Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 02, 1848, Image 3

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    0 R!ihl
• Wm Simpson
Wm' A Shorter
L D West
J J Haight
Wm Nichols
W !Buret ,
Wm Nichols jr
R belong
rVIr.H Pekin'
fs SI Stevens '
0 W Humphrey
Tho Pear
A Goodell
J Rightmire I P
A Mills
P Lefler
.1 Barnhart
J Chapin
C A West
G Cooper
0 Hickman
J Witherell
B Herman
J Middaugh
C Robison
• Leely
R Miller
E Hanlon
H W Squire
C Merit
W Stevens
H Smith
M Carr
W B Webb
B Lee!)
P Squire
F Hill
E Decker
J Barnhart
J M Eastman
N Smith
M A Burt
J Hamader
L Chamberlin
J K Watson
J-C West
J Hammond_
I Vail Dusen
I Larison
H Williams
M Limkins
.E Stevens
J Baldwin
A Tuggs
P W Burnham
H Spencer
D B Ingersoll
C T Murphy
I Burt
E Harris
8 B Brown
B H Doty
R D Squire
D H Burnham
S H Colman
C F Burnham
G H 808
D J Beardsley
8 Dirnock
W Mc Micken
Eli Granteer
J Stockwell
Jos Kilmer
M Kilmer
B Hunt
I Latterthiire
114 Elliott
A 8 Sinith
I p Bosworth
?krt. '
D Gregory .
B I Baldwin
W Ally iNoY
W alike
A 0 Camp
8 Overpeek
ft Sample
.J E Kline
8 D Sample
C Bailey
P` Miller
Was Sample
M Mandeville •
Ise coley
K H ECummins
John l .Cummios
Catiimins jr
Stories Squire
J 10Arebb
D Birdwell
CrP Wilson
A Wallace
3 Parker
W Chamberlain
M Middaugh
A Weeks
E P Hanlon
N Decker .
A Squire
H Dewy
A H Voorhis
Wm Seely
8 Buskirk
A 0 Btrander
W R Buck
M Heywood
J Reymond
B Inman
L Gordenier
E Herman, -
R Squire
W Decker
C Chamberlin
C P Hall
A Burt
H Kline
8 Perkins
C P.Covell
T .1 Otterson
I Crane
8 Baldwin
3 Owens
L Goddard .
GI Baldwin
8 West
• W Evans.
K Patterson
J Hammond
J Burt
A Burt
'I Hickman
M Cabel!
H Miller
G Henry
A H Thomson
cc. The short time intervening before the Con
tention, has prevented kgeneral circulation of the
call; and but a portion of the signatures are pub
lished: *nett.,
New 22wertustments.
I%TOTICE is hereby given to all persona -interested,
111 that
Henry C.Alkvi, owe of the administrators of Banijah
Allen, dee'di late of Warren township ;
Henry }troll, one of the edtninietratons of Was H.
Topper, den d, late of Windham township ;
Nathaniel rhos er, administrator de boniii Don of the
esta• A 'ninon B. Shaw, dec'd, late cif Ulster tp.
E. R. Myer, administrator de bonia non of the estate
of Wm. Myer, deed, late of Wysol tp
Irad Stevens, administrator of the estate of Samuel
Btevcns, deceased, late of Pike township.
" Aiba Tuttle, executor•of the estate of Joel Tuttle,
deceased, late of Standing Stone township.
C. 0. Spencer, one of the executors of the last will
and testament of S. Withey, dec'd, late of Canton tp.
-. James Merritt rand Roswell Dunbar, executors of J
- B. Remit, deed,late of Glanville tp.
John F. egateriee, executor of the estate of William
Bertrand, dec'd, late of Athens tp.
Have steamily filed and settled n .the office of the
Register of Wills, in aridlor the Co. of Bradford, the as
of their emend administrations upon the estates
aforesaid, and that the same will be presented to the
Ore's court of said co. on Monday the 4th day of
September next, for confirmation and allowance.
L. E. DE WOLF, Register.
RegisteesSlifice,gowseds, August 2, 1848. -
T UMBER WAGON, for sale at the New Bard
-1.4 ware store, jy26 D. LORD.
WILL BE PAID for sound Culls, Common end
Panel Boafds snd Planks, delivered at Old No.
3, Brick P.ow. July 25, 1848. E. W. BMW).
Mountain Lake, Wide awake
rrirtßE will ha.a MASS MEETING of the Nation
-1 al . Reformers of Bradford County, in the grove
near Mountain Lake; on Saturday, the 19th of August,
at 1.0 o'clock. A general invitation is extended to all,
whether in Carat .or opposed to our meisurts. Several
distinguished @pelotas will be present on the occasion,
to expound the doctrinal of National Reform. " Prin
ciples, not men,'' is our motto.
B order of the Committee_of Arrangement.
• . ntain lake. July 19, 1848.
11131 V ter(OIDSSQ,
B. KINGSBERY dis C 0.,.
ARE now receiving • new supply of GOODS from
New York. • Also, one .:k load of SALT.
Towanda, July 12, 1848.
WILL pay his next visit to Towanda, in October
next, and may be found at WOODRUFF ' S Horst..
His friends are invited to call. July 12, 1848.
DANIEL LORD takes this method to inform the
inhabitants of Bradford Co., and the surrounding
country, that be is receiving at the old stand of , J. P.
