=II AWaraL Great & Imprtaut Chemical Discovery. . • Chemical Combination from the Vegetable King*lom to riot Divan. Dr 4 GUYS 0 Tris".47z7i ::!2 kr“/_2 = CT I S ILIT IT L 4'..."..'..--- t-..-rdm2.6;::o • istrans klitast It Ott sooY, The s zteres,fid Medicine in die WRNS frills CHEMICAL COMPDHifti, containedzara it does. Yellow. Dock s so esteenstrl by the faculty—with other vegetable produrtiOnitta one of the most important direoveries of the agefissiLlar superior to all simple sarsaparilla preparations in use. Although less than two years have elapsed since its discovery, it has already etT.•ctdd over 15,000 cures. The uufirralled power disease which this Syrup produ ces may be attrition's; to the fact that it is compose-I purely of vegetalrle,eattarts. each one-haling-a sprect reference for mne' i thrill eigon; conserpliently the. • whole system is betrefiited; and the fact that, in its operation, it occasions neither sickness nor pain, and eau he taken nnder alt circumstances without regard to business or 'diet, and by the aged and the infant with ritual efficacy, is certainly a consideratum in the history of Medicine. This Extract is put up in Quart Bottles. and is the most , highly concenuated Syrup in u-se. It is offered at the low price of one dollar per Bottle, the object of being to give the pa•ient an opportunity by the purchase of one bottle, to teat its valuable medical properties and its power over disease. • This compound Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsa parilla is a positive, speedy, and permanent cure for Consumption, Scrofula or King's Evil, FoyeiPalas , Salt Rheum, Pimples on the face, Rheumatism, Gout, Gen eral Debility, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Spinal Af fections, Female Complaints, I:leers, Syphils in its worst form, Affections 'of the Bladder and Kidneys, Bilious Colic and MVOs Looseness, Biles, Costiveness, Golds, corrupt Humors, Asthma, Dropsy, enlargement of the Bones, Fever and Ague, Giddiness. Gravel, Headaches, of every kind, linpere blood,Joundice, Loss of Appetite, Leprosy, Mercurial Diseases, Night Sweats, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Neuralgis, Organic Affactions, Palpitation of the Heart, Painter's Colic, Pileii, rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy. Swellings, Sick Headache, Stiffness of the joints, Exposure and -Imprudence of Life. It extracts nervous disease, purifies and enriches the Blood, and invigorates the body, more effectually than any medicine hitherto offered to the public. In the Vegetable Kingdom, an All wise Being has • &posited such p!ants and herbs as are congenial, to our constitution+, and adapted to the cure of all curable s diseases to which human nature is inciuent. All this Compound Syrup is coinposed of all those valuable plants, some of which have lately been discovered and used, and found to he certain specifics in thousands of diseases that before defied the best of medical skill. - orisioris OF PHYSICIANS. . . Tbia is .to certify that we, the nrulersigned Physi cians of the city of New York, have in a very great many cases prescribed Doctor Guys°let Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and are fully assured litat it has no equal among the waned Syrups and Sar saparilla preparations that have over been sold. Octo ber John F. Stebbins, M. D.; F. R. Thomas, M. D. ; P. S. Maynard. M. D.; James E. Morgan, M • 10. Samuel'''. Wells, M. D. S. M. Johnson, M. D. • • 47 READ THII TESTIMONY. Mnre testimony in furor ~f the superiority of Dr Guys°lra Extrad of Yellow Duck and BarsatpaAl la orer all other similar remedies. Read! Read!! Extrads of letters reeeire4l. bYBPErzaIA, GENERAL DEBILITY. &e: WATTALTOwN, iceman Co; Nov: 4, 1847 Mr. 8. F. DK< x kirr :- .Dear Sir—l am eta loss to express with words what has been said in praise of your Compound Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla ; all who have had the pleasure of using it speak of its marvellous ORM" in removing diseases, with so much leeling and heartfelt netisfartion, ti ot 11 am confident now that no medicine in use can bout of its superior qualities. Many who have been complaining for years with pain in the side, ,urning and pain in the chest, dyspepsia. general debili ty,:loss of appetite, chills, night sweats, salt rheum, scrofula, in faet.all the diseases that we in this climate are heir .to, fins in the Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, all that is requisite to make them what they were in their days of health. &c. We have had twelve dozen bottles in three mouths, and find we arc nearly out. Please send an equal sierount, and 0 hge yours, HOYT & GREGORY. DYSPEPSIA CURED, OF 30 Y'RS STANDING. ST. tmvsvit.t.a, Montgomery Co. Jan. S. F. J 3, /7/17—Dear Sir—Some four weeks since was induced to try your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla for Dylq.ep.4 ; had been afflicted about 40 :ears, moat part of the time unable to eat anything without suffer ing intensely from its effects. I have used now only mu bottle of your invaluable medicine, and consider myself entirtly cured solely by its use. Can now cat a hearty meal, without the shuhtest inconvenience. Very tin!). yours, ANTHONY BEEKMAN, THE GREATEST FEMALE MEDICINE NOW The mild alterative properties of 1)r. Clityirott's e 7• tract n( Yellow D•rck and Sarsaparilla, render it prem. harly applicable to the slender and delicate constitution of the female. ft is unrivalled in its elreets upon inch diseases as Insipient Consumption, Barrenness, Len• eorrhoea or White., Irregular Menstruation, Inconti• ncnce of ITtine, and general Prostration of the system. It Immediately countetaris that distressing nervousness and lassitude so CAMM/011 to the Female frame, and lm• parts an energy and buoyancy as surrising as they are grateful. We cannot, of course, exhibit certificates to any ex• tent in this class of complaints, but the two following