Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 04, 1848, Image 4

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rent & Important Clinical Discovery..
iced Civilisation frail, the Veglable ruerdont
repel Difrov.
k ila E tolluu
• • -
limit IT
The Most succegsfill Illftficine in the World!
-I- it does, Yellow Dock. so 'highly esteemed by
the faculty—with other vegetable produnions, is one
of the most impatient disk-ovules of the age, and far
impeder to all simple
.sersaparilla preparations in use.
Although less thee two yeats have elapsed since its
discovery, it has already effected over 15,000 cures.
The unrivalled power disease which this Syrup produ
ces may be attributed to the fact that it is compoarl
purely of vegetable extracts, each one hating a direct
reksreace to some internal organ; consequently the
whole system is beriefined; and the fact that, in its
operation, it occasions neither sickness nor pain, and
can he taken under all circumstances without regard to
bus' or diet, and by the aged and the infant with
equ e ffi cacy, is certainly a consideranun in.the history
of. edicine. This Extract is put up in Quart Bottles,
a . s the most highly concentrated Syrup in wei, It
is offered at the lois price of one dollar per Bottle, the
eljirt of being to give the Relent an opportunity by
the purchase of one bottle, to test its valuable medical
properties and its power over disease.
. This compound Extract of Yellow Duck sod Sarsa
parilla is a positive, speedy, and permanent cure for
Consumption,.Bcrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Salt
Rheum. Pimples on the face, Rheumatism, Gout, Gen
era' Debility, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Spinal Af
fections, Female Complaints, Ulcers, Syphilis in its
worst form, Affections of the Bladder anal Kidneys,
Bilious Colic and serous LelaMenelllll. Biles, Costiveness,
Colds, corrupt Humors, Asthma, Dropsy, enlargement
of the Bones, Fever and Ague, •Oiddiness, Gravel,
Headaches, of every kind, Impure blood,Jaundice,Lors
of Appetite. Leprosy, Mercurial Diseases, Night Sweats.
Nervous Complaint% of all kinds., Neuralgia, Organic
Affections; Palpitation of the Heart, Painter's Colic,
Piles, rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy. Swellings,
Sick Headache, Stiffness of the joint*, Exposure and
Imprudence of Life.
It extracts nervous disease, purifies and enriches the
Blood, and invigorates the body more effectually than
any medicine hitherto offered to the public. ' '
In the Vegetable Kingdom, an All wise Dein; has
deposited such punts and herbs as are congenial to our
constitutions, and adaptotb to the cure of all curable
discines to which human nature is inckent. MI this
Compound Syrup is composed of all those val able
plants, some of which have lately been discovered and
used, and found to be certain specifics in thousands of
diseases that before defied the best of medical skill.
This is to certify that we, the undersigned Physi,
ennui of the city Of New York, have in a very great
many cases prescribed Doctot Grapier. Extract of
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and are fplly assured
that it has no equal among the varied Syrups and Sar
saparilla preparations that have over' been sold. Octo.
John F. titehhins, M. D.; F. R. Thomas, M. D. ;
P. 8. Maynard, M. D.; James E. Morgan, M. D.;
83 - mucl T. Wells, M. D. 8. M. Johnson, M. D.
More. It'Atiosony in furor of the superiority of Dr.
Garoirs Extract of 3 Duck and Sarsaparil
la over all other similar remedies.
Read! Read!! Extracts of letters. rewired.
W Arras-owls, Jefferson Co, Nov. 4, 1847.
Mr. S. F. Dr.srilrr:
Dear Sir—l sin at a loss to express with words what
has been said in praise of your Compound Extract of
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla ; all who have had the
pleasure of using it speak of it■ marvellous effects in
removing diseases, with so much feeling and heartfelt
satisfaction, that I am confident now that no medicine
in use can boast of its superior qualities. Many who
have been complaining for years with pain in the side,
burning and pain in the chest, dyspepsia. general debili
ty, loss of appetite, Thais, night sweats, salt rheum,
scrofula, in fact all the diseases that we in this climate
ere heir to, fin] in the Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,
all that is requisiteiao make them what they were in
their days of health. &c.
We have bad twelve dozen bottles in three months,
and find we are nearly out. Please send an equal
amount, and 0 lige yours,
ST. Jon vat itxx, Montgomery Co. Jan. 3, '403
S. F. Brox rrr —Dear Sir—Some four weeks since
I was induced to try your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla
for Dyspeiwia ; had been afflicted about 40 wears, most
pan of the time unable to at anything without 'ador
ing intensely from its effects. I bare used now only
one bottle of your invaluable .tuidicine, and consider
myself entirely cured solely by its use. Can now tat
■ hearty meal, without the slightest inonnvenience,
Very allay yours, ANTHONY BEEKMAN,
The mild alterative properties of Dr. Guysetni., es
tract of Yellow Dock and tiariapuille. render it pecu
liarly applicable to the slender and delicate anwititi . Moo
of the female. lt)s unrivalled in its ellects upon such
diseases as lasipient Consumption, Barrenness. Len
corrhoes or Whites, Irregular Menstruation, Inconti
nrnce of thine, and general Prostration of the system.
It immediately that distressing nervousness
and lassitude so common to the female frame, and im
parts an energy and buoyancy as surprising they`
are crateful.
We cannot, of course, exhibit certificate, to my ex
tent in thin claw of compliance, but the two following
extracts of letters recently received, indicate sufficient
ly the great virtue of the medicine as a remedy for the
diseases refered to.
NRWAIIIt. Jan. s th. 7848.
Mr. Scvvirr-r—We take pleasure in 'stating that
your Yellow Djck and Sarsaparilla gives great satin•
faction in every case. We ■hall try and send you some
A very respectible gentletnan informs as that his
daughter was troubled with difficult menstruation, and
(Airy diseases peculiar. to her sex. She had sot bad bet
regular menstrual discharges Tor a long time ; but by ,
the lee of Dr. Grunter Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,
was radiesfly cured. Had used Towmfand's and
others, without receiving the slightest benefit .° Ile
had one daughter die - from the same cense. Please
send utb an additional supply. Very respectfully yours,
Thom are counterfeit medicines afloat; therefore the
re.ader 14' particularly cau•iunell not to allow hinted! to
be itopoded upon.
Beware how you buy medicine put up in square
quart bat lea. Be very sure and ask for Dr. Ouyentes
Compaq:lnd Estrect of. Yellow Deck and Santaparilla,
bearing the written" signature of S. r. Bennett, on
each outside wrapper, written with black ink and do
riot, on any accouut, be induced to buy any other tali
rte—ain it is this preparation only that is performing such
niirvelous and astonishing cures. Take no mans
word ; as persons having the counterfeit medicine and
Hut genuine, are of course desirous of making 'their
profits—eonaequently you are • liable to boy worthless
trash, unless you examine for yourselves.
(O. Remember, Dr. DUYSOTT'S YELLOW
Prep‘rwl at t& F. Bennett's - Labranwy, t.iule Fal ls,
Herkimer manly, N. 114 d .t wholesale in N.
y,,,k City by .1. E. Tripp.. 128 Maiden Lane : aim by
Tr.icy &wile. Elmira, 1.. M. Resta* Binghamton.
.1. 1.. Putney. & Bon. Owcgo, and by the
. prinapal
IlrutziAta nierchlots throughout the U. Maws,
WeA Indies lad Canada.
None temente ordeal pen -op in hugs ognare
linttlet Cllnpaining a qutrt, with the 411 , 1111 of the ernp
Mown iU. 0116.0411 A. arith.the written signature of 8.
BENNET: on each outsittyi:wrapper.
Sold Wholesale and by C. R. HERM
.1 Ott or, .10H\B. roRD, 7bmande. la)
Western N. York Ceihie igllk
SOT Main /Erni,• Nolade, dri,
Dr. C. G. Taegba's Vegetable -Llthestbrlpie RUM.
frills celebrated remedy is ettestottly inereisise
1. fasts by dm sibao anon it is insksts
It tam sow lemma Me way medicine for family see
arid k particularly nicarecieurkd kr
sll essiss of this eamploist ismadistely termed, no
manse d boss hag modem. illeepsaiplikt far telti
and all &trim of the whiney ergots; ter diem &s
-tressing etenpfiints et stands alone ; no other ertkie eon
relieve goo ; and the mitts testified to will convince the
most skeptical ;—seeparapikt. Liver Complaint. lit
haw diseases.
To the v" west especially. mid whenever these
complaints prevail this medicine is acted.
no deleterious cootpoetnd it apart of this mixture,
ecru these diseases with certainty and celerity. and
does not leave the "yeti= torpid. See punpidet.
s complaint ors mew painful diameter it OM,.
ATELY RELIEVED. and • cuts Mows by • fm,
days use ofis
th article : it is Arlie/ore any ofAcr pre
paration fur Mis disease, or fin any other Ammo wig
lusting from impure blood—bee pamphlet.
weak beck, weaken's@ of the Vidneys, &e., or hams.
lion of same is immediately rebeeed by • km Asp we
nnltis medicine, and a cure is always a reindict its sea.
It steads as a
tor sae \ enmplarate, and also for derangementsof the Se
mate frame.
painful menstruation& No article has ever been of
fared ereept Skis which mould cues this derevegosads.
It may be relied upon as ■ sure and effective remedy
and did we feel permitted to do on could give
is proof of eared in this did reaming elms of eornplaints.
See pamphlet. AU broken dowa. dehilitateelhootatitie
tionfrone the lid of mercury. %ill And the beaelmir mi
d this ankle to art immethately. and the pawpaw
mimosal medical«) from the system.
will find the alternative properties of We atticki. PURI
FY THE BLOOD, and such diaesaes from the eye,
tern. Bee pamphlet for testimony of cures * all die.
m i d
earn, which the limits of an advertiement wilt p
ina to be named, here Agents give M eer soon r they
contain 42 pages of mated* of high charade s, •
stronger array of proof of the chum of a mea ' . ne
ver appeared. // is one of the peculiar fast of
this article that it never fails to berer./0 as illnyfaer,
and if bone and in are kJ) to build upon ler the
emaciated and lingering invalid hope en, sod keep ta
king the medicine as long as there is en i .
The proprietor would caution.the public net a com
ber of articles which come out under the bead of Sant
peirilbes,•Sy rups. /kg.. as cures for Drop.y. gravelAke.c—
they arc good for nothing, and connected to gull • the
unwary ; touch them not. Their inventors never
thought of tearing such disease" till this article had done
it. A particle► study of the pamphlet is solicited
Agents and all who se.l the article are glad to circu
late eratutioasly. Put up in 50 ox, bottles, at $1 ; 12
ft. do still each—the larger holding i or. more than
two mill bottles. Look out and not get insposed ups?.
Every bottle has •Vatten's Vegetable lithontapne
Mixture," blown upon the glass, the written signature
of" G. C. Vaughn" on the directions and "0. C. Vaugh
in. Buffalo," stamped on the eork. None other are ge
nuine. Prepared by Dr. G. V. Vaughn, and' sold at
the Principal Office, 109 Main stem% Buffalo, at whole
sale and retail. No attention given to letters unless
pea-paid—orders from rowskely eartelituted Agents ex
opted : post paid knees, or verbal communications so
licking advice, promptly attended to, gratis.
Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this ankle
-122 Nassau at., New Yost city : 225 Emu at., Salem
Mara. • and by the principal Druggist throoagbout the
United States and Caned*, as Agents.
STORRS de CO., Whole/ale Agana, Philadelphia.
J.B. FORD. Towanda. T. D. Swing, Lacerrille.
C. 11. Hernck, Athens. A.Durhant, Tunkbasn e k.
C. B. Fisher, WYalusinfi- B. D 716, c°141 1" 1 "'
G. IP. Redington, Troy. April 12. is 4 .-y
No other medicine has ever been introduced to the
public that bas met limb such unperafellsd etweese,
as Dr. floota's 011/1.1/Tat tiertast•F Da= Pms—
having been but six years Woes the publie,and the ad
vertising small, yet they tiara worked their way bon
every state in the Union and Canada*. They have ab
solutely become the &tendon! Medicine of the day.—
They are purely vegetable. and so admirably compoend
ed that when, taken in tame doses they - speedily cure
acute dime" on the strongest constitutimis, suck as bil
ious diseases, amlldien they are taken is small dome
they operate like a charm upon the sea debate, um.'
eons female, and bare raisdd numbers foam their bade
after all othereleenedies bad kited. We hem mite to
but kw of the many intranaloste was eastned by the
use of said Pills.
Spinal Affeelion.---Anna Wood, of Radmod, Jeff. ea
N. Y., was cured, alter she had been confined ea imbed
3 years, with Spinal disease and Abeam of the Longa.
The bill of her regular physician, (Dr.Joitanamod Clay)
bad amounted to SSW See eiressinrs.
Son. ula and Nervous Debility : —Nnt. Deans& of
My, N. Y.. was curie, of Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility
and ftcrofoloas affection of the bead, after ihe led boa
confine,' sit months, sod all other esedicies bed Wed.
Cough end Onus - option cured. Was. Bondy, of
Pickering, C. W., was cured of a mare cough after" be
bed been confined to hie bed fur a long time, and was
given up by his physiebni. He bad used meat- of the
Cough lftedicines of the day, and was mime* by his
fries& sod physicians, to he in the last stains. •
Dyspepsia.—A. B. F. Ormsby. of Symms, N. Y.,
was cured of dyspepsia ao severe stmt to be Ms is
wort for two year.
Wm. Smith, Greenwich, Coes, cum eared of a so.
sere case of Dyspepsia, Comiveneis and Narvens
lity of two years standirni, after expendig hire awls'
of money to no purpose. See Circulars.
Severe Carte of Pites.—lain Behan, if Haewielt. 01-
mega en., N. Y., was cured of a severe ems of Nes red
esteem costiveness of law and painful diumeism. Who
would not a.emilics a de* *Wings to be evierrediranso
di firessing &complaint
The above are all ram in which GI ether remediss
Wield% mem or glee relief. Bony et the ow dame
tee might he publiehedif we heaves, 11Porpmildam
sae Botanic Institate, which can be led of Vets
Haw sat or COVNTLIMPSITSr.AII done are spurious
Pills io circulation called Onimitel ere awoto~tlsist.
be sore in we befonlyou bey that tba is.. if" Dr. E.
Mauls &, Co." is on the facia the boxes. Nose above
can be go ain& We net WWI that any'," who is
lasting a spurious article has yet dared to Maks ass of
oat name; but soma of them ban had the impedes=
to imitate our boxes and copy one circulars, certifiable.
dr.c. Unless the public are.careful when they psalms.
they will be deosivad.
The senaine nag ens be bad erbaknalo aad masa of
Dr. B. L. SOULS & Co., Heed: N.Y.
BaM in Towanda, by I. B. POW- oftiCHAMBEL
Lfai & PORTER; Geo. A. Perkins. Atheism; Lyman
Dadra; illmitblield; A. * 8. H. Marley,
y.ssi Taylor, Onsavillierliammel Bmitli,lPrsehlker A.
Burroastue, Manreetan ; Gear Niebols. Romer N.Z.
Fridge' , Drivel) ;J. B. Bolloct, Lellsysville. 46-6 m
ft i ~zi, , , _____ __ _ ___ ___
I r .i : , .
ti ~ 4 1
110 i 1 ORIENTAL: lERI
Ili ,
, d 0
1' ,/
r SOVEREI GN ..___ . 4 1 la BA L PA , '....)."
Di. E. L. Soule & Co.
PVlsbelPlll IhNlibenusts.
• . .
TS DELIMA, MEDICAL. 11011111L-wfwab
11 1 07 •The
- Wed, want. wad but had to earn all feral ad mat
diassea. dimmed awild• owl oditery baba of yen*
is DILIUNKSLIN, D. W. WWII 1/1 This{ NW Daiwa
eta., beams Spam sal Pfea. I i agarn Alm the Es
!MAP, riliaidellaits
Teti who haw iejurad thaseelvaa by • wain prow
its Iteleattly bah** he.-• bait Avowed; Waal
nos ai campasaws N at achaol—da Whoa of whisk
IMP *billy his, own whets and obettey bash wind
a.i body. olauld *Wyk rosilisitar. Walkman Nod
anwidatalf» lit buttiodimiati;, awed. and fall are
teamed. Altirtant post Boa
Yowl° MEN
lf yen vibe lost bib it me bra* reataabot, tbs
delay at a neon* say. "tie a Walk. nay rpm yew re
is, both at body as& aid Hama het ea him wariaty
eat yes bon ntokisig brows yea cue is ••• •aria,
howl education and rapeetabiby. cat gas lokiewilyes.
Do who piano bawd( ander DR. MECUMS mat.
want. Nay raligloaly MS&k a hie bloat sr • patio
ma. and is whose balsa will, is fame Ached the or
wet of dm patient.
Tia,ibasy dab they .11 is the meet a that own
bane. end cats theaseles. Aims ! bow ones is this
a total oldadan, owl hew ninny a math* yams is..,
who might taro bean an seamatat to misty, has hided
from be oath.
Wing it ineonvonient to wake pallipfillithe •
can : by dada. bait an sipkc•sly, lapriber with all
thew myeatana, (pet lam post-paid.) have forwarded
to %ban • neat astaistai Dr. ra asiblia appropria
ted wesnlingly.
Paeksget Nafieissee lawanled a any pea tithe
U. S. at • soriasee wain. (op
(OsPeor NW. t errata . adit.swd to DR. 1113N Phibielplais, will twpanatly sewadod
Ste showiteaest in the ttpint of the Times, Phil..
No. ti, Pau area, new the Extherage, Pkiledelhio.
'NM aptieribet having ands areal improvement
1 in his webs& of emeinf . type sad miring of me.
tab, and bad a tboweek ammo. of his nratriess,
faces if which ars nut nestled, I. beauty end nem
lady of cat by any in the ectontry ; ihrtnn himself that
by a strict personal mention to bosinon, sad employ.
Mg none but the mat aki3fl workmen, he is enabled
to Mgr a supreme article,
Be is constantly adding to his stock all that is new
from tho hew nodules of this and other countries, and
haring lately procured hoe Europe-agreat variety of
NEW ?ACES and ORNAMENTB,salicite the anew
tins of hinters thereto.
Specimen, will based to !bees wields; tes eider,
Priam, Omen, Caws, Int, Stands. OWloyaKram
Ink, and evin7 other ode% onetted to howdah es taw
plots Printing Wier. enpodied Mq this obeisant notice.
of the sawed otyle. and ef all limo, airefally put up
in from, of carnet pnopertiess.
J. ULAR works, in soup County throughout do
United States. To Agents, the stem Moral aumnsuraq
agent is stand—with a moil 4:vital a( frost Wes
#lO4- A draws issikied when+, au siemens mai*
room $ll I. $25 per work. Pro faiths, partimiars,
address, (postpaid) WM. A. LEARY,
al3 No. lan North Snood &rest, Pluladsiplais.
F717‘741 TANLv.)IO/15Vill
WITH n LD nUt.
TOMENB MAKINSON would inlets theme
interested, that we have concluded to Mom ep the
business of the inn. We And our Capital is not in our
hands, but distributed over Bradford sod Timm coun
ties, and we have len . ployed an Agent to call upon our
customers, ao as to title them an orportnnity to take up
their soles; or either of the add Arm 'will maim mo
neya and give a receipt to apply. We hope and true
we shall not be obliged to place • larp number of our
customer's notes in the bands of magistrates. Neces
sity, however, compels us to make collections. Than
of our misname* in and shout Towanda, that have un
aided matters en book, will be good enough to call and
have than dosed up. The beldam hereafter will be
continued under the fine of NAKINSON & Co.
Towanda, Joss gra.
- ~.
2 1 11R - 31821Elar WIMIIIIIIAL
L M. NYE & CO.. mallow
rpm* info/el:the citizen* of Tow.
- " soda end the pubficnenerally. that
they have on band & neenn&cmne
r, 111 rin ,to ord er all kinds of CABINET
URNITURE, of the beet mow
. -
in rile, and workannahipthatentmet
assortment in country shops, we will keep on bead end
sake to order SOFAS, of various and meet approved
patents; Sok Rocking Chaim spholeasesi is superior
style. and for are end durability cannel be eierpomed
even in Our lave edits. Also, the half Preemb Ms.
begany Chair, lemotifally aplisitered, with curled heir,
which never loss its elasticity. end finialmed with the
best hair seating. We lease assets., that having
bad much experience in the busing, we shall be able
to satiefy all wbo may fret &oilseed to cell. both as to
quaky mid pare. end . by strict • atiostion bombes,
bops to and mane the monesemp of a liberal eem
amenity. , L. M. NYE dt CO.
Towanda. September 1,11 MT.
cagmrier ruse.rsr
nAY BE MAD et esr skip meek km tV k
bee me bees sold is Tewesia. Mende Ns
end Miasma lewered, end dot I die mewl we
eas allied all for ite do it. AB blade el palsies will
be received in mast. Ale% LUMBER if ell Vain
Sept. I. L. M. NYE IF CO.
111 = 2 . 7 .11Fr e arr e ingellin
W" be kept eabled e bxtje eeeeeterest, end
made to order en sliteeter oedema *hes new
guy than arm be produced et way ether ortablubsent ie
the land. Those who ere under the neeewity of pro
curing that article will sod iball be artiadied. A good
beersesod pill ley be had inettendoure when derived.
Septes&ro I. 11147 L. N. NYE & CO.
Ust ue ym abet has ! but ye To' I nos&
Tm MANN{ of tines the gemestiou h.. Wes whoa.
Whin so oaf* an Atha Sam sad Ohne no.
autoclaved that supply no ~inn mist the ewer
of Maio sad Bad. otreetsl O'Hara eassone shot this
is no plan, mai duos an the thief we do it Wilk
.....seeserfasitii nu
gFery twe seconds!
Put on the Steam!,
Hier ye I leper ye f seJ
.emodlenetee4 thst Mina, al
Ifs canter of Maio and Ildiasuinto, t.l Ma la Man
this ecens. 311,781 join of Boo k ; Hbass Eva B •
et s Ine pies thsa env urn prpbably war will be of.
Awn nun I. Toenvolo.
The Win' Dopettalut is this aravilielhant to
Addy faroldial w Wine. ' Load, nines' sad
didihmaltialey sad Was sad nom ma
do nuairity of *nun hSrhini.. Ilieveho uot tie
plus -Caner of Vida and RAW aunts, Me ads
Sheellove is arsolferfl Comfy.' NW' eon and lair
Inds der Inns& R. 'O'HARA...
'Towanda, Jane 16, 11147.
New Tilllettig EsiaWitlintst,
No. 2,, Fri* now, over Ore don of & T rer,
third /Om
so..att witiuk w.
IEMPECIMILLY hallos lii eiriaris of Tarsal.
da.rirl tkorpiblie pareraNy. Soho kaslresisral
Tailor simple - No. 2. lisielfloor. owartko maw of
E. 11Poz. dad fry. Whew bo Nicks these hi sass
of Toikosing. to grio his seat
liforistimair is rho apeol frolioarikit swab
lidiarolso is pbW • sad eirrolars, sad War as:
lerisieea to pre io poise so plow, carsoarao any
doparrupos)harisg Char wrwi , d4w.Piesig, is
a poi "la or ,
reopirroapo, AIL
work`warowelorimoil sale sad •
Q Crakes daii cheep, sad ,wswasial.
if:r Country Praha, Askew is mortal for work.
• *keit&
lIIMMIAL At i s s>Zrttlwki r$ lll, MWEMS.i*Ilis ,
By Dr. triimmet !Nets*. Bleetiaq—
ll.N INTERNAL REMEDY, which. if seal se
etolog to druseriens,a env fee life a.stewneseil.
• .1. • sensweies se vas INIONSS.
A eassemar eeenesgeenee at this alludes is vibe i •
unemen. et bearing denseame, as kb' diviicil#
; dues is eke hest, tweets and thieldavy is awe
MK, wigging has • ileerderabe degas. of there MONA
tisss to the vest emenciativi esiferialt s—thees we
mesa by the prat loor at bleed to the pow Sow
time the• inner teat et the banal petraies at sun
eveastion. itensiss what ie sailed Peelsosse arMin
1 the bewele t this is the eau ef hag esatiased
Missed sestets eirthverypeu . he sans imatentes
the pewee experiences seeress pays. wheal an Wks
enlehas, and Mena ewer la ths sidleser. which ale-
Peace istemeavely diet IN eveseties,. seed eautittes
flews thkty miaow Mashes! hem ; these INlalaaNif
erevery tottorwts and senestionts efistriesing,—
This Mosooo, when et eel esatimusee, is etimeded by
pan ma weaker is the beck, initial* . et the Itid.
nays sad bladder, sad abet argues is the richity„ pan
and assabesme is the ins and flout. a stow of anklet
am about the chest, end enaveral Whom V the IX
denim! slums, easmapesiul with palpitatke oil the
best mad app eseiss. isdieideabe asestieess espeeleace,
Feriae. teas souk et the Pass, eysopeas deneitieg
greet elevuipmet in the ekesiation ; them its s tom
weighs and perm in the abacuses. with s poorer
Julian at osemiono to the howels easetipsties ler
dawwts, sewsded with - pis in the back sad Missy wee.
see, sad slight pies in du mesas* pas teasstseace,
asfeeed sesestions in she heed, weariness, sad edits.
hie end demeentemed eve of use Naiad, end a sine of
Mimes sad opeverioa in the neon at the iSeersch.--
The circulation as dissertator is /obis. and theverreset
of bload datirradwed inward and dawnwania. ram AU.
