Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 08, 1848, Image 2

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Mratifovti (porter.
Towanda, Wednesday, No em. S, MS.
The Elect'sii.
We publidi, below, all the • returns which have
readied us, up to the hour of gt'tiug to press. We
can hardly form art estimate from what we have,but
should judge that Gen. -Taylor has majority over
Gen. Cass, of nearly 1000 in the County. The vote
for Mr. Van Buren will prOhably reach 1.500,--the
strong Van Buren townships yet remaining to be
heard from. We give the returns, and the vote for
Presideut in 1844 :
1 S 44.
PoL.II. CL kf. V. ft - in. CAN- TATUM.
Towanda R. 88 97 68 43 99
Towanda 'fp, 71 70 26 40 80
Monroe, 113 100 55 80 132
Rome, 108 196 36 66 108
She.gherium, 108 159 84 21 152
101 63 40 Al 78
IVarn n, - 154 98 78 69 84
80 136 S 9 17 136
Aibeng Tv. ) 29
" 80. j 220 ' 196 IS 40 66
iVindham, 127 64 ' 11 96 22
Liteli field, )06 64 9 69 63
1i ter, 86 13 52 . 63 54
W'}alu.-ittg, 109 96 61 47 139
Asylum. 39 90 75
Standing Stone, 62 pt ' 9
Albany, 101 87 5 93 86
Hry-Inx. 73 123 22 51 129
_ f ''oltimbia, 119 166 22 88 133
Bitrlitmtnn : 114 K 179 64 60 146
I:atitnii ' 126 131 66 62 165
Herrick, a. 81 30 97 ' 11 34
Sprimrfield. 197 121 4S 132 94
Solidi Creek, 60 44 31 21 34
Trey Tp. /..,___ 61 57 13/
, " i 133 200 ii: 26 14 67
The Way-biH from Oweirn, brings intelligence
that Street tw..hig) is electod to the Assembtyy by
to majority. Tioga Comity, N. V., gives Taylor
100 majority,
The telegraphic report at Owego, - says that the
inairatians are•that Taylor has carried l'eunsylra
nia, and that Cass has carried Ohio.
kew..York city gives Taylor 5000 majority.
NORTH BRANCH CANAL—The Wilkes-Barre Ai . -
vocate_says,of this work, " If the next Legislature
ran devise means by which the State may'finish
the North Brandt Canal, no time should be lost in
accomplishing it. It is an important link in the
chain of State Improvrements. Finished, it would
yield,more revenue than any other section of Ca
nal in the State of same extent. Hence its cornple
tion is of great moment to the State : of very great
moment to Northern Pennsylvanin. The State has
expended much money already on this work, and
by finishing it; would realize a full equivalent back
into the Treasury. No effort should be spared to
deviSe means to do it. It ii to be hoped that the
Legislature will make the consideration of this sub
ject a prominent:item of business."
CoNcratv.—Messrs. Littlewood & Co's. Harp
Hall, announce a Concert of Sacred and Secular
'Music, both Vocal and Insnumental on Friday night
toth inst. We have before us, in the newspapers
of different places where they have pertrmnetl, the
hi.4hest tecommendationi of these Concerts. That
they are in every way worthy of patronage, we
have no reason to doubt, aft, we bespeak fur them
the patronage of all lovers of good music.
Fut-_sit Ovstrits.—We are indebted to Capt. Gill
son, for a can of superior OyAirrs. The Captain,
who never does business by halves, is receiving
almost daily by express fresh.nd superior Oysters,
which are disposed of to the public, in his accom
modating manner. We recommend the lovers of
this popular bivalve to give him a call
erjr. Our readers must excuse the bm renness of
our editorial columns this week. We hope to make
amends, he ter. The election held yesterday is
just now excitinl!..eltri earnest attention of all, and
we shall endeavor to give our readers early and au
thentic informati.m.
Iscar.Asr. ne Vtrres.—The popular"- vote since
128 for l'ret-ident, bas been as follows:
Ye. 11.5
1,4 JO,
rirvr Y-FI Rsr CONG/lESS.—Ten States have elect
rd their members of Congress, and the. account
stands thirty-one Whigs in the next Congress, to
thirty-three in the present; and forty-six Democrats
to forty-lour in the present Congress. Democratic
gain, two. -
Otito.—The Ohio State Journal furnishes the Of
ficial vote for Governor, from all the counties in the
`:ate, save three, and in these three the vole is au
thentically known and given. Frem these returns
there is a majority of 336 for Ford, and he is the
Governor elect of the Slam of Ohio.
TIM 1101ISTEAD ENLMPTION.—In the Vermont
Legi4a!ure, a bill exempting homesteads not ex
reeding :.500 m value, from anaehment, was- or.
dered to a third reading in the House, on Friday ,
by a vote of 109 to 91.
c,r South Carolina, it is said, will-not vote at all
the presideouidl q :estion. The L%rislature, it
is thought, will not form a quorum on the 7th No
vember, and there is no provision of law for the
subsequent action of the body.
TllANYSGlvitco.—Maine, New Hampshire, and
Vermont. Nov. 16 ; New York Penns3lvania, New
Jersey Maryland, and Ohio Nov. 23; Missouri,
Nov. 21; M.Assachnens and Conneotieut, Nov. 30.
"Tux Xi - romans Faso," which Iva," the first
an(l last American paper poblishea in ftteico, Int.\
been removed across the Rio Grande, in Cameron
cranny Texas, where it will be hereafter published.
li.ttetnt.trism.—This diseav is more common
and distressing especially iii this country than a1,„„4
,„„ 4 an y other ; and at the 'same time it may safe
ly be asserted that it is ns,little understood and as
unsuccessfully treated; Physicians me unable to
cure it, even in theirOtrn persons.. Yet such are
the unparallid virtues of Merchant's celebrated
Osszglint; Oil, or Family Embrocation, that the most
obstinate cases at once yield to its application, See
advertizement in this paper. 44, pamphlet of des
criptitni may be had GRATIS ; of the agent.
Seven . days Lifer frotallwiripg—p deciijoiCia ow :
gard to rtiralislT Briera.--47ae Male jvoiiisabfir4;
--Prograarythe CkrierateTiitt eritisTin Annei.
---4lffeits tlf Vicanti.l—Therariiihd SiesnendelLiss
- : Souris Nev. is
The stieamithip Yibernia, with Liverpool dilate
the 21st tilt , has arrived, and the following is an
Wagtail 11;., intelligence brolgtht ;
Livrateaut..,. Oct 21.—The weather daring the
week has been very unsettled. During the early
part a mast deal of rain had batten bet a tantalises
in the wind has bronglit aboin a complete change
in the atmosphere, and a bowing cold has imecee
ilea the previous damp weather. The harvest is
completely got in, and eluting the nest fortnightthe
prep:undress for autumn" sowing will be general.
In Sentland the point° crop is Still repented as - gnoil
whilst that of Ireland is irnmentielv short. The
en, dotes is, however, good, and the markets
generally partake of the same want of spirit prevail.
ing in England In fart. specntation is at an end,
and the large supplies vain+ are flowing in from
the Baltic' and other parts, tend effectually to keep
down prices.
Tate Cuot.cas.—The alarm which was at ling
created by the appearance of the cholera has sensi
bly ciliated. The Register General of London has
reported 30 additional cases up to last Saturday,
but on the -other hand the general health is better
this year than in ordinary years, there being only
991 within the bills of mortality against 1154 upon
an average of the three lam years.
There is only one ease reported at Birmingham,
and at Ma neliester not a single case has yet occur
red. Liaterpool has So far oscaperl the pestilence
in the city of Edinburgh the ravages of death seem
to have been rather more extensive than any other
place, while the port of Leith has comparatively
escaped. Its appearance, however, at the little
fishing village of New Haven, establishes, without
a doubt, the fact of its malignant i resence in that
• ilt,
184 N.
The govemtnent has already become satisfied
that the precautionary , measures of quarantine are
alimettet.r unnecessary, and have determined to do
away entirely with the regulations which enforce
the observance of quarantine ' even in the cases
where deaths have occurred from Asiatic Cholera
on board vessels coining from C rntittental ports.
laccAtau--Surtrt ffitalf.a.—The Lord Lieuten
ant, in reply to a deputation of the inhabitants of
Dublin an I its vicinity, declines giving any direct
answer to the memorial, beyond the assurance that
full weight will be given so the recommendation
of the highly respecttible jury which tried him.
The formalities fitr b•ing,ing the writ of error have
all been complied with by the . legal advisers of
Olhien, but the of cial. privilege oCrefusing the
certificate, with widen tne Attorney General is in.
vested, will nitrite exercised by that officer until
after his return to Dublin.
Mr. Olknonghne after some hours deliberation
by the jury, has been found guilty, and a recom
mendation to mercy accorded in consequence of
his having withdrawn and disconnected himself
from his associates previous to any overt attack.
The. trial of Thomas Meagher commenced on
Monday, and the interest which had subsided at
Clonmel during the trials of Malanes and Cl*Don
crghue has now revived.
The. Catholic prelates at %Min hare come to
certain resolntions which are highly important in
one point of view as a collective body. They im
plore the Government to employ for the immediate
retie o se p all the funds at its disposal, and
use all its inflo nee to effect such an equitable ad
justment of the lotions between landlord and ten
ant. as shall stimulate an outlay of capital, and en
sure the employment of the able-bodied, and in
crease the produce of the soil.
FaAxcx.—The partial change in the administra
lion of Gen, Cavaignac is eitther the,prelude4o his
own retirement from office, or more probably to
some convulsion brought about by the Bed Re
publicans and the Reptiblicane de la Vielle—they
who were republicans before the 24th of Febuary
—bei tg so early deprivett.of the sweets of sover
eign authority. Gen. Cavaignac had no alternative.
He perceived that the majority in the Assembly
was formed of Loyalists, Legitimists and modem
Republicans. ' They who had become Republicans
after the 24th of Febnary possessed the power of
excluding him from office at .any moment, and,
having been himself raised to honor by the Repub
licans de la Viclle and the party of the National, he
had no other recourse but to attempt the policy of
The result has been that Decrees, the Prefect of
Paris, has written a letter, resiping his office, and
in plain terms says he disapproves of Cavaitznac's
adroit policy, and in presence of thedang,ers which
menace liberty in France, while it triumphs in Ger
many, he shall rental( his place amongst the ad
versaries of royalty, which he a ill combat under
all disguises. lie concludes siunificantly : " All
,-oldiers,of the Democracy must he at their . post ;
mine has ceased to be where my political sympa
thy exist no longer."
Another pre•en-ant proof of the critical positiog of found in the w•ayering of the Nation
al: The Orleans family was o?ortitrown by sub
edicts of the National.
Louis Napoleon keeps quiet.
Cheap Sncialistslranquets continue to be held.
One is to take place on Saturday under the auspi
ces of Lelia R dlin, And mates no little alarm.
The funds, which rallied when the moderate par
ty were admitted to the cabinet, hare again de
clined. On Thursday the 3 per cents were 41f. 40c.,
and the 5 per cents 68f. 55c.
2.402 658
VI KNII A.—The! stupendous events which are Fus
sing in the neighborhood of Vienna and the Aus
trian empire, has kept all Europe in alarm and
amazement during the week.
