&us= Miscellanea:G. MILLINERY AND MANnJAMAKING. VI RB. DOANE has returned with the latest fashions for, all kinds of work to her line. She is also re. fa iring GOODS of such variety, style and price, that with her past success in pleasing, her continued aim by cou rtesy,laimeas and promptness to satisfy all wl.o may (star bet with their patronage—and having in chiarsing h e r present location. raid making her arratigemcnts fur wines% consulted the convenience of her numerous " T oners, she cannot but flat et herself they will by an w e:e ased patronage, show that while she has sought to please o thers, she bas also benchtted herself Roams in Merin's buildings, 2,1 story—entrance he. twee Mercers' and Betts' stores. 07 Wanted Iwo or three apprentices to the above bu• A s . Towanda, Oct. 25. 1848. Ma% Vie N traratt(OALA , J MILLINER AND MANTUA MAKER, In Mrs. titeler:s building, south side of Bridge street, UAS just returned from the rity with a select assort -1.1. ?Petit of MILLINERY, to which she invites the attention of the Ladies. Having received the latest fs,h. ions, she is ready to execute work to order on short no. nee. Towanda, October 25, 1848. . _ MILLINERY AND MANTUAMAKING. VI RS. BURROUGHS respectfully informs the citi sens of Monroetop and ‘icin.ty, that she , has opened a shop for the above business, and has just re — . mired from New York the latest fs:ltions; also a choice and fashionable assortment of MILLINERY, consist ing of Flowers, Plumes, Ribbons, Velvets, Satins, Frin ges, ice, to which she invites the attention of the La thes. Having served an apprenticeship and worked for a length of time in one of the first shops in the state of Massachusetts, she natters herself she will be able to please the most fastidious. CO' Shop in the 3d story of Warf - ord i s Hotel. Work done to order, and sj fhe shortest notice. Monroeton, October 23, 18.48. Academy of the Prehbytery of gamptchattua. THIS Institution was °pencil at Friend -grille, on the first Monday of October, under the instruction of HAT:LOCK ..eARMSTRONG, A 8., and Miss M. A. HILLARY), Teacher of the primary department • It is under the immediate Supervision of The Presbytery of Susquehanna. and is designed to secure a Religious, with an English and Clinical Education, Board can be obtained at a low rate, and every facility will be af forded for the economy of the student. The situation is healthy and retired. and far from many of the tempta tions of towns and villages. Tvrrinar rra TCRSI OF TWISLVT. WSKIES. Common English branches, - . $.2 00 . . j.stin Grammar and Lessons, Chemistry, Philos ophy, Logic and Rhetoric, Algebra, *Surveying. Navigation. Geometry Trig onometry, Conic Sections, Analytical Geome try, Aeronomy, and differential and Integral Calculus, Latin and Greek Climates and French, .Refer-to Rev. Binuel F. Colt, Wyalusirm Rev. F. I) Ladd, silver Lake, Rev. Julius Foster, Towanda, Messrs. J. 8. Peironnet and A. Wickham, Friends yilte. Friendssille, October, 1848, PIANO FORTES, SERAPHIMS AND MELODIANS, FROM the best Manufactories in Boston, for sale by Troy; Pa., Aug. 16, 1848. R.B. BASSETT. jx, A p N ri T ee E . D at ,i h a: yr q e u n a tr n a t l it! t o or f e. Bu iNi tt er ;; at ti t E ht: r , market s . all &ME. IVErj) :13›i:05TI l i_tk5 1 )13, THE suliscribees stilt continue manufacture and keep on hand their old staled, all kit els of cane erid wood seat CHAIRS; also %ETTEES of various kinds and lEutcrEADs of every dii.: ftip ion, which we will lo for casts or Produce, or White Pine 'umber, White woxl. Bass wood, Cucunther cl air plank, or 4 by 4 Scantling 1,3 feet long—either Buttonwood, Basswood or Maple, will also be received for our work. Turning done to order in the neatest manner JAMES MACKINS , aN dc , CO Towanda, June 22, 1818. "Goods well Bought-are half Sold !" 0. D. BARTLETT, rnow opening a large stock and extensive variety of GOODS, selected with the greatest care, and bought tinder great advantages in the of New York and Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorable condi tion of both .markets—and having.in view the motto above, has so bought that he can and will sell on as fa uoribleiermaow the ceat, and will endeavor to show to community the advantage of buying from those who buy well. Towanda, May 23, 1848. WORSTED DRESS GOODS.—Plain, figured and tilaid i black and colored Alpacem.; black and co kned French• )t.enhoes; Oregon Plaids; rich French nd common Cashman., DeLaines,&c., a great variety a Myles for sale at. aep2s MERC I WYWAIVD.II. AVAX:IYA LIKK. THE Third Term will cornmetico on Monday the 30th day of Oct., inst. TVITION Pt% TERM Common - English Studies including Geography and Mental A rii h mitir Same with Grammar and Adam's Arith- tactic, Higher . English Stitches including Meital, Moral and Intellectual Sciences. Higher branches, of Mathematics, Latin, Greek 'and French Languages, Fuel (3d and 4ilt Tera,s,) F. W. GUNN. Tpacher ti2.ow6 Oct. 1848. CA 11 PET BAG /I .—Ladies' and gent's..• anod as mactment by ELLIOTT & TOM KINS. "ID ROCLA M ATlON.