11l !aWi impoptans : Cicalaerty) vta tonviindum !pink& 11 e 4114W . b,doin tg-reP4, - -Disecife.. ),'; ""' cam ASEnzie Of THIS IM ISM • tin n flovisoiati tilt 'NM, jr, c jiod s ucccvfat the iro, frffitt CHEMICAL. COMPOUND, -containing et 1. it does. Yellow Dock, Aro 'highly erneemed by the faculty—with other vegetable prodo7rions, is one of the most imminent discoveries of the age, and far • superior to all simple orarsaperlila preparstions in ose. Although leas than two years have elapsed since its discovery, it has already effected over 15,001) nine. The untivalled power disease which this Bytup produ ces may be attributed to the fart that it is compose! Firmly of vegetable extracts. each one having a direct reference to some internal organ; consequently the whole-system 4, be/wetted; and the fact drat, in its operation, it occitsions neither sickness nor pain, end can he taken tinder all circumstances without regard to business 'r diet, and by the aged and the infant with equal efficacy, is certainly a consisleratom in the history of Medicine. This Extract is put up in Quart Bottles. and is the most highly conrentiated Syrup in me. It is offered at the low price of one dollar per Bettie, the object of twing_to give the pa ient an oppertunil by the purchase of one battle, to test its valuable m dial properties and its power over disease. This compound Extract of Yellow Dock and Saree parilla is a positive, speedy. and permanent cure for Consumption, Scrofula or Kirre'e s sEvil, Eryeipeles, Salt litieuin, Pimples on the face, Rheumatism, Gout, Gen eral Debility, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints r tipinal Af fections, female Complaints, Ulcers, Syphila in its worst form, Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys, Bilious Colic and serous Lomeness, Biles, Costivepess, Colt - la, corrupt Humors, Asthma, Dram, enlargement of the Bones, Fever and Ague, Giddiness, Gravel, Headaches, pi every kind, Immrre blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite, Leprosy, Mercurial Diseases, Night• Sweets, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Neuralgia, Oreapic Affections, Palpitation of the Heart, Painter's Colic, Piles, nub of Blood to the Heed, Scurvy. Swellings, Sick Headache, Stiffness of the j slots, Exposure and Immudence of Life. ft extracts nervous disease, parities and enriches the lemly more effectually than red to the public. )m, en All wise Being has "nix as are congenial to our to the tone of MI curable mature is inch:rot. ell this weed of all those valuable lately been dieeovered and epeeifies in thousands of the best of medical skill. tpertor qualities. Many who t i n ar years with pain in the ii e, burning and pain in the chest, dyspepsia. general de li ty, loss of appet , 's, night sweats., wilt rhea , scrofula, in la, the diem ea that we in this dim to are heir J in the Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, all that is requisite to make them what they were in their days rif health 41c. We have had tviclye dozen bottles in three months, and find we are nearly. put. Please soul an equal amount, and 0 lige goers. . . HOYT & GREGORY. DVSPEPSI.% crtzEt), OP 30 Y'RS STANDING. ' ' ST. lelttvST I LLS, Montgomery Co. Jan. 3,'48 ff.' r. Bra a rrr--Dear Sir—Some four weeks since 1 wee induce.] to try your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla for Dyspepsia; bad been alllicted about 40 'ears, most part of the time unable to rat anything without suffer. ing intensely from ire effects. I have used now only one bottle of your invaluable medicine, and consider myself entirely cured solely bY its use. Can now cat a hearty meal, without the sbahtem inconmienert, Very truly yours. ANTHONY BEMKMAN, TUE GREATEST FEMALE MEDICINE NOW The mil.l, alterative properties of Dr. Guysott's ex r, tract of Yidlow Dock and l3arsaparilla..render it-pecu bat ly applicable to the slender and .delicate constitution of the female. It is unrivalled bits effects upon such diseases as Insipient, Consumption, Barrenness, Lou curator* nr Whits., Irregular Menstruation, Inconti nence of thine, slid general Prostration of the system. It immediately counteracts that distressing nervousness and lassitude so common to the fentale triune, and im parts on energy and buoyancy as surprising as they are grateful. We cannot, of cnurse,,exhibit certificates any ex tent in this doss of complaints, hut the two following extracts of letters recently received, indicate sufficient ly the great virtue of the medicine as a remedy for the discasas referral to. Mr. IS sr.-rr,—We take pleasure in Mating that your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla gives great antis facticm in eve-y case. We shall try and send you some certificates. A 'cry respectable gentleman informs na that his daughter was troubled• with difficult menstruation, and other diseases peculiar to her sex. Ske had not had her regular menstrual discharges fora long time ; but by the Tote of Dr. Coggin's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. was • rrdicaily cored. Had used Townsend's and others, without receiving the slightest benefit. He had one daughter die from the same cause. Please send us an'addrtional supply. Very respectfully yours, J. E. TRIPPE dr. CO. c.it EXTIZAOR A Rl' ) 'Mere are counterfeit medicines afloat; therefore the Taincler is particlilarly cauti.med not mallow himself to bu imposed upon. Beware how vou buy medicine put up in square quart bat lee. Be vrry sore and ask for Dr. Geryant"s Compound Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, bearing the written !eitmeture of 8. F. Bennett, on each outside wrapper, written with black ink .; and do !token any ace , aunt, be induced to buy any other t.rti. deAts n is this preparation only that is ;wrforming such marvelous and astonishing cures. Take no mans word; es twrams.baving the emtnte.ifeit medicine and not genuine, are of course desirous of making their profits—consequently you are baffle to buy worthless trash, unless you examine for - yourselves. Reur`mlhn, Dr.. GITYSOTTS VELA .OW WV; , Fnstensel at S. V: Bet Oa IsArrahary,-Isinle FaHa, coontu, W. Y.. and s.dtt at wholesale in ri York City by J. E. Trippe, Lt iMaiden Line: also by Tivel • Doodle, Elmira, Bingnausten. I. E. Finney. & Son. f'ung'i 'and' hY the principal. druggists and merrhirita throughout the 1, Stated; West Indies and Canada. • •.