Kirby, a Imp smd-well.selected assortment of
MERE - 1111117" g
Consisting in part of the following : Nails, copper, tin.
shed iron bar and sheet lead, lead pipe of various sizes,
anvils, cotter and staple vices, crow bare, spades, sho•
vets and forks, milt, X cut, circular, panel & web saws,
Tools, House Trimmin gs of various descriptioni.
Latest improvement. Also. the Self Regulating Par
lor Stove. He will manufacture and keep on band
Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware,
of all kinds, and at kw prices. Alt persons wishing
to porde.. Hardware, will do well to call on D. Lard
before purchasing at any other place. His stock is en
tirely new and &sob: He will sell as cheap as any oth
er establiskunen twitbin 100 miles of this place, (no
mistake.) AB kin& of Copper, Tin and Mune lien
Ware, repaired and guide loonier in wocinealike man
ner. Towanda, June 26, 1848.
*mired, mad for sale by rhe single barrel et had,
es jr7.7 51ERCLIVV,
NI *NW er X 0 , 2 . 01
. tOthrANDS, A -
• 'T. Oi world east
frimeoad lay one . al a lorlie is it *est :of mw=
disdisi te asifrOnsivii* esidOt. 'Y
ee liana lorksieuticf
kept Ckorfairet,-Ciieli;
cry Henheere, Colisies, Ada and ' Ceps, Fisk,
Paints and Oil,, Dye stuffs, Iron, Naafi CasTenak.
4.e. We will consider it a favor for people to - let us
show them our goods, as we think they cannot fail to .
suit. It is true, I moot, boast °lei great a umber of
years' experims in purekising goods, as some, yet I
trust the goodloople of Bradford have not forgotten
their own ambrosia experience in buying goods of
doss aims old experienced coons. Look oat kir thine.
or they will stick on their usual tariff! I will sell se
limp, if not cheaper than any other live man. Plisse
give lie a oath at No.l, Brick Row.
Towanda, May 24. 1248. - E. T. PDX.
9z only Unisons! Remedy , is at last &covered in
the shape of Chew Goode. at Fora - It is in
en external remedy, but if applied by the subscriber, is
warranted sure cure, and no mistake. If a man frets
poor or bed in the region of his prcket-book, tha and
efficient remedy is•to call at Fox's. and buy-what goods
in wants, r 4iircan buy more for leas money than at
any other 1: 1 411 town. For anything Ake dyspepsia,
the ktst l test and best remedy is a quantity of
that fresh, i elicisits Tea at Fox's, from 3s to fls per lb.,
otellenoilwith !some of tbat nice 6d Sugar- In flat
there is *di) , ndisesee that flesh if hear to, that a reme
dy cannot be foiand for at my 34 FOrtt..
AN ACT t the benefit et the People of Bnidford
Co. I
Be it remembered by all good citizens, that
a man can buy Is many Dry Goods and Groceries as be
can carry home, fora mere trifle, hardly worth mention
ing. at No. 2, Brick Row. my 24
Jogra B. iiTgtl) bar just received. at him Drug store
oneiloor below Kinybery's wore, in B.Kinpbary's
•new brick block. Main street, a large addition to his
former assortment, which be offers to the attention
of the public. His stock now comprises every article
usually kept; among which may be found the following:
Opium. cream tartar, dunphor, wtile soap ; liquorice,
balsam copsiba, rhubarb, jalsp, aloes, flowers chamo
mile, gum-arabic, castor oil, quicksilver, magnesia, roll
and Roar sulphur, termed and crude borax, calomel, red
precipitate, corrosive sublimate, aqua ammonia, tartaric
acid, quoin malts, laudanum. sews. sulphate quinine,
all of the essential oils, gum Myrrh. cantharides, gum
tregacanib, corks, sarsaparilla. gamboge. litharge, spir
its turpentine, rotten stone, umber, terra de sienna, salt
petre, annis seed, isinglass, cubebs, annotto, &c., &c.
Crushed, loaf, and mureravado sugars, cheaper than
an be bought elsewhere h town ; black and green tea;
sateratus, pepper, spice, mustard. pepp't sauce, raisins,
nutmegs, cloves, mace, Rio and Java coffee, starch, gin
ger, oils, blacking;castile, blown, variegated and fancy
soap. sperm and tallow candles, tobacco, aegars and
snuff, matches, &c., &c. ,
"Cognise, Otard, peach and American Brandy ; St.
Croix, Jamscia and New England Rum ; iwate, lion
and Baltimore Gin; Scotch, Irish and Monongehala
Whiskey ; Medals; pale and brown Sherry, pore juice,
Port, Teneriffe, Lisbon, Malaga, Muscat, claret and
cham'paigne wines. alcohol, 41 . e.
Bay water, lavender. catnap and rose water s mac
maser and bear's oil. otto roses, ox marrow, pomaturn ,
rouge, pearl powder, Madeline, flesh, too th, hair, nail
and clothes brushes, feather dusters, calf etellets,boy's
belts, combs, phis. Bah hooks, penal points. go/eying
nerds, percussion caps, ink, steel pens, &c.
Western Panacea. Balm of Columbia, Pink Syrup,
Komstock's Verinifure Hies Liniment. Mother's Re
lief, Pain Extractor. Acoustic oil, Hair dye, Andrew's
and Mrs. Brown's Painkiller, Godfrey's cordial, Adhe
sive plaster, Townsend'., Webster's, Wood's and Shep
herd's Sarsaparilla, Lithontripic mixture, Wistaes
sam, Hungarian Balsam of Life, Upham's Elm:tasty,
M'A Miter's °lament. Shepherd's, Komstoeks, Orrick's
and Fahnestock's Vermifulte, Brown's celebrated Lotion
fox Consumption, Sovereign balm pills, sugar coated
Pills, and all the most popular medicines of the day.
ca,The stock is complete, containing everything
kept M . the largest establishments, and is 3ffered at the
lowest possible prices. •
Remember, that Ford's Cheap Drag. Grocety'and
Liquor Stare, is in ,Kimpbery's new block.
- Towanda. JurM'7, 1848.
• H. S. &M. C. NIERCUR,
RESPECTFULLY announce to their numerous
friends and customers, that they are now opening
the largest and moat general assortment of GOODS,
ever before offered to Towanda, embracing almost every
thing wanted by persons of every class and condition.
All thosre wiabing to purchase Goods for cash, will
find it for their interest to esamill this stock.
Towanda. May 26, 1848.
Bat a Great Fall la the Price of Goods, at the
C-REED, the proprietor, is now receiving a large
. assortment of Spring and Summer . Goods, which
are selling so low as to astonish even the" natives."—
The selection consists of every variety and style of
fashionable goods for the season, a catalogue of which
would. be entirely too numerous to mention here. Sam
ples will be shown with the greatest pleasure, to any
one who. will have the goodness to call, and we will
show them that goods can and will be sold cheaper at
the Siring. Bank, No. Er. Brick Row, than in any other
establishment in Bradford Co. G. REED.
Towsnda. May 30, 1848.
" Goods well Bought are half Sold !"
new opening • large stock and extensive variety of
GOODEI i selected with the greatest care, and bought
under.; great advantages in the cities of New York and
Philadelphia—taking. advantage of the favorable condi
tion of both markets—and hiving in view the motto
above ! has so bought that he can and will sell on ma fa
nor** terms as the cut, and will endeavor to show to
community the advantage of buying.froin those who buy
wall. i Towanda, May 23, 1848.,
°AA VOLS. published by the American Sunday
eIVV School Union. and for sale low in quantities
to suit purchasers. my 23 0.1). RARTLETT.
Cheapest Goods ever-sold in Towanda,.
caption, for old men end young men, for young
misses end old ladies, for the high, the low, the rich,
rand the poor ; all can now be ageommodated. Akw
@Melee in the line of Dress Goods, which are going off
with a pertect-roab, we tan here mention, such as Frch
lawn gingham", darkand light gingham, linen loaner.
French lawns. berages;and a great assortment of Prints
are now selling lower than the 'Dwelt at No. 5. B R.
Jane 14. 184$. REED'S.
BONNETS, sal Rennet Trinnninp, of every doe.
Option, suitable fot-ibe moon. may be bend in
aboOloo o e, eta very cheep at 6, Ii(EMD111.
11P81—Cait boil well and *awn poops. war.
to draw water boo thirty to salty bat br
ode the New. Hardwire Stoat. D. LIMA,
P4ItABOLB k UMBRELLAS, die mit oil.'"
pad ipiemdid mootismit ever MeV Tain — iiida,
may be Found at No. f!, H. R. REEDIt.
!e Di* Vic: a s
sizgoriagaz,st. liiwjrielivise Irds No
IP • To* u& Pt(thOlphis; &Mire 64444 as* of
. r_ - DrSprileinil:Bunaty-Cledv
:'l.• Abe; allies& iesestmeet•-, • -•-
Groiesiii, Banktare, • Crain; Itianly'lliodie
Boob and Shoes, (1 large verrity,) Nab, •
Glean, Peintsi Dye4roode, Fisk,
Also—Legborn.:Padal and Prim teat Hata; Angola,
pail. coalmen, and silk Hats; Pickles, Mina-Pearl,
Neapolitan, open workand lawn Donnell: Books aid
StatOttay, WaU papei Rosa 10c to !Weimer piece; Win.
lbw paper, &e. Musical Inatrussenla--Flutes, Clad.
nits, Flagookas, Fifes. &c. .1. =MISERY, SRI
Towanda, May 17,1848.
,RE.4D- vim/EDI .1
BKINGSBERY CO., 21 11101 r neCtivioll from
. Plailedelphiaandliew York. the letrest,chespeat
and most complete amortment of COODB of all kinds,
ever openei ha Towanda, which will: positively be sold
diaper than goods have ever before been afraid in this
place. We invite the chisens,to call and lee or assort.
ment and prickour goods before 'purchasing elsewhere,
as' we have got luny things which are nre ani desire
bkt to be obtained. Don't forget the place, B.BINGB
- BERY At CO., new block. opposite the burnt district,
Where goods will be sold this summer4par, down below
the retch of any other stare. .
Towanda, May 17, 1848.
INGIFIAMB.—Ws bays a Isms quantity of small
patterns, very bandsman and desirable ; French and
limn gingham., of excellent quality.
mayl2 ifiNGSBERY ar. CO
LA WNS.—Frenth, American and Organdie Lawns,
- a beautiful assortment ; also. plaid tad &glued silk
wool barrage". aryl, KINGSBERY & CO.
CALICOES, --A choice selection of Merrimack; or
ange and blue, pink and all other kinds, .mall fi r
me. Two shilling calico for nine cents; call and see,
bu• mind. the only place is KINOSBERY & CO.
H. C. PORTER, 11. D.
IFTIVECIALS! d 1=111,020179
OFFERS his professional services to the people of
Towanda, and vicinity.
Office at Chamberlin & Pollees Drug store, No.
Brick Row. my 9
BONNETS.—A choice selection of Florence. lace,
China pearl, Pamela, Leghorn, end other fashion
able styles of ladies' and misses' Bonnet., very cheap;
also Bonnet ribbons, artificials, wreaths. dre•
An Kildare Assortment of Ready-made Clothing
j Jud received
, at L Batchel i er's
MY stock - is large, comprising a fuU assortment of
Sommer Clothing of every kind : such as Tweed
Croton, Queen's Cloth, and silk mixed Grecian Sack
and habit cloth, linen and cloth dress COATS:
Also, PANTS & VESTS, of every kind; cravats
and banderchiefs, gloves and summer bossy all offered
cheap—so cheap that I think it will pay for coming and
looking at my stock.
Also, A good eisortment of Broad Cloths, Cassinteres
and Vesting:, Tweeds and Kentucky Jeans, Linens,
&c., that I will make up to order, and very cheap. I
pledge myself to sell as cheap as can ha bought any
where in the country. - L BATCHELEE.
- Towanda, May 8, 1848.
TIMMER% TOOLS.—A good assortment of Bad.
Moulding aid Beach . PLANES. grooving plows.
and other Joiner's Tools, jog received from the menu
raitocy. sod for vas kw . by fl. D. BARTLE l'T.
MEE subscriber hisupened a CLOTIIIING Ebroac, two
A. doors north of the Public Square, on Main street,
(nearly opposite the new brick tavern now being erect
ed by C. L.,Waul, Esq.) where he will keep constantly
on hand, and for sale, at the lowest possible pekes, a
large and general umAnent of READY MADE
CLOTHING, such es
Collars, Stooks, Suspenders, Gloves, Hosiery, Drawers,
Flannd Undershirts,
He bea also on hand and is constintly receiving, •
large assortment of
such as Mks. Satins, Marseille", 4ke.., ellaf which will
be made up to order on short nodes and on reasonable
terms. The subscriber having been a practical Tailor
for the last 15 years,, in the city of New York, Batters
himself shit he can give satisfaction to all who may fa
vor him with their patronage.
His Clothing is all made up under his own Mspec
tion, and be has therefore no hesitancy in recommend
ing it to chose who wish to purchase.
a :7. CUTTING and MAKING UP for persona who
prefer to furnish their own materials; and cutting done
for persons who wish to have their garments made else•
where—all of which shall be done with.nastness and
The subscriber is also agent for A. Wheeler's Report
of Fashions, which be can furnish to such as are want
ing. on reasonable terms. B. A. SMITH.
Towanda, June 6, 1848.
TEE to-partnership heretofore existing between the
leabscribers in the practice of Medicine and Sorge.
ry is thin dal dissolved by mutual consent. Their as
are lat with J.D.OROSS. at Ford's Drug Store
and who is uoly authcfriaed to settle them.
Towanda, May 9, 1848. CHAS. N. LADD.
£ witty of silkiiineham sod cotton—some extra
rich. In fact, we ham all kinds of fancy and staple
Dry °soda, edit to the eseasn, bought by ens who
henbeen in the borne. twenty-one year% and heist.
ten himself that they have been bought es cheep. Uwe
more so. than any_ other merchant can buy. and is air
solatelz erns they will bs sold shin* :Call sea see,
Tlulosti ands tibia
cahoot fail to suit. ' KINMEERric 'CO.
Silt ,
T ip *kb'
'AlL'lleitilliki,disepest old ks, t :GOODS la - Teee.-
delked.odiedikdedesei add, lireireitim
ekc.. ike. Of Pdi Dili
Mew *bed tidies to gee the dieiped diode—ideese
ea ewe and Add et .
Kat 19, lug. , • Ne.^ll. Brick Rid.
tritti dipto.:.:4 pea Matatateilt ilk sad fir
.11 Hats. seat's glazed cam with. ark (a great SP
Aide for moray wasther,) awn sad boy's ,cloth caps.
•ebikirsa's velvet Imps. to You will Alla an these
kit di, sad many owl: at m 29 HAMM&
DOMEriTIU GOODS tiop and Maki*
cotton yarn, bans, wicking, cups yarn. 4ke.. &c.,
at. No. 3, 8.11. iny3l BAIRWA.
'WOODEN WAREo—Halt intshal, pick and tow
V quart messuree, clothes pins, ae. Na 11: Brick
may3l BAIRD'S.
'WINDOW OLASS—Ao oasortnient at No. 3,
v' Brick Row. mySI BAIRD'S.
VISH.--A good article of Codfish and Ifackervi, it
3: N 0.3, B.R. meal BAIRDIL
LEATBEIL—Any quantity of Sole and Upper Lea
diet at - my3l BA IRD'S.
IjARD GOODlB.—.lron, nails, steel, band iroti,horse
.1.1. shoes, &c., [rah stock; at BAIRIYB.
TWO Toes Essiegton'e besthammered iroo.jest re
erived, at MONTANYEB & CO.
O.IrBBLMEBB PORK and a kw tuadred of
Hama on hand, at MONTANYEB & CO.
PATENT MEDICINES.—AII tha most celebrated
Medicines of the day, can be &God at No. I, Brick
11DIROWN BBEETINI3IB.—About 43,000 yards of
1.1 Brown Sheetiromiost mod at BAIRIM
V .
ESTINGS.—S•tin. silk, satin stripe, silk velvet
and other Vesting', for winter or =maser, fall or
spring ; • vest mamma at BAIRD'S, No. 3,11. R.
IDIFARDWARE, a good airottment, including bon,
J../. Steel, .Nalla, dtc. at No. 2, B.R. FOX'S.
CLOTHS & CABdIMERES, Vagina, Gvereoat
Cloths, mil as brown, olive and gold mixed Bea
rers will be sold vety low at SAVINGS BANK.
PRINTS. of nary variety and wyle, foreign and do
toestie, now opening at wholesale and retail, at
GINGHA MS & PRINTS.—PIain and twilled Ging
hams, English- and American Prints, a beautifu
assortment at ' 8805
ia t - ;_i Tr 6 coomo4
At . Wholesale and Retail.
MONTA NYEB & CO. are now receiving fresh
from New York and Philadelphia, the most deal
rab!e lot of GOODS. ever offered in this market, and
think that an experience of twenty years in the melee.
don of goods had ought to enable them to purchase as
cheep as the cheapest. We invite public attention to
our stock, and think we can offer inducements worthy
the notice of the most close buyers and amateurs of de
• Table goods. May 1, 1848.
F OR SALE, two new BUGGIES. in complete order
for running. They are finished in a superior man
ner. made of good and substantial materials, and will Ise
sold at a great bargain, for 'Casa only. They may be
seen at Esenwinee shop, in the lower part of the boro'.
May U. 11148. • .1. A. EISEN WINE.
TSGHORN BONNETS are loss--cif doubts it.
let than step into FOX'S. and test the fact; s good
seaorunent of Florence braid. also, new and fashionable
ritibons, lowan end kuB. at No. 2 Brick Row • 0e24
SA WB. - -411111 saws. and Ge bet and 6 foot dispieutt,
sews, et BAIBD'B, No. 3, Thick sow.
VP:ANTED, any quantity of Butter, at the market
V V prima, at the Central Store. N. N. BBTTB.
Auditor's Nonce.
91E03 undersigned haying been appointed Auditor by
the Orphan• Court of Bradford county to marshal!
seams and distribute moneys in thentande of Jesse E.
Bullock and D. A. Carey, administrators of the estate of
Samuel Lewis, late of said county, deed., will attend to
the duties of his said appointment at his office in To.
Wands borough, on Tuesday, the 15th day cf August
next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. at which; time and place all
persons interested are Inquired. to piesent their-claims
before him or be debarred from coming in upon said fund.
July 12. 1848. HENRY BOOTH. Auditor.
Auditor's Notice.
MHZ ,undemigned having been appointed'Anditar by
J. the Orphan's Coon, of Stadion' county, to settle
and adjust the administration account of J. M. Creamer,
Joseph Allen, and Polly Creamer, administrators and
administratrix of the estate of Stephen Cranrner, late of
said county, deed., will attend to the duties of his ap
pointmcnt, at his office in Towanda borough, on Tues
day, the 15th day of August next, at t o'clock, P. M.,
of which all persons interested, will mks notice.
July 12, 1848. . HENRY 1300TH, Auditor.
NOW receiving almost daily at the Central Brick
Store, (Cheap aide of Main st.,) fresh supplies of
which we are selling at unusually low prices. It you
want Cheap and good Goods, mark the Central Store.
For particulars, see. Reporter neat week.
May 29, 1848. N. N. BETTS.
T WOULD say to my old friends and all that wish to
I buy goods cheap, Chit I am still to be found at the
CENTRAL STORE, where my arrangements are still
to partially take charge of andassist Nr.N.N.Detts in
the above named establishment.
I would therefore be pleased at any time to &air and
satisfy you that it is not always a fact that those who
make the most notes in the world, or have the largest
stores, that seli goods the cheapest.
Respectfully. yours.
Towanda. June 8. 1848. A.D.MONTANYE
and American Cloths and Cambrian*, and a large
assortment of Fancy Candlemas, selling at very low
rates at the Central Stoat. - N. N. BETTS.
T ADZES' GOODS.—Lawns, gingham., raw silf,
L and silk and linen gingham. (new styhi of goods)
di !aims, Whits dress goods, of every variety. at the
Central Store.
.14 N. N. BETTS.,
10BINT8-1000 yowls on hand, which wo will mil
to cub mammon st ant.
GROCERIES.—Good young hyena and hyena skin
team. at 371 sod 50 cents—nod sugar to sweeten
it et 81 and 8 cents ; all other kinds of Gnu:ones in pas
portion at the Central Stare. N. N. BETTS.
UXPECTED in a few days, a few more loads of
.E 4 New Goods, at N. N.BETTEri
This is no disgusting.`tauseating pill, potion, or
mixture; nothing that produces pain orinitadon ; but
a medicine that is at once pleasant and agreeable in its
application. affording immediate relief, and will cure the
very worst coma of painful. itching or bleeding Piles in
• very kw days. Call at Casnasaux & Porraa's
Drug Store, Na. 1. Buick Row, Towanda, and you will
not go home without a haul*.
WORSTED DRESS GOOD:L.—Plain, figured and
TV plaid, black and =heed Alpmeas; black end ev
inced French hairiness; Oregon Plaids; tick French
and common Cashmeres, DeLaines, &e., @treat variety
of etyles for sale at sepia, )tERCUR'3,
811 OA DC LOT 1111. COIIIiMMIS, end Summerßtu&
—end endless misty. to alit all testes sod slides.
wet people, wiling extremely low at REED'S.
QUZETINOB AND 811UtTINOalf you win .z
swim oar malt. Jou win. ir *irk to boy. ludo.
You - attign thh& the Oa so low. tbst Owe wawa,-
thin wiwn h 3 ft. • -11 - 17 W 11ERT & CO.
. J01y,14,
S n ot *
July 14.
V reed by
13 • 800 -
Jul 'l4.
be "old law
A lop and
constantly •
.1. examin
as OW' •
they wish.
July It.
DILLOW I 3 .(g )
For ale alo it I I 1, B.Row;by
Chamberlin Et- and Porter.
CHAMCERLIN & PORTER, No. 1, Brick Bow;
who krep constantly oat and a full assortment of
genuine Drugs aced Medicines. Paints, Cik, Dyestuffs,
Grocerirs, Fancy articles, 4r. :
Alebasi's poor man's plast. Trask's magneticointment,
" tdeth ache drops. Tummy's Universal do.. the
Boink'ff health !estoratile. 'Master of pain
Clickeneests. c•Rills, Wistar's balm. Wild cherry,
Dailey'. pa ni extractor, Buchan's Hung. balsam life,
Fahnestock's vermifuge, Andrew's pain killer,
Gridley's wilt rheum oint. Davis' do.
13heknberg medicines, Harding's sticking salve,
Hobetwack's worm syrup, Peleg White's do.
Ingoldsby'a pile specific, Ellis' ad. plaster cloth,
Dr. Jayne's medicines, Extract of Wa-shoo or bur-
Jackson's Bile letter em. fling bush, an Indian me-
Sherman's tnedicines, &cline for consumption,
poor mar's plast. diseases of the liver, 4c.,
Merrick's vermifuge, Thompson's eye water.
Worsdell's veg, res. pills, Weaver's worm tea,
Dr. Went) 'a female " Brittis'
Winslow's bale. horehound, Brant's Indian remedies,
Moffat's joined, -Ward's liniment,—relieves
Folger's 0 oss•onian, rheumatic and other pain,
Phinney's 'lls, Webster's ex. sarsaparilla,
Pocshon do. Harlem oil, •
Porter's di cordial, - Carpenter's do.
Souk's or. sov. balm pills, 'McAllister's ointment,
Swayne's rup sei:cherry, Tinliggion's balsam life.
do. ern:life*. Balm of Columbia,
Smith's a. Ind. 'veg. pills, Ifateman's pectoral drops,
Scarpa's ustic oil, Hodfrey's cordial„
Wright's veg.pills, Bullard', oil soap, •
Oriental do. Indian vegetable elixer;
Brandreth do. Jew David's plaster,
Webstm's lions do. Chessman's Arabian bids.
Pbalp's to to do. Cooper's corn sale,
Dr:Ruah' do. Mother's relief.
Lees' • do. Gelatins capsules.
Poses ass's do. Cephalic crown snuff.
With When, not enumerated. The subscri
bers are ta OR most of the above medicine% sod
,erg ankle genuine. July 19,1949.
TITOU l respectfully inform the inhabitants of To-
V V wa da and. vicinity, that they have opened a
GROCE Y dr. VARIETY STORE, in the corner
building Uorth.of the put4ic square, on Main-at. Where
may be (Mind an kinds al
Groceries, Preserves, Pickles, Thing,
Tolima, Sal; Cigars, Cundy, Cruckert and Top of
everfokrcrytum, Bask rip, Brooms, Willow ware,
; Spirm and Tallow Candles, Bar soap,
irtsugar, Flour, Pork, Harris
all of which will be sold cheap for cavil.
Towanda, July 3, 1848.
BY an mum of the Orphan'ir Court of Bradford co,
Li will he exposed to public sale, on SATURDAY,
the 19th; of August, 1848, at 2 o'clock, P. M., on
prom' the pm' a piece or parcel of land in T ro y town
ship, late theestate of Wm. Knm. deed,, bounded on
the lands of Ward, east by land-of James. Ds
Witt, south by lands of Wm. Morrison, west by the
highway heading from Granville to Troy. Containing
one hundred acres, or thereabouts. Attendance given,
and terms Made knowe on the day of *ale.
egValL i n l OLUgattr
Y an order of the Orphans' douft (If Bradford co.,
will be exposed to , public sale on FRIDAY. the
18th day of August, 1848, at 2 o'clock, upon the pre
mises, • 'ecri or parcel of land in Springfield tp., late
the prop. y of Benjamin McAfee, dec'.l., botinded on
north by he tounty toad leading from Troy Id
Point, an by lands of Sylvester Leonard, east by landi
of Miner ;Gates and by lands of Paul . Shumway„,unth
by lands nf Stephen Biles, and nest lands of Kiel
Bartlett, W. Meteor and Samuel Faulkner. 'Con
taining One itundred acres or thereabouts with a two
story framed dwelling houses frame bun and other out
houses erected thereon and with an apple orchard.
tla!ing ,- ! . AoDerlt •
II rah ! - Hurrah filleriah!
1444 for :bithi gre
ito everbeforit'oderiedja
sislamid 4eii II
e variety ; also l!leseis.
usually kora in teueiry 'Wis. by .
ELLIOTT & volumut
P.4.NEI3.—A few choice ones jus
.BAGB.--Ladiss' and gent's, a - good as
.—Florence, maw. pod strew. and Imee
; also, palm•leaf and legborn ludo, by
A good variety ; French and English
at all kinds. and kisiinegs, which will
NAILS. elm and sash, leather. rope,
&mill, dropand . paints, of all kinds. kept
pen:hosing goal will do well to call and
our goods before purchasing elsewhere,
is large and well selected., and purchased
• •a ate lowest: so that we have a cooside
ge over those who purchased earlier. We
• • to our customers with almost everything
• • • it care mill to a emu libeller.
CHAS. DRAKE.. Administrattir
Granville, Joll 19, 1848. of Win. lino:, dee'd
id tonne mile known on the
848. Executor,
order of the Oephan's twist of
in be expand to public este on
Jay of August, 1848, at one 0 . -
remises, a piece or parcel offend
and bounded and described as
south side of the- Bombrook
comer on tills said road adjoin-
Benjamin Brink, thence run-
north-easterly direction to a place
formerly built on said liornbrook,
',rook along the line of lands of
ite ash sapling a corner, thence
Daniel Brink in a hickory sap•
fence of said Brink enclosing his
said him to the place of begin-.
two acres•of land, with a lanai
together with the privilege of
ring upon the lanii of said Da
tid tannery. The .property of
• Attendance given and terms
of Ws. ,
tUtsf3EL PRATT, Adinin'r.
owng' skim;
Mier of the Orphan's Cot o
iill be exposed to public sale en
16th day of Mina, 18413,. at 3
premises. a irises or panel of
late the estate of Wm. Mitchell
.tiorthi by laud of Samuel Allen,
I Wl* east by lane of E.Long,
..any Ormemosh, lees by lands of
Wm. Onotainivai about 13T acres
trapat izu
of 35 seats ' INA i Muss
mesa Intim barn . AUso
- sadalkitoria Aso afdald.
....tacit P.: ~
Trey, 'duly 19, 1848.
AD MislBTlCAtOli44tOtlbt.
A LL 'Monti Bon:
'phreyoketWitliiiitahiatigotei hoo4'fiii*sp•
IQ to wake wasn't ivitioatt*lsyland.ilease,horvoi
claim soh 'istoittl itel - pkose,#rirrotibosiAlti
iisathentitoonikiTeitlionit: - e :G. CitillLtit.
ALL tea at:Meta*
BRADLEY; Joel, hitioc ilia ftEFehj
telisetted to mkt psymM4 *Moo[ ; MM tlo
baying deign. whit sell este. *Br #ll
them duty iimbehticifed tor
SAMUEL. DAMSON, 9 " licl6l/6 '
Litchfield. June' 14. 180.
B y virtu. 6T sundrPwrits of'vend. expo. issued cla
of the chart oT ComMonylets of Bradford County;
to me directia, 1 shall .4916 rolifiblic'eale tithe house
of T. P. Woodruff, in the larintiih of Tivraffda,•ohMtaii
day ther4th day of SEIFFEMBER-next,, at fiia
P. M., the , followi n g piece or parcel Of hind in' the
township al Ridgebery, and bounded 6'p flit hopA
lands of Perrin Burnharei, on the eas% b 7 tonal Burt;
and south-west by Howard Burt, Lontairdig tbreo
mere. all improved, with die flamed ffohiii.
Seized and taken in exeeiiiipn at the sett M
bough and McAlpine vs. iW m. Jobe/oil: ff
ALSO—The defendants interest -ifs. ti t 6
piece or parcel of land situated in Spripgfietitchinship;
and bounded north by. fends of Charkis L. Wells;itsf,.
by Alvin Parmenter, south by Wooltsrd.l3eny,
west by lands of Cornet and Seth Sherman. Contain=
ing about one hundred lnd Army acreswith Omit ,
ty acre* improved. one fog holie s die framed barn ind
an apple orchard thereon..
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of *diet!
Dyer vs. John T. Page. ;- • •
di • si -
ALSOThe following pieta of thiee.efiitird u -
ed in Monroe township, and bounded sift foffoilni, ONCE
north by the Towanda Creek. and east by ihe i
company lands, south try land of W y ;
-en l
west by. the 3 Schrader Branch, containing three linseed
acres. with Hfty acres improved, with ohe hanied how*
one framed barn and their.. email orchard %hereon._
Seized and taken in execution to the ortiot Wei
Watkins to use of Frederick Waite is. T. H. Lewis. ,
ALSO—A piece or intim! of Land in Rome tp.; and
bounded east by Danford Chaffee. south and west
Fauns Brawler, north by the public road. Cantabiles;
14,136 fret, with one trained house, and a few het
(hereon, all hriptovetf. -
Seised and taken in execution at the shit of ifestit
Mercer, as. W :N. Lent.. • .
A LSO—A . ,fiece or poke! of land situated in ilifysoii
and bounded Minh by the main road, east by . 15aiiir
Coolbaugh, eolith by. the , Susquehanna, west by Elheloli : :
erd Pierce. Containing ; about 48 acres wilb about 40'
acres improvbil with two frail:tied dwelling houses, orti
barn and shed and apple orchard thereon:
ALSO—Ono other lot situated in said, township'
bounded north by land of George Scott, east by soa
Scam south bil land Lucy Burn's and west by Stephsri
Strickland. Containing' about thirty arms.
Seizel.and taken in eiecution at the suit of Alexanz
der Rey. vs. Harry Morgan, Executor, &c.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate! in Steidle:
quin twp., bounded on the north by lands of Saimiej
Hulce, south east by Archibald' Schuler, south by Ehrvid
Evans, and west by F. L. Jones. Containing 6b acres
with about 12 acres improved, and with on log loom
Seized and token in execution ai the snit Of daiisir
Jones vs. John Panne'.
- ALSO—The followig piece oe parcel of land skint;
ed in Armenia townshi , bounded and described u fit=
lows, M
to wit: North by land of Alfred Ripley, east by
land' in poise:Mon oho Minion, on the loath by
lind of Riley Hawkins; and on the west by unlimited
land. Containing one It/Andred eats with about eighty *
acres improved, double Tog hottseOWe Indent
Barn aimall apple oretard thereon. - • ~_ ,
Seized and taken in' execution at the suit of Poled
Pedk, now to theuee ni D. Vandercaok, va. John Bela
ALSO--The fidlowhig piciperiy siinated in tillaialf;
gas and bounded North by James Prin*,4o4 by Sal& .
eel Manilla estate, - atoth by lend of Lemiel litinge;
bury and wait by Bainnel M u tts: .Contalnin# about
one hundred and silty spas,' one log Wise dad 10fi
barn, and i acre improved.
and taken in eieention at the shit of Franck
S. Ayer, vs. Thomas Marshall,
ALSO—By Sundry writs of Levari Facies, a trait
of land situated in Granville *township. beginning at a
dead pine tree south west corner of tot no. 199 on war..
rant lot no. 1537, thence south one hundred and fintr
two perches to a deal maple, thence west two hundred
and sixteen and 8.10 perches to a cheat:lei oak fee st
corner, south-east corner of lot no. 181, thence monk
one hundred and fortrtwo perches to a post, nines oak
two hundred and eixteen and 8-10 perches to the MEOW
Mug: Containing . one hundred and ninety-tiro scud
and sixty-Mt petchil strict. Melanie: • ,
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of ,R. R:
Davidson administra or of W . Davidson deed.; *Rd
imiiied 'llminhy Paxson vs. Joseph Cahn Shneseti
administrator ot ?Anti Ts'ilot.
... • .
ALSO—Another piece atiareiti or laid eitimied lit
Burlington township, beginning ate Past instieems4
corner of lot no. 49 =warrant lot no. 1471,t20
one hundred end one perches to a post,- o• 16
One hundred and fifty - two perches end 7-1 io' a post;
thence west one hundred and one perches to • post.
thence north One hundred and fifty-two and 7-10di
perches to the beginning. Containing ninety-six agree
and sixty-three ',etches strict measure ~
Seized and taken . n eitetifion att the suit o f R. 13:
Davidson administrator of Win. Davidson dec'd., Beth
survival Timothy Verson is; Joseph C. Itineisika ad.;
ministrater of R. Sweney dec'd. - -
ALSO—AII that certain piece or paten of k9d„ .
the improvements thereon erected ditilairsi on* Be ntl e y
Creek in the township of .Ridgebery, boanded de Oars t
Beginning at the seventieth Milf atone, end rsinalhents
along Ms - Pennsylvania lint, 48 chains 50 Matto' i
sapling, thence southerly thiee chains to a stake, then&
thin& westerly 45 chains 50 links to * strict,. Mena'
northerly 33 chains to the beginning. Containing 1511
acres of land, be the same more or less, it being part of
Clot of laud of 200 acre*, originally conveyed by }'ran=
cis W Johnson and others, tq Elijah Deputy, dot whith
said lot Thos. llakiviin end Elijah Depuy exacted Mills;
excepting. howevet out of the raid lot one acre, herettio
fore sold, lying on the south side of the iame:
Seized and taken in execution at the snit or &mad
Retied and A. & S. Willis' use } vi. David Browat,a&
of Arvine Clark 2d., with Hepsey Clark, widoir of said
Arvine Clark, 24., and Stephen Harman rind Gatipl
Fishier, tare tenants
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, July 5, 14.18,
&Ta i t Ann ©'Hagan, by her neat friend, Eli Gibbs,
vs. Patrick U'Hagan. No. 54, Pd. Term, 1848,
In Bradford Corn, Fleas. Libel for Divorce.
TO PATRICK O'HAGAN,defendant in the above
otiose: Too are hereby notified that Sarah Anti
(Megan, your wife, by her next friend, Eli Gibtiii
has filed.her petition for a divorce from the bonds
of matrimony. And an alias subpcena his been
returned, and proof made-that you . are not to tie
found in said county. You are therelbret, hereby
required to appear. at the court house in the borough
of Towanda, the 4th day of September next, being
the first day of September term of said, court fif
common pleas, to answer the said complaint,, and
show cause if anY you have, why the Said Sarah
Ann shall not be divorced from you. • . .
J. F. MEANS, Sheriff?
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Aug. 1, 1849,
William R. Robinson, us. Phikna Robinson. N 0.141
Dec. T., t 847, in Bra;Voir Gmnnon Picas. Lgel
for Di force.
. . ,
rpo PIIILENA ROBINSON, defendant- in thi
11 'love cause s too are hereby notified that
WILLIAM R. ROBINSON. your husband has filed'
his petition for a divoree.from the bonds of mini:
mony. And an alias Snbna has been iittnitiedi
and proof made that you are not to . be (mind *Aloud
minty. ,ton are' thetefpre, hereb y, to
pear at the covitthonse in thelloirmso of Towanda;
on Monday, the 4th day df bleptirdbernext being
the drat day of September term of aliideoMt of Om
mtm p ieta, io iniwer the said corticdaint, and show
cans d ifany you hate, irlif the slid WIUiiI shalt
not be ditareed from you. ,
. F. MEAMI, &writ'
ebawirs bake .
Towanda. Aug-3084e, •
AB E* PABASO' LI;;;.4 frw mon . 664 'au&
414 5, 144 11"la rec allii 'd b3I I ' g* atm—
vet, tow at Fora