MEM mant.., Grim & bipottait Click - kg Di*lien. 7ch f iiiat coonidit, from the TigetteNe rrigdom *"" t'eA47DisPoq• • Dr.GUYSOIT'S ~~ TO DO E4 i loa W ' T TINf ns Osman IT UMW& t! WI, TheLitoft succesdul Illee in the it:oi h.( I rpm* CHEMICAL COMPOUND, containing, as It does: Yellow Deck, so 'highly Mimed by the faculty.—with other vegetable , ' prodd7tiona, is one of the Most important discoveries of the age, and far superior to alt ample sarsaparilla preparations in asc. Although less than 'two yeas have elapsed since its discovery, it has 'heady effected over 15,000 cures. Thertmtivalled power disease which this Syrup produ ces may be attributed to the fact c lat composei e purely of vegetable extrarts , each having a direct reference to some internal ormin; consequently the whole system is benefited; and the fact that, hi its operation, it occasions neither sicktiesslnor pain, and can lie taken under all circumstances without regard to hiisiness or diet, and by the aged and thii intent with equal efficacy, is certainly.a considetvitnm in The history of Medicine. This Extract is put op in Quad Bottles. aml is the most highly concentrated Syrup in ese. It is offered et the low price of one dollar edit Bottle, the object of being to give the privet on...opportunity by the purchase of one bottle, to test its valuable medical properties and its power over discuss. This compound Extract of Yellow Dock and Sams, patina is a positive, speedy, and permanent core fur Consumption, Serbial. or King's Evil, Erysipelas. Salt Rheum, Pimples on the face, Rheumatism, Gout, Gen eral Debility, Dyspepsia; Liver Complaints, Spinal Af. fections, Female Complaints, Clercs, Syphila in its weird form, Affections of the Bladder anti Kidneys, 'Bilious Colic and serous Looseness. Biles, Costiveriese; Colds, corrupt Humors, Asthma, Dropsy, enlargement of the Bones, Fever and Ague, Giddiness, Gravel, Headaehes, of every kind, Impure blood,Jaundice, Loss of Appetite, Leprosy, Mercurial Inseams, Night Swats, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Neuralgia, Organic Affections. Palpitation of Heart, Pointer's Colic, "Piles, ruitref Blood to the Head, Scurvy. Swellings, Pick Headache, Stiffness of the joints, Exposure and juipiudence of Life. • It extracts nervous disease, purifies and enriches the Blood, and invigorates the body more effectually than. any medicine hitherto offered to the public: In the Vegetable Kingdom, an All wise Being has deptte.ited weir plants and herbs as are congenial to our constitutions, end adapted to the cure of all curahle diseases to which' human nature is inciLent. ail this Compound Syrup is composed of all those valuable plants, some of which have lately been discovered and aged, and found to be certain specifics in thousands of Anuses that before defied the best of medial skill. OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. This is to certify that we, the .undersigned Physi *lens of the city of New York, have in a very great ia many see prescribed Doctor Gruysott'a Estrect of Yello Dock and Sarsaparilla, and are fully assured that it as no equal 'rug the varied Syrups and Sar saparilla preparations that have over been sold. Octo ber 10.'47. .I.din F. Stebbins, Al. D. F. IL Thomas, M. D. ; P. 4. Ma) thud. M. U.; James E. Morgan, M. I).; Samuel T. Wells, 114 D. . 13. M. Johnson, M. D. READ THE TESTIMONY More tratimony in fii•or rf the superiority of Dr. Guysott's Extract of Ye /tool Dick _ and Sarsaparil la orcr all oMer similar remedies. Read! Read ! ! I.dracfs nJ Itlters reeeired. DYBPEPISIA, GENERAL .DpBU.ITY, Are. WA-rearows, Jefferson Co.. Nov. 4, 1817 air. EL F. Brorssrr: , Dear Sir—l run at a loss to express with words what has been said in praise of your Compound Extract of Yellow Dock andvilawaparilla ; all who have had the pleasure of using it speak of its marvellous effects in removing diseases, with so much feeling and heartfelt satisfaction, that I amcooBdent now that no medicine in Use cdli boast of its superior qualities. Many who have been complaining for years with pain in the aide, burning end pain in she chest, dyspepsia. generalalebili= iy, loss of appetite, chills, night sweats, salt rheum, scrofula, in fart all the diseases that we in this climate are heir to, Erni in the Yellow Duck and Sarsaparilla, in that is requisite to make them what they were iu their days of health, dm • We have had twelvi dozen bottles in three months. and find we are nearly out. Please send an equal amount, and 0 lige yours, di HOYT & GOEGORY. DYSPEPSIA CURED,UF 30 . Y'RS STANDING. Josystsua. Montgomery Co. Jan. 3, '4B 3. F. Sas ea-re—Dear Ssr—Some four weeks since I was induced to try your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla for Dyspepsia; had beer: rankled about 40 ears, most part of the time unable to eat anything without suffer. lug intensely from its effects. I have used now only roe bottle of your invaluable medicine, and conga& f myself entirely cured solely by its use. Can now eat • hearty meal, without the slightest inconvenience, Very truly yours. ANTHONY BEEKMAN, THE GREATEST FEMALE MEDICINE NOW KNOWN The mild alterative properties of Dr. Guymon's ex tract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, render it pecu- Narly applicable to the slender and 'del;cate constitution of the female. It is unrivalled in its effects-upon such diseases as Incipient Consumption, il-arcnness, Len eontMea or Whitirs,, Irregular Menstruation. Inconti nence of thine. and general Prostration of the system.