• 'N.ne genuine unless put up - in lergeliiinare bottles cramming a quell. with the mime of the syrup Wolin in the glass, with the written •ignsture of B*3llTerriin each - nob:lde ternlper. *kg WiinletAle snit tr 7 C. tl:in7Rllle Athens, JJiI ID. FtiltD, Tuistida. Ins • ; ,- Y .L~_'p 6 SARSAPARIU , A PIIYSICTANS ;e. the undersigned Pbysi- York, have in a very great wtor Guysott's Extract of Ills, and are fully enured the varied Syrups and tsar• have over liqn sold 4 Oct*. ; F. R. Thomaa, M. D. ; rows E. Morgan, M. D.; S. M. Johnson, M. D. rESTIMON Y. nf the superinrity of Dr. eil DOCk anti Sarsaparil - ILIA letters rereired. RA DEBILITY, &c. Pram' Co., Nov. 4, 1847. , to express with words what your Compound Extract of ulna; all who have had the of it. marvellous effecis in much keltng and heartfelt lent now that no medicine KNOWN NEWAna. Jan. 25th, 184 S Collskteoriltaith, Jay.ellithe Itra*, admiral*, din it • • Dr. C. C. 'sighs's Trots* LObsstbrildt'llinsrr., Ilia celebrated renteay'ei es4ultainiiiteereailig it.' tame by the mane h gnat ALL curse ak ALL OVER THE WOR ' • it his pow beeornible . 6af,y medicine for flung, ute and is particularly recommended for DKOpsY: all stages of thi. complaint immediately relieved, no matter of how long standing. See pamphlet fur kali savoy. (;RAVE(.. and all diseases of the urinary organs; for these ilia towing complaint. it stands erkne; no °thee mini* can relieve you ; and the cures testified to will convince the most almitical;—see pomp yid. Liver Complaint, Bil from, diseases, FEVER - AND AGUE. To the prat west especially, and wherever these complaito pimal rhir medicine is offered. NO MINERAL AMENT. no delttirion* morrowd is apatl of this *dears, it cures these dimeeses with certainty and celerity, and does not leave the system torpid. flee pamphlet. PILES. a rmnldaint of a most painful cheracter it IMMEDI ATELY RELIEVED. and a core follows by a f days use of this article : tt is far bepre any other pre paration for this disease, or for any other disease orig inating from impure blood—Seeyamphlet. DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM. weak bock,-weakness of the Vidierys, dr.e... or intima tion of mime is immediately relieved by a fcw days use of this medicine. and a cure&large a result of its use. It stands as • - CERTAIN ' EMEDY. for sue% complaints, and also fur derangementsof the fe aisle frame. IRREGULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS, painful menstruation. No article has ever been of fared except this which . tronhi cure this deranginests. It may be relied upon as a sure amt ef f ective remedy and did we feel permitted to do Id give. A THOUSAND NA Et'. is proof of cum in this did "rig eta of complaints, See pamphlet. All brokenido ,n. debilitatedconatitu tionfrimi the effect of nierray, .4 find ibetirseing pow er this article to art imthediately, nd the poisonous mineral eradicated from the system. ERUPTIVE SER. the alternative properties of his artiels. PURI FY THE-BLOOD, and such di - from the sys tem. See pamphlet for testimony o urea in all dis eases, which the limits of an advenis. will not pea -1 m.t to be named, here Agents give the away ; they contain 42 pages of certificates of high erecter, and a stronger array of proof of the virtues a medicine, ne ver appeared. oneri th ecidiar features of• this article that i never faits to _benefit in any case, and if bone and muscle are left to build upon let the emaciated and lingering invalid hope on, and keep ta king the medicine as long as there is an improvement. The proprietor would caution the pnhlic against a num ber of articles which come out under_the head of Saris perinea, Syrups. die-, as cures fur Dmirry, grairelNke.:— they are good for nothing, and connected to gull the unwary ; touch them not. Their inventors never thought °fearing such diseases till this article had .done it. A partielar study of the pamphlet is solicited. Agents and all who se. I the article are glad to circu late gratutiously. Put up in 30 ov., bottles, at $2 ; 12 oz. do at $1 each—the larger holding 6 cm more than two small, bottles. Look out and not gel imposed upon. Every bottle he. "Viingn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Ilisture," blown upo n the glass. the written signature of C. Vaughn 'on the directions and oes. C. Vaugb in, Buffalo," stamped on the cork. None other are ge nuine. ?minted by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Principal Cffice, 209 Main Warm, Buffalo, at whole. • sale and retail. No attentinn given to letters unless post-paid--orders horn regularly amstituted Agents ex cepted : post paid loiter', or. verbal communications so liciting advice, promptly atteneed to, g.-aria. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this article -122 Nassau at., New York city : 225 Essex' at., Salem Mass. ; and by the principal Druggist throoughout the United States asof Caned., as Agents. STORRS & CO., Vl'bolesale Agente,Philadelphia. J .B. FORD. Towanda.. IT. D. Spring._Laceyville. C. Ff. Herrick, Athens. I A.Durttarn, Trnikhann'k. 0.8. Maher, Wystasing.E. Dyer, Covington. C. .Redin g ton, Troy. I April it. 111411.,•-•-, TERMS OF THE BINGHAMTON BOARDING SCHOOL 1 - 4 , 0 n hoard end toitionMeluding Orthography, Rear:- Writing, Arithmetic, Algebra, Book-Keeping, English Grammar, Rhetoric; Coniporitirto, Geography, Use of the Globes, Mineralogy, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. (with the use of a good apparatus to illus trate those studies,) Morel Philosophy and Chemistry, payable quarterly ha advatice„ per annum, $lOO 00 Day seliohars; per gustier, 4 00 CILIROILS. French, per quarter, Latin, Spanish, Music, (on the piano,) per quarter, Embroidery and rug work, " Any pring lady receiving instruction on the piano, is prir . ileged to learn rug-work, nr any ono.of the ahoy. languages, at the same time, without additional charge. To a young lady who studies the Engtis branches, the -terms of learning each of the above branclie,, are per quarter,- $3 00 Instruction on the Guitar, 4 00 Use of Pianos, 76 Desiring and painting in water colors, including the use of materials, such as drawing paper, paints, pencils, &c. Oil painting on canvas., " Painting tramparent window shades, including the supply of materials, each 4 00 Formula painting on paper, silk' and velvet, per twelve lessens. 5 00 Gilding on silk, crape, &c. do. 3 00 Waz flowers, per quarter, 6 00 Pens and ink, " 50 Washing, " 2 M t Boanl in vacation, $2 00 per week. v 5,,,, Letters, post-paid. address's.] to the Misses lik II & GRIFFIN, Binghamton, Broome cu., N. .., I V receive prompt attention. ll The next ses.ion of this establishment opens on the fire* Monday in September. Binghamton, August 9, 1848. No. 1., Brick Row, again in the Field ! • Iff" .1. Chanctribly .. Jailp Li A 8 j rimmed from the city 40.:- 1.1 of N w York with a large 441) . , ik 'ripply of Watches, Jewelry and ( • , 4 7_ Silver ware, comprising in part, )( the following articles t—Lever, •- • • ':`• L'Epine and Plain Watches, with ‘',1)16. . - 4 -- , i -- a complete assortment of,,Gola Jewelry, each as Ear Rings. Pil ger Rings, Breast Pine, Bracelets. Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Aitio, all sorts of Silverware, and any quantit7ertllll ads—all of which be o for wile execeedingly'cheap for CASK. %Vetches repaired on short notice, and re- •• tett to run well, or the money will he refits nd a writ- ten agreement given to that effect if • • shod. N. Bo—MAPLE SUGAR, •,• Country PfOthlee taken in payment for work • , d alai. karts onto, and forwer,lllo the P . , . must be paid taxes ike work is ritmt—l war " . credit in all its forme. , W. A. CRAMISPILIN; Agent.' TOWS.. 4, April 28, 4st4g. - zgzualtz.vr a catruaelmo • N. NEWTON, M. D. TENDERS his professional terTicee' to the , eitizens iI of MoaraTton and Tidnity. ills room aro at the liceorroeten Exchunie Sri. P. flinith. • • lte Pi:lice-row, Towanda; and Dr. DUIVI Se-my. Almost tr.r, 1848. ilaatl~ia ~'ucrt~cißtttts. ----, —A ICT ' ) - 1 1 .... —. ; : --- 1 li P. DE rk' ii 4 4-1,1 : rest, ;mil -be* baud to cure if' anuses of the skin and sol _ t _... 1 „ oath. is R. KINKELIN. N. W. arm ' ).• 'A, 11140 D . 0 , um, bet Pip% , -, . . res the Zs j than 124(406: - :- "•' i' . 1 ANN, PARTfCITLAR OTICE. • Viii.plio **injured themael by • Musa" pnc liNi ice: l'reptly4m6lletiiii . f ueritiy'Aerned ruinVM eisiOnions or at scheig4flits !which are. WV felt, even when mind, ana" , botyi•shoahl- apply isatne. ::.,:111r and ampiatkithhiffildßufiwasit . iately seer* iod"re vigor mime& ,:,,,Al.ll4“sipsitisid, .....:-- ~....7., , •., -' .. *YOUNG' K E N . I - - . . If yon value your' Welii"Yoor healt - h, ruaiUliir, the deltintn moolfunay. even s week, may prase yen deter you froosmakinglitiewityor, eamm ontr who, trim eduestien eht)reopattelobity. ikme imfrimulyos. He bco piratic eider Dle trem. arm, may religiously 'confide io his honor am aApintkr man. and in *whose bosom will be forever .oeked the se cret °fibs palest. • Tuo many think they will hog the secret to their own bPIIIOO, and cure thennelves. Alas) bow often w this a fatal delo-ion, and bow -many a promising young men. who might have been an ornament to society, her faded from the earth. COUNTRY INVALIDS, finding it inconvenient to make personal apprwation, csn, by stating their amse explicitly. together with all their symptoms. (per letter. postpaid.) have films:Med to them a chest containing Dr. K's media:nor approprim tad accordingly. Packages of Medicines forwarded to any part of tbe 1.1.8. et • moment's notice. [y29 (0 -Pore rein tarrsas, addressed to DR. RINKE- Philadelphia, will be promptly attended ba. PIM mlyertiremomt in the Mpint of the Times. nil*. PHILADELPHIA TY PE FOUNDRY. No. 8, Pear street, near the Erchauge, Philadelphia. '['HE Subscriber having made . great improvements I in his method of casting type sad miring of me tals, and had a thorough revision of his matrices, the faces of which are not excelled, in beauty and regu larly of cut by any in the country ; flatte-s hirowlftbat by a strict personal attention to buiinesa, aro! employ ing none but the most skilful workmen, be is enabled to otr a superor *dick, T A GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. He constadfly adding to his stock all that is new `l\ rts from the best workmen of this and other countries, and having fairly procured from Europe • great variety of NEW FACES and ORN A M ENTS, solicits the atten tion of Printers thereto. Specimens will be sent to those wishing to order Presses, Chases, Cases. Ink, Moods. (Jolley., BMA Rule, and every odic, ortic'e needed to 'furnish a com plete Printing thrice, supplied at the shortest notice. GERMAN BOOK AND JOB TYPE, of the nearest style, and of all sizes, carefully put up in founts of correct proportions. 1355m6 RUM' k.11231.41/3ealaitlTUZ 8 WITH THE L. D. FIRM. rrOMIKINS & MA KINSON would inform those 1_ interested, that we have concluded to close up the besiness of the firm. We find our Capital is not in our hands, but dititributed over Bradford and Tinge coun ties, and we have employed an Agent to call upon our eu.tomers. so RI to give them an orportuntty to take up their notes ; or either of the old firm will receive me neys and give a receipt to apply. We hope and true we shall not be obliged to place a large number of our customer's Motes in the bands of magistrates. Nect-s -sity, however, compels us to make collections. Three of our customers in and about Towanda, that have ;in settled matters en book, will be good enough to call sad have them closed up. The business hereafter will be continued under the firm of JAS. MAKI/VS . ON tfc Co. Towanda. June 22, ISIS. NEW ESTABLISHMEN,T tvik *AM 6,11 * 404 ::"L=l3 • • - • __ E] Irials, and workmsnsbip that cannot Le au rpassed, in addition to the usual assortment in country shops, we,will keep on band and make to order SOFAS, of various and moat approved patterns; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior style, and fur ease.apil tistrabilitysrannot he surpassed even in tier raile halt* halt ilreach Mis• hogany Chair,. beautifully upholsteted, with curled hair, which react loses its elasticity, and finished with the best hate sealkng. We latter ourselves that ,having bad much experience in the Nosiness, are shall be able to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both ,as to guility and price, and by strict 'attention to Weibel* hope to mesh and receive the p a tronage of a liberal cost mouthy. 1.. M. NYE & CO. Towanda, September 1, 1847. CalilefrET - - MAY HE HAD at our shop much lower than it has ever been sokl in Towanda. - Goods are cheap, and wheat am lowered, and that is the mango can afford all for to do it. All kind, of produce will be received in payrwent. Also, LUMBER of all kinds: Sept. t. M. NYE 21 CO. $4 00 4 00 4 00 10 00 2 00 411,1 1 r 711111E4" iw TirtlLL be kept on band a large mnautment, and made to order on shorter notice and for tees mo ney than can be produced at any other establishment in the land. Those who are under the necessity of pro curing that article will and shall be satisfincl. A good hearse and pall may be bad in attendance when desired. September 1, 1847 L. M. NYE & CO. BOOTS AND SHOES. What are ion about here aryl ye: Yrs, I guess se: THOU SAN D 8 of times the question has been asked, Where an earth are all the Home cud Shoes ma nufactured thanampply the continual rush at the corner of Main and,Bridge streets I' O'Hara answers that ibis is the place, and these are the things we du it with ! 4 00 10 00 • Seventy-devennewfoshions every two seeondal -;'• Put on the Steam:l Hear ye ! bear ye ! and understand. that O'Hara, at the corner of Main and Bridge streets, will sell at retail this season. 39,781 pairs of Boots, Shoes and Brogans, at a fess pike than ever was or probably ever will be of fered again in Towanda. The Ladies' Department in this establishment is richly furnished with fashions. Ladies', misurs' and children's fancy and common hoots and shoes, e•en ter the - mil 7f CM Haring been emplayed in the most fashionable estab lishments in Philadelphia and elsewhere. and being de termined to spore no pains to: please, customers may depend open having their work done promptly and in ,a.geoditty le as can be heel at any shop in town. All week warranted- well mole and to. Gt. al Cutting doors clump. and warranted. r.q Country Produce taken in payment iv work. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. A"Thirett - pd to the meta of FREDERICK BRADLEY. dee'LL, We of Litehfiekl, ire hereby orqueded to mike missal twirboist ddq , it& mte hillier claims sambas said estate well Pleas present them duly notbeniiested for setrieenent. ANDRCW 81LA01.2 Y, , SA kffJEL ri ursoN, S Eletl i t "'; Litchfield, um 1; MP. ALEXANDER ROBB ISEI L. M. BYE & CO., would re. spectlly Want the damns or Tow anda and lbw public eenandly, that they have on hand & maonractotc Ito order all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, of the beat mate- ..d• removed of It I a- ITT; 'ref' -kr ji • ow !firmly; Ir a g e bou r ui rforol • mr4l upon- sAeg 11. -•". 4 , iilli#10410.4101:0 1 r. 441 11 ; 1 1001 0 :- esplasiiii greisiossao curs fur ate is gisralassod. " i• . • • ent.toil' Mat. netitifne e elide elfeelkilile ell 4 o! lateiarty alleri'therela t elfebdisi; Fisk; larding ir nWeillteditiiitot that sense. liens tri the niaisi:eiciiiilatibg niftlidatt='-ilitlis - vie ""1511116,:iterit Sow of Mood to the pmts. Bonsa• times the inner coat Alf the bowel, protrudes at evely., emenatirn„ Sartain* what it calkal Prolapeirioi filling of the bowels ship is the effect,/ long contiumed iryi latioo ad meekneke of that - orp& - In tante nuessees tini patient experiences nervous pains, erhAt lie hudis cribibi", mid knows sly to the setretei, which tab. metseel unmediittely after en evacuation, and continue from thirty Minutes to sevrial hours ; these sensations ; are very annoying and sometimes very &Strewing.— This disease, when of long continuance, is attended by pain and weakness kr Me bad, irrifatfon 'of the kid neys and' bladder, and other organs in the vicinity, pain and numbness in the legs and feet I refuse of straight ness about the civet, and unnatural Miners of the als• dominol viscera, accompanied with palpitation of the heart lend oppression, Individuals sometimes es-perigee., previous to an attack of the Piles, symptom denoting great derangement in the circulation • there is a sense of weigtivend pressure in the aWome n. with a peculiar kitting of uneasiness in the bowels, constipation of pe rinwhin, attended with pain in the beck and loins, min ./ea, and alight pains in the stomach, pale countenance, confused eeneations in the head, weariness, end Inks tee and discontented slate of the mind, and ti sense of fullness and oppression in the region of the eteeteeh.— The circulation on the surface is feeble, and the current of bkod determined inward and downwards. rue au t. Of TUC 111111LASTA •3111 D CeIIirLAINTIL Dr. Upham's Tegttable Ilectiary. Curer Effectually and therefore prevents READ THE TESTIMONY. lirnsoar.' December 11. 1846. Grtiers.