Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 06, 1848, Image 4

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    -----, . .
Marital . tinirfintincnis. .;
, 1 ....... i- .: ;
*tit ir 11110 t Citemrea) DistOTtli,
11,MA -.1..• ~.. ~.:1 .. • , ~,• 1 ~
Clioacia cutilifinigioip L kiln therrYegetableJiingdurr!
, k .- -1 41'4 , ''''.' is , d :-, •- oirepet.Disisse.:.,,,;—.... .:4. --. • ,
"C k
11/ 11110
liStui 17
14 11161116 ATE
l'at eooY•
Th e m o il sheeect fid illedlcue an Ike Wetld
THIS CHEM !CAI . ; COM PO UN D, containing as
Akies. Yellow .Dock, ao tugkly esteemed by
the faculty—with other vegetable podia:lions, is one
nf- the 'most impoitsut discoveries of the age, and far
superior to a ft simple sarsaparilla prepatations in use.
Although less,than two years .have elapsed since its
• 4 , ll.covery, it has already efferteil over 000 cuffs.
The unrivalkal power disease which this Syrup produ
ces may be attributed to the isct -that it is composed
purcly of vegetal.le t xtracts, each one haring a direct
refclence to some internal organ,; consequently the
whole systtan is beticfitti-if; and the fact that, in its
eperation.„it occasions neither sickness nor pain, and
can be tilen tinder all circumstances without regard to
Inkiness, or diet, and by the aged and the infant o t ,,ith
equal efficacy, is certainly a considers! in in the history
of 11leelicine. This I". xi rat tis put up in gtiu7t
?Arlo . the'niost highly concentrated syrup in use. It
is iilTi.reirat the low rice of one dollar per Bottle, the
object of being to give the pa kilt au opportunity by
the purchase srf otoe bott!e, to tett its valualde medical
propenics And its power over disease. •
This compound Extract of "Yellow Thick and Saran
ruffle is a positive, speedy, and permanent cure for
Consumption, iticrofuls or King's Evil, Erysipelas, ISalt
thrum, Pimples nn the face, Itheumit ism. Gout, Gen-
Ilyspapsia, Liver Copplaints, Spinel Af-
Female Complaints, Illress, I.3, T hiii i n its
worst form , Afflictions of the Bladder aiid
Bilious Colic and serous Looseness, Biles, Costiveness,
Cidds, corrupt Humors, Asthma . , I)ropsv, enlargcment
of the 'Bones, Fever and Agee, ("Wiliness, Gravel,
Headaches, of every bind, Impure blood, Jannilice, Loss
of Appetite, Leprosy, Mercurial ViscrieTs, Nicht Sweats,
Nervous Complaints of oil Winds, Neuralgia, Or:zarrie
Affections, Palpitation of the Heart, Painter's Colic,
Piles, rush of Blood to the Ileac!. &Tun. v, Swellings,
aliFk Headache, Stiffness 01 the j i'Fposure and
Initirudence of Life. •
It extracts tiers ous disease, purifies and enriches the
Blond, and invigorates the more efflctually than
any medicine I - Alberto altered. to the piddic.
In the Vegetable King,l,.m. an All wise Ileinc has
aepotited such Plants and Lc fl as are congenial to our
constitutions, and adapted 'to the core of all curable
eli . Selises to which human nature is.incieent. MI this
flompound syrup is compuFed of all those valuable
plarfts, Some of which have latelrheen disdovered and
used, end found In he certain 9 erifics in ttibusands of
diseases that before defied the best of medical skill.
This is to certify that oe, the ondentigneil Physi
chola of the city of New 1 oik, have in a very great
litany prescribed D:4liir tlilysott's f:stract of
Yellow Dock and barsaparilla, and are fully assured
'hat it has-no equal amnng the varied *reps and :tar
_ papntilla prepar2tious that have over been eold. Octte
her 10,'47...
John P. Ntebbiric, M. D ; T. R. Thoinaa, M. Ti. ;
P. $. Maynard, M. D.; fames E. Morgan, M. D.;
bantuel T. Wells, M. D.: 1..1. M. Johnson, M. D.
Aron. ftslininny frrf,r , I th r ptrital r / ef
(;aftsaft'n P.rtpart ~ f i l w .1,,,ek and .?arsaparsl
la I,l'lr all aher Fim - rlar f
R car l! ! It4tc,'s reLcurl.
• WATt.rtrowN, Jefferson Co., Nov. 4, 1847.
Mr. S. F. BavNl:vv:
Deaf am at a loss to ewes§ with word,: what
has been said in !noise - of' youeldoMpound Extract of
1 1 - 4111h,t01l prpf.k.', and Safpapnrilllt nto Itiavn: had Abe
ideabglrf pock'
' , peal( of lA, frianlkdiops irtfoolla in
regto . idiv;•diAellx4-s, so' much TeClilin and' heuhfolt.
aatisfactien, that .I . ,tun confident now that no medicine
in use caniimist or superior qualities. Alanyoblio
late beerVentotitainityv for yearevrith pain in th y ' ai r de,
hurtiliig and pain in the chosto7Y4pepsia. generairlebili
'lHoss orappetite, alias, night sweats, salt rheum,
lepaleht, in fact all the diseases that we in this climate
are heir to, fin] in the Yelow Dock and Sariapatills,
ins stqlsialfeS to make .t4etri what dm" Norm in'
• their days of health &e.
We have had tweler dozen bottles in three months,
and fad we are nearly out. Please send an equal
amount, and 0 hge yours,
11.017 T &. GREGORY . .
AoirksviLLE, Montgomery Co. Jan. 3, '4B
. - gym* . PEI( izrr—Peir !Sip—some fitur weeks si dee
I was induced to try your Y.lllw Dock and Sarsaparilla
— .for • been afflicted about 40 crm, .most
par . • . Jib erttlumtptitsitxtitilvtifrer.
t r.; *, pa! ' only
-'iiiAltary Ye mediclAe, in Comilder
mvself entirely cured solely by its yse. Can now eat
a Levey meal, without the'sitittitoot inennvotiiopce,
Very truly yortrs.z ANTIKINY BEEKMAIi,
s. KTtNt.?%.
tlr.lluVsott's ex•
react br Yellow Dock and 4`tariaparilla. render it pecu
liarly applicable to the slender andJet;cato constitution
of the female. It is unrivalled in its effects upon So eh
ilise.ises'aii Incipient Catisurription, Ittroannest, Lett
corrhoea or Whites, Irregular Menstruation, Iticonti.'
nonce of liiineAind general Prostration of the system,
It immediately counteracts that distressing nervousness
and beatitude so common to the.finnsle frame, and inw
parts an energy arid buoyancy as eurpieung as they
are crateful. r
We cannot, of course, exhi'ilt certificates to any ex
tent in this class of complaints, but the, two followtog
extracts of lett, IA recently receiscd, tudiLate sullicterit
-4y the greAt virtue of the medicine as a remedy for the
diseases referral to.
Nswiss.. Jan. 25th, 1848.
lib.-Baz'cx•rr—We take pleasure in stating that
your Yellow D. - irk and SarsSpecills giees great saris.
faction in every case.. We shall try and send you some
A. eery respect,thle gentleman &informs ua that his
asudhter was troubled with dilli.mtt menstruation, and
diseases peculiar to her sox. I:thehad n6l haTher
regular. menstrual discharges fora long tune: tun by
tae or D. tiuyartt's lielTorr Do.-k and SJ, ip n 111 x.
was r tdieaily cured. 14.1, ust;..l T...,; 40 c.a., and
' others', ty . itliout rerolving 111 1i htCst, benefit: tie
" 1141: - dee daughter die , Srorii" the ;:a me rinse. I'lrlae
semi its an additional supply. l'ery reSpertfulli v
• J. 4E. 31111'1% it 1.41:
arikorlisterreitiiiiiinfbles 8016Atigsfita the
reader is piniculatig eau lopul sot to kkimselto
be imposed . • _ • •
. _
Beware how you hay medicine put up in square
quart b.,t Irs. L e vforspi• itTiftllOGior Dr. (;(1-3.4.01.'s
Compound Extralct or Vellow miA: anti tsartapar+a,
bearing the. written signature of S. r • bennettr
ta,oh outside wrapper, ,inett with 'black ink and Oa
amt., on any account, he induced to Lily tiny oilier r.rti•
"de—as it it this preparation only that is perfOrmi4,iitch
miivaiouc and agtonitliine• area: Take no .ttiTerir's
word; as persons bariniz the connterfeit nteinciii4b and
not genuine, arc of cour4e desirous of making...their
profits..—confermently - 31:10 ,neyr, fi,ble Aor her worthies
Asouh. unless gnu, 404.14114 m fur your.lchrus, •
- A rr. Reanernirr. Dr. DU I:6l.YrrrS VELUM
-•`•Prepmrad•at At. E. Bennett's Ladsratory, Little Ealia,
lierkiiner county, N. V., anti &ad at tubeless's,. in N.
York City by J. E. Tripf,e, 1-28 Mai Jen Lane: also by
Tracy Beadle, Elmira, 1,. M. ,Itextord„ Binghamton.
J. L. l'innay. -St &Ht, Ourgo, anti by the erincipal
`iiettglitsis and mercbtnta throughout• the-t , .•
"Weettmlicio and Canada. - • • r
N c ne genuine 'wilt*, itp in lame a/Wm
'iriettlea tiWitainiag- a !load, with the Damao! therayrtp
Mown in the glitss, with tire wtAten - sfitnatunez4.l . lK
ile,NN,err on eaeh ouioitle wraprf. •
g ol d WltnleFate ntbd Ivy 11.
Afhcots, IL t't.flar rearartd`u." • - '
arly Z
se;:.: ,•'L
•• • •
.4.. • r • •
- •
WW A-11TwYork' Colf '
* • "-•'lter4l.alor Ajtreelloatilreslevoll%
Di;' U; Ileitgba's Vegetable Litbontbripiallitote;
ittitp“ifig its
A., fame by the miny viten it is making
ALI; 0 stg. i ,ilkg. ,
It " 5 nUW fondly tire
acid. i 6 ri.erimtift.nyk4l or
all staees of this itntnisSately relieved; "ho
niattervf Low long standing. Set Rawligt
,fi Lfezti.
and all di aa T 2 rhigeouri ry hese dis
tressing eomplainW ic.alafla alone; uo other article can
relieve you; and theLcitres testified u will convince the
inost.slieptical;—sec puropyla. I...LieerCamplaiut,
lions diseases,
:non y
To the great west especially. anti whenever these
complaints prevail this medicine is offered.
rrn deltlerima compound is apart of this mLrture. tt
rums these ()indexes with riertsitily end c rity, end
doe's not lea4te the kystem torpid. hien pamphlet.
a complaint of a most painful character it IMMEDI
ATELY RELIEVED. and a rule follows by a ftw
(lays use of this article : it is far before any other pre ,
partition fur thus distafte, or for any other di,a i o orig
inating from impure hfocl—bee pamphlet.
weak hack, Weakneta of tf , e fridnevs, iuflama
(ion of same is imawflicarly tybered ha a fra• flays we
of This medicine, atida cure is always a retail of ha use.
It stands as a •
for Sal complaints, and also for derangomeatsofthefe
wale fruine.
painful Menstruations. No °stick has ever been of
lured rxerpt thi3 which would cure this derangincots.
It may he relied upon es a sure and effective remedy
and did we feel permitted to do so email give
as proof of cures in this dis teasing class of eomplaibta.
See pamphlet. 44111trokea down, deloilitidedconatitu.
bwitisant the Tea r f mercu ry,ll6 ill find the bracing pow
of this muck to act immediately, and the poisonous
mineral eradicated from the system,
willfind the alternative propertihia of this article. Punt.
THE: 1.11,00 D. and such diseases from the eva.
tern. Ste panip/i/c1 fiu testimony of cures in all
rases, which the !unit of an adverlisment will not Oct.
ind to be named, here Agents them away ; they
contain :A pages of certificates of high charactkr, and a
.truft,er array of proof of the virtues of a medicine, ne
ver appeared. It is cite of the preuPor features
this article that it 11( MI: foils In Istinfil in any case,
and if Lune and muscle are left to Guild upon let the
emaciated and lingering invalid hope on, and keep ta
king the medicine as long ua there is au improvement.
The proprietor would caution the public against a ouni
ber of articles which come oat under the head of Sar
patinas, Syrups, &c.. as cures for Dropsy, gravakfifite.:—
airy arc goodfier nothing:, and connccu d to gulf the
unwary ; touch them not. Their inventor,: never
thought. oteurietg.pseh..disesis.4% till this article had done
-4. PA perlichwAtl4l4 e-Jlof plinsphlt is Minitel'
Agents and all who se:l the art,cle are glad to eircu
latc.manitiosedY.' :Pot up in 30 or, bottles, at ; ;l2
oz. do atilt esch , --the lnrger fielding 6 oz. name than
two small itottles.. Inok out nadir°, get imposer/upon.
Every bottle has '"Vutighes Vegetable Lithontriptic
Mixture," blown , upon• the glass, the wri/Jen signature
of.* G. C—Vanahn on the directions and "t. C. V ang,h
in, 11uff,40," stamped rrn /let cork. None other are ge
nuine. Prepared by Dr. G. 4,3. Vaughn, and sold at
the Principal Office,2o9'Main Starect, Buffalo, at whole
halo and retail. No attention Oren to letters unless
pot-paid --on/erg from regglarbi rwhlit a led ./I.,,entetkr
terlAti : post paid letters, or %taw, communications
Itching advice. proutptly attended to, gratis;
(Nikes detoted exclusively to the sale of this article--
Ift Nassau at., New York' cityr 225 Bole: st . ...ealem
Itiess:ri and by the 'principal Druggist throoughotn the
United Atnteg and Cat Ads, de Agents.
