Neu fITANTED. Beef ilide‘Tellow sod Onin of ell Vi r Mak, ea ell demands, if delivered lorthe Bra day of reborn, next. E. BMMI 4.X). Toweled*. Nov. I I. 111411. MERMAN PRACTICE CF M=NNE. OCT. BELL *wield tespectfully way to the 'shalt- D ' . itants of Hredfoni County, Heft be .will be at Hammonds Hotel in the village orCentreville on the first day of Mich mouth, at Tuttle/ Taman in &ebb fiekl on the 2d Jai of each month and at Woodruff/ Hotel in %web& cil Ilie dairitif each month, where be may be consulted in the peat-ties of UROSCOPIA from 9 A. M., until OP. M. :Ye those who are tune qua iatol with this Practice, it may be proper to sty that it is the method of arriving at the primary seat of DiSEASE, and consequent functional derangements, by an inspection of the Urine ; which in ell eases al be • specimemof that' first • the Morn itirsulx, frig, and brought in a clean phial. an ins etion of this specimen he is enabled to arrive nee, at a cor rect Diagnosis; of all chronic and sub-acute dimes, af fecting the human system without the necessity and expense of visiting patients, or subjectinethem to the bitigues of a long and toilsome journey. and delicacy is also spark — the blush which is of:en :occasional . , be the necessary enqu i r ies of the vifiting Physician.— lbs medicines are selected from the vegetable Kingdom and are perfectly safe in the envied ages and conditions of life : and long, experience has proved their efficiency in curing every variety of the aboie diseases. Score' of testimonials might be published from thor.mjsp have been cure.' by his medicines, whose rases have baffled all other modes of treatment, and had been con sidered incurable. Let none despair therefore, until they have consuacd me. N. B. The name and age !Lust inAvery case ac company the specimen, fur the purpose of recording &r. , nI4 8. T. B. _ I.l . OOTSdt Sole and upper leather, Also 1) a full assortment of Lady's shoes, Gaiters, Busk ins. Shpt., walking shoes. k good stock of Boys, Ali-sea, and childrens; mons, youths boys, and child. coarse and kip boots. Also a first rate snide of La ity's Grote. Miss. and Childs Rubbers, selling very cheap at ; nl4 FOX7S, No. 2. B. Row. - - VirEIS, A great .variety of all kinds and styles IVI which will be sold at a trifling advance from city .cost. A few rich black and natural lynx. Also swans down -trimming, tippets and virtorines, for sale cheap at nl 4 • FOX'S; No. 2, B. R. lADYS GOODS.—Dress goods, fringes, gimps, .1.4 black lace trimming, black veil., bonnet ribbons, se;arfa, jenny lint hemsich and reve re atich. hk'fs. very rich, lady's, gents and misses beat kind, silk end lisle thread gloves, dress 'buttons, silk cord, rich super. and COM: olsid long shawls, jenny find hoods. child.. worsted costs, lie., at FOX'B. No. 2. B. R. 4)(1 DOZ.splendid heavy bordered fi ne .'nen bdkrc Al for 124 els. at FOX'B No. 2. Brick Row. HAHD WARE.—Iron, nails, axes, and • superior snide of carpenters adze, band laws, wood saws, augers, slates, shovels, butts and screws, files, knives and Licks,* few sate tl do., looking glasses, and in. fact a general assortment of Hardware which is hoe sole heap at nl4 FOX'S, No. 4, B. R. "HOSIERY of every description, gents cotton and 11 worsted hose, lady' white black and colored me rinos, shin white Week and slate c 4orcd colt m hos-, cheaper than ever at FOX'S. No. 2, B. R. 2(1 BALES sheeting. shirting, ticking. wicking, wadding, batting, cot. yarn, white and colored carpet warp. Also red, yellow; white, and Salbsury and canton flannel; crash, towelling, diaper, brown luta and damask table cloths. napkins &c. &c., at n 14 FOX'S, No. 2, B. R. Cassimeres end Veatings. A splendid lot of the best, and cheapest French English and American cloths, fine double mill'd, due skirt and Caney rissimeres, and a first rate seat. of_ l'estinis. Positively-these are the best bargains ever offered in Towanda. Call and see at- FOX'S No. 2, B. R. 9 TONS more of those cheap and be tutiful Sugars. Also Tea at lower prices than ever a 1.1 CAree to match ; all kinds of Groceries fresh and in good order, every article warranted.—Mackrel and GAish &e., at nl4 FOX'S, No. 2, B. Row. II'AW SOCODOI JKINGSBERY Jr., is now opening at the tomer • of Main and Bridge St., an extensive stock of new FRII and Winter, Goods. which will be sold rea sonably low for Cash or Produce. J. K. Towanda, Nov. 6, 1848. B. KINOSBERY Co., ARE now receiving a new supply of GOODS from New York. Also, one ark load of SALT. SPORTSMEN wishing to purchase Double and sin gle barrel Fowling Pieces. Rifles aTodGutulte , tures, will please call at the new Hard-ware Eltoiri. Towanda, line. 7, 1848 D. LORD. NEW AND FASHIONABLE MILLNERY ! GRIPFIN would inform her customers that I.YI she has a good assortment of ready made Velvet, Silk, and Satin HATS, of the latest and most improired styles, and also a variety of fashionable caps, and head dresses, of various styles; wreaths for the hair all of which will he sold at a low prim Just received an additional supply of land-bones. flowers, ribbons, colored ruches, laces. - Florence and Pearl Bata, &e. - Towanda, Now. 7, 1848. Pure, Genuine and Cheap DRUGS, MODICINES ctL,14:9:A.114`,32 aiIVID2CI-, CII .4 M BERIA N k... - PORTER, No. 1, Brick Row— have jint received a large addition to their former arrioriment. which now makes their stock more complete than any found in this section of country, which they are determined to sell—a heifer article lower than e.lll Is. bought in *he