Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 23, 1848, Image 3

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Irgrmi porstiance of a resolution of the umeting
of the friends ot Cass and Butler held i f
that meet
on Monday, the '2lSt ttiSt., thd officers o
ing hereby give notice that a Cass and Butler
ing will be held in Towanda, on T
tog next. ' 0. F. MAN, Pres.
• Annuli's
Joys F. M 141116,
A. L. en..xxsz.
V. E. - Piousr,
IS-rzwarr Smut,
Cassrsa Turmas,
• M. F. Roxson,
Lsroii - rt,• •
Sxxeri BILLS,
H. C. Baird,
J. M. Wattles, l i Secretaric.;
WM. Scott, )
Neu) abvcritortneUte
IPargtatOEkrf QUIVerT.,C9SS'O
TENDERS his' professional si.rvices to the citizens
of .Monroeton and vi iuiiy. His rooms are at the
Monroeton Exchange oil P. Smith.
Refers to Dr. H csro Towanda; and Dr.-BLI ss
Leroy. August 23, 1848- •
BBROKE into the e iclosure of the subscriber in To
wands township, on the Bth of August instant. a
dark brindle Steer, 3 rears old. The owner is requested
to prose property, lay charg , s and take him away.
Towanda, Augi st 18, 1848. A .C..GRAGG.
"" Tut
111 71411
11 II
A LARGE SUPPLY of the above valuable turd
icinejust received at the Cheap Drug Store of
August 23. . J. D. FORD.
ronststtrig-of a splriaially tairqdrd rronpr of Fres
foam. from thr Chexnut 81. Ataintheatrr. Phifii.,
SEPTEMBER 2d I ftg. The hieh estimation
has acquired and holds, must prove silciently the
truth.of the description of talent attnhnted to each
artist, and of every effect advertised in the hills .and
pamphlets, One of the most extraordinary and
wonderful improvements in travelling exhibitions,
is the introduction of theSYLVIC G AS, for lighting
this immense Establishment which 1. introduced .
into the centre of the beautiful Farallon /ma large
Coronet of Silvan brilancy.
THE ORCIISTRE,. the finest in the ritited
Mates, will he under the direction of die Celebrated
Mr. RICHARD, surnamed the King Bugle
THE PERFORNIF:W , :ire of the most superior
class in talent, l'he pos•lion or the l' i , Tt letor en
ables him to secure all the great Mem sit America,
end of the FAiropcan Continent.
THE NOBLE ti'rut), Consist; of lit r‘rs and
Ponies of the moat beautiful shape, full blond and
fanciful ntarks.of any equine selection in the known
world. Journeys the most expensii.e have been
undertaken to cull the pride of Arabia. the choice of
England and France and the •zelerolon of Scotland.
given in the bills and pamphlets of some of the'
suosttlttiken Feaks of the .4 mates, in order to bring
more forcibly to the mind of the general readers, the
Wonderful Erects about to be witnessed.•
Qj' HOURS OF EXHIBITION. Iu tile afternoon.
Doors open ai 2 and Performance% Cc.mmeoce at 23
c:elock. In the Eveni::g the Doors open at 7, Per
formanceq Commences
ADMLrrAN(•k: 5 Cclll4,
cO" For particulars see large btlls and pamphlet,.
Will perform at I t eßaysv ri Al), Sept. 1, at
'Athens, Monday, the-4th.
• - -
FROM the • st Manufactories in Boston, for sale by
Trov, a., Au g . 16, 1818. R. S. EtAt4SETT.
FOR SALE, 250 hush. of the celeriraied SOULE'S
WHEAT. procured of Mr.Powland, near !twilit'
ter, said to yield on good ground, trim 40 to t.O bushels
per sere, $1 25 per acre. Also, two fine BUCKS,
ball breeds; one a Leicester and the other. a Cotswold,
very low'. WM. H.
.„Athens, A.MIM 9. 19 1 9 . . •
.! RE.ID! !
KING'S BERN' & CO., are now receiving from
.13• Philadelphia and New Work. the largest, cheapest
and most complete assortments of COODS 01 all kinds,
saw Towanda,' which will positively be sold
cheaper than goods have ever before been offered in this
-place. We invite the citizens to call and see onr assort
ment and price our good a before purchasing elsewhere,
as we hale got many things which are rare an I desira
ble to he'obtained. Don't forget the place. B. til NGB
- it CO., new block. opposite the burnt district,
wheregoods will be sold this summer, clear down below
the reach of any other store.
Towanda, May 17. 1848.
The Saddle and Harness Business
IS still continued h e y ELICANAH SMITH,*J. CULP
&C. T.' smr H, under the Firm of Elkanah
Smith & CQ., at theold stand North side of tit.) Public
• Square, where will he kept constantly on hand Best
Plain and Quiltet! Saddles, Plated and Common
Harness, all kinds of Trunks, %%dices, and all other
wrist in their line.
Carrian Tr*m in L. 4. Military work
donm to order. From their experience and punctuality,
' they are in hopes to receivem share ni,publie patronage.
Work tan be had at their shop a' cheap asst any nthet
. shop in the connty of the same , Plllilt v. Mat I SI, '47
WI Ilin in Nyco/.
i AS removed his office to IL Uea6 w new office. on
'll. second Wryer, where he will be plenwal were those
who need his professional services. Dec. 29, 1847. y
GINGHAMS, new styles, - and monstrous cheap ;
Lawns, of every description ; Organdie molding,
embroidered mohair. and in fact all the most desirable
etyles'of Dress Goods in warket,with trimmings to match
cheerer than any other goods in town, at FOX'S.
MATCHES.--Csolsh's, Gi ll 's iopic and Pierce's Fnc
tion Matches, by the gross or Mx, at No.l, Brick
CROCKERY, a large lot in sena, atc•; and Looking
Glaraies, i great variety, cheap at FOX't4.
ust 22, 1848
* DOt
410,0 1 0 , 11) urvree mvolli I
Merely for the wmil of cheap flocks. Wacket and
Jewelry ! (4t4 Itu.+4,at the
TAlittii . P. BULL respectfully infisens the citizenry
11, of Towanda and vicinity. that be has lately return
ed tresn'Philadelphia. and permanent!, located in To
wanda, one door below the Brick Row, in the roes fen
merly occupied by ?.ltrcur'e HatBteic. •hew may be
found gold and silver watches, gold, fob and guard
chains, gold and silver pencils, gold pens, breast pins,
finger rings, ske., cheap for cash, and every article war
ranted. A large supply of CLOCKB,-of the latest im-
proved patterns, sunning from 30 hours to 8 days and
a month, with one winding. . _ _
.C)" Pertirular attrntion repairing.CLOCKS.
WATCH ES &JEWELRY, of every description, and
from the long experience which he has had in the bu
siness. work left in his care will - be. done in the hest
workmanlike manner. Old gold and silver taken in
exchange. Towanda. August 1.6, 1818. y
_ _
111 rz 7irC cud ID
•T 71114 ONLT
1N 7'o il'A ND A
ET. FOX would most respectfully inform his old
-1-4 • friends, and any one else who is in want of mer
chandise, that he is receiving and will keep constantly
on hand a good assortment of all kinds of Goods usually
kept in a county store :—Dry Gonds.,Groceries, Crock
ery. Hardware, Boots 4- shoes, Hats and Gaits, Fish.
Paints and Oils, Dye stuffs, Iron, Nails, Carpeting,
4 - e. We will consider it a favor for people to let us
show them our goods, as we think they cannot fail to
suit. It is true, I cannot hoist of as great a number of
years' experience in_ purchasing goods, as some, yet I
trust the good people of Bradford have not •forgotten.
their own dear bought experience in buying goods of
these same old e.rperieneed coons. Look out for them,
i or they will stick on their usual tariff', I will sell as
cheap, if not cheaper then any other live man. Please
give us s call, st. No. 2, Brick Row,
Towanda, :Nay 24. 1848
HE only : Universal Remedy is at last discovered in
the shape of Cheap Goods, at FOX'S. It is on
an external remedy, but if applied by the subwriber, is
warranted sure cure, and no :mistake. If a man feels
poor or had in the region of his pwket book, the most
efficient remedy is to call at Fox's, and buy what goods
he wants, as be Can .I , Uy more for less money than at
any other - place in-town. For anything like dyspepsia;
the safest, plesantest and hest remedy is a quantity of
that fresh, tiCild Tea at Fox's, from 3s to 6s per lb.,
sweetened with some of that nice 6d Sugar. -In fact,
; there is hardly a disease that flesh is heir to, that a reme
dy cannot he found for at t.rny'24 FOX'S.
I" - -
A N ACT for the benefit of the People of Bradford
Be it remembered by all good citizens, that
a man can bm, as many Dry G,suls and Groceries as he
can carry home, for a mere !rifle, hardly worth mention
inz, at No. 2. Brick Row. mly24 FO 'S.
(111 N B. FORD has just received, at hie-Drug store
one dour below Kinashery's store, in 11.Kingshery's
new brick block . , Main street. a large addition to his
former assortment, which he tmw offers to the attention
of the public. His stork 'now comprises every article
usually kept, smong which marbrfimtul the fallowing:
Opium, cream tartar, camphor, castile soap, liquorice,
balsam copailss, rhubarb, jalap. aloes, II risers chamo
mile, gum araktc, castor oils qutcksil•er, magnesia, roll
and flour sulphur, reG ied and crude borax, calomel, red
precipitate, ern rosive sublimate, aqua ammonia, tartaric
acid, epsorn saki, lauilunum, senna. sulphate quinine,
all of the essential oils, gum myrrh, canthilides, gum
tragacanth. corks, salsaparills, gamboge, litharge, spir
its turpentine, rotten stone, umber, terra de sienna, salt
pelts, aunts seed, isinglass, culiebs, annoUn, &c., &c.
. Crushed, loaf. and muscavado sugars, cheaper than
ciin lie bought elsewhere in town; black and green tea;
sabersius, pepper, spice, mustard. pepper sauce, raisin",
nutmegs, cloves, mace, It io and Java coffee, starch, gin
ger, oils, tibiehinz. Mown, variegated and fancy
wisp. sperm and tallow candles, tobacco, sugars and
snuff. maicbea, &c., &c.
CogniaC, ()pita, peach and Ameriesn Brandy; St.
Croix. Jamacia and New England Rum ; swan, lion
and Baltimore Gin; Scotch, Iriah and Monongehala
Whiskey ; Maderia, pale" and brown Sherry, pure juice,
Port, ,Teneritie, Liabun, Malaga, Muscat, claret and
etiampaigne alines, alcohol,
Bay water, lavender, colonge and root water, mac
caaaar and lwar's oil. otto rows, ox marrow. pomatum,
rouge. pearl powder, bandeline, flesh, tooth, hair, nail
and clothes brushes, feather dusters, calf wallets, boy's
belts. combs, pins, fish hooks, pencil points, playing
c4rds, percussion caps, ink,' steel pens, Ate.
Wegtern Panacea. Balm of Colombia, Pink Syrup,
Komstock'a Verinifuge Hay's Liniment. Mother's Re
lief, Pain Extractor, Acoustic oil, Hair dye, Andrew's
and Mrs. Brown'a Painkiller, Godfrey's.cordtal, Adhe
sive plaster, Townsead's, Webster's. Wood's and Shep
herd's Sarsaparilla, Lithontripic mixture, Wtstar's Bal
sam, Hungarian Balsam of Life, Upham's Electuary,
M' A Iliste r's Oinrment. Shepherd's, Komstockm, Orrick's
and rahnestock's Vermifug', Brown's celebrated Lotion
for Consumption, Sovereign balm pills, sugar coated
Pills, and all the Most popular medicines of the day.
co - The stock is complete, containing everything
kept in the largest establishments, and is 3ffered at the
lowest possible prices.
Remember, that Ford's. Cheap Drug. Grocery and
Liquor Sore, is in Kincal*ry'• new block.
Towanda, June 7, 1848.
Bat a Crrat Fall in the Price of Goods. at th
CREED. the proprietor, is now receiving a largo
• assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which
are selling so low as to astoni+h even the" natives."—
The selcefion consists of every vatie'y end style of
fishionabie goods for the season, a catalogue of which
would be entirely too numerous to mention here. Sam
pler will be shown with the greatest pleasure. to any
one who will have the goodness to call, and we will
show them that goods can and will be sold cheaper at
the Savings Bank, No. 5. Erick Row, than in any other
establishment in Bradford Co. C. REED.
Towanda, May 30. 1848.
Goods well Bought are half Sold !'
Ts now oPenitigle large stock and extensive safely of
01. GOODS, selected with the greatest care, and bought
'under great advantages in the cities of flew York and
Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorabte condi
tion of both markets—and having in view the motto
above. has so bought that he can and will sell on as fa
uoiable terms as the test, and will endeavor to show to
community the advantage of buying from those who buy
well. Towanda, 113ay 23,1848.
, nr , VOLS. published by the American Sunday
/ School anion, and for sale low in quintities
tb suit pttrchasers. my 2.3 0. D. RARTLETT.
:I. I .PMZMIO I- 41.-LZ 4 1 .5 Ctnaktf l 1-S.Z . a9
IFFERS hi■ professional service' to the people of
Towanda. and vicinity. •
Office at Chamberlin & Potter's Drag btore, No. I,
Bnck Row. "orv9
DUMPS'.—Cast Iron well and cistern pumps, war
ranted to drew. water from thirty to suety feet for'
wriest the New Hardware Store. , D. LORD.
HARDWARE, a goal mot talent. itteltaitag Tram
Steel, Nage,. Om at No. 2, B.R.
• • filculombir,
. ,
At the Oilier ef: tai wed ikireliia
TRINGSBERY, JR. is sow tecateit4ol4l'Phie
J . yokanitilawkaphia. tau l ices cilirsbPek of
Sprig mut limner Drt'.,ool4s .
••=rt • •
M. p iftorneselamirliorm ar-
Groceries, iiiiiiiesee,'-'Crockery,
Book and Show, (a large variety,)
Glass, Peilds, Dye-wootk, Fish, tc. .
Also—Leghorn. Pedal and Prim leaf Hats; Angola,
pearl. eassimere and silk Hats ; Florence. Cbina-pearl.
Nenpoliton, oven work and lawn Bonnets. Books and
Siatiorrery; Wall paper from Ige to 50c per piece, Win
dow paper, &e, Musical Thatruments—Flutes, Clari
nets, Flageolets, Fifes, &c. J. ,KIMISHERY, JR.
Towanda, May 17, 1818.
fIINGH ANN.—We have a large quantity of small
patterns. very !landscape and devirable ; French and
linen gingham., of excellent quality.
mayl'l• • KINGSBERY /lc CO
T A WNB.—Vrerich, American and Organdie Lawns,
.1-4 a beautiful assortment ; also. plaid and figured silk
wool barages. my 17 KINGBBERY dr. CO.
CALICOES.—A•choice selection of Merrimack, Ilf•
ange and blue, pink 'and all other kinds, small fig
ure. Two shilling calico for nine cents; call and nee,
hie mind, the only place is KNOSOER Y. & CO.
BONNETIC—A choice selection of Floreviet, lace,
China pearl, Pawls, Leghorn, and other fashion
able styles of ladies and misses''-Bonnets, very cheap;
also Bonnet ribbons, artifieials. wreaths. &e.
Au Extensive Assortment or Ready•waile Clothing
Y stock is large, comprising a full assortment of
jj Summer Clothing of every• kind such u Tweed
Croton, Queen's Cloth, and silk mixed Grecian Sack
and habit cloth, linen and cloth dress COATS.
E. I'. FOX'
Also, PANTS & VESTS, of every kind; cravats
and handerchiefs, gloves and summer hose, all offered
cheap—so cheap that I think it will pay for coming and
looking at my stock.
Also, A good assortment of Broad Cloths, Caul nitres
and Vesting*, Tweeds and Kentucky Jeans. Linens,
&c., that I will make up to order, and very cheap. I
pledge myself to sell as cheap as can he bought any
where in the country. L. BATCHELER.
Towanda, May 9, 1949.
JOINER'S TOOLS.—A good assortment of Bead,
Moulding and Bench PLANED. grooving plows,
And other Joiner's Tools, ju received from the manu
factory, and for sale low by . B. BART LE 11'.
Tfir. subscriber has opened a CLOTHING STon G. two
doors north of the Public Square, on Main street,
(clearly opposite the new brick tavern now (wing erect
ed by C. L. NY si.L—Esq.) where he oil! keep constantly
on hand, and for sale at the lowest possible priers, a
large and general assorttueut of READY DE
CLOT HIS'S', such as •
Stocks, Suspenders,. Glares, Mowry, Drawers,
Flannel Umkohl Hs, 4, ,t)y.
He has also on hand:and it corainiily receiving, a
large assortment of Cot
such as Silks, Satins, Marseilles, &c.. ail of which will
be made up to order on short notice and on seasonable
terms. The subscriber having been a: practical Tailor
for the last 15 years, in the city of New York, Ostlers
himself that he can give satisfaction to ell who may fa
vor him with their patronage.
His Clothing is all made op unrirs.his own inspec
tion, and he has therefore no hesitancy - , in recommend
ing it to those who wish, to purchase. .
CrY GUI - MG and MAKING UP-for persons who
prefer to turnish their own materials; end Cutting done
for persons who wish to hive-their garments made else
where--all of which shall be done with neatness and
The subscribe' is also agent for A. Wheeler's Report
of Paelsions, which ho can furnish to such as are want
ing. on reasonable terms. B. A. SMITH.
Towanda, June 6, 1848.
GOODS .4:.;
DESPECTFULLY announce to their numerous
14 friends and cuitomers, that they one now opening
the largest and most general assortment of GOODS,
ever before offered in Towanda. embracing almost every
thine wanted by persons of every clue and condition.
All those wishing to purchase Goods for cash, will
find it for their interest to examine this meek.
Towanda, May 2G, 1848.
II dli. - on R./4 'Lir:so I, us. Philena Robinson. No. llt
Dec. 7'., IS-17, In Bradford Common Picas. Lthd
1)1 , 011".f.
fru PHILENA RottiNsfirN, defendant in tide
JL at ove cause : You are hereby notified that
WILLIAM R. ROBINSON, your husband has filed
his petition (Or a divorce from the bonds of matri
mony. And an alias subpoena has been returned,
and proof made that you are not to'be found in said
county. You are therefore, hereby required to ap
pear at the court house in the borough of Towanda.
on Monday, the 4th day of September next being
the first da: of September term of said court of com
mon plea., to answer the said complaint, and show
cause if any you have, why the said William shall
not be divorced from you.
J. F. MEANS, Sheriff:
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Aug. 1, 1848,
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested.
II that
Henry C. Allyn, one of the administrators of Bettijah
Allenoleed, late of Warren township;
Henry Russell, one of the administrators of Wm H.
Tupper, deed, late of Windham township ;
Nathaniel Flo • or, administrator de honis non of the
estate of A lanson B. Shaw, dec'd, late of Ulster tp.
E. FL Myer, administrator de 'lonia non of the estate
of Vs . m. ?dyer, deed, late of Wpm: tp
Irad Stevens, adt )) i)) istrator of the estate of Samuel
Stevens, deceased, laic of Pike township.
A itia Tuttle, executor of the estate of Joel Tuttle,
deceased, late of Standing Stone township.
C. 0. Spencer. one of the executors of the lastlitill
and testament of J. Withey. deed, late of Canton tp.
lames Merritt and. Roswell Dunbar, executors of J.
B. Momtt, deed, late of Granville tp.
John F. Satterlee, executor of the estate of William
Bertrand, dedd, late of Athena tp.
Hive severally filed and settled n the office of the
Register of W ills, iciand for the Co. of Bradford, the ac
counts of their several administrations upon the estates
aforesaid, sod that tke same will be presented to the
COphan's court of said eo. on Monday the 4th day of
gepterriber next, for confirmation and allowance.
L R. DE War, Register.
Register's Office, Towanda, August t, 1848.
Cheapest Goods ever sold in Towanda
cription, for old men and young men, for young
misses and old ladies, for the high, the low, the rich,
and the poor 3 all can now be accommodated. A few
articles in the line of Dress Goods, which are going off
with a perfect rush, we can here mention, such as Frch
lawn gingham", derkand light gingham', linen lustre.,
French tawny. berages, and a great assortment of Prints
are now selling lower than the lowest - at No. 8, BR.
June 14, 1848. REED'S.
B ONNETS, and Bonnet Trimmings, of every des
eriptiar... suitable for the reason, may be found in
abundance, at.d very cheap at 6, B.E. REED'S.
WANTED, any quantity of Sutter, at dui market
prom, at the Central Store. N. N. SETTS.
Just rerrired at L. Batch?ler's
H. S. & M. C. MERCUR,
littrchanbi#, fic.
It F. ligr (I, 0 41) MO%
At Wholesale and
vromrANyss & CO. are now receiving fresh
ill from New York sod PhitodetptliC the most desi
readied.* of GOODS. ever tarred this musket. end
think that en experiences of twenty years in the aka
alum of goods had ought to enable them to purchaser
cheap as the cheapest. We invite public amnion to
oar sleek. and think we eon saw isthseentents wanly
the notice of the meet dons buyers mad awaimentof de.
a ruble goods. May 10848.
AT VI , receiving almost daily at t h e Central Brick
Stine, (Cheap silk of Main st..) fresh smipliea of
which we are relling st.unusually prices. If you
want cheap and good Gonda, mark the Central Store.
For particulars, vegßeporter neat week.
May 29, 1848. N. N. BETTS.
IWOULD ay. to my old friends and all that wish to
buy goods cheap, that I am still to be found at the
CENTRAL STORE, where my arrangements are still
to partially take charge of and assist Nr.N . Betts in
the above named establiAment.
I woitkl thcrcfo•o be pleased at any time to show and
=tidy you that it is not always a fact that those who
wake the most muse in the world, or have the larteet
stoles, that sell goods the cheapest.
Respectfully, yours.
rowan,la, June 6. 1846. A.D.MONTAN YE.
el LOT li S & C A FISI EKES. —Englist!„ French
.1 and American Cloths and Cassimeres, and a large
asrortment of Fancy eassimerea, selling at very low
rates at the Central Store. N. N. DErrs.
LADIES' GOODB.— Lawns, gingham*, raw st:ks.
and silk and linen gingham., (new style of goods)
de laines, white dress goods, of livery variety, at the
Central Store. j. 7 N. N. BETTS.
PRINTS -1000 yards on hand: which we will *ell
to rash eustomeniat coot.
Match 22. 1818. MONTANYES & CO.
GROCERIES.—Uood young firkin and hymn akin
teas, at 37i •.:(1 50 cents—and auger to sweeten
it at GI and 8 cents ; all other kinds of Groceries in pro.
portion at the Central Store. N. N. BET i
EXPECTED in a few days, a fear more loads of
New Goods, at N. N.BEI - rw.
This is no disgutting. nauseating pill, potion, or
mixturo ; nothing that produces pain or irritation; but
a medicine that is at once pleasant and agreeable in its
application. affording immediate relief, and will cure the
very worst cases of painful, itching or bleeding Piles in
a !cry few days. Call at Casa mania & Pow -era's
Drug Store, No. I. Brick Row, Towanda, and you will
not go home without a bottle.
AV o p R I
a S i
d T E t f a c D k R a
i G o
r O ca t) 1.) ,t
rii . v — cc P a i s a • in tila fi c a k ur a eti nd e c nd
lored French N.erinoes; Oregon Flitids ; rich French
and common Cashmeres, Delaines, ate., a great variety
of Myles for tale at septls ME RC 1111:+3,
1,1R0.1 Dui.o•nis. Cassimeres, and Summer Stuffs
.1../ —and endless variety, to, snit all tastes and all elaa
sel of people, selling extremely low at REED'S.
QHEETINOS AND Ski urns us you will es
amine our stork, you• will be sure to buy, unless
you should think the price ao low, that there was some
wrong in it. .KINOSBERY & CO.
FOR board and tuition, including Or th ography, Rest - .
ing. Writing. Arithmetic. Algebra, Book-Keeping.
English Grammar. Rhetoric Composition, Geography.
Use of the Globes, Mineralogy, Natural Philosophy and
Astronomy. (with the use of a good Impartial to illus.
trate those studies.) Moral Philosophy and Chemistry,
payable quarterly in advance, per annum. 5100 00
Day scholars, per quarter, 4 00
French,. per quarter,
Spanish, " 4 00
Music, (on the piano,) per qnarter, 10 00
Embroidery anti rug work. " 2 00
Any young lady ncoriving instruction on the piano,
is privileged to learn rug-work, or any one of the above
languages, at the same time, without additional charge.
To a young lady who studies the Englis branches, the
terms of learning each of the above branche,, are per
quarter, $3 00
Instruction on the Midst, ~ 4 00
Ilse of Pianos, 75
Drawing end painting in water Mara, including
the use of materials, such u drawing parr,
paints. pencils, &c. 4 Off
Oil painting on eanvaw, v lb 00
Painting transparent, window shades, including
- Usi supply:At smawriala. each , .. 4- 00
Formula painting on paper. silk and select, par
twelve lessons, 6 00
Gilding on silk, crape, &c. 10. 3 00
Wax flowers, per quarter, - 5 00
Pens and ink, " ' 50
Washing, .1 2 50
Board in vacation, *2 00 per week.
fosters. post-paid, addressed to the Misses NV HITE
Sc. GRIFFIN, Binghamton, Broome eo., N. Y., will
receive prompt attention.
al. The next session of this establishment opens on
tbn first Monday in September.
Binghamton, August 9, 1848.
1-1 7fir (of
ARE now receiving a new supply of GOODS from
New York. Alan. one ark load of SALT.
Towanda, July 12. 1848.
Tu n!. pay his next visit to Towanda, in October
V V _ next, and may be found at Wooniterr's Ho rat..
His friends ate invited to call. inly 12, 1848.
DANIEL LORD takes • this . method to infonn the
inhabitants of Bradford Co., and the surrounding
enuntiy, that he is receiving at the old stand of J. P.
Kirby, a large and wellselected assortment of
H. A_ 11EIR.11:10 11.11 at AL_ kik Mr.,
Consisting in part of the following : Nails, copper, tin.
sheet iron bar and sheet lead, lead pipe of various sizes,
anvils, ,cotter and staple vices, crow bars, amide, sho.
vela and forks, mill, X cut, circular, panel & web saws.
Tools, House Trimmings of various descriptions.
Latest improvement. Also, the Self-Regulating Par
lor Stove. He will manufacture and keep on hand
Copper, Tin, and Shed Iron Ware,
of all kinds, and at low prices. All pas* wishing
to purchase Hatchway% will do well to call n D. Laid
before purchasing at any other place. His stock is en
tirely new and fresh. He will sell as cheap tut any oth
er establishmen twithin 100 miles of this place, (no
mistake.) All kinds of Copper, Tin and [Sheet Irob
Ware, repaired and made to arch r in workmanlike man
ner. Towanda, June 26, 1848. _
DGUYSOTT'S Compound Extract of Yellow
Dock and Sarsaparilla, an efficient and certain
remedy for Consumption, scrofula, cutaneous diseases,
rheumatism, gout, general debility, dyspepsia, bilious
diseases, female complaints, headaches, coughs, colds,
fever and ague, and all chronic affections arising from
the abuse of medicines, for sale at No. 1, Brick Row,
D AIt'ASOLB do UMBRELLAS, the most extensive
I and splendid assortment ever bro't into Towanda,
may be found at No, 5, E. IL WEED'S.
GltEEff PABASOLB-1 few more of_ those eyden
did green efllt and Tart seen ftinged psrWls and
stades, just reed and setting my low a TOrS.
schanbix, tit.
Harrah ! *rah ! Hurrah !Semi!
HEY vow i r thri tome ! those g
giht 0011 8 T;in sisiously %Art' for by the public. which 1 "
are sow preprint to' sell se taw as em before ellerniht
thifignketi This fate arrival erasing of
et a great Variety. lred which Will be sold very low. 117
QH A WLE—mainess saris' tyl elm Ow* itails,43lsies
1.7 sad eveything usually kept% easany .tae'. by
(710UNTERIrANE8.—A few very choir* ewes jos
oNNETEL f —Floyence, strew, p earl straw, ant] lace
B Bonnets
also, paltn.lesf and bighorn tws, by
July 14. : ELLIOTT & TOMKINB. .•
CLOTIIM.-- . IA good variety ; French and English
Caasimereis of all kinds, and Marinette, which will
be sold low by , mixt) r I' & TomKINK
IRON AN DIN AlL Mather, S, glass add sash, rope,
large and snit% drugs and paints. of all kinds, kept
constantly on hand by , ELLIOTT & TONKIN&
T)EiteoNis IperChasing goods will do well 17;0'11 and
examiner goods before purchasing i Ismaliere,
as our stock i large and well selected, and purchased
when the good are lowest; so that we have a conside-
Table-advantage over those who purchased earlier.. We
can accommodate our customers with almost everything
they wish, fro a coffee moll to a corn sh4ler.
July 14. . ELuorr & TONKIN:A.
HEAVEf ? / ,
--i ' / . CURE,
For sale at N.
... - 7 !
Chamberli# - ,, i- • .."-'-'- "It":".1
CBA & PORTER, No. I, Brick Row,
who key constantly on t and a full assortment of
genuine Drugs and Mrdicinco. Paints, Cih, Dyestuffs,
Groceries, 1. ancy articles, sr.. c .:
Alebasi's pocir man's plast. Trask's magneticoiroment,
tooth ache drops, Tousey's Universal do., the
Blink'ff health restorative, ' Muter of pain,
Clickener's r. c pills, Wistar's balm, wild cherry,
Dalley's pain extractor, Buchan's Hung. balsam life,
Fahnestock'S vcrmifuge, Andrew's pain killer,
Gridley's salt rheum olnt. Davie do.
Orrfenberg 'medicines; Harding's sticking salve,
Hobensack'S worm oyilup, Peleg White's do.
Ingoldsby's pile specific, Ellis ad . plaster cloth,
Dr. Jayne's (medicines, Extract of Wa-ahoo or bur-
Jackson's pile * better em. fling bush, an Indian me-
Sherman's medicines, dicine for consumption,
poor mar 'a plast. diseases nf the liver, 4c.,
Merrick's vermifuge, 'Thompson's rye water.
Worsdell's {reg. res. pills, Wearer's worm tea,
Dr. We-ton's female " Brittis'
Winslow's bals. horehound, Brant's Indian remedies,
Moffat's medirinss, Ward's liniment,—relieves
Folger's Oliwoonian, rheumatic and other pain,
Phinney's pills, Webster's ex. sarsaparilla,
Pocahontas do. . Harlem oil, •
Porter's tooth cordial, Carpenter's do.
Soule's or. pov. balm pills, McAllister's ointment,
Sarayne's riyrup w. cherry, Tinliggton's balsam life,
do, Sermifuge. Balm of Columbia,
Smith's s. c. Ind. veg. pills, Bateman's pectoral drops,
Scarpa's acoustic oil, Codfrey i s cordial,
Wright's Ind. ves.pills, Bollard's oil soap,
Oriental do. Indian vegetable eliser,
Brandreth'is do. Jew David's plaster,
Welaaer's,bilious do. Cheesernan's Arabian baba;
Phelp's tomato do. Cooper's corn sale,
Dr. Hush's do. Mother's relief,.
Lees' . do. Gelatine capsules,
Post's poor man's do. Cephalic crown snuff.
With many others, not enumerated; The subscri
bers are agents for most of the above medicines, and
'Penult every article gentling. July 19, 1848.
$4 00
4 00
WOULD rapt-canny . inform the inhabitants of To
wanda and vicinity, that they have opened a
GROCERY ec VARIETY STOKE, in the corner
building ittorili of the public square, on Main-al. where
may be found all kinds of
Groceirles4 Peeservesl Pickles, Fruits,
Tobacco, Sniff Cigars ' Grady, Crackers and Toys
ecery dcsaiplibn, Bosketc, Brooms, Willow ware,
; Sperm and Tallow Candles, liar soap,
Vinegar, rout, Polak. liana, t)T., 4T,
all of which will be sold chili for cash.
Towanda, July 3, 19434
(C3 l ,VltiTti
DtrittitrAftrr to an Uhler of the Orphan's Court e
.L Bradford cortaty. will be valorised to public sale en
WEDNOSDAY,Itie 18th day of Agust., 1848, at
o'clock, P. M., upon the premises. p u ieee or pate& of
land in Troy towohip, late the estate of Wm. Mitchell
dcc'd., bounded on the north by land of Samuel Allen,
and Luella' and Reuben Stiles, east by land! of E.Long,
peuth by. lands of Henry Greenough. west by Wilds of
Lucius and Reuben Stiles. Containing about 137 acres
or thereabouts, about 35 acres Improved, with a frame
dwelling house and small frame ham thereon. Alien;
dance elven, and terms mule known on day of sale,
The above stands adjourned until Tuesday. the
29th daY of August, 1848. at 3 o'eloek.
July.l9, 1848, Administrators,
ODEIP/aP =MUM akalatj
B Y s 4
order 4 the Orphans' Court of Bradford co.,
will be exposed to public sale on THURSDAY,
71h day of September 1848, at 1 o'clock, upon the pre
mimes, 4 piece or parcel ofland in Towanda bow., late
the property of Truman Kinsman, dec'd., bounded on
the north by John Wilcox, on the east by William st..
on the imuth by Division st., and west by main streiti
containing about twenty-four square rods.
Attendance given, and terms. made known on the
day of sale. L. W. TIFFANY,
August-14, 1818. Administrator.
THEproprietors of ibis ktrostaerr...— stir
continue the business of treightinu merchandise,
produce,Jamber, &e., between
ningtainstaa and .fl'r York,
and solicit the continued patronage of their friends.—
They are prepared with increased facilities to accom
modate the public. having
which wilt linable them to despatch a boat direct from
New-Yorklo Binghamton DAILY durhig the season,
with NO TRANSHIPMENTS on the entire route.
acTrhey Invite a call from their friends before shipping,
os their charges will be at lowest rates.
C. AVIEINNEY, Bingham/en }}
,',Aelnrrs 11.1ESSE HINDS. '7 Soldkrel,N.York ;
al' The subscriber stiil continues the business of Sto
rage and Potwar'ling, and may at all times be found at
his well known storehouse, where he keeps for sale at
lowed Frites, flour, Salt, Grindstones, Ropes, Pitch,
Oakum, Seel, Pork, &c.
aa` Cush paid for all kinds of &unbar and Produce,
delivered at the Storehouse, C,{ MICINNEY.
Binghamton, April 21.. 1848. I 48m8
its:eked, and for sale by the Guile barrel or load,
jer 1 MERCURS%
01.10THS & CAB3IMEREB, ou t Osumi
N.) Phalle, such u brown. oliv e sot gold mixed Bea
vers will be sold very low at SA VINGS BANK.
. 1 4.1i f ir 8, also Mat chd
the troo, . t Pa PDX'S.
ADMfNisTatt i rows - fierricE.
ALb persiditialleWed to the.. 'Ana of Morino Hum
phrey, died., late of 'Jewell tp., eve Kett tiy mitteo
lied to stake plyment witlumt delay, sod dime booing
claiNis Brink Mil mute will phase mom, theta dit'y
st.theuticated fit ositlemetw, C.Q.'61111/LEY,
' Orwell, July f 2, 1848. Aanatti‘tratco.
A LL porome irmietdedto •• estate of:IPRO/DRICII
1 DRADLOY, dec'd.. late of Litclidelit are 'trick/
foliated to mike permit *idiom Mat, grid them
harlog of spirit mid estate will Ohm present
them fly mtbrotiested for orstroortd..
ArNDRCW DRADLIKV,/ wveretemp,
• Litellfield, Jane 14, 18411.
By virtue of sundry write of vend, rape. Weed Wee out
of the kr.nrif of .Common Pleas of Bradford County,
to me direeted,.l .hail repose to peak sale teethe house
of T. P. Woodruff, in the hornogb Termed*, oin Maw•
day the 4th day of SEHTEMUER nest, el one ?deck .
PI M., the following piece or morel of fend St the -
!;rnship of Ridgehery, and bounded on the north by
I de of Perrin Burnhaa ,on the east by
and south-west by Howard Burt. Containing three
acres all imprneed, with one framed Votive.
"Seised and liken in execution at the son of Cool.
baogh and McA4pitte v., Wm. Johnson,
A I.Bo—v/The defendants interest in thai frothosHeg
piece or, parcel of land .ituatrd in Springfield tnernaltii,
and bounded north by lands of Charles L. We% estart
by AI! in Parmemer, south by Wooled Berry, Ad
west by lends of Comet and Seth Sherman, Coutairea
fug shout one hundred and thirty acres with elude' {kir.
ty acres improved, one log house, one framed bete and
an apple orchard thetenn.
Steed and taken 'in execution 111 the milt of Edwin
Dyer sa. John T. Page.
ALSO—The following Otte or prteetaf land attnat
ed in Munroe township, WWI ,hoonded se follows, to wit :
north by the Toseanda Creek, and east by the Asylum
company lands, south by band- of C. 1. Ward. and
west by .the Schrader Drench. containing three kautdred
acres, with fifty-acres improved, with one (remelt bolter.
one framed barn and shed, a small orchard thereon.
Sehed and taken in elevation to the suit o f Wm.
Wwitittitto. use. of Frederick Watts ye. I'. H. Lewis.
A I.SO-4,piece or parcel of band in Rome fp., and_
bounded east bt , Hanford Chaffee. south and "Est by
restos Dragamer, isOwit by the piddle [wad. Containing
14,136 let, with one tramed house, and a few frniitre es
thereon, all improved.
Seized end taken in 'Acadian at the suit of Hem 8.
Mercer, vs. W .N. Lent.
ALSO—A piece or - parcel of lersittrated in Wysot„
and bounded North by the main road, qrst 17 . Daniel
Coolbaugh, south be the Susquehanna, west by Sheph
erd Pierce, Containing about 46 acres wilhathout
acres improved With two framed dwelling hoagies, one
barn and shed mod apple orcbard thereon.
Al.Bo—One other lot situated in said toartasktp,, ,
bounded north by land of George Scott, east by saki
Sot U. smith by land Lucy Burn's and west by Stephen `...„.„
Strieklaral, Containing about thirty acme.
Seitalotid taken M rsecntion at the suit of Alexan
der Ray. vs. Harry Moron, Executor, &c.
ALSO—.I piece or parcel of land situated in Shealte
onin twp., bounded on the north by lands of Manuel
Hulce, *mob east by Archibald Schuler, south by David
Evans, and wed by F. 1.. Jones. C.cmtaining 60 erne
with about 12 acres. improved, and With one big bonne
' ; - -4.
Seized and taken in execution ai the suit of Storrs&
Jones vs, John Partneri
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of iarmrsitust
ed in Armenia township. botinibM and described as folk
lows, to wit: North by bind of Alfred Ripley, eskt by
land in possession id - John Benson, im the sontb by'
land of Riley Hawkins, and on the west by unseated
land. Containing one hundred acres with about eighty
acres improved, with one double log house one Rattled
Barn a small apple orchard tberrens
Seised and taken in exert:Mon at theAuit d Pan
Peck, now to the use of D. VandercAk, vs. John Bele.
ALSO--The.following property situated in Sheahev
quin and bounded North by James Brink, east by Sam.
oel Marshall estate, south by lind of Lemuel kings•
bury end *est by Samuel Hutto. , Containing about
one hundred and sixty acres, one log house and log .
• f .
barn, and acre improved ,
Se:zed and taken in execution at the suit of Frantis
S. Ayer, as. Thomas Marshall,
ALSO—By Sundry write of Levari Fades, a tract
of land situated in Granville township. beginning et *
dead pine tree south sliest corner of4crt no. 199 on war
rant lot no. 1537, thence south One hundred and Anti ,
two petthet to • dead maple, thence west two htintlted
and sixteen and 5.10 perches to a chestnut oak for I
corner, south-east corner of lot no. 181, thence north
one hundred and forty-two perches to a poet, thence east
two hundred and sixteen and 5-10 perches to the Light
ning. Containing one iittndred sad nthety-two sera •
and aistridx perches strict measure.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of R. B,
Davidson administre of of Wm. Davidson dec'iLorho
survived Timothy Paxson is. Joseph Calm Simpson
administrator of John Taylor,.-
Al.Bo--Attother pie* or parcel '
of land, situated in
Burlington township, beginning•nt 3 pri4 southrarest
cornet of lot no. 49 on warrant lot sad. 1477, thence east
one hundred and one pitches its a poet, thence Muth
one hundred and fitly-two perches and 7-10th toe Pont;
thence west one hundred and one perches to s post,
thence north one hundred and fifty-two and 7-10th
perches to the beginning. Containing ninety-six gems
and sixty-three pen-bra strict measure
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of k. B 4
Davidson administrator of Wm. Davidson dec'd., who
survived Timothy Passtrn is: Joseph C. Simpson ad
ministrator of R. Sweney deed. • •
ALSO—AII that certain piste Or parcel of land with
the improiements thereon erected situated on Bentley
creek in the township of Ridgebery, !mended is follows :
Beginning at the seventieth stile stone, and runs thence
along Ilia Pennsylvania line, 45 chains 50 huts to a
sapling, thence southerly three chains to a stake, thence
thence westerly 45 chains 50 links to a stake, thence
northerly p chains to the beginning. Containing 150.
acres of land, be the same More or less it being part of
a lot of land of 200 acres, originally conveyed by Fran
cis W Johnson and .others, to :Elijah . Depuy. on which
said tot Thos. Ilirlddrin and Elijah Dopey erected mills;
excepting, however oat of the said lot. one acre, hereto
fore sold, lying oh the south side of the same.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Saadi'
Rexford and A: & M. Willis' use; vs. David
of Arsine Clark 2d,, with Hepsey Clark, widow of said
Arvin Clark, Id., and Stephen Harman and Gawp
Fishier, terre tenants.
At the satire place, on Fnday, the 14 day of Septiem.
her, at° t o'clock, P. 114., by virtue of a: writ of Fi. Fa.,
a tract of land in Monroe tp., bounded north by lands
of Robert Shewell's warrantee, east. by Ephrisan . Me
Adam and Win.. Gray,; south by ; limes Ladley, and
west by Sam'! Wallace. Containing about 600 acres.
about 31) acres cleared, 5 small framed dwellings, two
small hams and one maw-mill erected, also an orchard.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hiram
C. Fos ; to the tire of C. Riney, vs. Nathan Northrop,
administrator of John Northrop.
JOHN .F. MEANS, Sheriff s
Sheriff's Office. Towanda. July •5,1848.
Ecgcd 2thettiscadde:
sarc4 Ann O'Hagart, hrj . her nett Eli iTtbris,
re. Patrick ()Wagon. No. 54, eh. limo, 111411,
In lirodfrffd Coin. Pleas. Libel Diremer.,
TO PATRICK O'HAGATII„ defendant is the above,
cause ou are hereby notified list Sarah Ann
011agan, your wife, by her next friend, Eli fifttibs,:
has filed her petition for divorce Item the hoods
of matrimony. And an alias subpoena has been
returned, and proof made that you are not . to be
found in said county. You are therefore, Array
required to appear at tlecoart Pim:nein the boroirgh
of Towanda, the 4th day of September next,being
the . first day. of September term of said coon of
common pleas, to answer the raid complaint, and
show cause Warty rim hare. why the . said Sarah
Ann shall not be thvorced from you.
I F. MEANS, Sheriff:
•Sheriftotlffice,Tosranda, Aug. t, 1848. •
p_LN . I 7 4 T
pug celwitnership heseinfoie existing between the
subscribers in the practice if Medicine and Surge
ry is this day dirsolved by inutnal consent.' Their ac
counts are left with .1. D.CHOBS. at Ford's Drug Store
and who authorial to settle the...
Towanda, Hay 9, 1b49. CHAR. R. LADD.
LUMBER WAGON, - for sale at ihe New Yard
.l-4 ware bton. :0 26 D. LORD.