Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 30, 1848, Image 1

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7411`3'&11 lycaLO
illchcsban illorninn, 2unnst 30, 1858
Leiter from California.
1 ahl iv , w at the lowest point of Lower Califor
m.i; i-.ruingthe Cape, With one hundred men.
A is-too quirt. The:heat is intense. The coon
ire a i , arriisniandy waste, excepting only where it
can be irrigpsd by a sluggish' stream ; but water
tifin soil to give it the most- astonishing
tertility,—here you will find three crops of corn an 1
suzar cane in ortii year, and truits ankvcge tables
most excellent kinds, but nearly all difletent
hsu outs. 'The whole candy waste of country is
with a large 15 angled caStae or species of
rtir4ly pear, that grows to the height of from 20 to
lid in height, and whieh presents the most sin-
D ilar appearance—covered as every bush that
grows is covered, with the most poisonous thorns.
fliat ...pier with much force and being bearded al
ways break ofl in the flesh, leaviug the pact with•
ra to fester before it can be extracted. These trees
brara most delicious fruit, which is knol: n here
by the-mime of the Pctiga. and continues during
tlnit months. It is "so nutricious that durit the
time it is ripe the lower classes—and that inc lodes
tire-sixth of the peoft—lice entirely upon it. Be- -
sides this, there are the orange. lemon, lime, cit-
r cneoa-nut. *ape, guava, banana. plantain.
tiz and many others of ‘t hid' 1 do not know
tr hat to call Them.
The.cattle here are small and poor. The green
turtle in abundance. The nycter on the other side.
I:eh nr abtAdance, and millions of the sardine.--
IC,I ..2ame not a great deal—with all we can Jive
well. The greatest objection is on aceonnt of the
k-limate. The soil is barren to be .ure, and I would
hot i;ive my farm for the whole of Lower (*alike
nia and be compelled to live here. The Pearl
Fe'.• ;le, are valuable ; and to our government the
p-rs at La I'a7. and one or tNO others along on
- the Ceilfiwoold. in a commercial point
la.-,v.•14 , invaluable. %They are talking much of
peAce7 The Mends of the united States, who a't
: ftz •ze-t i o n of Commodor Shubrick (tlirrarzli
p-o,f - eritiy , i) were aßsnred they Would be Imre \
j!od 4Z7 :111 . ', anal are now drea,frolly
rued Ct•all,C the Mexicans now aheadv tined
ten to cut [ilea throats for betriendin.g the United
I ," I,a c k to l'pprr Ca ;i;,.1 t••!; pr
as - ,non as awl Aii,bari
w i ,, , Tyiever I have been e‘rellt•nt
f•n, e=peri . inv =or]; 0 . 1 ,• wonw:).
their enr.a or tothei.. AN - I . w lwin:f
cyca hands or the hand :suC our cowl
e,,tihi appreciate a matemal du t y. and
;1; it Ilwsi• have) :I! wav,
Iln".t. ~.l ,r . 1 . r
or or a 615ters kmo I() !...0()1(
and 110. Itipalli,rb fi:rzgtten I , v
ti „wit 1 edniii kn. - Mt that I %rift , befriended. 1...v,f1
)1 , -0 and it 1 , 1:1 rine m'onlh sinee I have
os etriliv.ia::.l. I I:.ive- found 'a
ril . lll)9' knr , Q(I
th..c go% e..l.rnelit : so hiliek4ll.!
it 6 Othvers. that they .ire, %%•,;) e%
r onatonest
Ti.oy aro eNCC,,iIIIjV ig9"ta'll, and in.lolelo lit
Irtle labor•-olutt.) :o•oossarr. a.,
do no mow. 'lley VI . :1.1 0.-
inlher pretty. aii(l they knew any e lnetve,n.
woulTl‘e p , ilttc. Tli!•y are very ,loyriill in then
appearance, and' exceed:ll'4ly ditty in their lionse , ,
and every thing connected with living. The dry,-
!he women is the cliiine-e coveied only by a pe
ti,Qat of red flannel, calico, de Lain or
Cr' I,.aterml. The Tipper part 01 OW body being c,,-
owl only by the "Ritboqn . ' which is
fi did thin silk shawl which is about 11.!een inche-t
is .i', by some,tive Or sit feet long, of
and tt hie!: they loam we-ir ever the t-heid
i'i i= and ripper part of life br , dy and heal in the
varietety or modes. They never m ear any
.I:ier dress. The bonnet, ekak or sh:ml, hen_
entirely ur;known lo them. The slipper is down
.kt heti,: e.kcppt;ng when dru.i.-P.! lair some ex-
traor 'mart - oeca,:ion thyv never weara btocking._
fhe climate tieing very warm they come r-onn to
matky, awl you may find many women with
daldten which are but 13 years of age.
"fhe ime , ls . fees for marriaze are very arid
tare .tate of morals very htfrw, runny consider it en
tirely imice , sar) ',11:1111.4i the. forms of the
church, hut live In mutual consent. There
I• a very friendk. c‘eellent feelim , always exi,ting
l.etucen a atn all,l :I.ey are aluays ‘ery care
ful to rm. their title of rel...fioitsbilaild the ordina
ry one, not beina sulkc rent. they introdoee a _real
th,nr cystenis of sponsers 4 such a
tl, the Go.-I,lThers, and t lul•mothei, , y for chil
harnm.iur man teJ.
TI,A y aro Pyeeeeirn^ly prom] of all kind: , of di-
‘ll , , and hut for the tact that the church was
Luraed and the Padre taken prt , otier ainl
nest tmt of the rottutry, than Ncunhixt tea.4t da,ys
alifio-1 r•cejv day it the• week.
I :mint.: nn'-t.ff in vi,itirn; all the senoritas, who.,
mai, ail their 1w:on - mire and their many fault: L aw
f• r y itl(e•tp,t.fz people. and find tnan) ways of en
-I"r'•,r it vi,iters. They are ewrolingly
and are never tired of it.
, I :J•11 I rt. , 1.111:411,11 ag , i,•iilitiral paper
.:;‘i, the lullua ut, method of ile,alio‘iirz,
cat , rptl
lar., was trecideiitally 1-
Practised by a gardtmer near Gla,;_tow. 'A pi,er• of
ruLt had been l lowa 1.) the what itroia car.
!wl When ta1.1.11 out was found covvreil
the leal•rlevouririL• insett , Taking the hint, he
iinine:ha'dy placed piece ^ 01 woled cloth in every
bush in tits garden, arid found the next day tha:
the caterpillars had universally ta . -. lit to them fur
In this way he destroyed many thout-athis
c~~••. tn,,,, j.,0
__ - . . • __.
, i,44, , 5. in - 4. - AT wa - r.t•O If t'.... - - - 1-1-.- r. 77 -,.: ---, - :-. , ,!-. , 7 •1 .1... 1 a.:., i': ,f ‘, :if . - ... ''kr ' ' ''' .' 0 .'
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. t , • •
Mr. Slingerland, member of the Federal House
from New York, has introduced a bill to confine of the public lands b actual settlers, in
small quantities, at fifty cents for the acre. Forthis
truly patriotic movement he has already been de
nounced as an. Anti-renter by some of !he journals
controlled bymoney-jabbers and land jobbers; and
during the progress of the bill, be will be denounc
ed in all the vituperative-epithets• of our language,
as guilty of every crime in or out of the decalogue.
But we cordially wish success fur his bill. May it
become the -law of the lurid, and be followed by
state legislation in every variety of opposition to
landed mfinopoly. Perhaps his price of fifly'lsents
is too low. Perhaps not. But this ii a mere
tail. The grand principle involved is the preven
tion of landed aristocracy, and the-creation of land
ed Democracy.
We have long since "taken up our testimony,'
as the Roundhead republican preachers used to say
in Cromwell's days, against the facilities granted
by Congress to landed monopolies. As fabovere
ales all the wealth in the world, in the field, she
mine, the work-shop, or nn the water, we 'lever
could see any justice allowing a capitalist in a ci
ty. who has never created a sent, but has amassed
millions by exchanging the creations of others, to
sit iu his cfmnting-house or bank parlor, and with
cdstroke of his pen, make additional millions out of
the harib•tiSted pioneers who cut down the trees
and make the land productive. •Yet our Democra
tic Republican legislators at Washinetnn, who prate
about Drinorrney add errvrl rights and the dear peo
ple, and all that, especially whet/ 'they fish for the
dear people's yews bum the stump, have always
been ready to create landed monopolies. anti to
prrait by them. ton. In thetnew slave States : pub
hc 11:1V0 al ways been s(il.l in large tracts, as
if lor the very purpose of encouraging the " pecu
liar instiettiou . • which cannot exist lung on landed
subdivision. In the new Tice States, lands have
always been sold in large tracts to rich merchant;
and trading pvliticians, as if to condemn the great
masses of real ciThivators to poverty. by enmpelllng
them to pay quadruple prices t t speculators.