neighboring establishments. The following hat comprises • few of the articles kept it their store: DREGS AND MEDICINES. flpium, cream tartar, camphor, castile soap, liquorice balsam copaiba, rhubarb,.jalap, aloes, flowen chammo mile, cas,tor oil, quicksilver, magnesia, roll and flain'sulper, refitted limos, calomel, red precipitate, corrirdve sublimate, ague ammonia, soda, tartaric acid, ei.vom salts, laudanum, venna,spliiate quinine, min. !dime, iodine , coicombin, geniis*, guassiji, prickley ash bark. curcanna, white rout, giniieng, all of the essential 018,. gum myrr canthatides, gum tragacenth, corks, gar vtparilla, g 113161110, litharge, spirits turpentine, cam ',nine, rotten stone, umber, terra do sienna, salt peter, annie feed, isinglass, cubebs, anttotto, Ise dye, shelldac, rttra?ts of dandelion, colocynth,jalap, hyasciamus and i.arsapanlla, &c. moss, arrow loot; tapioca, tincture, essence, 4-e. i DYE—STUFFS. Log‘nod, Fristic, Hie wood, cam wood, nutgall, cochineal, indigo, alum, conwras, madder. solution tin, extract lugwood, muriatic acid, sulphuric arid and oil vitro!, V. dte. GPOCERIEB r;ruslicd, loaf and muscavado sugar, black and green tea, raisins, unto currants, citron, cinnamon, tided oil, tamarinds, choeAste, corn" soda brocuit, hatter crack ers, rice, March, ginger, tolerates, saltpeter, Crt,a. Jima and Rio coffee, pepper,, spice, mustard, pepper sauce, nutmegs, cloaca, mace, ca-tile, brown. variegated and fancy soap, sperm alul tallow candles, whale anal sperm oil, jugs, Auks. bottles, paste and oil blacking leather varnish, tobacco, seams anal snuff, matches, &c, &c, LIQUORS. Pere French Brandy. viz Cognise, Otward and A'Seignett. Holland Gin, St. Croix Rpar N Mideria. Port and Mala ix Wines, Common American Brandy, Gin, Rum and Whiskey, &c. Towanda. Noir. 2, 1448 _ NEW MO FASHIONABLE AII(.LPIERY ! Al IBS GRIFFIN iv/spectrally informs the isWlies !t f if ILL Towandaind vicinity, that slie-baslnstnAt k piei! from:dew York, with a large and sidendid , of Fashionable Millnery, consisting of plumes, Flewers, Ribbons, Ruches, Velvets, Latins, Fringes, Gimp!, &c., which has nev,r been equine!l in richness, sod gilieni by any former assortment, and to which she invites amnion. ci7 Work done to order, in the best style, and at the shinteat notice. 0ct.16020 MLUNEFtY. AND MII& DOANE has ratensed with iho latest WA. for all kinds Of wart tit 'ha Rim Ilhe is time sr miring GOODS si seelt misty, isyls nal pierohin with' sr pest somees lo plsosing.beiresstineed OM by eserway, fairness mid preemptin, so aetialrynll wile may liver her with their patronaim—mnd twin, in chemist her pnwene location. end making her eneMyeemsta 'for business, eansulted the Collirtol4lll/01 d her .meats employees, she tanner bat fiat er herself they will by an leeressed punster., show that wbilershe bee aught is please others, she has also beneßned bengal Rooms in Merest,' buildings, id etery--entrawes be. tweeeMemene and Betts' Moms. • - ca Wanted two or three apprentices laths eirembe sines,. Towanda, Oct. 2& 11146. VO% 11ea341151.1251.0 MILUNER AND MANTUA MAKER, In Mrs. Keeler's building,.south side. of Bridge end, LIAR just returned from the city with ■ select assort -11 of MILLINERY, to which she invitel the attention of the Lades. Having received the latest &sh ims, she is ready to execute work to order on short no. Lice. Towanda, October 25, 1848. MILUNERY AND MANTUAMAKINO. vi RB. BURROUGHS respectfully informs the cid uns of Monroeton and vicindyYthat she has opened a shop for the above business, and lisejuitt re ceived from New York the latest fashions; 'slaws choke and fashionable assortment of MILLINERY, consist ing of Flowers, Plumes, Ribbons, Velvets, Satins, Frin ges, &c, to which she invites the attention of the La dies. Having served an apprenticeship and worked for • length of time in one of the first shops in the state of Massachusetts, she flatters herself 'she will be able to please the most fastidious. (a Shop in the 2J siory of War:ford*, Hotel. Work dune to order, and at the shortest wake. Monrorton, October 23, 11148. Academy of the Presbytery or kasqaehasaa. 9 - IBIS Institution was opened at Friendaville, en the fir3t Monday of October. under the instruction of HALLOCK ARMSTRONG, A 8., end Miss M. A. HILLARDi Teacher of the primers department It is under the immediate Supervision of the Presbytery o 4 Susquehanna..end is designed to secure a Religious, with an. Eoglish and Classical Education. Board can be obtained at a low rate, and every facility will he af forded far the economy of the outfit. The situation is healthy and retired, and:W from many of the tempta tions of towns and villages. TUITION ern Tacit Or TIIINLTS Wakies. Common English branches. • $2 00 Latin Grammar and Lessons, Chemistry, Philos ephy, Logic and Rhetoric, Algebra, Surveying.. Navigation. Geometry, Trig emometry, Conic Sections, 'Analytical Geomo. try, Astronomy, and differential and Integral Calculus, 4 00 Latin and yin,'!' Classiest and French, fi 00 .Refcr to Rev. Samuel F. Colt, VW'yalus e. Rev. F. D Ladd, Silver Lake, Rev. Julius Faster, To."ands, Messrs. J. S. Pciroanet and A. Wickham, Friend.- Friendaville, October, 4818. a 20,11.8. PIANO FORTES, SERAPHIM AND MELODIANS, ROM the bed Manufactories in Roston, far sale by Trov, Pa., Aug. 16, 1848. R.B. nAssgrr. lA:r A NTED, any quantity of Butter, at the market ,4. 