-1 hate used Dr. Uphaties Vegetable Pile Electron , which I purchased of you. and find it one of the best medicines in use for the piles, and a Isa for all bit:ears aliecrions. arising from an impure state of the srstero. Yours, &c. E. A. Cour, Marble Dealer. UNITILD BTATU M• 111111401 Orrice, New York. Dee. G. 1847. Mesas WrATT & KSTClANl—Gentlemen :—Un derstanding that you are the general agents for the "sale of Dr Upham's Vegetable Eialuary, for the cure of Piles4l have deemed it my'auty to volunteer a recom mendation in behalf of that invaluable medicine. have been ended for many years with piles, and have trial various remedies but with no beneficial effects--I began to consider my case utterly hopeless, But about OM first of September last, I was prevailed opon by a friend to make a trial of the above named medicine, I took ha advice and rojoice that I am not only. relieved, but. as I believe, perfectly cured. I most earnestly recommend it to all who may - have the miafoitune to be afflicted with that annoying and dangerous disease. Very respectfully, your ob't servant. ELY MOORE. REMARKABI.E CURE OF PILES!! THIRTY YEARS lIITANDING II Metr.lrr WA■nrsnroo, Detiothire Co. (Man.) Nov. 29,1947. Mr.saas. W WATT & Krrcaax—(reels: For thirty years I have been afflicted with piles, general debility and inflammable, causing tumors and prolapsus of the hoirele„and which bad resisted all the medical treat ment Dr. Chapman and others could give. The last three years of that lime my stewing, defy description. I was confined to he unable to help myself, and at last given op by my p,hisicimis and friends in despair of ev er its' " g my health ; in fact f.s three days before t was entirely spereldes4 and my burial clothes were made. But under Providence, and the use of Dr. Up ham's Electuary, though an OLD nsa I have the pleas oreofstating the rat? to the public that my health is now goo". and hope to live many years, if it Is God's will, to make known the virtues of Dr. Upham's Elect uary, and to recommend it to my afflicted fellow crea tures. It helped me beyond the expectations of all that knew my ewe, and I only say to others that it is, in mj opinion, the best medicine in the world for Piles, or any other disease of the bowels; and if they will not it ac. cording to the directions, I will myself warrant • cure in every case. Touts, With the utmostpreeei of thankfulinese. CORK ELIUB SPUR. Eastewerrr. Bert. Co., (Maw) Nov. 19, 1847. The aberseeettibeate tells e Wan* sad truthful sto ry of suffering awl relief. of which. as physician iRW witness in the case, I cheerfully enclave. 'NOTIOr..,—.The genuine Uphatres Eleetuary ,has his wriuen aigatnre, thocoa. A. Upham; M. P.)— Tbe band is alone done with a pen. Price $l a box. a:y Bold whole Jolla and retail. by WYATT & KETCHAM, 121, Pollan at., N. Y., and by Druggists generally ituoughout the U. 8. and Canadaa. JOHN 8. FORD. Agent for Towanda, Pa. 45y LOOK OUT FOR PAIN KILLER! Spurions.arlicles afloat MR. J. ANDREWS, in justice to 'your valuable PAIN KILLER, and for the benefit of the pub. lie, we hereby certify that we have used yonr Pain Kil ler in our Families for years, for many of the diseases for which it is recommended, and we deem it the best Family Restorative in use, and would recommend every family to keep a supply on hand, in case of sudden ill ness or accident. Rev. Aaron Jackson, pastor first Baptist church, Ithaca. " William Connie, Peach Ore..hard, Tompkins Co. Rachel Willson, James Clark, Ann Dudley, Philip Case, W Hastings, • Ann Teter, A Baker,A Bow, John Do Bowe, little, . M Collins, John B Owens, lthaca, N. Y 1848. Never purchase the Pain Killer without the written signature of J. Acsirewe, on the label of each bottle, in black ink. Sold -by CHAMBERI.IN & PORTER, and JOHN B. FORD, only agents for Towanda: For further particulars see advertisement in another column. 47-1 y PAIN KILLER. Death to Pain ; re/4f to the sick ; kenkk to the weak ! A halm iar jmnut for the whole human rare, - in ANDREW'S PAIN KILLER. ► pHIS is an entirely Vegetable Compound, composed of twenty-five different ingredients.and is an inter nal and external remedy, Put up in bottles, varying in price from 25 to 75 cents, each. For further particu lars, see pimphlets, to be had of every agent gratis, con taining a brief history of the origin and dbraWery attic 'sin Killer, certificates of cures, directions, dr.c. Cat-rms.—Each bottle has the written signature o the proprietor, J. A Noitswa, on the label, and without it none are genuine. Beware of hawkers and pedlars stiliog from house to house, representing it to be the genuine Pain Killer. Mold only by the le/lowing regular appointed agent inrlds meaty: • John B. Pod, Towanda-1 George A. Perkin., Athena, Chamberlin & Porter. da. J. J. Warren', Monroeton Er& F . L Ballard, Troy,l C. E. Rathhnne, Canton. SW&EIF Pomeroy. do. Coryell 4c Gre, Burlington. lEM M:Bull,;ek Sr Co., m ith fief() Bold in an the priacipoil towns in the United States, Canada and Texas. Wholesale agents in the city of ATIMN York and Haydork. Coolies & Co.. U 8 Pearbw. ; Wyatt & Ketchum. 121 Fulton-Iw. Orders Warmed to. the 'proprietor. or G. W. Schuyler, post paid, will meet with menet attention._ . 2 4 , 14 - 0 NEW BUGGIES FOR SALE •VOR SALE. two new BUGGIES, in complete order 11 foe 'ruining. They are finished in a =parlor min ner, made of geed and substantial materials. and will be sold at a great bargain. kw Caen only. They,may. T be seen at Essowinee shop, in the lower part of the two'. May :4,.184g. J. A. •EsENWIVE'. _ T EGHORIe BON NETS ere Iran—if any doubts it. 1-i let them step into FOX'S, and test the feet ; a good assortment of Florence hrsid..alao, new and fashionable engem& dowers and lease, nt No. 2 Brielt Row wirti . tIIE W AGik!' for sale 11;rd. -&-4 store. • jyta D. LORD. 1 " ,7 41i. 14Wirrgaleaf VLessizottArdieVl.4 l .o o Pit 0.1...06, il i t i aasbeenbellogilki lash gigtoPort 4'. paimpoilisAer.L,l7or4ol4lo4a 9l ** ll, illigkirjejo,RisciSlßP=MOßFlF,ooo 4 o4l jjer,iiig4sotak ingstrodliOrebelkii*OP.blikairtlilltilliParPoo Ast-Abicaos24l4Artscpulchrel ;cough. piersio n yim !:•. 4 _ j ., .4 roseappantsimbea jut*: about. ;•-enierSkAirgilse ! Bbed• • hetn?erethioirbSiiktATer , ibr•fair •egoreesig- 0 111 14 6 1,01 ".-PSA ,11 sev*Tegthlind. femblirlisabs,:iell : your loos of lope, kt.yousetAisttdßOP•ii•-^- 11 • 14 .i'" atelluriviitlifimiltburil the "•mended. Amp,- it Ur- ERM AN'S MArtH EA LllNtiliAlar3A Mee. Attree, the wife of Wm. H. Attree, Esq. was giv en bp by Dr.-krestiartirWashisigtonglig. Roe and Me ' Pii.imP 4 OPYttitiP lAKI/es- Relit and ;111n4.trif New Yoh. Hey friends all thought she must die: . She • had every . appeariace'of being in consumption, and war se pronounced Iri)her phy : . eschunt- 7 -Sliennageolhawn *as van aaa it cured her. .. • • Mrs. Garrabrants, of BUM! Perry was also . cured of "consumption Balsam whin 'all - other remedies failed to give nrlief--ohe was/educed toe skeleton. Dr. Castle. Dentist,ll9l Broademf f has witnessed, its streets in several - cases where no fitheimedicinetaffirr ded relief—but the Holism operated likeaebarro. Dr. C. also witnessed its wonderful effects in curing Asth ma, whickil never fails of doing, . ttpitting alarming alit may be, is effectually mired by this 1381- sato. It heals the ruptured or.wounded blood eessels, and makes the rungs sound- again. Rev. Henry Jones, 108 Eighth avenue, was cooed of cough and catarrhal affections of 50 yeanntinding. The first dote gave him more relief than all the other 113eirl• eine be had ever taken, Dr. Beals, 19 Delaney street, gave it to a sister-in-law who was laboring under consumption. and to another sorely Billeted with the asthma. In brith cases its effects were inimediste,soon reaming them to comfortable health. bire.Lueretie Walla, 95 Christie st., 'dieted from Asthma 42 years: Sherman's Balsam. relieved her et once, tod she is:comparatively • well, being enabled to subdue every ittack by a timely use of this medicine. This indeed is the timely remedy Go CoughA, Gala, Spitting blood, Liver complaints and all affections of the - throat, and even Asthma and Consumption. Price. 25 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold in Towanda, by CHAMBERLIN & PORTER. No. t. Brirlirofr. rrt OUBEI .UNIV ERSA L OINTMENT: A coin .l plate remedy for Burns, Scalds, Cute, Swellings,l Braises, Sprains, Salt Rheum, Files,. Fever Sarni, Sor Lips, Chapped Mands, Chillblains, Scald Head, and al kinds of Inflamed sous. ' Persons- in all conditi-ins of life, are at times liable I. he afflicted with. the shove; complaints. It is therefu the duty of beads %If families to provide and keep o hand..reody for any emergency, a REMEDY that • capable of removing the suffering attendant on th very troublesome companions. Those who haws use TOUSE v.'s UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, need not be told that it is a compleseveinedy,s maste of pain. and the most speedy remover of anflonsinal • ever discovered. The experience of such perions is s ricisnt to prompt them to keepit always on.band, know ing that many valuable lives have been saved, by thi illogical Converse of inflamed and other sorer, burn &c, it instantly slops all pain of the I sew kind, and prevents sears. No family shouli be withou it, as an immediate application of it in cases of burns o scalds, would do more good while wailing for the dod than he could do when arrived, besides preventing lon hours of the utmost suffering which might pass before physician could_ be obtained. It possesses control over the severest injuries by fire, over mortification, over inflammation, and by its coni bined virtues it • act" as anti-septic. nervinc,.ani-spers• male, anodyne, emollient arid healing, and is the morit complete extetcal remedy in use. • Thousands have fried, and thousands praise it. his working its way into public faior with a rapidity tui known in the history of medicines. All who.use it, rk commend if. Again we say. no family should be ;Pith out it. The agents furnish the public gratis, with bookie describing this ointment. Each bex, of the genuine TurvEr'r trvivr.usalt. Orxrairwr has the signature of S. Tonsey_teriffen the outside label in black ink. Never purchase n bcix unless this ,signature can be seen. Price 25 cert« per box or five bores for $l. Prepared by E LLi Ora- Tor.- sty, syracnse, N. Y. Bold in New York nit Its Nas sau street. and in Towanda, by CHAMBELLtN & PORTER, No. I, Brick Row. fts I -- - —_________ _ •_. _ Clltlknees Vegetable Purgative pins, ARE the first and only m - edicine OVPP discovered that wilt positirely eure Headache, Giddiness, Piles. Dyspepsia, Scurvy. Smallpox, Jaundice, Pains in the Beck. Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Ri sing in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of all tint Female Complaints, Measles, Salt Rheum, Heart Bo Worms. Cholera, Mottles, Coughs, tjeinsy, Whoopi g cough. Consumption, Fits, Liver Complain; Erysipe s, Deafness, itching' of the Skin, COlda, Netvcio,re plaints, end a variety . of. other Diseases arising from i purifir a of Indigestirie. It has been proved thin nearly every disease to which the human frame is subject, originates from impurities of the Blood or Derangements of the Digestive Organ', and to securetiealth, we must temove those obstructits or restore the blood to its natural state. This -fact ,is universally known , but people have such an aversr to medicine, that, unless the case is urgent, they pre r the disease to the cure, until' an impaired Constitution or a fit ofsickness rebukes them for the folly of theirn duct. Still they "had some excuse. for heretofore, m - ieine in almost all. its firma , was nearly as .disguati g l i as it was beneficial. Now, however, the evil is most f• frctually removed; for Clickener's Vegetable Purgie P illA, being completely enveloped with A COATI so: or Pt RA WHITE s(' li AII (which is distinct from the kernel) have no taste of medicine, but are as easily swallowed as hits of candy. kteeover they do not -nauseate -or gripe in the slightest degree, which is occasioned by he fact that are comportruled on scientific principles, Oti operate equally on all the diseased parts of the sym, instead of confining themselves to, and racking any ar ticular region,,(which is the great and admitted eel of every other purgative.) Hence , they strike at the 1 of Disease, remove all impure humors from the bl ' , open the pore. externally and internally, promote he Insensible Perspiration, obviate flatulency, Heads he, &c.—separate all foreign and obnoxious moicles I m ehyle,ao that the blood, of which it is the , r:gita. 81 i f be thoroughly pure—secure a free and healthy actin to the Heart, Lulus and Liver, and. thereby restore h lth eren when all other means hate failed. . Z" -- A.l - letters of inquiry or for advice must be ',- dressed (post paid) to Dr. C. v.o.IGICENER; N .66 Vesey-st., New York,'or his authorized agents throlgh out the country. For sale in Towanda, by CHAMBERLIN & PORTER, No. I, Brick R ow N, R. Remember, Dr. C.V. Cliekener is the inve tot of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of the sort we ever heard of. until be introduced them in P3unr,184 3 Purchasers should therefore ask for rucheuer's Sug a r Coated Pills, and lake no other, or they will be rr ad , the victims of is fraud, DR. CHARM AN Corning, Elinira t and Buffalo Li .z7l A BOAT OF THIS LINE will leave CORN I IN , & ELMIRA far BUFFALO, every week tin the sessian, in the following mar : Leave Coming, Tuesdays, at 10 o'elock, A. IV Leave•Elmins, Wednesdays. at 2 o'clock, P. M Leave Havanna... ...... Theraditys. iP 11 Tow bown•Seneca Lake nn Friday,touching ak Di Stream, Starkey, Loili,_Dreadea. passing Geneva. Wt terloo and Seneca Falls, on lir tunlay. • Lertee Buffalo for Elmira and Corning, every Saturday • Mairniur.' ] Leatiii Roehester . ..'yerj, Monday meeting. BOAT coroic:sip, - Cayr. A. M. 1 4 -A.T mist. BOAT ELltilitA ,. ~.....Carr. H. J. 34r4) BOAT BUFFALO, • ...C•l7l`, E CA LT,I For Freight or Passage_ apply to the Captains twin!. ono the following Agents: W. M. Mallory, Corning. ( Price & Holly, Genera; S. - 11. Strang & Co. Efmirs4Hastings & Field , Jo. J.Wintermnit, Horse Headsl.l. Millee,,Seneca E. R. liinmAn, Havanna. I. 1.. Boated°, 'Montezuma. I..C.Tuarnitentl, Big Stream H. L. Piab,"llloettester. Woodworth *Punt, Lodi.. Niles & Wheeler, Br ffal Gay & Sweet,.Watetioo. ,April 12, 1848. rSGRAMS.—Wo have a large quantity of ant G tarenui,tery• handsome and desirable ; French at linen gingiains,•of excellent quality. inayl2 .. • KINGSBEBY A. 140. : „ int E=l -amllittbridifP 101:4 C.S...qS I IMICTIHR IS &RS APA It LIVA. BM ICEMIRIII IllsisisC 1111 iollii°o o lll , 04 4 616 14,0" "A r id( , . , . kit rittettlirloor iv al raorki larkteor it hp sk Ike* ,oheryokirkeerorhor. _Pod .roorrookri. 'warier . ' . spy MAL It =PP iNiamd l i onal i wg, pargiv, sidewise' liFiliairr The wool gooey nod Insporioriorml OW Siftriillki ralf NU other roohohoes ie. Una, wh il e, k fokhode. t h. &ware, it invixotgites the half, h k ONO of the very tho ISPR' 1 , 16 AND SUSINIMIL giebtervr.o; ever karma fit ant ooly paeans the whole 17 4 .111 ybil retkaothoos , ilk prism Inn ei Amok low, rare and ...111 Weal; a pa ar pooseeral liy , sio other ineiliciee. And k this lies rll , nm of creed sestet it. ansalarfill sneerai is 0. has IMAM. alibis the lest two yews am* Maw weep VIM Of apse le raw of , siiseesst ; at Nowt 15.1111 enn coosideresl tecarable. It has saved the lives of wen Om. ROW chaired the past two oeseorsa it the Cky if New Toritallooi. ' 1(0,01100 formates of iilestaral Debility sod tram of Alorvirout iliimersy.. lit. Tao armors Sarsaparilla levirrste. the Worts/ system, petition:sooty. Yi. those *ha lava Mier their arorreobo moo. a by the streets et orrhehre or toiltsenstion eanaaestlismi es youth se the exceseive indighteren et the paswisses, awl loraeght do by ph 'rideal prostration et the servor system, hessitede, Mind at andrithro, -lishalar itenee yriersethim rilstory Not decline hestenies , pawls that WM i ll, / Cinssensption, Mn he entirely restored, by tbio p 1.... lilt remedy. Thu. lierstsperilite is to emporia, to soy _ disirigoratiaa Cordial. Art it mato. soil isIVIW•14011 the woos, sirs Ratko, ok the tingles, awl strength to the lIIIIINCIIIIII 6 1.1.4 I. 6 most extraordinary degree. , , gve• VUi// • Voiassearsiess•Cors.ll. • , artimaarinall iirsisetiesa Ciaianariais ram be arm, Rrn. Caloomptiew, List, Cmilpiatirt, Odds. Catarrh., C.Vka, dotlima Spitting Rte.A. Cu., Necitie F7its4, !Keil !tams.", Allah w PreiAse parkiraiiiiii, Pais iv La Side, 4.. hams Maw aid cal k snarl. I 1110telog 1111•441. Pen ring, April*. tett no. 'l•ot►peoßU:...l' Verity believe :your firannuasslis ►as been the ~sot through Providence. of saline w y M. .1 have for -ventral years hes/ s hod I:neck slaws worse nod- worse. Al Jest I raised linen unast►. ties of anal. hod niittsieweete, sod sir Wooly dehiins. SW sot . mimed, and did eel aspect testis*. 1 love oily used Joni Sersountrilla • abort tint., and there hes a eve. derrid change been ornsibt lest son f sae sow ads t o . i lk •ll near the idly. I raise on Mood and soy enmesh., left tort. Poi a. lima hoagies that 1 so shush/id u w tiros eseolts. Tow elsolistot serennt, RUStiEIAi. 66 Cothsrise sit • - - x 46' - Stbmwmmusibmi4 This only one of more than (mar tbreisend ease. ofßkee. Statism that Dr. Torrirseiid's Sarsaparilla bas rore.l Tu. meet severe and chronic eases are weekly eradicated by no . ezttrinrd i nary virtue*, F.-q„ ono of Ett. in tn. Luna tic IlLyeliareirs Islam!, is dorgentleman pram, 4 iu 1.4 Telloninit letter. ftliiiehteelf • leliot. Slept. 14. 14f7. Dr VONVintrel—Mlwr Sir: 1 here .seffree.l terrihly G i y mice years with the 11.1aiiiinotient : emeoileraltle of the time 1 eroulil not eat, *lre), or nolk. 1 Im4 the moo pato* tool my tobrrii.ly owollort. I Ipr. Four bottle,. of vow- 1311h1 they here dire. or. th in att ttttt wool dollars Worth ofroivii. (.nn...tow'h Letter—. I sun el tt Itt ed. •Tou arb ot blood, to mw to. for. the leettlifit of the Y 0,... roe.pert folly. .1 %MKS ci:11et11:4 Fever Red Agee. Dr Twwn4entl'a Saraitrari la, ray^. nr t.. Chill. and Fever and Avw, (wllowlue lett.t a. 11041. 