Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 16, 1848, Image 1

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tectnuabag morninn, %must 10, 1010.
[For the Bradford Reporter•]
The soil is free ! the soil is free ! r
And shall a freeman ever
Diograce the name of liberty,
The constitution sever 1
And shall the soil where white men sip
Dew-drops from the mountain air,
stained with blood by slavery's whip
And black men welter therel
The soil is free ! The soil is free !
Wandering streams declare it;
No cane-tufts grow to shadow Thee
Nor slaves as yet prepare it.
And shall the sons of freedom's sires
Be ever found to falter,
And not re-kindle heaven's fires
Upon their fathers altar I
The soil is free ! The .oil is free !
And will ye not protect it
strike ! strike, ye sons of liberty;
Why, why so long,reject it I
The time 's at hand, then freemen sally
Finm united to the Poll
Free—Free from shackles make ope
One hand, one heart, one soul.
, (For the Bradford Reporter ]
Thoughts as Slavery.—NiA
"Pledged but to truth, to lsherty and law,
No favor sways us, fear shall awe."
Mr. Enrroa :—Through the medium of your Re
porter I shall take the liberty of showing up some
of the beauties of the " peculiar institution," for as
diamonds which lie buried in the mine require the
hand of the wottman to be brought forth that they
may be seen in their pristine purity, in like man
ner I shall attempt to bring to light from chaos and
,darkness, some of the legitimate results th it flow
from holding men in slavery. Rut before proceed
ing farther, permit me to cbserve that I wish not : to
interfere with slavery as it now exists, intending
merely to show its evils, and as a consequence that
by increasing the area of slavery, the evil must of
course be proportionally increesed. Having had
an ample opportunity of observing the institution of
slavery in some of the principal southern States,
I am perhaps better prepared to give it a critical ex
amination than if not having been conversant with
its hideous form, and still perhaps my pen would
have lain dormant, snugly immured in its inky
home, had not recent events caused it to awake
from its lethargy and boldly toil in the cause of free
, .
In vi w ing the platform upon which the wing
party stands in the approaching canvass, is
certainly much to excite our amusement and con
tempt—amusement to see a party professing princi
ples -endowed with stability, chamelion like, chang
ing with the changes of the moon. But a few days
since fiercely battling for the cause of human rights
and a soil unpolluted by the dark stain of slavery.
But •I presto," now how changed ! the tempest .
which threatened to overturn the whole fabric of
human bondage, is vw'kulled to a calm so still that
I f
not "a zephyr arises to dirturbe the magic the
scene: The Philadelphia convention has min
istered a charm So potent that that energetic ppeal
which demandeftlie " Proviso" as a right now
in soft and winning, accents, beating time to the
tune of only 280 slaves.- What a delightful scene
l in this advanced age to see us, one of the most en
lightaned nations on earth, where perhaps the true
principles of liberty are better understood than in
any other country, holding up for the suffrage of
large portion of our,citizens for the highest office,
in the peopl's gift, a cormorant who gluts himself
from the sweat and blood of hundreds of slaves.—
What a beautiful picture for the moralist to descant
upon, to see the whole Whig party raise their voi
ces in holy horror against the wholesale Murderer
in Mexico, and southern slaveholder now loudly
' croaking the praises of "Old Rough and Ready,"
and proving beyond all.dispute, his principles to be
a perfect octave4o the preamble of our Declaration
: rof Independence, "That all men are created
equal and endowed by their Creator Ath pertain
unalienable rights." I hardly knSw which of the
two - GreCian philosophers lie would select for his
patron ; when presented with the woes of human
life, one burst into a fit of laughter, the other melt.
ed info tears ; but to y return. My present intention
is fo show in a seris of letters, that slavery, if per
mitted to be extended to that vast territory, new
belonging to the United §tStes, must ultimately
cause the northern southern nd States to disso lve
their mutual conne 'oils with each other, and it re
quires no Herculean task to prove that a train of
evils- necessarily flow from this institution which
inevitably tend to such an unhappy result.
There is a principle adopted by all. of a system
of laws instituted by nature herself, for the govern
meat., and welfare Of mankind, and those laws
when followed- according to Nature's Original dic
tates are productive of the highest happiness which
mortals can enjoy. but the penalties inknced upon
those who break thethare so palpable that a series
of misery and misfortune tacitly commands us to
forsake the unnatural course and live according to
the dictates of na ure. It is useless to. attempt to
prove that holding a class of beings in bondage is
not in accordance with natures laws, it is an axiom
so palpable that the whole civilized world unite in
its condemnation, and nearly all enlightened
tions having seen the evils which it naturally en
genders, have given it a lasting and long farewell,
_ and it remains for America, the " Model Repub
lic," the " home of the Emigrant," the "asylum
of tile oppressed," the " land of the free," to foster
within her bosom a carniverous monster which
preys upon her vitals and checks her giant growth.
Why the cause of the present unparalleled prosperi
ty of the northern States compared with the south 1
Why the difference in population, in enterprise, in
wealth and in every-thing which constitutes true na-
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lional proetierity The southern - States with an
area of Nome miles nearly double that of the north
ern, yet showing, from the last census that she forms
but about one third the populatiOn of thetnion, in-
eluding her two and a half millions of alafes, with
a climate scarcely visited by the rude - blast of -bo
real and rivaling Italy itself, with a soil upon which
the cornucopia of nature has been lavishly poured
ont, and producing almost spontaneously prodric-
lions which cof the north may labor for in vain,
yet it requires not a very strong development oldie
ocean of causality to perceive that the incubus of
slavery has fastened herself upon the south and is
slowly but surely affecting hei ruin. The genius
of all laws as far as possible should tend to an equal
distribution of wealth, and any government, whe
ther of the general or state departnients, should ne
ver encourage any institutions by "which the few
acquire wealth at the expense of the many : thus
the United States Bank and other institutions by
which a privileged' class obtained wealth at the ex
pense of the mass, has been justly condemned from
time to time by the American people. Yet slave
ry directly forms two classes, the patrician planter
and the plebian latibrer; and while it permits the
slave owner to acquire his thousands of acres, it
compels the laborer to toil for life for only land
sufficient to furnish him with a decent grave. We
will take the case of the southern planter or slave
holder, who generally own from 50 to 500 slaves.
This property in blacks,. unless properly employed,
instead of being a source of wealth, would soon re
duce him to a pauper. But a farm, such as is used
by our industrious farmers of the north, would be
wholly inadequate to employ such an amount of
force as he would have at his command; he must
have a number of acres in proportion to his slaves.
Supposing one man able to cultivate 40 acres of
land, a planter with a hundred able bndied slaves
would want of necessity, 4,000 acres to employ
them in a successful manner. We often see the
planter owning ‘5, 6, or even 10,000 acres of land,
this sy stem of things being general over the south
ern States, it wiU be at' once perceived that a land
monopoly is of necessity created, vesting it all in
the bands of the few, who from such an antount of
land and labor, are able to lay up their thousands
per year.
n the instance above ment limed, the 4,000 acres
if in the northern states would support,4o families
of one hundred each, and give all a sufficient com 7
petence for life, but in the south, instead of main
taining a large class of the industrious masses and
having the soil and wealth equally divided among
the many, it gives it to one and enables him to roll
in luxury and live in the style of a duke; this then
is the one reason why the northern states are more
densely :copulated than at the south ; the described
land at the north:maintams 40 families, in the south
but one, and provided that southern states were as
densely populated as at the north,it is clear that 39 fa
must<be turned out of doors that the 40th May
build a palace. Deprive the masses of holding real
estate, and you strike a death blow to self-govern
ment; other monopoliescan be endured ; but when
the soil which was intended by a bountiful creator
for the benefit pf all is juggled away from millions
of the mass and 14d in the hands of a few slave
holders, why are i.they better oft than, in the most
lespotie government in turope ; nn. better than
the Russian serf bowing and cringing 'before the
titled lord. In any country where the bulk of wealth
exists in the bandit of the few, in the same propor
tion the people suffer for the necessaries of life.—
It has been my intention in the foregoing commu
nication, to probe that slavery being inconsistent
with matures laws, is productive of the most glaring
evils, and that among them is the concentration of
land and wealth in the hands of the privileged few,
and thereby depriving the main body of the people
of a competence which we as a commonwealth en
jny. Ido not intend to be understood that in eve
ry part of the southern states this system operates
in full ,vigor, but in the older settled sections where
slavery has had an opportunity of developing itself,
will the system be fount in all its naked deformity,
and before closing this series I shall show that its
direct tendency is to prevent matrimony, and there
by hindering the *ream of population—to encou
rage idleness by bringing the labor of the white
man directly into competition with the slave—to
engender ignorance—to make paupers—to render
industry disgraceful—to form a vicious and tleprav
ed community, and if extended will ultimately
cause a dissolution of the Union : and my prayer
will ever be that this unnatural system of human
bondage shall tie so manfully battled by the moral
force of pubic opinion, that ere this generation
shall have . passed' away, that the southern nabob
shall howl his last requium •pver the grave of de
parted slavery. -
Emma Btusrose Rsroaysa—Dear Sir :—As the
Presidential election approaches, and since the no- .
mination of Mr. Van Buren in the State of N. V.,
we regret to hear occasionally the project spoken
of forming another Electoral ticket in Pennsylva
nia, by nominating another set of electors pledged
to the support of Mr. Vain Buren, It somata me
that such a course would be perfectly suicidal to
the Democratic Party in Pennsylvania, as there is
not the remotest prospect of carrying the State for
Mr. Van Buren. The result would inevitably be to
divide and destroy the party in this State by giving
her electoral vote to Gen. Taylor, in the same man
ner that James Ritner was elected Governor in '35
Thus diminishing even the chances of carrying the
election into the Meuse of Representatives—which
is all Mr_ Van Buren s friends can hope to do under
he most favorable circumstances.
* No man has had a higher respect for, or been a
warmer friend, or more devoted supporter of Mr.
Van Buren than myself, and was he at this time
the regular nominee of the Democratic convention,
I should most cheerfully yield to him a cordial un
divided support. But we hay. held our primary
meetings, our county and State conventions, and
[for the Bratthird Reporter It
CANTON, July 21st, 18-1'
deleguted to good and inter men oar authority to
make a nomination for us—they have done so, dis
charging their trust Faithfully, and as I understand
it, we are bound to sustain it.
It seems to me, therefore, that no Pennsylvania
Democrat should suffer himself to be drawn ham
the support of the regular Democratic Nominee,
Gen. Cass, as by so doing, his action tends to break
down the party in his own State by defeating Gen.
Cass, without enhancing the interest of Mr. Van
Buren. Pouts truly,
A Goon MAWS Lire.—The beauty of a holy life
constitutes the most eloquent and efficient persua
sive to religion, which tine human being can ad
dress to another. We have many Ways of doing
good to our fellow creatures; but none so etfica
cious as leadiug a virtuous, upright, and well-or
dered life. There is an energy of moral suasion
in a good man's life, passing the highest efforts of
the orator's genius. The seen but silent beauty
of holiness speaks more eloquently of pod and duty
than the tongue of men and angels. Let. parents
remember this. The best inheritance a parent can
bequeath to a child is a virtuous example, a lega
cy of hallowed remembrances and associations.
The beauty of holiness beaming through the life of
a loved relative or friend is more effectual to
strengthen such as do stand in virtue's way, and
raise up those that are bowed down, than precept,
command, entreaty or wanting- Christianity itself,
I believe, owes by far the greater mrt of its moral
power, not to the precepts or parable.; of 'Christ, but
to his own character. The beauty of that holiness
which enshrined in the four brief biographies of the
Man of Nazareth, has done more, and will do more,
to regenerate the world, and bring in an everlast
ing righteousness, than all the other agencies put
together. It has done more lo make his religion
of the human heart than all that has ever been
preached or written on the evidences of Christiani
Tire WOILD " SELAII."—The tran.lator of the
Bible have left the Hebrew word Selah, which oc
curs so often in the Psalms. as they found it and of
course the English reader often asks his minister,
or sonic learned friend. what it means. And
minister, or learned friend, has most often been ob
liged to confess ignorance, because it is a matter
in regard to which the most learned have by no
means been of one mind. The Targums and most
of the Jewish commentators give to the word
the meaning etrrnilly for fret. Rabbi Kinwhi re•
gards it as alsign to elevate the voice. The authors
of the Septuagint translation appear to have regard
ed it as a musical note, equivalent, perhaps, to the
word report. According to Luther and others it
means silence Gesenius explains it to mean, "Let
the instruments play and the singers stop." IVoelier
regards- it as equivalent to sursum cordo—np, my
soul ! Somner, after examining all the seventy
four. passages in which the word occurs, recogni
zes in every case "an actual appeal or summons
to Jehovah. They are calls for aid and prayers to
be heard, expressed either with entire directness,
or if not in the imperative, " Hear Jehovah ! or
awake Jehovah r' and the like, still earnest addres
ses to God that he would remember and hear, /cc."
The Word itself he regards as indicating a blast of
trumpets by the priests. Selah itself he thinks an
abridged expression used the Higgaiou Selah : Hig
pion indicating for sound of the stringed "instru
ments, and Selah a vigorous blast of trumpets.
THE DEAD SEA EXPEDITION.—We are pleased to
learn from private letters, that the Dead Sea explor
ing party have successfully and satisfactorily com
pleted their task, and returned to Jerusalem, where
they were the 19th of May. They have sounded
the sea in all its parts, to the depth of 600 fathoms,
and found the bottom crusted with crystalized salt.
The pestilential effects attributed to the :waters,
turn out to be fabulous. Ducks were skimming
overthe surface, ant patridges along the shore.—
The party were upon the sea in their boats, or en
camped on its borders for some two months, and
their researches and estimates have been of the
most thorough, and interesting character. All were
in excellent health and spirits, no sickness or acci
dent having occurred. By the Arnim they had been
uniformly treated with the utmost kindness and at
tention. The Syrians consider," the men of the
Jordan," as they call them, the greatest heroes of
the day. Lieutenants Lynch and Dale will visit,
under the most favorable cnedmstances, all the pla
ces made memorable in Scripture history ; and we
may expect from them a highly interesting account
df their' exploration of the Dead Sea, and their ad
ventures in the Holy Land. Boston Transcript.
MAtioixtsv.—Dr. Gibbon!, an eminent physici
an. in the latter end-of the seventeenth century, had
a brother who was the Ent that brought from the
West Indies some mahogSny logs to London for
ballast. The doctor was them building him a house
in Convent Garden, and hisibrother, the • Captain,
throught they might be otssriice to him, but the
carpenters found the wood tog-hird for their tools,
and it was laid asideSs usefesi. Soon after, Mrs.
Gibbons wanted a Ca ille-box, and got a cabinet
maker to make it out the useless wood lying in
the garden. The box was made, and the Dosov
was so pleased with it that he got the cabinet-mak
er to make him a bureau of it, *Ad the fine color
and polish of it induced him to irlvite a great num
ber of his friends to see it, and 11 among them the
Duchesi of Buckingham. • Her :race begged the
Doctor for some of the wood, an got Woolaston,
the cabinet-maker, to make her , bureau also,—on
which the fame of mahogany at Woolaston was
much raised, and it became the rage for grand
fumiture.—Farmer and Mechanic.
'num.—Christ was desetted
glorious morning of lighiand joy .
It was a little, a very little
before he triump hed gloriously
with you ; heavi ness may end:
joy and gladness may come in
God steer you in the storm. Ile v
litle before the
lawued upon him.
at* his sad cry,
lankno it miry be
fixi a night, but
, morning. tat
over to be treated.
Yf • -I
Mike* dsth ei W Ihm. J. N. Comigiaa,
Wllllme.lllllarret July Is4s,
lip.. Ik. rellagrs of Me 111fripar Jrteliertsfs,
from Jffeallefr.
VOLUNTECaII :—ln the name of this
vast ardience assembled here to meet you, with
the feelings of onr whole community, we tender to
you the embrace of kindness, and the right hand of
friendship, in token of onr undivided joy at your
safe return to eur loved Valley of Wyoming. War,
rendered glorious to our cou try by the gallantry
of her soldiers in the Ilrovin.7 and unfailing tide of
their many victories, hasceased, and Peace ! Blessed
Peace , !is once more within our borders. You, the
partakers of the toils, the troubles and the trials, of
the one, are entitled to receive the quiet, the enjoy
ments and the blessiii. , * of the other.
Nearly twenty months have Fasted away, since
a gallant band of old Lnzeme's fearless sons left
their Families and friends to answer their country's
call to arms, and she, now returns in you, but a
small and war-worn remnant. Your numbers
have been sadly diminished :tome of your bravest
spirits, assailed by the ruthlessness of the climate of
Mexico, almost at the commencement of their ca
reer, were compelled to crush the dearest hopes of
their hearts, in the early abandonment of the expe
dition : blighting disease disabled and destroyed
others in the hospitals at Perote and Puebla ; death
came to other 4 again on the lances of the merciless
enemy ; and one alas! fell beneath the dagger of the
We look among you and miss the familiar faces
of many. Where is the ardent and galled Goff ?
The melancholy burden you have brought back
with you in your long journey of return, answers
the question. He was with }on at Vera Cruz, and
Cerro Gordo : he fought with some of you at the at
tack of Huamantla, be pasted through other scenes
of peril and y of danger, unscathed by the arms of
the enemy': but when the joyous ears of all were
lisening for the expected order to return, when dan
ger seemed to be at an end, and he perhaps, was
looking forward to this very day and this very hour,
when the hearts.,of many would be opening to re
ceive him, he was murdertal, basely murdered.
We look arronud and we seek the face of another
youth, carrying in his veins the early blood of war
like Wyoming, and connected with myself in the
brotherhood of the Bar of this County, the amiable
and worthy Myers, and where is he Sickness
marked him for her own, and away from his belov
ed family, he died in the land of the enemy. Our
eyes again are turned among you ; where are my
neighbor lads Miley and.Heline fired with enthu
siasm they marche.l, one with the Stockton Artill
erist, the other with the Columbia Guards; they are
dead—this place which knew them from their birth
"shall know them no more forever." Where are
Preece and Carkhufl ! Where are the many others ?
it is in vain to endeavor to enumerate them : they are
gone—gone. Peace be to their ashes! young in
years but old in patriotism, they died for their coun
try, the recollection of them all is enbalmed in the
hearts of their reliitives and friends: the memory of
them is enshrouded forever in the glory of their
When the war-cry of Mexico was most loudly
sounded, and the fierce determination openly ex
pressed to drive from her soil, by overwhelming
numbers, the gallant soldiers, who had fought the
battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, the
constituted authorities of our Land called for aid.,
Pennsylvania immediately acknowledged her du
ty, arid our late Executive called for the military
services of her citizens—we say, our lute Executive,
for we have all with sorrow learned, that the hon
est and upright man, who then filled the chair of
State, has lately yielded to the power of mortal dis
ease. Death has been busy and has leveled with
you in the battle .field and in distant scenes of sick
ness, but alas! ruthless, and universal, he has also
poised his lance in the mansions of Peace, (some
of you have had touching proofs of this in your
own afflicted households,) and the worthy, ta.ent;
ed, and excellent Shank, who bade you God-speed ;
as you went forth, has not lived to hail your return,
but his eyes are closed and he sleeps with his fath
ers. Truly would he have - rejoiced, had he been
permitted to see this time. for he was the friend of
his country, the friend of the Volunteers, he was
your friend, and upon this occasion a brief and pas
sing tribute to his memory is due from all of us.
When the Proclamation of the Governor came,
your company, Wyoming Artillerists, was the first
to signify its willingness to raise aloft the banner of
the State. You announced yourptermination ; no•
!ice of the acceptance of your offer came on the 29th
day of November, the order to march arrived on
the second day of December, and on the seventh
day of the same month you started for the seat of
war. He, who afterwards, by
,the vote of the regi
ment, becaula sour Major, the bold and undaunted
Bowman, was then numbered among your officers. :
We, who were at home, anxiously_ watched the
course of your journey, and sought for your arrival
ai the place of hostilities. we read cf your debar
king before the castle of San Juan IrUlloa, and we
that under Major Bowman, and your own
brave Dana, you with one other company, were
the first to draw the blood of Mexico at the sand
hills of Vera Cruz. We beard of you at Cerro Gor
do in the most trying situation, in which even a
veteran soldiery could be placed—with other com
panies of the Pennsylvania regiments, drawing the
notice and the fire of a much otunurnberina enemy,
with orders not to chsrge, but in the arrangement
of the plan of battle, to fires the enemy in the order
of snack, and divert his attention, while by other
troops, his flank was turned, his rear carried, and
the victory won. Your guns and your hearts were
ready, but you obeyed the directions of your Offi
cers, and tho' the standing tan - et for his artillery,
with unflinching courage, remained firm 'in your
allotted station. We have heard of you thro' the
ceaseless fighting and the deep privations of the
hartantanestp continued sir u p of Puebla, and
honor, high for your conduct and your gal
lantry has ever heir awarded. We might refer to
the bOld carriage, and the acts of military daring of
your Captain, of Lieutenants Wae'der and Miner,
with the other officers and privates of your band,
thro' special scenes of the! memorable siege; we
might repeat tire story of the battles of La lieya,
and I tuamanda, and tell the tale of Al aco, in which
Major Bowman and some members of your- com-
patty were engaged—we might mention other times
and places at which the brave and soldiery deport
ment of that officer, commanding other companies
of your regiment, was shown , brit time will nut per-
serving at Pulebia, you were not in the battles
near Mexico; there too, however, may we claim
with pride that Luzente was honorably represent-
ed. Shortly after your own departure from among
ns, our esteemed townsman Lieut. Leclerc, of the
Columbia Guards, left with several of oar youths to
join that company, with you they landed at Vera
Cruz, and there in a skirmish with the enemy- first
,roved their coolness and their courage, and acquir•
ed reputation, under the temporary leading of that
brave young officer—side by side they strove with
you at Cerro Gordo, and afierward by their deter
mined spirit and unwavering ardour at Chapultepec,
Moline Del Rey, and the Garita, entwined around
both officers and men a wreath of imperishable
It becomes us, to say that we have ever heard
our Volunteers applauded for , their readiness and
the willingness With which they submitted to the
often hard requirements of miltjtary discipline ; du
ties, so difficult to learn. and still more difficult to
practice, by three who have been accustomed only
to the ordinary restraints of civil amity, and tru'y
honorable In their falfilmeet, alike to the private as
t o the Airier. But as letters from the army and the
official rerrorts of the superior officers seeking to Jo
justice, hare been universally read throughont this
communitY, your fellow citizens know and bear in
mind these things, and will ever remember , , the
sufferings,' the endurance, the constant watchings
and the ruimy trials of their noble soldiers, during
the .whole active period of Weir military; ife. ,
In addressing lin ever, you our ,Volu teens, we
must not forget to mention, that Wyoming was fa
vorably known and honorably represented in, oth
er branches of the serviec. In the riular army
the fearlefe and indefatigable Dr. WStit, of the
medical establishment, Colt, Allabach,!sand others
in the Infantry, were in all me engagrunetAs with
the enerni, excepting, only Buena Vista; from Palo .
Alto to Mexico, and stark 4 too, with the brave Loui
sanians, was in the thickest of the fight at Monte
rey. The 'Pennsylvanians in Ith situations in the
Army, have ever sustained and supported the Amer
ican Eagle in its onward flight, baldly and steadily
advancing, and never resting save on the pennon
of victory.
But it is not our intention, my fri4ds, (permit
me so to tall you) to detail acts of periopal gallant,
ry, or th various instances of eget - duct Wour sol
diers, meet for approbation andkaise, or to men
tion all the many individuals, lofficers, scbeltems,
and privates, whose names the pen of history will
remid upon the scroll of glory—hours upon hours
would be, requirred so. to do : i. is enough to repeat
the flames of places, to touch the chord of recolec the heart of each person here present, and to
raise the !universal shout of " well done, brave and
faithful tiddlers." In the beautiful and eloquent
address, ! Which was made to you at the time of your
'departure from among us, you were told " not to
forget for a moment that you stood not alone, but
were they' representatives and the special guardians
of the honor of Luzetne, and that in the raging of
the battle!, and the rush of some desperate fight,
that you Were Pennsylvanians, and had the charac
ter for chivalry ol our noble Commonwealth to sus
tain."—You have fulfiled this behest—pure anti un
sulliep in your hand, remains the honor of your an
cient Country; and Patterson and Cadwallader, and
Wynkoup, Black and Bowman, the lamented Rob
erts, Geiy and Brindle, with their officers andenen,
skilfully and workmalny have fitted the Keystone
in the broad and chivalric arch of our United coun
try's kite. Lnzerne receives back her 'quota of
these gallant workmen, with cheers of three times
three. and Pennsylvania may well be proud of the
bravery tot her children.
You have been with your Wow tidier!, the
agents m mighty works—the progress of our in
vincible! armies tbro' the various mittens of Mex
ico --their steady advance without a serious check
driving Ipefore them the largely. outnumbering forces
of a emit and treacherous enemy—the indomitable
spirit which enabled them to overcome porlacles
apparel y. insurmountable — ever victorious tt and ne
ver de fi eal+wid under the guidance of Generals
whose skill in strategy has received universal ap
plause. , Thm . e indeed were mighty events, and
considqring the limes, the places and the circum
stances knay well be called trotukrful. Invidious
individuals in other countiies, jealous of the charac
ter of our civil Institutions, may sneer at the feats
of a republican army, and seek to undermine the
name of our land, but truth, all prev ailing truth,
will enter the feats upon the tablet of eke; with
the ever pciinted graver of time, and the soldiery of
the MeXican war, can leave to hts children, andltis
chilihens, children, thro' all coming generating-slim
rich I%iscy of his Well earnt Military reputation. i s
It adds to your character, that you were not 0 , 111
decimate soldiers of tyrannic power, a conscriiit '. l
band torn unwillingly from your friends and your
homes.! You were volunteerst-Citir.en soldiers
freely Offering to the invitation ofj your country in
her need, the services of her sons sand now when
her welfare no longer requires your services, as
freely rind happily =turning to thticalm enjoyments
of the rights of civil citizenship. I . r
For years has young America :been teaching to
the old land haogiry nations of rope , these sub
lime titan', that an men are nature bee and
equal.that all power is legitimatt4y 'in the people,
and that Mere are bet the Wingate ' and agents It
these Mighty sovereigns. These truths ridiculed
and dispised as they have been, are now working
among the intelligent and the irsumi.4 other)lll*
and the teleheieel abroad, are telling tit, that they
ars known and felt .The flag of true republican.
ism, first ranted in our owe beloved Land, has been
unfit - led in other inky's., (may the virteous of all -
nations rally around it and sustain it, against the
schema mid nrachluations of the ambitious and the
-wicked)) and threantnt monarchies of the world
are Innetirg and , trembling before the brightness,
and the splendor Of Its folds. You, with your v&
unteer compatriots in the war which hoeing been '
closed, have aided in establishing another truth, to
be added to the list of those we have already ma.
ted--that a free country can ever rely epee the mil
itary spirit of he people, tebniterifito be made el:
(Mire whenever her necessity shall ,require it. Em
perors and Kings, claiming by rights, falsely term
ed# divine, but in Met originally stolen and usurped
Irem the people,'may demand an oppressive stan
ding army, to support their power ; bat in a free
country, the prompt and ready wills-of the soy.
erign people, patriotic and energetic, and each one
regarding the rights of the public as his' owe, are
ever sufficient to defend her. At Monterey,- at
Buena Vista, at Vera Cruz, at Cerro Gordo, at' the
seige of Puebla, in the various battles of the valley .
of Mexico, in the many skirmishes with the fierce
and predatory honks, of Guerrillas, the Volunteer
stood in the ranks with the Regular—the threats of ,
the great Captain of the enemy, backed by heavy
foftes did not alarm—the entrenched camp, the
fortified mountains flashing With its lances, and
groaning under the weight of its heavy arrnaments,
the castle and other buildings thoroughly garisoned
1 and strengthened by walls and ditches, did not 'de
ter caber the one or the other—in the ardour of at
tack-and in the coolness of defence there was no
difference; neitedis the weed of praise to each.
But we detain you from the many hands which
are stretched forth to grasp you : Excuse, me, for my
heart is full, remembering in sadness the absent
from your. ranke; yet filled with gladuets at your
return, and with joy at the overflowing measures
of our country's glory. You have been in the. Pro
vidence of wonderfully preserved, the weapons
of the foe and the sickness of that terrible clime
have paassed you by—to Him, be our thanks and
praises for Ever and Ever.
Sons of America, yen have nobly apbeld the bon:
or of) our flag—Children of Germany and of the
green Isle of Erin, you - have nobly stood by the'
Mother of your adoption—citizens of old Luzeme,
timbre and adopted, the highest tribute we can ren-•
der you, is to say that the sheen of the ancient spir
it of Wyoming, the spirit of 78, has ever brightly
gleamed inure splendor of your own achievement".
To all of von, we again say from our hearts, wel
come, right welcome! All hail to our returning
Towards the close of the revolutionary war, . says
Dr. Cox, an officer in the army had occasion to
transact some business with Gen. Washington and
repaired to Philadelphia for that purpose. Before
leaving, he received an invitation to dine with the
Gener4 which was accepted, and upon entering
the room he found himself in the company of a
lar;e number of ladies and gentlemen. As they
were mos3jy strangers to him, and he was of a na
turally moirest and nuasstimingdispoSitiur., be took
a seat near the foot` of the table, and refrained from
taking an active part in - the conversation. Just be
fore the dinner was concluded, Gen. Washington
called him by name and requested him to drink a
glass of wine with him.
" You will have the goodness to excuse me, Ge
neral," was Me reply, "as 1 have made it a rule
not to take wine."
All' eyes were instantly turned upon the young of
ficer, wnil a murmur of surprise and horror ran
round the room. That a person should be so un
social and so mean. as to never drink wine, was
really too bad, but that he should abstain from it on
an occasion like that, and even 'when offered to
him by Washington himself, was perfectly intoler._
able ! Washington saw at once the feelings of his
guests and promptly addressed them :
• "Gently:ken," said he, " Mr. —is right. I
de"not.wish any of the guests to pa:like of any
thing against their inclination, and I certain)
not. w'sh them to violate any established principle
in their intercourse with me. I honor Mr. for,
his frankness, for his 'consistently in thus adhering .
to an established rule• which can never do him
lia*, and for the adoption of whidh I have no - t
d he has good and sufficient reasons."
not please you to pick up a string of pearls, drops
of gold and diamonds, and precious stones, as you
passed along the streets! It would make you feel
happy for a moment to Come. Such happiness yo®
can give to others. How, do yoU ask T By drop
ping sweet works, kind remarks, pleasant smile,
as you pass along. These are true pearls and pre
cious stones, which can never be lost—of which
none can deprive you. Speak to that orphan child.
The diamonds drop from her cheek. Take the
hand of that friendless boy Bright pearls flash in
his eyes. Smile on the sad and dejected. A joy
suffuses his cheek, more brilliant than the splendor
of the precious stones. By the wayside, amid the
city's din, and at the fireside of the poor; drop
words and smiles to cheer 'and bless. Yon will
feel happier, when resting on 'your pillow at the
-close of day, than if you had picked up a score of
perishing diamonds. The latter fade and ennoble
in time; the former grow "brighter with age, and
prolate happier reflectionNiorever.
Nothing is more easy than to magnify a trilling
circumstance into a serious Misfortune, by suffer
ing the mind -to dwell upon and place it in every^
possible point of view, each assuming a darker
shade than the former. It is the common fault of
a vivid imagination to exaggerate either good or
evil. .
The wcathiest people are 'the most injured by
slander, as we usually find that to be the best fruit
which the birds have been picking at: