Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 11, 1848, Image 3

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'WILL mai .r dal. «61epMo Cosilite in Saw
11 elms Sas, am ilstaaday, ilia 146 of. Odelier.
and at 11.W.Illaiserac i a. in Towanda. an tima !lido* 19
Mock. A. M. - A. ENNIS, Cogasia.
arajawilsoak Smaasbar 1, MIL _
HEREA% 1 1 / on eel of the kenerahly ef thaws.
VV monneeleb, entitled "an set Malin to die Mee
liana of this Cansonsesbh," it iseethaised open se to
h i ve polslientedln of each as denim to be hell, and al,
re the enumeration ie seek maths. vibes Aiwa ete to
be &vied, I, JOHN P. MEANS, High Sheriff of the
c oonty of Dredged, is hereby sake kiwis and give
notice to the electors of said county, that a Chiseval
Elvcdoo will be bed is said comity, ma 11:7101DAT.
the 70,4 8 y of the oevaistellietticee is said
county, to wit :
In-Albany, at the school. bow woe .Dosiel
/a Asylum, at Jamb Fratcbey'a. -
In Alban boatel. at Er S. bledieweee.
In Athens nonwhite. at Julius Taw's. •
In Armenia.* Juba 8. Borelter'a.
In Burlington, at Adams lirKaaa's
In Canton. at Benjamin Coolbeagre.
la Columbia. at James Illeigaies.
In Durel, atB. 8. Bradley's.
In Franklin. at Was. Drew's.
In Granville, tithe school bow, No. I, at Gesengl
In lieskidt, Albs Wool how sear N.B.Whitessees
In Litchfield, at R. Park's. .
In Leroy, at the school base, in Leroy.
In Monroe, at J. P. Smith's.
In Omen, at the bow formerly occupied by I. H..
In Pike. at E. DeWolf's.
In Home, st L. 8. Maynard's.
In RiA%bony, at 8. Harman's.
in Bbeehequin. et D.Drinh'a.
In Smithfield, at A. J. Geconira.
in Springfield, at T. Wilder's.
In Standing Stone, et Sifts' Stevens'.
In Smith Creek at rite stha home wt Asa GBha's.
In Springhill, at D. D. Black'..
' In Towanda billoseh, at George. W. Memarates.
In Towanda tp, at the school hoses near A.C.Unages.
• In Troy tp„. at V. IL Low&
In Troy borough, at the Eagle Hotel.
In Ukner, at S. B. Holeondes.
In Warren, at R. Cooper's.
In Wells, at Lewis Seely's.
In Windham. at E. • Russell's, (deceased.)
in Wysioring, at John N. Black's.
In Wyroz, st the Academy. At which thee and
place the electors aforesaid will Meet by balloter
Twenty-sit persons for Electors of President and
Vice President of the United States.
And in rind by said set, I em further directed to lice
notice " that every mem eseepting jostle's of the peers
who shall bold any office of profit sod trust under the
government of the U. States, or ef this State, or of any
ity or incorporated district, whether, a commissioned
officer of agent, who ism *ail be employed ender the
legislative, executive or judiciary department of this
state or of the United &ate; or of any incorporated die
triet, and abo that every member of Congress. sod
the state Legislature, aced tithe select and commie same
er any city, oieminminsioners of any incorporated dis
trict is by law incapable of bolding exercising, at the
same time the appointment of`judge, inspector or clerk
ef any rleetian of this 'commonwealth, and that no in
spector or judge or officer of such etemion .aball then be
eligible to any office tele thew awed fur.
By the 4th section of an act passed the Idtk day •
n 01.1840,1 is provided that the 13th serene if as
cipassod July 2d, 1839,...entitled "an art misting to
he electors of this commonwealth," Altman net In ninon.
strum) as to prevent ulna hernia officer from serving as
judge im prom or clerk at any emend or special elec
tion of this commonwealth.
• In the 6th section oldie set fine shove 'motioned, it
is enacted that may general and special decriers shall
be opened between eight and ten in the fineness, and
shall continue without iistereoption or adjournment un
til 7 o'clock in doe evening, whew the pulls shall be
closed. -
By the 18th median of the set peeved Id Feb.. 18441,
it shall be:lawful for the japes aid tin/porton' of •up
seneal or epeeist election which ell►.H hereafter be held
in the Amami' deletion district is the county of Brad.
ford, to dose the Otte on seen dectios at five O'clock
P. M.
It is farther Arida. that the esestin of the jades
at the emit house, in Towanda. to make out 'the Rene
wal return. ehall be on the third day after the election,
which will he we the 10th of November.
JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff'''. Office. reward.. Oct. 18, 1848.
LIS? OF JURORS drawn for special court, at
' Towanda, Oct. : 4 1, OWL
Athens tp.—J. R. Lawrence;
Albany—Daniel Ormsby ;
Burlington—Morgan De Witt;
Columbia--James Magma, A brant Boonton ;
Durel—W tn. M. Goff, Israel Smith, J. !Stevens ;
Graniille—H. Putnam, Benjamin Saxton ;
Herrick—lsaac A. Park;
,Leroy—Jedeiliah Aunt
iLitchfield--Thomas Turk;
Monroe—Wm. Goff, James IL Irvine;
Orwell—Aaron Chubbuck, H. R. Prisbie; ,
Pike—Daniel Belding;
Ridgberry—:Nathan Dewey, Peter Squires;
Sheshequiii—Wm. Horton 2d.;
Springfield—Alvin Loomis, Ira Woodworth;
Smithfield—L. B. Smith;
Standingatone--John Taylor jr.:
Troy tp.—lra Ballard, A. Murray, A. Pratt;
Towanda tp.—W. G. Miller, Stephen Powell;
" - born'—Daniel Vandereouk;
Wells—Wm. Stuart
Windham—Daniel Gould;
Rome—B. C. Mann, Edwin W. Taylor.
