Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 18, 1848, Image 1
7 : r tt 1 4 1 1 4 --. M MEE= s .r 70105E18 =0 In= TOW A NDA : inclnueban inorninn, Coctobtr 18. 1848. THEMEMORY OF THE PAST. One bal,my,Snmater night, Mary, Jost as the rising moon Had cast aside her fleecy veil, We left the gay saloon, And ht a sequester'd spot, Beneath a drooping tree, Fond words were breathed, btu you forgot, That are still dear to me Mary, That are still dear 10 me. Oh we were then happy. Mary— Time lingeed on his way. To crowd• a life-time in a night, Whole ages in ,a day ! If star and sun would set and rise Thus in our attei years, This world would be a paradise. And not a vale of tears Mark, And nets vale of tears. I live but in the past, Mary-- The Glorious days of old When love was boarded in the heart. As misers hoard their gold ; And, often, like a bridal train, To maim and soft and low, The by-gone moments cross my brain, in all their summer glow, Mary In all their summer glow. • These visions form and fade, Mary, As age comes stealing on To bring the light and leave the shade Of days for ever gone ! The poet's brow may wear at last The bays that round it fall; But love has rose-buds of the past Far dearer than them all, Mary, Far dearer than them all. HAND AND GLOVE. EY PHIL PHINGLY.. catArrEn 1. illog.—Whj..-'tis ■ Imenredrons and cruel strde. A style for challengers : why she defies me I have seen many coquettes by nature and many more who strove to obtain that killing title, but nev er one who failed do completely as my lovely lit tle pet in her childhood, Rose Montrose. At eigh teen she was mishits of rare beauty, a sparkling flow of spirits, and a most provoking, bewitching disposition,—in short, every qualification ceed in her arnbition, except simple heartlessness. Het mother vas never more than a mere fashion able, and had al nays sought to educate Rose for the same useleh life Even at the point of death, she strict.}" enjoined uponthe guardian ; a kind-hear ted, but experienced oddity of an old bachelor, to keep her daughter at a certain finishing establish ment until she became property qualified to enter the world as the fashionable daughter of a.fashiona ble mother. Ong can hardly wonder, that her mind trained under these influences, took an mil !kW bias. ~And indeed, what young beauty, spoiled by education, fortune, and the close friend ship of romantic School-girls, wonkl have a differ ent ambition on her first peep at the world from that of suprentacy over the lords of creation I And so Rose Montrose flirted, and laughed, and played the unmerciful despot. lint I who knew her well, was perfectly aware that all this was forg4t to her character : I believed ; in fact, that her arbitrary commands arche from, a nervous timidity, striving to conceal itself in the role she would act, just as cowards stemetimes in endeavoring to assume cool ness, rush desperately into the wildest : dangers. In no other way could I account for her . . caprice of a moment and feeling for the next hour. Her lovers were as perplexed as they were disheartened. Her playful peuishness would occasionally subside, and then break forth in a torrent of sparkling wit at the first semblance of sentiment or feeling. The truth was, that she knew the sacred fatness of heart's emotion, and shrank from exposing it to one, who might see but could not understan 1. As was said to rne, by a young friend, of whom "hereafter, whose occasional puns betrayed his sole ungentle manly propensity, her artlessness was so plain that none but an ignorant cockney could call it heartlessness, and be confessed with a blush that he was brace such an one. Their walk had been extended to the full sec ond mile, betore either of the pair awaked fro 7. that absorbing conversation. Rose Montrose was leaning on the arm era young gentleman, whose dreamy, artist like eye had been passionately seek ing hers for the last half hour in vain. He bad been pouring into her ear glowing descriptions of the olden days of chivalry, and-in depicting the thole of others had artfully, yet without premeditations drawn forth his own. It was the skill which love bestows upon even the artless. She had listened in silence though all tumultuous within, until their path ceased before the verge of a cliff, and she awaked from herself to the artiaciat again It was to stop the nervdus beating of her heart, and inter rapt the burning wdrds - she yet longed to bear, that she stepped forward to the vervedge.mul rat tled on huirieliti " Mr. &ivories v an this in very fine,—the scenery I mean se well as your eloquence. But certainly those.knfAts were as chivalrous asthey weteixd ish to Venture so mach for anch a simple, silly thing as .a lady's smile. Look half way down this fright ful cliff, and you will see a few wild flowersgrow hg almost out of the very rocks. Now, if a cav alier were here, like those you have described; how gladly would he risk his neck and seize those flowers to - wreath in some lady's hair ! lam glad that the gallants of our prudent days have more Gum." She spoke servously,and u he cad his eyes down the precipice . , bent upon him on imploring look, wit beseeching him not to hear words that she would give worlds to unsay. But it was too late. " Were such an one here, he vrOuld rejoies in the opportunity o earn a booti that she could aot rem. HO 'Would place the wreath' la her hand, and she 1,4,04 place her,hand Wigs." 146 VIOII4II were• impptnnw, halfenquirrna, and —"•••••• _ , I< )` t 1 1 1 , fr fr t vvrer `7 •11 * yr • w „: 1: (/' a. • f 3t) fit. fel e to la 4 IT • n' 1, - • _ No% - rev. Ilb• t o• a 7' 4 .2 4 I It 3!l' t•••: - 4 p • •••• y t 4 1 . t • Alg• OM( 4 1 I ,14.1. tt I I Tt! irsait t 14. 1 , -•c • Zg••• '• • t 11.11 Villt t it.411 , 7,t .41.2 istr't 110.2 -72 •-• t••• S. CM As You Laic to StIC- =I PUBLISHED EVER the *Fro i liklOod mounted toter eheeks... - She Felt her eelfigisiessfoi eigerly the first words of her heart, "laid she would 'keep. the Gowere: forever." Then" she ihitth(ered calmly a3Ved, ll3 Come let us leave this silly romance and reltun." ' ' They walked back in silence. . Pectin the evening Sumner left the house of u r ,,N evers alt er an unsatisfactory l-1 - e saw' that much of her coquetry was eflected„ - but 'there was still enough to cause him serious uneasiness. : Several times had be endeavored to draw from her ad gnawer to his ardent mid undisguised avoirals' of love, yet hitherto she had avoided the sUbject with the full tact of women, as he bitterly called her girlish blushing timidity. But she had now al mo,A challenged him to the prod( of his devotions; and•he vowed to appear before her on the marrow with a claim for an audience, which she could not avoid. There was a scorn too, as he fancied in her tone when she praised the careful wisdom of mod ' ern lovers. He determined to obtain the flowers that very night when none were abroad to witness and ridicule his attempt. ' • The cuivalrous plan, required some rather unro mantic means in the shape of an iron bar anti a coil of rope. These he procured from his sleepy landlord, dud after * few minutes* prepared to descend the cliff with their help. The bar was firmly driven into the earth, and the rope with knots every few feet fastened to it securely . . With a strong grasp he then muirtienctiti his de scent. About half-way down he' stopped to rest 'for a moment upon a crag t h at pushed itself boldly out from the almost perpendicular side of the precipice. Deszending.still farther, he found that the rope ree ling upon the edge of this rock just above, suspen ded him at some dozen feet out from the main wall ; but when he had swung just opposite to the flowers, a few violen t springs enabled him to .gain a firm foothold. Vie prize was now in his grasp but in the eagerness of success, he loosed his bold of the rope, and it swung far out of his reach. However, there was nothing peculiarly dangerous in his position. Like the famous samphire-ptber er, in a similar predicament, he knew that a bold leap for the rope might save him, and at,tbe worst the deep flood was roWmg only fifteen or twenty feet below. Carefully sectoring the flowers in his bosom be watched the oseilation of the rope, and at the critical moment sprang nimbly opt into the air. His agile limbs practiced is boyhood - among his native Highland mountains and tall sea-dills did' not fail him now. But his full weight, cast suddenly upon the rope, tore it at once from the bar, and he dropped into the cold sea. The gist' natural impulse was to swim for the nearest point of land , and the second to burst in a hearty, though somewhat silly laugh at this uncomfortable termi nation of his romance. Once on shore he hurried to his quartets in the village inn. Like a true lover, he twat dried the flowers, ana arranged them into a graceful wreath, and then more like a man of sense, exchanged his dripping clothes for a warm bed. But his sense came too far behind folly, and on the momingpfler his chilly immersion, he awoke in high fever. Rose Montrose was sitting alone with blushing cheeks, and a soft smile beaming from her half closed eyes. There was nothing arround her to cause this silent expression of pleasure ; the maid en was only receiving' elight from the thielienfitg emotion that rose up from her heart, tremulous in* first love. A sweet, uncertain tumult of thoughts surrounded with enchantment the single idea that love malty reigned within, and swayed the faity scepter over her, who had hitherto prided herself on her queenly command upon other beads. At that moment she did ,not think of his k.eliogs for doubt on that subject had _never arisen, but she trembled at the thottg,ht of her own deep passion. And then the delicious color, that conciousnesi bad called forth, fled from bet cheeks, and she clasped her hands istaldenly at the idea. of her mocking chal lenge the previous day. She feared that Sooner had not seen through ber coquettish hypocrisy of I the moment—that, which she then feared he mgiht perceive; that, which was assumed to hide her heart. Suddenly his step was heard, and--oh! the mysterious working of woman's heart—ashathed to be detected while his faze was yet transparent of feeling, timid and flattering, shi raised her eyes desperately with a confused consciousness that she was about to finish her role of the coquette. In her blindness she fancied that otherwise her heart would be unavoidably revealed, and she shrank from an exposure of its depths—most of all to him She was. not yet sufficiently accomplished in her game, and always bungled sadly. Never- more than now. Sumner entered the room with irregular steps and flushed face, wherein lever plainly burned, -but she fancied it to be more than a lover's natural trepidation. Had she not loved, it would Ufa made her more cool, collected and unsPariiig to her coquetry, betas it was she trembled with him and fully shared in his supposed agitation. And she hardly knew whether Abe was right or wrong, as he hurriedly placed 2 wreath of wildflowers in her hand, saying ar There-7your " Ah, yes ! these . are the pretty tteidfitiorets I rut. mired so mach yesterday: Yoe are very triad in being so thoughtful, and. mallY 'deserve some re 'crud." Hei words crowded on each other with desperate rapidity. " but my hand is to useful a 'member to be parted with lightly. Will not this grove answer your purpose? Why you seem afraid of it ! bis ottly.a glove that ant giving you." All this was very silly and very creel, and so Rose Well knew, but for bet life she could - 41ot any otherwise. He received the . eovo - she catelera l lY tossed into his hands : the color iledininthiS cheeks and lips his tall form shivered, as he bowed'eokl iy, and , starmered u diet than walked 11mm • 5Le tooth. .G . 04! Await itailY thib1'..164.~914 '., b MEM Ts-AT., °WANDA,. IVEDNESiIAi r ' .4 - 4 • Foul) c oon - pit ,. D-17. '- an o- - I . 4 , - 7 . 9 " •- 1 A1*_,E9: 1,0 3 1, E AnA' POODRICII l• • IMIIMM;I window ; nal assbe nemarked his falteritg„alep i and rementber the will! 'whitish expression ofhisi face,,lmectrtite The wreath' -Was :east, violeptly upon t itre fler and trodden untitt, , foot $O-themanscrofthale sortctw bad been obten`! t ted; "ht ttielieriliof his 4 1ife-.4 Bnti•k was his gift—fie, raise 4 it a f iin Mid pints.sedif. to her bosom. ' - ~- • t & NM moot ttoiolevi A tpat. _ was dangerously ills 'delirious, scd poor Rose wept that she had cast 'rlway the Night tube by-his Bide. Daily a servant 3Vassnht fnittin Mc; Neil/ft° squi a ft er the sick • •erretit re man's health, test. it Was id}-aye Rose wbe - titet him in the hall and mole the words from his wapiti. •At last thertew4,Mune by hislandlord that Sumner was:slowly' recorpriE4, and Rose again' welit, but now: for joy that,ilie epold see him and frankly ex -plain all. •She felt no hesitation at the idea of 'ex posing her Own foolish weakness, for he had suf- I 'lured front ji and had be not a right to know I But one,day, a close carriage whirled by die' house, and •her next message brought.the news that Sum ner had suddenly departed, even before he was per ketly restored titheabb. Two weelts after this, Mr. Nevers paused in his Peru al of the paper and read aloud : . t ' "in the fiat of paasengera for the last packet, we notice the name of L. Sumner, Esq., the - talented ueoitkothisAlgolinptio isundsrltri to be Rome ; his object of course, is to study the 1212e:frer in his art. We wish him success." One year from this time found Leonard Sumner still in his Italian studio, and happy only when the glowing subject of his art reminded him of a reali ty more perfect and beautiful than even the deli cately created shadows traced by his pencil. From' the first he felt no resentment at the seeming bean. lesseess that drove him from his native laud. His noble heart only swelled with astonishment that such unworthiness could, and s o rrow that it did ex ist in a form so captivating, and a mind which ho knew to be so richly endowed. A smaller soul would have been considered puffing itself with of fended pride : he thought of it only with sadness that a kindie.l , spirit was imperfect. Still there was a wound, nod without any angry haughtiness of feeling., he experienced a siddenel mortification ; that he had been rejected, and in sorb a manner. Perhaps ke thought less of it than at fret, but this was natural and in healing, Tune bad also soften ed. His whole energeis were to meld to the culti vation of his favorite art, and already his Audio wa• visited by the munificent patrons of genius. One day Mr. Nevem.- unexpectedly entered the rooM. The young artist greeted his old friend with warmth, before he thought of the awkwardness of their meeting, but his inquiries for the - health of Miss Montrose, were as cool sad fati-ness like as any fashionable gentleman could have desired Mr. Nevem was more embarrassed. The good old bachelor fidgeted upon his chair during the pal misery . remarks that followed as usual, and then with awkward alinectiens explained the particular object of his visit. It seemed that he had picked up a protege in the person of a - Spanish boy, whom he found in the streets of Cadiz. Tlin youth ap peared to be educated, was friendless, houseless, and at the time Mr. Nevem Barr him, 'was gazing away an afternoon at a beautiful painting with but areal in his pocket. Nature had evidently intend ed him for an artist, and Mr. Nevem' present ob ject was to obtain for him a place in some studio as pupil, where be might fulfil all the expectations which his fine promise had • excited. Mr. Nevem told the story quite well, although he was walking on strange ground, and acting a part, the tery tho't of which, bubtwo months before, would have made him roll np his eyes in comical amazement. The idea of a constant companion mince pecu liarly pleasing to Sumner, who lived only when one with his memory, but the wishes of her guar dian seemed almost to come from 'Rose herself, and he could not decline compliance. Mr. Never. with drew with an odd expression, half of pleasure, half of wbimsicakanziety upod his honest eunnienaime, and left the artist to follow out the trait of (Widow imaginings, which their sudden meeting hid called forth. Foolish, certainly, and profitleifivtait he al most fancied hitnielf gain with Rose one the past year blotted our forever. Early in the next day came his rialtos.. The young Spaniard, delicately formed, and with bright eyes throwing an aiT j of intelligence over his clear olive and rather Modrish face, finely relieved by long jet tresses descending upon his shoulders, might perhaps in othercircleshave heamius thit pet otaltainneViliatlnting - 1 0ee , a handsome b°l' He seemed about sayeatmeertarrreas - li therlong-delieate• moustache. that dropped daintily from the comers of. a finely sent -Meath , Though clear and high tonedi•hia - voice , seeined , sonnewhat strained intoli-manlypioksigationcifa,sannfh At finsi sight Sermter' involtinterilt mina •histand as 'if to clear away something from lenre ilk' ties, butottliFiffief theitteiVittai 'a dellbenissreinset et a o thda lie^; (l . l sloheit,Y. _ a ' birtimussiospiWMatu-nots-prottaalti.aculimak,aar noyance that be bad aittielthited. A abort conver sation 6:stfirined beliefs nal-Mier the departure 411V.jilev'erli;iiiii3di.d to the 'brat irtatmcicana with a -lielithat-astonished ' and indield:oti#o . Arintitsel chef IrY.— All Sumner fi !drams 79 1 h a ape - lea of cool gratitude, thatteligled the 440 fervor and really *Osseo} , bimohough it seemed to please inwarftlltp:airelater yottngSpallard. Bnt his hand was qt 4r, mit,;4oo, eo thit,aiter aban doning thisc-saddeerinteaserizi ike graceless boy, Sumner derived - ted plelearikassirrissin watch ing the magiellitt elainaealll4 , finktt liiiherin un skilled only in &Punier •ndesasbials , auas bare drawn Yrl3fiatgir44iyasteitrit - asimi . t , i r • They bad .omat Amitttlittrilioo,l4olitr compan ionship but a day,se4elk wannuat-Ouni4a noble man entatrodilifAtMEd Of 11WidiVitttriti5 whose IZME:ti - . ' !•,, '''.; % ';CV "t0 1 :' c•-4;:: ( iidr "..' , .4 - ',4' , ,t,t1,:f: 'P) 3"‘ . t:'. 7.- - tg azatiumxo; or prousicuertox 4Bom Asir ftIiASTIRII: 1 , 5 , -, 1 ,,..4,-,i•j ‘,..i..: , -.,,,-. 4 . , „ ,1 ,, ? , 1, - • .+,l4Ail k - +'—' , .. IMEMI CHAPTER II "Lovecome& the beautiftd, the (r o e The crown of ell henlirity, • It *deuce and. alone To set the elected one " t 4 Mn penal had tetachell So ninth attention. thringhout .lioqe. His ilesire *as to &saki a pairtivirif a fka,, gloving, and ardes.s . ,Swiss shoPhenlask, a 'lr! mountain nympb—pswers, Liberty,' - Aire* with munifitent olfrers& of rstrooage,i leaving , .Bunmet ti4ready _rapt lul l :the - 1)60g creation ef his ,nny, , and impatient to be alone. Day atter, ,day t he wmught. with passionate skill upon the canvass, wholly absbrbed'in his Jabot . " and scarcely exchang itag *look with ilia 'toy, eiho was studying with equal ardor in the opposite corner of the mom.— Thus were they busied. Sumner upon - his paint ing, the young Spaniard in mentally delineating the other's features in his earnest eyes, when the Ficilian again appeared. "It is unfinished !" eschewed Sumner: , "Unfinished!" said The noble, hurrying to the easel with an exclamation of delight, " then do not finish it. Touch it not with your brush again ; ills matchless, another of such unfinished 'paintings and ,this shill be doubled." - He placed. a heavy mit& in the artist's hand Sumner quietly returned it " I cannot part with this, either now while it is incomplete or at any other time." " Not part with it." " Impossible." They exchanged low bows and the Sicilian walk ed out iu dignified resentment. Sumner gazed ort moment on the canvass with a burning eye, then turning ,abern, he saw his pupil, and hurriedly mix. irk him by the wrist, drew him forward full oefore the easel. " There ! in there not aomethi4g incomplete ?" For the first time the boy now • saw the painting. on which Sumner had lavished mbre than an ar tist's devotion,--the faithful portrait of Rose Moat rose. i crimson dye strangely blushed thtough his dark complexion, as he glued upon this living proof, that Su inner's heart had breathed npner his im agination and mingled the enchantment of memory with the creations of his soul. But the master saw none of this, for hisi eyes were again fastened up on that sweet and 'generous face. And then the' pupil, with a powerful ellen that sent the blood ironic his cheeks and lips, spoke very calmly, tho' his tones trembled somewhat in the earnestness of his words. t' Aye ! the painting is perfect itself, but there is something incomplete in the expression of that hoe. T see there frankness and a generous nature,—per. haps a soul, but the emotions which springs from the very heart have not risen fo beam from that countenance. The model from which that was caught may possess inner nobility, and immeaso. table depths of tree affection, but That nobilily has hitherto been stifled, and those depths remained as sealed fountain& And there musq bare been can. ses, too, which have restrained hanatural develop. ment educated, perhaps, or inexperi ence, for that lady seems young, top young, it may be, to know that she carries a hilse.hpod on her face; that years and epochs have not yet shown her how different she really is from the artificial character ihe bears. Yris, the portrait is incomplete. Emo tions, the teachings of the heart, and the heart itself are not there. Yet she is not, or will not always be thus, unless her existence is meaningless, and. she no true woman. Believe me, they ace lines and features in that lace, which, if rightly traced, betoken a better future: In this manner it is in. complete." Sumner gazed upon this noble boy with amaze ment, for as he poured forth these rapid words, his eyes burned with a strange brilliance, and the whole frame seemed shaken with a powerful emotion which he was too proud to conceal A new but undefined thought leaped into life within the artiste mind; and he longed for solitude to analyze it s He spoke in general terms, quite differentlfrom his im passioned manner but a moment before. " It is true, 'and glorious wrong mart' have been donethrough, ignorance. But tat was not my meaning. This is, indeed, a portrait of a real TOG del, and I may say, correct, in general, but still there .is something in the original-0 know not what—which is not here. I have tasked my mem ory in vain ; that otherwise faithful representation lacks some hidden propeny of the original. Per haps longer thought will enable me to reach it." lie seized his hat and departed, leaving his pupil in the same attitude, bat now with a blush upon his cheeks, and scaly murmuring to himself. "He suspects but does not know, Ah ! how rash and hasty those forward words that , came be fore a thought - of • prhdencs. Will he now think the less of me? I know not—it Matters not, for all is done. Something incomplete ! I could have told will tell him now, 'before I go, never to - enter this studio. again. ' First, array with this distaise." Alittle water removed trio dark MooriSh hue from that arch and tempting fare ; a elytaitch, and 'the drociping moustache fell Smith@ Comma . her mouth, now down rap into a merry and in tall bewail , Rose Montrose stood before her less lovely image.. Those slender - fingers seized the brush and skillfully bared a fairy *teeth of wild !foyers, inclt is the artist area., all faded and dead, from her bosom. One hand of the portrait clasped tichllysj aingliegiove, mid lbw-tither seemed pas alunifelyi`bittriedin 110Si:owe's. And then, with* ibises, part of merry pride, part of :minus fear, Ross withdrew- The-next morning, Leonard Sumner entered his studio with the determination to solve the mystery which biryortngrapil had .thrown around him.— A single step•within, a single glance at the portrait, and the whole truth rushed upon Ms mind with clearness, even, bewildering in its simplicity. He hastened to Mr .Nevers' without delay. Sheu a sitting alone, and as one might who knew *eller rover was near. HeWalitedstratht foritimr,; ;and *ilia; •Itimself by :her aide, "said *AWN _ uDear Rose, may 1 repeat my lest oar ktlit,toeekrit hand , " „" 011,1:ibigive the Pait,".ehei eaciaiikes lecltieg vp wi th teasfai exievg, "sad fore 111 , kail4 ITESEMEIIIITB MO =MO ME W .cf MUM - o 1 , , ntiolpess, :11tat ; t l ktievr..itoe 'ttrktitli ;Who hatf i come out to sid, that I , ared to ttaydirtat• I felt; that' .I was - the traitor savage; foo!isli{.--anythini but earnest Ma ileidtess takr'sipirelestly bin , 11.enternber that-no true !Wit had evergoltown Niue ) they were.unprecekry me ;. that had•l fired only in the: worldond was olthad d sc erred their t• worldly. 1 see my fai li rts; , l / I now that in:what constitutes the noblest pant of human' charter:tel. - 1 Vas ineompl+te. The frame of my heart was . uu. triion the finished.” I - • wild and bloody; er "tat there is nithin, ihisinoment. yield. But the whit: When you stood: before that portrait and hurriedly.. sites PtN•lesnrst the unveiletin hem" of whose richness I had been ig. ,and skill, and the In norant, 1 sank at once.whene was ray mistake, anti i .,tfeettni toward tbel el . olittleed, , my tivreetilupil, half fancied thatil l u ea r. ' ,bets were every i;cl nest-eyed Spanish boy . knew more of llosellme. ,komok was alway -a rose than dill even her lover.- Ah, Rose, he3o.d. i exciting his fond"' the glove you gave me once, and. would goat' me „nearer they appniac.. nothing more.". There is no retreat, And thi4 is the hand that should . have acconr.f Xisitayah caught h parried that glove," said the blushing girl, frankly , sprang to the verge placing it within hie own. stied the Here Sumitier would always stop, and obstinate- above her head, and ' , Jy refuse to relate a word farther. But he o ft en of. , nerth. She clasped; firmed that hk had no fear of Rate Summer's ever play., from the cliff, ausa ing the coquele in future. " Ilokomok !.. riors, plunging sucee liokomok ! li paused to take one ere they disappeare l "Hokomok ! 11 in a wild ruourufull and child ! , THE OLD CROW. '• On the litisb of an oak sat a jolly old arose, And chatted away with glee-- . -witit glee; Aod he saw the old farmer go out to sow; And he cried—" It is all for me—TElr me! " Look, look, how he scatters his seed around! Icle is Wonderful kind to the poor—the poor; If he'd empty it down in a pile on the ground. I could) find ft much better I'm sure—rm sure "r re lea tned all the tricks of this wonderful man, Who h i s such a regard for the crow—the crow, That he lays out his ground in a regular titan, And covers his corn in a row—a row " He nruSt have a very great fancy for me, He triifs to, entrap' me etiong,h--enougb; ' I measure the distance as well as he, And tribe° he comes near me rin off—l'm off!" llokomok—An Indian Tale. To the west of the beautiful harbor on Town send, in Lincoln county, Blaine, there is an open ing in the land, which furnishes a communication between the river Sheepscot and Townsend bay, and forms a passage well known to navigators as somewhat intricate, yet safe and convenient, be tween the towns nport theSastern shores of Jlaine, and those liing upon the river Sheepscot and Ken nebec. Those who hare sailed through this wild but beautiful passage, with its green banks; now sloping strieothly to the water's edge, aid anon rising in frowning cliffs, surmounted with towering pines, through Aich the unceasing sound of the wind' suggests to the imagination the idea of a requiem over the ashes and departed- glory of the red , man of f , Hokomok," which rises perpen dicularly from the water to a great height, casting the light sail boat or vessel that ;skiing over the waters benealli into a deep dark shillowi. The breathless silence and upturned eye of all who pus the ail, bespeak it connected wilt wild tales and faarding legends. It was here the brave desperatejbaud of native heroes, when there was no alternute but death or submission to the white, man, rewired to die in the Wild freedom of theirs ancestors, and to ewer the land of warriors with a mind utiflitckled, and spirit imsobdued. Under thisheiglit the chieftain, Hokomok, had reared Ins bark covered wigwam, and conveyed Nisanyab, thedaughter of a chief, to this place, a ft i residence forthe bride . of a warrior, even Nienayab, of the h‘ghty brow and dark eye; with aspirit as bold and fearless to resolve, and as firm to endure as her ht band. Though her eye , turned wiih a haughty glauce upon the warriors who thronged to Ihecabini of Hokomok, when it rested on him, its calm liqUid light 'spoke volumes Of the wild love and gentle titUidoess of a savage bride. Eau him 'she wrought i nntiring.the feathery robe, the wampum' belt and the gay mocasin. To please..his eye,she culled the sweetest of flowers and sought the bt ight est of Arils to ornament his wigwam, and when he would hunt on the opposite. bank, Nisuayah was with him, and threw back the beaver robe, bared hertound arm, and with the skill and graceful mo tion of it hinter's wife, paddled back the light ca noc. . At night she watched at the eVremity of the cliff until he retuned from the chase, anti then again she armed !the surge to meet him. But Me pate aced race were fast encroaching upon the hunting grounds of the red the sap ling the oaks had sheltered were fast crowding up on the branches of: the protecting tree, and the fol lowers of Hokomok, left the wild deer and. moose to rowel the Mrests undisturbed, while they assem bled in icoancilio . devis' evome Means to fell the saplingpvhen its branches were yetsoung and ten der, and before it should tower above the oak.. The icemen - or the tribe were 'conveyed td an island many, miles from the contemplated seat of wartime, big Nitwaysth, the wife of their chief, re fused tO.go, she chose rather toresnainin their cab in, tbatilbe might !rumor know the event* of the war,- and The tate of her liushand. * h'hO; had early been inured to danger, and her spirit was setter knowtnito quail. • • The lehiets were aisetableil upon the cliffs ot Hokomok:the war hoop had been ming, the assist ance atm Great Spirit:invoked, .and the warriors Wilsunk to test with the green earth -,. eeth, and the bide 14 alieve'thern,lhoither ittigbt be pre pared* the ranalthy mr.tch before tbeibiwnaf day. The were to attack 'each of the wWte atudereeeta its sneeessien, and the tomahawk once raised, oth er tribes would foilow their example, till the war ot estentination should spread. from the Norridge weeks and clans of the north to .the Narragansett:. of thelsooth. lire chief stept3 there Was one'who Imab en. aria tied . to )be . eouneits orthe brave, wo rd who not at the ren'dezaons.. 114 amok deft •kw be , knew thst theater:at chief was a Indio ..'" Before*. dawn he (tidied histollowers, 1,0.... 1. 4e42ho,T * izarch — . o-1 3 eV, ll O l lSni.7 to- Weak Me, setiMet b y iLlgupl.rple-0, WI,: t--• ka: A MAN wno NE Arkansas span, a g: born anti bled tli, in a river town on ter-.," when one steamboats was lyi magnificently. clad home-spun troivser - hide boots. His 1, with brass rifr , s. .' .s , 1 melts, which gave ed, the rattle of th • of mask., the gene I , accosted the capta ty pert music here out of U' " .1 Piatl 1 anoforte 1 ." 4 i Nev:: Where 'nought it i i cabin, sir." " ISIO h " Certainly, sir, u-',.1 The Ark - ansai of He went " down tables were laid O narrow passage be and forks, by the • tent was be np3n farthest end of the nhe created. A I ierally devoured i who was seated stranger was WdE At length vett cap respectfully dies, I am much you hay done m afore, and never' very much pleas yes, ma'am, I should like it bei brother. Yes, I brother Dick cot he tear his skirt JCS Lorsr.—Je l feels from the a beloved by the Now becaus3 ean never mak - •ble for a jealous suspicions. His doubtfulness a gable of recei ta,geous side, ces,ful when • arises 'from hi spent in the pu happiness if he A Tarn Mx.. swerve tram t wealth or a the rich and th. He is as caretu word to his ser tire to the n-a ever yon meet odating, nabot are imbodied step is taken word is spoke, like him. Th: to serve God of Woms Mu as we wi11,..! she ceases to or a cold heart: deep ,passionat: or site may some gold fish , but love she tri THE G k.tvt ry defucti; e its peaceful .. and tender - • on the grave.. (toils throb slu t poor in. handful tr . lgrThe h t out of sun s whir* caning W.Ttuth rooted, it CCM r find toot- - 11 ho tiaan,,befote ii -, ~.. MEI ) , r MEM= St% L Lnial ,)I : ME 'l' 4l /1 muse them, etifidikteil . by afitmok arid his followers at ilhe brakes but; Illoush by, the whites, the Indians bbaslews own the horizon. 1 n; tbeinclises'eptang from , with the Ileum wild battle r invaders. • The battle. red h knew .his foe too well-to - were more iturneromybe advantage of superior arms ians fighting desperately, re. of Hotomok. Their num !. ent becoming less, and W- In ht the thickest of the fight, rs to exertion. Nearer and ed the cabin of Nisnayah.— mmt yield or die. r infant son in her arms, and f the dill " Ilokomokl" ale, as she raised die - child then pointed to the waters be e infant to her breast, sprang k in the waters below. !korook !" repeated the war voly into the abyss of waters. ! CM* cried they as they ct fatal aim at their pursuers,_ froth the,ctiff. !komok• !If repeated their leader, tone, and he sank to his %el% li ?AAP A PLANO.—OrIe time an nine character, who had been 1 back woods, happened to be ie'banks of the 6 father of wa its largest and magnificent !g, at pier.. Our hero was lin a wolf-skin cap, and blue thrust into his enormous cow. , I nge rd bands were adorned' several %carts as large as.,not iota of his approach as. he walk, -ptile. Attracted by the sound strolled on board the boat ana . •' Mornen,' 'stranger. Pret- bouts. What mougin it come forte, sir."—" A what 1" "yi hem of them ere thins strarvier r « In the krwer ht L take a look at the--thing !• down." , n needed no farther invitation irs" into the cabin, where two. t for dinner. Wall:int; up the reen them . heurrept off kniites ving'of his coat flaps, but so,in e music and the piano at be abin that he heeded not the ru- rnaehing the instrument he ht-' n-ith his eyes. 4 The young lady it continued praying, and the • in silent wonder, the sound reaped, he "taised his d addressed the audience: " La bliged•to you for the kindness I never - beard one of them ipect to apin. Ycn , appear to be ; with it, observed a lady. "Why, m—some-what— and_perbaps I r if I had ear for music—like my ike it well enough—but if my d only hear thattere thing, ladies, d fall right thin' it-" , 01Isy is that pain which a man rehension that he is not equally emu whom he entirely loves. inward patasions and inclinations !hemselom visible, it is impoesi an to be thoroughly cured bf his noughts hang at best in a state of uncertainty, and are never ra ng any satisfaction on the advan that his` inquiries are most sue ,- discover nothing. His pleasure disappointments, and his life is it of a *let that destroys 'his , hnce to find . it. - . •Who is he One who will not • path of duty to gain a Ipine of rid of honors. He respects ,all ! poor, humble and the honorable. tot to speak an unkind or harsh int as to his lord. lie is as attert .of a slave as to a prince. Where ,im he is the same kind, accom sive, brit:able • individual. In him elements of pure religion. No tichithe law of God condemns: ao that pain the ear of man. Be you you will be live Or die earth or in , heaven. Lova.---Disguise or shun the:fact I • an must love with all her soul, or • a woman. She may lovean idea, selfish Mathor one who•gives the love of a ern m heart is re:Orn ; or • a child,. or a la? Alcg. or a bird, or any, or all these she may love, -lfburies every error; covens eve tgaishes every resPntrnent. From am Springs none, but fond mare(' Aleutians. Who can. look down up. • an enemy. and not feel.* colornac it he should have warred with the if earth that Um mouldering before le of happiness is a brit* woven and the colors of the rainbow, over the frightful chasm of death. hardy plant and when once firmly 're the ground so that error can scarce I • nes notpleter an erroneous hones , . e most onhollo knave in the wad& =EI RIMII