Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 14, 1848, Image 3

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    I J
Meo*ndiile, Sit k.
et i e,pest foods cut sol . fiesvilit;
satiNG AT TlElinankiik
gr, Le AND 81IMMin, 1360)I of . 44 rg. -
- ion, for old rnewsiedlinutg wen. 4fir young
id old lathes,,fee,4l i T low,:tbarich;
;g o oor all can kw aimernialed; A kw
Ago in the line of Dines died; Which are going off
pertectinsb, we can here rnentian e ench u Fr&
hort iosharne; linen Infer*
rob lawnerlNWeetAiirimoimmeent of Prinhi
, D eg l aellingiirwer thin - the lowest at No. 5, BA.
tge18411::;*, REED3e.
xtAri receiving ai raaa r, d ai l y Central Bela
, tote (Cheap aide of Mains rash supplies of
4 ..." vial se ire selling at unusu a l' 'am If you
wars dun) and good Goode m ar Central Store.
panitutars, see Reporter u k•
Mar 1848. N. BETTS.
WOULD say tiany old frien
I bay goods cheap hat Imm a
CENTRAL STOR , where m
to partially take charge of and a
the above named establishment.
I would therefore be pleased a
satisfy you that it is not always
make the most noise in the wo
stores, that seb goods the cliea.
Towanda, lune G. 1'4.48..
eILOTHS & l'AsslMElt English, French
k J and'Anierican Cliitkis and =res. and a large
as, , ortmont of Fithry Cassitue !lin" at very l ow
• rates at the Central Store. N. R. B ETTS.
z , . * ;
ed, and plain
k•J linen and cotton goods, firmer wear, at the
. Central tare. __ _
L -
AMES' GOODS.—Lawnghannt, raw si:ks,
and silk and linen ginghinew style of goods)
de laines, white dress goods, eri viriety, of the
festal More. t je7 N. N. BETTS.
BOOTS h SHOES.—Linght, colored and blk
gaiters, slips, and walknies, gent's cow hide,
kip, calf and seal hoots and a and ehildrenl do.,
selling, tow at the ‘:.'entraisior N. N. BETTS.
GROCERIES.—Good yonson and hyaon skin
teas, at 37# and 50 centd sugar to sweeten
it at and 8 cents; all other of Grocerieg in pro
portion at the Central Store. N. N. BETTS.
DXPECTED in a few d r few more loads of
New Goods, at N. N.BETTS'.
IVANTED, any quantity utter, at 'the market
'V price& at the Central S N.N. BETTS.
T EGHORN BONNETS w—if any doubts it,
11 let them step into FOrStest the fact; a good
agsortment of Florence braid, oew and fashionable
ribbons, flowers and lei e, of ?Brick Row, mv24
82,5: REWtD !
k3TOLEN from the stable onnbscriber, residing
in Athens tp., on Tumminiing. April 25, a
riOR RE I. MARE, with a bla.rair face, and a white
mark on her runirti The abo ward wiil be given
for the recovery of the Mare; a e arrest of the thief
Athens, A prif-26, 1 944. M'DUFFIE.
H. & R. DA VIS, T4R.$ , (Azle from the
City of London,) believed a shop, in the
second story of the new Brielkil by Burton
Kingsbery, on Main street, e... e y are prepared tet
excrete all orders in their line ilittervey & despate6.
Flom their long and ligortalet eueitort in the . art,
and their extensive ex perienenteemen, in the best
shops in Leaden, they lei I peallsompetent of being
able to please the most fastidiOline, and to execum
their work in such sufritantinf hushed style, as to
give I:mild - Elton to their cusioraill ...
CO' Cutting done to orderfilleveranted to fit if
pinperly tnade up. H. DAVIS,
Towanda, Oct. 12, 1847. 31111t;,DAV1.3.
1 _t_
(la ObV.:?a2 a Cact.o)2,3ofito
IV: . E heatisf
fri t ena s .an, a i e t t i to w n of
inbi lin ne .
e in ihat ohna th ce e i t n
u r
.t u n m pe e n r:
cd a B ATII 1N G EsT A 81 , 15171114.1% in Towanda,
in the new Brick Block of Butioa ngs b e ry, where
all Who wish to indnlge in the heath a nd invigorat
ing exercise of a COLD or WARM es ca ii s tfrany tithe
beeenotemodated. (1) - ' Call and t i • Feb. 9. _
The price for flathiug once, 2i n . To th ose
whobetheby the exonth, 50 cents. •
24- - ; - --- 1' Airtf "FOR S,
A 1% , yoming county Pettn'a, COO
about 90 acres thereof improved, wit
house, framed barn and apple orchard
as the Joseph : , tepliena farm, lying 0
E.unkhannuck creek, about two mil
; stream, can be purchased at a gr ey
above describtal farm is well watered,
sell adapted to farming purposes. Fo
lan enquire of the u n dersign e d at Tun
May oth, 1848.
. . . _ . _
- ill OV:IIMT3TitaX \WRAor e d on VI 9 IN''fiHAM , who has here t'gcBm9.3
the above business at the manufa a Menlir•
em braces this opportunity to , inform all ma y need
-his services, that be has removed to Lero • w o miles
above the corners- - where be is prepared 4 tecute all
orders in his lino in such °manner as to gib general
satisfaction. Thelatronage of the public 44peetfel
ly solicited. Leroy, April 24, 1848. i'
SIIEETINOS-- 100 ° lonininet'oPened ono for die
mcii22 MOWANYES &
WORSTED DROSS 0301:18:. m . " — ph4.fiiija an - a
1' V , plaid, black end colored A lin et i a ," b lack
and ca.
w e d. F renc h 'inclined': Oregon P l .l - 4 rich French .
an dti o uldogiOnsismeres, tcLeincs, deof-•,„ wma
o r gilts for *lie at StEhtlinrB,
Off'' LETTERS remaining in the Peut ce
Arir, -
X 2 kieritUY, quarter ending March 31, 1818.