extracts of letters recentty received, indieete sufficient lc-the great virtue of the medicine ax a remedy for the di.seasre refered to. Mr. 13 s ETT—We tske ple'a•ane in stating that your Yellow Dack and Ssrsaparilla gives }neat satis faction in every ease. We shall try and send you some certificates A pertable gentleman informs us that his troubled with difficult menstruation. and peculiar to her set. She had not had her *troyl tsecharge4 for a long time ; but by r. Guyartes Yellow Dock and Saniapatilla, ly cured. Had used ' Tow nse nil ' is and iut receiving the slightest benefit. ne tighter die Irons the same canoe. Please semi rultlitiunsisupply. Very respectfully yeurs, J. E. TItIPPE & CO. CATYTtnN EXTR AnitlMN ARV. ek There are counterfeit medicines afloat ; therefore the I reader is particularly cautioned not to allow himself to be imposed upon. Beware bow you buy medicine put op in square quart bot les. Be very sure and ea for Dr. Guyette' Compound Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, bearing the written signature of S, F. Bennett, on each outside 3:scupper, written with black ink ; and do not, 'on any account, be in raced to buy any other tau ele—as it is this preparation only that is performing Suell marvelous and astonishing cures. Take no mans word; as persons having the counterfeit medicine and not genuine, arc of course desirous of making their profits—consequently you arc liable to buy worthless trash, unless you examine for yourselves. a :r Remember, lir. GCYSOTT'S YELLOW DOCK AND SAIIBAPARILI.A. • Prepartnbat S. P. Benneu'd Labratory,Little Fails, iictkimer county, N. Y., and 5..1..1 at wholesale in N. York City by J. E. Trippe, 128 Maiden Lane: also by Tpxy Beadle, Elmira, L. M. Rexford, Binghamton. le L Pinney, & Son, Owego. and by the principal druggists and merchants throughout the I% Males, West Indies and Canada. N,ate genuine- unless put up in large square betide" containing a quart. with the Dame of the syrup blown in the giants. with the writtessisignstute of S. F. BEAN ET F on each "outside wrapper. Sold Whiten-de and Retail by C. U. 11ERRIC . AP.eas,JOHN B. retllD, re) lel ufr. lif KNOWN NEw tIIK. lan. 25th, IRIS McbicaL Neitiri! IL Yell ser,e, a. t.,, Dip .C.:ll:,Titilm's 'getable WWII teinsdy is amstastl'i 11 1i 4 4 the'lnotil 4 nteo iitntokl ALI; OYER THE W' letup issii`=hesmi's ilie essi.p iialkit PO is Vsitiettladinvon.l.ended So. DROPSY • at a w ns ,/ 4bis foppish'. 'iminindhleiy .14 0 ; 4 . no matter of how - hies ,iktifikspiViet iesti• agony. • GRAVEL. and all diseases of the uriniiiikrgans; for throe dia. tressing complaints it stands ohms; no other article can relieve you ; and the cores testdmil-to will convince the most skeptical pc:turgid. Liver Complaint, Bit. lkinsdiacases ' •-J . FEVERAIit) AGUE.. To the great west especially. and whenever these complaints prevail this medicine is offered. NO MINERAL. AGENT. .• no delete:riot's compound is a part of this mixture. it cures these diseases with certainty and celerity, and does not leave the system torpid. See pamphlet. PILES. • complaint of • most painful diameter it IMMEDI ATELY RELIEVED. and • cuts follows by • f-ir days use of this article . : it is far befure cow cater pre paration fw skis disease, or &r any other di•eass orig inating from impure blood—See pamphlet. DEBILITY OF TILE SYSTEM. weak back. weakness of the V idneya, tike., or Weans doe of same is itnowdiatcly relit - red by a foe days use of air, medicine, and a cure is always a resultof bossy. It stands as a CERTAIN REMEDY. for mei complaints, and also for demsngements of there mate frame. IRREGULARITIES, 'SUPPRESSIONS, painful menstruation'. No article has erer been of fared except this which would cure this derangasebta. It may be relied • upon as a sure and effective remedy and did we feel permitted to do so could give • A THOUSAND NAMES. is proof of cures in this distressing class of complaints. See pamphlet. All broken down, debilitolcdronalitu tionfrom the rffrd of mercury,a ill find the bracing pow of this article to act immediately, and the poisonous mineral eradicated from the system. ERUPTIVE DISEASES. / will And the alternative properties of this article. PURI FY THE BLOOD. and such dimwit from the arr. tem. &t . pamphlet for testimony of cures in all (Uri eales, which the limits of an advertisment will not pet m.t to be named, here A p o-eats gioe them away t they contain 42. pages of certi6catcs of high character, and a stronger array of proof of the virtues of a medicine, ne ver appeared. 11 is one of the peculiar failures of !hie article awl it nem fails to benefit in any ease, and if bone wend muscle are left to build upon let the emaciated and lingering inralid hope on, and keep ta. king the medicine as long as there is an improvement. The proprietor would caution the public against a num ber of Odes which come out under the head of Sass. perinea, Syrups. &c., as cures for Dropsy, gravel,lilke-: they are goodfor nothing, end connected to gull the unwary; touch diem not. Their inventors DOW thbught drawing sneh diseases till this article had done it. A partielas study of the pamphlet is solicited Agents and all who sal the article are glad to circu- late gratutiously. Put up in 30 oz, bottles, at $2 ; 12 as. do at $1 eech—the larger holding B on more than two small bottles. Look out and nut get ins upon. Every bottle has °Vatign's V ithoottiptie llfixture.," blown upon the glue. the• written signature of " G. C. Vaughn" on the directions and "G. C. Vaugh in. Buffalo," stamped on the cork None other are ge nuine. Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Principal Office, 209 Maio 'tweet, Buffalo, at whole. sale and retail. No attention given to letters union poaf-paid—orders from reguktr4 constituted Aral& =- erred post paid kitera, or verbal communicauons so. liciting advice, promptly attended to, g:atia. Mars devoted exclusively to the sale of this article—. 132 Nassau st., New York city : 225 Emmet at., Salmi Um. ; and by the principal Druggist throotegbout the United States and Canadi, as Agents. - STORKS & CO., Wholesale Agente, Philadelphia. .1.. B. FQRD, Toxemia. I T. D. Spring. LaceYville, C. H. Herrick, Athens. A:Durham, Tunkhattrik. C. B. Fisher, %frittering. l E. Dyer, Covington. G. P. Redington, Troy.. April 12. 1848.—y TERifB OF THE BINGHAMTON BOARDING SCHOOL FOE beard and tuition, including Orthography, Rea& init. Writing, Arithmetic, Algebra, Book-Keeping, English Grammar, Rhetoric Composition, Geography, rse of the Globes, Minerafogy, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. (with the use of a gbod apparatus to illus trate those studies,) Moral Philosophy and Chemistry, payable quarterly in advance, per annum, $lOO 00 Day scholars, per quarter, 4 00 lITII COMIC ES. French, per quarter, Latin, Spobirh, " Music, (on the piano.) per quarter. Embroidery and rug work. “ Any yiring lady receiving instruction on the piano, is privileged to learn rug•work, or any one of the above languages, at the same time, without additional charge. To a young.lady who studies the Englis launches, the terms of learning each of the above branchm, are per quarter, $3 00 Instruction nn the Guitar, 4 00 Use of Pianos, 75 Drawing and painting in water colors, including. the use of materials, such as drawing paper, taints. pencils, &c. Oil painting on canvass, Painting transparent window shades, including the supply of materials. each 4 00 Formula painting on paper, silk and velvet, per twelve kapott; Gilding ow silk; crape, Was dowers, per quarter, Pens and ink, " Washing, Board in vacation, $2 00 pEr week. Letters, poet-paid, addressed to the Misses Vt HITE & GRIFFIN, Binghamton, Broome co., N. Y, wiII receive prompt attention. cr./ . The nest session of this establishment opens on the first Monday in September. Binghamton. August 9, 1818. No. 1., Brick Bow, main in the Field it 4. Chamberlin, ..! V% U AS just returned front the city - i.- .1.1 of New fork with., large 4 .,„ 1 „ , C . .: • .ik supply of Watches, Jewelry and f ~4 7 Silver ware, comprising in part, i?t. the following articles:—Lever, ~.-:.. L'Epine and Plain Watches, with 'O,l la - 4 —lli' a complete assortment of Gold Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin ger Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets. Lockets. Gold chains, Gold Pens. Keys, etc. Also, all aorta of Silverware, and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he offers fur sale'exceeedingly cheap for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted to run well, or the money will he refunded. and a writ ten agreement given to that effect if required. N. 11:—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce taken in prurient for work ; and ales. learn now, and former, that the Produce Mai be paid whem the work is done.—l war against credit in all its forms. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. Towanda, April 211. 1R49. MilliM6ll.4l3f EIMILIaIIOna N. NEWTON, M. D. rrICVDEIIB his professional services to the chives of llfonmeton and His moms emit 140nroetan Butane of .1. P. Smith. Refers' i Dr. Ilvirros, Towanda; and Dr. , BLI MI Lerny . A iigusi 23, tA4B. Philadelphia /ibvertisements READ ! , remember, the ~.4iiiiiif- s iinorith, nay, elms i weekonly prove your ru in, both ollindy and mind.. Hence let no false modestyt deter you t6ipk_making knriwn yotir case to one who, from education and respectability. can alone hefriendyou.• ri.bp places himself under DR. KIN KELIN'S treat-, I'' tab religiously confide in his honor es a gentle 4 • inn, and in whose bosom will heforever..ocked the esiT. ,:. cret of the patient. Tao many think they will hok.thelsecret to their own hearts, and cure themselves. Alas ! bow often is this AusLtslusion, astdkawptaal a protest going men. ,sibkillthitieve biislulkitUpeinent vitas faded from the earth. COUNTRY INVALIDS, finding it inconvenient to Mike personal application.' can, by Mating their ems explicitly. together with all their symptoms. (per letter. pciet•paid,) bane fiirwarded to them a duet containing• Dr. lea toMteioea oppiroprisr ted accordingly. Packages of Medicines Forwarded to any part add, IL 8. at a moment's notice. (721) 0 - POST PAID 1.1[7111111111, addremedio DR. RIAD.. LIN, Philadelphia, will Ws promptly attended tn. Pee advertisement in the 'Saint of the num. Plaid- PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY. No. R, Pear,street, near the Exchange, Philadelphia. rpHE Subscriber having , mode great improvements J. in his method of costing type and mixing of me tals, and had a thorough revision of his matrices, the -firm of which are not excelled. in beauty and regW- Idrly of cut by any in the country ; Batter" himaelftbat by a strict personal attention to hominess, and employ ing none but the most skilful workmen, he is enabled to otfrr a super°, article, AT GREATLY REDUCED 'PRICES. He is constantly adding to his stock ail that is new from the hest workmen of this and other countries, and having late)) , procured from Europe a great variety of NEW FACES.and ORNAMENTS, Solicits the atten tion of Printers thereto. Specimens will be sent to those • wishing to order. Presses, Glasses, Cases, Ink, Stands, Galle7s,. BM! Rule, and every othrr article needed to furnish a eon pick Printing Office, supplied et the shortest mince. GERMAN HOOK AND JOB TYPE, of the newest style, and of all sites, carefully put up in founts of correct proportions. Bey 1355/ers6 ALEXANDER Roue. MUNN,' ~ ,IYZZaiIE ZUZ 3 WITH THE LD FIRM. TOIVIKINB & MUNSON would infotm those interested, that we have concluded' to close,up the bulimia of the ficUS. We find ourespiMlii not in oui hands, but tligributril over Bradford end pings coun ties, and we have employed an Agent to call upon our CU.tomers, so as to give them an ofportonuty to take up their notes ; or either of the old firm -sill receive two neys and give a reeeipt,to apply. We hope and true we shall not be obliged to place a large number of our customer's notes in the bands of magistrates. Neees shy, however, compth us to make collections. Three of nor customers in end shout Towanda, that have un mttled matters cm book. will be good encash to calf and have them closed up. The bovines, hereafter will be continued under the firm of . JAB. MAKINSON & Co. Towanda, June 22, tB4B. • NEW ESTSBLISILVENT • L. M. NYE & CO., Would 's. - specs'', inform the citizens of Tow anda and the public generally, sat l ql irti!t they have on band & manufacture to order all kinds of CABINET 'FURNITURE, of the best mate. 1111—"'•rials, and work.msnahip that cannot be surpassed, in additionto dawns, assortment in country shops, we will keep on held and make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved pauenas ; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior style. and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed even in our large cities. Also, the half, French Chair, beautifully opholeared. with curled hair, Ouch never loses its elasticity, and finished with the hew hair seating. We natter ourselves 'that having hid much experience Ia the business, we shall be able to satisfy all who may feel disposed to tan, both as to qualitysad price. sad, by strict attention to business hope . to meat and Native the patrataae of a liberal cow inanity. L. M. NYE' & CO. Towanda, September 1, 1847. E'UII.4'ITUKb MAY BE HAD at our shop much lower than it has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are cheep and wheat am /owe*, and that is the reason we can afford all for to do it. All kinds of produce will he received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds. Rcpt. 1. L. M. NYE 4 CO, $4 0 0 4 00 4 00 10 00 * 00 111 G" — 1111 Er" JER"3111.318117 WILL belrpt on band a large assorunent, and made to onler on shorter notice and for km our ney than can be produced at any other establishment in the land.. Those who are under therliecessity of pro curing that article will end shall be sitisaed. A good beanie and pall may be had in attendance when desired. September 1.1847 NYE rk CO. • BOOTS - AND SHOES. What are you about here ! ye! Yes, t guess so! THorsA NUS of times the question has been asked, Where en earth are all the Eh+. mud Shoes ma nufactured that go : 0ply the contint4 rush at the corner of Main and Bridge streets T O'll4a answers that this is the place, and these are dm things we do it with ! 4 00 10 00 • \ ~ ...ma. Seventy•elerretnewfuthions every IWO gerunds! .i ,.,-, c _ a _ -- 7 Put uns-the Strum ! ! 5 00 3 00 5 00 50 2 50 Hear ye ! hear ye ! and understand, that O'Hara, at the corner of Main and Bridge streits, will sell at retail this season. 39,781 pairs of Bola. bona and Brogans, at • Icar price than ever was or probably ever will be of fered again in Towanda. The Ladies' Department i n this establishment is richly furnished with fashions. Ladies', misses' and children's fancy and common hoots and oboes, even to the extremity of the latest fashion*. Mistake not the place —Corner of Main and Bridge streets, fhe only Shoe Store is Bradford County. Half cash and half trade for. Butter. H. O'HARA. Towanda, June 18, 1847. Bm9 New Tailoring Establishment, In No. 2, Brick Row. over the store of E. T. Fox, third slant ; o la US lac) D ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Towan da. and the public generally, that be bu removed his Tailor shop to No. 2, Brick Raw, over the sloven( E. T. Fox, third story. where he solicits those in want of Tailoring, to give him a call. Having been employed in the most fashionable estab lishments in Philadelphia end elsewhere, and being de termined to spate no pain's to please, customers may depend Upon having their work done promptly andn a good style as can be had at any shop in town. All ,work watranteti well made and to fit. Cuuing done cheap, and warranted. Ty—Country Produce taken in payment for work. EXECUTOR'4 NoTice. ALLpersons indebted to the estate of FREDERICK BRADLE Y. dee'sL, late of Litchfield, are hereby aspirated to make payment without delay, aml tbolte halal* elatuwapinst said estate will plater passeat them duly authenticated for s ettlement. ANDREW BRADLEY, t , M D ? EL DAVIDSON, j " xe ! ut° "" Litchfield, June 11, IEII9. lE.—Esisb. . The rms of smart im void", . end Union five tint En- anode pea qtly learned eels of which troy both mind 'eakneas and and full vigor MEI ,Iffigithiskr HEMORItIfOIIh9"ORIPffeRS ) A I 11 . 1, MC...I7ANS By lt i N. N TERNAL REMEDY, w . '' 0.,. ' - cording to directions,' awe f.._,.7 ;; 1 r% „ STOW A creiseitience this is linil l i • nnwanski i ern rollers, L o tion adled I • litg Me Palt,' , •• a•rw• does to erancisting ' '' s ts causal* th rent dew of blood in ' zi. prott ewe times the innermost of the ibowei ' - — .At Any evacuaticn, kwunimewheikt.icalled i'itaiiiiimilig of the bowciertiki la alietOd Otgiitagiefe.viirkri tatioo and weakness otalitingsw. In assns WOW" , Abe padiwkosperienceitursvons pains; which are hew rtibahM,"alaiiiiowkossigtriMmi•osisrorelobli#ooo- mews isunsdilielOfter a n inetkiirns„_ and 'continuo from thin, mii*eiLti*lintiNitiliqiiieCan•#••• 1 sie vet 7 annonentabilsosiaskol47l dietniss Tiorlifiseese, When of long Continuance, is attended by and IMAMS@ in silo Isork.' knight* of the 'kW nevi and bladder, and ether, oqpins bribe vicielty, pain and Dumbness in the legs and feet, a seem of straight nee about the chest, and nanstuial talons of the ate domino' viscera, seeoinpanisi With pelpitatke "of thi heart and oppreadon, Individuals sometimes espaienee, preview' tow stuck of the Piles, aymptons darting great derangement in the circulation t - there is a sense of weight and pressure in the abdomen, with s peculiar feeling of uneasiness in the bowels, constipation of pe rineum, attended with pain in the back and loins, nen• ma, and slight Rains in the stomach, pale countenance, confused sensations in the head, weariness, end irrita ble end discontented state of the mint, and a sense of fultnens sod oppression in the regiontoy the s t omac h._ The circulation on the surface is feeble, and thecurrent of blood determined inward and downwards. roe ALL or TMI , se co x Fur ors., ,:Dr. rphanes.Tegetable Ileetury. Cures Effectually and deplore prevents Piles. • READ THE TESTIMONY. Hennas, December 11, 1840. flaw have used Dr: Upham's Vegetable Pile Electuss7 which I purchased of you. and find it one or the ben medicines in use for the piles, and also for all billions affections, arising from an impure state of the system. Yours, dcc. E. A. COLK, Marble Dealer. Unrren STrrea Meese sea Orrtes, New York, Dec. 4.,1847. 1 5 WYJITIr & KITIMAJP-.6441fi111efl :—Un derstanding that you are the general agents for the sale of Dr Upham's Vegetable Electuort, for the mire of Piles,/ have deemed it my duty to volunteer a recom mendation in behalf of that invaluable medicine. I have been afflicted for many years with piles, and have tried various remedies but with no beneficial effects—l began to consider my ease otterii hopeless. Ilut about the first of September last. I was prevailed upon by a friend to make a trial of the above named medicine. 1 took hie advice and rejoice that I am not only relieved, ten, as I believe, perfectly, cured. I most earnestly recommend it to all who may have the misfortune lobe afflicted with that annoying and dangerous disease. Very respectfully, your ob't servant. ELY AtOORE. REMARKABLE CURE OF PILES!! THIRTY YEARS STANDING I! . Moue? Wise:vs-roe. Berkshire Co. (Mass.) Nov. 29, 1847. Poi rises. Wi weir & K ETCSA N.—Gents : For chitty years I have been afflicted with piles, general debility and intimation, causing tumors and prolapse* of the bowels, and which bad resisted all the medical vest ment Dr. Chapman and others could give. The last three years of that time my sufferings defy description. I eras confined to bed, unable to helpusyself, end at lest given up by my phisiciana and friends in despair of ev er gaining my health; in fact fur three days befits I was entirely sperehlesi and my burial clothes were made. But under Providence, and the nits of Dr. Up bara's Bleeteary, though an ecn ;tin I have the pleas ure of stating the TACT to the pubfic that my health is now goof', and hope to live many years, if it is clod's will, to make known the virtues ef.Dr„ Vpham's Elect airy, and to recommend it to my raided tiffern yea. tures. It helped me beyond then4iefetitiairef all that knew my ease, end I only say to enters that it is, in my opinion, the beet medicine in the world for Pile a; of NO other disease of the bowels; and if they will use it ee -1 cording to the directions, I will myself warrant a cure in every ease. Yours, witb the utmost expression of thankfullness CORNEtIUB SPUR. Ens amovv. Berk. Co., (Mau.) Nov. 19, 1847. The abovelanlifica4e imp/e and truthful sto ry of aullea934 . a . a .r nt - ecls aseran and witness in the ease, rchivefulTit endorse. NOTICE. —The genuine Upham's. Els-Mary has his written eigature, thus (11:1* A. Upham; M. D.)— Tbe hand is glow doPe with a pen. rtlee /11 a bos. T 7 1341 whole sole and retail. by WYATT & KETCH AM, 121, Fulton st., N. Y.. and by Druggists generally throughout the U. B. and Canada'. JOHN H.' FORD, Agent for Towanda, Pa. 45y LOOKOUT FOR PAIN KILLER I Sparibas articles afloat ',fur R. J. ANDR.E WS, in justice to your valuable M 1 PAIN KILLER, and for the benefit of the pub lic, we hereby certify that we have used your Pain Kil ler in our Families for years, he many of the diseases for which it is recommended, and we deem it the beet Family Restorative in use, and would recommend every family to keep a supply on hand, in ease-of sudden in. ness or accident. Rev. Aaron Jackson, pastor first Baptist church, Ithaca. " William Cormac, Peach Orchard, Tompkins Co. Rachel Willson, James Clark, Ann Dudley, Philip Case, • W Hastings, Ann. Teter. A Base, A &Wee, John Donliule, y kl Collins, John B Owens, lthaca, N. Y., 1848. Never purchase the Pain Killer without the written signature of J. Andrews, on the label of each bottle, in black ink. Sold by CHAMBERLIN h PORTER, and JOHN B. FORD, only agents for Towanda. . For farther particulars see advertisement, in another Column. 41— 1 y PAIN KILLER. Death to Pain; relief lo the sick; health to the tenth! A hllm is found for the whole Altman race ; in ANDREW'S PAIN KILLER. HIS cis an entirely Vegetable Compound, composed .1 of t*enty-Gredilihrent ingredients, and is an inter nal and external remedy. Put up in bottles, varying in price from 25 to 74 «mkt, each. For further Nutlet:l -lan% see pamphlets, to be had of every agent gratis, con- . twining a brief library of the 01 lain and discovery of the Pain Killer, certificates of cures. diroetiona. &c- CauTioa.--Each bottle has the written signature o the proprietor, J. A von a wa, on the label, and without it none are genuine.. Beware of hawkers and pedlars selling from house to beim, representing it to be the genuine Pain Killer. Sold only by the following regular appointed agent in this county : John B. Ford. Towanda. George A. Poking. Athens, Chamberlin & Porter. clo, I J. J. Warford. Monroeton EF & F Balton!. Trnv, C. E. Rathbone, Canton. ti W& D F Pomeroy. 410. Coryell & Gee. Uurlington. M Bullock & Co,tiroithfieW. Sold in all the principal towns in the United States, Canada. and Texas. Whotemate agents in the city of New. York and vici nity: Heydock. Corhea & Co.. 218 Pearl-st.; & Ketchum, 121 Felton-et. Orders addressed to the pmprictnr, or G. W. Schuyler, post paid, will meet with prompt attention. • tiy TWO NEW BUGGIES FOR SALE. TOR SALE, tvio new BUGGIES. in complete order .11: for running. ' They are finished in a superior , num ner, made of good' and substantial materials. and will be sold at s great bargain, for Casn only. They may be seen at Esenwincid shop, in the Wirer part of the limo% May '24, 'lB4 8. J. A. ESENWINE. T EGBDRN BONNETS are loft—if any doubts it, Tel them step lotoPOrt, and test thelact ; sgond samittrnent of Florence braid, tilso, new end fashionable rib efioviers'and It4ne, nt No. 2: Brick Row 'thsl4 . . T UMBER WAGON, for rale at the New Hard jr.:6 D. LORD. " t , -.E.T • I. 11..•1•1 z ;-• II II 1 1 111 . . DD. TomjitititAioi lansAPPAtimut. woo& and blessing of the Age 1 M" EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE in the world/ This Extract is put op in Quart Bottles : it Is sit furies cinerfet, pleereale.f: and .2 1 14teti 4 1 1 P4' tier to any sold.. knees wiritoltriAeratio6 P 1 111 1 ,31191 sickening to 15t.:..... _., .. .c . The- vat beanly sod supe ri ority et tbis Semaperilin ' over all other medicines is, not . erbile it eradiates the. disease. it invigoration's body. It is eneoftbi very hew SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES Ever knows; it k eel oily purifier nes wholesyrdeobs4 strengthens tbs pawn. hal 11 orates new Pure and rick Used ,r e power poismeed by, ne other medicine., And Is this lies the grad sewer of its wonderful sue cam It has perfumed within the ism Iles years, more then 100,000 cures et severe came of disisse ; 'at least 13.000 were considered ineetabhs. It has used the her. of more thas /1.000 chile= daring the two past 30,000 a:sari General Ikkility and merit ciEner..43% - Dos Townserta tiereaparilla invigonilles the whole system pereseemody,. To those who have lest their onmeolat eeergy by the effect. of medicine or indiscre tion committed in youth. as tits excessive indulgence of the prime. and braeght en a general physical prairie lion of *Wearers' system, lassitude, want of ambition. feiatiog seagations.prematere decay and decline, baste lug towards that Gail diseese,Coomemptioa, an be en tinily motored by thplessentremedy. This Senepaso is ills far superitn t any Invigorating Corifiel, as it rwi t it renews and invii the system, gives activity to the: limbs, and streegth:to the muscular system, in a most extraonlittare degree. - CONSUtMPTION CURED. . Cleanse-and &mignon. Consumption can be cur ed. Bronchitis, sumption. Liver Complaint, Colds, th Catarrh, Coughs. ma, Spitting of Blood Soreness in the Chest, is Flush, Night Swats, Difficult or Profuse Expectoration, Pain. in the side, da., have been and an be cared. SPITTING BLOOD. New York, April 28, 1847- Da. TOWNSIL3II :-...1 verily . believe your Barsapariffe has been the means through Providence, of saving my life. I have for several years had • bad Cough. It became worse and-worse. At, last I,rateed large quanti ties of blood. bad night sweats, and was greatly debilita ted and reduced, and- did not expect to live. I have only used your Sarsaparillas abort time, and there bass wonderful change been wrought in me. I minnow able to walk all overithe city. I raise no blood, and my cough has left me. You can well imagine that I am thankful fur them results. Your obedient servant, W M. RUSSELL, 65 Catherine4t.l RHEUMATISM. , This is only one of more than kw thousand awes of ! Rheumatism that, Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparills has curl ed. The most severe and chronic cases ire weekly cr.' adiested by its,ottraordiary virtues. James Cummings. Esq., one of the assistants in th Lerma Asylum, Bleckwelrs lauds is the gentlemen spoken of in the following letter : Blackwell's Island, Sep. 14, 1847. Dr. Town end—Dar. Si, t I ban. suffixed terrib 4 far nine yeini with the Inieuosetians; considerable of th times I could not eat sleep or walk. 1. bad the u distressing pains, arid my limbs ware terribly swollen I, balm said four bottles of your Sarsaparilla, and have done me more than one thousand dollars worth o good. lem so much better—indeed. lam entirely r . Wad. You ate at liberty to use this for the benefit • Ws -afflicted. Yours, respectfully, JAMES CUMMINGS. CANKER IN THE motrili. Below is en acesent of soother 'child sued. ' 1 . Townsend's Sarsaparilla has saved the lives "of sands of children. Abe following two certificates misted from a trait enlister received Ibis week. . New York, April 1, 1847. Dr. Townsend : Dear Sir—One of my children w is, sick' with a Canker in the Mouth and Throat - aided with great debility. It came near dying. 1 0 triad some of your excellent medicine, and it cured it directly. /or whiob / Amore youl reel very e ratefuL Yours, respectfully. ELIZABETH FOWLER, 27 Desbrotwes-ct. PITS ! FITS ! FITS ! Dr. Townsend, at having tested his Sarsaparilla n ewes of Fits, of co ffive never recommended it. and as surprised to receive the following from an intelligenee o d respectable Farmer in Westchester County: Fonlimm, August IS, 1847 Dr Townsend—Deer Sir t I have • finis girl e years of age, who hes Wei aversl yea t' '. - , tb Fib; we tried almost •• , • • , .-, ' * - I swam ;'at last although we cook, , , i.e . • ,: a• lion in ow circular for eases like it re we though , as bt was in vers_delicatelealth, we w .., Id give her -, - o your Samaperilla, and are very ,we did, for, it .0 only mooned her strength, but she . bad -• ,' • d the Fitt, to enigma piearris and surpr - , . is as becoming rugged and hearty, for which we feel gra ful Poorer; respectfully, JOHN DU /*LER; J - - FEMALE MEDICINE. Dr. Townsend's Sammatilla is a sovereign and dy cure for Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, P sp sus Uteri, or Yelling of the Womb, Costiveness, P I Leucorrhaes. or Whites, obstructed or difficult Men ation, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, std for the general prostration of the system— no matter whether the resulteof hilted:et ease. produc ed by irregularity. illness or accident.' Nothing can be more surprising thin its invigorating effects on the, hu man frame. Persons all weakness and lassitude , firm taking it, at once become what and