~gricultitrdl: ~~_~ _.._ .. v-...,...,_~_ _----t- japrovelirait ,e(Statk.- 11 is growing irtint,ereifend importaitee • iromiyeavto"year,:especiallylitiAtrK - sectiona etti'deffaillt* . bettet-adaPted - ititle Much has beeel„,,dMilivaiiljr-t,lty oar agricultural societies and individulditip improve tifilf-ffrig;:tititt remains ) 7 0._10 ‘ *tIone.1 It to a itirifY,• . aw.wrilb as tliWrinfertitst; erteiy - f;iinti i • otagrc like* to do all he can to elevate thwstan-. illatd - ofttris ithportaiit branch of farming,. I cheer-. fully grant that thir efforts of the past have to same extelit been crowned with success. But have' li d these tm[irovenicit's been too much Cmitined M a • certain class of our scientific farmers, whose Sank and pecuniary circumstances will vnisistently adniit of alarge expenditure for such improvements. This appears from the tact ; that Me greater amount of- . premiums on stock awarde.l by agricultural scicie lies; Are to w Colonel A., Major C., the Hon. C., gsq.; or Judge D., or some other personage of high mirk and affitienteircnmstanees : while titer great mass of farmers are living on from year to ) ear with bar farmers . little or no - improvement of their stock. Truly, such things ought not so to be. This is confining the , benefits,of improvements within too narrotw li .nuits. Something more should be done to awaken the interest and attention of the agricultural cork- enmity to this important subject, that all may in a few years have the pricile , 4e and satisfactibe of looking around (2t , their choicest specimens of Im proved stock. , • Ong cause of this evil ma s t.; bo, that ti.cre a want of interest among ma , y in this particular.— Thia: may be remedied bye wider circultitiOn of such valuable agricultural publications as the Cul tivator, which cannot fail to cleat e a laudable: am bition, and to stimulate to activity every farmer . who reads them. But the most prominent cause is, that many of mu fainters, who may be more or less in debt. for their farms think They cannot afford tri make such,investtnetes as are necessary to: par chase those . improved bards of cattle so highly and justly recommended. But how shall •this be remedied, is a question more easily asked than 'answered. lu forking, over the May No. of the Culti, atm', I noticed, in the corn - munication of ft. Holbrook. that the •• Massachu• setts Socierty for prt.tm , ' ,- i.ig agriculture," has hit upon a plan i‘ ltl, I tl,iak N.: : :Juld to a great meas ure renioi.c tine Of a tru.lithis Set iety has set ui ao r!airliplP worthy of all If tic r uirtt thi° S'3',Y. 13 %%CI: as Cris several county would expend a portion of their fim•is in pinihas ing the best breed., to ho distrikved for irrprliving of stock, subject to such relulations as %could belie tit our formers ge.lerally, we should see that a now impulsewoul,l Le given to the agrieillthral inter ests of this State. I am aware that this subject is aft important one, and having with much diffidence submitted the remarks for the consideration of the numerous readers of the Cultivator, I leave it boi - ungto nee it enlarged upou - ,,e , net qualified to do it Ereter, Otsego. .1/dy 23',1448. - ADVANTAGE or WATER IN BARN YERDE.—Byread-: ing the able commurrications that have from time to time appeared in the Cultivator, I had forted favorable opinion of the advantage of having run: ning water in my cattle and pheep yards. Although I had a supply of water within ten or fifteen rods of my barn, I determined to fetch a spring that was situated nearly halta mile vIT, end I will now any, that after a trial of several months, It has',more than realised my hi_nhest expectations. I atn sat isfied that I shall save at least one cart load of man-r .ure from every ox is cow that I feed in my yaui more than I did when they had to go to the river to brink. Then they would seldom gebut once in a day,aud Mstormy or bad weather, not so often ;. consequently, whew:they did go they would drink it%) niuzh as to render them uncomfortable far sev eral hours. . 'Now they will drink on an aver t ai, , ,e %Axil:it five times a day. I nun sa-isfied that they will keep in betterecindition on less feed than formerly. I think that in the item of manure, it will pay the expense, -to say nothing of the comfort of not being ohliged to go ten or fittee i n rods in cold and stormy woath. , er to water horses: and in oft, , n difficult ,wl;eli the around is Ailyery, to get cattle to go a few rodi to get their ivan , r. There are very army sitin4 . • , , tions k where, with a tritling-exoense, peksons' could have water in their yards at all times; and i d'in eatistied, that if they once knew the advantage of this, and of having running water at their dvrellhig houses also, they would not do without it again for twice ifs cost. A small stream of good Soft wa ter fill answer fora large family, and will save many a step and many a hard pull to draw h from a %Va. OLD FASDIONED following re monstrance ngainst mechanical improvement eahi bitstholight in which the first introdustion of the fan ning mill Was viewed by some persons, at the time when sifting it in a current of wind wail the only known ia-ay of expnrgating the chaff. '°Your Ladyship and the steward has been plel ed to propose that Fon Cuddie should work in the barn a new tangled machine for dighting thr tOrti - fruiritilie chaff thus impiously thwarting thO will of Dyvine Providence by raising wind for yotir ladyship's own particular use, by human art." Taw AND GALLI,: ACM—When a piece of iron ►s driven into a suck of green oak, abluecolored stain -is frequently seen on the wood. This is caused by a nniein of the gallic arid of the oak with pat• • tides Of non. It is in fact, genuine ink, end onty needs to be combined wilt& a little gnu arable fo gira it u body, to be used in writing. Pite.crstoN.—f a Kentucky, a " barrel" of corn 0 five bushele of the shelled grain. In Netv 03404 it is a flour barrel full Of ears. A barrel of floitr is seven liparters of a hundred weight, or 166 A barrel of tar is n gallon . A barrel of goript:At•- totvaiki oril.y .tnall holding 25 Ib2 IirTIE. is SO; t by the barrel., where the bize,! cabk that is called a batiet. will pPS6 'muster. , LanEnt IX'TIIE rI. , tITED STATES —lt has been offi eiallystated that there are 3,719,000 persons en ipiged in agricultural pursuits in the tinite4.,States: in. niantifactures, 75 t ,800 ; in 'commerce, 1i9 j 600 in leaned prolessicins, 65230; in ocean 'aiaviin. 50,000, and iu internal nivagation no lessthatt' 33000. 'Owing to the great mires,' and terntien.re sale of Dr. Townaentre 'damp:lrina a number or men who were f aloofly otterAgenta,hare commented making Satriper illa Extracts/Milan, Bitten., tstineteLorYelloie-Doek, &e. They-generally Inuit aria iheeamtfihdpea ten 43es,onui annierifittem have stolen'itnit eii . iiiet'etti . ~:Irertiormintm...they sr* only *orals's imitati ons ;------- tansite egg trade - of Ciueirmati amounts to. -111 " I d .7 41 ' -11 Prineinel , Ofßee, 126.Fultim tlittertiairtilihildietll rieliWtge milliQn dozenaunPallY• are'. 'Y. :.-LKINGBBBRW,III:4 Toteitbd .. a, Pe., only agent_ ' H+ rest consumeti. , ; for BradfiteeitiriifY. •' " 7 ;`- 1 1 4 a - ' 'l44ibt. MEC BEI .3:.tiT :F . s~c:~ t~}Dtnt~nemeiils., - the 111 world ! This Extract is put up in Quell Bottles: n is sir times cheaper. pleasanter, and warrantrdsupe. rior to sny sohl. It cures without vomiting. purging. sickening or debilitating the patient. The great beauty and superiority of this tiarsaparilla over all uther-tnediciues is, that w hile it eradicates tho ilia/lase. it invisnriatestho body, It is one of the very best SPIUNG,6-NU SUMMER MEDKINE9 Swot known it not only purifiee therwhotegystem, rind strstiiittienspe person; but it creates new pure and rich blood ; e power possessed by no other medical. And in this lies the grand secret of its wroiderful *M. mesa It him performed within tlta last five pears, mote than 100,0 00 cures of severe cases of disease ; at' least 15.000 were considered incurable. It has ,saved the lives of more than 5,000 children during the two- past PealllooS. 10,000 earl of Gcneral Debility and want of Energy Dr. Townsend's' Sarsaparilla invigorates the wlule system permaneotty, To those who have lost their muscular energy hy the effects of 'medicine or iodl.cre• Lion Committed in youth, or the excesiiiver indulgence of lho peavions, Old brought on a general physicidpioatre- Lion of the nervous systain, lassitude, want of ambition, fainting sensations, piemaiure decay and decline, haste. ing towards that foal disease. Consumption, can Is! en• I net) , restored by This nleasaht remelly. This Sarsapar illa is far superior to any Invigorating, Cordial, as it renews and invigorates the system. gives activity to the limbs, end strength to the muscular - system, in a most extraordinary degree. UONSUIIPTION CURED. Cleanse and Strengtheit.' : Consumption can he cur: ed. Bronchitis, Consun.ption, Liver Complaint, Cold*, Catarrh, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of Blood Soreness in the Chen, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Difficult or Profu-e Expectoration, Fain iu the aide, 'ate, have beau aid cau hr cured, Bpi citric, BLOOD. New York, April 29. 1947. Da. Tovelr Elf to . :•••I verily believe your Sarsaparilla has been the means through Providence. of saving my life. I tr;tt,e (or several years had a lied Cough. It became worse an : worse. At last I.:raised large quanti ties of blond had night sweats, nod was grestlyalebilita nd end reduced, aid did not expect to live. I have July useillotir carrnparillae •Lort time, and there bass noinierful change been wreur. to to me. lam raw able to tt : t ilt all iitet the r y. I raise no blood, and lily c•nr,tli ha, left. me. 'You call well imagine that I am thabkful for stare rtor:w. uLr• ;nit( ..e.rvaTit. W US$ G 5 Catherine-et Tidaii only ono of f•rur thousand cases of Rh, ulna:ism that Dr. Townsesid'a ear.aparille ha. cur ed. The must sever. and !Hold,: caries are %vie/I.ly er adicated lty its extraordinary sir. uea. Jaines Uuinmtngs, Egg, one ul the assistants in the Lunatic- Asy war, Blackwell's IsLind, is Uwe gentlemen spoken of tn dhe following letter: " / Blackwell's Island, ,sep. 14. 1847. Dr. Townsend—Dear liatieulYsed terribly for nine years with the Rheumatism; considerable of the time I could nut eat sleep or walk. I had the utmost distressing plums, aril uty ;limbs were terribly swollen. I have used four bottles of your Sarsaparilla, and they have done me more than one thousand dollars worth of good. law sorbed' better—indeed, lam entirely re. lieved. Yuq ate at liberty to use this for the benefit of the alltictetL . .Yours. respectfully, ..11MES CUMMUNGS. CANKER IN.THE MOUTH. Below is, an account of another child saved. Dr. Townsendls Sarsaparilla has saved the -lives of thou sands of children. the following two fertiticattra are seleted from a pea number received this week. Dr. Townsend: Dear Su—Ono of wy children was very sick wit Canker in the Mouth and Thrust -at tended wit grea debility. It cum! near ! dying. I oh. tali:ea:some of your eleolient medterne,ano it cured it j directly, for which I assure you I 'eel leery t !awful. ELIZ ‘7ll.7i t t f , u ;; ll7 7 ' Desbrosses-rt. BET Lot r ir t_ s ; FITS ! FITS! FITS! Dr. l'ownsend, nut having tested his Sarsaparilla in cases of Fits, of course neN,or recommended it. and was surprised to'reueive the 1011-owing from aa intelligent:and respectable Farrnrr In Westchaoter County: i‘orutiam, August 13t 1847. Dr Townsend—Dear Sir : I have a little girl seven yeas di age, who has teen several years ailltet‘d with Fits ; we tried almost everything fur her, but without. surcems ; at last althouo we could find no recommenda tion in 'ur Circular for eases like hems we thought, as she" was in very delicate health, we would give her IWITIO Ori your Sersararrlla, arid ere very glad we did, far let not„ may res'ored her strength, but. she has had no return of; the Firs, to our great pleasure cud 'surprise. She is fa-tjr beconliug rugged atal hearty. fr.r which we feel grateful,! Yours, (CFI 41. tfully , JOHN BD I'LER, Jr, FEMALE VI I.:DICINE. Townser.J•a Sarsaparilla is a soven'tgn aid spec- dy Cure for Incipieut Consumption, Barrenness, Prolap aus Uteri„or Fabin4.of the Womb, Costiveness, Leucorrhaea. or W bites, obstructed or rhtricult Slesistru ation. ',continence of Urine, or involuntary dirk barge thereokand for the.general prostration of the system— no metier whether the result of inherent cause, produc ed lry,irregularity, illness or accident. N,pthing can be more surprising than its invigorating .Beets on the hu man frame. Persons all wealtricss and lassitude, from raking it, at ofte become robust and full of energy un der its influence. It immediately -itiintracts • the nerve lessness of the female home. which is the great cause of Barrenness. It will toot be expected of us, in cases of so _delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cure. perform ed but we can alainre the afflict . e . d, that hundrerls'of cases have been reported to us. Thousands of cases where families have been without children, after using a few j bottles of this invaluable inedicine„ have been blessed with fine, healthy otriprieg. TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES. Phi. Extract of.Sarsaperil'a has been expressly pre pared in reference to female complaints. ND female . i ho has reason to suppose she is apprmiching that cut ' ical Period, '• The turn of life .7 should neglect to tate it, as it is a certain preventive fir any of the numerous and horrible diseases to which females are subject at this time of life. This.period maybe delayed for .several years by using this medicine.l Nur is it bats valuable • for those who are epproaching•Womaribood, writ is cal culated to assist nature, by quick-citing the-blood and invigorating the system. Inde4d, this medicine is in valuable for all thisdelicate &inures to which women are subject. It braces the whole system. renews permanehtly the natural energies, by removing the impurities of the Iply. not so far stonulating.ee to produced subsequent relax• ati ~,,, which is the case of moat medicinal taken fur fe male weakness and disease. fly using i few bottles of this medicine, many severe and painful surgical opera ' tions may ha. prevented. . • OPINION OF PII VSLCI A'NS. Dr. Towysend is simoat daily receiving orders from ..rhvicians in different pens of tho Union. ibis is. to certify, that we thu undersigned, Phy siching of the city of Albany, have in numerous cases prescrib ed Dr. Towncimd'a Sarsaparilla, slid beikve it to bearer of Uhl most rakishly preparliiona in the market. H. P. PcLixtr, M. D. J.. WI tens; M. R. B. listaos, M. D.: . , P. E. EL:ciao/mar, 11. D.• CAUTION I New lock,. April, 1, 1847 • 1:1 eltalllelllee49lllll.94lllVadf trileligiltetVeVizin i/aika,l4lBl -- 11raltir.. -1 er has been begun, thatough of Ccinrin: 111 it a ariorrds4 death. -i;fr 1 ., - ,AmpoijkAllothirr7 Tnuir:4oo9 ebi14,1011r.14 1 '1 1 )14 01 $ 4 7; 90 8 . 1 9whiiP1000 1)8 41 1 1 11 0bliii*, .1 1 9-.314m.iPr091,-.... 40 110 14 1 10414 . 1 4 4 ' 5 - Vll - Anielve :l 4 6 9 9 4 04 4 0 9 111 .. MW; Mme-` MU' 1 11 11 1 1.,:t . :F.-7; ,- 1.:ti: - • • ~`.•.41f. . 1 14'4 Town' 9111111/10915 111 1 4 about 1 0 1111Wiliffir-4 5 0 12 1 skeds illeart47o4ini blight over the kir .proapnetst Of the futurititreheelic 7 oololllMdl44le yotir Nes of hive. bet yonlieei tekideripittielit is a lialrgiehieb Win heel the 4- liniunifid lunge, It,ia - SHBRaiiN'S ALLHEALIINO- BALSAM. Mrs; Aitit4iithe wifercif Wm.llß - Attree, Esq. en up by Dr, Sewell ofyiftabinguni„,Dr ; Roe Sad 14- Boa" inil Molt !of' 'Sew Ydrk.. H t (riati'dsthought rho mtistkite: Slie m had every atiralice ortitifig in consumption,. and was au pronounced Cy liet'phytticiatut—bitermads, /Salaam I was given *4 it, cured. her, . Mrs. Garrifrantz, of Bulbs Betsy was Om' amid. of consumption by this Balsam When all ot*r renierlies filled to give relk.f--sheviseniiiiiceil to a skeletal. aDr. A . G Castle, Dentist; 281 , Broadway, his Witnessed its strectii . in several ca-,a where uia other tuedisineeffne dedrellef—hut the Batestp operated like. charna.'' Dr. , also whneseed-its wonderful effects in curing Asti)- . ma, which it never fails. of Alining. repining 'Blood. alarming as it may be, is effectually cured by this Bab am. It healialie ruptured or wounded blood v s, and makes-the lungs sound again. - Rev. Henry Jones, 108 Eighth avenue, was cu. of cough and catarrhal affections of 50 years standing. e first do.s gave him more relief than all the other To L eine hp had ever taken, -Dr. L. J. _Beals. 19- Dela y street, caulk to a sister4o4aW who was labaiug u er consumption. and to another sorely acted with be asthma. In both eases its effects.were immediate, soon restoring them to comfortable health. - Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 95 Christie et., stffered from Asthma 42 years. Sherman's Balsam relieved her at once. arid she is comparatively well, being enabled to subdue every attack by a timer use of this medicine. fide indeed is the timely remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spitting blond, Liver complaints and all affections of the throat, and even Asthma and Consumption. - Price 25 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold in Towanda, by CHAMBERLIN & PORTER, No. 1, Brick row. Let lls Work* Praise it! rr OUSEICS UNIVERSAL OINTMENT: A corm pleat: remedy for Burns. `amid*, Cuts, Swellings, Bruises Sprains, Salt Rheum, Piles, Fever Sores, Sore Lips. Chapped Hands, Chilltltins, Scald Held, and sl kinds of Inflamed sores. Person; in all conditions of life, are st times liable to be afflicted with the'sliove complaints. It is therefore the duty of brads of families to provide and keep on hand, ready for any emergency, • REMEDY that is callable of removing the suffering attendant on those very troublesome companions. Those who have used TOUSErS UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, need not heh.it it is a complete remedy, a master of pain. and the moat spwefly remover of iffiLimmatinn ever discovered. .11 - ,o experience ul such persons td suf ficient in prompt them to kt up it ulways on hand, know- ing that mn, , y valuable live, have been s.fv,d, by this „f azical Conquerm• of ifillYmed and oilier IPUICP, burns, scalds, Sec. It imiuntly ....pa all pain of the seYereat kind, and prefenta scars. N. family 5h ,, u1.1 be without it, as an immediate dpplicatien of it in cares of burns or scalds, would do more gond while waiting for thedoctly than he could do when „nrrivCd, besides preventing long hour* of the utmost au-tiering which might pass before a physician could hembtained. it possessed control over the severest injuries by fire, over mortification. over inflammation, and by its com• hined virtues it acts as unfiseidic, nerrine, anti-spew modic, anodyrii,enollieni and healing, and is the most complete external remedy in use. Thousands have tried, and thousands praise it. It is working its-way into public favor with a rapidity no. known in. the history of medicines. All who was it, erns/send it. Again we itey. no family should be with oot. it. The agents Tarnish the publielgatis, with beaks dits6ribing: this ointment. (Ii Bac - tr. box of the gamine Terser's Ureveltses. Otaretrer has the Agnate!. of lEL Tousey written on the outside label - Never purchase a box unless this signature can be seen. Price 25 cents per box or five boxes for $l. Preparedby ,Et.uorr & Tor sir, Syractwa. N. Y. 841 in New York at tO6 Nit. sin meet, and in Towanda, by CHAMBERLIN & PORTER, Ne. 1, Thick Row 6y Clicknees Vegetable Purgative pills, ARE the first and only medicine ever discovered that will positively cure Headache, Giddiness. Piles, D)spepsia, Scut vy. Smallpox, Jaundice, Pains in the Back. Inward. Weakness. Palpitation of the Heart, Ri ving in the Throat. Dropsy. Asthma, Fevers of all kinds Female Ccmplaints , Moseley, Salt Rheem, Heart Burn, Worm's. Cholera, Mothers, Couglisi, Quinsy. Whooping cough, Consumption, Fits. Liver Complaint, grysiprlas, Deafness, Itchings of the skin, Colds, Nervous Com plaints, and a variety of other Disease arising from ins., purities of Indigestion. It has been proved that nearly vrary &sea" b....which' the human frame is subject, originates from mpuritiesß of the Blood or Derangements of the Digestive Organr; and to secure Health, we must Remove those obstructions or restore the blood to its natural state. This fact is universally known; but people have sorb an aversion to medicine, that, unless the case is argent, they prefer the disease to the cure, until an impaired Constitution ore fit of sickness rebukes them for the folly of their con dad. Still they had some mimic. for hereinfure, med icine in almost all its forms, was nearly as disgusting as it was beneficial. Now, however, the evil is inns, el fecturilly retnoved ; for Cliekenies Vegetable Purgative Pills, - being completely enveloped With A cos-rreo or eras waver goose (which is distinct from the kernel) have no taste of ,medicine, but arc as easily mellowest as bits of candy. Moreover they dl not nauseate or gripe in the slightest'degree, which is occasioned by the fact that are compouroltd on scientific principles, and operatepqually nn all the diseased parts of the system. inetead ' , lei:marling themselves to, mid racking any par ticular region. (which is the great and admitted evil of ' 'every other purgative.) lience,they strike at the. root ' of Disease, rem'CUre ail impure humors from the blood, I open the pores .etternally and internally, promote the Insensible Perspiration, obviate flatulency, Headache, &c.—separate all foreign and obnoxious particles from chyle, an that the blood, of which it is the origin. must be thoroughly pure--secure a free and healthy action to the Heart, Lungs and Liver, and thereby restore health even when all other means have failetl. G::,* A 1 letters of inquiry or for advice must he ad dressed (post paid) to Dr.C.Y.CLICKENER, N 0.613 Veiwy-st-, New York, or his authorized agents through out the country. For sale in Towanda, by . CH A MBERLIN & PORTER.. rte. 1, Brick Rt. N. R. Remember , Dr. C. V. Clickener is the inven or of Sugar emted Pills, and i giknothing of the sort Was ever heard of, until he iirifilhaneed them in lune:lB43. Purchasers should theiefore ;ask for Clickener's Sugar- Coated. Pills, and take no other, or they will be made the victims of a fraud. 6y Corning, Elmira, and Buffalo Line. B BOAT OF TIM E will leave CORNING & ELMIRA for BUFFALO, every w,ek during the season. in the following order : Leave Corning, Tuesday's..at 10 o'clkick, A. M. Leave Elmira, Wednesdays, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Leave Havanna. Thurmlays, P M. Tow Down Seneca Latke on Friday, touching at Big Stream, Starkey.. Lodi Dresden. passing Genevai . Wa terloo and Seneca Folic, on Sr turday. Leave Buffalo for Elmira and Coming'. every 331 f10hl 74-wning: Leave Rochester every Monday numaing. BOAT. CORN INtin •... I iCAPT . A. Al: TAT Lnn. BOAT EL MI II Carr. H.•W. Tuowersos. BOAT BI;PFA ~c.. :Carr. E lil. (41.E.Ts For Frright or Paoverlie apply try the Captains on board, or to A taints i Mf. M. Mallory, IPriee'& Holly. Genera. 8. B. Strang Alr' , CiiiEtrnita.raratings & Fiet~l do. J.WintherniuitiVfinve Elemlo.l. iViillrr, Seneca Fats, E. - 8. Iffinnin Havanna.' ti.. Basted°, Manteeinna. L.G.Tuatieend. ITi stream H. L t . Yoh, Roebeatee iNiles & Wheeler; Staab) G*7*Ef*i VY:** l 4 ,. : . Ap.rg IR, 1418; 007-8-4-8110E3.+Tardue N ht-,,4- o ,rbik p4irs,.iliWititCiritki ! i A lbidi,", 4 ge k iN Orr bide, 41k54,;011 1 .410;hiii do, ldrinetilnit*l 4 :7 6ll6 rialt 7 :' tt:N•tt7tik • tflcaicsl IMltPte• .. .. : Omoititifoitis . Oa ',Ram. =2-$ 7 .0,4,14,,,i- F ,,ro w ,..,,,,, m ntoisairit, c l,Rzi___, BOtTplistlia*,tatolgritif • .„. ,-- -- -4.... , - • ---. A . M . INTERNAL ittitgo; ii - • 'os o,lo= ' - "rx - Mlini tiviiintio'frorliii if piiinuitte4: - NatuisalrenCei - Tii4likaft:'• -", A matineeiroweetrabee enklildfirtint lei-kind' it kitiellelpe Dir belt rlonekeetwaliOng Mit in.Amtiliptly calla:Akio& il,tAri itiato - attObrobilifiti . part, tretyintiriatrernerletaki •rimpro"Of Awe mem; titer fa die iterist':exenseiating sinlierierit'there. - ire cause& tv'the peat flow of blood. to the . pads._ 'Some times the Mime coat of \ the bowel 'protrudes at every eracitaticn, forming what if called Prolapses or falling, of the bowels; _ tide ittlii.:eireCt of long continued iryi 7 tationMul weakness of thgt\orgith '.lit sonar matinees the pat4ut experiences 'ter*p elm 'illicit itre'llidie %, cribable, anti known Only to`t e 'etdferer..which 'enro -1 tomer immediately after ail ev ation. and continue from thirty minutes to aging hOina ; these sensations are very annoying and sometimes very _distressing.— This Amam i , when of lomymintirmence. I. ittended.by pain anti-weakness in the beelt,:iiiimdan of 'ther..4 Imp"; iliiittliddir, and oilier..oond in tbe vicinity". Man and nOmbriegitio the leg! and t feat t a sense of straight ness about-die‘cbeim arid Unnatural full .of the ob. awning" risers,. accompanied with -palpititkai of 'die heart and oppression. individails asmelimestrapeidenest. pinions man attack of the Piles, ..eywiptoos denoting greet derangement in the circulation ; -there is i s sense of weight and pressure in the abdomen. with a peculiar feeling of uneasiness in thebowels. constipation of\ :inseam. attended with pain in the back and loins, flan ges. and slight pains in the stomach, pale eountemineis. .confused sensations in the bead, weariness. end irrita ble and discontented state of the mind, and a sense of fullness end oppression in the region of the stomach,— The circulation on 'the sedum is feeble, and thecurrein of blood•determined inward and downwitrdse rim act or TVS mesa's. AND COMPLAISTO. • Dr. lipbam's vegetable Blectuary. Cures Effectually and therefare prevents Piles READ THE TESTIMONY. Hention, December 1 I, 1846; Grerra.—l have used Dr. Upham's Vegetable Pilo ? Electoicy which I parchaaed of you. and find it one of the best medicines in use for the piles, and also for all billions affections, arising from an impure state of the system. Yours, &c. E. A. COLS, Marble Dealer. Minim litrATZ. M Orncie, 2 New York, Dee.,6;1847. Mamas. WT►l? & KtTCi►st—Gentlemen deratanding abet you are the general agents-for the sale of Dr Upham's Vegetable Electuars, for' the cure of Piles, I have deemed* my duty to volunteer tr recom mendation in behalf of that invaluable medicine. I have been afflicted for many years with Mies, and have tried various remedies but with no beneficial effeetil—l began to consider my can utterly hopeless. But about the first of September last, I was prevailed upon by friend to make a trial of the above named medicine. I took h.s advice and rojoice•thet i am not only relieved. hut, as t believe. perfeetry cured. I. nrost earnestly recommend it to all who may have the misfinturw to he afflicted with that ramming and dangerous disease. Very retpectfully, your oh't vreirvot. ELY MOORE REMARKABLE CURE OF PILES ! ! THIRTY YEARS BIANDING 1! Nitt:NT Wagon norov: Berkshire Co. (Mom) .IN,,v. 29, 1847. . MFSSIIS. W T•11* & KsTCeau—Ciente: For thirty years I have been afflicted with piles, general debility and onflarnation, causing tumors and prolapsue of the bowelp, and which had resisted all the medical treat ment Dr. Chapman and others could give. The last three years of that time my suffering* defy description. I was confined to bed, unable to help myself, and at last given op by my phisicians and friends in despair of ev er gaining my health ; in fact - f r three" days berme I was entirely speechless turd my burial - clothes were made. But under Providence, and the use of . Dr. Up ham's Elecluary, though an saw wax I haw, the plea , - nieof stating the VAC? to the public that my health le now g oo.'. and hops to rim many years, it it is God's will, to make known the virtues of Dr. Upham's Elect. nary, and to recommend it to my afflicted fellow cm toms. It helped me beyond the expectations of all that knew my cal?, anß I only Pay to others that it is in opinion. the best medicine in the world foe Piles, ersny other disease's, the bowels; and if they will use it ac cording to the directions, I will myself warrant a cure in every case. Yours, with the utmost expression of thenkfulln•ss EovAsrovrr, Berk. Co., (Maw) Nov. 19. 1847 Tbe above neetificate tells a wimple and truthful ow ry of suffering and relief. of which, as physician and witness in the case, I cheerfully. endorse. —* ' DR. CHAPMAN. NOTICE.—The genuine Upham's Electasre has his wriuen aigaturs. thus o:3' A. Upham; M. D.)- The hand is alone done with a pen. Prieesl a hoz. by WYATT & N. Y.. and by • Druggists end Cinsdas. Towanda. Pa. 45y AIN KILI,ER I Spuriatis mizriet It I. ANDREWS, in justice 'to your valuable ' PAIN KILLER,. and for the benefit of the put... lie, wo hereby certify thid we have used 'your Pain Kil ler in our Families for j.earti, for many_ of the diseases for which it is recommended, and we deem h the best Family Restorative in use, and would recommend every family to keep a supply on band, in case of sudden ill nese or eerident. Rev. Aaron Jackson, pastor first Baptist church. Ithaca.' William Cormac, Peach Orchard, Tompkins Co. Rachel Willson, Jame! Clark, Ann Dudley; Philip Case, W Hastings„ Attn Teter, • A Baker, A Bower, Jehn Doolittle. M Collins, t John B Owens, Ithaca, N. Y., 1848 . Never purchase the Pain Killer without the written' signature of J. Andrews, on the label of each bottle, in black ink. Sold by CHAMBERLIN & PORTER, and JOHN B. FORD, only agents for Towanda. For further particulars see advertisement in another) column. 47—Iy PAIN KILLER. .Deatlito Pain • relief to the sick; health to the weak A balm is found for Me whole human race, in i:t ANDREW'S PAIN K I.LER4 I' pms is an entirely Vegetable Cornpo nd, composed .1. o( twenty-five different ingredients, ad is an inter.! nal-end esteems! remedy. Put up in bet lea, varying iq price from 25 to 75 cents, each. For wither pamctij lam, see pamphlets, to be had of every ant nt gratis, con mining a brief history of the migin and d scoveTy of the Pain Killer, certificates of cures, directions. &c. I C A CTIOS.--Elleb bottle has the written signature o' the proprietor, J. -Asbitzws, on the label, and without , it none are genuine. Beware of hawkers and pedlars selling from house to house, representing it to be the genuine Pain Killer. Hold-only by the following regular appointed agent; in this Minty t R . . i c=2 John B. Ford. Towanda. I George A. Perkins. Athena, Chamberlin & Porter, do. J. 3. Watford. Monroeten E F & F I. Ballard, Troy, I C. E. Rathbone, Canton. 3WhDF Pomemy . do. Coryell & Cww, Hurlingtoo M Bullock & Co.. Smithfield . • Sold in ell the principal towns in the [Jolted Steles, Canada and Tete& • Wholesale scents in the city of New Yerk And viri, nity: Hovdock. Celle.. sY Co.. 218 Pend -FA.; Wyatt h Ketcham, 121 Fulton-et. Orders inthrioad to Of proprietor; or G. W. Schuyler, post paid, will meetAnnill prompt attention. 2.ty i The Saddle - and harness Basinest; T S atilt continned.by ELICAN Ali SMITH, J. Cllt.e .1 &. C. T. SMITH, mule, the .Firm of Zlkanah Smith & CO.. at the old stand North rattle of tha Publk e &pare, where will he •kept ,conautotly v on hand 1.1 t i Maio and Quilte? Saddle... Plated and' Comm , liameasoll kindaot , Trunks. Vance,; and all oth workin their line. •.:aae- • . . ... - . : . a --aal- •= Carriage Trirraning , t. Military,mork , 4. darielaarder, ttiotin'theirexperienimr woa punctuali , thefir,c,ip lioptlito.reOlie.iirilirtPr,P.Flac . lol - cre - ii - WOOL 'ain totkikS 4*:ai:#l4 a/ aelp - .4rOtikiii: ihiii.in,thi imply °Mc ume 41 61 4, gal is. IT .• • illundlifaconc*De.tWrents. avnure4,,, . 'ilhtefaittiNftWit "'Y 1- MOLLS AIA SS. 11111S#111. • D .."*.460-040,0,1461 , 044 - pirAti , 0 11411 410 14 *. tii #40.40: 3 0t 4 i.-Vl* -, 4t -; cossacia-Main Uridget atrov*lificii iesi. DO siuflotirt it:imminent ofEttovekt,this aide - Of t ilue.l47q,e'ooking igovc,arTingea a rota- - Lbr4. top, , ilkhoveit oven efPlibed, 2.,30 esterjimpiie-hot. air Ovals, = " • , - • iippl _ ' .4 ~,, .t,i 4! , 44 , ..t. _ 4 :- , _ oiria 2,4..4. A.iop,ii. pelt alt•%evickPani, .: ' 40. 4 " Sniglefix44% " ,-• .., . , ..,...- .. ,-- 2 3 Albany El-hated (./sm, ~ ~ i ,-._ , ~,_ , ...2.4:-4 5 ‘.l -i • Ptentittps. 1 '' ' ';''-' -._ _-';':' . 3,3* 4,44 . 5 k F ui Hicith pat. selAnts later, iii , :lalit•pettor 4 - I, it, 3 Rochester airtight - r10r,7_.....i •f: ."'l Yei-• 2,3, 4' edit/pees do.-..,,A1 any do„,,,Artnistaii.).! ,_ „ . 4 „..47, ,, .-4 I .Alhany: Fancy. wood pada,. •. ..!...,:. t. ,; . . ~,,11, 43. 5 ,111 .:Ecii.T - ' ....- dq ~:,...:,, --,--- -,.:,-.?; • , 2,3.4 ta .petlor.casiatooes, ~ • .., • : I, 2 00ft:tilos! cylinder. : do,. •."--.... -..-. .1, 2, 2 I Large quality Maas tip!, Ilboira v Tia, Brass, per, Japanned A Britaiiiiviratraile, Om - whiehtewill aid asabove;at wholesale or retail. Sheet %inn, 21n, Snare and Copper .Wrikentede tkonler .on short notice, Ind warranted.' Persorri - wishing to nor. 'chine the above snicks will do well '6j-tilling:at the above store, before purchasing-elsewhere,latbe propti etOk is isoand not to he undersold by anylivini man. &000 SHEEP PELTS Wanted,/foc,which cash will hovel& Towandi„Tujiel,4;lll4l3. • ' . 6rn t CORN ELI US SPQR THE 0 MINATIONS ARE MADE, visa AND NI,-,lB® CIF. HARDER respectfully wishes to infor,mihe . Citizens of Towanda , sod the p ublic thaLtie)26 commence) the . , HARNESS AND TRUNK MAIMIO SEINE . SS, in Towanda, on Msjn street,-• rem dom.:l4)mm Bridge street, where he,will ifeep constantly_on-hand or make to order, Plated andorqon Warners, Trunks and P r unk aces. and sillkinds of welkin his line. CAR RIAGE TRIMMING snd,MILITARY WORK-done to order. From his expetiencti o in dip businese, and minctoslity in atteuding tult,_he hopesle may receive a sitar ., of pa:Ale patronage. (30. All kinds of work trill tin b.& at his shop cheap er than at anj other shop in thit county. Towanda, June 12, !84$ \ • lyl &Mir TAILORING ESTABLIMMENT ! GB. & R. DAVIS, TAIL Q.RS.‘ (late from ar . City of Louthof.) have opened ix . shop. in the second sbily of the new Brick block, vrectell , by Burton Kingsla•ry..on %lain street,,whe-re they are p-o-pmed execute all inders intheirline with secura--y Flom their long and rigorous iniitructinit in‘sthe and their extensive experience as niremen. in the first ahnps in London. they fed perfectlygompetent of belay able to pleise toe ?welt fastidious tattle. and to execute their work in such stilwtantial and finished style-, as \ to gibe satisfaction to their customers. c ry bitting done to order, and warranted to fit it properly made op. G. H. D 1V1:3, Towanda, Oct. 12, 1847. ylB 'R. . lALs° _IIE r7ll. ' ar 1113:1. la C)CI • ESPEC" FULLY informs the citizens of Tolman -LA, de, and be public generally that be is prepared to execute in tfin neatest styli all descuiptione of House. Sign. Coach or Carriage Painting. or Trinunang t and every variety of Fancy and Ornamental Painting. From his long experienes and ths many specimensOf his productions now in use, he entertains a flattering hope that by close application to his profession, and being prompt to order he may secure a suitable rhare of public patronage. lie may be found at all times at the Chair Factory of Tomkins de Makinson, where he will be on hand to attend to the calla of those who may ward his serv.ern. PA PER-11 NGINIS done on short Db. nee. in a superior manner and reasonable terms. Towanda, July 4, 1848. ; , - - New Tailoring _Establishment, In No. 2„, Bnck. Row, over 14e store of E. T Fox . aitd gory. at at :a a , at at ra Irs. REnPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Towan do, and the public generally,' hat he has removed his Tailor shop to No: 2. Brick Row. over the store of E. T. Fox. third story, where he solicits those in-want of Tailoring, to give .him a call.. Having been employed in the most fashionable estab lishments in Philadelphia. and-elsewhere. and being de termined to spare no pains . -to - please, customers may depend ulam having tbeit,woHLdckne promptly and in s good style as can-be had at any shop in town'. All work warranted well made raid to fit. • . 6:7 Cutting done cheap, and warranted. ' • .- , JZ7' Country Produce taken in payment for work. ToWenda, August 30. 1547. o. 1., Brick Row, againin the Field! Ikl Tr. a. Vhdlnberifiti, ..., TA - Aqt justfeturned from tbe city , elt, 1 I of New York with a large , - t• - , All RuyPiYi t : l l Watches, Jewelry and /.- O F -; Silver -are, comprising in. part, 1))(. 7,1, . the frdlowiug articles:—Lever, .. ' '..-- I;'Ephileend'Plain Watches, with , .4 . .r' , ..% ~,..11. - , . _ .a complete : assortment of Cold Jewelry.. such as Ear Rings.. Fi nger fin ;s, Breslin Pins, Bracelets, Lockets. Gold chains. Gold Pens. Keys, etc. Also, all rants of Silverware, and any quantity of Steel Bcadok—all of which he offers NI sale eacceedingly cheap. tot CASH. Watches repaired on short noti c e, and warranted to run well, or the money will be refunded, and a writ, .ten agreement given.to that effect if required. . . N. 8.--. MAPLE SUGAE, and Country Produce taken in payment for Bork; and slat. learn now, and forever, that the Product - ?mist - be paid when the work is dent—l war against actlitin all its fortes." W. A. CEIAMBEFLIN; Agent. Towanda, April 28, 0484 BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY Fri IHN W. WILCOX: , has ..rentnyal his eAttiblieh ment to the nboplietween Kingsbery's ana Bart kin; atom. owl syttere .. he atilt , nolieit4 a shorn of putgic rn ! tronage. He inten.tA, by a careful ontnelion of stoelt. i ntrl by Attention to the ilitorest4Zol his r.,usto mars to maks nrOf.,onct chiral:4o work ao, cart:44) nufectureriretitio nit of the, country. •:. 11°4111 koop-ionstrinq horl4l..arilLorair"Ofircrinie to order,-rifolorrol, Caltidrad- Codrae Biala aai &Wei Siater.gruk , Opte'Clifhtmea Getiri' Gaiters and ISinskr3or • • P . V 4lll #oTfte*Nionafiatfirti:Otikiiiett in 10t# 1 0. 4 . 1 *1-14 4 4.4. 1 1# 1 1 14,40 .. 4, • - reiroiaudf; Atoll 26; 113),Tr" t; qt l •riertninis vitts; E l — HU.ADELAIHRT. HICA II LIII ) 3O4SE. 7")." %shed rs. yili(fidot.ty DR. KINKALINgi The aklelle. welt, soonidiridißl to. cure an furmovi.;oterst . .:himilseietliseaessolooleoandaditarl hehetweiflooth, i.DR,,KINKML/X4010; earner of Third inelrlJoao - stWilietweetiSpno . dlisqueres 691.111M dike, - if.,:•Arshn TAKTriaLAR NOTiCatiti. Tooth who JOS* IngelvistPret;'' ice freipentlyjedo I - 1C.4121Q frieqlindy,, , legialeil ramrod cetopeoimeetitleitieelistbe are nightly felt. evetelibetiesleepp and antral** Olio' I sea ,body, should spplyfammediately. Makpirepied .eonstitititiel debility immediately 'cored. andAdliSigte ,restored. All Icttem poet oiid.- • YOUNG. MEN! 'L. -4 rirc,in''q If you value your:' life or your hentth, rememleirkhe delay of a month.stayresen a week, may prltaOttl6rts. in, both of nody aneltnind:4 Henee let nolilam= Amer you from making:llll4:mo your easet ,teal from kluestion, sad. retnieetebilite. tan sionetter*Wrim He oho places binwelf under DR. KINKELINVitesiti ment, may religionalyAlentliie in his honecortroatles man, and in orbuie.beisain will be forever .ockedtkitate. wet of tha patierit. • ; Too many thinlvebetwilli bug the seerettoelatireferb beano, and cure theme's". Meal bevrathir a fatal deluoion, and haereriny a promising yo who might have been an ornament tu society, holed . frcint this earth. . COUNTRY INVALIDS, , finding it inconveaianwtoimake personal apedismdion, can, by stating their cescesplicitly, togetherl withal! their symptoms; (per letter. post.paid,),ltave finerarded to them a chest cuutainbig Dr. IC`a medicinsiiiiprOpria. ted accordingly. .., ,~. ~ _ .. packager of ifedioisfito forwarded to any put Of the U.S. at a moment's noilee'. 1,29 C&Porr esti" itrittaa, addressed to DR. KINKE. LIN, Philadelphia, afilifte.:.prominly attended to. , See advertisement ja-thelSpint of the Times, Phila. GREAT MTIONAL WORK. A HISTORY of liiißievolution, and Lives of the la. Heroes. of the War ig-Inde peridenee, , by 'Clientele J. PETERSON. An eleutitni volume, with IS fine steel plates. and nearly 200 beintiful wood engravings: • " This is a aplettilid h*tii. A valuable addition to the Historic Literature of Gni dountry. - We are much mis taken if it does not takiirtirik with the works of Irving and Preseott."—Frankfori Herald. •• It surpassess soy similar Work yet offered to the American public."-Neure Gazette. " It may be properly considered a popularized rafte r), history of - the Rettoliitian, extremely well anti jetli-. ciously written."—Norih American. . •' The present work on tie Revolution and itshirrner, is 'superior, birth eittinkand design, to any that bai heretofore come under oar itotice."— Inquirer. " A -well connected history of that eventful period." —Ledger. "Decidedly the most popular history of the war of the Revolution and its heroes; that has yet been given to the enttntri."— Exiling Pod. n • AGENT, rmnra , a f•-r the above *le ctern work. i:, every eigorvtY and n to the United States. to the mast •e.tl t • .. , •.ments will be offered. Trice only , $.3. A ,!, •t-patd) - W \t. A. I,E RY, No. 149 No- - th Ines. 1; 4 9 situated Herr the rn,7d ivy! ; 171,.?, li'aler street . ELMiRA,N. Y. HE subscriber hus leased the slunk] formerry.knoo n as the .. Hilaire Howl," and has caused the same to be thoroughly REPAIRED, RENOVATED and IbE-FURNISHED, and is now ready to accommodate hirfriends, and the traveling . public. Hism tastefully arranged and newly * tarnished; his an d Biiiiiball yiellarthe'rieriosso7 comforts t re y the is Oteler ormatiof leitner L and in all respectsrander and quiet inhis-house will be strictly °bemired. trod Eye . y attention *ill bsigivin OS:ender the $e comfortable and , ottrcealiilcs to those . wbo choose to niskobls house their home.during • visit• tottiii pioniant law% as charges the most teationablo. . .• - L .- ~ . W.EITTINGTON BAYREs interested, that 'wri,hare concluded to ettleemilbe kousines. of ,the fun]. We find our Uapital isnot ilioor hands, but distributed over Bradford mud Tioga coon. ties. and we have etnplo%ed , ,an Agent to call :Amon our cu-tomers, so as to give theniont op portuotty Lb take up (heir notes; or either of the t.ld firm .receive tuo. nevi • and giNe Ft receipt to apply.. We hope. and trim ire shall tint he obliged, to place 1 . . largo number of our customer's , notes in the hands of Magistrates: Nieces; howirter, compels us- to makeitofiectibnir. Ttbse Of our customers in and about Tolland', that have on "ideal mattercen book. will be good enough toacalland harm - them °Mead up. • Thirbosiness hereafter , will be "motioned under the firm of JAS. MAKatBOlll 8 Co. Towanda, June :2. 1848. ECM 'NEW ESTABLISILgM'' ITM 311 ws.3ricwinfiNs. • L. M • & CO, yircouhl re ' • inf.am4ll,•ci:itiens of . - - „ ..4.1„:14,.,:nr1as and the_pnblic gonertily, • fic, - t. , cy bare on hand & ruantrfacturr outlet all lands of ,CAIIINET -j' of the beat us.c . 4 t rin:i, and workmanship that 0111130: beautpaseed,inaddition theitsual . . scortment in country shops, eve will Itlep 4 on hand and Make to order SOFAS, of 'various and meet approved enema ; .Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholster"! in superior ' tyle, and for ease and durability Cannot'be- surpassed even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma ogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair, hich. never loses *its elasticity, and finished with the hest hair Seating.. We flatter' ourselves :that having lad much experience in the business , we shall be able. o satisfy all who may feel 'disposed to call, both as. to quality and price, and by strict attention. to blusisese hope.to.inetit and receive the patronage of a liberal corn inunity. .L. M. NYE & CO. Towanda. September 1, 1847. • • • CaIiALVET rUti.VITEIRJE M '-- 4Y BE HAD at oar shop much lott4e than it • has ever been sold in Towanda. Goode are i•hesp. and wheat ant lowered.-and that is the reason we 611 afford all for to do it. Alf-kinds of produie will be remised in payment. Also, LtiltlßEThof sit kinds. Sept. 1. L. M. E 4 CO. ILL be kejt on hand' a large assortment, and made to order on shorter notice anitfor less mo tley than can be produced at any other estahliihment in the land. 'Those who are under the necessity of pro lwring thatAtrticle-wiaaml-shallthe ististied. :A good earseacrd:Prtli'ma . y in attendoie4liets steeffea. .§epteinher 1,f 4 41: _L. M. NYE & CO. BOOTS AND SHOES. 'What are Too about 'here ? Aral. ye tea, I gueoNao! !TBOUIt.AN US of times-tbe question bars beenlisted, . Where on earth are all the Boots awl Shoat rain. nufscureil,tlaat supply the-eontiuuai. rush st.the center of 'Main and Bridge *treats? °lars insliwenob"st this is the o%er., end thee° are the - things wad it imatti . • . 1 C;t7?.., - Al . 4;s Seemly- qt - tiqz siclieja3Ltions. ettry ,. T.ser:onits Pyt o n t e &cam ! ! • : eragrapospa yti C4w.rioni......l Hoar l heat-3-e! rrlT.lln. at !the tomer of Mttiu anil-grblgv•sn,-et., e• 1 -0 at re , i :that aeavin. 39.781 rtt.i - iirrtruna, 4. 1 frr.,-: .0 , 1 3 ; a. lefts: price Allan Ines tba. or pt.l , ;biy ( be et. fete4 again% t00 , 31.,1a. ' -The tadiro' Deritiment in this establishment is tiehlyLlfuraisbett tvith frishititut. - I.stilesN misses alai chihiron'sfanq :volt eopitrion bFwilot" and Faltnel. tven to herestietnity of the latest fashions. ltfialske not the Itlace , ;Alitnier of Main and Bridge intents, Me only "ShieStitie in Bradford County. Half Cash flyl4l hag trade for. Dotter. , - • ' O'HARA. , Towanda, June 16. 1847. • , • C HOICE DRY GCID,W...I/Alprician, French Meri L i tt Nev. 10; DAIRD S , Nu. J, Mick fin,;,.