Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 27, 1848, Image 4

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Great k important Chemical Dimovery.
diemirx . ll Combination from the Vegetable Kingdom
to repel Dieetto
1' (Lt 4 '
Ita "
MT ft
Tit SOY.
( --•mew---
The Most surrNtrol Medicipf in the Woilt I
it does. Yellow Dock,' so 'highly esteemed by
the faculty —with other vcgetuble prod u :lions, is one
of the most important discoveries of the age, and far
superior to all simple sarsaparilla preparations in use.
Although less than two years have elapsed since its
discovery; it has already !feet/A over :5.000 cures.
The unrivalled power disease which this Syrup produ- .
'else may be attributed to the fact that it is composed
purely of vegetable extracts. each one hating a direct
reference to some internal organ; consequently the
whole system is benefitted; and the fact that, in its
operation, it occasions neither sickness nor pain, and
can be taken under all .circumstances without regard to
business or diet, and by the aged and the infant with
eq,uel efficacy, is certainly a considerattim in the history
of Medicine. This Extract is put up in Quart Bottles.
. and is the moat highly concentrated Syrup in u-e. It
is offered at the low price of one dollar per 13ottle, the
object of bring to give the patient an opportunity by
the purchase of one }wide, to test its valuable medical
properties and its potter over disease.
This compound Extract of Yellow Dock and Saran
,parilla is a, positive, speedy, and permanent cure for
Consumption, S.crofula or King'e Evil, Erysipelas. Salt
Rheum. Pimples on the face, illominstiste, Gout, Gen
eml Debility., Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Spinal Al.
ketione, Female Complaints, ricers, Syphila in its
worst form, Affections of the Bladder aim Kidneys,
Viiions Colic and serous Looseness, Biles, Costiveness,
Colds, corrupt Humors, Asthma, Dropsy, enlaTrrnent
or the Bones, Fever and Ague, Giddiness, Gravel,
Headaches, of every kind, Impure blood, Jaundice, Loss
of A ppeti te, Leprosy, Mercurial Diseases, Night Sweats,
Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Neuralgia, Organic
Affectione, Palpitation of the, Heart, Painter's Colic,
Piles, rush of Blood to the Read, Scurvy. Swellings,
Sick '
,Headache Stiffness of the jaints, Exposure and
Imprudence of Life.
It extracts nervous disease, purifies and enriches the
Blood, and invigorates the body more effectually than
any medicine hitherto offered to the public.
In the Vegetable Kingdom, an All wise Being has
deposited truth Vents and heti,' as are congenial to our
constitutions, and adapted to the cure of all curable
Attester; to which human nature is'incii.ent. nil this
Compound Syrup is composed of all those valuable
plants, some of which have lately been discovered and
used, and foiled to be certain specifics in thousands of
diseases that be( defied the best of medical skill.
This is to certify that we, the undersigned Physi
cians of the city of New York, have in a very great
many cases prescribed Doctor Guysott's Exited of
YeUnw Dock. and Sarsaparilla, and are fully assured
that it has no equal among the varied Syrups and Sar
saparilla preparations that have over been sold. Oct°.
her !0,'47.
John F. Stebbins, M. D.; P. R. Thomas, M. D. ;
P. S. Maynard, M: D.; 'James E. Morgan. M. D. ;
Suinoel T. Wells, M. I. : S. M. Johnson, M. D.
More lestimo»y in fur..r if the superio . rity of Dr.
Garott's E.rtrarl ,f Yellow Dock and Sarsaparil
la °err all other similar remedies.
Rrud ! Remit ! Ertiacts of letters received.
ATURTIONV.Ir t Jefferson Co., Nov. 4, 1847.
Mr. S. F. Etssxxx-r:
Derr Sir—l am at a loss to express with worth 'Alt
has been said in preiee of your Compound 'Extract of
'ellow Dock and Sarsaparilla ; all who have bad the
pleasure of tieing it speak of its marvellous effects in
removing diseases, with ao much feeling and heartfelt
satisfaction, that I am confident now that no medicine
in use can boast of its superior qualities. Many who
have been complaining for years with pain in the side,
• burning and pain in the chest, dyspepsia. general debili
ty, lose of appetite, chills, night sweats, salt rheum,
scrofula, in fart all the di cares that we in this climate
are heir to, fin] in the Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,
afl that is requisite to make them what they were in
their days of health &c.
We have hid twelve dozen bottles in three month',
and find we are nearly out. Please lend en equal
amount, and 0 lige your.,
Sr. Insurer, tts, Montgomery Co. Jan. 3, '4B
S. F. Bea var.? —Dear Sir,--Some four weeks since
I was induced to try your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla .
for Dyspepsia; had been afflicted about 40 years, most
• ?art of the time unable to eat anything without suffer
mg intensely from its effects. I have used now only
one bottle of your invaluable medicine, and , consider
myaelf entirely cured solely by its use. Can now at a
hearty meal, without the slightest inconvenience,
Very truly yours, ANTHONY BEEK MAN,
The mild alterative properties of Dr. Guysott's ex
tract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. render it pecu
liarly applicable to the slender and tlel , cate constitution
.of the female. It is unrivalled in its effects upon such
digesters as Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, Leu
eorrhoes or Whites, Irregular Menstruation, Inconti
nence of Urine, and ger.eral Prostration of the system.
h immediately couritem-ts that dimressing nervousness
and lassitude so common to the female frafne, and im
parts en energy and buoyancy as surptising as they
are grateful.
We cannot, of crtur.e, evhi'it certificates to any ex
tent in this clan of co:nplaints, but the two following
extracts of 'letters recently received, indicate autlicient•
ly the great virtue of the medicine as a remedy for the
diseases refered to.
