Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 05, 1848, Image 3

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    incsdpmbile, &c.
TNANIEL LORD cokes this method to inkins the
.1/ intsalitmts of Bradford Co., and the surrounding
country, that be is receiving at the old stand Sof J. P.
- Kirby, a large and welleelecumi assortment of
MEW AL .11131 L X. "WILT AL. NOl.,
Consisting in part of the following : copper, tin.
sheet iron bar soil sheet lead, lead pipe of various sizes,
anvils, cotter and staple vices, crow bin, spades, sho
vela and forks, mill, X cut, circular, panel & web saws,
Tools, House Trimmings of various descriptions.
Latest improvement. Alm, the Self -Regulating Par
lor Sknye. He will manufacture and keep on hand
Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Wire,
of al' kinds, and at lbw prices. All persons wishing
to purchase Hardware, will do well to call on D. Lord
before Purchasing at any other place. His stock is en
tirely new add fresh. "He will sell as cheap as any oth
er - establishmon twithin 100 miles of this place, (no
mistake.) All kinds of Copper, Tin and !Sheet Iron
Ware, repaired and made to order in workmanliketnan
ner. Towanda, June 26, 1848.
ioUmpfu—Cast Iron well and cistern pumps, war
ranted to draw water from thirty to sixty fret for
sale at the New Hardware Store. D. LORD.
1 - 41 - qgIitifORYVIIP47S;OVISt
TOMKINB t6c MAKINSON would inform those
interested, thit we hive concluded to close up the
business of the firm. We find our Capital is not in our
bands, but distributed over Bradford and Tioga coun
ties, and we have employed an Agent to call upon oaf
customers, so-as to give them an opportunity to take up
their notes; or either of the old firm will receive mo
neys and give a receipt to apply. We hope and true
we shall not be obliged to place a - large number of our
custorner's.notes in the hands of magistrates. Neces
sity, however, compels us to make collections. Thwe
of our customers in and about Towanda, that have un
settled matters on book, will be good enough to call and
have them closed up. The business hereafter will be
continued-under the firin of JAB. MAKINSON & Co.
Towanda, June 22, 1848.
.11. received, and for sale by like single barrel or load,
at je27 SIERCURB'.
Cheapest Goods ever- sold in Towanda,
crmtion, for old men 'and young men, for young
misses 'and old ladies, for the high, the low, the rich,
and the poor all can now be accommodated. A few
articles in the line of Dress Goods, which"are going off
with a perfect rush, we mention, such as Frch
lawn gingham', dirk and light ginghams, linen lustre",
French lawns, berages, and egreat assortment of Prints
are now selling lower than the lowest at No. 5, B R.
. June 14, 1848. ' REED'S.
BONNETS, and Bonnet. Trimmings. of every des
cription, suitable for the season. way be found in
abundance, at.d very cheap at 5, B.R. REED'S.
PARASOLS & UMBRELLAS, the most extensive
and splendid assortment ever tiro% into Towanda,
May toe found at No. 5, B. R. REED'S.
BROADCLOTHS. Cassimeres, and Sommer jituffs
—and milers variety, to sultan tastes and all clas
ses of people, aellina extremely low at REED'S.
grIRAIN CRADLES—One doz. Reynold's superior
%Jr —also grass and grain scythes, rakes, pitch forks,
scythe maths, whet stones, &c., at REED'S.
A LI/persons indebtarto the estate of FREDERICK
BRADLEY; deed., late of Litchfield, are hereby
Teguested to make payment without delay, and those
haring claims againtt said estate will please present
them duly authenticated for settlement. '
Litchfield, June 14. 1848.
A.LL persons indebted to the subscriber, by note,
41. book account or otherwise, must pay me'by the
tint day of August next, or the same will be placed in
the hands of the proper persons, fir collection.
Ronse,Joae 12, 1848. L.B.MAYNARD.
NOW receivin g elrnost daily at the Central Brick
Store, (Cheap side of Main 5t...) fresh supplies of
Which we are Sellin g at.unusually low prices. If you
Brant cheap and g ood Goods,.mark the Central Store.
For particulars, ace Reporter next week.
M i iy 29, 1848. N. N. BETTS.
T WOULD say to my old friend's and all that wish to
buy goods cheap, that I am still to be found at the
CENTRAL STORE, where my arrangemepts.are still
to partially take charge of and assist Nr.N.N Deus in
the above named establishment. .
I would therefore be pleased at any time to show and
Gaddy you that it is not always a• fact that thou. who
make the Mott notse in the world, of haie the' largest"
stores, (hat set roods the cheapest.
Respectfully, pewit. •
Toivanda, Juno 6, 1848. A.D.NIONTAiIYE.
rII,OTHB & CABSIMEREB.—EngIish, French
I/ old American Qloths and Cassimeres,,sind a large
assortment of Fancy Cissimeros, selling at very low
fates at the Central Store. N. N. BETTS.
QUMMER ,GOODS.—Striped, checked, and plain
1-3 - linen and cotton goods, for summer wear, at the
Central Store. N. N. BETTS.
LAMES.' 16 . 60)8.—Lacens, gingham, raw ails,
sod silk and' linen ginghams, (new style of goods)
Je !nines, white dross goods, of every variety, at the
Central Store. je7 N. N. BETTS. t
BOOTS ¢ SHOES.—Ladies' flea, coletea , and bik
gaiters, slips, and walking shoes, gent's cow hide,
kip, calf and seal bpots and shoes, and children's do.,
stiffing low at flit r:enteal store. N. N. BEtTet.
