Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 04, 1848, Image 3

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    The Nemhutitivii—MilY It was made.
We, find the folloWiniloo4 foraarkiall.Pom
municatitm in the last "Montrose Deala3lll4 7 ? 4 6iter
- 4
the signature of " Free Soil," It is in reply to a
r •
most unfounded idlegallowthat file re -noMmation of
Mr. Wilma was irregular, and.eontraty lost usage.'
Wen wait it, we demand, that anrarTMTgeMent
was made as to alternitsou tit the district f 'Who
authorized kind how was it consummated'! But
to the remarks in question: ^ • •
"Self-constituted leaders amt. swelling dictators of
every class may ptate about usage and all that—
David Wilmot's re-nomination for another term
wis made by the irrepressible voice of the free,
bonest-bearted people of this district. It was due
alike to him, sand to themselves in view of the
great principles for which. he has, been the fearless
and un purchaseable advocate- There is much force
in. the fact that Bradford county, contains almost
as many voters as Tioga and Susquehanna both;
and ought, perhaps, fairly claim something like a
propcirtion of time in having a Representative. But
the late Democratic Convention of Bradford county
speaking the unanimons voice of seventy delegates—
asked Mr. Wilmoes re-nomination upon higher
grounds the kodi-asecrtained wishes of the people of
the whok diitrid, with a view to his vindication
against the renal attacks of Southern power, and its
crouching vassals here in the North
Why should he not be sustained under these cir
cumstances, by those (I frankly say,) of ALL par
t:es, who are sincere in their attachment to the
principles which originatearthe' l- Proviso'!" All of
us—with a few marked exceptions—approved and
applauded his course in offering it. All admit he
was and is right upon this question. Look, then,
to the ruthless manner in which be has been assail
ed ;—the concerted attacks upon him, both in Con
gress and out of it. The blood-hounds of power,
with a true Southern scent, are still yelping at his
heels, and seeking his destruction I And for what!
Because saysone, (who-writes
,himself Demo
crat," and proves himself something else)—“ he
intends to vote for Martin Vantßuren ; and Mr. Wil
mot's election under these circumstances, would be
hailed as a victory aver Cass and Butler." How
such a victor_ja4 unless the friends of Cass and
Butler join the shamelesswarfare against him,
Grant he does differ from the friends of Cass and
Antler upon the subject of the Presidency ; and that
he feels constrained to,vote for Martin Van Buren in
ronsegnence of the position Gen. Cisshas assumed
in his Nietiolson letter in regard to the "Proviso."
Gen. Cass and Mr. Wilmot were once well agreed
upon that subject, and so continued until very re
cently. Gen. Cass has changed his views, and he
avows it,; and now forsooth unless David Wilmot
will change ton, he is unfit to represent the freemen
of this District! So say white men, walking erect
in God's image, and calling themselve4Democrats!
0, if my free scorn had the lightning's power, I
would place a brand upon' the craven forehead of
every man who thus belies his country andhis kind
in the utterance of such slavish sentiments! For
what do we propose to elect representative to Con,
gress 1. Is it that he may be the servile, soulless
-I-et-Thant of power and place! &wiring to a mas
ter, like an emasculated Eastern slave ! If we the
freehnrn sons of the North : happen to differ (as in
truth, we do,) on.some subjects with Gen. Cass—
must we yield our opinions, and send an automaton
. to Congress, slavishly, to echo nought but E zeentive
sentiments ! Yet such—separated from all twaddle
about "usage," and" claims of Tioga"—are the logic
• and lan - gnage of the writer I am reviewing.
DiSorganization!" cry these toadies of South
ern aristocrats. Now—l am willing to yield all
fair force to usage and regular nominations. But
when you ask me, in the selection of a represents
tivelin Congress. (I employ the - forcible phrase. of
a distinguished politician on the other side,) to
"throw conscience to the devil," and inquire only
whether our candidate thinks precisely as some
other man thinks who mar, or may not be President
—I tell yor we received the priceless boon of free
dom from ancestors who dared-"disorganize" even
to the crimson battle-field, rather than be the cring
ing slave of kingly power! Give-us then, the Man
who ifareti to be*RIGHT. even if it be at the expense
ofsorOe hide Crashing of party machinery, and were
party :arra:rigements. •
Across Atlantie. I am aware that the parasi
tes of" regular" establishments,declare in -some co-
Res the vivre, libel ;--valru, sedition f. racy,
blasphemy! And as soch they punish it. Bat pr
late, eve t here , the cry of " disorganization: at
ted t minions of power, ceases to deter thelio
nest. griends of hutoon freedom. .Buch •• Demo
crats 7 4,they who croak against David' Wilmot,
bic.ausellbboldly adhereato what he thinks is right,
and 'lshii the most nY biseopstitientsthink is right.
(no matter what Lewis Cass or any other man
'thinks on the subject) is much behind the times,
even in servile Europe. Bueh Democracy smacks
of the shelf, where, p9litically speaking, its owners,
long since, were laid; and where they may as well
quietly remain. Ifithey hate Mr. Wilmot, or the
principles of " Free Soil," let them vote against
him, and avow thot honest -reasons for doing so ;
not•make themselves ridie.ulous by putting on the
" skin" of "Demoejtacy," without pulling in
the ears of the antiquated animals beneath it."
Judge BREWSTER'S Nomination !
That beautiful print Tioga Eagle, at the 14th inst.,
Contains what purpoSts to toe an address of the Con
gre4sionai Conferees of this. County, Messrs. Jon*
ilvoN and Aim H. BACON, to the Eleetens of this
Di.trict, setting forge a series of wrongs to Tioga
county, and nominating float. JONA! pacws - rza.for
congress—but when,/ fad is a Argery—a full com
ptete-aml 'willful forgery ! It has the names of the
Conferees attached, and bears date n Cowanesque,
Scpt. - 84 1849," and yet wehave the most positive
antlioriT ,. fcht: saying that it was gotten up and pub.
fibbed without the advice, cbawnt, or even Lam/.
edge of Mr RYON, one of theerees. Mr. Ryon
himself stated at his hotel, in this place, that he
knew nothing at all of the affair until 'after it was
• dune I
We ivill not pretend to say who got up the mis
erable abortion, but if permitted to " take a guess' .
at tt, we should lay the scene in a Law office in
4s place,, and - the time, the evening of the 12th
Mat where and when it was concocted by some ten
nr eleven individuals, one portion of whose pro
ceedings may be found in the Eagle o 1 the same
date and in the Paine column with the gorged ad
dress, which published proceedingsbilt reiterate the
sunsianee df*e address, and in airdost ..he same
We have been informed that the confeites from
this County, on their. may home from Towrda re
peatedly said they Ahouhl 'snpport Mr. IN turtirl
and, so far:is:Mr. Rvowieconceniedbhat he said;
upon ; hearing,
.etf . Judge 43aewsvca'fl , nomination
that 51111tAMiiikriti) had'unthinvojo with it—
that* inissibit`-endedz , ,ithett the L Ceittejifirate at
Trove - . - aii*-,47
Brew iiihould permit blinSellto 'be lien into
the lon of opposition to Mr. Wilinot; where he
(Jndget . 6.)'veribld inevitably be defeated !I "..
Such was Mr. ilyon's priSition,' and each
vie wa,iaglits* bk hirdeelf-ppon leamliig tha ntir,
Ilrewler. was initiii field. :The bolters here did
not in orm him what Course he musVpurane, but
trusted. ;ft) getting at his_ ear before he should state
the taCts. But it haPpiMed some Barnburners were.
' on the groand,,and got•fitis dpinion'before he was
let into the senret! And alitiough every precaution
was taken to have the whiner kept itill,, it was let
nut. and we terichntge it hone upon, the boilers
that they have perpetrated a barefaced. Odle 'upon
the community. Lathes deny it if. ther dare !
We have the evidence, mat of a nature too whigh
will make them ' their beads* shame; for if
givere , in full it will r only
i i'e the. if addresii*
1 t
a for' Cry, but will s up e °Vibe means dly
which it wait - intended to keep .it ilark i - ,sind, r _thut
Live a clue to therindividuil'perpettninaw , of; the
shameful and Miiiiinal tfintsaction...n . r
' Now in regard to Mr. Bacon—d the u Add ress ,'
'was forged here l as we4ve every. reason . `to be ,
lieve— it is not imprObiNelhathe , too, , was nett?
'r advised in the matter nor itifortninlof the address
c: , aftcl - it ‘4.1; r , blilled: - : , lle.was, not hero, and
will not - enable them to poll 300 votes in the -
ty, told I Their " address" itrui f:irrdte^gat l "
is all a *ham, and amounts to mating bola tem•
pest in a teapct."—Tioga fanner. . .
Coif) Couroar.—There apßears to 1;e tut five
anti-Prviso, baltiog .D.emocrats in
Bradford county, viz. D. M. Bull, '
Gen. Patton, Vm.
Elwell David Cash, and Rainy the three lat.
ler of whom accompanied His Honor,JON4ll Bacw.
STEIL, to this county, as a " volnuta7 escort," on
Monday last. Finding.few sympathizers here in
their heartless crusade against the party and itscan
didate, of any consequence, they finally left in dis
gust, after having imparted the threat to some
Democrats whom they tried hard but in vain to
seduce into their infamous plot, that "unless Sue.
gee/mune came to their rescue now, she Inuit ex
pect no aid from Bradford or Time. when it came
her turn to have a Conar r' remimarifr Modest, very !
What a pity that finch Movi»g arruments did not
have any effect ! Wonder' if this is no! what tronb
les their iquad of compatriots here ? —ilontrose De
b 7 eis Moverlisements.
- -
iii - 711.A. meet for drill, at Stephen Canfield's
ding /knee, on Saturday, the 14th of October.
end at U.W.Maraerau's, in Towanda, an the 10
;clock, A. M. A. ENNIS, Captain.
Standing Stone. September 23, 1848.
WHEREAS, by an act of the Assembly of therm's
monwealth, entitled " an set relating to the elec
tions of this Commonwealth," it is enjoined upon me to
give public notice of such an election to be held, and al
so the enumeration iii such notice, what officers are to
be alerted, I, JOHN F. MEANS, High Sheriff of the
county of Bradford, do hereby malts known and give
notice to the - elector, of said county, that a General
Election will be held in said county, on TUESDAY.
the 10th day of October, * the several districts in said
county, to wit :
In Albany, at the schnol.kriuse near Daniel Miller's.
In Asylum, at Jacob Frntchey'a.
In Athens borough, at E. ttl. Mstheason's.
•• In Athena township, at Jul'ui nicer's.
In Armenia, at John 8. Backer's.
In Burlington. at Addison M'lteaes.
In Canton. at Benjamin Coolhanglis.
• In Columbia, at James Moron's.
In Durel, at 8. 8. Bradley's.
* ln Franklin, at Wm, Deemer's.
In Gnuivilli, at the school house, No. 1, at Gnaw]ll
In Herrick, at the school house near N.B.Whitmore 'a
In Litchfield, at IL Park's.
In Leroy, at the school home. ip Leroy.
la Monroe, at J. P. Smith's.
In Orwell, at the house formerly occupied by I. H
In Pike, at E. DeWolCs. "
In Rome, at 1.. 8. Maynard'..
In Ridgberry, at S. Harman's.
In Sheshequin, at D.Brink's.
Iu Smithfield, af A. 1. Gerould's.
In Springfield, at T. Wilder's,
In Standing Stone, at Simon Stevens.
In Smith Creek at the school house near An Gillett's.
In Springhill, at D. D. Black's.
In Tnwande bormsgh, at George W. Mersersu's.
In Towanda tp, at the school house rear A.C.Gragg's.
In Troy tp., at V. M. Gong's.
In Troy b*oueli, at the Eagle Hotel.
In Ulster, at S. B. Hidembles.
In Warren, at. R. Cooper * s.
In Wells, et : Lewis Seely's.
In WindhiM, at E. Rtissell's, (deceased.)
In Wyalosing, at John H. Black's.
In Wysol.,:at the Academy. At which time and
?lore the electors aforesaid will elect by ballot—
One persoO for Governor of this State.
One resod for Canal Commissioner of this State.
One period to represent the cantle' of Bratifonl,Sue
rehanna and Tiop in the Congress pf the U. States.
Two persons tamwesent the tonnty of Bradfool in
the Home of Representatives of this Commonwealth.
One person for Sheriff of Bradford County.
One- person Arr Prothonotary of Bradford County.
One person for Register and. Recorder of Bradford ea
One person far Commissio ner at Bradford COunty.
One person far Auditor of Bradford count*.
One person for Coroner of Bradford County.
And in and by Addled, I Ms further directed to give
oth% tharevery moon excepting justices oflbe peace
who shall hold any ghee of prfit .and twist under the
government ofthrll. Stites, 'or of " this State, or of any
ity or incorporated district, whether a commissioned
°Med or agent, who is or shail be employed ander tb7
legislative, exerunve or judiciary departMent of this
state or' f the . United4katea; ot 4 plariy incorporated die.
triet, and altio that Cyril member of Coultgess• sad of
the state Legislature,and of theeelect and comma coun
cil of any city. or imaters of any ineorponged
via is by law incapable of bidding exercising, at:the
same time the appointment of judge, inspector or clerk
deny election of this commonwealth, sad that no in
spector or. judge or olfiair of such election .hall: then be
tfigilikkto any office to bothers voted for.
By 'the 4th section, of an met pawed the 161,h alp o
tpril, is prmided thatthe lath section of .an
slimmed July 241,, 18414 entitled "an act relating to
Jio electors of thiscommenweelth." shall net •be meow.
stilted es to prevent any militia officer • from georing as
judge ins pector or clerk. Many general or special elec
tion of this commonwealth.
:Its the 6th section of the ect tint *hove sectioned.-it
w enacted that every emend sad epeeist election shall
be opened between eight ': - onti ten in the forennoth and
shall continue without interruption or adjournment taw
td 7 o'clock in the evening, when this polls shall be
closed. .
By th section of the act passedla 1846.
It shall hp lawful fur the judges and inspectorb of any
general or special election which shit hereafter be field
in the Armenia elemion diduict-in the county of !rad.
17thl, to cilia@ the polls an such idemioa at fiven v ekick
ft is farther directed thitthe• meeting of &lodges
at the court holm, in:Towanda, to alike out tivegene•
ral retimi. shell' be an the third diy after the ejection,
which Will be on the 13th of ffctobey.
The Confrrees of this Congnissional dlitiiet will meet
at the Want house, in the borough otTowands; on the
seventh day alter the'eiection, which will be an s that the
17th day_ of October.,
. 13herin °friar, Toarinda; Sept. 1.3,
MITE undersighett . havitigleett appoilitiirao
tor hi ihis Oipl litl bead' iii ihe Cnu or 11,14:,
FKJ'to adjuat tho.aucoonte.of .GsZlratikt. A.
co %NM La, gdMittirtritani of the Weir . of tliceb Argo ,
fieroased Upon eiceptioiii - liWedl'adeP4 to the (holm
of hie appointmetit, at his'ollke in the Borough tif.r.o
weed*. cm Illaturday, the 21st day October nest, at 1
o'clock. in the afternoon, at which time and place, all
pemmo interested: am attend if they thint proper.
aril' 9 " WILLIAM SCOTT, Auditor. '
QH A W lA.—Bangs. printed Cashint re. broche. de
kJ Dine. Thihet ; sad a rest variety of. Collars, which
cannot - fail to wait. • KINGSBERY &CO.
CLOTHS.—A pod variety; French and English
Cassimeras of all kinds. and Barbital, Wet; aril
be sold kw by ELLIOT & T0M1C1241,7
ARE aeon rainiviug a new supply at GOODS from
New York. Also, eme ark load at SALT.
Tow3nds: July 17,, 19 f 9.
Dttillet 17i*TATIO A*o a . .
Otr-to 1'0144 'AZ aie;Ligthul
; "4. ll . o lYoilll4ettlion 1 1 ! h
' A. B. MARV**.
iI Wl4llllll, oppsoiso Pitt - sow New York, where you
•ere led the greireameriety.oLgeods moiled Io your
mak usd , whish will fsy yea& guoarprotit.o
Paste Gooes.ti.Covohe cleveireeriety, , treater of
0 , every description. :Sultana. Perfltrriefy Byelikerits?
soetris Baadic-Puresreird Bit Momith4s, Ike.; tftl
vek, Plenished'atid Britannia - W*lc --'-•
`ftr's'vremzitt:4—EmiAtatt ar4 Anrcriciribriaricie
• 'pers Treeing 'and Tiiia Palore; tog.
' Preetai' Writiig, Letter - 191 Mite Pipers;
Mare ' Gotifirid Silver Paii4"lSsFa Pas
'' Work Ro l lie. Yortshte'PeArs;DreWhitTises,
Gold in'd Mier Pencil Ca*, COW PeUs, Cutfiry,
' Inkitandl, Globes,' Madremerscal strasilitglik
stninrems; StierPersi, 'Pencils, blink Milks,
of every varisg & ,&e
" and 144 other articlain
the line of Mattiiiiiijcwhich are offered at piece sa
tisfactory to purchasers, by A: B. MARV TN,
sepil 83 William at., opposite Platt, New Ir.ult.
NOTICE is hereby gives to the wavers! Collector*
..1-N of Bradford County. that the Commisrioners will
attend at . their °Sarin Towanda Tuesday. Wednesday,
and Thursday the llith, 20th, tad 21st, days of Sept,
to make exoomstionW from the Dopliestes of
State and IDounty Taxes for A. ih-1848ist which time
they see respectively•requested to attend, and las their
claims before dim board. By order tithe Commitirs.
Towanda, Aug. 30, 1848. C. B. RUSSEL, Cl'k.
ALL those who know themselves indebted for Atli . 1
Licences will please:tall and settle • immetliitely.
J - M. PECK, Tree.',. d. Co.
Townnds. Sept. 6th. 1848.
1101ROKE into the enclosure of the attiocriliet in Her
') rick township, on the 20th of August instant, a
black two year old steer. Tins owner is re/rested to
prove property, pay changes and take him away.
Herrick. Sept .6, 18411.' G .E1.1.40TT:
Aid•persons inilltilted-to the estate of MATTHIAS
DURGEA: &erased, late et 'Cherry temp, are
hereby requested to make payment 'without delay, and
those having claims against-said estate will Oruro pre
sent them duly authenticated for' Settlement.
Sept.°, lIMA JOHN G. pnim.m.
ALT. venoms indebted to the mete el" BENS.
lirK MN, dee'd., Isle of Columbia township.
hereby requested to make payment without delay, and
LIMN, basing eking mamma said estate will plisse pre
sent them duly andteaticated for settlement.
September 6, 1848,
2Parlet=il33 ZollaerlClDSgo
. D. N: NEWTON,' M. D; •
TIEN - DER:3 his: professional services to the citizens
of Mooroeton and vicinity. His rooms are at the
Monroeton Exchange of J. P. Smith.
Refers to Dr. HOSTON. Towanda; so Dr. Buss
Leroy. August 23. 1848.
fIARPET BAGISa•-I.adies' and gent's, a grad as.
mottment by ELLio-r7 & TOMKINS.
1 3 • BIT 'M.' •W. maT lira- •
lIIMPAI Ocb alli/Wl9
RESPECTFULLY inGarmaihe citizens of Tamen
da, and the public generelly i that be is prepared to
executein the neatest style all desetiptioina of '
Howie. Sign, Coach or Carriage Pointing. or
Trimming ;. and every variety of limey
and Ornamental Painting.
Front his long experience and the many specimens of
his productions now in use, he entertains a flattering
hope that by close application to his profeision, and
being prompt to order he may secure a .ratable share of
public patuinsge. He may be s Tound st all times at the
Chair Factory of Tomkins & ►takinson, where be will
be on hand to attend to the calls ofittnae who may want
his services. PAPER-HANGING done on short no
tice, in a superior manner and reasonable terms.
Towanda. July 4, 1848.
11\ ATCHES.—Ordatea, Gillispie's and Pim:ea Fro-M
don Mandan, by tbeinass at has at No.l, Brick
Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Brass,
11/110LIGIALIVAAi 11111T8116
11 O. HALL is nowreheivirm another large supply
1.../. of the atitive goods, which be in Inspired to i4l
at wisoleNtwor retail, to suit porelieserat at the *mast
eedoessi Vrimi„ for cash. lumber or pale.
Slave' and Manufacturing Establishment, en the
owner otlitain and Bridge owlets, Where nily'he found
the largerit and best assortment of purr,. WS Side of
the rity such as
Buckeye cooking stove. arranged with a rota- [Nos.
ry top. and hot air oven combined, 1, 2,1; 4
Rochester'Empire hot air oven, • ' 4
" Universe. '
" Fulton, • a (icoprOied) - 2, 3, 4
Congress' tight air Cooking, 2, 3,'4
Knickerhochef,' '1 3
Albany El-watts! Oven. ' ' 2, 9,4, 5
" Premium, *' 2,1, 4. 5, 9
Rs 's pet, self-regolstrit,idattglit pinto?, 1. 2:3
Ro.6ister air-tight parlor, '' . 2,3, 4
Compres do. Albany thr. (ro ot ers.)
Albany Fancy wood parlor,, ' '2, . 4; ,5
N.Y. city , do ' t, 3. 4
" parlor Vfoit gloves, • 1, 2
Common cylinder' dn. •
I Loire qesitity of Stove Pipe, /We; TlPtills;
laPper, Jogianied Iritaspit *ire, thierkt_.
which he will libove,_stmlwolowile sr relaiL WWI
Iron, n, Bien and,Copper. Wor r ell, madeo9der on
short notice, anilwamtVed. "wail wishing to pur
chase the above articles will do well by calling at the
abeive store, before purchasing elsewhere, as the propri
etor is bound nut I dmoiobvas in, living man.
5.000 SHEEP FEt.TB 'wanted, ( or Which ash will
he paid. Towanda June 4.91143. flm I
11 rta;ived..ogl for role by Um singlet borril pd.
1 0 . JO/ MERCURB'.:
ri1.01138 at ~CA8811111ERES:' lreatinp. Obi
IL, Clnlha, stiak it brown. alive and gold inited Ban
earateill benotd'vety k la :SAVINGS BANK.
AIN'T, OMB & DYESTUFFS, dw Notchor
the gross. it No, A, 8. B. FOX'S.
ROM the -bat illasufiasnis is Baits,-far fair by
Troy, Pi., Aug. 16, VHS. RS BASSETT..
• • P •
'''"SEtto WHEAT.
'volt SALE sso bush. of" the celebrated SOULE'S
W HEAT, proedred of Alr.Pdrehredttnear amble.
termdial-to yiehdaratectod grocuid,frost4Ohl AOlarehels
Mennen' Aloo f twellne BOOKS.
half •rda ; orbasissielerse andlthe alb& a Cotswold,
rrq lore•' • - WIC H . OVERTON:
Athens, August 9 , 184.8.
ALL Porsois indettakto the emtete of 14 Wilk Hllue•
phrey. 4:ed., late of Otwellip,sre hereby sequee T
tea wanke payiment without delay, awl the. baring
claims against said estate will please present Alain
au thrgljelifedionilt amitmur,7
Jute' 12, urt4s.,-, • ~AdinOkinitab
Ar.. pitons bidetted to Ai radii eirr Frei
MAMMY, dal., las cif • WS" ' .- . saillisOtent . without ` y, #, .''."
having ebbed imam aid maw wil l ira!ka
Lima daraistlinaisaal far iadataira
- • i.NDREW zIIRADIASIGI gi , ,i ;
_.-- . ISANUEL DAVUMK)N, 441 /egliste... ',
Lilleiti;AL , ansll4. ISM • , ~ , .. ki, .!
WAN . TED, arrylesstity of Dew. sit ill* ankh
rttc:s. at be Cent's! Store. N. N. Oaf&
44 1 4 0 -4 / I Xligia ifilOte I
-Nerdy fir 46,11C12111 13( asap Ora* lradoltest 111111
Gitatait44ll , l,6,' •• - • -
, 11) w nitsroitt.
,P...EIpLL res . p!mtfolly , btfaaiiii: the eftliiMa.
sl of . Toivindi tibf'si,puty. 04 incs'iately num
oil ;Win' rhiijefigiii; lociterfln
iraida, , one door 44trie the Itietlow,ip the`WWAW ror
-16'4 Ileicuer 114 *ore,
rdmd gold, iritibely,gad. fob and'Artiqd
ilial*A . Ol.l and Reid pepe, bre'jat see,
cheap to 4,ab, and .every %iv
ranted. A large suppy,of4LOCKS, of the Meat
promisatterns, tpnplng frin .. 39 'bolos ,tn.§l!isys,and
a monfli;lirth one
cb`• Pateuhir attention P;lid , repairing
WATCHES di JEWti,Wlr, of every description, and
from !anis:mimes Which' betllas had in the tat
sinesi:Work left ip bis care Will be. &Me' in %belied.
workmanlike manner. Old gold and all;ei taken in
Towanda, A")lo,
111.1Elgr 8-44e3101
L! T. Po± would most tespectfully inform.hio old
friends, end any one !lee who is in wept of mer.
ehont.liec, that b ja receiving and will keep constantly
on hand • grxid itreorts . petitof all dada of Goods usually
kepi in a country store :—Dfy Gouda, Groceries, Crock
ery: Hardwarc, Bunts 4., aboe,s, Hefts and .Crtps.
Aunts and Oils, DyS stuffs ' iron, Nails, Carpeting. ,
4d. We will ecinsidtr 4 efirvor for people to let us
show them our goods, u. we think they cannot fail to
suit. ft is true. I cannot boastof as great a number of
years experience in pureharing palls . as some, yet I
trust the good peep!. of Bradford here not forgotten
their Own dear bepght experience in buying goods of
Atnne same old experienced mons. -Look out forthent,
or they will stick, on• their weal tariff! I will sell' as
cheap, if not dream than env other live man. Please
give us a No. 2, Brick Row.
Towanda. May 24. 1848.
TFIE only Universal Remedy is at.last discovered in
11 the shape of Camp Gooda, et FOX'S., It is en
an external remedy, but if applied by the subscriber, is
warranted sure cure, and no mistake. If a man-feets
Pour. or bad in the region of his picket hook. , the most
efficient remedy is to call at Fez's. and buy what goods
be wants, as be can buy more for leas. money than at
any other place in town.- for anything like dyspepsia,
the safest, plesanteat. end best : remedy is a quantity of
that fresh. delici3us Tea at Fun's,. (nun Ai to as per
sweetened with some of that. nice Gd
: Sugar. In feel.
!Were is hardly a disease that flesh is hear to, that a reme
dy cannot be found for at my 24,
C. 8. M'KEAN.•
J. C. 111'KEAN 4
AN ACT for the benefit of the People of Brailfonl
Co. ; Bolt nviamsdrcrerbtly alt good citizens, that
a man can liy - ,aa many Dry Goods and Groceries as he
can carry home, far a •tnere - : ride, hardly worth mentnpn
intr. at Na. 2, Brick Bow. , tny24
JniN B. FORD has just received. at his Drug store
!one dour below Kingsbrry's store, io B.Kinvbery's
new brick I 4 t; Main street, large addition to his
former avvortmerit, which he now offers to the attention
of the public. His weir now comprise* every artiefe
emptily kept, among which may he found the following:
opium, cream tartar, camphor , castile soap. liquorice ,
balsam copaiba, rhuba rb, jalap, aloes, flowers chamo
mile. gum amble, maw oil, quicksilver, magnesia. roll
and °our sulphur, reined and crude borax. calomel, red
precipitate, corrosive sublimate, aqua ammonia, tartaric
acid, epsom salts, laudunum, armlet, sulphate quinine.
all of the essential oils, gum myrrh. canthwides„ gum
tragacanth. corks. sarsaparilla. ganhoge, litharge,
its turpentine, rotten,stone, umber. terra to sienna. salt
Wm. muds seed, isinglass, cubcbs, annimo, Az. okc..
Crushed, loaf, and muscavado sugars, chespir than
c an be bought elsewhere in town ;,black cad green tea ;
salwatna, pepper. ipice; Masten'. pepp-t mance; raisins,
nutmegs, closes, mace, Rio and Java entire. starch, gin - .
blackins. castilitibtowa, veilegared sad lincy
soap, sperm and tallow candles, tobacco. 'czars and
enutionatcbal, ic., cite. f we
Cignise. Chard, *Bch and Anamiwn Ilimidyp Si.
Croix, Jamacia and New 'Englandlitliamt-MwinClion
'il Baltimore Gin LACcoldl.• Itieb—se# litineuk 4 h*la
Whiskey ; kladeria, pile a d imawitSherly:Peutejeice.
Port Tweriffe, char* mid
ehimpaigne wines. alcohol, 4c.
Bay.water. lavender., oblongs and row water, mac.
camel sad briar's oil. two lowa, ox marrow. prunatum,
mew. pearl powder hasdoline, flesh. tooth, hair, nail
and clothe' brushes, feather duster% calf Wallets, boy's
belt% combs. pins. .6sh hooks, pencil points. playing
aardei potreuwien allot, ink. steel pane,
Western Panacea Bilm of Columbia, Pink Syrup,
romitock's Vermituge .. .on:s Liniment, Mother's Re
lief. Pain, Vetrieter. ACoustic oil, Andrew's
and Mrs. Britian's Painkiller. Godfrey'asordial, Adhe
sive plaster. Townseld"., Webster'', Wood's and Shep
herd's eiralipatille.ripir?‘mistuitio' Mister's Bal
een% Hungarian Belisle elf Life.
OPAllimee• Okinneet ITheitherftlComsteeka,
and -Pahneatoek's•Veirniftere, Betz wasa eilebratsd Lotion
toe Consomptiao, tdoiereign balm pillar; sugar awed
PIN., and •11114 UMW popular medicines of the day.
00` The stock 'ls' complete, containing everything
kept in tim e lines" emaidisk, asenakattaie aligned at the
kmrest-.poomida - •
Remember. that /*enrol Cheap Drug, -Grocer 'bad
/aiqutw Store, is is KingsWtry'a raw block. - •
Towanda, June 7, 1848. - _ _
But a Brut Pell i• the Priee of Goods, it
OIiZEO, the for;prietor hi ;vow receiving s hrgii -. I.
.. emmunime of firing a nd; litomnier Goods, Whitil
use selling so low as to eavestheo• tiatiies,".s-
The selection. eintsioba of, *eery moiety and style of
feishionablo goods far the sessom a estelogne of which
wdold be entirely tee numerous to mention hem. Sow
pies will be shown with thu greatest rablaws,J9 ony
ope who, will .tiese the goodooto to cm , lAill
show them that goods pukand
''' w* . !. . ; I'm
the Beingsßeings ßank, No. 5. Huck itotii; Int a
establishment in - Bradfordtd. r C. RE 5 -..
Towanda. May MI. 1 84 f.
if i.
-i• - - - •
"Pads : we •
Bo: tare half Sold !"
Inow °Pali largeatk adoatensivo variety of
GoooBi. witht Ativelwel cww.leld bought
under, ipna! voutagesitiAa cities of 'New York ad
rbilialat takingdythlaguot tha fmnitabla atm&
lien ot, ik.lllll4etme mad bamag.ia inequable • moths
shower a. honakktilth beimn owl wiU million min.
umaide tame at the mat, end will ondeavactaddwm ta'
community the advantage of buying from them wbo hey
well. Towanda, May 23. 1849. • •
SUrfprif !SCHOOL„
6 ) i v, l otubed ; 10 4 Y Anieticirn lionday
School Union. and for ode low in gagntitlei
to wit porchuers. mitt' O. D. RARTLETT.
44 I t•
U. C. PORT EN? stAr.
---#4•Ext * w
firTERB ii4orrieNot isrvicit 4 1 .1b114:1 6
Towanda and r• • - •
Agitt Chlabetlis teat-limo I
13V Mref-A•Ciit' boo %ell nod eimoirrpOrmOr. ire
L. Tmiiiiiodrow' Irma from ddrtfto out, Ott tOr
ode at thilltrivifirifriro 'D.lrO '
HARDWARE, sipped modiaset, Whelk bon
Eitel, Nails, Am. at No. s, H.R. FOX'S.
illevOlanlikte p 47c. 1
FIRST . - ; . ,
iit , NT F -Ft.
4, 1 "., ef) al .
v• ,1- 2,114 p.
... .N P : t urt -r- •..f: . vi ~. , . ; 1
414 Ik I I *
, 4 - IMACROUR, J. ,;..
. .
. 1
~ 14.4: i
, 4 .n
~,, .
~,,,,. tri , . - , - tboie ,
n ii O
oho - .i iliooli. "
1:1 1Las
ewer be ore n, •red in Towanda, embnielrog almost rye,
*hi% "hinted 'Fr.* Of *II fa miean4lorkiitign .
An dure liskifilkk9,4 l l4 o T c h 4 ..., Fir ,ea°l4 will
fin.' it
_for their interest to extnioe'tiso steak. . 1 .
Tovends., illeitteh,bisr tlll. 1619. ' • e ••" - - i
07.11PEEtplig. 9 ADIRTIEIif •041102.
Y an' onitirlitthe Ottiltene - Cook Stadion! co..
will bwleipased - to .public Wile - on MONDAY.
ICA day of October l i nk al o'elotko
.11 - 1011.64, .Prot
mites, a pier! or parcel of lea is Towanda Irom*.. lute
the property sif :Truman Kinsman; deed.. boom* on
(her Job, W deo:, on the east
on the worth by Division. at.. and west by main - wrest.
containing atcput• twoill-Pot moire mid.
Attendant! given, and terms mada,knownion.lbe
day ousels% L. W. TIFFANY.
Septemberl ,AtiMioistrator.
ALL persona *deb* so the agate of 111"11.
: A LLE N. dec'tt, late of Franklin torsi% are hereby
requested to Make payment without delay, and Those
having claims againist the said estate, will please preient
them duly at tbrutiested 4tr settlement.
• A. 0. FICKARD, Executor.
Leroy,-SepteMber 18, ts 4&
GROCE RMS.—Good young hymn and hytom skin
nits, at 371 a 50 cents—and itugar to- sweeten
it at q and cents ; all other kinds of Umeeritra in pro
portion at tbia Ceittril store. N. N. DEITB. -
TPEL*I 4 ED in a few days, a few • moreof
NewINA% at N.N.urtne.
This o'
nauseating pill, potion, or
mixture ;
.FMthing that produces pain or irritation.;
. but
a medicine that is at once pleasant and agreeable in its
application, tdionling immediate relief, and vrilteure the
very worst eases of painful . itching or WeriliniePiles in
a very few days. Call at Caallt KERLIN do Porno's
Drug Store, No. I. Brick Row, TowAnda, and you will
not golfing; withrinislwotte.'
_ _ OW,
E. T. FOX.I,
lored Fren
and column
of style. for
X-I patty. 1
linen ginga
may I': -1
AWN —Emrich, American. and Organdie lawns,
„LI a beau 'ful assortment ; OA% plaid and figured silk
wool isuragla, my 17 KINGSBERY ik CO.
r i A LlefiES.—A choice selecting of Merrimack, or
angesind hlm!, pink and all other kinds, small fig
-nre. Twtio shilling calico for nine cents; call end , s ee,
ha' mind, the only place is KINUSBZKY dc CO.
100NIS EI ITS.—A -choice seleetion of Florence, tier,
.L.) Chi . pearl, Pamela, Leghorn, and other fashion
able styles wf ladies' and misses' Bonnets, eery cheap:
also Bonne* ribbons, artifieisla,wreaths. Oro.
may 17 I
—, -- --
TOINEW TOOLS,—A goof 'assortment of Bead.
fil Mouldng and Bench PLANES , grooving plows,
and other Diner's Toots, just received from the main
factory. an fur sale low by 0. D. BARTLE rr.
HE subscriber has opened • CLOTRI on &re az, two
doors north of the Public Square, on Mail street,
(nearly opposite the new brick tavern now being erect
ed by C. L. Ward, Esq.) *here he will keep coirstimtly
on hand, and for sale at the lowest possible prices, a
large sn general asaurtment of READY (MADE
CLUTLIEND,.. such el
Collars, to pics,, Suspenders, Gloats, lipseray Drawers,
Ficazo Underskirts, 4c. ' 4c.
He h also on hand and is eanatiatly receiving, a
large "'queen% of „ , .
such se Milks; Satins, Marseilles, & • ail of which will
'be made bp-to order on short notice don reasonable
term.. The aribactiber having been a prettiest Tailor,
for the hart la yarn, in the city at 2 10 pit York, flatters
himself that he can Rive satisfaction to all who Ingle-
Tor him with their patronage.
H MA. thing is elf wade lop saalei bit tiWn inspec
tion. and e has therefore no hesitancy in, recortimend
ing Ina 7 - *Wo - raish to plorchese.• ~:f .
a:YO TZia,sectivinismeAir Props who
pre* rko n ilseirOwer*tinirdsi `sad Cutting
for ,
.. Jibe . 1,11111010-11averdisiri*iiiiltil made else
wh ' g ir l which shall be gone witkissatkirwe and
droliateliii. - ', 1
of lrit "irlitekhiltgif Ifl!istiktrinseti au aie,waat
ing.So. i
weaktmlopea.- ~, -.... ,„,:;: . f
-1 p. i‘. SMII%.
Ch'ai ist Goods ever sold in Towanda,
-,:. i ..
ARE I W. 813.1.1NG AT 1W SONS BAN(.
SPRING AND 511311 KER GOODS of every des
ermtlOn. for old men end young inn, for young
entire, and old ladies, for the high. the tow..therich.
end the taw: all can now be accommodated. A few
i the line or Dream Goode, whiCh an! going off
with a perfect rush, we can here mention; such aslPrch
lawn Otitis, dark and light ginghams , Reran lustre.,
trench wn* benrges, and u 'testiest:wine& of Prints
are now On* lower than . the lowest at No. 5, B R.
Jun0.0;11101. •-• REED'S.
ETB.—Florence, straw, rad straw, kid t.ce
nets ; slid, paltn-leaf and leghorn bats, by
WOMB is hereby given that a Special Coitit will
11 be Oda . it dirt Court House In Toe/ands. on
t i
Tnesda 1 the Slat day of October, ISIS, at 10 eitoek,
A. - M„ - Oa nail. W T Jelway, far the trial of the
folldwin mesa, toe wit. , k
Sohn ll wit is-diela Payie.- . —No, VA, Pee. Term.
' 1845. .
Cheater Da el. John Bennett,' et. al.-NO.
105, Dee. Term. 1345. •
John Aphis' n. A. bowman, et. eL—No. 122, Dec.
Term,' i 345. '
A. Baring,*ei. viAteni itoterte. 7 No,l99, Sept.
Teemi, 1846.
Bathe, wiP. lotus 143, litey Term, 1847.
14ante,"4. CF. P. Bill.ri-No.
g m, Sept. Term, 1847.
Elaine. MI: P. Sanaa—pro 121, Feb. Term, 1848
Aug. 24, 848. SPKEAN, Prot.
. . .1; GREAT LOSS OF uf - E,
~„ : , . t ,....•. . , LT 111111 - -
'WICIDIFIra3O 9 O . ze a in rs.upo4
___ .f
- TIT Subscriber respectful
- - ----- - . 71 , ty informs the citizens of To
' unlade that he his opened a
‘.. . Marl in the Union Bloat.
I SO • .
• Ott tweet of Woodroirs
- ' titeC (basement %tory) and
I t
rAII en Arrerito" keep Constantly en hand, and supply
thole' ` wish the teeing ot 4 pod livinelwith Salt
and ' Beef. Minton, Lamb, Veil, Pork; ;"of the
&Om q ality and in-the best'onier: :,7 . 1
c:r . oodles, & &tap by the bos or poote: Ant!ltent
lriterit..On him:tend for sale at foie prices.
i Tosreadi: A 0n.19. Int: - A. IikiIITLET-:.
1011.114401i8 parehasiaglaada will do wall wean and
examine am tootle Won • parettasiair ilatiabeia
‘4o4stettioilltit large' and well ..farted. ettliiineheeed
- whoa the goods ara lowest: so that willow, a amide.
mill ~bNt thasewba parehaswitiadier.
eaD aarctromentwith shwa* averything
' mlets. frets a cameo to a eatit
DREti. Plain,6gursd aad
black and colored Alper:cos; black' and c..
lr.erinocs Oman Plaids; rick French
Cashmeres, DeLaines, are.. a crest variety
sak at sep2s . MERCER'S,
.111K-7We have a large quatitity bf small
s, very handsome and desirable ; French and
ma, of excellent quality. -
ETS. and Bowel Triaimings, of everrdero
' suitable fix , the same. may be found is
. at.d very ebesp at 5, B. R. REED'S.
I . ! , !)ipcnirnts.
'S SAliEw
Mies nt Beadl rd Omni!,
tom to public mile lathe hoe..
'IIOY virtue of! etmary
4) , nrib*ibinCor • • .
to me dimwit t stmU
of T. P. if
day the I%lLatof 4 ,
P. M., th oiloviing•
township 541.- • 04: /I
Diekereml; - went b)
ninety faint acne, fifty e
b•mee, one feeteets;
tory therqp., ,
. 8.41.114„.1116,0111h1
11 .
~ r ekoir Tovvrigis t em §lattir.
SA 404, 1it.40 (Mork
r Wir 141ir - W - L ynir in lbw
;Nett"%iiiiiiidThki . 'mike worth by
poil.Trieioiemitlilay D. C.
bt , ' l § A fllli" ' II•' Pi . . X
initrred iiiik , ani fronted
Oise sawaisilf iievol saitile Fro.
• : . 00 ir e 1
,f the ?so eriiiisselt B.
l ame! of lima iiii,truffiqi:rtnn gr.
lima of istip.ilfrork, eta by
J. Man:elle'', *oath. b. Da.ia
V, Isintle of John HollePherig
l ents, about tat semi iotraiitti
Y.mner.e.. •
ALSO--A Aimee or
houndeenn the north I
Henry B. Wilhelm a
Campbell 3J, and west
Containing glom fifty
with a log house therm
Seized and taken in
Preston rl.. David Cam
ALsO—The hdlowi
Pd in Canton township
• Hnrites Splitting, east
ace Jones, and west 11
teen acres, ail improv
framed Barn.
Seized an I taken i
Elliott ye. John l'Orn
field township and bon'
ler. east by Edmond N'
and west by Abner
acre*. with twenty
log house, end a few f
Seized, and taken in I
Moore is. TheophilA
ALSO—The folio ;
Springfield township,
Err Stockwell, wontt
by Joseph Robinson.
with twenty acted i 6
execution at- the *tit aflame
g piece or rote; of land oittrat•
and twifindrd north by lord of
Y John Wait.; work by Hot
,Coritsining Bf. ,
with one funned - bows and
execution at tla. nit of Ma
- • -
ng property sittured -in Spring. •
ded north by tend, of John Mit
holds, south by Jame" joiner.
Ail. Containing one hundred
itnproired, one frarnod end one
iOrtes thereon.
et muffin at 'the suit of Awls
tog piree Of land situated lit
nd !.bided north and east hy .
- Cumming, and west
Containing One intildred
prayed, iud one Lamed 'hands
execution at the ituit - nf R. B.
sties Watson, Thomas -Peabody
Seized and taken i
Davidson, Ace., yge Cti
Soloman Rohiusnn.
ALSO—The folk;
ed in Windham town
Wappeerning creek
the ,moth wesyine of
Eild , ree, thence. Rout
minutes; went forty-t
maple, henee south
orrenty.two chains en
stone, ;hence north
chains and sevepty-6
north forty-thnir; and
chains to the place
three acres and sevent
Aileen acres improved
of a flaw mill thereon
Seized and taken it
Rowell vs. John Rua.
ALSO—the folk)
l 'ng piece' or pair.' ()flan& sitnal-.
hip, beginning at a rotifer in the
.low Rnssell's Grim Mill, stitl'in
lot of land helnnging - to insePh
forty three &ere a and thirty
chubs and thirty links to a soft '
orty-fiee and a half degrees east
thirty-eight links to a stake and
orty-two degrees east forty-one
tinsa to a stake and atone, thence
half degrees wrist twenty-two'
flarginning. Containing ninety
, -four perches, of land. with about
with one grid mill end one fourth- -
elevation st the snitof Charles
lint piece or parr:til of bond siev e %hip end bounded north by hind
itork. Peet ity Datid Boyce, moth
fru!, end west fieD. Shark... Wm.
ed in Drirlingtnn tow
of Prouty and Shark
by J. McKean and GI
Containing two.hund
Seized and taken
Richaidson, 13t,c,. va
ALSO—The Edln
eu in Springfield and
east by Hiram Horn,
by Elecott Murry.:
teen acres more 41e
with one framed and
and apple orchard th
Seized and taken i
Ventree. mid 1
A LSO—The, folle
ettin Springfield tot
Kitchen east by AIM
ker. and west by —1
thirty.five - acme imp
shed, In* barn and a,
acres with fot; sere* improved.
esiecuifm at the suit of John
tither Godard.
• log piece or parcel *flan , ' situat.
bounded north Hubb.rnl.
. south by Joseph Stacy, and west
ontaining one hnndred and nine
-e, with ahont forty nerea improant
ofie log house, and framed harm
in execution of the suit of Smith
.... Brook..
wing piece or parcel of land shoat
nship, hounded north by band a
so sherrnan, south by Joshua Ba
. Containing fifty acres with
over], with'one -log house, (rattled
all orchard theremt.
in execution at the soil of R. B.
eter Pirliannes.
essionlight of the following piece --et
l ated in Tiny township, and-bounded
east by laud of Territ, dtuth by
west h, A. Barter and John Sad-
Seized and taken
Davidaon, tke, vs.
ALSO—The .• . 1
or parcel of land sit
north by pup, creek
Comfort .Peter., an
ler: Containing a.:
improved, one fra ~!
and a small arch
&Axed and taken
Ballard vs., John
ALSO—The foil
ted in Wells towns
aher, emit. south en
ing thirty sew, wit ,
house and framed
Seized and take
A. Adams vs. Barg
erd, executers of
t 'evenly airea, with silty. acres
-house, framed barn, a Brewery
in •esecution st the suit of O. P
, wing piece or parcel of land Biwa-.
ip, and bounded north "by E. Mo-
I west„ .. by A. Miller. Contain
!, fifteen acres improved, one trained
i nt ibeteun.
in execution at the suit of J. C.
efi Alvord anilteorp H. Sheph
than dec'd.
°metals, Sept. IS. ISIS.
Elberiff's Office.
Tiatoe of into I
.1) of the court of
to too directed.
liy writs of vend. •expo. Limed out
oitsrocrii Pleas of Bradford County.
IlexPose to public sale at the house
roy, on Monday the 16th of °C
lark P.M., the following piece or
ells township, bounded north by
i ht, east by Jammu Longwell, south
linest by Thomas Gastin. Contain
t with sixty-five acres improved, one
medbsrn and apple wetter.] thereon.thereon. t
n etleention at the mita( William
mid: to' G. H. Courson, vi. Isaac
0,6 !‘. . . .
: 'nu piece erpareel of land situate
of V. M. Long . „in
TOBER, at two re.;
parcel Of lard in
. 1
lands of Olen 'W n
Yairbanks. and
ingrtineey six was
framed houie, one f
Seised end taken
A. Dustin. now
Drake and Samuel
ALSO—The foil
in Ttoy borough, b
by Pouseroy'a, eta
weal by lands of 0,
of au acre, with oat
office, three sheds:
Seised and takes
Jacklin •a. E. W.
ed north by the grain wed, east
n th by Newberry and Ballard, and
P. Ballard. Containing nne.fourth
framed house, ne frimed barn, one
all improved, with 111:10311 fruit urea
ie eirentieo at the suit of Etaionel
oneula. Sept. 13. 1848.
Bberifre Office,
A. 14ST OF
. .
CffAmicEßLl, & PORTER, No. I, Brick Row,
who keep con artily on t and a full assortment of
genuine Drugs an Medicines. Paints, C ih, Dyestuffs,
Groceries, Fancy • tke. drc.:
Alebasi's poor ma s plant. Trask's magnetic ointment.
" tooth sell drum Tummy's Universal do., the
Wall health rive, ' Allister of pain. -' '.
Clickenees e. e pil a, Wislar's bale. wild cherry.
Dailey"! pain eau* , Bacluim's Hang. balsam life,
Fahnestocles verm fuge, Andrew's pain killer,
Gridley's pall rherim oint. Davis do.
Onefenbeig medicines, Heeding's sticking salve,
Hobeitseck's worm syrup, Peleg White's do.
Ingoldsby's pile apecifil e., Ellis id. plaster cloth,
DI•Jayllell medic mmExtract of Wa-athoo or but
Jackson*" pile 4 letter ens , fling bush, an Indian me-
Sherman'amedicitm, dicine for consumption,
" poor MOS ple4. ' diseases of the liver, Ac.,
M err i c k' s vermilu n ' Thompon's eye wstet,
Woredell'e veg. pill., Weaver's worm tea, ~
Dr. We<ton's fent e"- Brit& oil,
Vi'inalow's bals.hoi "
rehoursd,Brant's Indian remedies,
Moffat', medicinal, Ward** liniment,—relieves 4
Folgees Oloutonir, rheumatic and other pain,
Phinney's pill; Webster's ex. sarsaparilla, "'
Pocahontas do.; Harlem oil,
Porter's tooth corrhal. ; Carpenter's do.
Soak's or. 110 V. brilm pills, McAllisteei ointment.
Swayne's syrup w. cherry, Tinliggton's balsam life,
do. vermilege. Balm of Columbia;
Smith's a. c, Intl. veg. pills;Bst4nan's,pecfoial drips,
Rcarpa's minium oil, ' CodfreY's co "1,
Wright's Ind. veg r pills, Bullard'a oil " p,
Oriental , do. • Lillian I . e sliver,
Brandreth's do. ; ! Jew David's Plaster,
Webster's bilious do. - Chemieinares Arsbhat bills.
Miele' trilhato ! de. ' Cooper's torn axle,
Dr.-Rush'i 'I ' do. ' Mother's relief,
Lees* dd. Gelatine capsules. ,
' do. . Cephalic crown- snuff:
not enumerated. The imbseri
r mast of the. above medieinerr.. and
icle geft•rine. • July 18, 10 1 141. - '
Poet's poor *if'
• With men
heti sn ;
warns. fv - a
At ,111, tam and sash, leather. rope.
and paints, af .all kinds, kept
ALT.Toft & Toyama-
I. limit 510 sus
et 5 , ENT
.s.P iced by
-.few •cR elkeirevesei,