M,. Br7I‘ETT—We take pleavure in stating that
your Yellow Mick and Sar.aparilla giver great sann
faction in every case. We shall try and mend you some
A very respectable gentleman informs us that bia
daughter was troubled with difficult menstruation. and
other diseases peculiar totter seg. She had not had her
regular menstrual discharges for a long time ; but by
the use of Dr. Guyitrit's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,
was radically cured. Had used Townsend's and
othene, without receiving the slightest benefit. He
`had one daughter die from the same cause. Please
rend na an additional supply. Very respectfully yours,
J. E. THIPPE or. CO.
There are counterfeit medicines admit; therefore the
wader is particularly cawioned not to allow himself to'
be imposed upon.
Beware how you boy medicine put up 10 square
quart hot lea. Be very sure and ask for Dr. Guysoteir
Compound Extract of Yellow Dork and Sarsaparilla,
bearing the written signature of S. P. Bennett. on
each outside wrapper, written with black ink; and 4,_
not, on any account, be induced to buy any other am.
ele--aile is this preparation only that is performing each
marvelous. and astonishing cures. Take 110 man a
weld t so persons having the counterfeit medicine and
not genuine, are of course desirous of making their
=re --consequently you are liable to buy aforthkar
noires you esamine for yoursehes.
Prepared at 'S... P. Bennett',, Labratory, Little Palls,
N. V., and e.dd at wholesale in N.
York City J., E. Trirr.e. 12S Maiden Lane : also by
Tracy Bead
le, Elmira. L. M. Revlon% Bingetunton.
.1. L. Pinney. de Son. Owego, and by the priiicipil
ar u c g ratrSnd merchants throughout the U. Stares,
,West Indies and Canada.
•.• N en e genuine unless put op in large square
bottles containing a quart. with the name of tba syrup
blown in the glass, with the written signature of &F.
HEKRETT an Ala okllgiae wrap*? .
Seta Wholesale and Retail by C. H. fiERRIC
Atheiv, JOHN fl. FORD, Tosmffit. 1n)
NEWT pg. Jan. 25th, 1848
Western N, York College •of Health,
207 Alsts 'Brea, Mirale, .
Dr. C. G. Vaughn's Vegetable Lithonthripie Mixture.
TN's celebrated renwily a constantly increasing ita
i !ante by the many rule* it is midterm
it bee now become the wily medicine for family use
and is particularly recommended for
all Armes of this complaint immediately relieved, no
matter of how long standing. See pamphlet for teak
and all diereses of the urinary organs; for these di►
tressing complaints it stands alone; no other article can
relieve you ; and the cures testiftexl to will convince the
most skeptical ;--seepanipylet. Liver Complaint, Bil
lious diseases. "
To the great west especially, and whenever these
complaints prevail ibis medicine is offered.
no deleterious compound is apart of this mirlirre, tt
cores these, diseases with certainty and celerity, and
does nut leave the system torpid. ?ice pamphlet.
a complaint of a most. painful character it IMMEDI
ATELY RELIEVED, and a cut° follows by • f.iir
days use of tiiig'attiele : it is far &fore •ttny other pre
paration fur this disease, or for any other diatom orig
inating from impure blood—See pamphlet.
weak hack, weakness of the ridneys, dre... or inflame
tion of none is immediately relieved by a few days use
i t f this medicine, and a cure is always a result of its use.
It stands as
for aue't eernplamte, and also fur derangementaof there
male frame.
painful menstruations. Nu article has ever been of
Jewett except this which monk( cure this derangeneots.
It may be relied upon as a sure and effective remedy
and did we feel permitted to do so could give
proof of cures in this die ressing class of complaints.
See parriphlet. All broken down,.debilitatedconstitu
tionfrom the (flirt of mercury, v, ill find the bracing pow.
of this article lo act immediately, and the poisonous
mineral eradicated from the system.
will find the alternative properties of this article. PURI
FY THE BLOOD, and such diseases from the sys
tem. &e pamphlet fin testimony of corn in all die
eases, which the limits of an advertisment will not pri
ma to be named, here Agents give them away f they
contain 42 page. of certificates of high chancier, and •
stronger array of proof of the virtues Of a medicine, ne
ver appeared. it is one of the pais/las features of
this artide that it nerer , fags to benefit in any ease,
and Thane and muscle are left to build upon id the ,
emaciated and lingering invalid hope on, and keep ta
king the medicine as long as there is an improvement.
The proprietor would caution the poblic against a num
ber of articles which come out under the bead of tiara
purities, Syrups, &c., as cures for Dropsy, gravel,likc.:—
they are good for nothing, and connected to gull' the
unwary ; touch them not. Their inventors never
thought of curing such diseases till this article had done
it. A particlar study of the pamphlet is solicited.
Agents and all who se, I the ankle are glad to circu
late gratutiouslv. Put up in 30 az, bottles, at $2 ; 12
as. do at $1 each—the larger holding 6 oz. more than
two small bottles. Look out and not get imposed upon.
Every bottle has "Vaugn's Vegetable Lithontriptic
Mistime." blown upon the glass, the written signature
of " G. C. Vaughn" on the directions and "G. C. Vaugh
brie Buffsfo," stamped on the cork. None other are ge
nuine. Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn. and sold at
thr Principal Office, 209 Main stunt, Buffalo, at whole
isle end retail. No attention given to letters unless
poatipaid—orders from regularly constituted Agents ex
cepted; post paid letters; or verbal communications , so
liciting advice, promptly attended to, gratis.
Offices devoted exclusively to the saki of this article--
132 Nemo at., New York city : 225 Essex at., Salem
Mass..; and by the principal Druggist throoughout the
[Joke - States and Canada, as Agents.
STORRS & CO., Wholesale Agente;Philadelpbia.
I B.FORD, Towanda. T. D. Spring. Laeryville.
C. H. Hernck. Athens. A.Durham, Tunkhannik.
C. B. Fisher, Wyalusing. E. Dyer, Covington.
G. F. Redington, Troy. April 12. 1848.--y
No other medicine bas ever been introduced to the
public that has met with such unparalelled success,
having been but wiz years before the public, and the ad
vertising small, yet they bare worked their way into
every state in the Union and Canada,. They have ab
solutely become the Standard Medicine of the day,—
They are purely vegetable, and Imo admirably compound
ed that when taken in large doses they speedily CUM
acute diisease, on the strongest constitutions, such u bil
ious diseases, and when they are taken- in small doom
•they operate like a charm upon the most delicate, ner
vous female, and hare raised numbers from their beds
after all others remedies had (ailed. We bent refer to
but kw of the anuty'utiraeulous cures effected by the
use of said Pills.
Spinal Affeetion.—Aant Wood, of Rutland, Jeff. cn.
N. Y., was cured, sfter she bad been confined to her bed
5 years, with Spinal .disease and A bow of the / t angs.
The hill of her regular physician, (Dr. Johnson, of Clay)
had amounted to $6OO. See circulars.
Nirnfo& and Nervous Debility. —Mrs. Downs, of
Clay, N. Y., was cured of Dyspepsia,.Nervous Debility
and Scrofulous affection of the head, after she had been
confined six months, and all other medicine had faded.
Cough and Consumption cured. Wm. Deafly, of
Pickering, C. W., erase/wed of a severe cough idler he
had been confined to hie bed for. a long time, and was
given up by his physicians. He had used most of the
Cough Medicines of the day. and was supposed, by his
friends and physicians, to be io the last wages.
Lippcpsio.--A. B. F. Ormsby, of Syracuse '
N. Y.,
cored dyspepsia so severe as:not to be able to
work for tWo years.
Win. Sushi; Greenwich, Conn., was clued of a a
ver. cue of Dyspepsia Costiveness and Nerreus Debi
lity of two years stan ding, after expending large sums
of money to no. purpose. See Crectifars.
Severe Case of Nine—John Bolton, of Harwich. Ot
sego co., N. V.. was cured of a severe case of Piles and
extrtme costiveness of long and painful duration. Who
)would not sacrifice a few shillings to be relieved front so
distressing a complaint
The above are all Cases in which all other remedies
failed to core or give relief, Many of the same charac
ter might be pubtiabed if we had space. Forpartictilin
see Botanic Institute, which can be bad of agents-
BICWARII or COUNTICIIIII7I7II.—As there are spurious
Pitta in circulation calleil.Oriental or Sovereign Bairn.
be sure to see before you buy that the name of ".Dr. E.
Soule & Co." is on the face of the boxes. None others
can be genuine. We not aware that any one who is
making a spurious article bas yet dared to make use of
our name but some of them have hid the leep t i i i emee
to imitate our boxes and copy our circulars, catifiCetee,
Qt c. . 'Unless the public are careful when they ptirchaas,
they will be deceived.
The genaiiiePillii earl be 'had Wholesale and retell of
Dr. E. b. SOULE &•Co,, Etteftd. ,
&Id le Trnranda,by J.:- B . FORD,end CHAMBER
LIN & PORTER ; Perkin s Admen Lyman
liturdea' Smithfield; A. & S. A. !Kotler.. ourlinon,
GianyMer Same! saidt, Fieskilit;
; - George 111idtQTr Rome; WE
Pristiie: Orwell ; Tr/Maysville... 4--4 m
- - -
fished 15 yaw age; by'DR.MINKELIN. The.
oldest. surest, and hat band to curs all forms of secret
Aimee,, diseases of the skin and solitary habits of youth,
is DR. KINKELIN. N. W. corner of Third snd'Unioo
sta., bemoans *peace and Pine, 13 equates frosalhe
change, Philadelphia:
Youth who have injured themselves by a certain pray
ice frequently indulged in—a habit frequently learned
eons evil companions or at school—the effects of whiel:
are nightly felt, even wheAsleep, and destroy both mind
and body, should apply immediately. Weakness and
conwitional debility immediately cured, and full vigor
resumed. All letters post paid.
If you value your life or your health; remember, the
delay of a month, nay. even a wed. may prove your in.
in, both of body and mind. Hence let no false modesty
deter you from making known your .case to one who,
from education" and respectability, can alone befriend you.
He who plums himself under DR. KINKELIN'S treat
ment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle ,
man. and in whoselioeom will be Comet, .ocked the se-
cret of tha patient.
Too many think they will bug the secret to their own
hearts, and cure themselves. Alas ! bow often is this
• fatal delusion, and how many if promising yoll/ng mari
mba might have been an ornament to society, has faded
from the earth.
finding' it inconvenient to make pens:mai application.
can, by stating their cese espliCitly, together with all
their symptoms, (per letter. postpaid,) have forwarded
to them a chest containing Dr. K's medicines appropria•
ted accordingly.
Packages of Medicines .forwarded to any part of the
U. S. at s moment's notice. tv2.9
caPorr ?so &sir-ruts, addressed to DR. RINKE
LLN, Philadelphia, wilt be pmmpily attended
Fee advertisement in the tSpint of the TIM'S, Phila.
No, 8, Pear street, near the Exchange, Philadelphia.
rpHE Substriber having made great improvements
1 in his method of costing type aad miring of me
tals, and hail a thoermgh revision of his matrices, the
faces of which are not excelled, in beauty and regu
larly of eat by any in the country ; Belles himself that
by s strict persousl.attention to business, and employ
ing none but the most skilful workmen, he is enabled
th offer a superor article.
He is constantly adding to his stock all that is new
from the best workmen of this and other countries, and
having lately procured from Bumpe * greet variety of
NEW FACES and ORNAMENTS, solicits the atten
tion of Printers thereto.
Specimens will be rent to those wishing to order
Presser, Chasea, Cases, Ink, tltands. Galleys, Bras
Rale, •nd every other article needed to famish • com
plete Printing Office, supplied at the shortest notice.
of the newest style, and of sizes, carefully put up
in founts of correct proportions.
