Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 07, 1848, Image 3

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    THE Brethren of Evergreen Lodge, at
Mon:oeion, will celebrate the Anniversary
of t e birth of their patron, St. John, at Monroeton,
on Saturday. tivi Vol inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M.—
The members of Union Lodge, and the Athens Lodge
are requested to attend without further notice. A
• cordial invi,awn is also extended to Brethren from
diis and adjoinina counties..
By order of the Committee of Arrangement,
June 7,18 48. 11, SALSBL:RY; Chairman.
CIATION, will hob' its Fotirteenth an.
anal sesion in the Hapttst House, n Towanda, 4 .n
the Gist Wednesday and Thursday of June neat,
cominencing at 10 oclock% IntFoduclory sermon
by Rev. L. Morse, of , Mhens. 11 , e would, by this
notice, give a general invitation Jo the inhabitants
D rape b o rough and ;It:ratty, to attend the meeting,
and invite totheir homes such of the ministers and
delegatesof the church, as they choose, and the COM.
mine of arrangements will provide for such as are
not invited. .Yrriy3l J. ELLIOTT, Cor. Sec.
To ',rioters. •
101113 Z of Long Primer, panly .turn: s fount of Brevier
nearW new . and %notate Other prints ng niatenals not in use
and sed! be sold cliesp. sit this office.
BeWarill.4la Count 'rid Is.
mw put , he are eautmued against purchasing spurious Pacific
Balm. as I understand that pedlars arc circulating a medi
cine which they hare called Sorereig-n Balm. and which the).
rcpresrni 10 t.e i l . same as Dr. Farwell's Pacific Balm . The
hu dd le will theietere will be on their guard, as there is no oth
er authorised agent is this county, for the sale of Doti Louis
Farwell's tac!fie Balm, J. KINUSBF.R.RT Jr.
Towanda. Ala' O. •
Asthma. of Steve* Tears
Perm3nr.iil ellrrd by DR. SWAN - NE.IS COMPOUND
ivy gut , OF ILU CRVIIIIIY, sifter all other remedies had
CINMENATI, Feb. 19, 147.
Dr Swal - va --This may cerbiv that eleven years ago. last
Fall I was troubied with the Asthma. which increaseil upon
me in ads:vire of all other remedies I could hear of until the
iwt-txt 10. when I was obliged to leave mr native New
England. for a wider elagle.. which hail the eifirgt to mitigate
niy sufferings atr three mbar years. ruler which the disease
mereased unt.l last winter. my wafering, were intense. almost
beyond endurance. i.e g obliged to sit up night after night.
trom inabilit to sleep in bed.
Last Fs Ii I tell .vmptents earlier than usual ine he season.
bus hearing that DR SWAYNE'S COM l'Ol ND SYRUP OF
Amp CHERRY was a severer rn remedy kir the disease of
the lungs I immeil•ately cetstmthiced its utie and the result was
alMosi immedate relict For the last six weeks I have, felt
the least symptoms of the Asthma, and feel confident that I am
well of it, and Oaf! have been cured by the above medicine.
Yours respectfully, J. Ay . ..RtelntiT.
Walnut street. between MR and 40..
- aid all sfiunous prewar:thous of Wild Cherry. such as
Balsams, Battens, syrups of ild Cherry. rills pairporting to
contain Cherry, tat.. as they arc all ficutiouS and cOlUt
terfest, and coalman none of the virtues of the original rind gen preparation. as prepared by. Dr Ft Sorayne—the first ev
er prepared this country. Dr Sara, es Compound Ferrari
of Cherry, is composed of xi-getable ingredients. the
W.'d Cherry andother medical imbalances. equally as effieu
e on. :t more 'so the whole are ed . . curs' ty concentrated
al ro rrmier d beyond all doubt. the most ph avant. strengthen
ice an.: 4ectual reincily ever &vets% erea for the cure o' Put
monari Cfausumpi ton. nod all dive-N.:es of the Lungs and Breast.
not t 11 3 ,. from sin hay. tic' suc h a trots of spurious
:a prove .is coral.% c propritr.,ll
Therr...zr. •I.sahits. inqn:re for the or.g nal preparation. j
each rh is enTeloped in a heaut.tut wrapper. with
the •• • ;1...t. ham Penn engraved thereon : also bearing
the s e lir twayne, the counterfe.rtng, of w hleb
Si pun a • ll,r(rt ry
Prr 1 . ..(1 01. LSW A Y NE. N W corner pf Eqrhth
and Rare suer , . Pn and for tale t.c respecfable
In near r a . Inc pr,r.elpai tuvrm, in the U. S.
For sa, vi , K.,rmor and rrtn ny CHAMBERLIN &
* as for Towanda. l'a_. and b) C. H. Herrick-
Athens. Pa.
Another Life Saved by the use of Wllear's
-.,. • Bahia= of Wild Cherry.
CC rtltiT•tc 1, ',rum the ve.lo of Mr Enoch Perry
a errs respeciabte tamer in Olan.l r ~,,, tt ., and can
he reed upon as true .r. ever ra - • kt. at It VI;i) not sol.cited ,
1,11 given by the la3y.from a *O, , et dui3 tellmg that she
owed-the preacr.auonot her ',se to Dr \V .star's Ltaiaan-
Ruratonl. Oisortl cotta , . Jo!) 2.2,1 4 .4 t;
This May that 1 ha 'c ion a of \ ears bei.„4.s.,
rere:y afflicted watt the Asthma 1., 100.1.
"len t h produced a sits n s err rga.C-1, as r was sr-vomit:l4.rd avtth sever,. pains .n ma o.lle I ' , Neat prolas,y
at,:a These had sa mploma l••.'1. I was no much
rrduced tha: I was unable to it., an, NV. ¶", how.-. Of
earn wait ritroo... tire Minn aa. I . loal 1-41.
1 traa an afflicted '‘.llo t.r , •I ti
tn.brrallang and :a Inch sea. in 1• . ..1 it at I .r 3 ., 10
1., tied Or ..11-ea for thrite • a 5r..., a-ten lent
anfaa, 'who NM, era,. Ind 'a.' - -
1#4 . 131 llk! CIO aaarr nor tn. • ~tn t
..• 1 ^3.: tea:, ilia net I c.•I ink it Dr
Fin .1111 13,,re I !fa! taa•-•1 . 1•• I WI ,
town a the • I !,ar.! L.a• altal
I :tail :Akan *Sic tonics now 1 A M 11 EL.I. Jr , . ,1.611 pa-a.
nk• or no cone, do nie own w.•ra atop p., and have
tier entuced tmetien• beam to finc., sears VERT.T.
The tfrau ne a {coed I BUTT-. an the w-upper ..Su.d by
C!I.AtII3I - IRLiN h PORTER. -re.. 41..1.1..
A De - rptattxaltott.fss BLossa To tux ileac, as cal.ed
can be accOuntod Sot 4plan no other prtnetyle taati !root :he
presence of corrupt akainnatot filmors •tt'the ertlo., r rea .
u - b•c.,prestent the rti l liti - laf the r:ta. tla,:d to the ~cart
When thd,passAges are ebokeedP, ad.] bi.cvntes as .t were
ps,roner to the head, there 1% a stentsan or 'see .11; of the
Wood-resseis alressure upon ble bra.n..bcadach
nap talon of the heats. aropoese. suid other deenstuti results.
%V: eh . .. 5 3/r 1'1;4 al, ft filial to prevent the
az•o• ^ 4 . .p."asant coal; a beean... too) expA - froot the
vr4 ca ar" the cause If all , disordered
mot , ont ot the bawd add and Improve dwestion. &
herriort ten: mom as.nredl, e•ve hearth k rcor to the body...
arm Act or Cot x-rear em vso bin' rio•vs!—rensember. that
Atc o• ea • and on. vSr own.. irnt ot• V Boer &ime P 11.13 have
we ;ten s 11. - M. V 1111.; Frit ell the op label of
Ta• a'or,...,:e.•rated pat. for ,ala. by
M.‘ — a •,-•A.O 'I m. 3 , lim 1. Mr.-1;t a! Co . Prameimwarn
*4 " t 11 1 ' l' , au-rol . lien I) Rrtnit. tiornhrook
0t.,...i i.,,. 1.-a..1 kiut'niou .1 C .ktbam, Rum creek.
I, i • •....tii. I .ter t' limaboo. Camoo
..... F.:5.,,,-, Atkren• NV rampl,ll, Shesbermn -
bar Tra.. M as - .1 4 warfhtel. noraroelon.
, 1' , ..".{ , a , pale, and rrne--al la.-pm. It2t Rare A Ph.l.a.
N 4-03 aaptrtiscmcnts.
yow. receiving . almost daily at the Central Brick Cl REED. the pmprietor, is now receiving a Onge
-LI Store. (Cheap side of Main st,) lush supplies of . Viii assortment of Spring and Summer Goods. which
- .are selling so low s• to astonish even the .• nativee:"--
w g The seleetion Cofll .. La of every vinicy and style of hich we are sellin at unusually low priers. If you fashionabk, good s lot the mom , a catalogue of which
%rant cheap and good Goads, mark the Central Store.
wo, ' ,I •,,, entirel y too 0 twortoew to mention h em. s aw .
nat particulars, we Reporter neat week.
N. N. BETTS. '! p ies will be shown with the greatest &azure , to any
May 13, 1848. N.
one who will. have the goodness to cell. and we will
__ _.. ____
show them that %coolie can and will ha sold cheaper sk
- STOP ! - STOP if, , the Savings Bt.*. No. 5. Brick Row. than in any o th er
r • • I es.ablishmeot in Bradford -Co. C. REED.
j Watl.D say to my old friends and all that wiali to T owan d a. May go. 1848.
./.. buy good+ their. that lain still to he found. at the
CEIIITBAL STORE, where my arrangernents are still
to partially take charge of and assist ,Nr.Pi ..ti . Betts in
the shove named establishment.
I would *betatron be pleased at any time to show and
modify aoa that it is not always a fact that those who
nuke the wow note in the world. or have the Ingest
wares, that self roods the cheapest.
Tanana Respectfully. yours.
s. nine C. l SAI*. A.D.MOSTAISTE.
S& CAMIIERES.—Emgfush, Franeh
sod AmorimaCkshs and Cassamseas. and srlurge
assortment of Panty Cashmeres, wiling at sett' low
rates at the Central &ore. N. N. BETTS.
GOODS.—Striped, checked, sod plain
lints and eotton goods, for summer wrest, the
1 1Grairal Stara je7 ' N. N. Berra. .
ADIEU' GOODS.-4,davree, gmelaalm maw lila.
and silk and linen ganOtaina, (odor etyle of goods)
de lektaa. while dress gaol*, of ever' varier. at the
.I" 7 N. BETTS.
WIT 9 :HOES. —Ladieri eokwer' and blk
• larm, shcs....rai walking shoes. Mei cow bide'
cal sadboot s and shoes, and children's do..
reCing tow at tbe r erstret store. N. N. BETTS.
_ _ _
G ROVE% FA, y e ru bc by eca atad brow akin
It 37 3 lad 5 0 conts-4,md sneak as sweeties
in sodo cents attarekitiostir on:titlark's in Pm'
z t. Mum s+ the Central Store.
N SPECTED in a few days, a few mote lards of
.14 New Goode. at N. N.VETTS'.
w "TE D -, •an quantity of Butiet. it the Watket
mee k at the Central Stow. N. N. BETTS.
L4GHOR.-> BONN CTS lesp--41 any doubts it,
4 ,tlical Nap Ina Ftirreed tact the feet; a
dWes ti r igwencebsiil, also. sew void fitabisaileb
— las end km*, of No. 2 Brief Itevis wen
Irkrebanbigi Stt.
9.... subscriber has opened a CLOTitno Sio two
11 doors north of the Public Square. on Main meet.
-where he will keep constantly on hand, and Tot sale at
the lowest possible prices, a general assortment of •
and would request all those wishing to buy the above
articles, to call and 'examine his stock before purchming
elribere, as it is his hiaention not to be outdone in
prices or quality of goods.
ca. Carrillo and Malmo done loonier, indicant
eit_possibis manner, end on the shortest nodes.
The wahocribot h alooogoot for A. Wboiloe• Report
of Pashioos. which he can furnish to enth es an want•
ing. on reatonable terms. B. A. Burnt
Towanda, luxe 6, 1848. ..
TOHN B. has just received, at his Ding store
af one door below Kingsbery's store, is B.Kingsbery's
new brick block, Main street, a large addition to his
former assortment, which he now offers to the attention
of the public. His stock now comprises every article
usually kept„tmong iwhich may be found the following:
Opium, cream tartar, camphor, eastile soap, liquorice,
balsam copaiba, rhubarb, jelap, aloes, flowers chime.
an gum alibi; castor oil; quicksilver, magnesia, roll
and dour sulphur, refixed and crude borax, calomel, red
precipitate, corrosive sublimate, aqua ammonia; tartaric
acid, epsom salts, laudunum, scone. sulphate quinine,
all of the essential oils, gum myrrh. centime:des, gum
tragacanth, carts, gamboge.• litharge, spite
its turpentine, rotten stone, umber, terra desirous, salt
petre, - annisseed, isinglass, cobebs, annotto, &c., &e.
Crushed, loaf and muscavado sugira, 'cheaper than
can be bought elsewhere in town ; black and green lea ;
salsratus, pepper. spice, mustard. pepper sauce. raisins,
nutmegs, cloves, mace, Rio and Java dilirre, starch, gin
ger, oils, blacking, castile, bibwn, variegared and fancy
soap. spared and tallow candles, tobacco, segars and
snuff, matches, &c., &c.
Cognise. Otard, pisch and American Brandy ;
Croix, Jamaiia and New England Rum ; swan. lion
and Baltimore Gin ; Scotto. 14.1. and Mozionkehala
Whisliby ; Maderia. pale and brown Sherry, pure
Port Teeerifre. Lisbon. ?daises, Muscat, claret and
chimpanzee wines, alcohol, 4e.
Bay water, lavender, colonels- and rose wirer, mac
castor and bear's oil, otto roses, oz marrow, pomatum,
rouge, pearl powder, bandeline, flesh, tooth, hair, nail
and clothes bru..hes, feather ',osiers, calf wallets, boy's
belts, combs, pins, fish hooks, pencil points, playing
.c.eds,-percussion caps, ink, steel pens, &c.
Western Panacea . Hahn of Columb', Pink Syrup,
Koinstock's Vermifuge Hay's Liniment, Mother's Re
lief, Pain Extractor, Acoustic oa, Harr dye, Andrew's
via Mrs. Brown's Painkiller, Godfrey's cordial, Adhe
sive plaster, Townseld's, Webster's, Wood's and Shep
herd's Sarsaparilla, Lithontrip:c mixture, Wistar's Sal
aam, Hungariin Balsam of Life, Upham's Electuary,
A Ilister's Ointment. Shepherd's, Konistocks, Orrick's
and Fahnestock's Venni.uge,Brown'ircelebrated Lotion
for Consumption, Sovereign halm pills, sugar coated
Pills, and all the most popular medicines of the day.
The stock is complete, containing everything
kept in the largest establishments, and is ,tiered et the
lowest possible prices.
Remember, that Ford's Cheap Drug, Grocery and
Liquor Store, is in Eingsbery'a new block.
Towanda, June' 7, 1848.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN
KLINE. dec'il„ late of Ridgberry township, am
hereby requested to make payment without delay. and
tho_e having claims ajainst said estate will please pre
sent them duly authenticated fer settlement.
Jule 1,184 R JrIES, E. KLINE.
TO the Officers sit! Soldiers of the sth Regiment,
td Brig.. 9th Div., P. N.. you are hereby enin
mended to be and appear on Thursday, the 2 - 2 d day of
June inst., at, 9 o'clock, A. M„-armed and equipped ac
cording to law, for regimental drill and inspection at the
house of Demsrass, in Litebfiekl.
Given under my hand, at my office. in Athena, June
6th. 1844. JACOB HARUEIt, Colonel.
L county. sill meet for inspection and parser at the
bowie of Stephen Csn6eld, in Standing Stone, on Tues.
day;:the 20th insl., at 10 O'clnek - , A ! St.
Durst, June 6,184 a, B. LAPORTE, Colonel.
H. S. & 14 C. NERCUR,
RESPECTFULL V announce to . their numerous
friends and customers, that they are now opening
the largest and most general asiortment of GOODS,
ever before offered in Towanda, embracing almost every
thinx wanted by persons of every class and condition.
All those wishing to purchase Goods for cash, will
6nd'it :or their interest to examine this ateck.
Towanda, May 26, 1948.
Bat a Great Fall in the Peke of his, at the
"Goods well Bought are half Sold !"
TS now opening a large each and extensive soviet' y of
I GOODE!, selected with the greatest ease, and bought
under great salyantages in the cities of New Tait and
litifftlelphie—taking advantage of the favomble eneirt
tioo of both markets—and having to view the sotto
shove. has so bought that he can and will sell on as b
lamable terms as the oat, and wOl- ender/4 to straw to
eotintianky the advantage of baying bent Mow who buy
well. Towanda, May 'a, 1848.
300 VOLS. published the Americas %Today
&boo!Arnim, and foe sale for ia praluitire
to snit purchasers. my 23 0. D. RADTLETT.
Next door to thirArkto. Touvada.
TS eonitantty melting and dirporine of on the most
reasonable terms,tbr best sod nunthishionable goods
in her hae.
Her work will continue to be done in bet sceettomed
prompt grid fad stunner, and an seetressodefese
tams Ms hanteteini for receiving the
Newest Fashions fix Diwasets, Ceps sad Dresses ertuist
they err new. May '24,
(lII:WHAMS. nen style~ and nionattons cheap ;
l 3 Lawns. of every description ; Orpntree Marin%
entiorcidened mohair. and itt fart ail the mole desirable
style. of Dram Goods in warketositt' tsintatingito inakk
cheaper than any other goods in tamed TOMS.
.10 maze BROWN EGIERTINGB, daisies.
1 ACP. iii - itimmitictimeiwadasi..bsaisg, tioff
sad carrel watt, cheep es tbe dew at Na 4 t 4 B.
IL, at stia.s* FOSS.
At the Conte
KINGSNERY,IR. ikaow vegekiini ti.ew New
J York sea Medelptila,i W=e lid cheep docket
Spring and Sainair-Dry Goods:
a. genevatlNSOMlNK or
GrCCeries ' M T hrare / Cr f igei * , Ahlliejaet,
Boas and (a kriiiiaritAf Nails,
.qiassi 4 ) ei*tsi Dl,.woods, F4 l : ic
Alato- 61 0 01 a. Pedal at* Pals lonia* ; Angaat
pout easallaweaad silk Hata; Plorwww. • Clisa-prarl;
Plaspolitaa, open wad; sad laws Baas• ta. Books anti
Staliattery. Wall papa fria Mew Merit rises. Ws.:
dow peper, &c. 44lusieel bubussents-41ntes, Clan.
nets, Flarpokts, Fifes, &e:. J. KINGEIBERY, JL •
TovranJa, 'May 17,1848.
BKINGSUBY .C 0,., Me now receiving from
s PhiladelpM• ind New Tort. the largest, cheeriest
and most complete smortment of - COODB of rQ kinds;
ever opened in Towanda, which will positively besold
cheaper than got* have ever before been oresd in this;
place. We invite the citizen, to call raises war 1111101 t.
went and price oar goods before purchasing else/where,
as we have grit many th;rigs which are rare sal desirm
hle to be obtained. Don't forget the place, 11. BING&
BERY & CO.. new block, oppositeshe- burnt district,
where goods will be sold this summer, close dowel below
tile reach of any other atone.
Towanda. May 17. 1848.
GINGHAM&—We bay. a large quantity of small
patterns, very handsome and doirabie ; French and
Been gingham, of excellent quality.
LA WNS.—Freneb, Awaken and Orparse Lawns,
a beautiful awe ; also. plaid sad flowd silk
wool banes. myl7 KINGSBERY & CO.
LICOES..—A choice selection of ilestinsack. ar
ange and blue. pink artiAill ohor kinds, mall fig
ate. Two shilling also for nine coma; call and see,
bir mind, the only place is KINGSBERrik CO.
HAS arrivedin town, and may be . found for a few
weeks at Woonarres Horn- His friends are
0 184*.
/PI giteint.Vr 6 eanuriam s ,
OFFERS his profeetionaLservices to the people of
Towanda.. and vicinity.
Office at Chorister/in d< Porter% Drug dam Nat 1.
Brick Row. Refers to Dr. limos, Towanda. 1E79
Diwksak and • Retail Dealers to
Al So. 1, Brick Row, Towanda.
JUST receiving, • large assortment of Drugs, Medi
cines. Chemicals, Perfumery, Choice Wines and
Teguors, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Dye Woods and
Dye Stuffs, Stationery, Toys, Fancy Articles, Coulee
tiorarY. Brushes, Combs, Stone and Glass Ware, Can
dles, 'Welting, Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, &c. The
folkming list comprises a few of tho articles kept at this
establishment :
Sugars of all kinds, Stuart's sugar house syrup, moles
ses..syrups of all kinds, pepper, spice, mursed. pepper
sauce, cloves, nutmegs, tram gaieties. &Me cutest Is,
citron, cinnamon, salad oil, main buds. tamarinds, cho
colate, cocoa, soda, lemon and water biscuit, rice starch.
ginger, sisbratas, saltpetre, government Java and Rio
coffee, whale, lard and sperm oil, demijohns, jogs, bot
tles, pipes, paste and oil blacking, leather varnish, dye
woor's and dye stuffs, indigo, copperas, rlum, bar. 534
egated and white soap, sperm and tallow candles, &e.
Writing, letter and cap paper, English drawing paper,
London and Eli:stol board, black, blue. red and carmine
ink, indellible rod India ink, water colcirs, ink stands,
assorted, quills, is:e.:l pens, sealing wax, wafers., crayons,
drawing and carpeiter's pencils, envelopes, ate.
Tobeeris, Nisarlir sad arena.
Cover&6h, twist, plug and fine Clot chewing, Spanish_
and Scarfslatti and common smoking, all sizes, maexa
boy, Scotch, rappee and American gentleman's snuff.--
Imported Segal; a great variety, inclouicg La NORMS,
panatelas, Cages, Regalia; hum Sans. Rome, Planta
tions, Presardos, Lapoetas, Principal, Fragancias, La
Alarms, Cigarette's. cigar case; and rratc:ies.
F vry ~
Paint. varnish, marking, sash, irldtawasb, taunter, fifth.
broom, clothe-. tooth. nail, Moth, hat, hair, shoe., stove
and lather brushes. Ivory, droning, side and bark
tombs, of all demiptions
am" ----
Gssostis-ws•sowon . rf storm; cream Henry s Chinese
Poos-eff's shaving cream. genuine m:litary swap.
1•017'S brown Windsor, walnut ml, palm. aboard and
F. each •;okt, and Hull's mid/gala alp, Wadi balls,
Labia's extract, jockey clot?, ,eglantisa mousse
lain, Pau:honey. bore( ds Oregon. eat. de shakoes,
cachous aromat4int. pastilles, toy water. bib :lavender,
moll. oil must. perzonse satellefo, alto row, route water.
pomade, r nandine, meen-fmt, Persian, French and Ato
eriran tore: powder. Jules Hurlers r. sd P 's hair
dyei, Pres.on's and ItlerrilFs pungent', Nor, m Masser.
Iraq& and antique ad, ambrosial Moth pasts. chkorine
detergent and orris dentrifnak code/mak soap. itc.
ir•9.F , Tripmul
Tobseect boxes, mut boxes, wpm. thimble. pin. epode
ek and lux et eases e artilieild nippls, beam pseirpr sod
pipes. ners;og bottles. setr-itijictimg pumps. Am ird
eoniposition syringes, sr Mamas. maws. body braces.
shoulder beams, abdisince .1 suppooters. bed pans. towns
tonslisys. lamests. 'oboes. ebessinen. Mee, whalelione,
patent peak *ism parka boots. wallets. shaving bas
in. razor amps. Italian whisks. flower and swim seeds.
Towanda, May 8. 18411.
BONNETEL—A choice selection of ?lama. hoe,
China prat Pamela. Leghorn, ania•ather &Aloe.
able styles of and mimes' gannets. very elmap;
alio Donna ribbons. artificial.. wreathe. Ike.
in7f!!TIriMTI P P'rM I r
lad received at - L. Baader
AiTY stock is large, comprising a fall sweortment
all Semmes Cloaking descry Lind : wadi se Tweed
Croton. Queen's Cldl, aid sUk mixed Greeks Sack
and habit cloth, knee and doh dress COATS.
