Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 12, 1848, Image 3

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    intrihanbilet_ 47C•
TIANIEL LORD I ktes this method to inform the
inhabitants of Bradford Co., and the surrounding
conntty, that be is receiving at the old stand of. J. P.
Kirby, a large and erelLeclected assortment of
MK. 110117 Mit .7131 g
Consisting in pail of the following : Nails, cop Per, tin.
sheet iron bar and sheet lead, lead pipe of various sizes,
anvils, Cotter and staple vices, crow bars, spades, sho•
vela and fsib, miU, X cut, circular, panel & wrksaws,
-Tools, House Trimmings of various description.
Latest improvement. Also, the Self -Regulating Par
'!or Store- lie will manufacture and keep on baud
. _ .
'Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron 'Ware,
of all kinds; and at low prices. All persons wishing
to purchase Hardware, will do well to call on D. Lord
before purchasing at any other place. His stock is en
tirely new and fresh. He will sell as cheap as•any oth
er 'establisharen twithin 100 miles of this place, (no
mistake.) All kinds of Copper, Tin and 'Sheet Iron
Ware, repaired. and made to onk r in workmanlike man
ner. Towanda, June 26; 1848.
PUMPS!—Cut Iron well and cistern pumps, war
ranted to draw water from thirty to silty feet for
silo at the New Ha ware Store. D. LORD.
lITOULD respectfully inform the inhabitants of To.
WV wand" and vicinity, that they have opened a
GROCERY & VARIETY STORE, in the corner
building north-of the public square, on Main-st. where
may be found all kinds of
Groceries, Preserves, Pickles, Fruits,
Tobacco, Snit . ", Cigars, Can n er , Crackers and Toys of
every description, Baskrts, Brooms, Willow Ware,
4t.; Sperm and Villein Candles 4 Mir snap,
• Vinegar, timer, Pork; gams, t)-c.•
all of which will be eld cheap for cash.
Towanda, July 3:184g,
rk, lea alp ud
Situated near the Rail road and Canal, .Water street,
THE subscriber has leased the stand formerly known
as the " Elmira Hotel," and has caused the same
to be thoroughly REPAIRED, RENOVATED and
RE-FURNISHED, and is now ready to accommodate
his Mends, and the traveling public. His rooms ire
tastefully arranged and newly furnished ; his Table wall
Bar mall yield all the necessary comforts required by
the traveler or man of leisure; and in all respects, order
and quiet in his house will be strictly observed, and eve
', attention will be given to render the stay comfortable
and agreeable, to those who choose to make his house
their home during • visit to this pheasant village, at
charges the most rosoriable.
Elmira, Jane 31, 1848.
17: _ N. :V 1i" 1- , 111 - N. ' '
frOMKINS & MAK INSON would inform those
interested, that we have concluded to close up the
busineis of the firm. We find our Capital is not in ocr
fiands,'but distributed over Bradford and Tioga ciao
ties, and we have employed an Agent to call upon ouf .
customers, so as to give them an opportunity to take up
their notes ; or either of the old firm will receive mo
neys and give a receipt to apply.. We hope and true
we shall not be obliged to place a large number of our
,customer's notes in this hands of magistrates. Neces
sity, however, compels us to make collections. This
of our customers in and about Towanda, that have un
settled matters on book/will be good , enough 'to call and
have theinLclosed up. This business hereafter will be
continued under the firm of JAB. MAKINSON & Co.
Towanda, June 22, 1848.
received, mil for sale by the single barrel or load,
Cheapest- Goods ever Towanda,'
Li crtption, for old men, and young men, for young •
„misses. and old ladies, for the high, the low, the rich,
-and the poor t all can now be accommodated. A few
articles in the line of Dress Goods, which are going or
with a perlect rush, we can hetipmention, such as Frch
lawn ginghams, dark and light ginghams, linen Instres,
French lawns, berages, and a great assortment of Prints
are now sellinelower than the lowest at No. 5. B R.
June 14, 1848. REED'S.
BONNETS, and Bonnet Trimming., of every des
cription, suitable for the season, may be found in
abundance, at.d very cheap at 5, B.R. REED'S.
PARASOLS & UMBRELLAS, the most extensive
and splendid assortment ever bro't into Toviiinda,
May be found at No. 5, B. IL REED'S.
BROADCLOTHS. Cassimerce, end Summer Stole
—and endless variety, to suit all tastes and all cies
ses of people, selling extremely low at REED'S.
CIRAIN CRADLES—One dos. Reynold's superior
1.5 —also grass and grain scythes, rakep, pitch forts,
'anythesi aths, whet stones, &c, at - REED'S.
NTOW receiving almost daily at the 'Central Brick
4.1 Stove, (Cheap aide of Main at.,) fresh supplies of
which we are selling* unusually low prises If you
want cheap and good Goals, mark the Central Store.
For reanimating, see Retorter next week.
May 29, 1848. • N. N. BETTS
%VOLD say to my old friends and all that wish to
boy goods cheap, that I am still to be found at the
CENTRAL STORE, where my ar4ntements are still
to partially take charge of and assist Nr.N.N. Betts in
the above named establishment.
I would therefore be pleased at any time to .hew and
satisfy you that it is not always a fact that thosiwho
make the moat noise in the world, or have the largest
stores, that sell goods the cheapest.
Respectfully. yours,
Towanda, Juno 6, 1838. A.D.MONTANY.E.
and American Cloths and Cassimeres, and a large
assortment of Fancy Cassimeres, selling at very low
rates at the Central Store. N. N. BETTS.
L . - _ - ---
ADIES• GOODS.—Lawns,'g inghams, raw slap,
and silk and linen gingham', (new style of goods)
do lames, white dress goods, of esery.variety, at the
Central Stare. je7 N. N. BETTS.
B OOTt3 4 SHOES. Ladies' light, colored and blk
gaiters, slips, and walking shoes, genes cow hide,
kip, calf and seal boots and shoes, and children's do.,
welling low at the f:ientrat store. N. N. BETTS.
ROCERIES.--Good young hyson and hysop skin
15 teas., at 371 aad 6 0 coots--and sugar to sweeten
it at. 61 and 8 cents ; all other kinds of Groceries in pro
portion at the Central Store. N. N. BErrs.
EXPECTED in a fesi days, a few more 1;47,, „
New . Goods, at N. N.B ETTB'.
.Li This is no disgusting, nauseating pilk'potion, or
mixture ; nothing that produces pain or irritation ; but
• medicine that is at once pleasant and agreeable in its
application, affording inhnediate relief, end will care the
very worst cases of painful. itching or bleeding Piles in
very few days. Call et s leasealUlLllllr & PUNTICIVII
,Drug Store, No. 1. Brick Row, Towanda, and you will
not go home without a bottle.
WORBTED DRESS GOODS.=Plain, figured and
plaid, black and colored Alpaccas; black and co
lored(/' ranch h.erinoes Oregon' Plaids; rich French
and common Carhincrer, DeLeiner, &c., r great vatioly
of styles far rale at rept:s MERCUR%-3,.
o ,
TOMB IL ?('RD bits jpat llntgatore
au door below Kinpbery ill 11.iringsbary'a
new brick block, Main street, I large addition to hi.
Romer assortment, which he now Offers to the attention
of the public. His stock now com Prises every Article
usually kept, among which may 1* found the following:
Opium. MUM tartar, camphor, aside seep. liviarke,
balsam copaiba, rhubarb, joky, aloes, Lie era ,chamo
mile, gum iambic, cuter oil, quicksilver, magnesia, roll
and Hour sulphur, refined and crude bore, nslousel, red
precipitate, corrosive sublimate, aqua ammonia, tubulc
acid, •prom salts, laudanum, scum. sulphate
all of the essential oils, gum myrrh, cantharides, gum
tragacanth, corks, saisaparills, gamboge, litharge, spir
its turpentine, .rotten stone, umber. terra de sienna, ask
petre, minis seed, isinglass, 'cubebs, annoito, &., ice.
F ;t3; !
Crosbed, loaf, and nonwoven wpm, cheaper thin
can be bought elsewhere in town ; black and green lea ;
sahenttur, pepper, spice, mustard. peppy mune, tibias,
nutmegs, clover, mace, Rio and Java coffee, dank gin
ger, oils, blacking, castife, brown, variegared and fancy
!Gap, speroir and tallow candle!, tobacco, aegars and
snuff, matches, &c., &c. -
• Cognise, Otard, peach and American Brandy ; St.
Croix, Jamaciw and New, England Rum ;'swan, lion
and Baltimore Gin; Scotch. Irish and Mormagehala
Whiskey ; Maderia, pale and brown litherry, pure juice,
Port, Tenerife, Lisbon, Malaga, Muscat, claret and
champaigne wines, alcohol, 4.e. •
Bay water, lavender, eolonge and iaire water, man.
easier and bear's oil, otto roses, cm marrow, pomaturn,
rouge, pearl powder, bande'ine, flesh, tooth, hair, nail
and clothes brushes, feather dusters, calf 'fillets, boi's
beltv,•combs, pins, fish books, pencil points, playing
cards, percussion caps, ink, steel pens, &c.
Western:Panacea. Balm of Columba, Pink Syrup,
Komstrick's Verinifuge Hay's Liniment, Mother's Re
lief, Pain Extractor. Mountie u:1, Hair dye; Andrew's
and Mrs. Brown's Painkiller, Godfrey's cordial, Adhe
sive plaster, Townseld's,Webster's, Wood s and Shep
herd's Sarsaparilla, Lithontrip'e m; tune, Wistar's Bal
sam, Hungarian Balsam of Life, CpbaneiElectuary,
M'A !lister s Oinrment,ll3hepheld's, Konotocks, Orrick's
and Fahnestock's Vermifuge, Brown's celebrated Lotion
for Consumption, Sovereign balm pills, 'up, - coated
Pills, and all the most popular medicines Of the day.
rry The stock is complete, containing everything
kept in the largest establishments, and is Afered at the
lowest possible prices. '.
Remember, that Ford's Cheap Drug. Grocery and
Liquor Store, is in Kingshery's new black.
Towanda, June 7, 1848.
rPO the Offwers and Soldiers of the bth Regiment,
I. 2d Brig., 9th Div., P. M.„ you are hereby com
manded to be and appear on Thursday, the 22d day of
Juno inst., at 9 o'clock, A. M., armed and eqtiipped ac
cording to law, for reginiental4ill and inspection at the
house of Demises, in Eitchfiekl.
Given under my hand, at my office, in Athenst, Juno
Bth, 1848. JACOB HARDER, Colonel.
H. S. & M. C. MERCUR,
RESPECTFULLY announce to their numerous
At friends and customers, that they are now opening
the largest and most general' assortment of , GOODS,
ever before offered in Towanda, embracing almost - every
thing wanted by persons of every class and condition.
All those wishincto purchase Goods for cash, will
find it for their interest to examine this stack.
Towanda, May 2611848.
Bal l a Great NH in the Priit GI Goods, at tke
REED, the proprietor, is now receiving a large
1,-/ • assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which
are selling so low as to astonieh even the" natives."—
The selection consists of every variety and style of
fashionable geode for the season, a catalogue of which
would be entirely too numerous to mention here. Sato-
plea will be shown with the greatest pleasure, to any
one who will hive the goodness to call, red we will
show them that goods can and will be sold cheaper at
the Savings Bank, No. 5. Brick Row, thin in any other
establishment in Bradford Co. - C. REED.
Towanda, May 30, 1848.
" Goods well Bought are half Sold !"
T 8
now opening • large stock and r ten 'we var;ety of
/ GOODS, selected midi the greatest are, and bought
under, great advantages in the cities of •New York and
Philadelphia—taking advantage of the " condi
tion of both markets—and h3ving in view the motto
above, has so bought that he can and will sell on as fa
uerable terms as thest, and will endeavor to show to
community The advantage of baying from these wbo buy
well. Towanda, May 23,4848.
3ori VOLS. published by the American Sunday
1.1 lectiool Union. and for sale low in quantities
to suit purchasers. my 23 0. D. RARTLETT.
Copper, Tin, .and Sheet Iron, Brass
n C. HALL is now receiving another large supply
• of the above goods, which he is prepared to sell
at wfielesale or retail, to suit purchasers, at the most
reduced prices, for cosh, lumber or grain.
Store and Manufacturing Estaldialment, on the
corner of Main and Bridge streets, *hem may he found
the largest and best assortment of Stoves, this aide of
the city of Albany, such as
Buckeye cooking stove, arranged with a rota- [Nes.
ry top. and hot air oven combined, 1,2, 3, 4
Rochester Empire hot air wren, 4
" Fulton,
rongress tight air Cooking,
• Knickerbocker, "
Albany Elevated Oven,
Race's pat. self-regulator, air-tight parlor,
Rociester air-tight parlor,
Congress do. Albany do• - (routers.)
Albany Fancy !trod parlor,
N.Y. city do
" parlor coal doves, I, 2
Common cylintler . do. I, 2, 3
Large quantity of Stove Pipe, Elbows, Tin, Brau,
. Capper, Japanned - 1; Britannia ware, Ziat, kt.
which be will sell as above,at wholesale or retail. Shot
Iron, Tin, Brass and Copper Work; made to order on
shohnotice, and warranted. Persons wishing to pur
chase the above articles will do well. by calling at the
above store., before purchasing elsewhere. as the propri
etor is bound not to be undersold by any-living 11/31112.
5.000 SHEEP PELTS wanted. for which cash will
be paid. Towanda, June 14. 1648. 6m 1
IVrit dOor to (he Bridge, Totrooda
I 8 constantly receivirii and disposing of on the most
reasonable terms, the' best and most fashionabk goods
in bet line.
Her Work will continue to be done in her accustomed
prOmpt gnd fabhionible manner, and on accommodating
terms. She has made arrangement. for receiving the
Newest Fashions fur Ekmnels, Caps and Dresses whilst
they are new. May 24, 1848.
_ _ _
iNGH A new 'Vies, and monstrous cheep
Lawns, of every description ; Organdie mualita,
embroidered mohair. and in fact all the moat deniable
styles of Drees Goods in market,with trimnunp to match
ch aper thad any other good," in town, at FOX'S. _
'W.-4-••a4Ma •
GREo•untlenoro tit— NEWGIVORS so" week/big kis 'Nay
J • Yogi and Phslailelphia, birsi alai cheap Asik of
Spring and. Sannatr - Dry. Gook:
Also, a general assoetmeait of •
Grocerifur, Hardrare, Clod:cry,' 21.k.e!icitur,
Boots and Macs; kn-giixtridlsi Rads,
Mau, Prints, Dye-mode, 4c.
Also—Leghorn, Pedal and Mum led Hats; Angola,
pearl. cassias' ere and silk Hats ; Florence. China-pearl.
Neapolitan, open work and lawn Honneta. Books and
Stationery. Wall paper from 10e to 50e per piece, Win-
dow paper, 4ke. Musical lastruseents--Flules, Clari
nets, Flageokts, Fres, sr.e. J. ,KINURBERY. JR.
Towanda, May 17, 1848. ;
BKINGSBERY & CO., are now receiving from
. Philadelphia and New Tat. the laegesuchespest
ma most complete assortment of COODS of all kinds,
ever opened in Towanda, which will positively be t
cheaper than goods have ever before bees offered in thi
place. We invite the citizens Wall endow our aasort-•
meat sod price our goods before .purchasing eimerwbere,
as we have got many thing which are rare an' &sir..
ble to be obtained. Don't forget the place, B. DINGS
BERY & CO., new block, opposite the burnt district,
where goods will be sold this wooer, clear down below
the reach of any other store.
Towanda. May 17; 1848.
GINGHAIBB.—We base • large quantity of small
patterna.very bandsnine and desirable ; French and
linen gingham*, of excellent quality.
may 12 KINGBBEI7Y & CO
LA WNS.—Frenek, A werieati and Ofgaudie-Lawna,
a beautiful selortment ; also. plaid and figured silk
wool barages. my 17 KINOSBERY fit CO.
CALICOES. —A choice selection - of Merrimack, or
lino and blue, pink and all other kindc . smill fig
ure. Two shilling calico for nine Mi; nail end see,
ba• mind, the only place is KLN4BBERY &
O IPBEZEVADItiar as imams%
FFERB his professional services to the people of
Towanda, and vicinity.
Office at Chamberlin & Porter's Drug stove, No. I,
Brick Row. my 9
TUST receiving, a large r sortment of Drugs, Medi
cine, Chemicals, Perfumery, Choice Wines and
Liqrors, Groceries. Paints and Oils, Dye Woods and
Dye Stuffs, Stationery, Toys, Fancy Article*, Confec
tionary, Brushes, Combs, Stone and Glass Ware, Can
dles, Blacking, Tobacco, Snuff and Gigues, &c. The
following list comprises a few of thu articles kept at this
Sugars of all kings, Stuart's sugar house syrup, molas
ses, syrups of ail kirda, pepper, spice, mueard, pepper
sauce, doves, nutmegs, mace, raisins, Zante curiat is,
citron, cinnamon, salad oil, cassia bodes, tamarinds, cho
colate, coma, so ds, 'onion and water biscuit, rice starch,
ginger, a.beratas, sa'tpei e, government Java and Rio
coffee, whale, lard and open's oil, demijohns, jogs, bot
tles, pipes, paste sod oil blacking, leather varnish, dye
woods and dye stuffs, indigo, copperas, alum, bar, vari
egated and white soap, sperm and tallow candles, &E.
Writing, letter and cap paper, English drawing paper,
London and Bristol board, black, blue, red end monise
ink, indellible and India ink, water colors, ink stands,
assorted, quills, b:sect pens, sealing wax, wafers, crayons,
drawing and carpenter's pencils, envelopes, &c.
Teillmeee, due' ad nears.
Cavendish, twist, plug and fine cut chewing, Spanish
and Scarfalatti and common smoking. all sines, mecca
boy, Scotch, rappee and American gentleman's snuff.—
Impßrted Sagan, a great variety. inclodieg Iva Nornits,
• Panatelas, Cages, Regalia*, Justo Sacra. Rosas,.Planta.
Lions, Presentee, Laportas, Fragancias. La
Alianzaa, Cigarettoo cigar cases, and matc:ses.
arealliess cad Cewss,
Paint, varnish, marking, sash, whitewash, counter,fiesh,
broom, clothes, tooth, nail, comb, hat, hair, shoo stove
and lather brushes. Ivory, dressing, side and back
combs, of all descriptions.
seeps, Performer? swill Inillierelt.
Guerlsin's ambrosial shaving cream. Henry's Chinese
do., Poussell's shaving cream, genuine .military soap.
Low's brown Windsor, walnut oil, palm, almond and
French toilet. and Hull's variegated soap, wash balls,
&e. Lobin's extract, jockey club, eglantine mousse
lain, Pstehoully, bognet de Oregon, ext. de vio'ettes,
cachous aromatique, pastilles, bay - water. blk. lavender,
nerciii. oil musk, perfume Ratchets, otto rose, rose weer.
pomade, amandine, mein fon, Persian, French and Am
eriran toilet powder, Jukes Haud's and Phalon's hair
dyes, Preston's and Merrill's pungents, bear, maccasser,
bufildo and antique oil, ambrosial tooth paste, chlorine
detergent and orris dentrifriee, endermic soap, ace.
Tobacco boxes, mnuff boxes, sugar, thimble, pin, specta
cle and lancet cases, artificial nipples : breast pumps and
pipes, nursing bottles, eelf-iejecting pumps, glass and
composition syrinxes, ear trumpets, trusses, body braces.
shoulder braces, abdominal supporters, bed pans, forceps,
turn-keys, lancets, letheon, chessmen, dice, whalebone,
patent pails, purses, pocket books, wallets, shaving box
es, razor strops, Italian whisks, flower and garden seeds.
Towanda. May 8, 1848.
BON NETS.—A choice selection of Florenct, lace
Chins pearl, Pelmets, Leghorn, and other fashion
able siyles of ladies' anti misses' Bonnets. very cheap
also Bonnet ribbons, attificials, wreaths. &c.
maw 17 KINGSBERY & CO.
Al Extensive Assortment of leady-made Clothing
MY stock is large, Conipriaing a full assortment •of
Summer Clothing of every kind : such as Tweed
Croton, Queen's Cloth, and silk mixed Grecian Sack
and habit cloth, linen and cloth.dress COATS.
(improved) 2,3, 4
2,3, 4
Also, PANTS & VESTS, of every kind; cravats
and handerchiefs, gloves and summer hose, all offered
cheap—so cheap that I think it will pay for coming and
looking at my stock.
Also, A good assortment of Broad Cloths, Cassimeres
and treating*, Tweeds and Kentucky Jeans, Linens,
&c., that'll will make up to order, and very cheap. - I
pledge myself to iell as cheap u can he bought any
'where in the country. L. BATCHELER.
Towanda, MO 8, 1848.
2,3, 4, 5
2,3, 4,5, 6
1,2, 3
2,3, 4
3,4, 5
2,3, 4
TONER'S TOOLS.—A good assortment et Beal,
J Moulding and Bench PLANES, grooving plows,
and other Joiner's Tools, just received from the manu
factory, and for ‘sale low by O. M. BARTLE IT.
MISS RIFFIN , would again inform the ladies that
she has just received the latest styles of HATS,
and alio a large assortment of MILLINERY GOODS,
consisting of Floweni, Ribbons, Bonnets, 4e-, to which
she invites the 'mention of the Ladies.
. act Her shop is removed to bet new boiklin,g on Pine
street. two dotes west of Chamberlin & Porter's Mug
Store. Towanda, May 17,„I848.
GREEN PABABOI.B—s few more of those spies
did green silk end Turk satin fringed parasols end
grader, juw rued and selling very low at FOX'S.
ATTAN . TED, any Quimby of Butter, at the market
prices, at the Central Stone. N. N. BETTS.
SA WB.--Mill saws, and 61 fetiona 6 foot maw cu
saws, at BAIRD'S, No. 3, Brick Row.
LEGUORN BONNETS are low—if any doubts it,
let them MN? into FOX'S, and test the fedi a good
sodionmentikrionnles braid. also,,new end fashionable
ribbons, flowers and leise, of No. 2 Brick Row mv24
- Mit-Witt**,
U. C. PORTER, M. 10.
IrkoJoule and Retail Dealers in
At No. 1, Brick 111 w, Tomusda.
Just received at L. Batcheler's
Tilt VIAT • •
GENUSIE 0 " OMI4 - stimE t
T. FOX ;Rada meet respectfully inform his old
4 -io • Rtiondoleudstry eise Wm/sin west damn-
Onn*se, that ha is-arming and will.keep eewipoUy
es hand a good aseartment of all kinds. of Geode Wkartily
kept in a eramtry hearth:—Dry Gends,Groceries, Crock..
cry, Halimere, Bests dr aloes. Hats and Ccps, Fisk
Paints and Oa k D r aut., bon. &a., Corpdidg.
4re.. We eriU coasidir it a favor for pee*, ta..l!* us
show these our goirrikes we Wok they cannot lud to
sail. It is true, t amnia boom of as prat a minket et
years experience in purchasing goods, as wane, et I
trust the good people of Bradford have nra
their owu door twilight experience in buying of
them same old experienced coons. Look out for theta.
or they will stick oa their usual tariff! I will MI as
cheep, dam cheaper than any other live man. limos
give as a call. at No. 2. Brick Row.
Towanda, May 24. 1848. E. T. FOX.
THE only Viiiversal Remedy is at last dim:evened in
the shape of Cheap Goads, at, rOVEI. It l• an
an extern,' remedy, but if applied by the sutociber, is
warranted mire cure. and no mistake. If a man feels
poor or bill in the tegioti of his picket book. the most
efficient remedy is to call at Fox's. and boy what goods
be wants. as be can buy more for tau money than at
any other place in town. For anything like dyetirpriti,
the safest, plesantest end beat remedy is a quantity of
that fresh, delirium Tea at Fox's, from 3s to 31 per lb.,
sweetened with some of that nice tin Sugar. In fact,
there is hardly a disease that flesh is heir to, that • reme
dy cannot be found for at my 24
AN ACT for the benefit of the People of Bradfiml
Co.; Be it remembered by all good citizens, that
a man can buy at many Dry' Gooda and Gametic' is be
can carry home, for a mere trifle, hardly worth mention
ing. at No. 2, Brick Row: tay24 FO
CROCKERY, a large lot in setts, &c.; and Look . mg
.Glaines, a great variety, cheap at FOX'S.
600 FIRKINS BUTTER wanted, at the highest
market price. my 24 E. T. FOX.
THE oulmenler hal opened a CLOTEING STORK, two
doo, ■ uoith of the Public Nam, on Main street,
(nearly opposite the new brick tavern now being erect
ed by C. L. Ward, Esq.) w here he will keep constantly
on hand, and for sale at the lowest possible priers, a
large and general assortasebt of READY MADE
CLOTHING, such as
ronars, Stocks, Solyreiyers. Gloves,. Hosiery, Dancers,
Fiannt a i Undershirts, 4T., i)v,
He has also on hand and is constantly receiving, a
large assortment of
such as Silks, Satins, Marseilles, &c., ail of which will
be made up to order on short notice and on reasonable
terms. The subscriber having helm a practical Tailor
for the lad IS years, in the city of New York, flatten
himself that he can give satisfaction to all who may fa
vor him with their patronage.
His Clothing is all made up under his own inspec
tion, and he has therefore no hesitancy in secionmenit
ing it to those who wish to purchase.
CUTTING and MAKING UP for persons who
prefer to furnish their own materials; and Cutting done
for persona who wish to have their garaents made else
where—all of which shall be done with neatness and
The subscribe, Is also agent far A. Wheeler's Repast
of Fashions, which beam furnish to sorb as are want
ing. on reasanab'e terms. IL A. SMITH.
Towanda, June 6, 16413.
$ 6
rr"proprietors of this long.establishal Line, .till
confines the business of 'neighing merchandise,
produce, lumber. dm, between
Binghamton and .The Fork,
and solicit the continued patronage of their friends.—
*hey are prepared with increased facilities to =our-
Melds the public; having
hieh will era& them to despatch a boat direct -from
'elo-Ywk to Binghamton DAILY during the season,
kb NO TRANSHIPMENTS on the Andre route.
ler um a a-call from their friends hefore shipping,
as their charges will be at lowest notes.
M'KINNEY, Binghamtem
tAesarTs : /JESSE HINDS, 7 Suulk-411., N.-York ; •
al- The subscriber still continuts the business of Sto
rage and Forwarding, and may at all times be found at
his well known storehouse, where he keeps for sale at
/meet prime. Flour, Salt, Grindstones, Ropes, Pitch,
Oakum, Beet, Pork, &e.
0 3. Cash paid for all kinds of Lumber and Protium,
delivered at the Storehowe. C. WIEINN EY.
Binghamton, April 21; 1818.- 45m6
SNA W lA.—Barna, printed Casbnit re. bro th s. de
[sine, Thibet ; and a great variety of Conan, which
cannot fail to Boit. KINGSBERY & Co.
I variety of silk, gingham and cotton—some extra
rir%. In fact, we have all kinds of fancy and staple
Dry Goode, adapted to the reason, bought by one who
has been in the business •wenty-one years, and he Bat
ters himself that they have been bought as cheap, if not
more so, than any other merchant call buy, and is ab
solutely sure they will be sold cheaper. Call and see,
at My 17 KINGSBERY & CO.
Free Labor and No Slavery.
ACAMPAIGNTAPER of this tide will ho issued
weekly in ties city during the Presidential canvass,
commencing on the first Saturday in July, and ending
on .w second Saturday after Aar election. It will be
printed w'th neat tyre, on fine - paper, ch number con
taining at least twenty columns of reading matter.
" The Baroberner " is designed to be a powerful suit
fiery to the new o. ganisation -ln this mats and elsewhere
—and it advocate. with tbs ut nest seal and ability,
the glorious e.use of miss mix, rats canoe, rests
pars mercer It will strive to secure the elec
tioa of Mswr!N Via( Beams and Mast L. Doors; to
the high offices fur which they were nominated at Utica
and it will present the condition and progress of the
public motinsent in every part of the state mid country
upon the great issues put forth by the Utica convention,
" The New York Llarnburner " will be mailed tomb.
scribers, orsent in packages by express, steamboat, yea
rned, or in my way it may be ordered, to agents or clubs,
for distribution, on the following terms—payable in all
cases in advance :
Single copies to one eddress, eta, each.
Five ' " ....45 "
Ten "
Twenty " 35 "
Fifty " 30 "
One hundred 25 "
Orders are reqvested immediately, from clubs, agents,
and individuals, in every part of this and other siates.- 7
'They most be addressed in all cases, to Win. J. l'enny;
No. 18, Nassau street, N. Y 4 by whom, assisted by an
association of gentlemen,tbe • Barnbumer' will be edited.
Any paper which will announce the publication of
Bernburner," stating the terms, shall receive a copy
during the whole campaign.
New York, June 26, 1848.
. QllMPATiretiaaa
HE co-partnership hetmolore existing between, the
sultamihers in the practice of Medicine and Surge-
ry is this day dissolved by mntnal consent. Their ac
counts are lea with J. B.CROSS, at Food's Drug atom
and who ia uuly adtherised to add,' them.
Towanda, May 9, 1848. CHAS. K. 'LADD.
• ' -,, • -4:".? Int*lg o itc"4lo •: • '• '' ~
t - it , : •, .
‘, • ~ ,„.. Jr„:,...._.,4_,.. , - .-, i ,,, . .J 7, -.
w c i ,, ,•.0 . , ..
-pg gitee(MOlooo4, 5. Whh.4l* Kati- .. -
' ILL Or" a ihii Cl*id leg 9.9 0 b 81 * - 7°! - .
nada, coinialiag is ' . *iiiihy Gods. Gioervies;
Crodwy, ilegdware, ' 'lntl candiehien, Weis oar
ehae., Ina sad Nada, ex., dm. .Of. am at, ion- all
know Orme loamy to who chespelelPlX4rTlOCl29l.
ON 0 1 01. 114 * a id ad i lil t 1 .. BAuunk .
Mi. MI, 1848. . No:'3, Brick' Rim.
HT & CAPS.—A reel sasomment iutd fur
sts, gent's glazed ps, With capes, (a ;wet sr
tide Manny weetbse4 *Wm aorthoy's cloth cape.
children's select caps. *c. You mill find all these
kinds, Sod many mum at m2O BAIRD'S.
1 - ‘OIOEITIU GoOLIEL-BFretingo jand 'Abetting&
jJ cotto, yarn, knits, wicking, carpet yarn, &c., &c.,
at No. H. R. royal . „
I DEN WARE.—half bushel. peek and fair
mart measures, clothes pins, Am at Na 3 . Bieck
WINDOWaLAWS—An saiartimmt tt No. 3,
Snit Row. 1ny3 ... B. !Mk
, I 8 .—A good article of CMl6ah and 111;kerel, at
N .3.11. R. tnv3l BAIRD'S.
T EATNER.—Any quantity of Sole and Itpper Lem
ALJ the, at my3l BAlltlrrt.
_ __
HARD) GOODS .— Iron, nitila, steel, band itnn.horne
Ames. &e.. fresh Meek. at BA IRD'S.
OPENING with great attiaetions at the Cash Store
of MONTAN YE'S & CO., No., 6 main street,
where maybe found all of the Staples adapted to spring
Trade. Lumbermen don't pass us, we have the Ark
Rope that is right, and the Pork that is fear urban thick
TWO Tuns Essingteres best hammered iron. just re
arise!, at MONTANYES at CO.
2UBBLB. MESS PORK mut a few hawked of
Hate on hood, at MONTAFY.EB & CO.
PATENT MEDICINES.—AII the moat celebrated
Medicines Of the day, can he found at No. I. Thick
airline our stock, you Will be sure to boy, unless
you should think the price so low. that there was some
thing wrong in it. KINGSBERY &
BROWN BHEKTINGS.—About 43,000 yafda
Brows Sheeting', join reed at ' HAIFIIIIB.
Vatik, natio Gripe, silk velvet
r and other Vedingr,.for winter or summer, roll or
spring;. a.great amostment at BAIRD'S, No. 3, H.R.
HDWA RD, . a good assortment , including iron
Steel, Nails, &c. at No. 2, B.R. FOX'S.
CLOTHS & CASSIMEREIS. Vestings, Overcoat
Cloths, such as brown. olive and gold mixed Bea
vers will be sold very low at SAVINGS BANK.
PRINTS, of every variety and style, foreign and
'wade, now opening at wholesale and retail, at
anlB •. MONTANYE'S & 'CO.
ell NG HA PA & PRINTS .— PIain and twilled
‘-3 - hams. English and American Prints. r beautiful
assortment at sep2s EM RCUR'S.
E, G, 0) 11)
At Wholesale and Retail.
4ONTA NYES ife CO. are now receiving fresh
ILL from New Tort sad Philadelphia. the most demi
raliNe lot of GOODS, ever offered in this market. 'and
think that an esperie' nee of twenty years in the mkt
don of goods had ought to enable' them to purchase as
cheap as the cheapest. •We invite public attention to
our stock. and think we can offer inducements worthy
the notice of the most close buyers and amateurs of de
s rabbi gin& May I, UNA.
S /$... VIVA LM 1813181.311%.0 9
F. HARDER respectfully whales to infirm the
citizens of Towanda, ano the public that he has
commenced the
in Towanda, on Main street, a few dons above Bridge
street, where he will keep constantly on hand or make
to ortisr, PlaPd and common gamma, Trunks and
Trtenk Vetlices,and all kinds of work in his line. CAR
toonlcr. Ftom his experience in the business, and
punctuality in. atter•ing to it, he hopes be may receive
• Shaer of put.lie patronage.
Cr All kinds of work may be had at his shop cheap
er than at any citheo shop in this county.
Towanda, June 12, :SAIL ' Iyl
H..& R. DAVIS, TAILORS, (bile from the
NJ.' City of London,) have opened • shop, in the
second story of the new Drik block, erected by.Dorton
IGugsbcry, os Main street,' when they ate prepared to
execrate all °Mersin their line with accuracy & dispatch.
From their long and rigorous instruction in the art,
and their extensive experience as Foremen, in the best
shops in London. they feel perfectly competent of being
able to please the most fastidious taste, and to execute
their Work in such substantial and finished style, as to
give indisfamion to their customers.:
Tr Cutting dons to order, and warranted to fit if
properly made up. G. H. DAVIS,
Towanda, Oct. 12, 1847. ylB IL DANIS.
OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office
it TOWANDA. June 31, 1848. .
Arndt M E Howe Miss Id E
Alegandtr Jesse Hall D C .
Blackman F Ingham J •
Byna 8 K Johnson Ellen
Bowlers Miss L ' Johnson Wm -
Barnes George Johnson Caleb .
Basset A Jennings - C G
Barter M Kelly nos
Bowlman D ,
Kipp Miss M L
Ben et Chester
L. Kennedy John
Bail N Linz James ..
Ben et E Lester II N
Ba t I. G Laughlin Miss M
Bowfin Mis II Lewis Miss E
Barn* James - Morris John
BmwMan Geo. W Mans G F
CAMr nos Minier Miss-II 2
Cook Miss Mary Marshal Mira I;
Guinan Mr. Marlin G
Canino John Myers J W
Cavoiney M , Norgua.l L
Coal A Mrs. McCarty James
C wit& 813 I -.- Mason N
Clammy Al ~', Owen P
GMS T B Platt C
Li.nipt . t Miss E Poacher Miss M J
Dramas' Oro , Post I
Dodge E Mrs - Pod A
Doherty . M Platt Mina F •
Dunlap Chat • Powell J
Dorgan D Record J A
EastabrOot Wm Rortiatein D
Evens S A Wheeler Mira E
Einatein 8 - Warner U 111 2
Fairchild F F . Watts 1 M -
Falk David Willcox 8-
GriIBA Byron Woodward R -
Goo.ll Mies A Wheeler Chas
Hi* L E 'Wilcox - ilia J
Grainlin, jr L 8 Ward J
Hughey Mrs. B - Willard Win "
Height A 'Wanks Jld ,
Hall C M Whipple Jno -
Heiely John Warner Miss A I)
Hiaatin R E.%V.BAIRIX P. M
FR SALE, two new BUGGIES, in annpkie order
for running. They are finished is e superinr man
made made of geed end substantial materials. mad will be
s - vest brogans. for CAM 01344, Tan Ilpay. be
seen st - Esenw toes' shop, in the lower part of the Imo.
!lay 24, 1848. .1. A. ESENWLNE:
Eclat %/Ivortiseitents.
A LL prraons indebted.. io the estate of JoIIN
171;.NOIMHI Pi.doe'll..lale of Mostootomnstar, are
i4iIDY4I, iipooke imymeot veithirm delay, and
thielartheig 'ogilot - gatj. eitate OM' ithmse
ao teittetriditml Gtioeufewrot:
Mourne, May 11, I$4L Aihnipielitolor•
; A. 0311
ALL persons lindebtelb, to the relate. of JOHN
KLINE, ' "11,, late ofßillsborty tosimohir, aje
hereby' request to make pojnierit Miasma detsey.tund
theme having ._ ms 'gaited said estate will pkaie pro.
eat them duly uthentiested for oettlenkrAl.
Jute 1. 1811 - JAMEtt E. KLINE.
fireatienmi M 4114
5 4 I tP Are. LAW,
HAS renew/ - I him office to D. Carh's new olfke, on
"wood ste . where he will be pleased tome those
who tiled Iris essional seniens. Dec. 29, 18474
• --
A".persons • rntlebtetl to the estate of JOHN
HARriS. r ., late of Orwell amp. are "bevehy
mmtestrd nti it payment without tklay. and thaw
haring claims against the said estate will please present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
C. G. GRIDLEY, Administrator.
Orwrit, May 29.1.848. 51w11
A". persons indeluerd to the estaiti Of SAM UEL P.
M ATTOL dec'd.,hite u(sSirringGekl towrishid.
are hereby requested to make pay min Milkent delay,
and those having claims against said Mute will phis,
present them duly authenticated kw twitkineni.
ay 17,.11348
ALL persons ndebted to the e.tatt...of Morino Hum
phrey, deed., late of Orwell tl., are hereby reques
ted to make payinent without delay, and thaws having.
claims against estate wilt please present them duly
authenticated'' , settlement. C. tin GRIDLEY, '
Orwell; July 2. 1848. . Administrator.
C UTtlit'S 'NO nuE.
(indebted to the estate of FREDERICK
dee'd., lite of Litehfiekl, are hereby
e payment without delay, and thomot
iokt said estate wiU . please pretest
Cleated fr aettleatept.
DREW BRADLEY, ? D.eciamil"
doe 14, 1849. . •
A LL 'perineum
rettitegted to ma
hiving claims
thew duly auth
. .
• tullitoes AVM&
THE unders" ned, having' eenappointed an Auditor
by the Or' en's couit of Bradford tonally, to mar
assets, and distribute the fund raised by the•Admin
istratot's sale of the real and personal estate of 1.8. W am,
of Monroe, deed, will attend to the duties of his ap
pointment, on Saturday, the 26th day of August next.
at 1 o'zlock in the afternoon, at his office in the borough
of Towanda, when and where all persons irrterrstedone
required to prevent their claims before him, or be de
barred from coming in for a' share of said fund.
June 21, 1818. WM. SCOTT, Auditor.
By ridge of sundry write of vend. expo. issued out
of the court of Common Pleas of Bradford County,
to me directed, I shall expose to public sale attbe hours
of I'. P. Woodruff, in the borough of Towanda, on MOW'
day the 4th day of SEHTEMSER next, at one o'clock
P. M., the following piece or parcel of • land in the
township of Bidgebery, and bounded on the north by
lands of Perrin Bumbaw, on the east by Israel Bert,
and south-wem by Howard Burt, Containing three
acres all improred, with 'one framed house.
Seized andten in execution at the suit of Cool
bough rind Mc Alpine vs. Win. /Anion.
ALSO}—The defendants interest in the following
piers or parcel Of land situated in Springfield township,
and bounded north by kids of Chailes L. Wells, east
by Alvin Perimeter, south , by Wooded Berry, and
west by lends of Cornet and Seth Sherman. Contain
ing about one hundred and thirty acres with about thir
ty' acres improved, one log house, one framed harn and
an apple orchard thereon. - .
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edwin
Dyer vs. John T. Page.
ALSO—TIM following piece or parcel of land situat
ed in Morro, township, rind bounded as follows, towel :
north by the Towanda Creek, and east by the Asylum
company lands, south by land of C. L. Ward, end
west by the Schrader Branch, contsining three •hundred
acres, with 611 acres improved. with one feinted home;
one framed Ira and shed, a small orchard thereon.
Seized and um in ,execution to the suit of Wm.
Watkins to use of Frederick Watts vs. T. H. Lewis.
•ALSO—By Sundry writs of Levari Facias, a tract
of land situated in Granville township. beginning at a•
dead pine tree south west corner of lot no. 199 on war
rant lot no.. 1537, thence south one hundred and forty
two perches to a dead maple, thence west two handled
and sixteen and 8 , 10 perches to a chestnut oak for a
corner, south-east comer of lot no. 181, thence north
one hundred and forty-two perches to a post, thence east
two hundred and sizteerfrind 8.10 perched to the begin
ning. Containing oneihundred.and ninety-two scree
sal sixty-six perches strict measure.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of R. D.
Davidson whninistra or of Win. Davidson deed., who
survived Timothy Paxson vs. Joseph Calm Siaiirecon
administrator 'of John Taylor.
ALSO—Another piece or parcel of land situated. in
Burlington township, beginning at x po-1 south-wen
cornet of lot no. 49 on waiiant lot no. 1477, thence east
one hundred and one • perches to a post, thence south
one hundred and fifty-two perches and 7-10th, to a pen,
thence west one hundred and one perches to a pat,
thence north one hundred and fifty-two and 7.10 th
perches to the beginning. Containing ninety-six acres
and sixty-three percheitstrict measure -
Sabel and taken in - execution at the suit, of L B.
Davidson administrator of - Wm. Davidson deed., who
survived Timothy Paxson vs.. Joseph C. Sinipsen
ministrator of R. Sweney deed.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land with
the improvements thereon erected situated on Bentley
creek in the township of Ridgehery, bounded as follows:
Beginning at the seventieth mile stone, and runs thence
along the Pennsylvania. line, 45 chains AO links to a
sapling, thence southerly three chains to a stake, thence
thence westerly 45 chains '5O links to a stake, thence
northerly 33 chains to the beginning. Containing 150
acres of land, be the same more or less; ii being'pan of
a lot of land of 200 acres, originally conveyed by Fran
cis W Johnson and others, to Elij kb Depuy, on Which
said lot Thos. Baldwin an I Elijah Depuy erected mills ;
excepting. however out of the said lot one acre e - heteto-
Axe sold, lying oath' south side of the same.
• a Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel
Rexford and A. & S. Willis' use, vs. David Brewer,ed.
' of Arsine Clark 2d., with Herrey Clark, widow of said
Arsine Clark, 2d., and Stephen Hannan and George
FiAler, terre tenants.
JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Tuwirrula, July 5, )848. '
et) - ena2ura sc. natztasr. •
A VE the tatisfactton of announcing to their number
ouss friends, and the public that they havejuat open.
in the n e w Brick Block of Burton Kingsbery, whets
all who wish to thanker:in the ?militant and invigorat
ing exercise of a Coin 4 WARN Bath,-can at any time
be accommodated. f0" - • Call and try it. Feb. 9.
The price hir Bathing once. 26 cents. To those
who bathe by the month, 59 cents.
Itm° 11■ T '73E 4 Jr at
Z 1137121 (DO aZgaanta
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Towan
di', and the public generally that he is prepared to
execute in the neatest style all descriptions of
How, Sign, Coach or Carriage Painting. or
Trimming ; and every variety of Fancy
-and Ornamental Painting.
From his long experience and the many specimens of
his pmductions now in use, be entertains • nattering
hope that by close application to his .profemion, aml
being pronmt to order he may secure ■ suitable share of
public patronage. Ile may be found at sU times at the
Chair Factory of Tomkins & Makinson, where he will
been hived to attend to the calls of those who may want
his services. CAPER-HANGING dove on short no
tice, in a superior manner Ind reasonable terms.
Towanda, July 4, 1648.