Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 14, 1848, Image 2

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Towanda; IT Juneleltf*
• S.
LEWIS LEWIS , 0f,,, Mi c higan.
Gen. W~ it:BUTLE4, d gents-4y.
FOR - CANAL comminiceica,
Tie Slat% 'Volume.
With this number of the Reporter we enter upon.
the Ninth year of its existence. We can do no bet
ter in indulging in retrospection and solemn rem
tions,4han quote the words of a departed poetess,
once a hisident, as she is still the pride of our town,
expressing all we would wish to say :—
" Another year ! another year
So whispers in his fleet career,
Wild reckless time. Rut an the past,
tie leaves the 'Mohair - of his wirm
To hide the cantering griefs Which east
A gloom o'er memory's mmny spring."
We cannoLperrnit the occasion to pass w@iont
rendering our acknowledgements to our friends,and
patrons who have so liberaPysustained the Repor
ter from its commencement, and particularly dur
ing-the past year. The steady increase - of its pa
tronage is a sufficient guarantee that the earnest en
deavors to.propitiaie the good_will and.confidence
of the intelligesped wading yecim . anry of Bradford
Con* have not been egtirely unavailing. .
We en'er upon a new volume with a determi
nation to increase' our claims upon the patronage
of the public. i l n point of appearance, the Repor
ter will compariVavorably with its neighbors, and
while we shall maintain ulith liberality and inde
pendence, the qreat Truths we profess, we shall
endeavor to diso in a spirit of candor and fairness
which will co and the respect of thoge who may
differ from us.
The circulation of the Reporter, and consequent
ly its sphere of usefulness, may yet be extended by
a hula exertion on the part of its friends. We-ask
of such, that they shall aid lif , as they deem us
worthy,.-aud,:their kindness will be gratefully nc
The prospeet tw New York.
The New York Daily Globe brings us the pro
ceedings of the great meeting of the Radical Demo
cracy.of that city, held in the Park, on Tuesday,
the 6th inst. ' The meeting-is 4 represented as a tre
mendous gathering, and mat serve as eritistion . to
judge of the state of political feeling in the Empire
State. Addresses . were delivered by Hon. C. C.
Cambreting,' joh n Van Buren, Hon. Benjamin F.
Butler, and Gen. Nye. The speeches of these gen
tlemen are manly, eloquent, able and independent;
and the resolutions set forth in a clear and satisfac
tory, manner, the wrongs and insults they havesuf
feted ; repudiate the nominations, declaring that
the great state,of New York has 'had no hand in
making them, and that under no circumstances will
they support them. The New York Evening Post,
and thelktily Globe, two able democratic papers of
this city of New York, are also denouncing the pro
ceedings as outraging the rights of ttu3 Radical De
mocracy of thavState. - The — former declares that
" Gen. Taylor will sweep the South from Cape May
to Key West 3" and the latter, while it "declares
without reserve that Gen. Taylor can never receive
the support of the Glebe,"' says also, "that as he
now 'stands before the - People of both parties his
election wouhl be preferable to that of Crum. His
election would annihilate Hunkerism in this State,
and in the Union." Gen. Taylor's friends, it will
be seen, refused to commit, him further, in the late
Whig Convention.
From the spirit and determination displayed by
all of the Barnbumer papers, we arc satisfied that
all attempts ke reconcile them with the Conservi
five% of that State r will be in vain. Those who hold
out such hopes, deceive themselves, if they are ho
nest Such calculations are delusive and futile.—
The man who attempts it, however ° high he may
stand at present, loses their confidence and respect.
ive Enust•make up our minds to do without the aid
of New York, in electing our candidates. It is, to
be sure, taking a strong force from the Democratic
party--for to be sanguine of Victory, we have 'al
ways counted upon New York— but we do not en
tirely despair, if the South remain true to the pledges
they have given of support to our candidates.—
Should they betray us, and go en crow for Gen. T.,
for the reascn of his being a Slaveholder, our defeat
would be certain and overwhelming. kut we can
hardly believe they will be treacherous enout i ,h
for thatnlthough it is SO confidently predicted.—
However, " we shall see—what we shall see," and
a few weeks will make all the necessary develop
ELECTORS TOR PRESIDENT.—The following table
of the number of Electoral rotes to which each date
kill bg entitled afthe'erisuirig elecjiyra, will be use
.' ful for frequent reference during the canipal*
Yehnont,lE '
Rhode Island,
Ntw York, •
New Jersey,
North Carolina,
South Carolina, 9 lowa, 4
Georgia, tO Total, . .286
To the above, in all likelihood, wilt be 'added
Wiscinudo, with four votes.