GROCERIES.—good yonng ttyson am! bysori akin
teas, at 374 itad 4.0 eenta—end sugar to sweeten
it at 61 and 8 cents; all other kinds o( GrOceries in
portion at the Central Store. N. N. .
.UXPECTED in a kw days, a few more load, of
14' New Goods, at N. N. BETTS'.
WANTED, any quantity of Butter, at the market
prima, at the Central,Store. N. N. BETTS.
TEOHORN BONNETS are low—if any doubts it.
la than step into FOX'S, and test the fact ; a good
aiwortment of Florence braid, also, new and fashionable
gibbons, Sowers and leiss. at No. 2 Brick Row n. 24
-vvroRSTEDIJRViuit 000D8:—Plain, figured and
plaid, black and colored Alliaccas ; black and cu.
hired French li.erinoos: Oregon Plaids; rich French
and common Cashmeres, DoLainea, &c., a great variety
of styles for sale at 88 P 25 MERCUR'S,
MID All" AIL mar rAL7 AL AST gsa. I,
Z 1 127 Oo 41111Biat,
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens.of
da, and the public generally that he is prepared to
execute in the neaten. style .11 descriptions:of
House, Sign, Coach or Carriage Painting, or
Trimming ; and every va tidy of Fancy
• and Ornamental Painting.
From his long experience and the Many specimens of
his productions now in use, he entertains a flattering
hope that by close affillication to his profession, and
being prompt to,order le may secure a suitable awe of
public pitmans. Hajnay be friend at all times at the
Chair Paetory of -may
dr, Melanges, where he win
be en hand to latent& the calls of those Mho may want
bis services. PAPER-HANGING done on short no
tice, in a 'opener manner and rcasonablefterms
Towanda, July 4, 1849.
illertManittle, Cc.
TORN B. FeRD qua just naceived. it his Drug store
ef . one door below Kinpbery's store, in Dirmasbery's
new brick block, Main street, • a tarp addition to his
former asponnient, which be now offers to the attention
of the public. His stock now comprises every ankle
usually kept, among which may be found the following:
Opium. cream tartar, camphor, casfile soap, liquorice,
balsam copaiba, rhubarb, jalap, aloes, flowers chamo
mile, gum arable, castor oil, quicksilver, magnesia, roll
and flour sulphur, refined and crude borax, calomel, rod
precipitate, corrosive sublimate, aqua ammonia, tartaric
acid, epeom salts, laudanum. senna, sulphate quinine,
all of the manual oils, gism myrrh, cantharifies. gum
tragacanth, corks, sarsaparilla, gamboge, litharge, spir
its turpentine, rotten stone, umber, terra de sienna, salt
petre, annis seed, isinglass, cubebs, annotto, bre-, &c.
Crushed, loaf, and muscavado sugars, cheaper than
can be bought elsewhere in town; black and green lea;
otheratus, pepper, spice, mustard, peprre - sauce, raisins,
nutmegs, cloves, mace, Rio and Java coffee, starch, gin
ger, oils, blacking, cradle, brown, variegated and fancy
soap, sperm and tallow candles, tobacco, segan and
snuff, matches, &c.,
Cognise, Otard, peach and American Brandy ; St.
Croix. Jamacia and tiew England Rum ; swan, lion
and Baltimore Gin ; Scotch, Irish and Monongehals
Whiskey ; &fistula, pale and-brown Sherry, pure juice,
Port, Tenerife, Lisbon, Malaga, Muscat, claret and
champaigne wines, alcohol,
Bay water, lavender, colonge and rose water, mac
cassar and bear's oil, oft° roses, uc marrow, pomatum,
rouge, pearl powder, bandeline, flesh, tooth, hair, nail
and clothes brushes, feather dusters, calf wallets, boy's
belts, combs, pins, fish hooks, pencil points, playing
c.irds, percussion caps, irik,.sreel pens, 8-
Western Panacea. Balm of Columbia, Pink Syrup,
Kamstock's Vermifuge Hay's Liniment, Mother's Re
lief; Pain Extractor, Acoustic oil, Hair dye, Andrew's
and Mrs. Brown's Painkiller, Godfrey's cordial, Adhe
sive plaster, Townsevc., Webster's, Wood's and hemp
herd's Sarsaparilla, Lithontripic mixture, Wistar's Bal
sam, Hungarian Balsam of Life, Upham's Electuary,
M'A Ilister's Ointment, Shepherd's, Komstocks, °nick's
and Fahnestock's Vermifnge, Brown's celebrated Lotion
for Consumption, Sovereign balm pills, sugar coated
Pills, and all the moat popular medicines of the day.
a 3. The stock -js complete, containing everything
kept in the largest establishments, and is 'Kenai at the
lowest possible prices.
Remember, that Cheap Drug, Grocery and
Liquor Store, is in Kfrigsbery's new block.
Towanda, June 46-1 848.
TO the °fritters and Soldiers of the 6th Regiment,
2d Brig., 9th Div., P. M.. you are hereby com
manded to be and appear on Thursday, the 22d day of
June inst., at 9 o'clock, A. M., armed end equipped ac
cording to law/ for regimental drill and inspection at the
house of Demarass, in Litchfield.
Given under my hand, at my office, in Athena, June
6th, 1848.. JACOB HARDER, Colonel.
H. 8. & C. MERCUR,
RESPECTFULLY announce to their numerous
friends and customers, that they are now opening
the largest and .most general -assortment of GOODS.
ever before offered an ToLaranda, embracing almost every
thing wanted by persons of every class and Condition.
Alin : those wishing to purchase Goods for cash, will
and it for their interest to examine this 'tech.
Towanda, Mal 26, 1848.