• t Immediately that distressing nervousness and lassitude so common to the female frame; and im parts an energy and buoyancy as surprising as they are grateful. ,We wont, of course, exhibit certificates to any ex• tent in this clam; of complaints, but the two following extracts of letters recently received, indicate sufficient ly the great virtue of the medicine as a remedy for the sibseares tattered to. Mt. flassarr —We take pleasure in dating that your Yellow 'Tack and Sarsaparilla give, great avail faction in every rase. We *ball try and send you some settifiddes. • A very respectable gentleman informs us *it big daughter was troubled with difficult menetruatiock, and ether diseases peculiar Lobar set. She-had not bad bet maw menstrual ifireherges for along time .but by the ise of Hr. Heys:tee Yellow thicit and Sarsaparilla. was radicaily emed. Had used Towneesure end abets, without remising the slightest benefit. .He had one daughter die from the some, cause. Please marl as an additional sepply. Very respectfully *oars, J. E. TIOPPe At ca. CAUTION EX'FRAOHDINARY. Them are eaumethribriedieines afloat; therefore the reader is particitlarly condoned. not t o .alluw himself to be ware h &ware how you buy medicine put up in "Owe quart hot les. Be very rare arid ask for Dr. (iOyanter Compound Eziract of- Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. bearing the written signature of 8 /leaflet', on each outside wrapper, written ati# , Hock ink 4 . anti do not, On any occount, induced- to any, ?they esti sto—as it is this preparaticaonly thatispexforming such• ,unnitous and astoni)dfing, curei. Take no. man s !ion); as yersons having the counterfeit medicine and hot genuine, are of course desirous of making arch Pr9filiv—imnsequently you are liable to boy worthless tilidlr,lkolhw. you ex.aurine for younrelves. Ty , Remember. Dr. I TTS(ITT'S YELLOW - DOC* AND SARSAPARILLA. . Prepared -at S. F. Bennetes Loliratory.lditle Falls. Herkimer county, N. Y., and a.. 1•1 at wholesale in NN. Yolk City by J. E. Tripne, lee-Haden Lase: aloe by Tracy Beadle, Elmira. 1.. Id. Reamed.. Dingreamtan. Pinney. & Poo. Chvegu, and .by the principal drugaires and merekintr throughout she states, -West-Indies mid Canada. ! ! None genuine unless; put up in lase square Sitties..contaioing a quart, with 'the name of the wrap ,rawsz theglass..with the written . signature r ig S. F. •.• arrANNerran . eacb mitstle ;moppet. • ' livehastikat. lamb and Haat by C. AL /IBM= s,ob.lolloN B. FORD, Towanda. • IMI ~~ Nitaraust. Jan. 25th, 1898 `. 1 40 ,: a • ..nom., T^ C(' LE 207 arinito ipmfra4lool6 4: 1 ,r., Pr: C. C. Vaughn's Vegetable Lilkaittbrlgln Rope. THitedenrited - riniivrils constantly iiteritaainciti 4nin - by the msirr 'cowl it II irisking • • • e l Ala: OVER TRE - IVORIM. - It has now beeontleihi ltimitrist and iv pardmitirly reconiniended for - • DROPSY' : all stairsa.,of this complaint immetlittely rerteved, ho matter dhow lung atandift. Sex pamphlet far fedi. GRAVEL and all diseases of the urinary organs; fur throw di* Devising complaints it stands done; no other wick can relieve you ; and the cores testified to mitt convince the moat slirptieall—see panifykt. LiverComplaint„;B ib lions diseases. FEVER AND AGUE. To the wrest writ erpeeislly, - and whenever these complaints prevail this medicine is-effered. NO MINERAL AGENT. no lekterions compound is apart of this mixture, it cures these diseases with certainty end celerity, and does not leave the system torpid. Bee pamphlet. PILES. a complaint of a moot painful character it LMMEDI ATELY RELIEVED. and'it cure follows f •sr days use of this article : it hilts:. before any Wift. , pre poralion for (Ms disease, or for any other direase.orig tasting from impure blood—See pimpbb t. DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM. weak bock, weaknew of the Yiiineys, &c.. or intiama tion of same is ism/audit:lily reheard by a kw days War of this mediciste, and a curs is always a result of amuse. It stands as • CERTAIN REMEDY. for sac % complaints, and also for derangementsof there male (ramp. IRREGULARITIES. SUPPRESSIONS, painful menstntations. No article Aas wet been, of except this which would cure th 4 dwasigineola. It may be relied upon ass sure end effective remedy and did we feel permitted to do so could give A THOUSAND NAMEB. se+ proof of cares in this &greasing class of complaints. Bee, pamphlet. • At/broken dawn, debililatedeonstitu icntfrons the elect of mereury, will and the bracing pow of this article to art immediately, and the poisonous mineral eradicated from the system. • ERUPTIVE DISEASeq. wilffind the alternative properties of this article. FI.IIII - I'HE BLOOD. and such diseases from the aye em. See pamphlet for testimony of cures in all dis eases( which the limits of an silvertisment will not pet md to bemamed, here Agents give them away ; they contain :12 pages of certificates of high character, and a stronger array of proof of the virtues , of a medicine, ne ver appeared. It is one of Me peculiar features oh this arlicle that it never fails to benefit in any cart, and if bone and muscle are hp to build upon let the emulated and lingering invalid hope on, and keep ta king the medicine as long as there is an iinprov4ment. The proprietor would caution the pnblic against a num ber of articles which come out under the head of Sant. parable, +Syrups. die., se cures for Drory, gravel kte.:— they arc good for nothing, and connoted to gull the unwary ; touch them not. Their inventors never thought of coring such diseases till this article had ilone it. A partidar study of the pamphlet is bolceiled. Agents and all I the article ate glad to circu late gratutiouslv. Put up in 30 oz, bottles, at $2 ; 12 oz. do at $1 earth—the larger holding 6 .oz. more than two small Ironies. Lookout cord not gel imposed upon. Every bottle has "Vaugn'a Vegetable Lithontriptie Mixture," blown wain the glass, the written signature of" G. C..,Vaughn on the directionaand "U. C. Vaugh- Huffate," stamped on the cork. None other are ge nuine. Prepared by Dr. 0. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Principal Office. 202 Main stereet, Buffalo, at Wiwi& salOnd retail. No attention given to lately unless post-paid--orders from regularly constituted Agents es. eepted post paid letters; or. verbal coMmunicatione so liciting adsiu, promptly attended to, gratis. Offices devoted , exclusively to the sale of this article -132 Nauru at, New York, city.: 225 Essex at., Balnn Maas. ; and by the principal Druggist throoughout the United Spites and Caned.,, as Agents. lITORRS & CO., Wholesale Agente, Philadelphia. J. D. FORD, Towanda. ' T. D. Spring, Lieerille. C. H. Hernck, Athens. A.Durhain, Tunkbann'k. C. B. Fisher, Wysiusing. E. Dyer, Covington. Redington, Troy. April 12; 1848.