Dreiliaraesegro Leonetti - Moab
Lamina Alvin
.Owens Bantuel-
'Watson lame. ..
Vlieuke $J Mrs.
cl all that wish to
be found at the
• meats are still
r.N.N.Betta in
time to show and
L.that tiros° who
have the largeet
id:lt - Jean tp.,
g 221 saes,
small formed
'reach of die
'rn the coon
. ,
palueumr , y
Ether particu
'mock: •
Wand Joseph
'Webber Charles Royal
filer • *r=
T - • : G
, .
E subscriber hi. opened a cifitivaifirr S~iii= tab
• doom nortictif- the Pofilie .o, hairtitgaviv
iiberehe will keepeenstantly on Wind t and for ale as
ithe lowest pcusi , prim% it.generai assortment of
caziaas, suargingate, kq, sc,
would 'request all thaw wishing' to buy the above
articles, Mean and-examine his stock before purchasing
elaewhere L ne it is his intention not to be outdone in
prices of - quality of goods. -
try Ctrrrino and Manisa done to order, in the neat
est possible manner, and on the shortest notice.
The subscribe, is also agent for A. Wheeler's Report
of Fashions, which he can furnish to such as are want
ing. on realonable terms. H. A. SMITH.
Towanda, June'6, 1848.
TOM D. FORD has just received, at his Drug store
one door below Kingsbery's store, in D.Kingsbery's
new brick block, Muin street, a large addition to his
former assortment, which be now offers to the attention
of the public. His stock now comprises every article
usually kept, among which may be found the following:
.Opium, cream tartar, camphor, cairile soap. liquorice,
balsam COpliiia, rhubarb, jalap, aloes, flowers chamo
mile, gum arable, castor oil, quicksilver, magnesia, roll
and flour sulphur, reflaed and crude borax, calomel, red
precipitate, coirstaive sublimate, aqua ammonia, tartaric
acid, epsom salts, laudunum, senna, sulphate quinine,
all of the essential oils, gum myrrh, cantharides, gum
tragacanth, corks, sarsaparilla, gamboge, litharge, spir
its turpentine, rotten stone, umber, terra le sienna, salt
petre, annis seed, isinglass cubebs, annouo, &c., &c.
Crushed, loaf, and muscavado sugars, cheaper than
can be bought elsewhere in town; black and greet/ lea;
sala•r.itus, pepper, spice, mustard, peprt sauce, ritiSlllo,
nutmegs, closes, mace, Hier and Java colter.. starch, gin.
ge-, oils, blacking, eastile, Nowt), varirgared and fancy
soap. sperm and tallow • candles, tobacco, sugars and
snuff, matches, &c., &c.
Cogniac, Otard, peach and American Brandy ; St.
Croix, Jamacia and New England Rum ; swan, lion
and Baltimore Gin; Scotch, Irish and Monongehala
WhiShey ; Maderia, pale and brown Sherry, pure juice,
Port, 'Penerilie, Lisbon, Malaga,. Muscat, claret and
chimpaigna wines, alcohol, 4-c.
Bay water, lavender, colonge and rose water, mac
cassar and bear's oil, otto roses, ox marrow, pomatum,
rouge; pearl powder, bandanna, flesh, tooth, hair, nail
and Oodles brushes, feather dusters, calf wallets, boy's
belts, combs, pins, fish books, pencil points, playing
cads, percussion caps, ink, steel pens, &c.
Western Panacea. Balm of Columbia, Pink Syrup,
Komstock's Vermifuge Hay's Liorment, Mother's Be-
Ha. Pain Extractor, Acoustic oil, Hair dye, Andrew'.
and Mrs. Itrasn's Pal. killer, Godfrey's. cordial, Adhe
sivef plaster, Town ., Webstites, Wood's and Shep
herd's Sarsaparilla, >ontripic mixture, Wistar's Bal
sam, Hungarian Ba in of Life, Upham's Electuary,
M'A Mister's Qin i ,t. Shepherd's, Koinstocks, Orrick's
and Fahnestock's '. rmifuge, Brown's celebrated Lotion
for Consumption, 8, ign balm pills, sugar coated
Pills, and all the most ..polar medicines of the day.
ccp The stock' l / 4 is cotuttls.%:c_cti *' • ' ' •'' • '
kept in the la r establistuneT, an as 3i!• • at t.e
lowest possible.*k..m. .
Remember, that Ford's Cheap Drug, Grocery and
Liquor Store, is in Kingsbery's new block.
Towanda,/ ~• A t 1848, .. ..
TO the Officers and Soldiers of the sth Regiment,
2d Btig., 9th Div., P. M., you are hereby com
manded to be and appear on Thursday, the 22d day of
June inst., at 9 o'clock, A. M., armed and equipped ae
cordiog to law, for regimental drill and inspection at the
'bout* of Demaraaa, in Litchfield.
Given under my hand, slimy office, in Athens, June
Gth, 1648. JACOB HARDER, Colonel
county, will meet for inspection and parade at the
house of Stephen Canfield, in Standing Stone, on Tues
day. thii 20th insl., at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Dame!, Jane 6, 1848. B. LAPORTE, Colonel.
H. 3. & M. C. MERCUFt,
RESPECTFULLY announce to their numerous
friends and customers, thq they ire now opening
the largest and mast general assortment of GOODS,
evq_before offered in Towanda. embracing almost every
thing wanted by persona of every class and condition,
All those wishing to putchase-Goodi for cash, will
&ad it for their interest to examine this stash.
Towanda, May 28, 1048.