Bat a Grill F4ll is the Price of Goods, at the
CREED, the proprietor, is now receiving a large
. assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which
are selling so low as to astonish even the `•
The selection consists of every vette y and style of
fashionable goods for the season, • catalogue of which
would be entirely too numerous to mention here. Sam
ples will be shown with the - greatest pleasure, to any
one who will have the goodness to call, and we will
atom, them that goods can and will be sold cheaper at
the Savings Bank, No. 6. Brick Row, than in any other
itstablishment in Bradford Co. e". REED.
Towanda, May 30, 1848.
" Goods well Bought are half Sold 1"
Is now opening a large stock 4turrextensive variety of
GOODS, selected with the greatest care, and bought
under great advantages in the cities of New York and
Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorable condi
tion of both markets—and having in view the motto
above, has so bought that he care' and will sell on as fa
uorable terms as the cest, and will endeavor to show to
community the advantage of buying from those who buy
ivull. Towanda, May 23, 1848:
300 VOLS. published by the/ American Sunday
School Union, wafer sale low in quantities
to alit purchasers. my 23 .fO. D. TIARTLETT.
Copper, Tin, and Sheo Iron, Brass
111110LESAL6 .1411 RET•IL
DC. HALL is now receiving another large-supply
• a the above gOods, which be is prepared to sell
at wholesale or retail, to Suit t purphaseur at the most
reduced prices, for cash, - lumber u -grain.
More' and Manufacturing 4stablidensent, on \the
corner of Maio and Bridge streets, where may be found
the largest and best assortment of Stoves, this side of
the city of Albany, such as
Auckeye cooking stove, arranged with a rota- . [Nos.
ry top, and hot air oven combiziod, I, 2,3, 4
RorTsr Empire hot air oven, • 4
" • Universe, ' " 4
" Fulton, " (iniprcied) 2,3, 4
Congress tight air Cooking, 2,3, 4
Knickerbocker, " . ; 3
Albany Elevated Oicn,. . 2, 3, 4, 5
r-Fremipu, , 2,3, 4,5, 6
Kergo's pat. self-regulator, air-tight parlor, l, 2, 3
Em. ter air-tight parlor, 2,3, 4
Congress do. Albany do. (routers.)
Albany Fancy wood parlor, 'do • .
" parlor coal stoves, 1, 2
Common cylinder do. I, 2, 3
A Large quantity of SIM Pipe, Elbows, TI., Mu,
. .
Copper, Jowled k Britannia Tut, Me, kr.
whie.h he will sell as aboila, at wholesale or retail. Shut
Iran, -Tin, Brass and Gipps? Work, made to order on
short notice, and warranted. Perron' wishing to pur
chase the above artielts will do well by calling at the
above store, before purchasing elsewhere, as the propri
etor is bound not to bi undersold by any living man.
5,000 SHEEP PELTS wanted, for which cash will
be paid. Towanda, June 14, 1648. 6ml,
Next diror to the Bridge, Toteonda.
113 constantly receiving and disposing of on the most
1- reasonable terms,thc best and most fashionable goods
in her line.
Her work will continue to be done in her accustomed
prompt gnd fashionable manner, and OD accommodating
terms. She has made asimigemesta for reeeividit the
Newest Fashions for Bonnet, Cap and Drama whilst
they are DOW. . May 24. 1848.
rIINGBAMS, ara. styles. sad soAst room cheap
%Jr Lewes, of *TENT dime**, ; Organdie ma[*
embroidered mohair. sad in act the most dssitable
styles of Dress Goods ia .ateket.withiriatadallitemulch
chesrrr thou pny other goodt, is tuvro, at YOrt.4..
fikuipanbig, &c.
Af the Come of Maize and.Briga
JKINGSBERY. JR. is flow reeeking-frum New
• York and Philadelphia, • large and cheap stock of
SpriOg and Summer Dry.. Goods :
- Also, • general iksortment of
Groceries. ilardtbare, Crockery, Family 111edicinee,
Boots and Shoes, (a lame variety.) Nails,
Glass, Feints, Dye-woode, Fish, h.c.
Also Leghorn, Pedal and Prim leaf Hate; Angola,-
pearl. eassimere and silk Mats ; Florence, China-pearl.
Neapoliton, open work and lawn Bonnets. Books and
Stationery, Wall paper from 10c to 50c per piece, Win
dow paper, &c. Musical instruments—Flutes, Clari
nets, Flageolets, Fifes, &c. J. KINGSBERY, JR.
Towanda, May 17,1848.
RE.ID ! RE.1111! !
BKINGVERY' & CO.. are now receiving from
• Philadelphia and New York. the largest, cheapest
and moat complete assortment of GOODS of all kinds,
ever opened in Towanda, which will positively be Gold
cheaper than goods have ever before been offered in this
place. We invite the citizens to all and see our assort
ment and s pricepur goods before purchasing elsewhere,
as we have got many things which are rare and desire-
Me to be obtained. Don't forget the place, B. BINGS
BERY & CO., new block, opposite the burnt district,
where goods will be sold this summer, clear down below
the reach of any other store.
Towanda. May 17, 1848.
rIINGHAMS.—We have i large quantity of all
patterns, very handsome and desirable ; Fre*h and
linen gingham% of excellent quality.
LAWNS.—French, American and Organdie Lawns,
a beautiful assortment ; alas), plaid and figured silk
wool Mirages. my 17 KINGSBERY & CO.
CALICOES.—A choice selection of Merrimack, or
ange and bloc, pink and all other kinds, small fig
ure. Two shilling calico for nine cents; call and see,
bu• mind, the only place is 'KINUSBERY & CO.
