Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 01, 1848, Image 3

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xi Rik DOANE,Iow naturese with dos latestlishioa
.I.VI for all kinds of work to , Ilse. tthe id Idea no.
& tying GOODS rit melt ,
style and peke, that
with ber post sexes" in p • hereoutinued ohs by
cannery, birnessesdpromptroessio satisfroll*hoinar
four her Oda thebilahroutgoand having ha chewing
b e e present Menden. enolusaking her arrangensems for
Wainer, consulted the convenience of her numerous
em ptoyers, the canoodle :I thititielstitetbrycerillby fn
inereased plumage, lbw' that while saw has imonght to
prose others, she has also beselitted lainself.
Room in Meteor.? buildings, Id story•-enbanee be
tween Menem' and Betts' stores.
07 Wanted two or three apprentices Seltbeilmors be
ijor... Towanda. Ott. 25. 1848. • ,• •
hi Mrs. Keeler's building, south side o f Bridge tired,
A 8 just returned from the city with • select amort-
Meott of MILLINERY, to which she invites the
munition of the Ladies. Having reseiied the in ha-
Wog, she is wady to execute work to fowler as short •w
tire. Towanda, October 28, 1848. • ".
MRS. BURROUGHS respectfully informs the
Tens of Kinnieton end vicinity, that she has
opened a shop for the above business, sad has jest on
crewed from New York the latest fashions; also a choice
and fashionable assortment of MILLINERY, esmosim,
ing of Floras, Plumes,,Ribbons, Velvets, Satins, Fr*.
ges, &c., to which she invites the attestion of the Le.
dies. Hiving served` an apprenticeship and wetted for
a Igth of time in one of the firm Mori in the state of
MUmehusetts, she Ratters herself she will be able to
please the most fastidious. •
cc r f bep IN the Id siory of Warforrs Hotel. Work
done to order, and at the showiest notice.
Monroeton, October 23, 1848.
Min GRIFFIN respectfully informs the tidies of
Towanda and vicinity, that she has just returned
from New York. with a large and splendid stock of
Fashiamble Millnery, consisting of plumes, Flowers,
Ribbons, Ruches, Velvets. Latins„ Fringes, Gimp.,.&c.,
wl i ti has never been equalled in richness, and variety,
by any former masetinent, and So which she invites
0:7. Work done to order, in the bed style;sdul at the
shortest notice. 0et.16n20
Academy of the Presbytery of Busquelumaa.
THIS Institution was opened at Friendsville„-rm the
first Monday of October, wider the instruction of
HILLARD, Teacher of the primary department It is
tinder the immediate Supervision of the Presbytery of
tsaisipichanna. sod is designed to secure a Religious,
with an English and Classical Education. Board can
he obtained eta low rate v and every facility will be of
forded for the economy of the student. The situation
is healthy amid retired. wed far from many of the tempta
tions of towns and
TCITION rut Tenor or Tw eta - a Weans.
Common English branches, ' $2 00
Latin Grammar sod Lessons, Chemistry, Philos-
nphy. Lngic and Rhetoric,
Algebra, Surveying, Navigation. Geometry. Trig
onometry, Conic Sections, Analytical Geome.
try, Astronomy, and differential sad Integral
,Itakulus, 4 00
Latin and Greek C g lamies and French, 5 00
.Rrier to Rev. Samuel F. Colt, Wysluairrg, Rev. r.
TO Ladd, Silver Lake, Rev. Julius Feuer, Towanda,
?dews. J. 8. Peiroenet and A. Wickham, Friends.
Friendaville, October, 1848. n 20,101.
r, Ro the beet Manufactories in pos ten . bar sale hy
.I_ Trove, Pe., Al. IR, 1848. IL S. HAIBI4ETT.
be C en tral
. qua t zitLa ore. Bur .
o the
. market'
THE subscribers still continue
manufacture and keep ea hand
at their old stand, all kir.ds of cope
and wood ant CHAIRS: - also
SETTEES of various kinds, sod .
BEDSTEADS of every. deserip.
don, which we will tell low fur
cash or Produce, or White Pies
lumber, White word, Baas wood.
or 'Cucumber el air plink, or 4 by
4 'Scantling 13 feet long—either autionvroad,Baiewood
or Maple, will also be received for our colt.
Turning douche order in the nnateet manner.
Towanda, June 22, 1848.
"Goods well Bought are half Sold !"
now opening a large stock and estensive variety of
GOODS,,seketed with the greatest care, and bought
under great advantages in the cities of New York and
Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorable ernat
tion of both Illarketracid having in view the motto
above, has so bought that be can and will sell on as fa.
uorabie terms as the CFA and will endeavor to 'bow to
community the advantage of buying from those who boy
writ. Towanda, MeY - 23, 1848.
WORR'I'ED DRESS GOODS. —Plain.figurad am!
plaid, black and -colored Afrraecas; Meek and
laird French h.erinorn; Oregon Plaids; rich French
and common Cashmeres, Del.idnes, &c., a Great variety
of styles fin ale at sepSs MERCER'S,
H E Third T erm will commence on Monday the
30th day of Oet., inst.
Tarnow Pia Teat.
Common English Stadia@ itielading Geography and
Mental Arithmetic. d$ 00
Same with Walla Grammer and Adam's Arith•
metic, 3 00
Higher English studies including Meatal, Moral
and intellectual Mc4enons,
Higher branches. of Mathematics, Latin, Ore&
and French Latrnagel..
Fuel (3d and 4th Terms.)
F. W. GUNN. Teethe.
Oct. I 5411
ARPBT BAOB.--I,4olle:fi' and gent's, a good as
soninentt byEL T
_ -
ROCLAM ATlON.—Whereas, the Hon Jena N.
_I- Co w, President Jorge of the 14th
district consisting of the counties of Lutenie,
Bradford and Tioga, and H. Morgan and Reuben
Wilder Esprs AwiticiateJudges in and for the coun
ty of Bradford have issued their precept, bearing
date the 25th day of Oct. 1848, to me directed for
holding a court of quarter sessions of the peace.
common pleas and orphan's court at Towanda fur
the County of Bradford on the` Ist Monday of De
&miter next, being the 4th. to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby givers, to the. Coroners
Justices of the reace.and Constable+ of the county
of Bradford, that they be then and there in their
proper persons at - 1 o'clock in the forenoon of said
day with records, inquistions;exatninations and oth
er their remembrances; to do those who are bound
by rerognitance or otherwise. to prosecute against
the prisoners who are or sballbe bound to appear at
the_said court, are to be then and there to prosecute
atam s t them as shall be just. Jurors are requested
to be punctual in their attendance agreeably to their
notice. '
hated at Towanda the tStb day of October. in Ate
year of our Lord 1848 and of tbe Independence of
the United State* the aetenty•third.
JOHN P . :MEANS. Sheriff.
THE undersigned, having been appointed an Audi
tor by the Orphans Court of the County of Brad
ford to adjust the accounts of E. B. Myer. administra
tor of ths estate of Wm. Myer. deceased, upon except
lions filed, wdl attend to the duties of his appointment,
P 4414, 1 7, the Bith day of November next, at !o'clock
in the afierfloon,at the house of Geo. W. Meiners% in
the BOW of Towanda, of which all persona will pkwae
take entire. 025 H. W.PATRICK. Auditor.
(11MitiAlIttS, new styles, and wondrous cheap
1 ---t Lawns, of every description ; Organdie wilding
embroidered mohair. and in fact a'.l the most desired,
0 t lea of Drys, Goods in isarkeswith trimmings to match,
Omar( thou any whet gouda in town, at FOX'S.
ALL istiessiodothii i. she alikilltlO •
8U1104.1 itioNied.: , lite 3 it,
esidlestil will
sent them MY 101910; Mr
i;"1 4 9. 1 -1/4 1 :P1
AL A !:iirr=fit
°Ll ‘' • lir
beit 4 l re ..1111111.1*-11hisisik '
thoee hartgetiduilitganitimid
sent theta deliAtuthew.rwsted for Sept... setilm
C. 111'KE Al 4,
.1. C. M'KEAN,
September ti, 1848. • Adatinistattork l -
BY an order' orvitit Thema CNA of 'theatre, ers,.
will be espoused to pulifiesdleemWEDNEBDAY.-
110 dryer November 1848, one st 411.o'eMek A •M.
upon the premises a contain pieee , er parcel et lewd
lying mullein, in the towtashipof Springfield, roomy
eformaid, sad hounded so , follows' to wit: Os the
north by laideof Hiraerliortes led James Brooks, es'
the east by lands of Martin Butler, on the mesh by
lands of Roswell Does and lease P. Doan, sad en
the west by lands of Jimea Brook; Otestaining
eighty two save or thereabout; Mira fifty seam her ,
proved, With a limed - home and bent thereon erected.
ALSO—On same the . era at, o'clock P. M. upon
the premiers, One other piece or pried of land In said
township bounded as follows to wit: On the north by
lands now or late:y owned by John fuller, east by
lands of Edmund Kinp, south by land of Chummy
Berry, and west by lands of John D. Leonard. Con
taining one hundred and - eimeen wise more or km.
about ten acres thereof improved.
Attendance given, and terms node knows on the
day of ale. ALLEN ISTAC .
Springfield, Oct. 11th, 1848. Administrator.
reolitVid _k itiOugeTe SAID.
YIY an order of the Orphans Court of Bradfonl en.,
11 will be exposed to public sale: on SATURDAY,
4th :lay of November 1848, at 1 o'clock, upon the
premises, the following 'poverty to wit : Four lota in
Perryville Athenitownship, 'being lute No: three. five,
and air, of one tract of plot each containing about one
sixth of an acre, and also No. one on another tract or
draft. containing two acres, and and hundind and eight
perches, all in Perryville, in amid township of Athena
according to a survey' made by Orison Ricker.
Attendance given, and terms made known on the
day of sale. THOMAS PARK.
Athena, Oct. 11, 1803.
MITE Subscriber having been appointed by the Or
phan's Coon of Bradford connty en Auditor to
Marshall the assets of the estate of Arsine Clark; deed.
will attend to the duties of his appointment at the house
of Ira C Bullock in Smithfield township at one o'clock
in the afternoon of the !41b dq•of November nett.
n2O w 4
Oct. 12, 18(8
A 1.1. moms indebted to the COMB of HIRAM
Il R ANNZY, deed lalee4AVellatownahip We hew.
by narrated to make payment, without deley, mid those
haying claims against the amid aisle will &age present
them duly authenticated fae eattlement.
• ALONZO C. NOBLE, Executer.
Oct. 13, 1848. n2ow4
3 00
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan'. mart of the
county of Bradford, 'will be et:pored to public sale
no Wednesday, tbe•22d day of November, 184114 at TO
o'clock, A .M., spin the premises, the .redivided tenth
of a certain Int, piece ar parcel of lent} lying and being
in the township of Wyalusing, county aforesaid, hound
ed and described m fellows, to wit t Beginning on the
east bank of the Wyalusing creek, in the line formerly
dividing lands of-Guy Wells and Jopeph Black, deed..
thence by said line north 70° 00 petches, thence south
IS° east 20 perches, theme south 70 4 wog 00 perches,
theses along the Wyalering creek up the reveriltomr•
see thereof. to the place of beginning. Containing ten
acres and allowance, mostly improved, with a famed
boom and framed - bent thereon erected, with a small
A LBo—On dm same day, at 2 o'clock. P.M. ospon
the premises, the equitable' interest in ens other kit or
perc►l of land. situated in said toanship.'ansl bounded
. as follow?, to wit : Beginning at the smith erect mew
of warrant:ke No. 203, thence posh I° east 58 . perctres
to the swab west cower of • lot belonging to Cyrus
Fuller and Almon Fuller. thence south 119° east 238
perches to a post. thence south 1° mat 30 padres lea
post on the south line of warrant Wt. theses north 89°
.west 238 perches to the beginning. Containing 73
acres and 120 perches strict measure, •lost ten acme
thereof improved, with a log house thereon erected, end
a mall orchard growing upon tin same. -
Attendance given. and tomes made known on tb• day
of sale. CYRUS SHUMW AY,
Springhill, October 23, 1842. Administrator.
Blf an order of the Orphans' Court d Iltradiard
will be exposed to public Pale on MONDAY,
20th day of November 1848,4112 o'clock, upon the pew
wises, a piece sr parcel of land In Towanda bone.. has
the property of Truman Kinstinn deed., bounded on
the north by John -Wilcox, on the east by William at,
ma the south by Division as and wen by Main net,
containing about twenty-four equate rode.
Attendance Birgit, and terms made known on the day
of sale. . L. W. TIFFANY,
October 25, 1848. Administrator.
BY virtue of sundry writs of weed. expo. aimed oat
of the court of Common Pleas of Bradford County,
to me directed, I Shall expose to public male smite boom
of T. P.Woodniff, in theborth of Towenda, on Mon
day the 4th day of DECEII4II tint, M two (Mock
P. M., the Congaing piece or; paved of fond in the
township of Cater, and bounded North by D. R. Bregg
East by 8. Sweet, South by the Main road and West
by flukomhx. Containing half an sere all improved,
with one framed hattee and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in exerunion at the suit of D. Pan
derers* use vs. Mathias Lam,
4 00
a 00
A LSO.—The following piece er parcel of land situate
in the born' of Towanda, bounded on the,North, by s
Street leading from Mein sweet to the Ifirequebarena
River, oe the East by an Alley on -the South by the lot
on width the Baptist Meeting House stands and on the
West by Main street. containing one fourth of an sere
more or lila with a framed dwelling house and born
thereon erected.
-Seised end - taken in execution at the suit of Elisabeth
Means vs. A. M. Coe. and - Wm. Patton.
A LSO,—One half of • grid mill, dam and rare, with
the appurtenance!, a mill house and all the ground on
which they are situated, together with that occupied as
a mill gad, situate on the Wyalusing creek in the ip.
of Pike. in the county of Bradtord.
Seined and taken in execution at the suit of Bald
win. Phelps & Co., vs. Edward W. Jones. -
ALSO;--•A parcel of land situate in Burlington twp
bounded north by• Moles Calkins,east by Joel Calkins.
scuds by Allen M'Kean. west by Jesse . Beech. Cow
taining about eighty acres.
Seized and taken in execution at thasuit of R. B.Da
vidson et al., &c., Alen M'Kean.
A LSO—A piece of land in Springfield. bounded north
by E. Ketchum, east by Bailey, south by H. L.
Ross, and west by Hicks. Containing filly acres.
with twenty-five acres improved, one framed house and
framed 'barn and - an apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of R.B.Da
edam. et al.. vs. Alonzo Sherman.
ALSO—A piece of Ism! in Orwell township, holm!.
ed north by lands of Nathaniel C 6014104, eat by Ches
ter Hill, on the south by:Eseriah Colburn, and on the
west by Sandford Prince and Nathaniel Beeman- Con
taining twenty-two urea with about twelve acres im
proved, with one framed booso,log barn, one apple or
chard and nursery thereon.
Bernd and taken in meatiest si the suit of Thomas
J. Thither's use, vs. Chandler Prinee. •
JOHN F. MEANS. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Turners, Oet. lgth, 11048 e •
WILL pay his next vise to Towanda, in October
VW next. and may be fourd at Voimarrei Horst.
His friends are invited - to call. July 12, 181 8
i .~~~~ ~~
IFlalik kilo a Ilaltersai family tabrecallei in
Divases et the Noma flab.
9'imr. end 'spinney have fully proved that the this
UNIVFLSAI. REMEDY hes not not its equal
°kilts list of popular medicines, having been more thee
I 4 yams before the public.
"Testimonj , of the most disinterested character of its
wonderful effects on the animal economy is &nig dai
ly presented to the proprietor.
A young man in the town of WRson, whose elothes
were burnt off at him. was restored (without suffering)
by the timely use of the Oil.
Numerous are the unsolicited stateMente of patients.-
themselvel, end others who have used the Oil. 01 cures
which in iheenielves appear remarkable, that they at
ell interested is a". pecuniary point, they could hardly
have beep reedited.
The following diseases are among many others in the
cure of which this Oil has been completely successful
and in which others bad entirely Gaol :
Speen., Sweeney, Ringbone, Windgalls; Poll Evil, Cal.
loess. Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Lameness,
Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Braise*, Send Crack.,
Foundered Feet, Bkratchea. or Grosse Mange, Rites
matism. Bites of Animals, Estemal Poisons Painful
Nervous A ff ections, Frost Bites, Boils, Corno, Whit
low!, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Cheeped hands,
Crimp, Contractions of the Muscles, Swellings,
Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, &e.
Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and be amethe name
of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT,
LOCKPORT, N. Y., is blown in the aide of the but.
tle, or in his hand writing over the cork. Don't be
persuaded to take any thing else with the promise it is .
just as greed. Ate., &e. This is practised by those um
principled deafen whose conscience will stretch like
India It. bber, and who are of a kindred spirit of those
in our large cities, whops nefarious practices have so re
cently been exposed to the action of Congress.
Those who attempt to Counterfeit the article em
[erred to the law of New Yenk.alr May 1845. by which
it will be seen that every parson meddling in these
counterfeits is subject to indictment, imprisonment, sad
A person selling out of this state, will be liable to u
ntil/ when in the state, and also to be held as a witness
against those he bought of or sold for.
All Orders addressed to tbs proprietor will be respond
ed to.
Get a pamphlet al the Agent and we what wooden
are seeemplisbed by the see of this medicine_
Sold by reepeetable dealers genteelly i• the United
Stems and Canada.
Fee sale be atemberlin & Porter. Towanda. E. D.
Wells. Laworneetrille. Edwin Dyer. Coeiagtoo. Abet
Terrell. Montrose. Pomp & Kinsey. Easton. Lewis
Smith & Co., AllentoWn. H. B. Dean, South Easbas.
Oet. IS* 1848. n2o.y I.
IIIsTHE Subscriber respectful
ly informs the citizens of To-
wanda that be has opened •
Market is the Bairn Block,
one door west of Woodndre
Hotel (basement story) and
will endeavor to keep constantly ea hand. and soppy
those who wish the means of " good living," with Salt
and Fresh Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Porkokr, of the
finest quality and it the best order.
Cr Candles At Soap by the boa or pound. constant
ly kept on hand and for ale at low prices.
Towanda, Aug. 29. 1848. A. HAWLEY.
Awe receiving large sold Rid Slack of
New Fall aid Whiter Goads, at
UTHICH for variety. quality and clam will wall
compere with anything tithe kind in the Coen-
Sy. Any one who will do at. die favor to call and
gamine any of my Goods I think ean't faille beguiled
both with quality and rim. The stock imelodes a greet
variety of Rich Neer Styles of Dress Goode such as
Plain and Filed, Blum Pink and Scarlet all worsted
DrLenes, Filed Castuneree, Thihet Cloths, Cocorp,
Bilk Plaid kledonsan, Plaid DeLanes, Black -Plaid.
Striped and Silk warp Alpaca, Black Bombasioe,
French and Scotch Gingham', also, French, English,
andAmericen Cloths, Cassimeres and vesting,. Sheet.
isigs, Skirtings, Ticking, Cotton Yarn, Wicking, Mad.
ding, Batting and a choice lot of Fresh Groceries, Fish
Hardware, Ism, Nails, Crockery. Boots and Shoes aft
of which will be sold at very low Price*, at
E. T. FOX, No 2, Brick Row.
Tag/ands, Orv. 16, 1848.. .
Ti.. !7, Cottlnd st, Ncw Tort.
STRANGERS end eitizensdesirooe toleptanish their
k.. 7 wardrobes, nay be immediately seamiamodated to
the very . hest style, sad at Tim 'Aware calm rants,
with • choice selection of .
of the newest patterns ,
. of superior make and finish, sod
of the best nuiteirsb i equal in eyes/ inspect to the best
custom work. Having adopted the cish principle, upon
which certain alleviations can be made, and which be
has pursued successfully for upwards of ten years, in op
position to the ruinous system of credit, which imposes
the necessity of exacting unnecessarily Wei prices frau
earls° ,customers ; be continues to preside, eml has
now exultantly on hand one of the largest Wet fashion
able and choirs assortments of
Beady Made. Clothing, in America.
From which gentlemen tray depend ire stating them.
'elves satisfactorily, as megarde quality, style and•ifice.
His stuck embraces OrearnaTs and CLOARS of the
most approved styles: Due's, Faocit sad other Comm
Pairriuroars, of every desirable pattern, and the richest
assortment of BLACK BATIK, Csennass. and tuber
styles of Winter Vests. •
The FAIIICT Daps embraces all the new end
elegant patterns, and -latest and most desirable styles of
Fancy, Silk and Satin Cravats, Suspenders, Glover and
Hosiery, Shirts, Bosoms and Collars. Carpet Hap, &e.
In addition to the above variety of Ready Made Arta
cies, be has for sale by the piece or yard, at as low pri
me as an be found in either of the Atlantic cities, •
beautiful assortment of the best quality
001, AS, CaltiimaertS Mari YeStilififfi.
Gentkinen tan have their orders filled at a few
boars-notice. and sent tai any part of the United States—
IMP by sending fiteir measbres, can obtsin Clothing on
as good terms as though they were present to select for
themselves. Address, J. C. BOOTH.
Sept. 1845. 57, Cortland st., New York.
-0" For the liberal share of patronage which hashes.
sanded to him for so many yesra,he returns nofinnWil
acknowledgements, and he promises that melons shall
be spared on his part in future to matinee toserve his
ausermes an as favorable terms as any other hones in
the trade.
°LOTH& & CAB3III I IBREM, Vesting, j Oweipait
Clothe. see& es town. ofwe end sell nuseil Dee
ms will be odd way low of BA mug BANK. -
0166 & DYE-STUFFS, also Matcher
by the you, at No. 2, H. R.
! .. 1
- i
••, • • ,
78 distinguished forthelibend size of its oven and fire-box. 'To it is attached a Summer Ilium!. Omit the boiler boles or irtvich,ibe yaw& baik, Waning
/to the mer e can b e use d, th ere by rend s/ Jog it in capacity equal to a six boiler stove. Coals can fie transferrallium thefiretboa directly into thellltannier
Fixture, by being drawn forward, without the use of a shovel: By thrn'rinr open the frmit doors of the fire•hos. when. troilltig °rather toollitql is_done Its . .lite
Summer Fixture, th e fumes from the articles cooking are carried off through the stave. withimt being disseminated into the room. , top,ofthe pies* is I aro'
tected by an iron plate to prevent an excess of heat upon the articles baking. ' It can bi removed: if the heat is needed to be increased. ...The, ores till I*
found to bake with great uniformity in all its parts.
The only damper for turning the current of heat is a rolling one at the pipe-hole. •By being turned forward, the heat is made to pits underthe (*COO"
ascending the pipe. The opening for the purpose of cleaning the Sues, is in the lower part ofthefrOnt plate. The Dues, which-are three in number—twit tip
per and two under—are liberal in size, and .atford a good draft to the stove. They are perfectly , sisootb, end without obstruction from the &mil la the toot
of the stove, and can be easily cleaned with a poker. such as is furnished.
The fine or goard plate east be taken out, and a new one put in, without taking the stove to pieces. But being wail protected with coldate, is seldom, it
ever required to be renewed. .
For sale by • . ..
. .
Towanda, October 16th. 1848.
........................................................,„„.„„„,..„.„. ..—............ .............
4ia a r&Ort Irgailli 'NO WA' i 1 r
Alertly . fur the Milli of cheap C/ockv Wadats and
lewdly! Great - kids al the
JAMES P. DULL respectfully informs the chisetta
of Towanda and vicinity, that be has lately return
ed from Philadelphia, and permanently located in To
wanda, one door Arlo; the Brick Row, in the room for.
merly occupied by Mercur'.. Hat Store, where mayy — he
found gold and silver watches, gold, fob and guard
chains, gold and silver pencils, gold pens, breast pins,
finger rings, &c., cheap for cash, and every article way
ranted. A large supply of UL. tt 7103, of the latest ion.
proved patterns, running from 30 hours to 8 days and
a month, with one winding.
Qj Partieular attention pild to repairing CLOCKS,
WATCHES & JEWELRY, of every &scripting, and
from the long experience which he lute had in the bu
siness, work left is hie rant will he done in the best
workmanlike manner. Old .gold and silver taken in
exchange. Towanda, A °gust 16, 1848. y
JOHN B. FORD has just received. at his Brag store
one doer below Kingsbery's sore. in B.Kingslery'a
OM brick Mock. Main inert. a large addition to his
former armament, which he now offers to the attention
of the public. His Neck, now comprises every snick'
nasally kept, among which may be found the following;
Mims a maNcocs.
Opium. cream tartar, camphor, 'motile soap. liquorice,
'sham avails', -rhubarb, jalap, sloes, Bowen chamo
mile. gum static, castor oil, quicksilver, magnesia. roll
and Own sstpbur..reibd add crude barer, calomel, red
precipitate. Coonnive sublimate; aqua aremsnis, tartaric
acid, Tom silty lalialunarn. won& sulphate quinine,
alt‘ef die mitintisFoils, gem Myrrh. 4WlWheitidtb. Olin
trapeanth, corks, sausparilla, gamboge, litharge, spir
its turpentine, rotten stone, umber, lens de sienna. salt
peter, ands seed, isinglass, coheir, anodic; dm..rnike.
Crashed, lief, and muscavado sugars, deeper that
can be bought elsewhere in tows; black and given feat
salresuus. pepper, spice, mustard• pew"' saw, midlis,
nutmegs, tiovre.moce, Rio and Java coffee. starch. el.
ger.' oils, blacking. motile, blown, variepred and fancy
seep. sperm and tallow candlse, Wham, segars and
snuff, amichea, ow, Ike.
enrolee, Otero', peach and American Brandy ; St.
Croix. Jumeis and Now England Rem ; swan, lima
and Bakimere Gin ; Snatch, Irish end Memengetude
Whiskey , ' Medals, pale end brown 118rnevey, pure juice, I
Pest. Tenerife. Lisbon, Malaga, Muscat, elan* sod
wines, samba. de,
Bei wider, Weaker, colonies and rose water; mac.
easier sad hear's ail. owe mem oz marrow. pomatum,
1 0.4.• pearl powder, bandeline. lash, tooth, hair, nail
and clotheelinsahes, feather dintees,:nelf walkts, boy's
belts, combs, piny bah hooks, pentil points, playing
eda, percussion cops, ink, steel pens, etc.
Western Panacea. Balsa of Columbia, Pink pop,
Konsournek's Vennifoge Hay. Liniment, Mother 's Re
lief, Pain Estrarme. Acoustic oil, Hair dye, Andrew's
and Mrs. Brown% Painkiller, Godfrey's cordial, Adhe
sive plaster, TownersE., Webster'., Wood's antehet,
benrsElereeparills, Liibontripie misters, Whiter • &l
oam, Hungeriss Balsam of Life. Upturn's', Elm:teary,
WA Biases Oinvmeas, Shepherd's, Kometoets. Onieles
and Fahneweek's Ye/mirage. Brown's celebrated Lotion
for Consemption, SovenWm bolas pill., sugar meted
Pills, and sit the most popular medicines of the day.
g• The Meek is eentigete, containing everything
kept in the largest astabaskraents, and is )(bred at the
lows* poseible prices.
Remember, that Ford's Cheep Ding. Grocery and
Liquor Blom is in rmesbery's new dock.
Towanda, June 7, 1848.
HARDWARB, • good morunent, including bon
Steel. •
Nails, ice. at No. 2. B.R. FOX'S.
300 VOLS. published by the Americas annilsy
School Union, end for sale low in noontide,
to suit purchasers. my 23 0. D. RARTLETT.
liew bid et and Sew G.sds.
ROGER YOWLER having just received divert frown
the ells. a near groottmeet of Pall sad
Winter Goode. anacioneei b the public tint be will sell.
the sense at unusually low prices. Hue assortment ma
sks* of Dar 000.11, 010C111111112, DAUPW•IIIB,
aar. Ctrrsauc. &e., &e.. end hying selected with este
end bought et the lowest rates, offers inducements sel
dom to be met with.
Monroeton, Oct. 13, IMO.
FUR cleaning Coat Collars, and extracting trews all
kinds of Wearing Apparel and Clothing, Ges►sa,
T►a, Pala', Ort., Y►utas, &c., without in any do.
glee injuring the texture of the Finest Cloth.
For sale by Chamberlin & Potter, J. B. Ford, and
J. Kingsbury, Towanda.
Towanda, Oct. 16th, 1846.
amine oar Week, you . will be sore to bay, unless
you should think be pries so low, that there was smoo
thing wrong in it. KINGSBERY & Co.
rCo-Partnetebill heretofore existing between the
a r alwaibere is thts day dissolved by mutual eon
sent. The books, accounts, notes, judgments, &e., are
in the hands of IL. Yowler, kw settlement, end those
knowing themselves indebt d will do well to cell and
settle soon. SEVELLON 11.. FOWLER,
bleareeten. Oct. 13. 13311. n2o.we
LAVML—Vveseli, Araetiearmaad Orgastise
a haaatifel assettinessi I alga. plaid aad timed
iraofberapes. 11117 KINGEIBERY & CO.
DARABOLS & UMBRELLAS, the most ezteakre
-1. .*1 ipleohd sostehneet em Welt -into Touren4s.
may be found et No. 5, H. R. REED'S.
y S. ,' f
&LIMIT. ff. T
• - i • -
H. S. &M. MULCUR, 1• .
D ESPECTFULLY announce 'to their Woinermis
1-1 friends and castanets. that they are - nap opening
the largest and most general assortment of gimps,
ever b•fore offered in Towanda,embracingalerinst eery
thing wanted by persons of every class and condition.
All those wishing to purchase Goods for cash, will
God it for their interest to examine this steck.
Towards, September 18. 1848,
A LI. persons Indehtexl to 'the estate of WIC
13. A LLEN. deed., late of Franklin towp, are hereby
requested to make payment without delay. and those
having claims spinet the said estate will please present:
them July antbeatiCated for settlement.
A: G. PICKARD, Executor.
Leroy, September 18. 184E6
GROCERIES.—Good young hymn end hyscm skin
teas. at 371 a .d 50 cents--and sugar to sweeten
it at 6 and 8 emits ; all other kinds of groceries in pro
portion ot the Central Store. N. N. BETTS.
EX PECTED in • kw dsys, a few more bode of
New Goods, at N. N.BErre.
This is no disgusting. nauseating pill. potion, or
mixture ; nothing that produces pain or irritation; but
a medicine that is at once pkasent and agreeable in its
application, elfonling immediate relief, and will cure the
very woe* cases of painful, itching or bleeding Piles in
• very fear days. Cell at C AAAAA aux & Pullman's
Drug Store, No. I. Brick Row, Towanda, and you will
not go home without a honk.
THE 11101111Calef hits opened s Clara INo flerenz, two
doors north of the Public Illquate. on Main street.
(neatly opposite the new Wick tavern bow living met
ed by C. L. Wao4 Eng.) wbereke will keepcosatantly
on band, and for vale at the lowan - pomade Fiero. a
Lino shit general arnortinent of READY MADE
CLOTHING. such as
collars, Stocks, Suspenders, Glora, Hosiery, Prr#lo3,
rkon•ei - Uwdersieu, kr-, ,
Ha has on hand and in cossnantly w eer.
large isatiansent .
such as Mai Hatiway blersailles, die., ail of which will
be wads op to ardef on show notice and en emonsble
terms. The subecriber having been a pseud Tailor
for the last 15 yeses, In the eity of New York, Battens
himself lita&be At% glgainatsfutillirle all wba. ° •7 41°
voritiii with their patronSge.
His Clothing is all made app under his own inspec
tion, and be has therefore no bwitancy in reannwend
nag it to those who wish to purchase. •
00. CUTTING and MAKING/ UP for persons who
prefer to furnish their own materials; and Cutting dons
for persons who wish to have their garasaftli made else
where—all of which shall be done with neatness Uhl
The subscriber Is also agent for A. Wheeler's Report
of Fashions, which he can furnish to such as are want
ing. on.reatorumble terms. B.A. SMITH.
Towanda, June 8, 1848.
Cheapest Goods ever sold ia,Towanda,
cnption, far old men and young moo, for yoting
mimeo and old Lanes, for the high, the low, the rich,
and the poor ; all ran now be accommodated. A few
enticing in the line of Drees bloods. which are goiiig of
with a prefect rush, we can here mention,mich as Frail
lawn gingham% dark and light gingham', linen lustros,
French towns, bemvs, and a ;teat asoortment of Prints
are now miring lower than the lowest at No. b. B R.
June 14, 1848.
BONNBTR, and Bennet Trimmings, of every der
eriptise. suitable fa the season, may be found in
miaow, very cheep at 5, B.R. REED'S. ,
BFlNNETB.—Florenee, straw, pearl straw. and lace
Bonnets ; also, palm-leaf and leghorn hats. by
July 14. . ELI.IOTV d< TOMMlift
0;:rDo you wish to buy goods cheap, acttwak2nd
some profit If so, you will cal on
WiLiam ' opposite Platt at ., New York. where you
can find the greatest variety at goods suited to your
trade, sndlihich will pay you ■ said profit. •
FANCY GOODS.OOIIIIIIII of every variety, Brushes of
every description, Buttons, 'Port/mil ; Steel Goods,
witch ss Beads. Prone and Bag Mountlngth&c.; Sil.
ver, Planished and Britannia' Ware.
is Brx•riosmix.--English ant i American Droving Pa
ints and Bosnia; Tracing and 'Ouse Papers; Eng
lilt and Freatet Writing, Letter Mut Note Papers t
Music Paper ; Gold and Silver rency,,Papses ; Port
folios, Work Boxes, Portable beaks. Dressing. Cases,'
Gold and Silver Pencil Come, Gold Peps,. Cntlery4
Inkstands, Globes, Mathematical and Drawing in.
wruments, Steel Pens, Quills, Pencils, Blank Books,
of every variety, &c., tire., and every otbet made in
the line of rctstionery, which are offered at Pikes cab
tisfactory to purchasers. hy A. B. MARVIN.
sepl3 • - 93 William st., opposite Platt, NeW York.
Ceboiee selection of Merrimack, ar
ange and bite. pihk and all atbertheds, small fig
ure. Two shining calico for nine serest call and see,
low mind s the only plies is KINUSBERY-411c CO.
BONNETS.—A choice 'eked= 'of Florence, bee,
China peed, Pamela. Leghorn. and other &shim.
abbe his of tidies' and mimeo' Dome% Ivory ebesp;
also Bonnet ribbons, arliticasta, wreathe. &e...
mar UP ' • lONOSSERY & CO.
'TOINERI3 T001.81.-;-A good assixtrnitii Bead.
J Mould'mg and Desch PLANES, iiioneitag plats,
and ether Joiner's Toots, just received. from the manu
factory, and for sale low by 0. D. Daimon.
. .
-,fru. ;it; A f
~ ~;:.., .
_ . ;T ,: ,
VICs AS ice.lll
raw eats Sr
who keep colutantly an 1 and a . fall aseorteleill
gennincDruga and Nrdicines, Paints, Dicaltifs,
Groceries, Fancy areicka, 4ti 4v- 1-
Alebesi's poor man's plait. Trash's megnetleoirdittettl.-
" toothachedrope. Tenney'.. Universal 4, lbw
health restorative, • Mosier d , pie. •
Otickenee., a. c pills, Wistor's bola, eherry.
Daney's pain extractof. Ditehan!.. Hung. Whom tile,
refine/dock's iermifuie, Andrew's pain killer,
Gridley's,salt rheum. Ont. David dn. .
Gnefenberg madicinerh, Harding's sfirking wise.
Hobeneack's word syrup, felon White's da. ,
logoldaby's pile specific, Ellis . plaster
Dr.Japee's medicines, Eitract of Wo.aboo or bur ,
Jackson's pile 4 tette, cm. ning bush, an Indian nor-
Sherman's medicines. - dieine for minsumptlini.
" poor mat 'a plaid. diseases of the liver, 4c., •
Metviek's tamifttge. Thompson's eye weer,
Woradell's vet. res.-pule, Wester's worm It.,
Dr. Ww , ion's female " Wittig? oil,
Winslow 's bads. horehound, Drape; Indian retnediee;'s medicines. Ward's liniment,.--relieMs
Folver'sOkimonian, rheumatic and other prin.
Phinney's pill., WebMer's es. sarsapirilia,
Torahomm do. Modem oil.
Potlzes tooth cordial s Carpenter's dn.
Soule's or. saw. halm ipili., McAllister's ointment. - .
OweYwe's eYwl9 w. cherry. Tiongston's basset life,
do. vennifuge; Holm of Columbia,
Smitten s. e. Ind. ye& kills, Hateinan's pectoral drops.
Sairpa's secomile oil. Codfroy's rewash
Wright's Ind. veg.pills, Donis oaf wimp.
Oriental du. Indian vegetable slime.
Drandreth's 'do. Jets David's Omer.
Wehater's bilious do. Cheearman's Arabian bids.
Phelp's tomato do. Cooper's corn sole,
Dr.liash's dn. Mother's relief,
tees' do. Gelatine welded. • -
. Post's poor man's do. Cephalic crown mit
With many others, not enumerated. The awkomhe
hers ars agents for most of the above atedieines, awl
warrant every artichrgenoine. July 19.1948.
WHEREAS, by I to rot of the Assembly of die COM ,
monweebb, estitkd "an set relating to the els&
tions of this Commonwealth," it is eninined upon re* to
give public notice of mach en election to be held, and al•
so the enumeration In such notice. what calkers ere ti
be eleeied, 1, JOHN F. MEANER, High %Mk at Me
county of II naiad, do hereby malls toms sad gheir
notice to the . electons
„of mil comfy, that tr Claimed
Hketion will be held in said misty. on TUESDAY.
the 7th day d Hammerer, in the wend ilistetebe la geld
county, to wit I.
. In Albany, at the seibool beam near thild
In Asylum, at lamb FrsteArres.' -
In Athens honorer. at E. 8. Matheresoses.
Is .Athese„townsitip. at Mini Veras's.
In Armenia, et Tolls 8. Beecher's.
In Harlington,
at Addison lenteren'a.,_
In C l anton, atHenjatnis Catiltisugles.
In Columbia, ad lames Monnuem.. .•
In Dural, at 8.8. Bradlee.:
In Franklin. at Wm. Geetner's.
In Granville, at the school booV, No, I, la Omaiill
In fierrielt, at the school house . isar N.B.Whituasies
In Litchfield, at R. Park's.
In Leroy, at'the school hnnse, in Leroy.
In Monroe, at J. PI Smith's,
In Omen, at the house formerly eeeepied h LH.
In Pike, at E, DeWalrs.
to Rome, at b. H. Maynard's.
In Ridgheiry. at /3.. Hansen's.
In Shesheguin, et D.Brink's.
In Sink/1664i, at A. J. Geroubra. .
In Bpriogfield, at T. Wilder's.
In /Standing Stone. at Hinton Seems . .
In South Creek at the school hone near Ass Ildletea.
In Springhill. at D. Black's.
In Toweada borough, at GeerP Me/ 405 "-
In Towanda tp, at the school home near A.C.tyamee.
In Troy tp., at V. 3i, Loan'..
In Troy borough. at the Eagle Motel.
In Ulster. at S. B. Holcomb's. •
In. W *urn.. et B. Cooper?.
In Wells, at Lewis Seely ts.
In Windham, at E. Rumen's, (Jeceani.)
In Wyalusing, at John H. Black's.
.In Wysox, at the Academy. At wbich time and
*es the electors abscise) will elect by ballot-o
Twenty-six persons far Electors of President and
Vice President of the United States.
And in and by said aet. I am further directed to tics
totice thatevery person excepting justices of the worn
who shall held any office of profit and trust under Ike
government of the U.Mtates, br of this State, or deny
'icy or incorporated districtrerhsthar it-commissioned
officer or agent, who is or shail be employed tinder the
legislative, executive or judiciary department of ILL
state or of the United Sotto, or of any Inearporated
trict. and also that every - member of Congress, NO of
the date Legislature, and of the vela& and consinua Loan
ed of any cit 7. or conunisionera of any incorporated &ft-
Wet is by law incapable of bolding exercising. at the
mime time the appointment of lodge. inspector or ckik
tf anyviection of this commonwealth, and that no in
spector at judge or officer of such eleCtiOn shall than be
sliaible to any office to he then voted for.
By tbs 4th section of an act passed the 16th 'day 6
april.lB4o,il is provided that the l.lth section of an
etroesod July 241, 1639, entitled an• set relating to
be 'betas of dais cornmonweidth." ihall net be an con
strued as towevent any militia officer from serving as
judgelnipectot or clerk at any •Otietakir special elfn
don of this commonwealth.
In the 6th vection.of the act drat' above mentioned.
is eroded that carry general and special election abaft
be opened between eight and ten in the forenoon. send
shall - continue without interniplien or adjournment un
til t o'ckick in the mains, *be& the 064 shall be
By the lleh sectiliti-ot the let pained 2d ?eh., 184 e,
ft shall be !awful for tha Jokes and kismet, ore of am
general re epode! electinn which shell heredlor be bald
in the Armenia eieetinn district in the county of Bra
ford, to elo+a the ref s , en such eleition at Are eekiek
It is further ilireeMd, that the meeting of the judge's.
at the coot. hnlble. in Towanda. to mate not the gesso
rat MOM. shell' be nn 'the" third day' after the shatter.
Which `twit be on 'the 10th arN'eivember.
JOHN 11. MEANlk.Sfierilf.
Shit C'a Ol6o,Towseds,,Ckt: 18, ,
' tr 1X. ,14
X.4.4 t- 4
. 1150 .4.- ..
..i.1 . 1.7.1140'
?P. T VS
•• - 172:1i*
1 7 . •t , v.7 1
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