Last week we announced the breaking out of an
insurrection at Vienna, on the Ist On the Bth ,
the Ban of Crotia, Jel;ichich, at the head of a nu.
memos army was advancing towards Peeth, with
the view of.supporting the insurrectionary procee
dings in Ilutprv, but when the intelligence of the
revolution in Vienna reached him. he instantly
turned his columns in the direction of Vienna, and
advanced with rapid stridestowards the capital.
Fatturrirt. DESTMTION.—The New Orleans Bee
has a letter from a friend on board the U. S. store
ship El kite, vihieh describes the condition of the
crew c t 4he Ocean Bride, wrecked in the late gale.
It i•ays : .
We are. abreast of Havana, after, being seven
days out; last Satunlay, as we were enjoying a
glass of wine after dinner, the man on the look
out reported a wreck eight miles on. The captain
immediately ordered the ship about, and to steer
for it,
and in about an hour we came tip to it, when
what a pitiful sight presented itself—there five hu
man beings, all of whom had nearly lost their rea
son from hunger and exposure, and wete drinking
salt water.
The captain ordered out the life boat, and in less
than no time the men "assisted the sufferers on
board, when it was found, by asking the onljz n e
that could speak, that their vessel was the
s from Laguna, Honduras, (Yucatan) bound.
to London , with logvrood and mahogany. Having
on Monday night encounered a gale, she was dun-
masted, and the captain and five more of the crew
were swept overboard b,y a sea breaking over her,
which also swept all thew water and everything on
deck away. There were six men still hell on board
with no food or water, as in a short lime the sea
broke over so furiously that the bold was filled.
On Wednesday they lost the that mate, one of
the six that were not washed away, and so great
was their hanger, (horror to narrate,) that on
Thursday they cut his arm off said ate it.
I believe uow I have g iven you a full Alescrip
lion, as it was told me by the second mate of the .
Ocean - Bride. Now for the survivors. The cap-
tain had them put toted and their watuuts ‘ dreased
as they had a great many severe,cuta about them,
and most of them had their hands and feat swollen
to-an immense size ;be !ben bad them some nour
ishment cooked. The first night three of them
were delirious, and in the morning their craving
for water was most pitiful On Monday night we
last them—the others are all recovering fast, and 1
hope will Soon be out of danger.
The 1111 ft lag Was
r 1 - `
Whdevevlmay bit the result of the aplmimhing
PAW anntes;tsne thing may 'hit Fostaderd
paw*certain ; that no art can pans? the pc.ipu
ler of the neirly elected Natimml birds
tate..Wiiich 'My coMoemplate the spread of negm
shviery'eveviiiur ple acquisitions of terrilery id
wement America. it is now removed beyond
doubt that a derided majority of the next Room of
Representatives will enaction the conmitutionality,
LA, justice, thehumanity, and the expediency of
of excluding the cum of slavery from what is now
free roil, of engrafting the wholesome principle on
any bill which may offer a territorial government to
the country above named.
Titus much has Iteen.iptiaed, thanks to the pro
vidence of God. and the activity and decision of
the melees. That humbug of sere-heads it
Mar new lobby-borne of worn-oat dernevagned,
that nursery pet of ropenumusied raspirants—the
Wilmot Proviso—has finally achieved a victory as
si l mal as it is useful, and as glorious its it is hi"-
Three hundred and ristr-millions of metes are
saved' from slave colonimitton, and the "goods and
chattels" of Looiriana and the Carolinas are not to
be exported, amid the eameolpromestatiass, the
deep region( and the sinceretears of the philanthro
pic and the good.
So much for the principle of the famous Provi
so ; we have all said, and we still say," that we
bold free soil ow/law-red as free men, and that we
would as soon submit to have the chains fastened
upon the free limbs of oer people, as-to surrender
their rightful inheritance to the demands of the
slave power."
Our 'Pa let y is now in the • House of Representa
tives, fresh from the people, anti they cannot ad
jaunt the great question of human riahts whatev
er therefore, may be the sequel to this November
tale, we must all admit that a most signal moral
trinmph has been effected ; that in the lace of a per
fect hurricane of southe.n opposition, and the very
teeth of the bitter denunciations of northern men
who love their party more than their principles,
and whose altar of adoration is built in the audi
ence-room of Tammany Hall—the desired end has
been accomplished, the institution of slavery has
been checked in its deadly march of propagation.
•••"° Hear it, ye heavens, and give ear to it ye
earth !"
Let us then trust implieitely to the future. We
have done much, but the battle is only half-fought.
The organization of the free soil . party is still in em
brro—four years will advance it to maturity, and
render it so formidable. that both the old parties
will hope to fraternize with Y. Daily GloGe.
K CAN.:cwt.—Gen. Stephen W. Kearney, the conque
ror of New Mexico and California, is now no more.
His disease has had a fatal termination, as was fear
ed, and he died yesterday, as is announced through
the telegraph ken St. Louis. Of all the officers in
the army, none has rendered more service to his
cou»iry. He entered •it in 1812, was at the fa- ,
moos battle of Queenstown, and from the k ratik of
of Lieutenant rose to that of a Brigadier general.
But the most remarkable service that he performed,
was that in New Mexico and California. the form
er of which, by the celerity of his movements and
the excellence of his plans, he entered. and receiv
ed the complete submission of the inhabitants with
out a single battle r and the latter, joined with the
naval forces andsr Stockton, he conquered . after
several hard fought and successful banks: His
march from Santa Fe to California aas one of the
most daring acts 'that heroism could undertake.
