Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 18, 1848, Image 3

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Willett is also a tairersai Family Imbrue'lea tar
Diseases of the Haman Flesh.
IME and experience have fully proved that that this
LINIFFRSAL REMEDY his not not its equal
on the hat of popular medicines, basing been more than
14 years before the public.
Testimony of the most disinterested character of its
wonderful effects on - the animal economy is almost dai
ly presented to the proprietor.
'A young man in the town of Wilson, whose clothes
were burnt off of him, was restored (without suffering)
by the timely use of the Oil.
Numerous are the unsolicited statements of patients
themselves, and others who have used -the Oil, of cures'
which is themselves appear remarkable, that they at
all interested in I pecuniaiy point, they could hardly
have been etedtted.
The following diseases are among many others in the
cure of which this Oil has been completely succeasful
and in which dithers had entirely failed
Spasms, Sweeney, Ringbone, W indigent, Poll Evil, Cal
lous, Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Lameness,
Fresh Wounds, Sprains. Bruises, Sand Cracks,
FOundered Feet, Scratch/et. or Grease Mange, Rheu
matism,' Bites of Animals, External Poisons, Painful
Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boils, Coma, Whit-
lows, Burns and 'Scalds, Chilbleins,.Chaped bands,
Cramp, 'Contractions of the Muscles, Swellings,
Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, &c.
Beware of COIINTERFEITS,,:rand be sure the name
of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCH A biT,
LOCKPORT, N. Y., is blown in the side of the hot
'tie, or in his band writing over the cork. Don't be
*.rsuaded to take any thing else—with the promise it is
just as gned, &c., &c. This is practised by those un
principled dealers whose conscience will stn etch like
India R..liher, and who are of a kindred spirit of those
.in our large cities, whose nefarious practices have so tn.
sentry been exposed to the action of Congress.
These who attempt to Counterfeit this article are re
ferred to the law of New York, of May 1845, by which
it will be seen that every parson • meddling in thew
counterfeits is subject to indictment, imprisonment, and
A persni selling out of this suite, will he liable tau
test when to the state, and also to be held as a witness
agaiost those he bought of or sold for.
All'Orders addressed to the propnetor will be respond
ed to.
Get a pamphlet of the Agent and see wing wonders
are accomplished by the use of this medicine.
Sold by respectable dealers generally in the United
Stites and Canada.
For sale by Chamberlin & Porter, Towanda, E. D:
Wells, Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer„, Covington. Abel
Terrell, Mcintrose, Pomp & Kinsey, Easton, Lewis
Smith & Co., Allentown, H. B. Heflin, South Easton.
Oct. 15th 1848. ti2.o.y I.
IVOTICE is hereby given that a Special Court will
be held at the Court House in Towanda, on
Tuesday the 31st day of October, 1818, at to o'ctock,
A. &4., by the Hon. W. Jessup, for the trig of the
following cases, ta wit.
Jolin Bennet vs. Bea Payne.—Tio. 145, Dee. Term
Chester Boiler. et. el. ♦s. John Bennett, et. aL—No.
105, Dee. Tenn. 1845.
John Ackla as. A, Dorman, et. iL—No. 1:2, Dec.
Term, 1845.
A. Bating, et. al. va. Henry Ruberta.—No. 103, Sept
Term, 1846.
Same, va. John Harkness.—No. 148; May Term, 1847
Same, vs. 0. P. Ballard.—No. 192, Sept. Term, 184'7
va. 0. P. Ballard.—No. 121, Feb. Term, 1848
Aug. 24, 1848. • A. M'KEAN, Prot.
AT Telt
IP:J.4i CD MI 3ga it 3 Alll3 TZ.I6 91'
THE Subscriber respectful
ly informs the citizens of To.
wanda that he has opened *
Market in the Union Block,
p, one door west of Woodrutra
- - „ - A Hotel (basement story) and
will endeavor to keep constantly on band, and supply
those who wish the means of "good living," with Salt
and Fresh Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, ace., of the
finest qua3ity and in the best order.
c":"..r Candles &:tiosp by the box or pound, cons Ant
ly kept.ou hand sad for sale aglow prices.
Towanda, A'ug,t29, 1848. A. HAWLEY.
Aunrrows NOTICE.
THE undersignid, haring been ippointed an Audi.
tor by the Orphans Court laf the County of Brad
-ford to adjust the accounts of Gao. H. Boat. and A. L.
Coax:axe, administrators of the estate of Jacob Arno ,
deceased, upon exceptions filed, will attend to the duties
of hie appointment, at his office in the Borough cf To
wanda. un Saturday, the 21st day of October next, at I
o'clock, in the afternoon, at which time end place, all
persons interested can attend if they think proper.
aepl9 WILLIAMSCOTT. Auditor.
Mrs. Doane, Towanda.
j Wanted, two or three apprentices to the above
business. Oct. 11. 1648. •
T"'partnership herect;lhre existing between the
subscribers is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. The business wilt be canted on by las. H.
gyre who will settle all demands due from or to the
late Grua. 1.V6. H. SAY RE.
Towanda, Oct. 241, 1848. F. WOtiO WORTH.
T Pcr OF LETTERS remaining i n th e P. 0. a
Troy, quarter ending September 31, 1848.
Ayes Andrew. Knights Benjumin
Annible M B Knignts John
Ballard 0 P 4 Ktng John
Beach Braga', Kratnb Stephen
Black John Lilly B
Boyce Jona - Lyman J G
Boyce David Lewis Minima -
Bassett Cnas Larivon Theidore
Bassett E 8 _ Morrison E R
Rardsvell Miss E P Moon Avery
Beyer John . - Mallory James
Bissell R S Orris E 1.;
Bradway L A D. Preston Colborn
Card 0 llif - - Parsons Miss Acbci
Case Aaron ' Pratt " Miners
Card Henry - Pfallzgraff Mr Geo W
Covert Win Preston Win
Cummins Geo W Phillips James L
Ceass Henry • Pratt,Alonzo ,
Dam+ Henry Pierce L H
Eaton Gilbert & Co Stacy Allen
Ennis" Ed ward Spiker State •
Fisher Hannah TPhalla Leonard
Guild David Wood Miss Emily
Guild Jesse . Wood Beden
Grace Miss Charlotte A Ward Miss Hannah
Graves " Lava Ward William N
Guihin Mrs Francis Williams Miss i tJ
Hickonk Heenan R Williams John W
Herrick F Williams J
Hilutingum H • Williams C R
joh . tisou Miss Latira . A . Wills Joseph
Jonoson Orville. Witbey Sally , -
Jackson Amherst T - Wolfe Nelson
Juilrids 0 W L RtrNYOlr, P. M
ipso -them vp
- ikesteisi • '
His hissisiiiis issvisel Joirl2o
Aft 7 , WARE*
H „
.:. ..„.„.... ii „.... 4 „,,.......,..„ ... „,,,,,,,,y,,,,„
,-,A.....0.,,,,...: Me - 'Milted in InfelitAil
1J inhaaiiiiii et Ilintifinlen.;. sod the .sittethadh" le
enentiY, an:6o* walla at the ild.standst .1;! . ..,
Kirby., ttt large sad WeLisbeted assoetm*sir: • - - • '
Mir AL Hill. *Xi ' , we' Aii.. l / 1 1,31E: 0 '
Coasialimi- *Pad albs kabwills t Sag. coliklitin, -
sheet iron , bar sad sheet lead, lead pipe of
.ftiriOns ibex;
anvils, estle: and staple aims, mow bita, spiciest; she.
leis and Wm, mill, X cut, circular; purl A Web eiws,
Tools; Rohm Trim/nine of sedans 41saeriptimes. i
Latest imp Also, the Sie*Reses/estisei Par
lor Mace. Ho will asenufsetaeo sad keep on head;
Copor, Tin, and Sheet 1r4 .- Wilte,
of all kinds, mad at low prima. All pinatas erisinne
to panehme Hardware, will do well to call milk Lord
befogs pert-basing at any ether place. His stock Meta
tardy new and fresh. Hs will sedi as ehosp as Amy oth
er establishmen bridge 100 miles of. this plum (no
mistake.) All kinds of Copper, Tin and Mott Jima
Wars, repaired and made 'coedit in srockneanklas maw
use. Tomas's, lane VI, 1048. - .•. . , •
DR. Compound Extract of Whoa
Dock and Sarsaparilla. au efficient and (=fain
remedy fur Consumpuon, scrofula. caymans 'lmams.
rheumatism. gout. general .debility, dyspepsia. bilious
dia.:lies, remote complaints, headaches, coughs. colds,
fever and ague, and all chronic affections arising from
the abuse of medicines, for sale st No. I. Brick, Row,
PARASOLS & UMBRELLAS, the roast eitensisie
and splendid assortment ever bro't into Towanda,
may he found at No. 5, B. R. REED'S.
GREEN PA BASOLS—a few more of dome splen
did green silk and Turk sank hinged panels and
shades, just reed and selling very losist
0 1 1:191111111ETZ 1M1P411372031,9
80. 27, Corned :I, Bew
STI2 A NGERS and 'citizens desirous to repknish their
wardrobes, may be -iifimediately aceotornoriated in
the very best styli, and at tea Lowlier caul rants,
with * choice selection of •
of the newest patterns, of superior make and finish, and
of the best roaterists, equal in every respect to the best
custom work. Having adopted the cash principle, upon
which certain csdeulations can be model. and which be
has penned successfully for upwards of ten ye era, in op
position to the ruinous system of credit. which imposes
the necessity, of exacting unnecessarily tiiiittpriMa from
es siso customers ; he continues to provide, end has
now constantly on hand one of the largest most fashion
able and choice assortments of
Ready Made' Clothing, in America.
From which gentlemen may depend upon suiting them
selves satisfactorily, as regards quality, style and prim.
His stuck embraces OrsacosTa and Ciostra of the
most tirpromd styles 7, Dasse. FKOCk, and other COATS.
P AKTA WOKS, of every desirable pattern, and the richest
assurunent of BLACK BAILS, CASSLYSZIK and other
styles of Winter Years.
The Fascx Llsrs TTTTT embraces all the new and
elegant patterns, and latest and most desirable styles of
Fancy, Silk and Satin Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves/and
Hosiery, Shirts, Brooms and Collars, Carpet Bag; &e.
In addition to the above variety of Ready Made Arti
cles, be boa for ale by the piece or yard, at as low pi
ers as can be found io either of the Atlantic cities. •
beautiful assortment of the best quality
Cloths, Cassinstres said radiates.
(Gentlemen yin have their orders filled at a few
hours notice, and sent to any pert of the United States—
tad by sending their measure's, cats obtain Clothing on
as good terms as though they were present to select for
themselves. Address, J. C. BOOTH.
Sept. 1848. 27, Cottlind at., New York.
orr For the lateral share of patronage which has been
extended to him for so many years, he returns unfeigned
acknowledgements, and be pronsimssi that no aorta shall
be spared on his part in future to continue to serve his
customers on as favorable terms as any other holm in
the trade.
fIINGFIXIKIS, new styles, and monstrous cheap ;
kJ Lawn., of every description ; Organdie =maim
embroidered =chair, and in tact .3 the mat deausble
stiles of Diem Goodwin astritet,with trimmings toMateh.
cheaper thou any other goods in
Mezzotint it Fancy Painting Academy.
MIL M. 'BROWN will open a class in the above
beautiful accomplishments, ou Monday, the
17th of October inst., commencing at 9, A. 114.„ two
hours each Ifsson—six lessons in each department.
Terms reasonable—satisfaction guarantied. In
doccments will be given at the roam to those who
will apply fur paniculars. Room at Woodruff's
Hotel. October 10, 1949.
IST OF LETTERS, remaining in the P.O. at
14 Towanda, quaher ending September 31, 18118.
Atwood J Miller Rev H
Adam's J C Mar ;o ill D
Bennie Mrs 8 Marshall C
Barr Miss H N do Co Muncy M
Butler James 2 Mitchell D Jr
'Bailey '4 8 & M McCotvic John
Barber M • Mallory J
Bradley A t, Mercer H 8 do W
Bourke M t Newell 8
Brown Miss C A Nichols Wm
Brown " 'Jane Nue! R 2
Blauvelt E B Oceans Nisi
Brien 'W.moW Pratt I. A
Barr H W - & Co Pyne Pat
Bolles A, Post L
ButterGekl Bally Plerelautes
Illytito 8 Peters R
Baxter il Park Miss T
Bennet C Powell J C
Cpinroios C Roper F I.
Cooke Miss M Raley James
Cass A M
Caner .1;.
- .
Cary I Rinker Elias
Craft Geo Rogers J W
Dosban Ai M smith J .1
Dunn P Shuert D
Dervan John 11 • Sherer C It
Davies T Et Swanwood D
bempey M II Sheldon 24 J
_Elliott T .. - Batteries. 0 D
Emoting I. San* Mile
Foss Miss C M - IghOkFlinir"'" '
Foss " M Smith Mail& " 4
Fuller "E 4 . Shelp Win - 4
Gerard Wat Smith John ' '
Goff James . • Bwartvrood Wc!
Harder CP 2 . Slane Patrick
Hjsard E W ' Smith Thanes
Hillard H *Oval H
Hulse Miss M A Smith Michel
Hammond J Sullivan 1111
. .
Herick E Bwlstatood Chas
Haskell Wm fkidire Dr T U
Meatier M Thompson J L
Jackson J do Son Taylor wm B
Jack‘, n j - Taylor Geo SJ I
Lint , Wm , Tilles•on I) T
Jones J ) 3 Thompson M M
Keeler N .1 Thompson A D
Laughen John Warner Miss M
'Lewes D Warner • Li M
Loyd D - Walker ZT
Lathrop Mica H Wattles .1 M . ..
Laughlen T Wachter B
Law 8 Ward James
Imigstreth Id • Wilcox-Mime
Malony M West Brook C
Miller 9 II - White U
Maynard A Warner 0
Mason Hon GI 1' E. W. BAIRDy P. M.
Quigley Mica 9
RaiEn& Miss M
C 11i~i[~0~,
DRS itt=l.)
tionyl*sikAatkiralineed**.i ;
',off/Via , 31,10:ftlitt l
vinionint AN* .1111A1121111. SS
I'Wd;12111 yes
esa Sod die grestisiressisitzrafliesifs:asillif 'yew
tralk, usimbickwill-P l o l .loo.aoini
.Proft,,. •
Patter of evearistiety‘..lllssalisanl,
tiveirifirissiptink Ilstause. Perissivyt, Steal thala c
pod tos assia, Puma sad Beetilessdree.
ref. flasished sad . .
peni,end ilairdat Tr . seias and Tisersitirsit !ray.
and Pirirh Wnfost tetler'intliele %Peter •
Made 'Patier: inderther P Papers: Pew
fillies. Work Bozo. Portable Drake; Cow,
Gold lad Miser Csien'Oeld Pew C.tkry,
Inkstands, Olohes, - Mathematics, and Drawing fa.
struments, Steal ft , Qiiith, Peneili, SW& Boobs,
of every variety," etc., &e.. astevrty ether aside is
the line of titatiosery. erbie'lr 'ere oared et rine sr
tisfsttory to inweireseri. by • : • -A. B. MARVIN.
seplll • ' WilKans supplite Platt. Nei? Yost.
AL'., ersons indebted to *a o rn ate of mArrardis
BUROZA, &awed, late of Merry tamp, are
bent" reward to inalteiwyntent without delay, and
those baying Ades against laid eines will plow pro.
sett Aeon duly authenticated far setuleamest.•
itept.l. .•• - JOHN ILESEALIN.
ALL permute indebted to site seem et BENI.
'MEAN, late of Colgan* toweibip, ar
'Mosby requested to mike payment 'without delay. sod
there lieriag deism amuse raid estate will please per
stet them duly author Anted tor settlemmee.
September S. VW.' Adaisistakone.
CARPET BAGEL—Ladies' and gent's. a . rood OF
aortment by ELLIOTT & TOUKINS.
.L Ti A Sj i akvienw figam.
BY en woke of the OrpTtsit's-Cielet of Bradford as..
witl be exposed to public vide ea SATURDAY,
11th day of Nov. 1848. at 1 ethnic. nfroa lbw Mini
set, e Tract of land shame in Orwell lamb* Brad.
ford CO. Camshaft sixty three acres. and bounded
on the n orth by lands of Weedy Robinson on the east
by lands •of lease Lyon; south by leads of Berry
Lyons and-on the west by land of Danl. Robinson be.
lag 'be sense tract of lend which Stephen C. litanith
and wife by Deed dated `Oct. • 28th 1815. (recorded
in Deed Book. "eel. 24 poses 388 & conveyed to
the said John Barnes Deed.
Atteadanes gives. and term made Amnia ea the
day of sale. C. 0. GRIDLEY.
October 11, 18411. ; " Admisistimar.
Air ATCHEB.—Glob's. Gilliepie's and Pierces Pao.
/1 1 1 tioa Matches, by the groom or ho:, at No.I, Brick
Copper, Tin, and Skeet Ire, Brass,
.11121 IMAM
Tv C. HALT, is now receiving another large supply
JLI• of the above goods, which he is prepared to sell.'
at wholesale or retail, to suit purchasers. at the meet
reduced prices. for cash, lumber or grain.
Store and Manufacturing Eslaidiskolent, on the
corner of Main and Bridge strews, where may be found
the largest and best assortment of Stoves, thh) side of
the city of Albany, snob as
Buckeye cooking stove. arranged with • rota- Plea.
ry top, and hot air oven combined, 1.1 3 . 3 .4
Rochester Empire hot air oven,
" Puha°, (improved) 2, $, 4
Canteens tight air Cooking, 2. 3, 4
Knickerbocker,2 3
Albany Elevatd Oven. '2, 2,4,
Premium. 2,3, 4,5, 6
Race's pat selE . 6pilator, sir-tight parlor, 1.2. 3
Rochester air-tight parlor. ' 2 . 3 .4
Congress -do. Albany do. (miters.)
Albany Pane/ wood parlor, 3,4, 5
N Y. city do I. 3 . 4
" parlor Coal stoves,' 1.2
COMMIon cylinder do. I. 2. 3
A Large quality of Stine fipe, Mows, Tis, liii,
Copper, Jamul it Britaiala ware, Me, ie.
which he will sell as shove, at wholesale or retaiL Meet
Irma, Tin, Brass and Copper Work, made to order on
short notice, and warranted. Perrone wishing to par
chase the above articles will dp well by calling at the
above store. before porebasing Wsirwbere. osthe propri
etor is hound not to be uoderiold by any tEeing man.
5,000 SHEEP PELTS wonted. for which cash will
be paid. Towanda, lune H. 1646. drat
nosived, awl foe sale by ibis single barrel es load,
jet? NERCURB*.
CMOTHS & 00$81111.BRES. Veetiobre. Overcast
Cloth!, web ass brews. olive sod sold wilted Bew
yew will be sold very tow at ESA VINGS BANE.
by ilia yrs& at No. t. B e R. vers.
FROM the best blantafeeuities in Beat" for vale by
Tree, Ps., Avg. 18, 1848. IL 8888ETT.
FOR SALE, 260 bush. of the eelebratedllol3l.lrB
WHEAT, procured of Mr.itowhord, Dear Roche,.
ter, said to yield on good glossa, bout 40 to 60 bushels
per acre, at SI 25 per acre. :Ales, two Rae BUCKS,
bait tweeds; one a Leicester And the other a Cotswold,
very low. • WM. H. OVERTON.
Athens, August 9, 1848.
ALL persons indebted Mato mhos of Merrill. How
phrey deed., lam • of Otte tp.. are Wily raper
ted to matte payment without delay,,and Wee Wing
claims against mid estate will panne premot alma duly
atithentiMted for ootderarat. C.G. 01111)L131r,
Orwell. July 12. 1848. Adminiraratae.
ALL persons Indebted to the emits of FREDERICK
BRADLE Y, deed., lets of Litchfield, aro hereby
orqueoud to make mores* without ideley s . and there
baring claims %shot said estate will filers prereet
them duly itutheetleeted for oeuleetrirt.
SAMUEL DAVE:43OM 5 gAeggibin *
Litchfield, Jose 14: MIL • •
WAN . TED ai y e t tr oly of Bu;:s e r ij ot , i tri r Vet
IYROADdLOTHS. Caasitneti.s. Sod Sommer Eno&
—sad endless variety, to colt all tastes
or people. .ettinrestesoraly ksor at REED'S.
" Goods wellilongl4 are half Sold l"
• aO. BARTLETT', _ •
TS now 'opening . s large stack and ettaneive variety of
1 COOPS, itieervd labb elar realest en* striboughe
under prat ridlianfogis in Our cities of NeffiYork and
Philadelphia—taking in stage at the favorable wadi.
lino of bola; enarketar-4 nal .14vving in view tile: neaten
above. ban Si baveght,thin tra 4:ien and 01'011 an se fa
nond4l44 lanes soh* seit, and, aridea*Orle.
coariannity tbe *drunter" of bnying trans thane *bo buy
me. Tannin* 111sy . t3, •
. • .
t•-. 1 t ty
, ,
.1.8 distinguished for the liberal size of fit oven and fire-bex.- To it is
to the stove can be used, thereby rendering it in capacity equal to
Fixture, by being drawwforward, withont•the use of a shovel. Dp. th
Bummer Fixture, the fumes frpm the articlescooking, are carried off
'Acted by an iron plate to prevent an excess of heat upon the sulkf
bond to bake with great uniformity In snits parts.
The only damper for turaingthe current of heat is a rolling one at
&weeding*, pipe. The opening for the purposebf cleaning the due
per and two under—ere liberal in size, and afford a good draft to the
of the stove, and can be easily cleaned with a poker, such as is furni
The fire or guard plate can be taken out, and a new one pot in, wi
ever required to be renewed.
For ma, by . •
Towanda. Oetober . l6lb, 1848.
. 0 10,001) laTtißri MOBIL' 1 •
Mealy fir the want of armp axis, Watches. and
Jeweb3l Grad Rods at the
TAMES P. BULL teepee:tinily informs the citizen.
of Towanda and vicinity, that he has lately morn
ed hem Philadelphia, and permanently located in To-
wanda, one door Wow the Brick Row, hi the room for
merly occupied by Meteur's Hat Store, where may be
found Pia and gayer leaches. pg. fob and guard and silver pencils, gold peas, breast pins.
linger rings, iite, cheep for cash. and every article sear
ranted. A largo supply of CL.ICKS, of the latest im
proved.patterns, tanning from 30 hours to irdaya and
a month, with one wind
to repairing CLOCKS,
WATCHES & JEW ELRY. of every description, and
from the long experience which ho has had in the ha
einem, wort left in hirt care will be done in the best
wodusiedile manlier. Old gold and laves taken in
exchange. Towanda. August 16, 18164
Y an odor of the Orphans' Cows of Beedford co,
will ta =passel to public saloon WEDNESDAY,
Iltb day of November 1848, one at 10 o'clock A. N.
upon the premises a certain piece hr parcel of land
lying and being in the township of Spriuglield, county
aforesaid, and bounded as follows to wit: On the
north by lands of Hiram Horton and James Brooks, on
the east by loads of Martin Baer, on the south by
lands of Boswell Doan and Isaac P. Doan, and on
th 4 west by lands of James Brooks. Oontsining
eigkty two acres et 'thereabouts, about fifty acres in
pr, with • framed harm and barn thereon erected.
iklJ3o4.On same the day at 3 o'clock P. M. u,ion
the oremisee, One other piece or parcel of land in said
township branded an follows to wit: On the north by
lands now or Isia:y owned by John east by
lands of Edmund Kinp, south by land of Chutney
Berry, and west by land. of John D. LoonanL Con
taining ono bandied and alumni scree more ort
about ten sties &baud improved.
,Attendance given, and terms mole Insect on the
day of sale. ALLEN STACY.
Springfield, Ckt. 1 lth, t 4148. Administrator.
BY an order of the Orphans' Orpercal Bradford co.,
11 will be ezposed to public sale on SATURDAY,
4th day of, November 1848, at 1 o'clock. upon the
premises, the following property to wit : Four lots in
Perryville Athens township, being lei No. three. fire,
and six. of ,one tract of plot each containing about one
Huh of an sue, and also Na. ens on another tract or
draft. coarataing two acres, and one hundred and eight
perches, all in Perryville, in said township of Athens
soon** to a surrey made by Orison Rickey.
. Auendasos given, and taw mode known on the
day of ask. THOMAS PARK,
Athens„.oet. 1 t. 1848. Administrators
JOBS IL FORD has just re4eived. et his Drug store
one doer bedew Kingsbereestore, in B.Kingshery's
new brick block. Main dales. a largo odditioll to his
former eseratment, which be now agent° the attention
of the public. His stock now comprises every article
tonally kept, among which may be found the following:
Opium. mem tartar. camphor, testae soap, liquorice,
balm et copeitm, rhubarb, jelap, aloes, flowers chamo
mile, gum stabie, emus oil, quicksilver, magnesia, roll
end flour 'sulphur, sefsasd and crude borax, calomel, red
pncipitme, conceive sublime/tie, aqua ammonia, tartaric
acid. epees asks, hmJunuar, seems. sulphate quinine.
all of the amential ails, gum myrrh. cantharides, gum
tuqrsetadt. corks, satesparills. Plane. 'Margo. *Sr'
its twilortgise, rotten stone, umber, tens de sienna, salt
petre, maids seed, isinghter, 'nabobs, ammo, dte., &c.
Crushed. loaf, and muscavado sugars, cheaper than
can be bought elsewhere in 'town black and Vern to ;
sadarratms pepper spice, mustard. peprvetooe, raisins,
nutamge, drives, mace, Rio and Java coffee. match, gin
ger, wile; blacking. =mile, brown, variegated and fancy
amp, imam and tallow 'candles: lame% *Wt. and
sour, matches, &e., &e.
Cognise. Otard, peach and American Brandy ilk.
Croix. Jamencia aid New England Rum ; swan, Um
end Eskimos Gin; Scotch. Irish and Morrengebals
WltdOm r Martinis, pile and blown pure juice.
Poet, TesmiSa, lamb" Malaga, biased, claret and
cimimpitigne wines, alcohol, do.
Bay welt; Wender, takings and rose water, mac
aws: and bees oil, Oft mars, et marrow. poinaturn,
rang% pearl powder, bandanas, &rah; tooth. hair, nail
and clothes brushes, feather dusters, cuff wallet*. bees
bate, cos* pins, lab books. pencil points, playing
cods, percumeen caps, ink, Meet pens, &c. •
• Western Panacea. Rahn of Columbia. rink Syrup.
Keentoides iferinifirge Ray's Liniment, Melba's Be
lot Paiu Extrecter; Acoustic oil; Hair dye, Andiess's
mid Mr °, 3800 / 0 / 1 Paiakaier. Uedbeee co dial, Adbe ,
sive plsette,Tevraat4'.,Webitees. Wood** and lithep
benfelSenepatilla, Lithoutripic mistime, Wistar'i Bal.
sem, Ihurgarian Balsam of Life, Upham's Electnary,
WARW.?, Oinnerent;Shepiterd'a.Knentocks.Orricit's
and Feknatteek r i Verteifnge,Broent'scalehrsted Lotion
for Consumption, Sovereign Win pins. auger coated
Pills,' and add the mast popular medicines of the day.
Cb' The stork ii complete,, containing everything
kept in the largest emablishments, tend is altered at the
lowest possible prices.
Rerneaber, that ; Ford's Cheap Drug. Grocery and
Liquor Store, is in
new block.
Temecula, June '7, 18Iitt.
tirARDWARE. is good assortment. istelading (roc
&mei, &c. a No. 2, &R. FOX'S.
300 vat. Oa Meal= tkuillsy
School tlakeveat fa sale tow in quantities
to suit parchnias. myl3 0. D. FtARTLETTV
Wen A c 0..,
!attached a Summer . Fixture, upon the boiler holey of wiriele,
siz boiler sture. Coals can be traniterred Cann the fire-boxl
:wing open the front doors of the fire-box. when' broiling or
tough the stove. without being : dis.seminated Into the room.
! baking. it can be temoved, if the heat is•nteded to be Inc,
he pipe-hole. By being torrned forward, the heat is, made to 1
is in the lower part of the front plate. The dues, which are
ove. They are perfcc . ly smooth, and without obstruction t
!, d.
lout taking the stove to pieces. But • being tr'4l protected i
H. Si & M. C. MERCUR,
R ESPECTFULLY annnunce to their numerous.
friends abdcustnmers. that tbiy are now opening
the largest and most general assortment of GOFMS,
ever before offered on Towanda. embracing almoseevely
thing wanted by porsons of every class and condition:
AU those wishing to purchase Goods for cash. Witt
And it for their interest to examine this Week.
Towanda. September 18. 184 R.
enutuustap oatinsof
PILY an onler oldie Orphans' ()imit of Bradford co.,
1-1 will be exposed to public sale on MONDAY,
16th day of October' 1898, at 1 o'clock, upon the pre
mimes, a piece or parcel of land in Towanda born'., late
the property of Truman Kinsman, deed., bounded on
die (rank by John Wilcox, on the east by William st.,
on the south by Division st.. and west by main street,
containing about twepty.four square rods.
Attendance given, and titan made known on the
day of sale. L. W. TIFFANY. •
September 18, 1818. Administrator.
_ _ _ _ ______._
AIA. persona indebtel to the estate of %WM.
ALLEN. deed, late of Franklin lump. are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
hawing claims against the said nume will please present
them duly authentiotted for settlement,
A. G. PICKARD, Executor.
Leroy, September 18, 1848.
11110 C ERlES.—Aitood young hyson and
. hYson skin
teas, at 371 a..d 50 sans---and sager to sweeten
it at 61 and 8 cents ; all whet kinds of Groceries in urn.
portion at the Central Store. N. N. BETT*..
EP ECT ti in a few days, a few more toads of
New Good*, it N. N. Enemy..
.1../ This is no disgusting. nauseating pill, potion. or
-mixture; nothing taut produces pain or irritation; but
a medicine that is at once pleasant and agreeable in Its
application, 'goofing immediate relief, and will cure the
very worst cases of painful. itching or Weeding Piles in
a very few days. Call at C tan It PO IlTr.ll ' S
Drug Store, No. I. Brick Row, 'rowan** and you wilt
not go home without a bottle.
