ni==:%==m======m ta vdtafinza MEL tOWA,NDAi I tOt!lntesitag Minting, lime 7, 1848. • tWrittee for the Brien:tett BOMMilf I Parting Fries/Os ''That sad hour of separation, is swiftly drawing nigh, When we will have to clasp our hands and heave a mournful sigh, indbid a silent long farwell to Semites familiar bound, in sacred bonds of htsly faith, our hearts have chip tered round, - We've rambled through the woodland shades, and §-by the purling brook, iVelvf spurted blithe, with merryment, along each dale and nook, bur li'vet, like blending streams have in one current had While our cup of bliss is fall, our joy bas Plat •-• begun. It i& a sad and grevious thought to think that !mutt part. And bid adieu to those bright scenes which cluster round my heart, To leave each old familiar face l each long remem• ber'd flpot, Which, while memory bits a passing thought shall never be forgot ; But duty calls,l must obey her siricritl - stern de ' et ee-; 'Twould to me be joy to stay, if I could choose my des tiny. The die is cast, my fate is sealed, here, take the part ing hand, And know, that! shall ever think, of my old native land. Could 4 but live', to see my head all : silvered o'er with age, And find myself still moving on life's rough and; rug ' ged stage. 'Tis:then, farback, I will a thought of dear remem brance . For in my urn of memory TIJ treasure the bright past. TOW.i4IDA, June, 1848. Tht Bimini Kentuckian; or Live & . Courage. BY J. INIIRARAM At the close of one of thobit- gorgeous' tropical days peculiar to the %ow latitudes in May and June, a majestic steamer was ascending the Mis. sissippi. .t. Steadily ascending the river with a majestic mo. lion, the noble steamer moved swiftly along amid the lair scenery of sky and earth; her wake glitter ing and sparkling far astern, and heaving in the air, as she went, a long path of daik, brown smoke like a banner flung.oin ! The decks Were thronged with gay groops of phssengers. Some promenaded the hurricane deck *ruing upon the shores and enjoying the motion of the vessel as she glided past then. Others sat in parties conversing. From a group at the stern rose the clear notes of a sweet singer's voice mingled With the rich bads of ,a contralto: - Some walked alone and apart from the other's smoking and mus ing, or with their thoughts winging their Way to hinnes left behind or in anticipation. 4mong the various groups that were dispersed over the spacious decks of the steamer, w,dked one alone. His air etas sad, and'he seemed to shrink from observation; yet be scarcely aimed or return ed in:his slow walk thai eyes were not closely and with strange curiosity observing him. He-seemed to be particularly .an objezt l of attention and conver sation. Yet he never or very seldom raised his trark eyes to glance, as though conscious of the ob servation which centered upon him. He was a man of very elegant . exterior, tall and slender, with a dark face; and marked with a sin gular union of gentleness and fire. There was about him a certain ail of command that could not fail to arrest the attention of the lowest and mean est observer. The,glorions beauty of.the skies gradually bleat into'the gay of evening, and still he paced the deck in the same spate, *hitt), as if by common con• sent, the rest ofiheViesserigers had left unoccupied for his use. He had all this time spoken ,to n 6 one. He see.rifed to have companionship with none on-board. _ At length a young girl of about fourteen sum mers; with - bright, hazel eyes and soft, brown sun ny hair, came upon deck leaning upon the arm of a lady. There was ju,n light enough lingering from the skies to show how surpassingly lovely vrtis this sweet child: The purity of a good and generous heart shone in her firm, and the maturity. of a up • man's deeper and holier feelings reposed there:— She was both a child and a woman; with a soul full of sympathy and emotion, yet with an artless expression end an air that belongs to girlhood. s As she appeared on fleck, the solitary stranger quickly It hiseyeanna.sested,thena upon imp.