—y A SOVEREIGN BALM. NC) - whet mrilicipe . bas ever been. introduced to the Zy public that hay met with itch imparalelled suoress, u Dr. tiormit's Oarcirrat. Sovietism:sr Baer Pius— having been hut six years before the public. end the ad vertising small, yet they have warted their way into every state in the Union and eanadai. They have as become the Standen! Medicine of the day.-- They em purely vegetable, and so admirably compound ed that when taken' in law doses they speedily core acute disease, on the strongest constitutions, such as bit. ions diseases, and when they are taken in email doses they operate like a charm upon the moat delicate, you female, and have raised numbers from their bells after all others respedics hwl failed. We here refer to .but few of the many miraculous cares effected by the use of said Pills. Spinal Affedion.—Anna Wood, of Rutland, Jeff. co. N. Y., was cured, after she bad been confirmed to her bed 5 year., with Spinal disease and Maass of the Limp. The bill of her regular physician, (Dr. Johnson, of Clay) had amounted to $6OO. See circulars. Scrofula and Nervous Ikbility.--Mrs. Downs. of Clay, N. Y., was cured of Dyspepsia. Nervous Debility and Scrofulous affection of the head, after she had been confined six montht, and all other medieinebad failed. ' Cough and Consumption oared Wm. Bendy, of Pickering, C. W., wee cured of a severe cougb'efter be bad been confined to biz bed fora long time. and was given up by his phyviaans. . He bad used moat of the =Cough Medicines of thwdsivind wee supposed, by his friends and physicians/A° be in the lea assism. " Dyeicpsisio-441. T. Ormsby, of Syracuse, N. Y., was cured of...dyspepsia so severe repot so be able to wink feeyofeyeant. - • . - ,- Wm. liksidle Gkesowleb, Conn., was clued of &se rration of Dyspepsia, Costiveness sedNerveue Debi. lily of. two yews standing, "after expending large sums 1 of mime" to no purpose. See Circtilsre, Severe nixie olfiles.--John Beltasi,el Barwick, 01 , 0 1 sego CcN.y.. w cured - of a severe care of Piles and', lis :,,,,kma. , e,, . _of lone Mediiiiihilabwition. V be& I would not sii.rfice a taw-shillings to be retievedlivot Ito dbeetssinira - motopleaS i sr. -i , r • .-Threfserware ail- eases GI at e , f.:" , edit's. idled mews ore* relief.- . lit ." . area ter might be published ifwe riiii4lNsparticalin , wwliMitnic Institute. which ifaii be bad - ittgente Dews its or Couirritaises4... ' - s Slim iv- «mutation called Deana/ it, filosereimi Beim: tie ewe to see felony , * buy that the womemfoer. E. Smile & Co:" Mod the foie of the tome None others can be genuine... We not mare tint anywati-arbh is making e opuriounatficle has yet dared so make use of,. our name; dint soma of , them have bad tbs impeding, to in our boxes and-copy our circulars, emificstes, dee. Unless the public are careful wben,tfiCirliacchase,, airy will be itereiVitt. ' The gerratittecnifs iiii he batilihriletafita retail of Di.:T. L:11011141:& ta.,'Eticlid: N;Y:" .' '' 'sod In •j 4 .2wantta; by I. turoßD, iiiitctrAilvEn turvrtrirr ER ; Gen. A. PerEini; A thirii: 'Lfitian - David; tlitittrifieldi A. d< H. .11. Kaiterifirtlition ; 1,47,..:Te11tii: Qiilwillif,, %Ave! Soda; FlSiiilfol A. Burroughs,Mimmeenn 1-George Nichols. teem; H. Z. Privbi f , Orwell; J. E. Bullock, LeßsYs'iine• 46-6 m • i N uo jib FKig,TZEJ, ,11 O MOB 4- d g le • art usnl L vcalsonavißus—lW - jeer. aJW-by'DRAUNRRI.44:srt9Iet West. loramtimd 6tR shtiwi ti etanailtlerms of secret distort% dimmpes•lllm shineisthiMstimy *Aim of youth, is DR. }CfNiffUlt.'N.lVAtim . snd Union 00 i l t w e INNMMr0T i P3- l iVMP"serm.olS l * Istssiseablia4ta‘ - , . VlE,,X'Alitclll:Xl*.ote* „ • ict(Thik icy b'cleatir if - akr.,c0 4 77 4 ,: 1 1 -, 4 4-1 .0 1116 0.11 °Vt,truNi - n - 0 1 ! rvoil..*Pen,leep t aqii t tteetni* bolt mind e Alia Di, "mad 4Mtirtr )1 - tar fulr .9rif'twnal• ' I!" c 44 . "1" 01.016/.lt - .4 1 0 1 4 11, -Rnits - - - • • • • If °4l4l qtr iv* cametnhei. the f M ti emu a writ,' May iim;e,your:iu . 1 4 2 „ in, math of body and mind. Hence tel no false m rl deaty „deter you from makitiii.nOten your " Cabe to one_ Who, fr o m education and respeckiabiliti. tin ilone heiriendyOu. He who placer hirarelfiinder DR. KlNKELMtreat merit, may religiously - initliate his - honor as a:gentle tifitWe bawmzsryU htirenter Ached the tie. 'cleiMftlimpatioutt = -r-vi r. Too many think they will hug the secret to their owe . unt:3hethsePrett. lAtits rAle, hfteitat this a fatal delmion, anObow many a promisin g young men. who might haVefie' eh an ornament to 'society, has faded from the earth. . COUNTRY finding It inconvenient in :stale persiMal'appltition, can, by ',tiding their case tog then wiib all ,their symptoms, (per „letter. post.paidi have r o Vvv ar d e d to them a chest containing Dr. Ws medicines appropria ted accordingly..- . . hangers of :Valk:lnes forwarded it an* part of the U. S. at • moment's notice. (y 29 ca• Pore rain i.rp-rens, addressed to DR. RINKE LIN, will he promptly ittendeti Bee savertioement in the Hplnt of the Tines; !iv PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY. No. 0, Pear street, near flit ExtJonge, Philadelphia. rrti Sat:scriber haring made great intproirments 1 in his Method of deding.type sad miring of me tab., and had a thoicualt reiiaion or his matrices, the facet of arbicim are not excelled, ie beauty and regu larly of cut by any, iu the country llatte-s himselfthst by • strict personal attention to butinesa, and,emPictr ing none but the most skilful 'workmen, he is enabled to os r s supemr ankle, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. He is constantly adding to his stock at( that is new from the best workmen of this and other emndries, and having lately procured from Eti►epe a' great variety of NE W FACES and ORNAMENTS, solicits the atten tion of Printers thereto; Specimens wilt be sent to those wishing to order. Presses, chases, Cases, Ink, Stands. Galleys, Brass Rule, and every other articte needed to Furnish a com plete Printing Office, *applied at the shortest notice. GERMAN BOOK AND-. 108 TYPE, of the newest style. and of alleluia"- carefully put up in founts of coned proportions. EleelaStne A I.EX.k IST DER ROBB. AGENTS WANTED TO CANVASS FOR BONE NEW AND POP ULAR works, in every County throughout the altedStitee .'ReitienFcthe racistlitteratrincorAge merit iii4,401--atitti-Wviipitict'of +rig ftS to 8 t 00. thence is coaled icoh;trtran *Rent ran ni a ito from tlO to $25 per "week. Foi further particulars, address, (postpaid) W St. A. LEARY. • row Ka. 158 North Second Street, Philadelphis. MEM L.IIIIIII.4IWOMMEZM 3 WITH THE I. al FIRM. OMKINS dc MAKINSON would inform those T interestedotbat we have coueluded•to close up the business of thii firm. We find cur Capital is not In our hands, but distributed over Bradford and Tiogs coon• ties, and we have employed an Agent to call upon our customers. so as to give diem au orportunity to take up their notes; or either of the old firm will receive me nays antrgive a receipt to apply. We, hope and trus we shall not be obliged to place a large number of our customer's notes in the hands of magistrates. Neces sity, however, Compels us to make collections. Tb.we of our customers in and abut Towanda, that have un settled matters cn book, will be good enough to call and have them closed up. The business hereafter will be continued under the firm of JAB. ktAKIItiISON& Co. Towands,-June 1848. •, • • t NEW ESTaBLIS'ILIII:NT n.ft. k efot :341_ _ll rPlusSed., in add Wont° the usual assortment lit e s onntey shops, We will keep on hand and make to order - SOFAS, of various' nd moat improved patterns ; Sofa -Rocking Chain, upholstered in' superior style, and for ease and duiability cannot be surpassed even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma hogany Chair. besutifelly upholstered. with tented heir, which never loses .its elasticity, and finished with the best hair seating. We Batter ourephres that having had much experience in the business, we shall be able to satisfy all who may-feel disposed to call, both as to quality and price, and by strict attention to business hope to moil and receive the patronage of a liberal coo roanity. L M, NYE & CO. Towanda. September 1, 1847. C4BILMET IoUrc.IIrITIIICE MAY BE HAD at our shop much lower than it bus ever been sold in Towanda. Goode are cheap, and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we can afford ill for to do it. All kinds of produce will be reeitivef in payment. Also, LUMBER of aft kinds. Sept. t. ,L. M. NYE 4 CO. lIICIC.IIIEr'IEr9OCISTSPIir TrILL he kept on hand a large assortmcnt, and Made to order on shorter notice and for leg, mo ney than can be pretluced at any other establishment in the land. Thom who are under the necessity of pro curing that *Aide will and alien be sstisfiZl. X good bear:wand pall may be had ieettentlance w ea desired. t3epteinher,l, itit47 L.„lita pixs, kco. BOOTS AND"StIOES. I What are yea about here ! Aral ye! Tee, Pala° rrIifOI:BANDS of Owes the question has burn asked, X Where on earth are ail the Boots sad Shoes um nufsetured that sappy the continual rush at the corner of Nab, end Bridge strews t O'Hara answers that this. is the place, end these are the things we do it with _ Sae:Ay-eleven netefirshimu . _ Part on 116 t &cam 11 fir ye %el' 'Fie! wad Ittitnitan that Matra, A tha corner of 114siw aisd.Bridg spinets, will sell at retail this season. 39,7111 . pairs of Boots Shoes and Brogans, eta less ptice thatineeseris or prphably ervetNeartit of- The Lidleit bepionrwmt ibti eshibliehart is richly furnished Wittiqidditorte. 'oBl ,l 4lololWr. ind etilldrea , :itaiaq yid ioet3' kiairrooti and •oft , itiff to ttikeitreinftfof deli - te e d . Wee I•tilinelif trilgestriiits,ithe tyi half trade for Butter. • 'IL IYHARfi. • TowiinACJlMe 1 . 4 .084?..a A r:V' „Nes:l4ol2g. Eslablishitett, frt. N0.1.t. Bride Row, aver the .slots, of E. T. Fox; - third atom er” lIIVIEMV a Ise • jtiflSMlZl•Ltinrojthipthetititentrpf Toren., F deo IP4 peNic grkerallph4: 6l ; bee — iiiniked• fi ti`s. "4.lrrie niqr ti e l g t o ip o k story, pliers lolie , ltiWmie • Want 9f Teflon*, to give Mark ,tall. liaringiaren employed in the-most fashion:o4e catab. &home in-ilitiledelptdemadeleemhere; areirlsgin; de. ,awniiraidlterriparcntkpainctie plesee i rmiunpers imay itepend t oo bevinictbelawalkderatfraeptly, and In goottiqllte as van betuid at antatnrutkunen. All" (Itptutting 'arnte'ehimeam3 4 kitiaied?''' T 7 Country Produce taken in payment for work. =I FIEI N. NYE & CO., would Tea ly inform the citizetts of Tow and the public generally, that have on band & manufacture der all kinds of CABINET :NIT-URE, of the beat ante nna workmanship that cannot _ . U -rotou • lIEMORAIRWAS 44AR , • Bil4 I AN' tltsixit''k`irfi"sii'ktttti tr l at inttre 80111 W Ceve rt By Dr: illllo4coiltre llittoary.! eiwtelei ilia isiputrihitoU2 • t °• f`" *On*. 4 4' 4o,",‘'cAlik;ii,eiiiii . ni'Vraa Seitilnilftiernitriegerakt, $ll `Ctillid 11 al' .* Widatflitiertd-fhirbiabihein the iaart,'farythg nlii a)ettadifotteleinii . of4lffbe* - se4via. bons to the mesVe r icfelistfai ireffetirree-lrihesif are wramati4lhargeest Attw.anflalawallo • costa -ilk'''. tines tbninner swat efetbs-ipenel ierottiadaestieyery evassitatico: fanning- whittit mailed Psoispataant tilling dew beweire,„,this is-the effect Ofdloog eatitiowniq irri -tationlinuikoterofthat orgintx , in wool ilidaneeg the patinas espeelinceiasersous paints, which , see and known wady to,the sufferer, which tom nseuee-ii • either so eiesenaliorn and -,tontinue from tkity iniontesuseareraUxiors; these' sensations STD eery anarenag mod oseastiosas vser"distreesing.