HAS arrived in town, and may bo found for • few
weeks at Wormier?" Horst. His friends arc
invited to call. Towanda, May 10, 1848.
CIFFERS his professional services to the people of
ILI Towanda, and vicinity.
Office at Chamberlin di Porter's Drug store, No. 1.
Brick Row. my 9
Wholegile and Retail Dealers in
Al fio. 1, Brick Row, Towanda.
JUST receiving, a large assortment of Drugs, Medi
cines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Choice Wines and
Liquors, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Dye Woods and
Dye Stuff's, Stationery, Toys, Fancy Articles, Confec
tionary, Brushes, Combs, Stone and Glass Ware, Can
dles, Blacking, Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, &c. The
following list comprises a few of thu articles kept at this
Sugars of all kinds, Stuart's sugar house syrup, molas
ses, syrups of all kinds, pepper, spice. mns•snl, pepper
sauce, cloves, nutmegs, mule, raisins, Zente curAtt
citron, cinnamon, salad oil, cassia buds, tamarinds, cho
colate, cocoa, soda, lemon and water biscuit, rice starch,
ginger, salwratas, saltpetre, government Java and Rio
coffee, whale, lard and sperm oil, demijohns, jug., bot
tles, pipes, paste and oil blacking. leather varnish, dye
woods and dye stuffs, indigo, copperas, alum. bar, vari
egated and white soap, sperm and taUow candles, &c.
Writing, letter and cap paper, English drawing paper,
Loudon and Bristol board, black, blue, red and carmine
ink, indellible and India juk, water colors, ink stands,
assorted, quills, steel pens, sealing wax, wafers, crayons,
drawing and carpenter's pencils, envelopes, &c.
Tobacco, Nam! mad nicer*.
Cavendish, twist, plug and fine cut chewing, Spanish
and Scarfalatti and common smoking, all sizes, marca
boy, Scotch, rapper and American gentleman's linufE—
Imported Segars, a great variety, inciodicg La Norma",
"anatelas, tinges, Regalia', Justo Salm, Reims, Planta
tions, Presardos, Lapoetas, Principe's, Fragancias, La
Alianzas, Cigarcttos. cigar cases, and mateies.
arwskea Mild Cambs.
Paint, varnish, marking, sash, whitewash, counter, flesh.
broom, clothes, tooth, nail, comb, hst, hair, shoe, stove
and lather' brushes. Ivory, dressing, side and back
combs, of all descriptions.
Seeps, Perhersrp aad Cavarea.
Gucrlsin'a ambrosial shaving cream. Henry's Chinese
do., Poussell's shaving cream; genuine. military. soap,
Low's brown Windsor, walnut oil, palm, almond and
French tiolet, and gull's variegated soap, wash balls,
&c. Lubin's extract, jockey club, eglantine mousse
lain, Patchoully, boquet de Oregon, ext. do violettes,
cachous aromatique, pastilles, bey water, blk „lavender,
neroli. oil musk. perfume satchels, utto rose, rose water,
pomade, amandine, mean fun, Persian, French and Am
eriran toilet powder. Jules Hauel's and Phalon's hair
dyes, Preston's and Merrill's pungente, bear, maccesser,
buttalo and antique oil, ambrosial tooth paste,:.chlorine
detergent and orris dentrifrice, endermic soap, &c.
Tobacco boxes. snuff boxes, segar, thimble, pin, specta
cle and lancet Cases, artificial nipples, breast pumps and
pipes, nursing bottles, self-injecting pumps, glass and
composition syringes, ear trumpets, trusses, body braces.
shoulder braces, abdominal supporters. bed pansoforceps,
turn-keys, lancets, letbeon, chessmen, dice, whalebone,
patent pails, purses, pocket books, wallets, shaving box.
es, razor strops, Italian whisks, flower and garden seeds.
Towanda, May 8, 1848.
BONNETS. -A choice selection of Florence, lace,
China pearl, Pamela, Leghorn, and other fashion.
able styles of ladies' and misses' Bonnets, very cheap;
also Bonnet ribbons, artificials, wreaths. &c.
1:11.1V 17 • KINGSBERY & CO.
An Extensive luortatent et &tidy-made Clothing
Just received at L.Batchekr's
MY stockis large, tornptisitt I fdlt assottrnebt of
bummer clothingof every k'El : such sa Tweed
Croton, Queen's Ckaki, sad sea 'zed coreisieu Seek
and.bebit elpt,k, linen end cloth d nCOATS4
Mao, PANTS & VESTS, of every kind ; cravats
and handerchiefs, gloves and summer hose, all offensel
cheap—so cheap that I think it will pay for coming and
looking al my stock.
Also. A good assortment of Broad Clolks, Casiinseres
and V&ings, Tweed" and Kentucky Joatui, Linens,
he., that I will make up to order, and very cheap. I
pledge myself to sell u cheap as can la bought any
where in the country. L. BATCHELER.
Towanda, May 8, 1848.
3,4, 5
2,3, 4
TOINER'S TOOLS.—A good assortment of Bead,
a) Moulding and Bench PLANES, grooving plows,
and other Joiner's Tools, just received from the menu
factory, end for sale low by 0. D. BARTLETT.
MISS. CRIFFLN :would again inform the ladies that
she has just received the latest styles of HATS,
sod also a large assortment of MILLINERY GOODS,
consisting of noway. Ribbons. Donnas. 4c., to which
aba invites the attention of the Ladies.
0:3. Her shop is removed to her new building on Pine
street, two doorh west of Chamberlin & Porter's Drug
Store. Towanda, May 17, 1848.
GREEN PAHASOLEt—a few more of thous
did green .ilk add Turk soda fringed pereiols and
shades, just reed and' soiling very low at FOX'S.
A 11411.— • law and rid lied. Vasetilui rid. bp.
lilt *owe 3opo Few; rtißarage, ctundnj
chronic yellow, coma, &c., it rIIAIRD's•
0 r•ierles.
aliscAmcous rAbvertisanents.
POUT" (11661i11t
T. FOX would most respectfully inform his old
• friendfi, and any one else who is in want of mer
chandise, that he is receiving and will keep conalantly
on hand a good assortment of all kinds of Goods usually
kept in a country Ware i—Dry Gosids,Groceries, Crock
ery, Hardware, Boots 4 shoes, Hats and Caps, Fish,
Paints and Oils, Dye stuffs, Iron. Nails, Carpeting.
We will come& r it a favor for people to bet us
show them our goods, as we think they cannot fail to
suit. It is true, I cannot boast of as great a number of
years experience in purchasing goods, in some, yet I
trust the good people of Bradford have not forgotten
their own dear Leught experience in buying goods of
these same old experienced coons. Look out for them,
or they will stick on their usual tariff! I will sell as
cheap, if not cheaper than any other live man. Pleane
give us a call. at No. 2, Brick Row.
Toiranda, May 24. 1848. E. 'l'. FOX.
rrAE only Universal Remedy is at last discovered in
the shape of Cheap Goods, at FOX'S. It is an
an esternal remedy, but if applied by the subscriber, is
warranted sure cure. and no mistake. If • man feels
poor or bad in the region of his p>cket book, the most
efficient remedy is to call at Fos's, and buy what goods
he wants, as he can buy more for less money than at
any other place in town. For anything like, dyspepsia.
the safest, plesantest and best remedy is a quantity of
that fresh, delieiJus Tea at Fox's, from 38 to 6s per 11..,
sweetened with some of that nice 6d Sugar. In fact,
there is hardly a disease that flesh is heir to, that a reme
dy cannot be found for at my2l Fors.
AN ACT for the benefit of the People of Bradford
Co.: Be it remembered by all' good citizens, that
a man can buy as many Dry Goods and Groceries as he
can carry home, for a mere trifle, hardly worth mention
ing. at No. 2, Brick Row. my 24 • FOVM.
CROCKERY, ■ large lot in setts, &e.; an.l Looking
Glasses, a great variety, cheap at FOX'S.
600 FIRKINS BUTTER wanted, at the highest
market price. my 24 E. T. FOX.
THE subscriber hu opened a C Lora I NG ISTOIII., two
doors north of the Public Square, on Main street.
(nearly opposite the new brick tavern now being erect
ed by C. L. Waid, Esq.) where he will keep constantly
on hand, and for sale at the lowest possible prices, a
large and general assortment of READY MADE
CLOTHING, such as -
Collars, Stocks, Suspenders. Gloves, Hosiery, Drawers,
Flannel Underskirts, 4-c.,
He has also on hand and is constantly receiving, a
large assortment of
stich as Silks, Satins, Marseilles, &c., ail of which will
be made up to order on short notice arid on reasonable
terms. The subscriber having been a practical Tailor
for the last 15 years, in the city of New York, flatters
himself that he can give satisfaction to all who may fa
vor him with their patronage.
His Clothing is all made up under his own inspec
tion. and he has therefore no hesitancy in recommend
ing it to those who wish to purchase.
c 3 C UTTING and MAKING UP flir persons who
prefer to furnish their own nratetials ; and Cutting done
for -persons who wish to have their garments made else
where-0U of which ihall be done with neatness and
The subscribe, Is also agent for A. yithceler's Report
of Fashions, which he can furnish to such as are want
ing. on reasonable terms. 13. A. SMITH.
Towanda, June C,, 18114.
THE proprietors of this long•establtsbed Line, still
continue the business of freighting merchandise,
produce, lumber &c., between
Binghamton mid .P eta Pork,
end solicit the continued patronage of their friends.—
They are prepared with it/creased twilit* to accom
modate tho public. hiving
which will enable them to despatrh a hual direct from
New-tort to Binghamton DAILY during the season,
with NO TRANSHIPMENTS on the !maim route.
(r:rThey invite a call from their friends before shipping,
ua their charges will be at lowest rates.
(U. WKINNEY, Binghamton ;
1..t0r,..wir :.:: JESSE HINDS. 7 Baalli-.11., N. Birk;
n•• The subscriber still continues the business of Sto-
rage and Forwarding, and may at all times be found at
his well known stisrehouse, where he keeps for sale at
lowed prices. Flour, Salt, Urindstones, Ropes, Pitch,
Oakum, Beef, Pork, &c.
ocr Cash paid for all kinds of Lumber and Produce,
&entered at the Storehouse. C. M'KINNEY.
Binghamton, April 21, 1848. 45m6
SHAW lA.—Mirage. printed Cashman. brocha. de
!aim, Thibet; and a great variety of Collars, which
cannot fail to suit. KINGSBERY &
1 variety of silk, gingham and cotton—some extra
rich. In fact, we have all kinds of fancy and staple
Dry Goods, adapted to the season, bought by one who
has been in the business twenty-one years, and he flat
ters himself that they have been bought as cheap, if not
more so, than any other merchant can buy, and is ab
solutely sure they will be sold cheaper. Call and see,
at my 17 KINGSBERY & CO.
THE co-partnership heretofore existing between the
subscribers in the practice of Medicine and Surge
ry is this day dissolved by mutant consent. Their ac
counts are left with J. B. CROSS. at Ford's Drug Store
and who is Luly authorized to settle them.
To ands, !Nay 1, 1340'. CHAS. K. LADD. ~
FOUNb, on Saturday. - the 13th of May instant, in
the 'township of Shesheqnfn, upon it/itemises
of George rummy. and in the moist" near the main road
reading hack from the Susquehanna river, • one horse
BUGGY WAGON, with a one harneu in it. The wa
gon is about half-worn—painted black, With fine white
stripe, and cushioned with gray satinett, (now nearly
worn out.) It hal good eliptic springs, and the dash
board karts backWitrd There was kr it ern old cuithimi
and sheep skin. The Harness appears to be a plough
harness, no breeching, half tugs and chain!, thill straps,
made of a halter strap, and &ruble lines. In the wagon
Was ands a strap hiker with' part of the stale cut off, and
the bead stall of a bridle with the blinders tut off. The
wagon appeared to have been standing there some two
or three weeks. •
The oi►ner can have said property, by calling.= the
subscriber, and paying for this advertisement.
Itibeshequin, May 19, 1848. PHILIP ROGERS.
FOR SALE, two new BUGGIES, in complete urder
for running. They are finished in a superior man
ner, made of good and substantial materials, and will be
Wild at a great bargain, fur Csantonly. They may be
seen at Esenwinee shop, in the lower part d the boro'.
May 24. 1848. J. A. EISEN WINE.
TZREAS, my wife MARIA bar IA my bed sod
baud withootany just cause Or provocatioo. this
is therefore to forbid all panto= harboring or trumine
Mr ea my imetro . rd. as I will pay Da debts of bar
tiactiog. after si date. ; MORGAN MOON.
ARmr4. May $4, 1841.
SAWS:—ate 5ati5.,844,63 ad' eloot crosscut
bart%., at Buck Row.
HElt'comes NO. 114 *Pin. with ' thelieek warts
eti of the mid best GOODS in l'oers
Ruda, conitistitsg, ea weal of Dry Goods, Graturies.
en4urrY, adrdwires .Drusa and medicines, Boats an d
Shoe., Iron and Nails, dte., &e. Of course, you all
Imre , where to come to pt the timeliest goode—ao come
on - one and all.and call di BAIRD'S,
M. 29, 1848. No. 3, Bradt Row.
"FIATS & CAPS.—A good assortment silk and fur
Hats, gent'allszed cameral' cape (a great ar
ticle for stormy weather, ) men and boy 's
cloth caps.
chddrau's velvet caps, &c. You will find all these
kinds, end many more, at m 29 BAIRD'S.
DOMESTIC GOODS.—Sheetings and Skirtings,
cotton yarn, batts, wicking, carpet yarn, iltc., &c..
at No. 3, B. R. triy3l " BAIRD'A.
1 , quart measures, clothes pi es, &c. at No. 3. Brick
Row. may3l . BAIRD'S.
- - - - - -- ,- - -
WINDOW GLASS—An assortment at No. 3,
Brick Row.- m y 3l . BAIRD'S.
FISH. -A good article of Codfish and Mackerel, at
N 0.3, B.R. rue3l BAIRD'S.
T EATHER.-- , Any quantity of Solo and tipper Lea
. 11.4 titer at. mv3l BAIRD'S.
HARD GOODS.—Iron , nails, steel, band iron, horse
stifles, Arc., fresh stock, at BAIRD'S.
OPENING with great attractions at the C a sh Store
of MONTANi E'S & CO., No. 6 main Street,
where may be found all of the Staples adapted to spring
Trade. Lumbermen don't pass us, we base the Ark
Rope that is right, and the Pork that is f..ur nches thick
TW 0 Tons Essington's best hammered iron, just re
crived, at M ONT A N YES & CO.
20 BBL& MESS PORK ■nd a few hunthed of
Hama on hand, at MONTANYES & CO.
IDDATENT th.r . most celebrated
1- Medicines of the day, can he found at No. 1, Brick
amine our stock, you will be sure to buy, unless
you should think the price so low, that there was some
thing wrong in it. KINGSBERY & CO.
'DROWN SHEETINGS.—About 43;000 . 72141s of
1./ Brown Sheeting*, jusit reed at B.‘IR I i'S.
VESTINDS.-B..tin. silk, satin strips, silk velvet
and other Vestings, for winter or summer, fall or
spring ; a great BARD'S, No. 3, B.R.
HARDWARE, • goof! assoittnent, including Iron,
Steel, Nails, &c. at No. 2, D.R. FOl'S.
CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, Vestings, Overcoat
Cloths, such as blown. olive and geld mixed Bea
vers will be sold very low at SAVINGS BANK.
1 - )IUITS, of every variety and style, foreign and
mestic, now opening at wbolewde and retail, at
It_INGIIA & PRINTS.—PIain and tsailled Ging
kfr hams, English and American Fri" • beautiful
issmitment at sep2.s MERCUR'S.
(Q) (°
At Wholesale and Retail:
114 ONTA NYES & CO. are now receiving fresh
from New York and Philadelphia, the most slesi
raWre lot of GOODS, ever offered in this market, and
think that an experience of twenty years in the selec
tion of goods had ought to enable them to purchase as
cheap as the cheapest. We invite public attention to
our stock, and think we can offer inducements worthy
the notice of the most close buyers and amateurs of de
siraWe goods. May I, 1848.
e 5
• , t OW IT PS,
CF. HARDER respectfully wishes to inform the
. citizens of ToWentia, and the public.that he has
commenced the
an Towanda, on Main street, a kw loots above Oridge
street, where he will keep constantly on hand or make
to onPir. Plated and ammo* Harness, Trunks and
Trisnk Palters, and all kinds, of work in his line. CAR
to order. .From his, experience in the business, and
punctuality in attendiiig to it, he hopes he may receive
• -shar• of puLlic patronage.
co• All kinda of work may be had at hisaliop cheap
er than at any other shop in this county.
Towanda, June 12, 184€1. 1.11
Auditor's .4-olice.
E undersigned, having een appointed pn Auditor
1 by the Orphan's court of Bradford county, to mar
shal assets, and distribute the fund raised by the Admin
istrator's sale of the real and personal estate of I.S.Warn.
of Monroe, deed, will attend to the duties of his ap-
Pobltmont, on Saturday, the With day of August next,
at I o'Jock in the afier'ntion, at his office in the borough
.of Towooda, when and where all persons interested,me
required to present their claims before. hitri, or be de
barred from coming in for a share of said fund.
June 21, 1848. WM. SCOTT, Auditor.
('1 H. &R. DAVIS. TAILORS, (laic fronsiho
Cily of Loudon.) have opened a shop, in the
second stoiy of the new Brick block, erected by Burton
Kingabery, on Main street, where they are prepared to•
execute all orders irr their line with accuracy & despatch.
Fiom their long amt rigorous instruction in the art.
and their extensive experience as Foremen, in the best
■hops in London. they fed perfectly competent of behig
able to please the most fastidious taste, and to execute
their work to such substantial and finished style, as to
give satisfaction to their cmstomerif.;
0:1' Culling done to order, and warranted to fit if
poperfy made up. G. H. DA V IS,
Towanda, Oct. 12, Igl7. yl N Rd DAVIS.
134 (.10432132 a 04) VA(920:013/0
ETA V E the satisfactecro of ironowncingto their nutner
.l.lonit friends, and the public that they have just open
ed a BATHING ESTABLISH ME VT. hi !Towanda,
in the new Brick Block of Burton Hingsbery, where
all who wish to indnlge in the healthful and invigorat
ing exercise of a COLD or WAR"), Bath 4 can at any time
be actommodatc4l. 07 Call and try it. - rob. 9.
The price . for Bathing once, 25 cents. To those
who bathe by the month, 50 cents.
SHEETI! yards just opened and kw sale
at mcb22 MONTANYEB & CO'B.
12 BALES BROWN !MEETINGS, drillings,
shirtiogs, wicking, wadding, batting, cotton yarn
and carpet warp, cheap as the cheapest. at No. 2, B.
at arpls FOX't.
MATCH ES.—Golsh's, Gi and Pierce's Fem
don Matches, by the arose or box, at No.l, Brick
.1.4- Imbit buttons, and all kinds of finites for trimming
ladies' dresses, at BAIRD'S, No. 3,'lltick Roar.
DOOM & SHONS, con Fisting of cow-hide entitle,
boots, , ladiee and mimes' slippers, gaiters and haU
gaiters ; children's shoes ; also an elegant assortment of
Hats an Caps, are now opening at the Sayings Sink,
asp2:l ' NO. 6. B. R.
TOLEN from the stable of the subscribe% residing
in Athens tp. on Tnesdly. evening, April :S.
SORREL MARE, ;with a Mason hetfinte. Ma& I,*
mark en he r rump. The above reemettledilltn
for the recovery of the Mare, and ths snot al dottier
- Athens, April 26; 1919. CHAS. MIIVITIE.
eqtai 168Mbnicutst,
plIVII•811 I i 14 1 .411 1 1 'poly
NOIVHBOP, ilratantiekirasisp, ars
booby sajoralad to midi ximitsi lOW, aim!
thoto hwilog claim wilt 414
mot dins duly auilloiritstaii,tor
ATUA Mtaluti#, •
Marna.. May 13. 1848:
11.41.19A0t0tr •
• 4 . 1 . 66 t;
T HE anbeenlier proposes bo eipe,tsd far ,
hereafter, on the following terms 14 !lilts
in the UO4IIIIOII pleas, before cibittitorc and junt as,
and will:make notching fur ,:serio
,Unfess ins F.1,0t .
succeeds in the suit. From exper , ftne . e , obstriration
he is of the opinion ' that if au ettoinei is sdl'lSeied~ly
convinced of Abe justice and pi*eticaVlify of klsecenTs
cause to recommend • suit orlenee„hi,rittoultlbn
cuing 10-risk hie fees on the it of the, null ;old
if in any cu.° he is unwilling , inctitt the ihk„ be
caitnot consistently plunge his clieiti into ticilailleikai
and uncertainty of a lawsuit by Ins advice;
Voilections, of every description wilts/1,01040 to
upon the same terms. Conveyancing and . Other kti e l
of office business done Promptli A.
chat gra.
In Office in the Notth end of bride Row'• over the
Post office. west ode of main street. Towanda-. ,
Towanda. Jan. 1848. lfElqßt
lA. persons indebted the emote of .101.1:4
4 KLINE. dec l d., lee of Itidgberry torn'sbistp; are
hereby requested to melte iiymeitt,withsrut deley„ vie
those having claim+ against slit eytsite,yriN Neese jr
sent then; duly authenticated or settlement.
Scott' •
af.N. . - 11,1VM Lir istV .
Li - A'S removal his office to . D.:Caslt's new office. On
rl second 'beet, where he *ill be plestseatnaectliaw
who need his pipfessional services. Dec. 29, 1841:y
A t/Ml ISTRATOIt" riOE.„.
A 1.1. persona -indebted 10. the estate Pf. JON ,
BUR.NSdec'd., late of Qrwell towp; arq, nerepy
requested to mike payment without delay, and those
having claims against the said ratite will please Present
them duly authenticated Cor.settlement:• . , ,
C. G. GIaDLEY, Administrator.
Orwell„May- 29; 1898. • 5111v6
"A 1.1. persons indebteed to the estate iiAMLTEI, P.
AMATTOCKS. &c a d.; Cite of Springfielit toariashid.
are hereby requested to make Intymep
.yritheua dew,
and thorn hairinkelaitmi against, said estate
presetti theai duly truthenticaied,tor, settlement
Springfield, May 17, 1848.
periona ttarbted . to the estate of Ebenezer Mi
nier, deetl„l late of Grantille tp., are hereby, reiiires
ted to make payment without delay; end those haying
claims against said estate will plepe resent glens drily
it%thenticated for settlement. WM.
AM%I M. wirx„
Granville, May 1; 1844
THE undersigned , having been appointed Appretaer
of Mercantile fazes in and for. Bradford eognty.
hereby gives notice that be has made the following
Classification as the Est .of pgrvons r & engaged in
vending hoods and Nlerchandize ire Bradfopl army for
the year IN and Sr/angel according to law. Ni›-
tice is alio iiien to all. persona aggreived by . sitid
classificatiOn, that an appeal will be held at: the
missionees Other, in the borough of Towpath'. Mi t ,
urday, the Ist of July. i 1 3 ,13, agreeably to the act
of Assembly in such &sea.
. TPWW;hIr. lumen LltfilOr .
Asylum—John Horton, jr., no liiinor
Elmer Horton, do
A W Renshaw, 14,4)T
Athens boni—H A Phelps, no
G A 'Perkins; do
M 8 Wagers; - de
C H Herrick, do
H 8 Comstock. dt
Welles & Harris. do
• Chester Park, do
WH&HC Baird, d u
Athens tp.—John it . 4r
Winona 4e oa n t n et, du
• Beidleman & Brown, do
Duslingion--Coryell & Gee, do,
A & 8 H Morley, do
John V Daniels, .49
t cb Mos .
Canton—bliarlei E Rathbone; liquor
Light, Newman &Nu., _ do
Durell—U Moody & Cq. no liquor
0 D Chamberlin do
tiring, thong & Co: 'do
kratilifin—limits 1 1 Ir hiereur;
strlt K Hawley, •
Granville—b D Taylor & Co. da
Herrick—L H Brownson do
Leroy—H 8 Ho:cord?' do
Monroe—:.S . C liaglee, do
1 f.. & R Fowter„ , do
James Phial/Ty, do
I .1 . Warfurd, - . do
. Drown & Rockwell, do
1 B er...d Smith, do
Yanostran - & Northrup, do
Deniers/in Coolbaugh, do
8 8,& .1 El M Hinman: liquor
John Hanson, do 13
Orwell—Henry Gibbs. no liquor 14
Theo. Humpbry, do 14
Pike—Augustus S. Smith, . der I`3 l
J E Bullock, do Ft
1) Bailey & Soli:, •tlo 1.4
Ridgberry—Wilson & Webb, lignoi l 4l
Murphy, Neiturith & Co. no liq. 14
Rome—L S Maynard, do 1,4
1) M Wattles; ' 14
George Nichols, 1: i l4
F W Sr. A J Mtfy aril, do 14
Sheshcquin—William ,Campbell, do 13
Kinney & Satterlees, do
Nathaniel Moody, . do
Snithfield—Vynain burley. riquoi
M Bullock & Co., do
- E $ Tracey, so lildoi
W F Kellogg, . hp'
Sprinatield—E Norman, a.
Standing Stono—John 1; Arlattur,. do
14 W Tracey, liqSor
~. Means, Stows & Co. do
Towanda 6.=- Elliott & Tocski l os; no !knot
53.4 Baifrj, . do
'' O.D Birtlert, . do
Chamberlin & PoStei; do
E T Fox, . do
E do
Tracy & Moore; do
Charles Led, do .
.I.Kingisbery. jr:, do
Montanyes & Co.. do
Miles Carter, do
H. 8 M C ' Meteor, do
Pl 11 Demi. do
Hank O'Hara, . do
D c Han, do
WoisOery & Co.. liquor
.1 if Sayre, do
Pattick CrSlain, do
John II Ford. do
Troy Ina —8 W& D F Pomeroy, dO
I. & E Ru i nyon, do
Thomas Maxwell, do
G F Redington, do
BOA &Stephen; . no liquor
gr&FL Ballard, 4.1
ladni--qt.3ll'lW4l. do
Williani Gibson. do .
C r. rola. J r & co. do
Poikhun & %Abe!, do
Warren—abnj liuffingtoo, do
Robert Cooper. do
Wells,—J P 'Taylor,' do
Wyaluaing— . -E & A tools. -bo
MH&GHWoIin, do'. 13 10
11 Fisher. de 13 10
Wjan—JodoOo Holcomb, liq.oi 14 10f
14,raymod & Coolbsvih. d• .14. 103
Moy 31, 1048. J. M. WATTLE.% APB
TlArnms, (ALI" & DYzarrurrs, also Moldbee
bytbs groan, at No. 1; D. R. Tors.
14 $7,
14 7
14 10}
4 . . 7
13 10-
;4 7
14 7
;3 • 10
I`.l 12} .
14 7
13 • 10
14 I
14 t /
I 3 10
13 to
It 7
14 7
14 -7
13 11
13 15
14 /
It r
I 0
k <7