For thousands of years Europe has passed thro'
every soecies of disorder and misery, flowee , from
lamital 11111110p,dieS : and now, with its hundreds of
art-merats and it, millions, of landless pau
pers. it is, slemlwring en volcanoes. The Roman
republ i c was ie (elute, a.. 1 commotion through l an d.
inehopelies. The Poinian Empire was in con
, initial de-order through lauded rnimopiilei. When
erturtieil hy the hat bartans. thi. land pa-s
-•,! I n the R•mian to the Illv&ljng, an,lot•racces.
•ui ! colitinqr.;! for ;lees under the night of the Fen
dal -tern. That -ten was -.wept born France
I•y t'io h and hia., been ex:ineu
ill Prussia by reforini•ig Governments, be2m
-1111.! with thai lia•er of nobility. Frederick the Great.
11,e Austria. w Res-ia ; in many of the German
this Feudal monopoly of land i s toll main .
it- hundreds of pfllleeet iunl 1110111413 of
pa!ipe In Eilati,l a portion of the Feudal ryK
-1, remain-, aided by the act temilatieg pow
er ot itteaey add its heels are divided bete CCU
here htary nobles and money-jobbers, and the
se- Cl' its people are landless. H'c tnieht suppose
that iry furnished ward. gs ennie:h ro Amcri
ras But re:tgiaracei .souls'. They are
Ia deal et ith any thug but the present,
aid rave tho pi., In t. , OkWOllll , . alid the hi • ii,e to—
po-',eriry. In hN(ry tl.ry merely Sr.". 111:Q John
sled•• and Rieliaid , sip_eceded John
But the ii,,e. progrest , , fall and consequences of
1,14114,0ns are quite beyond the scope of our Na
tional or State
Such are consid
(-fed 7, - us. But uithout going to
E"'"l". ' "''"1.;11t -ii im'e that c urlito4b enough
were turi , lied toy the manor ditiicultiee in the State
nt New York. There the hiAtory of landed mono
poly is ‘written iti blood.
But if oni le:J.l:4.lton; are ignorant of the past :IS a
guide to, the future. perhaps they can open their
eyes wide enough to see the future through thepri.-
boo. The iopedist, of Europe, trelntiling at it; un
stable condition. are turning their eyes to our De
mocratic country for safe investments; and as our
iriuniiial and State stock's are trot permanent, for
they will be redeemed, perinament as a el( as safe
investments will be sought in lands. This is sin
new element. Years ago, European companies
invested large sums in lands in several of the States,
especial!) in New York, and still hold them under
lease. The great " Holland purchase" in the inte
rior of New York is among them, and has had, and
is destined to have, no slight share in the Anti-Rent
troubles. And since Texas established its indepen
dence, several German princes have purchased
and colonised large tracts in that State, the germ of
future Anti-Rent troubles. But now, when the
great money-jobbers of Europe are li.sihg confi
dence in European stability, they will tmusfer their
millions to our country, and Monopolize millions
and millions of our public lands, part of which they
will hold for higher prices, retaining, the rest to be
settled by tenants. The curse that prevents the
growth of Detroit is the monopoly of land by three
or four old French families, who have held their
doinuura on lease fur more than two centuries. And
this too M the curse of French Lower Canada.. Let
Congre , s, it it can see anwhingliut the next Pre..
sidency, carefully consider this element of mischief,
,soon to be exercised with awful power. The Leg
, islature of New York have lately enacted a wise
law,, forbidding the sale of a homestead on execu
tion. Let other States follow the example : and add
the ancient Jewish law, limiting the amount ofland
to owners In our cities. Now tew own the houses
which they inhabit! In Massachusetts, how few
own dim-farms which they cultivate ! Republican
Rome and Feudal Russia, with their landed mono
polies, are coming, and rapidly too.—PuLlic Ledger
It is an extraordinary fact, that when people
come to what is called blob words, they generally
lo' lanzn.4,-;•
POW Lands.
7: 1 rr r irif IA - Br a
" Dupont's Best."
One cold morning, last Febnary, the snow lying
some ten inches deep on the ground, a circle of
half trozen down's people had girdled the fire in
M.'s bar room. They had put in requisition every
newspaper in the room, and as the number, was
considerable and each was anxious to get as
near as possible to the source of comfort, the
closely-wedged circle of chair-backs formed a sort
of cordon sanitaire, ....Mee, without some one should
move, all ingress to the file would be cut cfl, as
though it were under quarantine. And the semi
circular row of legs and feet turning inwards to
wards the hearth, looked like the spokes of an ea
°mods wagon-wheel. Even the landlord was ex
cluded, and with las hands in his- pockets, Mr. M.
was industriously promenading his bar room, en
havoring to look as good-natured and as comfort
able as circumstances would permit.