-- I Ws abeam*, when of !nag ountinassoce,,is-onendal by 'pa% sear weakiwarin the back, irritation of the kid neys and hiadde!, and other organalp, the vicinity,pain and numbness In the legs initfeeo oViatraft , `nen about the gbesl, end unosnaral fullness of th ala. - dominol viscera, aftontpasiedswille palpitatin g. the Wean endoppreseien, individnals sonaminsesexiatitienee, pawkily* tole *heir of the Piles, symptens t'denceirig great derangenientiolifie lima:dation a there is hi', sense of weight and Tiressere in the abdomen: With yipeteliar feeling of uteaseiness in the *To.. enftelOßlttiOn of Pe nnenu, aftended with pith ii the back anal liains, sea, and slight pains in theirternich;pile itiwitengnee, confneeJ sensation, in the head, weariness, *ill infie lds! snit dasiontebted kitiof Arid a 'epee of felines* and clipiniadoti is the 'region of theitithaiat.— The.eiteulation on the annfisee is %Me, and e theentient of blood determined inward and dOwnwaids. •rcao ALL 07 Tall •NOVIIE DI, &&& % AND CONPLAINTIA, Dr. Ilpbant's Vegetable illeetairg. Ctu:es Effectuagy and therrfpre riTepttril_w_ atArk Ho Duni. December d 14846; Gasrs..-1 have used Dr., Uptpures Vevrtible, File Electusry which I purchased of you. andlisid operof 4he beet medicines in use for the piles, sod elect for all billious affections, arising from an impure elate of the system. Yours, &c. E. A. Coat, Marble peeler. UXrTID STATIS M U 3,1 Orr**, 't • - - kiew Pee._ %t o o .1 UZ I .. ESllll‘. ATT & Kr T-I.:FM den , tandingthstitt, are the general gems for the sale of De Uphaiiii Viagetilfis'EltictiM6; fai the. cure. of Piles, Ltiare deemed it my duty to vollinteer ?vitro mendition in behalf Or that invelnable medicine. have been afflicted for many yiati with piles, anil have tried various remedies bat with no beneficial •efrects-1 began to consider my ease utterly boprieeez But about the first of September luta was prevailed upon by • friend to tusks a trial of the above named medicine. I took hot advice and rejoice that I am not only) relieved, but. as I believe. perfectly cured. I moat earnestly recommend it,tooll who may have the misf.ntune lobe afflicted with that annoying and dangerous diartme. Very reepectfully, your ob't sea Mint. ELY mboRE. REMARKAHLE.CTuRE OF pu,Es!,l THIR CY YEARS MTANDING If MOUNT WAsuivarow. • petkahireito. (Nasal) Nov. 29, I-947. Missies. Wrier & KAT(' RAN—Gents : for thirty yr;ars I have been afflicted with piles, general debility and intlanaatinn t •Jlattning"tottnes; prolapous of the bowels, and whit! bud , slf-4he medical treat ment Chapman ansipthiera could give. The last three yearn of that time my faltering/I defy description. I was canned to bed, help myself, and at last given on by my phisicinns and friends in despair of ev er gainina my health ; in fact f.. 4 three dais below( was entirely speechless and my burial clothes were made. But under Providence, will the use cf Dr. lip ham's Electuary, though in cite was T have thl.pleas ure of stating the rave to the public that my health is now good, and hope to live many years, if lit is Clod's will, to make known the virtues of Dr. Uphitm's Elect limy, and to recommend it to my afflicted fellow crea tures. It helped me beyond the expectations tif_all that knew my case, and I only say to others that it is, in my opinion, the best medicine in the world for Piles, or spy other disease of the bowels: and if they; will use it ac cording to the directions, 1 will myself warrlant " a cure in every ease. Yours, with the utmost expression of thankfulloess. CORNELIV.i SPUR. EORAMONT. Deck. Co., (Maas.) No..119;184 . 1. The above certificate tells a simple and truthful sto ry of s.uffering and relief. of which, as pliysician and witness in the case, I cheerfully endorse.• DR. CHIAPMAN. NOTICE. —The genuine Ephoni's Elertuary has his written rigature, thustY A. Upham; M. D.)— the hand is slaw done with a pen. Priettsl a bin. ay Sold whole aa•le and retail, by :IVirATT KETCH AM. 121. !Falb* at.. N. Y.. and iby, Driggisti generally throughout the U. 8. and Canada& JOHN B. FORD, Agent for Towanda, Pa. 45y LOOK OUT FOR PAIN KILLER Spurious articles afloat 1 , MR. J. ANDREWS, in justice to your valuable PAIN KILLER, and for the Irene Fit of the pub. lie, we hereby certify that we have used your Pain Kil ler in our Families for yens, for many df the disease} for which it is recommended, and we debut 'it the best Family Restorative in use, and would reektrementfevery family to keep a supply on hand, in case of 'ridden ill ness or accident. I, Rev. Aaron Jackson, partor,first Baptist c hurch, Ithaca. " William Cormac, Peach Orchard, Tompkins Co. Rachel Willson, James Clark', Ann Dudley, Philip Case,, , W Vesting!, Ann Teter,- • A Baker, A Dower, , John Doolittle. ' Cairns,: ' ' John lii Omen. Ithaca. N. t Y.. 184 P. Never purchase the Pain Killer without the written signature of J. Andrews. pn the label of each bottle, in black ink. Sold by ONAMITFRI.IN Ar PORTER, and JOHN B. FORD. only. agents for Towanda. For further Particulars ape adveniseuieut , in another column. • 47-4 - _ PAIN KILLER. Death to Ann; edit(' to the sick ; health to the teak A balm es found for the , whole /moan race 'in ANDREWS. K,ILLER. I THIS is an entirety Vegetable emnpound, composed -L. of twemty.ive different ingredients,shd lie an inier nal and external remedy. Put op in bottles, varying in price from 26 to 75 cents, each. Poi !further particu lar*. fee pat9tileti, ref be 'bad of evetytrgriitis, con taining a brief history — of the origin and .:irery ofthe 'Pain Killer, Certificates of cures. dbectioniw,lke. Catrnee.--Eacb *tie hos the wri4en signature o the pr oprietor , J. Annarire. theia and without it hone ltawatei of VtalprOlars iellinefmm bowie to - hottire, represen t ' g to' be the genuine Pleb Killer. koldimly by the TOffewing molar' sOitairited agent in this count =• Jam B. Pord,'Powanda: I Merger A. Peikins, Athena ; ' Charnherlin'il Pollee. di:li', J. J. Watford, Vonriteton E F dxF T. Ballard. Tra y 4 C. E. Ratliberri@VCsidon. *W &Dr CorntlM 1-iPerlrell friee4llttlington. - 41 Soil in all the principal towns= the trusted States; !Canada anti ?image j • - Wholesale 'gents in the pity at N. Talk and ski: pity: Hayrlock. Cruller do Co.. p 8 Pearl-at. ; Wyatt A ft, Ketchugh t. 21, Fultou-st., .:triter* addreated to the; proprietor. gat, W Sclauyler,.post paid, will inrct with prompt gteption.. • :ay TWO - NEW BUGGIES FOR SALE. VOABALE,, BUbGIES. n eamplenti,rder •-•fehrunning, They.pre finifhed i a sureri.iman ger.,no4lr.9f andseatrunpjal Insterisis„ . *4rallt he. .4414,44 veil berg,in. fur Cass only. They givisr, seen at Esermines the knee Ptili,fi he t Arn' t May 24. tg48..„.. J. A: :411",‘IWIt. tFirsfiOßM IVINNETNitier low if ally doubts it. let them step into PORT, and to thelset: a %moil Atimitirkil4tflorPMe,b,pitt. ne*, 10d fashiohat.te rjbilms t Ppe r • .4 1r , 0 rio.; 2 BAWL 164 stis2V DE EM WAGON, Tnt atria thirNpw Hard ware store. jyt6 P. LORD. 'DR. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLAS' Wunder drolfbkrefor*lke^Agrr • I IitNOST EXTRA° fl DIKAIfitsII4EDICINE" le ihi 1.11. 'Mort, Thil'Ettriet is-pot op inAtinitt Robles Ii ii iix time* chefteer, "Okamoto; and wirertnled•supe. riot to enY bold: 'lt Cisme withestvromitinViturgillg, ' sickening or debililathittlieletioret. • - :'• • The great bimuty addeilpditeeity et4h4.llantspirills rever'ill other medicines is, that while it ersdiesitee the - rhifeese, it invigorates the the very'biall SUING AND SUMMER MEDICINE:BI" , Ever k ill it net only' porillerthe whole systent,-and strengthenetbeptcrionl•-bittk mama* netv'puee and 'rids blood ; s power possessed be ntrbther mmikine. k 4 kiftli in this lies the grand secretmf its. wonderful sue , ems. :TAM pedbittsiblll4thimthirlint - ive yesni; Mare' thin 100,000 Cures of ievertiesies4 disease rat "least 15,000 Mere eneibletedvintrumble. it 'has skied the lives of more than 5,000 children duringtlle ism 'past • seasons. 104)00 cases of General Debdifyandltrant etErterty. i Dr. Townsend's sarsaparilla iovigorsies the -*hide system permanently, To those who hassles! -their . qiuscuter energy I,olllterketri ormedleine- eritxtisere. comnlitted youth; sr dieticessiie indulgence of the passjone, - and - braille ht pgysicitittresria• Lion of the nervous system, lassitude; want ertmebition, beitsatieiOrnattire . deratreed deeliite, haste. ing towards that fatal disesse:Mnsejpption; con beeti. tirely restored by thispleemetremetl. •IVhiallersipar. ills islet seperior 1.1 any ; 11;vigoraliej fordia4 as, it trireme ind htvigoratis-the sysea,rgives ii.tivity.tadhe 'limbs, and strength to thatouseulat system, In a stiost isztraonlinery derem • • • I ' CONSILJA rrioN , CURED; • ieanseid §iten3 f re r f oiviier. o a ghlit*A p big s in the Chest, /lactic Moliki".„l4l , l4ht ,gwests, Difficult or Profwe Expectoration, Pam m the side, die., havd been and can be•cored,. • ' • SPITTING BLOOD. , . • •• View York, April 28, 1847. Da. Towesseer-1 verily believe yourkieniaparial -klesicelt* IRO" 011igNiht,flt‘iti5PW• 44•"*., 8414, life. 'I have for several Jeers had a had t ough. II becalne worse and worse. At last I rimed large quantil ties of blood, had sight sweats, and was greatly debilita/ ted aid reduces). and did not Ixpect to lire. I hasii. m i fy .us ed trine; and b a s , wonilerfutehange"bereresiimght in etas niitiove to walk all over„ he city. L.raiae no blood, and m)( ccelfithlmt left fne. , You coo well imagine that. / l'thattiful fur ttieseiestiftin- Your obedient servant, • • WM. RUBBE-I.L, 65 Cathierine-st. i Rli . U NPATIS34. • This is only one, of mote than fwr thousand rises off Rho umatisni that Dr. Townsend's 'Sarsaparilla he'. don e'. The most revere and chronic cases are weekly erfr 'Offered by ins extraordinary virtues. James Cummmirs, Esq ; one of the assistants in the Lunatic Asylum, Blarkwell's Island, is the gentlemen spoked of in the lollorinkletter : Black ell's Island, Sep. 14. 1847. 1 Dr. Townsend—Dear ....lir: I have suffered terribly for nine years. with the Rheumatism; considerable of, th time I could not eat sleep or walk. I had the turner t distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swolle I have used•four bottles of yoM.Barsaparilla, and th have done-me more than one thousand dollars worth ic g ood. lam so much better—indeed, lam entirely r Hewed. You ate at liberty -to use this fir the benefit the afflicted. ,Yours, respectfully, ' JAM ES CUM MINGS. CANKER um - THE mouTa. • Below is an account of another child saved . . D Townsend's Saruaparilla has saved the lives of - thoti. sands of children. the . following two certificates -s seleted from a great number received this week. ' Neer York, April 1,'1847. Dr. Townsend : Dear Sir—One of my children vi s very sick with a Canker in the Mouth and Throat a • tended with great debility. hewn° near dyieg. L, tamed someof - your eveellent medieine r " end it -cure ii ditocaY. log• - • 7 , 4 10 I allure lOU / veg,g,tateftd. • respectfully, - E I LIZADETIi FOWLER, 27 Desbrossea-e - 11'1'8 ! FITS ! FITS ! Dr. Townsend, not hosing tested his Sarsaparilla„ it cases of Fits, of course never recommended it, and - • a a surprised to receive the following from an intelligent respectable Farmer in Westchester County : , F 041411114 August: 13.184 ' Dr Townsend ` —Dent have a little girl e years of age, who has been several years Offlieted, it Fits ; we tried almost everything for her; bat emcees ; at last slthoagti-we botild-find no retom • tines in out circular for cowl like hem we thought, was in very delicate health, we would give her so • • your Sarsaparilla, and are very glad we did for *tint only restored her strength, but she has had no Wu the Fits, to Mir great pleasure cud surprise. She i fa becoming rugged and hearty, for which we feel gm fu Yours, respectfully, JOHN BUTLER FEM..% LE MEDICINE.. • Townsend's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign. andl dy cure for Incipient Consumption, Barrennem,P I al pas Uteri, or Falling of the;;Mrotuli, Costiv en es s , 7 l s Leucorrbsee, or Whites; obstructed or difficult Me' to anon. Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary d . thereof, and for the general prostration of the syst no matter whether the result of inherent cause. pr. u ed by irregularity, dines.' or accident. Nothing . I more.surptising than its invigorating effects on 1. , • ht man home. Persons all-weakness and lassitude rob 1.6 , . taking it, at once become robust and full of cues - every other purgative.) Biewcri., they ilrike at the m' ',.v . .2 der its infinence. It immediately contracts the .o- of Disegoe, nemovkall impure humors from the blco. 45 . " lassoes' of the female triune, which is the great ea •• e of „o • pens the pores -exterually and internally, promote ta 1 Barrenness. It will not he expeeted o f ua , in eas e ;I a ., 1 Insensible Perspiration.- obviate fistolettry, Hestia. ,S delicate a nature, to exhibit certificatersof.cures pe cm- &c..—separate all foreign and obnoxious particles fr .co ed but we can stoma the afflicted, that hundreds.o sees chyle, so that 'hal:tined; of -which it is ill" , , aigin,..t"...... have been reported to us . Thousandi of clime • here he thoroughly pote--4ecure a free and healthy actions - .4 fathiliestsve been without children, after using r few . the Mean. Lungs and Liver, and thereby restore bell: bottles of this invaluable medicine, have been dewed e ven whe n all 0 4* mea n s A are Ai/ ca t A With fine, healthy offspring. 0 .; • .Z -- A.I letters of inquiry pr for advice most be se .1 TO MOTHERS 'A ND MARRIED LA 11ES. d'eadea-(Post paid) to Dr. C. V. CIA CE EN ER, Nob -Q 7 This Extract of Sarseparil'a has been expressl., pre. Vv. - ray -et.. New York, or,his authorized agents throve' 'l4 pared in reference to female complahata. No male out the Counte . Y. in Towanda, by who has reason to suppose abe is approaching th. - crit. CHAMBERLIN & PORTER. No. I, Brick Res 1 .. . ieal . period." The turn,of life ," should ~ take N. R. Remember, Dr. C.V. Clickener is the tureen, .. , - 3 . .., it, as it isa certain preventive for any of the nu .'• roes' • ofAogar . Coateil , Puiii. altd that nothing of the "" 7.7 anti horrible disease, to which females ere sehjec t this eZeir be of. until he intro.ineed them in June . lib' '',..::., time of life. This period limy be delayed far .'•ceraP . C.9l.oetrers - should therefore ask for Clickener's Saxe itiears by using this niedieine . Nor is ; it IVIPS ' able Coated ' Pills, and take no other, or they will be I ma. . .r 1 'e•thosa ibo•are:a roachies vromaritiotal, as h ital... .oiik,Y.icti".." of. fraud."` ' • ' • - • 61 co atria hi aura nature by quillening. ' the' lh .. 1 ' 'end . • ,--,.,'' , -r invigorating tae syttletn - L'lridee, 4 ), tbit ; medicine in. 'Corning; -Elmira; aid Buttaki,,liiit Al yalushlti . fot'ilrOted'ikeate aiseitee t o which .• men ••• ri ~-,- :• - are stibject, . • ~ i i'''' . I r 4 • .9 0f" '. Y-1,;,•••' '‘.... It laraCiesibe whige violent:Yellers yeentaigen. • the' 'r... .. •:,1 er- -:,.., natural tomtits, by' removing tbettnitien,Ob • • and a ~..,"; C: - )., - ~ ' -, F.:: not so natural_ gltis ,IO Prodli • bserilnin In - " , iii-:.'N . aiiiie. Which is the case of moat eagrA;i" peafteklit ija re- '.ii.. ..A.Vrtilinessli l iciirsiaie,: By:o4ingt few„ , i l l : qf ; , • •.- au ELMIRA for Bk..e.',Ffaksks..averr week data 'i;' l . - 7 iht. Aof e l l 'irb, y i ifv . ieve 0 and proAck: i 7._ ::.,.:, r at' the sesenth' -in the.followitscult.httl.,s, ,. -' , ~,r ' tiogiirnatiltepventi.l. - - ' - ' ' . ,'I ocav , r(kirnialtekeri , 41f1 , 143 . 4ge0ay5..4 10: o'clock . A. Ili t -' 4 optgliN or rirttretircs, : --, , - k ,. eitie-alradt.Wz.T il.. Wednesdays, at 2 o'clock.P. ll ,ii .IDs. Toretteen . &Ara n 2 , 4a 3.. retell:tog ,or e men . ', lO - 11 iliaHnEir C..; ••• l' h urs r y .I:Nye., , r '''Phy.leiailo in ' ilifferentlirate: of the [lnlet. ` C-.. ''-' i t 'Va. tilko.4l fiottioca Lake .o. Friday, touchmz at B''.. ..6 . 116 is to certify, wie.theOr4ersiint4l. Ph': "-eti.firrt*reami Starkey. 1.0. ti, Dresden, passing Genes+ W" ~: terlit.. end ril l ertt;el Fafis, on '. to t l.iy, .4 the city .4 Albany: hi in numerous eases ' p senb-. fir- ,i-.. ed Dr. Turvtisrpir s ,ttrit.pari!ia, and believe it i4' .•itne L.:Ave Bu ff alo ) r. 4 mini,i .Tha 006,6e:every satmie:. , 006. most Yslualile,prepar.iti,m;inthe"itierko'. ' ''. - '': . Ilifsmiiiir.: - Rochester every Mendavanomil4q , ..... •,... i , Ili.„, P.' l i cti, - 4, M D. .. , - •mityr C011N1Nn,...-....0 A re. ik. M. f A rt5"... , 1;..- . . . _1 ~ .1. V("It.::iolii; Al `,. D . ' ',. lit'VNT ELM llt\. - t;sre..H. W..To°"'" ° ' '''l • 'R. B. D. ;*- '. 13 1 .1 \T It ttrr AL 11: '4•.a: ; C A 11 . .. EH. CAl' s ' ..7.. .. . 71 ' .. . . Albany, A p 1419 t.- , 1 P. E. Ea.% sine ne. 'A D. " . For Frelein or. PaiMlttr. sPrdY lo 111. CaPtio°“ l, , '-- ,;..- - ~. _ i- CrWTION .. : - 1,0,4 ; en . en tyke' fu lowing - A emits i. . .. .. , .-. , . . • W. 'M. Mallory, C .1111111 f! . 1 Pricy & Holly, Gene". ':-.'. Paring An the glient • ateress and immense enl, of Dr. SB. String ,''Co. Elmini.lHavings & Field. do. 1 . Tow...Eisend s.Serrarilla. a . norAwr at men 4 : . were d.Wintermnit, Home Heirdoll. iiiller. Seneca Fell!. . 4 . - f.proerlyptir Agrii i. .disv . e tiommenced making reaper- , r , 8. n in i n. ; A • t rn ,, , ,, inna I t , • 13 ,.,„„ d0 -m on i n utris illa.txtrarts, pi rp,. Dikter"; Extracts of Yelloi Dock. I...O.Towncen:l fir g Stre . sro H. L. Fish; Roche"ier• ... y, „,,,,, 4 hey generally (nit li up in - the same Shit . hot- Woor - worith . & Post, Lodi. riles & Wheeler. 13 :o" . :1,41 Ales, rind write of 1:1;d1 ( lade istoleri Idol c ' I d . opte ur II , Gi i, , 4E , s weet w steirkto . - Ar il 12, 18$ ...c.Fis. vertiwroninle...tha-aare only. worthlose imitati .Ps and 4 ' • ' ” • r - ..74 I.sheuld.he mrnided.... , . B9°" ..i. .SHOES.--ferdiee light, t otem.' sed,b, / ,24iiiciest OCfire,- 11.26 fulton stmet.Sen Bo LI ing,N . gaiters, silk arid walking shoes, genes cow 4r. , ..„„ W, • i. 11(~4EIRY, JR:, T0vrand3, 11 ....:41y gen' V.p t .911,?4` e- , 7 boots and xhoe.4, •ind - children. ''' .Tic` ~., li • • v v. TiErrs ~....* t.... , -.... foli Bradt,' .T county. - ly Wth - giriWat i e ''..'entral afore a'-'NI rag amptotrbetrisist ibientgee inky Oki ilteart-erusitingbfiglieneer die Mr pleperb t fettinyetieliseffe *nigh and fstilbleliaste Uhl eP tairanlotipi4tatienstee&nrit'dlesPaii...—Th ea ; tutint which S.illbeal tbewirminded thugs, bit SIIERMA NIS ALLI4I RA LUNG • BALSAM 6.l(tifere, the wife . ofillrenAll. ilittre4ll4, *No dP WailaiwltirtirWohiermit, WAIN ma N i Mien of Philadelphia, Hrs. Roe and, 'Mop 4 , eitri klHeiririends" 41 • thooibtiiikoaseit die. ad every sipeanutee of behiglattionseignign, sok % prononneed-byibit , W ow as given sad Weikel her. - Mrs. GarrakoranwAtiliiiralaraj, wairalmi mad sulaption 'hythitillihonswbeir air her Imeta i lied to givere liti . C. Castle, Doniseast Brapdar,' has 'timers! i • affects in gig vent caves ethere:turniseheinst" salrelief—but the glibilm• operated Rhombus'. ''''itlin-eritnesiiSd its sionderfaterectsia airing At , a , which it never fails of doing. tapittirgt . Rhi talletteii It iiisrbobriffeensally. leered by- tkie -114. m. It heals the ruptured. or . rwitatided• - blied::7eassu, nd makes the 'hinge emit again. , • • - Rev. Henry Jones, InEtilighth avenue, wasemsi, sed - eatanbatsfientions4 l s•Yearnstmmang. Tl a rat dot agave him more relief than all the other tail. .ine be bad ever taken, ro; • lha ami reet, gave it to a siaterittF4w`lirlie MOB labor* ' t w o naumption. and to enotheeitoeiely ametal wi t h l i g (lima. In both eases inseesetalrereinneedists,s aa , ring them to ecinforteble health: Mrs. Lucretia Wells: 6S Christie 'at., 'armed f aa Asthma 42 yeenv"Sharalaresealloats Klima l st -Mtrisilindiberieenstenstiell, being enshliii to subdue every attack-by stlinety die of this index Tbfin4eed ia, the *net? Peon* for Coughs,-041, -Spitthig tdoikteLiereterntpfsints and.dh affectiumertit throat, and even Asthma:and Cdnitemption. Price 25 cents 'and 411' etiolate-. • Rohl in Towanda, cnA MI:WM.IN &PORTER, No, I, Itriek Taa „ . j Let sits Wgirkap raise It! - iIIOVSEY..4;;NIY,E,ROALt. 0 TMENT: Aow pleteremedy fox Dims. Ms, Cuts. filwelfitp Jui ! kett, Spreirts. Salt Rt 101132. Z.. Fever Boas, ea u 1 ipe, Chopped .Miurde, Cltiliblaitis. Mold Held, kW u .Ikintle 01,4tilerned AIM* , - Persons in all coodifiaus of life, are at timoiliablso ;be afilictenk,with.the above complaints. It is tbersfon -the duty of itradi of families., to provide and keep os :band, ready for any emergency. a REMEDY that's ,capable of ‘ reanuving, the suffering attendant ow lisw. ;vet, troublesome, companions. - Those who boo MC i .TO tI.SE Y . S. iiAIrERS,AL, 'OINTMENT, . need not be told that.. it its a complete reMedy, a maw of pen. end-the moat speedy remover of wfianwastiss ever discovered. The experience of sock persons Sunk ficient to prompt theta to keep it always on has& how ing that many valuable lirew.bave been saved, by di Nog:en/ Couquecur of inliamed•and other sono, bins, scal.ts, &c. - It instantly stops all pain of the senate bind. sod proveuts scars. No family airfoil be without it, as au immediate application of caws of berms -.ralits,.woohl do more good while waiting for rheas:se than he could do when arrived, besides preventing kg hours of the utmost suffering Which might pass Wont physician could be obtained. It posiesses control over the severest injuries by in.' ov e r mortification, over inflammation, and . by na ens 1 . ,... 3 biped virtues it _acts as anli-septic, =reins, seitives medic. anodyne, Emollient and luts*tg, waifs the UM - fi -complete g..gteinal rentetly,iwuse. . 5Z Thousands have tried, and thousands praise it. hi, .1 working its way into public favor.with a rapidity ss known in the biltory of medicines. 411 who use ihts'Al s ees n ineasll4 Again we say. no family should bead. :3?„ out it. The agents furnish the public gratis, withbob i::1 describing this ointment, ~ - ta - Each box of the„ger. Juime Tonsar's Estrum *4 OINTMeNT has the signature of &Toomey written a ;"..'74 the outside label in black ink. Never purchase sin ::; 7 6 , unless this signature Can fieseen. Price 25. awn pa' box or five boxes for $l, Prepared by Ettrarr &Ter- 1 say,.Syrecuels, ri, y. Sold in New York. at 106 lio '1 , ..14 sau street, - ink in Towanda,' by CHAMBERLIS t A PORTER, No. I. Brick Row. 57. • Cllckner's Vegetable Purgative MK • • ARE the first and oniy medicine ever discovered** will positively Cure Headache, Giddiness, Pilo Dyspepsia, Scurvy. Stitalipox, , Jaundice, Pains is de Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Beata ring in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Fever, of all Idea l Female Ccmplainis, Measles,Salt Rheum, Heart Brio as Worms. Cholera, Morbus,looghs, Quinsy,Whootal cough, Consumption, Fits, Liver Coniplaint,Frysitele Deafness, Itchingief the Skin, Colds, Nerveui cow 2 plaints, and a variety of other Diseases arising hernia en purities indigestion.. • F. It has been proved that nearly every disease to the human frame is subject, orig inates from impuitio lest of the Blood or Derangement's oflbe Digestive Organ be and to secure Health, we must lemoie those obstructim or restore-the blood ' to its natural state: This Ext of tot universally known _ , hot people . have such an ;m Atiil of to medicine, that, unless the ease is urgent, they pre • ...VC , the disease to the cure, until an impaired tronstitefla 7 or a fit of,dCkness rebukes them for the folly of their= : r4 icy u ' duct. Still they ha . d some excuse, for herefotore, ol icine in alrnostall its formai was nearly 'as dirge* as it was benelirial t Now, however:The evil is mode 7`?,ii•;; te- fectually removed ; for Clieltinves Vwtable Pargeir tp- Pills, being rompretei'y eneetoped . with A COA T I NII,V es, eras NTntrs Slur; A 11.(whielt ictlistinet Erma the teal k 6 ro. have no taste of medicine, but are ae easily 'walleye- s al rge as bits of candy. Moreover ;hey do not 'nauseates g r ipe in the slightest depot', which is occasioned bra , - 1 " 1 ftiekthat are compounded on scientific., principles, a , :M„ be operate equally on all the diseased parts of the swim iu- instead of confining themselves to, and racking anylt tin iicular region. (which is the great acid-admitted ride