—Whereas, the Hon Jour Custrionsx, President Judge of the 14th Judi cial district consisting of the counties of Lucerne, Bradford and Tsoga, and H. Morgan and Reuben Wilder Esprs Associate Judges in and for the coun ty of Bradford#ve issued - their precept, bearing date the 25th yuf Oct. 1848, to me directed for holding a court of quarter sessions of the peace, common pleas and orphan's court at Towanda fur the County of Bradford on the Ist Monday olDe ember next, being the 4th, to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners Justices of the Peace and Constables of the county of Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper persons at 1. o'clock in the forenoon of said day wititrecords, inquistions;examinations and oth er their remembrances, to do those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to proSecute against the prisoners who are or shall be boutO to appear at the said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Jurors are requested to beTunctual in their attendance agreeably to their notice. • Dated at Towanda the 25th day of October. in the year of our Lord 1848 and of the Independence of the United *States the seventy-third. JoHN F. MEANS, Sheriff. AUDITOIVS NOTICE. THE undersigned, having been appointed en Audi- A- tor by the Orphans Court of the County of Brad. ford to adjust the accounts of E. R. Myer, administra tor of the estate of Wm. Myer, deceased, upon excep ' lions Med, wdl attend to the duties of his appointment, on M *lay, the Tith day of November next, st I o'clock in theifternoon, at the house of Geo'. W. Iderserso, in the_ Bow' of Towanda, of which alLuerwms will please take notice. 025 H. W P ATR IC K, Auditor. J. N. SUMNER, D., DENTIST, WILL paybiz next visi! to Towanda, in Octuber TV belt, and may be fourd at Woonaurv's Norm'. His friends are invited to calk July 12, 1114 . g DARABOI.B ac UMBRELLAB, the most extensive and splendid assortment ,ever bra% into Towanda, may be found at No. 5, B. R. REEIrt. HARDWARE, a good assortment, including Iron RAM. &c. at No. 2, B.R. FOX'S. BROADCLOTHS, Cassimeres, and &tinnier Btutrit --and endless variety, to suit all tastes and all elu de of people. selling extremely low at REEDS. ATCHEB.—Goleh'e, Gißiopic's and Pierce's Fnc tion Matches, by the gross or box. al No.l, Brick tnyB CU .11113E41414 & PORTER. LEI Etgal 7tbocrtiscutent3 AnmimisTßAToß'S 'NOTICE. • - A"memos indebted to the estate of MAT (1111A8 DURGEA, deceased, late of Cherry telrp, art hereby requested to make - payrnent wilbout delay, and those haring claims against said estate will pkuse pm. sent them duly authenticated for settlement. • rSept. 8, 184lt JOHN G. ESERLIN. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALT: persona indebted to the Mal* .r BENI. MICEAN, deed., late of Womble township, are hereby requested to Make payment without delay, and thorn having claims egatnst said estate will please re sent them duly authenitated for settlement. C. 8. M'KEVE, J. C. .WICEAN, September 6, 1848. Adsainistratora. - - - coosoyme MOH. Y en order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford en., kJ will he ix pawed trkPulilie sale on WE DNEBDA Y. Bth day of November `_lB4B, one at 10 o'clock A. M upon the premises a certain piece or parcel of tat d lying and being in the township of Springfield, county aforesaid, and bounded as follows to wit : On the north by lands of Hiram Horton and James Brooks, an the east by lands .'f Martin Butler, on the south by lands of Roswell Doan and Isaac, P. Doan, and on the west by lands of James Brooks. °attaining eighty two acres or thereabouts, about fifty acres im proved, with a framed house and barn thereon erected. ALSO—On same the day at 3 o'clock P. AL upon the premises, One other piece or parcel of land in said toWnship boundeLl as follows to •wit: On the north by lands now or lately owned by John Fuller, east b,) lands of Edmund Kinp, south by , Lind of Chauney Berry. and west by lands of John D. Leonard. Con taining one hundred and sixteen acres more or leas. about ten acres thereof improved: . Attendance given, and terms mule kismet on the day of sale. ALLEN STACY. Springfield, Oct. 11th, 1848. Administrator. 711.:1 3 1CATST5' CUD BAT Ein/ Y an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford II will he exposed to public side on SATURDAY, 4th day of November 1848, at 1 o'cicick, upon the premi4er, the following property to wit : Pour lots in Perryville Athens township, beinglots No. three, five. and six, of one tract of plot each containing about one sixth of an acre, and also No. one on another .tract or draft. containing two acres, and one hundred and right perches, all in Perryville, in said township of Athens according to a survey made by Orison Rickey. Attendance given, and term* made known on the day of sale. THOMAS PARK, JOHN HA DLOCK, CEO. HA DLOCK. Athens, Oct. 11, 1848 Cl l -1G ) /ILLMV ,9. MU/4U CskilE42. UY an order of the Orphan,' Court of Bradford Co., will be I :posed to public role, on Thin*ilry,„the 30th day of November, 1818, at 1 u'olock, P. 111., upon tht. premises. the following property, to wit : A certain piece or parcel of land, r.ituate, lying and being in the township of Leroy, county aft r..said, and ',unaided and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a post, the east corner of J. Hunt's lot, thence north slung said Hunt'. lot, and widow Andrew's,land, 232 perches to a post, thence east along the line of Sidney Stone's land. 31 6-10 per:hes to a post, thence south 254 perches to the bank of Towanda creek at • post, thence up said creek, the courses thereof, to the place oPh. ginning.— Contain ng fifty senct,striet measure, thirty acres theme,* improved, being a part of the farm of the I ate Peter Wal ter, deceased. 