In this state of things, Dr. Z., of our town enter
ed, rubbing his banchi, and pronounced energeti
cally several monosyllabic words in connection
with some quite original observations on the state
of the weather. But in value did be, with blue
nose and beseeching look, walk round the semi
circle of kind-hearted neighbors to get access to the
lire not a soul moved.
t•By the laws it's cold!" at Timgth exclaimed the
doctor, by way of drawing attention to his forlorn
"Jley cold did you say V' answered one, care
lessly ; yes, I should think likely it is, out in the
street ;' anil lie cooly gave his chair a hitch ; in the
unsuccessful effort to get it a hall inch nearer the
Now Dr. RR. though one of the best hearted men
m the world, is exceedingly tnitable ; and while as
tend of ioke as Curran was, is known as a perfect
dare,levil, capable of anything. After a moment's
waiting he left the room muttering something ex
pressil. e of his pri% ate opinion as to the state of eiv•
nizarion ut that town. Crossing the street to a
more, he put neatly up a bundle some four incites
by two in size, in one comer of which lie put about
a spoonful of " Dupont'a Best."
Re-entering the bar-room, he tipped'the landlord
a sly wink. and then by a personal appeal, pre
vailed upon the most good 'natured man of the
group to move his chair momentarily, so as to ad
mit Z. w i hin the circle ; a movement which the
reat ri Proved mslaay by looking daggers and
icicles at the good natured man.
Doctor Z however, quietly mimed his back to
the file, pul;iir4 his coatialls abide, American
la Linn, whiAling Yankee Doodle. -
At lett - ,. , 1 1 1 tsorne one chanceil Ito rernark—'' Must
be a good monling for rabbit huntint:"
•' res ; •' said the no .Im, edgeTly at the
very Lint he had been waiting " yes, 1 shvold
think so. I'm going my selt,darectly. Just bought
a rolnd or two of fiist rate priw.ler over the way
here. Fit.est ankle, I've seen in town.-
And cooly 411,1114 out tf package. b; - • took off a
corner, as if at tandorn and pouring upon his hand
about a spoonful of the apparen. content... threw it
upon the fire. , t
The explosion elevittedsgme dozen of the circle
(who bad not noticed what he was doing). two or
three niches from their (-hairs, and loud remonstran
ce, filllexe.tagainbt the of any chemical
expetinients of that. bort m bile the huhlionl, who
had uot los cue remarked .
f‘ Hy Gem ! yon'd had better blow• a man's
up. I..nlint't you r'
" It you bay much, I will}'' rejoined Z. in great
apparent heat.
" I'd just as soon pitch tlie whole two pounds
into the tire as not."
‘• I'd like to see you r replied car fulently
'• Do you dare me to do it shouted Z.
Yes, I do." !tyrgeilly am,wered the landlonl.
No sooner sandAlian done. With a muttering re
mark about takiftg a dare frian any man, - Z...labli
ed the bundle am 'M i n! the blazuez brands and sprang
towards the door, followed . hy the landlord.
[leavens and (lath what a scattering! No one
rtoprwa to shove 'hack Id, chair--c %Try thing- turn-
I',l a complete sornerset : and gathering themselves
up as soon as they coup disentangle arms and legs
from the confm-ed rnass, everybody ;diet for the
tioort , and windows without stopping and looking
behind him.
. One man whose pluck had been tried on ordina
ry occasions, vanished Through 'the back door,
lumped a five foot fence without breaking his trot,
and was last seen streaking it down a back street,
yelling murder at the toll of his voice, and once in
a while looking a? backward, to dodge the falling
Another long-l eg ged individual, who is built up
like a pair of tongs, made but three strides across a
sixty foot tree.) and headed up a Jane, leaning for
ward at an angle of about fortystive degrees, putting
down his long spars like the buckets of a steam
boat wheel with his coat tails streaming behind him
like the tails ofa cornet.
One courageous citizen, perceiving both doors
and windows hopelessly wedged, scrambled be
hind a door and commenced praying most devout
-15, ;but being rather more familiar with any other
sort of-composition than the Lord's Prayer, he was
heard vociferating in tones of most energetic devo
" Now lay me down to sleep, he."