But a Great Fall in the Price of Goods, at the
CREED, the proprietor, is now receiving ■ large
. assortment of Spring and Summer Goode, which
are selling so low as to astonish even the" natives."—
The selection consists of every variety and style of
fashionable goods for the season, a catalogue of which entirely too numerous to mention here. Sam•
tiles will be shown with the greatest pleasure. to any
one who will baee - the goodness to call, and we wilt
show them that'lroods can and will be sold cheaper - at
the Savings Bank, No. 5, Brick Row, tharkin any other
establishment in Bradford Co. C. REED.
Towanda, May an. 108.
Goods well Bought are half Sold !"
Inow opening a large stock and extensive variety of
'4 GOO Ws, Feleard with the greatest care, and bought
untkiilleat advantages in the cities of New York and
Philadelphia—taking advantage of the favorable condi
tion o both markets—and having in view the motto
above, has so bought that he can and will sell on as fa
notable terms as the cest,-and will endeavor to show to
nuttily the advantage of buying from those who buy
. Towanda, Miry 23, 1848.
VOLS. published by the American Soln a / 1 y
School Union, and for sale low in quantities
purchasers. my 23.. 0. D. RARTLETT.
_ .
.Next door to the Bridge, Towanda.
nstantly,receiving and disposing of on the most
able terms,the hest and most fashionable goods
ork will"continte to be done in her accosSomed
gnd fashionable manner, and on accommodating
She has made arrangement' for receiving the
Fashions for Bonnets, Caps and Dresses whilst
I new. May 24, 1848.
HAMS, new styles, and monstrous cheap ;
us, of every description ; Organdie matins,
red mohair, and in fact all the most desirable
Dress Goods in raarket,orith trimmings to match
any other goods in town,at FOX'S.
ilispies and Irterce's Fno.
* R ickey bribe gross or box. at No.l. Brick
4it,„llßll§i3' tal-MMlNGS.—Fringe, gimp,
ttittono, mid Ali kiods of (mites for trimming
`ot MAIRP'S; No. 3, -- Bridc Row.
A ', SUMS, .
coitsiating of cow-ti• ' • ;
aachnfaaceAlippers, S *.„z"
lilaren'S shoes , ; : alegatniaitimit.
aaw apeakta at gka Th Savipgs . :
NO: 'S,"ll.llt.
gait •
fr• { .-fir'g-WK:kI}MaUMMEMMIMM_I
. •
- '6110111.8
!kita;;;er -14: . n and
T KIRGSBEIIIY, JR.), now —ircistrijiccia,liew
J • Yorkind Philadejpity!, a ,
Spring and-Aunnur - Pxy , 1100481-
4 L. gonad assortment •
Groceries,: Jiii?4,nrc, 'FlTtkery; yedisuie,
Boot; and Vices; (h fa rge va*iel atta r
class, Pride, pye-tcacitk, tc.
A limaiiiidllmets, Pahl and Palm leaf Hats: - Angola,
peartreimimem and al& Hats; kienie„
Nespoliton, open work and lain Bonnet: Books Saul
Stationery, Wall paper from 10c to 50c perpioce, Win.
dow paper, &c. Musical Inafruorthfs--Flutes, Clari
nets, flageolets, Fife. , &c. - J. KINGSBERY, JR.
Towanda, May 17, 1848,
B KINGSBERY & CO., are now receiving from
Philadelphia and New York, the largest, cheapest
and most complete assortment of COODS of all kinds,
ever opened in Towanda, which will poskiiely be sold
cheaper than goods have ever before been offered in this
place. We invite the citizens to call and see our assort
ment and price our goods before purchasing elsewhere,
as we have got many things which-are rare and desira
ble to be obtained. Don't &eget the place, B. BINGS
BE RY & CO.. new block, opposite the burnt district,
when) goods will be sold this summer, clear down below
the reach of any other store.
Towanda, May 17, 1848.
G INGJIAMB.—We hate a large quantity of small
patterns, very handsome and desirable ; French and
linen gingaains, of e i scellent quality. ,
T A W Mk—French, American and Organdie Lawns,
-1--J a beautiful assortment ; also, plaid and figured silk
wool harages. my 17 • KINUSBERY & CO.
rt A I.ICOES.—A choice selection of Merrimaek,:;;-
ange and blue, pink and all,other kinds, small fig
ure. Two shilling calico for nine cents; call and see,
ha• mind, the only place is KINGSBERY & CO.
HAS arrived in town, and may be found for a few
weeks at Woonacrea Herm His friends are
invited to call. Towanda, May 10, 184 Ft.
1 - parzgatakm egmetaex 9
r - I FFERS his professional services to the people of
V Towanda, and vicinity.
Office at Chamberlin & Porter's Drug store, No. I.
Brick Row. Refers to Dr.lfeirrox, Towanda. my 9
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in •
At No. 1, Brick Bow, Towanda.
JUST receiving , . • large assortment of Drugs, \ Medi-
Cincs, Chemicals, Fbrfumery, Choice Wines and
laquors,'Groceries, Paints anrOils, Dye Woods and
Dye Stuffs, Stationery, Toys, Fancy 7lrrEigles, Confec
tionary. Brushes. Combo, Stone_and Glass Was% Can.
dies, Blacking, Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, &c. The
following list coin • taw articles t
Sugars of all kindt% Swan's sugar house syrup, molas
ses, syrups of all kinds, pepper, spice, murard, pepper
sauce, cloves, nutmegs, mace, nights, Zante curratts,
citron, cinnamon, salad oil, cassia buds, tamarind., cho
colate, cocoa, soda, lemon and water bisectit, rice starch,
ginger, salterstas, saltpetre, government leis and filo
coffee, whale, lard and sperm oil, demijohns, jogs, bot
tlescspipes,' paste and oil blacking. leathet -vanish, dye
Woods and dye stuffs, indigo, coppenw, alum bar, vari
egated and white soap, sperm and tallow candles, &c.
Writing, letter and cap paper, English drawing paper,
London and Bristol board, black, blue, red and carmine
ink, indellible and India ink, r water colors, iak stands,
assorted, quills, steel pens;sealing wax, wafers, crayons,
drawing and carpenter's pencils, envelopes, &c.
Tobacco, and 'mad Pears.
Cavendish, wist, plug and fine cut chewing, Spanish
and Scarlalatti and common smoking, all sizes, maces
boy, Scotch, rappee and American gentle Mon's snuff.—
Imported Segars, a rest variety, Including La Normas,
Panatelas, Unges, Regalias, Justo Sanz, Rosas,'Planta-
Lions, Preaardos, Lapoetas, Principe., Fragincias, La
Alianzas, Cigarettos. cigar cases, and mataes.
Nryishes am/ Combs:
Paint, varnish, marking, sash, whitewash, connter,flesh,
broom, clothes, tooth, nail, comb, hat, hair, shoe, stove
and lather brushes. Ivory, dressing, side and back
combs, of all descriptions.
likvaps,' Performer. mad Coterwirra:
Guerlain's ambrosial shaving cream,'Henry s Chinese
do., Poueseffs shaving cream, genuine military soap,
Low's brown Windsor, walnut oil, palm, almond and
French tiolet, and Hull's variegated soap, wash balls,
&e. Lnbin's extract, jockey club, eglantine mousse.
lain, Patchoully„ boquet de Gregor - 4 ext. de violettei,
cachous aromatique, pastilles, bay water, blk.lavcnder,
urea. oil musk. pegnine satchels, otto raw, rose water.
pomade?, amandine, meenlan, Persian, French and Am
edam toilet Powder, Jules Hauers and Phalon's hair
dyes, Preston's and Merrill's pungents, bear, maccasser,
buffalo and antique oil, ambrosial tooth paste, chlorine
detergent and_orris dentrifrice, endtemie soap, tke.
Tobuten boxes, snuff boxes, sego, thimble, pin, specta
cle and lancet cases, artificial nipples, breast pumps and
pipes, nursing bottles, self-injecting pumps, glass and
composition syringes, ear trumpets, trusses, body braces,
shoulder braces, abdominal supporters, bed pans, forceps,
turn-keys, lancets, Idiom', chessmen, dice, whalebone,
patent pails, purses, pocket books, wallets, 'shaving box
es, razor strops, Italian whisks, flower and garden secshi.
Towanda, May 8, 1848.
'BONNETS--A choice selection of Florencr,
17 China pearl, Pamela, Leghorn, and other fashion
able styles of ladies' and misses' Bonnets, Teryicheap;
also Bonnet ribbons, anificials, wreaths. &e.
'mav I 7 KINGSBFRY & CO.
in &Waive issortmegt of Ready-made Min
!tut receive' at L. Batcheler's
Ivystock is large. comprising a full assortment of
Summer Clothing of every kierJ : such as Tweed
Croton, Queen's Cloth, and silk mixed Grecian Sack
and habit cloth, linen and cloth dress COATS.
Also, PANTS & VESTS, of every kind; cravat*
and handerchicfs, gloves and summer hose, all offered
cheap—so cheap that I think it will pay for coming and
.10611 iinglit my stock.
Also, A good assortment of Broad Cloths, Casisimerea
and Vetting; Tweeds and Kentucky Jeans. Linens,
&c., that I will make up to order, and very cheap. I
pledge myself to sell as cheap as can be bought any
where in the country. L. BATCH ELER.
Towanda, May 8, 1848.
OMER% TOOLS.--A good assortment of Bead,
.Moulding and Bench PLANES. grooving plows,
and other-Joiner's Tools, just received from the manu
factory, and for sale low by 0; D. BARTLETT.
miss _GRIFFIN would regain inform the ladies that.
slit hal just received' the latest styles of'HATB;
and also a large assortment:4 MILLINERY GOODS,
consistmg of Flowers, Ribbons, Itorritels, 4r..,t0 width
she invites the attention of.* LiMes.
.per Ilryhop istemoval tohernewbuildinien Pins
street, tiro ramp west of Chamberlin & Poster 's Drug
.I:4o,sspils, Kay 11,38413.- • •
lksOLd—a few MOM of these
ik aplen-
Turk satin fringed petaeola sad
d inditsurueryllow at FOX'S.
rir?r • "? 1 j E ssificillead,sVenetian red, Spa'
$ tentakt . copAsuip,.lithaiage; chrome green e
p 7..; 1400 5414.1V,Iginul.lii OW-, at BAIRD'U
• ..... -.... 41771, I=7, .t.`,77,r;f 9 r' - `7,7, - - ...5 .......
:PA thick. Bo*, agaliiitliiii*i:
.< * . . "" - -r i7 , ..77. - •*-..;-.-‘,- . Ar.;,::-
4 •-. .:. - .1-....‘? -,,ittall. '
._, -2;4 0..,1:'1.
Nl'kg , "` ''- •••••• --, , .1-1-otNew -Yolk; •
..• .. lik sughilyitlftithil — e; 4i — we, -
. ot 7..BPlsetware, cainslialig.iit_„ ‘ -
• 4 .• ' ll ;Saalowiter Vl=
••• 1 ,b 4
i.. ' ' -: . I cempletwoosimeent 'of poll
Jewelry, such' iiilet sue.; re.
, lee Rin pi, Brant IrmsoßramiM.LockeehOold chains.
Be 4
1 Gold Pews. Keys, etc. A1...0. II watts it-Bileapram
and any quantityoftlesel 1 of whic‘ he teen.
In male exceeedinglylobeattli PAM - ~,,
Watches repaired on • skim% and towrimital
to run well, or thirdietar vilikasiefataied._ .:Autd a writ.
ten agreement given to thatiellia if "- .
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR. Ar 4 --Pantry_ Produce
taken in payment kir Work:. andelss, kiernmin end
forever. that the Produce mod be Mid tykes tie mink
is dune—l war against credit broil itie.fionsi. .