IrlreitiLANCE COVIM Ragan
BY an order of the Orphans' Court of ' Bradford co ,
will he exposeed to public sale on SATURDAY,
4th day of November 1845, one at 10 o'clock A. H.
the other at _3 o'clock P. H., a amain piece or paned
of land lying and being is the toweship of Springfield,
county aforesaid, and bounded as gallows to wit : On
the 'Leith by lands of Hiram Heston and James Brooks,
on the east by lands of Martin Butler, on the south by
Tends of RalWell Doan and [Mac P. Doan, and on
the . west by tends or James Brooks. °ordaining
eighty two acres or thereabouts, about fifty saes ire
proved, with a framed house and hem thereon erected.
A LSo—One.other . pisee or parcel at land in said
township bounded as follows to wit: On the north by
lands now ar late:y owned by John Pollpr, east by
lands of Edmund Map,. south by land et Chaency
Berry, and west by lands of John D. Leonard. Con.
taming one hundred and sixteen acres wore at ten,
about tan ems thereof improved.
Attendance given, and terms made knovra on the
day of sale. ALLEN STACY.
Springfield, Oct. 111 h, 1040. Adiainhenitor.
001,14. 1 1 1 EMI&
BY an order if the Orphans' Court al Dow Nord ee..
will be *spared te public sale en SATURDAY,
4th day of November 1848, at I o'clock epee the
dm fallowing property to wit Poor lots in
ear ills Athens township, Ming Ids N. trues. ire.
sad of nee tract cepd:" let such awitein . *reheat one
sixth of an acre, and aim No. mat an smother tract or
dm& eantaining two sem. end ens hundred and sight
perches, all is Penyville, in said township of Athens
weeding to a meaty sleds by Orissa drichey.
Attendees, gives. mai. terms made known ee ,be
day if sale. - --,THOMAS PARK.
60:11:11A DLOCIL
Athos; Mt. 11. 1848.'
TRU leadorsiaisol. tweisag hese eyeininied And
tor hy tie Orphairi Court of the County 4 Brad
ford ts adjud the acoonnti 4 Gse. H. Sou. 'end A. 1..
Onsuissa. odegniottaand of the fetes, of Jeri* Anse ,
demised. upon euersinns 61d. wdl attend to the duties
of his appointment. at his Mies i. the Soroush cf
wands. on Saturday. thi 21st day (-October nett. it 1
o'clock, in the elhonoon, et which time and Owe. an
wrists interested dm attend if thrs think proper.
wolf WILLIAM 2E017, A indict.
HAWlAL—Batarn. printed Cashau rr. brach*. de
hancirtiihrt; asii a pest variety of rollers, which
fanned {fail to .it. "KING/01E1W &
f• LO rag., A wad 'variety Freed! mid Broilials
euramerms al ell Wads. mud !Ultimata. which Toil
he bold law by ELLIOT:* & ?mum.
4ubiic. Vi c . `~ .
FQs bid tuitimiselsiist Chtioilispirs,aset.
ice. Wei*.Aeit►.td 01010E0. 111Wterrisig.
t es ti* onus" Uremia Cmgesifiss i p Gostrio7.
tltteelebio. Ifiseadety, ltetwal Mosuppilj
. (with tbe see of • will swam to Maw
"de awes studies.) Mead liiimmplby sal Ohimaigte7.
prabie,qolloot7 le adieu* ps mosay PM 00
Day idle% per rante. 400
!ready per Teense,
• •
t e ire, h les the piews.) pie Tomo.
Mettireidery mad nig week,
Any yaw* Isy rooehrior loseneetion an the pinta,
iskywivilogad to loan rug warkore any este of the above
LIDPIaIIIO. at the attar num, without additional charge.
To a yaw! lady who moan tbo Englis heaths% the
te".• of logaioll soak of dss above brosebssoior per
upwr .
Inariietion so tits Gabor, 4-04
Use of Pianos, TS
Draw iDe sad painting at water edam nmindrag
the was of taseniala. an& as- *swift piper,
Pests. paieib, Ate. 400
Oil panting omeanwass, 10 ND
Painting transparent window isselerling
the supply of easterials, each 400
Funnel" rustier°. paper, silk sod velvet. poi
twelve lossano, 00
Millman silk, nom &e da.
Was lowers, per guattor,
Pens and ink,
Board is seestion. 80 Per week
ihaaremea to ow M i se. NV HITS
& GRIFFIN, iliagimonten, Brassie ea, N. Y., will
amiss prompt attention.
0:5- The nest session of this estabrudisant opens as
the tine Mondayin September.
Sinswitesitugust 0, UHL
TWILL pay his nett visit to Towanda, in Octobat
V most, sad say be Gourd at Woesavor's Horn.
Hisfries& ars imbed to aIL July 12; HIM
TNANIEL LORD takes this method to Intern the
X./ inhabitants of Bradford Co.. and die•
country, that be is nit:rising at the old stand of .1. .
Kirby, a large and well.selected-airorunent of
.11131 E .AIL MEL WS 111 MIT AIL lOW g
Consisting in part of the following : Nail., copper, tin.
sheet iron bar sod sheet lead, lead pipe wf various shot,
snails, cotter and staple vices, crow bars, spades, sho
w& and fats, mill, X eat, circular, panel & web saws,
Tools, Hams Trimmings of various descriptions.
Latest ienpreverseot. Also. the Sdfnitqrsialisig Par.
ler arse. He will mernifoctars sad keep on baud
Copper, Tia, and Sheet Iron Ware,
of all kinds, and at law prime. AU permaervirthing
to puribrue Hardware, will do well to mil on D. Lord
before purchasing at any other place. His week is ma
dryly new and fresh. He will sell as cheep as any
et estatlishmen twithin 100 milts of this phtee, (no
mistakei All kinds of Copper, nu and !Sheet IMO
Were, repaired and aside toned, r in workmanlike mew
'we. Towanda, June 26, 1616.