With only a lew follo-sent, between twenty and
thirty, he had several engagements with an enemy
greatly superior in force, through all of whom he
cut his way succession:, though severely woun
ded in one of the encounters. Het was a brave
and chiralrie officer, was prudent as heroic, and
the army and his country lose one of its most gal
lant spirits JO his death. Congress, notwithstan
ding the opposition made in a high quarter in the
Senate, did an act of jnstice when it confirmed his
nomination to his present rank. Gen. Kearney
was born in Newark, New Jersey, about the
year 1793, and was thus in his 55th year at the
time of his death.
weeks ago, a package containing r. , 3700 was stolen
from on Loam one of the boats playing
this city and Norwich, Counecticut, and thus far no
satisfactory clue has been obtained likely to lead to
the recovery of the money. Yesitrday a negro,
w4l known to the police as Bob Moore, arid of
onf New England's fair daughters, a young women
who gave her name as Maria Hutchinson, verc ar
rested at a house in Mulberry street on suspicion
of having committed the. robbery. On questioning
the latter respecting her acqnaintance with Moore,
she stated that she was the daughter of a respecta
ble and influential citizen of Vermont, and that
about i iic weeks ago, in consequence of an alterca
tion with her father, she ran away from home, and,
in Boston, got acquainted, with a colored sailor, na
med Hutchinson, whom she married and avowed
her intention of returning home with him. in order
to modify her parents as much as possible, on an,
count of the course of conduct which they had pur•
sued towards her. After being married to Hutch
inson a fortnigh., he shipped on board a vessel at
Boston, rather precipitately, having ireviously be
come acquainted with Moore,
and introduced him
to his wife. No sooner had Hutchinson got out of
Boston harbor than Moore ' commenced making
love to his friend's wife, and finally succeeded in
pursnading her to come to this city with him. On
their arrival here, they engaged apartments at a
house in Mulberry street, where they have been
livid as man and wile. The latter appears to have
received a liberal education, and converses freely
respecting her situation, but refuses to give her mai
den name, having, in some measure, changed her
mind on the subject of di-gracing her parents. At
present she and her colored paramour remain in
prison, for further examination —N. V. Star.
DR. V. P. Coot.tnat.—This unhappy man is now
confined in a cell of the prison in Augusta, Me., of
which the: ground dimensions do not exceed eight
feet by four. A part of this narrow room is occu
pied by his bed. The cell has no window, the
light and air being admitted through iin aperture in
the door. His friends say he cannot survive the
winter. Governor Dana called the attention of the
Legislature to the case last summer, and requested
that body to say whether they wished to have the
convict executed or not at the end of the year—The
warden of the prison also requested that some en
largement or change of treatment might be order.
e d ; but the Lftrislatme declined to take action in
the matter. A brother of Coolidge has lately been
from Ohio to see him. A sister, whose home is in
Mississippi, is now in Maine, and will there spend
the winter. Bran vo Drain.---O n Thursday evening
bust, a mrk4 naelancoly accident occurred near
Kennett Square, Chester county, Pa. An old gen
tleman, named James Holland, between 70 and
80 years of age, during the absence of the family,
as he was in the habit of doing, had entered his
barn as is suppised, with a light, for the purpose
of procuring feat for his hogs, and by some means
unknown, the hay or straw caught fire trout the
candle, and in a few minutes the building was in
a blaze. The barn, together with about one bun
dm! bushels -of grain was totally - destroyed, and
sad to relate the old gentleman was consumed in
the same. Nothing but a portion of his body was
found, all his limbs being entirely blunt up.
Hcwrtuu To sous Putrost.—We clip the follow.
inx tram the Si. Innis Republican of the 2341. , --
Three or four gentlemen Imm this city returned
lag evening on the steamer Lucy Bertram, from a
lumMtg exclusion on the upper Mississippi: They
brought down twojarge bucks and some seventy
or eighty brace of ducks, were, and other large
water fowl, beskles squirtels, quails, and other
varmints in great abundance.
Worn.--Tbe Pittsburg Journal of the 26th ult.,
Pays there is a good demand for wool, and prices
have advanced to 20 a 28 cents per lb. for com
mon to full blood.
MmWy **l4.
Under the badif Altar'', ire publish &Meek
of Mrs. Desire Shadhoh, Wile of Juba Shadbolt, of
Benninglen, in Wraiths ellay, N Y. The ck
cunistanties mantling lbe marriage, aed death
are of frame mrehewholy mime. She bad been
Married bit a Attie oyes* week at die time of her
death. The particulate, as far as we can gather
them, are aethentically as fellows: It appears that
the disinfect ? after bet._ titnoe, went with
husband, to !we at his hdbees In the :own of Bets
Dingier'. • On Thursday evening last, about 6 o'cloo
young Shadbolt left the bourne, expressing his keen
tion to go to a neighbor's ; at or near die Paine liar
she left the house, and not returning within a r -a
ameba time, search was made forams time with
out success. The husband was sent for, and in
company with his beaher, as despatched-to her
father's some eight of ten miles, to see if she bad
been there; the two returned, with two of her
brothers, some tirne in the night; in the meanwhile
the search had been continued at Shadboles, and
the body of the deceased was at length band ia
an old well some 20 or 24 rods from the hare;
she was found with her head downward, and her
feet above the water which was some eight feet
in depth—from the top of the well to the water is
some two feet , end the well is not curbed. The
coroner's jury rendered a verdict of suicide-These
are the bare incidents of the ewe The funeral
took piece at the Methodist chapel. in this village,
on Sunday last, and was attended by a large con
course of people from this and the neighboring
towns. From the known despicable and desper
ate charactertef Sliadbok, the husband of the de
ceaseil, !herd was a strong conviction upon the
mints of nearly all the citizens of this town and
Sheldon, that the death of Mrs. Shadbolt never
took Owe at her owe hands. In This village on
Monday, such was the excitement against him that
there was serious talk of ". lynching;' cooler coon
eels, however, prevailed, and while a warrant for
his arrest was being issued here, Shadbolt passed
through here under the charge of constable (IloO
ding, of Sheldon, who bad arrested him for the
crime of murder. His examination was to take
place yesterday before Esq. Fillmore. Without
expressing any opinion as to the guilt or innocence
of Stiliclbolt, of the murder of his wife, we cannot
withhokl oar condemnation of the crimesof which
he has been guilty. He has been one of a numer
ous gang who have committed every crime in the
calender, with the exception of murder , and on
this be is now arraigned. hennington r this last
ten years, has harbored a gang of ruire fox
among whom has been Shadbolt--who have-ren
dered themselves notorious for their depredations
on society, in the destruction of property, and other
outrages ma necessary to enpmerate. There has
never been any conviction 'of the rascals, of these
crimes for want of :renal proof, although no doubt
could be entertained of their guilt ; therefore man
slautter, arson, tresspass rind assault have been
com Med with impunity. Whatever the result
of the present examination may be the means of
breaking up a gang of land pirates, whose clepre
clarions would not have continued to this time, hail
they not been winked at by some who pass for
respectable citizens--and even friends and relatives
of the crew. We should have stated that a young
man named John Burley, was arrested with-Shaft
twat, as an accomplice. He is also a member of
the gang.—Spirit of die ail tied.
TNc VENczczLzAtr Taocaccii.—:The brig Eliza
beth Feirm, Capt Eldridge, arrived on Saturday
morning from Porto Cabello, whence she sailed on
the 14th in4ant.
Capt. Eldrithze states, that on the Ist of October,
there was alr.ittle.tought at Coro, between the Go.
vemrnent and the Paez party, in which the Govern
ment troops were victorious, having killed and ta
ken prisoners about 600 of the Paez party. The
Government flee. cw-sisting of five brigs and six
schooners, was at Porto Cabello on the 4th, taking
in provisions and water, and making the necessary
preparations for an attack on the fort and City of
Maracaibo. They were to sail for that place on
the Bth of October. On themoming of the 4th, an
embargo was laid on the port, but through my eon.
signees, and Are kindness of the Governor, we nb•
tained a permit to pass the blockade. Gen. Paez,
it was said, was at Curacoa, and his fleet at lam
accounts was at Maracaibo.
The brig Widgeon, Capt. Speed, of and from
Philadelphia, and last from Laguayra, arrived at
Porto Cabello on the 30th ult., with troops, and
was sold to the Venezulean Government. The
steamer Augusta of 'New Orleans, arrived at Porto
Cabello on the 2d inst. from Curacoa, and was
chartered by the Government to proceed to La‘rtray
ra to take a load of Mame to Maracaibo. She sail
ed on the 3d inst. All kinds of business was very
doll, and the markets were well supplied with
American produce. No freights to be bad. Cof
fee scarce, and none in market.
A Nolte Dec) NOBLY Rcw►anca--The New
York Journal of Commerce says :—ln the latter
part of last summer, a young and only daughter 'of
Mr. Corcoran, (of the firm of Corcoran & Riggs)
of Washing on city, was playing with some friends
on a wnarf, in the rear of the grounds of Capt
Charles Williams, at Stonington, Conn., and step
unto a boat, which, by some acculent, was
loosened and drifted from the shore. The child,
frightened at the danger, jumped overboard. Mr.
Gordon Smith, a boat builder, who was near by,.
swain in and rescued her at the last moment of
struggling, Mr. Corcoran was in Europe at that
time, engat.Ted in business, as is widely known.
He has since returned, and we saw last week a
letter from him to Mr. Smith, expressing his grati
tude, and enclosing one thousand dollars as a testi
mony of it. This is a reward at once unexpected
10 the receiver and noble in the giver, doing honor
to the heart of the father. Mr, Smith is, we' are
glad to be informed, a worthy recipient, highly
esteemed by all who know him.
, t,scatt - Apr TRACT Socterv.—The receipts of
the Society, for the Ilk months endire , e al. let,
were $103,097, and the issue from th e General
Depository amounted to $llO,OOO. The amount of
gratuitous eirculati - ni already sanctioned, exceeds
11,000,000 page , .. Nine drmble medium power
presses, with several hand presses. fail wilco all the
printing required. Mote than 200 colpoiters have
been commissioned during the six months previ
mils, including a number of theological students for
their vacations. The number or eolporters in reg
ular service, exrhisiie of students , exceeds 200, of
whom about one-fourth are for the:Ge - man,Fretsch
Irish or Norwegian population. 'The society is in
debted for printing paper to the amount of neatly
whclesale swindling and forging, we understand,
ha• just come to fight in this city. The Operator is
well known as an old resident, and long respected
as a pions, moral, good and useful citizen. It seems.
however, that his integrity was nnt sound ; and he
has disappeared, after swindling, foqing and bor.
rowing to a very large amount. The sums already
known, reach the aggregate of ten or fifteen thou
sand in this city, and may exceed that. Rumor
also names some twenty thousand, as being in the
hands of the hanks and sharers in Boston. , The
name of the guilty party we suppress for the pre.
sent.—Lowell Courier.
Indiana Conference at New Albany, a no of Rev
R. S. Robinson, abniit four years of a2e,'frn into 14,
well aisty.iffire feet deep The attention of the mo.'
they was called by the cries of a younzer ehitdr
about two years of age, and by the assistance
Mr. Shomat'e, who heard the cry, and was imam-,
diately let down into the well, the little boy was
maimed. He was found sung ling in the water,
which was three feetdeep ; and, though senseless
when drawn np, he '
was speedily festered. Ho
received a wound upon the head, but was able
the next day to be arith his Esther in the tenievenee
*warm in Indiana. At the late yearly meeting.
held at Richmond. there were 2500 mums. They
were of the orthodox party.
Miran of Clan.
Lneena.=fire ether of Mg cams of Cholera
last week is staled have been **ea, eirwhich
two areltesitatiogly alleged to be Asiatic: tholes
ated.,aaa is dmirilard as a divan of the bowels
vim ilien to Made Maki& ; the mareindev, there
fore, irout 4oubt,mast be regarded as eases of
English cholera. Zaeb case of chokes areit be
certified to by the medical attendant preview to
tr ;pst
its being ered: . The whole teaks* y of this
- doeumen is to *haw that the health of the inet
olis, ' 1 7 speaking, is in a ranch better condi
tion an amy l and that there is no ground for
serious a bension as to the prevalence of chol
era at pre sent-time.
in Leaden Omens of Friday, there appears
an important notification from the General Board of
Health respecting- thia dreadful epidemic The
Board declare it is their conviction that the disease
is soevontagiers; and they sate that the preven
tive measures founded co lie theory of cootaginp,
viz: internal quarantine' regulations, sanitary cot.
dons, and the isolation of the sick, on which tor.
reedy the strangest reliance was placed, have been
recently oned in all countries where. ehokra
bar ap p i from the general experience of their
fissmase—Authentio accounts Nate that the dis
ease is still on *a ilia - vase at Hamburg. From
the IN of September., when it broke out, to the 3410
there were 1339 cases, of which 650 died, 302
recovered, and 389 were under treatment. There
is a great deal of sickness on board the English
ships lying at Hamburg.
Beaus.—Up to the 30th _uh., there have been
1701 cases of cholera in Berlin, 1012 01 which
terminated fatally, 302 reported as cured, and 390
still doubtful. •
Sr. Pcreasavaa.---Tbe last accounts from St. Pe
tersham give about nineteen new cases, and seven
or eight deaths daily.
ALF.rro Amu Daiwa:a—The ravages of the
pmhence at Aleppo and Damascus are stated to
have been fr ig htful, particularly at Damaseus where
not fewer' than 10,000 persons are supposed in
have died within the twenty Jays preceding the
26th of August. ,
THRILLING INCIDEXT AT Tllt essocare..—Noble
Gallantry of the Lion.—On Thursday of last week,
during the heavy Winn of wind and rain, while
the extensive collecfion,of wild beasts in the me
nagerie of blesser. Raymond & Waring were in the
village of Norwalk, a feature was introdamd in the
exhibition not previously announced in the bills.—
About bur in the afternoon a violent gust of wind
blew down the canvass which forms the large pa
vilion, completely enveloping the spectators and
cages of animals in one common mass of confu
sion. The accident happened at the time when
bliss Adelina, the Lion Queen as she is styled, was
performing in the den of wild beasts, and as the
fright of the animals rendered them seemingly an.
coutrolahle, great fears were entertained for the
safety of that interesting young lady. At this mo
ment a scene of indescribable terror and confusion
presented itself. The roaring of the terri fi ed beasts,
the screams of women and cildren, and the " pel
ting* of the pullers storm" without rendering the
scene truly appalling. The panic, however, w
but momentary. es the prompt and energetic mea
sores taken by . the managers soon cleared
wreck, no person having received the slightest in
But the most intensely interesting incident
mains to be told. The uproar, among the lions, ti,
gers and leopards in the performing cage, gave ri
io a report that they were devouring Miss Adelina
In the next instant the canvass was stripped fm
the cage, when a tableaux presented itself such
would defy either poet, painter, or sculptor to , po
tray with accuracy. In the centre of the den
young and beantiful lion, (the same recently p -
'tented to Gen. Cass. by the F.mperor of Morocco. .
in a rimpant position, - formed the strong feature I
the picture : benea hone of his hind feet lay great
ed the dead body of a leeward, and stn ling vri
in the invincible grasp of his fore paws were t
tiger and surviving leopard. In the opposite end f
the cage, transfixed as a statue of marble, wit
dauntless eye and maje stic, attitude, the same •
when she commands t he wild beasts to crouch
her feet, stood the lion Queen, Miss Adelina. Th
"young lady states that the two leopards and the -
ger made a simultaneous spring for her at the m
meat the canvass was blown down, and were
pulsed by the noble gallantry of the lion, who bon -
ded between them, and protected her in the ma
ner described. The presence of the keeper, , r.
Pierce, soon minced the savage groups to PU •
Lion, and the Lion Queen was happily relies 1
from a farther participation in this extra pert. •
agents Moo the Roportotr.
Cs W CARR, No. 410 North - Poor& it.: and on borldi
N. E. comer of ?bud and Dock e., Philadelphia :
VR. PALMER, N. W. comer of Thin' and Chesool sr a-
Philadelpirra and He Nassau at. (Trobrine bruldrngs.t N
GEORGE PRATT. 164 Naman rt., Inert door io Turanian
Hall) New York ,
A roar of Load Printer. partly . 'raga ; a Poo
sourly now : and various otbre printing inateent
eid will be sold cheap. at thienffiee.
We commended the following certificate to ibe **mourn of
our readers and recommend those who am afflicted to try the
January 10, 1a47
Mx. Syr* W. Fowt.s.—Dear Sir': Toe are at liberty to use
the tot/owing states-nt far the benefit of the affLeted=la the
year 19414 I was7anatited with the Liver Complaint whiekay
patently brought me to the !wink of the stave. During say
sickness I was attended by three physicians in our place bat
receive •ootelp. I slor tried the various remedies recommend
el for such complains, but they afforded me •o relief,. As •
last revert was pera•aded at try Wistar's itabuint of Wild
Merry and "iy using fear bottles I was restored to better health
than I have enjoyed betore for ten years. This statement may
be relied aeon as stretly true,
The above certificate was given in presence of Dr A. Strong
of Honesdale who is well known in his vicinity as a riocersa
ful practicioner.
For sale wholrsale and retail i4y CHAMBEIMTN k iron
sole agents for Tostaiula. Pa.. and Ity C. H 'Herrick
Waraires /mows Venter:me Plus are a safe, easy and
certain erne for Cold and Coughs; became they carry olf by
the stomach and bowels those morbid humors which if dry
peeked upon the lungs are the cause of the above dangerous
complaint*. A single twenty-five cent box of said Indian
Vegetable Pill is generally suflleient to make a perfect eine of
the most obstinate Cold—at the same time the digestion is im
proved and the blood so contpletely ponied that new life and
vigor iiiiven to the frame.
Bete ter or Coeteentrates AND INITTAIVINA.--renrmber, that
the anginal and only genuine lames VIOLT A NIA rata have
the erratum signature of WM. % RIGHT on the top label of
each box.
The above ecleinnarmi Pills for tale by
Monntnyes &Co . Towanda. U. Moody it Co . PrPoehtown.
s.ofikOP Pomeroy. Troy. D. linnk. Iforiihrook
Concli.k. Ore. Darloripan. J. C. Adam', Ram. Creek.
Wm. Gibson. Chace. C. Rath:lone, Demon.
F3IPOWII. Albeit!. W. Cannbkall.lMealnewin.
Guy Tracey, Milan. J. J. Watford, kiontoctan.
C. 0. Oritldry. Orwell.
Principal oMee.and general Depot. 101 Dace w.,.PhiPa.
♦ Minimalism Tematuaaar.
The following leftism aye presented with fa stew of mote fel
ly showing the opinisfaus of Thysisians in teletino to the Msdi
DU- Nwatss Kew Sir ; 11/Mille used your Cooed
Ityrap of Wild Cherry extrusive, is my pomace, I was re.
quested Ay your Apea9M. Crawler, so express my oploOla it
writing at its morrows as a remedial agem. ind I MOO
etwerfally comply at feel by dour& I Will aliaehaqta a del
,I owe the commandy at largo and PbystMamt is particular.
As Rauch as 1 desursiltasek Ibrairrlica sad Patent Nostrinna,
1. was indoeed hum a Oahu* dike most poems ezpreaceats
mcounnentied in nor aratoria 'medicos is maw' eases of Du
ckett) Lams, le try your preporotim if Plums Vivaria' or
WILD Caws. It iswilicient or say that 1 woolo ouch pleased
with the malt of that and sobsequeon trials, lbw I Dow pert
eribe si in prekroace,ta all other temediesr where an. expect
mutat a tailientod. L the ouch &ended Paraiimun or
Mimeow of the leap in the alarming dew is which it appears
in Kentucky, 1 raped it in on invaluable Remedy in She train
weatairdtat disease. TPA who know me I have said enough
bat as this way be seenaby perseasout;athe Ociaityof Frank.
Wwil I w ill briefly add. diet 1 hire bees eripird in on active
practice of my panditssina of 12 yearaend am a Regular Giad.
sate orPramrybrania, old this is the first Patella Mediejoe I
Peer thought ensughatio express sat opinion in writing
J. 11. K1.1.11K/Zi li.
'PORT/HIEN wishing to posetsase Doable sad siy
gis barrel Fowling Pieces. ladles sad Ono is.
will please call at the sow }lard-ware
owands,"Nov. 7, 1848 D.
N. hon—A good esooennent of' hon.
Um new Herd Were Btose.
owoodo, Nov. 1848.
188 ONITFIN would Won* her enstatneri that
she his f sad assortment of ready made Velvet,
and Satin HAT/3, of the bird and moat improved
be, and also a variety of tabbionable caps. and heed
- of various ogler; wreaths iur the hair lim dtc.,
of which coil at a kw prize.
Just received an additional 'apply of brind4ozes,
; era, ribbons, colored ruches, lame_ Flmenee Soil
I Hats. duc. A. tHIIIPFIN.
ITowanda, Nov. 7, 1848
Pate, Genuine and Cheap -
Gno e• Q turaeuva„
L , EA MBERLI N & PORTER, No. 1, Brick Row_
basejest received a large addition to their keener
mem which wow wakes their stock store complete
soy knead in this manias of country, which tbey
Ilere determined, to Bell--a better ankle lower 'than c A
bonght in !be neigbbarier: establisbisents.
The following list cosspriees a few of the snicks
ept at their store:-
Opine', Cream tartar, camphor, castile soap, riqmviet
Isam copeibi, rhubarb, jalap, aloes, dowen ebaniWo.
ile, goon arabir, castor oil, quicksilver, magnesia, roll
and floor 'taper, reined bats=, calomel, red precipitate,
convolve sublimate, aqua ammonia, soda, tartaric acid,
imam salts, laudanum, 1111101. sulphate quinine, roof
plane, iodine, coicombo, geretiont, vintage; priciley bo g
bark, tureens*, white root, gingen', all of the maeotisl
oils, gum nips cantbarieles, grin tragacantb, corks, sar
saparilla, gamboge, Marge, spirits turpentine, . moo
polar, rotten None, timbre, terra de sienna, salt peter,
'Moil feed. iviolfiaorscubebv, almost°. lac Aye. rhell-lae,
extracts of dandelion, colocyntb, jalap, bysaciamor sad
sampaulla. dr.c. 4-c--lrialt auras, arrow toot, tapioca,
tincture, essence, ilke. •
Logwood„ Fuss* nit wood, eun wood, Daiwa,
cochineal. iudigo, alum. cripprras, madder. sciatica tin,
extract loprood, =think acid. sulphuric acid and oil
c'rnsbed, loaf and muscavado. sugar. black and grees
tea, raisins,. Bente currants, citron, cinnarnon, ramd oil,
tamarinds, chocolat*. cocoa soda lomat, butter crack.
era, ries, starch, ginger. saleratus, saltpeter, Our. Java
and Rio agree, pepper, spite, mustard, MKT sauce,
nutmegs, elora, ranee, cmtik, brown, variegated sad
fancy soap, sperm and tallow candles. whale and sperm
oil, jugs, Beaks. bottle., paste and oil blacking leather
varnish, tobacco, organ and mug crastans, ace. dc.e.
Pure French Brandy, six Cognise, Moran! and
A'Seignert. Holland Gin, St. Croix gum, Matkris„
Port and Mala gri Winos. Conory.n American Brandy,
Gin. Rom sod Whiskey, Br.e.
Towanda. Nov. I, 1848. • - •
US 9 igr It) I
ARE now receiving. and will be every day, for two.
weeks, a very large amonment of .
embracing every thing wanted by the Mums of cheap
goods. Those having Cash to pay for.goods, would do
well to call at our store and save theinalves from tea Is
fifteen per cent. A t the end of two weeks we espect
receive all our pods, at which time we will gives ram
weeded descripsion of the largest and cheapest let el
goods ever brought to Towanda. nit
BY Thine of sundry writs of 'CEO: expo. Mooed ovi
of the court of Common Pleat of BradketiCosety,
to me directed . I shall expose to potato sale anise bows
of T. P.Wootiruff, in the borough of Towanda, on Mow
Jay the 4th Jay br DECEMBER next, at two o'clect
P. M, the fallowing piece or parcel of land in as
township of Ulster, and boutided North by . D. R. Boer
East * R. Sweet, South by the Main rood and Wee
by Holcombe. Containing half an acre all improved,
with one framed house and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seised and taken in execution at the suit of D. Vas.
demob use vs. Mathias Lent,
• ALSO.—The folknwing . pieee or parcel of land senate
in the bore' of Towanda, bounded on the North by-a
Street leading from main street to the Busquehanar
Riser, on the East by an Alley on the South by the lot
on which the Baptist Meeting House wands and on the
West by Main street, containing one fourth of an acre
more or leis whb a framed dwelling boon and ban
thereon erected,
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofElimbeth
Means vs. A. M. Coe. and Wen. Patton.
ALSO—One half of a grist mill, dam and
the appurtenances, a mill how* and all the irrnend on
which they are situated, tngethee with that occupied Ili
a mill yard, situate on the Wyalusing creek in the tp
of Pike, in the county of Bradford.
Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Bali
win, Phelps de Co, vs. Edward W. Jones.
ALSO—A panel of land situate in Burlington tirp•
boundsd north by Mmes Calkins, ass* by Joel Claim
s , tith by Allen M'Kean, west hl Jesse Bomb. Coo-
mining about eighty screw.
Seized - and taken in execution at the suit of IL•11, Pi
vidson et al, &c., vs. Allen %Mean.
A LBo—Apiece of land in.Sprinsfoelii. bounded nordl
by E.Ketetium, east by Bailey , south by H. L
Rows, and west by )Jwba. ! Containing bAy
with twenty-lye acres improved, one framed hot:posost
herbed born and an apple oreharti,thereon.
Seised and taken in execution at the suit of R.B.Dr
yideon, et el.. ye. Alonzo Sherman.
ALSO—A piece of land in Orwell township, horiod'
ednortb by !sods of Nathaniel Chubhock, east by Cbee
Tor Hill, on the south by:Exeriah Contorn, and on tbr
Weatby Sandlots) Prince and Nathaniel Beeman. t3OO
taining twenty;•two acres..with shout twelve acres im .
proved. with one framed how, log born. one 'apple OP
chard'ind nursery thereon. •
Sensed and taken in exormiers as the suit of Thais
J.Thecher'r use, vs. Chandler Prince.
ALSO—The following 'described piece or parcel,/
land situated in the Sprimrhill township,
north by land of Daniel Lacey. east by
&oath)" Lacey, and west by John Rows
bfty.six acres.
&need and taken in execution al the
Bullock vs Geo . * Smith.
ALSO—AR that piece or parcel of in
and lying in !Herrick township. Bradford
sled es the tiosih by lands of Linas R.
lands of Edward Overton, south by lanai
bre, and west by lend. of Jesse Csirens
mad. Containing abotit filly.five acres
twisty-five acmes improved and I small
hews, and barn thereon.
Baud sod taken in execution at the is
Overton, vs. Timothy Coggin..
ALSO-11, a writ of Levaii Foams
thew nut or parcel of land situated on the as
wand. creek in the township of Monroe,
and bounded by the several tracts of Ise
and in the name r.f R.heri SheAell ant
the said Towanda creek and a branch the)
of William Colliday and Max Suppler.
three hundred and•six acres nionr.orleas,
Me sew mill three direlling house.. o
mad shad, and about one hundred acne
aunts:hard thereon.
Seised and takes in execution at the
Ilona et. al. vs. Wis. T. Bradford.
Mortara OlEce,Towanda, I t. 16th,
YINGSNEkt Jr., in now opeoing at the ease
of Nei* sod Iliralge 81., as azweiakti NW& er
rim sad whoa/ Goods, wbith wdi bs""
y knitlx Cara or Produce. J.
amasola, Nov. 111411. , •
"a IOWASEXY & Co.,
RD wee receiving, neer supply ef 000D8 film
Now York. Also, Gee wicked of BALT.
*ale at