• W. A. - CHAMBERLIN, Agent.
Towanda, April 28, 1840. . _ .
II tl 4, -V 6 q 0 21) Git
AT Tat Galt
"E‘ T. FOX would.most respectfully,inCarm his old
. friends, and any one else who is in Want of mer
chandise, that he is receiving end will•keep constantly
unhand a good assortment of all kinds of Goods usrlally
kepteinas country store :—Dry Goods,Oroccricsi Crock
ery. Hardware, Dods shoes, !fats and Caps. Fis
Palms and Oils, Dye stuffs, Iron, Nails, Carpding.
kc. We Will consider it a favor Tor people to let us
show them our goods, as we-think they cannot fail to
suit. It is truer kirtinnot boast of as great a nnmher of
years' experience in.purchasinit goods, as some, yet I
trust the good people of Bradford have not forgotten
their own deer brught experience in buying goods of
these same old experienced wens. hook .•ut for them,
or they will stick on their usual tariff! I will sell as
cheap, if not cheaper than any other live man. Please
give us a call, at No. 9, Brick Row,
Towanda, May 24. 1848,
THE only Universal Remedy is at last discovered in
the shape of Cheap Goods, at FOX'S. It is an
an external remedy, but if applied by the subscriber, is
warranted sore cure, and no mistake. If a man feels
poor or bad in the region of his packeebook, the most
efficient remedy is to Ball at Fox's, and bay what goods
ho wants, as he can buy more for less money than at
any other place in torn. For anything Wm dyspepsia,
the safest, plesantestl and best remedy is s quantity of
that fresh, deliciaus Tea at Fox's, from 38 to tin per lb.,
sweetened with some of that nice ad Sugar. In fact,
there is hardly a disease that flesh is heir to, that a reme
dy cannot be found for at my2i FOX'S.
A N ACT for the benefit of the People of Bradford
-L - 1- Co.: Be it remembered by all good citizens, that
a man can buy as many Dry Goods and Groceries as he
can carry borne, fora mere !rifle, hardly worth mention
inz. at No. 2, Brick Row. my2l PON'S.
_ _ _
ROOKERY, a.large lot in setts, Ace.; and Looking
VI. Glasses, a great variety, cheap at FOX'S.
BOOFIRKINS BUTTER *anted, at the highest
market price. my 24 E. T. FOX.
and solicit the continued patronage of their friends.—
They are prepared with increased Girllities to =mom
modem the public, having -ws
which will enable them to despatch • boat duvet from
New-York to Binghamton DAILY during the season,
with NO TRANSHIPMENTS on the entire route.
CO - They invite a call from their friends before shipping,
os their charge. will be at lowest rates.
IC. MIKINNEY, Binghamton :'
'A aa3rrs : JESSE HINDS, 7 South-st., N. York;
7 The subscriber still continua the business of Sto
rage and Forwarding, and may at all times'be found at
his well known storehouse, where he keeps for sale at
lowest prices. Flour, Salt, Urindstones, Ropes, Pitch,
Oakum, Beet, Pork, &c. •
o:7' Cub paid for all kinds of Lumber and Produce,
delivered at the Storehouse. C. M'ICINNEY. .
Binghamton, April 21, 1848.
QHAW lA.—Barnet. printed Cesium re, brach., de
laine, Thibet ; arid a great variety of Collars, which
cannot fail to snit. &INGSBLBY & CO.
variety of silk, gingham and emse--aome extra
rich. In fie, we have all kinds of fancy mad staple
Dry Good., adapted to the wagon, bought 10 one who
has been in the business twenty-one rars, and ho Bat
ters himself that they have been bought as cheap, if not
more so. than any other merchant can boy, and is ale•
&timely sure they will be-sold clies — pet.
.Call and we,
at my 17 EMIG/SEERY &
s 0 ',Tema.
MBE co-partnership heretofore existing between the
subscribers in the practice of Mariana and Surge
ry is this day dissolved by mistrial consent. 'rhea' ac
counts are left with .I.B.CROSS, at Ford's Drug Store
and who is Luly authorized to settle them.
Towanda, May 9, 1848. CHAS. K. LADD.
FOUND, on Sawnlay. the 13th of May instant, in
the Township of Sheshequin, upon the premises
of George Kinney, and in the woods near the main road
leading back from the Susquehanna river, • one horse
BUGGY WAGON, with a one harness in it. The wa
gon is about halfivrorn—painted black, with ink white
stripe, and cushi ed with gray satinet, (now nearly
worn out.) It good eliptic springs, and the doh
board leans back4ard There was in it an old cushion
and sheep akin The Harness appears to be a plough
harness, no breeching, half tugs and chains, thin Wigs,
made of a halter strap, and double fins. In Ali wagon
was also • strap halter with part of t h e stale ant off, and
the head stall of a bridle with the blinders tut off. The
wagon appeared to have been standing there'soino two
or three weeks.
The COMM am Ws said reperty, by iii the
subscriber, audlpaytig, far,
hediequin, Maly 1848. PHILIP ROGERS.
FOR SALE, two 'new IiUGGIFA, in eontplatn coder
for main, they are finishedin itangierioentan
ner, made of good aiLid substantial matetkia, and tank be
sold at a peat berg i n, for C.Ast Only: Th ey may be
seen at Esenwines' shop, in the lower parte( the boto'.
May 24, 1848. .I. A. ESEMWINE.
mu enrolled Militia within the bounds - of the first
1 Reg., 2d Brig.; 9th Div., P. M., will meet for dia•
cipline, inspection Mel review, owMondry,lhe 19111 of
June next, at 10 idol, A. M.i . .at the-house of Ste
pben-Caufield, in Standing ,Stone. the Companies
comprising bald Ist reg. Win meet for drill on Monday
the 6th of June neat; at sack places as the common&
ing ofeers•may direct. P. C. WARD,
Dreetnataad,rMay 25,1848. CoL Is( Reg.
