Can.tx A/D FEVIL—W rights& Indian Vrietabiel Pills arc One of the best, if not the very best medicine in the world, for the eureof intermittent fever, bectusie they excel all others in ridding the body of those morbid humors which are the cause not only of all kinds Of fever, bot df . every malady iheident 10 man. Four or eve of said Indian Vegetable( Pills, takerr every night on rang to bed will in a short time makes perfeet eure of the roost obstinate case of dolls and fever, at the rause time the digestive organs will be restored to a healthy lone, and the - blood so completed purified that fever and ague, or disease in any form,will be absolutely impose tile BIWAIS M COLldlitirEThl AID 11111. AT:mug—remember. (lint the ongninl and only genuine 1 vnts a Valuers aur Pita, have the written signature of WN. W RIGHT ou the top label of each box. "(.• • The above eelelirated pills for sale by idontanyes k. Co., Towanda. U. Motviy /Leo.. Frenelticrwn. S.W. & D. P. Pomeroy, Troy. D. Brink. Hornlirook. Correll & Gee. blast Bur'iltun. .1. C. Adams. Rom creek. Wm Gibson, t; Rathlione. Canton. 1.. S. Ellsworth. Alberts. N. Campbell. Sltesliegion tiny Tracy. Milan. .1 J. Warlord. Monroe-lost. Principal office and general Depot. WO Rare Si. Phil'a. Messrs. Canfield, of Owtrego, Stand as ingli in public estimation, both in business and pri vate character, as ally men in the whole county• Dr a Senpimjn South—Dt•nr Sir —We have but one boa of the.•• Slog= Coated" Indian Vegetable Pills ail band. having "mid to our neighbors halt n dOten at n now, the whole or wh it we lyeeived in eli , We w •re rof aware that ait sup: ply was exhausted. The sale has very touch Illetenseti re trial y. Your Pills bid fair to become popular tit this section of the country. and its Int is we hive heard: they have given sat•.iar:ion to every !why dual Who has taken them II yon Punk pmper ton may send n supply out by express. as we shall receive them sooner. Your• truly. • I - A. a CANFIELD Agents or the abuse Pi:ls for Bradford Count) •I' DiVitort l . 'Noy ; John It Ford. Towanda ; C II Detrick. Athens: ' Chamberlin & Porter. do E Norman. Spcogrienl .1 E Bullock. Eitaavillc, 3 Holcomb. Wymx : B B Van Gilder. Elk, lii/star's Balsam of Wild Cherry lu the Old Don We extract an article from the New Ens. published nt Portsmouth Va. and edited. by A. F. Catminglium. Fag lie Aig speaks of ‘ htntselt; and here to the extract—(Dec It-46.1 We have been kir sotse days, to hiring:molt r se, ere in flainroa'ion :of the lungs, produced by cold mid irritated by speaking an public go that throughout Sundt. y, and AlonJoy .lll Tuesday, the at niptopig of the dlseese s cm ti to inertias, and the *uttering was intens.t, without the least apperte for food The rueglt was dry. and hard the most acute pa.ii; to the head ao I bark We had fairly g yen up hope of relit 0. when we thought of tit.* Bolsam. and we sent wand to our -friend. lIEPOSII the agetit. or a bottle IVe took the first dose accord lig ro directions, roe a most .014 tantly fiat n glow of healthy warmth through the systrm—this wa s wo o ' c lock—at nine fwe soon :ler detected a perceptible rel.ef the frequency orate spasms and violent pains that hail beitre attended them At three an ilia morning we tOok DOOdli"f dose amd the phlegm: though tough yellow and ropy, was rj•-eiett trout the lungs with Compatat:ve ease. We feel gratrfut for the relief afforded. and recommended a trial of at b3-all who as we sufigled. We have deemed a due to the med vale. and to hum a any to give tit's unsought teal mm..l to the virtue oil the Balsam . m our t The genuine signed I BUTTS on liir wrapper . Sod by CILA BERLI & PORTER, Towanda. • Married, • In Columbia. on the Ist inst., by L. B. Myatt, (Min ister 'of the Gospel.) Mr. Lb:HOT TABOR. of Troy, to Miss LILIAN :N•iin, of the former place. Died, In Columbia tp., on tile 6th ult., BENJAMIN NI'KE.I,:c, aged 59 years. Mr. M'Kean has been long andlavorably known this county, having beenl 4 lhviri ff u r three and filled the office to the sati,faclion of all parties concertiNt He was an industrious, a useful and an honest ci tizen, and will be much missed in the xierslity where he resided ; but most of all by his family who are very deeply affected by his death. Be was afflicted with vertigo for some time before his death, but was not confined to his house until the Rd of June last, after which he was under medical treatment, but without any beneficial effect, until the time of his demise. - S. Z. S. New rabvcrttsrments ELCH'S • NATIONAL crocus, iro»Atding of a `splendully talented Wove of Eves banns. from the Chesnut 41. Ampithentre. Phila., V , ILL Exhibit at TOWANDA, on SATURDAYI I'N SEPTEMBER 2d 184 S. The hitrh estimation which this CELEBRATED ESTABLISHMENT has acquired and holds, must prove sufficiently the truth of the description of talent attributed to each artist, and' of every' effect advertised, in the hills and patnphle i tt. One of the most extraordinary and wonderful improvements in trirellinz exhibitions, Is the introduction of the SYLV IC GAS, for lightintt this Immense Establishment which is introduced Into the centre of the beautiful Pavtlhon in a large Coronet of Silyrie braat cy. THE ORCHESTRE, the finest in the United States, will be under the direction of the Celebrated Mr. RICIIAIII/ WILLIS, surnamed the King Bugle Player. THE PERFORMERS are of the most superior class in talent. The position of the Proprietor en ables him to secure all the great talent of America, and of the European Continent. THE NOBLE STUD, Consists. of Horses and Ponies - of the most beautifitl shape, full blood and fanciful marks,ofitny equine seleciton in the known