E=Sl ....7aFts..-...it.5mci.....5te54- '.:PEECII OF BON. D. WILMOT. : (CONCi.CTIED VROM . I3II6T PAgg.l • I a.i the laoor of the country ; in order to inuin taiu li)e-vaiuc of itaitivestmems. Sou gem capital. )nresle4 in slaves. ilernamls that free 14therehall by drift...ft from its r;:.:ititi! Bald rf enterprise, in tinier to ,give value to that species of property.. The one tleninntiell a monopoly of the sale of mantifaaortxl italt , , the other tiernanas a rrintiopoly of the The matturautttret reCiuned that foicifin compeutiou hr eNvlnded, that he might have a wider market:. Nlavettuldevinsi-us that flee iattOr be espellecl , ort our Tot titorie.. that the field may be eulargeil wltirli he c.ri an..l o i to..re wall his slat es. 1;. , :lt art- ajke intent en tin* own interet. and alike the 1 . 1h . 71111'S Ms labor. With 'minter ill the true Democracy fratertiii.o, but w.ir the timust P.VICHOIIS 01 bOlll. Mr. Chairman : 1 entertain no hostility to the 'or to the men of the Smith. 111 know my -eft, I Wow)) be a. etottoets out to 'invade their rights a:s . l would Le firm in the.amport of my own To insist upon your otr'n. i- , to upon no . man's ezlit- , . T,) dpinatrt that -Livery shall not in vade the field that ut right belongs t free labor, is not to make warthe or the imaittaions „r th e. ,truth. section of tlie rilitm the Democracy of the Nlvrtil have et er been just and liberate We cle.ire to preserve our fraternal retat boil:—our ata•leilt WO time lionorel associations ; with the I tem ovi.try rho ::::outIt. We will rally around ilr• nl l 5ta.1.1..r. twat do battle utalei our old prirreipb,. IVe hold to, and will maintain int i•lytire I, ..,Yr) . ..irtiele . , , of the faith. A Bidet eon! struelion of the t;ons'ilinion, and a faithful Libber vunee of all i's jealous re . ..,:tant the ri g hts of the S!a;e—o)zpr,.ittuit to a National liank--Jo the di-tiil,ution of the pioceeds of the public all eNtrmagant and corrupting' scheme= of internal improvement by the General Goverpincilt. and to pii‘ilege and monopoly in all . its forms and ii,triiise; support 01 Veto Power, a!, the only set only of ilte p,•nplo against hasty, eot , rapt. and uneottAilational lei-lotion— , of the Inde• pendent 'freasury. as the only safe and constitution al mode for the c;olleetion and disburs,ement of the public moneys—of a just an 1 equitable systeM taxation and revenue; which shall di;dribute as equallt• as may be the burdens of Govenunent upon all. showitt7 fa vn:s to none—and of a reduction in . tha price of the piWlie lands, to the actual settler, limited I❑ andr . o reshictedas to avoid the aecumurron of lame bodies of lands in the hands of riu let tdividual , and homilies. rpon this broad and liberal plafform: did radical Democracy of the North are to stand and do battle, leaving.. our territorial acquisitions in the state and enutlitiln IL fl‘ticl them neither contracting rim enlar4ing the 154 limits of slavety. If upou tills just ground our Sumheni brethren mi.et us. we will move °if, a fratmoilinus and successful party If, on the oil ier fi'ami, it is expected and required of us toaiJ . or in zny , vray to countenance the propagation of slavery over ihi con , inent," thew I pronounce a separation inS•evitable : and the con-equences will abide . witfi who inuke the eNtension ,ei ela7ery pura - inormit to all other censitleratious. We were vvillin nay. we were anxious, tn re moye 1111.3 vestioo from our national party atil/tes. We wish to eorifine it to the several COngressinnal dish I\'e did nut 'ask the novae/elicit of the Executive in our behalf: NV/3 desire to leave it with the p"ople. actilurthroo , 2)l their representatives nn this floor. We required no committal—Nye de- Fri:inded no pl-dges. We would cheerfully have vaned in the stimiort of any sound republican, whit would have left this qnestion to the unbiased ac tion of the people's representatives. Out Southern hvethern were warned of the consequences of for eiTTLT this issue upon ns. Our wamintrs were dis regarded. No respect was paid to our feelings' or wishes. We were arrogantly told that the. South would oppri,e ; as one man, any candidate not pldzed to the interests and views of that section of the Uniott; and we are now told, by leading men of the ? , tolith, in both branches of Congresi, that they would nppc'6 the nominee of the Baltimore Convention. it they entertained a doubt that he would promptly I tile any bill which Conacess might pass. prAihniicr slaVery in the territoNit. Wlrtt can we do under sitrit eireninstatires ? The ties of patty are serve.] bY 'Tit-South. Disregarditc: nor the faro of our earnest re'. monstranee: the issue has been foreed upon us 11' , 1,z , ..1,1(,1 ir. We ninst stand by our princis ' , to's. or lias , ly sin/ender them. Tu doubt our ac. 1111.44 4nelt circomstanreg. would be to On 'Peach nun iu e,ity and our manhood. Titr pecnociaey of tiic 12throngresstonal district rennf t ylv.wia have take') !brit do.libPratc stand »Pri ?h. , Democrat , of that di , ttict t o II I Balitittot. nomination %VIII go to the pot! , ;: I,lel the kiriner of firo lerritory ,I .lllltl 111(1,1' 111‘1111H - r^' I”!S , jel' , . , !`f.ll, VOW/1 iri , ! elaitu ir; ilia , -treiystill tw., that their rlertion wa. 11: , t,1,4111 , •1ate ri,Ltittetil of 11 - n? Fwedrno. and in fai - or of Slay. e;y, they will pi 13:Inner ruder whit It they vt,:od. and .•iatnt !hat VDe itt:kvibeti d upon it In* ri.-Tri•tr..l NV liether theirylaito tvill be heed. anitd,i C:),• :Lib] !-lintif, of the :sl a v e rower, I leave tt.r Client ioeon , ider. NVitlithe is. ane (-km- and ili•ow, t, onewlnurassed hy party machinery. I :171 per. ,, ladol that the State of l'onn zoi.l P:anklin •son',l never !_!/Ve.14.1 voice 111 f•IVQr 01 the e \ten-ton oJ - G werytover sod now free, kun - Inirt-rerdirt, it will orianittiou- in tit-qr of Preetlont. She %t ill 11,•ver Ihe ! , .. 1;o0 of lior hinader, that loan of jus. ; ! ..e an d pexce. S'le•, remain taiiiitut to her In iho torrnory uftier not , lr sonß She has phit•rd opon an enth.rtog record her sol emn :1.2..k014t skyrry, natl it von rornain t:r rr riftrove -qrd nryi rr r•hly a. 17C0; he;l ILc sniterin4s ietcl triols of the Revolution were twsh in ;h.:. rerueuibratiec twt tbn.e who had borne a conspicuous. run in that et-nail! strw2-.11r : Prmv.)lrania brOught to the altar ght ul4.r,:titusle to Almighty Gud for her liverance 'rum the hoods 01 the vows -or. That otter:fa : , «.L. cum-two-At for the dbohtion of star. r V. pre..trni.,]•• doservel to be writ te.r 4,,Ll—to_ be perpetuated upon 11l 'm o ver, 01 brass and of stone, will read it: Vi"ten we contemplate our abhorrence of that coudit,on 1,, wh,eh the arins' , all,l tyranny of Great ' 11,01. n were exerted to reduce us: - when we look back upon the varlet ) , o f itantzers to which we have , Leen exposed, and frie itehverance wrought, weal Itivartalv led to a sa , n,,rp; and greatful seuse (.4 alb manifold whieh we have undecerved- Iv reee,i PA from the hand of that.lteing from whom . very good andperfect •.zitt •I.l,p,red:vith the e ideas, we conceive it to be our "duty and we TrllJern that it tc JR our extend a portion of that Fret , imn to others Nt hfrh bath teen extend. 10 Ii e ••••., 1; ai .. nl,at- ==!M 10 us that we are : etfahle4 tin* day fir add one more pep towards universal civiljzation,:by removing as, mnih air passible thetiltfirolvd: 4Llhnkp wile, have lived in deserved bondage: Weaned )49 , bra course of experience from, thc, narrow prejadicell and.partialiiies tee had imbibed, we Arid onr.harta enlarged with kindness andlienevoleneelo all colidi tania,and eatiens.;, and we conce i ve ourselves apowbOhe - Weavings Which-are balm nom:Anil to manifest the - sincerity of our professions, ana give ta- aut,Latantial Foot of our gratitude. !ulna tire, therefore; tcelhitse who ate deprived ()Mecum- moss blessings to which by nature Itme-are etuttlett and'r who lumina no pmapect before theirs inhered) they may test their sorrows - and thrir hope,have no reasonable inducement to render that service to so- ciety which otherwise they might, and also:in grate. ful commemoration of our happy deliverance horn that state of unconditional subiniaa t oa re which we were doomed by the tyranny of Great Britain: Be it enacted," &c. With this record in view, is it to be expected oldie people of Pentrylvania to lend their mesiatatice to inflict upon onions the curse from which our hi nters relieved ea? having near seventy years Igo abolished slavery within our brawlers, we are now called union to ends-ark in the work of its propaan lion over the tree soil of the Republic. In this wed., the pmplcof Penney ?arena will have 'no part or lot. That great Commonwealth will carefully abstain fnim any Interference with the institutions 'rif her sister Stales, *bid will not hind her powerful influence for the enslavement of lands now free I ler children will not Nerve thus ungrateful tor the blessing* they corny. Sir, :who are we, and in what age do we lire ? Wl' are free and Christian people—lie ion iti the middle of the nineteenth century, with the Bible in our hands—familiar with its precepts, its obligations and its terrible sanctions. tsitnot a reproach that we should sit here debating a question of Freedom or Slavery ? Not of the abolition of slavery .but edits pro pagation and extension. We have obtainoil, alter an expensive - war, from tour weaker neighbor, a fair and fertile portion of her territory. It is free from near° slavery, and it becomes a desperate and doubtful struggle,Vhether we can preserve it flee or not. Is it not a. national shame and re proach ! So help me God. I would as soon vote for the revival pi the foreign slave trade as for any law planting :4ascry upon territories now free. ' There is no force in the argument so often pres ented that the *tension of Slavery does not add to !he number of !slaves—that to - plant n in our Terri tories would be to diffuse, not 'to increase the. evil. It is a 1,41 r of population that races anti na-: tions increase ill proportion nrthe means of human stitisistence—td the extent they occupy of fertile and productive sod. One square mile will sustain only half the population of two. - If you double the pro ductive territory of a State, it is certain that in time its population will be doubled. As you extend the tea over e hic-h the slave population are to spread. jest in that proportion are their numbers sure to increase, In the old and thickly settled countries . .ot - the world, population is stationary or on the decrease, while in new and sparsely populated re :lions, other circumstances being favorable, it ia ra pidly increasing. There is no increase of Slaves in Cara, although it is well known that the foreign slave trade is carried on to a considerable extent with that Island. The reason is apparent. There is nn rcnim for them to spread, and the market is fully supplied with laborers, Slaves are like any other stoz);., Of which merchandise is made.— Widen the' market for their sale, and you stimulate the pie '.uetiou. lucrease their value, and you pro long the years Of their bondage. The extension ,of Slavery, and the increase of slaves, are identical and inseparable—one and the same thing. It is the influence and etfect of this policy upon white la bor of which I especially complain. It gives up to the Cupidity of the slaveholder, and to the tinproduc tire tillage of his human cattle that which of right belongs to free labor, an:l which is necessary for the support 'and happiness of our own race and people. k brings dishonor and degradation npOn the poorarbite man, who is brought in close con tact with the servile labor of the black. It mars his manhood. It destroys his self-respect and dignity of character.