STORRS at CO.; WEtrilesa 1../1 genie, Philiblelphia.
3.D. Penn), To grand I'. D. Spring, Laces sitle.
C. E. ilernek, Athens. A.Durharra, Tunkbnitn;lt.
C. 13. Fisher, Wyntusing. R.'Dyer, Covington.
G. F. Redington, Troy. April 12, 184 8.—y
NT, 0 other medicine has ever been introduced to the
TV public that hasinetunth such emparalelied success,
24 Dr. tin L L ' S n irsritlertratiattor Hail( PlLtlik—
bifida g liven but sia years before the public, and the ad.
veinisinjA awaki,,yet„.they Lave w,o(keALthopii ~vvay,49to
Aatcin'Oe Li . ninn and . Canada*. They hatels.
solateiyirecome . the 'Star-inn! Medicine of the .tair.—
They are purely vegetable, ainl so admirably compound
ed that when taken in h'ige dnies they speedily cure
acutediseat7e, on the strongestronstitutions, such allitt
ions diseases,• end when they are taken in email doses
they operate like a charm upon the most 'detente, ner
lu.,,Ylt fernale„sinil hoe roiled nutubens. from their bids
llttet witali reMerhea had failed. 'We Hero tefer -to
but fear ot. theinany miraculous cures etiectea' fhe
use•ef said •
Snide Airelion.—Anna Wood, of Rutland, Co.
livalLeuredaftatslua tugtenseysl 144 har ls 4
off AI ScitsP4canA'l_ fscAr.,
erob nf her reguat:Adrian Lliqu neon, or tap)
had ainounted fa SSP. • Nee111. 7 .4/./Ifre..
.` , :c,-(fala and .Nen , aas Downs, of
Clay, N. Y.. was cured of Dyspepsia, Nervous 'Debility
and besofulaus affection of the head,•otter she had t hen
confined aiskrnonths, and another- inestiento had failed.
rorigis and Connt orptioneured. -W nu Beatty, lof
P.T:cWißleig• WO*. w"AtXrd4lPsWfic"Allii liOrake
bad bcip coutined to 194 bed tor a long tjrcie , acid, w a s
_given by . his a.thssiciarn. 4f Lad pact' faosiof the
Cough MOicipitiorile443r, and was u'posed, by kis
friends„ n 4 pl,,Diciars to boia pc laid stages.
F. Vritsbl, of 1-3yrarusg,A.
yrumirteitue 4tipepritie , wiac'stolot to iid :able o
wait- for tqwe:lresas, • • • - "
-AV,w4Scoith,GrefivisicN F0R31., vvw evyl.4-ovire
l`liere clisek,fl) . ilirltAii; Nisiornrsd at d frirvetp;
HI of flio years atituting,ifter ettrendi!tglargalitnita
.lormonerto-stripnrymiet 'Nfe eirrufietr.
GeriCinroVik e l.r.-.1 44 410141; Of ILivv#lo o Qt
t scg; co., V. was' curet! of' grvate Aie-oc
estrama eostrventate of ionwand painfni duration. Who
wouiJnot aseritire trio ve : Alining* to beftlieved frourso
diatreasintt a owl/tint
'llte shove steall cages in* high all .other-rentediet
tiletikeu cure or give ad ieL • Many. of. the same chum.
tei mnshrhe.publistird-if mutual specs. fortuirtieulani
11416 Wade buttitste,.erbich ttirbeliad.ntagents , • w
B tr 4 ti or t 7-o xttstrxr+o...doits theneere ittruriens
Pals in cireulp: . un z Eitka Arientll pr:;.%,vereign Bairn,
be sure to Te re you bb *Mr theitiAte of Dy.
'Set& & Coris on•the Ike of tge.ta'x . eir. rt kj144; 3 4 rs
4411'14 teniatir"ffle ewe* Chit any iinibtvit
int;lting a orinifintiv *tide . harryet Advil tti of
tint' nausetlinusotite •verbem have-had the iatincTeuee
tWitnitatir nor hoill end *lvor eircalitleNeetiffeetes,
'am eareruf mbar diryliore,
thi7 ivilrbetleeeiv6ll. 9 -Q" ••••-, •- • , • -
Pillig44ol ha,l .irholesalo and retail' f
, ,
ji5by1.,13,r013,, and • PHAlit BOR.
Llif; ; eretn.A: Perkins, Admns Lyman
Duffel., iimithfinki;. A. etc S. B. Morley. Burlington;
Levi Taylor: litratrville; Samuel Smith, Franklin ;
florroagits, Monmetim ; iletirlie••Nteholik items;
Frisble, l o ma"; L E. Bulkielt. , Lally •46-•,-6ut
iThilabilp . biell biettietm"' tuts.
11101;1L ) :liik --- LPH lA l'-- 1 --- i.EDICA II LH 4 O i 48' ----- -. 11 " Estab= . . --'
JL . it Yr il ltyr b kl ml. XXII' r Alke
444 tmuge sudin cur nos *get
'ilateitses, messes of e Ada and solitWitabila o yinithi
is DR, - KINXELIIii: it W. rimier of Thilkitmd Unioti
=stir:, batetlrewSpease and Piney tis ' fifs gx+
mhaageillels' delphin.: , t -.4 ~ ....- . i 1...... t, .0 ... • A..
~ TA Ki t s ?ARTICULAR 419.T1cip,,,„,:,
TaritAiholillie injdiaiheitimPreilly c•Maibtorsoi
ice frequently inditlgetline—chshit frequently learneti
roatevdeotopaninns or, ag, school—the effeets•ot sthieh
are nightly felt. even whereasleep, and dummy both mind
and body, should apply. immediately. Weakness and
I constitioual tfebiiity itrutately cur,esl,. tetil 1 :1# ielgot
1 reitore4l.!:All Eitters.pcieptiitut . • - ,
1 • _ ) 4 '00;0 It.rlT,t
,_ „
If you7alne le - to - I` feor YeuriirsltihioneMha;ihe
delay of q intnith, Mit; nevOn a week, May prityli Air r i i
in, both ot ;aptly rpoleliatl. :Heti** no tfa .m odesty
deter yin l'rom 'biding known your " eaphli ne -.Who,
i fnma education'and respectabitty.earafOnite' *Allyou.
Re who OK...himself under DIitt.KINKB from.
1 8
steot r anay religiously.eonfide in his loom aestrintie•
man, and in whose basenterill he•fotxrar.,scked Dm aro
met. of dm patient.. • .
Tito many think they will hug the secret M their own
bestia,lind tore themilekett.' Alas ! how often is this
a fatal delusion; and how many trpromising yomig
who might have beet/ an ornament to society, has faded
from the carth.
6ndi'ng it inconvenient /a nuke personal
c ‘ o„by •stating their case explicitly, together with alt
their rymptorne. (per letter. post-paid,) have forwarded
to them • chest containing Dr. K'smedieineelyipropia
letLaccoirilingl!. • .
Packages foneaidedAnamy pad- of the
It moment's notice. (129
n -- Porer earn- armaii, addressed to DR. RINKE.
LIN, Philadelphia, still be promptly attended to.
Bee adviertheateint to Mei:Mira of the ' Times, Phila.
Al the 144lutiot . h4 anal Litrei of the
Il larries of the War of Independence, by Cu ARLE.
.I..Pxzcttsoa. An elegant volume, with tS fine .steel
litotes. and nearly 200 beautiful wood engravings.
4 . This is a splendid book. A valuable addition to the
Historic Literature of our country. We are much mis
taken if it does nut lake rank with the works of Irving
and Ptescon."—Frunkfori Hcen/d.
It surpassess any similar work yet offered to the
American public."—S,ara Gazette.
'• it may be properly considered a popularized milita
ry hi.tory of the Kevoluuun, extremely well and judi
ciously written:'—Nonli Jezierican.
" The present work on the Revolution and its heroes,
is superior,' both in extent and design, to ally that toas_
heretofore come under our notice."—lnquirer„
" A well connected history of that eventfal period."
" Decidedly the most poptijar history of the wet of the
Revolution and its heroes, :that has yet been given to
the country." 7 vcning Ppal.
^AGENTS wanted, tp.eativoas tor the above de
gaqt wort, in every 'county and town in tbe United
States, to. whom the most liberal inducements will be
offeral: Rite only $4. Et!ildretis (pest-paid)
• . •
11.k.WMILQD X 1 11 4 9
Saaakd near the nod road and Canal, Water slrfet,
TILE subscriber has leased the stand formerly known
as the `•Eintira Hotel," and has caused the same
to , he. thoroughly REPAIRED, RENOVXTED and
RE-runNIN:HED, and is now ready to accommodate
his friends, and the traveling public. His rooms are
tastefully arranged and newly furni:•hkl bis Table and
Bar shall yield all the necessary comforts required by
the ttaveler or man of leisure, and in all respects, order
aniniiiiet in his house will bentrietly observed; and'eve
iy attention will be given to render the stay comfortable
and agreeable. to those who choose to make his house
their home during-a visit co this pleasant village, at
charges the most reasonable.
Elmira, June 31, iB4B.
(; r r !
rpOMICINB & Ni 4 filNi3ON would inform those
1 interested, that we have concluded to Owe up the
business of the firm. We find ogr Capital is not in our
hands, but distribtrted over . Bpdfont and Tioge'coim
tieis and we have employed au Agent to call' upon our
customers, soils to give them in opportumtito take up
their notes p or either of the old firm will receive mo
neye end give a receipt to apply. We hope and this
we shall not be obliged to place surge number or our
eusiasner's elotetkiehbe hand. of -snagistratea.,- „Noels.
of our customer . 3rrinda, that have un•
settled matters* , g enough to call and
have them closed up. The business hereafter will be
continued ales . 111010113 - 0 mcsimAkciti SO N & Co.
Towanda. June 23. 1848. ? t .•
NEIL .- - - - 1 - --
ravilu:rwar m■Pwamcimmr:
. L. M. NYE at:. CO, WouNfo•
, —e -z-- = --- -ff . ' -' 7' -- . spectifilltifortn tho'iitizetw'M Yew.
=--- ......!..v.c.4 - -0.4.1 1 coda and ti . " public genet:ll4ool
l•ef rti rirrf kt: ,
it`ma drininerentdre
41 T lft_ordet sk lads al VAii* ET
ii ,
- - 77.4:...- . , PTYRN;'bf 'thC beit'iriate.
AIL _, .: .- Ai 1 fiats: in& war ininireship thistestpnot
. ''''r be sarpaseed,inadditionto:the twat
assortment•in country chops, we will keep on bind and
make to order ISOPAki, of various end most approved
patterns ; bofis Rocking Chairs, upholinered in superior
styleounifur ease and durability cannot be surposeedt
even in our large:cities.. 'Also, the half ?tenth •Ma.
I hogany Chair, beeutifully upholstered, with ended hair,
Which never loss ita.elastkity, andlnished 'with the
beatheir treating. We flatter 'bumblers thartriving
r bed much experience it the businsas, wo. shall be able
!'to satisfy ell who may feel illsposcil to. call, both oaf to
finality and price. and by strict
,altintion to business
hope to inetit arid receive the patronace of a liberal emu
asunity f • ~ •.. • .... L. M. NYE &CO
Trowitrida.ASontember-1,1847.• - • •• -- • ~7
tha •
MA l as il 'o„r teen at tioV r ir b i Invi rn a u n c da irT gi . )4sds ol) am "
cheirt, and wheat am 14wcted, end-that is the reaso.!Ne
can aloft] all fahlo do it;. kinds of prattle's
:befertivril in payment.l,l 7 l4ltlEß oT Anis.
111" lUD lizr" leg SUS
WripiLL he helot on band o large assortment ; end
\INF made to order on shone, notice and kr leer mu.
nay than can be produce:Letany other-establiehmeartin
the land. Thmie who are under the necensity et pro
auringlhat Article will Arai obeli be satisfied. A. goad
hearse and pall may he had in attentl.nummhen , delired.
tleplesaher. I. 1847 N YE .4k
777 .
Wirer ar6 towebOot here ! Arn't yel'es; I gels
THOUt.WlßSottingetkleinWisiktilka been aeked,
W here on earth 111 th 3 Boots soil Shoes in..
nti f aCtUTWOO I So . PP I y thtcQnT L j seta hOwEdoio2;et
of bTatn nirThiSre Weds - 1
is , tho jilrcc, wittiesospunthe things we do i , ith
• • • s-it
l NA , •• rit t x :,r
• • '"Ore s i
t •
' p
ye I -twirls-I sod umdarstand, thstaffss%'
anenuter. 111-Maial *ha Bridgestroefs wig sell as iissaß
this Reason. 39,781 ipaintrafilmihr,,Sbassand /Imo*
lets Ism Oast= ever.stssorproliabireves 'Stilt be of.
lured again iswTorasidas • • e •
Who tikate ;Department in-tlgas .40sultaisimmetst is
e I,y fur iste4k with fitshi9tes.. I..a4ies's,l3o,seks' futl
li l'aiittcodainonAstaisiabd.alsose,stiettue
the extremito. ociihe toe ! , isshOns,..! Mistake not the
place -Corngr of ..a tritl4l3 streets, Mc finis
AttereStnii. in .Biadford Coterityt Belteisit.uritlf
sradefor Butter. ' - H. 041A11.
• Towanda. JuritilS, 1(47. - •
.. .
riHOteg DRY GOODS.l—Alpsecaa. French- Mcri.
Li 130, 'Oregon plaillo, MOUilift de lainelt, Columbian
liiiiila. ginglams, of all derreriptiona, eir., &e Al '1
Nov. li. ' ' BAIMErS, No. 3; Brick flow.
Wht. A. LEARY,
No. 158 North Second -10., Phihuri
' - :Y!►b
1.. M. WYII 4 'Co
tilebslul'odbeettisaier — nts
nyttitr r rta sow , smsdistsfast, j altr
oylr. Yegerablelliftuary.
A N if used ac=
c°4#lo 6-o #4o#..4:l lll illet e *P aranteei '
ailti•roiss ow viz mat sr.
, -/1.-cornatorkoselkierSOnetrtfaiet awns is kind' o
teriestmwqr booing dowits mil familistiy
called ;.thesiviallealtentv ISOlaiwdend throbbing in Or;
paruvarying froat-* moderate Aimee of dime mum
tiara 40 theimwde - loSetweildialt. lingering, p—thesa arc
caused by the groM domnf.blood to the pmtbs t Song
times the innoacMit Pi -thanhoWeLdliwtriltilte 1 444 1 (#
assmiatien, kerning whatis,calind PMISImMtir . 4
of thiaboweist ;lariat/se etWeiftMot elle4inued
ratios and 'miasma friatotyrAllem,. l 4l l2o4o insu 4 acr
the patient eaPerienfea nerNientlintillisMiuch tisk indts
efibable, sad Mar rt only loathe, mdierer, witicisNeorn
menewrounediately after dii ammistiow. and umaidne
from thirty minutes; to ammisi home thew lengatiana.
are very annoting andaesnetimes Army 4isbreesing+-
This disease, whim etionft oontiuosnce, is ? en" ' P Y
pain and weakness in the ilackrigitatign al , the 40 -
, eys and bla e : s el r, and other organs in the vicinity4n,
and. nuidist id thk)Ogs A irio feet* Serise!ali 'st t-
Isiaalibaifitth alliestniftd itmaturaffanearsit' the h.
dmoinaly,iwiera' ecettpanied with pal itation_ . of the
beartandappiosiket.mdirelliiii` aspittatce,
previous to an attack of the Piles,. symptoms denotrog
great derangement in the circulation ; there is s sehse
of might and promurla the abdomen. with dpecrikar
feelimrefoneasinewirt the bowels. constipation cdAe
rinamm, attended -with pain in the back and loins, nau
sea...and alight pains in the stomach, pale countenance,
confased sensations in the head, weariness. and in
We and discontented state of toe mind, and a sense of
tidiness and oppression in the region of the stomach.—
The circulation art the surface is feeble, and thecorrent
of Wood rietenniosid inward and downwards. son ALL
Of Tat A SOYA • DUMAS I& ISD conet.thres.
Dr. Upinua's Vegetable Electeary.
Cures Effectually audtherefore prevents Pries.
Henson. December tl, 154,6.
fissrs.-1 hammed Dr. Uphatrei Vegetable I Pile
Electuary which 1 purchased of you. sad find it eof
the beat medicines in use for the piles, and also f r all
billious affections, arifing frow an impure state o the
system. Yoarr; &c. E. A. tiret.c,lffarblc Dealer.
Ulnae STATES Meanest's - Orrice,
• New York, Dec. 6, 1847. 'S
Meaena. Wearr & KETCII I / 1 3111/P/17e1/ :--Un.
derstandimg that you are the general agents for the sale
of Dr Upham's Vegetable Electuary, for the cure of
Pileal have deemed it my duty to volunteer a recom•
mendation in behalf of that invaluable medicine. I
have been afflicted for many years with piles, and have
tried various remedies but with no beneficial etfects--1
began to consider my case utterly hopeless. Butaboot
the first of September last, I was prevailed upon by a
friend to make a trial of the above named medicine. I
took his advice and-rojoice that r,,ara,not only relieved,
hut, as I believe,: perfectly cured. 1 most earnestly
recommend it to all who may hive the misfortune to he
afflicted with that annoying and dangerous disease.
Very respectfully, "your ob`r servant.
THlllll*-11trAitiliridiDlitG14114 .
litoosT Whams/axon,
' Berkshire Co. (Mass.) Nov. 29, 19.17.
Mcm as. W rATT & JCZTCH A .11--(ients : For thirty
years I have been afflicted with piles, general debility
and infatuation, causing tumors and prolapsus a:if the
bowels, and which bad resisted' all the wiliest treat
ment Dr. Chapman andotbers could give.' Tile last
three years of that timelmy sufferings defy description.
f was confined to bed, unable to help myself, and at last
given up by toy 'phieficiatie and friends in despair of ev
er gaining my health ; is fact for three days before I
was entirety apreehiers and my burial clothes were
made. But under Providence, and the ate of Dr. Up
ham's Electuaiyithough en arta area I have the pleas
anter mating the FACT to the public that my health is
now goor', and hope to lime many yearn, if it is God's
will, tomake known the Cones of Dr. Upham's Elect
airy. and to recommend it to my afflicted fellow crea
tarot.: It helped me beyond. the expectations of all that
knew itiyamse, and I only say to mfiera that itlia, in my
opinion, the beat nadicOmin woad for Piles, or any
other disease of the bowels; an if they will use it ac
cording to the iflreitiont, I wilt , yaelf warrant a cure
in every Mae.
. Yours, witlLthe nquost,exp ion of thankfullnpss,
cortsEtltra igPun.
EtiIIAVONT.I3Pft. CO., (Mass,) Nov. lb; 1847.
The above certificate tells • simple anil truthful sto
ry of suffering and relikVoi*Xch, as physician and
wituessin thecent,lcheeffully endorse. • •
NOTICIL—The genitive ilphatee tleetaart bat
hie written , eigekster. thee Cr A 4 Uptewn , /1.)- 7
The hand is alone donewitha pee.- PriceSitra,box.
Cltelotti whets wic k and map; ilf-yATT &
KETLViii;t2 ;rotten N. r. anny 1)114/gists
genendly tbrougtnnit the U. S. and . einatlam.
rcip B. ]FORD, Agent for Towiiitila, ta. • 45y
Spirriorrs &Wes nfiorrt /
114 It 3. AItDWPWR_," Juratt to' yotte weldable
-ILL PAIN XLIMITIcand bribe' betuAlt of tbe pub
lic, we botchy certify that we have used your Pain KU.
ler in our Families for years, for many of the diseases
for which 11,44 - recommended. and we dean it the hest
Family Reiterative inure, and would recommend every
funny to keep anorpilly an baud, is case of midden ill.
nets or accident. . 4. • _
R. Aaron Jackson, pastor first Baptist. cbsur-b. Ithaca
" Wi!limn Comae, Peach,Orchanl, Tosniikins Co.
Racket Wiflm a, . r James Clark,
Mn Dudley, Philip Case, ~ . ;
W. Basting*, .. ' Ana Teter, i
A Baker, A Bower. , ~
John Doolittle, M Collies,
John 13 Owenit, %Ithaca, 'S. Y r , 1919.
Never purchase the Pain Killer without the written
signature of 1. Anthers', on the label of each bottle, in
black ink. Sold by C H:irittitar A ls ,si r „PORTE It,
and JOIN B. FORD. only aroma tor Towanda.
k_st fun,49rlarticrktre gel Overtimes Fut, io anialler
Troniri. • "" 4 7—= l'y
4 I.. yz i
irelrf inifOrAtAtiFiPe4Lik
. A boinrisejousect
. hi- theiwkole inninnt rime. in
A NDRE WO-13- PA-IN K. IE-14 E It .
p HIS is an enthtly•Vegetuble liorimmind, compost,'
of twetity-fcre different Ingredients, and is . tin inter=
nal sod extent, rerne4y.• Pat up in botilleri, 'styli* in
price from 2816 , 75 cents, each. Far ftiwtter panTeti•
Wm, see pimfrittlets.-to he had of every szeint gratiiweon
raining a brief history , or therotigin anti diiwoserrof the
Pain' certificates of eines, direct,-
cscvitiv....=Edeir . tiottleltits the writ sigrirditre o
this - pmprietdr, Aa nn awa , arthe Ishei,lntrwithtint
it gone are genuine. Heyrtre of hawkers 'and Vediars
fioni bore reireeserttinc so. POI the
Se rer
lain- , ;,
Sold only by Ittae*Pylyinwerglarappointed agent
in.lbis county,: ,, . „,,
~ ,
J„Obys.ti.,For4. towtttat., teilge .I,P a rkinai klbeis,
ri.wa l ain 4 C r ethitt,Oo. J.. 1. Wod'oq,,),tottryet9e
t&7l.,j3allitel..Ttoy_. C. F . 11.,4,1 1 *:,t o go.:
5,117 4 DrPp rperv, 44, Cor.xcU It geejludingtv.
~_ ALltyllisik & eo„,betitlae4„,
• old •iti :iirilui„pri F tcipul ! ot !f os v4tln, gaited sistes,
Canada apd repot. ,
Moresale igentirin ,the city tart,.NprtNerit antLY•lo'
oily : Hsvdoek. Cartier & Co.. 21 ti ; Wy vat
& KetetniteVlXlEFulroteiteaOrdette l l to the
..-09prkta i r, MG; Wjkilejk4Poll‘,Palikilliii AMSFAIrith
paxtge attention.:. :.. ~. • - '• -: ...- 1 Al:Ok
i-vv' oi4e.viiiu - Doit - s eft gAILE.:
UOR 8 -41.1F.,Itero.611FIBBINFIESjinitinnplete cadet,
k.. , for.79spiege 171elerelitpished in eenperiartnan
44,Thedevegnel'ea abliatatifiarmateilatii, tied will be
eohistA great hairtin; , for asswenlyt , l Thilin4 Ve
I seen at rienwines shop, hi the lower mint he Nom',
H , PA'sy'24. mat -•-• . • J. A. ESENWINE.
T EG HORN BONNET'S arc low—if say doubts it,
;&44 let theratatep into FOX'S, and wet .the fact; stand
•wasoWinent of'Flonence braid., also, new and fashionable
ribbons.llowera and leis% ctt No.l Brick Row . 4=44
UAW* WAGON: far sale elk 3TeW Hata
leak :store . f y} 21i • L. Lol2lo
~., 1 11stoital:rAbscrtisamentc..,
eatisag of la. .
IN-IL world ! This - Extract is put - up in quart Boni" :
isaix Jima* theapas. plessanteri.aud- wantotedsuptK
riot to any sold. • heaves without Toil:Wog,. purging.
sickening or debilitating , the patient.
The grest z beauty.iutd , superiority of this Sarsaparilla
over allother.metlianes 'bat teiiilesit eradicated the
disease. it invivratesilist body, It is ono of the verj best
Ever known ; it not only purifies the whole system, and
strengthens the person, but.,.it creates new pure and
rich btoutl7 irportler posstesited 'no other medicine.
And in this lice the - ktind'secreeof ilk wonderful suc
cess. It has performed within the last five yearts;mare
than 100,000 cures of severe cases of disease; at least
15;000 were considered incurable. It - has saved the
liers•of moreithin 5,000 chddre&during the Iwo past
10.00 U cases rf General Delnitly and want of Euergv.
Dr.,Tuarnsend's,Sarveparilla invigorates the whole
systero permanently, Tu those whit have lost their
muscular energy by the effects of ntellic)ni or indiscre
tion committed in youth, or the excessive indulgence of
the pessions, and brought on t mental physical prostra
tion of the nervous system, lassitude, want of :ambition,
fainting sensations, premature decay and decline, haste
log towards that fatal disease. Consumption, can be en
tirely restored by thiepleasant remedy. This Sarsapar
illa is far superior to any lavigoraling Cordial. es .it
renews and invigorates the slatero r givri activity. to the
limbs, and strength to the muscular system, in a Enna
extraordinary degree.
Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be cur
ed. Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds,
Catarrh, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting Of Blood Sureness
in the Chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, 'Difficult
or Profreu Expectoratioh, Pain in the side, dlrc., have
been end cawbe cured, . .
. . . Near /cork. April 18, 1842..
1:01T. I FOWs ses u :--I verily believe your Sarsaparilla
has been the means through Providence, of saving my
fire. +,t have for several years had a b a d C o u g h. It
beearrie worse and worse. At last Trussed large quanti
ties of blood, had night sweats, and eras greatly debilita
ted tad reduced, and did not expect to live. I have
only Used your Sarsaparilla:a short time, and there bass
wonderful change been wroneht in me. lam now able
to watt all over:the city. I' raise 'no blood k and my
cour,h has left me. You can well imagine that I ant
thankful fur these result. .
--- ' -- " — "ritir rigedieraiVriiiii", ..
" , NV M. litl:StlE LL,' 65 Catherine-st.
This is only one of more than four thousand cases of
Rheumatism that Dr. TOWEISCIIII . B Sarsaparilla has cur
ed. The most severe and, chronic cases are weekly er
adicated by its extraordinary virtues. .
James Cuitaninas, Esri., one of the assistants in the
Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island, is the gentlemen
spoken of in the folloWing letter:
Blackwell's Island, Sep. 14. 1847.
Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir: I have suffered terribly
for nine years with the Rheumatism; considerable of the
time I you'd not cat sleep or walk. I had the utmost
distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen.
I have used four bottles of your "Sarsaparilla, and they
have done me more than one thousand dollars worth of
good. lam so much betterderal, lam entirely re
lieved. You are at liberty to use this for the benefit of
the afflicted. Yours, respectfully.
Below is an account of another child saved. Dr.
Townsend's Sarsaparilla has saved the lives of thou
sands of ebikleta. the following two Certificates are
sekted.from a great number received this week.
New York, April 1, 1847.
Dr. Towniend : Dear Sir—One of my children was
very sick with a Canker in the Mouth and Throat at
tended with great debility. it came near dying: f.ob.
tained some d your excellent medicine, and it cured it
directly, for whiolt I assure you I feel very grateful. e
Yours, respectfully,
ELIZABETH FOWLER, 27 Desbroases-et.
FITSI .Frvs ! ' FITS 1 •
Dr. Townsend, not hasing:tested trio Sarsaparillai
eases of Fits, of course never tecommended it, and wit
surprised to receive thofollowing from an intelligent:a ,
reretablo Farmer in Westchester County: -
.Fordhato, August 13, 1847.
Dr Townsend—Dear Sir : I have a little girl save
years of age, who has beensaveral years afflieted wi
Fits ; we tried almost everything for her, but`twitho .1
success ; at last . although we could rind ttcrrecoinmend -
tion in our circular for cases like hers we thought, as
was in very delicate health, We would give her some •
your darreperiliti, and are vety , glad we dtd, for it 0 ,
only restored her strength, but ebb tots had no return 0 I
the Fits, to our great pleasure cud surprise. She is f
becoming rugged and treaty, foewhich we feet grate I
Yours, respectfullY, JOHN 131EMER, Jr
Dr. Townsend's Sarsaktiwilla is a sovereign and, .
dy cure for Incipient Consumption , Barrenness, Prot
sus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb. Costiveness,
Leurorrhaea. or Whites, obalruCted or difficult :Wendt
ation, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntAry disclia gt
thereof, and for the general prostration of the a 3 ate
no Matter whether the resbit of inherent cause, pr ty
ed by irregularity. illrretsi or accident. Nothing cat lit
more surprising. than its invigniattog effects ian the u
man frame. Persona all wealtyyss and lassitude, SOO
taking it, at once become robust and,. full of energy y
der its itiffilenre. It immediately cOntracts the ne oe
lessness of the female Inane:which is the great Call: ,
Barrenness. It will nut be carded of us, in cares • r
delicate anature, to exhibit 'certificates of cures par tail
oil but we can assure the afilietsl 4 , that hundreds of c se
have been reportesl . to us, Thousands of eases w et
families have been Inithnut.children, after uking a fi?
buttes of this invaWabl'e hoe been hl •se„.
with fine, healthy offspring.
• This Extract of Btarsapirilli has been earns.' slaty pn
pared in reference to complaint*. No le ,al
who has reason to semposeehe is approaching that cri
icok period,' The turn iflife•(." should negiecr to aft
it,.as it ism certain preventive for any of the nom rot
aid hearibre disetorer to Which females are sub jeet a th
time This perioillmay be delayed far &term
years by naing , this medicine. Nur it vat able
fur those who are approaching womanhood, as it lei cal
td aisita'hatore, quickening' the blood and
tnataratityg theirystenr, Indeed, this medicine Ile in.
valuable for sail•lhe: delicate 'digitises to which wrien
are subject.
It braces the whokt : ustgno,tlvws permanent - I • the
natural energies, by sibriiiving thiampuritiel‘ oi the , udy,
not so farotiontlatingiors to produced oubiegnent • O.IX--
alien, orhicikio gm:ease:of most.m.,-theiusaooken '.te
rasio_nerikaess Dynsion ale*, bet es of
this metheirmentanyhtorrere awl painful euniieek.. pea's-
Wits 111130.6 7 ptiOetiled. * - Is
tir r i NQr Pit 17'SIQTAIsi S.,
til~'btwpactiid ii afmciAi !Lily teething ordcr from
i'brrciatioingiriient pine of 1.14 Union; ' •
This is firietfifjr thit - we thtfundereignest Physitins
thWelty'n'T'Altiniff; have iiilitidierons cases prescrib.
DeVonitOrmiTikiiisirporino t, cinttbeiieveltlo be one
of the 000 st iritliiiblf.Nreporritiono in the tneiket.
N. P. Pr LA Na, M. D.
),*, Tr 1 ,4 . r .. .1.; M.
lt 41 ; D.
P. Y...T.1.31zNu0ny,..14.
,14Orrisig to ilusgramit aocceis and immense sale of Dr.
Townsetiirs Sampanße a• .member of wen rein° were
farraerlyemeAttents,havo commenced making sarsapar
illa Bibrairli,Sliairs; Bitters, Extracts of Yellow Dock,
dre. They generally put , it up in the sante'shaped bot
tles, and Jenne of them have stolen and copied our ad
vertisements, thijritti Oitirillikitthkiis imitations, and
Principal Otll4, 126 Fulton Street, Snn Building, N.
Ye 3. KINGSBERY, Towanda, Pis., only agom
fur Bradfotil county..
erne wore% sroan.(which is - distinct tram the kernel)
have rioleste of medicine, but are as easily evialloerd
as hits of candy. Moreover they do not nauseate or
Aer;pe in the slightest degiee, which is occasioned by the
fact that are compounded on scientific principle,. lutd
e operate equal] yon all the diseased parts of the system.
3- instead of confining themselves to, and ;eking' any tuli
ticniar region - 4 (which is the great and mined evil of
3- every other purgative.) Hence ',they at atthe root
.. of-Disease, remove all impure huntors front the blood.
Di open the pones externally and internally, promote the
insensible - Perspiration. obviate flatulency, Headache.
&c.--separate all foreign and obnoxious particles from
° chyle, so that the blood. of which it is the bright. must
t. 3 be thoroughly pure---secure a free sudbealthy action to
Fy die Heart, Lungs and Liver; and thereby restore health
eren when all other rqtans hare failed.
cij -- A 3 deuces of inqUiry or for advice moat he isi-
L dressed (valet paid) to Dr.C.V.CLICKENER.No.g.
Vesey-st., New York, or his authorized agents through
re out the country. For sale in TOwenda,
t- CRAMBERLIN At 'PORTER, 1%4 I, Brick Row.
•r . N. R. Reniember, Dr. C.V. Ctickener is the inventor
• s .if 'Suear C,ated Pills, and that nothing of the tort 11 1 / 3 4
i s ever bran) of, until he intro,' lured them in - Jone, 1845;
Purchasers should therefore ask for tilickener's Sugar.
Coated Pt'bt, and take no- other, or they will be made
thi Littiftti of a fraud. 5y
__.€l IC•ush4,
L u ng s ai l , in danger, the work of the destroy-
Jr has been hogurobevough if Consumption has
in it sound of dee*.
yam aslifoiherl, ;f Too darling ehilkyour idol
and 'Limb!y joys is sow poitboossorkslobsa.thsca sss
by a dangerous-colti- T her pale ebeidukber dna gulch- .
en fib era, tell the,hold disease-boa ahrrody gaised'upon
her monad of Air , 1 .- 111e# cough !defeat your
soul. -
Y ngArtlti Idiolt; lir enter life, disease
shed a heart-crushing Wight oyes_ the fait prospects of
thoi turt—your.beciin ecurgh and feeble limbs tell of
your Inittoftiot*Antt innbeed'not leapt ir.;—Theid is
a hal which will NWI the nioinded•ftntge It is
ERMN 9 B "ALL-REAMitar BALSAM. llfra.lAttree, the raki,' Wei. It Athee, Esq. Waggly
en u i by Drifearilt of Wesbikibts4 Dr. Roe and Mc-
Clellan brPhiledelplshOrs. Rae ON
\ .0 1 1 .; list lbcMht she meat de. She
had rery appearatietrotheh!gin cornislon, slaws
so pfdoounced by„ bp .ipby Unto
wits given end it cined:ber• - •
Gatmtwanta, of HON Ferry was also cured of
con Irruption thie.salsaza when . all ; other needier
fail- to girm.relief- n alie was reduced toa skeleton.' Dr:
A. Cairtlis.Do4oo,l#), Brosdway,-,.has witnessed
its- rte. ta in Sermali.themt Mho,* 110 4/tllllsedicine afl. "'-
ded relief—but the Belem averaged Blum charm ( Dr.
C. ; also witnessed its wonderful e ff ects ii.curing Asti):
ma,lwhich iflleitte-4alfs 'o*,:doing. Spitting Blood,
alarMing as it may be., is effeetaally cured by this Bab
rani. frheals eheruptitred or wounded blood 'wads,
snit makes the lungs sound again.
Rev. Henry Jones, 108 Eighth avenue, was miied of
con'. h and Medial affertioni of 50 yeses standing. The
dote gave him More relief than all the other Medi - -
cin he had ever taken, Dr. L. J. Beads, 19 Delaney
sir. et, gave it to a Hater •in-law .who we/ laboring under
co sumption.•taill tie - another sorely aimed with the
est ma. In both cases its effects were immediate, soon
- ring them tecomfortatda health.
ni• Lucretia Welly, 95 Christie at., acffered from
As bras 42 years. Sherman's Balsam relieved her at
o and she is comparatively well, being enabled to
an.. tie every attack by a timely was of this medicine.
T , iirindeed is the timely remedy for Cough., Colds
s.ittini blood. Liver complaints and all affections of the
th t, and even Asthma and Consumption.
I rice 25 cents Mid $1 a bottle. Sold in Toaramls„
by CHAIIBERLIN & PORTER, No. 1, Brick row.
Let Hs Works Praise It!
plete remedy' for Burns; Scalds, Cuts, Swellings,
ises, Sprains, Salt Rheum, Piles, Fever 8 :311%* 80
ps, Chapped Hands, ChiUblains, Scald` Head, and al
de of Inflamed' sores.. '
Persons in all conditions of life, are at times liable to
afflicted with the above complaints. It is therefore
a duty of heads of families to provide and keep on
r .d, ready foe •tury emergency, a REMEDY that is
pable of, removing the suffering attendant on those
ry troublesome companions. Those who have used
eed not be tout that it is'a complete remedy,' a master
pain, and the most speedy remover of infidnunation
l'er discovered. The experience of such persons is suf..
cleat. to prompt them to keep it always on haitd, 'mew
-1 g that many valuable lives have been.saved, by this
logical Conqueror of inflamed and other sores, burns,
FScalds, dr.c. It instantly stops all pain of the severest
ind, and prevents scars. No family shclul4 be without
, as an immediate application of it in cases of burns or
aids, would do more good while waiting for the doctor
han he could do when arrived, besides preventing long
ours of the utmost suffering which might pass before a
hysician could be obtained.
It possesses control over the severest injuries by fire,
ver mortification, over inflammation, and by its com
ined virtues it acts is unti-septic, nerrine; anti-spas
odic, anodyne, emollient and healing, and is the most
mplete external remedy in use.
Thousands have tried, and thousands praise it. .It is
i working its way into public favor with a rapidity on
' known in the history of mOdicines. AS mho use it, re;
eemmeettit.- Again we any, no family should be with.
writ.% The agents famish the public gnu* with books
describing-this ointment.• .
in - Each box of the genuine. Toner's Uirittasat.
01,1TALVAT has the signature of 8. Tousey WIICI/ ua
rbe outside label hi Mack ink. Never purcha se• box
unless-ibis signature can be seen. Price 26 cents per
box wive boxes for $l. Prepared by ELL/OTT tt Tue.
sxr, Syracuse. Sold is New York at 106 Nu.
sae street, and try T,uvranda, by CHAMBERLIN ik
PORTER. No. 1, Brick Row 51'
Clicknerts Vegetable Purgative
ARE the first and only medicine ever discovered that
will positively cure Headache, Giddiness, Piles,
Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Smallpox, Jaundice, Pains in the
Back. Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Rl
zing in the Thrent,,:Drepsy,Astlune, fevers of all kinds
Tectude.Gemplaints, Measles, Salt Rheum. Heart Bum,
Wonns. Cholera; Modem, Coughs, Quicts.l.WbroPirt
sotigh, Cottsummloo, Fite, Lew Complaint, Erysipelas,
Beeline., Itching& of. the Skin, Colds, Nervous Coro.
plaints a and a variety of other Diseases arising from im
patinae of Indigestion.
It has been proved that nearly every diastase to which,
the human framais subject, originates from impurities
of the BMW or Derangements of. the Digestive Organs;
and to secure Health, we must remove those obstructions
or restore the blood to its natural state. This fact to
uniir;ersally known but people' have such an aversion
to medicine; that, unless the case is urgent, they prefer
'the tlisesseto the cure, until r Un impaired Constitution
or a fit of sickness rebukes them-for the folly of their con.
' duet. Still they had some excuse, for heretofore, med.
seine in almost all its forms, was nearly as disgusting
as it was heheficial. Now, however, the evil is most
(cc-totally removed ; for Clickeoer's rngclalrle Ptirgutivr
being- romptetely enveloped with COATINn
Corning, Elmira,, and Buffalo Line.
CO ,
& ELMIRA for BUFFALO, evcky week during
;he season. in the following order : •
Leave Corning, Tuesdays, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Lane Elmira Wednesdays, at 2 o'clock, P.
Leave Havanna, Thurstlays„ . P
Tow (Sown Seneca Lake on Friday, touching at Bir
Stream ? Starkey, Lodi, Broaden, passing Gemara, Wa
terloo and Senecri Falls, pular turday.
Leave Buffalo for Elinint.and Corning, every Salora 3 Y
Morning. Leave Rochester every Monday morning.
BOAT CO RN ING,. Carr. A. M. TATUnr ,
BOAT- ELMIRA. Carr. H. W, THOM P 940(.
Fin. Freight or .Passage apply to the Captains 00
board, the following Agouti::
M. Mallory, Griming. Fries & Holly, Geneva.
8.8. Strang & Ca Elmira. Hastings & Field, tio-
.LWS ntermu - it, Horse !leads J. Miller. Sews Falls
E. B.,Hiutstro, Hrteartim. L. Hostetlo, bloats-swaps
L.6.Tiornmend, Bm stream H. L. Fish. Rochester.
Wookltßogili & Post, Lodi. Nile & Wheeler, Buffalo.
Gay At Sweet„aterluo.
W . April 17, 13t3•V
BOOTS h SHOES.—Latticraight, coloretirarta htk
gaiters, slips, and walking shoes. gift's
kip, calf and seat boots and' shoes, and children's - do. ,
.c1611 , g low at the ':coral stsne. N. X. BETTS.