3 00 liil3 EED n20.w6 Attendance-given„ and terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN VANDYKE, Administrator. Oct. 30, 1948. kIARDELANA WALTERS. Ad. • 0:11T11 0•17:C1T miamn 14. Y an cutlet of the Orphan's Court of Bradford co., will be exposed to' public sale on SATURDAY. :sth day of Nov. 1849, at I o'clock, upon the premi ses, a Tract of land situate in Orwell township Brad ford Co. Containing sixty three acres, and bounded en the north by lands of Westly Robinson on the cast by hinds of Isaac Lyon, south tiy • lands of Harry Lines sod on at.: west by land of Moll. Robinson be ing the same tract of land which Stephen C. Smith and wife by Decd dated Oct. 29th 1845. (recorded in poet! Book. vol. 24 pages 366 &7) conveyed' to the raid John Barnes Dec'd with about twenty-live • •rea thereof unproved, air! a small framed house there on circled. Attendance given, and terms made known on the (lay of sale. C. G. GRIDLEY. October 31, 1918. • Administrator. WiIiIPLELVIass OCADIBIP BY an order of the Orphans' Court of Urn.lined co., will be exposed to public sale on MONDAY. 20th day of November 1818,at 2 o'clock, upon the pre mises, a piece or parcel of land in Towanda bore., late the property of Truman Kinsman deed.,hounded on the north by John Wilcox, on the east by William at., on the south by Division et. and west hy Main street, containing shout twenty-four square rods. Attendance given, and terms made known on away of rude. 1.. W. TIFFANY. Ortober 25, ISIS. REGISTER'S NOTICES.— Notice is hetet, given to all persona interested. that C Frishie and George W. Hardy, administrators of the estate of Isaac Benjamin deed., late of Orwell: ,Russell Pratt. administrator of the estate of George Jeffries, deed, late of Sheshequin; 52 U 0 Perky H. Buck, administrator of the estate of Wm. - Burk,dec'd., late of Pike; George H. Shepard, one of the administrators of the estate of Nathan Alford. jr., late of Wells; Joseph Beeman, guardian of Mary Jane Cook, minor child of Aaron Cook, late of Columbia. D. L. Scott, administrator of the estate of Wilton Scott. dec'd., late of Towanda borough; 3 00 4 00 5 00 25 Elias Rockwell, administrator of Samuel Rockwell, j•. who was , administrator of J. C. Roue, deed, late of Canton. Cypriam Barns, executor of the estate of Joel Barns deed. late of Orwell. • . . Charles Elsworth, administrator of Roth Crandal, Late of Windham tp A W Wiliare t ailministrator of the estate of Absolom Vl;i/coz. der 'd. late of Leßoy. Wm E Maynard and 1.. (LAE administrators of the eSt ite of J. IL Taylor, clee'd., 14e of Rorne—have filed and settled in the office of the Register of Wills, in and for the county of Bradford, the accounts of their several administrations upon the estates aforesaid, and that the same will be presented to the Orphan's court of said county, on. Monday, the 4th day of December nest, for confirmation and allowance. L. E. DE woLr, Reg. Register's Office, Towanda, Nov. 1, 1818. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. lastY virtue of au order of the Orphan's wort of the 1.1 county of Bradford, will be exposed to public sale on Wednesday, the 22d day of November, 1848, at 10 o'clock, A. N., upon the premises, the undivided tenth of a certain l.•t, picee'Or parcel of land lying and being in the township of Wyalusing, county aforesaid, bound ed and described as follows, to wit : Beginning on the east bank - of the Wyslusing creek, in 'hellos formerly dividing lands of Guy Wells and Joseph Black, dee'd.„ thence by said line north 70° 80 perches, thence south 15° east 20 perches, thence south 70° west 80 perches, thence along the Wyalusing creek up the several MU , sea thereof, to the place of beginning. Containing ten acres and allowance, mostly improved, with a framed house and framed barn thereon erected, with a small orchard. ALSO—On the same day, at 2 o'clock, P.M.. upon the premises, the equitable] interest in one other lot or parcel of land, situated . in said township, and bounded follows; to wit: Beginning at the south west corner of warrant lot No. 203, thence north 1° east 50 perches to the south west corner of a lot belonging to Cyrus Fuller and Almon Fuller, ttoence south 89° east .236 perches to a post. thence south 1° west 40 perches toa post oo the south line of warrant lot, thence north 89 ° west 236 perches to the beginning. Con t aining 73 acres and 120 perches strict mauve. about ten acres thereof unplowed, with a log house thereon erected, and a smell orchard growing upon the same. Attendance given, and terms made known on the day of sale. • CYRUS 811UNWAY, Springhill, October 23, 1848. Administrator. . L. C. PORTER, M. D. IPISMIECOLEM Cs 65illialkeZ9 OFFERS Ws professional services to the people of Towanda, and vicinity. Office at Chamberlin lc Porter% Drug store, No. 1, Brick Row. . my 9 G. W. Merchant's Celebrated Which is als) a Voiceful Family Embrocation for Diseases of the Homan Flesh. rritser. and experience have fully proved that that this UNIVFI%BAI. REMEDY has not not its equal on the list of popular-medicines, having been more than 14 yirare before the public. Testimony of the most disinterested character of its wonderful effects on the animal economy is almost-dai ly presented to the proprietor. A young man in the town of Wilson, whose clothes were burnt off of hint, was restored (without suffering) by the timely use of the Oil. • Numerous are the unsolicited statemerts of patients themselves, and others who have used the Oil, 01 cures which in themselves appear remarkable, that they at all interested in a pecuniary point, they could hardly bare been credited. The following diseases are among many others in the rote of which this Otl has been completely successful and in which others had entirely &ilea : Spam's, Sweeney, Ringhone, Wint!galls. Poll Evil, Cal lon.. Cracked Beek, Galls of sll kinds, Lameness, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Braises, Sind Crack., Foundered Feet, *vetches. or Grease Mange, Rheu matism, Bites of Animals, External Poisons, Painful Nervous Affections, Fmst Bites, Boils, Corns, Whit lows, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Chaped hands, Crimp, Contractions of the Muscles, Swellings, Weakness of the Joints, Caked Brea.ts, CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and be sure the name of the Bole Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERC II ANT, LOCKPORT. N. Y., is' blown in the side of the bot tle, or in his hand writing over the cork. Don't he persuaded to take any thing else with the promise it is just as gated, &c., &e. This is practised by those 1111. printipled dealers whose conscience will stretch like India R bber, and who are of a Mudge(' spirit of those in our large cities, whose nefarious practicer have so re cently been exposed to the action of Congress. Thaw who attempt to Counterfeit this article are re. (erred to the law of New York,of May ISM, by which it will be seen that every pawn meddling in these coutuerfeits is subject to indictment, imprisonment, and fine.. Administrators. A person selling, out of this state, will be liable foot rest whets in the state, and also to he held as a witness against those he bought of or sold for. All Orders addressed w the proprietor will be respond ed to. Get a pamphlet of the Agent and en what wonders are accomplished by the use attar medicine. Sold by respectable dealers generally in the United Silica and Canida. •For reale lyr Chamberlin & Porter, Towanda, E. D. Wells. Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer, Co% ington, Abel Tunell, Montrose, Pomp & Kinsey. Easton, L•wia Smith & C 0.., Allentown, 11. D. puffin, South Ea4oo. Oct. 15th 1848. 020 y 1. IP 12 (ti) IS IE 'a 12 k 1- 12 rZ.lllr 4 THE Subscriber respectful ly informs the citizens of To. wands that he hat ,, opened a ft kfrokrt in the 17nton Work, t o; one door west of WoodnafFs - - -. 1 - Hotel (basement story) and will endeavor to keep constant/3 , on hand, and supply those who wish the means of "good living." with Halt td Fresh Beef, Alumina, Lamb, Veal, Pork, &c., of the finest quality and in the best order. C - Y Candles & Soap by the box or pound, constant ly kept on hand and for sale at low prima. Towanda, Aug. 29, 1819. A. HAWLEY.. Just receiving a large and Rich Stock of New Fall and Winter floods, at WHICH for variety. quality and cheapness will well compare with anything of the kind in the Coun try. Any one who will do me the favor to call and examine any of my Goods I think can't fail to be suited both with quality and price. The stock includes alrest variety of Rich New Styles of Deem Goods - such as Plain and Fi l ed, Blue, Pink and Scarbit all worsted Delsanes, Filed Cashmeres, Thibet Cloths, Cocurga, Silk Plaid Madonean, Plaid "Detanea, Black Plaid, Striped and Silk warp Alpaca, Black Diunbmine. French and Scotch:Quid:lams, also, French, English, andAmelican Cloths, Cassimeres and Ver . tinga. Sheet ing', Rhirtings, Ticking, Cotton Yarn, Wicking. Wad ding, Baiting and a choice lot of Fresh Grocer;es, Fish Hardware, Iron, Nails, Crockery, Boots and Shoes all of which will be sold at very low Prices, at E. T. FOX, No 2, Brick Row. Towanda. Oct; 10, 1848. Administnto►. [li N;/al~~l~l=l'~l~l~44~~ i~l~l~~}ltlijll~ A7IP GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTING ESTABUSHMENT, he. 27, Cortland it, flew York. STit'4NGERB and citizens desirous to repknish their wardrobes, may he, immediately accommodated in the very best style, and at TIC LOWEST caw rareas, with a choice selection of FALL AND WINTER GARMENTS, "of the newest pattema,•of superior make and finish, and of the best materials, equal in every respect to the best custom work. Having adopted the cash principle, upon 'which certain calculations' can be made, and which be has puratied successfully? for upwards of ten r a n , in op. position to the ruinous system of credit, which imposes the necessity of exacting unnecessarily high prices from rinaa customers; he continues to provide, and has now constantly on hand one of the largest most fashion able and choice assortments of Beady Made Clothing, America. From which gentlemen may depend upon suiting them selves satisfactorily, as regards quality, sty le and price. His stock embraces Ovsecoars and Crofts of the most approved styles: BRIAN FROCK and other COAT,. Parra tuoirs, of every desirable pattern, and the niched assortment of BLACK BATIK, Catstaisea, and ei t her styles of Winter V arrs. The Faacr DILIPAILTMILIT embraces all the new and elegant patterns, and latest and most desirable styles of Fancy, Silk and Satin Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves and Hosiery. Shirt', Bosoms and Collars, Carpet Bags, &e. In addition to the above variety of Ready Made Awl eke, be has for sale by the piece or yard, at es low pri. ces as can be found in either of the Atlantic cities% a beautiful assortment of the best quality Cloths, Cassinseres and flestiairs. fiCrOterolemon eon have their orders filled at a fir* hours notice. and rent to any part of the United States— and by sending obeir measures, can obtain Clothing on es good terms as though they were present to select for themselves. Address, J. C. BOOTH. Sept. 1848. 27, Cortland st., New York. cry For tlw liberal Mare of patronage which has been extended to him for so many years;he returns unfeognesi acknowledgements, and be promises that no efforts shall be spared on his pen in future to continue to serve his customers case favorable terms no any other house in the trade. CIOTM% & CAB 3 IMERE B , Vesiinp, Overcoat Clothe. such as brown. olive and kohl mixed Bee. errs will he mold very low st iliA VINGS DANK. PAINTS,.OILts & DYE-STUFFS, Mao Matebor the grus.s, at No. 2, D. IL IPDX'tL anchantoilc, £7c. GREAT LOSS OF LIFE, •T ?NW NEW COODS. FOX'S CHEAP STORE. filerdpmbi;c, &c. FIRST ARFUVAL OF FALL. fr. WINTER GOO - DS. K & & M. C. matcuß, D ESP ECTFULLY announce to their - nunterosw Ll friends and customer*. that they are now °penise hr largest and mow genera. amortment of GOODS. eau before oarred in Torienda, embracing almost ever, thing wanted by persons of every clam and condition. Ali those wishing to puttinwe Goods fin cash. will find it for their interest in examine this aka. Towanda. tietacrnber IR. MO. EX ECU rows NOTICE. A I.L prisons indebted to the estate of W3l. ALLEN. ilec'd., late of Franklin tmep, are barely reque s ted to make payment 'without delay. and those having claims against the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. A. G. PICKARD. Executor. Leroy, September 18, 1848.. GROCERIIIB.--blood young hymn and hymn akin teas. at 87i a .d 60 eentu..-and sugar to sweeten II at 61 and 8 emits; all other kinds of Ufa:cries in pro. portion at the Central IStore. N. N. BETTS. E " EeI'ED in • kw d.ys, • kw moos loads of New Goods, at N. N .UE flB'. JACKSON'S PILE EN BROCATION. .1-1 This is no disgusting. nauseating pill, potion, or mixture; nothing that produces pain or irritation; but a medicine that is at once pleasant and agreeable in its application. 'Wording immedhite end will cure the very worst eases of painful. itching or biredillp Piles in I very few days. Call Of & Poierges Drug Store, No. 1. Brick Row, Towanda, and you will not go home without a bottle. 4.(0,(000 IDBirLe I GREAT REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, Merely for the Milli of cheap Clockx, Watches anti Jrtrdry t Greta Rttah at the tiW CLOCK 14) WATCII STORE! TAMES P. BULL respectfully informs the citizens of Towanda and vicinity, that he has lately MUM ell from Philadelphia, and permanentlyiorated in To. wands, one door below the Brick Row, in the room fen tardy occupied by Mercur's Hat Stare, where may be found gold and silver sr-states, gold, fob and guard chains. gold and silver pencils, gold pens, breast pins, finger rings. 6t.c., cheap for cash. and every article wst central. A large supply of CL 01:1(6, of the latest un proved patterns. running front Al hours to 8 days and • inonth, with one winding. (Cr Particular attention paid to ,repairing CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY. of every description, and from the long experience which he has had in the bu siness, work left in his are will he done in the brat workmanlike manner. Old gold aml Myer taken in exchange. Towanda, August 16, 18118. y DRUCS, MEDICINES GROCERIES & LIQUORS. • JOHN B. FPRD has just received, sit Lis Drugstore one door below Kingibery's store, in D.Kingshery's new brick black, 'Main street, a large addition to his fanner assortment, which he now offers to the attention of the public. His stack low comprises every article nanallykept, among which may be found the following: DRUGS & MEDICINES. Opium. cream tartar, camphor, motile soap, liquorice, balsam coped*, rhubarb, jalap. aloes, Baners chamo _mile. gum "aestrie, castor oil, quicksilver, magnesia, roll and demur SUiptIUT, refi red and crude borax, calomel, red precipitate, corrosive sublimate, aqua ammonia, tartaric acid, cpsom malts, hiudunum. Penna. sulphate quinine. all of the essential oils, gum myrrh. canthari&s, gum, tragacanth. corks, asaalparilla, gamboge, litharge, spir its turpentine, rotten stone, umber, terra de sienna, salt petre, annia seed, isinglass, cube* iumotto, &c., ate. GROCERIES. Crushed, I•af, and musearad4 slums, cheaper thin can be bought elsewhere in town t black and green lea ; a/detains, pepper, spice, mustard. prpp-r sauce, raisins, nutmegs, cloves, mace, Rio and Java coffee. starch, gin ger, oils, blacking, esAtile, brown, rarirgared and fancy wisp. sperm and tallow candies, tobacco, vegan and inufr, matches, &c., dm. • UQUOR& C,ngniae, Otani, peach and American Brandy ; St. Cooks, barman and New England Rum ; swan, lion and Baltimore Gin; Scotch. lAA and Monongehsle Whiskey ; litaderia, pale and toroWn Sherry, pure juice; Port, Tenerifie, Lisbon, litslagl, Muscat, claret and champaigne antes. alcohol, 4e. PERFUMERY & FANCY GOODS. Bay water, lavender, colons , e and roar water, mac caner and bear's oil, min mars, oz marrow. pomatum. rouge, pearl powder, bandetine, flesh, tooth, heir, nail and clothes brushes, father duders,.calf wallets, boy's belts, combs, pins, fish books, pencil points, playing c.irds, percussion cap., Ink, steel pens, ik.c. PATENT . MEDICINES. Western Panacea Bs Columbia, Pink Syrup, Kronstock's Yermifuge Hay's Liniment, Mother's Re lief. Pain 'Extractor, Arm:nide oil, Hair dye, Andrew's and Mrs. Brown's Painkiller, Godfrey's cordial, Adhe sive plaster, Townee-id's, Webster's, Wood's and Bhep herd'sSarsaparilla. Lithoutripic mitten., Wiathr's sam, Hungarian Balsam of Life, Upham 's efr.ctdary,! id' A Ilister'e Qinrment. Shepherd's, Komstorks, °nick's and Fsbnestock's Vent:dune; Brown's celebrate : l Lotion for Consumption, Sovereign balm pills, sugar coated Pills, and all the most popular medicines of the day. y The stock is complete, containing everything kept in the largest establistonents, and is 3ffered at the lowest possible prices. Remember, 'that Foul's Cheap Drug, and Liquor Store, is in Kiocribery'o new bh Towanda. June 7, 1848. _• SUNDAY SCHOOL 800 CS. 300 VOLS. published by the A *pm Sundsy School Union. and far sale low dill qtruntitics to suit purchasers. my 23 . 0. D. SASTLETT. New immigrant lad New Golds. ROGER FOWLER having just received direct from the city, a new and large assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, announces to the public that be will sell the same at unusually low prices. His assortment con. sists of GM Goons, GROCIMILS, GAMMAS'S, GUMS. ant, C , Re, and being-selected with care and bought at the lowest rates, offers inducements sal. dom to be met with. Illonroeton, Oct. 13, 1348. SHEETINGB AND 8H IRTINGB —lf you will el amine out stock, you will be sure to buy, uuleis you should think the price so low, that there was some thing wrong In it. KINGSBERY & CO. DISSOLUTION. TH c Co-Partnership heretofore existing between the 111 subscribers is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The books, steam's, notes, judgments, &c., are in the hands of It. Fowler, for settlement, end those knowing themselves indebt d will do well to call and settle soon. BEVELLON 1.. FOWLER, ROGERS FOWLER. Mtmroetoo, Oct. 13, 1838. n 20.4,8 DEMONS purchasing goals will do well to all and .1 examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere, es oar stock is large sod well selected, and purchased when the goods are lowest ; so that we bare a conside rable advantage over those who purchased earlier. We can secommodOte our customers with almost everything they wish. from a cola mill to a corn shelter. July 14. ELLIOTT & TOMKINS. • AUDITORS NOTICE. TSubscriber tuning been appointed by the Or- A. phases Coon of Brailkod county an Auditor to Marshall the worts of the iodide of Arsine Clark, deed. will attend to the duties of his appointment at the house of Ira C Bullock in Bmitheeld township at one o'clock in the daemon of the 24th day of November next. 18AAC W. FABBIT, Oct. 12, 1848. n2O w 4 LA Wrilla.—rreneb, American and Organdie Lawns, a beautiful aseortarent ; also. plaid and figured Silk wool War" anyl7 • KINGSBERT fa CO. AQUANTITY OF SUPERFINE FLOUR just receive:lL and for sale by the single barrel or load. at je27 MERUURS'. Mettipartb*, &T. TOWMI3A tew_CHEAP CLOTHING STOREi TAE rehrenlier haeaprnel neuroinea its,twor *era monk af' the Public &gum n ksu Arm, (nearly opposite the new brick towers now Wei meet- td by O. 1.. Woe 1. Erg.) whereby will kerp resonantly on band, and for Mlle at the keen painitde price., e large and genera arnottnent of REPT 11111 M CLOTHING. pooh ea WATS PAM VESTS, 81111 T-MA CRAVATS, Collars, Stocks l &kynkflefs. Gloves. Ikksiery, Drovers, Underskirts 4c., 4c. He has also on band and is Constantly nxei•ing. a lame sesonmrni at CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINOW such as silks. Sins, Marsailite. Ike., sil of which wall t* mado up to osier an short nodes and an reaannatile , terms. The subserilwr having been a practical Tailor for the lait la years., in the city of New York* natters himself that he ran Eire satisfaction to all wbo may fa ear hits with their patronage. His Clothing' is all meta up ander his own ha.p e lion. and be has throatily's no be.it.mey in tecensweed ing it to those whosriall to purchase. ozr CI 171 Naind MAKING CP for person. who !wrier to famish lb sown material.; and Cutting dose Gar proms who wish to hive their gee nests made else, where=all of which shall be done with neatness • and despatch. The enherrilort Is also avail AN Wheeteee Report of raAtions, whi.it he can furnish tb sorb as Sr. want• ins. on rearonable tonne. B. A. loam. Towanda, June A, I Apt. Cheapest Goods ever sold iwTowanda, ARE NOW sum AT DE SAM BANK ! SPRING AND SLIMMER GOODS of every des enption. for old men and young men. for young misses and old ladies, fur the high. the low. the rich. and the poor ; ell can now be aeratmmodited. Akw articles in the line of Dress Goods, which are going off with a perfect rush. we ran here mention. such as rods lawn gingham., dart and light gingham., linen Napes. Prench lawns, bensges,and a greakusortment of. Prints are now selling lower than the lowest at No. 5. II R. June 14. ISIS. REPAYS. T I ON 115 NE, anal Bantu., Trimmings. of tae. deo B rriptiott, suit ablator the srason. may he fount) in " odanre, aLd very cheap at 5, B. R. REVD'S. 13"NEr8.—Fkurnee. straw, pond straw, and lace Bonnets also, palm-leaf and Irighnen hats, by July 14. ELLIOTT & TOMKINS. TO COUNTRY IIIsacHANTF. BOORIELLCRA AND ALL DEALERS IN STATIONERY AND FANCY GINDOR. 0:7 - Do you wish to boy goads cheap. and save akand, some profit I • If so, you trill call on I=2l IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE. DEALER. 93 Wtraans, - opposite Platt at., New York, where you can find the greeted variety of goods suited to your trade, and which wilt pay you s good profit. P.axcr Gouns.—Coinha ef every' variety, Brushes of every description. Buttons. Perfumery ; Sae) Goods, such as Beads, Porte sod Bag Mounting., ver, - Planistied and Britannic Ware. Ix Seal , " English and American Drawing Pa pas and Boards; Tracing and Tisane. Papers; Ehg. and Faze% Writing, Letter and Note: Papeirs ; trade Paper ; Gold and Silver Fancy Paper.; Pits - ffili o a; Work Bores, Portable Dell's, Dressing Cases. Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gold Pena, Cutlery, Inkstands, Globes, Mathematical and Drawing s 'fn. 'liniments, Steel Pens, Quills, Pencil', Blank Raab% of every variety, ate., &e., 'and every other article in the line of :sationeryi which ire offered at prices sa tisfactory to perrbisers. by A. B. MARVIN. orpl3 93 William sr., opposite Platt, New York. f`i ALICOES.—A• choice selection of Merrimack, ca. k- 1 ange and blue, pink and all other kinds. 'Man fir urea Two shilling calico for nine - tents; all and, re, bar mind. the only place is KINGSBERY & CO. BONNET9.—A choiee selection of Florence, late, China pearl, Pinnela, Leghorn, and other fashion', able styles of ladies aml misses Bonnets, very' cheap; also Bonnet ribbons, artificial', wreaths. &v... may 17 KINGSBERY & CO. 1 OINERTI TOOLILv—A Rood eincernierd 04 Deed. 41JNoaldios rid Wench PLANES, grouting Ow; and oilier Joiner's Tools, ,jusr received (rum the tows faetglq. slid kw vale low by 0. D. BARTLE TT. A LIST OF POPULAR MEDICINES FOIL OIL& CT PHAMCERLIN & PORTER, No. ',Brick Row, who keep constantly on t and a' full askatment of genuine Drugs sad Medicines. Paints, C ils, Dyestuffs,. Groceries, Fancy articles, Ice. 10.: Alebasrs poor man's plast..Trssles magnetic ointment, " tooth ache drops, Mousey's Unireisal do., the Buirdrff health restorative, ' Master of pain Clickener's s. e pills, Wider's bele. wild cherry. Halley's piin extractor, Buchan's Hung. bilssm fife, Pabnestock's veratifuge, Andrew's pain killer, Gridley's Nth rheum oint. Davis do. • Onehmberx mad/Ones. Harding's Nicking "Arr. Hobensack's worm syrup, Peleg Wbite`• do. IngoWsby's pile spadiSc„ Ellis' ad-plaster cloth, midistnes„ Extract of Wa-aboo or bux Jackson's pilt444etter em. nine bush, an Indian me. Bberman's medicines, dicine „for consumption, " poor mat's pleat. diseases of the liver, 4c., Merrick's vernifoge, • Tbompoon's eye waßtr, Wursileirg erg. reg. pills, Weaver's-worm Ws, Dr. We , lon's female " DMus! oil, Winslow's bals. horehound, Drant's Indian remedies, MolTAt's medicines, Ward's. liniment.—reliewei miser's Olossonian, - rheumatic and other pain, sarsaparilla, Phinney's pills, Webster's ex. Pocahontas do. •': Harlem oil, Power's tooth cordial, Carpenter's do. Souk's dr. sow. balm pills, McAllistet's ointment; Swap iti% syrup w. chesty ; Tinliggton's babrasis do. vermifuge. Balm of Columbia, Smith's a. c. led. veg. pills, Bateman's pectoral drops, Scarpa's neoustrc oil. Cot May's cordial, Wright's lud: veg.pilla„ Bullard's oil soap, Oriental . Brandreth's do. Imlima vegetable elizer, do. Jew David's plaser, Weborer's bilious do. Cheosetnan's Aribiao ball Pbelp's !mosso do. Cooper's torn's*, do. Mother's relief.. Dr. Rush's Lees do. Gelatine cspAdes, Poses poor man's do. Cephalic crown anus With many others. not enumerated. The subscri bers are agents for moat of the above medicines. and waning every article genuine. July 19.1848. HARDWARE AND , STOVE • STORE TA A NIEL LORD takes this method to interns the JLI inhabitants of Bradford Co., and the surrounding I country, that he is receiving it the old stand of J. P. Kirby, • large and welLselected avartment of MAE 111- MIL Ma "IMPICr g Consisting in past of the following Naileoeopper, sheet iron bar and sheet lead, kid pipe of various sires, anvils, cotter and staple vices, crow bars, spades, sho vels and forks, mill, X cut, circular, panel* web saws, SADDLERY HARDWARE, CARPENTER'S & Tools, House Trimmings of various dear:Options. COOK & PARLOR , STOVES, Latest improvement. Also, the Sdf-Regulating Per lot Skive r He will mantifactore and keep on hand - Copper, Ti., and Sheet Iron Ware, of all kinds, and at low prices. MI germane whiting to parr.beas Hardware. vrill do well to call on D. Lewd before purchasing at an o th er place. His stock is en lively new antfresh. Ha will sell as cheap es any orb. er establishmen twithin 100 miles of this place. (no mistake.) All kinds of Copper, Tin end Iron Ware, repaired and made teenier in workmanlike man net. Tovramla, June 26, 1848. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. A LL !persists indebted to the Reute r of HIRAM 11 RANNEY, deed late of Wells township unbent. by requested to Make payment, without delay, and these hating - elaims spinet the said wets will plane present them duly authenticated fin settlement. ALONZO. t. N-OBLE, Executor. ' o.t. 13, 111411. D2owil Ei? I=l hiss. is t 10. ~re la," V." I ii, wish, ..prtissr. Imes los riga usissmiss stew, isslisrissihe esisraillawr ills asissiers sir prorSour unitise sor olor assess. ...toss Modes snosifirres, • possertirve st issrarJ. Aar &WI alis•sisr iswisserl M HAY &sir rills I. Ari , .4... rise sr parry log Vordiall. .1.0 rho si-sr...tr. sire ordvity In Iles rea.nskie spasur M p , • **'• CG 41( Ik. To. r•noomma. sty hy rim .1/F44 Footle s► the , wells. lor .1 .I“,eav awl alvel Cwwmpwpiww. eat newly. k IVIIIMA • b. the Iil•lr, -ml CCII elerdif .2 v , 4'..'e4. . Caiiimmplima flnimp Ilfrevarlel Rms. Liver Clemp th.fda nuts Mal t lieTfilsel IN Ckest, 1141 , 410tt sr Pro/fess Its. Ms Eidq Mt /sae isms ..d ea. IN 4'os C 1..... ega 'mettle chitis Coms.nopo' (7.,grec llishma Sp . 11.efic Plash. Mite preter•liim. erred. seise Mao& /f e r v.r4, Alitril fit. 1417. . ,mile hollow* rot Parooimeilla I throomb ProvOlootro; of ...use oily I yvaira boot • 4.1 Iruqgh. It 1..- . At lani I mi..* largo 9ovalli. hi .....41....•04 ermor. itrailly 314,6illsemp did rot Willow( 14 Ilse 14.,• may I. aborilivim. w• 1 115... An. • wea r . wed is per. F war wart Isla. to or.* raise wo hi.oll M soy owlish hoe 01l iolootio. Moot I' lisiir thooloMol h, Il • Just11.••••11. 3 I Wit RIIIIVISIM. 111. Cad...rigs .4. pg.EMIL -16.. ohm 55•45.5•1 165.. I hey. Orr woo mono Ir • li.. .( 1.45...1, 15.4 ni Lod 8154 robeeed, .511..1 5 mar Sampawill 4afet Omar. 16.45 ' del or., 115. city loft Yee rna time maks. Tow , helersimi gem. than Omar- thanften.ll ease. of r• liharrojarilte ent...1.. Tian IC car. ant world) , eraMoodeJ ivy It. TM* Ater es* j et diem tiro Or. To.; At intrunr•liwiry virurs. Imp. C , Asi taw tie A. In Meek. in lbw snlionting Jets Iv. OOP of ilio assi-tento IM eV. 1•OOft.. • 11•13M4 • illOyrnideMPOlS 1111.111.70 . . r Air: I Intro on&rrol to.tribly the Mops-dims: emooidersfoir «f Ow 1i... ! walk a ,1 1134 ih, 11.1.4 . .11-trmoi.ri sows orrra.kr Sorsams 111. v. slood rompporfils.s.sl 111.mlf iirr1...10.0..... 