"Tux Na:Tiott,sk W
Rzroamma.".e balm reach%
ed the first numbe r tita new paper. with this title
printed in Honesdale,* by Rcynobirt Drake.—
jt devoted, as its title indicates, to the.disseminup
tionof the prinCiples oP the N9.tiorial Reformats,
and the number before us is a Wellt ( gintod sheet
displaymg a good deal of talent • -
lion; JOTID! WENTworrn e tho hOthrthand IthrTst
Repreentatiee from rhie27o bte.bien rencmii ,
rtate.l by the Detnoetw= nt L At -461..
iiitheiiii i ihit -
iiiiim . * ..- ,
Of WiaraPilito,ku: . 111 0 1 !l i t! I A
—,niatoi• :
i 4 :1 4 0 , :- L 7,= l
Ar e4 PlT li t ,
i-t iie4
-=ttiilO t 114
k. , Theprsopi2inliilillie:-tint
4 0 rtoi: l 4 is doutdcikiii(a**4,ll thilnitinted.—
**9/de lkii iiii r i : - the * , Wit"ltie
Itfrexrtta eardW a, "wire Views "ape
4 610
AietilP ~.. Vitifik iklloltei and: po lit ics ill
oft ot gettantone.'7lbfilletutiiiiii*all saTettbyThe
-,,stOlard f.OValkiiet , 4*. g . ' eirmy man has his
• pike," il4,loiiinaltiiimitittiettordingly. Misfire
is ti-desili*e straggle alter distinction, and he
submits to Orawiiielitile-Uft through devious,' im•.
certain and slimy paths, to reach elevatitmlorbieb
-should' be attained poly by the-more honorable and
upright course of climbing. He finds .cse *tures.,
willing to sacrifice-. all honor, independence and
,manly facing,' reins' will. lie inhales thebreath,of
flattery as aeneetincense,and hearkens to the sto
of his greatness as- to the s_osmd of qiithanting
music. By adroit management, and an intriguing
spirit, he rises to power and place, and is designat
ed a " favorite ,itain''4l forAnsiaiiii political pre
ferment. He becomes b di*filier" pf promotion
and advancement, and gathers around Mtn the jack
als and hangers-on of politics—the miserable ad
venturers, whose 'fawning sycophancy gains them
favors denied to others; who will not stoop to flat
tery and adulation. These adventurers follow a par
ty as strwg.l ., er rs and guerillas-follmv an enemy—for
the purpose - ;df plunder. They may be found• attri
buting to their patron all conceivable virtues—land
ins him as c' a great Statesmen? "an eminent ci
vilian," "a ski Ad indiscriminate
ly applying to him other hackneyed terms, equally
etpressive and mysterious. Indeed, it 'is hardly
too much to assert that they wouldexalt him to the
station and dignity of a demigod. They repeat the
story of his greatness -so often, and insist upon its
truth with such vehemence, it is not surprisleg that
they ultimately believe all they assert. Congress
men may sometimes be seen giving up their inde
pendence—betraying the interests of constituents
who too confidingly trusted to their iutegrity,and at
taching themselves a sa tail to the kite of some ambi
tious personage' who wishes to rise to more extend
ed power and dominion. Surrounded by this ab
ject devotion, Truth becomes distasteful to - the
"great Statesmah"—the honeyed words of flattery
are more soothing to his diseased appetite. Like a
child fed with sweetmeats, plain fare becomes dis
gusting to him, and his true frien4afinding then'
honest efforts to remove 'his wilful indness ma
alliag,aud unappreciated, leave him to his flatter
era and his tare. - Tin - to foretell the
result. The " great State " 41116 i -ere at last
the truth of the declaration of Junius, that "the zeal
which begins with hypocrisy must conclude in
treachery ; at first it deceives, at last it betrays."—
' With no all grounded confidence in the purit) ,
and ititegnirof thbpeople, he.tdtibitsaio self•Ah
rifriug, spirit of devotion to Duty and Right. At
tempting to make the- appearance of -a little, virtue
go a great way, the hollowness of his seeming pa
idoliser IS soon discovered, and, when the bubble
bursts, the people are astonished tit the emptiness
of the gaudy show which so long cheated their long
ing sight. Where they expected Truth, they find by
irecrisy—where they looked for honest devotion to
, their rights, they behold rank betrayal, attempted
to be covered by the thin veil ef a Spurious patriot
ism, He has labored with ;a giant's strength and a
life's*erseverance, and the end of it all is—failure!
We say there has beeh such "Statesmen'—they
have riseii,up to fame, and, with words of honesty
on their lips; but coldness and deceit in their hearts,
have gained favor and applause from the people.
Like the rocket,lbey have ascended with velocity,
blazed for a moment with 'brilliant light; but their
descent has been in darkness—obscurity has re
claimed them for her own ; and stripped of the tin
sel and frippery of &free, ani the power of dispen
sing the crumbs of patronage to hungry expeetanta,
they have been forgotten as though they never ex
~~ r~~
9 Alabama. -
6 Mississippi,
6 Ohio,
12 Lonisania,
4 Kentucky,
6 Tennessee,
36 Indiana,
7 Illinois,
26 Missouri,
3 Arkansas,
8 Michigan,
17 Florida,
11 Texas,
1 4 • ' _
" flat iCeithertloy
The word Co-sar might hey« mod ngainst the world,
Now Ides he there, and none no poor
To do him reverence..
This we i lai ae one of the saddest sights on
earth—to view a proud man with no honor—a
It great Statesman" with no friends. And he who
beholds his likeness in this pictiue must not find
fault with the drawing, but with the selfish politi
cian—he should condemn the sordid character, not
the faithful liainer.
But let us look at the reverse of this picture.—
The truly great Statesman we regard as one who
plants himself firmly upon the only true and sub
stantial basis of all individual and social greatness—
love to God and love to Man. Living in the midst
of ts , Democracy, he desires to warm its faith—to
elevate its hopes-4o purify its morals, and to di
rect its energies. Aiming to achieve the greatest
good of the greatest number, he discards all selfish
considerations when they stand in the way of Duty.
Resolved tc do Right regardless of consequences,
he does not counsel with short-righted expediency,
or sordid self-interest. 'He speaks with no forked
tongue—he pretends to no friendship which he does
not feel—he acts with no double policy in regard to
measures affecting the interests of the toiling Md.
lions of mankind: He truckles to no falsehood, and
isaot deterred fromds3 path of Duty by the clamor
of interested Partiaxii,'?On-thelisatisennutVf.
creatures of ambitions men who aim arid'
fal. He will not advocate any cause which w d,
even by implication, extend the limits of Shur
or act as a bar to its mmovaL With no ambiti ous
longings to gratify, the last of power and the trap
pings of office cannot add to his dignity, or !their
loss deprive him of a single atrfibute of
,his high
character. Self-poised, he standsixth as the cham
pion of the people's rights, and all, the falsehood of
his enereses, or the more insidioni advice of pre
tended friends, cannot shake him from lisporpose.
ig,atuartqa does not appal him—oppositien does not
&inlay biss-kliffloulties'4lteve but to stimulate bis
rigor. Audi though be may be misunderstood lot
a seraion,, , ,yet tunituarto «bite his limey!'
.hooreing.* :
, Tssia-Reintotic%Witiesloo
Ze it tr=b , f God itn is hers
Mid dies Aloud bet lisinpitni."
The pen iseen-arreres when. the: —P h total
• • - • bacoot
is rileOcea--whotithe %oogjaisofsintgetjtltit*Ao.
wag ugniaskhim-6When thereloudsoltnirY•ari*
tntivetVanti the Rieht is ultimately irimnpliant.,'
Theu , ,hrtve been sneh :men, though their appear-
samovi n tkoNst**,bossioti:Oitiialga
-toicliiliitiVll9*.liKiiitO t aila athifijja'
bi lttl i til l ire la Y7 l4 .Pr 34l9 **
A-Ott -• 111 ." 41111 .1 8 , 114 , - •, 4
Itets',,, , . , :Attellifeleilikittarel•
.. :‘ , 11 01 !:' L.*:=.s.iiiii.addith,Reil*S4. 3
hey r iellteleile
tioNiekbbon emilimet yelt!l 6l V l ,..fidi
lieliiptitiiillitinisi - Seeitiliktikeeelltilet*
i naiititili Aston in this hgntOillftyatia . we tat
net'safi burin! %Witt *din bilissewlio hivi
not defiled-their wensand it becomes the peo
ple to cherish andlnorrc tech men, while they re
_ those whine isOokokelSoutitglis seV;- and
whose soleezenisaiiiiire dpicitedlo the =dation
of themselves to Potiii• - , •
- Jilin - nit:at, IfTiwitisylietetat We Nei within _
ills honk" jef eei aehle,feett*ween tYPee of
anch , or thisOainee of foaminess ta hate attempt
ed to'sintcli: liVis have-postraytal their characters
with no base or unworthy motives. ' It maybe said
thin nee-hive writtett4sanshly—r apparent harsh: .
ness has been bait - the friendly probe of the physi
cian in order to effect a cute, though we hatn..but
feeble hopes that our ern:di - will be successful.—
Behold the contrast betwesi these two classes of
Statesrnsn—the one, cold, !Inertias, deceitfol—the
other mild, generous, patriotic--the one seeks to
elevate himself—the other to elevate homanify4
the one toriseonestep in,thepelitical ladder, wEssla
crash all the nobler impulses of Impuee--tiothth
er seeks to cherish all patriotic feelings, andftscat .
ter broadcast the seeds of happiness-40 one,'
attain his selfish purposes would lend tlyi istfluen -u :
of his name and exercisofie strength of his intel
lect to extend a hlasting blighting ciesci over one of
the fairest portions of God's heridge—the other to
prevent so dire a adamity, would stand firm as ad
amant, and ever at the sacrifice of himself, 'would
say to the aggressive spiritoi Slavery, " Thou doll
go nofitrtherr . ..-.
Fellow-citizens!7 l o is no fancy sketch; but
sober, stem reality. pe issue is fairly made. Full
of terror, the intertried.pany view the spirit of light
rise abetve the daftness of their corrupt practices;
and, illuminated by the Imhof truth, the effort to
extend the curse' of Slavery sweats in such a fright
ful form thtit its advocates are forced to blush be.
Nevahastllea .f Gen. Taylor.
The Whig National Convention which assem
bled. at Philadelphia, on Wednesday last, placed in
nomination, as a candidate for the Presidency, Gen.
ZACHARY TAYLOR, and for the Vice Presidency BILL
-The Convention, alter a stormy and tumultuous
session adjourned on Friday, without making any
dadMauna of principles.
We append the balloting for President:—
Taylor. EVeott. Webster. Clay. Clayton.
First Ballot, 111 43 22 67 4
Sewed Ballot, 49 33 sd 4
Third Ballot, 131 17 74 1
Fourthiladot,, 671 - 63 , - • 3; . 0
Or;,the - IGet. Wietlhir;renrlsylvanin deiltettort
voted 8 irotanClor Taylor, 41 for Beaty and 12 for
Clay---en the last ballot, 12 for - Taylor, 4 for Clay,
and 10 for Seen.
Plum' t Pewee
Dates from the city" of Mexico to the 26th u
have been received. The Senate ratified the trea
ty on the 25th by a vote of 23 yeas, to 5 nays.
Gen. Kearny, who succeeds Gen. Smith in the
command of the city of Mexico, superintends the
embarcation of the troops at Vera Cruz Messrs.
Sevier and Clifford strived at Queretaro on the 23d.
The exchange of ratifications are to take place at
the outposts of the army—all ordered to be on the
march within ten days. All under sentence of
death to be transported. The Mexicans are under
great fear of the Indians after the army shall leave.
Baru Barnet.
A barn belonging to Mr. DANIZL Coos, in:Monroe
township, was destroyed by fire . on Saturday the
3d inst., with all its contents, and a 'swan &a. The
cause of this fire is unknown, as the barn was sit
uated some distandif from the house, and when
first discovered, was enveloped in flames, The
neighborhood, with ti'most commendable spirit of
liberality and promptitude, went to work on Tues
day of last week, and by Friday had a new barn
upon the skeet the-oneammed.-_-:Seck-antrataes worth a dozen lectures ce benevolence.
Ma R. J. Moses, a delegate from Florida, to the
Democratic National Convention, publishes a card
in the Washington . Union, in which he declares
that Florida will not support the Democratic nomi
nations unless our candidates fully subscribe to all
that is asked by the Slavery men. Mr. M. was not
obliged, to submit to any test or pledge, before tak
ing his seat in the Convention—niir do we now see
in the Union a word or line disapproving of his de
termination. The venerable and consistent editor's
time is taken up in denouncing and excommuni
cating democrats in the State of New York,. whose
position is far more consistent and.4neferable than
Mr. M's.
();:r The Washington Union, announces the fact
that we are for CASs and &melt, by the title of
" Wheeling into Line." Now that contains an in.
sinuation, which we will not allow even our grand
daddy, the-organ grinder, to make. Will he be kind
enough to show us whei we were ever out of line.
.We are willing to "let bye-goner be bye.gones,".
but if he persists, we shall be obliged to 'refresh his
memory as to some passages in his own political
history, not exactly orthodox.
go Gazette of the 9th inst, we learn that Mr. LODER,
President of the N. Y. and Erie Rail Read Compa
nti 'slat/ the other evening while in that village that
he considered it safe to calculate upon the comple
tion of the toad through to Owego in twelve months
fawn the present. time. . •
, ON'tllS-
O On our outside, may be %end a sketch of the
life and public services of Gen. Cam, whic' b we
commend to the pentad of evettDemomat.
D. Wiimirr haF vorihaßlorformaktablesua
impor.ant public documents.
Havehouredise WON 11* iiiiesl
from the Hanel
states That on-the 21k1:111ay, the slate had men
siiirmliakiamod 100 of the othelind:
#Weinen mid Children ; end litniekaiiiifestroy
ed the prolielty of therio` **Wiwi. •
Alkmehtnan-ofJone imp lay bg in ' the harbor
the time, anti called: 400 she *WWI ioday
111 6 •1 1 .0 1 Mget. _4= -
• litirtmeeontitir the owe of the -.Biknerirmiike . lll3
ifaillittd- 2 -1111*1411Ptii MlNollaed. •
Ai*Gizatialt*ipe all was quiet.
1611411 1 9
tlit # 6l.
4 6 **
aid basks
ittut - dna* pi(unitiOse.,anti veitnilathtg
IhenandoasiallaktnitMot atskiipeentg! , of the
nOpooad &gm, aka* an anima should cre
ate an esnsonrinlitearileatentis a uosally quiet
neiettuatuol,,irstot to baluerakillika.t.'
Tito citounataritiehlart=elate to
-townaktfrOf this
.11 . , * exicurteta ind6B-1 _
comity, about three. Wattkaitice. `.young man,
the employ
_of it Winer, ADP re* a. crow's
, _.. , in the.tap of abig healkac . k ket, and wish
' _ to destroy it; ascalatal this tree—a qiest difficult
and 'mallow feat—ilia. Irkile .in OKOIS I mdiee ) .
by,a—Poii-wltairrionlile imafinatiaa trans
armed hirafinsit a peaceable -citizen, to some on
, Oiled bat,ienibh3 and . singular shata r and he in
.of haste Ipirried home to inform his family and
e neklaierhood. One brother of th4boy, loaded
• lupilaut musket, to the tanzate, to laughter the
poste \
catipiscript; whose ter ri ble appearaac had alarm.
'....11;te discoverer , Writs theother cif to raise
.e neighborhood, and proms tbeaervi es-of some
of Old Ridgebery's experienced hunterN with their
dogs. The one armed with the mrifket, with
. , .
al thoughts of slaughter in his mi • hasten
g.'`44, •e spot where the ferocious Coal was
!kri . 7. - 41 .- -:1,. • . coming to the tall hemlock, t 4 aspect
i' .i "'' ' '' l lfrr i- ile that he was afraid to sh for fear
' -A - 4 4.1vti' • '
e mig -ri Lys his aim, and the "wild " des-.
cend the t : :, and devour him, as the did the
naughty .. a who mocked at the bald he ed one
of old—so he hurried home to put the Layonet
on his musket, and thus be provided for any awful
contingency that might arise. .
During this time the neighborhood was arc iced,
and boys, and men, hunters and dogs came throng
ing to the place. In the interim the young man,
who was the unconscious anther of all this warm
and confusion, bad descended the tree', and quietly
went his way. The dogs were let loose, as soon
as the woods were reached, to find the human
"varmint's" track, while the multitude hurried for
ward to the tree which contained the " game "
On their arrival, they found it missing,—and decid
ing amongst thomselves that he had tell for a rugged
and retired spot, further up the creek, where soli
tude reigns eternal, they had just organized them
selves into bands, to pursue him still further—when
a neighbor, attracted by the unusual crowd and ex
citment, arrived, who solved the mystery,—"
the cat out of the bag," and divested the affair of
all its horror and strangeness. The crowd quickly
dispersed at this unexpected denoriement—the;
dogs were kenelled, the guns - hung upon j their
hooks, and quiet reigned once more supreme.—
Thos ended the first discovery of a " wild man"
in the woods of democratic Ridgeoery—and I frost
it will be long, before another such crccurronce hap
pens to disturb the peace and quiet of our good ci
tizens, and exitcithe wondering propensites of the
marvellous. ; DZMOCRAT.
itidget;lel7r Anne, 1848. •
Wonusto—MittleThild's rife was saved .
on Wednesday, at Albany, most miraculously. It
Was left in the wagon while its parents went next
door to do some shopping. During their absence
something frightened the team, and away they
went down street like a gale of wind. A young
lady saw the danger, .and, in an instant, prepared
to rescue the little llow. Throwing her hat and
shawl on the sidewalk, she made a spring for the
tail of the wnon just as it was darting by her, and,
as good luck would have it, caught it firmly, the
momentum cif the wagon jerking her inside of the
box. She immedi atel y clasped the child hiller
arms, and, seizing a favorable moment, sprang to
the ground, without injury, either to herself or her
little foundling.
NEW IRON FURNACES.—The Harrison Iron COM..
patty on the Lackawana above Wilkesbarre are ad
diig to their works two new furnaces of the lar
gest class. One of the stacks is nearly ready for
the blast.
This Company has a very extensive rolling mill
which turns out 45 tons of railway per every day. ;,
It is at present engaged on a profitable contract for Ile
the Erie Railway. we el
We find that, in spite of the gloomy forebodings
of the coal and iron men, who were the most de
terrninexl to be ruinedbylhe new tairifirtUtre aro no WI
branches of industry more fully employed. The ail, 11
complete falsity ortltese predictions ougln - to teach le, red
our mechanics that little of their success depends the 1
on politics, but every thing on prudence and indOs
trim's habits. ' ratht
Tue LAW or Liam.. —The editor of the New .p. ,
York Tribune has been lately tried for lidel, in •s.
publishing in the way of business an advertisement
for a third party, of a debt for sale. The plaintiff
alleged that flue publication was libelous. On the .f t
put of the defence, it was proved that the plaintiff , xe
did owe the , debt, and though repeatedly asked, .p*.
had never paid it. It was urged that there was no. to
malice in the publication' on the part of the deign, at
dant, nor any mtentioa to injure the plaintiff. The .at
jury returned a verdict for defendant. A just ver- •••••
duct for the plaintiff could hare removed the cause •
of the alleged libel, b,y paying the debt due, as'
justice and honest dealing required.
CALIFORNIA MMES.—The Washington Uniori
mentions having seen a letter from the Pacific,
which speaks in glowing terms of the productivness
of the quicksilver mines m Upper California. Two
of them in particular are said, to be singularly rich,
One of these, (Forbes' mine), is represented as
so productive that the quicksilver is as cheap as iron.
Now, when it is recollected 'that if mercury be
worth about as much as a dollar a pound, many of
the silver mines cannot afford to be worked, the
reader will tree at once how valuable these quick,
silver mines must be, and how well calculated they
are to enhugo the operations of the !silver mines,
THE Coney or balmy in .the cause of Genf
Pillow - libaMit; Ma.; on the sth
the membeisimesent.
Soon after the Court commenced its business;
Gen. Scott rose and made an apology for' he delay
which he had caused the Court. A similar apology
was made by Gen Pillow. Gem S., in the course
of his remarks, stated that he was yet very weakr
so much so as to render walking very fatiguing
‘, The JudCdvocate then read the proceedirige
of the last ay's flitting of the Court in the eity 4 of
Mexico. occupied considerable time. w
, The Comas then suljoumed until the folio • _
gunning. •
st." 4 l 4 sus .., , -,,. contains an , account of;
shmighter of annmber of men , women, andc '
atiheicity Of tidt tan, the Indians. It wits,
pate also, that the first United ' States train sue'
loft ssFort Ileavetrownifts this- spring, wass Whoa
by ilitdians itt- Walnut ,Creek, 'and' in the. ^ 1
twenty persons wires-killed. - The-names ' ,-,,,,L
Sisson andl two Lercr-arenientioned antofgAir
nun:WY, s r'
' ,
I d
114,0aCtridna Skinagni s telates that'll ..
10 ?eritssof age, by the name erkiehet, : ingi l iti:
tha_u k ska 01 Clay, carnet to his death -very
duCtridny last by Oath* nliege finanii of:
parsnip, unmaking it for wunapurilla... .
- •
men pea ea - .:-......-
- .ice should fil m in tit „
~.i.i...0. -is
relabel resolrionst di" Dente
invention,. laying do the plat:
l faith, and Foam/in them as
,ee them cordially. le d hale
..theni j shall ies
p a iriti , and :om 'left
-tt an in ea ROT thf3if
\gpirit of qihderatitin, and be,o,
i, „ .
, p c seritial to the pegloetui--° 1
pyosperit and happiness dr Our
n t h
a ••feeli ;which has made us
Nell, ' amble relliMue upon
aiy h pe ' ;but the beginning, of
he. called . upon hereafter to
ruder m an account of steWanlelup, in t the great
treat you. disire to corn to!nie, hold& Ibe able
to show that I had truly titem the-pledge that
plicly given, and had red the principles
o t he Democratic party • as och fidelity and
s CCeRB as have general marks the administra-.
tibns of th e em i n ent m to wh that %party has
hitherte confided the .f ex e authority of
the government,
..I co ' Freer higher claim
tri-the favorable coast a on ,o e country, nor
to the impartial comm lion o cry.
' This letter, gentlem closes y profession of
,faith. in my . appointment
from that pure -Tani and expounder of
American Democracl . Je mon, more than
'Ong years ago; the i ning period of my li fe
Has been almost whol sell the service.of my
country, and has been al d b many,vicissitudes,
and attended with manyrug circumstances, both
iti peace and is war. line conduct in these situa
tions, and the opinions .liitie been called upon to
fOrm and express, fromipie to time in relation to
to all the great party top . i.:of the day, do not furnish
a clear exposition of myiews respecting them, and
atthe same time a. sulcied pledge of my faithful
adherence to their pracail application, whenever
and 'wherever I may ' required to act, anything
further I may now 'edy' : • ould be mere delusion,
Unworthy of myself, ,". justly offensive to the
grin* party in whose z e you are now acting.
Illy immediate pi ~ • ssor in the•nominatioa by
the Democratic party. I o has since established so
many claims to the r , .d. and confidence of his
County, when ann.. . ", four years ago, his ac
ceptance of a simile - ,onor announced also his
determination cot toa candidate for re-election.
Coinciding with hi. -. is views ; so well expressed
juul so faithfully c at out, I beg leave to say,
that, no cireumstan..:: can possibly arise, which
wound induce men to - permit my name to be
brought forward in ~ nection with the Chief Mag 7
isracy of our con A'. My inclination and my
'sense orduty emia ,'dictate this course.
No party, gentle '
, . , had ever higher motives for
exertion than his • "neat Democratic . party of
the United Stab*, nth an abiding confidence in
the *rectitude of et; , rinciples, -with an unshaken
' reliance upon 1 ergy and wisdom `of , public
opinion, and will e success which hastrowned
e administ .:... , the government , when corn
itted to-its -
_, (and kJ= been so commit
ed during :", . Lan three-fourths of Da' exis
ience,) what I`, ,• n done, is at once the reward
'bf past exertion . the motive for future,taml, at
the same tints.. . arantee for the accompliphment
•of what we has . do. We cannot cenced from
ourselves thee' ,is 4mowerfnl party in the coun
try Jiffering l'• ~ sin regard to many of thefunda
mental pnuet-. of our governmeq . and ..toppcsed
to min their, " kcal applicationertich will Wive
as realously4 . e shall, to secure the ascendancy
-of their yineilis, by securing the election of their
candidate it tie coming contest. That party is
composed of 4 fellow-cilizens, as deeply interes•
ted iu. the pr. , rity of our common country as . we
can be, arid lug as earnestly as we are to pro
mote End. uate it. We shall soon present to
the world dr ' üblime spectacle of the election of
a Chief e by twenty millions of &opt°
without a serious resistance to the laws, or
th e sacrifice, , . a life of one human being—and
this, too, in . alserice of all force but the moral
force of cm . Widens and if we should add to
all this, al .; ample o f mutual respect for the mo.
ti res of the . , tending parties, so that the contest
mot 4, ~ ed on with that firmness and energy
which 7.- . '. any deep conviction, and with as St
per t , -peaty as political divisions permit,
'led, ~ more for the great cause of human
loot ughout the world, than ley any other
to .uld render to its value. - ,
'e li, a government founded by the will of
,-z : dile to the power of all, and adm is-
I •': e good of all. The very first erne •in
i vatic- creed teaches that therpeopl . are
mitt, to govern themselves; it is, .hid ~
er so •om than an article of faith. Fro.. ,
sot -.mat Hamilton to our days, the .
cosif' us . —of`' whose principles he was the ... -
ono if not the founder—while it has ch. .1 ,
~ . has preserved , essentially its identit of
rac ; and the doubt he entertained and rho „t
he .pacify- of ban for self-goverement, ..
rte marked influence upon its action
pio ,, Here is the very starting point of the '
. .• Ween the two great parties.which di • t
c . try. All other differences are but su. .
to , o auxiliary to this, and may; in fact,
ale into it. Looking with doubt upon
le self-government, one party isprone to tb
1 .-*c authority should be strengthetied, 4
fer ~ y change, lest that change might wea
i n ..... ry force of the government; while
ter , gin its conviction of the intelligence
rtu . the people, believe`that original powe. .
fer delegated: and that the solution of
e. • problem' of good government consists
Iv , rag with the least force,and leaving individ ,
ti as free from r es traint as is
e .. • rvation of the social system, thereby s
g each all the freedom which is not easen '
a ell:being of the whole.
a party, we ought not to mistake the signs
e men; but should bear in mind, that t h is is
p , .1 progress—of advancement in all the e
, • • of intellectual power; and in the opinions '
le • nrld: The general government should nano
n • . wbrs. It should exercise none which have .
.. clearly granted by the parties of the fede, •
. pact. We ought to construe the constituti
I. tly, apcording to the received and found pct
,i.. of-the Jefferson school. But while rash g
intents should be deprecated, if the-governm , .
iqmtlY in 'its principles of action, and refu '
. onnimfato its measures, within its constit
nal slobere--cputiously indeed, but wisely a
• erfully—to the advancing sentiments and nee. '
ies oft age, it will find its moral force impai , '
d the public will determine to do what the pubt.
. mithraity itself should readily do, when the in
catioas;of popular sentiment aro clearand clearly.
rpressed. •
wi t h g en t respect, gentlemen, I have the honor
he par obedient servant, • • . ,
President of the Democratic Contention,-
- and the Vice PriTlderiptAthe same, -
FATAL-..: !.—. 1 - ; B
. i . et. o Te .
clippeiisf vrstealay says psFinevaittby tlie,cani
from Wiejingtnn last evestmgibi*#areplittliaf
• adnel iris fought al BladFisl:3
Lieut. Galva, a son of AIL siofrop i i.) - 4,94149r . ,141*
Treasepartment. and •a . Otikliq.':man_ n . 036
Dallait,:on of late Coin. ;- t
._ • mfoitf
time - whenDallaa fell;ltit .;• . _ , m a i t i
want ' —The 6.1nQ0 °film' ti:"_ ijtie r l e i m3 ;
anillek, insult l' )0;114,-DonagiV*3 likiy. -.
-C,;s 4 Name . '344 10 . 1''
cements of
• To•ltrlatatra .
new and . • • wont
neatly ttt t_
end will be; sow ' ming 1:110aild•
• . Driisitem C U.
The piddle are ned gpinstparriiiii* g pose
Baba *bat similar* ale , , e3reireglieg
gime ;Ouch llgaT called liovereign Dads, aadhwhi
vermin 'Lie as Dr. Farwell% Paella
publiei WIU Will boos their guard, Ili dein, It
er maithorsaed • 'this county, lir the sells iii*Das:
Farwell% Pacific lru. Liaticringra
Towanda, May I4y 1848.
Alletams El.y. Y
Petimatentf i r (Id by DR. 81
alltOP OP 1 , ILO Ludisiy, „fi t
. '
Dr.swuirc may 'certify ,
Fall I was trouble. With the Asthmi
mo in defiance:of Clothe/ remechis
~..a r,t eap '4O wheal ems obliged
Raigland, for a [odder clime, wine'.
my sufferings for three °fermi years,
increased uvoil last winter, my safe,
beyond endurance, being obliged
from inability to sleerrin bed.
Last Fall I felt symptoms earlier
but hearing that Dff. SW AY NElt
wax. CHERRY was a sovereign
thoisiungs,l immediately commence,
alumni unined.ate relief. For the
the least symptoms ofthe Asthma.
well ofit, and that 1 Imre been Cure
Yours reipeetfully
Walnut si
Avoid all wariest. Areparations
Balsams. Bitters, Syrupsof Wild Chi
contain Wild Cherry, as they s
terfen, and contain none of the Tint
nine preparation, as prepared by Di
er prepared in this country. Dr, Si
of Wild Cherry, is composed of
Wild Cherry and whet:medical nil
Mous, if not ruors so; the whole ar
an to render it bCyond all doubt, the
Mg and effectual remedy ever discos
toonary Consumption, and all disease)
The very fact, that, front its having
intitnuars,:stands to prove its curaun
Therefore, invalids, inquire for
each.bottle of which is 'enveloped . it
the likeness of Penn engra ,
the signature of Dr .11. Swaync, the
will be punished as thrigery.
Prepaonl only by DililliWAYNE.
and Race streets, Philidelphin, .and
Druggists ;n nearly all the prukcipa'
For sale wholesale and mad by
TER, sole agents for Towanda,
Athens, Pa.
In Jackson, Tioga I
inst., by the Re
M'RsAN, of Col
Miss HAN3pill 41
n Rome Village, o.
and in a measure
weeks, Mrs. A2[•
nard, Esq., aged 3
Thus has a dutiful
a farm-hearted
in the prime of life,
tires and friends to
deed is the loss her
they are cheered 16
beyond the changei
Her funeral wa
in Rome, on the 8
by Rev. Mr. Mite
shall we receive
(tended at the Baptist I
and a discourse de
r el. Text: Joe ii. 10.—"
od at the head of God, at
we not receive et!"
11Zr Monroo
of the birth of 11
on Saturday, th
The members o
are requested
cordial invinst
this and adjoir
By order
June 7, Int
. chin
to Towand
street, wbo
to order, '
Trunk Fa
to order
a share •
cr7' A
Tow n
ITin, and Skeetlr4 This,
-FALL is now receiving s ee d ie gs .apply
to above* goods, which he f le .. ne ed to molt
.or retail," to suit Enr e i tti t h e wet
ices, for cash, lumbeNir
n¢ Manufacturing Esi a br i a,t," en the
Bain Ind Bridge .streeta, * b e " be tooled
• siod beat almortmcnatafle em is ads of
r Albany, such as
ooking stove. arranged wiel' kat (Na..
and tot air oven combinsl6,„ -1, 2, 4,4
Empire hot air oyen,
Fulton, " tut ,J) 2, Atli
tight air Cooking,
.cter, " *3
trfated Oven, I 2,3, CS
Prorhium, . 3,4,
t. self-regulator, air-tight seehe. 1 . 3. 3.
tar 414.-tight parlor, 2131
as dn. Albany do. (rosae me l' t
.Rimy wood parlor,
13. 1 i e do
dor coal stoves, '
.1 lode*
rd v, h
the l:
the c
eypinder io
eyilioLlitove Pip,* Tiny Pass
ti, puratilA
ante, Pa., on Thuraday,i
H. E. Whitney, Mr. Cv
!tibia tp., Bradford et
coo, of the former ph
e 7th instant, after a
unconscious Illness'
E., wife of I.emuel.
years. -
other, au affeetiesat
and Friend, beaoktab
d left a large circle
urn their loss, fie
rives have sustain
the hope of a blissful
.f Time, and the/strap
ketbren of Evergreen La
d, will celebrate the Annie
r pairon, St. John. at Mon
tb inst., at 10 o'clock,
nion Lodge, and die Atheast
attend without fusilier ns ,
is-also extended to Br
. . •
the Committee of 'Arrange
17 - 7 'Ala ED
:!1 ER respectfully wig ken die
(Xenia* and the poblit be his
o Main street, a kardieoes e gage
will keep constaitlissi at auks
d and common Hosata r , nb and
~and all kinds of walk in he. CAR.-
. RK boa
m his experience a the Mee, Awl
I attending to it, be hope" bl l neek"
lic patronage.
do of work may he hid at boPcheeP
other shop in this. county.
June 12, :848. hi
wnoLssALE A 3. nun.
Wile, -4
uray 1
relb /