- for he seemed to have heard her step, and recog . nized her. As he behehrber, a smile of incompar: able sweetness lighted up his sad, dark face, and approached her he boWect to both ladies with grace and dignity.. ;He conversed with them al few mo ments; and their offering his arm to the young girl, . they together promenaded the decks while the lady seated near seemed to retard them both with into - rest. The tones of the deep rich voice of the stran ger occasionally dell upon her ears as he disi'aurs eit with his cernpanien,avho seemed to listerorith delight. " Madam," said a gentleman advancing and tak ing a seat by the senior lady, and addressing her in a low voice. "I think you act very imprudent in permitting your daughter to form an acquain tance with that man." "Anne is to very young there can bei ' danger," said the lady, smiling. " Besides, she is the only- PeNzu to whom he speaks. I 4eeply eympathitie• wi th tr-n in his fall from power, and a piioner, as w ere: ahrl it Anne can, by listening to him, al. • .. • - . , _ . ~.... . . _ . . . • . • . , . a . , ) / .. ~ - • .1.. ' '.."-- i.. 4 .-* IC..k , i .1i ?''.:h.: .%-",,,, .... - T"' - t - C.l-'1 .._ , • , ~ , ,.,;..i .,: , ,, - -Ze t il' I ~.ii rs; . i,] . r.,: ~,, . :14,01, i.. ;......c .:: ,.: i 1.,... .... : : , ..1.... : ; : IQ : 1 i,'..." ..: . . . . . -.A; ....; V . - . - -'n .. • ....' i:. '• . ',,. , , .„ A .„. • . . • -r , , ',- • ',,,, ...--, .., . . ; l', - ' . . ' FA ,'- , i.": -- i ... li r 2:•_.., .r. 1.. . . . .. ' . . .......• - . . . . . . . . .... . , CHAPTER I , PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAYf ,AT OW A I- - 4:11filill • ••••• ' '^ ' -- a• 6 ••• -‘• _Bninion-coart, FL , B Y. II OIULIEL 4GOODRI II .. T, .....,;, ..,-.4..„ 4" , :r., 4. 4 ,•_•xi.: .., •,,,,,,,, ,4, I' • ' ... 1. i - . 0 1. -,...! 1 • • _ ._ •,• , 1 leriater in may way Lis, aiisicattuula; I shall not tor. bid it !" "Sympathy for him! He merits the detestation of every honorable mind. lam Sony tome you so blind. You will one day regret this confidence and pity for him Besides madam, it makes you and your daughter the subject of much converse. tion on board. Rad she known him previous to this ?" "No. We never beheld him until we "came on board the bOat at New Orleans; and When be was pointed out to us, we gazed upori him with interest. Two days ago, as the boatwas leaving Nowhere, Anne and I were standing upon the gliard- watch. ing the Awe. He stood within • mires: tilittiif ;id leaning against a column with his heirlldeWia. was - at that moment gaxingripon Inertia/ reCollect ing in my mind the extraordinary character and wonderful life of this man, when Anne spningftom my side with an exclamation of terror, and. threw herself before hiin. At the same lament, I heard a loud oath uttered from a window on sbore,snot fif ty feet distant ? and sa w l man. in the act of dropping aline he bad elevated po his shoulder." " Yeu may thank'the quick eye and quicker foot of that young girl; senor," said he coarsely, '4 that you are not a dead man! I had eoveredyour heart with my ri ftebore, but. she has saved you this titan ! Bnt beware the nexi !" Thais speaking, the man disappeared-11*rib" win dow, and the ,boat at the - same time, shot rapidly away from the pier. Anne's act was irapalsive, like herself, She told me that she saw the man level his rale and bring it to bear. That she had no time to cry out, but trusting that the sudden in tervention of her person would save him from fir ing, she sprang forward as she did. • . - " It is a pity that she carklit sight of the Tennes sean's rifle. That man had 'a brother Shot, by this cruel and blood-loving Mexican's order, and was entitled to his revenge. Let me rocmamend you to caution your child not a second time to interpose her person between the heart of this man and a ri fle ball, Even it might not again serve as a pro tection. The Tennesseean is vindictive. Ile will follow his victim like a slouth hound, though he may fail to effect his object. A rifle ball can pass through two hearts as well as one !" Thus speaking, the Kentucky gentleman rdse and left the lady. A few moments afterwards, she ap proached and, spoke to her daughter, and the Atria ger relinguished her, escorted them to the saloon, and then returned to pursue alone, his solitary star. light walk upon.the deck. CHAPTER IL A-few years passed away, and the blooming girl of fouiteen - had become a lovely woman in the piide of her charms. ft was a mellow twilight hour. similar in bnauty of sky and richness co lor . that described in the foregoing part of our tale. • Amid illtinty was seated on a balcony in her fa ther's villa, near 'Lexington. Around her lay a scene of exquisite rural beauty. Noble parks in which the deer broctrad Or spoiled, fearless of the hunter's rifle ;.wide green lawns hefted by spark ling brooks, sunny uphindsand pleasant veldts, with the roofs of the stately villas lifting themselves from the covert of grates oo every side. "Is not the Mail in yet mother 1 It is very late !" she said, with