130.1111.* I Tart% aCroonol .1 woo.. ants..l. hell. r-- ii...1 - 4,i. - Tm aim at liepgrty to m... , l%is moissifullv. ltirem - cliaristNami. rwr wed. ALS•IPP. I•sarill i+ InvohrileihMli to raw.. or INN Dr Tor .... - n.l —D. yoiwu with it, I etvit4 uM.I .at. 4.11 embui upt utr Gaol.. four 4silles.se rmer til•111* t4aiwar.l •101 l • i5.1.1.•1 I fie! Pedir.hr tee the bleuelk of .141. Dr Town•nn.r. SA CAille anal ?Arne an on.. of h.edhrl. Crnt Wa.t of like eltarac Arnie. T..e 11.11neatar Settee in walla e nave received toot The Snail and Is • 10 1 17. ar Sir—l perchanat Nov wifa t.. of your Aei•ot lit. $r t ir. of K Avim finfan.l heal 'WA). !inane. to .aen► tlte Weal. awl votary Chill• , owl" the Ferry annearat. Ow, ,1 borne". ah.t krl dui , tant thn hottle cL as she we+ ninth hnttat than .ha ook ti.. Ata•. A Italy that had bran 'talk, and Feror. bat bad bank. thane Ss left is a ynry weak and Iliatenteiaz ucuulinely with. the. A;a• Cahn. seeing ifr, .he 'ad - wed a few so coatisarte rawunalledi is Ink that thia caw to,us+ it if ire Dr. Torroomod Wu:o Darr eporil witswa, antra it for t - alike Aria {walla, it Win, day whoa Van ware lariersolext : a els was ‘atirely rata hara . befaartabe ter, *irk with liar giwilsiew; anal and 1.10 tit.. feet Marl.., =! 22=TIE q•arill; i. . mut 0p0...1, Immimineitiesur, flurreamr.e. rrampars , Woad% 11.1...ti‘ommo. Martell .r Metall Mr...lrvisli.r. I. di.riarrr Hen.< - - hr. Tuwle.en.r. <rre r 4 iaeipiwr - thovi tag Fathom rbora. of %%iie.. conttioroura of lir mod lbt grew' grihrriber lb. real by brrwurlerity. ill lime it rar.olllll, of all r ore. b.cone. =l==== , alerreurres4 nr ranrr• prontneenl gr serielest. Northing rPti , 1,. IMMO orating offretr on lan barman finale.. na4 Iniminufe, finer thin[ tt at fill Sf.rmentt, •tuler :sets the iterieleiwswie fewsste grin* ems* Illsrvwnwess„ Ii silt is PIM '4.r ws delicate s swum Is less pwaseised., bet we .. samara 1, *few,. hats Fees repartee, In fine/i.. *ire hews million • Ind qf this istalsable =22 - - *auk which it Eat ha expiated as eartilicatts Me alliktent, : that re Thermo*. • ehildree. lonia ■ haat bait haws_ k.. bra* aapra.al Plaint& .1 1 0 rattail proaeltita , -that Amish. aritlact • say of Ow Must ■ra tabloid' at Nava for 8.0.1141 it Mat iditaish , ham& as it it the hisiat tiati ciao- it &wait emeMe Me • with Gam: -Iwolthy pared is reforenes to (ramie en.. • laro moms M improve sr. perin4. The tare: sf life:" . it, wit ia • 'stasis tad leneritsir diseases is shads &main s 01 lids. .This 'wirdii4y be de. re a, gig. : this wedged 'Nut ia these who ars spprosehi I scene: te assist SWIM! by t roakerisei ihei mes. sy Indeed. this wadi. .tat delicate Jimmies to tibia Mesber. sod wt Plectra medicine for peril% ine the 'snterimrs attendant rime atilt', I nrewoh;wl loth the maths, and disease. 'nemesis' Mid enriches the sl it think it Is indispetssahle. It is awl after coninentent, as it premnis claiklbirth. le Castes...a, , Pike, dm Feet, Despondence, Ileartlithm, Back sad twins, Fake Faint, Ilenine. ithm the Secretions and Fgadislax the Nast The pe■t beast; of this meal. safe, and lbw most delimits use it Maid A nal. RI. It is the safiol the arum..u.l f hirth ever diacoi shit& pros-eats hind theme who highly useful hot diseases idtioutiti (Noun %%lesiva& Polo it ,h o yo. Sad is rep viratii•ioa it has ciao avit is alai., voccossially : • W - I arrefals Vowed. pinves tlem '11,6 Sarimparil• • the Ifit.st 011.1141.1111 . 2 idisames ne possess eased au use house is nurses. Tub eerli/eetw h.. p.rf.•" roe the 111...4. Three Thew l'hilillegm. tear here the pigments te haslet, y ehitilrem Move heee eared n(lhe. Serve. veer ereelleiit MOtiitalllo3- They were at. ly with hart wow., here 'tatter retie hew. away, Ger which I feel myself owlet Dr.•Trotresethl 1.. shut three ot"1 1111. hylk. MAO of very 1.1/11/1 Iles; it leek no greet foblitsaiitni. • Ivs re. AM,. MAC 7.e1A1N.101 Wesrsg : e rrw. R el. is al t rhrily receiving eaves kern erre erf the U.... fins en, the erwlereigurel. Pleyvkiane ray. Isere is sneverinue men prevariberl 1 - ereeparillek, *sod believe it irr be OM 01 Oreperatiermi in IM operliet. It. 3. WILSIOT, WI).. R II DRUM . %DORF,- N. 1/. glivery, April, ion. 0 CAIUTION. ... Dr. Tairimirral rirri.iciiis is • tUlor is to terti er the esti. ef Al lir. Teee-erare the 1.03.1 veleehle 11 1..1•111.1.vi. • 11. 1/...P.11... °who: Aft ilte rune euceaes woe lutimeste ..l of fly. Teem-end'. Sen. rutin.. ■ OUlleher sf we■ oho oore Few. ottwly leer • Apo. bore eetemeoced iftekiwo Sereopatilla Entroctft Alstracta of Yellow Duch. • ILo. They K Ihr p t it up is the soma duped holder. moil .roe of theti,ho woolen eft! ravioli ear ailvestiaeseouts. shop ere oily w Molest iseisetiows. sad sheekt bs euoided. Nome pontos up. slimed by S. P. Teiaftemil, erittciptil te&.• 1•36 -ruvrom Street. See N. Y.; 1/...1.11.4. & Co. a Shea drum Roetoo Diott See..'lit Iltirth • Arm% fltiledelphie S. S. Hooey. Drouglot. Relit P. ICeams, Claarkate• Wl** k 151 Cho litteol. N. fx c lOS South Purl Strut Mao: • out y. all the pliwipol Ilnitniute sod Noir Amu. ;ftuovaUpAhweiteheiel Abe (WWI SIMMS. Wig bake awl the Coosa St/id ift KORTEIt Pa n by CHAMDERLIv & by J. KINGSBERY, JK. " n s INGHA —lAwo finer, .• desirable sty Way to • towu,st If, new styles, mei monetioes &me ; - army deeetiption • Organdie qtr. ninheir. end in act en the meet ' of Dees Goode in oarken. with wre tch, cheaper than any other &ode in FOX'S. gi us, riast ffl =1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers