Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 16, 1848, Image 4

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Honor to the Tolling Masi.
All licinrir tiiihe toiling hand,
tr is the #eltt or mine •
Or )iy the hissing steam maehßte, •
Or on the heaving brine. -I ,
Whatever loom or barlue, or p'o v.
Rath wrought to bless our la) a;
Or wrought around, about, below,.
We owr the roiling hanil.
Then honor—honor to the toiling hand.
In battles with the elements,
It breaks the stubborn sward ;
It rings the forge,—the shuttle throws,—
And shapes the social board,
It conquers clime,—it stems the wave,—
And nears from every strand
The sweetest, best of all we leave,
Gifts of the toiling hand.
Then horror—honor to the toiling hand
,IVAsnixir BE:rm.—We doubt the utility of wash
ing butter in cold water. 'There is in butter, prop
erly made from good cows, in. the best of feed, a
peculiar rich aroma and flavor, which is we think
in some measnre, washed away by the use olcolil
viater. We know that a thousand evidences may
be brought forward to justify washing --in the shape
of dutch butter, and good productions throughout
the country. But we want sometimes more than
good butter. We want extra fine. Sinue say but
ter is an oil, and water will not disolve it. But
what evidence have we :Cat. the fine savor of
butter consists in oil ? We have seen butter that
had-all the peculiar properties of oil and grease
and yet, so far from having a delightful savor, it
had the contrary, and if used for crackers ; as is of
ton the" custom with bakers, the rrlor was apparent
in them, on %vetting them in Warm water. .Water
will surely extract the fine flavor of butter, as has
been shown by putting balls of butter in salt water
for preservation. It becomes insipid, and we have
no doubt that washing trotter has the same affect
only less frorin the traisient operation. The finest
botti.r that we ever tasted was well made without
washing in water, and it wax-. sornetitnes ke i g in
the condition one year, and Et ith no other preserva
live but salt.
ECONOMME Toes A.llrs.EyerimetA instituted
by several of our intelligent and enterprising
tural friends the past reason, have already mid
irrefragably demonstrated the important fact, that
ashes are an efficient mill enduring fertilizer. In
order however, to obtain the greatset possible bene
fit from their application, they should never be ap
plied alone, but with a mixture nt lime in its cau
stic state, " as that mineiel is endued with•capacity
of rendering the alumina tart in the soil, or leach
ed ashes soluble in water . and thus preparing it for
a facile absorbtion by the spongeoles or minute
terminal fibres of the roots of plants:' By combin
'Mg alumina, the bads of clay, says Dr. Lee, lime
leubates these alkalies and silicaties which, uniting
Chemically, form soluble silicates of Potash and soda.
We have long been convinced of the high value of
ashes, both unleashed and leached, as a manure,
and have applied them ourself with sig
s nal success to almost every description of field crop
and on almost every variety of soil, from the heavy,
ponderous, tenaceous days. to the light, arid and
adust sands. As a top dres,:ing for grass lands we
know of no manure equal to it. Mixed with gyp
sum, and hydrate of lime, in the proportion of one
third each it constitutes a mo-t excellent manure for
potatoes. That our farmers should dispose of their
asheslor twelve or fifteen cents the bushel, is to us
The . editor of New York Tribune well says:—
"0 it is sad, it is sickening. to remark how few
farmers' sons really love the vocation of their lath
ers, delight in following and glory in the hope of
improving and adorning it! Seeing little of fa: m.
ing life but its drudgery and its =intellectuality,
nearly every one who has a soul above
colts and skinning woodchucks is off to the village
or the city at the very first chance—they all jump
at a chance to measkre tape at five dollars per
month, and lodge thrle-deepin a seven-by nine
garret, or to crucify Blackstone afresh in any low
pettifogger's den in any corner of the wide world.
How many of them do you suppose are now ap
plying, waiting, longing: coaxing, solicit ng for some
chance—they hardly: rare what—to break away
from the drudgery of the paternal hoine, iu the
assured conviction: that a farmer's life and thorough
mental cultivation are incompatible! This is the
vital error we would demolish, by disseminating the
truth that in no vocation is scieutitic knowledge and
mental elevation more desirable or more useful than
that'of the fanner."
aware that a. root of wheat afier it has tillered, is
capable of subdivision many times, orare acquaint.
ed with the fact that, in a congenial stiil the wheat
root will after having ripened many ears of coin
again vegetate and produce ears of corn a second
year, yet these results I have obtained in the course
of my experiments for the past twenty yars. Re
lative to the subdivsion of the wheat root, I would
refer to my publication,. The Wage ..frmer, where
in is explained how 43 ; 000 grains were obtained in
one season from one grain, by sowing early, subdi
viding the roots and continuarmlture---[E. T Lan
ce, in the Gardener's Chronicle.
('rators A PPLE'---4 II Apple has been produced
near Ticondertra. having neither core nor seeds, Ely
the following method. The expel itnent is worth re
peating, as tt niay lead to important result's:—the
tip of a young tree . was bent over a , 4.1 covered
with earth t hich look ro it. The tree was then
cut asunder, which . stopped all connection with th e
natural mot of the tree, and by sprouts which sprung
horn the top 'portion of the luhly, a regular top was
formed, which produces this line, fruit—a beau:did
red, good size, very pleasant yoktk.. apple in the lA.
PREiERVING CURRA rs.--Currants and gooseber
ries may be preserved all the yea round,' 334 fresh .
and sweet as when taken from the bush. The !run
should he plucked while preen, or before the ber
ries assume the red color 'which precedes and he
ralds maturity, and put into clean dr) glass bottles
whi c h should be corked and sealed tight, and plat ,
cirin the cellar, or some other cool place : ass ice
house would be Vic best.
To Evrcitmi N Are HALIRS.—To eradicate briars
which grow along fences, plough deep, and sow
oats. When cut, plough deep as the briars appear,
an.l they will soon become smoothered out. No
pant can live long unless it can breutlie through its
Slanow.—Sorrow oughtto be the domestic guest
01 'our Fouls, as much as joy and' pleasure: it also
is s .nt down upon - us from abme, and lie who
wets all leans, who tries our hearts,-- z -Fle knows
well what we weak mortals arc lined to endure.
Illebical /01);rtisetnente.
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Wonder and blessing of the Age r
.I.YI. world! This Extract is put up in Quart Bottles :
it. is six times cheaper. pleasanter, end a arranted supe
rior to any sold. It cures without vomiting, purging.
sickening or debilitating the patient.
The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla
over all other medicines is, that while it eradicates the
disease, it invigorates the body. It is one of the very best
Ever known ; it not only purifies the whole system, and
strengthens the person, but it creates new pure and
rich blood ; a power possessed by no other medic ine.
And i 8 this lies the grand secret of its wonderful suc
cess. It has performed within ths last five years, more
than 100,000 cure. of severe MACS of disease - ; at least
15,000 were contorted incurable. It has saved the
lives of more than 5,000 children during the two past
10.000 cases Ofneral Ekbility want if Energy.
Dr. Townsend'setarsaparilla invigorates the whole
system permanently, To those who have lost their
muscular energy by the effects of medicine or indi.cre
tion committed in youth, or the excessive indulgence of
th e passions, and brought on a general physical prostra
tion of the nervous system, lassitude, want of ambition,
fainting sensations. premature decay and decline, baste.
ing towards that fatal disease. Consumption, can be en
tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This barsapar
• ills is far superior to any Inviriraling Cordial, as it
renews and invigorates the system, gives activity to the
limbs, and strength to the muscular system, in a most
Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can he cur
ed. B r hints, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Golds.
Catarrh, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of Bloask.&.reness
in the Chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Difficult
or Profu-e Expectoration, Pain ire the side, dtc., have
been and can be cured,
New York, April 2fi, 1847-
Wt. TowNPICIU i--1 verily believe your Sarsapanda
has been the means through Providence, of saving my
life. I have for several years bad a bad Cough. It
became worse and worse. At last I raised large quanti-.
ties of blood had night sweats, and was greatly debilita
ted and reduced, and did nut expect to live. •I have
only used your e.areaparilla a short time, and there has a
wonderful change been wrought in me. lam now able
to walk all riser the city. I raise no blood, and my
cough has left Inc. You can well imagine that I am
thankful fur these results.
Your obedient servant,
W M. RUSSELL, 65 Catherine-st.
This is only one of more than four thousand eases of
Rte umatism that Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla has cur
ed. The must severe and chronic cases are weekly er.
shorted by its extraordinary virtues.
' James Cummings, Eeq , one of the assistants in the
-Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island, is the gentlemen
• spoken of in the following letter :
Blackwell's Island, Sep. 14, 1847.
Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir : I have staled terribly
for nine years with the Rheumatism ; considerable of the
lime I could not eat sleep or walk. I had the utmost
distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen.
I have used four battles. of your Sarsaparilla, and they
! have done me more than one thousand dollars worth of
good. lam so much better--indeed, lam entirely re
lieved. You ate at liberty to use this for the benefit of.
the afflicted. tours, respectfully.
Below is •n account of another child saved. Dr.
Townsend's Sarsaparilla has saved the lives of thou,
sands of childri.n. the following two ceruticates are
seleted from' a great number reerivelLthis week.
New York, April I, 1847.
Dr. Townsend : Dear Sir—One of my children 'was
very sick with a-Canker in thu•Mouth and 'Throat at
tended with great debility. licame near dying. loh
tailed some of your excellent medicine, and it cured it
sitectly, for whioh I assure you I reel very g tateful.
Yours, respectfully,
ELTyABETH FOWLER, 27 Dcsbrosses-e t.
Dr. Townsend, not having tested his Sarsaparilla in
cases of Fits, of course never recommended it. and was
surprised to receive the following from an intelligent and
respectable Farmer in Westchester County
F.srdham, August 13, 1847.
Dr Townsend Dear Sir : i have a little girl seven
years of age, who has been several years affliend with
Fits ; we tried almost everything fur her, but without
success ; at last although we could find no recommenda
tion in our circular for cases like hens we thought, as abe
was in veryedelicate health, we would give her some of
your Sarsaparilla, and are very glad we did, fur 'it not
only restored her strength, but she has had no return of
the Pits, to our great pleasure and surprise. She is fa t
becoming rugged and hearty, for which we feel grateful,
Your respectfully, JOHN MAIER, Jr.
Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and epee
fly cure fur Incipient Consumption, Barrennesa, Prolap
ses Uteri, or Faltin,e of the Womb, Costiveness, Piles,'
Leucorrhaes. or Whitest, obstructed or difficult Menstru
ation, Incontinence f f Urine, or involuntary discharge
thereof, add for the general prostration of the system—
no matter whether, the result of inherent cause. produc
ed by irregularity:illness or accident. Nothing can be
more surmising thbn its invigorating effects on the•hu
man frame. Persons all we.diness and lassitude, from
taking it, at once beedme robust and full of energy un
der its influence. It immediately contracts the nerve
lessness of the female frame. which is the great cause of
Barrenness. It will not be expected of us, in eases of so
delicate a nature, to exhibit cretificsres of cures perform
eel but we can sasnre the afflicted, that handrails of cases
have been reported to us. 'Thousands of cases where
families here been without children, after using „ a few
bottles of this invaluable medicine, have been blessed
with fine, healthy
This Extract of Sarsaparil'a has been expressly pre
pared in reference to female complaints. No female
who has reason to suppose ahe is approaching thgt
rat period. ” The turn if life ." should neglect to take
it, as it is a certain preventive for any of the numerous
and herrible diseases to which females are subject at this
.time of life. This petard may he delayed fine screed
years by using this niedieine. Nor is it leas valuable
for those who are approaching womanhood, as it is cal
culated to assist nature, by qteckening the blood and
invigorating the system. Indeed, this medicine is in
valuable for all the delicate diseases to. which women
are aubjevt.
It foams the whole system, renews permanently the
natural energies, by removing the impurities of the body,
not so far simulating a ss to produced effleserment relax•
anon, which is the case of, most medicines taken for fe
male weakness and disease. By using a few bottles of
this medicine, many severe and painful surgical opens
liens may he prevented.
Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving orders from
Physiciene in different parts of the Union.
'Fhb, is to certify, that we the undersigned, Physicians
of the city of Albady, have in numerous cases prevents.
ed Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one
eilthe most valuable preparations in the market.
H. P. Pettso, M. D.
J. Wttaint, M. D.
R. B. Batons, M. D.
Albany, April 1. P. E. ELicantrar, M. D.
Owing to the great succeassind immense sale of Dr.
Townsend's Sarsaparilla a number of men who were
f rmerly our Agents,have commenced making Sarsapar.
ilia Eatracts,.Elixins, Bitters, Extracts of Yellow Dock,
&c. They generally put it by in the same shaped bot
tles, and r i me of them have stolen and copied oar ad
vertieemente, they are only worthless imitations, and
should be avoided.
'Principal Office, 126 Fulton Street, Sun Building. N.
V. J. KINGSBERY, JR., Towanda, Pa., only agent
for Elradfold county. •
lUcbical 2lbuertiecutento.
RIICe that Dreadful Cough
MHE Langs ere in danger, the work of the destroy
er bad been begun; the cough of Consumption has
in it a sound of death.
ilie_you a Mother P Your darting child, your idol
and earthly joy, is now perhaps confined to her chamber
by a dangerous cold—her pale cheeks, her thin shrunk
en fingers, tell the hold disease has already gained upon
her—the sound of her sepulchre[ cough pierces your
Young man, when just about to enter life, disease
sheds a heart-crushing blight over the fait prospects of
the future—your hectic cough and teeble limbs tell of
your loss of hope, but you need not despair.—There is
■ balm which will heal the wounded lungs, it is
Mrs. Attree, the wife of Win. H. Attree, Esq. was giv
en up by Dr. Sewall of Washington, Dr. Roe and Mc-
Clellan of Philadelphia, Itra. Roe and Mott of New
York. Her friends all thought she must die. She
had every appearance of being in consumption; and wu
'so pronounced by her physicians--Shennan's Balsam
was given s td it cured her. •
Mrs, Garrabranta, of %Ira Ferry was also cured of
consumption by this Balsam when all other remedies
failed to give relief—she was reduced to a ;skeleton. Dr.
A. C. Castle, Dentist; 281 Broadway, has witnessed
its affects In several ea-es where no other medicine attir
ded relief—but the Balsam operated likes charm. Dr.
C. also witnessed its wonderful effects in curing Asth
ma. which it never fails of doing. spitting Blood,
alarming as it may be, is effectually cured by this Bal
sam. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels,
and makes the lungs sound again,
Rev. Henry Jones, 108 Eighth avenue, was cured of
cough and catarrhal affections of 51 years standing. The
find dose gave him more relief than all the other medi
cine he had ever taken, Dr. L. J. Beaks, 19 Delaney
street, gave it to a sister-in-law who was laboring under
consumption, and to another sorely afficted with the
asthma. In both cases its effects were immediate, soon
restoring theni to romfortable health.
Mrs. I.ucretia Wells, 95 Christie st., sr ffered from
Asthma 42 years. Sherman's Balsam relieved her at
once, and she is comparatively well, being enabled to
subdue every attack by a timely use of this medicine.
This indeed is the timely remedy fir Coughs, Col-Is,
Spitting blood, l.ivrr complaints and all affections of the
throat, and even'Asthma and Consumption.
Price '25 rents and $1 a bottle. Sold in Towanda,
be CHAMBERLIN & POR rEtt, No, I, Brick row.
Let Its Works praise It !
rriousErs umvERsAL otyrm ENT: A corn
plete remmly for Burns. Scalds, Cut*, Swellings,
[truism Sprains. salt Rheum, Piles, Fever Sores, Sore
Lips. Chapped Hands, Chillblairus, Scald Head, and al
kinds of Inflamed sore&
Persons in all conditinns of life, ore at times liable to
be afflicted with the above complaints. ft is therefore
the duty of heads of families to provide anti keep on
hand, ready for any emergency, a REMEDY that is
capable of removing the suffering attendant on those
very troublesome companions. Those who have used
TWAE 1"8 r . 11' RSA I. 01 NT E
need not be told that it is a romple•e remedy, a master
of pain, and the most speedy remover' of inflanimation
ever discovered. Ile experience of such persons is suf
ficient to prompt them to keep it always on hand, know
ing that many valuable lives have been saved, by this
fitirgico/ Con/ of inflamed and other sores, burn;
scalds, &c. I t instantly stops all pain of the severest
kind, and prevents scars. No rattily .should be without
it, as an immediate application of n in eases of burns or
scalds, would do more good while waiting for the duct°•
the a he coulPo when arrived, besides preventing long
hours of the utmost stitli.ting which might pass before a
physician could tw obtained.
it possesses control over the severest injuries by fire,
over mortification, over infl.immation, and by its com
bined virtues it acts as unfi-geptie, nereine,
aliodyrit ronoilorul and healing. and is the most
complete exteinal remedy in use.
Thousands have tried, sod thousands praise it. ft is
working its way into public favor with a rapidity un
known in the history of medicines. All who we it, re
commend it. Again we sae, no family should be with
out it. The agents furnish the public gratis, with books
describing this ointment,
. 1 -; Each box of the genuine Tocastr's
th• has the signature of S. Tousey written on
the outside label in ►lack ink. Never purchase a box
unless this signature can be seem Price 25 cents per
box Of five boxes for SI. Prepared by ELLIOTT AC Tar
xEr, Syracuse, N. V. Sold in New York et tab ;has
asn and in Towanda, by CHAMBERLIN &
PORTER, No. I, Brick Row 5y
Cll.-knees Vegetable Purgative Pills',
ARE the first end only medicine ever discovered that
will positively tore Headache, Giddiness, Piles,
Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Smallpox, Jaundice, Pains in the
Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Ri
sing in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma. Fevers of all kinds
Female Ccmplaints, Measles, Solt Rheum, Heart Bum,
Worms. Cholera, Morton', Coughs, Quinsy, Whooping
cough, Consumption, Fits, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Deafness, Itching. of the Skin, Colds, Nervous Com
plaints, and a variety of other Diseases arising from im
puritii a of Indigestion.
It has been proved that nearly every disease to which
the human frame is subject, originates from impurities
of the Blood or Derangements of the Digestive Organs;
and to secure Health, we must remove those obstructions
or restore the blood to its natural state. This fact is
universally known, but people have such sin aversion
to medicine, that, unless the case is urgent, they prefer
the disease to the cure, until an impaired Constitutifin
or a fit of sickness rebukes them for the folly of their con
duct. Still they had some excuse. for heretofore, med
icine in almost all its forms, was Detail as disgusting
as it was beneficial. Now, however, the evil is most ef
fectually removed ; for Clickener's regdabk Turi idity .
being completely enveloped with ♦ CO,ITINII or
WHITIL svoaa.( which is distinct from the kernel)
have no taste of medicine, but are as easily swallowed
as bits of candy. Moreover they do not nauseate or
gripe in the slightest degree, which is Occasioned by the
fact that are comps-motifs] on scientific principles, and
operate equally on all the diseased parts of the system,
instead of confining themselves to, and racking itny par
ticular region, (which is the great and admitted evil of
every other purgative.) Hence they strike at the root
if Disease, remove all impure humors from the blood,
open the pores externally and internally, promote the
Insensible Perspiration, obviate flatulency, Headache,
&e.—separate all foreign and obnoxious particles from
chyle, six that the blood, of which it is lhe•origin, must
be thoroughly pure—secure a free and healthy action to
the Heart, Lungs and Liver, and thereby restore health
even token all other means have failed.
A I letters of inquiry or for advice most be ad.
dressed (post paid) to Dr.C.Y.CLICKENER, N 0.611
Vesey-st., New York, or his authorized agents through
out the country. For sale in Towanda, by
CHAMBF,RLIN & PORTER, No. 1; Brick Row.
N. R. Remember, Jr. C. V. Clickener is the inventor
of Sugar Coated Pills. and that nothing of the sort was
ever heard of, until he introduced them in June, 1843.
Purchasers should therefore ask for Crlickener's Sugar-
Coated Pills, and lake no other, or they still be made
tha victims of a fraud. fiy
Corning, Elmira, and Buffalo Line.
& ELMIRA for BUFFALO, every week during
the season, in the following order :
Leave Coming, Tuesdays, at to o'clock, A. M.
Leave Elmira......... Wednesdays, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Leave Havanna. Thursdays,. ....... ....P. M.
Tow Down Seneca Lake on Friday,souchlng at Big
Stream, Starkey, Lodi, Drmalen, passing Geneva, Wa
terloo and Seneca Falls, on Sr turtle,.
Leaye Buffalo for Elmira and Coming, every Saturday
Morning. Leave Roc/rester every .Monday morning.
BOAT BUFFALO, Carr. E H. Cat.aa.
For Freight or Passage apply to. the. Captains on
hoard, or to the following Agrints :
W. M. Mallory, Coming. Price & Geneva.
I§l. B. Strang & Co. Elmira. Hastings & Field, do.
J.W intermuit, Horse Heads J. Miller, Seneca Falls.
E. S. Hinman, Havanna. 1.. Boated°, Montezuma.
L.G.Townsend. Rog Stream H. L. Fish, Rochester.
Woodworth & Post, Lodi. Niles & Wheeler, Buffalo.
Gay & Sweet. Waterloo. - . April 12, 1848.
BonTs Q 18110E8.—Latdics' light, color& and blk
gaiters. slips. and walking abaci. gent's cow bide,
kirvailf and seal boots and abura, ,and children', dn.,
lon at 1.1,c `.2ctitral store. BET
iftebical 21kiertisanatts. ,
By Dr. Upham's Vegetable Electuary.
AN INTERNAL REMEDY, which, if .us e d se .
cording to directions, a cure for life is guaranteed.
A common consequence of this affection is a kind of
Internam or bearing down sensation, as it is familiarly
called ; them is also heat, rension and throbbing in the
part, varying from a moderate degree of these sensa
tions to the most excruciating suffering :—these are
caused by the great now of blood to the parts. Some.
times the inner coat of the bowel protrudes at every
evacuation, forming what is called Prolapsus or falling
of the bowels; this is the effect of long continued irri
tation and weakness of that organ. In rine instances
the patient experiences nervous pains, which are indis
cribable, and known only to the sufferer, which coin.
met,ce immediately after an evacuation, and continue
from thirty minutes to several hours ; these sensations
are very annoying and sometimes very distressing.--
Thu disease, when of long continuance, is attended try
pain and weakness in the back, irritation of the kid
neys and bladder, and other organs in the vicinity, pain
and numbness in the legs and feet, a sense of straight
ness about the chest, and unnatural fullness of the
dominal viscera, accompanied with palpitation of the
heart and oppression, individuals sometimes experience,
previous to an attack of the Piles, symptom denotirig
great derangement in the circulation ; there is a senile
of weight and pressure in the abdomen. with a peculiar
feeling of uneasiness in the bowels,-constipation of pe
rinieurn, attended with pain in the back and loins, nati
on, and slight pain, in the stomach, pale countenance,
confused sensations in the head, 'leanness, and initia
l& and discontented state of the mind, and a sense of
fullness and oppression in the region of the stomach.--
The circulation orr the surface is feeble, and the current
of blood determined inward and downwards. vol Let
Dr. Datm's Vegetable &Mary.
Cures F.:balmily nod therefore prevent, l'llc.s. ,
Grers.—l have used Dr. Upham's Vegetable Pile
Electuary which I purchased of you. and find it oneof
the best medicines in use for the piles, and also for:all
billious affections, arising from an impure state of the
system. Yours, &c. E. A. Co Ls, Marble Dealer.
New York, Dec. 6. 1817.
M MRS. Nicer & KETCH. Nl—Gentlemen :-JlOrn
derstaniling that you are the general agents for the Sale
of Dr Upham's Vegetable Electuary, for the cure of
Piles, I have deemed it my duty to volunteer a recom
mendation in
.behalf of that invaluable medicine, I
have been afflicted for many years with piles, and have
tried various remedies but with no beneficial effectt—l
began to 'consider my case utterly hopeless. But about
the first of September last. I was prevailed upon by a
friend to make a trial of the above named medicine; I
took h.a •lvice and rojoice that I am not only relieived,
but, as I believe, perfectly cured. I
most earnestly
recommend it to all who may base the misfortune ;o be
afflicted with that annoying and dangerous disease.
Very respectfully, your ob't servant.
Berkshire Co. Mass.) Nov. 29, 1847. i
!if W rs-rr & Ktrrnavi--Gents For thirty
years I have been afflicted wish piles, general debility
and inflamation, causing tumors and prolapsus of the
tiowelr, and which had resisted pll the medical treat
ment Dr. Chapman and others could give, The last
three years of that time my sufferings defy description.
I was confined to tied, unable to help myself, and Kt last
given up by my phisicians anitLienda in despair Of ev
er gaining my health ; in fact f.r three days before I
wife entiiely speech/elm and m♦ burial clothes . were
made. But under Providence, and the use of Dr..Up
hani's Electuary, though an OLD NAN I have the pleas
are of stating the racy to the public that my health is
now goo', and hope to live mans years, if it is God's
will, to make known the vimues of Dr. Ilphsm's Elect
wiry, and to recommend it to my afflicted fellow' ma
tons. It helped me beyond the expectations of all that
knew my case, and I only ray to others that:it is,;in my
opinion, the beat medicine in the world for Piles, ear any.
other disease of the bowels; and if they will use :it ac
cording to the directions, I will myself warrant a cure
in every case.
Yours, with the utmost expression of thankfullness
Ea A vow?. Berk. Co., (Mass.) Nov. 19, 1047.
The above certificate tells a simple and truthful sto
ry of suffering and relief, of which, u physician and
witness in the case, I cheerfully endorse.
NOTICE. —The genuine rpharn's Met-Wary his
his written ligature, thus ccr A. l;pham• M. U.)—
The hand is alone done with a pen. Prieel I a:box.
whole sale and retail, by W YATT Ar
EEI'CHA M, 121, Fulton st... N. V., and by Druggists
generally throughout the U. 8. arid Canadas.
JOHN B. FORD, Agent for Towanda, Pa. 45y
-- -
Spurious arficks glinnt
MR. J. ANDREWS, in justice to your valuable
PAIN KILLER, and for the benefit of the pul..
lic, we hereby certify that we have used your Pain Kil
ler in our Families for years, for many of the diseases
for which it is recommended, and we deem it the best
Family Restorative in use, and would recommendevery
family to keep a supply on hand, in case of sudden ; ill
ness or accident. •
Rev. Aaron Jarkson, pastor first Baptist church. Ithaca.
" William Conner-, Peach Orchard, Tompkins Co.
Rachel Willson, James Clark, •
Ann Dudley, • Philip Case,
W Hastings, Ann Teter,
A Baker, A Bower,
John Doolittle, M Collins,
John B Owens, Ithaca, N. Y., IR4R .
Never purchase the Pain Killer without the written
signature of J. Andrews, on the label of each honk, in
black ink. Sold by CHAMBERLIN & PORTER,
and JOHN B. FO RD, only agents for Towanda.
Fin further particulars see advertisement in another
column. 47—ly
• •
Death to Polo : relief to the sick : litolth to the trunk
halm is found for the whole luso ttttt rare. in
P PHIS is an entirely Vegetable Compound, composed
1 of twenty-five dill; rent ingredients, and inter
nal and external remedy. Put up in bottles, varying in
price from 25 to 75 cents, each. For further particu
lars, ace pamphlets, to be had of every agent gratis, con
taining a brief history of the origin and discovery of the
Pain Killer, certificates of cures, directions, &c:
carTlON.—Each bottle bas the written signature o
the'proprietor, .1. Asnu a ws. on the label, and without(
it none are genuine. Beware of hawkers and pedlars
selling from house to house, representing it tia bo the
genuine Pain Killer.
Sold only by the following regular, appointed agent
in this county : ,
John B. Fo'd. Towanda. (lenr:e A. Perkinir, Athens.,
Chamberlin ill' Porter. do. I J. J. Warlord, lifnuroeton
EF&FI. Dalian!, Troy, I C. E. Rathhone, Canton.
W&DF Pomerny, do. Coryell & (lee. Biurlington.
M Bullock & Co., Zimirlifield
Sold in an the principal towns in the United States
Canada and Texas.
Wholesale agents au the city of New York and vici
nity: Haydock. Undies at C0...218 Pearl-s 4. ; Wyatt
X Ketchum, 121 Fultomat. Holm; suldremied to the
proprietor, or O. W. Schuyler, post paid, witiimeet with
prompt'attention. 24y
The ', , Saddle and Harness Business
IB' i continued by ELK ANA H SMITH, J. CULP
at t T.. SMITH, under the Firm of Elkanah
Smith . Cp., at the old stand North 'idea Ow Public
Square here will be kept constantly on band Best
Plain .and Quiltee Saddles, Plated and Common
Harney". all kinds of Trunks, Valiant, and, all other
work ii? their line.
Carriage Trimming 4- -Military work
done trorder. From their ex perienee and pooch:talky,
they are in hopes to receive ■ share of public ipatronage.
Work can be had at their shop as cheap as at.any-oshei
bhop In Ille , Cvollll of the mime yitslite . Msy la, 'l7
Henson, Decengwr 14, 1846.:
Miscellatuans abtlenisanents.
Copper, Tin,. and Sheet hop, Brass
n C. HALL is now receiving another large supply
Ls of the above goods, which be is prepared to sell
at wholesale or retail, to suit parchment, at the moat
reduced prices, for cash, lumber or grain.
Store and Manufacturing Establishment, on the
corner of Main and Bridge streets, where may be found
the largest and best assortment of &oval, this side of
the city of Albany, such as
Buckeye cooking sum, arranged with a rota- ' (Nos.
ry top. and hot air oven combined, ' 1,2, 3, 4
Rochester Empire hot air oven, 4
" Fulton,
Congress tight air Cooking,
Knickerbocker, "
Albany Eltvated Oven,
" Premium,
Race's pat. self-regulator, air-tight parlor,
Rochester air-tight parlor,
Congress do. Albany do. (roasters.)
Albany Fancy wood parlor, 3,4, 5
N.l - .city do
2,3, 4
" parlor coal stoves, 1, 2
Common cylinder do. 1,2, 3
A Large quantity of Move Pipe, Elbows, Tin, Brass,
Copper, Japanned & Britannia ware, Zinc, &e.
which he will sell as above, at wholesale or retail. Sheet
Iron, Tin, Braga and Copper Work, made to order on
short notice, and warranted. Persona wishing• to pur
chase the above articles will do well by calling at the
above store, before purchasing elsewhere, as the propri
etor is bound not to be undersold by any living man.
5,000 SHEEP PELTS wanted, for which cash will
be paid. 'Towanda, June 14, 1848. 6ml
\WED Vg.TarA M.ffl MII-1011%).1)11
el F. HARDER respectfully wishes to inform the
Vi• citizens of 'rewinds, and the public that he bas
commenced the
in Towanda, on Main street, • few dooms above Bridge
street,,where he will keep constantly on hand or make
to order, Plated and common Harness, Trunks and
Trunk Ira Vets, and all kinds of work in his line. CAR
to order. From his experience in the business, and
punctuality in attending to it, he hopes he may receive
a 'hat' , of public patronage.
al° Alt kinds of work may he had at his shop cheap
er than at any other shop in this county.
Towanda, June 12.. :84g. 1y 1
GH. & R. DAVIS, TAILORS, (late from the
• City of London.) have opened a shop, in the
second story of the new Brick block, erected by Burton
Kingsbery, on Main street, where they are prepared to
execute all orders in their line with accuracy & despatch.
Flom their long and rigorous instruction in the art,
and their extensive experience as Foremen, in the best
shops in London. they feel perfectly competent of being
able to please the most fastidious taste, and to execute
their work in such substantial and finished style, as to
give satisfa:tioroto their customers.:
. .
a 3 Culling done to order, and warranted to fit i
properly made up. G. H. 1).4141.4.,
Towanda, Oct. 12, 1847. ylB R. DAVIS.
3E"tl .111 C MIT '7llL'' MITCaI- •
atmaazt. Jo au..wazia
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Towan
da, and the public generally that he is prepared to
execute in the neatest style all descriptions of
House. Sign, Coach or Carriage Painting. or
Trimming ; and every variety of Fancy
and Ornamental Painting.
From his long experience end the many specimens of
his productions now in use, he entertains a Battering
hope that by close application to his profession, and
being prompt to order by may secure a suitable share of
public patronage. He May be found at all times at the'
Chair Factory of Tomkins 6r Makinson, where he will
be on hand to attend to the calls of those who may want
his armee& PAPER-HANGING done on short no
tice, in a superior manner and reasonable terms.
Towanda, July 4, 1848.
X 11077 M:ll3 , Y.sA'LgitlYl). - B.
THE subscribers still continue
manufacture and keep, on hand
t their old stand, all kicds of cane
and wood seat CHAIRS; also
IET'TEES of various kinds, and
, EDSTEADS of every descrip
ion, which we will sell low for
cash or Produce, or White Pine
lumber, White mud, Bass wood,
or Cucumber el air plank, or 4 by
4 Scantling 13 feet long—either Buttonwood, Basswood
or Maple, will also be received for our work.
Turning done to order in the neatest manner.
JAM E 4 1 1 1ACKINSLOi & CO.
Towanda, June 22, 1848.
New Tailoring Establishment,
In No. 2, Brick Row, over the store of B. T Fox,
Mird sinry
Zt •`:a 3 3 9
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Towan
da- and the public generally, that he has removed
his Tailor shop to No. 2, Brick Row, over the store ot
E. T. Fox. third glory, where he solicits those in want
of Tailoring, to give him a call.
Having been employed in the most fashionable estab
lishments in Philadelphia and elsewhere, and being de
termined to - spare no pains to please, customers may
depend upon ,having their work done promptly and in
s good style as can he had at any shop in town. All
work warranted well made and to fit.
CO" Cutting done cheap, and warranted.
;Os Country Produce taken in payment for work.
Towanda. A Ugust 00, 11497.
No. 1., Brick Row, vain in the Field
Jr. 4. Chamber/in,
Ilia LI At 4 just returned fromihe city
it:. i 1 of New York with a. large
C supply of Watches, Jewelry and
, : i k
11.- W Siher wire, comprising in part,
1" , a
•)C the following articles :—Lever.
\f-U)' s, ~.•„4. L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
16.: ( 1.- 5 f.''' a complete assortment of (.old
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings,. Fin
ger Rini ;s, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets. Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also; all sorts of Silierware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he offers
for sale ex ceeetlingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted
..tu run well, or the money will be refunded, and a writ
ten agreement giv.en to that effect if required.
N. IL—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce
taken in payment for work ; end els% lean, noW, non'
farerer, that the Produce must be paid when Mt work
is dune--I war, against credit in all its forms.
Towanda, April 1:14. I R4a.
D OHS W . WILCOX, has removed his establish
meat to the shop between Kingsbery's and Bart
lett's stores, and where he still solicits a share of
public patronage. He in:ends, by ft .- careful selection
of stock, and by attention to the interests of his custo
mers to make as neat and durable work as can be ma
nufactured-in this pint of the country.
He will keep constant y on hand, and manufactnre
to order, Morocco, Calf and Coarse Roots and Shun ;
Ladles' Gaiters, Shoes and Slips ; Children's du. ;
Genes Gaiters and Pumps, 4-c. .
a:r Country Produce, of Most descriptions, , taken in
payment fur work, at the market price.
Tort sada. pod t'.6, I
fished 15 years ego; by DR. KINKELIN. Th e
oldest, surest, and beet band to cure all forms of secret
diseases, diseases of the skin end solitary habits of youth,
is DR.KINKELIN. N. W. corner of Third Jski
sta., between Spruce and Pine, 1 f squares from the Ex
change, Phibedelphia. •
Youth who have injured theme/414s bye certain prac
ice frequently indulged in—a habit hesitantly' learned
foraged companions or M school—the effects of whieb
ere nightly felt, even wherfasleep, and destroy both mind
an d body, should apply immediately. Weaklier' and
constitionalk - debility immediately cured, and full vigor
restored. All letters post paid.
If you value your life or your, health, remember,
delay of a month, nay, even a weak, may prove your du.
in, both of body and mind. Hence let no false modesty
deter you from making known your "cue to one who,
from education and respectability, can alone befriend you.
He it bo places himself under DR. KINKELIN'S treat
ment, may religiously confide in his • honor as a gentle . -
man, and in whose bosom will be forever .ocked the se
cret of tha patient.
(improved) 2,3, 4
2,3, 4
• 2,3, 4, 5
2,3, 4,5, 6
1,2, 3
2,3, 4
Too many think they-will bug the secret to their own
hearts, and cure themselves. Alas ! bow often is this .
a fatal - delusion„and how many a promising young man,
who might have been an ornament to society, has fadeti
from the earth.
f in di ng it inconvenient to make personal appficatiorie .
cut, by stating their rase explicitl y, together witli aIY
their symptoms, (per letter: post-paid,) have forwarded
to them a cheat eontaining Dr. It's medicines apprepriat
ted accordingly.
Packages of Medicines tbrwarded to any part of the
U. 8. at a moment's•notiee. • [ +!y
caPoirr pato Ls-r-r, ens, addressed to DR. RINKE
LIN, Philadelphia, will be promptly,,attended
See advertisement in the Spirit of the Times,.Phila-
AHISTORY of the Revolution, and Lives of the
Heroes of the War of Independence, by Co•atcs
J. PIETLREON. An elegant volume, with 48 fine steel
piates, and nearly 200 beautiful'wood engravings.
" This is a splendid book. A valuable addition to
Historic Literature of our country. We are much rnis.
taken if it does not take rank with the works of Irving
and Pieseott.".—Frankfdr/ Herald.
" It surpassess any similar work yet offered to the
American public."--tierirs Gazelle.
" It may be properly considered a popularized
Ty history of the Revolution, extremely well and judi
ciously writren."—Nortli American.
" The present work on the Revolution and ita heroes,
is superior, both in extent and design, to any that has
heretofore come under our notice."—lnquirer.
" A will connected history of that eventful period."
" becidedly the most popular history of the war of the
Revolution and its heroes, that has yet been given to
the country."— Evening Post. •
czaf AGEVS wanted, to canvass fir the above ele
gant work, in every county and town in the United.
States, to whom the most liberal induceinenta will be
offered. Price only $3. Address (post-paid)
No. 158 Niwth Second-st., Philad'a.
C3il.2.2larLald LECDUI.9.
&Natal near tkell road and Candi, Water street,
HE subscriber has leased the stand formerly know n
- as the " Elmira Hotel," and has caused the same
to be thoroughly REPAIRED; RENOVATED and
- RE-FURNISHED, and is now ready to accommodate
his friends, and the traveling public. His rooms ate
tastefully arranged and newly furnished ; his Table and
Dar shall yield all the necessary comforts required by
the traveler or man of leisure, and in all respects, order
and quiet in his house will be strictly observed, and eve.
t y attention will be given to render the stay cemllartable
and agreeable, to those .who choose to make his house
their home during a visit to this pleasant village, it
charges the most reasonable. ' •
Eimita, Juno 31, :848.
Iz s- NXTe.'.'.IIIMAIR*(O.23=',I3VO 3
TOMKISS & MAKINSON Would inform those
interested, that we have concluded to close op the
business of the firm. We find out Capital is not in our
hands, but distributed over Bradford and Tioga coun
ties. and we have employed an Agent to call upon oar
customers, so as to give them an orportunity to take up
their notes ; or either of the old firm will receive mo
ney.4 and give a receipt to apply. We hope and true
we shill not be obliged to place a large number of our
customer's notes in the hinds of magistrates. Neires,
sity, however, compels us to make collections. Thee
of our customers in and about Towanda, that have un
settled matters en book, will be good enough to call and have them closed up. The business hereafter will he
continued under the firm of JAS. MAKINSON & Co.
Towanda. June ; 22, 1848.
111:3✓"11GIST g=C1 ~ 5 i •
M. NYE tir. CO., ornuidre
311y inform the citizens of Tow
le and the public generally, that
have on hand & manufacture ,
oilier all kinds of CABJNET
R.NITURE, of the best Mate
and workmanship that cannot
be surpassed, in additionto;he usual
assortment in country shops, we will keep on hand am)
make to order I_ 4 OFAS, of various and most.approved
patterns; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superioi
style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma
hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair,
which never loses its efasticity, and finished with the
best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that having
had much experience in the businsas, we shall be able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both as to
quality and price, and by strict attention to business
hope to meld andweceive the patronage of a liberal coat'
triunity. L. M. NYE & CO.
Towanda. Scpte'mher I, 1847.
_ .
C IS Lir ET Fust..r . T RE
ItilAY BE HAD at our shop much lower than . it
has ever been sold in Towanda. Goode are
cheap. and wheat am lowered, and *at is the reason we
can affonl all, for to do it. All-kinds of produce will
be received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds.
Sept. 1. 1,. M. NYE CO.
411C4111(111F1 ..WIIIIIIT-,MO
WILL he kept on hand a large assortment, and
made to order on,shorter notice and for less mo
ney than can be producetVat any other establishment in
the land. Those who are under the necessity of pie
curing -that article will and shall be satisfied. A gotia
hearse and pall may be had in attendance when desired:,
septemher 1, 184 7 1..
-M. NYE & CO.
_ -
What are you about here' Arn't ye! Tea, I guess so!
THOUSANDS of times the question has been asked,
Where an earth are. all the Boots and ;Shoes ma
nufactured that supply the continual rush at the corner
of Main and Bridge streets? rilara answers that this
is the place, and these are the things sae do it with
Wit Seventy • eleven
every two. re cond., !
--,_-_—__=, - -. - 7 , -- - __:. , Put via the Steam I !
Hear yel hear ye ! and understand, that O'Heri, - at
the corner of Main and Elmiccsyccts, will f ell at retail
this season. 39,781 pairs .if [loots, Shoes and BtWeerta,
at a less price than ever was or probably ever will be of.
fared again in l'owatida.
The Ladies' Department in this
richly forni- had with fashions. Dailies', misses' and
'children's fancy and common hoots and shoes. even to
the extremity of the latest fashions. Mistake not the
place —Corner of Main and Bridge. streets. Me mi3i
Shoe Blare Bradford County. Half en.h end half
trade for Rutter. H. O'HAgA.
Towanda. June lg. 1R47. . - J.
rt HOWE DRY GOODS.—Alpsceas, French Men
110, Oregon plaids, mouslin de Woes. Columbia.
plaids. gingham., of all descriptions, &c., at
Nov. 10, DAIRD .B , N0." 3 , Burk Row.
tiffilabelpf)ia lbricttistmtnis