d tone krwhich emotion gave depth. " Not yet Anne. • But,:loecityialdtothis soriedi. Edward is doubtless sale.", ". I fear the won't._ The'paper which came yes: tdrday, says there is but little doubt that the whole party will be shot, without distinction. It anticipa ted further intelligence the next mail. lam dis tressed beyobd measure at this suspense !"' " 1" It is imp:Wale-that they should take &Ward's life. He' is not a Texan. He merely joined the Santa Pe expedoan as an American traveller with an American passport." . Yes, this paper•says that the whole party was taken and bound, and led off to the interior, with mit distinction P.) " But there is notertainty that Edward Linn was with them at the; time of the eaptore. The paper gires no names." Hark, this sound of a horse. It is the servant, and he has the paper. We shall now, I trust, hear something definite:" 4 the paper was hastily tinfolded, - and Anne with rapid eye, ran over the several 'paragraphs. Aer gaze rested upcn . one, headed "The Unfortunate Santa Fe expedition." r She read with rapid glan ces from period to period, till her eye fell on anat. ray of names. . "Mother, &lward is we of them! See his. name L Edward Linn, of tentecky. Hear what the paper says—" There is little hope that Santa Anna will make any distinction between the, Ame rican gentlemen who accorripanied the expedition and the Texans. They have, thus far, _received precisely the same treatment with these, and noth ing but+the prompt and imperative interposition of the United States government will am them from the fate to which we fear the Texans are destined." " Mother," said Anne rising, and - pacing the cony with a quick stetrand an air exprestive ofde: cision, "'Edward must be saved '+ Every means must be made use of to rescue him from the_tyrant of Mexico !" "This is strange language from you Anne.— You one thought him mild and pleasant, and bave quits , often defended him from the aspersions of others. it But, I 11 " .1 ""! t.-4rAtfl. 4ekt4tne, -!* terness of his tyranienl power in 4lty `owa .: bosom. I have never 'dimmed his chanretei.;-it wits Rep turd Tor luMtn :put on interest in one,'Whbitmeer he *reih . whose .lifiti shad heittiittOnilue4rlittl7; serving. Bitt-gdw.g44 easp***,.. .110Aftsr) I will wri t e _ to our4 B enaters in VissfungiwieW otso to-the PetTidefAY l 44 s 101 1 * gl i s rle n ti-h*Deettn .:**ll4 a case as this the maiden betrothed abould4let as 'wife shouki act.' =UMMMItiI=UMiaI CHAPItrIt'III . , Four months passellaway, and in the interim Anir l e Murray with a perseverance that, ciatroamled tie esteem of all wham she Interested in hereanse, bad achieved nothing towards the liberation other lover. Her impatient love could not brook the de. lay of negotiation; and tiLlength,- disgusted/with the-seeming indifference of ,her /moistly, she testi& red to take thirmatter in her owttliands. She hid received, on the morning of this, decision a itt, er from Edward, dated at the well biotin cattl e of Perote, in which he informed her that his pave* bad been taken from . him, and' that he — viiiii *Ord ed as a Texan,' and with them was confined in Via. rote, in chains. Although ha wrote cheerfully, and .t, f encouraged her to. hope for his: iberation shortly ' through the interposition of his Co ntry, she felt that hie situation, called at once for th seriicelicif tore and Triendsliip. . ,f , • , "If Edward waits for the impitrativit demand of his country to set him free, I fear that be wand ! ger there longer than I can endure to think of,neke said. "It is now fire mamba since be was cap. tined, and yet nothing positive has been done.= This night - I depart for Mexico! I will leayealine informing my mother of my intentiOn;assurink her that I go to Mexico to free' EilWan ; I or 'share his captivity !" - ' • That night accompanied by a faithful negro•eer runl,Aad-ntsumted upon_ a fleet horscrethe fair girl left her home, and-took tfie 7 riar . - nearest post on the Ohio. They, rode all night„ at great speed, to distance pursuit, and by ten o'cltiek the next morning were onboard a steamer, descen ding the river towards New Orleans. CHAPTER IT Thirictator of Mexico was seated in the private drawing•room of his palace, surrounded by his mi. n;aters of state and of war. and a few select friends. His brow wore a cloud, for he had but a.few' mi. notes before given audience to the American Min ister, and the latter had departed in anger. ' 4 What means this American-?" he haughtly de manded, after a deep silerce had 'for some time reigned in the room. Does-he dare plead fot pi rates and outlaws has be the audacity to demand of me clemency towards adventurers from his coon: try who chose to invade the Empire? If the pri soners he pleads for are Americans, let their coun trymen come and get them. He threatens mouth war ! Mexico fears not war. Her armies are nu. merous and brave, and the hearts_ of her chifOreit ate patriotic ! I will nokgivethem up to him. They were taken in arms with the Texans. How can the President of America of the north have the face' to solicit a fiver of me when he has laid his right hand upon one of our provinces, and covets to an. . nex his overgrown and ambitions republic No I will not listen to his Minister. lithe tvgnld reach my ears, let him do it with cannon it 110 will? „ Thus speaking the Dictator rose from his seat and walked the room at a quick, Hipping gait and under angry eschewal. But his lameness Eon caused him to resume his seat. As he did so, the British minister wassrancenced. "it Well, Senor deli Inglaterrai" mid theltietator with a . smile, " Suppose you bare Waited upo n . me to learn my reply to your note of this morning. I comply cheerfully with, your desnaud. The =lee for the release ofthwfive kriglishnien taken is al• ready signed. I Int t thruserifia relatiosirtienesi: toting between (heat Britian and . this-Republic will remain long uninterrupted." • "It is her Majesty's desire to preserve thrtmlit. violable on her part, Senor," responded the Ilrltiih Minister.; "and I shall not fail to represent to my geternment year apresslons of friendship." Santa Anna now placed the order for the mini" of the prisoners whom the English Ministerlied ii terested himself, in his bands; and shortly aAeri“ wards the gnash Ening toot ldslestre. ' Tf it , was only `to rouse the indignation of the American government T would have given hint this Weir," said the Diettuor, taming to his Minister tit State, as :the Englishman kill the presence. He pmbatity believes that I travel complied through tettlin think so. I "lut6, • however, been influim* only by a desire to 4ow to thoAuteri:. can government my contemptofits own demand r "Senior," said eo officer entailing "a lady - with a passport from the English ,trawlii:Ul' veroia bi very urgently seeks for air andiencrwith year cellency.. 7 l "I will see her Valdes Pr • The next moment ionelifi t irrayatend in the pre-. acne* Of the Dictator. Her. tioble.. figure, her aim-- wale beauty, the alternately palerand-erinsacated. cheek, the air of decision *tingled willitiat feat 'she evinced, at once arrested the atterdiSiii those present, and awakened the interest Of ; Dictator. - After helad regarded her fora moinerit,:ftishtl stood litisittd*; Wore Mitt, ids ace attlit Cktril'Ved • trayed-stumg-emotion. Re beat forward imaj#lf tae from 'his chair. `llie legtelhairid ailtidefet teccoition of the loyely girlish countemm til i pbars, ad not Cf r ai4 • 4 7 dictator," sale said, gatagriug,-4,... have **solicit of you a &var." - _ ' B4 -Itis then my young ilerican friend in -Cried! the Dictator, with a gbitt - co ;Askant, as woe' al her voice struck is ear. And rising he warmly welcomed !her, and led her to a seat near his own. crTo what happy cireumsumee am I indebted - for this houorr he asked with gentle coustesiy, aTo a painful one your 'Eicelleicir. Among, ,thitrisonent in Iliiroesi is st-fnexid, andsker.tonie. ' Ele'wastonly a triveller taking idintiprolthe I& ektt eltented bireby thersizah pink ni travel ink) 1 4** 0 (i litAiros.citittakthe Te#3t4Z0 11 • port istkesofiods him- , audle, now him in chains.= 015 m, itlishallinc = - ' - . l 'l hare-co4it i c l :Won, Usk« 4 -ratatr o .., 1 , u-Q t ,, ,- , 4.+ .-fi l arg i rA n . IVia, 4,7777., " : 4 5 7 , 1 1 67 - 5 4 4.' knot r whiilly, me yo , lng gm wno matestea 1 y r- 17 .1.-015rt....-40• 1 F 1.744 44a • , ;,.1 , -;1 a:4=4471 4 4 5.44itil 4M- 41 01: 111: P0. 1 0 1 1. 1 - - AfilO t e..... 10 11,1 1 , 1 -P I R: ' brancc. Your serest is alr.Ttdy granted. t will et mMi - )Uhilt or k=:MA=MIMIM ~s~l'~irr i~~tlhcit.~' at woe despiliekatraffiair - Stith an ardor for his le. 'llia eime r< • -- n' 4 • " Ed.l6' Linn Ifenbet -ntine of tkose't rho pki) litneriban - Iftaisterwis se Aso larva liberated I grant to you, Se not* whirl bate'vefused to - yourooantets pit** iiervertii thatto* de Sentelfd: awls destitattigisititoderP •• Asthe fait Yentiackiur resolved to amomilarry di *Mei beck totPiiiviergantt Anita,•firiding hit could not prevail tire! ter to Walt &titer °Menai revival lathe cipital;deiriteked hei undeetherO tection-ofie-tretip leithnusi 'himself rirruig • thme leapt& byttiti ahltiltud leinneci'fiont i heithir hlO - ofiteradventuritits journey; • The next day the brave girl -Wes-folded to the heart of herlosei, efithin the walla' cif Petout : and in an hoer rafierwaide, under it fresh' auxin ofhorwi, they were on their way *Orem 0122. , Two days afterwards, they took passage for N piteous in a U. S. Cotter, and in five days arrive& at their des tination. They. were the next day, uniied in Mar line imams of thedraWing-roornsof the St Charles' Hotel in the presence of-a - brilliant assemblage of the friends of both fidwardand therloyelyiNntock ian, who in possessingthetind of ono 'every way worthy of her, she felt herself richly rewarded for the bold and • perilous enterprise which ' tote had given her spirit and courage to 'undertake , and sno cessfailtaecomplished Tire Wrren.—l have now in my hand, a gold watch, which combines embellishments and laity m happy ptopcntions, and is usually considered a very valuable appendage tcr the person of a gentle. man. Its hands, thee, and chain, and ease, are the chased and bornished gold. Its gold seals sparkle with the ruby, the topaz, the sapphire, the eme rald. I open it, and find that the works, without which this elegantly furnished case (would be a mere shell, those motionless hands, and those lig ures without meaning, are made of brass. I ir.ves tigate further, and ask, what is the spring, by which all these are put in motion, made oft , I am told it is made of steel: I ask What is steer! The reply . is, that it is iron which has undergone a certain pro cess. So then, I find main spring,' without which the watch 'would be mciticalets; and its hands, fig urea, "and "embellishmentsbilfttiys;ls - hof r4gold:= the is not sufficiently good ; nor of braes--that would not do—but of . iron. Iron is, the'retore, the only preCions metal; and this ninth an emblem of society. Its bands and figures which:tell the hour, resemble the master spirits of the age, to whose movements every eye is directed. Its useless but sparkling seals, sapphires, nibies, topaz, and em bellishments are the aristocracy. Its Works - of breast are the middle class ; by the inereseng intelligence and power of which, the 'neater spirits of the ape ale moved ; and its iron main spring shit np in box, always at work, but never thought of, except when it is disordered, broke, or wants winding up, symbolically, the laboring class, which, hire 'file main spring we wind up by the paynreqt ofwagesi and, which skies am altkf-ffsk in hbamkity, and though ennitandi ai - watt, and abeciatelyes tames eery to the movement of et/deity, as the iron main , spring isle the gold *etch, are never thought of, inept wite ) o they require their *ages — , or are - isX some - .lnt "bt diidnltir of some kind or Srhein•V.R•ernig • , • Twainluoi or ximEalui--.A. het anent interest, says Profernot &Annan, ii* been proved by the tiering* for artatim _wens in ebe Alburtis of Paris, namely, •that save . goismennlethe centre of the earth, the muksentarce ineressep al 'the rate of abate onre4qpmi -for nvery Any feet. That,the whole interior portion el the earth, or al- least a great part of it' Is an Igneous poetical of melted rock, agitated by .vlolent terinds,Aningh I dars not tam it, is still rendered highly this by the pledhoutetia .o f volcanoes . Tier connected with their eruptions have been aleettiined placed beyond dispute How, then, are they to be accounted; r Ttie r theory fireilifime kineliars since, that they are onnnid by ther t combuition of immense.coal bowls, is perfeetly,panikb end Men tirely abandoned .- 11l theneal - iwant w orld never anent fueleettouglk fur it siAint,9 l )Pitel lion of Vesuvius. We mink look higher than this?' iserin 'hays Attie doubt that the whole rests on the is pa ef-iliectrie eed Orin, ke pr nciPleel which Are ramerinnyin,gm .eartli.,. We know that when, cook metolanee brought together, powerful elec. trio:action ietavolvied, midalightis iroduced, tinge rice elleli#.4.4lleiPtPlite Weeder of the Hoer ifs anialtaningernere produces such rininn.s.: *OM 41111 -Inlteekeilineet Actele - .l ,ol clieleOiee of 'Owe Immenssibe4s of, be,fotted in the. 01410, Hem %F. • hate :tee te r- ell the reed lltyamem of voleaelicr_podee. - ileteeetifeiMit i Nntlell !Cele eterlei,eres et the teereßlefeie bety. iteenlivele4l4 l 9, 4 1 4ettehi:99 ,1 2 4.t!ecertYt-1L•4 3 4 fikirt44.41141011004 , , , , / 1 4.04 141.4SIVOITekbet lima **AA top .00ld; andAfOra-gre, bane _ry apse 01_, the;Fcieing, interioy Atke vem mritkeverlertinglatrtr. • • BENTIMIBt Allskanca.,Ante.ijayi wring, Sir WaltetScott Strolled forth: with Lady Scott, to enjoy. -a warns:ad Abbotsford. In them wand;ingthey passod afield w here &number of iewes er, -daring die frolics of their lambs.--4A/di I exclaim. Sir Miami 'Clis no wonder_ that poets, 'lrani the earliest ages, have made thelambi the Ambient of peace,and innocence" 11 irsli**e'pj 1444,1filighti!dnalrols7reft heilad • satitfif."" I /16wto littno;4lsessa *oats tpiatolakitlimbog with him ; if he is abusive, quit his compaitri 11 4 if_ _.___tir 4, 1 4 6 1. 1 ": - P l J 4i. _: 6- Or 1 1-r#lLTl9 lat :"PP.PR-4 1 01:11M-start'-to A l-1: * - 711,_ , nv i zinquie, yob. mf. Initi. PR w .., 1 ,...A., :,..!,..... -- ,Ar-..t..4 kIL . -,..- ilerl t kgrri- , r . 1 2 1 ) /2 :1 1 j. ili t v#A o 4 -4 1fAz,:, :OW Aith.24;-*Fiffl n ' iilf meet with. :.~z~ -~ ,~.z V I= IN= tit; tt1..434 sikicrick. • . sr ros arr. ii*ass stirs& • ,A.vine that clung to, att.Oik in its pride, And.draiik the ziontishment from its side, • tilliwltrrinfand brotwid in its 'Veen - coifing Wit, .Brititrongerstillin its owagilfdrsight.- -•— Dicke, front .tbe aft. vil-atared bnitr, , li Pled totted ita bead to disp lay its vain power.; The - sti4lit kink gnashed s wbiteleeth at the' sight; And swept iroffia • drive mighttl - • roc diet thing that rea a 1 tna,high and wide, tibill draw. the red Aries atgpke, to im side, 14, 7 0 11 ctit fi g ioatild each tree Hit swept Wont itbrit passed enbettied•bilafithe thtonff ' None eafed.loiritik - Itts false one So Tile-, Witk how,or.',itoitot it'd* 4 welcomu: )g noilei . And the vile was tbrowit in its *silt prime Amid nettlesairil weeds ftl filth and slime: , _. , • „ Brit the nail stoodstill s !only glade With its furrowed sides t hat the Nine VIA made, Like the bird that hid ltelitrifS own life'e blond . To cherish and feed itsleatberliss'brood. The deep wintlingsrouvea like-the serpent's Waek, We're pierced by tVerstintrit, atictlifi,sap shrunk back (The mark of guile that it firiiebett in its rise, Was the track of the fiend'in Parisdise;) And soon with a solemn and rustling sound .. • The, leaves fell withered and dead to the ground; The son shone forth, and 'the nitilaleping rain Was shed ippon hill, and dale, and - broad plain f "rbe trees pritiorth aide foliage green, +3 Nature was dressed in herich venril sheen, m% Brit the Oak Stood shorn f its d green dress, ( 1 . The victim lost of a faith efts etnbraen I 4 b_eacon to.noltn.the•confidint one; I to thast in nought bats Cold,keart,4 stone. - hps-tspon cart " hen the heart-it - fondest tit Is severed by faithlessness, both must die The onion of hearts is Hit sopl'ideep well, • Where Iticla in her purity loves to dwell, As clear and bright in the heares.faithful love As the cryital fountain that's floating above, When the well is broken Abe deep clear flood Runs bubbling and purpled with streams of blood, And rauvu, in agony, shrieking flies • To her sister's bright, the stars in the skies, (The .glittering sentinels, night and day That watched in the well were their sisters lay.) The pledges of love we may never reclaim Without puilury, treachery, sin and shame ; The bolt that strikes such true friendship apart Comes back to the breast that directed the dart; The Strong one may pull down the Maple's proud walls. Rut its ruins shall covet them both when it falls, Death's Visit le . the Village. (Fresh " Cad Ifurapbry's Thought's or the Thoughtfal.l ;They any that people, live longer in the country than irribe town, and perhaptiAltey may a km short years: inn bet not deceived, by the saying of my country Mends, forthe word of the Eternal is gone forth • fg The days of our 'yearanrediteescore years and ten ; and if by reasnn of strength they be four. score years, is yet their strength labor, and sorrow) for it is soon cttt oft, av 4 we fly away."--.1 3 5. xc. 10. Neither town nor country can prevent the visits of (Death. Death came up to the village. It was In the spring; the fresh tear" were budding filth,' and the wow drops were peeping out of the graund, He went into the thatched cottage, by the ash tree where sat old Heger Clough in his aim chair, with ktie brow wrinkled and healed, white es flax. Rod ger wastaltentiith that clamp ht. the eibtutichs and soon-ceased to breathe. " What man is he that livetly shall net see death ; shall be deliver his Militate the Land of the gravel'(- 7 -Klxxxix. The , wheel wriftWe wife sst withlechahy, her anti:arm, in her lap. , l it smiled as it lay asleep, and twassiied,acely. ties (rent on mending stockiyi, nritt iad thew casting a fond look at her little treas. use. That day week its gentle spirit departed, leaving its, fond meats half heartbroken. How %sr:eosin is human is even a vapor that appeamth lora little time and then vanisheth away." .04aratia iv. 14. • Death Went down the village in the; summer. Tie 'hisavens were bright with sunbeams, and the earth seemed to smile; the gardens were in their, glory, merry haymakers were busy its the fields. The sexton's son had tang been ailing, and all agreed that he could never etrudle iluow,h the winter. The redfly' on his cheek ;w a s not of a . healthy hue ; cons on had marked him for the, grave. lie had taken to his bed for a fortnight, when his head fell back gently on hipillow„ and he went es like an !infant gomg to Jeep. "As far Mika , daya are .aa gates ; as flower orthe field so le - tourisheth. For die. wind !passeth over it, and it is gone: and the place thereof shall know Woo more"—Ps. cii. 16, 16. ~ • , Butcher Hancocks was the ettongett Man in the parish j but he was no Minch f o r death. His chest was broad, and . his anal were sinewy and strong, and his frarete,belliy ' anti well krill together. tAs hearty as ilancoeks,' Wu; - a common adage. No matter ; a4kmers soon rots thesloutest of his strength and pulls dowri the tallest man te the ground. The fever &stetted upon blni 'ail that due hour he raged *iiit - heei and thirst s `and the nest ids teeth chatter ed Withittexold. Ms neighbors carried hirri to the ta-lave,: " , Lord melte me know inineend,ind the 1n0 11 gr.9.., ,°r44 days ' what iii it i 1 thr# know h° ~. 7trail . .. am , I.lebelOhrinhast emy days as 'a lawi b r e adt h, and Mine age is nothing before "thet?: . venl y,.... mai at ins best is altogether • iteeitir—Pis., :vete 4, 5. ~ • , _ - flatith thai villair in autumn. . or i;e 'chard trees Were bending beneath their I . , the 'sickle was at work among the wheat, an the scythe was Sweeping down the barley. Neve was known a more. elnutdant year. The loaded teams were seen in all di4ections, and the gleaners were picking up'the shaneied ears from the stubble. Far mer Blount was a Wealthy man. He was in the - Sold With-the reapers, when heanddenly fell to the groUnd. • Some saitilhe'was suddenly struck by the sun, and: others it was a At of lipopleey, butwhat , ever* Was, Farmenßlormtnever spoleafter. You .may palimpa !lessened, bid tomb by.fhealOntswall of the Churchyard, With theinanpalise, dearound it. VIA -#l7 - such il 4 - "Is " Th e re lll bika step 1) ! 0" 1 -qrr ° 41 4 6 0 1 :, ) .4 - A. Ilit::izI i . ''' 1tt.915'-*F i r l s :lintAil ili iti4ttliC I*k 4 4 11 , 4 0• 1 0 ., ; Aq rti oi r • vv ' . ..., -t, , , It*l t tit A . nail choose . il,t , l— d4ellu;gFlSiea - ''l* relit aged whicrwhad wres • hard withl r ovini ; her • S l? ' - „ . ;1Z• „ • • . • ,:•• A ,t• ,•• lEM .„ U' • t bllettacerOivi k...Fete ,few r and far -fietween._ Oty stir; ii jto Might to have been a tititlf for lies dli"`egtl to rent on see- - HO was roving andthought.. .I**4o3tUi . lor hirittlqi* iri itom for m i*; count of his'age'd mother. Death found the eiddtv nlone,lying oh' straw. No eao was at hand to coritibit Octave her ey4s. "riValchi . there. fore; for ye tintiw unt *hat hour your loaf doth ciiiiia".7 -2 041t. — *ii. 42. round viltagti in -The iciclesAsed t' foot lou r 141 - mgingl.frotatille - - Feet honstrirt thi3 carpenter's yard' -and the snow lay heterand there in heaps, for hind been,shoveied away hcotn, in ifrontof thevottagea, -Notz stone's throw fmin4heifinger post at the end.ot the village, dwelt Abel Froonie the . clerk's father. For yens he he had been :tainted; but his mind teas stayed upon Christ the Reck of Aps,und he loved to think of eternal things: He had -livied!to a good old age, and as a shock of coma fully, ripo lot the hatve3t, tu was to be gathand into the sec of God. While Iris days wereinumbetinglia heart applied unto wisdom; aryl he knew Him whomto know is eternal life. Death found. him-64444.'01P in his bedwith his Bible in his aged bands, and the last words that faltered from hie lips , were, " Lord, now lettest t!rott thy servant depart inp&ace, according to thy word, for mineeyes have seen thy saivation." Lukeii. 26 30i 'Thus diedAtrel Froorne, "Mark the-perfect t a_mr„,_atul .bobohLthe yikright,, . Erni/ erdrat trunt•is peace.r---Ps. wtsrit 37. The habitation of !laity Tonki %vas in a Wretched plight when Death creased the threshold. Harry was an infidel, and scoffed at-holy things. His days were mostly . spent in idleness, -and his nights in poaching, ani Ltippling at the Fighting cocks., -Often had Harry defied death at a distance, ns_a bugbear.; bin whin it came in reality he trembled like-ad:4l Pain r. eked him, and poverty distre...7Altiut ; bat that was not all, for his conscience wad at- work within him, and his mind was dishubed. 4, The spirit of a i turto a ill sustain his infirmity; . but 4 wounded pirit who can bear 1" L s Pro.Y. xxiii. I l e it was- a orrid sif.tht to Harry clenching Ida 4ands, tearing his i clothes ant) gnashing his teeth in . anguish. quite as bad to hear the corsekhe despair 4 He died aS the wicked die-4ithout, joy, without hope,—'.d, iven from , the light unto darkness, and chased out ol — the world." Job xvii. A. "Heed your heart and not vinr garments, ail him unto. the Lord your Gel : for he is: merciful ) ! and slow ir s t anger, and of great kindness, and repentedkitita s q evil." Joel ii. I . • If death thui-gbes up and down, and across an 4 around the village ) and at: all seasons of the year and if he takes the old and the your 4, the feeble and the strong, the rich and the poor, the rOtteiiiit and the wicked, how long will he - pitSeby Tees Ia it thy prayer--" Let me die the death of the right= eons, end let my. last end be like Mi." Numb.x.viii: 10. Is Christ aty hope, thy trust, by salvation'!. If so, thoe.ruayest indeed rejoice, and say with ex ultation, " Yea though I walk through the•valley of the shadow of death; I will fear no evil; foi thou art with dui; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." Ps. //NEL 4. Pins.—A dozen years since, all the pins rated id this country were imported, Now !Mite import= ed, except-a-few German pins for the supply' of the German population of Pennsylvania. The , ' invention; by Mr. Samuel. Slocum--of Providence,, of a pin malting machine far- superior to any then • in-nee in England fed to the establishment of a pin mannhwtory arPtegiteeprie, -by Messrs. Roma Bruin & Co., which Won dlstatieert foreign :cote. petition. Of all the Pin Companies which-have, beetPestablished or attempted-in the United Statese only three are introit to exist at present, via:—Tint American. Pm Company (which has -works both at PorOkeepsie and at Waterbury,-Conn;} the Howe Company at Derby, Conn, and Messrs Felice. Fairchild Sr Co., of Poughkeepsie. The quantity, of pins turned out by these establishments, eye-- chilly-the two first, is enormous. The statistics of one of them, We have ascertained, -rare . -about as follows: Per week TO cases, averaging 110-pecks each, each pack containing 12 papers, and each paper 280 pins; making an apt*, gate 0f,33,4184,- 000 - pias per week, or 2,078,148,000 per andarn,-- If the products of the ether two establishments, and. the small amount imported, are together equal to the above we should have a grand total ;of 4,158, 337,6b0 pins for cottsttittption in the United States equal to 200 on an average, for every man;woman, and child in the country. A pretty liberal- allow. , anew, Wei are thinking. The number. or, pin-mak.. ing Machines employed by said CoMpany is about 30, Bird of work people about.6o. The wire which is to be wroughtinlopins, inns fromitho reel like yarn, into the one end oldie. machine, and cornea out at the other i not wire but pins, cut, pointed- and- headed, in the most perfect, mannerist the rate oclso a minute., .This._is about. the usual speed„ but the machinery is capable of • being so-adjusted as-to p.rocince 300 m minute, Be rag now of a yellowish color, they are thrown r hy, the bushel into kettles, containing a certainliquid,f by which they are whitened, and prepared. for: sticking; i, e. for. being stack into papers, in rows, as they are bought at the shires. This process of sticking - is also performed by a machine 'invented by Mr. &ileum. The narrow paper in which the pins are stuck is wound from a reel, of any imag inable length, and then cut ofl atuniform intervals. One sticking machine will . stick as man,' Pins as three pin machineucan make; and three el,the for mer can be. attended by One A. V 434 of the; pins .0( ihisAmericao Company are made of Amcrit :can copper, obtained on the borders of Lake Saber. ilovr Teo Glow' Rtca.—Nothing is more, -easYc says Igt. Spudding, that to grow 'deb. It is only to trust. nobody; befriend none ; to heap 'up Test*M" . intiireist, cent upon cent) to- destioyill din i tilfibilbekrikinfnabireidild 1% rendered - Innen, `:deepitieir l for - sestet tWeid) , „ . 0 141 : 6- ii"El 1 thWirelrei ease, disappointment, and a nsiseraisteleath-., EM EIPA M