world. Journeys the most expensive have been undertaken to cull the pride of Arabia, the choice of England and France and the selection of Scotland. VARIOUS PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONs, are go, en in the hills and pamphlets of some of the triostStriken Feats of the A rtistes, in order to bring more forcibly to the mind of the general readers the Wonderful Effecti about to be witnessed. ri - j- HOURS OF EXHIBITION. In the afternoon, ,Doors open at 2 and Performancem Commence Lt 23 t.'clock. In the Evening the Doors open' at 7, Per- I. , rmanees Commences 75 "'clock. r:t• ADMITTANCE 25 Cents. irj- For particulars see large bills and pamphlets. Will perform at I .e:.Friday, Sept. 1, at Athens. Monday. the 4th. PIANO FORTES, SERAPWMS AND.MELOOIANS, F ROM the hest %mobil:l(l6es in Boston, for sale by . Troy, Ps.,—Aug. 16, 1848. R.B. BAMSETT. . SEED WHEAT • FOR SALE, 250 bush. of the celebrated SOULE'S WHEAT, procured of Mr.Powland, near Roars .ter, said to yjeld on good ground, front 40 to 50 bushels per acre, at $I 25 per acre. Also, two fine BUCKS. ball breeds; one a Leicester and the of er I Cotswold, very low. : WM. H. OVERTON. Athens, August 9, 1848. MASS MEETING ! • Mountain Lfikr. Vide awake? THERE will be • MASS MEETING of the iVaLicar al Reformers of Bradford County, in the grove neas‘Mountain I ake, on Saturday, the 19th of August, at lt,/, o'clock. A general invitation is extended to all, whether in favor or opposed in our measures. Several distinguished speidters will be present on the occasion, In expoUnd - the demrines of Notional Reform. " Prin ciples, not men," is our motto. B ontor of the Commio•-• of Arranrmcnt Nt ~u ntein Lake, lul. 19. I N D & UM' rord. Monroe . II NV Trat-y. Stainting Stone 1. Maymird. Rome; Orwell ; Itterrhanbi;e, itTr. 410,000 MIMS LOVA' I GREAT REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, Merely for the Want tj cheap aaeis. Watches and Jewdryl Great Rusk al the NEW CLOCK AM) WAICI STORE! JAMES P. BULL rerpectfully informs the citizens of Towanda and vicinity. that be has lately return. ed from Philadelphia, and permanently located in Te wainde, one de or below the Brick Row, in the room for merly occupied by Mt reur's Hat Store, ware may be found gold and silver watches, gold, fob and guard chains, gold and silver pencils, gold pens, breast pius, 6nget rings,. &e.., cheap for ash, and every article:war ranted. A latge supply of CLOCKS, of the Latest im proved patterns, cunning from 30 hours to 8 days and • month, with one winding. (31. Particular attention paid to repairing CLOCKS, WATCH ES & JEWELRY, of every description; and from the long experience which he has bad in the bu siness, work left in his care will be done in the best workmanlike manger. Old gold and silver taken iu eoctiarirre. Toirand a, -A ugust 16, 1818. y 1 0_17 eicge:D •T TUE OPILT GENUINE CHEAP CASH STORE, IN TOWANDA T. FOX would.most !respect:l4ly inform his old • friends, and any one else who is in want of int.r chandise, that he is receiving and will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of all kinds of Goodie usually knit in a country store :—Dry Cones, C metrics, Crock ery. Hardware, Boots 4. shoes, Hals and Caps, Fish, Paints and Oils, Dye stuffs, Iron, Hails, Carpeling, kr. We will conaidtr it a favor for people to let us show them our goods, as we think they cannot fail to suit. true, I cannot boast of es great a nnmber of years experience in purchasing goods, as some, yet I trust the good people of Bradford have not forgotten their own dear bctight expel' ice in buying goods of these same ohli.rperieneed c Ana. Look out for them, or they will stick on their urinal tariff! I will sell as cheap, if not cheaper than any other live man. Please give us a call, nt No. 2, Brick Row. Towanda, May &I LL.'S,. I. 'F. FOX. JOY TO THE WORLD ! THE only Universal Remedy is at last discovered in the shape of Cheap Goods, at FOX'S. It is an an external remedy, but if applied by the pubt,.. fiber, is warranted sure cure, and no mistake. If a man feels poor or bad in the region of hirp fcket !rook, the most efficient is to yell at Fox's, and buy What goods he wants, Ps he can buy more be less money than at any other place in town. For anything like dyspepsia. .the safest, plesantest and best remedy is • quantity of that fresh, delfri Mid Tea at Fox's, from 3s to 68 per lb., sweetened with some of that nice 6/1 Sugar. In fact, there is hardly a disease that flesh is heir to, that a reme dy cannot be found for at my 24 FOX'S. AN ACT ENTITLED A N ACT for the benefit of the People of Bradford Co. Be it remembered by all good citizens, that a man can buy as many Dry Goods and Groceries as he can carry home, for a mere :rifle, hardly worth mention ing, at No. 2, Brick Row, my 21 FO _ _ _ DRUGS, MEDICINES GROCERIES & LIQUORS. JOH N R. FORD has just m evived,st his Drug store ' one door below Kingsbery'd store, in ILK ingSbery's new brick block, Main street, a large addition to his former assortment, which he now offers to the attention of the public. His stock now comprises every article usually kept, among which may' be found the following: DRUGS & MEDICINES. Opium. cream tartar, camphor, caioile Soap, liquorice, balsam copailut, rhuba• h, jalap, aloes, fl mars chamo mile, gum arribie, castor oil,, magnesia, roll and flour sulphur, and crudi, borax, calomel, red precipitate, coi raj .e sublimate, aqua ammonia, tartaric acid, epsom salts, laudunum, senna, sulphate quinine, all of the essential oils, gnm myrrh. cantharides, gum trag,acanth, cork', sarsaparilla, gamboge, litharge, spir its turpentine. rotten stone, umber, terra de sienna, salt pctre, minis seed, isinglass, 4ubelis, aunotto t &c., &c. GROCERIZS Crushed, loaf, and muscavado sugars, cheaper than can lie bought elsewhere in town black and green tea ; sslwratus, pepper, spice, mustard. perip.t sauce, raisins, nutmegs, cloves, niece, Rio and Java coffee— Starch, gin ger, oils, blacking, castile, blown, variegared and fancy soap, sperm and tallow candles, tobacco, 'segues and snuff, matches, &c., &c. LIQUORS - Cognise. Otani, peach and American Brandy; St. Croix. Jainacia and New England Rum ; swan. lion and Baltimore Gin ; Scotch, Irish and Monongehala Whiskey ; Maderia, pale and brown Sherry, pore juice, Port, Trneritie, Lisbon, Malaga, Muscat, claret and champaigne wines, alcohol, 4c: PERFUMERY & FANCY GOODS. Bay water, lavender, colonge and rose water, mac cassar and braes oil, otto roses, ox marrow-, pomatum, rouge, pearl powder, handeline, flesh, tooth, hair, nvil and clothes brushes, feather dusters, calf wallets, boy's belt., combs, pins, .fish hooks, pencil points, playing cards, percussion caps, ink, steel pens, &c. PATENT MEDICINES. Western Panacea Balm of Columbia, Pink Syrup, Kom.tock's Verenifuge Hay's Lininien'. Mother's Re lief, Pain Extractor, Acoustic oil, Hair dye, Andrew's and Mrs. Brown's Painkiller, Godfrey's cordial, Adhe sive plaster, Townseid's, Webster's, Wood'. and Shep herd's Sarsiiparill Lithontripic mixture, Wist a r's Bal sam. Hungarian Balsam of Life, Cpbam's E'-ctuary, M' AI . ster's Oinrinent, Shepherd's, Komstocks, Orrick'a and Fahnestock's Vermifuge, Brown's celebrated Lotion for Consumption, So%creign balm pills, sugar coated Pills, and all the most popular medicines of the day. CO" The stock is complete, containing everything kept in the largest establishinenti, and is Arered at the lowest possible prices. Rentetnlser e that Ford's Cheap Drug. Grocery and Liquor Slone, is in Kinashery's new block. Towanda. June 7, 0448. NOT THE FALL OF EMPIRES ! But a Great Fall In the Prier of Goods. at the SAVINGS- BANK ! 0 REED, the proprietor, is now receiving a large • assortment of Spring and Summer Guods, which are selling so low as to astonish even the" natives."-- The selection consists of every variety and style of fashionable goods for the seasoo, a catalogue of which would he entirely too numerous io mention here. • Sam plea will be shown with the greatest pleasure, to any one who will have the goodness to call. and we will sliow them that loods can and will be sold cheaper at the Savings Bank. NO 5. Brick Row, than in any other establishment in Bradford Co. C. REED. Towanda. May 30: 1848. Goods well Bought are half Sold !" 0. D. BARTLETT, S now opening a large stock and extensive variety of 1 60008, selected with the greatest care, and bought under great advantages in the cities of New York and Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorable condi tion of both markets—and having in view the motto above, has so bought that be can and will 'sell on as fa uorable terms as the test, and will endeavor to show to community the advantage of buying from those who buy well. Towanda, May 23, 1848. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. Qfkri VOLS. published by the American Sunday School Union; and for sale low in qusntities to suit purchasers. my 23 O. D. RARTLETT. U. C. PORTER, M. R. IPIETZZEOE3IS7 b 65T71112.2(11)W9 nFFERS his professional services to the people of V Towanda, and vicinity. Office at Chamberlin & Porter's Drug store, No. I. Brick 9 LIMPS!—Gast Iron well and cistern pumps. War. I ranted to draw water from thirty to mil, feet for eale at the New Hardware blocs. D. LORD. T I A RDWA RE, r good arrottinent, including Iron. 11, r'tfrl. .(c. et No. 2, P R. _ _ _„ GREAT KEDIJt TION tN PRICES ! NEW..6OODS, Al the Corner of Main and Brigs sts. T KIIiGSBERY. JR. is now rewiring from New •I • York and Philadelphia, a large and cheap'seock. of Spring and Sununu. Dry floods : Aim, a genetsl assortment of Groceries,- Hardware, 'Crorkery, Family Medicines Boots and Sh y .-s, (a large variety.) Nails, Glass, Feints ; Dye-woods, Fish, 1)r. Also—Leghorn. Pedal and Prim !eel Hats; Angola, peat!. camintere and silk Hats ; Florence, China-pearl, Neapolitan, open work and lawn Bonnets. IJunka and Slaliontay, 'Wall paper f o ram 10c to 50c per piece, Win dow piper, &c. Aftrarnil irtafromenkt—Flutes, Clari nets...Flageolets, Fifes, dre. J. KINGS BE RY, JR. Towanda, May 17. 1818. oI.N.UHA MS.—We have a large quantity of small patterns, very handsome and desirable ; French and linen ging3ams, of excellent quality. may 12 • KINGSBERY & CO LA WNS.—rrench, American and Organdie Lawns, • beautiful assortment; also, plaid and figured silk wool !wages. my 17 KINGSB ER Y & CO. CALICOER.—A choice selection of Merrimack, or ange and blue, pink and all other kinds, small fig ure. Two shilling calico for nine rents; call and see, Mr mind, the only place is KINGSBERY & CO, ONNETB.—A choice selection of Florena. lace, 1-3 China pearl, Pamela, Leghorn, and other fashion able styles of and misses* Bonnets, very cheap; also Bonnet ribbons, artilicials, wreaths. &c. maw 17 KINGSBRRY & CO. - - in Extensive Assortment or Ready-made Clothing Jorid rem red at L. Buichricr'll CLOTHING STORE Tik/IV stock is large, comprising a full assortment of Summer Clothing ()revery kind : such as Tweed Croton. Queen's Cloth, and silk mixed tirecian Sack and habit cloth. linen' and cloth dress (AMTS. Also, PANTS et VESTS, of every kind; cravats and handerchiers, glove., and summer hoar, all 0ff,041 cheap—so cheap that I think it will pay for coming .ind lyoking at my stock. Also, A good assortment of Brood Cholla, Cava,' . and liatings, :Tweeds and Kentucky Jews, Linen., Are.. that I will - make up to order, and very cheap. I pledge myself to twit as cheap as can be boucht any where in the country. L. BATCHELER. Towanda, fifty R, I ROI. • 1 OINEWS TOOLS.—A coo , ' assortment of Bead, Moulding all Bench PLANE:I, grousing ploorg, arid other Joiner's Tools, just received from the 1111111 U• factory, and for sale low by n. B RT LE rr. TOWAVND NEW CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. THE sulsscriber has opened a C Lora NG &mitt., two doors north of the Public tsquate, on Main street. (nearly opposite the new brick tavern now being erect ed by C. 1,. Wald, Esq.) where he will keep cofistatuly on hand, antrfor sale at the towest possible prices, a large and general assortmeut of READY MADE CLOTHING, such as COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRT-130SOMS, CRAVATS, CoHark, Dock, : Susperarry, Glorr : ll.,,,rry, Do a trcrs, Ila)11,;1 nadrr,liti f tYC, He has also on hand and is constantly receiving, large assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGSI such as !Silks ; Satins, Marsalalea, &c., ail of which will be made up to or& r on short not:ce and on ieasonable terms. The subscriber having been a practical Tailor for the list 15 years, in the city Of New York. Ilauets himself that he can give w--isfaction to all who may fa vor him with their patronage. His Clothing is all made up order his own inviree lion, and he has therefore no lics-icy in recommend ing it to those who wish to purchase. CI I MNG and MAKING UP for person. who prefer to furnish ',imolai] materials; and Cutting done for persona pito wish to have their garments marls else where—all ofl which shall be done with neatness and despatch. The subscriber i• also agent for A. Wheeler's Report of Fashions. whieh he Call furnish to sreh FIA arc want. ing. on reasonable terms. B. A. SMITH. Towanda, June 6, 1848. LARGEST & LATEST ARRIVAL OF SPRING & &MR COODS. H. S. & M. C, MERCUI I ESP ECTF 1: LI. Y announce to their numerous IL friends and customers, that they are now opening the largest and most general assortment of GOODS, ever before offered in Towanda. embracing almost every thing wanted by persons of every class and coniFtion. All those wishing to pot chase Goode for cash, will find it for their interest to esainine this meek. Towanda, May 26, 1648. - • If R. R rs. Philr nit Robinson. No. 14 1 D.T. 7'., 18 17 , ui Brad furd Commois Pleas. Lelici Jr Di tvwcr. 11 1 0'1"111LENA ROBINSON, defendant in 'ic 1 attire cause : You are hereby notified ti,,.t WILLIAM R. ROBINIiON, your husband has filed his petition for a divorce from the bonds of matri mony. And an alias subpoena has been returned, and proof made that you are At to be found in said county. You are therefore, hereby required to ap pear at the court house in the borou,:h of Towanda, on Monday, the 4th day of September next being the first of September term of said court acorn :non plea.. to answer the said complaint, and show cause 'fatly you have, why the §aid William shall nut be divorced from you. J. F. MEANS. Sheriff. Sheriff'. °Mee, Towanda, Aug. I, Ms, REGISTER'S NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested, that Henry C. Allen, one of the administrators of Benijah Allen, deed, late of Warren township; Henry Russell, one of the administrators of Wm H. Tupper, deed, late of Mr'indham township; fiathanlel Flo • er, administrator de bonis non of the estate of - A Isnson B. Shaw, dec'd, late of Ulster tp. B. R. Myer, administrator de boobs non of the estate of Wm. Myer, deed, late of Vss'ysox tp Fred Stevens, administrator of the estate of Samuel Steveos, deceased, late of Pike township. A ;ha Tuttle, executor of the estate of Joel Tuttle, deceased; late of Standing Stone township. C. 0. Spencer, one of the executors of the last all and testament of J. Withey, dee'd, late of Canton tp. James Merritt and Roswell Dunbar, executors of J. B. Morntt, deed, late of Granville tp. John F. Satterlee, executor of the estate of William Bertrand. deed, late of Athens tp. Have si versify filed and settled n the office of the Register of Wills, in arid fur the Co. of Bradford, the ac counts of their several administrations upon the estates aforesaid, and that the same will be presented to the Orphan's court of said co. cci Monday the 4th day of Septianber next, for confirmation and allowance. 1. B. DE WOLF, Register. Register's 0f rice, Towanda, August 2, 1848. Cheapest Goods ever soliin Towanda, ARE NOW KLUB AT THE SAVINGS BANK ! SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of every des enption, for old refit and young men, for young misses and old ladies,for the high, the low, the rich, and the poor all can now be accommodated. A few articles in the line of Dress Goods, which are going off with a perfect rush, we can here mention, such as Frch lawn ginghams, dark and light gingharni, linen lustros, French lawns. berages, and a great assortment of Prints are now 'Mint lower than the lowest at No. 5, D R. June 14. 1548. REED'S. BON/VETS, and Bonnet 'Trimming% of every dea eriptior., suitable for the season. may be found in atn.ndinee, and very cheap al 5, B.R. . REED'S. INTANTED. any quantity of Boner, at the mark, t ruceP, at the f 'entrit. More-. N. N. 13ET filerthanbir, &-t. 11511 W 6(4.6210e At Wholesale and Retail. MONTANYEB & CO. are now waiving fresh from New York and Philadelphia, the most de rllWe lot of GOODS. ever offered in this market, and think that an experience of twenty years in the selec tion of goods had ought to enable them to purchase as cheap as the cheapest. We invite public attention to our stork, and think we can offer inducements wonky the notice of the most clove buyers and @matron of de. rabbi goods. May I. 1848. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS ! NOW nereivin. almoi4 dal at the Central Brick !?tote, (Chea p side of M rt..) fresh supplies of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which we are selling at unusually low prices. If you want cheap and good Goods, mark the Central Store. Fur particulars, see Reporter nest week. May 29. 1848. N. N. BETTS STOP ! STOP ! IWOULD sly to my Md . friends and all that wish to / buy good 4 cheap. that I am still to be fo and at the CENTRAI, STORE, here my arrangements are All to partially take eh-Ame of and assist Nr. N. . Betts in the above named establi-hment. I would thenrfom I.e plesaed et any time to show and satisfy you that it is net always a lam that thaw, who the marl untie in the • odd, or hate the Jurgen stufeA, that ash gouda the cheapest. Itespec tfu Ily , y ours. Toscana-I, June 6, 1818. A.D.MONTAN V F.'. 01.61118 tic C. 1 1 4.8111 Elt Eng,lish„ French X and American Cloths and Castimeres, and a large assortment of Fancy Cassimeres, selling at very low rates at the Central More. N. N. BE ll's. LA DIES' 6(H) l )S.—Lawns , ginghams, raw ails. end silk and linen gingham., (now style of goods) de lames, white dress goads, of every raxiely, at the Central Store. j. 7 N. N. BETTS. P RINTS -1000 yards on hand, whith we will sell to rash customers at cost. klatch 21, ISIS. movrAsyrs & CO. 120(:E in ES —Good t nung hyson and hysen skin tea% at 371 • Al 50 cents—and tugar to sweeten it at f,. and 8 cents ; all other linds of Groceries in urn portion at the Central Stone. 11i. N. BETTS. OPEC rED in a kw d.iya, ■ few more loads of I:4 New (;oats, ai N. N. BETTS'. D R. JACK:ID:Vs PILE EMBROCATION.— is no disgui.ting. nauseating pill. potion. or mixture; no that produces pain or .thitiou; but a medicine that is . i,orice pleasant and agree Mr in its application, igirdt,i; immediate relief, and will cure the %cry worst rasea of painful itching or blrnling Pill, in i'ry hw i'uya. Call at Gm 41111:14LI• & P 11112.1 s'a Drug More, No. 1, Brick Row, Towanda, and ~, o u will not go home without a bottle. Plain, figured and W 0 R pl S i f K i r , D I RE d SS D coLonY! ‘r.,,,--c Pored French !t.erinoev ; nrezon Plaids ; rid) Pre m.', and common Cashmeres, DeLninea,&c.., o _real variety of style,. fur vale at stie2s MEIICUR'.3, 1 1t0.% immorus. and Summa{ Silas 1..) —and endless variety, to rust nit tastes and 01 clan rwmple. selling extremely low nt REMY:4. 4,.:HEEFINGS AND :4 l -lIHTINDS —it you wall es k-3 amine our stock, you will Le sure to buyi unlanai you should think the price su low, that there was some thing wrong in it. KINGSDERV & I'ERMs OF THE BINGHAMTON BOARDING SCHOOL T' 04 board and uition, including Orthography, Rea ing. Writing, Arithmetic. Algebra, Book• Keeping. Grammar. Rht tmic Companion, Geography. l'se of the Globes, Mineralogy, Natural Philosophy and Ast .... omy. (with the u.e of a good apparatus iu tlinr trate those studies.) Moral Philosophy and Chemigry, pity&tle quarterly in advance, per annum,lsloo 00 Day scholars, per quarter, f 400 I= French, per quarter, Latin, Span i h, " Moak, (on the piano.) per quarter, Ecnbrohiery and rug work. " Any ywing lady tecviving instruction on the piano, is privileged to learn rug-work, of anyptic of the above languages, at the same time, without additional charge. To a young lady who studies the Englis branches, the terms of learning each of the above branches-,are per quarter, $.l 00 Instruction nn the Guitar, 4 00 Use of Pianos, 75 Drawing and painting in watercolors, including the use of materials, such as drawing paper, paints. pencils, Ate. 4 00 Oil painting on canvass, 10 00 Painting traii.parent window shades, including the supply of materials, each 4 00 Form'lmplanting on paper, silk and velvet, per twelve les.nns,. b 00 Gild;vig on silk, crape. &c. do. 1 00 Was flower., per quarter, 5 00 Pens anti ink, .' 60 Washing, 2 50 Board in vacation, $2 00 per week. Letters. post-paid, addressed to the Misses W. HITE & GRIFFIN, Binghamton, Broome co., N. Y., will receive prompt attention. al- The nest session of this establisbnx.nt opens on first ;Monday in iSepiember. Binghamton. A U Cli.t 9. 1 949. fhn9 X'fl*W7 acOVIOci B. KINGSEiERY & CO., A RE now receiving a new supply of GOODS from lA. New York. A 100, one ark load of SALT. Towanda, July 12. 1848. J. N. SUMNER, M. D., DENTIST, I nc L it, Pa ad may y n hi. be t el e ' vigi l to it Woit v Towan da, rv i i October n H Him tripods ore invited to all. July 12, 1848. HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE! rI ANIEL LORD takes this method to inform the -ILF inhabitants of Bradford Co., and the surrounding county, that he is receiving at the old eland of J. P. Kirby, a large and well-selected assortment of 11FM AIL DllollrAi.llra 9 Consisting in part of the following : Nails, copper, tin, sheet iron bar and sheet lead, lead pipe of variourrsizes, anvils, cotter and staple vices, crow bars, spider, sho vels and forks, mill, X cut., circular, panel & web saws, SADDLERY HARDWAREICARPENTER'S & JOINER'S Tools, House Trimmings of various descriptions. COOK & PARLOR STOVES, !meat improvement. Also, the Se/J . -Regis/a/iv Par lor Shore. He will manufacture and keep on hand Copper, Tin,_ and Sheet Iron Ware, of all kinds, and at low prices. All persons wishing to purchase Hardware, will do well to call on D. Lord before purchasing at any other place. His stock is en tirely new and fresh. He will sell as cheap as any oth er estatlishmen twithin 100 miles of this place, (no mistake.) All kinds of Copper, Tin and (Sheet Iron Ware, repaired and made to fuck r in workmanlike man nee Towanda, June 26, 1848. PRO BONO PUBLIC° ! DR. Compound Extract pf Vellatv• Dace and Sarsaparilla, an efficient 'end certain; remedy fur Constimption, scrofula, cutaneouis diseases, rheumatism, gout, general debility, dyspepsia, bilious dissases, female complaints, headaches, coughs, colds, fever and ague, and ali chronic affections arising from the Bisbee of Medicines, for sale at No. 1, Brick Row, by CHAMBERLIN & PORTER. PARASOLS & UMBRELLAS. the moat extensive and splendid assortment ever bro't into Towanda, may he found at No. 5. B. R. REED'S. e l BEEN PA BAE3OLS---a few more pf those olden -I_7 grern and Turk satin fiinmil parasol. and ~hadr •os 1 rrt :4•11n17, 'rre low ar 7O:104. • .ificed)anbig, IC4I. _ HaiTab! Efurnkl . 11artgli.! Hurrah! rsiislt'COME Altey come! those NEWCOto tt onziottsly batd for by the poblisi - tiijie4 we ere .tei prepared sell slim es ever beforiAired in this market. TVs, hie antis* COlilista of 1.% • - DRY DMA GROCERS . HARDWARE&CROMERY, of a west vanety. anal ',MO sold fiery low. by July 14. O T ELLI & 'romans. 511,4 Wl.B---a great varieq alto *Will, Veils, Gloves and everything usually kept in enonfry storm by July 14. ELLIOTT & TotiktNs. 1 - ICIILINTERPANIEB.—A few sery.clitiee ones jus seed by ELLiorr Tumiu • poloN M.—Florence. straw, pearl straw, and lace Bonnets , also, palm leaf and leghorn\ logs, by, July i 4. EI.I.IOTT & TONIK NhOl'HS.—A gi.od tartlet),; French and English Camaimrnrs of all kinks, and Sinnott*. whic:i will be arld low by ELLIOrr & TouKtris. IRON AND NAILS, glans and sash, leather, rope, large and small, drugs and paints, of all kinds, kept constantly oir hand by ELLturr dt TOM KINS. PHitsots§ purrhasior goods win do well to call and examine our goods before parehasine elsewhere; as our stock is large and well selected, and purchased when the goods are lowest; so that we have a ronside ral.le advantage over those who purcharisiteartier. We ran scrims ..... date our customers with alre•ist everything they wish, front a coffee mill to a corn abetter. July H. ELIA( rr r & 1 4 MI lONS. 1 S i r L....\ ATTEI4IOI! ~,... • HORSEMEN ! /51Lcovsrs .. N . C MALI R ATlllt l I ) HEAVE ; • -- CURE, For Nair at Nu 1.1,,r i . .. B. Row, by Chou . berlin n - ---- - .tr..-. urn! Porter. A LIST OF POPULAR MEDICINES, POI& .lILL lIT C I ii % %ICEMAN & PORTER. Nn. I. 13 ' k Row , who keep constantly oral end a' full (154 , 1 'IICIII of genuine Drugx and M. diciters. Pain's, Cils, estuffs, I; rarrri. s,- Paltry arl:cics, Arr. Ave.: Atelltisi's poor man's plait. Trask'a magnetic ointment, "' tooth ache &Ur; Ti.lltiey . ti Universal do., the Hi ivik'ff health :esturati.e, Masier ocpain, I lieketier's a. r pills, Wiitar ' i bals. er vl,l c herry, Dailey', pain extractor, II uchan's Hung. balsaindive, Fahriestock's vcrirviiage. Andrew's pain killer, Grivliey',., salt rheum oitit. Davin' do. Gra:ferilicrg tnee•cmes, Herding'. sticking 'salve, liolsrmeack'v worm ivup, Peleg 1% kite's do. IngOklsby's pile specific, Ella lid. pis ster cleth. Dr.Jayrre's mnlicines, Extract irir We-allivo or bur- Jackson's pile 4 teller em. Ding bush, an Indian me- Sher anal. Met/Wm..., lIICIIIe tia Ci.IIIMIIIIVIITI4.II. •• poor non 's plust. dime:is:nor the liver, 4c . , Merrick's verrnifuge, TI ouvrou'orege water, Woridell's veg. res. pills, Weaver's worm lea, Dr. WC-Itlll'al female .. Drittis 'oil. M'inslow'r hal*. horehound, grant's Indian remedies, Moffat's medieines, %Vann' liniinciii.—relielcs Folger'm, . rheumatic and other pain, Phinney's pills, • Wefister'i ex. sarsaparilla, P ,, cahoistas do. Harlem oil, P.,rter'. tooth cordial, Carpenter's • do. Soule% or. soy. balm pills, McAllister's ointment, Surayne's syrup w. cherry, Tiriliggton's balsam life, do. verooluge, Balm of Columbia, : 4 rnith's is. c. Ind. veg. pills, B.atemait's pectoral drops, Scarpe'i &ermine oil, Codfrey's cordial, M'righei Ind. veg.pilla, Dullard's oil soap, Oriental do. Indian ve;„ viable (diver, Brandreth's do. Jew-David's plaster, %Veinier's bilious do. ChoLnemati's Arabian' bale. Phelp'a roma° do. Cooper's corn sale, Dr. Rush's do. Mother's relief. Lees' do. Gelatine capsules, Pwa's poor mares do. 'Cephalic crown snuff. With Many others, not , enumerated. The sii bScri hers ate agents for m lot of the above medicines, and warrant every article genuine. July 19,1848. GROCERY AND VARIETY STORK $1 00 4 00 4 00 10 00 2 00 SA YRE & WOODWORTI+, IxTpl - I,D respectfully ir.form the krtbabiti4 of To. I'l I wands and vicinity. that they tiavesopened a (4100ERY & VARIETY she c o rner building north of the public sricire, on Main-at. where may lie found all kind's of • GroOries, Preserves, Pickles, Fruits, ntme r o sn d r. Cigars, Candy. CrackerS and Tap ceery desertplion. B.tskels, ilroom.:, Willow ware, 4.e.: Sperm and Zdhne Candles, liar sexy, Vinezar, Floor, Pork. Hems, all ofiwhich will be .ofd chesplor cash. Totwaridt, July 3, 1848. ' • I ORPHAN'S COURT SALE; Ban•oraer of the Orphan's Court of Bradford co., will Le exposed to public sale, on 'SATURDAY, the 19th day of August, 1848, at 2 o'eloqi, P. M., on She premises, a piece or p..ieel of 1 rd in Troy . town ship, Aste the ratite of Win. Ku ix, e1e0 . J.., bounded on the lida of Ward, east by land of James 1/e Witt,jsouth by lands of Wm. Morrison, wmt by the highway leading from 4:marine. to Troy. Containing one handred acres, or thereabouts. Attendance given, and tfTros made known on the day of Bale. ell At. 4. DRAKE. Administrator Grhnvilli r July 19, 1818. of WIII. Knox, ilee'd. 0)41. 0 3a.t.wg,:D D aLWIEsU k an order or the Orphans' Court of Bradford co., 1.1 will be e:q.oscd to public sale nn FRIDAY, the 18thlday or August, 18.18, at 2 o'elocl, upon the pre in',eP, a piece o r parcel of land in Springfield tp., late the property or Be famin McAlfee, dec'd., bounded on north by the county toad leading Ire n Troy to Tioga Point, and by 1 . • Lis of Sylvester Leonard. east by lands of Miner Gates and by ir Ids of Paul Shumway, south by Lands orStephen Bile: and west by lands of Daniel lisettett. J. W. Mercur and Samuel Faulkner. Con taintig one hundred acres or thereabouts with a Iwo story framed dwelling house a ;Irmo loin and other out houses erected thereon and with an apple orchard. Attendance given, and terms made known on the day of sale. JOEL I'. 31cAFFEE, Springfield. July 19, 1848. Efecutor. .__• _ _ . 0 1 :13tUKELUZ0 9 LIZYM.Y.2" g.L.U.411 4 0 DuRscANT to an order of the Orphan's Court of 1 Bradford county. will be exposed to public sale on TITSD.%Y, the 13th day of August, 1848, at one o'- clock, P. M., upon the pretni-es, a piece or parcel ofilsrul in Sheshequin toweuMip, and bounded and described as follows : Lying on the south side of the Hornbrook road, commencing at a corner on the said road adjoin ing lands of the heirs of Benjrmin Drink, thence run ning along said road a north-easterly direction to a place where a saw mill was formerly built on said Hornbrook. thence crossing said brook along the line of lands of Daniel Brink to a white ash sapling a corner, thence along the lands of said Daniel Drink to a hickory sap ling standing near the fence of said Brink enclosing his orchard. thence along said fence to the place of begin ning. Containing about two acres Af land. with a small tan house thereon erect e d together with the privilege of taking water from the spring upon the lanls of said Da niel Brink to supply said tannery. The property of George Jefrrya deceased. Attendance given and terms made known on the day of sale. July 19, 1848. * RUSSEL PRATT, Araniti`r. ITEOPZIADIS' tratratral VIVLB. PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans Court o Bradford enntity, will be exposed to public sale on WEDNESDAY. the 16th day of August, 1848, at 3 o'clock. P. M., upon the premises. • piece or palest , of land in Troy township, late the estate of Wm. Mitchell • deed., bounded on the north by land of Samuel Allen, and Lucid, and Reuben Stiles, east by lands of E Long. sett h by lands of Henry Greenough. west by lands of 1.0 "us and Reuben Stiles, Containing about 137 acres Of thereabouts, about 85 anus improved, with a frame dwdrlling house and small frame barn thereon. Attcn. danre given, and terms made known on day of sale. The above stands-adjourned nntil Tuesday, the 29th day of August. 1818. at 3 o'clock. P. M. CHAUNCEY P. MTTCELL, f ATILD.% mrrcim,r; tn., luly I. 11 , 1. Administrator,. legal glbtutlistin cuts. A DII ISTR A'r()lt'S NErrH` E. A" • permute indebttd to the estate of ilerrilts d 4 .41., roe of °retell tp., are Ira, ted fo make payment without delay, thd those haring, claims against said estate writ preside !Westin them duly at. fheutitated for settlertwut. C.G. GRIDLEY, Orwell, JolY t 2, 1848. inign tor: —oi - •- 'Ec uTrs N OTI(; E. o in&frtr:eft to the estate of 'PRE DT:Rtrli .; V, deett; ta'te?taf Litchfield, are herety ake payment. afithotit delay, and tlith.o againtt said estate will plinann• henticated for aettlernert Si % U R E L: D D S L O E V N, Exec ti tor" : um. 11, 1849. E 1 Aprilto BRAM rrqueste+l to 14 1.1.cul duly -nui Lott- 1 1(61d _ . lEII I FIPS SAL E. _. I f bunchy writs of vend. expo. hooted nut ft of Common Pleles of Bradford t.lourity, I shall expose to ' , untie sale oldie hou-r ruff, in the horough 4 Tertllll ridif fin M4.11/- y of 1 4 E11 TE NI II E R next, at one d'e belt ..wing force or parcel of land in the Ildgebery, and bounded on the nonh by t Butnlt.m., on ihe.east by I-rael Burt, by Howard Hurt, 124 .11 ra itting three sed, with one I - edified follow. • s 'B y eirwe 10 for 15rrefesll orr. p. Wth day ate 4th a P., M., thq 101 loworlip of Lind, of Perri and souttvw acrrs all imps' .41ri1.e.1 arid bruali . to.d Mt A ISO—TI Owe or !tuft •nd bounded by Akio Pa ares.l by lands ing 16100 one{ ty acres intpr.l an apple ordt taken in rxecution ta the suit of Cool A hone v.. Wit.. JohnPon. e d✓f'ndArinl ham... 4 in the follovriog of lend sittiotrd in Springfield troatto,hii,, orth by lariat of Ghtirleb 1,. Welk ; rind south by . Wood ,rd Berry, and d e..rnel and Seth shrrnorn. Contain {hundred .nc! !luny ntree with shout thir ‘•ed, one I"g house, one. frunnei !ten abet ,id thereon. 2 4 -Teed and Dyer eve..llA. . A I.'6l)—Tb ed Imo Meta e north by the rmnpatty LIM tve”t by thr Si sere*, with till' ro( , „ ,, wing, !bleep or parcel of land Situst s ',ship, and boutidea as 1.,110w5, In wit : manila Clerk, arid reed by the Asylouir ~„ smith by I tri.l of C. 1,. IVar,l, awl ierader armlet,. containing thr, e hurearll y acres imoroce‘l. with ore framed house, To and shot, a small orchard thereon. Serr...,l and tiker, ill execution. to the suit • f Wm. Vt'lekits to 14 ..1 Fred, rick Watts . r, , . T. H. Lewis. A LSO—A irie , e or panel of Land its Rome tp., gra hounded palm I.v Llrtdord Chaffee. snogla and west by i• Fermi., itrator, r. north by the pi,' fie nor& C.mtairung 11,134, feet,.ve lb MIS framed house, and a few f uit t .04 thereon. *li in tmer,--d. ti ;dole, in execution at the of Henry r. 4 Mercur; vs. 1L! .N. Lent. A LSO—A piece or parcel of land situated in Wysev, and bounded Notth by the main road, east by Daniel C.Hilbou4h. south IN-the Susquehanna, west by Sheph erd Pierce. Containing Quest 48 acres with flout acres improve) with two framed di:selling houses, orb barn and shed and apple orchard thereon. ALSO—One -,Niter IA so uated in sail trwtiship bounded north by land of George Scott, east by smil Sc, it. south• by lint Lucy Burn's and west by Saphrts Cotitatmug about thirty acres. Seized.and taken in exec utiun at the aunt of—Me.tan der Ray„ vs. Harry Morgan, Executor, ALSO— A piece or parcel of land situated in Sheshe rolin twp„ bounded ort the norlh by lands of Samuel Hulce, sou h easi by Archibald Schiller, scant hDavrd Evans, and west by F. (f4,ntain;n g 56acres with about t 2 acres improved, and with one log house thereon. and taken in execution ai the suit of SfOrrii& Jones vs. Johnl Parmer. A 1.:40---iThe 'flowing piece or parcel or land u f ed in Armenia township. bounded and described as fol low,, haws, to wit: 1 1 ,iortli land of Alfred fliplry, east by land iii pos,csroon of John Benson, on the smith by land of Riley !fan kins, and on the wen. by, unseated land. Containing one hundred acres with aboot eighty acres improved, with nee dooble log house one framed' Barn a small apple orchard thereen. Seized and tsken in execution at the suit of Peleg Peek, now to the use of D. Vunderc ok, vs. John Be,. son. . ALSO—The folhwing property situated in Sbeshes quin and bounded North by James Brink, east by Sam uel Marshall Zotste, south by land of Lemuel Kings bury and west 'by ,Samuel Butts. Containing about one Lunched and sixiv acres, one lug house and log barn, and sere iinproy"l. Se'zed and taken in executtnerat the suit of Francis S. Ayer, vs, Thomas Marshall, • Also-13y Sundry writs of Levari Facies, a' tract of land situated in -Granville township,beginning at • dead pine tree south west corner of lot nn. 199 on war rant lot no. 1537, thence south one Wundred" and forty two perches to a dead maple, thence west two hursdrial and sixteen and *l4 perches to a ehestnut oak for a corner, south-rant. corner of lot no. 181, thence north one hundred arid forty-two perches to a post, thence east two hundred and sixteen and 8-10 perches to the begin ning. Containing one hundred and ninety-two acres and sixty-six perches strict measure. Seized and taken in execution at the suit 4- It. A. Davidson administra or of Wm. Davidson deed., who sutvived Timothy Paxson vs. Joseph Cairn Simpson administrator of John Taylor. ALSO—Another piece or parcel of land situated in Burlington township, beginning at t po-t montilowest corner of lot no. 49 on warrant tot na. 1477, therregeast one hundred and one perches to a post, thence south' one hundred and fifty-two perches and 7.10 th to a post: - thence west one finni>ed and one perches to a post, thence north one hundred and fifty-two end 7-10th penEhes to the beginning. Containing ninety-six acres and sixty-three perches strict measore Seized and taken in execution at the suit of R. D. Davidson administrator of Wm. -Davidson deed., who survived Timothy Paxson 'vs. Joseph C. Simpson ad ministrator of ft. Sweney ALSO—AII that certain piece orparcel of Nerd with ; the improvements thereon erected situated ott Itentley creek in the township of Ridgebery, bounded as follows : Beginning at the seventieth rode stone, arid rtinsthence along the, Pennsylvania tine, 45 chains 50 links to a striir,7, thence southerly three chains to a stake, thence thence westerly 45 chains 50 links to a stake, thence northerly 33 chains' to the beginning. Containing 150 acres of land, be the same more or less, itireing part of a lot of land of 200 acres, originally-conveyed by Fran cis W Johnson and others;to Elijah Dept). on which said lot Thos. Baldwin and Elijah Depuy erected mills excepting. however out of the said lot one acre, hetet°. fore nob', lyingon the south side of the same . Seized and 'taken in execution at the suit of Samuel 12exfo4and A. & S. Willis' use, vs. David gretter,ad. of Arvin° Clark 2d., with Flepsey Clark, widow of saki Arvine Clark, and Stephen Harman and George, Fishier, terre terrants.l • . 1221 At the same place, on FrCay, the Ist Jay of Septem ber, at I o'clock, P. by virtue of • writ of Fi. FL, a tract of I..nd in Monroe tp., "bounded north 14y fan& of Robert Shewell's warrantee, east by Ephriami Mc Adam and Wm. Gray, south by Junes' Ladley, Ind west by Sam'l Wallace. Containing shout 600 germ about 3quart...cleared, 5 small framed dwellings, two small barns and one saw-mill erected, also an Iffcharil. Seized and-taken in•eseeution at the suit or Hiram C. Fox, to the uw of C. Idiocy, vs. Nathan Northrop, administrator , of John Northrop. k. JOHN r. %NS, Sheilff. Sheriff's Office. Towanda. July 5, I Air?. (IHopih, by her Hui t lend. Eh Gthbs, vs. Putti.k Hagan. So. 51, Feh. Term - , IS IC, In Brrtriford Corn. flea. Libel fir I)tr•nrc-. - Tit) PATRJCK VII defendant in the aBove• cause: You are hereby notified that Sarah Ann 011.4.zan. yotur vvife, by her next friend, Eli Gibbs, has tiled her i petition for a divorce from the bond% of matrimony. And an aliar subpmna has been. rt turned; and' proof made that you are not to be found in said county. You are therefore, hereby required toappra r ar the court house in the boronf, of Towanda, the 4th day of September pew, being the first day of September term of• said court of common pleas, to answer the said complaint, •and show cause if any Foil have, why the said' Sarah Ann shall nct be divorced from you.. F. MEANS, Sheriff. • Sheriffs Office, Towanda; Aug. 1, 111454, saacrozareusa. THE copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers in the practice of Medicine and Surge ry is this day dissolved by mutual' c.rnsent. Their ac counts are left with J.D.CROSS. at Foid's Drug Store and who is culy sulhoilied to settle them. SAMUEL. HUSTON, Towanda. May 9. 184 R. CHAS. K. LAUD. UNII.!ER WAGON. for .ale at the N.Vr ware 0r... 26 D. LORD. .ken in exccuti,,i! al the mit of Edwin T. raw.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers