Mimzolo 111 maritifort• it (porter. - -E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Towanda, Wednesday, August 2, -1848, DZMOCRATIC NOMINATION*, FOR PRESIDING • Gem -LEWIS LASS of Michigan FOR VICE-PRE , ,fien. W. O. BITTLEk, of 'Kenticky )OR _CANAL conamissioNta, ISRAEL PAINTER. OF WESTMORELAND 00IINTli. MirCOMMITTEES OF VIGILANCE,— The Democratic , Standing ComMittee of sHrikford county, have appointed the folic:siring com mittees of Vigilance for the several electidn districts of said county. hey hereby call a Convention of Delegates from the several districts of said.county, to meet at the borough of Towanda, on MONDAY, th e 21st day of AUGIIST nest, to elect delegates to the State Cab.' vention at Harrisburg. on the 30th of August, to nominate a candidate for Governor. The Committees of Vigilance will call meetings in their respective districts, for the purpose of elect ing said. Delegates to the County Convention, on, SATURDAY, the 19th day of August nest. , The regular annual Convention for the 'purpose of nominating County officers, will be holden on TUESDAY, the sth of *September, in the borough of Towanda. The Delegates 'to said Convention, to be elected on SATURDAY, the 2d day of September. The Standing Committee would enjoin upon the . Committees of Vigilance the great responsibility / that rests upon them, and the necessity of dischami ing their duty faithfully and fully. The. primary' meetings should be called on the days named,-and between the hours of 4, and 8 o'clock, P. M.,.;et the ucual place for holding said meetings—or at some place most convenient to the democrats of the die. trice. Great care should be taken that every demo crat has ,notice of the Delegate meeting, that all may have a chance of attending. JOHN PORTER, DANIEL BRINK, HENRY GIBBS, GEORGE SANDERSON, CPNST. MATHEWSON, JAMES H. WEBB, HORACE WILLEY, WEIN HORTON. JR., JOHN ELLIOTT, Standing Committee. Ally 2S r TB4B Alipany—Dyer Ormsby, Joseph Menardi. • . Armensa—Robert Mason,lsaac Williams; Asylum—Elmar Horton . Hornet; Athens borough—J. E. Canfield, George Park; " township—N. Edminster, Burlington—Morgan DeWitt, J. E. Vosborg ; Canton—Charles Stockwell, A. Bothwell Columbia—Hiram Mason, Albion Budd ; Durel-41. Laporte, Wilson Decker; Franklin—Wm. Blake, Stewart Smiley; Granville—James Ross, Sylvester Taylor; Herrick—lsaac A. Park. 0. P. Caswell ; Leroy—Aaron Knapp, E. A. Bailey; Litchfield-.S. P. Wolcott, Thomas B. Merrill ; Monroe—Joseph Bull, J. P. Smith; Orwell-Aaron'C- Allen, C. G. Gjidley; Pike--Shelden Paine, Edward Crandall ; • Rome—P. E. Maynard, Hiram Mann ; Ridgberry—Mark A. Bon, Calvin West; Sinithfield—Marcns B. Geronld, C. E. Pierce; Npringfield—H. S. Grover, Noah NV: Bliss; South Creek—George Hanford, Jas. L. Phillips ; sheshequin—Abraham Darner. Wm. Campbell; Standing Stone—Wm. Griffis, F. 8, Whitmraa ; Springhill—Jerome Green, Benjamin Silvara ; Troy borough—D. W. Herrick, E. Runyon; " township—Wilber Baker, Allen Taylor, jr,; Towanda borough—W. F. Menardi, C. T. Smith ; " township—H.L.: Scott. Ed. Patterson; Ulster—James Vandyke, James L. Gorseline; Warren—Edwin, Allen, James Bowen; Windham—Wm. Sibley. Abraham Dunham, jr.; Wells—David Pretzman; Daniel Streing ; Wyalusing—Harry Elliott. Samuel W. Biles ; Wysor --S. Strickland, Jr., Dennis Strop... kThe Compromise Rill Defeated I—The See sagas of Slavery Arrested 1 We have the gratifying intelligence of announc ing the defeat'of the bill reported by the Committee of the Senate; compromising the rights of Freedoi and cone-ad - mg an the south • wished. By a tele graphic despatch to the Ithaca Daily Chronicle, of the date of July 29th, we learn from Washington that the Horst: on Friday took up the reference, and it was almost instantly moved that it lie on , the table. The previous question was ordered, and ta ken by yeas and nays, which resulted yeas 112— nays 92. The Free States gave 140 yeas and the Slave States 8. The Slave States gave 87 riayd and Free States 21. All the nays-from the Free States were Democrats, and every Whig present froin the Free States voted to lay the bill on the table. there were 11 absentees but the Free State, and 5 from the Slave, Speaker Winthrop not counted. A motion to reconsider was. defeated by 18 Ma i° 6 IY. "Ttre BRADTORD ARGUS" is very much alarmed about the call for a Free Soil meeting. The •other day that paper called the Proviso a true W4lg doc trine. Now it wishes its Whig friends to repudiate it. It also , pays our work a compliment by saying 14 that this call was issued from the office ril that out and out locofoco sheet, as the type and 'whole general appearance •of 'he thing, is such that: it could nd )have been printedaat any other office in this sec tion of the country." This is the only truth in the whole article. Any one who has observedet their mechanical execution will readily concede it. We did it, as we do all our job work, in the best style. Further, we had nothing to do with it. LECTURE ON PALI:STINE, &c.—Mr. J. W. Howard" will deliver a lecture at the Presbyterian• Church, this (Wednesday) evening, illustrative of the scenes and events in the history, and many of the manners and customs of the Jews. This whole subject vrgl be illustrated by a variety of sidendid paintings. didmittance 121 cents, • Fate SOIL IN BALTIMORE:A greet free soil meet :mg was held in the city of Baltiaore on the 24th ult. It was addressed by Hon. D. Wu. oir whose remarks are very highly spoken of by the Bald . more Sum, Qom` A eotoopondent of the Roohestee Daily Atneiricart