70101E3 =0 TOWANDA: Webnestrag Morning, October 23, ' 181 IL WHEN FORTUNE liEllbllL When Fortune beams around you, When hearts with pleasure leap; And hopes and joys surrohnd you-- Forget not those who weep ! When friendship's smile invites you To bless and to be blest; And every charm delights you— Oh, think of-the distreft! When golden gales betide you As if by Heaven decreed ; And plenty stands beside you— Forget not tbose who need! When pleasures, cup seems endless, Oh, prove it without end ; By being to the friendless In every hour a (need ! I - !From Abe RiChmond Rein&liesn The Dead Sea Faleditiea. The September number of the Southern Literary Messenger contains an article of profound interest on the subject from the pen of Lieut. M. F. Maury. Lieut,Matiry gives a hinniry of this expedition, brief but lucid, and which:increases the public mind to see the report of tient Maury, who has made a successful surrey, and who, we are glad to Imm; is expected to return soon to this country. We learn from Lieut Maury's article that this expedition was planned by Lieut. Lynch. and zu thotized by Secretary Mason. In the spring of 1 2 .17 Lieut Lynch first addressed the Secretary on the suliect.• recommending a circumnavigation and exploration of the Dead Sea and its entire coast; stattna that the expertse would be triAine, as our hips frequently touched at Acre. in Syria, forty notes from Lake Tiberius or Seaof Galilee, from which the rivet Jordon runs and debouches into the tirst named sea that the frame of a boat, with crew and provisions, could' be transported on :camels torn Acre to Tiberius, and there put together again. truly one traveller; Mr. COrti,gan, had ever eircum , navigated the 'Dead Sea, and he had died lithe termination of Ins voyage, - without leaving any reirnal or notes behind. It was contended also, • that independent of caner curiosity pi all Christen dom in ree,-..ml to this mysterieus lake this expedi tion is of%value to the interests of navigation. "The Secretary of the Navy received favorably the proposition of Lient Lynch, and an opportunity . soon occurred by which it could 'be conveniently carried into effect. It was necessary to send a store ship to the Mediterranean squadron, and as, afire her arrival, she would have no employment for .• Months, the Secretary determined to send Limn Lynch and his party hater ; so that, after meeting the wants of squadron, she could proceed up the Levant. and land Lieut. Lynch and his companions. The. was done. The storesliip "Supply - wt pro sided With two metallic boats, one of copper, the other iron . the former named " Fanny Mason," and the latter Fanny Skinner." On their arrival at their destination their troubles b eg an, and io their march to lake Tiberius, their boats had to be transported over the most formidable mountain gor es and heights, and to be lowered down precipi ces with ropes- But these drffieuhies were sur mounted with true sailor skill and perseverance, nod on the Bth of April the tworannies, each with the American ensign flying. were afloat u, on the beautiful blue waters of the sea of Galilee. "Em blematic of its Master, it alone of all things around them remained the same. Jtert as the Apostles saw it when our Saviour said to it, " Peace be stilt." this little band of rovers now beheld it.' The navigation of the Jordon was forind to be moo difficult and dangerous, from its frequent and tearful rapids. Lieut. Lynch solves the secret of the depression between Lake Tiberias and the Dead Sea by the tortuous coarse of the Jordon, which, in a. distance of silty miles winds through a course of we hundred miles, Within this distance Lieuten ant L y nch and his pity plunged down no less than twentv.seven threatening rapids, besides many others of less descent. The difference of level be- . • tc% een the two seas is over a dimmed leer. Airre-Couretstax DISCOVERT or Assesses—Al The • water of the Jordon was eweet to within a the late annual meeting of the ReitieleAsancillinn ew hundred yank of its mouth. The waters of ter the advancement of science, Professor • Elton the tea were devoid of smell, but bitter; salt and read a paper exhibiting evi knee that Atqatica was, nauseous. Upon entering the boats were en .. - known to Europeans as early as the tenth century. ereanzeml by a gale. and "rt seemed as if the He revived the statements of the Calvenhagen Anti bows, so' dense revs die water. were encountering , vuarian Slciet.Y.i making it out' that the Scandia 4- o.e sledee hammers of the Titians, instead of the I vian Noithman explored a great extent of the en oast waves of the opposing waters of an angry sea." ,em "of North NortAmerican, repeatedly visited . 11,e pa-ty_proceeded daily with their explorations, i many Places in Meavachneene and Shed° Liana, making topographical sketelies as they went, until fought and traded with the natives ; ~ _ a a tiitiltra P ted they resi t c.hed the southern extremity of the eel, to eatahrwli colonies- 11.4 __ where the meetworelerful sight they had yet seen they eathedlie lletand s (Le- SM. h in d; )the etinnt a waited them. ry further south time:l4o Muckland, (woodland* Ili passing the mean tain of Unions (Sodom) and the country moat etanhern theYtildied riadandi we uneipeetenlr, and much to our astonishment," (viuland,) which is supposed to have "tended a c t says Li rot- Lynch, " saw a large. rounded, turret- far south as Mawachneetts and Rhode Island- The ..h . , pct i column ; facing towards south-east, w hi ch general features of the country aocord with the de proved to be of solid:rock ntlt capped withearhon- vcriPtkin which they have given ate re law, one maw of crystalization. Mr. Dale 'newt erintittin; in Ailsweasenista es. - .k a sketch of it, aod, Dr. Anderson and I landed by Me. Elton, lied an in eriPretaliOn given of the ,:ti much difficulty and Rrocured Specimens from farkumed inscription. This insmierion was men 1. • The party enenmnatrigated the lake-retoined I tinned by Cotton Masher more than one hundred to •',e place of their departure. and brought back and tifty years ago. An accurate desiring of the boats in as com pl ete or d er as t h e y rece i ve d inscription was made by the Rhode Leland Melo at New Yolk. They were all in fine health. 1 rival Society, a few years ago, and a copy sent to i,. a specimen o f , the skill, system. and (knee i the Copenhagen S ociety , who con fi dently interpret •of the Amer m an navy. .No union in the jit They say the word,, o •Ttnefusas, and the cam e has such a service'.. The tune isc.orning when , ber 1 132' is distinctly marked. The Mr' in the I proofs Of that fact 'palpable to the most I fhortinus are in Icelandic characters, and 'orfinus cldt,srtaraitrq.. Thanks to the'greid manage-,:, in the ancient Roman. The 132 was engraved in . • t ..f Len. Lynch, the .whole cost of this scien- the ancient Roman form of writing numerals. Mr. e of the Dead Sea, (except, of i F.lton concluded his arguments in favor of the Ante course. the cost of the equipage and nraintairtanoe I Colombian discovery of this continent by alluding c' the 7rew Of the ship,) was but seven hundred ;to the supposearrecovery of America by Primo Madte in the 12th eeutu*, Southey has friend an MEM 4 r - r._•:n the letters of Lieut. Lyorh. quoted by t epic on this suppositioeilind the - We Mr. Resften 1.14-e r. Maury. we nausetibe the -ktflosrinix interest- trliffi ott his Wltf to New Mexico to twillWiluAiii"he tars elicited by the exploration : • theory, Rhea be was Ukase Alai& lA*, s. Sew • tvuout of the northena half of this sea is !Reeks since ad . died- --438 . 641 • TramriPr• OW . • ,•-.- . - . , . . ' ". f• . '' t... •#V•.. .# .?", t.t...,,.,; • ,#.! . tc,,Z , - .10. '-,' %lb .114 i '... _ _ • --- . ' ' ' ' ••• #: i ~', i f ~..,,, , r.,.. , • ,i , r ‘..i.•,:, !..A. .: -,Mi 1.31,..7... , ..are.... . 4,....•1110 f t . /4 .; -AV, iit t4 .-.it1,. 4 t5., 1 1 1 . -.. 1 . 4 1.. 1 ... 4 . 6 4%.:1! i-4-.1 ,„,.:".t. . 1 ,...,4 : - ii, -.1;...e...,..-.4 0 .- i ,_, I 1 ../.•.^.? w 0 1 1 1 1 .-- ~• i.P. • •••• ~ , ,, --ict i ; 4..14 _ 4 . 4 . 1.1 , tt„c 0 .i .4,m, ,4 _ ‘:. , ; 7 ' .1 k ''. 1 ' -, ...I_% A . ..4 . 4•1P '.% . , ' 1 .. i ; .• t 1 - 7.- t.i.,/ - S ‘...; 'it * * W'ifk- je!..T.,..... • i -: • • '. ..' ott. , -#9E . - Q4'. 6 - 4 • - - ...* k, .. , , i an /ft . .." lii- l• - •• :- 'd . 13 - 4.11••.••• . ".--* ' • I P •' . • •,... ^ 4„" - .4 .. -- .-f :. 71 . --irw,l4l . : - „ . fr 1, i t, ' ..r.,,. rill - # •7 ; .. . ',' ~ "ill; . -!" . 1 'A 7 " i —.. , ,-/.. .—. 4 a...- !.:rs 4/ •,-. if - • - I.t.'i a: . wr t s ik ..:R.-.. . - • - . a • -, . ''''''-' 111 .33,• .n ' ...• - ' - 7 . - ' • '''' I . i ••••••.--.• Tr ''e ' `", igAii.s 4•• A•• - . 1 •-' • - t2. - ..-1 , -;;;;It' . - . .... _ • • - - = 4 ..44 , 41 e4V.Z=i'.4 4 , .. b ."3Z 1.4 21 4 -Ayr . r.p, - 41 -4 tyre", c j., 1.-2; PUBLISHED, EVERY 'WEDNESDAY, AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, BY E. O'MEARA. GOODRICH. zt- .44,421. lamest ore Wirt! *en. be, meddle! !nesse letint distance kid the shore seireenryldafeplh . . The deepest smandtogs.lhus it 1811. Woe% (RP feet.) Near the shore the West is genstelly an incrustation of salt, but the intenneruie ate 'is - sick mud arida many neetargularcrystals—mostly cubes puret•selt. At one time Stellwagerls lead brought up nothing but erystals.' The itraikiern half of the , sea is as shallow as the northern one deep, and for about one-fourth o(its entire kites the depth does not exceed three Whams, (tit feet:) hs southern bed has presented no erystals, bat the shores are lined with incrustations of salt, and when we landed at Uzdom, is the apses of an hoer, our foot prints were coated with crptalliia tion. 'The opposite shores of the peninsula. and the we 4 toast presented evident marks of disrup tion. There are unquestionably birds and insects upon the shores, and ducks am sometimes upon. the sea, for we belie seen them—but cannot detect any living thing within it ; although*. ask streams flowing into it contain bah fish. l *el sure that the i results of this survey will fully sustain the scriptur al accounts of the cities of the plain." He thus speaks of the Jordon-The Jordon, al thou h rapid . and impetuous , itgraceful in its wind: ings and fringed with luxuriance, while he waters are sweet, clear, cool, and refreshing. • Atter the survey of the sea, the party proceeded to determine the height of mountains on its shores. and to run a level thence via Jertendem to the Mediterranean. They found the summit of the west bank of the Dead Sea more than 1000 feet above its surface, and very nearly on a level with the Mediterranean, It is a curious fact," saps Lieu t. Maury, that the distance from the top to the bottom of the Dead Sea should measure the heighth of its banks, the elevaticin of the Mediterranean, and the difference of level between the bottom of the two seas, and that the depth of the Dead Sea should be also in exact multiple of the height of Jerusalem above it." • Another not less singular filet, in the opinion of Lieut Lynch, " is that the bottom of the Dead Sea forms tr-o submerged plains, an elevated and a de pressed one. The first, its southern part, of slimy mod covered by a shallow bay ; the last, its north em and largest portion, of mud and inemstaticms and rectangular crystals of salt-at a great depth with a narrow ravine running through it, corres ponding with the bed of the river Jordon at one ex tremity, and the Wady •' el Jeib," or wady within a wady at the other." " The she" ooze," says Lieut. Maury, " upon that plain at the bottom of the Dead Sea will not fail to remind the meted historian of the " slime pita" in the vale, where were joined in battle the four kings with tire.'" The advice of friends and my own judgment have at length prevailed over my reluctance to in- truce myself upon the public, and induced me to address a wind of explanation to those with whom i have so long acted and with whom I so entirely I sympathise. In uniting with the recent movement to nine once mme the name of our cherished leader, prohibited by no obligation, expressed or implied, I followed As Itiarrarr AT +tie hos MINES IN Simms. • the dictates of my feeling and my judgment. I was —'these mines are wholly subterranean, and have , convinced that it was the last and only means kit been worked for a pecibd of four or five hundred i to- preserve the principles of that party endeared to yearly.: Seven years ago, in Working to establish a me by all my political recollections. If the old communication between two shafts of a mine, the `standard, with it. moms and emblazoorne.as, body of a miller was discovered to be in a state of • could be kept (Vim, there might be a rallying I perfect preservation, and imptegnaled with the vit. point Ix the party after this temporary madness is 1 riolic water. The body was quite soft, but harden- parsed. ed on being exposed tothe air. It was remember- I For this course I have been expostulated with by 1 ed by some of the aged people, that the accident 1 friends in the language of friendship. for which I 1 by which this body had no doubt been buried in I I return them many thanks. I have also been atm- I the bosom of the earth, had taken place above far ; ed, my motives impugned, and my acts misrepro- 1 years before. Among the crowd which was at- I sented by those who have hitherto been notorious traded by the discovery. was a decrepit old wo- for th e a t i ess ee o f all pr i nc ipl es , pu bli c or pr i vate .. man, supported on crutches, who, when she beheld who have distinguished tneniselves by their noisy the corpse, recognised it t 9 be that of a young man 1 real for Mr. Clay, while their hearts were bursting to whom She had been promised - in marria g e more w i t h rancor spinal hi m an d hi s a dh erents . With than half a century before. She threw herself on in t h e l as t y ear t h e y revel in t h e i r f ree d om famine -1 the lifeless and familiar form of the , object of her strain; and pour fonh their pent-up venom with 1 early 'affitctions, which now had tbe appearance of I redoubled energy upon the man whom even his , a brown statue, bathed it with ' tears, and fainted : gener ous enem i es b e h o ld with a d m i ra ti on an d re . I, - with joy. The spectators were deeply aerial i sped. To be embalmed in the abuse of those who I with the ' scene, and the singular contrast afforded ; have a bu s ed hi m i s an heavy t o wh i ch I co uld no t ! by that couple may be more easily conceived than i h a ve w i ne d. 1 described--the one buried fiky years before, but ' But neither the expostulations of misguided stiH retaining the prance of youth, while the other ; weighed dowd by age, evinced all the fer vor of youthful love. 11111 ••• FT , ' - r", lam Antonin. and I come Whim song it Barrett home; , and splendid .is my sate. Keay - pleasures on Me wait; Come. my little thild sad see What the, Aida* brings to thee; Wheat your daily bread to make, Inditif torn Mr Johnny eilie, Buckwheat foe your nictist dish, -Rice and barley when yen wish ; WO every wholesome vegetable For year Taft and Winter table. I ass Autumn. sad f come With the pear sad with the plum— Peaches for your choicest treat. r Grapes in clusters. ripe and sweet-- Apples. russet. red and white. - For many a merry winter sliest. I am AOhltilo. and I bring Grateful breezes on my wing ; I shake the'brown nuts from the tree Which boys and squirrels hire to see ; The wood, the orchard, and the field. All to me their riches yield. I seed the ships to other dines. For lesnoas, wanes " cad limes: I brier - the rich West Indies pine. The produce of the Apaaish vise; Raisins, almonds, figs I bring— Dates, Pomegranates every thing. From far somatratres fragrant shore. f waft delicious spices o'er— Nutmeg', Cinnamon and mace. • eassia.'elores and ginger-race ; Unfree ibring front Araby.' And, from the farther Indies. tea. I em Alumina. and my bowers - Are planted round with gorgeous lowers— Dahlias of the richest dye. Amaranth with us golden eye. Coxcombs with their crimson folds. Chrysanthetims and marigolds. I am Autumn. and my crown Is made of leases, red yellow, brown, Purple, crimson. russet, green. And every varied hue between: Nought in splendor can compare With the garments that I wear. AVIIIIIIII, MO I bring ' Pleasant days for v is iting; • Aunts and cousins come so see, Time dies on yids mirth find glee. Every voice unites to praise Cheerful, bright October days.. To the Clay %Ws ef.tbe of New Test. friends, nor the abuse of common libellers, had a particle of influence in driving me from the coarse which I had deliberately and conscientiously ado:t ell. No one but Mr. Clay himself could hays ar rested the movement. It was 'supposed be would decline acceptiog the nomination—few that wit Were prepared and folly intended to proceed upon our own responsibiliiy, but we were not prepared for as appeal to us as his pemonal friends, not to use his name. Venerating the man above all hiring men--acartomed to obey his slightest wisher—: the appeal was unanswerable. However painfully mortifying, his friends, myself among the number, were constrained to abandon ear wpm, and that noble old atandard which had been thrown to the bream, was fulled fur the but than. From that moment the Whig party had ceased to exist. It name will etosstinue in he lased far a short lime to cajole those who are governed by sound without meaning; but its principles are aban doned ; openly denounced as impracticable andob solette be those who have been most noisy in dick vindication. - • . It was a eocious party. With it commenced my pordical esistence with it it will end. To kJ have given the best years of my; have sale& red my health ; my attachment to it wastoo instinc tively strong to be deceived. The child might more easily be cheated into believing the thieving Gip sey to be its mother, than a true Whig from the start, be made to recognize his warm and living party into the lifeless, soulle s substitute sought to be palmed upon him. It was a Oakes piney! hs members were mg collected Lie anilines by the carrion scent of prey —not bandits united by a partnership in plunder, but, eisintereeted and patriotic—it was a Weston anation from a flee, intelligent and virtoollls people. It had for its lender the Man of the Age. Born among the people, his sympathies were with them, Democrat in his bean and soul. Rocked in the Gamest Manus of the Repuldic, he had , become bold in herds:fence and experianeed to herguidatwe. Sortie in hi. filth, anima kills attachment to pop- 1.4 tv ', ~gy~'3 • 1.14,i,-FP0.2"..r .44,74 L•le.:, e " ,~ ,~''" )to immicustos, nos AST I ' .---.---- _ . -•-• - ~.. . Isla? government, inflexible in hisketteate e !MN** friea 6 ef &re Soils P 4. !- . .ii fl ai l 1 led in his far-reaching sagacity, in the rapidity smd betrayed. When ' * lt; ri ns : e in i tTite itna you lUe iri liti"l°l 7 'll-4111119111- 111.1111116.11"' comprehensive Cadom of his conclosiene, be stood you bare elected the only . , man who could here de- ~ , fi a b sou k . ; 44 fir % oar at 601, - dilia. ' ot ., , hi, y , lia • : forth as the Model of a Republican Statesman. Nq leafed your favorite - object Hereafter y ou r e 71 1 , 1. age; and an ennshal weiOt of d . so • has gone before him, no equal will follow. jusfify yo u rselves to your consciences or your text, ed u ...,t h ic i us i k, w t . :arc - t t it - . 7 4 7 910 . ~ es, .. t p tie 7 so f r j ; This man was murdered in the house of his (needs , without requiring a mote explicit declaraton on . oerc i; ll - iiil4. 4... tia.i,aboit,l4.,pmepewpa; as Ilis assassins ate eieswe, and his history is reins. this point limn Pen___...T_ Taylor. o • _ at cote his ne i g hb ors ;. but; t e en, . be thought , could he .r .. hag to gibbet these. Ravaillaas in the chains which But, expostulates my fri end , . Ton t,.: l ,___ . CVO, the crakes timmit of care -no venation; so they have forged for themselves - her Mr- %au Buren :' Why eel: )( be cliff e f t.'s width a - life of 'leeriness exposed - him ; could Bas Wh4, party is no more . • . heart. '• lam feet the object which fliaee most at —rt. ne lace titni ....,.... ___........., ._....,. ___ .._ 4 711se maid ii sit !rime me. whour to etesse, I not a Bratontio, to " refuse to serve any GO be- tion _ em short, er ; ; I :7 bi , 4 7='" w cf . 7 . _ea: . sot Plorid4ruee or snide." 1 cause the Devil bids me." *ere nty , prejseeee a less and sel fi sh ~,mi , how =1;:l e 1 worad n 7 i When the vessel in which lam embarked is dri- 1 hunks] timer! wronger gum they are agamst Mk. iielrused ne......0414 thought nude , thi „ ta _. 7: l Ten upon the rocks by the winds of beavesi, or by i Van Buren, I should vote for him, if eremitic," he I ors agent , ia r— ho ii . stri T m L to. ieep watch over . the barrations sets of the roaster, it Li but the in-would would truly carry out th e principle be now ptoles. ! the temporal-affairs of men, 'stood :by hie side. 'find of self-preservation to bind himself to the hut- j see- I have no reason to doubt it. His worst e- I .- ~ I hare seen, ,, t ,; 4o the st _ n ___ .....,..__,“ ... r. gest fragment of the wra-k. That fragment is Fars my cannot say he has not always been true to hie ; ! rent of your thou..4„. . and rhat ' _r_ .. v .______ e ' er .._ . e' en . _ . Son.. To that I will cling till death shall loosen : plett;eo. I have been educated in the thaxim, ; Tell me io.uTrow bat liZmrsengyon'weeeedenice,; my gralL I " Principles—not men." I and it pion be Ytirti r , • The noteextension of Slavery has long been a fa- ; For this reason I cannot ries", (den. Taylor, foe - - 1 The speaker then vanished, and a thrill of light vorite doctrine with the Whigs of this State, and it 1 whom as a military man, in which capacity alone • ran , th routo the wind of John smith. Bar he bo. so happens that it is the only one of their issues I have known him, I entertain high admiration— , inediately bethought himself of the ' aniwie he likely to be discussed, or of any parienba impor- 1 for this reason 1 con vote kw Mr. Tau Buren, whom , should return his hew iresir.intsnree when he co. tance during th e next Presidential tenn. i I bare always opposed and against whom 1 have appeared. At f iat. no difficnky was apparent It is said by the Cass and the Taylor men who i many prejudices. • 1 bat as soon as helhad bike', rip • his pencil to Mike be Pretend to in favor of Five Sod, that no farther As the representativerof Free Trade, a military ' the neernisarye „.... latimus he found that the ~...... l on e t aii ng °n ta on ken the t ' o su Fre Sii is 7 become necemall free —that of co sla urse ves . l: ° again rganizal ; as ieni the t.e repree. -1. I oppose d.t itative of bill; Frer and Sci; al l w *l fil 4 .: I , I : ne ,,i7 notAt to del p et .ejea d ow i rooo sa y " thetosu 4 ii7 o; It 14 probably so; hot ais miough for me, with- I Lain him. In our system.the principle is every- his wishes. 'out entering into any discossion as to the troth oil thing, the man nothin. The friends of - rm soil i "It will boy,4aid be," this rMle place - enable this proposition; that Mr. Calhoun and the ultra 1 have . selerbel him in spite of himself as the best ; me to ' stock .m _. 41.....- repair ni ,_ c_____, and buy . slaveholders of the South deny this doctrine. It is ! man, ander the •eircumstances, wet:feet the great I me a .....e.l _ ra l e lit' o ; en—fiba Y it ' then ee be a indepen. therefore proper, if for no other reason to have a object. Shall 1 abandon the principle which !have ! dent. „ e _ • "' 3 public expression of the Nation's will on this ine !lona cherished because I might have preferred) He mausesononthirscehawereec. hand, (he continoed,)l portant point. The mad respectable authorities tell me, also. 1 w i rt n u t m l re eed e : e t h o an er p u re ca m fer an be m t e e n i re m t led o rm'e prir:p i r t l ha es. l mi ll : w i cKi f ; kl ; 1..t......... .. be s hb h ua o resi n n id ess : o . :t r ooon e i t i o ia latro dieea r t --5 ,, anthicadktnmiessrinyin'amtefe4poighvtedy.cured.orel mayinimll that " Free Soil" is all a humbug—that slaves Would . lam again told that it toeless—that Mr..‘ an oney never be taken to California or. New Mexico. I beg leave to differ With these gentlemen. Admit- : selected my candidate for Availability, 1 might be mfr. ... coffici. _ eot; my support" ring fora moment the truth of the assertion, is the ' have preferred some other- But voting for Mr Thi r stma 7 ww3rarriorxed ,however, ere he principle nothing? . Van Buren is not therefore theless. It is material . It wa' thought important to exclude Slavery from to the ultimate somata of the principle of Fri Sod, kirret . nit ir w ika ill _,___ is t-it er t il e d rm lie ai rr i lt°ll .l_ ine .... e . (fie :_ mi ev- ... 1- . : _. Oregon, although there was little or no danger of 1 that its friends should make the strongest possible could not b P uwu .. _ ... earrias .. eraorer,_7_ll_./ into Id foreign)tie t Slavery's berg introduced there. The question is 1 demonstration at this time. If it is teebleand lift- countries, a 7 fu k e ofienThongbetaire:bood !ir e as to the adoption of a general rile. To-day its ap ; iced, it will be despised by the South, and ridieuled do. Besides, I shoed be obliged to live in a plication may be very immaterial: to-morrow it ! alike by the friends of Cass and Taylor. If, on small way. It mid allow me to be 'contented be may vitally important. It has been adopted in ; the other band, it now shows an itnposure front e' —II and lead an kiss life, to be surer if I was initialled,. ihe case of Ornsin ; shall we now abandon it ? An- 1 1 its lion roar is heard through th e forest, the South like the brute, w fir mere ease and sufficient to eat. nexation and Slavery go hand in hand. If we an- will not dare to demand that the new territories he Burl wanfeorn thine more than this. I wale to nez Slavery with territory, we shall absorb all South , . admitted without restriction, ani if itches, neither enjoy life like a geatlentan: I' will add—let me America. Refuse to extend Shivery, and the rage ' the Cass nor the Taylor party will dare to accede „,,,,,.._ i . c „, , twice as much fia , a handsome country for Annexation ceases. Ito their demand. Every voteetnengthens 'because seat alone, tee limit the, inane in bank But the fact asserted is denied. Slavery will be !of Free Soil, whether Mr. Van Buren i 5 elected ee ; much. sa} , a ft , 50,000. This win he a , introduced, if permuted , into various puts of Care ;,not. Nine-broths of the eaters of the forth are i ilia/ fortune, an enable me m gratify all my de. Conti, and New Mexico. Slaves were first employ- I opposed to the farther extension of Slavery, let but Gime ed on this Continent in t'..e mines of South Amer;- i ball' that number Veal, out like mew end their . Just then a idea dropped into John's head. ca. This species' of tabor, requiring strength with- i voice will be,as potential as the creative fiat; but if u flea, eeen A en, I show .. c .__. many cicbecineis oat intellect, is one to which slaves are eminently deterred by the cajolery of partisans, the senseless ; in the country t h an rnyunif. ,, u " adapted. The extension of Slavery is not a hembec, but of ! ks au v y ei cr o t f he r motive, a l bwe et th lk e i r he e tifter g kli li sixPils' e down m ate by I - the il ieal ePr l sy miered of h t sou this i. elemehiled'id It caus edmice tip all _real and immediate practical , importance. It will der the gibes and dotnination of Savedom, ncr . ontshini..... the... j .41 in the __ tendert _.,. ..,_ ___. be decided within the next four years ; there is no s dare again to express a manly sentiment. which [ rethrne : and ; 1 ' 1 ;1 of Hein 7 .; tut be of Lis to sleep upon it. Unless the real friends of , from fear or folly they , are fumble to carte unto eel ability to do so heath' be absollutely; neceorary to Free Soil exert themselves, it will bedecided against i uon. IIVILLIS HILL i I 'lneh "nem—Land be was at ones. launched into them. This Fees Soil doctrine is perferily dbainct 1 New York, Oct. ed. Me.'g t I , f . decaleola d. b . ons which tarried him lciNfrom Abotdion. That, as I understan a - wide ocean d seeks to ' finahy to Sto„l000. virwh this be was perfectly come the abolition of Slavery in the States Already • beini homed. This is the manifestsore of violation of their Ihil he had At sooner come to tare eceelusion virus, and in connaftmakin of the spirit of the n- than a new idea wreck him. He had thoight of reement we have 'made with them. Abolition is travelling abroad—he would meet men lif mill also a moral questicat, like temperance, the: °beer- moth intones . * Entime. He considered a mo l icence of the Sabbath, and many similar questions: meet. and then i added a cypher to the ten m g thoris however much I may approve of them, I am dt- " This sum ;of 5t00,000,1100, would pat ma telly opposed to their baring brought to the bathe- above the fear Of meeting a rival th point of wealth • hos. Nat he soon pond he-was no nearer beirg evil fled now, than te. was with the first sum he nam ed-to himself l it appeired absolutely necessary that be should o f only be richer than any o th er Iran in the . should , but that be should be able to es tablish Million' of schools , and chinches, and pay the salariMi of finis and missionaries , and print bibles, Ste., (I JolftSmith wig a pions man,) be sides !al - kg b 1 some ten, fifteen, or twenty milt ions per year. j • . - la the' miditinf these profound meditations, bow. ever, on thetett of -fiximt the proper mom wraith which Should desire vales •nape s.. vieft.er: the el . -ger of late eleklettlY re-appeared'. John that be had-not jet been able so fixabepreeitte is , and legged h kid visite* to jacian t eri Oft bin" me - mtire. . • "My enfant is finished*- w as the reply. "I go ft - return no la* inward and answer thy selfilie • • Weirdletilion era lir mica/ soak the ieretkh of tiers, the glory efArcpreia, the hew ! ar if the iter4d, end deride io Banes t" The numeriger had** punnutoord these wade, and was in, tbe aft of emitting, whistiJohn South awake—tier bir bat been thrainig. A Serwers:o 3Tan. ==MMI The political questions which mina be decided by the ballot are snificientfy complicated. If to dime be-added the MOM! and religions questions which will arise, it is evident that the ballot mmt be abandone.f, and popular government became impossible. But the extension of Slavery is eminently a pet& /Mil mestere. proper for political action and discus. eon. South Carolina and Vermont contain the same number of wliite inhabit:alga ; bin the fin* is represented by Maas members of Congress, while Vermont, with even a greater number of actual vo tem, has but fire. This extraordinary illustration of the Democralic equality which we boast is said to be the necessary eouseqnences of the compromises ofthe Constitution. Shall die compromises which produce such enereternts results be extended be. 1 1 red what was ortinally contemplated or intend • ed ! This is the substance of the question of the extension of Slavery, and has always been discus. sled as a political question since the foundation of the government. But I am told that I can best prevent the Wen. 1 sion of alarm by voting for Gen. Taylor. Why ! is he opposei to it! No: but he will net veto-it. Perhaps so. Bet he distinctly refuses to say wbe. thew be will or not. Past all question, he is oppos ed to Foe Soil, and will me his power and patron age. agairet it. His neighbors is the South, who see him in his undress, say that they know be is with them on this question. His friends at North practically' admit it by bounding their hopes by the empty bet that be will not veto it. He has recently inverted 0100,000 in stares ; he 'has accepted the Charleston nomination. made for the avowed purpose of opposing it. The South made the Presidential' nomination to turn upouthis question, and be was selected. The great ratifi cation meeting, held by his friends in Canal street, passed a resolution expressly repudiating this doc trine. Mr. Webster says that if he thought Gen. Taylor opposed to The Soil tie would vote a tint him.— On a ean.!id examination of all the evidence, I sm compelled to the belief that he is opposed to the doctrine of Fret Sosl, ind will do - all in his power lo defeat it. On Mr. Webster's antriorby, those who come to the time conclusion most vote against Gen. Taylor. Oo this point, the opinions of all the other candi dates, Mr. Clay, Gea Sono, -dodge McLean, mere frankly and explicitly avowed. .Wby was Gen Taylor excused•! The North or the South is to tie cheated. Which i, mutr !itch' to !Ne the • ict trr. ' MI COAMPTSATION or Tar. IrVirk,--There iilll much good seuse and truth in the remark of a l modem author, that no man ever prospered in this world I • without the.co.operation of his vile. If she unites in mutual endeavors, or rewards his labor with an endearing smile, with Saw confidence will he re ; sort to his Merchandise or his farm, fly over lands, sail upon 'the seas, meet difficulty or encounter deo ! ger, if he knows he is not spending his strength in vain, but that his labor will be rewarded by the, sweets of home ! Solitude and disappointment en ' ter the history of every man's life ; and be is but half provided for his voyage who frodsbut an assis t ciate for happy hours, while for hismonths of dark ' seas and distress no sympathizing 'partner is pre pared. SPANUIIII Broom.—The queerest object in Ma= ism Spanish beggar ; for these beggars by on horseback and it ism odd thing to see; a man ii diry up to some poor foot passenger and asking alms. Thene is an old proverb shoat silkily a beg gar on horseback. . A gentleman in Valparaiso be * accosted by one ofthees momrted beggars, ve prwd, "'Why, air. yeti come to beg of MO who have to goon foot while yen ride ontorsebeck." "Very true, vii" said the hmm,r," and I bare the more need tote, as I have ,support my horse as well as myself." A Cn►alersa.—A western man says be awn ' saw in, the South mie at ths tpearat looking blackies imaginable. His fare was OD Mack he couldn't tell when it was monriag—his wool ceded so tight that it made loin roped shouidered--his nose was so fiat aric! greasy be had to pet was his fingers wham be weeded to Ws* shins were as storm, he couldn't go through a corn field ' without spfsting the stalks ; and his Web Were as ton it was impassible for him to go 'down WI without tying sample of stonestm them for ballasd He died yaw. of modification, which,commenc ed in his legs, in consequence of their being too emoted for the blood to find its sapup and , down! A Fes-- The world isatuti—men are the per. formers -= chance compose the pieces--kulune dis till:tikes the parts--fools sititt the seenery—philoso phers are the spectator s - rich men occupy the box e--poor men tal the pit—the fair present refresh- . meats—folly makes the eoncett--titne drops the curtain, and death closes the play. Isvintury .—lnfidelity may afford ease or grati fication while a man is irt the 101 l enjoyment of health and strength, or even up to the hour of death : but when the Boat of Life, cast loose from the sho res of time, float out upon the Solemn Watrs, in fidelity, will leave it lamplcsi and pikodesweatilst the limakers! Lam —Thoogh we seemed grieved at the sham poos of life m general, we are welting every pe riod of it at an end. The minortoogstabe doge; then to he a man of business ; thin tof make up an eAz.'e thou !a ..117: - c bc-x;r: . thee to liZiElli EEO , • , Lu c ' t .; - . Urn - are netircau to learn . all, auditions-than all, tha goad alualities of a paeans, wait toll be is dead. If pot Nreahr hear an the ern that attaebe4 to personae'wait tin he psis atanied. Tinsaisc.--.Thizikin leale min to kmewledge., He may see - , , bear, and° read and learn,' wkit ever he pleases, mad as muck at be pleases: be will never know any thing of U, eacept that which . . he has thought over, that which by thinking belies Trtv Made the „ dins mind. his then myna ton much, if my that man, by thinking, only, be comes truly . . Take away thcnglit from maa'e life and What, ternainsl Ascot.-- be army abut trifles id atinn and :to tine and be furious is breitith and 1e maintw:n per al wrath is akin to the praetike and temper of de r" . Bu to prevent Or Ripply= 613- trg Teeentratufy is wise and Ottinios—is manly and divine-. I Rstactoe4- 1 1iChen temporal advantages are an= vexed to mligines ptofetnion, they will be sae le call in all who have no 'religion at afl hpave* a-ilt,ktnl rece,it fur the mho, of interests, k!cia sill kolaWr them for the satarot fashion; and when once n is in mob hands_ 4:mmlpm:tee nisei' Cf "'~ 4.4 -