- lie feels a sense of humiliation, when he looks np to the vast distance between himself and the lordly planter, in the shadow of whose aristocratic possessions he lives an inferior, if not a dependant. He livei in the midst of a so cial system,• made up of lords and vassals; and it lie cannot rise to the condition of the former, he must sink to a level with the latter. This is the policy we are called upon to favor, anti for the advancement of which an effort is made to eoutml the action of-the Democratic party. The rights and interests of free labor arc to be trdd dim under foot-the grunt mission of man's el evation abandoned—the march of civilization tented back—thii hopes of the pan lot and philalr Ginn-4 disappointed : and all this, to satisfy the demands of a few 'thousand slaveholdersrwhose pecuniary interests are promoted by the extension 4 , ,Lavery. The name of Democracy is invoked to carry forwardaltis work of barbarism 4tu of bond age— a carne Favred - tn progress and human - ad vancement. 'Sir. before the time-honored name of Democracy in thus desecrated, there will 'ho a and mighty struggle m the hind. The young and ardent. the noble and '4-If-sacrificing, wilt tight a tattle against sellishttess, and patronage, and the power of istrty machinery, that shall shake this Con le2eritcy from its centre to its circumference—that shall tear down old organizations, and vets:instruct parties anew. They will strike for the intergity of their party. the purity of its principles, and the honor of its ancient name. We know we are tight in this contest, and we do not mean to surrender, so loot; as there is art inch of ground upon which• ice taut and do battle. Mr. Chairtnan : It would seem as it a studied elfint were made, in certain imarten., ,to create alarm for the t•atety-ttt the 'TlieTnion r. to no iliinger. If there are enenin.s of IN peare and perpetuity, they arc to be found among ther-e who, recklixis of all else are intent only upon the propagation of /Inman shaven - .• ‘Vasi_it for this tha the [llion was firmed? Is this the hood that uni tes ns ? When oar fathers severed the tics that hound them to the mother country, they felt called up on by a decent respect for the opinions of mankiwLto declare the causeithat impelled them to the separa tion. The declaration of Independence, records the history of the wrongs and injuties iidlided up-, on the Coloaics by the tyranny of Great-Britain.— It appealed to the impartial judgment of the world and to the justice of Heaven. What would be the character of thait declaration, upon which our South ern brethren would declare the Union of 'these states dissolved ? What the record of their wrong', upon which they would ask the judgment of a can did world ? If it spoke the' language of truth ; it Ii Would set forth , " that People and Crovernment of the rn;fed States having, retired to aid in the ex -I.lt , feeling - that our wrongs instiponable, we do exoelaise Oil Union rid these Statei at 54,, eadoknA-4, iscaide....tbatt bound-A, 1416er jilji qne peopitt,tetr , lrsFrexed and disstiVvd." l Whose hand; will , pen stteke declanition 4 wiSfil4 peeat with the- rem and execration of, inankgid. lit vreakiehook the amid sense of thereivilimtworkt. Hernialhi would shudder and tyrants' extdlin ' siteh . . I . Sir; vhis-erref ()isnot° . n.awasidle art -the nursery odeeeilhiebiefrreiiildtee ale frightened into obedi ence. •We laiii.e heard it before. The-. 4 'deaditinal eroakingittie pa nriearmighl catfofPlitei- 1 VIIY ',tmid they be ever sounded in our esti'? Is it an aPpeal to our fears?, Are we so weak,,or so timid as to be frightened freim - itiM principles and, our purpose ! Are we so ;permit of thlh relative strength of the two great sections of the Union, as to fear tars the safety of our homes anti ; our firesi des ? i have no patimrs with-those wireo lt re con. (Molly soundivrthe changes upon these discordant notes. It seem to me to imply cowardice trpen the part of those to whom they are addressed. It does net convince us that me are in- error. It is not an appeal to our lessen and sense of justice and right. It must, as it seems to me, be intended to intimidate; mid ; if so, we are bound, as brave and free men,tospum the indignity. Our !madmen! to the Union is deep and abiding. We do nyt per mit ourselves to calculate its value Or to talk rightly of its dissolution ; but sir, we do know, that we enjoy no monopoly of its advautages or its hewn.% Its profits are not to tel alone. Theo why 61101ild the spectre of Disunion be ledd up before u. .r If it ever becomes necessary, which God forhid, to eninemplate it, terror will strike no. deeper to the Northern than to the Southern heart. Sir, let us have done with this talk about disunion. This controversy is nut to be settled by appeals to the fears of either the North or the South. Reason and justice mnst decide between us.. The fight must prevail, and the wrong must give way. Mr. Chairman: I have spoken with that frank ness and earnestness that I believe dim to this sub ject, but with no disposition to impugn the motives or the patriotism of others, with whom it is my misfortune to differ. Believing, as I do. that this question is nue of the first magnitude, I could not discharge my whole duty and say less. Would that I cculd have said more. Would that I were able to present to the country this momentous sub- ject, in all the length anti breadth and depth of its bearings upon the happiness of the People and the well-being of the Republic. Its settlement deter mines for all - coming time, the character and insti--, Haloes of this Government. If the friends of Free .dom are overcome in this contest, it. will be the last struggle ever made against the advancement of the Slave Power-41 power which will then over. shadow the country, and bear down all opposition to its will. Holding in its iron grasp by far the lar ger aruf better portion of the soil of the Republic, the great resource of the tattering man, it a ill tram ple at pleasure upon the rights n; the manses, and in the end deprive them of their just influence and control in the Government. A triumph now, a'. cures to slavery other and larger reonquests. It will move on like a resistless 'current, until it shall spread over the whole continent to the South. This is a certain as that time and the seasons will roll on. If the events of the fast few years will not arouse the free laborers of the North to a sense of their danger, then indeed, will all the acids of their friends upon this floor prove fruitless and unavailing. Give to sla very one half of our recent acquisitions and it Will have added to its dominion, within the last three years, a territory laiger than that of the entire free states of the Union. Extend it to the Pacific, aad it forthwith takes up its match to the South. The history of Texas will be the history of every Mexican province, until that Republic shall be overuu from her Northeni boundary to the isthmus of Panama. Deretreminatc and unresisting population will be exterminated or enslaved Slavery will riot in the extent of its possessions a nt i power; and then will glow up at the South the the mightest Oligarchy that the world ever saw. illebiral Tibucrtisintents. LOOK OUT FOR PAIN KILLER! or( tclry afl n al l MR. 3. ANDREWs, in jostice to your valuable PAIN KILLER, and for the benefit of (he pub lic, we heteby certify that we have used your Pain Kil ler in our Families for years, for many of the diseases for which it is tecommendeil, and we deem it the beat Family Restorative in use, and would recommend every family to keep a supply on hand, to case of sudden ill ness or accident. Rev. Aaron Jackson, pastor firm Baptist church, Ithaca. " William Corms; Peach Orchard, Tompkins Co. Rachel Willson, James Clark, Ann Dudley, Philip Case, W Hastings, Ann Teter, A Baker, • A Bower, John Doolittle, M Collina, John B ()wens, Ithaca, N. V., 184 R. Never purchase the Pain Killer ithout the written signature of J: Andrews, on the la lof each bottle, in black ink. Sold by CHAMBER IN & PORTER, and JOHN 11. FORD, only agents for Towanda. For further particulars see adver . sement in another column. 4 7 I y PAIN KILLER. • Denth In Pain: relief to the ...irk : health to the rrrak ! A Who; tnr thr irhnlr hnnern acre. to ANDREW'S PAIN KILLER. I'rlHlS' is an entirely Vegetable Compound. composed JL of twenty-five difTtrent ingredients, and is an inter nal and external remedy. Put up in broth's, varying in price from 25 to 75 cents, each. For further partreti. tars, see p.tmphlets, to be had of every agent gratis, con taining kbrief history of the origin and discovery of the Pain Haller, certificates of cures. directions, Caeirio%.—Bach bottle has the written signature of the proprietor. J. A atna wY, on the label, and without it none are genuine. Beware of hawkers Dud Ticillary selling from honk to house, representing it to he the genuine Pain Killer. Solt' only by the following regular appointed agent in this county : John B. Ford. Towanda. I' gorge A. P.•,i.in., Athens, Chamberlin & Porter, do. J.J. Watford, Monroeton ; F fit 1' 1. Ballard, Troy, C. Rsthbone, Canton. S W &DF Pomeroy, dp. I Coryell & Gee, Burlington. l‘t Bullock & Smithfield. Sold in all the principal towns in the United States, Canada and Texas. Wholesale agents in the city of New York and •iei nity: Ilaydork. Corties & Co., 21R Pearl-st. t Wyatt & Ketchum, l'2l Fulton-st. Orders .addressed to the proprietor, or G. W. Schuyler, post paid, will meet with prompt attention. tJy _ TWO NEW BUGGIES FOR SALE. F OR SALE, two new BUGGIES. in complete order for running. They are finished in a superior man ner, made of good and substantial material'', and will he sold at ir great bargain, fur CASH only. They may he seen at Esrmwines shop, in the lower part of the May 24. I/448. J. A. ESENWINE. LEGHORN BONNETS ore/ow—if any doubts it, 1-.1 let them step into FOX'S, and test the fact ; a good assortment of Florence braid. also, new and fashionable ribbons, flowers and leise, 01 No. 2 Brick Row ms 24 G _ LIWHAMS & PRl: l 7B.—Plain and twitted (l ing. hams, MlAs!' and American Prints, a . beautiful . I,, irtmenl nt " s•ev..-`3 NIERCIT'S. Illebtfai AtiveititrOltititts .- - -ffe 4 . (IST :EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE in the. 1,1 world ! This Extract is put up in tluart Bottles : it it Oil times cheaper, pleasanter, and watrantrd supe rior to any sold. It cures without vomiting, purging.' sickening or debilitating the patient. The great beauty and superiority of BO! Sarsaparilla over ail other medicines is, that while it et:silicates the disease, it invigorates the 6alg, It is one oftbe . r .. s . r7 best SPRIN6 AND liNlifEll MEDICINeg Ever known .4, it nut only purifies the whole system, and strengthens the.person, but it creale4 nue pure and ririh•ldeod f a power possessed by no other medicine. And in this hes the grand secret of its wonderful suc cess.. It has performed within the last lieu years, more ifian 100,000 Cores of severe Crises of disease ; at least 115,000 were consideted incurable. It has need the lives of . more then s,oll(kbildren during the two past, eellsoll/. /0,000, ro.es ty . nei-re:l Dehilitynnd want n( Fjner.oi r r Dr. Tornevnit's .iirsaparillst 4 invigorates the whole system permanently, T. those who have lust their muscular energy Ly the effects of medicine or indi.cter tion committed in youth, or the excessive indulgence of the passinns, and brought on a general physical rostra. Lion of . the nervous system, lassitude, want of ambition ? , fainting aensations, premature decay and decline, bastes ing towards that feud disease. Commuiption, can be en tirety restored by this pleasant remrdy. This liarsapar r ills is far superior to ally Ineigoraling Cordial, as t 1 renews and invigorates the systeml, gives activity to th Ileitis, and strength to the muscular. system, ha a most extraurdiMuy degree. CONNU3IPTION CtTRED. Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can he cur ed. Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Catarrh, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of Blood Soreneas in the Chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, 'Metal, or Profti-e Expectoration, Pain in the aide, dtc. , ha4o hems and can he cured, 61'1171NC 111.0()D. New York, April 28, 1847- Da. Tow iSts :—I verily believe your Sarsaparilla has been the means through Providence, of - saving my life. I have for several years had a bad Cough. It became worse and worse. At last I raised large quanti ties of Mood. had night sw, ate, and was greatly debilita ted and redwood, and did not expect to live. I have only used your emrsaparillan short time, and there bass wonderful change been wrought in me. lam now able to walk all OVICti the city. I raise no blood, and My rough has left me. You can well imagine that / km thankful fur these results. Your oliedien4servant, W St. Catherino-st. RHEUMATISM This is ordy one of more than firm thousand easel! of Rheumatism that Dr. 'l'ownsend'a Sarsaparilla has Cur ed. The utmost severe and chronic cases are weekly er adicated by its,extraordinary virtues. James Cummings, }hi , rune of the assistants in the Lutistic Asymm, Blackwell's Island, is - the gentlemen spoken of in the following letter: Blackwell's Island, Sep. I I, 1R47. Dr. Towngentl—Dear Sir: I have suti•red terribly fur :tine yr ars with the Rheumatism; considerable of the time I could nut rat sleep or walk. I had the utmost distressing imams, and lily lirnh; were terribly swollen. I have used Lour bottles of your Sarsaparilla, and they have done me mitre than one thousand dollars 'smith of Rood. 1 nun so much better—indeed, l sin entirely re lieved. You ate at liberty to use this fur the benefit of the afflicted. fours, respectfully, J CUMMINGS. 1;11111:13a=1M Below i, an account of another child saved. Dr. Twirtisend's Sarsaparilla has saved the lives of thou. , sands 01 children. the following two certificates are aeleted from a great numher received this week. New York, April 1, 1847. Dr. Townsend: Dear Sir—One of my children was very sick with it Canker in the Mouth and Throat at tended anti great debility. It CaMe near dying. I ob tained wine of your excellent medicine, and it cured it directly, Our whiob I assure you 1 WI very grateful. renTectfully, • 1:1.17. 1B F:Tlf Ft) Yk . LEH, 17 Desbrosses-rt. 11 . 1 . :3 FITS ! Fl'l's ! - . Dr. Townsend, not having tested his Sarsaparilla in cases of Fit,', ~ ( course never trcomniended a, and was surprised to remise the following from an intelligent:and respectable Farmer in Westchester County : Fordharn, August 13, 18.17. Dr Townsend—Dear sir : I have a little i in seven years of age. who has been several years &libeled with Fits ; we tried almost everything for her, but without success; at last altbough we could find no recommenda tion in our circular for cases like hers we thought, as she was in very delicate health, we would give her some of your sarsaparilla, and are very glad we did, for it not unft iestnrud bur strength. hut she has had no return of the . Fus, to our great pleasure sod surprise. Shc fa-t. becoming rugged and !warty, for st.ieli we feel grateful, Your.. rrsueotfully. JUIIN 111 . I•LER, Jr. 1 . 1:11.11,E EI)I(ANE. • • Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla fs a sovereign and specs dy cure for Incipient Consumption, Barrenness; Prolat. sue Uteri, or Palma; of the Womb, Costiveness. Pile., Leueorrhaea. or Whites, ulritiumed or difficult Nfenstru anon, Incommence of Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the general prostration of the system Illtl matter whether the result of inherent cause.produc tal by irregularity. illnerat or accident. Nothing can he more surplising than its nisiguraling effects MS the hu man frame. Persons all we.ikness and lassitude, from taking it, at once become robust and full of energy un der its influence. It tnun.whately contracts the berve• testiness of the female frame. which is the groat rau-e of Barrenness. It will not be expected of us, in eases of so delicate a nature, to exhibit eerttfica•rs of cures perform rd hut we can assure the afflicted, that hundreds of cases have been reported to us. Thousands of eases where families hive b. en without children. after using a few bottle* of this invaluable medicine, have bee n blessed with fine, healthy offspring. • TO MOTII ER4 ;11) ALA RIVED LAMES. This Extract of sarsaparilla has been expressly pre pare.) in Idifelife to female co•npluilllv.. No feorale who has reason to suppose she is appronchisig, that giit lent period, •• Thr turn neglect' to take it, as it is a certain preventive for any of ihr numerous and horrible diseases to which feroiles are sobjeet a t th is time Id I:tc. Thi. period /wrylie delayrel for ..terrral years +iris turil,ci, , r. Nor is it Irss valuable brr ihose oho are approaching worn inhorst, is cal culated In assist nature, by y u Arming the Hoed and invigorating the system. Indeed, this medicine is in• valuable for all the delicate diseases to which women are subject. It brares the whole system, renews prrmammtly the natural enerews, by mrthiving the impurities of the body, not so fir stimu!atitio,.ag to proditord sltbocaptent relax ation, which is the rase of most medicines taken for fe male weakness and disease. Dy using a few licatlei of this medicine, ninny severe and painful surgical opera tions may be prevented. ()PINION Or PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is almost daily rcriiii%ing orders ona PLr•oeians in different parts of the I 'nion. thil is to certify, that we the tinilermaned„ Physicians of the city of Albany, ..have in numerous rases prearrils. ed Dr. 'Townsend', :sarsaparilla, and believe tt Lobe one of the must valuable preparations in the market. P. PI: Linn, M. D. J. WI t..40N , M. 1). R. B. lintems. M. D. P. E. ELmzsounr, M. b CA rrION Albany, April 1.. Owing to the great success and immense , sale of Dr. Toww.end's Sarsaparilla a number of men who were fmnerly our Agems,have commenced making Sarsapar illa Extracts, Elixirs, Bitter., Extracts of Veßoty Dock, Etc. They generally put it up in the same shaped bot tles, and flume of them have Aden and copied out ad vertisements, they are only worthless imitations, and Should be avoided. Principal Office, 126 Fulton street, Sun Building, N. Y. J. KIINtl8BF:11Y, JF., Towanda, Pao only Agouti for Dradfuld county. - alcdical abdcrOsaututa 811100101111MIAL Dreadful Vona" t , : ean E h t. ty ula:s a x: :L m n ila ositi nge e r: con e : w ork of to he lhe:es ainbe trey r . ' ...i.30.1"0 1911 4 , Inkulliti_M, Tough of Conaumpti mi l mi sit it a `you dem. • - r . 3 .734 ;fiv'you ilifotra,P Your darrmg efilltl;Tinn air r ' y a pas grO.i* 1 eirifitHielhArerif vhollfiliP, tiiriltfilltitihrunit =, ieli„ke holt 'disease bas ilinay ;tailed upon almialtuber gleinik4Fel gegigh AIMO. )11ny 1 6asda ", -,. 61 1..- ~ ; , , t .tr §..;! (..'5}'..4:605,1%, 3'4 L .1 Young ism Wiles jusLat. ` At, fo l gpfor s itfig Aulejev, i l amdesannfocrushint blight oIV I 4 II W-Isifirri , i4.3* the futuro--your bectimeinagboodleet4elittan KO 1 yourlosa of hope, but yourmest not despair. —There, is a balm which will heal the wounded lungs, it is SHEILII.4,N'S ALL-HEALILNG BALSAM. Mrs. Attire, the wife of Wer.M. Attlee, Esq. was giv en up by Dr. Sewall of Washington, Dr. Roe anti Mc- I Cleilau of Philadelphia, Ins. Rue and Mon of New York. Her, friends all thought she must die. She had every eppearaace of being•in conomnpUssi, and was so pronounced dry her irhysicianhernian's Balsam was, given and it cured her. Mrs. thmibeants, of Bull's Ferry was also cured of consumption by this Balsam erben all other remedies failed to give relief—she was reduced toe skeleton. Dr. A. C. Gamic, Dentist; 281 Brqedwilly, lies witneased its streets iii illesden! cases where no otter medicine effirt ded telief—but the Balvarn_oyerated likes charm. Dr. C. also witnessed its wenderful effimis in end,* Asth ma, which it never fails of doing. Spitting Blood, alarming as it may be, is c&ctually cured by this Bel ram. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels, and makes the lungs sound again. . Rev. Henry Jones, 108 Eighth avenue, was cured of cough and catarrhal affections of 50 yearestanding. The first dap gave him more relief than aU the other medi cine be had ever taken,. Dr. L. J. Deals. 19 Delaney street, gave it to a sister-in-law who was laboring under consumption, said to another sorely minded with the asthma. In both cases its effects were immediate, soon restoring them to comfortable health. Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 95 Christie at., suffered from Asthma 42 years. Sherman's Balsam relieved her at once, and she is comparinivel, well, being enabled 'to subdue every attack by a timely use of this medicine. This indeed is the timely remedy for. Coughs, Colds, Spitting blood, Ildv.r complaints and all affections orate throat, and even Asthma cud Consumption. Price 25 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold in Towanda, by CHAMBERLIN dr PORTER. No. 1, Brick row. ,5# i V , ER3 Let its Works praise 1t TOUSEY'S UNIVERSAL OINTMENT: A cana plete remedy fur Burns. &aids, Cuts, Swellings, Bruises, Sprains, Salt Rheum, Plies, Fever Sures, Sore Lips, Chapped Hands, Chil!brains, Scald Head, and al kinds of 114114Me1l son-s. Pernolls in all conditions of life, arc at times liable to lie afflicted with the above complaints. It is . therefore the duty of heads of families to provide and keep on hand, ready fur any emergency, a REMEDY that is capable of removing the. suffering attendant on those very troublesome comptinions. Those who have used TO USErS UNtrE RSA L OINTMENT, need not be told . that it is a complete remedy, a master of pain, and the most speedy remover of enfianlmalion ever discovered. The experience 'of such persons is suf ficient to prompt them to keep it always en hand, know ing that many valuable lives have been saved, by this Magical Conqueror of inflamed and other sores, burns, scalds, &c. It instantly stops all pain Of the severest kind; and prevents sears. No familyshaull be without it, as an immediate application of it l it etiaes of burns or acalilS, would do more good while waiting for the docker than be could do when arrived, 'besides preventing long ; hours of the utmost aulliaing which might pass before a' t physician could be obtained. It possesses control over the severest injuries by fire,, , over mortification, over inflammation, and by its com bined virtues it actin as anli.apas m_adir, anodyne, emollient and herding, and is theanoet complete external remedy in use. Thousands have tried, and thousands - praise it : It is ataataa co. sill-11120 working its way into public favor with arapidity un- j pESP 1 cT FI : LLY informs. the chitlins of -rowan known in the history of medicines. Att 114,,0 use it, re: i%Lk , da, and the public generally -that he is prepare) to con:mewl it. Again we say, no family shin.dd he with- execute in the neatest style all descriptions of out it. The agents furnish the public gratis, with hooka House, Sign. Coach or Carriage Painting, or desrribing, this ointment. Trimming,. ;.and every variety of Fancy. Vs, Each box of the genuine Torarr's UsirEnau. and Or»amental-Painting; Orrry %vv. has the signature of 8. Tothey written on Front his' long experience and the many Specimens of rho outside label in block ink. Never purchase a box his productions non; in use, he entertains' • flattering unless-this signature can 11P peen. Price .25 cents per hope . that b y c l ose application to his profession and box or five boxes for i. Prepared by Eta.in-r-r & Tor- being ti prompt to order he may secure • smtable snare of sea, Sync ire, N. Y. Sob] in New - York at 106 Noe. public patvonage. lie may be found st all thrive ot the San street, and Towanda, by CH t?iIBERLIN • & PoRTLit; Chair Factory of Tomkins Makinson, svbere will N 1, Brick Row 6Y - be nn hand to attend to the calls of those who may want Cllrkner's Vegetable Purgative PIM,'" hiaserv.ces. PAPER-HANGING done on short - no. A RE the first and only medicine ev e r discovered that j Lice, in a superior manner and reasonable tetras. will positirely cure Headache, Giddiness, Piles, ' • Towanda, July 4, IR4R. D.l'sfw,'Psia, Scurvy Smallpox, Jaundice, Pains in the Bark, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, lb- sing in the Throat. Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of nil kinds Female Ccmplaints. Measles, Salt Rheum, Heart Burn, Worms, Cholera, Morhus, Coughs, Quinsy, Whooping cough, Consumption, Fats, Li ver Complaint, Erysipelas, Deafness, Itching, of the Skin, Colds, Nervous Com plaints, and a variety of other Diseases arising foam Wiz purities of lodigestion. It has been proved that nearly 'every disease to which the human frame is subject, originates from impurities of the Bloat or Derangements of the Digestive Organs; and to secure Health, we must remove,those obstructions or restore the blood to its natural ,rate. This fact is universally known ,iiut people have t ruch an aversion to medicine, that, unless the case is urgent. they prefer • the diseaSe to the cure, until an impaired Constitution or a lit of i.ick.ricari rebukes them for the folly of theircon duet. Still they had saute excuse, for heretofore. med icine in almost all its forms, was nearly as disgusting as it was beneficial. Now. however. the evil is most ef fectually removed; for etitkesice's I:egeiable Purgatire Pills, being completely enveloped with A coariao OF ryas writes i.erilit,(which is distinct from the kernel) , have no taste of medicine, but are as easily swallowed as hits of candy: Moreover they Jo not nauseate or ipe in the slightest degree, which is occasioni9d by the fact that are compoubdtil on scientific iirincißes, and operate equally on all the diseased parts of the system, instead of confining themselves to, and racking any par ticular tegfan. (which is the great and admitted evil of every other purgative.) Ilence,they strike at the rout hi.faw, remove ,-i!! imr.ure hunfor4 from the blood, Inn the pores externally and internally, promote the In.ensihle Perf-piratien, obviate flatulency, Headache, iice.---ei.ar a t ell foreign and eimrixions pan i cles from chyle, no that the ht.,0,1, of which it is the origin, must he thoroughly purr—secure a free and healthy action to the Heir,. Lungs and Liver, and thereby restore health peril when all other menus hare jailed. ;-• A I letters of inquiry or for advice most he ad- drenoiesl (post paid) to Ltr.C.V.CLICKENER,No.giI Vesey-st., New York, or his authorized agents through-' 4 " out the country. For sale in 'Towanda, by elf -IMIIERIAN kit PORTER. No. 1, Brick Row. N. R. Remember, Dr. C. V. Cliclener is the inventor of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of the sort was ever heard of, until he introduced them in June, In-Ch Purchasers should therefore ask for Clickener's Sugar- Coated Pills, and take no other, or they will be made th.% victims of a fraud Corning, Elmirn, and Buffalo Line. . A EoAT THIS LINE will feave CORNING & ELMIRA for BUFFALO, every week during the season, in the following.order : Leave Corning, Tuesdays, at 10 o'elork, A. M. Leave Elmira, • Wednesdays, at o'clock, P. M. Leave I lava:ma. Thursdays. P tiT Tow Down Seneca Lake•nri Friday. touching at Big, Stream, Starkey, Lodi, Dresden. passing Geneva, Wa terloo and svnera Falls, on Si tiirslay. Le•ivc Buffalo for Elmira and Corning, every Saturday Morning. Leave Ifisehe_ster every Monday morning_ Bum' CORNING, CAPT. A. M. TATI-011. * BoAr ELMIR A. CAPT. H. AV. Tnonesos. BOAT BUFFALO. CAPT. E . IT. CALM,. For Freight or - Passage apply to the Captains on hoard, or to the following Agonts : W. M . Mallory, Corninz.Price & Holly. Geneva. S. B. Strang 6r Co. Elmira.lHastings & Field, do. .I.W intermilit. Horse Headsl.l. Miller, Seneca Falls. E. S. Hinman, Ravenna. IL. Boatedo, Montezuma. 1..G.T0u-nSend, Big stream H. L. Fish, Rochester. Woodworth & Post, LeidilNiles & Whieler, Buffalo. Gay & :Sweet, Waterloo. I April 12, ISM. BOOTS SHOES., ---Ladies' color& and hik gaiters, slips, and walking shoes, gent's cow hide, kip. calf and seal boots and shoes, and children's do.. aching low at the r . s .cntral•st.. - oc. N. N. BETS. • - OOVES ! Coppef TiCatdr Sheet INN, Brat AI =AWEINITANNIA WARE, , wiseLseits=ificag 7 in„. „ • • D. c. HALL is nowreceisinginother large supply of the go** trobditihntiltillte*prod to sell at wholeitrileor Mien, 411:1weritioilen( it the most reducell 'pike% ,for casb,lONNWiegrdlihrL - Store .and on the corner Ur Maitierat Bridge- lltfeits4 Witte ' t ipsy be found the largest end best assortmenroeStionei, this side of the city of Albany, such no Buckeye cooking stove. maned With • rota- [Nos, ry tirp. and hot air oven combined, l, 2,3, 4 Rochevier Empine hot air oven, l'oiverse . , •" Fulton, (improved) 14 C onzrisa tight air Cooking, 4 " * Albany Ektvated Grew ; 2, 3, 4, 4 - 6 Premium, 3,3,44,4,* Race's pat.-self-regulator, air-tight prior s 1,2, Rocticefer air=t ight parlor, - • '2,1, 4 Congress do., A lbany n , y (rosters) Fancy stood d parer, , , N. \.city 2, 4 ." parlor coal stoves, • ' 1, 2 Comoro cylinder do. • 142; g I Large quantity of Stove Pipe, Billows, Vs, fienas,, , Copper, Japanned is Britannia ware, Jive, kt:' which he will sell as shore, at wholesale or retail. Sheet Iron, Tin,Brass arid. Copper Work, made to ordin On short notice, and warranted. Petrone- wishing to pip chase the above articles will do welt by caißng w the above atom, before purchasing elsewhere, as the pooprie etor is.bomel mit to be undersold by-any living man. 5,000 SHEEP PELTS wanted, for which cull will he paid. Tqiieritia344 : - 6 eel THE . NOIVONATi ARE' DE, apn Peer 'WHO %WU= grxitclienD? • .• CF. HARDER rest:wife* wishes nifnform th e . citizens of Towanda, akikthe public that he has commenced the • HARNESS AND TRIM -- • in Towanda, cm Main street, a few doins a Bridge street, where he will. keep constantly make to order, Pla4d and common ilarneert, Trunki and Trunk ralicee,and all kinds of work in his fine. CAR RIAGE TRIMMING and MILFFARY WORK done to order. From his experience in the buitinesit, and punctuality in attending to it., be hopes be may receive a ellt r! of pul.lic- patninW All kinds of mod? tney be bat) at 'his shop Cheap er than at any other shop in this county. l'otran*:rone 12, :84R. I I •.: TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT & R. DAVIS. TAILORS, (laierrons the It—Ts City ni London,) have opened a shop, in the second story of the new Brisk block, erected by Burton Kingsbery, on Main street, where they are'peepared to execute all orders in their line with accuracy dc despatch. Fiore their long and rigorous instruction in the art, and, their extensive experience es Foremen, in the best shops in London, they fed perfectly coMpetent of being able to please the most fastidious taste, Mid to execute their work in•sueh , oubstantial and finished maylle, es to give satiscaztion to their customers. • ccr Culttng done to .ordor, and warranted to fit if Properly made up. G. B. DAVIS, ' Towanda.' Oct. 12, 1847. ylB R. DAVIS. 31E, NIT 7111:" 1 lIIIT ilGe- • 11T LAB ttinalt33, THE subscribers SOB continue to manufacture and keep on 'hand at their old stand, all kitals of eane ind wood meat CHAIRS', also SETTEES of various kinds, and BEDSTEADS of every demerit,- lion, which we will lull low for cash or Produce, or . Wake Pine lumber, White word.: Baas weal, or Cucumber ci air plank tie 4 by 4 Scantling 13 feet long—either Bottonweett,Baaawood or Maple, will also be received fat our wont.. Turning done to order in the neatest manner. JAMEt 11 1ACK1NSi..."(1 & CO. • Towandh. June 2:. 1848. New Tailoring. Establishment, In .No. 2. Brick Role. orer the, store of E. T. 1.;..r r . - third slont .a 3 . 1) ESPEV7'FL'LLY informs the citizens of Foam ' da, and the public generally, that he has removed his Tailor shop to No. 2, Brick Row, over the stereo( E. T: Fox. third story, where he solicit, those in want of Tailoring, to give him a' call. Having been employed in the Moarfashionadde estah. lishrhents in Philadelphia and elsewhere. and Iltiting de termined to spare nopaine to please, customers may depend upon having their work done promptly and in a gdod sty le as ran he had at any shop in town. ..411 work warranted well made and to Q:l7' Cutting dope cheap. and warranted. tP,id• Country PrOduee taken in payment for work. Towanda, Aue :tp, 1,447. - 4 No: 1., Brick how, again in Mr 07. .4. Chet _. AS just returned from the city of New York with a larve supply, of Watches,. Jewelry and fn , Silver ware, comprising . in pert. , t the fallowing articles:--Lever. 4 ) 4 t`i L'Epine and Plain Wstches,.writh th, 9 = a complete assortment of Gold Jewelry. such as Ear Rings, Fin ger Rin ;a, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Loch/13.001d chains, Gold Pens. Keys, tic. Also , sorts of Silverware. 1 and any quarititynf Steel liesilis—'4ll of whiCh he offers for sale e‘cecerlinely cheap for CASH. Waulles repaired on short notice,. and warranird to run well, or the money will he-refunded, and a writ ten.agreement given to that effeet if 'squired , N, A rt. r. SUGAR, and Country Produce taken in pal-Mein foi work ; and ale,. learn nolo, wad I l'brcrer ' flint the l'rotbere neat be paid when the Work is dune—l war against credit in all its forms. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. Towanda. April 15.15.3. BOOT SHOE MAiNtFACTORt ~. `~~ .~ y.-_,,. TOITIV W. WILCOX. has removed his estabits?", !LI ment to the shop between Kingtbery't and Bart kit's stores, and where he still solicits a share of public patronage.. He intends, by a careful selection of stock, and by attention to the interests or his ensue merit to make as neat and durable eroik us can be mei nufactured in this pat t of the errantry. lle'will -keep constant' y nn hand, and manufacture to order, Mornaro. Calf and Coarse Boots and MAikes Lathes' Ca - jeer", Mors end .Slips ; Children's io.. Geat's Gaiters and l'amps, Are. Ty Country Produce, of most descriptions, taken Is payment fin work, at the market pries. Towanda, .%pril 26, tut?, e Field !