1 I mess, at he Central Stare. N. N.? ET rs. :011,W1*(15 IVANID RPM 14 i M1N..108, THE subscribsts still continue Co manufacture and keep on hand at their old stand. all kit& of cane and wood scat CHAIRS; also SEES of various kinds, and BEDSTEADS of every descrip -03 Lion. which we wil mell low for cash or Produce, o White Pine lumber, White wo ad, ass wood, . 'or Cucumber d sir pla k, or 4by 4 Scantling 13 feet long—either Buttonw , Balsawood or Maple, will also be received for our work. Turning &meta order in the neatest manner. JAMES MACKINS‘,3I & CO. Towns la, Jonei22, 1848. . Goods well Bought arc half Sold'." IS now opening a large stock and extensive variety of GOODS, selected with the greatest cane, and bought under great advantages in the cities of New York and Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorable cendi don of .both markets—and having in view the motto above, has so bought that he can and will sell on as n amable terms as the met, and will endeavor to show to community the advantage of baying from those who boy we'll. Towanda, May 23, 1848. j~TORSTED DRESS GOODS.—Plain, figured and plaid, black and colored Alpaneas; black and c.• lowed French h.erinoes; Oregon Plaids; rich French a common Cashan,,DeLaines, &c., a great variety styles for sale at lupts MERCTOF3, 2ttWWANISTEXB. AMAI33MOM HE TIM Term will commence on Monday the T 30th day of Oct Tomos Pea Tres. Common English Studies including Geography and • Mental Arithmetic. $2 00 Same with Well's Grammar mid Adam's Arith- metie, 300 Higher English studies including Medal, Mond and Intellectual Sciences, Higher brioche•, of Mathematics, Latin, Greek said - French Languages, 5 00 Fuel (3d and 4th Terms,) 25 F. W. MINN. Teacher. h 201,0 A. GRIFFIN Oct. 1448. -- ARPET BAGS.. Ladies' anA gent's, a good as soctmentt by ELLIOTT & TOMIINS. .110 C M ATlON.—Whereas, the Hon Joust N. P Cossaussa, President Juage of the 14t1o.ludi cial district consisting prthe counties of Luzerne, Bradford and Tioga, and H. Morgan and Reuben Wilder'Esprs Associate Judges in and for the coun ty of Bradford have issued their precept, bearing date the 25th day of Oct. 1848, to me directed for holding a court of quarter sessions of the peace, common pleas and orphan's court at Towanda fur the County of Bradford on the Ist Monday of De cember next, being the 4th, to continue two weeks. . Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners Justice!, of the Peace and Constables of the county or Bradford, that they be then. and there in their proper persons at I o'clock in the forenoon of said day with record, inquistions;examinations and oth er their remembrances, to do those who are bound by, recognizance or otherwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or shalkbe bound to appear at the said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda the 25th day of October. in the year of our Lord 1848 and of the Independence of the United States th‘seventribird. JOHN F. MEANS.Vbeinfr. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. TAE undersigned, having been appointed an Aodi. tor by the Orphans Court of the County of Brad ford to adjust the accounts of El R. Myer, administra tor of the estate of Wm. Myer. deceased, upon erzcep lions filed, will attend to the duties ofthie appointment, on Monday, the 27th day of November nest, at to'clock in the anemone, at the house of Geo.'W. Mergers% in the Boro' of Towanda, of which all peranna Will - pkaae take notice. 025 H. W . PATRICK, Auditor. J. N. SUMN ,M. D., DENTIST, WILL pey-bk visit to Towanda, in October nest, end msy be fon . rd et Weeentrres finest His frienkore invited to call. dub?' 12, 1818 „.....,,x ...end AA ,L 8 and t iplendid:,l may be (and at,,Nr . ---7-7 t • U 4211' I)WMIE, n goal assortment, including. Iron .I.4("Steel, Nails, Le. at No. 2, FOX'S. ROA DCLOTHB. Ceseimerea. and Summer Stuffs I --end endless moiety, to suit all tastes arid ell elao ee of people. *ell ng extremely low at REED'S. H Etieficoislea, Gißispies and Pierces Few LVI lion Matches, by the MU or box. at No.I k Row. nig CH A MBE RLIN & POUTER. illisul4imir:.s. 0. D. BARTLETT, J UMBRELLAS, the room ezungive ,asareonent eau brO, into Towanda, o. 6. B. R. - REED'S. AimmitimitAxoo,44kTlcr. pouseifrwitta AA. lIKIRGEA. Aecifterd,, in. „11;havAsap,ps• bevy ,friesesets• Enke manse grist tidy. !ad Obis kilos said Milk* Alio r apt than duly itiOes . otintailfir moulliont• "Sept.ll;' 1640. - .1011# ALEBeitla= ADM ism RkTOWS NOTICE. A LI. promensiodebord vows of BEIM. lieKtAN, dir:i4,4!..C.41 01 7 1141 4. Iwireby requested to age minim deli, and daft hiprtui deign egain,t, mid. estate will, Pkase re sent then duly aumbesriaitalfpf seitlinsent. C. 8, m•KEAfir, J. C.' 'MEAN, Adottnisiratoini. September 6. IMO. BY an order of o:c the.orph.ohrt 0 0 064 4 will be e spoor(' to public Pak, op VhOnslity,lbe 30th day of November, 1848, at I o'olock a it., upon she premise% the following property, to wit : A certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying end being in the township of Lein,, county aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at 'a Post, the oast corner of J. Hunt's lot, thence north along said Rent's let, mid widow Andrew's land:2s2 perches to a post, thence east along the line of Sidney Btooe's land. SI 11-10 perAm to a pod, thence south 254 perrbea to the bank of Towanda creek at • post, thence up said creek, the courses thereof, to the place of be ginning.— Containing fifty seres,rarict measure, thirty ref** thereof improved, beirg a part of the farmof the lib:Peter Wal ter, deceased. Attendance team and terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN VANDYKE. Administrator. Oct. 30. 1948. MARDELANA WALTERS. Ad. calrnaszege BY an order of the Orphaw's Court of Bradford en., will he exposed to public pale on SATURDAY, 25th day of Nov. 1849, at I o'clock, upon the ;itemi ses, a Tract of land situate in Orwell township Brad. ford Co-., Containing sixty three semi, and bounded on the north be lands of Weedy Robinson on the cast by lands of Isaac Lyon, south_ by lands of Harry Liner and on the wart by land of Danl. Robinson be ing the same tract of land which Stephen C. Smith mat wife by Herd dated Oct. 29th 1845. (recorded in Deed Book. vol. 24 pages 866 &7) conveyed to the said John Barnes Deed., with about twenty.five acres thereof improved, and a small framed house there on erected. Attendance given, and terms made known "on the day of wale.. C. O. GRIDLEY. October 31, 1948. Administrator. ©IIIIPLIELLINS (NDWILIP OLILLIfir BY en order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford en., will be exposed to public sale on MONDAY, 20th - day of November 184111,at 2 o'elock, upon the pre. mills, a piece or parcel of land in Towanda bore'., late the property of Truman Kinsman deed., bounded on the north by John Wilcox, on the east by William st., on the south by Division at. and west by Maio street, containing about twenty-four square rods. Attendance givtn,and terms made known on the day 1.. W . TIFFANY. Ortoi,.• t ett ' Administrator. 3 00 - 19EGISTER'8. NO r!CES.-: Notice is hereby given It to all person' intere...ed. 'hal C Frisbie and George W. •dminig:retore of the estate of Isaac Benjamin deed.. i..te of Orwell: Russell Pratt; administrator of the estate of C-l'urge Jeffries, dre'd. late of Sheshequin; Perky H. Buck. administrator of the estate of Wm. Burk.dec'if.. late of Pike ; Georee H.-Shepard, one of the administrators of the estate of Nathan Alvord, jr., late of Wells; . Joseph Beeman, guardian of Mary Jane Cook, minor clitd of A .eon Cook, late of Columbia. D. L. Scott, administrator of the white of Wilson Scott. dec'd., late of Towanda borough; Elias Rockwell, administrator of Seinueiliockwell,k. who was administrator of J. C. Rpee, dec'd, late of Canton. ~ Cyprisit Barns, executor of the estate of Joel Barns dec'd, late of I beedl. Charles Elsworth, administrator of th Crandel, late of Windham tp A W W dcos, administrator of the estate Nolan Wilcox. deed. late of Leßoy. Samuel Kellum. Guardian of T. LEnnis, minor son of E. C. Ennis, doetE, late of Standing Stone. Benjamin Thomas canenter of tbs estate of Oliver Arnold. dee'd., late of Smithfield twp. Wm E Maynard and L Goff, administrators of the estate of J. B. Taylor, deed., late of Rotes—have filed and settled in the office of the Regime, of Wills, in and for the county of Bradford, the accounts of their seven; administrations upon the estates aforesaid, and that the same will be presented to die Orphan's court of said county, on Monday, the 4th day of December next, for confirmation and alkiwatier. L. E. DE WOLF, Beg. Register's Office, Towanda, Nov. 1, ISIS. . ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. BY virtue of en miler or th e Orphan's court of the county of Bradford, will be exposed is patdie sale en Wednesday, the 1124 day at November, 1848, at 10 o'clock. A . bl., upon the premises, the undivided tenth of • certain lot, piece or parcel of land lying and being in the township of Wyalusing.eounty aforesaid, hound eJ and described as follows, to wit : Beginning on the east bank of the Wyalusing creek, in the lies ft/nnerb' dividing lands of Guy Wells and Joseph Black, deed.. thence by said line north 70° 80 perches, then& south 15° east 20 perches, thence south 70° west 80 perches, thence along the Wysiusing creek up the wrenl cour ses thereof, to the place of beginning. ("containing ten ones and allowance, mostly improved, with a framed house and framed barn thereon erected, with • small orchard. 4 00 ALSO—On the tame da. at 2 o'clock, P.M. , upon the premises, the equitiblei interest in one other lot or parcel of land, situated in said township, and bounded followr, to wit: Beginning at the south west corner of warrant lot No. 203, thence north 1° east 50 perches to the south west corner of • lot belonging to Cyrus Puller and Almon Fuller, thence ,south 89° east 236 perches to a post. thence south 1° pest 50 perches to• post on the south line of warrant lot, thence north 89° west 236 perches to the beginning. Containing 73 acres and 120 perches strict measure, about ten acres therfof improved, with a log house thereon erected, and a smell orchard growing upon the same. - Attendance given, and terms made known on the day of sale. CYRUS SHITMWAY, Springhill, October 23, 1848. Administrator. IL C. PORTER, M. D. IPIESISECELLS! lIVIEZIEGNI's) OFFERS his professional services to the people of Towanda. and vicinity. Office at Chamberlin & Porter's Drmi store, No. I, BricVlßow. my 9 • EX ECU TOR'S N ()TIC K ALL "persons indebted to the Estate of HIRAM RANNEY, deed late of Wells township are here: by requested to male payment, without &Bay, end those haying claims against the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. ALONZO C. NOBLE, Executor. Oct. 13, 1343. 120w4 N f IEW P SCOOMPaiII B. KINGSBERY & ARE DOW receiving . sod will be every - dal fee two weeks, a very large assoruneut of FALL AND WINTER GOODS embracing every thing wanted by the buyers of cheap goods • - Those having Cish to pay for goods. would do well to call at our store and save %homily's@ from ten to Illbeen per cent. At the end of two weeks we expect to receive all our goods, at which time-we will gives more extended description of the largest mid cheapest lot of goods ever brought lo Towanda. net IRON. Iron—A good ozoortment of Iturs. for sale at the new Hord Wore Store. D. LORD. Towson', Now. 7.1848. 11010NNET8.--Plartuee. straw. pearl atiaw. pad lace Dameta ; also, perm-leaf and legbornikals, by July 14. . ELLIOTT 4141T0111KIES. fiREEN PABABOUI—• kw more of thosirsplis. %.-7 - did green silk sad Torkastin Molted psyssohi sod reed sal soiling nil kw at rpra shades, - riOUNTERPANES.—A few my choice sea es. mc'd by ELLIOTT & TOMEI:VI 1 , A:== Which Is also a Univers*" Family Embrocation for Diseases of the Daman Flesh. • rpm inul experience hive fully peeved that that this HMV FlkBAlls REMEDY bus. not not its equal on the list of popular medicines, having burn more than 14 years before the public , . Testimony (tribe most disinterested Character of its wonderful effeets on the animal economy is almost dai ly preprinted to the proprietor. A young men in the ton* of Wilson, whose clothe , were burnt off of him, was restored (without suffering) by the timely ore of the Oil. Numerous are the unsolicited stilton/cis of patients themselves, and others who have used the Oil, ni cures which in themselves appear remarkable, that they at all interested in a pecuniary point, they could hardly have been credited. The following diseases are among many others - in the cure of which this Oil has been completely successful and in which others had entirely filled : Sperms, Sweeney, Ringhone, Wiudgalls, Poll Evil. Cal bus, eructed Heels, Galls of all kinds, Lameness, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, ...Sand Cracks, Foundered Feet, Scratches, or Grease Mange, Rheu matism. Bites of Animals, External Poisons, Painful Nervous Affections, nest Bites, Boils, Conic Whit lows, Burns and Scalds„ Chilblains, Chapel hands, Cramp, Contractions of the Muscles, Swellings, Weakneis of the Joints', Caked Breasts, &c. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and be sore the name of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT, LOCKPORT. N. Y., is blown in the aide of the bot tle, or in his hand writing over the cork. Don't he persuaded to take any thing else with the promise it is just as good. die., &c. This is practised by those un principled dealers whose conscience will stretch like India R biters, and who are of a kindred spirit of those in our large cities, whose nefarious practices have so re cently been exposed to the action of Congress. - Those who attempt to Counterfeit tbia ankle are re. furred to the law of New York. of May 1815. by which it will be seen that every parson meddling in these cautuerfeite is subject to indictment, iumptisonmetn, and fine. A person selling out of this state, will be liable toar. restrwhen in the state, and also to he held u a witness against those be bought of or sold (or. All Orders addressed to the proprietor, will he respond ed to. Gel a pamphlet of the Agent and see 'what wonders are az-omplished bv the use of this medicine. • Sold by respectable dealers generally in the United Stites and Canas.a,. - For sale by Chamberlin &. Porter, Towanda, E. D. Wells. Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer, Covington. Abel Turret!. Montrose, Pomp & Kinsey.Easton. Luria Smith & Co.. Allentown, H. U. Marti', South Easton. Oct. 15th 184$. n2O y I. GREAT L SS OF LIFE, AT Tilt DPIECIPZIIIICRES EILLIIVZ.3II , THE Subscriber respectful . niMily informs the citizens of To wanda that he has opened a Market_ sis dm Union Block, one doe* weal se Woodruff's _ Hotel (basement story) and will endeavor to keep constantly on band, and supply those who wish the means of " good living." with Salt and Fresh Beef Mutton, Leath, Veal, Port, &e, of the finest quality !Ind in the hest order. oxY Candles & Soap by the hoz or pound, constant ly kept on hand and for sale at low prices. Towanda, Aug: 29. 1848. A. HAWLEY. NEW COODS. Just rewiring a large and Rid Stork of New Fail and Winter .Goods, at FOSS OPEAP STORE. TITIIRCH foe variety, quality and cheapness will well VT compare with anything of MI kind io the Coon try. Any one who will die me the favor to call and examine any of my Goods I think can't fail to bewailed both with quality and price. The stock includes a great variety of Rich New Styles of Dress Goods such as Plain and Fig'd. Blue, Pink mid Scarlet all wonted DeLanes, Flied Cashmeres, Thibet Cloths, Coeurgs, Silk Plaid Madonean, Plaid DeLanes, Black Plaid, Striped and Silk warp Alpaca, Black Bombe/Ms. French and Scotch Gingham*, also, Fgench, English, andAmeriain Cloths, Caraimerea and vesting'. Sheet ing*, Shirting; Ticking, Cotton Yarn. Wicking, Wad ding, Batting and a choice lot of Fresh Groceries, Fish Hardware, Iron, Naila, Crockery, Boots and Shoes all of which will be sold at very low Prices, at E. T. FOX, No 2, Brick Row. Towanda, Oct. 16,:1845. =I:ELSIWGZ. It=)alLs11117E119 AIM bENREMBtiI OUTFITTING ESTABUSNMENT, lio. 17, Cortland st., Ncw York. STRANGERS and citizenedesirons to replenish their wardrobes, may be immediately accommodated io the very best style, and at sus townr cps rßicts, with a choice selection of FALL AND WINTER GARMENTS, of the newest patterns, of superior make and finish, and of the best materials, equal in everyto the best custom work. Having adopted the =orinciple, upon which certain celculations can be made, and which be has pursued successfully for upwardspf ten years, h, op• position to the mina:l4l,,m of credit, Which imposes the necessity of exacting unnecessarily high prices from es, Imo customers ; be continues to provide, end has now constantly on band owe of the largest most fashion able and choke assortments of Ready Made Clothing, in America. From which gentlemen May depend upon suiting them selves satisfactorily, as nerds quality, style and price. His stock embraces ovsaeorrs and CLOAKS of the most approved styles : Daum, Fence and other Cora. Pasiatoosra,of every desirable pattern, and the tidiest assortment of BLACK. 