Bev 1355.m8 AI.EXANDER ROBB.
[MAR works, in weal County throughout the
United States. To Agents, the most liberal encourage.
went is offt;red-4-with a small capital of from $25 to
$lOO. A chance 10 Circled !whereby an agent can make
from $lO to $25 per week. For further particulars,
address, (postpaid) WM. A. LEARY,
613 No. 158 North Second Street, Philadelphia.
TONIC/NS & MAKINSON would inform those
interesied, that we have concluded to close up the
business of the firm. We find our Capital is not in our
hands, but distributed Over Bradford and Tioga coun
ties, end we have employed an Agent to call upon our
customers. ao as to give them an orportunny to take up
their notes; or either of the old firm rill receive mo
neys and give • receipt to apply. We hope and true
we shall not be obliged to place • large number of our
customer's min in the hands of magistrates. Neces.
shy, however, compels us to make collections. • ThJse
of nor customers in and shout Towanda, that have.tut.
settled matters on book, will be good enough to call and
have them closed op: The business hereafter will be
continued under the err of JAB. MAKINSON Co.
Towanda. June 22.11848.
t * MI t 11 IL 60 5 = ll, [_ 111
L. M. NYE de C 0.., would re
specrily inform the citizens of Tow
- ands and the public generally, that
Itligi r rf tthozi,her..rkhinav zaAniNt;.7
F 'FURNITURE , of the beat mate
* , u s riots, and workmanship that cannot
be surpassed, in additionto the usual
assortment in country shops, we will keep on hand and
make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved
patterns; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior,
style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma
hogany Choir, beautifully , upholstered, with curled hair,
which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the
best hair seating. We flatter ourse lv es that having
had much experience in the bosinses, we shell be able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both as to
quality and price, and by strict attention to business
hope to merit and receive the Oaronage of a liberal coin
tactility. L.' M. NYE dG CO.
Towanda, September 1, 1847.
41,'.411111.1rET FUR
MAY BE HAD at- onr shop mach tower than ,it
has ever been mold in Towanda. Goods' are
cheap, and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we
can afford all for to do it. AU kinds of produCe will
he received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds.
Sept. 1. L. M. NYE 4 CO.
• a aal aka Ili
WILL be kept on band a large assortment, and
made to order on shorter notice and for less too
ney than can be produced at any other establishment in
the land. Those who are under the necessity of pro-
curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good
hearse and pall may be bad in attendance whet iliCsired.
September 1, 1847 L. M. NYE & CO.
What are yea abort here ! Aral ye: Yes, t peon
MHOretAN D 8 of minion the question has been asked,
Where on earth arie all the Boots mod Shoes roe
nufsenned that supply the continual rash at the corner
of Main and Bridge streets! O'Hara answers that this
is the piste, sad these are the things we do it with
alSeventy:eleven netv fa shions
every two seconds!
Put an the Steam ! I
Sear ye ! hem ye ! and understand, dot O'Hara, at
the corder of Mein and Brides street", will sell at retail
this season. 39,781 pairs of Boots," hoes and Brogena,
et a less puke than ever was or probably ever will be of.
fered spin in Towanda.
The Ladies' Department- in this establishment is
richly furnished witb fashions. Ladled, misses' and
childreo's limey and common boots and sh oe s, even, to
the extremity of 4be latest Ta . shione. MU*. not the
place —Corner of Main and Bridge -streets, the only
Shoe Store in Bradford County. Half melt and half
trade for Butter. B. O'HARA.
• Towanda, June le, 1847.
New Tailoring Establishment,
In No. 2, Brick /tow, our the store of E. T. Paz
third story.
Fla Xiiriga riqa a3VT 0
'UP ESPEUTPULLY 'informs the eitisens of Tway
-ilk duind the public generally,rthathe has removed
his Tailor shop to Wet.% Brick Bow. over the stereo,
C . ; T. Pox. third story. where he solicits that in want
of Teaming, to give bim a miff.
Having heen employed in the most fashionable estah
listiniMits ib Phihidelphia and elsewhere, and being de
termined to spare no pains to piece, customers may
depend . upon having their work done promptly and in
4 good style ell cite Ise fted 'at ad shop in town. All
Work. Warranted well Mad a nd to AL • • • ' •
{(3' Cutting aim e ' mid 'watranted. '
T -7. r, on atrytmd a en in payment for wait.
HEM° tat, ,• et •
oresatuan SNIS , STIVIS , MIL ?MIA &&&&&& CUIRSD
Bylr. Uphats Vegetable Eleetuary,
INTERNAL REMEDY, "orhieh.lf used so
cording to directicins.a cum fig lifeis rammed
A common eimsequence of ibis affection is a kind o
teciesmus, or beating dash sensation, as it is famibarly
called; theme is alsnheat, Woks' and throbbing io the
part, varying from a moderate degree of these censer
lions to the most excniciating suffering :—these stir
caused by the great flow of blood to the parts. Some.
times the inner coatof the hostel protrudes at every
cosmetics', forming what called Proispans or falling
of the bowels ; this is the effect of long continued
Lotion and weakness of that organ. In soma instances
the patient experknces nervous pains, which.are indie
cribable, ltral known only to the sufferer, ethich coin
make immediately atter an evacuation. and continue
fmm thirty minutes to several hours ; these sennations
are very annoying and sometimes .very distressing.- 7
This disease, when of long continuance, is attended kr
pain and weakness in the beck, irritation of the kid
neys and bladder, and other organs in the vicinity, pain
anti numbness in the legs and feet, weenie of ,streiglit
ness about the chest, and unnatural fullness of the sir
dominal viscera, accompanied with palpitation - of the
heart and oppression. Individuals sornetimmexpesiencie,
previous to an attack of the Piles, symptom denotiag
great derangement in the circulating ; there is a sense
of weight and pressure in the abdomen, with s peculiar
feeling of uneasiness in the bowels, constipation of pie.
Annum, attended with pain in the hack and hiins„nsix•
sea, and slight pains in the stosasch, pale consummate.
confused sensations in the head, weariness. and maila
ble and discontented stste of Me mind, and a sense of
fullness and oppression in the legion of the stomach.r—
The circulation on the surface is feeble, and the current
of blood determined inward and downwards. son ALL
Dr. Dphate's tegttable Neetiary.
Cures Effedually and therrfore prevents Piles
have geed Dr. Upham's Vegetable rite
Vectuary which. I purchased of you. and find it oneiof
the best medicines in use for the piles. and also for ,all
bilious affections, arising from an impure state of the
system. Yours, &c. E. A. Cots, Marble Dealer,
MMItS. WYATT & Kevcnsw.-.—Geritlemen.:--Un
derstanding that you are the general agents for the ale
of Or Upham's Vegetable Ellectoarv, fur the cure of
Piles, I have deemed it my duty to volunteer a recom
mendation in behalf of that invaluable medicine.
have been afflicted for many year,. with piles, and have
tried various remedies but with no beneficial effects:--I
began to consider my case utterly hopeless. But shoot
the first of September last. I was prevailed upon by a
friend to make a trial of the above named medicine. I
took his advice and rojoice that I am not only relieved,
but, as I believe, perfectly cured. I most earnestly
recommend it to all who may have the misfortune tote
afflicted with that annoying and dangerous disease.
Very respectfully, your oh% servant.
Movsiv Wasatrincrs,
Berkshire Co. (Mass.) Nov. 29, 1947.
Messes. WYATT & KlTCH•Dr—Gents: For thirty
years I have been afflicted with piles, general debility
and mflamation, causing tumors and prolepsus of the
bowel., and which had resisted all the medical treat
ment Dr. Chspman.and others could give. The last
three years of that time my sufferings defy description:
I was confined to bed, unable to help myself, and at last
given up by my phisiciaits and friends in despair of ev
er gaining my health ; in fact t., three days before I
was entirely speechless and my burial clothes were
made. But under Providence, and the use of Dr. Up
ham's Eleetuary, though en OLD was I have the pleas
ure of stating the TACT to the public that my health is
now goor', and hope to live-mauy years, if it is pod',
will, to make known the virtues of Dr. Upham's -Blect
miry, and to recommend it to my afflicted fellow crea
tures. It helped me beyond the expectations of all that
itrilrer my ease, and I only say to others that it Kin my
opinion, the best medicine in the world for Piles, or any
other disease of the 6011,14 ; mind if they will use it ac
cording to the directions, I will myself warrant a cure
in every ease.
Yours, with the utmost expression of thankfullnees.
Eaarsrovr. Berk. Co., (Mass.) Nov. 19, 1847
The shove certificate tells a simple and truthful sto
ry of sulfating and relief, of which, as physician and
witness in the case, I cheerfully endorse.
NOTICE. —The genuine Upham's Electrum has
his written sigature thus .( Q A.l Upham; M. 11)
The hand is alone lone with a pen. Price Si a box.
Cr Sold whole sale and retail. by WYATT
KETCHAM. 121, Fulton st., N. Y.. and by Druggista
generally throughout, the U. 8. and Canada*.
JOHN E. FORD. Agent for Towanda, Pa. 45y
Spurious articles afloat
A/m i. ANDREWS, in justice to your valuable
PAIN KILLER, and for the benefit of the pub.
lie, we hereby certify that we have used your Pain Kil
ler in oar Families for yrs* for many of the diseases
for which it is recommenced, and we deem it the best
Family Reiterative in use, and would recommend every
family to keep a supply on hand, in ease of sudden
nesa or accident.
Rev. Aaron Jackson, pastor first Baptist church. Ithaca.
" William Cormac, Peach Orchard, TompkiserCo.
Rachel Willson, • James Clark,
Ann Dudley, Philip Case,
W Hawing*, •• Ann Teter,
A Baker,- A Bower,
John DodiUle, M Collins,
John B Owens, Ithaca, N. Y., 38 4 / 3 .
Never purchase the Pain Killer without the written
signature di. Andrews, on the label of each h041e, , in
black ink. 'Bold by CHAMBERLIN &PO ER,
and JOHN B. FORD, only agents for Towanda.
For further particulars see advertisement inother
column. 47 21 y
Death to Pain ; rervf to the sick : health to th e ` weak
A balm is
,found for the whole human rare. in
r HIS is an entirely VegetabliCompound, composed
1- of twenty-See JIM ingredients, and is an inter
and external remedy. Put by in bottles, varying in
price from 25 to 75 cents, etch. For further partitU.
tan, are pamphlets, to be had of every agent gratis, con
taining a brief history of the oiigin and discoverf of itm
Pain Kilter certificates of ewes. directions, &c.i ,
Catreros..--Each bottle has the written signature a
the proprietor, J. Arroaswa. on the label, and without
it none are genuine. Beware of hawkers and Pedlars
- selling from Name to house, representing it to 'he the
genuine Pain Killer. .
Bold only by thl following regular appointed agent
in this county :
John B. Ford. Towanda. I George A. Perkins, Athens,
Chamberlin & Porter, do. I J. J. Warford. life rortott ;
BF& F L Ballard, Troy,l C. E. Rathbone, C ton.
8W& DF Pomeroy. do, Coeyell & Gee. Bu iogton.
If Bullock & Co.. Smithfield.
Sold in all the principal towns in the Unitei States,
Canada and Texas.
Who Mule agents is the city of New York rind 444.
nits: Haydock. Corlita & Co.. 218 Pearl-at.; Wyatt
& Ketcham; 121 Foltoom. Orders addressed to the
proprietor, or (LW. ilelmylet, post paid, will meet with
prompt attention'.2 , ty.
_ _
ITOR SAES, two Weer BUGGIES: iwenmplete ;:rder
for running. They are iDished in &impedes man.
Der, mule aped and substantial materials, anitwill , be
sold at 'a great bargain, for Cain only. TheylWiey be
seen . at. Essnwines' shop, in the lower pot of the horot
May 24, INS. • A. ESENWING.
EGHORN BONNETS tricky/fr.-if and d obi, it.
:41-4 Ist than step intoFON'S. Radial thug fact; agood
tawnier* of Florence braid. also; near end habionahle
*eta, gleam end kiss. of No. S Brick "
UNIIIISS WAGON, -far ids at the N
-t►aie rime j 926
Minos. December 11, MS
New York. Dec. 8. 1847.
Wonder and . blessing the Age , I
world 1 This Extradeis put up in Quart Bottles :
it is Ale times damper. -pketteinter;and - wsrironted supe
rior to any sold. It cures without vomiting, purging;
'sickening or debilitating the patient.
The great beauty sod- supetietity-of this Sarsaparilla
overall other medicintwis, that 'while it -eradicates the
disease, it invigorates the body, `lt is one of the very bist
Ever known ; it not only purifies the whole system, and
strengthens- the person, but it creates new pure and
rich blood ; a power possessed by no other methane.
And in this lies the grand secret of its wonderful suc
cess. It bso perk/rated within ths last five years, more
than 100,000 cures of eaters cases of disease ; at least
15,000 were considered incurable. It has saved the
lives of more than 5,000 children during the two past
10,000 cases of Generbl Debility aid wont of Energy.
Dr. Tonnaend's Sarsaparilla invigorates the whole
system permanently, To those who have lost their
muscats, energy by the effects of medicine or indiscre
tion committed in youth, or the excessive indulgence of
the 'passions, and brought on a general physical prestra
ilea of the nervous system, lassitude ; want of ambition,
fainting sensations, premature decay and decline; haste.
ing towards that fataflisease. Consumption, can fa en
tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This ISsrsapar
ills is far superiorto any Invigorating Cordial, as it
renews and invigorates the system, gieeesc.tivity to the
limbs, and strength to life muscular system, in a most
extraordinary degree.
Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be cur
ed. Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds.
Catarrh, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of Blood Soreness
in the Chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Difficult
or Profu-e Expectoration, Pain in the side, ace., have
been sod can be cured,
New York, April 21 1 , 1847-
Da. Tow soave :—I verily believe your Sarsaparida
his been the means through Providence, of saving my
life I have for several years bad .a bad Cough. It,
became worse and worse. At last I retried large noonti
de' of blood. had night sweats, and was greatly der ilita
ted and reduted, and did not expect to live. I have
only used your baresparills • short time, and there base
wonderful change beeu wrought in me. lam now able
to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and my
cough has left me. You can well imagine that I am
thankful fur these results.
• Your obedient servant, •
W M. RUSSELL, 65 Catherine-se
This is only one of more than four thousand cases of
Rheumatism that Dr. Townsetui's Sarsaparilla has cur
ed. The most severe and chronic cases are weekly er
adicated by its extraordinary virtues.
James Cummings, Es q_, one-of the assistants in the
Lunatic Asylum, Blackwelrs Is/and, is the gentlemen
spoken of in the following letter:
Blackwell's Island, Sep. 14, 1847.
Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir: I have suffered terribly
for nine yfars with the Rheumatisin ; considerable of the
time I could not est sleep or walk. I bad the utmost
distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen.
I have used four bottles of your Sarsaparilla, and they
have done me more than one thousand dollars worth of
good. I smart much better—indeed, lam entirely re
lieved. You ate at.liberty to use this for the benefit of
the Iffiieted. Yours, respectfully,
Below is an account of another childsaved. • Dr.
Townsend's Sarsaparilla has saved the lives of thou.
sands of children. the following two certificates are
seleted from a great number received this week.
New York. April 1. 1847.
Dr. Townsend: Dear Sir—One of me children was
very sick with a Canker in the Mouth and 'throat at
tended with great debility. It came near dying: I ob
tained-some of your excellent millieine,ind it cured it
directly, tot which I assure you I-reel very grateful- .
Yours, respectfully,
ELIZABETH - FOWLER, 27 Desbrossereit.
FITS ! FITS ! Furs !
Dr. Townsend,inot having tested his Sarsaparilla in
cases of Fits, of einrse never recothmended it. and was
surprised to receive the following front an intelligent and
respectable Farmer in Westchester County :
Fordham, August 13, 1E:47.
Dr Townsend—Dear Sir : I have a little girl seven
years of age, who has been several . years afflicted with
Fits ; we tried almost everything for her, but without
success ; at last although wet:mid find no recommenda
tion in-out circular for cases like hers we thought, as she
was in trw delicate health, we would give her some of
your fiarhparilla and are very glad we did, for it not
only restored her strength, but she has bad no return of
the Fils, to out greet pleasure mud surprise. - She is fast
beconnng ragged end bean,. fur which we feel grateful,
Yours, respectfully, JOHN DUELER, Jr.
Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and epee
dy care for Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, Prolap
ses Uteri, or Falling of the Womb, Costiveness. Pries,
Leaconhaea, or Wbites obstructed cedar/cult Menstru
ation, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary discharge
thereof, and far the general prostration of the system— .
no matter whether the result of inherent cecioa-prealue
ed by irregularity. illness or accident. Nothing can be
more surprising. than its invigorating effects on the ho
.man frame. Persona ell weakness and lassitude, front !
taking il, at once become nibust and lull of energy un- 1
der its influence. It immediately contracts the nerve-1
kerstress of tbefernale frame, ethic:his the great cause of
Barrenness. It will not be restrpected of us, in cases of so
delicate • nature, to exhibit certificates of cures perform.
ed but we amasser. the afflicted. that hundreds of eases
have been reported to us. Thousands of cases where
families have been without children, after using a few ,
bottles of this invaluable medicine, have been blessed ,
with fine, healthy offspring.
This Extract of Sarsapariee has- been expressly pre
pared in reference to feat complaints. No female
who has reason to suppose is approaching that crit
ical period, '` The turn of life should neglect to take
it, as it is a certain preventive for any of the numerous
land honible, diseases to which fe-tes are subject at this.
time of life. This period fluty delayed fire sererat
years by wing this medicine. Nor is it less esluisble
for "these who are approaching-womanhood, as it is cal.
edited to assist nature, !by ,quickening She blood and
invigorating the system, Indeed, this' medicine is in
valuable for ail the delicate diseases to which women
are subJect.
It 'braces-the whole system, lows permanently the
natural energies, by removing the impurities of the body.
not so far stimulatinges to produved sobeequent relax
ation. which is the case of most Medicines taken for fe
male weakness and - distate._ , By using a few bottles of
this medicine, many severe and painful surgical opens,
tions may be prevented..
Dr.. l 7ovrneencl & slinteCtleily receiiring °Wets from
Physicians in different pans-04: the Union. '
This is to riertify.that we the undersigned, Rhysiciarni
of the city of Albany:, bevel!) Juunorouo czars prescnb4
ed Dr . Tolleheend'a tranttlitetiilecend believe it to be one
of the most traluabfirreperskionitin the market. •
.0 p , H. P. 'Pusazia, M. D.
Jf. Wit.son, M. D.
sT IR. 11. Dawes, M.,D.
!Albany, April 1. P. Pp, EL3te.amoar, M t . D .
t entree and immense axle of Dr,
Ttra i i‘V O elitette ‘ leui 4 :*umber of men atui were
.tmerly our Attigc.blvo commenced inaking . enio.sper.
Ettisete of Yellow Doek,
dem , • Thai eeiterallf:patitn in theiqme shaped hot.
flea, and vime of tilitn'bitve'stolen end :copied our ad
'vitamins% thej only worthlcoo imitation,, Ina
should be *TAW. •
Prinapel Oak*, 126 ridtol Strettelfrm snitdinS, N.
J. KInGSS.ERY. JR.,,Towszolik,Pa... only opot
foe Diailfor. empty . . '7l
illience Mat Dreadrat Cough !
MHZ Linlgt - ure iti*.dangeT, tiwworirof`the destroy,.
± lias been besuir, ,be toilet of Cpnotimptio t ,
in it a gonna' of death:
. Are yon a 441 her T Ximt darlinrchild,your m o t,
and earthly joy, is now paint; confined toter chew,"
by a dangerous. cold;;-her pale.cheeks, her thin shrunk.
ep fingers, tell ttechola dimwits*. etiesel, alined epos
her—the sound of hex sepulchre - 1.4:090 Pierces you
. 'Young, nuts 4 yrheo,,jugt..obooi,to4ifiee, life, di em ,
sheds is heart-tlushing blight over the fair -prospects of
the fuiure—your hectic cough arld.f&Nlimbe tell of
your Isara of hope. but you need not despeis.:.Th ele is
i &this arida will heal the wounded lungs, , it is
Mrs. Attree, the wile of :Wm. 11.•AttreS„ Esq. warsgiv.
en op by Dr. Sewall of Washington, Dr: Roe sad m a
Clean of Fhgadelphie, Dna Roe- stallion of New
York. Her friends all thought 'she must die. tap e
had every appeatiace of being in tonl l imption; and was
so pronounced by her physicians -- 8 B a i n ,
•was , ,tiven and it cured her. • ,
• Mrs. Garraiirank.of Bull's Perry war 'idea c and of
consumption by this Retsina whets' all other e remedi es •
&dello give relief—she was reducsdAostakel ton. la,
A. C, Castle, Dentist, 28t Broadway, -ba 4 /witnessed
its affects in several ones-where no other medicine sae.
ded relief.—butlhe Balsam operated Jibes chasm.. Dr.
C. also witnessed its wonderfuleffects iii coring Asth.
ma. which it never fails of doing. !spitting Blood,
alarming se it may be, is effectually cared by this -Bat
syn. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels,
sod makes the lung. sound again. 1
Rev. Henry Jones, 108 Eighth avenue, was mired of
cough and catarrhal affections of 50 yearsstamding. The
frst done gave him more relief than all the other aped*
eine he, bad ever taken, Dr. L. J. Beals•, 19' Delaney
street, gave it to a sister-in•law 'who waslaboring under
consumption. and to anotber, , sanely, iteleted. with d o
asthma. In both cues ita effects were inantedists, so ca
restoring them to comfortable health.
Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 95 Christie, 4., sneered from
Asthma 42 years.. Sherman 'a Balsem relieved her at
once, and Ale is comparatively well, hieing enagled to
subdue every attack by a timely tote of 'this medicine.
This indeed is the timely remedy &n. Conghs, Cold s ,
Spitting - blood, Liver complaints end all affections of the
throat, and even Asthma and Cobsitaiption.
Price 25 cents and $1 a bottle. Soli in Towanda,
by CHAMBERLIN & PORTER, No. I, Briek row,
Let ifs Works praise it!
.1 plate remedy for Burns: Scalds, Cots. 'Swelling.,
Bruises, Sgmains, Salt Rhentn, Piles. Fever Sores, Se re
Lips, Chapped Rands, Chillblairts, Scald Head. and al
kinds of Inflamed sores.
Pentons in all conditions of life," are at time. !labiate
be afflicted with the above coinphaints. It is therefor.
the duty of heads of families to provide and keep on
hand, ready for any emergency, a REMEDY that n
capable of removing the suffering attendant 'on those
very troublesome companions. Those who have used
need not be told that it is a complete remedy, a master
of pain, and the moat speedy remover of Infionvatition
ever discovered. The. experience of such persons is wit
fieient tit prompt them to keep it always on hand, know.
ing that many valuable lives have been saved, by this
Magical Cod - queer of inflamed and other sores, burns,
scalds. Ste. It instantly stops all pain of the severest
kind, and • prevents scars. family should be without
it, as as imtisediate application of it in easels of burns or
scalds. would dg more geoid while waiting for the dodo ,
than be could do when arrived, besides preventing loos,
hours of the utmost suffering which might pap before s
. physician could be obtained.
It pomessen control over the severest injuries by fire.
over ofortification. over inflammation, and by its com.
hined virtues it acts Sc anti-septic. nervtne, anti-spas.
medic. anodyne, emollient and bealing, and is the most
dompleteexteinal remedy in use.
Thousands base tried, and thousands praise it. it is
Working its way into public favor with a rapidity tio..
known in the history of medicines,. Al! whollse it, re.
ism mend it. Again we sly, no fetidly should be with.
out it. The agents furnish the public gratis, with books
describing this ointment.
(Cr Each box of the genuine Tooarc's Usti-must
OINT3It FNT bag The signature o► S. Tousey written ea
the Outside label itt, Never purchase a bot
unless this signature can be seen. Puce '25 cents per.
box or five boxes for $l. Prepared by Et.t.torrx &Tot .
say, Syracitee,f N. Y. Sold in New York at 106 Ns«
.an street. and in Toerands, by EIIARBERLIN &
PORTER. No; 1. Brick Rove . by
CUekaer's. Vegetable Porgatit c Pills,
ARE the first and only medicine ever discovered that
will positively eure Headache, Giddiness, Piles,
Dyspepsia, Scurvy. Smallpox: Jaundice,
Pains in the.
Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Ilea rt.lll
- in the Throat, Dropsyjksthms. Fevers of all kinds
Female Complaints, Measles, Salt Rheum, Heart Burn,
Worms. Cholera. Morhus, Coughs, Quinsy, Whooliint
cough, Consumption. Fits, Liver Complaint, Eresits• la.,
Desfoetal, Itchings of the Skin, Colds, Nervous Com
plaints, and a variety of other Diseases arising from
purities of Indigestion. jrk
It has been proved that nearly eveu disease to which
the human frame is-subject, originates from , impurities fry
of the Blcsail or Derangements of the Digestive °row;
andto seeilio Health, sternest remove those olistrucniso ..
or restore the blood to its natural elate. This , fact .
universally known ,' but people have such en aversem
to medicine, that, unless the raw is urgent, they puler
the disease to-the cure, until an impaired- Constitution s
or a fit ofeicitnesslebukes them for the folly of their cos-
k ;
duct. Still they had some - excuse, for heretofore, ined
ieine in almost all its forms, was nearly as diagustine
as it was beneficial. Now, however, the evil is roo,i
f.-ctually removed ; for Cliekerter's Vegetable Purged,-
Pils,„being completely enyeloped with A .COATUNG OF N
.PORE warms scuan.(which p is distinct from the kernel,t..
have no taste of medicine, but are as isesily awalloord
as bite of candy. Moreover they do MA, nausrale or
gripe in, the slightest degree, Which is occasioned by the
fact that are componnded on if4nentific principles, and
operate equally tin all the diseased parts of the system,
instead of confining themselies to, and racking any par-
!molar region.. (which is the greet and admitted evil i
every other purgative.) Hence , they strike at the root
of Disease, remove all impure humors from the blood,
open the pores externally and internally, promote the
Insensible Perspiration, obviate flatulency; • Head:Jar,
die,--separate all foreign and obnoxious •particles froth
chyle; so that the blood, of which it is the origin, mot .
he thoroughly pure—secure a free and healthy action to
. the Heart, Lungs and. Liver ' and thereby restore health
Cl47+ ' when all other'rneanshave failed
'`"' Ai letters of inquiry or for advice meet be' ad
dressed' (post paid) to Dr. C .V .CLICKENER,
Vesepat... New York, or his authorized agents through
out the country. For sale in Trivrancla, by
CH A MBERLIN ,de PORTER, No. 1, Orick Row.
N. R. Remember, Dr. C.V. Clickemer is the inveutor
of Suitor Coated Pails, and• that nothing of the sort wsi
ever heard of-until he introduced . them in Jima, IS4$.
Purchasers should therefore sok for Clirkener's Sugar-
Coated Pills, and - take no other, or they will be made
tha victime of a fraud. 5
Corning, Elmira, and 'Buffalo UN.
the. season, in the following orders ,
at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Lome Elmira, • Wednesdays,at 2 o'eloulgr.P.ll
- P
Tow Down Seneca take on Friday, touching at Big
Streang.'Btadtey, Lodi, Dresden, passing Geneva: 3 1 a
terlon and Seneca Falls, on Sa turas,. '
Leave Buffelo for Elmira and Corning. every Saturday
Morning. 'Leave Rochester every Monday morning.
Fos refight of Passage apply- to the Captains so
Meant, or to the following Atreus::
W. M. Mallory. Corning. Pricelk:Heltys Gene"-
S.b Wrath* AP 'Co. Slides. liantinge & Pica, do. •
Wiroertimit; Horse Heide 4 ,- P/filler, Beneer
E. s.4lintem, Havanna.. L.•Bortido, Montezuma. ,
h.G.Toorneend.Eig StretiolH2 L. Fish. Rochester.
Wocelviorik.& Peet, rt.odi. Pales & Wbeeler, BulTare,
O•J. & Brreet. waterloo. I Aiwal2.lß4R-
800113 4 81401M—Ladies' lighkeoloreo' an Mk
vitas. stip, and walking sbetss gent ' s eine It*.
.kip. salt and seal boots and 'bent. ' andithitittites do
ocilinglew at the r;entist *tote. N. I'.l3El'cS.