1 - xTurAmkscrii wife MARIA hooka hid and
I board without any jint awe et mutation, this
iittherefore to fortartfil -persons tutoring or !nailing
her assay sonnet, in villiony no debts of tne. an.
UW*4 AftllCto. MORGAN
Alban:Mai: -;-101/k...,.
14 inch spike down to a ibeopeiloni
Votes N. N.BETTS.;
QINAVS.:-.411 ows, and Si &nand fifoot-tiosiiiit;
alms, at BAIRD'S, No. ;Slick -SW
' . '• ' - -.; - f-t.r`t!'‘..,*" 4 "fi , -.
: lEN
1 : - ..f 4 1:! : 17-; ---' -;'--- '- . -. ... 2 54::: - : . ' -^ •7 l _
'' ' -I* - I' - 'iiiik.aritli- -t_Ne bait INN* .
4ii.ilisiailissiWit4G DODS ittl:fpriT
LlN*` .' ' .- jes i= l o*.Sit lij i t ; l= 6 Groothm,
lit imming
• 1111411.114 -ija Nay! "lii- 4 1g,f,:i 14 14 :I: 4s4:44l.lckandall
iiil4 4loliitlali4 Allit '4, ~.:1 1.6.... - 1 :47/41 1°M iR e°6* :-
talc. •• ~, • • Xo. - Clifick.itilk
rfATh i AC r eit i e:tialliogliNet - 141 r*Ii "
Li- alts. Ours easel al% *iik : olleup (* girt ar.
tide fat swag weather.) Amen asal tall, cloth saps.
thilhea's-,talret ceps. &a. Y9ooll l 4sstait:'these
Nods. as 4 many sem. -at a1211.. , -" - 7 B.lliltirt/A.
an AO
IaIIIkESTIU p001:18.-8beetieWaniVabilAiims,
mita* lysti3, &As, widang,iailtpojrr.Aet,
at lea 3, B. R. my 31- ' BAIRD'ic
AV OODEN WARE'.—Halt bushel; iseck-aali . four
T .guar) malacca, &thee pion, &e. at No. 3. prick
inay3 1 BAIRD 8.
WINDOW - 04.A88:—An osixtaimt at No. 3,
TV Brick Row. - : my3t
Islll.—A good andeli:Of Cod6+t► mind Mackerel, at
• No.s,' inir3l BAIRD'S.
- - - - -
LEATHER.—Any quantikia(Balsiand Upper Lea
ther at myql BAIRD'S.
HARD DOODS.—Iron. swell — band iron.ltorse
shoe., ar.e.,. fresh pica, at i BAIRD'S.
riPENING with heir tons at the Cash - Store
V of MONTANYE'S & CO., No. o main atrpot,
whero reay bb' found all of the *taroks adapted to spring
Trade. Luinbeinten don't pass um; we bare the Ark
Rope that i. rig h t, and the Pork that is . G-ur nchexthick
Puna Essington's best batamered iron,
tribal, at • MONTA CO.
11 MESS PORK and a few huaJriA or
Vault 011 hand, at MONTAIN YES & CO.
THE enrolled Militia and Volunteers within thei
hounda of the Second ,Brigade. Ninth Thention.
M., will Inert fur th,•cipline, inspection and retrieve,
fullows,, to wit : In companies on Monday. the sth day
of June next, and in Battalions and Regiments, at
The /161 regiment s commanded by COL A. K. Bogard,
lit Battalion, on Monday, the 12th day of Juno MIL
2d bat. Kama regiment on Tuesday. the 12th.
The 4th regiment, commanded by .N A. Elliol-14
battalion-on Wolna;day, the 14th ;2d battalion same
regiment, on Thonoday, the 15th.
The let volunteer tvatalion of lloga county com
manded by Lieut. Cul. Joseph Yunkin, on Thursday,
the 15th.
The 2d regiment commanded by Col. H. H. Seely,
on Fridley, 16th.
The 3d volunteer battalion of Bradford county, com
manded by Lieut. Col. L. J. Bradford, on Friday, 16th.'
The lat volunter battaliOn of Bradfoid county, com
manded by Lieut. Col. Theo Wdder, on Saturday, 17t1i.
The Ist regiment, commanded by Cot P.C. Ward,
on Monday, the 19th.
The 4tb volunteer battalion of Bradfind county, cont.
mandal by Lieut. CuL B. Laporte, on Tuesday, the 20th.
The 24.1 volunteer battalion of lintilkird county, com
manded by Lieut. Col. L . A. Cabling, on Wednesday,
flair Dressing and NEW
RESPEC !FULLY inform their flings and the
public generally, that they have fitted up that large
room in the New Brick Block °ill-Moping, Towan
da, in a superior style, where they will take pleasure in
waiting q opon their old. customers, and making new
In addition, they will keep esnrstantly on band•a
good assortment of FANCY Goork4, suth an Hem's
Oil, Moccasin?' CM. Ox Marrow, Cologne, Victoria
perfuthe, Hair brushes, Shaving and Tooth brushes, and
hLSO—AII kinds of Ladies' curls. Bosoms and
%Collars, Cravats, Suspenders, Rszoniarid Strops, Ameri
can Shampoone, for wile by the bottle, for restoring
the hair and presenting the accumulating of dandrutf-r
-warrituted to keep the bait from falling off if usrd ac
cording to directions.- Allele kept on hand • fresh
supply of lined and composition hair. Dye warranted
tochange the hair instantly from e red or gray, to a
lesantiful brown or black.
Gentlemen's Coats and Putt• Amnia or colored lied
warranted to give satisfaction'. Razors hisned on short
notice. Boots and "hoes blacked to order. Cali and
see fot yourselves. Feb 9".
45m6 '
. .
mgEricirges.,Au 26s most eelehtatetr
PMedicines of the day, can - he found at No. 1, Stick
itHIRTIXGS.--11 you will or.
L., woe our stock, you will be save to buy, unless
pea should nth& the pries so lot . that there was some
thing; wrong in it. KINGSBERY Ar. CO.
DROWN SHEETINGS.—About ,41,000 . yaills of
-Li Brows Sheeting* , jtog reed at DAIRWS.
VESTINGS.—Sstin, silk, liatio stripe, sills velvet,
and other Vesting*, for winter or summer, full or
spring ; great assortment at BAIRD'S, No. 3, B.R.
HA RDWA It E , t good assortment, including Iron,
'Steel. Nails, &c. at No. tO.VS.
eirdhr .404
JOHN W. WILCOX, has removed hie establiJ OHN
went to the *hop between Kingsbery's and Ban
lett' ' stores, and when, he still solicits a share of
pub' c patronage. He sntends," by a careful selection'
_of •and - by attennloa . to the Winans' of tilis.custo.
' . fo li gnehe as raw abd durable wort as can be ins
nuf tired in this part of the country.
H will keep constay'y on handornd Inannfactnre
is iniberoliforean. Cal 'And Coarse Boots and Shoes ;
:Lathes' Gaiter" ' Shoes and ups, Children's do.,
C6t 's Caters and Poinps,4c.
8;:t Country Producir, of awn dariptitaw, taken in
payment for wort, at the market - price.
Towanda, April 28, 1847.
riILOTHIEI & CASSIMEREI3,. Yoking!, Overcoat.
‘ Cloths, such es brown. crime aud goM mixed Bea
vonowill b..oldvery !Ow Et SAVINCig BAWL
DRENTS, of every 'Ay and style. foreign and do-
L mestie;now at wholesale end retail: at
ante . MONTAN YE'S. & CO.
GINGHANIB & PRINTBO...PIain inod %Willed Ging
baton, Englist/and Mimic= Mots.
anninment at • sep2s
11 - ' 4 - 17. ' tillatia . 41'
il •
i • At liVholesaltasUirefaili
vioNTANymi & elj.,:zeoliviag fresh
IN.I. from New-Vist.end Pli - ' -themestdesi.•
e loo r et-ON*Clever •A EV media." end
Aikkel•;ll4lotieltee<Citt - ' In the safe
. 'Wrigetidkruiel*eht lo*file • ' - le Oil:hassle*
; la.
_ : ,itutthinkThkret . e.aii otter L iadneergonte worthy
4 trietice of the i u w.t. dose balite sad imeteure of de.
fl air 7agoodo... dialP4 llitiribl iday ikik" .l, 1:87
nanteaded by I.icot. Cot. Jacob
$ 22d day or June nes-.
na ere requested to be punctual
' copies sod their lists of dean
irate law at April 25. Ikl4.
,RTON, Inspector, 2d brig.
9th die. P. M.
S. Cooper if G. JoeJkson,
-v . ,4" , :n4
M'!" 1 ‘ 011 :'X‘
_ .: • ~
--- ts;FIVIRVC -----. •
rrHE inki t cabor ki . riiioll*:49•A:" : , 63(444 Stalinists'
1: hereafter, OititherfulhinAtigiteitinr: IfeitiiTlitY traits
in- the Comm°ll Oleo* bet*. .144ra - tots:ajustices;
and will make no! clisege..fot service tialms kis client -
correctly iu the suit. Finnentperienes and ' slim
bails orlhe opinion their:eta attorney is • 1 3"
coorrinccil of the justice anirprixtitafalillirf it
' ~,
nt ee
cause to recorniyiewd it suit of , aefethet, be id be
o Wing to. risk 6Ores on die Moult - of thereenser and
if in any cusp h iri;;;O:teriftitg to in t - tISO :risk. be •
cannot cohabit'` )i•pleuma4ctieni ins, the expense'
and uncertainty ,tf silent lila inlvien..•
Collections of everfilanehilizs will Le attterded to:
upon the saw termiti-4..lottee - m g and other kinds '
of office business done . prOtriptly'llnd at reasonable
chat gee.
a-) Office in Illi get* end Of brick*AV . ever-the
Pot office. west' is of-insdit stree4Tuaisnillit: •
Tmvantla, Jan . Hd& HENRY BOOTH. •
ADMIm sTmagrows Norick:
ALL persons 'indebted -to The cutout. of JOHN
KLINE. diteti.-, Liu) of ititigherry,iowaid,ip, Cent
hereby rvquestrt to make payinent without defey, and
those baskets, elsi Mr egeinet eAfid estate Wirt-phfuee lore-
Meld them duly a thetrtiented fat seitletnent.
JII 111 I. IS IFt .. JAMBS E. KLINg.,
:4X •(., OAI 101.10 $l l .6. ,
HAS Tennison his o ffi ce to D. Cash's new ogles. On
seeolnl street, where be will be pleased Wm* those
win, nevi' his In. Cessions! services.' Dee. fd 4 i, ,f13417..1
person./ nulebted to die estate of JOHN
13 RN 8. dipc'd. ; late of Orwell towpr tree hereby
requestrd ui maktt payment without delay, anl thole
having cluinas ; the :miff fttate will pfivis resins
them duly autherpticateil for 'settlement.
U. 6. GRIDLEY, Administrator:
Orwell, May tp, 1848. 51er6
-A I.f. peraoriLi i ttdebteerl to Me e.oatif of gAll P.
M ATTOTIS. deed., tate of titorkignelat tan* • .
are hereby reqnrisierttairsake Payrater toritheat &lay;
and thew basing ' claims against said estster*ift pleat
present diem duly• euthepticated for settlement: •
Sprinecki, lifiay 17, 1848.
• ADM IN STRATI:At rim:trick.
A 1.1. rsons indebted to the e s tate of Ebeneier 'MI
.EI n" , dee'd., , latenf Granville tp., are hereby apnea."
aka payment- without delay, and - those baying'
It against said estate will 'pleassepresenttlttext duly
L o
.tntitated for settlement. WM.,: L. MIX,
;nniville, Map I, 1848.
ted t
clay }
. fi ... 7: zsof andersigned, having been appointed Al bine
of Mereantite taxes it( and for, Iftedfind cithutty;
hereby notice that he' h nisi& tY falfiiiring
Classificatibn nb 1 the list of persona, &C.; eisgagia
vending Coeds and Merchandise in Bnidford County for
the year 1848 ; and arranged according to law. Pitv
rise is also given to all persons aggreired 11 the raid
classification, that an appeal will be held at the Corn..
esissioner's Offi. , in the borough of Towanda, on Sat.
urday, the Ist d y of July, 1848, agreeably•fo thir wee
of "Assembly ins • ch cases:
'rooms:up. Mums Liquor. Chum. Asi i.
Asylum—John odor). if" • - no liquor 14 .07
Alan Hinton, - do It 7
' AW • ambits.; liquor 14 101
Oltitan4 , — • 4 Phslpsi no aqua' 14 7
%`• 4 4 4 liNielli .4rr 111
• 4d, .14 •
Glassier Part,
H&HC Baird, do _
Athens tp.—Jotin Watling, do 14
Winans & Gardner, • •it
Beidleman & Brown. do 14 T
Burlington—Ceryell & Gee, do 13 1p
Ai& 9 H Morley, . do - 13 •JO
liihn V Daniels, do' 1 4 . 7 '
.1 411 Morley, do 14 7
tr war d Oennotr„ do 14 T
Conton--Char es E ltathbone, , itiltor 13 19
14 1 0, Newman & Co.; - do 19 19
Durell-1I Moody & Co. , no liqtior 14, 7
013 Chamberlin- ' do •14 7
Means, stuns & Co: do 14 7
Fmnkrm—jimea %V Mercur, do 14 -T
R K Hawley, - do 14 7
Granvillo—b 1) Taylor do Co. da 14 7
Herrick.—L H t :row - bson .do 14 7
Leroy—H 8 olcomb do 14 7
Monroe -- 9 C anise, do 14 It
8 L R Fowlor, do 13- I 0
James Phinney, . "do 1.1 4 •le
1.1 %lewd, tg 10
Brown & Rockwell; o do 14 7
JBdc G Smith, • do 14 7
7ancistran & Northrup, do .14 7
ouJatnm Ceolbaugh, • do 14 7
& J"B M Minium, • Savor 13 IS
• JohnilranSen: ' do 13 lS
Orwell-41=4 Gibbs. no liquor 14 7
Theo, Butupbry, • do 4" 14 7
Pike--AugustOs 8. Smith; do 13 . 10
J E Bullock, • do IV
• D Bailey & Son. 'do .14 7
RiJgberiy—Wilson & Webb, liquor 14 10*
Murphy, Beckwith & Co. no rig. 14 7
Rome-1r 9 MaynatJ, do 14 • , 7
B M Wattles, ;s do . 14 - 7
George Nichols,. do ss 14 7
FW& A.J Maynard, do 14 7
Shestreqnin--William Campbell, do 13 10
Kinney & &claims, de 13 10
Nathaniel Moody, do 14' 7
Smithfield—Lyman; Durfey, liquor 13' 17
M Bullock & Co., do 13 11
EI S Tracey, to liquor .• 13 101
W F Kellogg, do ' 14 7
Springfield—p Norman, do H 7
Standing Stole—John C Adams, do 11 7
H W Tracey, liquor 1* .15
' Meians„ Storrs & Co. de t* 15'
Towande b.—Elliott & Tomkins, - no liquor 13 10
8 S Bailey • do 14 7
0 D Birt!ert, .de 13 Hy
Chairtherlin & Porter, dor .14 f
;.‘ E T Felt
EW. Saint," de 13 ft
•do 13 10
Traci! & Motsre, do 14 ~ 7 .
Charles %et!, do 111 : 10
Kl i r al tsbery.
. . Mon t
yes & Co. do 1* 12f
1 - Miler Carter, -JO , 14 7
H 8 isi- M C Hereof, do 11 15
• , N MBAs, do 14 7
• llogir O'Hara, do 14" .7
DC Hall, do' 14 , 7
B. Kingston , & Co. Aqiur 13 l6
J H Baynt, do 14
Patrick 078 Iain, do 14 1
, John B - Ford, do 14 10
Troy bqrszi.,..l3 W&EI F P omeroy, do 12..f8
T. & E Runyotr. do . 11 . 11
Onmatmapiteiii et TS - 15
C F Redingta, • de 11' lekf
Baird .4-Stephens, no liquotc 12 114
EF& FL Ballard, do 14 7
Ulstert-Guy Tracey; ; do - 14 1
William Canoe, - . do' 14 4,
C F Wellesk & co, ao 14 -7
- l'ectfiarn 4 hisOcr, do 14 7
Warms.-116j . 'AO .14 I.
'EptikaCooper, -
Weila—' -1 P:Taykr: ,da 14 7
WyalusingE Sr. A Lewip, • •bp • 14 7
, H&G Webs, &O • 13 .lO
C B la
f 83 7 *coo; _• - , .14 104„&Miblbaug - h, • Jo 14 -1011.
11."::11,111. WATTLES. APPtaillir•
romisTz.zoiv:Ftnicr.-sp.mtirifimillaH;ht.. •
I by'tiok TOSS, o. 2 b B.
Az , •
;l K a~.
Li 3
i - omer* -1 64isr mailie6464iliArs 4
i'f- 4 0001°YamPitilli:and
4.lPang Nom'
. mittlearto.-
.1 -*dialling*:
- emit
A D mit‘isTßATotrs NoTreg.
May 31.