PANTB & VESTS. of emej laid; aware
and banierchig., gimes and seramer ham . all driest
etseap—es thew that I think iera pey far waft end
leaking at my stork.
Alm. A good ainsteist te Brood Chas, Cossiaseres
and Vetting*, Tweeds and &Warty imam Limens.
*c. that I w.ll soak! am to eadri. sod very cheap. I
pledge laysef es selkow cheap me ma be Weight say
whoa in the mar z-y. L. BATCHSLER.
Towanda, May 201149.
'TOLVEitiI genCeseerbeest ai Beak
Mel&fog irhl Zoe* PLASM. treerein . g rte.
and ether /cameo lbele. jog veceberl frau the mob
factory, viii foe ear Wee by in. D. BARTLE TT.
AllStl CRWFIN would atoin Wine the I.di that
.01 she has fat received sire latest styles of HATS.
and.siso • latne assortment 41111.1011ERY GOODS,
condom of Maven. Rations. liessiers, whith
the invites the attention of the Lain,.
03 Hoe shop is teesosed to het mewisoligg es Roe
inset. tiro doors west of amiable% • Putiss's Thai
Store. Towanda. May it 1848.
fIRESS -PABOOLS—a *Ft arm shift via
id green anksiaLTarksafisa Waged pinesis gni
stabs, jest need sod weft efiny law d - IFUOL
mod red Ink Wadies PA Bpi.
ak ayes; allot Vsneldiarap, &nom PAM
chrome yam, ranadt, &c., ae KURD%
' - I •
- itikeheld •
. Brick •
His maim, Road. city
Il -
of 441.10
• WerFt • A m . Putt
hasiting • ,114.000 r.
elm** imikaret Gummi
israily,•eraisifig Rap. Fais
al. minas Pia. ilasolas.Lakies.Goid draw,
dd Poos.llCeys, ca. Alive Si bawler Wilvotworo,
iay graritioyalhalllowki.. 4l l , ofirbick he awe
k aamairmlT ebs4 kr CA 8 , 9 4 '
1/Niabse maid fa dart moderrapo I ,waroartert
.to rte WOK* die wary will ire_'owl Ina*
ogrowarsk Maw '
L, N. 11.—MAPLE-SUGAIt. Vol ,Coostry Palen
-takon is printer for work ; korWarer, owel
Verner, that Me Produce sisal bcpaid what lA. tow*
is done—A wit agikno werlitio al its kora
- W. A. CHAIIRPRUN, Allest-
Towanda*. Aril 280845.
V T. FOX would mast respectfully inform his old
I:4* frieads.ond any one 'elm who it in wet of mer
chandise, that he is receiving and will keep constantly
an hand a good assortment of an kinds of Goods usually
kep in a c00n.7 Moro :—Dry Goads, Groceries, Crock
ery, Hardware, ibis 4 shoes, Hats and Co s ts. Fish,
Paints cad Oils, Dye staffs, Iron. Nails, Corpeliug.
le. We will emaili rit a favor for people to let us
show them oar goods, as we think dime:moot fail to
suit. It is true, I cant boast of as peat a number of
mill' experience in purchasing goods, as some. yet I
trust the good people of Bradford have not forgotten
their own dear brag!. experience in buying goods of
them same old cep freed woos. Look out farthest!),
or they will midi as their usual tariff! I will sell as
cheap, if not chewer than any other live man. Please
give us a cast. at No. S. Brick stew.
Towanda:May 24. ISM E. T. FOX.
JOY tO THE wcitturs
only Universal Remedy is at last diseemed in
Tthe shape ef Cheap Goods, at FOX'S. It is an
an externs! remedy. bat if applied by the sebecaer, is
warranted sere Bare.lnd no mistake. If a men feels
poor or bed in the region of his picket book, the mast
efficient remedy is to call at Foes, and buy what goods
Wyse • 'Wide& -10101141bileagsliblirreis.
the sarest, phrsantest and tied remedy as a quantity
that fresh. derteixis Tea at Fox's, from 3s to 6s per lb.,
sweetened with some of that nice 6d Sugar. In fact,
there is hardly a disease that flesh is bar to, that a mow
dy cannot be found for at ray 3 4 FOX'S.
AN ACT for the benefit of the People of Bradford
Co.: Be it remembered' by aU good citizens, that
a man am bay $ many Dry Goods and Groceries as be
can carry home. for a mere !Title. baldly north mention
ing. at No. 2, Brick Row. my 24 FO VS.
CROCKERY, a large lot Lit setts, eke.; and Looking
Glasses, a , great variety, cheap at FOX'S.
600 FIRKINS BUTTER unmated. at the highest
market price. my 24 E. T. FOX.
E 2
r 4
TREproprietors of this long-established Line, still
continue the business of freighting merchandise,
produce, lumber &c., between
Bberhanstos mad wilne Fork,
and solicit the continued patronage of their friends.—
They are prepared with *leased facilities to accom- ,
modate the public, having
which will enable them to despatch a boat direct from
Neel-York to Bingkamton DAILY daring the season:
with NO TRANSHIPMENTS on the entire rorte.
n"Tbey invite a call from their friends before shipping,
os their charges will be atlOwest rate..
C..M*KINNEY. Ringlramlon
Aszsrrs : <JESSE lItNDS. i South-st.. N. York;
The subscriber still coatinets the:basiness of Bte
raga and Forwarding, and *ay at aU times be foam) at
his well known storehouse, whew he keeps for sale at
Mead pricey. Flour, Batt, 'Urindatintes, Ropes, Fitch,
Oakum, Beet, Pork, ftc.
ca Cash paid for aU kinds of Lumber and Produce,
delivered at the &ore/souse- C. WILINNEY.
Binghamton, April 21, 1048. 4586
UM A-W1.2......a5. iposoarowamoma. eroesa,
brine. Mast ; and a grist variety of Collars. whieli
emus* fail to suit. KUNGSBERT & CO.
variety of silk. giaghasi and cotter—sours ems
rich. is far; we have all kinds of fancy and staple
Dry Goods, adapted to the season. bought by ease .be
has been in the business twenty-one pram and be lat
ter. himself that they +have been bought an cheep. it net
more se. tban any other etwelsant can bay. and is ab
solutely inc. they will be sold cheaper. Calf and see,
at mytT KINaSBERY & CO.
s'OlL U 1 .1-tIN
ecrinstormahip hetetofiree emitting between the
1 rabseeftisep its the practice of Metheine and Surge.
ry it this day feraoked by mataal'esmorot. That an
counts are left with I. Et CROM et Ford's Drag.l3tore
and shall ugly authorised to settle them
Toaranda, May 9, UM& GliAB. IL LADD.
Fux% on Saturday . the Nth at May imiust. in
this Township of Bbuthequia. vie the premises
of Game Heaney. weds the woodrwear the mei owed
leading b Mae the Susiusitrar rivet. • ewe bone
BUGGY 'WAGON. with a rate Mown ia it. TM ars
Asa is about biee'.; with has White
swipe, and easitiosed with pay satinatt. (sow seedy
wins imiLy -- tt bet pad *tie springs. stud the dash.
baud haws haetwatd Theta was is it an old 011•11111111
awl staroyelkia. The Hamm 'ppm, to be a pikes&
Wows, air Willia. Wrings and Oaks, dial wagon.
undo of a Iliarrimp. sad Ankh Goma he „rho wows
111111 ale a wisp Wier with perkettbirstais at and
the head sail bit • bridle with the Modem eat dr. The
wipe appeased to have big* windier Ilan maw two
or the.. modur.
The owner eau bey, said plepetty. ley calm at the
etabentlor, and prying far this eivritiateemet.
abemeertes. May 19. 1898. PHILIP ROGERS.
VOR SALE, two new I}UGGIIM is complete calm
I: fee manimp They me Minim& i emperier mem
wee. auk etyma mod elobetaseiel metenlds. sof IWO be
eelli et • pest bawl, 1 Cam only. Thy may be
moos et Zommiews* shop lee the borer pet dare Wed.
May 114. 11141 R A. 1:21E141111C13.
maz efirolkd MiJki tbo bounds of the first
Reg. 241 brig.,9th Div., P. 1111. ove Melt kw As
eiphoo, impeetion sod mire. es Motitlary, Os Illthof
Awe nost..l 10 ofdoes 9 A. 41-, at the b"" o f 81e.
pica Canfield. in Stamina. Btotr,.. ;no Companies
eiamprisin' g said fat reg. *riff meet fat drill on Monday
the Sth of June next, at pea places as the attontand.
lateen:ors may direct. P. C. WARD.
Gionosroad„ Wiry 25.1548. Col. Rd Rag.
Wiff:REAs.ji wikarisittkbis IA mai
Wool without goy yam ems tic. die
is dernefone so foetid pomoes bastoonsgec Una*
ber ow my omoust. air I Mil pay isol MOD alma sow
Marsiag. filer Ws Amt. MO] 1N; MORSE.
Albany. May 24 % 11111 h.
AlLS•mase• • 4 spas aims a alosorson.
QA -WB.--1911 amdj_g_hitapil bet apeolcii
Writ, at BA=‘, NIL 3. !hick Row.
111 =j• TIC., C.
TICERE mod with tie hod asont..
foot of its, •, led . GOODS Jere...
assis i eossioing on unit - Goods. thoeediok,
enolury. Haohiouo. Dons oat Scots sod
elistar, los mod Noir. dico4 dm. 0 1 0 440 1 1 0- ,
borer or bon so Owe to get the theopeo itoodo.-ootoloo
ad'Mood moil et RAI kr*,
WPM N.. a. BA& Won
ssja C P 8 —A poi mortionit silk sod fir
gland caps, ark (a mot sr
tido for sliorimptipoilior,) oleo sod Info dodi ewe •
children's Vies ompi . You viii Md ell those
Mode. mil roorift sum it sae YARD'S.
ToMz TICI GOODR - 0-Bhteliipp sod liketiart
.1../ ease Jae*, Wt., wicking, coma pro, en. en,
a No. kJ. e. • mai
1171X)DEN I WARE.—HaIf baatial. peek•wal Four
V quatfairaiwalatim pima, ate. at No. a. Dia
taay3l DAUM&
GLAktia-IrAir oarosiorrot .1 No. 9,
11/ Brick R.w. oty3l BAIRD'S.
FlCA.goal snick of Cod Ash sod Neekerri, at
No.S. B.R. mill tamp's.
T ZATHEIL—Aay quaatily af Bole and Ups Ler
thar as say 31 ' BAIRD'a._
ARD GOODS.—Iron. nails, steel, bend iron.bersi
slims, dcc.. fresh dock, et BAIRD'S.
OPENING lids vest attramisos at the Cash Store
of NONT, ANTE'S & CO.. No. 6 mainothast,
when mg Eft hooka! of the &Nibs adapad taitting
Tads.' Aim% pas as, .we base tits Art
Rope that is sod . tbe Port that is fuer other Web
wo Tsea goes rages beat hammered iron, jam es
eeiradott MONTANYES & CO.
20 BBL& 411388 PORK ad a kir hooked of
Hama so halal. at MONTAI YRS Jr. CO.
PRE wailed Militia wet Vehement Within the
hennas of the Seeeal Brigade, Ninth Divides. P.
M.. will tweet fee trowirfine. inepeetion sod review. as
follyere, to wit etweitanies as Monday. Me sth day
of hine nest, pod in Hatteliona and Regiments.. as Gal
The 31
- . an Tueaday. the 13d1.-
The, Oh tegyintent. eentmanded by N A. Elliot-Ist
batndion on Wednesday. the Nth 'ld bitter= same
regiment, on Timateday., the 15th.
The lot Minaret battalion of Tioga county yea
minded by Lieut. Col. Joseph lionkiit, on Tbanday,
the 15th.
The 2d regiment commasided by Col. H. H. Seely,
on Friday, lath.
The 3d volunteer battalion of !Beaton) county, com
manded by I.k.ut. Col. L. 1. Bradford, on Friday, 16th.
The tat ?Monter battalion of Bradford county, com
manded by Lieut. Col. Theo Wdier,on Sa.ortlay. 17th.
The Ist regiment, commanded by Col. P. C. Ward,
on Monday, the 19th.
ITbe 4th volunteer hettarton of Bradford county. eons.
mended by Lieut. Col. B. Laporte : on Torisky, the 213th.
The 2d wormier, battalion of Bradford bounty. ena
melled by Limit. Cot. .1. h. Coddle& on Wednesday,
the 21m.
The sth nrchnent arroniunded by Tarot Col. .Paeob
Harder, as Thireday, this 22d day of June nes'.
• Adjutants and Captains are rapeseed to be punctual
hi nuking oot their roll eviler aiLl their lies autism
tees, as dlr . seta: by the militia Nerd April 25, 1244.
. E. BARTON, Inspeens. %l beig.
Inspeetot's'Blh di.. P.:M.
Eau • "'tld, May 1, 1548. S
Hair Dresiing and Bathing Saloon !
CoOper k G. Jackson,
RESPEC (TULLY inform their friends sad dm
public generally. that they havettled up that lop
room in the New Brick Block of B Bitgsbety, Toren
liar io s superior style, where they will take pleasure in
waiting upon their old enstomenkr and waking new
Fn addition, they will keep constantly On band a
good assortment of FANCY GOODS. such as Bear's
Oil, Mieceseer's Oil. Os Marrow, Cologne, Victoria
peewit., Hair brushes, Shaving and Tooth broths., and
ALSO—AII kinds of Ladies' corlm Denim and
Collars, Cravats, %spenders, Rears and Strops, Ameri
can Shampooer, fte sale by,, the bank; for restoring
' the bile end preventing the wencerefafing of
warrantee go Ism) the heir imis fang °Rif nerd se
comp.. e. mem?s lama on towel a ~
supply of %ad sod composition heir. Dye warranted
' melange the hair instantly from a red or gray, -to a
I beautiful broths or bhek.
Gentlemen's Coats and Pants ekaned or colored awl
warranted to give satisfaction- Rotors honed on abort
tootles. Bens and shots Welled to who. Call and
see for yoniselver. Feb $.
P4ITENT MEDICINER.—Au the mat Mama
Medicines of the day. elm be found at No. I. Back
amine our melt. you grill be sore to hey. valets
you aboold think the peke so low, that thee woo amis.
Wag meal! in ia KINOBBERY & CO.
.4 4 3.000 ye* of
11 Brow* 81Neetimp. jest teed .t BAIRDIL
silk, sods mu*, silk veins
V gad other Vesemp. f glister or astraraer. fin or
wing ; a reet soroutsmeot st Na
hARDWARE. a goal sseartmat, Ina.
Rassi.ltailk ix. at Ns; B.E. ?Ora.
. • will.. 4411 0 11 ,
TOBI ire. WILCOX,. ben rearral 6es esteltruit-
ANN le Ile Asp booreesk Kiegsberes mad Ban-
Wee slat* ma lobate be still solieits • Abe of
Fabric pablempe. He Welds, by_ earful ssieetia•
al bleb. ably absades to die interosts othis ewes
nen to mike.. awl old fbarable yeti as ea be aut•
aafsetassi is fhb pett d time essatry.
flo will beep cossessaty as bia4 .l ol•l areafeetare
to older. *nom Calf and Coarse Niagara( alma
Lathes' Callas. Men and Saps ; in
Gent's Gaiters ..J Pun" 4a.
a Ceetway Peaks*. of mat iestaiiiiims. takes ii
miasma for work. sten motet price.
Zroseelb. April 29. 1947.
monis & CANIDIEREA, Y-'s. °maw
V Cloths, so& ar brews. QM, and old .iznl Bak
nos will he void wily taw at SAVINGS BANK.
Ecurrfs. of ovary variety sod tayle, lold ow
L mr e.llo w openi n gat wholesale sod Mail. at .
GIENGFIA MS 4arriWAMl—Plaia sad twilled Wow
ham. Easkk and Amnia= Psiataoa banatifal
_eat=e=r at sap* JitERCUM
WSW 66011)110
At Wkskale aai Retail.
ajr, ONTANTES & CO. we wow seeekiasr fresh'
1.11. bees New Yak sad l'lsdrielphis. tbi seredisi-'
edge lee .1 GOMM. seer grind is this mdse. go&
&as altdereskeee of treaty ysenrisslbe ode>
side dpi bed emit ie wain these wipesebisse •
sas thie, ebeeped. We Wwiss pudiki eamenisi
eel &kik Weems it.ieddilwiedhe wesdry
de elder et de seed clew berm ae.i ewersew dap
liable psi Sky t.
Cco. IMMO:
ALlSp?ps•ria 8 . 1017 Ca
.imnpos imdased. 10 , 41.1ritt;f,.
bee M
t* ilitifsaliakoake moot 411.114,-aad
Aim b a t* armor aid aafOrdiNfOriaa p,*'
oat *oil* author leafed for litti*Mrni• '."
Mono. May 13. Itlat. ' Athaiikistirrhit.
2 ApsomsncrroWs
ut. Wiliertortift'itiABorlll.
dee'rtvlstio dllllenbillrld. we briar
requesird ifithost daisy; awl ihrowe
Wrist claims illirnitteril mow mill. mond
t h ew J u ly suthretiested inrikiniest.
LUCIUS rffliftll;
erinsiria. April U. 164 t: 't•tt'
• xaysiv ITQWelfte
THE subsenher propose "to mend lb: lie/ Illiniamii
brinatier. au the *ofkrein g tains :,ile will by mite
in the Common press, before arbitrators and justices. /
sad wilt-make no charge for service adore his client
emcee& in the init. Flom et pearling snit obsensfiore
bets of the opinion that it an attorney ii sullkiMitly
convinced of the *aim and pneticabirity of hie client'.
cause to recommend s scat or defence. be ifiellid be
s Ming is risk his free on the flunk of flier?: sod
if in say vitae he is upWafing to 'linear the .irk.- ha
cannot amaineitly Anse hie chant into Os expense
and uncertainty of s lawsuit by Nieldricee,
Collections of every dearer:lm wilt to offended .to
upon the same terms. Conveyancing and Other' kinds
Of office businesi done prompey and ef lanosnable
charges. •
f ry Oaca in the North end of brick Bow over the
Post 01508. west sale of Main street. Tosiends.
Towanda, Jan. 1848. HENRY BOOTH.
WIUMW' Sealt
A 8 removal his orlon to D. Desbis - row Igoe. oo
seamed street, whim he wilt be Opened to see these
who seal his professional ser' sitar. Dee. if. 1817:y
-------- -
ttLL persons mdebted to the „estate of JOHN
BURNS. dac'd.,Lith awed iorip. iKe herrhy
regarded to make payment witboat delay, and thaws
hawing Asian against the said will pirmarpresent
them duly mobenticited for settiment
C. G. IiadDLEY, Administrator. -
Orwell. Moj 29. 1848. s 5014
A" manna inilebteed to tbreatate of B. I IMtEL P.
MATTOCIfti. dee e d., tate of SrwingiteM townshid.
are beret" requerfed to make paymeo wittiest delay.
and those b vitnEelaisia said estate, 'Oil plariaa
ItS'Aile BOWE.
Spriniewki, May 17. 1848.
- - Administrator:
ALL means indebted to the estate of Ebenezer Mi
nier, deed., late of Granville tp., are hereby requev•
wit to make payment without delay, and these liming
lashes against said mate will please present dissa dull
Eatbeuticated for-settlement. WM. 1.. MIX,
Granville. VI." 1,194 V • 4 •
TIE andendgned, hating been appointed Alignareee
of Mercantil4 taxes in and for Bradford county;
hereby gives notice that he heir mode the feffoiring
Clan ifintion as the Bat of persons., Lid he
rending Goats and Merchandise. in Bradford dainty SW
the yen fs4B7 and arranged ocentrling to hi. No.
ties ?a alto Oren m all persona mgpeited by the raid
clarailmationi that an appeal will be held at the C 0...
mierionees Ott* in the borrnagh orrowsba. on Ne
orday, the fm day of toly, tots, egretekdy ro dm act
af Assembly in such mutes. •
Township. ?Cunt' Liquor- (tats. '
Asylum—Joins Home. jr., so Ultimo 14 $7
EboarFlodon, do - H 7
A W Renshaw. Sows 14 ,-101
Athens . Dorn'- , -11 A Phew, ito Wear 14 7
G. A Perkins. do t 3 10
Id 3 Roger; do 14 7
C H Herrick. do 14 7
21 8' Comstock de ' 13 10
Weiles & Harris. do 11., 121
Cheater Park. do 14 7
W H C Baird, do 13 10
Miens tp.—John W atlais, do 14 7
Winans & Gardner,' do' 14 7
11Warman &Bram do /4- • 7
Burlingas--Citryell & Gee, do 13 la
A & 8 11 Morley, . do 13 10
Juba V bathe* " do 14 7
Job .Morley, . _der 14 7
Edward Oman. dole 14 7
Cmwoo—Cbartes E Rathbun, knot 13 15
Light. Newman & Co.; ab , 13 15
Darell—U Moody & Co. no - Nabr 14- 7
0 D Chaniberfin do 14 - 7
Means, Btons & Co: - do 14 7
Frinkfin—James W Merem". do' 14 1
'I I Neer' - " as 14 - 1
Ceara.—ir D Taylor & Co. . dot 14 1
Herrick—L H Bmeomm • do 14 1
Leroy—H S Holcondr to 14 1
Meetroe-8 C Hake, do 14 1
- t Sii & B Fowler, do 13 i 14
James Money. do • IS IC
11 Warfurd, de- 13 HI
Brown Dritockwell, ' do 14 1
. JP 11 - & 0 Stria. • do I'4 1
Vanostran & Northrup. do 14 . I
Benjamin Caellalgb. do 14 1
8 8 dr J B M Mane, hoar ,13 11
Ahn Hanson. . - do IV 11
Oirels—lfenry Gibbs. so liquor T. -1
Theo. Maple?, do 14 1
Fihr..Aaponis B.Bmitti 6 &r PS 21
I II saliork,-• .-
ids 14 1
D Bailey & Elom de - 14 . 1
Nidgbany—Wdson & Webb; War 14 1111
Wpbs. Beckwith & Cm so fig, 14
Rowe—L 8 Maynard ( do 14
D M Wader: tlar 14 •
George Nichar; do 14 '
F W & A J Mrsynaid r . do" 14 '
tygagnsiga--Walrla C01110Iidr• a* . 11 11
Money & Sateriers, do . 13 1
Xathaniel Moody, do 14 '
Saithh4ll—byroan Dirfey, &Spa 13 i.
11 Sao& & Co., ' do 13 1,
_ B 8 Bear 13 11
W F Kellorgig . de 14.
SfriegSobl—E Xenia, . do 14
Swan Stowe—John C Mame. & 14
H W Tracey, Stow 13 I
Means, Storrs & Co. dm 'l3 I
Tara& b.—Elliott & Teaskims. no borer 13 I
8 8 Bantry, do 14
0 0 Surat . do 13 I
Charaberrus ir. Potter, - do 14 •
Z T Fos. AO 11 I
Z W Bad. -- • a• 13 1
• Tracy & Mare. do 14
Charles Itt ed. do 13 I
.1 Wingsbasy. jr. do 13' I
Montanyes & Co. do IS' 11
;Mike Carter. do 14
11 8 4- M C Mercer, dir ' II 1
N If Betts. . ilo -14
Mesh O'Hara, do , 14
- ' D Hall, its 14
B. usgsbery & Co. liquor 13 1
- .1 H &gm. do 14 . 11
OVUM. do 14 If
J B Ford: do 14 -1!
Trey bwri-4 W D F Pomeroy, do IS 1 4
L & Runyon. do t 3 1
Mazerell. di 13 1
G Flediagtom . de IS 11
Baird & Stephan..."4o./b1 5104 12 11
E F & FLIMS•rd. do 14,
Ghter—GayTrocatro- do 14'
brilkafGarotok do - 14
c r Welles jr & Co. do' 14
- Peoldbon & Mather, do 14
Waders--Benj Baffeelow. do 14
Robert Cooper, - • do T 4
Wella-1 F Taylor. . do 14
Wyalesimg--Z & A Lewis. - - bo 14
M H & G H Weillo. do - 13 1
1 .
C B Farber. do 13- 1
Wynn—Judson Holcomb. liquor 14 11
Moroni & Coolbangls. do 14 -111
Yap 31. IBM . J. M.• WATTLES. 441111.-.
116AINTII. OILS & DIM M/1113, .#6
s .JC by the grow. a 0 51116 111-