WORSTED DRESS GOODS.—Pleiti, figured and
black and colored Alpacces; black and co
lored French b..erinoea; Oregon Plaids rich French
and common Cashmeres, DeLaines, dm, a great variety
of style* for sale at rep MERCER'S,
GINOHAIIIB.—We have a large quantity of mall
patterns, very handsome end &arable ; French and
linen gingbeaul, of eloenent quality.
rnay 12 KtNGSUERY & CO
LA WNS.—Freugh, American and Organdie Lawns,
• beautiful seattiatnent-; al e% plaid end figured silk
venal binges. my i 7 KINGSBERY & CO.
CALICOES. --A choice selection of Merrimack. or
ange and blue, pink pod all other kinds. small fig
ure.: Two killing calico fin nine cent.;• tall and we,
bte mind, the only piece is KINGSBEIIiY & CO.
BONNETS.—A choice selection of Florena , lace,
China pearl, Pamela. Leghorn, and other &whim
able styles of ladies' And misses' Bonnets. very cheap;
also Bonnet ribhuns, srtificials, wreaths. &e..
mavl7 • KINGSBERY & CO.
TOLNER'S T00L5...-A goal assortment of Bead,
a/ Moulding and Bench 'PLANES; pro/ming plows,
and other Joiner's Toots, jest received from the msnu
factory, and for sale low by. D. D. BARTLE PT.
-• HE subscriber has °petted s Cterravaa %roar., two
, doors north of the Public Square, on Main street,
e ' arty opposite the new brick tavern now being erect-
U " by C. L. Ward; Esq.) where he will keep constantly
" band, and for sale at the lowest possible prices, a
me and general assortment of READY MADE
CLOTHING, such as
Collars, Stocks, Suspeiiilers, Glares, Hosiery, Draivers,
Flannel Undershirts, 4tc., 4c
fie bas also on hand and ii -constantly receiving, a
lsrge assortment of
such me Bilks, Satins, Marseilles, &e., allot which will
be mode up to order ow short doticeitnd on commonable
terms. The subscriber having been a practical Tai‘ir
for the last 16 rears,' in the city of New York. flatters
himself that he can give satisfaction to all who amyl.-
sot him with their patronage.
His Clothing is all made up under him own inspec.
don, and he has therefore no hesitancy in teconuncad
ins it to those whim wish to purchase.
cCr CUTTING aad MAKING CP for persons who
prefer to furnish their own materials; and Cutting done
for persons, who wish to have their gar.nenuiAnade else
where-81110f which shall be done with neatness and
The subscrihet slso spat for A. Wheeler's Report
of ravhipas, which he can furnish to such es me want
ing:ea ressnnable terms. B. A.lB)ll'rH.
Towsads. June 8, 18411.
Cheapest Goods ever sold in Towanda,
crrption. for ,old men and young men, for young
misers' and old ladies,! for the high, the low, the rich,
and the prior t all can now be accommodated. A few
articles in the line of Dress Hoods, which are ghing off
with a perfect rush, we can here mention, 'itch as Frch
lawn gingham*, dark and light gingham*, linen lustier,
French lawns, beragea, and a great assortment of Prima
are now selling lower than the lowest at NO. 6. B R.
June 14. 18484 KBE D'S.
BONNETS. Bonnet Trimming% of ono asp
tription. atattabloke the amen, away be load in
Wawa, CU ire' , " cheap at 5. B.R. REED'S.
BtINNETIL--Pkaiewo, straw. pawl atom. and lace
Bonnets also, palm-leaf and legboro hats, by
tow )It.ll era
CiIAMCERLIN & P b, Blida law.
who keep constantly • I and a fell assoreteent of
genuine Drug" ail" IWdiJ nez, Faints, Cik, Draft,"
Grorcriert, Fancy arlicks,l. 4e. z
Alchases poor man's pl.. Trask's nragneticoietersot.
toothache drop. Tousey's Cuirass! dos, lb*
think'S health restorative Master of pain,
Clickener's s. e pills, Wistar's bah. voila awry, •
Dalley's pain extractor, Buchan's Wrest xtractor, life:
Fahnestocit's vermilego, Andrew's peso killer, -
Gridley's salt rheum stint Davie dm' •
Grrefenberg medicines.( Hording% sticking zd".
Ilobeusack's worm syrup, Peleg White's do.
Ingoldsby's pile specific, I Ellis ail. plaster cloth,
Dr. Jay nes raralictnes, Extract of Wanshoo or bur
Jackson!' pile ot totter e 4 tang bosh. sn Indian me.
Sherman's medicines, diciros foe conseseptina,
" pima tae's p/aO. diseases of the liver,
Merrick's vannifuge, Thompson 's eye water. ---
Woradelt's veg. res. pills, Weavec's worm tea,
Dr. Al'eston's female; " Brittle oil,
Wirislow'shals.horehounal,Brant's Indian remedies,
Molfat's medicines, Ward's liniment,—relieves
Potger's Olossonian„ rheumatic and other pals,
Phials/7'a }ills, Webster's ex. sarsaparilla,
Pocaboota* dn. Harlem oil.
Porter's tooth cor.hal. Carpenver i s do.
tKorle's or. soy. balm pills, McAllister 's ointmerrt,
Swaynetis syrup sv. cherry,. Tniligoon's balsam life.
do. vermifuge, Dalin of Columbia,
Smith's pills, Dateman's pectoral drops,
Scarps's SCollidiC ON. Corlfrey 'a cordial,
Wright', Ind. veg. pills, Dulls; oil "esp. •
Oriental do. ( vegetable efixer,
Brandresh's do. , 'Jew David's plaster,
Welsser's bilkers do. Cheeseman's Arabian, buts.
Pheltr's tomato do. j Cooper's corn sale,
Dr. Rush's do, Mother's relief; ,
Lees' do. • Gelatine capsules,
Post's poor man's do. Cephalic crown .out
With many others. no *numerated. The submeri
hers am steam for most of the above medicines. 'sod
warrant every article nine. July 19, MKS.
1--ATIHIEREAS, by an act of the:lmo/ably of theater
mormrealth. enti led *. an as to the gimp
dons of this Commonw Ith," it is enjoined upon mem
give piblic notica of auh an election;to 6e heLl,end its
so the enumeration in nch notice, what Wirers are no
be rioted, I, JOHN . MEANS, High Sheriff of the
county of Bradford, d hereby make knovtat Bad give
notice to the electors said county, that a General
Election will be held n said manly, an TUESDAY.
the 7th day of Noreen r,in the several districts in emit
county, to wit :
fo Albany, at the
In Asylum, at Ja
In Athens borough,
In Athens towpship i
In Armenia, at Joh
in Bqrlington, at A
In Canton. at Benj
In Columbia, at Jai
In Dun+, at S. 8. I
In Franklin, at
In Granville, at the
! hool house near Daniel Ballet's.
E. P. Mathewmon:s.
at Julius Toner's. .
chool house, No. 1, at eatastaill
! not house neerN.B.Whitmosee
00l house, itt !Amy.
owe formerly smerryied by H.
In Herrick, at the ye
In Litchfield, at It.
In Leroy, at the se!
In Monroe, at J. P.
In Orwell, at the
In Pike, at E. De Volt's.
In Rome, at 1.. S. layovers.
In Ridgbecij, at S. Harman's.
In Sheshequice, at .Brink's.
lu Smithfield, at .1. Gembld's.
In Springfield, at . Wilder's.
In Standing Ston at &men Stevens'.
In South Creek tat school house near Asa Gillett's.
In Springhill, at IL Black's.
In Towanda boco' gh, at. George W. Memenes.
In Towanda cp, at e schoolhouse near A.C.Gregjes.
In Troy tp., at V. M. Long's. •
In Troy borough, at the Neale Hotel.
In Ulster, at S. B Holcomb's.
In Warren, at R. Cooper's.
In Wells, at Lew Seely's.
In Windham, at . Ruseell's, (deceased.)
In Wyalusing, at John H. Mark's. . .
• lit Wysox, at th Academy; - At which time awl
?lam the electors at reseed will elect by ballot—.
Twenty...six pe for Electors of President . and
Vice "resident oft United States.
And in and by se el act. I am further directed to give
lance "(bat emery n eiceptloginatiors Of (belches
who shall hold any trice of profit and trust ender the
preernotent of .States, or of debilitate, or of any
ity or incomors district, Whether a commissioned.
officer or agent. who is or shall be employed under the
legislative, executive re . judiciary department of Ude
state or of the United Slates, or, of any incorporated dia
(rid, awl also that emery member of. Congress, end of
the state Legislature, and of the select and comma LAUF.
cif of any city. otatentnimiemers of any incorporated di•
a i m
trim is by law in pubis of holding menacing, et the
tame time the a . a ppoint ment of judge, inspector or Cleric
if any election of t is cornernmweelth , and that no is".
Spector or judge Of facer of IPA election shell arab.
stittitile to any to be then Toted for.
By the 4th sectt of an act. pawed the 144 day e
%rd. 18410, it is idol that the 12th intim" al ea
etpassod July 2d, 1839, entitled "MO act Wi* to
Jae electors of this monwealtb." shall sat be so am
strued as to preeen any militia officer from waving ea
judge in.
..Factor nt !irk at any gametal oe speliti Am.
Lion of this mongol wealth.
~.,,., . ..
alba act fit'sl 4tbove astallaamt, Ot
general itat) epee?itt deal°, Asp
eight sad sea the 14potota l , tiyd
,ut intenuption at adjoarameat
seeuine. adieu tha polls shall be
In the 6th wait
to enacted that eye.
be opened between
shall continue within
fit 7 o'clock in the
By 'the 18th inn of the set peered It) rob., 1100.
It dull be lawful th e jodtee and impotence of err/
general or opeciatl - ` 111 whieh•sholl holeafter be Uhl
in the Armenia e 'ion &trim in the county-id Wm&
ford, to' elate the on ouch election at Oes eels*
P. M. . .
It ix further dinitted . that the merlin* of the jokes
at the court house!, in Towanda, to make oat the paw
eel return,' shall°tithe third day after the Median.
will be on h e 10th of Novem. •
JOHN P..mpApire. Sheriff,
Towantht, Oct. IS t 1 S 18, •
Sheriff's Offi
A be
wasfr botler belonging
reettir int-albs Summer
er cooking is dose is tbe
he wit °idle tites is pro
. • The rosew.eill be
As-nutter the oven. before
Iliree it number--tiro op.
; um the front to the hack
ith cold air, is Mika, if
1ati , A 6 .0. 4 1 7 71