041 , 4 11)r haywire/I. that we have rt.-treat from' tbelach awl Weal. of late character. Dr. loarnereel : llene purehaerri to; my wife ono bottle. of Suva/wills of your . A M Zont. r. MeV oaIC r tie to tr ,. i t r , t h ot ro t ee se .1 k:ne. Ttetoe I had kierh wl the lle.t Fantle_ it mineeirel to warm an.l eve., other day when the' Chill. and the Fever appeared, two were Mew violent; owl le.fore .lie 1.4 th. hoitift she was entirely relocate'. and she was mush li.uer than she awl been Wore she took the Ague. IL Lady that teal twee vco-r Pirk with the Chill 3110.1 Frynr, hot had brohe with IL/maim.. urel was lett in a ter.. weak and` 41i1414Tlia: nod trouldnJ exceeding* wadi the Aron Cate. seeing the affect it bad on my Wire, .he 1.4,111 nod ptaaroarryl s tee honk., and it restored her in a few weello t.. roolapirto braWa. Your Sarsaparilla I. irithoot dotal.[. 0n...50:4AM to tiara.. s incident in the We.t aid if viol think that the. .. mmiim this will he of Mb. you ate at !Abell,' W use set If PO ellounc. , • INesenelle Dtrttkiwey Dr. ToWO1411.1 . • gror,opirMa At erode. and enre for incipient Consioriptinia, Iltarrennois. Prolspor (Nec or ranting of the Wood; fastorenees. NO.. Irmo: rho... or Whiter. olisitrurted or difficult Illeostrusims. le coati..or. of orrine,-- , I6 , llarrP I 1 . ...m.1. and list th e pease*, prostration of the sroosir—a• wore oliether the result el inherent tante or rause. pro.incril t.y irrivislarite, Olney. or accident. Nothing ti t s I. Nom surprising than . its ltoticioratit l y etrerts no the loillosifome. Persists of all weakness and lassitode, from Wane n it rnare'beenree reload and full of energy nosier us indorse, It itisontitracts the warseimintass of the bark frame, Whole Is the - Trent comae at narterssioa. It wilt uot he expected of oei, in eases of an delicate a amine is sailtiliit certificates of mirn performed_ but •e riot, swats the afflicted, that hundred* af now hams been reported to as. Thousands of camas where families have lama 'mart children. after using a few bottles of this insalisslde met. eine_ hare keen hlecied arid, hoe_ hr e irky riespriar. II kias been Amur...isle frfnueffyi in-kiefernasew to female nor' Idaho.. No fermis •he hot rusama In iMprani ai r I. se mooching that critical period. The tent el trfr: should myleet to take it. as it is • certain pi...senors (sr .anTrif the nuuterosse and horrible d Pillieh frluM NM. eohject al tan tone of life. This. period else M Is biped far rrrrrr t years by *iog the cinsdirier No , a it less Palo:dole for those who are appenehinr sonar Maid, as it' is calmilated to assist nature he tlitrio.o..! the blood nail iiiiiroratint the syn.'s'. Indo.ll. OA, eme. a itorainshie for all the dedicate diastole. to 1 . 100, Woolen are atilijott, . Cerise aletattiong to Mosher% wad . It is lire sefo.t and tenor rfreetionl twedicine fat runtime the ayet,., uterrelieying the sulferinza ottlentliant upon cleft,- lePtil. ever thsentrered. It •irestethens /mils tbe saber s'el thad• prevent. pain mn.l ',i.e..... increases and enrirfor the Aunt these obn have toed it think it es indispenesoble. It is h, Illy nr•fol bolls bef.e and - otter elmfinemeni, to it prevents die...toes ritest.bstit upon childbirth. lki Candi eness.•ni". .'panel s, Svrellin. of the Feet. Desenntienev, Hearths... Venn/neg. rein in the Hoick mint Loins, Iroise koina. rlanze. sold in regulating the Secretions nod espuillaintt rirt , ol.s• it.,, it boa no roped. The great firanty of thi. reoqi• eioe it. it is ninny, safe, mud the 'most detielge O. it nest successfully. • - 1 := 5 - Serener. Carr& r.tillesto emsein.iseety kmves that tit% Servaporsi ii Me. gw.riv•ra control antr the =tot ob•Hviiite diie.•.. of tholUmul. Three parsers cured in ore house is sepsenF. dented. • Thm, eleildree. he Tarawa!: lane have the plesemre I inform vas tad thad my children flame Lees cured of the Sian fd o I.r thr tstr of . your nacelkpi medicine. Tliey niece •f• nirtra trty arsrrriy w ith h& origin fawn alien • t 0.., bed. 'tan: it Man them many. for which I lad ayes* mist ittftwe Town; ritspinifiiltr. !SAM * Cii AIN. En WO=net al Opistiorse •r Physirinisier Dr, . idormini dully receiving ordain firm Ptiporiniis ni .bar.nansl partier the linkup. ihm we, the uodeeeiteed, Plsyslelase I " el the City ..r Allinny. bone in unnoirims - nions preteerihed Sarnattarillg. Iwdinve it to be warwar es the mom tnhesl.le preparations, ill ilir It II P. 1111.1 * .nii it 0 , .1.111 , 11.10C4, - El,ll, k . 11,. MID:CA It P. E. El-UK - SWAP, IL D. Albany, Arra, ISM ig . . CAUTION.' • ()ohm to ihO rant purees. *rut imams** oat. ern.. Time-and7s Sarsaparilla. ► atualler of men whin were Gn• oorly aiet Amain& Isame manneenced imaging. Sarsaparilla F.% Bitters, Eatrama or Teller Duna. 41, Tar.,: ff....qr.-My pot... up in Sae *Mar ramped houttlra. same' liftlifiulf here mule. and copied it.., adireilismared. tio:y i... mail Nome ge ttt t urge,* i.itmed by S. P. Towomood. Pritteipal (Urn, I.NI FPI.I3)N Street. • Ere 1111.1.1i . 0f. on N. T.: h rai , B Stair *treat, 1101.1 on; Drat * .g 4111.. 1 - 31 North Second .trees, S. S. flues. Ilripz.:44,.lll4timorn : P. M. Cohen, Charleston., Wned & Co., 131 Clivrtres Steed. N. O. : - 103 South Paul Street Albany ; ow/ loy .It (he prinrir t iit Drnevisis anti Wm' chain. ff.attally taroastaan the thiiiilegt Stan* W 5,4 Wawa and, the cabodes. - Sold in Towanda, Pa-, by gRANIBERLI:c io PORTETI and by J. KINGSBt IR. - ... • - • 1 111N13.1 newstyli's, and monalnius cheap: • 14 -S. --I;awna, of every Jiscriptiotrz Organdie tatp. .9 fins, embroidered mohair mai in fact tht unml nd drairahte stylea of Dress Gothis in ..taiket, with trim; mums to makh., cheaper than any other noiki , tduru,at M =I