DR. GITYSOTT'S Compound Extract of Vilma
Dock and Surtaparilia,- an efficient and certain
remedy Ike Consumption, scrofula, cutaneous diseases,
rheumatism, gout, general debility, dyspepsia. bilious
dis,aises, female complaints, headaches, coughs, colds.
fever and ague, and ali chronic affections arising from
the abuse of medicines, for sale at No. I. Brick Row,
YAItABOUS4 UN BRIELLAS. the most extrusive
and itpkodsd emortaseet ewer bre% into Towanda,
may be loupe! at No. 6. B. EL REEDIS.
t LitEEN PA II ASOLS—.4 few note of these spkw.
Vi did peen silk and Turk satin hinged yorsacila sod
shades, just reed and selling very low at FOX'S.
(VICILIFIXEM astopausitizrzE6
lis. 17, UMW st., New Ink
STRANGERS. and citizens dewireus to replenish their
wardrobes, may be hamediatety eeeorinsedeted is
the eery best style, and at as coarser CUM rates,
With a choice selection of
of die armee patterns. of superior soaks sad tat* and
of the heat materials, equal is every respect to die lima
eastain wart. Bev* adapts* the carat principle, ape
tic remain calweikethme can be made, sod which be
baspurtmed etweeeefully far upwards of tea year; in op•
position to the 'vinare system of credit, which impasse
the nocratity of cutting nnuommarily high prices hom
parrs* cwatomerr ; be continues to provide, and has
new eametaatly ea hand tme of the largad mart feabioa
able sad thaw waratruneate of
Ready Made Clothing, in America.
Preat'Whieli "enthuses mar dvand upon suitiag their
selves satisfeetorily, as 'muds quality, style and pries.
Rio sleek esitrause Oestieestra and Cuss: of the
most approval styled: Ileaw., Puma and other COATI.
Pairraussire,of every desirable pattern, and the richest
assortessot of BLACK SAUK, I.I4IIIIIIKBRIL. sod mbar
stylus of Wieder Veers.
The Rawer p !ST mimeos all the new and
siepnt petterns. and latest and west desirable styles of
Panel, Silk mud Satin Crarnsta„ Sagenders.Glosesead
Hooray, Shirts, Bosoms sad Carpet
Collara, Bags, &e.
In addition ware shove variety of Ready Made Arti
cles, he has fur sale by the Pere or yard, sat as low pri
me as ewe be found in either of die Atlantic eider, a
beautiful aseernused of the beet quality
4:X1101&14 aisitiasseres and riestheirs.
al•Gentletnan san have their orders filled at a few
Loon notice, and sent to any part of the United ressas—
and by man( t h eir eon obtain Clothing on
as pod Isms as dm they were most to solos foe
themeoeloos. Addison, J. C. BOOTH.
aeps. IS4& 17, Contend et., New Yogi.
cast Foe the lama duns of pommy which has bees
extended to hint for so many pown,be regents unimpsed
eeknowledeensento, and he ponies' that noetosta ehaH
he owed on his pest in future to condom to serve hie
on me fllvonabie tense es say other bowie in
the Wade.
No, 1., Brick Raw, again in tie Field!
W° .1.
- - LT AS jut returned frees the eity
LI of New 'York with a large
* Aft erpty of Weed.% Jewelry end
&low were, .01110.1111 in p u t,
the Mowing articles :—Lower,
L'Epine and "Plain Walther, with
• compleea emertmest d field
Jewelry, suck as Set Was., PM.
gee ltin pr, Breast Pie* linwalets. Lotus^ OW &taw
Odd Poem ILers, art. Ageeti ell .aria 111e1Werwars,
and my •qmatity &eel Beedw...ll of grid& be effete
firt urge eveseedingly cheep kw CAME.
Watches repaired as abort notice. end merrene/al
to run well. or the money will be refunded, and • mie
n eervement My.* to Met - effect if requirmi.
—MAPLE MUOAIL and "Ormanny Trainee
taken in awns kw week ; and ale r. leer* mew, al
forever, Mot Premium iniui he ;mil when tie mark
r. clone—l war credit in alt :0 forme.
T“werula, April 21 . 1. 1
I iNini OM. trim Myles. en , , lOUS cheep t—•
3 Lawns, of re evy deveviplien :. • avollim
rethreiviverd mohair mail in fart al the deatrehle
et=4r n 1 ilmoriGnods in ..sirriarv. with tvivive • • match,
ehraprr than any other evaavisie memo ro.
GHEE mom AND BRIRTINGB —Uri. will az.
ansirw oar stock. you wilt be sun to by. unlow
you should Walt the ptioe so low. thee then was emir
thing webs ia h. KLICONIERY * CO.
i 4 SO
4 04
4 00
II 00
II 00
3 00
il 00
3 50
' , :. 1 "; , ..7.10,Ve
TO abowntir Miumittomp. BOOMILIIRT *ND ALL
Bea'- to to rummy am Now otoSO. -
°trait yoit +OA tolorifffook chishend
VOOtili:10 formil alto
Wain., amnia Plot st, New Yin. whole You
an lad the roman vasiny of gods suited to year
use, .ad obidt will pay pm a gold profit.
Faxes Glerwra.--Casabs cf every misty. ansalsio el
sem imeartim, Immas, Iherlisawry ; &sal Goads,
arch as Dew* Perm ami Dag Neemeinga. air.; Oil.
Plotioltal mad Britaanis We..
ho eraessmaas.--tagbb end Asasrian Dumb'
pm. and Beerier Tsai:Mg sad Ts. Fimems Dag
hob and Finch Writing. Law sad N. Paws;
Marie Paper ChM end Sim F Petritt ; Part.
foliee. Wadi Boson Passion Dias. Thu i.B Cass;
Goad and Silver heal Cam. Geld Pena, Daum,
Inkstands, Mabee, Natlimernical and Drawing In.
strumeases, 81m1 Persa, Quills. Pesci* llaak look.,
of every muist3r, te , 41k,e., sad every abet article in
*be line al otasicansy, which are Wand at pion sw
deketer7 Plogillmos. by A. & MARVIN.
meta 93 William fit, appeal% Platt; New Yak.
A" pewees itolebtod to the estate et MATTHIAS
SURMA. doomed; We of Chewy towp, ate
booby notesoted to woke payment without briny, sod
thew bevies doh. egeloot add mote will folleese pew
abut them duly eudteuticeted for smilsoiset.
A LI. Wilma to thu erste .f MEWL
M' CAN, deed., Iwo of Coleribie tosrusbip, .i
bereby 'squirted to asks moist witboot ddq, mod
thous bad thins was* said .Mi will pious pro
wet tiles duly moths. iced fat settleseut.
C. 8 1411EA1'f,
Soplsobar 4,1114 IL
IP3114111(1=0' 0 Matbiinfo
D. N. NEWTON, m:p.
TENDERS his prolenional .mice . to the citizens
of Moonotan aod vicinity. Hie none on at the
Monroeton Ezehmene of J. P.
Refers to . Dr. Hvorow, Tainads; sad Dr. Buss
Leßoy. August 113. 11141.
CARPEL' BAOB.--Ladioe and gimes, .a good ar
aoetonst by ELLIOTT & TOMKINS.
AP' AIL X RIF IT .NE mar 411113. •
=MT (11a
110PE8PECTFULLY internee the chimes of Tawas
da, and the public generally that he is papered to
execute in the neatest style all deteriptions of
House. Sign. Coach or Carriage Painting. or
Trimming; and every variety of Panty
and Ornanie.ntal Painting.
Prom his long experience and the many specimens of
hie productions now in use, he enteradne a lettering
hope that by close application to his profession, and
being prompt to order be may ermine a suitable share of
public patronage. He may be band at all times st the
Chair Factory &Temkin, drilakinson, where be will
be on band to attend to the calls of those who may want
hie /emcee. PAPER-HANGING done at abort no
tice, in a roperio; manner and reasonable terms.
Towanda, July 4, 184&
ATCHE.—.Golah's, Oillispie's and Pierce's Frac
i tios Matches, by the was or hoz, st Nal, Brick
Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron, Brass,
1.8014.11•14 A NO &STASI.
DC. HALL is now receiving soothe; large supply
. of the above gook whit* be is prepared to sell
et wholesale wr retail. to snit purchasers, et chi smog
reduced prices, for cosh, ?ember car grain.
Sten and MunufeeNseing Betablialuelent. on the
corner of Main and Bridge *meta. where 018 1 be found
the largest end brat aseartinma of &eves, ibis midi of
the city of Albany. such as
Buckeye cooking stove. arranged with a rota-, (Neu.
ry top. and but sir oven combined, 1,2,3.4
Rocbsemr Empire bat air even, 4
" Mavens, 4
" Fakes. (improved) 2,3, 4
Congress tight tar Cooking, 2. 4.4
Knickerbocker, " 2 3
Albany Ehested Oven,
Premium, 2,8, 4.5,
Race's pet. selfgsgelator, air-tight parlor, 1,1, 3
Rochester sir-tight parlor. 3.4
Congress de. Albany de. (roasters.)
Ansley Furey wood parley 3 , 4.
N . Y. city do 1, 3, 4
" pulse mid stoves. I, 2
Common cylinder do. I. 2, 3
Lop quantity of Um Pip.. Ilion, Tie, iota,
Copper, Jawed b Monks ware, liar. It.
which be will sail an wrjwiesals or email. Skeet
bon, Ills. dews* and Copper Work, mode to order on
abort notice, and warranted. Perrone wishing to per.
clime the above &Metes will do well by calling .t the
above *am before purchasing elsewbeee. es the propri.
etor is hound net to he ondereold by any living man.
5.000 SHEEP PEi.T wanted. for which each will
be paid. Towanda, lone 14, 10111. em I
mind, sad for sale by tb. single bane: se toed,
Et ien . NERCURS%
CLOTHE do- CASAIKEREB. Vesting.. Overaist
Maw. midi so brown. Woo owl gold mixed B.
ipsa will be sold my low et SAVINGS BANK.
PAINTS, OILS & DYE- B TUFFB. also Matehoo
by the gross. sit No. S. D. R. Mr&
FROM th. boa illsoeseultin in Below Am We by
Troy, Ps., Aug. 15, 184$. IL EL BASSETT.
FOR SALE, * 5O bash. of the celebrated 8017LVS
WHEAT, peered of Mr. Rowland, near Roches.
ter; amid to yield es goad grousad. frost 40 to 60
per acre, at $1 $5 per acre. Ale., two hoe BUCKS
half breeds; ine a Leicasiter and the ether a Cotswold,
stikp low. WM. IL OVERTOP.
Athens, Anent*, INS.
A LL pui indebted to tbo wools of Nongis Butt: Awl. lots si Orwell tp.. ore bomb, twittelo
tod to oohs mast without daisy, owl them haviug
claim against usii swab will phew pelmet, dim dely
onthostiatioil far asidenest. C.G. GIUDLEY, •
Oiwell, Slily 111. 111411. Mahoitrotor.
A LL pitmen heibiskto tie ow of FREDERICK
A 6
BRADLEY. doe 4.. kW of Litchholi. we
nywoold to mks mama without tioloy. sod thew
baying eights spinet mid woo will $ Pte/
this duly witheoulootokfor mowlosiont.
• -ANDREW DRADLEY.I & muss ,.
Litchfield. Juno 14. 1141.
TUAPITED. say quaky of Dom. si do ambit
WY prima.. Is Count elm IL N. 8611111.
CECIAMS ,11.= 11115013trIeLIMIL
. . THE sithecrihess Mill (soma
• te inenefartura and keep as bawd
at their aid stand. Whit& dease
; wad weed area CHAIRS; ales
• SETTEES ad swims kind, wad
' BEDSTEADS et away &e a*
San. which we 'will tell law for
cash or Ptedttr. or White no*
lumber. Whit. weed. Bass weed.
ee Ceceeiber 0 air plonk. et 417
4 Venda; 13 het look—eittwollutteetreed.Edoweed
or Maple. will also be tereired or our week.
Tarring dew* Oraii in the neatest reermer.
Towanda. Joao SC 1445.
'LOTH& Coodsors. sod &mew Hsi
oodles misty.* sot Oils mod all der
estieaudy low • awn.
Pal Or sompki,7
• . .
41 4 1%,009 'IMMO LOW t•
Irk far al the
litt intat of
ond cheap old
Jontirpi G Bub
lIEW 11.00 t N) WA= MORE!
wets P. BULL respectfully ifs din .eitisate
sr of ne/nada sad virility, tint hs bee bray Mona
ed ham Thliadolphis, sad peratameatly located in Tr
wail% ems dear Wow the Brick Illore,i• the Ism fen
by Mercies Nat Store. whew nay he
hood laid.d silver erstrins. geld. fob sad rani
&aim Bold and siher pencils. ran. brews Pis%
Galin liana, he., they Ike cash. sad every snide war
ranted. A large sandy et CLOCKS, of the Inert ha
proved pawn. tasairrapfroes SO hours to II days and
• month, ebb sae winding.
Particular ateatioa paid to topskiai CLOCKS.
WATCH K 8 16 WELRY. every deseriptios. and
boa the lane experience which be has had he the bu
siness, nark kA is Ida can will be dons is the twat
winkasalike mason. Old gold and silver taken in
eschew. Towanda. Awn la. 111414
Al TIC 07111
ET. roe would moot respectfully inform his old
. frisuds,and any oars ehs who is in went of neer
dandies. that be in receiving and will keep constantly
ow band le good awortment of .11 kinds of Goode esually
kept in a century stone :—Dry Goods, Grecerkes, Crock
ery. Bkfthosre, Boots 4 goes. Hats and Cops. Fish,
Piths(' wad. Oi s. Dye shop, Ira., Nisi* Corptiimg,
fe. We will mataAr it a frimr for pea* to let us;
show thew our goods, as we think they cannot fail to
suit. It is true. I cannot boast of as great a number of
years' elysrienes in purchasing goods, ,as some. yet I
tweet the good peopis of Bradford have net forgotten
their own dear beagle% Iltperielle• in buying goods of
these saws old expariewetd woos. Loot oat fee them
or they will stick on their nous' twirl I will sell as
cheep. if nat'chetwer then any othw live sea. Phew
give es a eoll. at No. S. Brick Rom.
ToVrands, May U. 11148, E. T. FOX.
THE only Mammal Remedy is at blot ifisemend in
the shape of Cheap Goods. at For& It is an
an external ready. bet if applied by the subscriber, is
warranted seas core. and no mistake. If • men feels
poor or bed in the region of his ricket hook. the most
efficient remedy is to call at Fox's, and boy what goods
be wants, m be can bay mote for leas money than at
any other place in town. For anything like dyspepsia,
the safest, plowmen and best remedy is • quantity of
that fresh, Maims Tea at Fox's. front Sr to de per lb.,
serartened with some of that wee lid Sugar. In feet,
there is hinny a disarm that flesh is bar to, that a rems.
dy cannot be found for at wiyl4 FOrft.
AN ACT for the beitedt et the People of Bradford
Co.: Be it remembered by goad citizens, that
• men can hoy gainsay Dry .Goods and Groceries es he
can carry bone, fag s men !ride. hardly worth mention
ing, at Na 2, Brick Row. my 24 PDX •ti.
TOHN B. FORD hes just received. et hi. Drugstore
40 one doer briber Kinpbery's store, in R•Kinrbwrn
new brick block, Main sweet, a lenge addition to is
ismer essottasent, which be now offers to the attention
of the public. His stock mow comprise. every article
minally kept, anions which may be coned the isilowini:
Opium. coma tans,. camphor. moils soap, Nitwit*.
Wham copal* rhubarb, jalap, sloes, lowers chamo
mile. gum amber, cram oil, quicksilver, magnesia. rea
and Boor sulphur, Wised and crude boa=, cadmic!, rid
paripitate. conosi•a sublimate, aqua ammonia, tartaric
Kid, 'loom mho, laudanum. sauna. outguns grainier'.
all 4 the censorial oils, gum myrrh. eantbaridaa. gum
trawlers& ends. sarsaparilla. gamboge. tithing% spir
its turpentine. rotten soma, umber, rem de Sienna, ash
pew. ►roofs seed. Walston, cabala.. asnatto,
Crashed. loal. and attneavade sagsta, cheaper than
eon be booed silevrher• in town ; Week slid green tea ;
ealsrattre. prppir. epics, niaitard. peprr mum raisins,
nannev. cloves. mat, Win and Java canc. stanch, gin-
ger, oil., blacking. tonne, brown. variegared and fancy
mop. spans and talks, candle% tobacco, as gars and
anuff, matches, fcs., ace.
Cognise, °turd, peach and America' Brandy; Pk.
Croix. Jeaseeie and New England Rom; swan, lion
and Baltimore Din ; &eta. hids and Mortongebsla
Whiskey ; Nadeau, pale sad brown Sherry, pore juice,
Pest. 'remade. Lisbon. Malaga, !latest, eland and
ehampaigne wines. 'timbal. 4e.
Bay water, (~coder, coinage and tow water, esse
emu and bear'. oil. MN room os narrow, parietals,
rotr. pearl powder, hendeline. leak tooth. hair, nail
sad dada% brushes. feather dowers. calf wallets, ho,'.
heti& woke. pink Soh books, pencil points. ploying
cords, pervasion cope, ink, steel peak &c.
PAitrir mamma&
Weems Panacea. Bibs of Columbia. Plink Byrup,
Kaassock's Venuifuire Hay's Liniment, Mother'. Re
lief. Pain Extractor, Acoustic oil, Hair dys, Andrew's
sad Mrs. Brosra's Painkiller. Godfrey's cordial. Adhe
sive piaster. Townwrsd'..„ Webster's, Wood's and [Step.
herd's Sampan Ha. Litbontripie mixture, Wistar's Bal
sam. Mongerian Balsam of Life. Uphases Blectuary,
M'AMier's Ointment. Shephestre. onwtoeks. Orrieles
and Pahnessock's Vermifoge. Brown's ealebrand Locke
Ise Consumption, Sommigs halos pills, sugar coated
Pills, and all the most popular medicines of tbsday.
crj The mock is complete, containing everYthing
kepi in the Ism* stabliMnests, and is Amid at the
km.* possible prices.
Rementimr, that Ford% Cheap Drug. Greasy and
Liquor *km, is in Kingsbery's cow Mock.
Towanda. lone 7, 16411.
Id a Gnat Fall to the trite et Gads, at Mit
CSEED, the proprietor, is now mailing a large
• asairtinent of Spring and Ilatarnor Goofs, which
are selling se low as to astonish even the " natives."—
The selection ornsine of sorry variety said style of
firhisnabes goods for the season.* catalogue of which
world be entirely we namenrca to meatus bow. Sow
plre will be shown with the meow pleasure. to soy
one who will bow the goodness to tall, and Wit will
sheet then that goods con and will be mild das4ver at
the Savings Sank, !10. 6. Brick lissa.thse int ether
estabileiareat in Blllallord C. RE D.
Tamed% May SO. ISM
"Goods well Bought are half Si !'
teret sprain • larp moth and enemies variety ef
GOODS, eeleesotheidt the peewit este, ad bete&
seder poet ateestegeo in the cities of New York sad
eiveetatie ef the favorable COO&
lIIS 40 both aterktor—oed having is vivo the moo
above. hes bought abet he eta semi sill aeM e+.. lit.
moth Sinn as dee put. mei mil imiseveit le a.
awainsio tak• ukuktess dbuyi.g Gee then *kW/
well. Tommie, May 211.
lAWVOLS. published by the Alllffialo Swiday
UIJ Mod Ulla. awl kr suds low ie qweatitise
testa putehesers. •yU 0. D. RARTLICTT. •
H. C. reams, IL P.
IPIIMINKIAINTb 01 1 / 1 /01 3 044
nrrEitti big p atui.nsl lerviese te the people et
Towanda. sea vicinity.
Oilice st Chsalberrte Pointr's Dreg dem I.
Wirt Rea. my"
L ., IMPS !—Cest kw well eel thaws pampa, wee.
moat to IheW water Am daily te Gutty for
war et tat Now filfsedweve Stare. D. LOAD.
ARDWARE, psi assestattiet, - I .
to at life. S. D.R. num
. . _
k c. Amain,
Raspicarnitur trawareacre to d& saaperwan
bin& sa apponsen. tbottbey ae ape sine
the lergaittaid ' awn gm& weerinonst ICOOODS,
awe brim AWN in Toreanda.aebtadagiliiiiareery
*bins wanted by peas= it easy claw and cendition.
All thee; wising to you:ben Oar& - *ape. will
and it for their Weser to examine this eteck.•
Towanda. Sepseabrr ii. 11141 f.
0111,110 2 - = MEM SOUL
BY as cedar al the Orphans" dart ad Bradford co,
will be permed to polar sale es MONDAY.
Mob day of October ISM at I o'clock. spew the pre
ashen • Ogee sr petrel of /fad in Towanda bate.. hen
the popery of Truman lEinsawa. dee& hoarded at
the oath by John Wiles:. as the east by William
on the grab by Divide° et.. sod west by mein area,
containing about twenty.four agitate rode.
Aneadanca gives. and tame awls known, on the
day_ of sale. L. W. TIFFANY.
sepo m bher la. IRIR.
ALI. paeans indebted to tbe relate d W'M.
ALLEN. deed., late of Franklin towp.ans hereby
tetptestod to make payment without May. and those
having claims 'ageism the said estate will plane present
them duly authenticated kw settlement.
A. O. PICKARD, Executor.
Leroy, September IS, HMS.
/100CERIE8.--Good young hymn and hyena skis
teas. at 3 7 a.rd 60 conts--and sugar to sweeten
it at 6 f sod!!! cents ; alt other kinds of Groceries in pro.
;arnica at the .Cestrol Store. N. N. Berra.
EXPECT • U in • kw days, • kw awe lee& of
New t, • at N. N. BETTS'.
Tlik is ifseguising. mutating pill, pains, sir
*Wore ; waiting that produces pain or irritation;. but
• witsdielan that is et mice pleasant sad egreeoble in its
application, aSinfing immediate refief, end will ewe the
• 7 -worst ewe of painful. belling or bleeding riles io
• very few cloys. Call et Casements ift Pcianca's
Drug Blow, Na 1. Brick flow, Towanda, and you will
not go bum without • bottle.
V V plaid, black and colared Alpreras; black and
Inved French 11.erinore ; Omar Plaits; rich French
sad eonsmod Caelavietar, Waimea, &c.. • vest variety
of styles for isle at septa MERCUR'd.
GINGHAM2I O —We bare a lop quantity a mall
panel* miry liantlionte avid daskabla i Froth and
Snot languor; at ezeOltat quality.
utay 12 KINGBOIPI' & CO
LA W NS.--rrettelt, American and Orpndie fawns,
a beautiful assonment ; also. plaid sad Awed silk
wool bantam my 17 , KINGSBERY rlt CO.
CALICOES.—A choke @election of Meninteek, oe
nose and blue, pink end all other kinds. small Br
ore. Two ebillin; calico for nine cents; all end ere,
be' mind. the only phee is lONUEIBER Y & co.
DONNETS.—A choicer selection of Flamm. lace,
China.rart. Pamela. Leghorn. and alba" 'claim
able styles of ladies' and mimes' Bonsai, wary amp:
also Bennet ribbons. anifreiale. wreathe. &c.
may 17 KINGSBERY & co.
TOINER'B TOOLS.—A tad assort eat n shad.
Moul4ing and Beach PLANES. prouvim plows,
and.otbee.loiner's Tools, just received nom t h e mum
factory, and for sale low by 0. D. BA RTLE 1' I'.
THE oitwerber has opened a Mumma Soma. two
doors north of the Public Square. no Main street,
(nearly opposite the new feria tavern sow bring erect
ed by C. L. Ward. Esq.) where he will keep constantly
en hand. and for sale at the lowest pnevihle priors ; e
large and general assortment of READY MADE
CLOTHING. such as
Collars, Sloes, Suspenders, Gloves. /briery, Drawers,
Flannel Underskirts. d" tc.
He has also on hand and is constantly reeeising, a
large assortment of
such as Silks. Ratios. .Mansaillea, tbc., ail of which will
be made up tis order on abort notice and on reasonable
terms. The subscriber having been a practice! Tailor
far the last 15 years, in the city of New York. flatters
himself that be can give , ainkfactiso to all who may
vow him with their patrimegs.
His-Clothing is all made op under his own ins' pee•
titan. and; he has therefore no hesitancy in reannmend
int it to those who wish to purchase.
ca. CUTTING sad MAKING UP for parerms who
prefer toifarnish their own materials; and (itting done
for persons who wish to haws their garuents made elm.
wherrell of which shall be dose with seaman and
. •
The sobseribet Is also agent for A. Wheeler's Report
of Faris m., which be can 'furnish to such as are want.
lag. on nessonable terms. B. A. SMITH.
Towanda..,Jorte 4 MS. •
Cheapest Goods ever sold in Towanda,
equips. for old own and young man, for young
Wesel turd old ladies, for the high. the low. the rich.
and the poor t ail een now ha areonuswiated. A few
articles in the line of Drees Cloak which are going off
with a preset rush. we4an here mention, such adi Prch
lawn &shams. dark and light gingham*. linen Ingres.
French lawns. beragea,and a gent samortment of Prints
an Doer selling lower than the lowest at No. 5, II R.
Jon/tit Hit& •. REED'S.
BONNETS, and Bennet Trimming of every des
aiption. suitable for The sesenn. 'may be found in
adobes. at.d eery sheep at 5, B.R. REED'S.
Hoessts; pew. i
July 14. ELL[ •,
NOTICE is hereby 'Oren that a Specs! Court will
be held at the Veen Howe is, Towanda, on
Teasley the day October, 1818, at 10 o'clock,
A. K, by the Hoe. W. Jam% for the trial of the
filllowing mesa, to wn.
John Hemet vs. Bela Peyne.-120. 149, Dee. Term,
Chewer Soler. et. al. vs: John Bennett, et.
1015, Dee. Tenn. 1849. -
John ,Ackle re. A. Dowises. et. 4-410. Itt, Dec.
Teak 1845.
A. Baring, et. el. ye. Hwy Roberte.4..l6e. 199, Sept.
Tens, 1846.
&use, vs. Job. Ilerknwes.—Net. 148, May TeratoB47.
Baser re. 0. P. Bellsiti.—..No. In, Sept.Teret. 1847.
ease, vs. 0. P. Ilalle4—No. 121, Trb. Tenn, 1848.
Awe. 24, 1845, • A. 114 1 1.11 AN, Prot.
gli ! e l THE linbessilles lespeetful
ly Jams the aims of To
wand* that be \warmed a
Itilatkrt in die Milos Bloch.
nee done wast of Woodruff 's
Hotel (besesent story) and
laid webeseet to keep constantly on hand, and supply
thaw who wish din Senn of 'toad living," with lieh
and Fresh Beet. Mutton, Leak Veal, Ttnkolltc, of the
Ines quality and is the beet olds. 1 •
Candles & &asp by the bon .reseed. coostain
ly top on hand and far wja at Ira prim' a.
Towanda. AVE. 29. IMS. A. HAWLEY.
ERSONB purchasing goads will do well is eon sod
.1 easisins ter &ids before pore waing elsawbsys.
as apt dock is Wes awl wall imalistad. owl parelhassd
who the rods art lowed; so that wails,* a easside.
Mob otlesotaga over thaw who purchased rather. We
ciao setwasesdisa eoi artstossi with almost evaerhittg
dal wink bout a aim will to a ears libeller.
•pty l it "TOME M.
Li 440 is,
toe 14t1
P. M. the
Vottarbip et
Waksadat ihi
ihrkerame, Sea 71
ninety kw trisoi:/
blowy ass lessed
tort tbereto.
7 &bird and tat
Yuen; Ts:
A dime es
linastird e• tbo. sari! I
filmy R. Willett' wok
4auephr4l &I. sad we*
Cantainin; about
'frith a kg boom
Sriard - mad tilt
Pm dos fa. David
ALSO—The f
ad in Canton tow
Horner Spakring.
sits Joao; and wart
torn acres, all it
burned Darn.
Seised end taken lei
Elliott re. John Turner)
A—.Tba top
firW township and,
ler. ram by Edmond
and mod by Alton
sena, with twroty am
Dos boon% and a few ft
BriseiLand taken in
Moor► as.t'hropbil ua—n. Collo
Springfield township.
Eli Stockwell. sopth
bl Jipepti Robinson.
with twenty acres
Belted and taken i
Davidson. *c, vs. Ch
taelonsan Robinson.
ed in Vi'indham hints
Wapping seek Del
the south welt line of
Elielows. thence south
minutes, 'rest forty.twa
maple, donee womb
twenty-two chains ant
stone. thence north
&Dios and seventy-fie
north forty-t h ree and
chains to its place al
three aura and wont
6114ten . aerea improved.
of a am mill thereon /
Seised and taken it
Runoff vs. John Rua
*Lilo—tb• follow
ed in Ilurfingtnn tow
of Prouty and
by .1. McKotn s i t ae G k i
Containing two band
Seised and takes
Riehaidaak &c_ ea,
ALSO—The foil.
ed io Springfield a
east tvy Hiram H.
by Steam Murry.
teen merry more or I
with one framed
and apple orchard tb
Seised and taken
Waimea vs. J. and
ALSO—The foil.
rd in Sptinatlekl to
Kitchen *sat by A
ker. and writ by .
thirty-fire saes i
'bed, lon barn and
Seised sad take hi estimation at the asit a( R. 13.
'Davidson. age.. vs. ' sler Perhannee.
ALSO.—Tbe . , 'as right of tha following piece
or parcel of land pi . a Trey township. and bounded
moth* sugar eree - by land of Teeth. south by
Com Pot Peters, a eat by A. Barter and John dad.
ler. Containing a t seventy saes, with testy acres.
improved, ems fro bows, framed Mrs, a Brewery
and • small ofthi thereon.
Seised and tale execution at the suit of 0. P
' Ballad wr. John William*
ALSO—The fe lag piers or-pin:el of land situa
ted hi Wells i and bounded moth by E. Mo.
.her, east, south est, by A. J. Miller. Contain.
,i !
ing thirty scrim, w h fifteen saes improied, embalmed
house and framed thentem
Seised and tak in execution at the suit of 'I. C.
A. Adams vs. file I Alvord and George B. Itikeph•
erd, executors of . Milan Alvord deed. . .
Sheriff's Ofteo. ToWanda, dept. IS, 1818.
By 'Lce of No,'
of the coon o
to tee directed, I . 1
at V. M. Long, i
TOMER, at two
parcel of land i
Wade of Owen W
by Faitbsoke. a 1
ins ninety six
Gamed house, ono
• Seised and tat
A. Ottani. now , 1
Drake and Sam
in Troy borough,'
by Pomeroy's, ,
west by lands of
of in sae. with •
Ace, dues •- • •
w. pond straw. Ind Ism
lied Inborn haw, by
)11' & TONKIN&
Searps's aeon
Wright's Ind.
Webster's be
Phelp's NOM
Of . fies
Lees' ,
With non
hew : mot ion eve
ink .n 4
uonstsady •
tion ..1011 ,- mom GrUieso
um; udiasi . t .
a hart Orme. by
Monaspoo. mob by, David
loaf of Joboi "Ifolleibork.
doom am sorry isoponed
zr ET'Tf
azirrei of land shoat
north by land of
.ba Warn, wank by Har.
I Salon! Containing bi
-4* one finadd bow sad
, :heated in Spring
lb by Sande of JAG Mil
, south by Jeer. Juitirr.
Coniainier are hundred
~proved. tese healed sad ups
lives themes.
eutine et . the emit of AMOS
piiio -of land showed is
bounded north and sew by
Andrew Cummins, and west
, taining one hundred sews,
and ens flamed lanes
117t-atioa at the lit* of It; B.
Waimea, Thomas Peabody
.; pieta or pare4 l of land Anat.
7 p, beginning at a corner in the
Rnaaelra GAN Mill. and in
• of land belonging to Joseph
forty shies dogma and thirty
- ins end thirty links Or a aeft
y-firre and a half degrees east
, my-eight links to a wake and'
y-two decrees east Grapes§
inks to 'stake and stone, thence.
half drgntes wrest twenty-two_
beginning. Containing ninety..
001 perches of land, with about
;di one grist mill and one fourth
li z t tendon at dm suit of Char*
r t piece oe parceled' land atm-
Ip and bounded non\ by land
on. suit by David Boyce, south
n, and meet by 0. Ilhaekellow
, aeries with four acres improved.
eteentim at the snit of John
that Godard.
piece or parted ofland dine.
nded worth by . Enos Hubbard.
South by Joseph Stacy. and we.t
tainingo one hundred sod nine
with ahput forty wves improved
keg bottle , sod framed barn
execution et ,tho snit of Smith
I c ing piece wrote] of !and itaat
ip, bounded north by ►and of
Sherman, south by Joshua Ba•
_ . Contaiuinit fifty acres with
with one tog house, Moira
1 Orchard theress.
S writs
of lend. - expo . isms!! out
i• minion Plea* of Bradford County,
expose io MAIM ale at the house
nay, nn Monday she 16th of OC.
• k P. M., the fidkming piece or
ells township, bounded north by
.5„ east by Jones Longwell, Muth
- by Thomas (ketin. Contain.
nth sixty-Ove sena' improved, one
barn and apple oreherd thereon.
n execution at the soft of William
t. - to G. B. Courson, vs. Luc
'wing piece or parcel of land altos%
, uded north by the main nod, east
' h by Newberry and Ballard, and
P. bollard. Containing nue-hpurth
rained house, one framed luny am
all improved, with Woos tacit twos
is *imam it the suit of Smut
JOHN F. MEANS. atilt
°wands. Sept. lA.
Shefilr'i OM
TER, 11. big& Raw.
load a Fan aniartmeas of
.iliciaes, Paints, fib. *an"
Truest aranteakkalmation s t.
Taasera Usti/anal dla. tabia
' Mean at *a.
Wanes baba nYis!• Oany,
Daelharee %AM* lir%
names pain Wm
veg. pais, Botoomes protocol dram
oil, eaidtrefo oordlat.
BOURN ell soap.
• db. loam ooritablo orisor.
do. Joy David's *Am •
do. Clieriooses Arabian Ws.
• Cowes sore .alai
do. - Moths?. Misr.
dw Golatioo vipsolito.
de. Cephalic crown anult
eat fanumented. The
wet ar tbe 66.41 samisen, and
Wit4 l lo. ' ha,
A S. gismo peso, .usher. raps.
N. dna, end po;ia k to, of an kiab. kept
aLtillTra TnWlCnrB.
G 0 Mit
Iced 11
ANZEL...A *ow very dowse/tam
grad. 'spa. taps* ow
'pm* isle, st ae basset
, sett. et Iwo e'elatil
*NI ihrirld it the
' ititib
ion* hg D. E .
silA , fti.
at dis wit of Mn
Ell 3
.tad 's slims - mho.
Pales Whim's do.
line ad. piaster cosh.
isireet of Ws.aboo es Mr
dem bash. an Indian err
diciest for eoninapdon.
diersees or tbs. liver, tts.,
Thampson's rye water.
Weaver's worm ter.,
Mule oil. . -
Brant's In nnsedisa,
Ward's lininset.--telieses
riminestie and other pain.
Widasts's es. sarsaparilla.
&rim oil. •
Carpenter's Jo.
MeAllister's ointment.
Tiniimiton'a bah= Was
Saha of Colombia. _