To this day, if you talk of rabbit !Mating to any
of thote concerned, he will take off his coat in two
M . ' '
POSITION OF FLOWER BF.DS.-h often happens
that two different flower beds may be equally well
managed, and flourish alik!, yet one may be a was
of brilliancy, while the other exhibits little or no
There are many flowers which always face the
light or sun : consequently the beds should be so
placed, that the spectator in the walk or windows
should look thenfiril in thalizce. That is, the strongest
light and the position of the spectator should always
be on the same .ade of the bed.
Burial Place el' Governer Skunk.
There is a pleasant little village called the Trap
pe, situated in a most, delightful part of our State.
about T 3 miles from Philailflphia, on the n'iain road
leading to Reading. Its Aral beauty, the salubrity
of ihe air, its vicinity to 11;e .romantie Schnylkill, the
intienigeney of its inhabitants ) all unite in making
it as lovely a spot as the heat t of man could desire.
Net long since a question arose as to the origin of
its name, and many were the strange interpretation
given to its cognomy, and genealc4y. Some have
asserted, and roundly too, that it took its name from
a house of doubtful character, into•whieh strangers
were int/rapped, murdered and robbed. To this
version some cogent arguments have been adduced,
and if it were not for proof iu our possession of the
real origin, this one could be sustained by many
facts in relation tp such a house. Another version
is given of an old settler being lost in the snow. and
afterwards found in one of the ravines trapped by
underwood, &c.
As the tote origin is somewhat curious, we send
it to you for publication. rpwarils of a hundred
years ago there stood a small house at the foot of
the hill, which TUII6 track from the nowmain road,
kep by an old man, an intimate acquaintance of
the Rev. Mr. Muldinberg, who located, or rather
was in the habit of preaching there to the few in
habitants. as well as tc the settlers ill various parts
of the State. He made this little hotel his vesting,
place ; and it is stated by eld ; people, residents Of
the place, that letters were received from the old
country to his address, post marked," At the Trappe,
Proviilenee, Amerit.a.” Thiev'house was built Op
en a little rising ground, some few feet above the
level of the road, leading to which were three steps ;
had. neither sign nor rianal, -hut was universally
catted the house of steps. and the Germans, perhaps
Mr. Muldenber,4 himself, gave it the name of the
"Treppe," meaning steps. In progress of time the
harsh sound of Treppe was softened down to
Trappe, and by which name it has been called and
known ever since. It 1k invariably written Trap,
and Ililily years ago, if it had been spelled or wilt
ten Trappe. one-half of the people in that section of
the country world not have known its locality.
Hence it is that merchants and others have fallen
gradually into the custom, and we find it written
even to the present day. not has the old German
terntimuion sound been heard since the flays of old
Patriarch tilefihe
These is one other curious fact connected with
this place worth relating. The private seal of our
worthy Governor, Francis R. Skunk, had on' it the
impress of three steps. with the motto, " Etcn ERS
rEir: r.. raisewursiff, and when we take into con
bideration that he wag b.irn at the Trappe, the true
of i 4 name cannot be doubted. not will we
br e,;.virired it ha. ant' other until
Than ran'sl roA the oral from off mr bowl "
which i= here anneved in prcnf of our pn.itinn.
Ap:trt from the co, concitlence of the three
steps hetii engraved upon the seal of C.A.. Shntik.
there is a voice in l the t Etch Ersteitre" which hi,
ht jli %latiort makes almost propheltc. It- may, foi
aught we know. be the sante insignia
•• r. , vore ■Lout 11.3 ucek
It: IL frt . Sea: rung, "
pos , esseb a charm which will seive
as an amulet against
"The valor both der.. .t and ma:.ce "
THE Dew.—The dew celebrated through all
tames.and an every tongue for its sweet influence,
presents the mast beautiful and striking illustration
of agency on the economy of roure, and • exhibi:s
one of those wise and botinti:ul adaptations, by
which the whole system of things. animate and in
animate, is fitted and bound together. All bodies on
the surface of the earth'radiate or throw out rays of
heat. in straight lines—every warmer body to every
colder: and the entire surface is ii elf continually
sending rays upwards thmugh the clear air into free
space. Thus on the earth's surface all bodies strive.
as it were, after air equal temperature, (an equili
brium of heat.) while the surface, as a whole, tends
generally towards a cooler state. But while the
sun shines, this cooling will not take place, for the
earth then receives in general more heat than it
gives off; and if a clear•sky be shut out by a canopy
of clotds, these wile arrest and again throw bat-k a
Portion of the heat, and prevent it fmm being
speedily dissipated. At night then when the sun is
ollsent, the earth will cool the most ; oti clear nights,
also, more than when it is cloudy ; and when the
clouds only partially obscure the sky, those parts
will become coolest which looks - towards the clear
est portions of the heavens—Now when the sur
face cools, the air. in contact must cool also and then
the wild currents of the mountain side, must for
sake a portion• of the watery vapor it has hitherto
retained. The water like the floating mists on the
hills, descend in particles almost minute. These
collect on every leaflet and misprint' themselves
from every blade of grass, in drops of " pearly dew.'
And mark here a beautiful adaption. Different de
grees of rapidity : and those substances which. in
the air. become cool first, also attract first, and most
abondantly the particles of falling dew. Thus, in the
cool of a summer's' evening, the grassplot is wet
while the gravel walk is dry, and the thirsty pas•
ureand everygeen leaf are drinking in the descend
ing moisture, while then eked land and barren high
way are still unconscious of its fall—Pm/rase •
Johnstone on .4glicultitral Chemistry.
a strong ley of pearlash, to which add as much un
slacked lime as it will take up; mix it well, let it
settle, and then bottle it for use. When vein use it
weaken it with water and scour the board or stone
which should always be done quickly, or it will
take out the color from the boards.
He who fears no man necessarily to disoblige
others, will never be sure of doing his duty. He
would unnecessarily disobliges. will often have to
do without the aid of others, when he most needs
it He who inconveniences others without cause,
purchases for himself a poor satisfaction ; if the in
jury is rim retnme•i. hatred if it it, c^rtempt.
4. 1 *
POOTORITY 'OF Tlit: C111".}: 4 F: Mr I..O.krOVETtY Of
tit meantß6lN( IlEs; AnT AND CIV IsurAc
-71-KE.--M. Stenizbus Julien has rtleently
several lectures on this subjeet before thelnstinve
in Paris, and' in his closing address makes the l e r=
lowing sitigniar 'statement :
*'t is plriced by authentic documents air
published or of easy access, that two
years before. IChrist the Chinese had discovered tl e
art of raising 'the silk worm ; one thousand yea-s be.
fore, the mariner's compass ; four hundred Year,.
before, ink and writingspaper; gun-powder one
century before Christ, according to the Pere Tur
got ; after Christ, printing with fi - ooden, type be.
tween SAI and 593; with engraved stone phdes in
901; with Movable type in 10 11 and Itl-19: porce.
lean in the Ith century; artesian wells, the art of
lighting and'warming with inflammaNe gas, col
lected from the depths of the earth, and conducted
to great distiinces, suspension bridges hung on bam
boo, or iron chains, fire-engines, playing eardi, A.
D. 1120 ; paper money between 1•260 and 1341.
In medicine. they treat successfully a great number
of diseases hitherto deemed incurable in .Europe.
They havb been ahle to dye and transform, by
means of Medicants and a particular diet, the col
onng liquidlof the whole pilous system, so as to
give pale and red hair a black t tinl %illicit it retains
throughout 4s growth, even to old age. 91.1 Filbert,
who is now!-a bishop in China, and to %%horn Eu
rope is inilekred for the description of the artesian.
wells of the Chinese, offers according to the testi
mony of 4 ALlin! Voisin (one of the present di
rectors of Fbreign Missions.) a livipg proof of this
internal colPring of this hair. It is thus that the
Chinese. coirrecting (runt time to time the freaks of
nature, have been able to call themselves, from re
mote atitigni'y, the people with 'black : hair. In
matters of rural and agricultural economy:, theyoh
hint. by moans of manuring and irrigation, and a
tinitude nit' other methods peculiar to themselves,
constant and regular results, which,.unless inunda
tions or violentstorms occur, to disappoint the cal
culations o the cultivator, suffice to nourish a pop
ulation of three hundred and sixty millions.
" In hotiticulture they can change the color of
flowers while young, hasten the flowering and the
fruetificatinn of trees, &e.
We tnhy suppose that the genius of the Euro
peans !enable tl em to discover, alter along
continued Course of effmts and attempts, a multi
tude of useiful and beneficial inventions which the
Chinese have discovered before them, but which
he hidden in their books, and will remain there
unknown, unless a liberal and enlightened govern
ment shall; undertake the translation of these woiks,
in which sicientitie and industrial method.. Ipplica
hie to our social stale and needs, arc described a id
OlUt.i IDY " TIM Manstabbusi..."—A Corspoh
deut of the Pod gives the following account of the
Origin of this celebrated song : The "thin. ellaise
mn," 4 it is erroneously called, the war song of
the army of the Rhine. is the production of Rouget
be Lille, a French Whiter of Engineers, who was
rivartererbat Strasbourg iu the year 1761, when
Marshal (Lackner commanded the army, at that
time entirely composed of young conscripts. The
Marshal Was to march the following morning et a
certain day, and, late in that evening i previous, lie
inquired if there were any men of 4 . Musical or
poetical genius iu the army who could ,compore
a soul-inViring song, to animate his young soldiers.
Some oue\anentioned Captain Rouget de Lille, who
was immediately ordered into the presence of the
!Marshal, receive his commands on the subject,
which haVing been given, and a promise made by
De Lille Obit a song would be ready the following
morning„, he went to his quarters, and during the
night he not only-Wrote the song in question : but ab
solutely set it to music, and next rimming the army
marched io its tune, and carried every thing before
it with ati enthusiasm only to be equalled by abso-1
lute frelpiy. The song got the name of the Mar
seiliaise llymn" from a body of troops once being
marthedlfrom Marseilles, and entered the city of
Paris playing that tune, at a time that it was little
known in that capital. Captain du Lilly appears to
have been a man of of great poetical genius. At
the FrenOt Revolution of 1839, he was living in
great ob4cturity in a garret at Paris, and the first act
of Lonis;Philippe, on his accession to the throne.
was to rliirect inquiries to be made for Captain de
Lille, uPon whom a tolerably handsome pension
was settled during his life. lie died at Patrir four
years sinee r and his manuscript poems and songs
were sold, or rather were intended „,to have been
sold, by auction. The writer of this was desirous
of Purchasing, the original of the " Marseilfaise,"
which was beautifully written and had but few cm
reetionsiin it: but that tun! the whole of the inattrP,
script were bought in by Louis Philippe", in whose
po - sseAsikin there now are. . •
Nt:w Mrritoo or CUR.!Ni; CLOvrr. 11A1,—It is
usual alpOtig most farmers to sprinkle, salt with
clover When it is packed in the mow; above a
peck of line salt to the ton is judged to be a stitna
ble (inanity. But two getlemen stated, at a meet.
ing of the Farmer's Club cf the American Institute,
to New York, recently. that they had discovered
by experiment another method equally useful ; that
is to park a layer of clover about a foot in thickness
in a now, and then a iayer of dry rye or wheat
straw, art inch or two in thickness, -and so on al
tcrilately through the mow. It cures and keeps)he
clover in great sweetness and perfection, and the
straw itself imbibes the juiees and flavor of the cloy.
er tositch a degree that it becomes as good a fod
der as the clover, and will be eaten as heartily.—
This is au idea worth the attention of farmers.
Totini.tvion.—l would never separate myself
from any man upon a difference of an opinion ; or
be angry with his judgment for not agreeing
me inj that (Mtn which, prehaps, in a kis days. I
khe til4 di- ent niN .1711--c , r T 11*Nr,),
sugar Curing or Batter.
1 ), :tt5"..).4 %%Ito put up ;,.eg•Li :utter fokKe.;ircion asi. ?
or for a di Cant maiket,usnali ! , salt their bniirn very
This...oilyde.tracts from
its ionility, injuries its featly sale, and reduce its
prig. If we can modity Ihi exceSs of gab. by
ing more palatable substaiices, of eilti.ll efficacy
a.s preservatives, it ct ill be an itcpruvettient.—
Clieniists tell us that sreg;ir i 4 one of these sub
stance:: and evelience inform
ation. Who i 4 not familiar with •:sogar-cuter)
hams'!" lf pock can he cured a ith sti;•ar„ achy'
may not butter or so preserved also? is a cn7 l re.
mon sense inquiry.' Evericoce has shown that it
May. Dr...1%3MS ANDICHSON, the celebratsil
1‘ luxe '•O•i the 'Manag4thertt of
the Dairy particularly with re-pact to the making
and curing ut )fatten" is still our highest and best
authority on the sulject found from some years
trial of it ; that the fidloWing named composition
—the properties of which we believe were al:-
rovered by his amiable lady—Wat 'far preferable
to salt alone; as it not only
,pieserves the butter
more effectually from all taint of rancidity, but
makes it also loi.k better and' taste sic q'ter, richer,
and more marrowv, than portions of 'he sart e :but
ter cured with common salt:
Composilioa— Take of sugar, one part ; of nitre
one part; affil of the best Y•ptutjsli great salt (or
rock sal.) two parts Beat the whole into'- flue
powder, mix them well together, and put them by
for us": The Pooor continue,:
ft this composition one ounce should be put to
every sixteen' ounces of Meter mix this salt tho
roughly with the butler as soon as it has been freed
from milk, and_purit, ait bout less. of time, doatrt
into the veSsei prepared _to receive it, pre-sine i
so close-as to tio air holes, or any. kind of
cavities within it. Smooth tliksurfaCe, and if you
expect that it will be above.a day or two before,
von can add more, corme it with a piece
of clean linen, and above that a piece of wetted
parchment. or. for Want of 'that, tine' linen dip
-ped in melted butter, that is exactly fitted to the
edges of the vessel all round, so as to exclude the
art if - possible without the assistance of any watery
brine: a hen more butter is to be added, the s! cov
erings are to be taken off, and the butter applied
close about the former; pressing it down and
smoothing it as befure, and so on till the vessel be
full. When it is mute full, let the two covers Le
spread over it with the greatest care, and let a little
melted butter be pouted all round the edges, so as
to fill up every erinny, and effeettally exclude the
air. A little salt may be then strewed over the
whole, and the cover be firmly liked down to re
main close shut till it be opened for use. If all this
be carefully done, the buttet may be kept perfectly
soiled in this climate for many years. flow Many
years I cannot tell but I have seen 'it two years
old, and in every respect as sweet and sound as
when h was only a month. old.
" It deserves to be remarked, that butter cured
M this manner does nor taste well till it has state'
at least a fortnight alter salted; but after that per:
led is elapsed, it eats with a rich, maraiwy . taste
that no other butteCever sequirest: -mid tas tes so
little of salt, thitt a person mho has been 4cctstqui
ed to eat butter cured with c'etneion salt only : xtipuld
not imagine a had got one fourth part of the salt
that veer hl be necessary to preserve it." .
It is to be hoped some of our farmers, on reading
the above will follow its comtnendations. The evil
position mentioned is, we have understood, much
used in Goshen, Orange county, New YOrk. a place
famous for it.s superb better.. Great care should
be taken to get the,Purest salt and sugar. That
known through the country as the " greuudaluiu”
is the best salt. The sugar should be of the purest
white—either the loaf or " fallenloar Those ex
cellent butter Makers ill the Glades of the Alleghe
nies, would du Well to-make some experiments fur
themselves in this matter.
MENTAL FREEDOI.—AfteT ten minutes, conver
sation. an intelligent blind man Would be enable to
discover whether his colloquist Were in his non-age,
middle age, dotage or aneedotage—for our minds,
in spite of ourselves, nre the most faithful of birth
registers. Nay, they betray the centnry to which
we belong as well as our . individual date. Could
I summon'up a spirit. at hazard froin the darkness
oflhe past, a dozen questions and answers would
sriffice to fix, or to make a close approximation to.
wa!rds his chronological position. Every - genera
tioii has sortie mode of thinking different from all
that preceded and all that is to follow it, It may
be said that there is but one truth. Granted : but
every era may .. , repeat the question of Plate—
What is r
'qte who gives uttera:lcetri"wliati hesineerely be
heves, is a true man, even thote_th his faith may bu
erroneous :while he mho, without Jttniry, pro
fesses any particular erred, because it had been es
tablished by act of parliament, and . he finds con
tOrmity pleasant and profitable, is no true believer
though his doctrine be irrefutable. Thank heaven !
in all these changes of opinion, we still make site
thouglr slow advance towards toleration. Senti
ments which we may now publish with impunity
would have been %lilted, a century ago, with aria.
themas and fulmination, and honest convictions
which we are now obliged to - suppress, if we would
avoid obloquy and persecution, may doubtless be
promulgated, a century hence, , without exciting a
single animadversion. Sincere inquiries may dis
please men bin they are little.likc to offend heaven
for in searching for truth we must always be ap
proaching the Deity, "who is the fountain of all
truth. •
if men knew what felicity dwells in the co!t , ge s
of a virtuous poor man, how sound he sled s, how
quiet hid rest, how composed his mind, how fro c
from care, how easy his position, how moist his
moutli.hoe joyful his beau ;theywould never admire .
the noises, the diseasesq'the throng of passions and
violence of unnatural appetites, that MI the houses
cf the luxurious, and the hearts e! the amt.tum,..