full of energyius der its influence. It immediately I:entracte the e lessness of the female lame, which is the great au ' of thwenness. It will not be expected of us. in cases • II delieaw • nature, to exhibit certificates of cures perf ru ed but we can ware the afflicted, that hundreds of have been reported to us. Thousands of ewes wl, el families have been without children, after using • fed bottles of this invaluable ;iedicine, have been W - with fine, healthy offspria TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED LATH This Extritct of Sarsaparilla has been expAisly pn pared in reference to kmale complaints. No fe , al who has reason to anew she is approaching that eri ical period, " The turn oflife ." should neglect to tat it, as it is a certain preventive for any of the nu , . roe and horrible diseases to which fentelea are subject • tic time of life. This period may be delayed for • I - years by using this medicine. Nor is it less vat shl for those who am approaching womanhood, as it is ca' culated to assist nature, by quietening the blood at invigorating the system. Indeed, this medicine i i valuable for all the delicate diseases to which MI are subject. I . It braces the whole system, renews permanent 11 natural energies, by removing theimpurities of the , . not so far stimulatingies to ptoduced subsequent Is ation, which is the ease of most medicines taken ' - I male weakness and disease. By using akw hint es this medicine, many severe and painful surgical . pet lions may tie prevented. OPINION OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving orde fro Physicians in different parts of the Union. ' This is to certify, that Ire the undersigned, Phys ciai of the city of Albany, have in numerous cases p ri ed Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to he one of the moat valuable preparations in the market. I' . If: P. Putdao, M. D. i . - J. Wrt,sor, M. D. R. B. !Inmost, M . D. I'. E. ELXVIDOO, M. D. CAUTION • Owing to the great success and amnia sale of Townsend's Sarsaparilla a number -of men wit is f..ratorty our Agenis,has commenced making Se a; ills Extracts, Eliairs,Bittess, Extracts of Yell D &e. They generally putd4 up in the same she Iles, and gnaw of them havestulett and. copied ur vgnisernerts, they any only worthies; imitatio ii; aboelil tte , ayeldr*l.t i - , ~. Principal Office, 1211 r u ltortStreet, Sun Buqinl Y. J. KINGSBERY, JR., Towanda, Pa., or dy fur Bradford. county DR. CHAPMAN i 11l AUbkoit: 'ii;; ) 1 Albany, April t. , • - 1 • •~ 6 .A‘• ' 4 - ' ... t.._,.....„.... _ ._, _ ..... _ ..... ~.., .........,.........„14-. .„, .._ , ... _ ~....,.. ..7,., Mitt ,1:4..‘ IaMoVVIZ4) =11:011 bag1llhAbe,141411144COINII*11011•1 Al it .tired iirdeigh. - IV .41 1, ..,,:,.., - I I , ; As t las ,aallfitherJl "ar 11• 71 1inICemisk Your idol' endnenblynjey. it now potheseoulbelsibther daw n 10 , edengeruhaurrad.••bstrpalkulimului,ber thin-sturiak. I en,logeektellithe-behlineees llmr i7ieiaedep, s !lies-.-ibe meta et. bee wriniebr' el aligit z plum lout ratengentrekerb;s4sai about 40 inlet Tik, ilia le - A i d e s fanart,errnhing,libiglitzereet she fait:. reopens a the future--pew hectic rongb and feeldelinds tell of reglooka hoPe. , b,“ rut need sot &stake—Them i it behri which will heal the Wounded lungs, it is ~150ERMAN'tf.,ALLBEALIING BALSAM. Mrs. Attree, the wife of. Wen. 11. Attree, Esq. was gi e , en up by 'Dr. Sewall of' Washington, Dr. Roe and m e Clain of Pltifeihdpitia;lliit: - ..RattaniL aim of Rey, yoGAterlfiems - ,opomight...#o: , ..s"? , s he 'Ai every Imprensa o ce of being in alpsuinpiion. anGraw so protium by bel phisiciina--Sherntanse Balsas o p Wee given it eared ber. - Wm 0 bran* Of stir. Fen*ivies else tined sr eaninnaptlen * Ali Belsetwerbes -Al Wm. ninan to filkd:te give relief—ehe erasredoealtoeslieletoe. A. A. C. Castle, Dentist, 101. Brandies', bee writeewed ittereclikill IWProi aoft Vier° . agothec almile ig g iaro ded itillif-Lbiii thellefsini - operated likieeltint.- D,, C. else witnemsd its wonderful effects &Awn* A. ma, which it never fails •of doing. Opining. Blank - alenedog as it easy be, is eftectually-cured by • this 8.. sera It Mods tbs. ruptured or wounded blood wee* and wakes tbe lunge NNW Again. - , . ~. ~„ gm Belay imam 108 Eighth :wow, anis cased al cough sad estanbal affections of 60 yeasestanden . g. The Gat doe gaveling more relief than all the giber roe& doe belted ever taken. Dr. L. Deals:l9 Doing street, gam it to a sistepin.law who was laboring emi t , consumption. and to another - sorely .Iht with lb, asthma. In both awe its erects wentimairdiam, eoes restoring them tocetsforiable heath. Mrs. Literetia Wells, 95 phridif , acffeneaf i nn Asthma 42 years. Sherman's Balsam relieved bee at encrOmarabeisewMpartlively.. welt being..enablor t. salad= every attack by a timely sue of this medieitte. This indeed is the timely remedy for Cough*, tab. Spitting blcod, Liver complaints and all affections oft& throat, sad even Asthma and Consumptiota : Price 25 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold in Towents, by CHAMBERLIN & POSTER, No. 1, &irk ma, Let its Werke praise it t rrous.Ers UNIVERSAL OINTMENT: A co m• pkte remedy for Burns. &aids, Cuts, Rweihap, Bruises, Sprains. theft Rheum. Piles, Fever sores, Oar Lips, Chapped Hands, Chiliblatus, fkald Head, and al kinds of 'blamed sores. Persons in all conditions of life, ere at times liableto be afflicted with the above complaints. it is therefore the duty'of heads of families to provide and keep e n band, ready for any emergency, a REMEDY that is capable of removing the 'Offering attendant on than very troublesome companions'. Those who her. s te t TOUSE Y'S UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, need not be told that it is a complete remedy, a mates of pain, end the most speedy remover of sn i /fammatiaa ever discovered. Thwexperience of such persons lot. ficieut to prompt them to keep it always on hand, know. jog that many valuable lives have been saved, by tie Magical Conqueror of inflamed and other sore, born meads, Qtc . It instantly steps all pain of the severest kind, sod prevents sears. No family shoal be Mutate it, as an immediate application of it in cases of heroin scalds, would do more good while waiting for the dam , than he could do when arrived; besides preventing M t hours of the utmost suffering which might plus Wows physician could be obtairied. - It possesses control over the severest injtvies by firs, over mortification, over inflammation,- and by its sm. bitted virtues it act. as etativeplie.-nervine, anriipr. inodie, anodyne, e osollienl and healing, and is the mat complete external remedy in use. Thouseilds have tried, and thousands praise it. It it working its way into public favor with ■ tepidity as. known in the history of awdicines. "•All trial use if,,,. commend if. Again we say. no family should hi with. out it. The agents furnish the public gratis, with boob describing this ointment. cr:y. Each box of the genuine Totem's UNtrlnal OINTXIIIIIT has the signature.of 8. Toney written os the outside label in black ink. Never purchase a bet unless this fflipature cal be seen. pneetlk eet is pr box or bye boxes for $l. Pretested bylEtmorr 6. Tx• am, Syracuse. N. Y. Sold in New York lin N. sea street.,and in Towanda. by CHAMBERLIN PORTER, Brick Row. l7 Cllcksites Vegetable IPargallve Pill" ..';:l ARE the first and only medicine ever discovered this : 1 - will positively curt; Headache, Giddiness, Pala, Dyspepsia, Scurvy. Smallpox, piundice, Pains is the Beek, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of -the Heart Ift• ,`... sing in the Threat."Dropity, Asthma, Peveis of all kis& Female. Cemplairrts, Measles, Salt Rheem, Heart Bum. Worms. Cholera, Morhtia, Coughs,.Quinsy, Whoo - amr -4 cough, Consumption, Fill, Liver Complaint, F.eysirelat. - 7,.f Deafness, Itching' of the 'Skin, Colds, Nervto ram- plaints, and a traitietynf other Diseases arising Imp idt -.:... 1 purities of Indigestion- , . . '- It has been prettied tlitit nearly every disease to which '. - ir\ - - I I the human frames subject, originate* from itoptuitis .I.'- - - tithe Blood or Derangements of the Digestive Omar ' - ail to secure Health, we most remove those ohrtnicOiss 7'' e e g . or restore the blood to its natural state. This he a .._ universally known . but p eo p le have' such an tonne ~ 4 pr to medicine, that, unless the case is urgent. they peek : the disease to the cure, until an impaired Constitute „..1 . r,.. 4 ' , or a-ft of sickness rebukes them for the folly of their coo-:' duct. Still they had some exeme, for herelnfierr, med. . icine in almost all its forms, wes gaily as disgusts; • as it was beneficial. Now, however. the evil is woad. - ,, 1 . . t o- factually removed ; for Cliekener's Vegclabk l'arplor is. 1 0 - Pills,•being completely enveloped with a COATISO -et :..-'7:, 14 erns wares masa.(which is distinct - from the kOnmil l: 1- have no taste of medicine, but are as easily swallotte 4 ' , 40 as hits of candy. Moreover they do not nauseate r 1 gripe in tbeeslightest degree, which is occasioned tett! • ,it fact that are compounded on scientific principles, ad operate equally on all the diseased parts of the system, 1 1 ,1 Matted of - confining themselves to, and racking allele .4§, titular region, (which is the great and Admitted evils( - ~ , t,;. i ; every other purgative.) Ileum ,they strike at the rat of Disease, remove all impure humors from the bleat A open the, pores esteem!!y and internally, remote de . 4 Insensible . Perspiration, obviate flatulency, Headedr , - 4 m &c.—seperate all, foreign anti obnOxioas particles WI tO. a chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the eeigin. MO re be thoroughly pure--secure a free and healthy. action Is I a ' the Heart, Lungs and Liver, and thereby restore health -,13 sl even when all other means hare failed. -F.! cO"'"' A.I lettere of inquiry or for advice most be IX _. 4 ;; dressed (past paid) to Dr. C.V. CLICKEN'ER, Ifs" 'zi - , - 4 e . Vesey.st., New Fork, or his authorized igents through. .A .24.. d e , out the country.. For sale in ToWanda, by ..t i . i t . CHAMBERLIN & PORTER, No. /, Brick Ws . lee N. IL Remember, Dr:C.V. Charism is the Mame , is of Sugar Coated pm, and that nothing of the sort co 1. l i e ever heard of, until be introduced them in June, 184 '1 a Pumbasers should therefore ask for Clickener's Sugar'• 4 1 , Coated Pills, and take no other, or they will be toads i i. the victims of a freed. . 5 ' d ! ._ n . . . 'n- Corning, Elmira, and Buffalo Line en 8 V- 3 he'd ly, r 411 fie- 1-1 A BOAT OF THIS LINE will kerne CORNIM; of & ELMIRA for BUFFALO, ',ere week dung A ra- the season, in the following older : - ,E.,.. Leave- Corning. Tuesdays, at 10 o'clock, A. ll . A Leave Elmira, ' "...Wednesday*, at t o'clock, P. g •.? , in Leave Havanna. Thursdays, :,... p,4 t Tow Down Seneca Lake on Friday, touching at Be ha Stream, Starkey, Lodi, Dresden, paining Geneva, Wr !IA -b. terloo and /Seneca Falls, on Si turday. - - 4 --%; Leave Buffalo for Elmira and Corning. every Satortio Morning.. Leave Rochester every Monday morn* A BOAT CORNING, Carr. A. M. TM O. 4;', BOAT ELMIRA. C. H. W. Tuovre.t. A BOAT BUFFALO, . C‘VT. EH. c, i p , A Fot Freight or "Passage Apply to the Captain' co: hoird, or to the following Atlanta : A W. M. Mallory, Corning.!Price de Holly , Genoa. 1 S. 11. Strang & Co. Elmirs.lHastings & F-irld. 110. ...,.. J.Winsermuit, Horse Ileadsti. Miller, Seneca Fsll*. E. S. 'Hinman, Mavanna. L. Boated°, Monter:res. L.G.Townsend, Big Stream H. I. nib. Roam. fi Wooe:worth & root, Lodi. Niles & Wheeler, Betril, Gay & Sweet, Waterloo. April 12, MIL 19 B ° ocers 8110E8.—Ladies' tight, colors.' arsl l4 gaiters. slips, add walking shoes, grnt's eon hik ealf and seal boots and shoes, and children's 4 ' selling loth at the 1 1:eint: al stets - Deris