'SAria, CAssertess. and other styles of Winter Viers. The FANCY DISSAKTKILTT embraces all the new and elegant petters*, and latest and m o st desirable styles of Fancy, Silk and Satin Cravata, Suspenders, Gloves and Hosiery, Shirts, Bosoms and Collars, Carpet Bags. &c. In addition to the ahem variety of Ready Made Arti cles, he has for isle by, the piece or yard, at as low pa. me as can be Mood in either of the Atlantic cities * • beentifeil assortment o(rhe best quality - Cloths, Casidaerat and riellitrigt. QjGenrletsen can have their orders filled at a few hours notice, and sent to any part of the United Stairs— and by sending their Measures, can obtain Clothing on as good terms as though they were present to select for themselves. Address, J. 0. BOOTH. Sept. 1848. 27, Cortland st., New York. 0:1' For the liberal skate of patronage which has been extended to him for so' many years,he returns unfeigned' acknowledgements, and he promises that noefforts shall be spared en his part in future tot continue to serve his customers on as favorable ierum Y any other house in the trade. (LOTUS & Vowing., Overawe Cloths. such es blown. olive sod - mired bet. vets will be wed very st SAVINGS 11011AINT8, 011.11 DYE-STUFFS, also Matelot by the growl, at Flo. 2, B. Ft. . venefe„,7 . , P.s.ltrtik,... • =ger r• FIRST ARRIVAL . OF FALL k WINTER C' e r g - ss. MERCUR, R ~rE :!_,,,00•11e.. 1164.0 4 t h ! i t — , aormeo , ptlint she hog* . Us* ittlik101)8: rye, 'WSW:: lOW' tersipiiiriniailit illlirt' imiry wasted. by mellie at erfrghinefteileciadities. AU dome ittattniti to poreittoo Goado kr earl; will Gail it rialto* intorno to ezantitto-thirdizeka , Towonillo.Soptetobrt IQ, 1848 . • • . ' Exec:Ai rows NOT ICE. ALL persona indebted to the estate et Wl4. ALLEN.. deed., la* of Fraaktin teem, ere hereby requestea to-make paymeat without delay; and those having claims against the Mid estate irillpleaseparsent them duly authenticated for.seldrairat. A. 0.. PICKARD, Eseciaer. Leroy, September le, 161 x. (1120CERIES.--Gooll young byson and hymn skin tess, s at 371 •Al conts—•rid sugar to sweeten it at 6* and 8 cents; aU other kinds of Groceries in Iwo. portion at the Central littnre. N. N. BErrs..- VXPECTEI) in • kw di7s. • few more Wads of New Good's, •t N: N. BETTS'. DR. JACKS() ILE EMBROCATION.— This is no diaguttin . westing pill, potion, or mixture ; nothing that prod pain or irrilmi"a • bu t ? a medicine that is at once pleasant and agreeable in its application, affording immediate relief, and will CUM the very worst rases of painful, itching or bleeding. a very few days. Call la CNIANSIMILIN & Pearez's Drug Stow., No. I. Brick Row, Towanda, and you will not go home Without a bottle. 41DADD GREAT REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, Nerdy for the teint cif cheap REVOLUTION , Watches. and humpy / Great Rush at the NEW CLOCK ND WATCH STORE! JAMES P. BULL respectfully informs the citizens of Towanda and vicinity. that he has lately return. ed Irom Philadelphia, and permanently located in To wanda, one door below the Drick,Row,in the room for merly occupied by Mercues Hat Store; where may be found gold and abler watrino, gold, fob and guard chains, gold and silver pencils. gold pens, breast pins, finger rings. &c., cheap for cars, and every article war ranted. A large supply of Cl. - ICKS, uf=the latest im proved patterns, 'tinning from 3Q hours totlll days and • month, with on. winding. de cO - • Particular attention paid to rePairin l CLOCKS, sk.JEWELRY, of every ription, and WATCHES from the long experience which he bus ha in the bra sinew, work left in his care will be don 6 ihi the best workmanlike manner. Old gold anti silver taken in exchange. To:initials. Annex 16, 18484 DRUGS, MEDIC GROCERIES & LIQUORS. JOHN B. FPRD has just received. at his Drug store one dour below Kingsbery's store, iu B.Kingsb!ry's new brick block:11411in street. a large addition to his former assortment, which he now offers to the attention of the public. His stock now comprises every article usually kept, among which may be found the following: DRUGS & MEDICINES. Opium, cream tartar, camphor, misfile soap, liqtiorice, balsam copaibs, rhubarb, jslap, aloes, flowers chamo mile, gum *rabic, castor oil, quicksilver, magnesia, roll and flour solphlr, ref red and crudstorar t , ca lomel, rod precipitate, cor ro sive sublimate, aqua smoonia, tartaric acid, epsom salts, landunum, 'eons. staliihate quinine, all of the essential oils, gum myrrh, csnihtuides, gum tragscanth, corks, sarsaparilla, gamboge, lithar ig e, spir its turpentine, rotten stone, umber, terra de sienna, salt peter, mania seed, isinglass, cubebs; sonata, ate. ill ;( 0 : 0 3 11301 Crushed, leaf, wed moscavado sugars. cheaper limo am be bought elsewhere in town ; black sal green tea ; saberatus, pepper, Apia., mustard. pepper "mace, raisins, nutmegs, clams" mace, Rio and Java cake, starch, gin ger, oils. blacking. castile, brown, mirirgared and fency map. sperm soil tallow candke, tobacco, organ and mutt; easichse, kw, ote. LIQUORS. Copier., Otard, peach and American Brandy; Bt. Croix. Jimmie and New England Rum ; swan, lion and Baltimore Gin; Scotia'. Irish • and Monongahela Whiskey ; Meanie. pale and brown Sherry. pare juice, Pos. Mimi**. Lisbon, Malaga. Muscat, claret and ehempaigne wines. alcohol, 4c. PERFUMERY & FANCY GOOD& Bay water. layseder, coking. and raw want, mac easier and twar's oil, ono roses. es marrow, ponratem, rouge, pearl powder, bendeline, tooth. hair, nail and clothes brushes. feather dilaters, calf wallets, boy's belts, combs, pins. Ash hocks. pencil paws. playing cans, penitence caps, ink, steel pens, cats. PATENT Western Panacea. Balm of Colombia, Pink Syrup, Komatock's V ' Hats Liniment, Mother's Re lief. Pain Extract , al, Hair dye, Andrew's and Mrs. Brown's lain Ilea, Godfrey ' s cordial, Adhe enrvirk, give plaster, Townseld" Webster's, Wood's and Weep. herdesSetsaparilla, Lithontripie mixture, Wistir'slah sem, Hungarian Balsam of Life; Upbars's Eleetuary, M'A Miter's Ointment. Shepherd's, Komstocks, Otrick's and Fahnestock's Vermifuge, Brown's celebrated Lotion for Consumption, Sovereign balm pills, sugar coated Pills, and all the mod popular/medicines of the day. • irl• The stock is complete, containing everything kept in the largest establishments, and is elrered at the lowest possible prices. Remember, that Ford's Cheap Drug. Grocery and Liquor Store, is in Kingabery ' s new block. Towanda, 7, 1848. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. 300 VOLS. published by the Amer Man Sunday School Union, sad for sale tow in quantities to suit prawn. my 23 0. D. RARTLETT. New Arrangement and New Coady. ROGER FOWLER halting just received direct from the city, a new and large assortment of Fall and Winter Goods. announces to the public that he will sell the samfir at unusually low prices. His assortment con sists of Day GOODS, Gaocaaiss, HAIRDWAILA, CROCK. say, CiirLuis, &c., &0., and being selected with care and bought at the lowest rates, offers inducements sel dom to be met with. Monroeton, Oct. 13, 1848. SHEETINGS AND ESHINTINDS.—If you will ex amine oar stack, you will be sure to boy, unless you shookl think the price so low, that there was some thing wrong in it. KINGSBERY & CO. DISSOLUTION. T HE Co-Partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The books, accounts, notes„ judgments, Ste., are. in the hands. of IL•Fowler,,lor- settlement, and those knowini themselves indebb d will do well to all and settle moo. BEVELLON 1. FOWLER, ROGERS FOWLER. Monnietan, Oct 13, 1838. 10ERSOICS purchasing goods will do well to call and. 1 examine our goods before purchising elsewhere„ as our stock is large and well aeleeted, sod purclumed! when the goods are lowest: so that we have a consido-: cable advantage over those who purchased earlier. We can accommodate our custoiners with almost everything they wish, from a coffee mill to a corn shellgr. July 14. ELLIOTT & TONIKINS. AUDITORS NOTICE. - rrllg'Subsen'ber having been. eripointed by the Or. phan'a Coon of Bradford twenty . Auditor to Mershon the assets of the of Arvin. Clark, diM'd. Will attend torbeduties of his appointment et . the home of Ira C Dullodt in Smithfield' township at one o'eloilt in theafternoon of tbe 14th day of November nest. ISAAC W. FASSIT, Auditor. Oct. 12, 1848. n'2o w 4 _ A WNB.—lrteneb, Anemic:On and Oipodie Lawns. L a beautiful assortment; alio, plaid hod figured silk woof vamps. .1717 -XINGSBERT & CO. AQUANTITY SUPERFANE FLOUR joie received, and for sale by use mirth bow ERCURWI or load. at je 27 • M. I=l2 cu y rrliirribierber diang*, ll ' l (wadi iNjwite ed by C. LAN ow tura. NO. CLOTHINI COATS OM% Collars, Sly SRI ES He has large ratotru CLOTHS, nth as Sili he made Ili tame. 1 . 1 for the last himself du *oft him In Hw Obit and he jog it to th 0:7.C1+ prefer toll kw persons where—all despatch. The subsea of Fashiiine, which leg. on reawnoble Towinds, Jane 6 , Cheapest Gou • ARE NOW IQ PEEING ANP cription. for old' iniames and old lull and the poor; all a akticles in the line oj with a pertect,..rush. lawn gingham., dar I French lawns. bent are now selling low. June 14. 1818. • SHEI IFF'S SALE. _ BY virtue of sun .ry writs of 'semi. expo. lona net of the court of •ommourkes of Bradford Emmy, to me dineird, I s it expose to.puntie sale lathe hoe•-• of T. P.Wondruff, the tximugh of Towanda, on Mon day the 4th Jay of ECEMBER next, at two e'elork P. M., die foliowin piece or parcel of land ha the township of Ulster, nd bounded North by D. IL then East by 8. Sweet. uth by the Mein road and Wed by Holconibs.. airing half an acre all improved, with one framed ho and a few fruit nets thereon. Seized and taken to execution at the suit of-. D. Van &monk use vs. id hiss Lent. ALSO.