Or TM /MOTU WIWI= 41111111111111aIXTS.
Dr. fplogre Vegetable Ilestaery.
Curer Effectually and fisfrofore Fermis Piles.
H0p..,, Deateehee i I. ISM
fits.—T bays and 1:1t. 17phava's Vegetable Pile
Showy whit'. I parthired of Jos. sad dad it ate of
dot but medieinee it see for the pi10t...4 also for all
biltioao alectioao. arisiag from.. aware eteta of the
gams. Pout. dro. E. A. Cots. Mathis
Dorms ersyss Mllllllll/lel 01111Ci o
New York, Dee. 6, 11147.
1112111116. Wyss: I Korcusis--Genthanni
demanding disuse moth* steward agents fir tho
of Dr trphani`a Yogstable Eloessars. for dm era of
filas,l hese dossed k asy duty is ireluitsse mow
oradatiou in behalf of that insalsable sinficitio.
bans hos sillicald km arty years with pike, and him
trill;miosa reewadi.. but with no bonolleial tdfiets-1
bassi to awisider sy ease utterly hopeless. Bus about
the haw aflopisaabeitlwa, I was prevailed upon by a
Menai as unix a trial of the abort nansod wigiehie. f
teak his risks and rejoice that I sin ass only named.
Ist, as I hawse. perfectly mod. I sag sahnestly
roeonistend it to all whisrnsy base the asisfoitinta to be
Waded with that annoying and dangerous ilisauss.
Vary niquetfany, your ob't astvint.
Macre Wmatrisirea. ' Z
Berkshire Co. (Rms.) Nov. ilk Mit 5
Mamas. Warn k Kercnasi—Gents : For thirty
years I bare been sitieted with pike', general Milky
and animation, causing tumors and prolamin of the
bowels, and which had waisted all the medical treat
meat Dr. Chapman and others amid aim. The last
Wes yews of that time tily wirings defy deseription.
I was ermined to bed, ariable to help myself. and at last
given up by my pkisielans and hireds in despair dm
w gaining my health ; in brit far dine days
m befoie I
made.entirely speecideal„and my burial el were
made. Sot under Providence, and the used . Up
ham's Elects/ay, though an OLD NAN I have
OM of slating the FACT to the public that my is
now gore, Aid hope to live men, jean, if it is God's
f r
will, to make , known the 'Jones of Dr. Upham s Elect.
nary, end to recommend it to mi afflicted fell crea
tures. It helped me beyond the expectations f all that
knew my rase, Mil I only ray to whets that it is, in my
opinion, the beet medicine in the world for Pi or any
other disease of the bowels; and if they will it ac
cording to the disunion; I will myself • cure
in every ease.
Yours, with the utmost expression of thankf Illness.
Ease mew?. Berk. Co., (Mow) Nov. 19, 1847.
The above certificate tells * simple end truthful eta.
ry of volimingi mud - leap& of-whit:h. us phyleeitie .cad
wham its the elem.! eheetfelly endorse.
NOTICE. —The peel's Upbsie's Ekttosre has
his writs's% gagmen, thew Cr A. Upham;
This he. is Glees dem with. put. !Pries.] a bent.
acr tiolld wits* isle and mail. by 'WYATT &
KETCHA M. 131, Pollee If. Y.. end by lbeigises
geesselly duseebeet the U. 11. sod Ceeedesi
JOHN B. TOED. Arent Set Teersadejli. ely
Spurious articles afloat!
lurft. J. ANDREWS. is justice to your salsa&
/U. PAIN KILLER, nod Ihr the Waal ei ibe In&
lie, we booby certify that we hove seed yam Psis
ler is or PentiGes for mot, for nosey el die dioceses
for which it is and we deem k des hoot
Itaseretive In see. would cosessiomedeesey
fassily to keep a manly on is coos et suides M
uses or oesideat.
lee. Amos Jacluies, seater that Deptisochinch. Mmes.
t's Willows Connate, Pesch °echoed, Toesphise Co.
Rachel Willows, basso Clock
Ass Dodley, Phirep Cow,
W Ann Teta,
A Baker. A Dews,
Jolts Doors** M , Colhoe.
J N e v
er Neuss, aso. N. Y. 11848.
perches* the Pais without ithe written
eireature GIL Amalgam, en the label of omit bottle, in
Mock %h. Sold by CNA MBERUN /a iPOWITIL
end JOHN IL FORD. only opens Rw ToWastis.
Per farther pertiaulars see edvaniiessent in another
column. 47—ty
Dena to Pain; retie to de sick ; head to de weak !
A Uhl is jbond Jfir hie whole ilitanan race, in
►HIS k so entitely Vegetable Coespouned. composed
X of twooty4im &Seem loveliest*, and is an tam.
eel sad manual eassiy. Pot spin botthes, miry* in
rim from So ft TA mots, each. Fee farther panes
lam sae pampkists, te be had of semi sorest mous, mow
gaining a WA binary at the mien and distamey ef the
hist 'Willer, cottilicatas of tires, dinctione, ke.
earne s .—..E ac h battle has the wham *wow ut
the peopeinot, J. Ayeassman the labol, mud without
it mesa ategmaina. Imam of hawitalue SW pedlars
seillim lbw hams to hew; reposenting it he the
genothe his Kik&
Sew only by the Mete* NV* nese
in this candy
John S. Ted, Tatman& I Clenega A. n hdhono,
Chneabsego it Penee.-41•. J.J. W lkiereseeteri
Pt P blink Tiny, C. S. &item
W dt H l poesy. de. I Coeyeli &Gni. litalimpew
W Sea & Co m theitiobbl i .
Sell 1 ail the miaapsi towns he the MOM
Canada and Tessa.
Whalmale agents in the city usl' New Batt mud ski.
sky: Heyde& Cnersee & MS p weskit.; Wyatt
it Lathes, Pultnast. (Inlets addireseed 10 the
peopeistor, or O. W. Scholium, post paid, Will meet with
mums Itheotien. ' Say •
FO n BALL two arm BUGGIES. in innwiew onler
for main. Tttoy we liniesi is towasior num.
111 wadi "rasa 104 *ow*matel.,ad will be
NY ate vest lowniis. fix CA= only.. They way*
omit Esenwilin' sihop , in the Iowa; glebe lete.
at , ISIS. , , 1. A. efINVMS.
T EGIitORN BONNETS en Awl? do** it;
AA. Ist dna dap ion FOX'S, lei ll* &et: s rod
assOnnene o f Planmeo booki.lios.noir Sad fashionable
ribbons, dowers and Wok at No./ Bei*. In‘ito
LUMBER WAGON, fee , male at the Nevi Hint.
• ware ,tore, jrZe D. LORD.
a.. Ng
.. , ..
- i, ..,..
i .r: .
. i 1 1 !. 1 i 1 1 4 .S..
i 't.. 1D., 1 a i .. i . / I • • :..-
42w1.1- ( 4
! •
, t .
iii. , ltil, , tlil
.... •. . .
Weeder mod Wooks, Of the 4ge
/AL inehl! This &Met is pet ap ie Qom Dottiess
it is eit dose cheoper. pleessater, sad weneated ear
tier to soy arid. It row without outkiag, yetsitig,
'kiosks et *Mites* the pedant.
Tile greet beauty Awl superiority aid& Serseperille
ease all Mhos aseitehms it, that whili it tool the
difterts. it Wigwams** holy It le woof the very best
Ryer knows ; - k wet ealy peeilies,dte whole systes.sed
strogtheus the putt., bet it creeks sew pyre lad
rich Ned r a pester peseosed by or other aseatioe.
And ie this lie* the trawl sestet et hi ovederfal see.'
sees. It has preforeted within the ket Ihe :ease, mere
deo 100.006 ores of sevenresseeet dissent ; at Mao
woo were eembiseed issatrebli. It his soli the
hoe of ewe then 6,000 dile= dories the two past
10,000 case* ti &semi yowl west of Energy.
Tomossed'e Semeperilla invigorates the whole
system psnesossoly, To those *be 1111111 lest their
siosesles seem by UN ante Or mobsirse es
doe committed is youth, or the esossaveisdolpece of
tho pmeiess, sad brosoht es s geserel physical prostre.
lies riihemenerts eyeless. lavaialak, wast at:mtbition.
Gristles smestiese,prematere decay sad deem, basso
the teem& that Mel theses. Grmeemptios, dm be so
timly rearmed by this plummet moody. This Sweeper.
ills is for ssperior to soy Istigwatiag Candid, es .it
resseme sod issireresis the system, pose activity to the
limbs. sod Amok to the moseadis aysiess, melt
imumnlimwv agrm.
Cleanse and Atienitiien. Casmostion csie be ear•
ed. Bronakiess, Cassuripties, Liver Complaint. Colds,
Cater* Combs. Airduns Spitting of Blood emenume
is the Mot. Hark Flu*, Niels Owens. Diffsuit
or Pierfarr Erpectenuion. Nis in dm ode, Ake., ban
bees and can be amid.
New Tort, April fR 1847-
Da. Townsum r.-1 say brkerselyaarlilermipanam
100 been die MGM through Previews of ening wry
Ufa. I bare few several years bad- a bed Carib. It
beams wens and wens At la* I named large "mud.
tw d blood. boa mgbt meets and was gristly debilita
ted mid reduced, and did pet aspect to lies I bare
only used your berrapirdlea alms time, and diem bra
wonderful change been wmegbt in - me. lam sew ibis
to um& all ~lds dry. I raise Ire bleed; and my
mush bee Mt ma Yoe est well immins that l am
thankful for three remits
This is only one of mom dui' lour thousand eases of
Rhemnistiamt that Dr. ToWneend's Baimaparilla has air
ed. The mast severe and chronic awes are weekly er...
adiested by its extraordinary virkten.
James Unessoinp, Esq., one of the assistants in the
Lunatic Asylum), Blackwell's Island, is the gentlemen
spoken of in the following letter:
Bleekerell's Wand, Sep. 14, 1847.
Dr:Townsend—Dear Sir: I have suffered terribly
For Mae years with the Rheumatism; considerable of the
time I mould not sat sleep or walk. I bad the ottnoet
• • pains, end my limbs, were terribly swollen.
base need (um bottles of your, Sarsaparilla, and they
re done me more than on* thousand dollars wadi of
good. lam so much better—indeed, lam entirely 4
fievod. You ass at liberty to one this for the benefit
the &glided. Yours, respectfolly,
JAMES cummmvs.
Heber is an account of another child saved. D .
Towns end's Barsaperilli bas saved the lives of t
sands of children. the following two certificates
mimed from a great number received this week.
New York, April 1, 1847.
Dr. Townsend : Dear Sir—Ous of ray children nee
very sick with a Canker lathe. Mouth -and Throat et
tended with great debility. It cams near dying. I ob
tained some of your excellent methane, and it cured it
directly, be which I assure you I reel very gratefuL
Yours, respectfully.
ELIZABETH FOW LER, 27 Desbrosseast.
Dr. Town - oat having tested his San4srills
cams of Fits, of, Dever recersonentkd it. and
surprised to ' thelallaming.from an in • '
respectsble Fanner, in Westchester County t
northers, August 13. Int I
Dr Townsend—Desr /fir t I have a hills girl r
years of age, who has been newel yeas enlisted w h
Fits ; we tried almost everythiag for ber, hut without
success; at last abbough we meld lied no recomminde
tiou in our deader for cases like hers we thought, as she
was in very deficits health, era would give her mean of
yens Sarsaparilla, and are very glad we did, dm- it *el
only metered her streeigth, bat she has had ito ret iga l s. of
the rm . ., to ear greet pkamire and surprise. Me is
Itsceemag rugged and, hearty, for which we list al.
Yours, nupsethily. JOHN BUTLER. Jr.
Dr. Totensenfs assimperilla is • lIMVICOVI OW .ass.
dy erne for Incipient Consumption, Derrennese,
sue Mori, or Talks, of th• Weak Cessisentm, la%
losesinfissa. er Whit.., obstreeted nr difficult II m
atins. Incestinenee ef Urine. or ibwolontlill '
themes( end fee the general prostration of the sy ,
no new whethse the molt of %Memo risme. as by inevilmity, likens or accident. Nothing ea be
mom sorprieing then its invigeratirq *Sets on the hu
man forum Persons an waslinesa and lassitude.
taking it, al once beeMne robust and fell of enemy Imo
dm its inikence. hinemediessly cootreets the mine.
leseneee of the Omsk frame. which is the pet min of
Derninness. It will not he expends. of no. fa moo Of 11 *
delicate a nature, to exhibit catilloure of cures
ad bat we can mum Me affikiedobet hundreds of
have been repined to vs. Thousands of awe
Wallies hare bees without ehildren, titer using a kw
Amities of this inselmble medicine, have been
with lee, healthy earring.
This&tract of eateeparilia has been expend, pnri
pared is reference to lassie soosplaints. No_ male
who hes num to suppose she is approaching *at «it;
leil Pena. " The tom opfe ." should'•000, to she
it, as it is a entails prevernive for ay of the nn roue 1
and horrible diseases to which females are subjsid this
tine of life. This period nos k del for. . .
woo .by wing tAis usalicine. Na e mit lees
for those lobe are apPreathing womanhood, as it i cal•
calmed to assist nature, by_ quickening the and
iarrigo die system. haw* this medicine in
saleable kr all das i delicabs diseases to which '
i sr subject.
it brans the while trim% mews permanent the
*Morel amonles, its num* tuiverefilisp a body.
net se fee stimuelearsdna i produced subsecrest eels:.
anon. which is the ruse of moot roodiehms taken no
male weelmen and. Assns. By .sins a fro banks ef
ibis smlickse. nosy severe ad OEM surgical
dens nay Impersaimsd,
Dr. TiMmend is Aeon daily ,seemed wok
Phydrions km Mental pans of the Union.
This lie io certify, that we the undersigned, Pity
604 city of Albany, haul in numerous cases pi
sit Dr. Townsenta Sersiparilla, and believe it tia
of the most rahmide preperationslithe market
H. P. Amis. M. D
J. Wilson, It., D. -
,& & Boman, N. D.
Moly, Apia 1. .P. E. ELIONXIMIIII7,
Owiiiii *OW Plat and iiiiense .
Tampion es • Is,* anritoor of MID IP
Entalety mai Agin nee seeniieseed making :-
s.liztinsh 4 ' *ma; asirecin 0- 1r
- 7 14, ' , imi it Wu ilikunin
the, aid amen if ha* nioine aid impiiM
sh ventinenseta.lion ludg_,,weikison'il#ll4. 'I
ould_isil eiralled:
'mow envie*ft
V. J. ToiwandoPo.,
for &Wien/ count .
Your °behest 'sweat.
W.M. RITMLL. sa Caiiherise4l.
";"' Z; Tjtatfail •" , ,tlif 1.,
lam just abaft lisiniker foam
bight ova the hi prapsem
rash mut Stab limbs tie of
Immyaw need diapiir.- Thos
bad dits wsusial leap,
wits Of Win. IL Asnia Esq. wale,
Winbingism, Dr. Roo sad Mc
Ora Raw and Mae st
. thought hit anus ilk , eke
of bang in etiminguisn, mid wis
phydamso 7 -1111samm . Ban/
cued her.
'Bars Play was alio eyind ef
Islam when alt ether rewires
wasrediseed as skeleton. Dr.
, 291 Broadway ; hes whitetail
tares where no other imeditine law
Datum wended Mien calm I&
Arita wonderful effect, ht awing Ash.
sash fails of dein. 19pinin4 111•4
1 bik, iR effactuolly mood by this Bat.
ruptured or nomads! bawl tismels,
sip sound again. '
M0e5,.109 Eighth mew, was cmii of
alisetions of 50 yam maaitag. Tb,
.1 mom robs( Sum all the other weds.
We., Dr. L. I; Deaf 19 Dat aiky
pre it witsistrawle. whir we labosiag aw n
- grans. and As trether tamely allkal with ih e
he in& hoes its efiets wiff ilifteirlaie, soli
ing than to mattartabis heal&
tomato WeD., 15 Christie at., sacred hen
a 49 rasa tiltormases !ahem relied her as
and ohs itesnipanuively we% balms embled
every sttack by • timely me of this mediae.
imbed, is the timely remedy tar Coes*, Calk
Afing blood,-Liver complaints tad all affections of the
malt, and ease Asthma and Cassnaption.
Price 25 cents and Sl is bottle. Sold in Towanda,
CHAMBERLIN & PORTED, No. 1. Brisk ray.
- ,
Let 11 K wor k. prefer it !
Own totnall far Ear" UNIVERSAL,
Cuts, Swellings,
• Braise s Silt Rheum, Piies./emr Sores, Sore 4
Lips, Chapped Ham* Chillbleim, Scald Head, sad al '1
tads of Iniamed sores.
Penises in all asmiltions , of Eis. spa at times tablets
b' will will, the above eamplabits. It in therefore
is 44 ef beads if itaidiss to provide and kap an
book toady for um emorgeney, • REMEDY that is f,
capable of nets ommt dm snaring summistat b dem -{
TOUSETS tewabiessais
NTM who have Ind
seed not be toid that it is s complus needy, a meow
of psis, sad the most spealyrunows of rajferearatiro
ever diegoventd. The aspen/nee el such persons is
Went to prompt them to kuspit always on hand, boom
ing that May valuable lives have less amid, by gm,
• =3.
Mogi& 6' d and min am*, buss, 4i,
maids, /kg. It Metantly sops all pain al she *omen
kiod,and meow mem N. family shoadi be widow
it, as an immedints mplicatien of it in arm e( bonus •= t ;
scalds, maid do mom good while waiting Tae the daces
than he meld do when arrived. besides yortusting lose
bans of the maw steifering whirls might pin/ beim
physiebut amid be obiaisaL
It possesses control ova the mamma admen by. sv, -
ova ninniliestion. aver issiumundeis, and by its am
tined obtuse it seta as astati.mplie, nerving, enti.opo.
goodie, anodyne, eneofßeset and healing,: and is the taut
complete external remedy in ase. '
Thousands bare tried, and thousands pain It. l b is
working its way into public favor with a rapidity sta.
known in the history of .weaned *twain are it, re. : 2:1
csassres‘it. Again we say. no family abduld be with. 4
out it. The ageism famish the public gtatis,witb boob
describing this ointment.
qa.gach box of the genuine Tonsee's lissrlaus
OtarTnitsv hes dm signaler" of 8. Tummy written or
the outride Mid in black ink. Nester purchase a hot
utiles, this signature can be semi. Pnee 25 cents can
boxer sve boxes for $l. • Prepared by Esr.tstrr & Tar.
sex, Syracuse. N. Y. Sold is New York at lot. Nu. 4
eau street, mud is Towanda, by CHAMBERLIN
PORTER. No, 1, Brick Non
Clieltuerse Vegalabile Purgative PAN
ARE the srit stud only medicine ever thwerveyed thd
will pitlaiirely cure Heethielie, Gichfineet, Pam
maidm. Bniellpox. Jaundice , Pains is - de
Beck. I Weakness, Palpitation of the Bean. Ri
sing is the Threat. Dropsy, Asthma Fevers of all Ids
Female Complaints, Measles,' B.h Rheum, Resit lick
Weems. Choler*, Embus, Cesille, ( 11 0 4 1 . Y. W bw4 l l
womb, Coesempdon, Pits, Liver Complaint, Eldred,
Deafness, hebiags of the Skin, Cold., Pieria.. Caw
plaints. end a variety dottier Dimmed wiling from*
, iodides of bedimmtion.
h hes been proved that nearly every disease to ilia
the homes frame ie sebject, torigismai from
of the Shod or Derangements of the Mestive Omme
sod its seem Hoak we rasa wade these ebstroetive
or redoes the 6466 d to its natural stele: This feu s
usiverstilly know., bet people. has each an denim
to medicine, tketomiess the wow is seneet„ they orte
the diem, to she veni, dein an impilred Comeritetite
ors it Disk:ham rehears them for. the &fly of their** ,
duet. Still they hid end enema foe herdofort, 0 101 .
ivies is lal/Nla all he bras, was mad, ee diem*
es it was beeelitiel. Now, however. the evil isatetet
fecteelly removed ; for Ckestrats'a regdole Puirtio
Pith, being ameriletely enveleped . with • ClPaTnis sP
scat warm sease.(whidi is distinct hum the tend)
hers nu taste of medicine, but are as eerily swami
as bits (daddy. Monson* they do est nausea*
gripe in I/mo6looes* degree, which is occasioned by tit
fact that are compounded on scientific principles, ul
operate equally en all the diseased pens of this mush
indeed of coefining dieseselves to, and racking soy Ile
tinder region. (which is the greet wed admitted evil d
every other pomades.) Renee 'they that so She di
of Diseise, remove al l implore known from the bkel.
open the pores externally and idenmelo , , promote *
Insensible Penpirstiou, doled 'llateleerey, Meth&
dre.--oreperde all foreign and eknosiod poach's fits
chyle, es that the blood. of which it is the mien, eat
be thoroegh/y pare --steer* slew said heakhy tabu v
the Elesit..Longe end Liver, end thereby mem bedi
Caen when ell oilier secure terse failed.
try A totem of inquiry or ‘r 'deice meat be ei•
dressed (post paid) to Dr t .C.Y.CLICEENBR, Nal, New York, or hie enthinised puts dikoler
set the areetry. Far ode in Towanda, by •
N.E. Remember, Dr. O.Y. Clicks:tor is the inners
of Sew Cooed Pill and that twohisegot the test Irs!
ever Mead of r until he inhabited them fin Jane. MI
Purchasers should therefore ask he Inakener's
Coded Pith. mid like err ether. we they will be se ll
the -victim& of a freed.
Condag, Elmira, aid Ml* Lim
db.. • soma is die Wearing mkt :-
~ 44.)
Lane Cessies.... Aressim sit ii o'ci l a.A. al
Lane Blaita o . Wednakye. a I fetlock, r• 5 4 1
Lean Mamma . ...... ~Tbankla.Te.. P.I I -*
Taw Beim Skenealake am Fraley, touebing et Pal
Sneak Stabil, Ltali. Dtesdee. ;waft Game W'
aerie° end Seneca Pala. en eilierhiP. - ,-.•;,
Lame %Me foe Elwin andCassim i svery Mai!
Bleaninar. Leave Reebeaite ever Monday omenetA,
BOAT CORNING, Cm. A. M. Ta u ". _ .
BOAT ELPIIRA. Carr. If. W. Twang% ;,•,:,.
BOAT BUPPALO . Cara B If. Ca"' S-
Pet Palen er Tamp apply se Ow Cepa* o ,l'
i r . ,
NW; er se die fallesiinag Masts : • ' ':Ar
W. N. liblfray. Cereneg. Price & BAN Saw&
S. B. Same e Cs - Elaiimllhatkigi & Pia da. -....
J.Winteanna. Hone Ileada4. Md&r.lhoses raa , tAt
B. IL Rilliblelv Naftelliy., I:. 16111Mbly Mallellia ll. ..: 1 1
LO.Ticasared. DV IL L. A& Beelleaa •,....,--
Weaearada & Pea. &a I Whoa,. Belli b I
Sa, ag eneet..Weitarleo. ; : April 1% 18481 _ ';',;.',
be am
of Dr;
latiors 4 'Anolo6:-T A di6e & No g , alio sod
attilvalkiiiir abed* gent's cola bilr•
kifi; ealtati4 aril 'hoots and aloes, and children . ' 6 '
satins' low at the I :tiottal atom Ni N. BETTS
v 3
11144111readirait Cosi* t
iatirderripm•he wedve N. igtsgq,
beiguli• a!• "NOW Came Mambas
lidlng a MJ, r 1114
-Nispuisallisi Wow *las*
rib ellmehik;ies Ms iihnew
Jimese I. pawl, ars