o ; arttc es. 5.1:
Iron. Nails:. Copper. Tin. Zinc. Shed Iron. Crowbart. Spades. Shovels. Furks. anvil,.
rim. Blarksinith's bellows add screw Flutes, Log chaiits,9ritropec Site! springs,
Hooks and Hinges. Shovels and rungs. Mill Sums. X cut. circular and
panel do.. Japers. Chisels, Brads, Tacks. Butts. Screw and
liagon boxes. Well and Cistern Pumps, Lead Pipe. • •
all sires. .1 good assortment of Carpcn:er'3 • , ,
is• Joine'rs foals, 4- Muse trimmings. •
...r. •, , ,r•
Decidedly the hest stove for Parnaer's use; it is distinguished for the liberal size of ha oven and fin. box. Tll.
It is a•tached a Summer ristur', upon me boiler holes of which the wtoth tits. thereby rendering it in
capacity equal to • six 1 o ler stove. • Coals can hscuansferred from the fre-but directly into-the summer c m .
ture, by lreingarawn forward without the use of the ahoyel. The top or the oven is pion out by an iron-plate
to prevent an excess of heat upon the artichts baking: it can he removed if the hest is v -e !el to he ineseasied.
The oven will be found to bake with great imiformity in till its parts. o%er 100 of these stoves here been.
sold within the last three months, and given entire satisfaction.
Persona wishing to purchase these stoves, can have the privilege of returning thsm in
.. two or Ours
weeks, if they do not work' as recommended in eireiy respect. Also. a vide yof Air tight Caik Stoves, viz:
The Yankee Notion New Encland. Wedeln. Fu t to. 111111 W ch P.'evated-Oteu, Premium Stores of dl sizes
Parlor Cooks Drum Stove", Six Plate do., of all sizes and dimens rut. ••
The largest variety ever °Rend for sale In this place--w Ling at Coil. Insßare's Self Regulating Parlor
;move, the best iii use. Physicians !recommended this stove as being the beet extant for sick rooms, on ..mount
of its uniformity! of beat It Islam ter, lieuttonimil of fuel; o ,uir:ng float cne third to . one ha:f lersthan any
other parlor store in use.
40 lbs. RUSSIA & AMERICAN Stove Pipe on handl!. Cowarquently we are p clarerl !o funtielt.any gum,
tity to order at wholesale prices.
ALSO—A good assortment of J.tIPPANNED WARE, on bawl; He will a'so manufacture at 6iuds of
Copper, Tan, and Sheet Iron W,ir la order on snort radix and warrant it to give good ts.t s'acticn.
Towanda. Dec. 22, 1818.
WHEREAS, by the .dorease of Curtis T. Fitch,
late of the Hero' of Troy, Bradford County.
Pa., the acting' and senior partner of the Firm of Fitch
4 Ballard, in said Bora' it becomes the duty of the
subscriber. as the surviving partner of said firm. to
settle and close-up the business of the said Company.
Tbetefore„ all. persons indebted to the aforesaid com
pany of Fitch & Ballard, or the Company of Fitch,
Ballard & Bowen; the Company of Fitch & Bowen,
or to any Companies of the Messrs. Pitches. all of
which the said Company of Fitch & Ballard includes
and succeeded, either by Note, Judgment, Book. Ac-, tf
count or otherwise, are hereby no.ified, requested an
required to call on the eubscriber, at the titers of the
said firm of Fitch & Ballard, in the Bore of Tioy, and
settle and pay the same, with as little delay as poen
ble, after their several inlebteditest becomes due. And
all persons basing claims or demands against the firm
of Fitch & Ballard, or Fitch. Ballard & Bowen,.are
requested to present the same to the subscriber, as above
ni.mlioned. for adjustment. And any person or persons
having claims against any of 'the former Companies
above named, may present the same for settlement, ac
cording to. the terms of the written agreement of said
firm-of Fitch, Hellen] & Bowen, an inventory of -in
debtedness or liabilities of the Company of Fitch &
Bowen, up to, and dated Novembnr 1, 1845, under,
and according to-the conditions of which. tho subscri
ber became a c>pirtner of the firm of Fetch, Ballard
Bowen. 0. P. BALLARD,.
Surviving 'metier of the Firm of Fitch and Ballard.
Troy, Pa„ Nov. 23, 1848.
N. 11. The attention and patronage of the Publ:c is
solicited to the put chase of the following-merchandise
and property. to wit : A general assortment et.
Iron and Steel; Carpenter . and Joiner's Tools;
Leather, Boots, Slices, Caps, a good variety of the
newest Fanzine . and sizes of Cooking and parlor
Stoves ; also Slope .Pipe ; • large quantity of Tin and
Japan ware, Carriage Irons. A general assortment of
GROCERIES.—One ant rate pair of Horses; one
Tin Pedler'e Waggon; one Sleigh , and one pair of
Dobbs; one Lutuber Waggon, dtc., all of said goods,
and other property. will be sold lower. for money or
appruired credit, than can be bought elsewhere, as the
aforesaid Company's business must be closed.
p The Argus, Reporter. Eagle and Danner will
please copy the above advertisement fur three months,
'and send their bill to the subecriber for payment.
Troy, Nov. 22, 1818; 0. P. BALLARD.
DUCT. BELL would respectfully say to the inhah.
itants of Bradford County, that he will be at
Hammonds Hotel in the village ol Centieville on the
first day of each month, at Tuttle, Tavern in-Smith
firld on the 2d day of each month and at Woodruff's
Hotel in Towanda on the third of nth month. where
be may be coosuked in the practice of L'ROSCOPIA
from 9A. M., until 4P. Al. 'to those who are mum
qoainted with this Practice, it may be proper to say '
that it is the method of waiving et the printery seat of '
DISEASE, and consequent functional derangements,
by an inspection of the Urine j which_in all - cases
ihoohl be • species= of that first peeped in the morn
ing, and brought in a dean phial. - By an inspection of
this specimen he is mudded to arrive at once, at a Cor
ea Diagnosis, of all chronic and sub-acute daisies, af
fecting the human system wiAtout the necessity "and
expense of visiting patients, or /objecting them to the
fatigue of a long and Wigwag journey. and delicacy is
also spared the blush which is often occasioned
by the necessary enquiries of the visiting Physician.--
His medicines are selected from the vegetableXingdom
rod are perfectly safe' in the varied ages end conditions
of life : and long experience has proved their efficiency
in curing every variety of the above diseases. Scores
of testimonials might be pubrashed l fnun thaw who
have been ennui by his medicines. whom awes have
baffled all other modes of treatment, and bed been con
sidered incurable. Let none despair therefore, until
they have canto:led Me.
N. B. The naaf, 'and age rust in nay ems so•
company die specimen a fee dm purpose of recording,
4m. ni4 -
LEAD PIPE, all sizes, and.Bltigli Moe; .for side
by d2O I.&
UTANTED fOOO SU"' Pelie.for which the hightrit
" 111 4 ' l 4 D-C.
W. Merchant's Celebrate l
1 G.
Which lkillhO a bulimia:MlL.) huitirecallon for
Diseases of the Human Flesh.
TIME . and experience have fully proved that that this
UNI V Ff.,SA REMEDY has not not its equal
on the list of popular medicines, having been muss than
14 years before the public.
Testimony of the um.' disinterested character of he
wonderful effects on the animal economy is almost-did
ly presented to the proprietor.
A young man in the town of Wilson, whose clothes
were burnt off of him, Was restored (without 'auntie)
by the timely use of the Oil.
Numerous are the unsolicited atatemects of patient*
themselves, and others whit have used the Oil, 01
which in tbemsabies appear iernarksble; that „they at
all interested in s pecuniary point, they could hinny
haste been credited.
The following diseases are among many ritheri in the
cure of which this Oil has tern completely successful
taut jn which others had entirely failed
Sperms, Sweeney, Rin4hone, Wiodgalls, Pull Evil, Cal
lous. Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Lameness,
Fresh Wounds., Sprains, Bruises, Sand Croaks.
Foundered Feet, Scratches, or (hems Mange, Rhen
malign. Bites of Animals, External Poisons, Penile!
Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boile,-Corns, Whit
lows, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Chard bands,
Cramp, Contractions of the Muscles, Swellings,
Weakness el the Joints, Caked Breasts, dkc.
Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and be sere theorem
j of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT.
LOCKPORT, N. Y., I. bloWn in the side of the 'gril
-1 tle, or in his .hand writing ever the cork. Don't be
persuaded to_take any thing else with the .promise it is
just as goed, due., due. This is practised by these wt
principled dealers whose conscience will stretch like
India R. bber, and who are of a kindled spirit of those
in' our large Cities, whose nefarious practices have so re
cently been exposed to the action of Corwess.
Those who attempt to Counterfeit this article are re
reseed to the law of New York, of May 1845. by which
it will be seen that every person meddling in these
counterfeits is subject to indictment; imprisonment, sad
A person selling out of this state, will be table• ter:
rest whew iti the state, and also to he held u e wrimeas
against those he bought of or sal& for. .
All Onters addressed to the proprietor wEII*
ed to.
Get a pamphlet of the Agent end ese what wanders
are accomplished by the use (alibis medicine.
Sold by respectable &mime generilly in the. United
Swes and Canada.
For sale by .Clundterlin &Porter, Towanda, E. 1).
Wells. Lywrenceville. Edwin , DietvGiviolt) o ll. Abel
Tonsil, Montrose, Pomp
.& Kinsey. twat, Lewis
Smith & Co,; Allentown, 1 1 1. E. Duifin, South Enshisk
Oct, pith 1i t ne11,4,,
TjARDW ARE & CROCIIERX. —A sonJ eesseup
11. wet at the Central Bice. U.
rewind/4. Der. 4, 1848.
lIARDWARE, a good Oroorteurat; aki.wigeo
&ed. Nana Ice. No. B.K. 1.00,100.
RON. Iron--A pod nonselsont .r ode at
A. Use sty,,,
Tuniiinds, Sim. 7 i I S4B. '- •
ler Jr
11114 .
• L. 774
3 ai
m ez
.P 1 pm
t 72