--The imp piece er parcel of land ritual. in the bore' of Tow Ws, bounded on the North by • Street leading from "lain street to the Susquehanna River, oar the East yan Alley on the South by the lot on which the Ba • t Meeting Bnonr-litandb and en the West by 'Mains cootaialag one fourth of an acre more mien with .framed &telling home and barn thereon erected. - t - r 7 = ESeised.and niken in execution at ilte suitof Etietbeth Means •s. A. M. Coe. and Wm. Patton. ALSO—One half of a grist mill, dam and ram with the appurtannel a mill house and all the round on which they are sit ated, together with that occupied as a Mill yard, situate on the- Wyalusing creek in the tp. of Pike, in the ear tie of Bradford. Seized and taken in execution et • the suit of Bald win, Phelps & Co., va. Edward W. Jones. . ALSO—A partl of land situate in Burlington mrp . ai l . bounded ores Calkins. east by Joel Calkins, "arab by Allen M' ean , west by Jesse Beach. Oust. mining about rig acres. h y Seized and tak in execution sidle soil of R. B. Da. virlson et al., &c., s. Allen M'Kean. ALSO—A pi of land in Springfidd, hounded north by E. Ketchum. east by Bailey..south by H. L. Roes, and west by l--- Hicks. Containing fifty 'aces. with twenty.Sve ism improved, one framed house and framed barn and 4 t n apple orchard thereon. Seized and tak n in execution at the suit of R.B.D*- vidson. et al. vic A lonzo Sherman. ALSO...A piece of land in Orwell township, hound ed north by lands of Nathaniel Chuhasek, east by Ches ter -Hill, on the south by:Ezaiah Colborn, and on the Ingby Sandfonl Prince and Nathaniel Beeman. Con tai twenty-twb saes. with about twelve acres ins -with one Framed beam, Jog barn, one apple ee ;nd nuthereon. Seized and tak in execution al the suit enemas J. Timber's use, vi . .Chandler Prince. ALSO—The [lowing described piece oft parcel of reel land situated in Springhill township, and bounded north by land of aniel Lacey. east by 4. Anestrmog south by Lacey, west by John Raseerance. Coo tabling . Reined and tak a in execution at the suit of Jane E. BMW& vs C Smith. or ALSO—AII t piece parcel of ground situated, mo t and lying in H ' k township . Bradford county. boon ded as the N by lands of lanes Rogers, east by oni T a. lands of Edward Overton , south by leaden( team Bar. bee, and west by of lease Caveman ands public med. Containin about lifty.fivii acres with about twenty-five saes improved and a small log or framed house, and barn hereon: Seised and tak in execution at the suit of Edward 1,14 Overton. vs. Ti 1 CollMn"- ALSO—By a writ of Levaii Facies, all that en. tali) tract or pace of land situated .m the south side oho. wands creek in the township of Monroe, Bradford co., and bounded by he several' tracts of land "dented to and in the name , f Robert Shewell and Aaron Levy, the said Towanda creek and a branch thereof or lands of William car ay and Alice Stipplee. Containing Colt' ay three hundred an six acres more oriels, with one dou ble saw mill.. th dwelling houses, ole framed bans and shed, and abbut one hundred saes improved—also an orchard the ; excepting and reserving from tE above described s and tenements ' the lands &c., leased by the pl intiff to C. L. Ward, as per vele . file&Feb'y. 16th 1847, and dated Feb ' y. 12th 1847, • full description o which is filed and recorded in Brad 'ford common pl No. 69, Dec. arm, 1846. Seized and t en in !mention at the rail , of Wm. Potts et. al. vs. Yin. T. Bradford. JORN F. MEANS. Sheriff. Towanda,-Oct. 16th, 1848. Sberit's Offic! ei.ALICOES. %-) sage and hl ore. Two shill, bu• mind, the BONNETS. 'A choice selecn"ou of MIMIC( lace, China pear • Pamela. Leghorn, and other frWhion able styles of lad es' and misses' Bonnets. very cheap; alio Bonnet ribbOns, artificial', wreaths, &c. mar 17 KINGSBERY & i OINEWB T 01.013.—A goad assortment of Bead, JMoulding a Bench' PLANES, armoring plows,. and other Joiner Tools, just received from the mow. factoryomd for le low by . O. D. BARTLE rr. HAR n20.w6 DANrEL I, IRD takes this nvethrel to Intone the 1* inhabitants . Bradford Co., 1112i1 the aunouniling country, that be receiving at the . cold wand of J. P. Kirby, a- large a . wellaelectal assortment of 31E- 7 31( AIL. ' mii. liwir . ..m. !Eft Ml2a, Consisting, in pa . of the tollouleg : Nails, emssi. sin, sheet bon bar a. J sheet trail, had pips of vorionerdass, anvils, yoga an staple vices. crow bars. spades, abo eels end rote, ...U. X cut, circular, panel & wok seam.. WNW HADWARE, - CARPEMERTI & BIER'S "Tooli,Housa Trimming! of various descriptions. ' L COOK PARLOR STOVES, Latest im Alia, the Self- Reg ulalisug Par lor Skim He in madinfaetam and keep on bond -Copper, 1 n, and Sheet Iron Ware, of inda, at low pkgs. All penman wishing to II wore, will do well to call on D. Vont pm ' at any other place. His stock is en tirely are tad re b. lie Will sell as cheap la nay nth or establish twitbin 100 miles of this place, (no mistake.) All kindd d Copper. Thl addiebodt iron Ware, lepeirad and mad* mores in matkamanka law oar. Towanda, June 26, 1846. , 4,40 t .. • 8'1'011E: 6nss. Nre IIIIIINwe• MsN 41an, lalinb law bi4sti s wJI itiMp 'n eoustantly rest pses , • om • ireADY ',MADE A'astatratiwg liolierfi;i4ariek kc, 4•4 • • aottanqy •kg, • AND vermost Ake, sit of whit* grill aad•an irresesabte been • .prarliesl . Taitur of NevOrerit. defiers isfectioo to sR who say fir mks hie own inapt,. hawkm iceeismend- UPluir permits obis Mak; mod CaltiwtEdone heir rivarnts 1111111P•iii. done-with wafter and A. Whrekes Report. • can furnishto sock as aro dram s. B. A. ISMITH. I/13 s ever sold in Towanda, G AT THE SAVNGS BA! C ! UMM ER GOODS of every des. mei% and young min, for 'dung for the high, the low, the rich, now be accommodated. A few Dress tirade, which are going of CAD here mention, sorb as Frchi and light ginghanni, linen Justres; es, and • great assortment of P. l o ts 1r than the foiled at No. 5.'R R. REFAErt. A choke ',election of Merrimack, or- • pink and au other kinds, small ig ng calico for nine rents; call and see, y place is KIND/MERV & CO. WARE AND OVE STORE